6.Детекција на пожар - ценовник 11.2024

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UNIPOS конвенционални контролни панели
EDS конвенционални контролни панели
UNIPOS Контролен панел за гасење на пожар
Конвенционални детектори
Самостојни PP детектори
Додатоци (Accessories)
CO & Smoke Тестер
UNIPOS адресибилен модуларен систем
UNIPOS Адресабилни контролни панели
UNIPOS Адресабилни детектори и додатоци
SATEL Адресибилна ПП опрема
GAS SENSE адресибилни контролери и детектори
INIM Адресабилна ПП опрема
GST Адресабилна ПП опрема
COFEM опрема за детекција на гас

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Ценовник за детекција на пожар

No. Image Specification Unit price

UNIPOS конвенционални контролни панели

ПП конвенционална централа со 6 зони
Fire control panel UNIPOS FS 4000/6
FS4000 is designed to operate with conventional automatic fire detectors and
manual call points. Maximum number of fire detectors in a line: 32; Connecting
line: two-wire; Maximum resistance of a line: 100W; Monitored outputs for fire
condition: 2 pcs, Type: potential, relay with independent control; Relay outputs
1. for fire condition: 2 pcs, Type: potential-free,1 switching, 1 NO; Light indication: 11.040,00
LED; Sound: Built-in buzzer; Detection of removed fire detector and automatic
reset; Identification of manual call points; Status Indication of the device for
data transmission RS485; Option for switching on/off interface RS485
communication; Expanding the options by means of extra relay outputs for fire
condition for each line and built-in RS485 for operation in a local network; Power
supply: Voltage: (100-240)V AC, Frequency: 50/60 Hz
ПП конвенционална централа со 8 зони
Fire control panel UNIPOS FS 4000/8
FS4000 is designed to operate with conventional automatic fire detectors and
manual call points. Maximum number of fire detectors in a line: 32; Connecting
line: two-wire; Maximum resistance of a line: 100W; Monitored outputs for fire
condition: 2 pcs, Type: potential, relay with independent control; Relay outputs
2. for fire condition: 2 pcs, Type: potential-free,1 switching, 1 NO ; Light indication: 13.260,00
LED; Sound: Built-in buzzer; Detection of removed fire detector and automatic
reset; Identification of manual call points; Status Indication of the device for
data transmission RS485; Option for switching on/off interface RS485
communication; Expanding the options by means of extra relay outputs for fire
condition for each line and built-in RS485 for operation in a local network; Power
supply: Voltage: (100-240)V AC, Frequency: 50/60 Hz
3. Клуч за централа FS 4000 (ш.64114) 350,00
Проширувачка единица со 2 релејни излези UNIPOS FD4201/2
4. Extension module relay outputs for fire for FS4000; 2 relay outputs for fire; 2.990,00
interface RS485
Проширувачка единица со 6 релејни излези UNIPOS FD4201/6
5. Extension module relay outputs for fire for FS4000; 6 relay outputs for fire; 3.250,00
interface RS485

Проширувачка единица со 8 релејни излези UNIPOS FD4201/8

6. Extension module relay outputs for fire for FS4000; 8 relay outputs for fire; 3.840,00
interface RS485

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EDS конвенционални контролни панели
ПП конвенционална централа со 12 зони
12 zone fire alarm panel (plastic box) EFP-12/G LCD
7. Microprocessor controlled; End of line resistor; Alarm output relay; LED display; 11.343,00
Manual, siren reset buttons; Key; Alarm and siren output; TS EN 54-2/54-4
ПП конвенционална централа со 16 зони
Fire alarm panel (plastic box) EFP-16/G LCD
AC input: 220VAC; Power consumption: 40W; Alarm output: Relay; Siren
8. outputs: 2 outputs; Detectors to be connected: 20 detector connection in 1000m 17.000,00
quality 2x0,8mm cables (for each zone); Front panel 2z16 alphanumerical LCD
displays; Indicator type: 4 LED indicators; Indicators: Alarm, Mains, Battery,
fault; Audible and visual warning: Available; Button: Alarm, Siren, Reset

UNIPOS контролен панел за гасење на пожар

Fire Extinguishing Control Panel UNIPOS FS5200E
The Fire Extinguishing Control Panel is designated for fire protection, monitoring
and control of systems for active extinguishing – gas, powder, aerosol, water,
etc. After processing the signals from the automatic fire detectors and/or manual
call points the Control Panel makes commands to the executive devices for
extinguishing, sound-light signalers, air conditioning and ventilation devices, etc.
The Control Panel could exchange data with a repeater, PC or another intelligent
device via RS 485 interfaces. Fire alarm lines: 3 (with extinguishing control: 2,
9. without extinguishing control: 1 ; Maximum number of fire detectors in a line: 32 31.720,00
; Controllable output relay: 24±3VDC (for sounders in Fire condition: 1, for
sounders in Extinguishing status: 1, for Extinguishing switching on: 1); Relay
outputs switching: 3A/125V AC, 3A/30V DC (for Fire condition: 3, for
Extinguishing: 3, for Fault condition: 3; Outputs open collector type: 3;
Signalization of registered events: sound-built-in sounder, light-LED, text
messages -LCD display, backlit; Power supply: mains:220/230V AC, 50/60 Hz,
backup battery: 2x12V DC, 12 Ah (battery not included); Maximum current to
external devices: 2.5A at (24±3)V DC
Remote control panel UNIPOS FS5200R
The function of the Repeater FS5200R is to receive and transmit data from
remote fire control panels. It receives signals for Fire and Fault condition and
allows resetting of lines and output control in the remote fire control panels. The
Repeater communicates via RS485 interface, compatible with fire control panels
FS5100, FS5200, FS5200E and FS4000. Connection of maximum 15 remote
fire control panels (repeaters) to one repeater; Built-in sounder for fire condition
– one tonal, discontinuous, can be switched off; Built-in sounder for fault
10. condition – one tonal, discontinuous, can be switched off; Built-in real time
clock; Interfaces for communication with the fire control panels RS485
connected to it; Option to prolong the time period for Fire condition stage I with
programmable inspection period; Possibility for delay when switching the outputs
for Fire alarm; Energy independent archive – up to 100 events; Operation with a
wide range of output devices; Light indication: LED; Text messages: LCD
display, 4 lines 20 characters per line; Maximum current to external devices:
1,2A at (24±3)VDC; Power supply: 220/230V AC, 50Hz; Backup batteries: 2 pcs,
1,2-4,5Ah; Operating temperature: -5°C to 40°C
Software UniPOS - Intellect Addressable License 2 (18% ДДВ)
The UniPOS-Intellect software solution is used for applications where graphical
information and video surveillance of the fire and fault events are required. The
Graphical monitoring equipment is consist of UniPOS Conventional or UniPOS
Addressable system connected to one or more personal computers with installed
server, administrator or client UniPOS-Intellect application mode. That software
11. environment enables the user to monitor easily the fire alarm system by means
of an interactive map of the site and to maintain an event log of the registered
events and the actions of the operator. The UniPOS-Intellect solution is
compatible with the UniPOS IFS7000, FS5100, FS5200, FS4000
Овој тип на софтвер е наменет за максимум два панели со една
јамка/два панели со две јамки или еден панел со четири јамки.

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Extention module UNIPOS FD5201
12. - 8 fire alarm lines 8.400,00
Extention module UNIPOS FD5202
13. - 8 fire alarm lines 9.900,00
- 1 controllable output
Рачен јавувач UNIPOS FD3050Y
The button operates with Control Panel FS 5200E and activates the
extinguishing. It is to be installed close to the object of extinguishing.
14. By means of this button forced extinguishing process can be started only after 750,00
visual inspection of an authorized person if a there is a real fire condition. Fire
alarm line is controlled for a short circuit and for an interruption.
Рачен прекинувач UNIPOS FD3050B
15. The button operates with Control Panel and holds extinguishing, increasing the 1.040,00
evacuation time. It is to be installed close to the object of extinguishing. Fire
alarm line is controlled for a short circuit and for an interruption.

