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PII: S0895-9811(24)00499-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105277
Reference: SAMES 105277
Please cite this article as: Pacheco-Ordaz, S., Mejía, O., Alvarado-Ortega, J., Tahnaichthys
magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov., a double-hump pycnodontid (Actinopterygii, Pycnodontiformes) fish
from the Albian limestones of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico., Journal of South American Earth
Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105277.
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Pycnodontiformes) fish from the Albian limestones of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico.
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Professional Lázaro Cárdenas. Prolongación de
Carpio and Plan de Ayala S/N, Colonia Santo Tomás, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de
México, 11340 México. stephy.pacheco@gmail.com
Plan de Ayala S/N, Colonia Santo Tomás, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México,
México. alvarado@geologia.unam.mx
* Corresponding author
Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. is described here based on three well-
preserved Albian specimens recovered in the lagoon-coastal deposits of the Tlayúa Quarry,
Puebla, Mexico. This species belongs to the order Pycnodontiformes and shows the
parietal process distally branched, toothless reniform maxilla, anterior thin wings at the
base of the haemal and neural spines, and slender dentary with two teeth. In addition, this
species shows unique features never observed before in other pycnodontids as the presence
of two unequal predorsal humps or prominences, including a slight hump just behind the
occiput and a large hump rising in front of the dorsal fin. The predorsal scutes are thick,
have a longitudinal row of unequal spines, and show thin lateral wings projected ventrally,
covering a large part of the predorsal trunk region. In the new species, the modified bar-like
scales of the predorsal region have tiny posterior wings ornamented with tubercles scattered
or arranged in dorsoventral short ridges. In addition, the premaxilla of this new species is
ventrally broad and has a large single incisiform tooth opposing two small, oval dentary
teeth. This new species exhibits a peculiar mixture of osteological features that, for the
tribe). Although this is the second pycnodontiform species from Tlayúa formally described,
the present discovery increases the taxonomic diversity of the pycnodontids in North
organized into eight families) erected by Berg (1937, 1940) to include Pycnodus Agassiz,
1833, and close relatives. During nearly 175 million years, between the Norian (Late
Triassic) and the Middle Eocene (Paleogene), these successful actinopterygian fishes
inhabited shallow tropical and temperate seas around the world (Nursall, 1996a, 1999;
Martin-Abad and Poyato-Ariza, 2013; Cawley and Kriwet, 2017; Cooper and Martill,
2020), and even some of them were able to venture into freshwater environments near the
coasts (Cavin et al., 2020; Cawley and Kriwet, 2024).
This extinct incertae sedis clade has an amazing Bauplan combining derived and
primitive osteological features. This fact hinders the recognition of the intra and
high, rounded, and laterally compressed body. Their vertebrae are unossified, and the
notochordal canal separates the ventral and haemal arcocentra along their trunk. Their
hypertrophied and complex mesethmoid bone occupies most of the ethmoid skull region, is
T-shaped in a longitudinal section, and consists of a large medial posterior thin lamina plus
mandibles, the principal dental occlusion is tripartite and includes a battery of massive,
rounded teeth aligned in both branches of the lower jaw and the vomer (Nursall, 1996a, b,
In his of the Mexican pycnodontiforms, Applegate et al. (2004) concluded that the
Tlayúa Quarry is a North American hot spot to study this extinct group, not only for its
well-preserved fossils but also because these constitute a predominant component in the
ichthyofauna of this site, with potential new taxa still undescribed. Despite this, the
previous formal studies of Mexican pycnodontiforms have been scarce and, up to now,
Neoproscinetes Silva Santos, 1970 (Applegate, 2001). Given this historical context, this
paper aims to describe and discuss the possible affinities of a new species of
pycnodontiform fish discovered in the Albian limestones of the Tlayúa Quarry near Tepexi
de Rodríguez, Puebla, central Mexico.
Formal studies of other pycnodontiform fossils discovered elsewhere in Mexico (in
paleontological sites within the states of Chiapas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis
Potosí, Coahuila, and Nuevo León) are equally scarce. Sapper (1899) reported the presence
of fossil fish remains preserved in the marly slabs incorporated in different archaeological
contexts within the Maya city of Palenque, Chiapas. Later, Mülleried (1951) suggested that
these Palenque fossils are Eocene remains of the genus Pycnodus. Alvarado-Ortega et al.
numerous specimens of these fishes from the Danian deposits of the Tenejapa-Lacandón
geological unit. Otherwise, Dunkle and Maldonado-Koerdell (1953) discovered the dental
elements of these fishes in the Jurassic deposits exposed in the Tamán region, San Luis
al. (2014) reported Gyrodus sp. based on similar Kimmeridgian fossils from the Sabinal
Formation recovered near Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. Coniacian and Turonian fossil remains of
Paranursallia gutturosa (Arambourg, 1954) and Nursallia tethysensis Capasso, Abi Saad,
and Taverne, 2009, have been recovered from different outcrops of the Agua Nueva and the
Austin formations along the states of Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, and Puebla (Blanco-
Piñón, 2003; Giersch, 2014; Giesrch et al., 2008; Stinnesbeck et al., 2019; Alvarado-Ortega
indeterminate remains of Nursallia Arambourg, 1954, from the Campanian deposits of the
bony fishes (Martill, 1989; Alvarado-Ortega et al., 2007). In addition, the fossil assemblage
of Tlayúa includes ichnites, wood, pollen, plant impressions, algae, foraminifera, ostracods,
sponges, corals, annelids, gastropods, bivalves, ammonites, belemnites, crustaceans,
arachnids, insects, echinoids, holothuroids, crinoids, ophiuroids, and reptiles such as turtles,
crocodiles, lizards, tuataras, and pterodactyls (e.g., Applegate, 1966; Seibertz and Buitrón,
1987; Feldmann et al., 1998; Alvarado-Ortega, 2005; Reynoso et al., 2000; González-
Rodríguez et al., 2004; Applegate et al., 2000, 2006; Alvarado-Ortega et al., 2006; Herrera-
Flores, 2024).
