1 H-lítVk. ............-,............'...........„.,,-.,..,...................................,................................................,............................................-...................................------*..................-............-..................................
1. Unpacking, ínstailaíion, Debuggiiig..................................................................................................................................3
í.l Unpacking.....................................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Accessories cliecking..................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Installalion conditions and using environtncr.í............................................................................................................5
1.4 Instaliuiiütt....................,.............................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Checking aftei: inslallaüon........................................................................................................................................¡0
2. Üser Insíructians..............................................................................................................................................................! i
2.1 Fundióos....................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 Product Concept.............................................................................................................................................. lí
2.1.2 Application Rango...........................................................................................................................................!1
2.1.3 Working theory/Air flow pattern and protected arca...............................................................................*.....11
2.1.4 Protected objects.................................................................................................................................,............12
2.1.5 Tcchníca l parame ters......................................................................................................................................12
2.1.6 Performance Index..........................................................................................................................................12
2.2.1 StrueturalcompositionorU231 BBC 86...........................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Structure introductíon......................................................................................................................................14
2.3 Control panel..............................................................................................................................................................16
2.4 Remote Control &Foot switch................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 ínstructions fox Operation,........................................................................................................................................19
2.5.1 Normal Operation Notice................................................................................................................................19
2.5.2 Operation Process................................................................................................................'...........................20
2.6 Daily maintenance..............................................,.....................................................................................................20
2.6.1 Preparalíons before maintenance.............................,.......................................................................».............20
2.6.2 Clean the cabinet surfacc.................................................................................................................................21
2.6.3 Overail maintenance period..............................................................,............................................................21
2.6.4 Maintenance methods......................................................................................................................................21
2.6.5 Storage conditions...........................................................,..............................................................................21
2.7 Methods and procedures for disinfection..................................................................................................................22
2.8 Repiacement parts list...............................................................................................................................................24
3. Trouble shooting and Labels............................................................................................................................................27
3.1 Common faulís & solution...................................................................................................................,....................27
3.1.1 Warning and reminder.....................................................................................................................................27
3.1.2 Trouble shooting..............................................................................................................................................27
3.1.3 Simple accessoríes repiacement......................................................................................................................29
3.2 Label Description................................................................................................................................■....................31
4. Warranty and repair senices.............................................................................................................................................33
Thank yon ver>r much for purchasing our class IIA2 biológica] safety Cabinet. Please read Ihe "User
manual" and íhe related documenta beibre operating this unit to assure proper operaíion. After
reading these documents, be sure to store tíiem securely together ai a hand place for future rcfcrence.
' ' ^ Warning: Before operating the unit, be sure to read carefully and ñiliy understand irnporrant
wamings in íhe operating instractions.
-i. l_- «I jjít Civllij^, iiijiuliúuun, (j i_i> tí iiildl il
Picase fírsíiv check íf'packing box is m good condstion. If the paekíng box is damaged, picase take
1.1 Unpacking
Picture 1
2) Method 2; Use M8 Wrench to unpack
b. For cartón box:
Using ordinaty scissors to cut packing tape, take off íhe package cover, then move up the paper box
],?. Acechones ehod-:in£
To avoid disturbances to íhe salety cabinet and its operator, follow the followíng guideímes, while
determining a suitabic location for the cabinet:
a. The distance from the plañe of the aperture to any círcuíation space shotild be at least 1000 ram,
so as to preserve a zone undisturbed by anyone other than the opei'ator.
b. BioíoaJcai saieiy cabmets shouid be placed in a posiiion wiicre tnere shouid be no opposing waii
c. Safety cabínets shouid nol be inslalled í.n positions where they are iíkely lo be affected by oiher
Ítems or equipmení. ín particular íhe distance to the apernare of an opposing safely eabinet, fume
cupboard, or ihe edge of a local exhaust vetitiiation ouüet shouid not be less íhan 3000 mm.
d. Anyroom atr supply diffuscr shouid not be within 1500 mm ofthe íront aperlure.
e. Doorways shouid not be within 1500 mm ofthe apert tire orwithin 1000 mm ofthe side ofthe
safety cabinel.
f The position of a safety cabi.net shouid satisfy the spatial reqniremants (e.g. visión, lightíng and '
conveníence of access) of tlie operator and personnel working nearby. When a cabínet is
inslalled on a bench top, ihe leading edge shouid be flush vvith or sligbtly overhanging thc edge
of me bench top.
