Pts Bahasa Inggris Kls X RPL, Xi & Xii BM

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Prog. Keahlian :

Kelas / Semester :X/1

This text is for questions no. 1-7 7. a. theirs

My name is Hani. Layla and I live next to each other. … b. his
(1) often go shopping together. Layla is …(2) best friend. c. their
On Sunday, …(3) came to visit me and saw a new car d. her
outside. “Does that car be long to you?”, she asked. e. my
“Where is …(4) old car?” No, it’s not …(5)”, I said” … This text is for questions no. 8-10
(6)” belongs to david and Fatima in next door. It’s …(7) Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the
car. famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a year.
Helen is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to
1. a. She
dance Samba. They both travel around before they see
b. We
the festival. They visit some places which introduce the
c. They
culture of Brazil. Helen buys feijoada, a traditional dish
d. It
in Brazil, and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes
e. He
Helen to see the festival at night. Helen is so happy and
2. a. her say thanks to her best friend for the unforgettable
b. his memories.
c. our
8. Who is Naiya?
d. my
a. Helen’s youngers sister.
e. its
b. Helen’s best friend.
3. a. he c. Helen’s pen pal.
b. they d. Helen’s acquaintance.
c. we e. Helen’s older sister.
d. she 9. What festival does Helen visit in Brazil?
e. he a. Tango
b. Macau
4. a. your c. Samba
b. you d. Night
c. it e. Salsa
d. his 10. What is the name of the traditional dish that Helen
e. our bought?
5. a. his a. Feijoara
b. mine b. Feijoada
c. hers c. Feijonada
d. ours d. Ferijoada
e. its e. Freijoada
11. Yuri … to Bali with her sister.
6. a. its a. go
b. it b. gone
c. his c. goes
d. they d. goer
e. she e. goers
12. Kevin …roses for his grandmother who … in Jakarta. c. 15-30 feet wide
a. buys, live d. 15-35 feet wide
b. buy, lives e. 15-20 feet wide
c. buys, lives 15. Where does the Great Wall begin?
d. buy, live a. in the south at the yellow Sea
e. bring, lives b. in the north at the Red Sea
c. in the south-east at the Yellow Sea
d. in the north west at the Yellow Sea
This text is for questions no. 13-15 e. in the east at the Yellow Sea
The Great Wall of China
16. Alya : “ … you come to Helen’s party yesterday?”
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. Novi : “No. I didn’t. I …to help my brother.”
It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea, travels near a. Did – have
China’s capital, Beijing, and continues to west through b. Did – had
numerous provinces. It winds like a snake through c. Did – has
China’s varied terrain for thousands of miles. Smaller d. Do – have
walls extend from the main wall. e. Do – had
According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s 17. Simon went to Australia. He …some gifts for his
length is approximately 2,400 miles. Its thickness rangers friends there.
from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 a. bright
feet. The Great Wall has been considered as one of the b. bring
world’s wonders. The Great Wall is undeniably one of c. brought
humankind’s most prominent and enduring architectural d. brougth
feats. It is a testament to people’s ability to plan, e. bringed
organize, create and work diligently together. The wall is 18. Dina :” Have you ever been to the zoo?”
a monument to the Chinese civilizations, one that came at Andy:”Yes, I …to the zoo.”
great costs and through countless sacrifices. a. be
b. being
13. Where is the Great Wall located? c. has been
a. China d. have been
b. Hong Kong e. has be
c. Taiwan 19. Sera :”Have you … Erin today?”
d. Macau a. show
e. Mongolia b. shown
14. How Thick is the Great Wall? c. see
a. 15-25 feet wide d. seen
b. 10-25 feet wide e. have seen
20. Julie : ”Do you know David?” c. You must be very upset.
Maria : “Yes, I do. We …each other for almost five d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
years.” e. Not at all
a. has known
b. have known The text is for questions no. 22-25
c. has knew Change the verbs into past tense form!
d. has knew
I go (22) ….to Bandung last week. I am
e. knows
(23) …..there for three days. I walk (24)….
in the streets of Bandung and visited Vanda
21. Martha: “Ratna, I heard you got a
Park. I take (25)…. a lot of pictures of this
scholarship from a prominent university.
beautiful city. I was so happy.
22. a. go
Ratna : “Thank you, I’m so happy
b. goes
about it.”
c. gone
a. Please accept my condolences.
b. I’m proud of your sister.
d. has Echa : “Oh, thank you.”
e. went Dita : “Anyway, let’s start the party!”
23. a. is 26. a. Is it your red dress?
b. was b. You look charming in that red dress.
c. am c. The dress doesn’t suit you.
d. were d. You don’t look cute with the red
e. are dress
24. a. walked e. Whose dress is it?
b. walking 27. a. She is so pretty.
c. walk b. She is so ordinary.
d. walks c. Is it really her?
e. was walking d. She looks awkward.
25. a. takes e. She looks nervous.
b. take 28. a. welcome
c. tooks b. gratitude
d. took c. congratulate
e. taken d. thank
This conversation is for questions no. 26-28 e. wish
Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.” 29. Cindy : “Mom, I’ve got the
Dita : “Thanks.” scholarship”.
Putri : “(26) ….” Mother : “Congratulations! ….”
Dita : “thank you for saying so. You look a. I’m so proud of you.
beautiful with that dress, Putri.” b. That’s a pity.
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (27) c. Happy birthday.
…” d. That’s so sweet.
Dita : “She Look so cute with her new e. That’s awful.
haircut.” 30. My sister is not only beautiful, but also
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.” has some good characters, which are ….
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.” a. lazy and sensitive
Dita : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to b. stupid and lazy
(28) … You on winning the first prize of the c. friendly and cheerful
photography competition d. lazy and shy
Echa : “Never mind.” e. careless and sensitive
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Prog. Keahlian :