The Tlayúa Quarry is a mined outcrop of the Middle Member of the Tlayúa Formation,
described by Pantoja-Alor (1992) based on the limestone deposits exposed along the Tlayúa
Ravin, near to the east of Tepexi de Rodríguez town, Puebla. Kashiyama et al. (2004)
suggested that this member of the Tlayúa Formation represents an Aptian open-ocean inter-
scenario, proposing that this sequence represents an Albian shallow tropical costal pot-
lacunar, with an almost permanent connection to the sea alternated with sporadic periods of
isolation, short episodes of freshwater influence, and occasional subaerial exposure events
Arrubarrena and Applegate, 1996; Benammi et al., 2006; Riquelme et al., 2021; Solé et al.,
2022). A paleoenvironmental proxy for the fossiliferous strata of Tlayúa is the modern
Toombs and Rixon (1959), allowed the preparation of the specimens referred to in this
work. The fossil preparation includes 12 hours of immersion in a 5-10% acetic acid
aqueous solution saturated with dibasic phosphate and 12 hours of posterior baths in clean,
running fresh water. Under the stereo microscope, fine brushes helped with the punctual
application of this solution on the fossil. We repeated this chemical procedure until we
achieved the total remotion of limestone from the fossil surfaces. We used dental
excavators and dissecting needles to remove the remaining small limestone patches
mechanically. Both parts of the holotype described here are transferred to a crystal-clear
We glued the broken and fractured bones with cyanoacrylate and hardened the fossil
structures with plexigum and ethyl acetate solution. The specimens were analyzed by the
naked eye, under a stereo microscope, and through high-resolution photographs obtained
under different lighting and contrast conditions, including natural, white, and long-wave
UV (254 nm) lights. In addition, we studied high-contrast images of gray tones obtained
with the specimens coated with magnesium and X-ray plate images of the specimens
transferred to resin.
considered here follow those used in similar previous manuscripts (e.g., Nursall, 1996a, b,
1999; Kriwet et al., 1999; Poyato-Ariza and Wenz, 2002; Capasso et al., 2009; Taverne and
Capasso, 2021).
Comparative material— This work includes the following fossils with comparative
purposes. Nursallia sp. Blot, 1987: IGM 11401 from the Tzimol Quarry, an outcrop of the
Campanian deposits of the Angostura Formation near Comitán, Chiapas, Southeastern
IGM 3286 (holotype) and IGM 3288 to IGM 3300 (paratypes), from the Albian deposits of
the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. Pycnodus sp. Agassiz, 1833: IGM 4551 and IHNFG-
4890, from the Danian deposits of the División del Norte Quarry, Chiapas, Mexico; two
flagstones with fish mass mortalities of the Danian deposits of the Tenejapa-Lacandón
Unit, the MUPAL 2587 with two specimens and MUPAL 2731 with seven specimens, both
Systematic paleontology
Subclass Actinopterygii, Cope, 1887.
Nomenclatural Act — LCID XXXXXXXXXXX
Type species— Tahnaichthys magnuserrata sp. nov., described below.
Diagnosis— As in the type species below.
Etymology– The name of the genus is composed of the words Tahná and ichthys. "Tahná"
is the original name that the Popolocas gave to Tepexi el Viejo ancient locality, which gave
rise to the current Tepexi de Rodríguez. This word means hill, small mountain, or hump.
"Ichthys" in Greek means fish. Thus, this generic name means "the Tahná fish" or "the
humpback fish."
Holotype— IGM 14024, a complete specimen of 165.2 mm total length, with no additional
field data, preserved in part (IGM 14024a) and counterpart (IGM 14024b), and transferred
in part (IGM 14025a) and counterpart (IGM 14025b), and recovered in the section of the
Tlayúa Quarry IGM-loc 1971 and stratigraphic level Z-8 (Figure 3A). IGM 14026, a nearly
complete specimen with 84.08 mm of total length, from the IGM-loc 2828 quarry section
Etymology—The name derives from two Latin words, "magnus" or large and "serrata" or
serrated. The generic and specific names mean "the Tahná fish with large saws or the
features, the presence of two dorsal prominences or unequal humps bordering the predorsal
region of the trunk, predorsal bordering scutes with broad, uneven lateral wings covering
the laterodorsal flank of the humps extensively, and the modified, bar-like scales of the
predorsal region have tiny wings ornamented with aligned tubercle or ridges. In addition,
this fish has a combination of non-exclusive characters that includes the elongated head
occupying about half of the standard length; elongated muzzle, premaxillary bone with a
wide incisiform tooth, dermocranial fenestra, distally branched posterior parietal process or
pinniculus parietalis, slender triangular vomer with three rows of teeth, elongated
prearticular with three tooh rows, dentary with two small, rounded incisive teeth; all fins
are rounded; pelvic fin is small, opposes the posterior predorsal hump, and rises near the
beginning of the posterior third of the body, the unpaired fins oppose to each other and
extend into the last fifth of the body length; there are 28-29 dorsal fin rays; the anal fin has
22-23 rays; the vertebral column with 23 small, rounded precaudal arcocentra, including 13
abdominal arcocentra and 10 caudal arcocentra; adjacent dorsal and haemal arcocentra have
simple lateral contact and not invading the notochordal canal; neural and haemal spines
anterior of caudal-peduncle with anterior triangular wings; small caudal peduncle including
only two haemal and two neural spines; caudal skeleton with six epichordals, eleven
hypochordals and two urodermals; anal and predorsal scutes with 5-7 robust conical spines
of increasing size and placed closely side by side on a single longitudinal row; peltate scale
pattern; bar-like predorsal scales and broad abdominal scales ornamented with tubercle
scattered or arranged in dorsoventral short ridges; cloacal vestibule bordered by two
acicular-like scales and with no bifid scale; caudal formula iii+I+20+I+iii.
proportions observed in the specimens studied here and their averages considered to
describe the present new species. The holotype (IGM 14024) has 135.53 mm of standard
length (SL, considered in the straight line drawn from the anterior end of the snout to the
middle part of the notochordal canal where the proximal tips of the most anterior caudal
procurrent rays appear) and is the largest specimen. In contrast, the paratype IGM 14025 is
the smallest and only has 60.41 mm of SL. This fish is oblong-bodied, tapered anteriorly,
rounded posteriorly, and shows two unequal predorsal humps protruding upward between
the occiput and the dorsal fin. The anterior predorsal hump is just behind the head and
noticeably less elevated than the posterior hump. The posterior and largest predorsal hump
is as high as the distal margin of the dorsal fin and coincides with the dorsal apex of the
trunk at 70% of the SL on average. On average, the maximum body height represents 68%
of the SL.
