1673961783489-Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 5783 A4
1673961783489-Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 5783 A4
1673961783489-Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 5783 A4
Table of Contents
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
Acquiring Emunah...........................................................................................................4
Looking Back ....................................................................................................................5
The Benefits of Living with Emunah ...........................................................................7
Shovavim .........................................................................................................................10
Everyone can do Teshuvah...........................................................................................11
Rebbe Moshe Mordechai of Lelov zt'l.......................................................................11
The Influence of Friends ...............................................................................................13
Chesed ..............................................................................................................................15
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
1. The Toldos zt'l tells a mashal of a woman in labor who runs away in an attempt to escape from her
labor pains. The same can be said about those who try to run away from their yesurim. The yesurim were
sent from Hashem for a purpose, and if you escape one kind of yesurim, how do you know that you won't
get another type of yesurim ch”v?
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 5
הניס את עבדיו ואת מקנהו אל הבתים, 'He who feared The Kobriner replied, "It states כשישים
the word of Hashem [that Hashem warned עומד אליו ורואה...האדם אל לבו שהמלך הגדול הקב"ה
that the plague Barad is coming] drove his במעשיו, 'When one puts to his heart that the
servants and livestock into the houses, ואשר great King, Hakadosh Baruch Hu is standing
'לא שם לבו אל דבר ה, But he who didn't take above him, watching his deeds...' It isn't
Hashem's word to heart,' he left his servants sufficient to think about it; you must bring
and livestock in the field. We see from this it to your heart."2
pasuk that having yiras shamayim is about
taking Hashem’s word to heart." The Arizal teaches that פרעהspells הערף
(neck). The neck is situated between the brain
The Beis HaLevi's zt'l father-in-law once and the heart. This represents Pharaoh's
hosted Reb Moshe Kobriner zt'l. The Beis attempt to separate the intellect from the
HaLevi was from a litvishe background, heart.
while Rebbe Moshe Kobriner was from the
The Lechovitzer zt'l said that the distance
chasidic schools, and the father-in-law
from the brain to the heart is greater than
wanted them to meet. He was curious what
heaven to earth.
would occur. So he left Rebbe Moshe
Kobriner's suitcase in the room where the The Tzanzer Rav zt'l told his doctor when
Beis HaLevi studied. he asked him what he does for a living, "I
build bridges." The doctor appeared
When Rebbe Moshe was ready to leave, bewildered, so the Tzanzer Rav replied, "I
he asked his host where he could find his am busy building a bridge that will close the
suitcase. The host directed him to the Beis gap between my brain and my heart."
HaLevi’s room.
That is our avodah, and when one tries,
When they met, the Kobriner asked, Hashem helps.
"Yungerman, did you learn the first halachah
of Shulchan Aruch?" Looking Back
The Beis HaLevi replied, "I learned it, but Hashem said to Moshe (Shmos 33:23) וריאת
I didn't understand it. It is written there, את אחרי ופני לא יראו, "You will see My back, but
'When a person thinks that the great King, My face shall not be seen." The Chasam
Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Whose honor fills the Sofer zt'l explains that when we look back,
world, is standing above him and is watching we perceive the hashgachah pratis Hashem
his deeds, immediately he will have fear and in our lives and how everything was planned
humility before Hashem.' I think these in the best way. However, ופני לא יראו, when
matters, but I can't say that I am overtaken things occur, we don't understand, and we
with fear and humility." sometimes think that it isn't for our good.
2. One year, on the night of Nittel, the Ahavas Yisrael of Viznitz zy"a played chess with Reb Dovid
Rosenberg z"l. (This is the game that several tzaddikim customarily play on Nittel.) They played several rounds, and
Reb Dovid won each time. The Ahavas Yisrael remarked, “I also know how to play this game, but you
win each time. Do you know why? It is because I just know the rules, but you constantly review them.”
When Rebbe Avraham Elimelech of Karlin zy"a was in Eretz Yisrael, he visited a winery with a group of
his chassidim. One of his chassidim could taste an alcoholic beverage and tell its alcoholic content. His
friends tested him, and he was right each time. Rebbe Avraham Elimelech commented, "Do you know the
difference between this chassid and the rest of you? You drink, and he reviews."
Expertise in any matter is the product of many reviews. Similarly, emunah is acquired through constant
6 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
We will repeat a couple of stories where They sent the money to a doctor, who agreed,
initially, things seemed negative, but in for a high price, to write that all fifty children
retrospect, it became clear that everything were ill and unfitting to serve in the
was for the best. Hungarian army.
In Eretz Yisrael, many batei midrash are They were all very nervous and worried
built (inexpensively) by attaching two caravans. because the day they had to stand before the
But a kehillah in Ashdod needed more room army was approaching, and they hadn’t yet
than two caravans could provide. So, they received the doctor’s documents. But the
hired a contractor to bring them two package arrived just in time, a day before
caravans, and they instructed the contractor they had to stand before the Hungarian
to keep the two caravans apart, and in officers. The problem was that only forty-
between, he should lay a tiled floor with a eight papers came, and as fate had it, the
covered roof. That way, they will gain extra two bachurim whose parents contributed
space. the most significant part of the bribe were
those whose letters didn’t arrive.