ПП проширувачка единица EDS YP ЕК1
16. Additional regional card for FX series fire panels 2.700,00
Includes 8 zones
17. База за детектори EDS EC DB 190,00
Термички детектор UNIPOS FD 8020R
Conventional rate of rise heat detector
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition upon
reaching a rate of rise of the temperature or fixed temperature threshold in the
protected premises. The fire detector is suitable for premises with normal
18. ambient temperature, without possible sudden changes. Supply voltage : 15- 690,00
30VDC ; Duty mode current : 55 µA ; Fire condition current : 8-25mA ;
Sensitivity : In accordance with EN54-5, class A2R, BR ; Degree of protection :
IP 43 ; Operating temperature range : -10°C to +55°C; Relative humidity
resistance:(93±3)% at 40°C ; Material : ABS
Димнооптички детектор UNIPOS FD 8030
Optical-smoke detector with self-compensation of the optic chamber
contamination, with lock
Supply voltage: (10-30)VDC ; Duty mode current: 120 μA ; Fire condition
19. current: with base type 8000 or 8000D:(8-25) mA ; with base type 8000R, 750,00
8000DR:(18-55) mA ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-2.5)mm2 ;
Degree of protection: IP 43 ; Operation temperature: -10°C to 55°C ; Relative
humidity: (93±3) % at 40°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-7 ; Casing
material: ABS plastics, white ; Protected area: Circle with diameter 15m, h 11m
Комбиниран детектор UNIPOS FD 8060
Combined optical smoke and rate of rise heat detector, with lock
Supply voltage: (10-30)VDC ; Duty mode current: 120 μA ; Fire condition
current: with base type 8000 or 8000D:(8-25) mA ; with base type 8000R,
20. 8000DR:(18-55) mA ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-2.5)mm2 ; 960,00
Degree of protection: IP 43 ; Operation temp.: -10°C to 55°C ; Relative
humidity: (93±3) % at 40°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-7 and EN54-
5, class A2R ; Casing material: ABS plastics, white ; Protected area: Circle with
diameter 10m, h 8m
Optical flame fire detector UNIPOS FD8040
Detector FD8040 is designed to provide early warning of a fire condition
responding to open flame. The fire detector reacts within the light spectrum of
the flame and has maximum sensitivity of the infrared range. The operation
principle is based on the reception of flame emissions with their typical flicker
frequency within the whole spectrum range. The infrared sensor signal –
21. amplified, filtered and shaped is being sent to the time delay circuit. If the flame 2.970,00
impact has decreased during the time delay , the fire detector dos not activate.
Sensitivity: in accordance with EN54-10, class 2 (IR); Time delay: T-10s (
optional T-5s;T-20s); Protected area: Angle of visibility 45°; Type of the line
connection: two-wire; Degree of protection: IP40; Operation Temperature
Range: from -10°C to 55°C
22. База за детектор UNIPOS DB 8000 205,00
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- Standard base
База за детектор со реле UNIPOS DB 8000 R
23. -Relay base 590,00
База за монтажа на влажни површини
The installation set АС 8002 is designed for installation of Fire Detectors 7000
24. and 8000 Series in damp premises or premises where condensate is formed; for 530,00
example, hangars, tunnels, underground stations, shafts, etc. The set might be
used with bases 8000, 8000D, 8000R, 8000RD, 7100, 7100A.
База за монтажа на нерамни површини
25. The installation set АС 8003 is designed for installation of Fire Detectors 7000 380,00
and 8000 Series on rough surfaces. The set might be used with bases 8000,
8000D, 8000R, 8000RD, 7100, 7100A.
Детектор за чад UNIPOS YKB02K/8030
Duct smoke detector
Duct smoke detector is designed to detect the presence of smoke in airstream of
ductwork sections or ventilating compartments by the smoke detector mounted
in it. In the device is mounted an optical-smoke fire detector type FD8030. In
26. order to control the condition of the integrated fire detector, on the housing of 7.390,00
the duct smoke detector is mounted an outboard LED Remote Indicator RI31. In
case of smoke in the main air conduit, part of this smoke goes through the duct
smoke detector and activates the fire detector. The latter sends signal to the Fire
Control Panel and the outboard Remote indicator.
Термички детектор UNIPOS FD 3020
Conventional rate of rise heat detector
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition reaching a
rate of the temperature or fixed temperature threshold in the protected
premises. The fire detector is suitable for premises with normal ambient
27. temperature, without possible sudden changes. Supply voltage: (12-30)V DC ;
Duty mode current: 40μA ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-2.5) 940,00
mm2 ; Operating temperatures: -10°C to 55°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with
EN54-5, class A2R or BR ; Mounting: Using bases of series 3000 ; Degree of
protection: IP 30 ; Casing material: ABS plastics, white ; Protected area: Circle
with diameter 10m, h 8m
Комбиниран детектор UNIPOS FD 3060
Combined fire detector
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition responding to
fixed threshold smoke concentration or rate of rise of the temperature or fixed
temperature threshold detected in the protected premises. Supply voltage: (12- АКЦИЈА
28. 30)VDC ; Duty mode current: 150 μA ; Terminals: For wires with cross section 1.127,00
(0.8-2.5) mm2 ; Operating temperatures: -10°C to 55°C ; Sensitivity: in
accordance with EN54-5, class A2R and EN54-7 ; Mounting: Using bases of
series 3000 ; Degree of protection: IP 40 ; Casing material: ABS plastics, white ;
Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m

База за детектор UNIPOS 3000

29. Standard Base – It is used upon operation with Fire Control Panels, where Fault
Condition Removed detector shall be signaled as a Fault condition Interruption. 230,00

Optical beam smoke detector POLON-ALFA DOP-6001R

Operating voltage in a detection line: 9.5 V ÷ 28.0 V; Quiescent current from 9.5
to 28V 8 ÷ 30mA; Alarm current from 9.5 to 28V 20 ÷ 100mA; PU and PA relay
contact load max.: 1A/30V; Current at light beam interruption: < 0.3mA; Current
at service signal – optics contamination: < 0.3mA; Sensitivity thresholds (to be
chosen) 18 %; 30 %; 50 %; Operating distance:
30. - with E39-R8 prismatic reflector (Fig. 6): from 5 m to 50 m 24.400,00
- with 4xE39-R8 reflector panel (Fig. 7): from 50 m to 100 m
Detector angular tolerance: ± 0.5°; Reflector angular tolerance: ± 5°; Power
supply of laser viewfinder (during alignment): 6F22 (9 V) battery; Operating
temperature range: -25°C ÷ +55°C; Admissible ambient relative humidity: up to
95% at + 40°C; Dimensions 129 x 80 x 84 mm; Suitability in test fire detection:
TF1, TF2, TF3, TF4, TF5, TF7, TF8

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Reflector prism POLON-ALFA E39-R8
Working range detector with reflector from 5 to 50 m; The reflector
prism is designed to work with linear smoke detectors DOP-6001 and DOP-
31. 6001R; Linear smoke detectors work with a reflector positioned on the opposite 1.920,00
wall of the room in relation to the detector. Like the detector must be installed
on a stable surface, not exposed to vibrations
Team headlights POLON-ALFA 4XE39-R8
The range of the detector working with a team of headlights from 50
to 100 m; The team headlights is designed to work with linear smoke detectors
32. DOP 6001 and DOP-6001R; Linear smoke detectors work with a team of 7.800,00
reflectors positioned on the opposite wall of the room in relation to the detector;
The band reflectors, as well as the detector must be installed on a stable
surface, not exposed to vibrations.

Tester Folija POLON-ALFA FT-40

33. -Фолија за тестирање на детекторите 4.880,00

Tester Ogledalo POLON-ALFA LS-40 АКЦИЈА

34. -Огледало за поставување на оптичката патека на детекторот 1.890,00

Самостојни ПП детектори
Standalone smoke detector SATEL MSD-350
The device detects early signs of fire. MSD-350 can operate as a stand-alone
device, in accordance with the guidelines of EN 14604; Photoelectric sensor of
35. visible smoke; Acoustic and optical alarm signaling; Unique Swirl chamber for 2.550,00
quicker smoke detection; Hexamesh precision stainless steel filter; Testing
function; Chamber soiling indication; Low energy consumption and battery
status check; Power supply: CR123A 3V battery
Standalone smoke detector SATEL ASD-150
ASD-150 can detect fire at its early stages of development, as soon as the visible
smoke appears. Is a stand-alone device, which is confirmed by the
certificate of compliance with EN 14604 for stand-alone detectors,
36. issued by the Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection. Optical 3.050,00
detector of visible smoke in accordance with EN 14604; Optical (LED) and
acoustic (piezoelectric transducer) signaling of detected smoke; Auto-diagnostic
functions (checking the status of battery and optical chamber); Chamber soiling
indication; Power source: 3 V CR123A lithium battery; Testing function
Standalone smoke detector SATEL ASD-250
The device detects early signs of fire. ASD-250 can operate in stand-alone mode,
in accordance with the guidelines of EN 14604 or as part of the ABAX 2 system.
37. The detector is equipped with a photoelectric visible smoke sensor placed in a 3.700,00
special measuring chamber, whose unique design ensures high sensitivity. The
precision Hexamesh stainless steel filter prevents particles of dirt and small
insects from entering the chamber. Power supply: CR123A 3 V battery

Внатрешна сирена EM202
38. Operating Range:6-15; Rated current:300; Rated Voltage(VDC): 24V; 540,00
SPL:110±3; G.W.(kgs):14.5
База за сирена UNIPOS DB8000S
39. Base for sounder FD8204C 150,00
Внатрешна сирена UNIPOS FD8204CS
The conventional indoor sounder 8204 is applicable for sound and LED indication
of events registered in Fire Alarm Systems. 8204 is compatible with EN54-3.
40. Voltage: 15-30V DC; Current: 50mA on 24 VDC; Sound level at 1m: 90dB (А); 1.010,00
Frequency: 2.8±0.5 kHz ( 1s On/ 1s Off ); Temperature: from minus 10°С to
50°С; Protection: IPX2D; Dimensions: 134x36x112mm; Construction: ABS
Внатрешна сирена со светло 105
Sound & flash siren
41. Standard voltage: 24VDC ; Standard current: 300mA ; Alarm volume: 112dB ; 1.110,00
Flash frequency: ±65 times/minute ; Adapt voltage: 20-28VDC ;Operating

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temperature: -10-50°C

Надворешна сирена BS-1 24V (ш.61996)

