(Ebook PDF) Modern Database Management 12Th Edition
(Ebook PDF) Modern Database Management 12Th Edition
(Ebook PDF) Modern Database Management 12Th Edition
(eBook PDF) Advance Nuclear Chemistry by Dr Rudra Narayan
(eBook PDF) Corporations and Other Business Associations:
Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms, 2019
To Patty, for her sacrifices, encouragement, and support for more than 30 years
of being a textbook author widow. To my students and colleagues, for being
receptive and critical and for challenging me to be a better teacher.
To Gayathri, for her sacrifices and patience these past 25 years. To my parents, for
letting me make the journey abroad, and to my cat, Raju, who was a part of our
family for more than 20 years.
To Anne-Louise, for her loving support, encouragement, and patience.
To Leila and Saara, whose laughter and joy of life continue to teach me about
what is truly important. To my teachers, colleagues, and students, from whom
I continue to learn every day.
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Brief Contents
Appendix A Data Modeling Tools and Notation A-1
Appendix B Advanced Normal Forms B-1
Appendix C Data Structures C-1
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Preface xxv
x Contents
Sackville, Sir Edward, his duel with Edward Lord Bruce of Kinloss, i.
St Andrew’s Day, kept as a holiday, ii. 297.
St Fittich’s and St Wollok’s Wells, sickly children bathed at, i. 323,
Salt, Charles II.’s restrictions on making, ii. 332.
Saltmarket of Glasgow, great fire in, ii. 389.
Sampson, Agnes, burnt for witchcraft, i. 212-216.
Sandeman, Charles, his obligations as a cook, i. 47.
Sandilands, Sir James, and Mr John Graham of Hallyards, litigation
between, i. 246.
Sandilands, Sir James, and Earl of Montrose, street-combat
between, i. 258.
Sangster, Gogar, & Miller, hanged, ii. 422.
Saw-mills, Robertson of Struan’s, ii. 447.
Schaw, John, fined for burying his wife in parish-church of Galston,
i. 425.
School-discipline at Kirk of Dundonald, in Ayrshire, ii. 138.
Schools, Privy Council order plantation of parish, i. 479.
Scolding and slander, rigorous punishment of, i. 344, 345.
Scotch, order against their going to England, i. 432.
Nobles and entire community nearly ruined by the civil wars,
ii. 225.
Scotland, general sketch of, i. 1-6;
factious state of, in 1571, 72.
Indifference of England to, ii. 113;
state of, after Cromwell’s invasion, 209, 212;
concluding remarks on, 496.
Scotland, Perfect Description of the People and Country of, a
satire, i. 481.
Scots, their supposed origin, i. 1.
—— Guard of the French king, its re-establishment craved, i. 535,
Scott, Alexander, poet, his New-year Gift to Queen Mary, i. 15.
Scott, Captain, beats Mr Gregory, ii. 478.
——, George, Walter, & Ingram, condemned to death for an
atrocious crime, i. 472.
Scott, George and William, their achievements, ii. 169.
Scott, John, a Quaker, fined for brewing on Sunday, ii. 376.
Scott of Pitlochie, story of his unfortunate voyage to East Jersey,
ii. 479-481.
Scott of Raeburn, a Quaker, his children ordered to be separated
from him, ii. 311.
Scott, Sir Walter, of Branxholm, Laird of Buccleuch, celebrated
exploit of, i. 269-271.
Scott, Thomas, hanged for murder of Robert Donaldson, ii. 329.
Scott, Walter, of Harden, married to the Flower of Yarrow, i. 46.
Sea-monsters, various appearances of;
superstitions regarding, i. 64-66.
Seaton, Thomas, his religions dissimulation, ii. 301.
Semple, Lord, and his son, ii. 336.
——, Robert, his writings, i. 49.
Service-book or Liturgy introduced into Scottish church; its
reception, ii. 101-104.
Seventeenth of December, tumult of the, i. 276-278.
Shakspeare, surmised to have been in Aberdeen while the
remarkable witch-trials were proceeding; quotations from
Macbeth and Othello strengthening this supposition, i. 283-
285, 357.
Sharpe, Archbishop, ii. 256;
his cortège to St Andrews, 291;
his land purchases, 300;
attempt on his life, 322;
assassination of, 350.
Shaws and the Faws, battle between, ii. 388.
Sheep and cattle, abundance of, ii. 371.
Ship-of-war burnt in Leith Roads through the mad humour of an
Englishman, i. 453.
Shorter Catechism, General Assembly sanction, ii. 170.
Shotts, Kirk of, communion at, ii. 41.
Shrovetide customs, revival of, ii. 273, 274.
Sieve, divination by the, strange story of, ii. 434.
Sigget Well, dedicated to Virgin Mary, i. 324.
Siller Gun at Dumfries, i. 294.
Silver Heart in Culross Abbey Church, wood-cut of, i. 450.
Silver lace and silk stuffs, law against wearing, ii. 357, 358.
Sinclair, Colonel, with 900 Scotsmen, slain in Norway, i. 446.
Sinclair, George, author of Satan’s Invisible World Discovered, ii.
his copyright of, 475.
Sinclair, Henry, Bishop of Ross, dies of stone, i. 24.