Working environment:
a. Only is suiíable íor indoor.
b. Ambient temperatura: Í5°C~35CC,
c. Relarive Humidity: <75%.
d. Atmospheric pressure ránge: 70kPa~I061d?a.
e. Eléctrica! parameters: Consístent with the rated voltage oí the biosafety eabinet (See 2.1.5
techmcal parameter performance índex).
f. Power supply need to be grounded. (Judging niethod: íesting the fíre wire and the zero line of
the power supply with multimeter, thc fire wire to «round voltage shouid be grid voltage and the
zero line lo ground voltage shouid be 0, otherwise the power supply ground ís bad).
g. Test the voltage stability before using, if the voltage is unstable, shouid use íhe voltage regulator,
Oílierwise thc control panel and transformar may be easiiy damaged.
1.4 Installation
Picture 5
1. Leftside bracket. 3. Connecting píate
2. Righí sidebrackeí 4. M 10*20 Inner h ex agón cylinderhead screws
Remove the MI0*20 Innerhexagon cylinderhead screws from the accessory box, from the left side
bracket and righí side bracket oí' the base stand to inset screw, for connecting with the connecting
píate, Ihen tighten the fíx using inner hexagon wrench, referring to picture 5.
¿—*.-* Note: Thc base moimfíng bolfs are fixed to thc base stand. Wheii install thc baso stand, except llie 4 bolts marked
with red chele in picture 5, picase remove the other holts and insta)!.
Picture 7
1. Drain valve connect
2. Big rabber gasket (Inner díaineter*outer diaraeter*tbicknessO20*O2S*2mm)
3. Safety cabinet bottom instaliation boles
4. Ball coupling fastening nut
5. Sraall rubber gasket (Inner diameter*outer diarneter*thickness0>13*<l>l9*2mra)
6. Drain valve
1. FasíeningMut
2. Stainless Steel Water and Gas Taps
Take out fastening nuts, water and gas taps, installing as picmre 10.
First, make sure the Voltage and frequcncy to be same as logo showing, and then check me follows
Ítems witíi power on:
Checking ítems Non-nal situation
Picture S
1. M6nut 4. Shira
2. Spring washer 6 5. Safety cabinet bottom installation boles
3. Drain boards I 6. Drain boards II
Take out drain boards I, drain boards 11, Shim, spring washer 6, M6 nut, assembling from up lo down
as picture S illuslrated.
h. Adjustment of Footmaster Caster
(1) Electric consumption power including power which operation área needs to load (Loading no
more than 500W)
(2) Base stand height 690 mm.
(3) Our company has right for changing the products, if we need to change and re-design, picase
forgíves us for not notifying you.
2.1.6 Performance Index .!
a. Biological safeíy functions
Personnel protection, microbial cdlony count <5CFU.
Sample protection, microbial colony count <5CFU.
Cross contamination protection, microbial colony count <2CFU.
b. Lcak-proof Cabinet
If cabinet pressurized to 500Pa, the pressure should be no less than 450 Pa after 30 min.
c. Integrity of HEPA Filter
Sean and detect the HEPA filter, the leakage rate at any point should not be >0.01%.
d. Vibra fio n ampíffude
i nú uct \ iüiüUuü aiiipiuuuc üeivv'tieii irequeucy ioi~í'¿ anu iiíkrtz i>¡ no inore inan 3j.un(niisj.
The average Ülumination is no less thaii 650 lux, actual iJIumínation is no less that 430 lux.
f. Mechunícal performance
StructLtre desígn is reasonable, high quaiity materials are adopied for íhe cabinet.
It can resísi sbape globa! deformatiem caused by externa! forcé.
The working surface wilí not oceur permanent deforraation when wejghl put reachmg 23kg.
g. Eléctrica! properties
The volíage mercases ío J 390V(AC) in 5s and keep for another 5s without breakdown.