Either there was a misunderstanding, or
the contractor purposely cheated them, but There was no choice other than to escape.
the floor between the caravans was covered They had to pack and leave the country
with tiles but without any cement. immediately before the officials came looking
for them. Reb Binyamin Zev knew that he
Everyone in the kehillah was upset. "We
might never see his parents and family again
hired you to cover the ground with cement!"
(and indeed, he didn't), but in their haste, he
The contractor replied, "No. You told me hardly had time to think about that.
to make a floor. You didn't ask for cement."
He boarded a ship and arrived in Eretz
Then the miracle occurred. Yisrael. He thought that he and his friend
had the worst mazal. Their forty-eight
A missile from Gaza fell on the area
friends were exempt from the army, and
between the two caravans. People were
they could stay with their families, while he
davening in the beis medresh at this time.
and his friend had to escape and fend for
The missile smashed through the tiles and
themselves in a country where they didn't
dug itself deep into the ground without
know anyone. He didn't even have time to
exploding. Experts told them that had the
say goodbye to his parents and grandparents
floor been cemented, the missile would have
properly. He considered the day they
escaped a shvartze tag, an unfortunate black
Reb Binyamin Zev Deutsch z'l would say, day.
"Never say you had a shvartze tug (a bad day)
However, a year later, he heard that
because that day might be the root of your
everyone in his hometown was murdered.
Had they stayed there, they wouldn't be
Reb Binyamin experienced how the worst alive. Now he realized that that was the day
day of his life became the happiest day of his life was saved.
his life. This is what occurred:
The Yidden's food staple in Mitzrayim
Fifty bachurim from his Hungarian town was fish, as it states (Bamidbar 11:5) זכרנו את הדגה
were called up to the military draft. Reb אשר נאכל במצרים חנם, "We remember the fish
Binyamin's father was wealthy, and another that we ate in Egypt free of charge." When
family among the fifty children was wealthy. the Nile turned to blood, and all the fish
All the parents contributed whatever they died, they thought it was a terrible loss.
could, but Reb Binyamin and the other However, Chazal (Shemos Rabba 9:10) tell us,
wealthy family provided the lion's share. "The Yidden became wealthy from the
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 7
plague of dam." They sold water to the When the Yidden were in Mitzrayim,
Mitzrim and became wealthy. The Zera they thought the Mitzrim were the root of
Shimshon ( )ד"ה מדרש רבהsays that this teaches us their troubles. They didn't realize that the
that even when something appears to be a Mitzrim were merely Hashem’s messengers.
tzarah, something good will come from it.
The Kaliver Rebbe shlita (may he have a
It is easier to look back and recognize the speedy refuah sheleimah) says that this is alluded
hashgachah pratis. The trick is to believe in to in the pasuk (6:5), וגם אני שמעתי את נאקת בני
the good even before we know what the ...ישראל אשר מצרים מעבידים אותם, "Also, I heard
good will be. the moans of Bnei Yisrael that the Egyptians
are holding in bondage." He explains that
This can be hinted in Rashi in this week's
the nation thought אשר מצרים מעבידים אותם, that
parashah (6:2). Rashi writes, נאמן לשלם שכר
their slavery comes from Mitzrayim. They
להולכים לפני, [Hashem says, "I am] faithful to didn't realize that it was from Hashem.
reward those who walk before Me."
Hashem says (6:6): 'לכן אמור לבני ישראל אני ה,
We can explain, להולכים לפני, Hashem
"Therefore, tell Bnei Yisrael, 'I am Hashem.'"
rewards those who believe in Hashem, לפני,
Tell the nation that everything comes from
before they know why and how it is for their
Me, Hashem.
When we realize that everything we go
The avos were on that level, as it states
through is from Hashem, we become happy
(Bereishis 48:15) האלקים אשר התהלכו אבותי לפניו אברהם
because we know it is for the best.3
ויצחק. They walked לפניו, even before they
saw how everything was for the good. Rebbe Isaac of Kamarna zt'l writes,
"Believe me, my brothers, after everything I
The Beneϐits of Living with Emunah endured, people chased me, and I suffered a
lot, that if it weren't that I knew that Hashem
There are many gains when you live with is with me with everything that occurs, and
emunah and know that everything comes His hashgachah is over every detail that I go
from Hashem. (a) You are happy with your through, I would be dead long ago, due to
portion, and even with the hardships, poverty, distress, galus, disgrace… But
because you believe it is all for your good. Hashem helps me, and I don't feel anything
(b) You have yishuv hadaas, calmness, and because whatever happens, Hashem gives
tranquility because you know Hashem me the strength not to feel it."
always takes care of you. (c) Believing that
everything is from Hashem can turn din into The Kamarna Rebbe zt'l went through
rachamim and problems into salvation (d) extremely hard times, but he didn't feel it.
When you know everything is from Hashem, He was happy. His chizuk was his belief
you will daven to Hashem to help you, but that it was all from Hashem, with hashgachah
when you think things happen by chance, pratis.
you won't turn to Hashem in prayer.