In this work, the length of the head is measured in a longitudinal line between the
anterior end of the snout and the posterior margin of the cleithrum. In contrast, the height of
the head is considered in the transversal line that goes from the most dorsal end of the skull
to the ventral tip of the cleithrum. So, the length and height of the elongated triangular head
snout length is elongated, tapers anteriorly, occupies almost two-thirds of the head, and, on
average, represents 30 % of the SL. In the dorsal half of the skull, the orbit is relatively
tiny, barely occupies a fifth of the head length, and on average, the orbital diameter is only
9 % of the SL. Its postocular region occupies the remaining 12 % of the head length.
Besides, in the lateral view, the skull of this fish is somewhat trapezoidal and strongly tilted
anteroventrally. On average, the skull length and height are 48 and 35% of the SL,
respectively. Here, the preorbital, orbit, and postorbital skull parts are about three-fifths,
All the fins are rounded. The small pectoral arises far from the ventral edge, at one-third
of the distance between the abdomen and the vertebral column, and probably extends up to
the anterior half of the abdominal region. The other fins rise in the posterior half of the
body. On average, the small pelvic fin at 65% of the SL, close to the abdominal edge and
the anal fin, opposing the posterior predorsal hump. The dorsal fin is relatively long,
extends into the posterior quarter of the body, and represents 18.49% of the SL on average,
rising between 82 and 99% of the SL. The anal fin is shorter and opposes the dorsal fin,
represents 16 % of the SL on average, and extends between 82 and 98 % of the SL. The
short and shallow caudal peduncle is bordered by the last anal and dorsal rays that extend
posteriorly, reaching the caudal fin, and only represents the posterior 0.95 % of the SL on
average. The caudal fin is broad and fan-shaped but less elevated than the trunk.
Neurocranium— The specimens studied here only expose the lateral surface of the
neurocranium. The skull bones are ornamented intensely with tubercles and reticulated
ridges. The endocranial elements are entirely covered. The lateral view of the neurocranium
is somewhat rectangular, tilted anteroventrally, and its preorbital region is elongated. Here,
the small orbit is at the end of the middle third of the neurocranium length and occupies
one-quarter of the neurocranium height. The dermosupraoccipital, parietals, frontals,
dermopterotics, autosphenotics, and dermosphenotics attach firmly through sharp and deep
sinuous sutures (Figure 4). A small oval dermocranial fenestra pierces the neurocranium
laterally in the dermosupraoccipital, frontal, and parietal tripartite junction. The
dermosupraoccipital is triangular and forms the upper dorsal corner of the neurocranium,
posterodorsal the orbit. The frontal is a short, curved bone slightly inclined posterodorsally,
with anterior and posterior ends expanding and bordering the orbit's dorsal half. The
parietal is an X-shaped bone expanded in the posterior part of the neurocranium, ventral to
The dermopterotic is a broad trapezoidal bone that occupies most of the neurocranium
postorbital region and extends from the orbit to the nape. Ventrally, the autosphenotic and
dermosphenotic are small bones at the posterodorsal edge of the orbit. The extrascapular
exposes a small triangular lateral surface sutured to the posteroventral edge of the
hypertrophied middle lamina that supports other snout bones and occupies almost the entire
anteroventral half of the neurocranium. The mesethmoid has a deep V-shaped opening of
the olfactory cavity in the anteroventral surface of its anterior lamina. Unfortunately, the
parasphenoid is elongated and almost entirely covered. Ventral to the orbit, the
parasphenoid shows an inflection that defines its two regions; its anterior descending
section is laminar and projects anteroventrally, reaching the vomer and the anterior ends of
the vomer and mesethmoid, while its postorbital part extends posteriorly, forming part of
the neurocranium base. The prefrontal is relatively thin and long, extends below the frontal
along and above the mesethmoid, and its anterior end reaches the premaxilla (Figure 4).
The vomer has a dorsal wing attached to the parasphenoid, plus a triangular massive ventral
teeth-bearing plate that tapers anteriorly. The vomer bears three longitudinal rows of round-
oval vomerine teeth that become slightly smaller in posteroanterior order. Concentric
crenulations and tiny central grooves ornament the crushing surface of these teeth (Figure
6). Among these vomer tooth rows, the middle row has 12 rounded small teeth, and the
Orbital bones— Two thin sclerotic bones form a ring that occupies the orbit (Figure 4).
The circumorbital series is open and involves atrophied bones. Supraorbital bones are
absent (Figure 5). The skull incorporates the dermosphenotic. A robust, slightly
ornamented, and triangular infraorbital bone borders the anteroventral part of the orbit;
other infraorbitals are reduced to poorly ossified tubular structures scattered below the orbit
Upper Jaws— The upper jaw consists of the premaxilla and maxilla. The premaxilla is a
triangular bone with a broad alveolar end and a sharp dorsal process exposed laterally to the
anterior edge of the ethmoid skull region (Figure 4 and 5). This bone occupies the
anteroventral third of the snout. It is three to four times higher than long, slightly curved,
and dorsoposteriorly tilted. A single wide and shallow incisiform tooth occupies most of
the premaxillary alveolar edge. The maxilla is a longitudinal oval, thin, smooth, and
toothless bone with a broad dorsal notch. The maxilla covers the labial surface of the
Lower jaw— Each branch of the lower jaw includes a dentary, prearticular, angular, and
articular. These bones form a stout, elongated triangular structure that exhibits a low
symphysis, a high coronoid process, and a small postarticular process. The lower jaw
extends half of the snout and joints the quadrate and symplectic bones below and slightly
ahead of the orbit (Figure 4).
Although both dentary bones occlude against the premaxillae, the principal jaw
occlusion in this fish is tripartite and includes the vomer and both prearticular bones. The
dentary is a high acicular curved bone in the anterior part of the lower jaw that bears two
small conical teeth. The prearticular is triangular and forms most of the lower jaw length
and the high coronoid process. The prearticular shows a dental battery consisting of three
rows of oblong crushing teeth with surrounding crenulations and middle grooves
ornamenting their occlusal surfaces. The prearticular teeth are small and slightly decreasing
in the posteroanterior direction. Among these, the medial row has 12 teeth about three times
wider than long, while the lateral rows have smaller, oval, and poorly crenulated teeth. The
prearticular sutures the small angular and articular bones in the posteroventral part of the
Suspensorium— The suspensory bones are well preserved and partially exposed (Figure
4). The quadrate is a robust triangular bone, laterally sutured with a slender and elongated
symplectic bone; together, these articulate the articular facet on the postarticular process of
the lower jaw. Most of the dorsal border of the quadrate sutures the broad rectangular
that attaches to the anterodorsal border of the quadrate. The metapterygoid is a broad bone
mostly covered below the orbit and sutures the ventral region of the parasphenoid
The hyomandibula is a robust bone with an elongated and sinuous articular head. The
opercular process is not present in the posterior edge of this bone. Its ventral part sutures
and is covered by the preopercle. The exposed and dermalized dorsal part of the
hyomandibular is marginally smaller than the preopercle; it is exposed laterally and ornated
with deep pores and ridges like those present in the dermal bones of the skull.