Sinclair, Sir William, of Mey, shoots Bailie Macmoran, i. 262, 263.
Single-combats, edict against, i. 310.
Skeyne, Dr, his treatise on the pest, i. 54.
Slezer’s Theatrum Scotiæ, ii. 485.
Small-pox, severe visitation of, in Aberdeen, i. 431.
Great severity of, ii. 85;
about 240 children die of, 140;
upwards of 800 deaths in Glasgow from, 347.
Smibert, William, his unbaptised child, i. 32.
Smith, James, barters wheat for Norway timber, ii. 71.
Smollett, George, an ancestor of the novelist, denounced as a
rebel, i. 248.
Spanish ship blown up by, ii. 387.
Sneesh-box, fondness of the Scotch for the, ii. 494.
Snow-storm, an enormous, i. 458, 459.
Great, in 1633, ii. 61;
in 1664-5, 302;
in 1674, 365.
Soap, first manufactured in Leith, by Nathaniel Uddart, i. 511, 512.
Patent granted to Patrick Mauld for making, ii. 80, 81.
Soldiers, Colonel Monro endeavours to erect hospital for Scottish,
ii. 75.
Somerville, James, younger of Drum and Cambusnethan, his
marriage, ii. 207-209;
his son’s death, 443.
Somerville, Lord; his lawsuit with his cousin, and its success, i.
Somerville, Lord, sad accident in the family of, i. 190-192.
Somerville of Drum, anecdote of, i. 491.
Spanish and Dutch sea-fight on coast of Zetland, ii. 15.
Spanish Armada, excitement in Scotland caused by, i. 185-189;
vessels destroyed, 186; ii. 386.
‘Speat’ on the Water of Carron, ii. 98.
Sports, James VI.’s declaration regarding, on Sundays and
holidays, i. 491.
Spynie, Lord, dies of wounds received in a street-fight, i. 406.
Stage-coach, Countess of Crawford travels to England in a, ii. 218;
advertised for various towns, 247;
betwixt Edinburgh and Haddington, and Edinburgh and
Glasgow, 391.
Stair, Lord, ii. 370.
Stalker, Andrew, a goldsmith, kills a servant of Earl of Angus, i.
Standing army in Scotland, commencement of a, ii. 313.
Stanfield, Sir James, his son hanged for his murder, ii. 491, 492.
Star, Melville’s notice of a brilliant, i. 386;
appearance of a great fiery, 472; ii. 84.
Star of Tycho, Holinshed’s notice of, i. 84.
Stercovius, a Pole, beheaded for publishing his Legend of
Reproaches against the Scottish nation, i. 452.
Stewart, Alexander, an itinerant doctor, ii. 184.
Stewart, Hercules, brother of the Earl of Bothwell, hanged at the
Cross of Edinburgh, i. 259.
Stewart, James, banished for performing mass, i. 451.
Stewart, Janet, petition of, ii. 437.
——, John, a vagabond, hangs himself in prison, i. 488, 489.
Stewart, John, hanged for witchcraft, ii. 377-379.
Stewart, Margaret, abduction of her daughter, i. 419.
Stewart, Master Allan, receives the revenues of the Abbey of
Crossraguel; his torture by Earl of Cassillis, i. 65-68.
Stewart of Minto, his dispute with Sir George Elphinstone, i. 396-
Stewart of Tarlair, mining by, i. 28.
——, William, stabs Lord Torthorald, i. 415.
Stewarts of Coltness; anecdote of the plague, ii. 165;
Thomas of, his country-house, 245;
his flight to Holland, 448-451.
Stewarts of Traquair, and Hay of Yester, feud between, i. 168-170.
Stewarton Sickness, a religious fervour so called, ii. 42, 43.
Stirling, a parliament held by Regent Lennox at, i. 76;
taking of, quick transmission of news to London, 159;
strange sounds heard by four gentlemen of, 541.
Sixteen farms between Falkirk and, buried in moss, ii. 35;
the session sit at, 116.
Stones, large, transported by a river, ii. 98.
Stool of repentance, i. 334, 335.
Storie, Richard, charged with murder, ii. 442.
Strachan of Thornton, his alleged theft, i. 534, 535.
Strathbogie, Presbytery Record of, extracts from, ii. 156-161.
Street-carriages of Edinburgh, regular system of, ii. 358.
Street-conflicts in Aberdeen, i. 343.
—— fights, Edinburgh, the first of, i. 48.
Struan, Laird of, his dispute with Marquis of Athole, ii. 423;
his saw-mills, 447.
Struthers, William, his sermon, i. 513.
Stuart, Esme, usually called Monsieur D’Aubigné; his mission to
Scotland, i. 126-128.
Stuart, James (Earl of Arran), his rise, i. 126;
influence over James VI., 128;
his fall, 129;
his marriage to the Countess of March, 146;
his death, 275;
his death avenged, 414.
Stuart, Robert, natural son of the Earl of Orkney, beheaded, i. 461.
Stuart, Sir William of Monkton, slain by Stuart Earl of Bothwell, i.
184, 185.
Suffolk, Earl of, his journey of pleasure through Scotland, i. 454,