42. metal box, with flash 120dB 1.800,00

Надворешна сирена UNIPOS SB 112F

Outdoor siren – metal box, with flash 110 dB,12-30V
Supply voltage: 12-30VDC ; Consumption at 24V: 200 mA ; Sound pressure at
43. distance 1ft by axces at 24 V: >118dB ; Main sound frequency: 2.8 kHz – 3.2 3.610,00
kHz ; Modulate sound frequency: 1.5 Hz ; Light effect – sulphite lamp: 24V / 5
W ; Output power for light effect: 10 W ; Dimensions: 205 x 175 x 75 mm

Рачен јавувач UNIPOS FD 3050
Manual call point (without transparent cover)
Supply voltage: 15-30VDC ; Degree of protection: IP 40 ; Current (max): <
44. 70mA/24VDC ; Operation temperature: -10°C to 55°C ; Relative humidity: 720,00
(93±3) % at 40°C ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-1.5)mm2 ;
Material: ABS , Red
Капак-маска за рачен јавувач UNIPOS 3050
45. -Plastic transparent cover with breakable seal 125,00
LED индикатор UNIPOS RI 31
Designed to duplicate the light signal from activated automatic fire detector.
46. Central placed LED (f10 mm) and specially designed reflector provides maximal 200,00
Звучен индикатор UNIPOS RI 31S
47. Sound Remote Indicator 390,00
Designed for sound signal of activated automatic fire detector.
Паник светло за пожар GR-7 ( sifra: 61215 )
48. Autonomy min: 180 , 90; Fluorescent Lamp: 6W (T5); Lumen : 100lm, 210/ 2.171,00
50lm, 210lm, 50lm; Supply Voltage: 220V - 240VAC/50-60Hz; Τightness: IP 20
AC-DC Industrial DIN rail power supply EDR-150-24
Output 24V at 6.5A(230Vac) / 24V at 5.2A(115Vac); Technology: AC/DC; Power
49. Format: DIN rail; Output Power (W): 150; Output Voltage (V): 24; Output 5.620,00
Current (A): 6.5; Input Voltage (V): 90 – 264; Universal Input: 110/230V; Metal

Zener barrier for explosion protection of hazardous areas

The ZENER BARRIER is a safety barrier for operating an electronic
50. instrumentation system as an intrinsically safe explosion-proof system in 23.000,00
processes subjected to explosive gases or vapor.

51. 1x2x0,8 ПП кабел (ш.9950)
52. Kabel 2x2x0.8mm JE-H (St) H crven (ш.62172)
Halogen-free cable BITNER HTKSHekw 2x2x0.8
(Made in Poland) (ш.63186)
Operating voltage: 150V; Insulation resistance (minimum): 500MΩ*km; Pair loop
resistance at 20°C (maximum): 0,8mm - 75 Ω/km; Temperature range: Fixed
installation: -25°C up to 70°C; Fire resistant, halogen-free, flame retardant, no
corrosive gases (acidity pH ≥ 4,3; conductivity < 10 μS/mm), low smoke АКЦИЈА
53. emission (light transmittance over 60%), low fire load (calorific value); Cores: 38,00/m
solid copper conductor class 1, acc. to PN-EN 60228, Insulation: halogen-free
compound, Core colors: acc. to PN -92/T-90321, Core arrangement: core twisted
in pairs, pairs twisted together, Wrapping: polyester tape, Screen: aluminium
backed polyester type with tinned copper drain wire 0,4mm dia, Outer sheath:
halogen-free polymer compound, Outer sheath color: red
54. 2x2x0,8mm JE-H (St) H FE180/E90 orange (ш.62168) АКЦИЈА

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Назад кон навигација на ценовник
Carbon Monoxide Detector Tester Solo C3-001
Many multi-sensor fire detectors detect carbon monoxide (CO) as well as smoke
55. and / or heat. Under international codes and standards the CO cell needs to be 3.180,00
functionally tested with a CO stimulus from the protected area through the
detector vents to the sensor. Designed for use with Solo 330 / 332 dispensers
Smoke Detector Tester Solo A5-001
Approved all over the world the Solo A3 delivers, to the detector under test,
56. particles replicating those found in smoke, so providing full compliance for 3.500,00
functional testing. Non-flammable ; Fastest activation ; Fastest clearing time ;
Non-toxic ; No harmful residue
Aerosol Smoke Dispenser Solo 330
Fundamental to functional smoke checking for many professionals around the
world the Solo 330 contains the test aerosol and ensures that it is applied
57. correctly and contained only where required. Universal design suits widest range
of detectors (up to 100mm / 4" in diameter) ; Swing frame for use at / from
angles ; Transparent test cup for clear view of detector LED

UNIPOS адресибилни контролни панели

UNIPOS Addressable Modular Fire Alarm panel 7000M (ш.63429)
Number of Loop Addressable Devices per loop: up to 210; Number of Loop
Addressable Devices per panel: up to 2100; Number of Loop Modules per Panel:
up to 5 (total 10 loops); Number of Loop Modules per System: up to 64; Number
of BIO modules: up to 5 per panel; Number of Addressable devices per System:
up to 13440; Detection zone: contain up to 32 loop detectors, fire inputs or/and
manual call points; Detection zones per Panel / System – up to 1023 / 30 per
loop; Alarm zones per Panel / System: up to 1023 / 30 per loop; Protection
zones per Panel / System: up to 1023 / 30 per loop; Alarm zones and Protection
58. zones can be activated from any Detection zones (One Detection zone cannot 101.840,00
activate two Alarm zones); Configurable Week schedule (Day/Night mode):
sensitivity and logic change to detectors, delays change in Alarm zones;
Configurable sounder melodies in alarm and pre-alarm state (Warning-state) for
every Alarm zone; Panel Network Connection – redundant CAN network support
up to 16 Panels, up to 13 440 detectors; Maximum number of addressable and
conventional fire alarm devices: up to 35 per loop, up to 350 per panel
connected to the loops – conventional and addressable devices; Input voltage:
110VAC - 240VAC; 50/60Hz; Pmax: 185W; Operation temperature:-5° to +40°C;
Humidity: up to 93% without condensation; Cabinet size: 419x204x520mm
UNIPOS Interactive addressable rate of rise heat detector with built-in
line isolator type FD7120M (ш.63430)
This fire detector is designed for early warning of a fire condition upon reaching
a rate of rise of the temperature or fixed temperature threshold in the protected
premises. The principle of functioning of the fire detector is based on ohmic
resistance alteration in the thermistor as a result of the ambient temperature
change. The temperature class is programmable from the Fire Control Panel
7000M via specialized data exchange protocol UniTALK. A built-in isolator for
short circuit protection is provided in the detector. FD7120M is fitted on base
7100. Supply voltage: (18-30)V DC; Current consumption in Duty Mode: not
59. more than 300µA; Current consumption in Alarm Condition: (2±1) mA; Current 1.650,00
in Alarm Condition from output RI/KL: (2±1)mA; Time to enter Duty mode after
power supply is on: up to 30s; Reset time: 5s; Time to enter Duty mode after
reset: up to 40s; Temperature class: programmable P A2R or A2S (acc. EN54-
5:2017 + A1:2018); Protected area: circle with diameter 10m (acc. EN 54-14);
Height of mounting: up to 8m (acc. EN 54-14); Degree of protection: IP 43;
Operational temperature range: minus 10°C - plus 55°C; Relative humidity
resistance: (93±3)% at 40°C; Type of the connecting line to the base: two-
wire, a single-core or multi-core insulated, shielded wire; Cross section of the
connecting wire: 0,8-1,5mm2

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UNIPOS Interactive addressable optical smoke detector with built-in
line isolator FD7130M (ш.63431)
This fire detector is designed for early warning of a fire condition responding to
fixed threshold smoke concentration detected in the protected premises. The
principle of functioning of the detector is based on infrared rays distraction
caused by smoke particles entering the optical chamber. The smoke sensitivity is
programmable from the Fire Control Panel 7000M via specialized data exchange
protocol UniTALK. A built-in isolator for short circuit protection is provided in the
detector. FD7130M is fitted on base 7100. Supply voltage: (18-30)V DC; Current
60. consumption in Duty Mode: not more than 300µA; Current consumption in Alarm 1.970,00
Condition: (2±1) mA; Current in Alarm Condition from output RI/KL: (2±1)mA;
Time to enter Duty mode after power supply is on: up to 30s; Reset time: 5s;
Time to enter Duty mode after reset: up to 10s; Smoke sensitivity: middle or
20% higher (complies with EN54-7:2018) or 20% lower; Protected area: circle
with diameter 15m (comp.with EN 54-14); Height of mounting: up to 11m
(comp.with EN 54-14); Degree of protection: IP 43; Operational temperature
range: minus 10°C - plus 55°C; Relative humidity resistance: (93±3)% at 40°C;
Type of the connecting line to the base: two-wire, a single-core or multi-core
insulated, shielded wire; Cross section of the connecting wire: 0,8-1,5mm2
UNIPOS Interactive addressable combined optical smoke and Rate of
rise heat detector with built-in line isolator FD7160M (ш.63432)
This fire detector is designed for early warning of a fire condition responding to
fixed threshold smoke concentration or rate of rise temperature or fixed
temperature threshold detected in the protected premises. The principle of
functioning of the optical part is based on infrared rays distraction caused by
smoke particles entering the optical chamber. The principle of functioning of the
heat part is based on ohmic resistance alteration in the thermistor as a result of
the ambient temperature change. The smoke sensitivity and the temperature
class are programmable from the Fire Control Panel 7000M via specialized data
exchange protocol UniTALK. A built-in isolator for short circuit protection is
61. provided in the detector. FD7160M is fitted on base 7100. Supply voltage: (18- 2.070,00
30)V DC; Current consumption in Duty Mode: not more than 300µA; Current
consumption in Alarm Condition: (2±1) mA; Current in Alarm Condition from
output RI/KL: (2±1)mA; Time to enter Duty mode after power supply is on: up
to 30s; Reset time: 5s; Time to enter Duty mode after reset: up to 10s;
Temperature class: programmable P A2R or A2S (acc. EN54-5:2017 + A1:2018);
Smoke sensitivity: complies with EN54-7:2018); Protected area: circle with
diameter 10m (acc. EN 54-14); Height of mounting: up to 8m (acc. EN 54-14);
Degree of protection: IP 43; Operational temperature range: minus 10°C - plus
55°C; Relative humidity resistance: (93±3)% at 40°C; Type of the connecting
line to the base: two-wire, a single-core or multi-core insulated, shielded wire;
Cross section of the connecting wire: 0,8-1,5mm2