Opercular bones and hyoid— The opercle is a crescent-shaped bone, small and high, with
sharp ends, and placed ahead of the dorsal half of the cleithrum. The preopercle is a flat
trapezoidal bone, longer than high, ventrally expanded, with a horizontal and dorsal sinuous
suture to join the dorsal and dermal parts of the hyomandibula. The ornaments of the
opercular and preopercular surfaces resemble those of the hyomandibula (Figure 4). This
Ventral to the preopercle, some bones of the hyoid arch are recognizable as the
hypohyals, ceratohyals, and branchiostegal rays (Figures 4, 5). The ventral and dorsal
hypohyals are small triangular bones articulating the anterior ceratohyal. The anterior
ceratohyal is a large, robust, rectangular bone with a middle constriction. The posterior
ceratohyal is also rectangular but smaller than the anterior ceratohyal. The two
branchiostegal rays are elongated, thin, and flat bones extending almost horizontally and
articulating the posterior ceratohyal laterally. In IGM 14024, some pharyngeal teeth are
exhibited under UV light and through the cheekbones. These teeth are robust, oval,
dorsoventrally flattened, and show a sharp, anteriorly bent apex (Figure 6).
Vertebral column— The vertebral column has an incomplete ossified centra and the
notochordal canal is exposed. Instead, the trunk axis includes 23 pairs of neural arcocentra
(Table 1), including 13 abdominals and ten caudals (opposed by the respective haemal
arcocentra). An indeterminate number of these arcocentra constitute the axis of the caudal
skeleton, which in the same way are recognized by the ossified epichordal and hypochordal
elements. The anterior seven arcocentra seem fused, forming a synarcual, and their
respective neural spines are autogenous. The posterior neural and haemal spines fuse the
arcocentra (Figures 2 and 9). Ten long and curved rod-like ribs enclose most of the
abdomen, with posterior laminar or wing projection in their proximal half.
Haemal and neural arcocentra are rounded, massive, and smooth. These do not surround
the notochordal canal and are joined laterally with the adjacent ones through a simple
contact that involves intertwining an anterior and a posterior zygapophysis for each
The haemal and neural spines located anteriorly to the caudal peduncle have anterior
sagittal flanges. These thin wings are triangular and rise from the anterior flange of the
respective arcocentra. These wings are inconspicuous in the first three or four neural spines;
however, further back and anterior to the caudal peduncle, the height of haemal and neural
spines and their respective wings decreases harmoniously according to the curvature of the
posterior edges of the trunk. The postcoelomic is an acicular and smooth bone. The last
postcloacal scutes cover most of the ventral expansion of this bone. Its dorsal end is nearly
straight, longer than the anterior most pterygiophores of the anal fin, and ends far from the
spines of these arcocentra have significantly reduced anterior wings (Figure 9).
Remarkably, the peduncular neural spines are shorter than the adjoining neural and
epichordal spines, and their length is half of the opposite haemal spines. Besides, the
lengths of the peduncular haemal spines are intermediate between the shorter anterior
adjacent haemal spines and the elongated hypochordal that supports the caudal rays.
Pectoral fin and girdle— The pectoral fin comprises 19 to 22 distally segmented and
branched rays. This fan-shaped fin has a narrow base, and its rounded and broad posterior
part covers the anterior half of the abdominal length. The proximal ends of the pectoral rays
joined the 6 or 8 elongated pectoral radials with broadened ends, ordered as a bouquet with
a rounded base (Figure 7).
The cleithrum is the most prominent bone of the pectoral girdle. This bone extends two-
thirds of the posterior height of the head, from the abdominal margin to the articulation of
the skull and vertebral column (Figures 4 and 8). The cleithrum is crescent-shaped, concave
anteriorly, acute dorsally, and expanded ventrally in lateral view. The pectoral fin arises in
the middle of the trunk, between the ventral edge and the vertebral column. At the posterior
end of its ventral third, the cleithrum shows a shallow posterior pectoral notch, in which the
base of the pectoral fin is nested. The dorsal and ventral ends of this notch do not show
conspicuous processes. The medial bones of the pectoral girdle are mostly covered.
The supracleithrum and posttemporal are oblong bones dorsal to the cleithrum, slightly
inclined anterodorsally, and barely in contact. The supracleitrum is nearly a quarter of the
height of the cleithrum, lies behind the head, overlaps the dorsal tip of the cleithrum, and
covers the most anterior elements of the vertebral column. The posttemporal extends
behind the parietal and extends up to the pinniculus parietalis. Like in the skull, small
tubercles and reticular ridges ornament the lateral surfaces of the supracleithrum,
Pelvic fin and girdle— The pelvic fin is small and fan-shaped with a rounded posterior
border and narrow base. This fin probably has five distally segmented and branched rays
that barely reach the cloacal cavity (Figures 8 and 10). An indeterminate number of tiny
radials articulate the proximal ends of these rays. The broad and imbricated abdominal
scales cover most of the pelvic bones, which are triangular and taper anteriorly. The pelvic
girdle is close to the ventral trunk edge, slightly ahead of the cloacal cavity, and opposes
the posterior predorsal hump.
Dorsal fin— Both unpaired fins are in the posterior fifth of the SL. The dorsal fin is
rounded and a little longer and larger than the anal fin. This involves 29 dorsal rays and
rises behind the posterior predorsal hump and dorsal apex of the trunk (Figure 2, Table 1).