Groundíng resistance <0.]£2
The air pipe should not be blocked and picase do not hang anytliing on the pipes,
otlierwisf it vviü effect wind speed and pressurc.
f. Power lock
When the power cord is connected to main power, svvitch the key for power lock, then the equipment
Waterproof Sockets are locaíed on the right side of thc work área, whídi can be conirolled by
SOCKET bul ton.
(1) Please make sure the fotal load of sockets should be < 500W.
(2) The waterproof socket can only be waterproof wh en its front cover is lowered, and the
socket can not be regarded as a waterproof socket when the front cover is opened.
h. Fu se protector:
The equipment is equipped with mairi power fuse, waterproof socket fuse and fan fuse. Thcy are
locaíed near the power cord's outlet Fuse label is corresponding to the relevant speeifications. Please
refer to 3.2.
i. LCDDisplay (Liquid Crystal Display)
LCD Crystal Display is placed i ti the raiddle of the two pieees of parallel glass liquid crystal, there
are raany veilical and horizontal fine wire between two pieees of glass, Gontro! rods crystal
moiecules change direction through electricity or not, and wiíl have a picture light refraction . Low
power consumption, no electroraagnetic radiation, and the service life can be up to 1OÓ0O0 hours.
Picture 15
I.UVLamp 2. LED Lamp
3.Fan 4.Socket
5.Glass Window Up ó.Glass WindowDown
7.Mute 8.Power
9-Alai-m Status lO.Mutc Status
11 .Filter Changing Status 12.Temperature
i3.System Working Time 14-Humidity
lS.Glass Window Down Status ló.Glass Window Up Status
1S.UV Status 19.Socket Status
20.LED Lamp Status 21.Fan Status
22.Exhaust Filter Differential Pressure 23 Jnflow veiocity
24.Supp¡y Filter Differential Pressure 25, üown-flow veiocity
ió.Filter Working Time 27.UV Lamp WorkirüiTime
-lo.Kescivauoii njiuiíg
a. LCD Screen
The working status of the equipmenl and operation can be seen on the LCD screen.
b. Softtouch button.
Biológica! Safety Cabinet's main functions conld be exeeuted by touch-buttons. User can opérate the
Biológica! Safety Cabinet eithcr by pressing the buttons on control pane! or using the remote control.
There are totally 8 common button on control panel.
----■—': The power button, the main switch lo control other functional keys
—L!_—!: To control UV lamp. (ít works oniy after front window, LED lamp and hlower fan
are fully dosed.)
-~".J; To control blower working status. (It will not work when front window is fully
-----•: Press MUTE button to stop volee prorapt
I------>: Press Down button, the glass window will fal! down, and one key disinfection
operation can be carried ouí when press this key in the resting state until the screen lights up, then
the UV lamp will turn on automaíically añer IOS. There are totally 8 common button on control
c. Clock Adjustment:
Turn tlie power key, so machine is ín standby state.
Press the líght button, and then press the power button for 5 seconds. Then you see the state of dock
adjustment after a buzzer alarm.
Firsíly, minute position is flashing, press UP and DOWN to aüjust to present time. Then press the
MUTE button switching to hour posiíion and adjust lo present time. After that, press the líght button
fírst, and press the power button for about 5 seconds. Data wÜI be saved after a buzzer alarm.
It is inconvenient for the users to opérate from a distance. Small & líght remote control is flexibly to
he used to control al! the Jiinctions of íhe cabinet in a disiance <íim. 3u,J rango, i ¡le opuaio¡ vuu
This remote control adopt speeific chíp which is featured with good antí-jamming performance,
longcr control distante and high control precisión.
automatic turning on or rurning ofí the cabinet after íhe sterilization fmíshed. Kcscrvation time
setting rangc is from 0 to 99 hours and 59 minutes. This function helps operators tu save time and
improve effidency.
m. Íhe máximum siorage period is une year. íf Ihc period is more than une year, performance fes:
should be done .
£-^-i Senous dcclaration: wc wíll íake no responsibility for rísks caused by improper
openttion and man-rnade damages!
