FIRST Semester B. E. Degree Semester End Examination (SEE), Jan/ Feb 2024
b) Briefly explain the emerging trends of mechanical Engineering in Manufacturing and [10 Marks] CO1 L2
Energy Sector
2. a) Explain briefly with a neat diagram the working of a Hydro Power Plant [08 Marks] CO1 L1, L2
b) What is solar Energy? Apply the Solar energy conversion technic into electrical energy in [08 Marks] CO1 L1, L2
a solar cell
c) Write short note on Tidal power plant [04 Marks] CO1 L2
3. a) Explain the four major parts of the lathe machine [07 Marks] CO2 L2
b) Briefly explain the following operations performed on lathe with sketch [09 Marks] CO2 L1, L2
a) Plain turning b) Thread cutting c) Knurling
c) List the application of Lathe machines [04 Marks] CO2 L2
4. a) List the main components of the CNC machine with a block diagram [04 Marks] CO2 L1
b) Explain the up milling and down Milling process with neat sketch [07 Marks] CO2 L1, L2
c) Briefly explain the following operations performed on Drilling machine, with sketch [09 Marks] CO2 L2, L3
a) Reaming operation b) Boring operation c) Tapping operation
5. a) With a neat sketch explain the working principle of four stroke petrol engine [10 Marks] CO3 L1, L2
b) Reference to the following observations during a trial on a 4-stroke diesel engine: [10 Marks] CO3 L3
Crankshaft speed =260 rpm, Cylinder diameter =24cm, Stroke of piston =1.6 times the
bore, Brake load = 65 kg, Brake drum diameter =2m, Mean effective Pressure =5 bar,
Diesel consumption =0.1 litre/min, Specific gravity of diesel = 0.78, Calorific value of
diesel = 43900 KJ/Kg, Determine (i) BP (ii) IP (iii) FP (iv) Mechanical efficiency (v) I-
thermal efficiency (vi) B-thermal efficiency
6. a) Explain the main components of Electric vehicle with diagram [8 Marks] CO3 L1
b) List out the advantages and disadvantages of Electric vehicle [06 Marks] CO3 L1
7. a) Classify the gear trains and explain any two types with sketch [08 Marks] CO4 L2
b) A simple gear train consists of four gear having 30,40,50,60 teeth respectively. Determine [06 Marks] CO4 L3
the speed and direction of last gear if the first gear makes 60 rpm in clockwise direction.
c) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of V-belts [06 Marks] CO4 L1
8. a) Define Robot? List and classify based on the physical configuration [07 Marks] CO4 L2
b) Differentiate between open loop and close loop systems [08 Marks] CO4 L2
c) List out the applications of Robot in material handling [05 Marks] CO4 L1
9. a) What is a composite material? State advantages and applications of composite materials [08 Marks] CO5 L1
b) Write short note on (i) shape memory materials (b) fiber reinforcement composites [08 Marks] CO5 L1
c) List out the applications of Metal matrix composites [04 Marks] CO5 L1
10. a) Distinguish between soldering, and brazing [05 Marks] CO5 L2
b) Explain the arc welding process with neat sketch [06 Marks] CO5 L2
c) Explain the oxy-acetylene welding process using 3 flames with neat sketch [09 Marks] CO5 L2