The dorsal fin expansion is barely smaller than the dorsal part of the trunk caudal region,
and posteriorly, it overhangs the level of the most anterior caudal fin rays. All the dorsal fin
rays are long, segmented, and branched except for the first, which is notably short. The rays
4-6 are the more extended in the fin, while the anterior and posterior ones are progressively
smaller. The dorsal fin support includes a series of 29 proximal pterygiophores that relate
1-to-1 with the dorsal fin rays. Such long, straight, and flat pterygiophores have small
articular heads and penetrate a little bit into the interneural spaces. The pterygiophores of
Anal fin— The anal fin is also rounded and entirely opposes the dorsal fin (Figure 2). The
fin consists of 22 to 23 anal rays. The first is short, unbranched, and unsegmented, while
1-to-1 with the anal rays. These long anal pterygiophores are straight, evenly broad, have
small articular heads, and penetrate deep into the trunk, barely exceeding the distal end of
Caudal fin— Although poorly preserved in all specimens, a large fan-shaped caudal fin
rises behind a short, shallow peduncle. This fin has no recognizable separate lobes, is
slightly higher than long, equals the half maximum body height, and shows a harmoniously
convex distal edge (Figure 9). IGM 14026 only preserves a small ventral part of this fin
(Figure 3); however, this is dorsal and ventrally contracted in IGM 14025, causing it to
appear to be shallower than the caudal fin of IGM 14024.
The caudal fin has 28 rays ordered in the formula iii+I+20+I+iii (Figure 9, Table 1). The
posterior haemal spine supports the lower procurrent rays of this fin. Here, the procurrent
rays are unsegmented and unbranched, both principal rays are segmented, and all the inner
The caudal skeleton comprises two small oval urodermal bones, eleven hypochordals,
and six epichordals (Figure 9). Both hypochordals and epichordals rise from broad and
projections invading the notochordal canal, and laterally, these barely have contact with
each other. Although caudal-fin rays cover the distal ends of epichordals, these elements
are shaped similarly but are longer and progressively thinner than the adjacent neural
spines. Besides, the hypochordals are similarly long but slightly broader than the last
haemal spines. The hypochordals 1-7 occupy the ventral and posterior part of the caudal
skeleton, whereas the hypochordals 8-11 form its dorsal part. The hypochordals 1-5 are
spatuliform and have a similar anterodorsal inclination to the posterior most haemal spines.
The hypochordals 6-8 are triangular and become more horizontal, and their size tends to be
smaller. Finally, the hypochordals 9-11 become spatuliform, smaller, and tilted
Scales— The scales cover the trunk following the peltate pattern previously defined by
Nursall (1996a. ch. 39, fig. 19). The caudal trunk region is entirely nude. On the contrary,
scales of two kinds cover the anterior part of the trunk. Above the vertebral column,
between the occiput and the dorsal fin base, 11 rows with no more than five rod-like
modified scales each poorly cover the predorsal trunk region, while below, 15 rows of
expanded scales cover the entire abdominal trunk region (Figure 10).
The bar-like predorsal scales are high, slightly curved, tilted anterodorsally, and have
ends tightly sutured, forming continuous rows. These modified scales show tiny posterior
wings with aligned lateral apicobasal tubercles that are sometimes fused, forming sinuous
ridges. On the contrary, 15 rows of broad, thick scales cover most of the abdomen. These
broad scales are high, oval, and posteroanteriorly imbricated. Among these abdominal scale
rows, the anterior one has a single scale, the posterior has two scales, and the middle rows
have up to five scales. In the precloacal region of the trunk, most ventral scales are
rhomboidal and almost as high as long, while in the postcloacal region, these scales become
triangular and at least four times higher. The scales in one row become higher from ventral
to dorsal. Small tubercles randomly scattered or forming dorsoventral rows ornament the
lateral surfaces of most of these abdominal scales; however, in the larger scales, these
The cloacal vestibule is deep and penetrates about one-fifth into the abdomen. Two high
acicular cloacal scales border this cavity, have acute ends, overlap dorsally, and are
ornamented poorly with tiny, scattered tubercles (Figures 8 and 10). The posterior cloacal
scale is nearly twice as high as the anterior one. Posterior of the pelvic fin, the anterior
cloacal scale joins the posterior precloacal scute and the posterior cloacal scale contacts the
Predorsal scutes— The predorsal region of the trunk, between the occiput and the dorsal
fin base, is bordered entirely by a continuous series of 11 predorsal scutes (dorsal ridge
scales in Poyato-Ariza and Wenz, 2002). These scutes are broad triangular-trapezoidal
shaped, with ventral wings evenly sized covering the upper third of the flanks of the trunk.
The tips of these scutes are in contact. Those scutes located in the apex of both predorsal
humps have wings that are larger than those of adjacent scutes (Figure 10). The largest
scutes cover the apex of the posterior hump and are about four times higher and two and a
half times longer than the smaller scutes placed in the predorsal central depression between
the humps. All the predorsal scutes have a longitudinal medial row of 2-5 broad spines,
which increase in size posteriorly. These spines are conical, sharp-tipped, broad-based,
curved backward, and placed side by side without leaving any gaps in between.
The predorsal scutes 1 and 2 are trapezoidal, high, and subequal in size. The anterior one
sutures the posterodorsal part of the skull, while the second is slightly higher. Both scutes
form the apex of the anterior predorsal hump and ventrally reach the pinniculus parietalis.
The scutes 3-5 are triangular, a little longer than high, project ventrally, and have
slightly concave dorsal edges; moreover, these are progressively larger in anteroposterior
order and border the central predorsal depression. Besides, the scutes 6-8 are high
rectangular, border the apex of the posterior predorsal hump, and have the largest ventral
wings in the predorsal scute series. Finally, the scutes 8-11 are triangular, higher than long,
become smaller in anterior to posterior order, and the last one reaches the anterior end of
spines form a longitudinal medial row of these scutes. These spines are conical, broad-
based, sharp-tipped, and slightly curved posteriorly; their sizes increase in the
anteroposterior order, and their bases are side by side with no empty spaces in between.
Although most scutes have three or four spines, their arrangement varies throughout the
series, and among the specimens studied, these spines occupy part of the posterior half of
scutes 1-6, while in the apex of the posterior predorsal hump, the spines occupy the anterior
half of the scutes 7-8; and further back, these tend to occupy the middle part of the most
posterior scutes.
In the small specimen, IGM 14025, the predorsal humps are closer to each other, scute 6
has a slightly convex anterior edge, and the spines of scutes 8-11 are nearly straight. On the
other hand, in the large specimens, IGM 14024 and IGM 14026, the humps are farther
away, the scute 6 has a concave dorsal edge, and scutes 8-11 have spines curved anteriorly.