(b) Yishuv Hadaas
We will now elaborate on these four
benefits: Someone once paid a lot of money to buy
a handmade, artistically written kesubah,
(a) The Joy of Emunah but the artist accidentally left out one line in
3. People go willingly to doctors and dentists, although they know that the procedure may be painful. But
they know it is good for them, and if they don't go through the discomfort, it will become far worse.
Similarly, when one believes that everything comes from his compassionate Father in heaven, why should
he be upset? It is best for him!
8 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
the kesubah. Reb Avraham Pam zt'l was the The Chofetz Chaim would also teach
mesader kiddushin, and he caught the error. yishuv hadaas to his students. Reb Shmuel
The couple needed a new kesubah, but the Huminer zt'l said that he used to be very
family was so excited with their decorated anxious and impatient, and the Chofetz
kesubah, they didn't consider bringing along Chaim once walked with him around the
a spare one. So, someone got a pen and grounds of the yeshiva. The Chofetz Chaim
paper and wrote up the kesubah. They repeated "Savlanus! Savlanus!" several times.
copied the written script on the kesubah, Reb Shmuel worked on himself until he was
and Reb Pam filled them in on the missing always calm and patient. Even when there
line. were many things to do, he didn't lose his
The father (who bought this expensive kesubah)
was upset that he couldn't use it. He had Pharaoh wanted the Yidden to work
invested so much money to buy it. Reb Pam harder, therefore, he decreed that the nation
whispered something into his ear, and the would need to gather the straw for the brick
father calmed down and looked relieved. production on their own (see Shmos 5:7).
Later, people asked the father what Reb Rebbe Mendel of Vorke zy"a asks;
Pam had told him. He replied, "He told me Pharaoh could have said, "You must produce
that perhaps it was destined that your child more bricks." Why did he require them to
should have two kesubos in his lifetime. collect straw on their own?
One at this chasunah, and one later in life, The answer is that Pharaoh wanted to
that he will need to remarry, and he will destroy their peace of mind. If he asked
need to make another kesubah. Hashem them to produce more bricks, the nation
saved you from this because you wrote two knew the procedure. It would not be easy,
kesubos already at this chasunah. So the but it wouldn't rob their yishuv hadaas. But
couple will live long together and never to do a task they never did before takes time
need another kesubah." to get used to. This is how Pharaoh planned
to destroy the yishuv hadaas of the Jewish
Rav Pam helped him understand that nation. He knew that if they couldn’t think
everything is always bashert and for the clearly, he would be able to rule over them.
good, and that awareness has a calming
effect. Haman HaRasha also wanted to cause
the nation to fall into a panic and to lose
People asked the Chofetz Chaim's son-in- their peace of mind, as it states (Esther 9:24)
law, "What were you most impressed by להמם ולאבדם, "to confuse them and to destroy
from your illustrious father-in-law?" them." Haman knew that when they lost
their yishuv hadaas, he could destroy them.
He answered, "I was impressed by his
yishuv hadaas. Even during the hardest times The key to attaining yishuv hadaas is to
- and there were very hard times – the have emunah that everything is from Hashem
Chofetz Chaim never lost his peace of mind." and for our good.4
(c) Turning Din into Rachamim, and called so because he would always say גם זו
Problems into Salvations. לטובה, "This, too, is for the good.
The Torah (7:28) tells us that one of the The question is, why is the word, לטובה
places the frogs entered was the ovens of the missing from his name?
Mitzrim. But when the makah ended, and all
Rebbe Hershele Liska answers that he
the frogs died, the Torah doesn't tell us that
would say גם זו, this is also from Hashem. He
the frogs in the ovens died. Instead, it states
would remember that everything is destined
(8:9) ויעש ה' כדבר משה וימתו הצפרדעים מן הבתים מן
and planned from Above. And with that
החצרת ומן השדת, "Hashem did according to
awareness, automatically, everything
Moshes' word, and the frogs died from the
becomes good.
houses, from the courtyards, and from the
fields," but the pasuk doesn't state that the Reb Hershele Liska concludes:
frogs that were in the ovens died!
At the end of last week's parashah, Moshe
The Daas Zekeinim m'Baalei HaTosfos said, למה הרעת לעם הזה, "Why did you do bad
explains, "Those in the ovens didn't die to this nation." Hashem replied that it was
because they trusted in Hashem, and they up to him to change the reality. If he
entered into a hot oven by Hashem's recognizes that everything is from Hashem,
command." We would think that they had it will become 'אני ה, Hashem's kindness.
the least chance of surviving (because they
It states (6:2) 'וידבר אלקים אל משה ויאמר אליו אני ה,
went into the ovens), but they had bitachon,
"Hashem spoke with Moshe, and He said to
remembered Hashem, and therefore only
him, 'I am Hashem.'"
they survived.
The Shach al HaTorah teaches us a
The Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh teaches
wonderful lesson. He explains that the word
(quoted in Toldos) that when one has emunah
אלקיםis gematriya 86 and אני הוי"הis gematriya
and bitachon, nothing bad can happen to
87. This tells us that when one adds one (the
belief in Hashem) to אלקים, to the midas hadin
We are discussing this week that we must (strict judgment), it becomes 'אני ה, Hashem's
be aware that everything is from Hashem. compassion.
