Instructions Examinees CSExePrf Exam June22Session

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01ST JUNE, 2022 to 10TH JUNE, 2022
1. Immediately, after taking the print-out of the Admit Card from the website of the Institute every candidate is advised to carefully verify all the particulars mentioned in
his/her Admit Card, i.e. his/her Name, Photograph, Signature, Registration Number, Stage
and Module(s) of Examination enrolled for, Examination Centre (Name, Address, Code, etc.),
Medium of Examination, Dates and Timings of Examination, Details of Paper-wise Exemption
granted, Elective Subject in case of Professional Programme, etc. In case of any discrepancy,
the same must be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately at our support portal
2. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the “Instructions to Examinees” for their strict
compliance. Since the particulars mentioned by the candidates on the OMR based cover page
of the main Answer Book are to be read by a machine for result processing activities, any
wrong information mentioned may affect the result of the candidate adversely and for that
the Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying such mistake(s).
3. Candidates should carry with them (i) Admit Card (please ensure that nothing is written by
candidate on the admit card); and (ii) Student Identity Card duly issued/authorised by the
Institute to the Examination Centre every day for establishing their identity and securing
admission to the Examination, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the Examination
Apart from these, Candidates are allowed to carry the following to the Examination Hall:
 Special permission/ letter, if any, as accorded by the Institute to PwD (Persons With
Disability) candidates;
 Face mask;
 50/100 ml sanitizer in transparent bottle;
 Stationary Items – Pen, Pencil, Eraser, ordinary (not scientific) calculator of prescribed
specification, scale and other requisite stationery item necessary for writing
Examination in a transparent pouch;
 Transparent water bottle (however, drinking water will be available at Examination
 Transparent Examination board;
 Wrist watch (which should not have any feature except to display time, day and date).
Watch of any other specification shall not be allowed).
 No other item shall be allowed to be carried into the Examination premises.
4. Candidates must verify that their names/ date of birth in the Student account registered with
ICSI are correct as per the Certificate of Matriculation. Candidates should maintain uniformity
in his/ her name as per the Certificate of Matriculation. In case of any discrepancy, the same
should be rectified before commencement of the Examination.
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 1 -
5. Candidates must correctly fill/ update their details in the student account registered with the
Institute at its portal with valid e-mail ID, mobile number and complete address for receiving
communication/ updates/ announcements/ information, etc. with regard to CS Course/
Examination/ Result. Do not share your credentials to anybody for access to your student
account registered with the Institute.
6. The Superintendent of Examination Centre and the Invigilators have been advised to verify
the identity of each and every candidate at the time of entry into the Examination Hall and
while taking candidate’s signature on the Attendance Sheet. Accordingly, each candidate must
show his/her Admit Card and Student Identity Card to the Invigilator/Supervisory Staff on
demand at any time during the course of Examination.
7. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are in possession of a valid Identity Card as
downloaded from the individual online student account at duly attested
by the authorized official(s) of the Institute. In case, due to any reason, the photograph and
signature of the student are not available in the downloaded Identity Card, Candidate should
update the same in their student account immediately for validation and in the meantime the
candidates should affix his/her photograph and put the signature on the downloaded Identity
Card and get it attested by Gazetted Officer/ Member of ICSI/ Principal of Recognized
School/Manager of Nationalised Bank. For any reason, if some of the candidates are not
holding the Identity Card due to technical/ practical problems, they may bring any other
Photo Identity Card issued by the Government Departments, viz. Passport, Driving License,
PAN Card, UID Aadhar Card, Voter I-Card, etc. to establish their identity vis-à-vis the
particulars appearing in the Enrollment Details/Attendance Sheet. Besides Student Identity
Card/other documents specified above as identification proof, the candidates should also
bring one identical photograph and hand over the same to the Superintendent of Examination
Centre for affixing on the Attendance Sheet.
8. The Candidates are required to successfully complete the Pre-Examination Test and ODOP
(One Day Orientation Programme) as prescribed, to become eligible for enrollment to CS
9. Candidates are advised to visit the venue of the Examination Centre beforehand to know
about the exact location so as to avoid any inconvenience and reach in time at the Examination
Centre on the day of the Examination.
10. Candidates will be allowed to enter in to the Examination Hall 60 minutes before the time
specified for the commencement of Examination in a systematic manner (one candidate at a
time) and occupy their allotted seats in Examination Hall after due screening and procedure.
Candidates shall not roam around unnecessarily in the Examination premises.
11. The candidates should leave for the Examination Centre well before the stipulated time
keeping in view the weather, traffic conditions, etc. No candidate shall be allowed to enter
the Examination Hall after the expiry of half-an-hour of the commencement of Examination
and no candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the expiry of one (1)
hour after the commencement of Examination.
12. Under no circumstances, any request for change of Examination Centres will be entertained
after closure of the window for the same. The Examination Center mentioned in the Admit
Card will be the final one and no change in the same will be allowed in any circumstances.

