Design & Implementation of Stand Alone High Gain Jammer System Against UAV Using Hlical Antenna
Design & Implementation of Stand Alone High Gain Jammer System Against UAV Using Hlical Antenna
Design & Implementation of Stand Alone High Gain Jammer System Against UAV Using Hlical Antenna
Passant Nagi Mourice Rana Adel Mohamed Merna Baher Badry Rawan Mahmoud
Misr University For Science and Misr University for Science and Misr University for Science and Misr University for Science and
Technology Technology Technology Technology
Department of electronics and Department of electronics and Department of electronics and Department of electronics and
communication engineering communication engineering communication engineering communication engineering
6 October, Giza 6 October, Giza 6 October, Giza 6 October, Giza
Abstract— This research presents a novel standalone high- paper aims not only to provide them with autonomous
gain jammer system designed to disrupt unmanned aerial jamming systems. contribute to the field of drone
vehicles (UAVs) operating on GNSS frequencies. The system security, but also promote discussions on the
utilizes four strategically placed helix antennas to achieve broad
responsible implementation and regulation of jamming
frequency coverage and employs a YOLO-based tracking system
for accurate jamming. To ensure continuous operation, a solar-
systems within the GNSS frequency range. By
powered standby system provides reliable backup for the exploring the Capabilities of helical antennas and
tracking unit. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the integrating.
effectiveness of the system in disrupting UAVs, highlighting its
potential to enhance security in sensitive areas and protect II. RELATED WORK Selecting a Template
critical infrastructure. This research contributes to the field of The jamming effectiveness of commercially available
UAV countermeasures by offering a practical and efficient low-cost jammers against UAVs has been studied by J.
solution for mitigating the growing threat posed by unauthorized Farlik et al. (2016) where it is concluded that jamming
drone activity. of the GNSS signal reception can be achieved from a
Keywords—GNSS, UAV, Jamming, AI, YOLO fair distance (a couple of hundred meters from the
UAV). On the other hand, the study finds that jamming
I. INTRODUCTION the remote control signals with the considered jammers
Various types of drones exist on the consumer market is not effective, even when the jammer is much closer
spanning from pieces dedicated to sport or to the UAV than the pilot with the remote controller
entertainment to high-class devices capable of carrying and we have other modules with wide bandwidth like
out complex tasks. Besides using drones along with The AH-1117-13 uses extended stubs to provide the
positive legislation, even drones with basic greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width
functionality can potentially be used for malicious and designed to provide wideband directional
activities in scenarios that are not socially tolerable or transmission/reception of radio signals from 1100-1700
harmful. For example, a fundamental drone can be used MHz bands including GPS L1, GPS L2, L5, Lo bands.
by the paparazzi to invade celebrities’ privacy or by These low-profile antennas use Circular Polarization
criminals and terrorists to compromise the security of a Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration
potential target. Therefore, in parallel with the through obstruction and interference. Both Right Hand
development of drones, various anti-drone systems Circular Polarized (RHCP) and Left Hand Circular
have been developed as well [1]. Polarized (LHCP) helical antenna models are available
[2]. Since there are various sorts of drones available in
The primary objective of this research paper is to the consumer market, ranging from sports and
design, develop, and evaluate a standalone jamming entertainment to high-end machines capable of
system capable of effectively countering UAVs within performing sophisticated tasks. Alongside the
the GNSS frequency range using helical antennas. This
of the link must use the same polarization, unless you use
a (passive) reflector in the radio path.
The gain (G) of the antenna, relative to an isotope (dBi), can
be estimated by:
1) G = 11.8 + 10 * log {(C/ λ) ^2 * N * d} dBi
Helical Antenna Gain (G) = (10.8+10 x log (number of turns x
space between coils))
Diameter (D) = wavelength/3.143
Space between coils (S) = Space between coils x wavelengths
Length of wire (L) = Number of turns x √ (wavelength^2 +
Space between coils^25
Half Power Beam Width of antenna = 52 / (√ (Number of
turns x space between coils))
Beam Width First Nulls of antenna = 115 / (√ (Number of
turns x Space between coils))
Aperture = (10(Antenna Gain / 10) x wavelength^2) / (4 *
Fig.7. The Smith chart of 1606 MHZ Antenna
Fig.8. Return loss 1-2 GHZ.
Return loss 1-2 GHZ.
Method Of Connection:
We expressed the method of connection as show in figure 14.
1. Raspberry Pi 4B is Connected to Arduino uno and
Camera via USB.
2. Arduino Uno is Connected to Motor Driver (TB6600)
Which is responsible of controlling stepper motor.
3. Motor Driver is Connected to Power Supply of 24V and
10A. Stepper Motor (Nema 23), Which has a holding
torque of 15, is Also Connected to the Driver To
ensure the accuracy and functionality of the motor.
Fig.10. the connection of tracker system
SYSTEM FLOWCHART Various evaluation metrics such as precision, recall, and mean
Average Precision (mAP) are calculated to quantify the model's
Detection model:
The YOLOv8 model is a state-of- the-art object detection
algorithm that detects drones of different shapes and sizes. It
outperforms previous YOLO versions in terms of accuracy and
speed. The model is built using PyTorch and integrated with
OpenCV for image processing and used to send control signals
to these devices, allowing for seamless integration between the
detection algorithm and the physical jamming mechanism [11].
Dataset preparation and training: precision of 0.933 when the IoU threshold is set to 0.5.
