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a,b,c d,
Sigrid V. Carlsson, MD, PhD, MPH , Andrew J. Vickers, PhD *
Prostate cancer Screening Prostate-specific antigen Biomarkers
Magnetic resonance imaging
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening can reduce the risk of metastatic prostate can-
cer and death from the disease but is also associated with major harms, including over-
diagnosis and overtreatment, with concomitant urinary, sexual, and bowel dysfunction.
Primary care physicians can follow 7 simple steps that will dramatically reduce the harms
of PSA screening while preserving its benefits.
Patients need to be informed of the need for conservative management of low-grade pros-
tate cancer and referred to urologists who promote active surveillance.
Primary care physicians need to develop relationships with urologists who advocate con-
servative approaches to biopsy and treatment.
Prostate cancer is a major public health problem across the globe. With 1.3 million
new cases and 359,000 deaths in 2018, prostate cancer is the second most com-
mon cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in men worldwide. It is
the commonest cancer in men in more than half of the countries of the world
(105 of 185) and the leading cause of cancer death in men in 46 countries. The high-
est rates are seen in the Caribbean. Prostate cancer mortality has been decreasing
Funding: S.V. Carlsson’s and A.J. Vickers’s work was supported in part by funding from National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (P30 CA008748, P50 CA92629, U01 CA199338-02),
the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and Sidney Kimmel Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers.
S.V. Carlsson is also funded by a National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Transi-
tion Career Development Award (K22 CA234400).
Department of Surgery (Urology Service), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, USA; b Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; c Department of Urology, Institute of Clinical Sciences,
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; d Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 485 Lexington
Avenue, New York, NY 10065, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: vickersa@mskcc.org
PSA screening can have several beneficial effects. Most men have a “normal” PSA
value less than the cutoff for further evaluation, and up to 97% of men report some
reassurance with PSA screening.27 Screening can reduce a man’s risk of developing
metastatic prostate cancer and dying from the disease.11,28 For every prevented death
from prostate cancer, a life is lengthened by 8 years on average.29
However, screening can also induce many undesired effects, including anxiety from
false positive PSA tests and complications from further investigation with prostate bi-
opsy, including hospitalization for infectious complications or rectal bleeding.30 One
major harm of PSA screening is overdiagnosis, that is, the diagnosis of indolent,
slow-growing prostate cancer that would otherwise not be diagnosed during the
man’s lifetime.31–33 Indolent disease is typically defined in terms of cancer grade.
Gleason score 6, also termed grade group 1, is low-grade cancer that does not require
immediate treatment.34 High-grade disease, for which treatment should be consid-
ered, is defined as Gleason score 7 (grade group 2) or higher. Overdiagnosis turns
healthy men into patients, which may take its toll on psychological well-being and
quality of life.35,36 Most importantly, over the past 2 decades, most men with low-
risk prostate cancer in the United States underwent treatment with surgery and radi-
ation. Such overtreatment has no, or almost no, benefit in terms of mortality reduction
but leads to important and persistent side effects, most notably, urinary and erectile
dysfunction.37 In recent years, there has been a large shift in the treatment trends
with more than half of men with low-risk disease now being recommended what is
called active surveillance as the first management option, that is, careful monitoring
with repeated testing and examinations and a switch to curative treatment upon signs
of disease progression.38–40 Avoiding overtreatment of indolent prostate cancer is
crucial because active treatment with surgery, radiation, or ablative focal therapies
can have significant impact on men’s quality of life. Many years after treatment with
radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy for favorable-risk prostate cancer, significant
deterioration still persists in a substantial proportion of men in one or many functional
domains: sexual function, urinary function (incontinence), and bowel function.37,41
Modeling the lifetime effects of annual PSA screening between ages 55 and 69 versus
no screening, Heijnsdijk and colleagues29 estimated a loss of 23% of life-years gained
with screening, primarily because of impaired quality of life owing to long-term side
effects from treatment.
Current Guidelines
Table 1 gives a summary of examples of current PSA screening recommendations
from major guideline groups in the United States and Europe. The guidelines are
consistent in recommending shared decision making before starting screening and
that the age range for screening should be around 45 to 70. There is some minor vari-
ation in the starting age (45–55) and the criteria for an upper age limit. The proposal for
screening outlined in the clinical care points in later discussion is based on the Memo-
rial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center recommendations42 but are close to those of other
In later discussion, the authors propose 7 steps for primary care doctors42,43 (Box 1).