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 2 -

13. In case any candidate appears at an Examination Centre other than the one indicated in
his/her Admit Card, the Answer Book(s)/ result of such a candidate is liable to be cancelled.
14. The seating arrangements of the candidates shall be displayed on the notice board at the
entrance of the Examination Centre. Candidates will find their roll numbers written against the
seats allotted to them at the Examination hall/room. They should occupy their allotted seats
15. In case, before the Examination or during the currency of Examination, any situation arises,
due to which special seating arrangement is required to be made on medical grounds, such
candidate may submit his/her application to Joint Secretary, Directorate of Examinations
along with copies of supporting documents which includes Medical Prescription/ Doctor’s
Report, X-Ray Report, etc. for consideration. No facility including special seating
arrangement shall be granted by the Examination Centre without permission from the
16. Candidates are not required to appear in the paper(s) in which they have been granted
paper-wise exemption as shown in the Admit Card as well as the Attendance Sheet. The
exemption(s) as appearing in the Admit Card should match with the exemption(s) as
shown in the Attendance Sheet. In case of any discrepancy with regard to paper-wise
exemption(s) shown in the Admit Card and/or any mismatch with the exemption(s) as
appearing in the Attendance Sheet, it should immediately be brought to the notice of the
Superintendent of Examination Centre and the Directorate of Student Services of the Institute
in writing through our support portal for necessary clarification and
confirmation. However, exemption in any paper(s) of Examination should not be assumed
unless confirmed in writing by the Institute. No communication in this regard will be
entertained by the Institute at a later stage after the Examination.
17. The paper-wise exemption in any paper(s) of the Examination, once sought by the
candidate and granted by the Institute remains valid and is printed in his/her Admit Card
(Roll No.) and taken on record for computation of his/her results unless it is cancelled by
the student by submitting a formal request to the Institute at the online portal after logging into the individual account of the students. Exemption
once cancelled on student’s request shall not be revived subsequently under any
18. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions under 60% marks criteria have been granted
exemption(s) in the respective papers and such exemption(s) has/have been shown in
the Admit Card as well as the Attendance Sheet. The status of available exemptions is
also available in the individual account of the students at: .
Further, if such candidates appear in any paper disregarding the exemption granted as
shown in the Admit Card, the exemption will be cancelled by the Institute without notice
and shall not be revived under any circumstances.
19. It is reiterated that the paper-wise exemptions granted to the students are cancelled on
submission of a formal request to the Institute at the online portal
or in the event of reappearance in the respective papers by the students despite an
endorsement reflecting the exemption granted in the Admit Card.
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 3 -
20. It may be noted that in some cases, the exemptions granted in more than one paper in
accordance with the various provisions contained under the Regulations are inter-related
with other exemptions granted and cancellation (or appearance) in any one of the papers
may result in cancellation of exemptions in all the inter-related papers. For example, if a
candidate has been granted paper-wise exemptions in three papers on the basis of scoring
64, 59, 57 & 10 marks respectively in the four papers contained under Module - I of
Executive Programme in previous session and in case he/she appears or cancels the
exemption in any one out of the three exempted papers having scored 60% marks in
aggregate, all the three exemptions shall be cancelled since the exemption criteria in this
case is applicable only if all the three papers are taken together. Such guidelines are
equally applicable for the students of Professional Programme also.
Candidates are, therefore, advised to be extremely careful while seeking cancellation or
while appearing in the exempted papers, as the final result will be computed considering
the actual marks scored on reappearance and/or the deemed absence in the papers as the
case may be. In other words, candidates appearing in the exempted papers despite an
endorsement to the effect in the Admit Card shall be doing so at their own risk and
responsibility and the Institute may not be held responsible for any eventuality which
may arise at a later date. In case of any doubt regarding the applicability of rules
regarding the exemptions, students should invariably seek prior clarifications from the
Institute by writing through our support portal before deciding on
their own to appear in the Examination of exempted subjects or seeking cancellation of
exemptions granted.
21. Candidates who have switched over from Professional Programme 2012 Syllabus to
Professional Programme 2017 Syllabus, have been granted paper-wise exemptions as per
the switchover scheme. The candidates are advised to immediately verify the same and point
out discrepancies, if any and write to
22. The medium of writing the Examination for Executive Programme and Professional Programme
is English or Hindi as per the option exercised by the candidate and as indicated in the Admit
Card and Attendance Sheet. Candidates, who write some of the papers/answers in Hindi
medium and some in English medium other than the opted one, will be treated as cancelled.
In case of any doubt or discrepancy in Hindi language in the question paper, the English
version of the questions shall prevail. Candidates should write the answer to the questions in
the medium, i.e., English or Hindi as opted by them while enrolling for the Examination.
23. All Question Papers will be provided in English language except the following two papers of
Executive Programme of Module-II, which will be provided in English with Hindi version to those
candidates who have opted Hindi Medium for writing their respective Examinations and such
Hindi Medium candidates must darken the circle against the column ‘Medium of Writing –
HINDI’ on the cover page of their main Answer Book No.1:

Executive Programme - Module II

1. Securities Laws and Capital Markets
2. Economic, Business and Commercial laws

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 4 -

Such candidates should ensure that they received the question paper printed in Hindi language
along with English version. In case the question paper of above subject(s) in Hindi medium as
opted by him/her is not received, the matter should be immediately brought to the notice of
invigilator/Centre superintendent for immediate action. No representations shall be
entertained subsequently in this regard.
24. No candidate shall bring or carry with him/her any Book, Study Material, Handwritten or
Printed Notes, Pieces of Paper (chits), Mobile Phone, Scientific or Programmable Calculator,
Blue Tooth, Laptop, Palmtop, Smart Watch, Health Band or any other electronic/
communication device or gadget in the Examination Hall. The candidates are warned to
remain prepared that in the event of suspicious behaviour of any examinee in the Examination
Hall/Room/Premises, he/she would be searched/ frisked to demonstrate that he/she does not
possess any prohibited/objectionable item(s) with him/her.
25. Personal belongings including mobile phones are not allowed inside the Examination room.
Candidates are advised not to bring valuable personal belongings to the Examination
venue and the Institute or Examination Centre shall not be responsible for arranging safe
keeping of the item(s) brought to the Examination Centre or in case they are lost, damaged
or stolen. No correspondence shall be entertained by the Institute in this regard.
26. Candidates should refrain themselves from spreading rumours and hosting any kind of
material including Examination on social media websites like, WhatsApp, Instagram,
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Any suspicious activity observed/rumours being spread,
should immediately be brought to the notice of Joint Secretary (Examinations)/Centre
Superintendent of nearby Examination Centre. Rumor-mongers shall be liable for disciplinary
27. Candidates are required to write answers to Questions in their own hand writing with blue
colour ink pen/ball-point pen. Writing answers with red or green ink or any other colour
ink is prohibited. Accordingly, candidates are advised to bring their own pen for their use.
Borrowing/ lending/ exchanging of any item with other candidate(s) during the Examination
in the Examination Hall/Room is prohibited.
28. Candidates are allowed to use their own battery operated noiseless and cordless ordinary
calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits and 2 memories. Use of programmable,
scientific or printing model of calculators or calculators not conforming to above specifications
shall not be permitted. Borrowing or exchanging of calculators or any other item/material
shall not be permitted in the Examination Hall.
29. Irrespective of the use of calculator in the Examination, candidates are advised to invariably
show all important steps and working notes relating to solutions of practical problems along
with their answers and rough work done marked as “ROUGH WORK TO QUESTION
NO……….” and scored off by drawing two parallel lines across such rough work.
30. On receipt of Question Paper, first of all, every candidate must write his/her Roll Number on
the top of Question Paper at the specified space provided on the front page. Further, every
candidate is required to satisfy himself/herself that he/she has received correct and complete
Question Paper without any torn, mutilated or damaged pages and also verify it with
reference to the Question Paper Code, Examination Time-Table as given in the Admit Card,
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 5 -
and see that the total number of questions and printed pages as mentioned on the front page
of the Question Paper are in order/complete in all respects.
31. In case any candidate has received a wrong question paper, i.e., question paper of a different
subject/ stage of the Examination, he/she should immediately bring it to the notice of the
invigilator/ Centre Superintendent and get it replaced with the correct question paper. No
extra time for writing such Examination be granted and no subsequent representation about
supply of wrong/ incomplete Question papers shall be entertained by the Institute.
32. Candidates are warned not to write anything on the Question Paper (except their Roll Number
and tick mark [√] for the questions attempted), Admit Card, Student Identity Card, etc. and
not to take away anything(s)/paper(s) from the Examination Room/ Hall other than copy of
their own Question Paper, Admit Card, Student Identity Card, Scale, Pen, Calculator, hand
sanitizer, water bottle etc. Writing of hints, bullet points, short answers, etc., on Question Paper
is strictly prohibited and tantamount to adoption of Unfair Means in the Examination
33. On receipt of Answer Book, Candidates should ensure that all the pages of the Answer Book
are intact and not mutilated / torn or damaged. In case of discrepancy the same should be
brought to the notice of the Invigilator on duty or Supervisory Staff.
34. Candidates should correctly write their Roll Number in words and figures inside the boxes and
darken the corresponding OMR circles provided on the cover page of the main Answer Book
in blue or black ball point pen only and nowhere else in the Answer Book including additional
Answer Book(s). Any violation of this instruction will tantamount to adoption of unfair means
and will attract punishment which may include debarring from appearing in the Examination.
35. The Attendance Sheets contain the perforated ‘Roll Number Barcode Stickers’ for each day’s
paper for each candidate against his/her name. Before signing the Attendance Sheet on each
day of Examination, the candidate should remove the perforated ‘Roll Number Barcode
Sticker’ of that particular paper from the Attendance Sheet and affix the same at the
appropriate space in the box provided on the cover page of the main Answer Book. Since
OMR machine will read the Roll Number, candidates should check and ensure that the Roll
Number written in words, figures and circles darkened are correct. Roll numbers and other
details should be written in neat and clean manner and cutting/ overwriting thereon shall be
avoided. In case this information is filled wrongly, Institute will not take any responsibility for
rectifying the mistake.
36. While affixing the ‘Roll Number Barcode Sticker’ on the space provided on the cover page
of main Answer Book, it must be ensured by each candidate that the Roll Number Barcode
Sticker belongs to him/her and it is related to that particular day’s paper only. It must also
be ensured that candidates sign the Attendance Sheet only after removal of the Roll Number
Barcode Sticker and affixing it on the cover page of the Answer Book as specified. This is to
ensure that the candidate’s signature on the Attendance Sheet does not cross over into the
sticker and deface it. Candidate should sign Attendance Sheet against his/ her Roll number
and date of Examination only.
37. Every candidate on each day of the Examination must sign the attendance sheet in the
appropriate column against his/her Roll No. and in no case shall leave the Examination hall
without signing the attendance sheet. Candidates are required to carefully fill-up relevant
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 6 -
particulars such as Roll Number, Date of Examination, Stage of Examination, Name of Subject,
Medium of Writing, No. of Answer Books used, etc., at the appropriate space and put their
signature(s) within the box provided for the purpose on the cover page of main Answer Book.
Candidates should not write anything on the lower half space of the cover page of main
Answer Book meant for use of ICSI/ Examiners. Violation shall entail disciplinary action.
38. Each candidate is required to maintain uniform pattern and style of his/her handwriting on
Answer Book(s) as well as signature(s) in all correspondence with the Institute - particularly
while signing his/her Attendance Sheet and on cover page of main Answer Book in the
Examination Hall/ Room with reference to his/her specimen signature appended on the Admit
Card, Student Identity Card and Examination Enrolment Form.
39. Candidates should write answers on both sides of all pages of Answer Book(s) and use all
pages of the main Answer Book before asking for additional Answer Book. In order to avoid
wastage and possibility of misuse of Answer Book(s), candidates will be issued additional
Answer Book only on demand after they have completely used the main Answer Book. Any
attempt to tamper with the Answer Book(s) or tearing page(s) from the Answer Book(s) for
any reason whatsoever, or taking them out of Examination Hall/ Room shall tantamount to
misconduct punishable under the Examination rules and regulations and shall entail stern
disciplinary action.
40. Candidates are strictly advised not to write any irrelevant/extraneous matter, mention name,
roll no, mobile no, make appeal to examiners for award of pass marks, write name or put
signature in the Examiner’s/checker’s column, use different colours of pen (other than blue),
write criticism of question paper, make religious/special symbols/sketches of God or
salutation or invocation to God, or disclosure of own identity by any mean, etc., in the Answer
Book(s). Candidates should not put a tick mark (√) or cross mark (X) or write question numbers
on the front page table of the main Answer Book meant for the examiner. Violation of this
instruction shall tantamount to use of unfair means and may lead to the cancellation of result
as well as student registration.
41. No candidate should be allowed to leave the Examination Hall (i) within one hour of the
commencement of Examination; (ii) during last 15 minutes of the Examination timing; (iii) without
signing the Attendance Sheet; and (iv) without properly handing over his/her Answer Book(s)
to the Invigilator.
42. In case any candidate leaves the Examination hall/room after the expiry of one hour but
before two hours of commencement of Examination, he/she should surrender his/ her
question paper to invigilator and he/she shall not be entitled to claim it subsequently.
43. Candidates must attempt questions in accordance with the directions as given on each Question
Paper. If the questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions
attempted first up to the required number will be valued and awarded marks and the
remaining answer(s) will be ignored.
44. Answer to each question must be started from a fresh page and all parts/sub- question(s)
of that question should be attempted consecutively and that the candidate must clearly and
prominently mention the respective Question and sub-question No. at the start of each answer
and draw parallel lines underneath the question number on the left-hand side margin of the
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 7 -
page e.g., “Ans. to Q. No. …”. Candidates are advised not to write anything outside the
margins of pages of Answer Books except Question No. /Sub-Question No. nor should they
leave any blank space(s)/page(s) in between the answers or Answer Book(s).
45. Candidate must put a cross mark (X) against the respective Question No.(s) attempted by
him/her in the appropriate box provided on the cover page of the Answer Book to indicate
that cross (X) marked question(s) have been attempted by him/her.
46. Candidates are expected to write to-the-point answers to the questions in neat and legible
handwriting quoting relevant provisions of the Acts/Rules, citing case law, display of analytical
ability drawing logical conclusion and lucid presentation in support of the answers wherever
applicable, and be conversant with the amendments to the laws made up to six months
preceding the date of Examination.
47. Candidates shall not seek/ask for any clarification/ interpretation/ advice on any
question(s)/question paper from the Centre Superintendent/Invigilators/General Observers
on duty during the currency of Examination. Such Candidate(s) can make a separate
representation to the Institute after completion of Examination on the same day or within seven
days after the conclusion of Examinations in its entirety. Institute may not consider the
representations received after the specified period.
48. Candidates should write their answers in legible manner. Any Answer Book containing bad
and illegible handwriting is liable to be awarded “ZERO” marks by the examiner.
49. The additional Answer Book(s) should be fastened to the main Answer Book No.1, in such a
manner that it lies flat when opened. The total number of Answer Book(s)used (including main
Answer Book) must be clearly indicated on the cover page of the Answer Book No.1, e.g., 1
+ 1 = 2 to denote use of one main Answer Book plus one additional Answer Book. However,
no. of additional Answer Books used shall also be denoted by darkening the appropriate
circle on the cover page of Main Answer Book.
50. No candidate, without specific permission of the Superintendent/Invigilator, shall leave his/her
seat during the course of Examination. It shall be the personal responsibility of the candidate
concerned appearing in the Examination to properly fill-up all relevant particulars in neat and
correct manner on the cover page of main Answer Book. On completion of Examination or
expiry of the prescribed Examination timing, the Answer Books, even if the same is blank, must
at once be handed over to the Invigilator on duty in his/her Room/Hall and the Invigilator’s
signature be obtained in the relevant column of acknowledgement printed on the Admit Card
in token of having handed over his/her Answer Book(s). The Superintendents of Examination
Centres have been advised to issue acknowledgement in the aforesaid manner, through the
Invigilators, for submission of Answer Books by the candidates.
51. Any representation regarding omission to handover the written Answer Book(s) and/or
additional Answer Book(s) or not obtaining the acknowledgement from the Invigilator for
handing over his/her Answer Book(s), for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained
after the Examination in that paper is over.
52. Any candidate attempting to copy or found copying or referring to or found in possession of
any printed/handwritten material, notes, books, mobile phone or any electronic device etc.,
or exchanging notes or answer scripts with any other person or copying from the work of
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 8 -
another candidate or writing answers in the Answer Book of any other candidate or answers
got written by other candidate or person or allowing any other candidate to copy/refer to
his/her work, helping or asking help from any other person in any manner or communicating
by means of words, signs, gestures, codes, and other similar acts to exchange, impart or
acquire relevant information in the Examination hall/premises will be treated as adoption of
unfair means in the Examination. Similarly, any candidate found consulting, talking, whispering
with any person in the Examination Hall/ Room or in the corridor/toilet within the premises of
Examination Centre during the course of Examinations shall be dealt with strictly and punished
severely for adoption of unfair means under the rules and regulations of the Institute.
53. The Superintendent of Examination has absolute power to expel a candidate from the
Examination Hall/ Room if in his/her opinion the candidate has adopted /attempted to adopt
unfair means for the purpose of answering the questions in Examination or behaved in a
disorderly manner in and around the Examination Hall/ Room or obstructed the
Superintendent or invigilating staff in carrying out his/her duties or attempted to offer illegal
gratification or attempted to apply undue influence or threat or blackmail any person
connected with conduct of Examination. A candidate so expelled, must before leaving the
Examination Hall, submit to the Institute his/her explanation in writing through the
Superintendent of Examination. Once a candidate is so expelled, he/she may not be allowed
to appear in the remaining paper(s) of the Examination. Over and above, for any such
misconduct of grave nature, the candidate shall be subject to disciplinary action under the
provisions of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 and/or other appropriate legal
action under the laws of the country and particulars of such candidates or cases will be suitably
notified in the Institute’s official bulletin/on Institute’s website.
In view of the prevailing situation in the country due to COVID-19, candidates appearing in the
Examination are advised to follow the below given instructions strictly (in addition to the general
instructions given above), for their safety and to prevent the spread of virus infection in and around
the Examination halls/premises:
1. All candidates must ensure before reaching the Examination Centre that they do not have any
symptom or suffering from COVID-19.
2. Candidates should not come to the Examination Centre for writing the Examination, if he /she
is tested COVID-19 positive whether symptomatic or asymptomatic or having any of the
symptoms like fever, cough, sneezing, breathing problem, headache, running nose, chest
congestion, sore throat etc., during the last 10 days or under self-isolation or quarantine or
returned from any foreign country within the last 14 days of the Examination.
3. Self-Declaration by the candidates regarding health status is required to be downloaded
along with the Admit Card. Candidates have to take the print out of the “Self-Declaration
Form” and fill the same carefully. The signed copy of the “Self-Declaration Form” shall be
submitted by the candidates to the Superintendent of Examination Centre on the first day of
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 9 -
4. Candidates should maintain proper social distancing from each other while entering and
leaving the Examination premises and in the Examination hall during the conduct of
5. Candidates should mandatorily wear face mask covering the mouth and nose throughout the
course of Examination.
6. Candidates will be allowed to enter the Examination hall in a systematic manner (one
candidate at a time) 60 minutes before the commencement of the Examination.
7. Candidates shall be allowed to enter the Examination premises only after thermal screening.
8. Candidates should carry with them exam related documents (i.e., Admit Card, Identity Card)
and stationary items etc. as instructed. Candidates should not carry any banned/ prohibited
item with them into the Examination premises.
9. Candidates shall be provided with hand sanitizer to clean their hands before entering the
Examination premises/ hall and also while leaving the Examination premises.
10. Besides wearing face mask, candidates can carry their own small transparent bottle of
drinking water and hand sanitizer in the Examination hall for personal use during the
Examination. Sharing of personal belongings shall not be allowed.
11. Candidates shall remove the mask only at the time of their personal identification and signing
of the Attendance Register.
12. Seating arrangement of the candidates for each day of Examination shall be displayed at
the notice board near the entrance of the Examination Centre to enable the candidates to
locate their Examination room/hall easily.
13. Candidates shall ensure that they reach the Examination Centre well in time. Candidates
should not stand in groups outside and inside the Centre premises either before or after the
conclusion of Examination and follow social distancing norms.
14. Candidates should maintain proper hygiene and not to spit anywhere in the Examination
15. Candidates after using the wash rooms should sanitize or wash their hands with sanitizer/soap
or liquid soap made available by the Centre inside the washrooms.
16. Candidates should strictly follow the instructions given by the officials of the Examination
Centre to avoid any inconvenience/confusion/difficulty at the Examination Centre.
17. In case any candidate feels unwell or any difficulty, he/she should immediately report the
same to the invigilator/ Centre superintendent.
18. On completion of the Examination, the candidates will be permitted to move out in systematic
manner i. e., one candidate at a time. Please wait for instructions from invigilator and do not
get up from your seat until advised.
19. All candidates are advised to co-operate with the Examination functionaries for adherence to
the COVID-19 and other guidelines during conduct of Examination.

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 10 -

(These Instructions are in addition to and not in substitution of Instructions to Examinees, Part-A and Part-B)
1. Examination of the following three subjects of the Executive Programme shall be held in OMR

Sr. No. Executive Programme Module

1. Corporate and Management Accounting II

2. Tax Laws I

3. Financial and Strategic Management II

Examination of the above three papers of Executive Programme will be held on 07th, 08th and
09th June, 2022 respectively.
2. The candidates will be provided Question Paper Booklet, 5 minutes prior to commencement
of Examination and OMR Answer Sheet, 15 minutes prior to commencement of Examination
for filling relevant columns thereon and appearing in the OMR based Examination.
3. The candidate must write his/ her 6 digit Roll Number as allotted to him/her and printed in
the Admit Card on OMR Answer Sheet in boxes and darken appropriate circles with
Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. Similarly, write Question Paper Booklet Number and also the
Question Paper Booklet Code, viz. A or B or C or D as the case may be, Subject Code and
Exam Centre Code on OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate should not write his/her name,
Registration Number and also not to make any noting/scribbling on the OMR Answer Sheet
and Question Paper Booklet except in the space provided for rough work. In case any
candidate fills in the information wrongly, the Institute will not take any responsibility of
rectifying the mistake. The Question Paper Booklet Code as darkened by the candidate will
be final and the result will be processed on the basis of the circle darkened by him/ her.
4. Candidates must correctly fill in the Question Paper Booklet Code (as mentioned on the top of
the Question Paper Booklet) in the OMR Answer Sheet, as the same will be considered final
for result computation. Candidates not filling the Question Paper Booklet Code will not be
awarded any marks.
5. Question paper booklets for the OMR based Examination in respect of the following
subjects/papers shall be provided in English language only:

Sr. No. Executive Programme Module

1. Corporate and Management Accounting II

2. Tax Laws I

3. Financial and Strategic Management II

OMR Answer Sheets for all the subjects would also be provided in English language only.
Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 11 -
6. Candidates should not open the seal of the Question Paper Booklet before the time specified
for the commencement of the Examination.
7. Every candidate is required to satisfy that the Question Paper Booklet given to him/her
contains the number of pages as printed on the cover page of the booklet. In case of any
discrepancy, he/she should ask for replacement of the Question Paper Booklet immediately.
8. Candidates are required to sign on the OMR Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet in the same
manner, style and pattern as they have signed in their application form and Admit Card.
Before signing the Attendance Sheet, candidate should remove the “Roll No. Barcode Sticker”
of that particular paper from the Attendance Sheet and affix the same vertically in the space
provided on the OMR Answer Sheet, re-affirm that all information has been correctly filled
and OMR darkened properly and there is no mistake in filling any column including Roll
number and Question Paper Booklet code.
9. The OMR Answer Sheet contains the serial number of questions as given in the Question Paper
Booklet. Against each question number, there are four circles marked as A, B, C, and D which
correspond to the four answer options out of which one is to be darkened as their answer to
such Question on the OMR Answer Sheet only. No marking should be done on the Question
Paper Booklet.
10. The Question Paper Booklet will consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s). Each
question will be of one mark and for every question, four answer options designated as A, B,
C and D are given in the Question Paper Booklet. The candidate is required to select one
amongst the options corresponding to the question as his/her correct answer and darken the
circle i.e. A or B or C or D as the case may be, to be the answer in the OMR Answer Sheet
with Blue/ Black ball point pen only. Use of pencil is prohibited for darkening the circle.

11. Multiple darkened circles for a question will be treated as wrong answer. For question(s) not
answered i.e. blanks, no marks will be given or deducted.

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 12 -

12. Candidate has no option to change/alter/erase the answer once he/she has answered the
question by darkening the circle. Therefore, before darkening the circle corresponding to the
question number he/she is advised to ensure the correctness /authenticity of the answer. Use
of white/correction fluid, eraser, blade, etc. is not allowed on the OMR Answer Sheet.
13. For each correct answer one mark will be awarded. There will be negative marking for wrong
answers. The negative marking will be applied in the ratio of 1: 4, i.e. deduction of one
(1) mark for every four (4) wrong answers or proportion thereof, i.e., 0.25 mark for each
wrong answer and total marks obtained by the candidates would be rounded up to next
whole number. Further, the negative marks would be limited to the extent of marks secured
for correct answers so that no candidate shall secure less than zero mark in the subject
14. The candidate will be required to surrender the OMR Answer Sheet at the conclusion of each
session of Examination against acknowledgement by the Invigilator on the Admit Card.
Candidate should also surrender his/her Question Paper Booklet if he/ she left the
Examination before the expiry of two hours from commencement of Examination, i.e. 10:00
AM to 11:00 A.M.).
15. Candidates may bring a cardboard or clipboard on which nothing has been written so as to
avoid any difficulty in darkening the circles in OMR Answer Sheet as the tables/furniture
provided in the Examination hall may or may not have even or smooth surface.
NOTE: Infringement of any of these instructions shall render the candidates liable for disciplinary
action which could lead to cancellation of results of the Examination and/or studentship
registration under the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 as in force.

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 13 -

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 14 -
10. Candidate should write his/her Roll Number in words in the allotted space- Roll Number should
also be written in figures in the boxes and appropriate circles be darkened.
11. Before signing the Attendance Sheet, candidate should remove the "Barcode Sticker" of that
particular paper from the Attendance Sheet and affix the same vertically in the space
provided on the OMR Answer Sheet.
12. Candidates are required to fill-up relevant particulars and / darken the relevant circles such
as Date of Examination, Subject, Question Paper Booklet No. and Question Paper Booklet
Code (A, B, C or D) as printed on the Question Paper Booklet, Subject Code, Examination
Centre Code and Medium of Examination at the appropriate boxes/space on the OMR
Answer Sheet. Candidates wrongly darkening/not filling in or wrongly filling in any of the
information as stated above, their answer sheet shall be liable to be rejected.
13. Candidates shall use only blue or black ball point pen for writing the particulars and
darkening the circles. They should not use gel or ink pen.
14. Negative marking for wrong answers attempted by the Candidates will be applied in the
ratio of 1:4, i.e., deduction of one (1) mark for every four (4) wrong answers.
15. Candidates should not change, alter or erase their answers once darkened. Hence before
darkening the circles corresponding to the question number, they are advised to ensure the
correctness/authenticity of the answer.
16. Candidates must duly handover the OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before leaving the
Examination Hall and the Invigilator’s signature be obtained in the Admit Card as an
acknowledgement of the same.
17. Carrying mobile phones, pagers, any kind of communication/ electronic device(s), books,
printed or handwritten materials, etc. are totally banned inside the Examination
18. Any candidate found in possession of any banned item(s) (as stated above) inside the
Examination Hall/Room/Premises will be deemed to have wilfully infringed the "Instructions
to Examines" amounting to misconduct and liable to be expelled.
19. Candidate's eligibility to appear in any paper(s) and / or examinations shall be subject to
the provisions of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, as in force.
20. Subjects and their codes for OMR based examination are as under:


i. Tax laws Executive Programme TL-424 I

ii. Corporate and Management
Executive Programme CMA-425 II
iii. Financial and Strategic
Executive Programme FSM-428 II

Instructions to Examinees| CS Examinations – JUNE, 2022 Session Pg. - 15 -

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