We collected a dataset of 4030 images of different drones’ Fig.13. recall-confidence curve.
shapes and then split up into 70% training set and 30%
validation set. The curve is a recall-confidence curve for the model. It shows
the trade- off between the model's recall (the ability to find all
Then the model is trained through 100 epochs. During
the drones in an image) and its confidence (how certain the
training, the model learns to identify and localize drones in
model is that a detection is actually a drone). The model has
images accurately. The loss function is minimized through
high recall (0.904) at a reasonable confidence level (0.962).
backpropagation, resulting in improved detection performance
over time. This means that the model can find a large proportion of the
drones in an image (90.4%) while still being fairly certain
(96.2%) that they are actually drones.
The mAP@0.5 value is 0.933. This stands for "mean 0.97: This value represents the True Positive Rate (TPR),
Average Precision at an Intersection over Union (IoU) also known as recall, which means 97% of the actual drones in
threshold of 0.5". IoU is a metric that measures how well a the images were correctly identified by the model.
predicted bounding box overlaps with the actual drone in the
image. An IoU of 0.5 means that the bounding box must
overlap with the drone by at least 50% for it to be counted as a 0.03: This value represents the False Positive Rate (FPR),
correct detection. The mAP@0.5 value of 0.933 means that the which means 3% of the time, the model identified something as
model has an average precision of 0.933 when the IoU a drone when it wasn't actually a drone.
0.95: This value represents the True Negative Rate (TNR),
which means 95% of the time, the model correctly identified
non-drones as non-drones.
0.05: This value represents the False Negative Rate (FNR),
which means 5% of the time, the model missed a drone and
didn't identify it.
We used solar panels as a backup system instead of a power
source. Solar panels consist of a solar cell, which is an
Confusion Matrix: electronic device that converts sunlight directly into electricity.
Fig.15. confusion matrix Light shining on a solar cell produces a current and voltage to
generate electrical energy. This process requires firstly a
material in which the absorption of light raises the electron to a
higher energy state, and secondly, the movement of this higher- overload protection and short circuit protection and
energy electron from the solar cell to an external circuit. The overcharging protection.
electron then dissipates its energy in the external circuit and
3. Solar Battery
returns to the solar cell. A variety of materials and processes
can potentially meet the requirements for PV power Batteries that store the excess electricity generated by your
conversion, but in practice, almost all PV power conversion solar panels, which can later be as a power source to generate
processes use semiconducting materials in the form of a p-n electricity.
junction. Regarding the development of sustainable energy
such as solar energy, in this article we will study the types of The economic ones are of the type with lead-acid and most
solar cells and their applications.[12] of them are 12 volts or 24 volts. To deal with it, we need to
know at least two out of three variables: electrical voltage,
STUDY measured in volts, current, measured in amperes, and power,
measured in watts. Battery capacity is indicated in Amps-Hours
The main components of solar panels are silicon solar panels
consisting of union silicon cells that produce electrical energy.
Battery used in our project is 12 V and 7 Ah (Battery can
deliver up to 7 Amps for an hour or 1 Amp for 7 Hours) and
Solar panels convert solar energy into electrical energy about max Charging Current 2 A
photovoltaic cells. The Word "Photovoltaic "Indicates for the
Connection Between Light "Photon” and Electricity “Volt”
Photovoltaic Effect Provides a DC Current so it Produces a DC
Power Solar photovoltaic panels capture sunlight causing the
electrons in the silicon cells to be related to become direct
Tracker System
In conclusion, this research successfully developed and
implemented a standalone high-gain jammer system for
current. [13] disrupting unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operating on
GNSS frequencies. The system achieved its objectives by
Fig.17. Working principle of solar panel
utilizing strategically placed helix antennas, a YOLO-based
SOLAR PANEL CONSISTS OF: tracking system for improved accuracy, and a reliable solar-
powered standby system. Experimental evaluations
1. Solar cell demonstrated the effectiveness of the system in disrupting
As shown in fig.20 Solar cells in our project are polycrystalline UAVs, highlighting its potential to enhance security in
types with 20-watt maximum power and 18-volt operating sensitive areas and protect critical infrastructure. This research
voltage and 30-volt max voltage and 1.11 max current. contributes to the field of UAV countermeasures by offering a
practical, efficient, and reliable solution for mitigating the
2. Solar Charge Controller growing threat posed by unauthorized drone activity. Our
Also known as a charge regulator, is a voltage and/or current project consists of two systems first one is a tracker system
regulator that prevents batteries from becoming overcharged. It with camera look in random direction once it’s see UAV it’s
regulates the voltage and current going to the battery from the give the information to raspberry pi and it’s give command to
solar panels. Because most "12 volt" panels produce around 16 Arduino to start motor motion in the same direction of camera
to 20 volts, the batteries will be harmed by overcharging if because we have jammer system consist of directive antennas
there is no regulation. To reach full charge, most batteries so when motor moves the jammer system in the direction of
require between 14 and 14.5 volts. drone jamming Figure 19 The system is ready for jamming.
accuracy will be higher than without tracking system In this
With low-maintenance or trickle-charge panels, such as those picture we have mobile phone, and we open an drone figure on
ranging from 1 to 5 watts, a charge controller is usually it and we move it right and left when the camera see this figure
unnecessary. If the panel produces less than 2 watts per 50 it’s sending information to raspberry pi to send a command to
battery amp-hours, you don't need one.[14] Charger Controller Arduino to move the motor then jammer system will move in
(PWM) in our project is 12 to 24 V and 5 A and can be used to the direction of drone fig.20
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We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation
to Professor Dr. Mamdouh Gouda & Dr. Ashraf Samy for his
invaluable guidance and support throughout the graduation