We discussed the joy and the yishuv hadaas We say, שמע ישראל ה' אלקינו ה' אחד. The Meor
that comes from this awareness, but it is Einayim ( )ואראexplains, ה' אלקינו ה' אחד, "Both
much more than that. When one knows that when Hashem acts with you with הוי"ה
even the hardships he endures are from (compassion) or ( אלקינוstrict justice), it is all
Hashem, then Hashem sweetens the din and kindness, …הוי"ה אחדAs it states וידבר אלקים אל
brings salvation. 'משה ויאמר אליו אני ה, "Elokim spoke with Moshe
and said, 'I am Havayah." Even the hardships
Rebbe Hershele Liska zt'l ( )אך פרי תבואהsays
are all part of Hashem's compassion.
that this is the meaning of the pasuk (Tehillim
91:15) עמו אנכי בצרה אחלצהו ואכבדהו, "I am with The Meor Einayim adds these essential
him in distress; I shall rescue him and I shall words: "And when one believes it's chesed, it
honor him." עמו אנכי בצרה, -When Hashem is becomes so." This is the wonderful segulah
with you, and you know that your tzaros we are discussing. When one believes that it
are also with Hashem, אחלצהו ואבכדהו, you will is from Hashem and for the good, it becomes
be saved from the tzarah. The awareness so.
that Hashem is with you and that everything
is from Him will free you from your yesurim. It states (6:7), וידעתם כי אני ה' אלקיכם המוציא אתכם
מתחת סבלות מצרים. We can explain, וידעתם, when
Similarly, the Gemara (Taanis 21.) tells us you know ה' אלקיכם, that even your troubles
that the tana, Nachum Ish Gam Zu, was stem from Hashem's compassion, המוציא אתכם
10 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
מתוך סבלות מצרים, that will save you from your It is because throughout the many years
suffering. they were enslaved in Mitzrayim, they
thought, "Our salvation will come when
גולה, exile, and גאולהare almost the same Pharaoh dies. Then we will be freed from all
letters. Add an אל"ףinto the galus, and it this hard work." They didn't put their trust
becomes redemption. Recognize that in Hashem to save them.
everything is from Hashem, and you are
redeemed from your hardships.5 But Pharoah died, and their suffering
continued. The new Pharaoh also enslaved
(d) People Daven when they Know it is them. That is when they realized that only
from Hashem Hashem could save them. Therefore, they
davened, and when they davened, they were
We discussed several benefits of believing saved.
that everything is from Hashem. Aside from
the fact that this is the absolute truth and Shovavim
that we must believe so, this reality also has
many benefits in this world. For example, The Arizal teaches that the ten makos
we discussed joy, tranquility, and changing correspond to the ten sefiros, from the bottom
din into rachamim. Yet another advantage is up (meaning makas dam is malchus and makas
tzefardeia is yesod and so on). We don't intend
that this awareness will cause you to daven.
to discuss kabbalah, only just to bring out
When you think that things happen by that makas tzefardeia was associated with
chance, you won't consider turning to the attribute of yesod, which is the attribute
Hashem in prayer. But, when you believe of kedushah. (When the makos occurred, the
Jewish nation became pure, and with makas
that Hashem is the Source of the issues you
tzefardeia, the nation became pure with their
are going through, you will turn to Him to
help you.
During this makah, the frogs had mesirus
It states (Shemos 2:23) ויהי בימים הרבים ההם וימת nefesh; they jumped into heated ovens. This
מלך מצרים ויאנחו בני ישראל מן העבודה ויזעקו ותעל שועתם is the only makah that discusses mesirus
אל האלקים מן העבודה, "Now it came to pass in nefesh. This hints that when it comes to
those many days that the king of Egypt died, kedushah, we must be prepared to be moser
and the Bnei Yisrael sighed from the labor, nefesh for Hashem. This means that one must
and they cried out, and their cry ascended be extremely diligent to guard his thoughts,
to Hashem from the labor." eyes, etc., that they should remain holy.)6
It seems that they began davening now Moshe would daven for the makos to
when the king of Mitzrayim died, but they end, and the Torah writes ויעתר משה. But by
didn't daven before. Why is that? makas tzefardeia, a stronger expression of
5. Moshe said to Hashem (Shmos 5:22) למה זה שלחתני, "Why did you send me?"
Moshe said, "The only way we can leave galus is when Yidden have emunah that everything is from
Hashem. That turns the galus into geulah. But since the Yidden don't yet believe this, so, למה זה שלחתני, 'Why
did you send me?' What benefit will come from it?"
6. Perek Shirah lists the pasuk each creation says in praise of Hashem. The צפרדעsays, ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם
ועד. When we say these words in the Shema, we think of mesirus nefesh. As the Yesod v'Shoresh HaAvodah
(4:5) writes, "After saying the pasuk of Shema, silently say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועדwith all your concentration,
just as you put all your strength into saying Shema." It is therefore appropriate that the צפרדעsays these
words because in Mitzrayim, the צפרדעdemonstrated mesirus nefesh.