The authors’ proposal is based on the following principles. First, primary care is time-
pressured, and primary care physicians cannot be expected to have in-depth subspe-
cialty knowledge. Hence, the goal is to make shared decision making and the
4 Carlsson & Vickers
Table 1
Examples of current guidelines for prostate cancer screening in 2020
For additional examples of recommendations for PSA screening from various guideline groups,
please see recent comprehensive reviews.
Published 2013; Reviewed and validity confirmed 2018.
Data from Refs.69,70
Box 1
Key practice points for primary care physicians
1. Get consent for prostate cancer screening, preferably using the “Simple Schema” decision
2. PSA screening is only for healthy men aged 45 to 70.
3. Tailor screening frequency based on PSA level and cease screening for men older than 60
unless PSA is higher than median (1 ng/mL).
4. For men with elevated PSA (3 ng/mL), repeat PSA.
5. Use secondary tests, such as marker or imaging before biopsy, or only refer to urologists who
do so.
6. Only refer to urologists who recommend active surveillance to almost all patients with low-
grade cancer.
7. Preferably refer to urologists at major academic centers.
Box 2
Decision aid for primary care physicians for shared decision making about prostate cancer
screening: the “Simple Schema”45
Reproduced with permission from Vickers AJ, Edwards K, Cooperberg MR, Mushlin AI. A simple
schema for informed decision making about prostate cancer screening. Annals of Internal Med-
icine. 2014;161:441-442. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M14-0151.
screening at 70 will have a large effect on overdiagnosis with little, if any, effect
on mortality. Note that by ceasing screening, it is meant that PSA tests are
generally discouraged in an asymptomatic man older than 70 with PSA levels
in the normal range (ie, <3 ng/mL). Follow-up of older men older than 70 with
PSA levels higher than 3 ng/mL is a matter of clinical judgment, taking into ac-
count the age and general health of the man (denoted “PSA surveillance”).52
Note also that it is reasonable to cease screening earlier than age 70 for
men who have important comorbidities or to continue screening in a 70 year
old in exceptional health.
As regards the starting age for screening, it has been shown at age 45, but not
before, it is possible to identify a subgroup of men who are at important risk
of prostate cancer morbidity or mortality within 10 years.21 The yield is rela-
tively low, that is, very few young men have an elevated PSA, and some com-
mentators have therefore made the reasonable suggestion that screening start
at 50 instead, based on this being the lowest age included in the ERSPC ran-
domized trial. On the other hand, because younger men have a longer life-
expectancy, they will lose a greater number of quality-adjusted life-years
from cancer-related death and are at low risk for overdiagnosis. It has also
been shown that, because PSA is a far stronger predictor of prostate
cancer–specific mortality than race or family history, age at the start of
screening should be the same for essentially all men.53
3. Tailor screening frequency based on PSA level and cease screening for men
older than 60 unless PSA is higher than median (1 ng/mL).
Screening for Prostate Cancer 7
PSA is not only diagnostic of the current risk of prostate cancer but highly prog-
nostic of future risk.16–21 Moreover, because prostate cancer is generally slow
growing, screening intervals can safely be extended for men with low PSA.
There are clear data that men with a low PSA are highly unlikely to develop
aggressive prostate cancer within an 8- to 10-year period.20,21,54 This finding
has led to the “traffic light” algorithm as follows42:
PSA less than 1 ng/mL: green light. Repeat PSA at a 8- to 10-year interval.
PSA 1 to 2.99 ng/mL: amber light: Repeat PSA at a 2- to 4-year interval.
PSA 3 ng/mL: red light. Consider further workup.
Fully 90% of prostate cancer deaths by age 85 occur in men with PSA above the
median of 1 ng/mL at age 60.20 It has also been shown that men with low PSA
who continue to get screened are at some risk of overdiagnosis but receive no
mortality benefit compared with if they had ceased screening.17,54 Hence, men
with PSA less than 1 ng/mL at age 60 should cease screening.
