Lica Saq
Lica Saq
Lica Saq
Mangalpally, Ibrahimpatnam-501510.
Department of Electronics & Communication
II Year B.Tech II Sem ECE
Short Answer Questions& Answers
5. What happens when the common terminal of V+ and V- sources is not grounded?
If the common point of the two supplies is not grounded, twice the supply voltage will get applied and
it may damage the op-amp.
1. What is a filter?
Filter is a frequency selective circuit that passes signal of specified band of frequencies and attenuates
the signals of frequencies outside the band
4. What are the advantages of active filters over the passive filters?
Active filters use amplifying elements, especially op amps, with resistors and capacitors in their
feedback loops, to synthesize the desired filter characteristics. Active filters can have high input
impedance, low output impedance, and virtually any arbitrary gain. They are also usually easier to
design than passive filters. Possibly their most important attribute is that they lack inductors, thereby
reducing the problems associated with those components.
6. What are the requirements for producing sustained oscillations in feedback circuits?
For sustained oscillations, magnitude of the loop gain should be equal to unity and the total phase shift
around the loop must be zero at the desired frequency of oscillation.
Avβ =1Ð 0o
9. On what parameters does the free running frequency of VCO depend on?
External timing resistor, RT
External timing capacitor, CT
The dc control voltage Vc.
10. Give the expression for the VCO free running frequency.
fo = 0.25 / RT CT
where RT , CT are externally connected resistor and capacitor respectively.
10. For perfect lock, what should be the phase relation between the incoming signal and VCO
output signal?
The VCO output should be 90 degrees out of phase with respect to the input signal.
a) In this type of DAC, when there is a change in the input, changes the current flow in the resistor
which causes more power dissipation which creates non-linearity in DAC.
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