2.5.2 Operation Process
a. Connect the same power reply, as required of equipment
b. Open íhe power loek, LCD display ligliís up and alarm rings at the same time, tiien the machine
enters to standby status. Waiting for the operator to input button to use it.
c. Press POWER button, then the followíng fbnctions are available: LED lamp. UV lamp, Fan,
Mute, Sockels. Front window up and down, Reservaíion timing
¿~^-i When front window is open or oíher button is pressed, the UV lamp can not be work.
d. Before doing experiment, please sterilize the cabinet for more than 30 minutes by UV Samp( the
front window must be ctosed)
¿~¿-l(I) For safety of eyes and sldn, people should ieave room during the UV sterilization.
(2) UV lamp intensity should be tested regularly. If there is no test conditions, it should be
replaced, recommend once for threc monrh.
e. Picase move the front window at 200mm heiglit from the work table, turn on the fan, make sure
the experiment should be started after fan working for at least half an honr.
c-L-i For operating safety, please put testing materials inside the cabinet ín advance, and keep
the front window at 200mm height from the work table during operation.
After finishing the experiment, please move the front window down to the bottom, and make sure to
sterilize the cabinet by UV lamp for 30 minutes before turníng off the cabinet.
Because the operating lime will directíy affect the judgment of maintenance needs, we recommend
the user keep a detailed record of operating time for reference.
t_í_j\Vhen doing maintenance, please pay attentíon to cut off the power, so as to avoid electric
2.6.1 Preparations before maintenance
Soap, hot water or wann water, a soií cotton cloth, dry cioth or towel, medical alcohol or other
disinfectants, 100 dilution ofhousehold bíeach, abrasive household cleaners, sterile water
2.6.2 Cica» the cabinet suri'ace
¿i. Cicau tiic opuiíiúiig ai cu &ui luce
Wipe the entíre surface with a soft cotton cloth or towel soakcd with concentrated liquid soap, then
wipe up tlie soap with another cotton cloth or towel soaked with clean hot or warm water, and then
wipe the surface with a dry cotton cloth or towel rapidly.
I7or the contaminated or dirty work surface or surnp,, use 70% medica! alcohol or other disinfcctant
to wipe.
¿-l-iDisinfectants uscd for wiping should not damagc 304 stainless steel.
b. Clean the externa! surface and froní window.
Use son cotton cloth or towel to wipe the surface with non-abrasive household cleanser.
2.6.3 Overall maintenance períod
We suggest comprehensive maintenance períod is one- year or 1000 working hours.
2.6.4 Maintenance methods
a. Daily or weekly maintenance
1) Disinfect and clean operatjng área.
2) Clean the externa] surface and froní window aronnd the operating área.
3) Check the various functions of equipment. 4}
Record this maintenance J'esult
b. Monthly maintenance
1) Clean the the externa! surface and front window.
2) Wipe the working table, inner wall siírface of operating área (exctuding the wind
distributing grid of operating área) and the inner surface of glass door with 70 % medical
alcohol or household bíeach díluted 1:100 (í.e, 0.05% sodium hypochloriíe). Then wipe
agaín with sterile walcr in order lo elimínate the rest chlorine.
3) Check the various functions of equipment.
4) Record this maintenance result.
c. Animal maintenance
1) Check the two conveyor belts of front window drive unit, and ensure tbat their tightness is
2) Check the UV lamp and LED lamps.
3) Apply for testing the overa!! performance of cabinet on an annual basis to ensure the
performance safety. User is responsible for testing costs.
4) Record this maintenance result.
2.6.5 Storage conditions
Safety cabinet should be stored in a relative humidíty no more than 75%, the temperaínre is belovv
40DC, in the warehouse with good ventilation performance, no acid, no alkali and no other corrosive
gases, storage períod shall not cxceed one year, safety cabinet for more than a year needs to unpacked
and checked. Only the tested and qualifíed safety cabinet can be sold.
'7.7 iVi'HhíuIs ;:rfu'? p'.'íu■■'■.:^í'uv<''•:^ n - r JPJnfí'dV- ■?