Kelas / Semester : XI / 1

Situation: Mia will invite her close friend, Julia to her b. introduction
Wedding Day. c. asking opinion
Mia: “Hi, Julia. How is it going?” d. giving opinion
Julia: “I’m good. And how about you? e. offering
Mia: “I’m fantastic Julia. Do you know? This Saturday
will be my Wedding Day.”
4. What is the dress code of Mia’s wedding?
Julia: “Are you serious? What a good news, Mia.
a. Formal.
b. Casual.
Mia: “Thanks Julia. I would like to invite you to my c. Business.
moment. Will you come?” d. Princess.
Julia: “Of course my dear. I’ll be there. So tell me, where e. Fairy tale.
and when?”
Mia: “It will be on Ocean Park Avenue, at 9 a.m. 5. Rosa: “You look unhealthy, boy.”
Saturday morning.” Sandy: “Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.”
Julia: “Okay. I won’t come late.” Rosa: “You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will
Mia: “Thanks Julia. You are the best.” accompany you.”
Julia: “What is the costume?” Sandy: “Ok.”
Mia: “That’s up to you. Make yourself pretty!” The underlined words show….
Julia: “Alright. Do you mind if I’ll bring something a. agreement
special for you?” b. disagreement
Mia: “Oh…. It will be great.” c. suggestions
Julia: “Oke. See you soon.” d. offer
Mia: “Oke. Don’t be late!” e. opinion
Julia: “Yups. I won’t be late.”

1. When will Mia get married? Read the following dialogue to answer the question
a. Friday number for 6 to 10.
b. Saturday Lockwood middle School
c. Sunday
d. Monday 307 Main Street
e. Thursday Lockwood, NJ 51686
2. Julia must come at…. if she doesn’t want to be late…. December 10, 2008
a. 9 a.m
b. 10 a.m Mrs. Jody Coling
c. 9 p.m President
d. 10 p.m Lockwood Health Association
e. 11 a.m 23 Main Street
Lockwood, NJ
3. ‘Will you come?’
The above expression is included into the expression Dear Mrs. Coling,
of…. My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of
a. invitation student at Lockwood Middle School.
A significant amount of the student at the school have e. Thursday.
been working on a project which relates to the
unemployment problem within the youth demographic of
Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”
will be held within the media room of the school where a Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”
variety of proposals that will demonstrate the ability of
the community to develop employment opportunities for 11. From the dialogue above we conclude that….
the youth within the community. a. Kate declines the invitation.
At the presentation, there will be several student b. Pete wants to have dinner.
receiving awards which will recognized them within the c. Kate loves Pete.
community from the mayor. Refreshments will also be d. Pete invites Kate to have dinner together.
available at the presentation. e. Pete make a date with Kate.
As one of the prominent figures in the community, we
12. What the Underline sentence express?
would be honored by your attendance. Our special
a. Accepting invitation.
presentation will be held at our school auditorium on b. Refusing help.
16th of January. Please reply by Monday 9th of January c. Greeting.
to confirm your attendance to the function. d. Canceling invitation.
We look forward to seeing you there. e. Agreeing an appointment.