DB 7100
62. Standard base for detector series 7100 265,00

UNIPOS Manual call point with build short circuit isolator FD7150M
The manual call point FD7150M is designed for indoor installation as a
component of an Addressable Fire Alarm System IFS7000 series. The unit is
compatible with the requirements of the European Standard EN54-11:2001/
A1:2005, EN54-17:2005/AC:2007. The FD7150M manual call point has a built-in
63. short circuit isolator for the signal loop. All statuses from FD7150M are send and 2.130,00
visualised on the control panel. Minimum operating voltage: 18VDC; Nominal
operating voltage: 24VDC; Maximum operating voltage: 30VDC; Current
consumption in duty mode: 290+/-30uA; Electrical Installation: Through terminal
for connecting wires with cross-section (0,5-1,5)mm2; Application: INDOOR
USE, TYPE A (direct operation); Operational temperature range: from - 10°C to
+ 55°C; Relative humidity resistance: (93±3)% at 40°C; Material: ABS

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UNIPOS Addressable siren 7206M (ш.63436)
7206M siren‚ is applicable for sound and LED indication of events registered in
Interactive Fire Alarm System 7000M. 7206M is intended for indoor usage (type
A) and complies to EN54-3. Communication between sounder and control panel
64. is established over private network protocol UniTalk. Maximum number of 4.140,00
sounders in the 7000M signal loop: 30 pcs. Voltage: 18-30V DC; In active state:
8mA on 24 VDC(on red led with four diametrically located ‹ashing leds);
Temperature: from -10°C to +50°C; Protection: IP21C; Construction: ABS
UNIPOS Base sounder 7205 (ш.63434)
Sounder base 7205 is analog (non-addressable) fire alarm sounder and can be
used together with all Unipos addressable detectors with build in remote
indication control - series FD71XX and FD71XXM. Sounder base 7205 is power
supplied directly from addressable loop and can be activated over build in
remote indicator of attached addressable detector series FD71XX and FD71XXM.
7205 meet EN54-3 requirements. Maximum number of sounders per loop in
65. IFS7002 and 7000M addressable fire alarm panel series: 30 pcs.; Operating 4.780,00
voltage: 18-30VDC; Melody type and frequency: Slow whooLorem ipsup (DIP1 is
OFF), 0.5-1.2kHz ISO8201 - Em vacuate signal (DIP1 is ON), 970Hz; Alarm
current for all melodies: High volume setting (DIP3 is OFF) 8mA @24VDC, Low
volume setting (DIP3 is ON) 6mA @24VDC; Sound level at 1 meter distance:
78dB/24VDC; Temperature: -10°C to 50°C; Protection: IP21C; Construction:
ABS; Type: "A" indoor usage only; (detector is not included)
UNIPOS Input-Output Device FD7203M (ш.63435)
Input-Output device 7203M is designated to produce and send an electrical
signal to various devices in case of occured events and recording external
impacts, typical for a fire condition events. Device is compatible with addressable
66. fire control panels 7000M, supplementing the possibilities of the addressable 5.100,00
system. Addressable loop supply voltage from addressable loop: (18:30)Vdc;
Relay electrical specifications: 30V DC /1 A, 125V AC/0,5A; Degree of protection:
IP30; Operating temperature range: from -5°C to +40°C

UNIPOS адресибилни контролни панели

Interactive Addressable Fire Alarm panel UNIPOS IFS 7002-1 LOOP
One signal loop, 125 addresses and branches possibility ; Graphic LCD
display with touch screen panel; Up to 64 zones; Nonvolatile archive
memory - up to 1023 events; 1 x CAN interface; 1 x RS232 interface ; 2
monitored outputs ; 1 relay output for fire condition ; 1 programmable
relay output for fire condition ; 1 relay output for fault conditions ;
Fire alarm zones: Maximum number of zones: 64 ; Maximum number of fire
detectors and in/out devices: 60
67. Fire alarm loop: Maximum number of fire detectors in a loop: 125 ; Connecting
line: two-wire shielded ; Maximum resistance of a loop: 100W ; Output 45.620,00
resistance of a loop: 20W ; Maximum consumption of a loop: 200mA; Monitored
outputs: 2 pcs ; Type: potential ; Electrical characteristics: (24±5)V/0,5A; Relay
output for fire conditions: 1 pc ; Type: potential free, switching ; Electrical
characteristics: 3A/125VAC; 3A/30VDC; Relay (programmable) output for fire
conditions: 1 pc; Type: potential free, switching ; Electrical characteristics:
3A/125VAC; 3A/30VDC ; Relay output for fault conditions: 1 pc ; Type: potential
free, switching ; Electrical characteristics: 3A/125VAC; 3A/30VDC
Interactive Addressable Fire Alarm panel UNIPOS IFS 7002-2 LOOPS
Two signal loops, 250 addresses and branches possibility; Graphic LCD
display with touch screen panel; Up to 250 zones; 2 monitored
outputs; 3 relay outputs; Nonvolatile archive memory - up to 1023
events; 2 x CAN interfaces; 1 x RS232 interface
Addressable devices in one signal loop: Up to 125 ; Cross section of the signal
loop wire: (0.8-2.5) mm2 ; Maximum resistance of the signal loop: 100Ω ;
68. Number of devices in one branch: Up to 32 ; Fire alarm zones: Up to 250 ;
Addressable devices in one zone: Up to 60 ; Response time to activated detector 67.900,00
signal: Up to 10 seconds ; Registered events by the counter of fire events: Up to
9999 ; Archive of events: Up to 1023 ; Power supply: mains: 220/230VAC,
50/60Hz ; backup batteries: 2x12 VDC, 18Ah (batteries not included) ; Current
consumption of power supply loop: Up to 1A ; Outputs: relay 30VDC/1A:
3;controllable 28V DC/1A:2; auxiliary supply 24VDC/1A: 1 ; Interfaces: RS 232
or RS 485: 1 ; CAN: 2 ; Operating temperature: - 5°C to 40°C ; Relative

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humidity: (93±3) % at 40°C ; Degree of protection: IP40; Dedicated zone fire
LED indication; USB interface for connection with a PC; Default network
configuration with a repeater panel IFS7002R
Interactive Addressable Fire Alarm panel UNIPOS IFS 7002-4 LOOPS
Four fire alarm loops ; 1 power loop ; 2 monitored outputs ; 1 relay
outputs for fire condition ; 1 programmable relay output for fire
condition, stage I and/or stage II ; 1 relay output for fault conditions
Maximum number of zones: 500 ; Maximum number of fire detectors in a zone:
60 ; Maximum number of fire detectors in a loop: 125 ; Connecting line on fire
alarm loops: two-wire shielded ; Maximum consumption of a loop: 200 mA ;
69. Power Loop connecting line: two-wire ; Maximum consumption of the loop: 1А ; 85.930,00
Indications of registered events: Sound signaling: built-in sounder ; Light
indication: LED ; Text messages: LCD display,320х240 points, backlit ;
Monitored outputs: 2 pcs Type: potential ; Electrical characteristics: (24±5)V
/1A. Relay output for fire condition: 1 pcs Type: potential free, switching ;
Electrical characteristics: 3A/125V AC; 3A/30V DC. Power supply: mains:
220/230V; 50Hz Number of batteries: 2pcs (no battery included), Nominal
voltage of the backup battery: 2 x 12V
Repeater for indication and control UNIPOS IFS 7002R
Graphic LCD display with touch screen panel; built-in sounder; Power supply
from panel IFS7002: Voltage: (23±7)V ; Maximal current: 180 mА ;External
power supply (in accordance with EN54-4): Voltage: (12 -30)V; Maximal
70. current:300mА. Interfaces for communication: with panels IFS7002: CAN 38.830,00
2.0B; with PC: directly RS-232 or LAN through converter RS232 – LAN Eternet;
PC keyboard for setup and programming: Directly; Indication: Light: LEDs;
Text: LCD touch screen display, 320х240 points, light; Sound: Built-in sounder
Power supply UNIPOS FS5200P
The Power Supply Device FS 5200P is an autonomous power supply source of
combined type with a backup battery and charging device. Its function is to
provide continuous power supply for the devices in the signaling installations,
fire alarm installations and automation of the fire alarm equipment. In the event
of a Fault condition (no mains supply, discharged or disconnected backup
71. battery, burnt fuse) it switches its relay output. For a light signaling of the 16.980,00
various conditions are used green and yellow LEDs located on the front panel.
Input voltage: (187-253)V AC, 50/60 Hz ; Maximum installed capacity: 120 VA ;
Output voltage: (17-28)VDC ; Output for Fault condition: Relay potential free
switching 1A/30VDC ; Backup battery: 2x12V DC/7Ah (battery not included);
Degree of protection: IP 30

