Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: B49 − 20
B49 − 20
8. Mechanical Property Requirements 11. Sampling
8.1 Tensile Tests—Rod finished by hot working or annealing 11.1 Routine Sampling—For the routine analysis of copper
shall have a minimum elongation of 30 % in 10 in. (250 mm). rod coils, the methods of sampling shall be at the discretion of
(Note X1.2 and Test Methods E8/E8M.) the tester.
8.2 Torsion (Twist) Tests—Torsion tests are not a require- 11.2 This procedure shall be used in case of rod dispute
ment of this specification. However, a discussion will be found between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
in Note X1.3. 11.2.1 A lot shall be considered as a single coil of finished
8.3 Embrittlement (Bend) Test: rod. A minimum of two samples of sufficient length shall be
8.3.1 A test to reflect propensity towards hydrogen em- taken from the suspected non-conforming rod coil for re-
brittlement shall be performed only on oxygen-free copper. testing. Samples may be taken from either end of the rod coil
8.3.2 The specimen shall be tested in accordance with 13.6 at the discretion of the tester. Specific numbers and locations
and Specification B170. shall be determined between the producer and user. If the test
8.3.3 The specimen, prepared and tested from the OFE pieces from both test samples pass the appropriate test(s), then
(oxygen-free electronic) copper (UNS C10100) listed in Table the coil shall be deemed to conform to the particular require-
1, shall withstand without breaking into two pieces, a minimum ment(s) of the standard. If a test piece fails a test, the rod coil
of ten (10) reverse bends. represented in the shipping lot shall be deemed not to conform
8.3.4 The specimen, prepared and tested from the OF to this standard.
(oxygen-free) copper (UNS C10200) listed in Table 1, shall 11.2.2 A shipping lot shall be the quantity of rod in coil
withstand, without breaking into two pieces, a minimum of form that is present in a single container, such as a truck or
eight (8) reverse bends. railroad car.
8.4 Annealability—Annealability is not a requirement of 11.3 When a cast refinery shape has been chemically
this specification. However, a discussion will be found in Note analyzed and converted into rod without remelting, further
X1.4, Note X1.5, Note X1.6, and Note X1.7. chemical analysis shall not be required.