Sincerely, 13. Is Pete inviting Kate?

Ms. Susan Harris a. No, she doesn’t.
b. Yes, he is.
6. Who is the writer of the letter? c. Yes she isn’t.
a. Lockwood. d. No, they aren’t.
b. Mayor of Lockwood. e. Yes, it isn’t.
c. Student of Lockwood Middle School.
14. Yu’ul: “Would you like a cup of tea?”
d. Susan Haris.
Ipeh: “Yes, I want it.
e. Colling. The dialogue uses expression of….
a. offering help
7. What the subject is made a project by the Lockwood b. accepting and refusing an appointment
students? c. offering and accepting
a. Unemployment. d. make an appointment
b. Poor demographic. e. refusing something
c. Mental illness.
d. Football match. 15. Coki: “Would you come with me to Lia’s party?”
e. Criminal rate. Citra: “That would be nice. What’s time?”
From the underline sentence, we know that….
8. When will the presentation be held? a. Citra doubt to go with Coki.
b. Coki ask for help to Citra.
a. 15th of January.
c. Coki orders Citra to go with him.
b. 16th of January. d. Citra asks Coki to go together.
c. 17th of January. e. Citra accepts Coki’s Invitation.
d. 18th of January.
e. 19th of January. The following text is for number 16 to 20.

9. What kind of letter is it? PT. CSL Indosejahtera

a. Invitation letter. 18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 23121
b. Suggestion letter.
c. Advice letter. 8 of June, 2014
d. Shipment letter. Mr. Rakib
e. Announcement. General Manager
PT. Rahmat Service
Jl. Mayjen Suprapto 3
10. What a day must Mrs. Colling reply the letter? Banda Aceh 23221
a. Sunday.
b. Monday. Dear Mr. Rakib,
It is a great honor for us to extend this invitation to you.
c. Tuesday.
We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate
d. Wednesday.
our company’ Anniversary.
We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary a. 9 years old
of PT CSL Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this b. 10 years old
special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday c. 11 years old
evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room d. 12 years old
Hermes Hotel. e. 13 years old
We hope that you and Mr. Rakib would be available to
come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our 19. What is the position of Alex Manuhutu?
company’s anniversary party. a. General Manager.
b. Sales Manager.
c. Production Manager.
Yours sincerely, d. Consume Manager.
Alex Manuhutu e. Accounting Manager.

General Manager 20. What kind of letter is it?

SVP (0651)12345567 a. Announcement.
Dress: b. Invitation letter.
1. Suit c. Complaint letter.
2. National/Night Dress. d. Offering letter.
e. Obligation letter.

16. Where is the location of PT CSL Indosejahtera?

a. Medan.
b. Lampung.
c. Banda Aceh.
d. Tanjungpinang.
e. Bandarlampung.

17. When will the party be held?

a. 29th of June.
b. 30th of June.
c. 1st of July.
d. 2nd of July.
e. 3rd of July.