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 11
prayer is used. It states, ויצעק משה אל ה' על דבר כי השחית כל בשר את דרכו על הארץ, and
(Bereishis 6:7)
הצפרדעים, "Moshe shouted to Hashem…" The Chazal say that this is referring to an aveirah
Be'er Moshe of Ozrov zt'l explains that when related to kedushah. Yet, Hashem wanted
it comes to kedushah, one has to shout out his them to do teshuvah. The Divrei Chaim of
tefillos. He has to pray with all his heart and Sanz zt'l proves that from Rashi (Bereishis
soul. 6:14). Rashi writes, "Hashem has many ways
[to save Noach]. Why did he have Noach
A unique feature of מכת צפרדעwhich was toil to build the teivah? It was so the people
not seen by most other makos was ותבאש הארץ, of the generation of the mabul would see
"The earth had a terrible stench." There were him building the teivah for 120 years, and
piles of dead frogs all around Mitzrayim, they would ask him why he did so. He will
and Mitzrayim had a terrible odor. The tell them, 'Hakadosh Baruch Hu is bringing
Chidushei HaRim zt'l explains that the a mabul to the world.' Perhaps they will do
Torah teaches us how to overcome the teshuvah." We see that Hashem wanted the
temptation of sins related to kedushah. We generation to do teshuvah, despite their
should consider it smelly and disgusting, many sins. The Sanzer Rav said, "If Hashem
and then we won't want it. accepts the teshuvah of resha'im of the
It states in this week's parashah (6:7), generation of the flood, certainly Hashem
והוצאתי אתכם מתחת סבלות מצרים. The Chiddushei will accept the teshuvah of a Yid."7
HaRim (quoted in Sfas Emes 5631) explains that
סבלותcan be translated as tolerance. The Rebbe Moshe Mordechai of Lelov zt'l
pasuk says, "I will redeem you from tolerating
Mitzrayim." We shouldn't tolerate the On Tuesday, the 24th of Teves, was the
corruption of Mitzrayim, and we shouldn't yahrtzeit of my grandfather, Rebbe Moshe
tolerate the immoral culture of the galus we Mordechai of Lelov zt'l, who was one of the
live in. Their immoral ways should be respected and holy Rebbes in Eretz Yisrael.
disgusting to us. I remember when a bar mitzvah bachur
The Sfas Emes adds, "This is the counsel (on the Shabbos before his bar mitzvah) came to
for every Yid: He should train himself to my grandfather for a brachah. My grandfather
hate corruption with all his might... And this told him, “You are about to receive a new
is the beginning of the redemption." guest. That is the yetzer tov. When you get
such a special guest, you should perform the
The Sfas Emes (5639) writes, ולא יראה בך ערות mitzvah of hachnasas orchim. When a guest
דבר ושב מאחריך, the words לא יראהcan be comes to you, you try to give him what the
translated ס'זאל דיר נישט געפעלן, you shouldn't guest enjoys most. This guest, the yetzer tov,
appreciate it. Train yourself to be disgusted loves it when we study many pages of
by aveiros ()ערות דבר. Gemara. This is the best way to honor your
new guest.”
Everyone can do Teshuvah.
The Rebbe’s hoiz bachur (personal attendant),
The generation of the mabul transgressed Reb Shlomo Weinstock z'l, celebrated his
severe aveiros related to kedushah, as it states engagement in the Rebbe’s home. The Rebbe
7. Rebbe Moshe Tzvi Savraner zt'l once accidentally caused a candle to be extinguished on Shabbos with
his talis. Understandably, Reb Moshe tzvi was very upset. Shabbos morning, he couldn't say pesukei
d'zimrah. He thought that because of his aveirah, he would go to gehinom. Then he thought, "Chazal say
that reshaim in gehinom sing shirah to Hashem. So, what difference does it make where I am or where I
will be? I will always sing to Hashem."
This story reminds us not to think about what was. We can begin now.
12 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
A chasan, during the week of sheva brachos, Once, Reb Yitzchok Dovid Grossman
was at my grandfather’s tisch, and my shlita, the Rav of Migdal Emek, brought a
grandfather honored him with leading the father and a son from Migdal Emek to my
benching. Before benching, my grandfather grandfather. The boy needed kidney surgery,
announced, “The chasan accepts on himself and they came for a brachah that the operation
to study seventy blatt Gemara each month.” should be successful.
The Rebbe loved Torah and sought to The Rebbe said to the bachur, “If you take
encourage people to study a lot of Gemara on yourself to study Gemara, you won't
because he knew how important this is. need surgery.”
My brother shlita asked the Rebbe for a The father (who wasn't a chasid) said to the
brachah because he was at risk of being Rebbe, “All the doctors agree that my son
drafted into the army. The Rebbe replied, “I needs an operation. We were only requesting
generally tell people to give 138 coins to a brachah that the operation be successful.”
tzedakah because הצלחהis gematriya 138. But
The Rebbe turned to the boy and said
you're a bachur. You don’t have so much
once again, “If you make a kabbalah to study
money. So instead, I recommend that you
Gemara, you will not need the operation.”
study 138 pages of Gemara.”