Before sterilization, all the hydrogen chloride should be moved away from the
cabinet. There will result in carcinogenic substance-BCME when it mcet with formaldehyde
under the ambient air.
a. Figure out the total volume by multipíying the height, width and depth.
b. The required weight of the triformol will be worked out through the total volume multíply
1 Ig/itf, fíguring out the weight of ammonium bicarbonate or its alternative by cheraomeíry.
c. It musí be bubble-tight if there are exhaust pipe with íhe biosafety cabinet, which can be
reaiized at the end of the pipe or sealíng ai íhe control valve if there is valve nearby the
cabinet, it need more triformol to compénsate íhe added volume if the length of exhaust
pipe is more than 3 meters. If the exhaust recirculation of the cabinet connect with the
exhaust system of the constructíon, interrupting the connection system of the biosafety
cabinet with constructíon and sealíng (by using plástic film and plástic sírips)
d. Seaüng by plástic film as the vvaste gas is exhausted into the room from biosafety cabinet.
e. In order to urgently elimínate formaldehyde, steriiize and elimínate formaldehyde after
neutralizing, puttíng a tube nearby the biosafety cabinet in advance whích is required to
connect with chemical smoke hood or other exhaust devices that is suitable for releasing the
hannful gas.
f. Pul the heater, such as electric-heating frying pan whích can be bought from market,
fonnaldehyde genera tor or neuíralizer on íhe working table. Sct up the temperaíure al
232°C'--2460C, íhe triformol is spraying over the surface of the heater devices equably.
g. The neutralizer with the heating devíce is placed on íhe workbench. Neufralizers
(Ammonium bicarbonato or equivalent) should be isolaíed from the air Ín the cabinet before use.
The following lwo examples Ühistrate how to achieve air separation. Eg.l: Ammonium
bicarbonate or substiíute is uniformly sprayed on thehcated surface ofthe heating device and
covered with aluniinum foil to prevent the carbonic acid hydrogei] ammonia or its substiíute in
disiníectíon reaction with formaídehyde. The aluminum foil should be placed so that ammonia
can be released during heating or ready ío remove aluminum foil at the beginning of !he
neutralization phase. Removal of aluminum foil is not allowcd wlien tbe formaídehyde leakage
out ofthe safety cabinet of. Eg.2: The safety cabinet with the gloves for a whole plástic film
seaiing. Ammonium bicarbonate or equivalent subsíitutes are placed in a container ín a safety
cabinet. During the neutralization phase, the dishifected personnel into the safety cabinet through
the gloves do not break the sealíng system. The ammonium bicarbonate or equivalent subsíítuíes
are removed from the sealed container and uniformly sprinkled on the heating surface of the
heating device, then the heating device is energized, the ammonium bicarbonate or the substiíute
is heated to reléase the ammonia. h. Puíting heating píate, water beaker and hygrothennograph
on the work table, do not connect
the wíres to the power supply in the cabinet. i. Seaiing the front operating window with thick
plástic film and plástic strips. Seal all the área where possible to leak. Such as wire outlet, the
surrounding of front operating window and joint between plástic film and biosafety cabinet. j.
Measure the temperature and humidity inner the cabinet. k, The humidity is at 60 %~- 85 %
when temperature is above 21 °C, heating the water in the
beak up to the expected temperature and humidity. 1. Before depolymerizing the
formaídehyde, strictly restrict entty to the área around biosafety
cabinet orroom in accordance with related regulation and safety measures. m.
Connect the wire ofthe heaíer with socket outside the cabinet.
n. 25% formaídehyde is depolymerized open the safety cabinet fanlOs-35s, after The para-
formaldehyde is depolymerized by 50%, 75% and 100%,repeating the above steps. lf íhe safety
cabinet fan does noí work. Use auxiliary fans to promote the air circuíation Ín the cabinet, or
prolong the disinfection time over Step P . o. Disconnect the power supply ofthe heating píate
and heater for the use of informo] p. Keep the biosafety cabinet isolation at least 6 hours, it is
betíer ío íeave it for a nighr. q. Prepare the neutralizen power off the heating devíce and the fan
of biosafety cabinet unti! ammonium bicarbonate wiped away, the operation of triformol is also
the same, after the decomposifion of 20% ammonium bicarbonate, open the fan for lOs-—15s,
using assísted fan or electric fan ío promole the air circuíation inner biosafety cabinet or prolong
the neutralization time for at least 6 h if the fan ofthe biosafety cabinet does not work. r. Keep
the biosafety cabinet isolation at least 1 bour before open the seaiing membrana.