4. For men with elevated PSA (‡3 ng/mL), repeat PSA.
Many men will experience a temporary increase in PSA related to benign dis-
ease. For instance, in a landmark JAMA paper, 44% of men with PSA greater
than 4 and 40% of those with PSA greater than 2.5 returned to normal PSA
within 1 year.55 A typical recommendation is that PSA should be repeated 4
to 6 weeks after an abnormal PSA.
5. Use secondary tests, such as marker or imaging, before biopsy or only refer
to urologists who do so.
Only a small proportion of men with a moderately elevated PSA will have the sort
of high-grade prostate cancer that is important to identify. Typically, for every
100 men with PSA greater than 3 ng/mL, approximately 70%, 20%, and 10%,
respectively, will have benign disease, low-grade (indolent) prostate cancer,
and high-grade cancer. There are now a wide variety of secondary tests that
are available to determine which men with an elevated PSA should be subject
to prostate biopsy. These secondary tests, which include biomarkers as
shown in Table 2, as well as multiparametric MRI, have been shown to reduce
both unnecessary biopsies and overdiagnosis of indolent disease.56–58
Some of these tests can be implemented in the primary care setting. For
example, BioReference Laboratories offers a combined test for PSA, that is,
when a PSA test is selected, the blood sample is automatically checked for
the 4Kscore if PSA is elevated. However, in most cases, secondary tests,
particularly MRI, are ordered by the urologist As such, it is incumbent on the
primary care physician to develop a relationship with a urologist who takes a
conservative approach to biopsy, incorporating secondary tests and only con-
ducting biopsy on men shown to be at elevated risk of high-grade prostate
6. Only refer to urologists who recommend active surveillance to almost all pa-
tients with low-grade cancer.
The major harm of PSA screening is overtreatment, with consequent urinary,
sexual, and bowel dysfunction.37 Guidelines suggest that treatment should
be restricted to men with high-grade disease. Men with Gleason score 6 (grade
group 1) cancer should be managed conservatively, with an approach known
as active surveillance, which involves PSA monitoring, repeat biopsies at reg-
ular intervals, and delayed intervention for men who progress to grade group 2
or higher disease. However, rates of active surveillance vary enormously be-
tween different practices: in 1 study, the proportion of low-risk men placed
on active surveillance ranged from 25% to 80%.59 As a result, the urologist
8 Carlsson & Vickers
Table 2
Reflex biomarkers recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines
v.2.2019 Prostate Cancer Early Detection
chosen by the primary care physician must take not only a conservative
approach to biopsy but also a conservative approach to treatment. The pri-
mary care physician needs to ensure that the urologist raises active surveil-
lance before biopsy and advises active surveillance to all, or nearly all, men
with Gleason score 6 (grade group 1) disease.
7. Preferably refer to urologists at major academic centers.
The volume-outcome relationship is one of the most widely replicated findings in
cancer medicine. In brief, both the chance of cure and the chance of side ef-
fects are strongly correlated with provider volume.60–63 In 1 study, the risk of
recurrence after prostate cancer was approximately half as great for surgeons
with 250 radical prostatectomies compared with those who only had experi-
ence of 10 prior cases.64 As such, primary care physicians should recommend
to patients who require treatment for their prostate cancer, patients with grade
group 2 or higher disease should be treated at a high-volume center. The
easiest way to ensure this is to refer patients to a hospital that is designated
by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center (https://
PSA screening can importantly reduce the risk of death from prostate cancer but is
also associated with major harms, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment, with attendant
urinary, sexual, and bowel dysfunction. Following a few simple steps can dramatically
reduce the risk of harm from PSA screening without materially reducing its benefits. In
particular, patients need to be informed repeatedly of the need for conservative man-
agement of low-grade prostate cancer and referred to urologists who promote active
surveillance. Primary care physicians need to develop relationships with urologists
who advocate conservative approaches to biopsy and treatment.
A.J. Vickers is named on a patent for a statistical method to detect prostate cancer.
The patent application for the statistical model has been licensed and commercialized
as the 4Kscore by OPKO Diagnostics. A.J. Vickers receives royalties from sales of this
test and owns stock options in OPKO.
Screening for Prostate Cancer 9
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