Then the Rebbe blessed the bachur.
My brother asked, “Should I study these
Soon afterwards, the father and son were
pages with Tosfos?”
in the hospital. The doctors made one more
The Rebbe answered: “Yes. But only routine check-up before the surgery and
those Tosfos that directly explain the were astounded to see that the problem had
Gemara.” disappeared. The operation was no longer
The day my brother finished the 138
pages, the army informed him that he was This miracle happened because the
exempt from the service. bachur had made a kabbalah that he would
learn Gemara. Indeed, he kept his promise.
A bachur from Slabodka Yeshiva asked When he was seventeen, he finished the
the Rebbe for advice on shemiras einayim. entire Shas and became a talmid chacham.
The Rebbe replied, “Keep your eyes focused
on the Gemara, and your eyes will be Reb Yitzchok Dovid Grossman told this
safeguarded.” story and concluded, “This story has two
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 13
miracles: (1) The boy miraculously didn’t "I don’t know what the Belzer Rav is
need an operation (2) He developed into a referring to," the teacher said. "Your son
great scholar. The second miracle is greater only has good friends."
than the first because this bachur wasn’t a
serious learner. The Rebbe's wisdom turned The father returned to the Belzer Rav and
this young man into a great talmid chacham.”8 told him what he had heard. The Belzer Rav
repeated, "Find out who his friends are."
The Inϐluence of Friends This time, the father investigated the
matter on his own. He was embarrassed that
The Ahavas Yisrael of Viznitz zt'l would
he didn't trust the Belzer Rav the first time.
say, “One must be good to everyone, but not
If the Rav told him there was a problem
with everyone.” So be kind to all, but don't
with the friends, it was undoubtedly so.
spend too much time with all people. You
need to choose your friends carefully. He found out who his son's best friend
was, and then he started making inquiries
The Shlah Hakadosh writes that the
about this boy. The father discovered that
letters of ( חברfriend) rearranged, spells ( בחרto
this boy was far from having yiras shamayim,
choose) and ( חרבsword), and ( ברחescape). This
to put it mildly. The father immediately
tells us to choose our friends because from
separated his son from this friend, and his
the friends who are bad and harmful like a
son began to soar again in Torah and Avodas
sword, you should run away.
A father once came to Rebbe Aharon of
The father returned to Rebbe Aharon of
Belz zy"a, crying. He told Reb Aharon that
Belz, this time, with tears of gratitude in his
his son had yiras shamayim and used to be
eyes, and he thanked the Rebbe for directing
diligent in Torah study, but recently, he
him on the right path. The Belzer Rav replied,
stopped learning, and his yiras shamayim fell
"Why are you surprised? A good friend is so
important. Twice every morning, in Birchas
The Belzer Rav replied, "Check and see HaShachar, we daven for a good friend. In
who his friends are." the brachah, המעביר שנה, we say והרחיקנו מאדם רע
ומחבר רע, "Distance me from a bad person and
The father spoke to his Rebbe in yeshiva. a bad friend." Afterwards, we say, שתצילנו היום
"Who are his friends? Does he hang out with ומחבר רע...ובכל יום, "Save me today and every
good boys?" day… from a bad friend…."
"They are all good boys," the teacher When my grandfather, Rebbe Moshe
answered. Mordechai, would have a tish, he would
often say, “My only hope is teshuvah. It is
"The Belzer Rav told me to find out who time to do teshuvah." And he would repeat
his friends are, so I am certain that there this many times. He was speaking to himself,
must be some problem with at least one of but his words inspired everyone present to
his friends." do teshuvah.
8. During the great earthquake in the north of Eretz Yisrael (5597), Reb Shmuel Heller zt'l, the rav of Tzfas,
was buried under debris and couldn’t climb out.
He shouted, “If I am saved, I promise I will become more involved in Torah study." Miraculously, the
stones began to fall to the side, enabling him to crawl out.
Because when one accepts upon himself the yoke of the Torah, miracles occur.
14 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
After the tish, he would shake the when one of his friends came over. The
bachurim's hands and say, “Learn the holy bachur said, “Rebbe Moshe Mordechai told
Torah and be healthy.” me to have good friends. This means we
cannot be friends anymore.”
One time, the Rebbe took the hand of one
of the bachurim and said, “Why is your hand
so cold? What happened to you?” Then the It was a mystery to me at the time, but
Rebbe said, “Have good friends, study years later, the true nature of that friend was
Gemara, and be healthy.” revealed to all. After that, I understood why
the Rebbe warned him to be cautious with
The bachur left the Rebbe’s room ashamed his friends.
and devastated. The gabaim tried to calm the
bachur. “The Rebbe is very weak, and he's It states (9:20), הירא את דבר ה' מעבדי פרעה הניס את
sensitive to cold. Apparently, your hands עבדיו ואת מקנהו אל הבתים, "Whoever feared
were cold.” Hashem...chased their livestock into the
The bachur replied, “The Rebbe knows homes…" The slaves and the livestock were
exactly what he was saying. His words were in the field, and those who feared Hashem
on target.” brought them into a house to protect them.