UNIPOS Адресибилни детектори и додатоци

Addressable fixed temperature heat detector UNIPOS FD 7110
( Isolator included, with lock )
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of Fire condition upon ambient
temperature reaching a fixed temperature threshold. The fire detector is suitable
for premises with normal and high ambient temperature, with possible sudden
72. changes.Supply voltage: (15-30)VDC ; Terminals: For wires with cross section 1.250,00
(0.8-2.5)mm2; Degree of protection: IP 43; Operation temperature: - 10°C to
55°C; Relative humidity:(93±3) % at 40°C; Sensitivity: In accordance with
EN54-5, class A1S, A2S or BS; Mounting: Using base type 7100; Casing material:
ABS plastics; Protected area:Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m
Addressable rate of rise heat detector UNIPOS FD7120
Isolator included, with lock
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition upon
reaching a rate of rise of the temperature or fixed temperature threshold in the
protected premises. The fire detector is suitable for premises with normal
73. ambient temperature, without possible sudden changes. Supply voltage: (15- 1.540,00
30)VDC; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-2.5)mm2; Degree of
protection: IP 43; Operation temperature: - 10°C to 55°C; Relative humidity:
(93±3) % at 40°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-5, class A1S, A2S or
BS; Mounting: Using base type 7100 ; Casing material: ABS plastics, white;
Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m
Addressable optical smoke detector UNIPOS FD7130 Isolator included,
74. with lock 2.015,00
The fire detector provides reliable early warning of a Fire condition responding to

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fixed threshold smoke concentration detected in the protected premises. The fire
detector operates with an improved algorithm for self-compensation of the optic
chamber contamination, signaling the necessity for dusting the chamber. The
construction of the optic chamber and the technology used in the manufacturing
of the screen provides high level protection against entering dust particles and
insects and working under strong air flow.
Supply voltage: (15-30)VDC ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8-
2.5)mm2 ; Degree of protection: IP 43 ; Operation temperature: - 10°C to 55°C
; Relative humidity: (93±3) % at 40°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-7 ;
Mounting: Using base type 7100 ; Casing material: ABS plastics; Protected area:
Circle with diameter 15m, h 11m
Addressable combined detector UNIPOS FD7160 Combined optical
smoke and Rate of rise heat detector, isolator included, with lock
The fire detector provides reliable warning of a Fire condition responding to fixed
threshold smoke concentration or rate of rise or the temperature or fixed
temperature threshold detected in the protected premises.
75. Supply voltage: (15-30)VDC ; Terminals: For wires with cross section (0.8- 1.880,00
2.5)mm2 ; Degree of protection: IP 43 ; Operation temperature: - 10°C to 55°C
; Relative humidity: (93±3) % at 40°C ; Sensitivity: In accordance with EN54-7
and EN54-5, class A1R, A2R or BR ; Mounting: Using base type 7100 ; Casing
material: ABS plastics, white ; Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m
Adapter with built-in fire detector UNIPOS FD7201S (ш.63269)+ DB
7100 A (ш.802987)
FD7201 Conventional line monitoring module
It is designated to connect conventional fire alarm line (with up to 32 fire
detectors) as a part of the addressable fire alarm system IFS7000. The built-in
short circuit isolator is available.A heat rate of rise heat detector type FD7120 is
76. integrated into module FD7201. The module is power supplied via the signal 3.770,00
loop, and up to 5 modules can be connected in each of the loops.It shall be
mounted with base type 7100A. Supply voltage: (15-30)VDC Conventional line
voltage, (14-30) VDC Conventional line current ; Fault condition interruption: (0-
2) mA ; Duty mode: (3-13) mA ; Fire condition: (14-50) mA ; Fault condition
Short circuit: More than 50 mA ; Degree of protection: IP 43

DB 7100
77. Standard base for detector series 7100 265,00

База за монтажа на влажни површини

The installation set АС 8002 is designed for installation of Fire Detectors 7000
78. and 8000 Series in damp premises or premises where condensate is formed; for 350,00
example, hangars, tunnels, underground stations, shafts, etc. The set might be
used with bases 8000, 8000D, 8000R, 8000RD, 7100, 7100A.
База за монтажа на нерамни површини
79. The installation set АС 8003 is designed for installation of Fire Detectors 7000 350,00
and 8000 Series on rough surfaces. The set might be used with bases 8000,
8000D, 8000R, 8000RD, 7100, 7100A.
Детектор за чад UNIPOS YKB-02A
Duct smoke detector
Duct smoke detector is designed to detect the presence of smoke in airstream of
ductwork sections or ventilating compartments by the smoke detector mounted
in it. In the device is mounted an optical-smoke fire detector type FD7130. In
80. order to control the condition of the integrated fire detector, on the housing of 7.390,00
the duct smoke detector is mounted an outboard LED Remote Indicator RI31. In
case of smoke in the main air conduit, part of this smoke goes through the duct
smoke detector and activates the fire detector. The latter sends signal to the Fire
Control Panel and the outboard Remote indicator.
Addressable manual call point UNIPOS FD7150
Manual call point (without transparent cover), with isolator included
It is designated to release a signal for a Fire condition to the Fire Control Panel
81. IFS7002 upon manual activation by breaking the glass on the place, signed with 2.020,00
arrows. The light indication for activating the manual call point is provided by a
red LED. There is possibility for testing by a special key. It satisfies the

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requirements if the European Standard EN54-11 for a type A manual call point
and EN54-17
Капак-маска за рачен јавувач 7150
82. -Plastic transparent cover with breakable seal 150,00
Addressable sounder UNIPOS FD7204C + DB7100 base (ш.63452)
Sounder and Beacon with isolator,
Addressable sounder beacon device – base with built-in short-circuit isolator and
accumulator battery, is used for sound and flash indication on registered events
by the Interactive fire alarm panel IFS7002. FD7204 response to European
83. standards EN54-3, EN54-17 and EN54-18. Power consumption from the signal 3.925,00
loop in “Alarm mode” of the sounder beacon: ≤6mА; Sound level on distance 1
m: 90dB ; Cross section of the connecting wire: (0,8-2,5) mm2 ; Protection
rating: IP 21 ; Rechargable battery: PLi-Ion 3,7V/320 mAh ; Minimum life cycle
on fully charged battery in Alarm mode: 1 hour
Addressable siren with flash FD-7204D
FD7204 sounder is connected to the signal loop of the IFS7002 panel, through
84. the custom UniTalk protocol. Sound level: 80dB; Power supply: 15-30VDC; 4.150,00
Protection rating: IP20; Working temp. (°C Min/Max): -10/+50
Addressable single output monitored module UNIPOS FD7203R
Output device with two isolators included: 1 output;
The output module is implemented to control external devices for the Fire Alarm
System IFS 7000 via potential-free relay contact. The type of the contact -
85. normally open or normally closed is selected by jumper. 2.827,00
Relay output: 1 pc. ; Type: potential free, NО or NC ; Electrical parameters:
1А/30V DC 0,5А/125V АC ; Constant current supply output: 1 pc. ; Voltage:
(12-30)V DC ; Maximum current: 1 А ; Operational temperature range: minus
10ºС plus 55ºС
Input-Output device UNIPOS FD7203 1/1
Input-output device with isolator included: 1 input; 1 output;
The Input-Output device FD7203 is designated to produce and send an electrical
signal to various devices in case of occurred events and recording external
86. impacts, typical for a fire condition events. Relay: 1 pc. ; Type: potential free, 4.985,00
switching functions ; Electrical specifications: 30VDC /1A, 125VAC/0,5A ;
Controllable: Type: potential ; Electrical specification: (12÷30)V DC; Relative
humidity resistance (no condensation): from -5°С to 40°С
Input-Output device UNIPOS FD7203 3/6
Input-output device with isolator included: 3 input; 6 output;
87. The Input-Output device FD7203 is designated to produce and send an electrical 7.960,00
signal to various devices in case of occurred events and recording external
impacts, typical for a fire condition events
Input-Output device UNIPOS FD7203 10/16
Input-output device with isolator included: 10 input; 16 output;
88. The Input-Output device FD7203 is designated to produce and send an electrical 10.400,00
signal to various devices in case of occurred events and recording external
impacts, typical for a fire condition events

RM 1
89. Output relay module (8A/250VAC) for connection to a fire 1.200,00
control panel 28 VDC outputs.