s. [f exhausting the fomia)dehvd¡? cfi'iyed Hy ntíi!transí ion vh 'ube, tear om the plástic COVÍ
biosafety cabinet will be suck in and cut one or two openings make the fresh air be inte ti'
cabinel if the tube work well, then íhe formaldehyde is exhausted via tube.
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27 II
(1) The above eléctrica! parts niust be operaled by a qualiñed electrícian in safeíy eonditions
(cutíing off power suppíy). The other parts are not aüowed to remove. otherwise the user
should take responsibühy by them.
(2) When faihires are not occur, and the operator can't solve, please notify our maintenance
department immediately. For your safety, please do not maintain equípment by yourself.
(3) The maintenance of this equipment is undcrtaken by trained and recognized technicians.
(4) If you need to order parts, contact the agent or our technical service department, and please
indícate the model and serial number of the cabinet purchased.
3.1.3 Simple accessories replacement
a, Repiace the tuse
Waleiproof socket are located in the top operation panel. When repiace them, turn off the power and
disconnect plug, use a Phillips screwdriver counterclockwise pressing screwed fuse holder, remove
the ñise out and repiace a new fuse, and then clockwise pressing screwed ñise holder. Fire wire fuse
is located in the side of the cabinet operation panel, take out of the fuse holder using a slotted
screwdriver and repiace with a new ñise, and then press it back.
PowerPlug Fuse
Picture 19
b. Repiace fluorescenr light
When replacing lights, make sure that the power is off, open the operation panel like shown in
picture 20, use the control panel support frame (ñxed in the inside position of the control panel as
shown) to open the gray operation pane), then üke picture 21 shown removing one lamp tripod and
then take off the lamp, install the eorrespondence type of lamp, inserí the lamp tripod (make sure the
lamp tripod is fírm).
29 I!
i Picture 20
Picture 21
UV Lamp
Picture 22
Label Descnption
Ground label
í.sibcl !'!.',^,T!i''¡";=-.-í-'
Caution label
Life time of biosafeíy Cabineí is 8 years írom production date on Ihe Jabel.The warranty period of the
purchased product is subject to the sales coníract, accessories are free within ihe warranty. Supplies
are not warranted for consumable.
The following conditions will not be covered by íhe warranty,
® The serial nuniber of ihe equipmení provided by the customer is incorrecl.
® Malfunctions and damages caused by violation of the usage, precautions and intended use
described in íhis user manua!.
® Faílure and damage caused by operations such as inspección professionals, doctors or
laboratory personnel írained by our company or llie agent designated by our company.
@ Faüureand damage caused by repair ormodifícationof the other company.
® Faikire and damage caused by use with equiprnent other than those specífíed by our
@ Faiíure and damage caused by the inconsisteney beíween the operating environment and
íhe operaüng environment (power supply conditions, instalJation environment, etc.)
specified by our company.
® Failure and damage caused by irresistible natural disasters.
® Failure and damage caused by our company's uniníentional movement or transfer
(transport) after the equiprnent beíng ínslalled.
© íf íhe equiprnent fails due to the use of consumabies such as reagents noí approved by our
company, it is not within íhe scope of our company providing maintenance services.
© Other faüures caused by non-producís themselvcs.
© During íhe warranty period, if there is a failure caused by defeets in íhe design and
manufacture of our company, the repaír will be carried out without compensaron. Our
company will íake corresponding countermeasures according to the fanlt contení.
We can provide equipmení drawíngs and neccssary technical data for maintenance companies or
personnel trained by our company.
After íhe warranty period expires, our company can continué to provide fee-based repair services.
33 !S
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