The Imrei Chaim zt'l said that the pasuk hints
I was with this bachur when we returned that those who fear Hashem keep their
to Yeshivas Ponovizh, where we studied. children at home to protect them from bad
We were still outside the yeshiva building influences.9
9. In the past, negative influences were outside the home, but today we have to be cautious within the
home, too, because the internet can bring the bad influences from the street right into your living room.
Sometimes, people say they need internet in their homes for parnassah purposes. For them, we tell the
following story:
An old lady had a problem that she would touch every bag she saw. She wasn't stealing. It was just to feel
the bags and to see what was inside. This caused much embarrassment because people suspected her of
She was once at a chasunah, touching the bags filled with gifts for the kallah. The mother of the kallah
saw this and shouted at her. The old woman ran home ashamed.
That evening, the elderly woman's son, Reb Shimshon, came to visit his elderly mother and was shocked
to see her crying.
Shimshon replied, "Well, she's right. You shouldn’t go around touching other people's bags."
The mother said, "Sit down for a moment, and I will tell you a story I never told you before. I think it's
time you know. In front of my eyes, the resha'im killed my husband in Poland. Then the Nazis commanded
us to leave our homes to enter a ghetto, allowing everyone to take along two bags, nothing more.
"I gathered my silver and precious items into one bag and placed my son, Shimshon, in the other. Then, I
ran, together with the throngs of people, towards the ghetto. Suddenly, the resha'im changed the rules.
Now only one bag was permitted. Obviously, I decided I'd drop the bag filled with precious items so that
I could remain with my Shimshon.
But soon I realized that I had dropped the wrong bag. My son was left behind. It was impossible to turn
back. Whoever went back was shot…
"Since that time, whenever I see a bag, I check it. I think, 'Perhaps my Shimshon is there.'" She informed
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 15
In last week's parashah, Pharaoh said (5:7) The Tzelemer rav asked, "How do you
לא תאספון לתת לכם תבן, "We will no longer know you have another four years to live?"
supply straw." Rebbe Dovid of Lelov zt'l
noted that the extra אל"ףin תאספוןchanges The son replied, "I don't have koach to
the word to mean “gather.” He explains that answer. Ask my father."
Pharaoh forbade the Jewish nation from
gathering. The Tzelemer Rav went back upstairs to
the 116-year-old Yid, and said, "Can you tell
This is because just as a bad friend can me what's going on? How does your son
cause terrible harm, a good friend is the root know that he will live another four years?"
of so much good. Therefore, it is very special
when Yidden come together to serve The elderly man replied, "When I was
Hashem. young, I worked as a delivery man for a
post office. I was very strong, so I would
Rebbe Dovid of Lelover said, “I'm certain
deliver the heavy packages. Erev Succos, a
that when I go to heaven, Moshe Rabbeinu
package labeled Reb Hillel Kalamaya zt'l
will come out to greet me to tell me that I
came to the post office. It was probably a
revealed the correct reason why he wrote
package of sefarim. I was very excited to
תאספוןwith an extra alef.”
deliver it to this great scholar and tzaddik,
so I didn't push it off. It was Erev Succos
Chesed when I came to Reb Hillel, and I saw that he
Reb Levi Yitzchak Greenwald zt'l, the was sad. 'What's the problem?' I asked him.
Tzelemer Rav, was visiting someone in an 'Do you have a succah?' He said that he had.
old-age home, and he met a very old Yid, 'Do you need the four minim?' He had that,
and they spoke a little. The old man said, as well. 'So, what is the problem?"
"Rebbe, daven for me to die. I am 116 years
old and healthy, but I can't take watching Reb Hillel Kolamaya answered that in
my ninety-year-old son suffer. He suffers so the middle of the night, drunk goyim take
much." sticks, break down Succos, and hit the people
inside. "I am afraid they might do that to me
The Tzelemer Rav said that he wanted to and my succah."
speak with his son.
"I said to Reb Hillel Kolamaya, 'Don't
"Go speak with him," the elderly man worry. I will sleep in your succah throughout
said. "He is in this complex, a flight down." Succos and protect you from these hooligans.'
The Tzelemer Rav went to him and saw
that it was true. His ninety-year-old son was "I slept in the succah with a stick near my
suffering terribly. bed. Around one o'clock at night, the goyim
came to the succah, and I hit them and
The son said, "The worst part is that I chased them away. This occurred the second
know I have another four years to live, and and third nights, but by then, they realized
I can't tolerate living another four years with that they shouldn't bother Reb Hillel, and
these yesurim." they caused havoc elsewhere.
Shimshon that he was an adopted son, named after her lost son.
For our topic, the nimshal of this story is that there is a limit to how much we can take. We can't have
everything. One must choose: Should he choose his children or his parnassah and technology? One is often
at the expense of the other.