Interface module UNIPOS RS 232/485

Interface Module RS232/485 is designed for implementing the communication
function between fire control panels and a personal computer or between fire
90. control panels, connected into a network. Supply voltage: (5±0.25)VDC (the 4.660,00
module is power supplied from the fire control panel via a ribbon cable);
Consumption: 10mA; Operational temperature range: from minus 10°C to plus
60°C; Relative humidity: (93±3)% at 40°C
Interface module UNIPOS RS-LAN
The interface module RS-LAN is an auxiliary device for establishment the
communication of Fire Control Panels, manufactured by UniPOS with a personal
91. computer through the internet network. The operation of the module is ensured 15.400,00
by software, including not only the installation of virtual COM port into the
personal computer but service software for the Fire Control Panels. The module

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can be used as included in system 7000 for connection of the control panel with
a computer at greater distances or to be included in a network of conventional
control panels and remote control panel for indication FS5200R, as a real
substitute for the relevant environment (RS232 or RS485) to the existing
Ethernet network (LAN). Supply voltage: (12-28)V DC (the module is power
supplied by terminal +28V from the Control Panel) ; Consumption: up to 50 Ma ;
Operational temperature range: from - 5°С to plus 40°С

SATEL Fire alarm control panel with 2 loops ACSP-402 (ш.63846)

LCD display for easy day-to-day operation of the system; Support for the
repeater panel and virtual panel (mobile app); 2 loops – support for up to
128 devices per loop; Up to 256 detection zones; Support for up to 32
groups; Support for addressable detection circuits of the following types: loop
(up to 2 circuits), radial line (up to 4 circuits), loop with a side line/side lines; 8
relay outputs (Output for controlling automatic fire protection equipment);
Support for fire and fault signal transmission systems devices; Built-in buffer
power supply supporting a single 12V battery(12V/17Ah); 24V power supply
outputs; Staff presence schedule – automatic switching of alarm modes and
sensitivity of smoke detectors; Possibility to create interlinks between zones,
sub-zones and groups; Support for up to 256 call points (detectors / MCPs);
Support for a printer; 4 programmable inputs on the control panel mainboard
92. (NO, NC); Inputs: Monitoring of external devices status, e.g. for reporting fire 50.920,00
alarms and failures; Outputs: 2 control outputs for conventional sirens;
Dedicated power supply output for ACSP-ETH and ACSP-RSI modules; Signal
delay at outputs; RS-485 communication buses: 2 bus ports for connecting:
APSP-402 repeater panel, ACSP-ETH module (for extending the control panel
with an Ethernet port), ACSP-RSI module (for opto-isolation of the bus and
connection of a printer); E-mail notification (requires connecting the
ACSP-ETH module): 4 addresses for notification, selection of event types for
notification, periodic diagnostic reports; Non-volatile memory for up to 9999 fire
alarms; Non-volatile memory for 8999 events (including fire alarms); Switching
mode power supply APS-318 with short circuit protection; Automatic switching to
back-up power supply (battery) in case of failure of the main power supply;
Operating temperature range:-25°C...+55°C
Repeater panel SATEL APSP-402 (ш.63847)
The repeater panel is designed for the remote operation of the ACSP
addressable fire alarm control panel. The ACSP-402 control panel can be
connected with one APSP-402 repeater panel. Possibility to fully operate the fire
93. alarm system from a remote location up to 1 km; Connection to the control 35.000,00
panel over the RS-485 communication bus; LEDs for signalling the status of the
control panel; LCD display for: presenting information about the alarm
presenting messages, viewing the list of current disablement, test or failure
conditions, viewing the history of alarms and other events; Built-in piezo
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transducer for acoustic signalling; Switching mode power supply APS-318
included; Enclosure with a space for a 12 V / 7 Ah battery; Automatic switching
to back-up power supply (battery) in case of failure of the main power supply
RS-485 bus galvanic isolator SATEL ACSP-RSI (ш.63849)
Opto-isolated RS-485 port for connecting the ACSP-ETH module and APSP-402
repeater panel; Galvanic isolation of the RS-485 bus; RS-485 port for connecting
94. the ACSP-402 / APSP-402 repeater panel; RS-485 port for connecting to a 4.560,00
second ACSP-RSI module; Capability to connect a thermal serial printer; 12-18 V
DC power supply from the ACSP-402 control panel / APSP-402 repeater panel;
Operating temperature range: -10°C...+55°C
Ethernet communication module SATEL ACSP-ETH (ш.63848)
The ACSP-ETH module enables the remote preview of the fire alarm system
status using a mobile device or a computer. Preview of the fire alarm system
status in the VIRTUAL APSP app; Fire alarm system events and status
notifications via e-mail messages; Presentation of the fire alarm system status in
95. the INTEGRUM app; Capability to synchronize time with the NTP time server 7.960,00
ethernet connection; RS-485 port for connecting to the ACSP-402 control panel /
APSP-402 repeater panel; 12-18 VDC power from the ACSP-402 control panel /
APSP-402 repeater panel; Automatic IP address configuration over DHCP;
Operating temperature range: -10°C...+55°C
Addressable fixed temperature / rate-of-rise heat detector
SATEL DCP-400 (ш.63850)
The DCP-400 detector can detect the early stages of fire development when
there is a temperature rise. Thermal sensor with A1R characteristics
according to EN 54-5; LED indicator; Easy installation of the detector in the
96. DB-400 base; Support for the remote alarm indicator WZ-110; Minimum static 1.540,00
response temperature: 54°C, Maximum static response temperature:
65°C; Built-in short circuit isolator at the device input and output; Dust cover
included; Power supply from the detection line; Operating temperature range: -
Addressable optical smoke detector SATEL DRP-400 (ш.63852)
The DRP-400 detector can detect the early stages of fire development when
there is some visible smoke. LED indicator; Unique Swirl chamber to accelerate
smoke detection; Possibility to set 4 sensitivity thresholds for smoke
detection in the detection zone; Precise Hexamesh filter made of stainless
97. steel; Detection of dirt buildup in the optical chamber; Easy installation of the 1.800,00
detector in the DB-400 base; Support for the remote alarm indicator WZ-110;
Built-in short circuit isolator at the device input and output; Power supply from
the detection line; Operating temperature range: -25...+50°C; Power supply
voltage: 18...26 V DC
Addressable multisensor smoke and heat detector
SATEL DMP-400 (ш.63851)
The DMP-400 detector can detect the early stages of fire development when
there is some visible smoke and/or temperature rise. Visible smoke sensor; Heat
sensor; Class according to EN 54-5 (heat sensor): A1R; Minimum static
response temperature: 54°C; Maximum static response temperature:
98. 65°C; Detection of dirt buildup in the optical chamber; Smoke sensor sensitivity 2.500,00
adjusted by the control panel (4 sensitivity levels); LED indicator; Double-sided
short-circuit isolator; Power supply from the detection line; Installation on the
DB-400 base by SATEL (sold separately); Ability to connect the WZ-110 remote
indicator; Dust cover included; Operating temperature range: -25...+50°C;
Power supply voltage: 18...26 V DC

Addressable detector base SATEL DB-400 (ш.63859)

99. Suitable for 400-Series detectors; Clear labelling for easy connection to the 330,00
system; Compatible with 10x20 mm cable trunking

100. Industrial base for detector sockets SATEL PDB-100 205,00

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Conventional side line module SATEL MLB-400 (ш.63858)
The MLB-400 module is used to connect conventional detectors (DMP-100/DRP-
100/DCP-100) or manual call points (ROP-110/ROP-111) to the addressable fire
101. alarm control panel. Up to 32 detectors or 10 manual call points supported; 2.120,00
Double-sided short-circuit isolator; Power from the detection line; Possible
installation in places where condensation of water vapor occurs; Power supply
voltage: 18...26 V DC; Operating temperature range: -10°C...+55°C
Addressable manual call point SATEL ROP-400 + mounting box ROP-BS
(ш.63853 + ш.63860)
The ROP-400 call point is used to manually trigger an alarm when a fire is
discovered. Mechanical activation memory; LED to signal activation or fault;
102. Special key for resetting after activation; Built-in short circuit isolator at the 2.150,00
device input and output; ROP-401 model intended for outdoor applications;
optional protective cover to prevent unintentional activation – ROP-FLAP; Power
supply voltage: 18...26 V DC; Operating temperature range: -10°C...+55°C
Protective cover for ROP-400 SATEL ROP-FLAP (ш.63861)
The ROP-FLAP protection cover is designed for installation on manual call points
103. ROP-400 or ROP-401. It provides protection against accidental activation of the 140,00
call point. The cover has to be lifted up in order to make it possible to activate
the alarm by pressing the call point window.
Addressable indoor fire alarm sounder SATEL SPP-400 (ш.63854)
The SPP-400 indoor sounder is used for acoustic alarm signalling. Acoustic
signalling by means of piezoelectric transducer; Different tones for different
104. alarm conditions, selection of 32 signal tones; Built-in short circuit isolator at the 2.650,00
device input and output; Power supply from the detection line; IP rating: IP21C;
Power supply voltage: 18...26 VDC; Operating temperature: -10°C...+55°C
Addressable outdoor fire alarm sounder SATEL SPP-401 (ш.63855)
The SPP-401 outdoor sounder is used for acoustic alarm signalling. Different
tones for different alarm conditions, selection of 32 signal tones; Built-in short
105. circuit isolator at the device input and output; Power supply from the detection 2.970,00
line; IP rating: IP65; Power supply voltage: 18...26 VDC; Operating temperature:
Addressable remote LED indicator SATEL WZ-400 (ш.63856)
The WZ-400 indicator is used to indicate the selected events in the fire alarm
system by LEDs. Optical signaling by LEDs; Signaling controlled by the control
106. panel: capability to link the indicator with a single detector, a single side line 1.010,00
module, zone or group, selection of events to be indicated; Double-sided short-
circuit isolator; Powered from the detection line; Power supply voltage: 18...26 V
DC; Operating temperature: -10°C...+55°C
Conventional input / output module SATEL MIO-400 (ш.63857)
The MIO-400 module is used to supervision and control of fire protection
equipment or fire protection systems and other devices. 4 inputs: selection of
input polarity: NO or NC, programmable input type, detection of short circuit or
open circuit. 4 relay outputs: programmable output type, capability to control
107. electrical devices powered with 230 VAC, resistive, inductive or capacitive load 3.820,00
switching. Double-sided short-circuit isolator; Power from the detection line;
LEDs to indicate: input state, output state, faulty input, faulty module;
Mountable on 35 mm DIN rail. Power supply voltage: 18...26 V DC; Operating
temperature: -10°C...+55°C


