Pudupalayam Village Panchayat - Gummidipoondi Block - Tiruvallur Voucher Number: 229225/2024-2025/C/0012
Pudupalayam Village Panchayat - Gummidipoondi Block - Tiruvallur Voucher Number: 229225/2024-2025/C/0012
Pudupalayam Village Panchayat - Gummidipoondi Block - Tiruvallur Voucher Number: 229225/2024-2025/C/0012
Minor Component Pay and Allowances Bank Name INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK
Earnings Deductions
Dearness Allowance Rs. 9200.0 generalProvidentFund Rs. 0.0
This Voucher has been generated by Sathyamoorthy K, Panchayat Secretary of Pudupalayam Village panchayat, Gummidipoondi Block, Tiruvallur District for
Rs. 6600.0/- for the purpose of Pay and Allowances, Others on 2024-08-05 21:39:03.0