Preanal scutes— Between the isthmus and the origin of the anal fin, the abdomen is
entirely bordered with a series of 13-16 preanal scutes (ventral keel scutes in Poyato-Ariza
and Wenz, 2002), including 11-14 precloacals and two postcloacals (Table 1, Figures 2, 3,
8, and 10). These preanal scutes are triangular-trapezoidal shaped, barely expanded
dorsally, and have anterior and posterior acute ends. These scutes have contact with each
other through their anterior and posterior ends, forming a continuous series only interrupted
Among the precloacal scutes, those in the middle of the abdomen are slightly larger and
have a longitudinal series of 5 ventral bordering spines. In contrast, those scutes placed
anterior, or posterior become smaller and have fewer spines, never less than two. The
precloacal scute ventral to the pelvic fin base is small and has only two spines. The spines
of these scutes are conical, sharp, broad-based, curved posteriorly, form a continuous series
without empty spaces, and extend along the ventral edge of the scute. Here, the spines show
increasing sizes posteriorly. Small and scattered tubercles ornament the laterodorsal wings
of the preanal scutes. There are two postcloacal scutes. The anterior one is slightly longer
than the posterior one, none is ventrally notched (the postclacal notch is not present), and
both show 4-5 spines like those of the anterior preanal scutes but occupy only the posterior
half of these scutes (Figures 8 and 10).
Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. is a scarce species. The Tlayúa Quarry
highlights for its fossil richness and abundance of pycnodontiform specimens. However,
after nearly 50 years of the activity of the Tlayúa Project in the UNAM, so far, only the
three double-hump pycnodont specimens described here have been recovered. The
specimens of the type series here referred were fruitlessly analyzed at the beginning of the
century by Dr. Shelton Pleasant Applegate of the UNAM (Applegate, 2001) and by Dr.
Lucio Paulo Crivano Machado of the UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro);
however, only until now as part of the Doctoral Research by the first author (SPO), it was
As explained in this section, the finding of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata reveals that the
taxonomic and morphological diversities of the Pycnodontidae fishes are still partially
unknown. Today, the eclectic and vast quantity of data and fossil preservation in fishes of
this group deserves an accurate and in-depth analysis before its inclusion in a
comprehensive phylogenetic analysis to allow the generation of a robust hypothesis of the
relationships between these fishes and their natural classification. The achievement of such
a task is beyond the possibilities and goals of this study; therefore, here, we will limit
inclusion within some of the nominal taxonomical hierarchies of this extraordinary fish
inclusion within the order Pycnodontiformes, the suborder Pycnodontoidei, superfamily
Pycnodontoidea, and family Pycnodontidae, as they were defined previously by different
authors (e.g., Nursall, 1996 a, b, 1999; Poyato-Ariza, 2005, 2020). First, a glance at the
fossils of T. magnuserrata reveals the most outstanding features of the Pycnodontifomes
bauplan; this is a rounded and high-bodied fish, strongly compressed laterally, with empty
notochordal canal, a noticeable modification, and reduction of the opercular bones; and a
peculiar tripartite jaw occlusion between the vomer and the prearticular bones. In addition,
this species shares the following diagnostic Pycnodontiformes features listed by Poyato-
Ariza and Wenz (2002): The antorbital and ethmoid skull regions are hyperthrophied and
include a huge mesethmoid composed by two laminar parts, one medial and other
anterolateral, which are T-shaped in a coronal section; the frontals are curved and short; the
parasphenoid is toothless and its orbital-ethmoid section inflects downward; the frontal is
short and curved; the dermal supraoccipital is unpaired (dermo supraoccipital in this work);
the dorsal process of the premaxilla is long and superficial; the dentary is reduced to a
slender bone; there is no supramaxilla, subopercle, nor infraopercle; the opercular process
in the hyomandibula is absent or strongly reduced; the opercle is reduced; teeth on vomer
and prearticular arranged in longitudinal rows; the main vomerine tooth row has 10 or more
teeth; the dentary has four or less teeth; the maxilla is toothless and loosely attached; the
cleithrum is large and has a ventral palaform; ribs are alate (winged); and the predorsal and
Poyato-Ariza and Wenz (2002) because it possesses the following diagnostic features of
this suborder. The opercular process of hyomandibula is absent; the gular region is
unossified; there are only two thin and separated branchiostegal rays; the vomerine and
prearticular teeth are absent or reduced; the scales do not cover the whole body; the
posterior part of the nude between the unpaired fins is nude [this is the peltate or clathrate
Pycnodontoidea, as defined by Payato-Ariza and Wenz (2002). This new Mexican species
shares the following synapomorphies of this superfamily. The hyomandibula has a small to
enlarged dermalized region ornamented superficially and ventrally suturing the preopercle:
there is no opercular process in the hyomandibula; anterior wing or sagittal flanges in the
base of the neural and haemal spines. Additionally, this species shows other non-esclusive
Pycnodontoidea features, including the dentary has three or fewer teeth; the adjacent neural
and hemal arches are in contact; there are two or fewer urodermals; there are no nuchal
plates; the predorsal scutes are less than 18; the spines of dorsal scutes becomes larger in
anteroposterior order; the preanal scutes are less than seven; cloacal vestibule with anterior
and posterior modified scales not forming a mosaic. In this case, T. magnuserrata
superfamily, the premaxillary and dentary teeth are incisiform, and the predorsal trunk
region has no dorsal prominence or hump. On the contrary, the Mexican species has two
small tubercular teeth (Figure 6) on the dentary, and the double hump in the predorsal
Poyato-Ariza and Wenz (2002). Visibly, this species exhibits the panniculus parietalis, the
only synapomorphy defining the family. Additionally, T. magnuserrata also shows most of
ornamented infraorbital behind the orbit, the cheek is naked because of the lack of
suborbitals; the maxilla is toothless and oval-reniform; dentary has two-three teeth; the
anterior ten or less neural spines are autogenous; bar-like scales cover the predorsal part of
the abdominal regions of the trunk; and the preanal scutes with spines located side-to-side
with no free space in between.
After the phylogeny of Pycnodontiformes made by hand by Nursall (1996a, b), which
exposes the monophyly of the family Pycnodontidae, the interrelations of this clade have
hypotheses later published (Figure 11). These differences are not a result of the natural,
pycnodontid fossils but of the arbitrary selection (and not always adequately explained) of
the species and characters that are used or excluded from these studies, as well as to the
different computer programs and search protocols implemented by the various authors. Not
pycnodontid shows that this family contains 90 valid nominal species representing 42
genera (see Appendix.); curiously, almost half of these genera have not been included
formally in any of the hypotheses mentioned above, probably because many of these taxa
are represented only by fragmentary and isolated remains of the body, jaws, and teeth.