Gas controller with 2 inputs for DIN rail mounting
Gas controller GA-300.E.02 can control 2 gas detectors. Signal light and sound
when passing the alarm levels and switch actuators. Have 2 alarm levels with
LED indication and differential audible alarm depending on the alarm level.
108. Number of inputs: 2; Supported sensors: GS-300.L; Alarm levels: 2; 18.999,00
Signalization: LED, sound; Output signals: relay SPDT, 230V/2A; Working
voltage: mains (220 VAC/50Hz); back up (12 VDC); Power consumption: 5W to
12W (depends from the number of sensors); Working temperature: -20 ÷ +50°
C; Humidity: 30÷90% RH; Enclosure material: ABS; Dimensions: 71x90x58 mm

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Gas controller with 3 inputs for DIN rail mounting
Gas controller GA-300.E.03 can control 3 gas detectors. Signal light and sound
when passing the alarm levels and switch actuators. Have 2 alarm levels with
LED indication and differential audible alarm depending on the alarm level.
109. Number of inputs: 3; Supported sensors: GS-300.L; Alarm levels: 2; 20.999,00
Signalization: LED, sound; Output signals: relay SPDT, 230V/2A; Working
voltage: mains (220 VAC/50Hz); back up (12 VDC); Power consumption: 5W to
12W (depends from the number of sensors); Working temperature: -20 ÷ +50°
C; Humidity: 30÷90 % RH; Enclosure material: ABS; Dimensions: 106x90x58mm
Gas controller with 4 inputs for DIN rail mounting
Gas controller GA-300.E.04 can control 4 gas detectors. Signal light and sound
when passing the alarm levels and switch actuators. Have 2 alarm levels with
LED indication and differential audible alarm depending on the alarm level.
110. Number of inputs: 4; Supported sensors: GS-300.L; Alarm levels: 2; 22.999,00
Signalization: LED, sound; Output signals: relay SPDT, 230V/2A; Working
voltage: mains (220 VAC/50Hz); back up (12 VDC); Power consumption: 5W to
12W (depends from the number of sensors); Working temperature: -20 ÷ +50°
C; Humidity: 30÷90% RH; Enclosure material: ABS; Dimensions: 106x90x58mm
LPG detector GAS SENSE GS-300.LLPG.50
Gas sensors Gas Sense GS-300.L are monitoring methane and LPG and signal
exceeding the permissible concentrations. Fast response and long life sensors
are guaranteed by using a catalytic measurement principle. Microprocessor
control and self diagnostic function ensure correct operation of the sensor.
111. Detected gases: Methane, LPG; Sensor element: catalytic; Measuring range: 0 – 10.990,00
50% LEL; Output signals: 0-4-12-20 mA; Working voltage: 12 ÷ 24V DC; Power
consumption: < 2W; Sizes: 160х120х48mm; Weight: 0.180kg; Material of
enclosure: ABS; Ingress protection: IP65; Working temperature: 0÷+ 50ºC;
Humidity: 30 ÷ 90% RH; Pressure: 1 bar ± 20%; Runtime: more than 5 years in
standard conditions; Certified in accordance with: D98/336/CEE-EMC; EN 50270
CO detector GAS SENSE GS-300.A.CO.500
Catalytic gas sensors for combustible gases; Electrochemical gas sensors for
toxic gases; Semiconductor gas sensors for refrigerant gases; Analog current
output; Comply with EN 50270; IP65 plastic enclosure; LED status indication;
112. Non intrusive calibration via external magnetic adapter without opening the 14.990,00
instrument; Working voltage: 12 – 30 VDC; Power consumption: 3W; Output
signal: 4-20mA; Working temperature: -20 - +50°C; Humidity range: 10 –
Подвижен GAS детектор GS-500.LK
Portable GAS LEAK Detektor
Detected gases: CH4, LPG, H2 ; Preheating time: 20 sec ; Working time with 1
113. set batteries: > 6 h ; Batteries: 2 х 1,5V /AA/ LR06 ; Signalization: LCD, sound; 11.100,00
Working temperature: -10 ÷ +50˚С ; Humidity: 30 ÷ 90% RH; Pressure:
atmospheric ±10%
METAN детектор CH4 H-220
Detected gas: methane /CH4/; Detected range: 0÷20% DGV ; Relay output:
114. SPDT, 230V/2A; working voltage: 230V/50Hz; Power consumption: 5W; Sound 5.180,00
signalisation: differential >85dB; LED indication; Working temperature: -10÷
+50˚С, humidity: 30 ÷ 90% RH; Pressure: atmospheric ± 10%
LPG детектор LPG H-220
Detected gas: LPG ; Detected range: 0÷20% LEL ; Relay output: SPDT, 230V/2A
115. ; Working voltage: 230V/50Hz ; Power consumption: 5W ; Sound signalization: 5.180,00
differential >85dB ; LED indication ; Working temperature: -10÷ +50˚С ;
humidity: 30 ÷ 90% RH ; Pressure: atmosphere ± 10%
CO детектор CO H-220
Detected gas: carbon monoxide /CO/ ; Relay output: SPDT, 230V/2A ; Working
116. woltage: 230V/50Hz ; Power consumption: 5W ; Sound signalization: differential 6.990,00
>85dB ; LED indication ; working temperature: -10÷ +50˚С ; Humidity: 30 ÷
90% RH ; Pressure: atmospheric ± 10%

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LPG детектор GAS SENSE GS-220.BC.V.LPG (ш.63638)
Analogue Gas Detector for Combustible Gases – LPG
Reliable operation of the detector is ensured by the self-diagnostic function,
which constantly monitors the condition of the sensor and signal lines and alerts
117. in case of fault. Sensor calibration is done remotely with magnetic key without 21.220,00
opening the enclosure that facilitates periodic inspection and maintenance. Gas
sensors GS-220.BC.V are in a metal housing with IP 65. Working voltage: 12 –
30 VDC; Output signal: 4-20mA; Working temperature: -20… +50 C; Cable
connection: Cable gland(s) M16 (M20)

GAS SENSE Adressable gas controller and detectors

Addressable gas controller Gas Sense GA-ADR.E1-16-DC 16 (ш.63600)
This controller manages till 32 gas detectors; Have 3 alarm levels with light and
sound indication, 4 relay outputs; RS-485 interface; LCD display, non volatile
memory for alarm events; diagnostic of communication lines and gas detectors,
the possibility of a external battery power supply; Developed in enclosure for
DIN rail mounting; Gas controller GA-ADR.L is compatible with gas sensors GS-
118. ADR.BC.V and GS-300.N. 37.200,00
DIN rail mounting enclosure; Number of inputs: 1; Alarm levels: 3; Max number
of gas detectors: 32; Communication: RS-485; LCD display; LED indication;
Relay outputs: 4pcs. (2A/220VAC); Working voltage: mains (230 VAC/50Hz),
Back up (12 VDC); Non volatile memory for events; Sound signalization; Real
time clock; Working temperature: 0 - 50°C; Humidity: 30 - 95 % RH
Addressable Gas Detector for Toxic Gases
Gas Sense CO GS-300.N.CO.500 (ш.63599)
GS-300.N..CO.500 CARBON MONOXIDE 0-500ppm; Addressable gas
detectors GS-300.N for detection of combustible, toxic and refrigerant gases;
Catalytic gas sensors for combustible gases; Electrochemical gas sensors for
toxic gases; Semiconductor gas sensors for refrigerant gases; Analog current
output; Comply with EN 50270; IP65 plastic enclosure; LED status indication;
119. Non intrusive calibration via external magnetic adapter without opening the 12.730,00
Measuring principle: electrochemical; Measuring range: ppm; Outpiut signal:
RS485; Power supply: 12÷30V/DC; Power consumption: < 2W; Enclosure
material: ABS; Ingress protection: IP65; Cables entries: М16/M20; Working
temperature: -20 ÷ +50ºC; Expected sensor life: till 5 years under normal
conditions (for (catalytic and semiconductor sensors); Comply with the
requirements of EN 50270

COFEM опрема за детекција на гас

1 zone and 20 detectors CO control panel with doble ventilation
• Control panel of 1 ventilation zone with diffusion sensor brand COsensor model
SCO (CO sensor) and SDN (NO2 sensor).
• Dry contact output (COM / NA) for ventilation 1 and ventilation 2 (DVB model
120. • 30Vdc 0,5A output. 32.890,00
• Dry contact alarm output.
• Space for 2x12 Vdc 2 Ah batteries (DVB model only).
• Display 3-digit, 7-segment.
• Dimensions: 248 x 240 x 115 mm.
• UNE 23300 certified.
2 zones CO control panel with doble ventilation
COFEM ZCO225DVBIDM (ш.64115)
• Control panel up to 2 ventilation zones with diffusion sensors brand COsensor
model SCO (CO sensor) and SDN (NO2 sensor).
• Dry contact output (COM/NO) Ventilation 1, Ventilation 2 (DVB models only)
and alarm.
121. • Fault dry contact output (COM/NO/NC). 49.860,00
• Auxiliary 30 Vdc 1A power output.
• Concentration measures averaged according to EN 50545-1 up to 60 minutes.
• Ventilation level 1, ventilation level 2 (models DVB) and alarm selectable from
5 to 300 ppm of CO and from
0,1 to 30 ppm of NO2.