18. How old is PT CSL Indosejahtera when the party is


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Prog. Keahlian :

Kelas / Semester : XII / 1

Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, d. Could you take some pictures of me
b, c, d, or e! e. Would I take some pictures of you

1. .......... get you a drink? The text below is for question 6 – 9

a. Would you
b. Why don't you The Lion and The Mouse
c. Can I
d. I'll do Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began
e. How about running up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion,
who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big
2. Aisya: “ I am so thirsty.” jaws to swallow him.
Annie: .......... get you something to drink? “Pardon, O king,” cried the little mouse, “Forgive me this
a. How about time, I shall never forget it; perhaps I may be able to do
b. What about you a good turn some of these days.”
c. Why don't The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being
d. Can I able to help him. Then, he lifted up his paw and let him
e. I'll do go.
Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some
3. .......... like me to clean your car? hunters, who wanted to carry him alive to the King, tied
a. How about him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to
b. Let's carry him in. Just then, the little mouse happened to pass
c. Would you by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little
d. I think mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes
e. Why don't you that bounded the king of the beasts. Soon after the little
mouse had finished gnawing away the ropes, he asked
4. Rendy : Hello, .......... the music down, please? It’s one the lion to run away.
o’clock and I’m trying to sleep.
Alex : Oh, sorry. Is that better? 6. What is the purpose of the text?
Rendy : Yes, Thanks . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. a. To entertain the readers
Good night. b. To persuade the readers that something should or
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is … should not be the case
a. Can you throw c. To inform the readers about the events of the day
b. Can you destroy which are considered newsworthy
c. Can you turn d. To explain something
d. Don't make e. To present at least two points of view about an issue
e. I really hate
7. What is the moral value of the text?
5. You would like someone to take a photo of you in a. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
front of a famous monument. Making a polite request for b. It is best for prepare for the days of necessity
this situation. c. Common people may prove great ones
a. Hey! take some photos of me d. United we stand, divided we fall
b. Can you take a picture for me e. Honestly begins at home
c. Can I take your picture, please
8. Paragraph three mainly tells us that .......... Tita : Certainly, but what’s wrong with yours?
a. The little mouse asked for forgiveness Ira : It ..........
b. The hunters carried the lion alive to the King a. is breaking
c. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters b. has been broken
d. The little mouse could prove that he could help the c. is broken
lion d. broken
e. From the first, the lion believed in what the little
e. will repaired
mouse said
16. People eat rice in Indonesia We can also say :
Rice .......... in Indonesia
9. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?
a. is eaten
a. He would never forget the lion
b. has eaten
b. He tried hard to help the lion free
c. was eaten
c. He ran up and down upon the lion
d. will be eaten
d. He asked for apology to the king of the beast
e. is being eaten
e. He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could
carry him
17. The book was .......... by him.
a. stolen
10. Sam : I think what you did was wrong, David
b. have stole
David : ..........
c. steal
a. I know. It was a mistake. I am so sorry
d. stealing
b. Sorry i did not have any more
e. be stolen
c. I forget to take my wallet
d. I’m sorry. But I’m using it right now
18. They didn’t broke my computer yesterday.
e. Could it be you again who did it
In the passive : . . . .
a. My computer weren’t broken by them yesterday
11. You didn’t .......... the book in library, did you?
b. My computer wasn’t broken by them yesterday
a. stole
c. My computer wasn’t broken by they yesterday
b. stolen
d. My computer wasn’t broke by them yesterday
c. steal
e. My computer broken by them yesterday
d. stealing
e. have stolen
19. The criminals burn all my property.
Change into passive voice :
12. They .......... their money for vacation last month.
a. All my property is burn by the criminal
a. spend
b. All my property are burnt by the criminal
b. spent
c. All my property is being burnt by the criminal
c. spending
d. All my property will be burnt by the criminal
d. is spending
e. The criminal is burnt by all my all property
e. will spend
20. Budi: How these rock formed?
13. The next morning the queen asked the princess how
Beni : The rocks .......... by the pressure of natural forces
she .......... (sleep).
for thousand years.
a. slept
a. is formed
b. sleeping
b. are formed
c. is sleeping
c. was fomed
d. to sleep
d. were formed
e. sleeped
e. will be formed
14. Adi : Why does the baby next door keep crying ?
Susy : As usual, it .......... by the baby sister.
a. is neglecting
b. is to be neglected
c. is neglected
d. was neglected
e. neglects

15. Ira : May I borrow your laptop?

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