Despite this problematic scenario, here we explore the possible affinities of T.
magnuserrata by comparing the osteological attributes of this species with nine selected
characters included in the diagnosis of the three subfamilies named and phylogenetically
Poyato-Ariza and Wenz (2002) supported the monophyly of Nursallinae, and recently,
without any conflict, Flagellipinna rhomboides Cawley and Kriwet, 2019, was added to
magnuserrata and members of this subfamily share only three non-exclusive features
(Table 2, Figure 11): the well ossification of the lateral part of the skull, the lack of free
anterior dorsal pterygiophores; and the absence of ventral and dorsal process enclosing the
pectoral notch of the cleithrum. Tahnaichthys magnuserrata is excluded from this
subfamily because it does not have any of the Nursallinae synapomorphies (the posterior
hypocordals are paddle-like and hypertrophied; and the arcocentra are expanded
surrounding the notochordal canal and have a complex to hypercomplex between adjacent
(2020) share seven features, including one putative synapomorphy (Table 2, Figure 11).
These features include: the scale pattern peltate [this is a putative synapomorphy of
covering the predorsal region, the bar-like scales extend further back, into the caudal region
and between the unpaired fins (see Ebert, 2020, figs. 2, 3, 6)]; the well ossification of the
lateral part of the skull; the pectoral notch in the cleithrum has no dorsal nor ventral
processes; there cloacal vestibule has no bifid scales; the posterior hypochordals are not
hypertrophied, the notochordal canal is not surrounded by the arcocentra; and the adjacent
Santos, 1970, show different states in the last two features because its posterior arcocentra
are expanded, surrounding the notochordal canal and having a slightly complex contact
between adjacent arcocentra (Figueiredo and Silva Santos, 1987; Wenz, 1991)]. Here, T.
magnuserrata is excluded from the subfamily Proscinetinae because it does not share the
Furthermore, the hypotheses proposed by Ebert (2016, 2020) rejected the naturalness of
the subfamily Pycnodontinae; however, recently, Poyato-Ariza (2020) reaffirmed that this
is a valid clade. Tahnaichthys magnuserrata and members of this subfamily share the
following features (Table 2, Figure 11): The presence of the dermocranial fenestra; the lack
of free anterior dorsal pterygiophores; the posterior hypochordals are not hypertrophied the
notochordal not surrounded by the arcocentra, and the adjacent arcocentra have simple
contact. The last two features are shared only partially because, in Pycnodontinae, the
arcocentra are variable; in some cases, these are somewhat expanded and surround part of
the notochordal canal and develop slightly complex adjacent contacts. Tahnaichthys
magnuserrata is excluded from Pycnodontinae because it does not have either of its two
synapomorphies (the poorly ossification of the lateral part of the skull and the presence of
conspicuous processes in the ventral and dorsal ends of the pectoral botch of the cleithrum).
Although in the summary of the comparison between T. magnuserrata and the three
subfamilies Pycnodontidae (Table 2), this species and Pycnodontinae share the presence of
the dermocranial fenestra; this is not a real synapomorphy because such feature is present in
(Heckel, 1856), and Akromystax tilmachiton Poyato-Ariza and Wenz, 2005 (also see
Applegate, 1992; Taverne et al., 2019)], and at least one pyncnodontine, Polazzodus
The reduction in the number of premaxillary teeth to only one large one represents a
derived and highly specialized character that merits the review and comparison of the
pycnodontiformes that possess it. Up to now and in order of appearance in the fossil record,
these fish are Tahnaichthys magnuserrata from the Albian of Tlayúa, Mexico, described
here; Rhinopycnodus gabriellae Taverne and Capasso, 2013, from the Cenomanian deposits
of Haqel, Lebanon; Polazzodus coronatus from the Turonian-early Senonian deposits of
"Calcari di Aurisina, in Polazzo, Gorizia, Northeastern Italy; and Tergestinia sorbinii
Capasso, 2000, from the Late Campanian-Early Paleocene of Lubornica Formation, Trieste,
northern Italy (also see Taverne et al., 2019; Poyato-Ariza, 2020). Since the phylogenetic
analyses show that these genera are not closely related, the single premaxillary tooth is
(Figure 11). Poyato-Ariza (2020) recognized the last two of these species as part of the
subfamily Pycnodontinae, and Ebert (2016) concluded that Rhinopycnodus is the sister taxa
of the other pycnodontids. The dentary is unknown in Tergestinia, but in different genera,
the dentary has two teeth, which are incisiform and markedly unequal in Polazzodus (the
anterior one is three or four times longer than the posterior), incisiform and equally tiny in
Rhinopycnodus, and similarly small and tubercular in Tahnaichthys. There are five
vomerine tooth rows in all these fishes except Tahnaichthys, which has only three. The
snout is remarkably elongated in all fish except in Tergestinia, which only has a moderately
elongated snout. In Tahnaichthys, all the fins are rounded; on the contrary, the unpaired fins
are strip-like (uniformly low) in Tergestinia and falcate (low with a slight anterior high
lobe) in Rhinopycnodus and Polazzodus trip-like. In contrast, the caudal fin is stalked (with
two forked lobes) in Polazzodus and double emarginated in Tergestinia and
Rhinopycnodus. Finally, the caudal peduncle is relatively long and involves three neural
and haemal spines Polazzodus; however, this peduncle is short and involves only two of
existent because there are no hemal and neural spines separating the odd fins from the
caudal fins.
The comparison between Tahnaichthys magnuserrata, its closest coeval neighbor, and
the only previously described species of Tlayúa, Tepexichthys aranguthyorum (Figure 12),
is mandatory. Tepexichthys is a diamond-shaped body fish without predorsal humps and the
dorsal apex coinciding with the origin of the dorsal fin (Applegate, 1992); on the contrary,
Tahnaichthys is an oblong-shaped and double-hump fish in which the posterior predorsal
hump also represents the dorsal apex of the trunk and is in front of the dorsal fin and also.
Tahnaichthys. Besides, Tahnaichthys has rounded fins, whereas Tepexichthys has falcated
unpaired fins and a stalked caudal fin. Tepexichthys has a supraorbital bone, but
Tahnaichthys lacks this. Both have a scale pattern peltate, but in Tepexichthys, the scales
are smooth, whereas, in Tahnaichthys, all the scales are ornamented intensively with
this species cannot be placed in any of the subfamilies or genera of this clade; it also differs
from all pycnodontids because it is the only double-hump with strongly ornamented scales.