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• Delay time for activation and delay time to stop of ventilation 1 and ventilation
2 (models DVB), selectable
between 0 and 10 minutes.
• Delay time for activation and delay time to stop of the alarm selectable
between 0 and 5 minutes.
• Maintenance mode to check operation of sensors.
• System with auto configuration functionality.
• Space for batteries 2 x 12 Vdc 7 Ah (DVB models only).
• Backlit LCD Display 4 lines and 40 characters.
• Dimensions: 418 x 324 x 150 mm.
• Designed according to European standard EN 50545-1.
• UNE 23300 Certified
Carbon monoxide sensor COFEM SCO (ш.50200)
Compatible with conventional control panel CCO and MiniCO models
and addressable control panel ZafirCO.
• The sensor base support installations with 16 mm diameter pipe.
• It has red LED which identifies the sensor communication and concentrations
of ventilations and alarm.
122. • Connected with addressable control panels, it supports maintenance mode to 5.200,00
check the status of the sensor
when face to test gas.
• It contains programming number to allow identification of sensor at
addressable control panel.
• Designed according to European standard EN 50545-1.
• UNE 23300 certified.
123. Baza za detektor ZSCO SCO & SDN (ш.50201) 430,00
Detector capable of measuring the concentration of NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
and transmit the reading to central control, for further processing. For a
measurement of 2 ppm for NO2 DNO2 detector, the control panel
computes an equivalent of 50 ppm of CO. Similarly, for a 15 ppm NO2
DNO2 detector measurement, control panel computes equivalent of
300 ppm. The max cover of each detector is 200 m². Recommended to
install the detectors at a height of 1,5 to 2m. recommended the use of cable
124. with a minimum section of 1,5 mm² and, in a lineal distribution of detectors, the 18.000,00
maximum length of this cable by zone should not exceed the 600m. In case the
length of the cable by area exceeding 600 m a minimum cross section of 2.5
mm² cable should be used. The detectors have a led that indicates: GREEN
LIGHT: Indicates the correct operation of the detector, RED LIGHT: Indicates
greater than 2 ppm NO2 concentration (50 ppm CO). UNE 23300 recommended
to change sensor every 4 years. Warning: DNO2 detectors have polarity.
Supply voltage 13-28V, reset voltage <12,5V. Dimension: diameter 115mm, high

125. COFEM DNO207 BASE FOR DNO2 870,00


When the concentration of CO/NO2 accumulated in the room is high enough to
126. be dangerous to people, the COsensor detection units activate the alarm output. 5.300,00
Operating voltage: 10.8 – 28Vdc; Power consumption: 90mA max.; Buzzer SI:
98dB at 1m; Operating temperature: -10 to 50ºC; Dimensions: 365x180x50mm

INIM адресибилна ПП опрема

Remote-control repeater panel for SmartLine and SmartLight control panels;
127. Remote repeater panel equipped with display and user-interface keypad (up to 4 29.167,00
for each control panel)

Minimodule output voltage free relay VMMC120

128. Argus protocol 4.969,00

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Input /Output module VMIC120
129. Supervised relay; Relay output; Argus protocol 5.833,00

Box MB100
130. Wall mount box for addressable input/output module; Argus protocol; 702,00
Dimension: (85x85x25mm)

Translator VW2W
Loop-powered wireless translation device. Processes signals from detectors,
131. modules, call points and all wireless devices, and then relays the information 20.957,00
regarding the devices and its own status to the control panel.

Wireless Optical Smoke Detector SG100

Designed to meet the standard EN54-7 and EN54-25; Operating frequency 868-
870 MHz; Bi-directional wireless communication; Self optimising wireless
132. amplitude and frequency; Automatic wireless channel hopping; Fully intelligent; 16.744,00
High reliability and sensitivity; Utilises standard low cost lithium battery
technology, fully monitored; Immediate transmission of alarm, fault and tamper
Analogue addressable detector VEGA V100
Intelligent Photo Detector; Average standby current consumption:70 uA @ 24 V;
133. Remote output max current consumption (externally limited): 20 mA; Operating 3.349,00
temperature range:-30 °C / +70 °C ; Humidity: 95% RH (no condensation);
Argus protocol
Analogue addressable temperature detector VEGA V350
Intelligent Thermal Detector; Average standby current consumption:755 uA @
134. 24V; Remote output max current consumption (externally limited): 20 mA; 3.349,00
Operating temperature range: -30 °C / +70 °C; Humidity: 95% RH (no
condensation); Argus protocol

135. Standard base for analogue addressable VEGA series detectors VB100 238,00

Addressable Sounder VLS100

Loop-powered addressable Sounder/Flasher. Low power consumption.
136. Compatible with all analogue-addressable fire-detection control panels. 8.210,00
Selectable sound output up to100dB; Selectable tone by means of DIP micro
Addressable resettable Callpoint VCP100
Connect directly to the detection loops of addressable analogue control panels.
This manual callpoint is designed in accordance with the European Call Point
137. Standard (EN54-11) and offers all the advantages and convenience of the Reset 4.645,00
concept. Simple key reset.

GST адресибилна ПП опрема

Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel GST200-2/2
Technical Specifications
Approved by LPCB; Two loop addressable fire detection panel packed; Loop
capacity 477 intelligent devices; Loop Capacity: Loop 1:235 ;loop
2:242(Address); 30 logical configurable zones; PAS and Acknowledge Function;
138. Dirty Detector Reporting ; Graphical LCD Display; Zone indication and manual 95.065,00
intervention panel; Net-workable with all GST intelligent fire panels; Built-in
RS485 repeater output; Optional GMC system ; Optional Panel Printer; Standard:
EN54 Part 2/4 ; Approvals: LPCB, CE; Input Current Rating: 0.500A; System
Operating; Volт:24VDC Nominal (20-27 VDC); Loop Capacity: Loop 1:235 ;loop

139. Communication card for GST200-2 P-9930 5.185,00

140. Network card for GST200-2 9.323,00

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Intelligent Multi Sensor combination heat/photoelectric I-9101
Combining all the features of the I-9102 Optical and the I-9103 Dual Heat; Ideal
alternative to Ionization detectors; Adjustable smoke detection sensitivity
141. Technical Specifications: Operating Voltage: 24VDC Loop; Standby Current: 3.215,00
0.6mA; Alarm Current: 1.8mA; Temperature: -10 ~+50°C ,Relative Humidity:
95%; Field Programmable Sensitivity: 0.1dB/ m~0.56 dB/m-3 levels;
Dimensions: Diameter 100mm, Height 50mm

Standard Detector Base DZ-03

142. Base for termination and fixing of detectors; Non-electronic component; 216,00
Common base for I-9101/1/2/3/4

Digital Manual Call Point DI-9204

Re-settable (non-breaking glass) via special key; Advanced digital
communication; Electronically addressing; Friendly installation and test; Wiring
before termination; Semi-flush mount installation; Optional back-box for surface
143. mount; Stylish pleasing design; LPCB Approved; Technical Specifications: 3.565,00
Protection Rating: IP55; Operating Voltage: 24VDC Loop; Standby Current:
0.6mA , Alarm Current: 1.8mA; Operating Environment: Temperature: -10
~+50°C , Relative Humidity: 95%; Application: Indoor use; Dimensions: 87 x
87.5 x 58 mm, Surface Mount 87 x 87 x 23.5 mm, Flush Mount
Addressable sounder and strobe GST I-9403
Strobe by high intensity LED cluster; Two Addresses tones ( Alert & Evacuate);
Evacuate only or Alert/Evacuate mode can be set through hand held
programmer; Remote start input can be used to co-operate with other systems;
Electronically addressed; Operating Voltage : Loop 24V, 24 V DC Power Supply;
144. Operating current : 5.160,00
- Loop : Standby current - 1 mA; Alarm Current - 5 mA
- Power Supply : Standby Current - 3 mA , Alarm current 65 mA;
Sounder Output 94dB @ 1 Meter; Wiring: Non-polarized two-core for loop, Non-
polarized two-core for 24VDC power supply; Operating environment:
Temperature : -10 ~ +50°C, Relative humidity: 95%
Addressable GAS detector I-9602L
Available for LPG, Natural, Gas & Coal; Built In Relay contact for Gas Valves ETC
145. ; Manual reset & Control(On/Off) Relay ; 2 stage alarm built in sounder ; 6.750,00
Electronically Addressed ; Operating : 24V DC Loop, 24V DC P.S ; Stand By
Current : 8Ma ; Alarm Current : 12mA
Power Supply Unit PSU24-5
24 volt DC intelligent PSU, 5 ampere and 10 ampere version; Digital display
146. showing output voltage and load current; Fully monitored with output 36.729,00
protection; Addressable intelligence for monitoring and reporting to main fire
alarm panel (PSU24-5A & PSU24-10A)

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