16 Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira
"Motzei Succos, Reb Hillel Kolamaya But Reb Shmuel Wosner insisted it was
said, 'I give you a brachah that you should true, and he wanted to know how.
live until 120 gezunterheit, and none of your
children shall die in your lifetime.' Reb Yaakov Eidelstein replied, "Many
people come to me, tell me their troubles,
"My son knows I will live another four and I listen to them patiently. I listen until
years, and he won't die in my lifetime. That's they are certain that I understand what they
how he knows he has another four years to are going through. Perhaps Heaven rewarded
live. He wants to die because he can't take me midah kneged midah. Just as I listen to
the yesurim, and I also want to die because everything they say, Hashem listens to
as long as I am alive, my son must live, and everything I say."
he has so much yesurim."
The Tzelemer Rav requested from the In this week's parashah, Hashem says (6:5),
secretary of the old-age home that they וגם אני שמעתי את נאקת בני ישראל, "I also heard Bnei
should contact him if anything happens to Yisrael's shouts." The word גם, "also," seems
these two people. extra.
Four years later, the secretary told the Hashem was saying to the Jewish nation,
Tzelemer Rav that the father was niftar. An "Just as you care about your fellow man and
hour later, they called again to say that the you listen to his shouts, גם אני שמעתי, I will
son was just niftar. also listen to your shouts."10
(This story was told by Reb Nota Freund zt'l,
About makas barad, the Torah writes (9:31-
who heard it from the Tzelemer Rav zt'l.) The story
32). ,והפשתה והשעורה נכתה כי השערה אביב והפשתה גבעל
tells us the reward one can get for doing
והחטה והכסמת לא נכו כי אפילות הנה, "Though the
chesed. He helped Reb Hillel Kalamaya and
flax and the barley have been broken,
merited a very long, healthy life.
[because they were at their full height]…
Reb Yaakov Eidelstein zt'l had a special However, the wheat and the spelt have not
koach of tefillah. His brachos and his tefillos been broken because they ripen late." Rashi
bore fruit. Reb Shmuel Wosner zt'l once explains that at the time of מכת ברד, flax and
asked Reb Yaakov Eidelstein zt'l in which barley were fully grown. Therefore, they
merit he has the koach hatefillah. were stiff and rigid and broke when the hail
hit them. Whereas wheat and spelt only
Reb Yaakov humbly replied, "I don’t reach their full growth later in the season.
know that I have the power of tefillah. What When the hail fell, they were still flexible, so
people say isn't true." they didn’t break.
10. The Baal HaTurim (Bereishis 41:34) states that the words, ויפקד פקידים, "Appoint officials…" is written twice
in Tanach. Once in parashas Mikeitz (41:34) when Yosef told Pharaoh, יעשה פרעה ויפקד פקידים, that he should
appoint officials to oversee the process of storing the crops for the years of famine. It also states, ויפקד פקידים
in Megillas Esther, as it states (2:3), ויפקד המלך פקידים לקבץ לו נשים, that Achashverosh should appoint officials to
gather all women so Achashverosh can choose a wife.
The Baal HaTurim writes that Yosef's counsel to appoint officials to oversee the storing of the crops brought
immense wealth. However, Achashverosh’s plan resulted in poverty, as it states (Esther 10:1), וישם המלך אחשורש
מס על הארץ ואיי הים, "Achashverosh placed a tax on the land and the islands in the sea."
The difference lies in the intention. Yosef wanted to help the country; he wanted people to have food and
parnassah. His intention was chessed. Achashverosh’s plan was self-serving. The lesson is: Striving to help
others is mesugal for parnassah. Being solely interested in yourself brings poverty.
Torah Wellsprings - Vaeira 17
The message is: It is better to be soft, to discovered that the bodies hadn't become
let the other person have his way, to be rotten.
mevater, etc. When you are tough and stiff,
For this miracle, the chachamim
and everything must be your way, you established the fourth brachah of birkas
break.11 hamazon called הטוב והמטיב. Chazal explain,
הטובHashem is good because the bodies
Approximately fifty years after the didn't rot. והמטיב, and Hashem does kindness,
churban of the Second Beis HaMikdash, the as He enabled the bodies to be buried.
city of Beitar was destroyed by the Roman ביתרhas the same letters as ברית. Hinted
emperor Adrianus. Cruelly, he didn't permit here is that the rectification for pgam habris
anyone to bury the bodies in Beitar. Years is הטוב והמטיב, to do kindness with others. So
later, the ruler who reigned after Adrianus one of the rectifications of Shovavim is to do
permitted the burial, and miraculously, they kindness to others.
11. On Tisha b'Av, a yungerman stood at the side of the road, trying to catch a ride to the hospital to be
with his son. At last, a car stopped, and the driver showed him to get inside. "Where do you need to go?"
He told him he was going to the hospital, and the driver drove him there. The yungerman asked, "Why
are you being so kind to me to go out of your way to drive me to the hospital? I was expecting that you
would drive me closer to the hospital, but not all the way there."
The man replied that on the day before a fast day, people eat a lot to have an easier fast, but experts say
this doesn't help much. One would have to eat more for several days before the fast, which would help
him fast. "Yom Kippur is soon approaching," the driver continued, "and it will be too late to prepare for
Yom Kippur at the last moment. It needs preparation beforehand. So, I am preparing now for Yom Kippur
by performing good deeds."