Besides, this is one of the four species with a single premaxillary tooth.
Tahnaichthys magnuserrata is the second nominal species known from the Albian
deposits of the Tlayúa Quarry. Here, we reveal that this species exhibits adequate
in North America is vast and includes unexpected features, such as the double-hump
condition, and common convergent features with species from other regions and
temporalities, such as the reduction of the premaxillary teeth. The development of a
desirable comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the family Pycnodontidae is a giant
pending task that goes beyond the scope of this manuscript, which also requires the in-
depth review of all the taxa attributed to this family and the conciliation of the data
previously considered in the different hypotheses already proposed (Figure 11). The present
manuscript is the first result of a PhD research project of the first author (SPO), which deals
We thank the Aranguthy family and their Tlayúa Quarry workers for their genuine interest
in paleontology, friendship, and daily effort. UNAM provided financial support for this
research through the project DGAPA-PAPIIT IN115223. IPN offered additional support
through Project 20240772. This work results from the Doctoral research of the first author
(SPO), who also received a doctoral grant from CONACYHT, Mexico. We are grateful for
the valuable contributions of Dr. Martin Ebert, three additional anonymous reviewers, and
Dr. Francisco Javier Vega Vera (JSAES editor), which significantly improved the scope
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Wenz S., 1989. Iemanja palma 1989. In Maisey, J. (Ed.), 1991. Santana Fossils: an illustrated
Figure 1. Map of the Tlayúa Quarry.
— Planned to one-column width or 90 mm —
Figure 2. IGM 14024, holotype of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. from the
Albian deposits of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. A) IGM 14024a, part of the
specimen transferred to resin and observed under UV light. B) Idealized line drawing based
on A.
Figure 3. Paratypes of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. from the Albian
deposits of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. A) Part of IGM 14025 under UV light. B)
Figure 4. Head of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen and sp. nov. from the Albian deposits of
ang, angular; art, articulate; asph, autoesphenotic; br, branchiostegals; ach, anterior
ceratohyal; cl, cleithrum; dpt, dermopterotic; dsoc, dermosupraoccipital; dsph,
dermoesphenotic; ecpt, ectopterygoid; enpt, entopterygoid; ext, extrascapular; fr, frontal; ft,
temporal fenestra; hy, hyomandibular; dhyom, dermohyomandibula; io, infraorbitals; d,
dentary; pch, posterior ceratohyal; pmx, premaxila; met, mesethmoid; mpt, metapterygoid;
mx, maxilla; op, opercle; pa, parietal; pop, preopercle; pp, peniculus parietalis; pra,
Figure 5. Vomer bones of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen and sp. nov. paratype IGM
14025 from the Albian deposits of Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. Abbreviations: lpra, left
of Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. A) IGM 14026, close up of the jaw bones coated with
magnesium. B and C) IGM 14024a, close up prearticular teeth (B) and pharyngeal teeth (C)
coated with magnesium. Abbreviations: dt, dentary tooth; mx, maxilla; pmxt, premaxillary
tooth; prat, prearticular tooth; vt, vomer teeth.
— Planned to one-column width or 90 mm —
Figure 7. Pectoral girdle and fin of the IGM 14025, paratype of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata
gen. and sp. Abbreviations: cl, cleithrum; co, coracoid; pcfr, pectoral fin rays; pcr, pectoral
Figure 8. Pelvic find and cloacal scales of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov.
from the Albian deposits of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. A) Close-up of the
paratype IGM 14025 under UV light. B) Close-up of the paratype IGM 14026 under UV
light. C) Idealized line draw based on A. Abbreviations: an, anal notch; afr, anal fin ray; cv,
vestibule cloacal; ps, preanal shields; pta, anal pterygophore; pvfr, pectoral fin rays; pclvs,
Figure 9. Caudal fin line draw based of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. from
the Albian lagersttäte of Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. Abbreviations: afr, caudal fin
radius; apt, anal pterygiophore; dfr, dorsal fin ray; dpt, dorsal pterygiophore; e, epiaxial; h,
hypoaxial; prr, procurrent caudal fin ray; ud, urodermal; black arrows show the upper and
— Planned to one-column or 90 mm —
Figure 10. Scale and scute pattern of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. based
on the holotype IGM 14024. A) Details of the scale. B) Predorsal scutes. C) Preanal scutes.
D) Post-cloacal shields. Abbreviations: bls, bar-like scale; pclvs, postcloacal ventral scutes;
pds, predorsal shields; ps, preanal shields; pvfr, pectoral fin rays; usc, unmodified scales.
Applegate, 1992, from the Albian Tlayúa lagerstätte, Tepexi de Rodríguez Municipality,
Puebla, central Mexico.
— Planned to one-page width or 190 mm —
magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. erected here. Measurements are expressed in millimeters;
the proportions are % of the standard length (SL); ≈, +, imprecise data (not considered in
Table 2. Comparison of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. and the three
magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov. erected here. Measurements are expressed in millimeters;
the proportions are % of the standard length (SL); ≈, +, imprecise data (not considered in
Head height (HH) 66 26.99 33.08 42.02
HH as % of SL 49% 45% 47% 49%
Skull length (SKL) 64.31 ≈29.79 33.27 48.79
SKL as % of SL 47% ≈49% 48% 48%
Skull height (SKH) 49.86 ≈17.1 23.57 36.71
SKH as % of SL 37% ≈28% 34% 35%
Preorbital length (POL) 40.12 16.43 22.45 26.33
POL as % of SL 30% 27% 32% 30%
Anal fin rays 23 22 22 22
Caudal formula iii+I+20+I+iii iii+I+20+I+iii ? iii+I+20+I+iii
Table 2. Comparison of Tahnaichthys magnuserrata gen. and sp. nov and the three
skull is well-ossified ossified,
4. Free anterior dorsal No Yes * No No
5. Notochordal canal Slightly-totally * No No No, or
surrounded slightly
6. Lateral contact Complex- * Simple Simple Simple or slightly
between archocentra hipercomplex complex
• Tahnaichthys magnuserrata belongs to the family Pycnodontidae.
• This fish exhibits a single large incisiform premaxillary tooth.
Declaration of interests
☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
☐ The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests: