Amabel Tangco-Siason Article
Amabel Tangco-Siason Article
Amabel Tangco-Siason Article
3, 573-589
Sampling design is selecting an appropriate number of units from
the population of interest to provide accurate information about the
entire population. The researchers used the total population sampling
(Sharma, 2017). Total population sampling is a type of purposive
sampling technique where one can examine the entire population with
a particular set of characteristics. As shown in Table 1, the total data
collected from the 123 faculty members in a public HEI. The variables
are sex, marital status, and income classification per month which was
based on Philippine Institute for Development Studies (2022).
Participant Consent Form
The researchers explained to the participants through the Consent
Form the real purpose of the study and their cooperation by answering
truthfully the questions asked is important and assuring them their
answers were treated with the utmost confidentiality in compliance of
the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2022 and proper concurrence to the
ethical considerations and protection of the participants.
Despite the innovative nature of the topic, the sample size in this
study is insufficient to generalize its findings nationally. To enhance
the potential for broader applicability to university students in the
future, it is advisable to employ a larger sample size in subsequent
research. There is a recommendation to focus on specific aspects of
mental health among university students in future studies. Notably, the
data collection for this study occurred exclusively in a single higher
education institution in a rural area. Hence, it is conceivable that
university students and faculty members in other municipalities and
cities may present distinct perspectives and experiences regarding
mental health. Accordingly, future research endeavors should
investigate whether the mental health competence of university faculty
members in various municipalities and cities yields similar results.
Future researchers are encouraged to adopt a more comprehensive
scope that captures the mental health competence of faculty members
in diverse university settings.
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