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3+<6,&63$3(5 7+(25<

"$& +;4<
%)$+55 #'%&! %


 Choose the correct alternative (a), (b), (c) or (d) for each of the questions given below: ) *

(i) Relative permittivity of water is 81. If w and o are permittivities of water and
vacuum respectively, then:
(a) o  9 w
(b) o = 81 w
(c) w = 9 o
(d) w = 81 o
(ii) Five resistors are connected as shown in .

2Ω 3Ω

8Ω 12Ω

The effective resistance i.e. equivalent resistance between the points A and B is:
(a) 4Ω
(b) 5Ω
(c) 15 Ω
(d) 20 Ω
(iii) The38=%+?+;=D< Law in ?/-=8; form is:

B o
dl I  r 
4 r3

B o

I dl  r 
4 r3


B o

I r  dl 
4 r 3


B o

I dl  r 
4 r 2

(iv) In an astronomical telescope of refracting type:

(a) Eyepiece has greater focal length.
(b) Objective has greater focal length.
(c) Objective and eyepiece have equal focal length.
(d) Eyepiece has greater aperature than the objective.
(v) The particles which cannot be accelerated by a -B-58=;87 or a '+7 ./ ;+00
generator are:
(a) Alpha particles
(b) Beta particles
(c) Neutrons
(d) Protons

 Answer +55 questions given below briefly and to the point: ) *

(i) A large hollow metallic sphere has a positive charge of 354 C at its centre.
Find how much /5/-=;3-05>A emanates from the sphere.

(ii) A current ‘I’ flows through a metallic wire of radius ‘r’ and the free electrons in it
drift with a velocity (d. Calculate the drift velocity of the free electrons through the
wire of the <+6/ 6+=/;3+5, having double the radius , when <+6/ current flows
through it.

(iii) Name +7B 87/ instrument which works on the principle of =+71/7= 5+@ in

(iv) State the SI unit of 6+17/=3-.3985/686/7=.

(v) Alternating current flowing through a certain electrical device leads over the potential
difference across it by 90o. State whether this device is a ;/<3<=8;, -+9+-3=8; or an

(vi) What is the shape of the wavefront diverging from a 9837=<8>;-/805312=?

(vii) The critical angle for a given transparent medium and air is  . A ray of light
travelling in air is incident on this transparent medium at an angle of incidence equal
to the polarising angle " . What is the relation between the two angles  and " ?

(viii) Find the 08-+55/71=2 and 7+=>;/ of a lens whose optical power is – 5D.

(ix) What is 8.>5+=387? Explain in brief.

(x) What are the .+;4537/< seen in the <85+;<9/-=;>6 called?

(xi) What is the relation between @+?/5/71=2 and 686/7=>6 of moving particles?

(xii) Name the series of lines in the hydrogen spectrum which lies in the >5=;+?385/=

(xiii) Fill in the blank in the given nuclear reaction:

27 25 4
________ + Al  Mg  He
13 12 2

(xiv) Give an example where energy is converted into matter.

(xv) To convert a pure semiconductor into -type semiconductor, what type of impurity is
added to it?

Comments of Examiners
A. (i) Many candidates did not know that relative
permittivity = dielectric constant and its value is '%&! %!$&$%
>1 for all materials.  Stress εr = k >1 for all materials.
(ii) A few candidates did not recognise that the given The value ofεr = k is always >εo.
network was a balanced Wheatstone bridge. Point out that εr = k = εw/εo. For any
Evaluation of Rp from1/R1 + 1/R2 was wrong for medium, ε = εr.εo.
many. Some applied Kirchhoff’s law  Teach the condition for a bridge to
unnecessarily and incorrectly. be balanced.
(iii) Wrong choices were made by several candidates  It is the current element Idl that is a
as many did not understand that the expression vector not the current I. The
with cross product and current I is not a vector direction of magnetic field vector B
quantity. is along the cross product dlxr not
(iv) A number of candidates had no idea of the rxdl. Teach the properties of cross
relative values of the focal lengths of the product of vectors very well.
objective lens and the eyepiece, nor the reason for  Point out that magnification
it. Hence, many wrong choices were made by m= fo/fe. So fo>>fe for high
candidates. In a few cases, aperture and focal magnifying power. In the ray
length were mixed up. diagram, stress this aspect of
(v) Wrong options were chosen by some candidates telescope. Also mention larger
due to lack of understanding of the principle of aperture of objective enables more
Cyclotron. Some gave the answer as ‘alpha light to be gathered-> brighter I.
particles’ as they are positively charged, not
having read ‘cannot be accelerated’, in the question.

B. (i) Many candidates gave flux φ = 0 as they thought  The working principle and the
E = 0 inside a hollow sphere. They did not notice limitations should be stressed. The
that there was a charge at the centre. Many what and why should be explained.
candidates wrote the unit of electric flux Point out that Cyclotron can
incorrectly. accelerate only charged particles (no
(ii) Some candidates combined the full formulas, neutrons); electrons have relativistic
I = vd.ena and area a = π.R2 resulting in increase in mass violating the
unwanted lengthy calculations and mistakes. resonance condition required.
(iii) Answers like, cyclotron, galvanometer, moving  Stress upon the correct use of Gauss’
coil galvanometer, vibration magnetometer and theorem, especially that the el flux φ
magnetometer were given which were all = q/εo, where q is the $
incorrect.  !%.
(iv) Many candidates gave incorrect units: A/m2,  Explain clearly that Tangent law, B2
Tesla.m2, etc. = B1 tan θ has two crossed fields, B1
(v) Several candidates gave incorrect answers. and B2 perpendicular to each other.
(vi) Many candidates gave the shape of the wavefront So the devices based on tangent law
as ‘circle’, which was incorrect. must have two crossed magnetic
(vii) Many gave the expressions for ic(sin ic = 1/n) and fields. B1 is usually the horizontal
for ip(tan ip = n); but did not connect these, component of earth’s field, BEH; B2
whereas the question asked for the relation is the artificial field produced by a
between ic and ip. bar magnet or a current carrying coil.
(viii)The unit of ‘f’ was not given by many candidates.  Teach Phasor diagrams in detail,
In some cases, the nature of the lens was given as showing R, XL and XC along the +X,
convex. +Y and –Y directions respectively.
(ix) Most of the candidates did not have a clear idea Also, VR, VL and VC.; along with
as to what modulation is, hence they gave their phase differences.
different types of modulations.  Energy from a point source spread
(x) Many candidates answered this part incorrectly. out in all direction in 3-dimensional
(xi) A few candidates gave wrong formulae, such as, space. The wave front is a sphere,
p = h.c/λ not a circle. Illustrate with example
(xii) Some candidates gave the wrong names: Balmer, of water wave (circles) in 2-D and
Pfund, or Brackett series. sound propagation in 3-D space
(xiii)Many candidates gave wrong names: (" ), p or (spheres).
1H .  Ask students to read the question
(xiv)Many candidates gave incorrect answers in this carefully; note carefully what is
part. asked and answer that specifically.
(xv) Some candidates gave the answer as, ‘trivalent  Tell students that when power is in
elements’; some wrote, ‘acceptor elements’. D, f is in m (not cm). Always include
the correct unit in the final answer.
Also, if power or focal length is –ve,
it is a concave/diverging lens.

 New topics like modulation should
be clearly explained with the help
of diagrams and examples.
 Tell students that the names given
to the first 3 series should be
learned well with the help of
energy level diagram.
 Teach the conservation law of Z
and A in nuclear reactions. Also,
let students learn the names of the
first 10 elements with their Z and
A values.
 Explain clearly what happens in
pair production and mutual
 Point out the ‘n’ in do7or,
pe7tavalent, and 7-type. Also
explain the difference between
n-type and p-type semiconductors.

$ %
 (i) (d) or w = 81 o
(ii) (a) or 4Ω

(b) or dB  o

I dl  r 
4 r 3

(iv) (b) or Objective has greater focal length.

(v) (c) or Neutrons
(b) Beta particles also may be accepted as a special case.
 (i) q net 35.4 106
 4  106 Vm or C.m.F1 NC-1 m2
o 8.55  10
(ii) (d
or 1/4
(iii) Deflection magnetometer OR
Tangent magnetometer OR any one
Tangent galvanometer.

(iv) A.m2
(v) Capacitor
(vi) Spherical wavefront OR spherical OR sphere
(vii) 1
Tan ip = OR its equivalent
sin i c
(viii) Concave lens, or diverging lens f = -20 cm
(ix) Combining an a.f. signal with a r.f. carrier wave or equivalent statement.
Superposition/overlapping or 3 diagrams
(x) Fraunhofer lines
h h
(xi) P= OR 
(xii) Lyman (series)
(xiii) 2
1 H OR 2
1 D OR 1 H 2 OR 1 D 2 OR 21 X OR 21Y
(xiv) Pair production or equivalent  e  e OR h  e   e
Or labelled diagram
(xv) Pentavalent element or donor impurity or name or element of 5th group

"$& +;4<
%)$ <3A #'%&! % &%"$& !!%  =@8#'%&! %
$! !&&! %    
%)$ * =@8 #'%&! %

(a) (i) Write an expression (./;3?+=38778=;/:>3;/.) for intensity of electric field in: ) *
(1) Axial position.
(2) Broad side position of an electric dipole, in terms of its length (2a) dipole
moment (p) and distance (r).
(ii) What is the ratio of these two intensities i.e. E1 : E2, for a <28;= electric dipole?

(b) Three capacitors C1 = 6 F , C2 = 12 F and C3 = 20 F are connected to a 100 V batttery, ) *
as shown in  below:
6 F 12 F

C1 C2
20 F


100 V

(i) Charge on each plate of capacitor 
(ii) Electrostatic potential energy stored in capacitor .
(c) ‘n’ cells, each of emf ‘e’ and internal resistance ‘r’ are joined in series to form a row. ) *
‘m’ such rows are connected in parallel to form a battery of N = mn cells. This battery is
connected to an external resistance ‘R’.
(i) What is the emf of this battery and how much is its internal resistance?

(ii) Show that current ‘I’ flowing through the external resistance ‘R’ is given by:
mR  nr

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Many candidates gave the abridged formula for in '%&! %!$&$%
place of the complete formula required in the question.  Instruct students to read the question
(ii) For the ratio E1/E2 for a short electric dipole, the carefully, noting carefully what
abridged formula was to be used. Many did not note exactly is asked and giving just that.
that and used the un-abridged formula, resulting in  Explain clearly how the pd and
clumsy results. Some got E1:E2 = 1:2 which was charge combine in series and parallel
incorrect. combination of capacitors. The
(b) (i) Many candidates followed very lengthy methods. differences in charge and pd should
Some used the reciprocal relation for Cp; Some carried be well understood.
10-6 for μ in all substitutions. Mistakes were also made  Stress upon the importance of the
in simplifying the exponents. three formulas for U. Solve typical
(ii) Many candidates used wrong formulas. Some did problems.
not use μ = 10-6 correctly.  The total  for each row is  and
(c) The  of the battery was wrongly given as  or for  such rows (battery), the  is
 . Total internal resistance and total resistance were the same as for each row, ne. Explain
also given incorrectly. Some candidates gave total that the internal resistance adds up in
internal resistance r’ = r/n instead of n.r/m. each row (nr) and divides for  rows
( $).

$ %
(a) 1 2pr
E1 =
4 o r 

1 p
E2 =
4 o

E1 : E2 = 2 : 1
(b) (i) C1C2 6 12
C12=  4 F
C1  C2 6  12
Q1 = Q12 = C12V = 410-6100 = 410-4C
= 400 C
Q= V
C1  C2
6  12
=  100
6  12
= 400 C
Correct substitution with or
Without (correct) formula
Correct result with proper unit
1 1
   20 106  100 
(ii) U =  CV 2
2 2
= 110-1 J OR
= 0.1 J
(c) (i) emf = ne
internal resistance, r’ =
(ii) E ne
I / =mne/(mR+nr)=Ne/(mR+nr)
Rr nr

(a) In the circuit shown in , E1 = 17 V, E2 = 21 V, R1 = 2Ω , R2 = 3Ω and R 3 = 5Ω. ) *
Using 3;-2800D<5+@< find the currents flowing through the resistors R1, R2 and R3.
(Internal resistance of each of the batteries is neglegible.)

R1 E1 E2 R2

I1 R3 I2


(b) You are provided with one low resistance RL and one high resistance RH and two ) *
galvanometers. One galvanometer is to be converted to an ammeter and the other to a
voltmeter. Show how you will do this with the help of simple, labelled diagrams.

(c) (i) Plot a labelled graph to show variation of thermo-emf ‘e’ versus ) *
temperature difference ‘  ’ between the two junctions of a thermocouple.
Mark ‘N’ as 7/>=;+5 =/69/;+=>;/ and ‘I’ as =/69/;+=>;/8037?/;<387.

(ii) What is "/5=3/;/00/-=?

Comments of Examiners
(a) The sign convention was applied wrongly by many
candidates. In some cases, the solution of the two '%&! %!$&$%
simultaneous equations was attempted using very  Use Σε + ΣIR = 0, (not Σε = ΣIR).
lengthy and incorrect methods. Several candidates Also, take the loop direction against
changed the direction of arrows given in the question current so that IR is +ve. Explain
paper. Some did not know Kirchhoff’s laws or its well what is +ve for  and for p.d
applications. = V = I.R.
(b) Disregarding the given labels, RL and RH many  Teach students how to solve
candidates used ‘S’ and ‘R’ for shunt and series simultaneous equations in easy steps.
resistors. Others gave detailed derivations of the  Tell students not to change symbols
expressions for S and R which were not asked for. and the directions of the arrows
(c) The shape of the graph was wrong in several cases. given in the diagrams in the question
The points N and I were marked wrongly by a number paper.
of candidates. Many candidates did not know Peltier  Ask students to read the questions
effect at all. very carefully and to follow the
directions strictly.
 This simple graph should be taught
well, pointing out the correct
shape and the location of the points
N and I.

$ %
(a) I = I1 + I2
- I  5 – 2 I1 + 17 = 0
5I + 2 I1 = 17
Equation 1: 7 I1 + 5 I2 = 17

- I  1 – 6 I2 – 1 I2 + 10 = 0
5I + 3I2 = 21
Equation 2: 5I1 + 8 I2 = 21

Solving the two simultaneous equations; show some working

I1 = 1 A
I2 = 2 A
ECF applicable, if one of the equations is wrong.
ECF applicable, if both the equations are wrong.
(b) (i) To convert galvanometer to ammeter:

(ii) To convert galvanometer to voltmeter:

(c) (i)


Correct labelling: e on Y axis;  on x axis.

: for neutral temp.
:  or temperature of immersion
Correct shape of the graph
(ii) When a current is passed through a thermo-couple, one of its junctions gets heated
whereas the other gets cooled or equivalent.

(a)  below shows two infinitely long and thin current carrying conductors X and Y ) *
kept in vacuum, parallel to each other, at a distance ‘a’.

a a

(i) How much force per unit length acts on the conductor Y due to the current flowing
through X ? Write your answer in terms of  o  , I1, I2, and a.
(ii) Define +69/;/, in terms of force between two current carrying conductors.

(b) A metallic rod CD rests on a thick metallic wire PQRS with arms PQ and RS parallel to ) *
each other, at a distance  = 40 cm, as shown in  . A uniform magnetic field
B = 01T acts perpendicular to the plane of this paper, pointing inwards (i.e. away from
the reader). The rod is now made to slide towards right, with a constant velocity of
( = 5.0 ms1.


x x x x x

 = 40cm B
x x x x x


(i) How much emf is induced between the two ends of the rod CD ?

(ii) What is the direction in which the induced current flows?

(c) (i)   below shows a series $ circuit connected to an ac source which ) *
generates an alternating emf of frequency 50 Hz. The readings of the voltmeters V1
and V2 are 80 V and 60 V respectively.

R = 100Ω
50 Hz L


(1) the current in the circuit.

(2) the capacitance C of the capacitor.

(ii) At resonance, what is the relation between impedance of a series LCR circuit and
its resistance R?

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) The expression for  was wrong for many
'%&! %!$&$%
candidates. Several candidates derived the formula
 Ask students to read the questions
very carefully. Tell them to do just
(ii) A number of candidates were not able to define
what is asked, strictly following the
‘Ampere’ correctly.
(b) (i) The emf = v was simple substitution but
 Ampere, the base unit of electricity
many candidates did it incorrectly as L = 40 cm was
is defined from the expression,  =
not changed to 0.40 m.
(μ o/2π) I1.I2/a. So, stress (i) I1 = I2 =
(ii) Direction of induced current was given wrongly
I = 1 A, if a = 1 m,  = 2x10-7
by many candidates.
N/m, when the conductor is very
(c) (i) A number of candidates did not recognize
long and is placed in vacuum.
   and made some wrong calculations.
 Emphasize the unit of each physical
Mistakes were also made in simplifying and solving
quantity. In numerical problems, in
for C from Xc = 1.ωC = 1/2πfC.
most cases, all data should be in SI
 Teach carefully, the use of Lenz’s
law to obtain the direction of the
induced current; ‘so as to oppose
the action which causes it.’
 Help students understand that in an
LCR circuit, current, I is the same in
all components. So, the simplest
formula for I is, I = V/R.

$ %
(a) (i)   2I I I I
F =  o  1 2 OR o 1 2

 4  a 2a
(ii) Current flowing through each of the two (infinitely) long (thin) conductors is said to be
1A if they attract or repel each other with a force of 210-7 Nm-1, when they are kept
parallel to each other at a distance of 1 m in vacuum.
(must mention 210-7 and either Nm-1 or 1 m accepted)
(b) (i) e = B(
= 01  04 50
e = 02 V
Correct substitution or correct formula
Correct result with unit
(ii) From D to C or along DCQR

(c) (i) VR 80
1. I= ( )  0  8A
R 100
1 V
2. Xc =  C = 75 Ω or implied
2fC I
1 60
 or ω = 2. π.f = 2x3.142x50 = 314.2 rad/s
2 50  C 0  8
 C  42  5 F
43 F
Accept C = 42 to 43 μF
(ii) Z=R .

%)$ * =@8 #'%&! %
(a) (i) In an electromagnetic wave, how are electric vector ( E ), magnetic vector ( B ) and ) *

velocity of propagation of the wave ( c ) oriented?
(ii) How long would 1+66+;+.3+=387 take to travel from sun to earth, a distance of
15×1011 m?
(b) With the help of a labelled diagram, show that fringe separation in ) *
(8>71D< .8>,5/<53= experiment is given by:

where the terms have their usual meaning.
(c) (i) What is the difference between 985+;3</. light and >7985+;3</. light based on the ) *

direction of electric vector ( E ) ?
(ii) What will be the effect on the @3.=2 of the -/7=;+5,;312=0;371/ in the diffraction
pattern of a single slit if:
(1) Monochromatic light of smaller wavelength is used.
(2) Slit is made narrower.

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Instead of saying that E, B, and c are mutually
'%&! %!$&$%
perpendicular, many candidates mentioned about planes.
 Explain to students that the speed
(ii) Some candidates did not know that ( = c =
8 of all  radiation is
3.0 x 10 m/s. Several candidates made mistakes in
c = 3.0 x 108 m/s in vacuum/air.
simplifying the exponential. At times, the unit was
Teach the the rules for
simplifying exponents.
(b) Steps were left out by many candidates in this part.
 Emphasise the importance of
(c) (i)Many candidates did not know the relation between
reading questions very carefully.
the electric field E and the state of polarization and hence
could not answer correctly.
(ii) Several candidates were not able to answer this part correctly.

$ %
(a) (i) They are mutually perpendicular to 
each other OR
correct diagram. 

(ii) S
1.5 1011
3 108
= 0.5 103 OR 500 s
(b) P


M  O

PO x m
In PMO, tan   
Path differene = BP – AP = BN = AB sin  = d sin 

For a bright fringe to be formed at P, d sin  = mλ
BN m
In BAN,Sin  
AB d
tan  = sin   is small
xm m
D d
m D
1. D
Fringe width  x1  OR
m D D
Fringe width  x m  x m 1    m  1
d d
Second method:
A R xm

d O


BP2 = BS2 + SP2

d 2
= D2 + (xm + )
AP2 = AR2 + RP2
d 2
= D2 + (xm + )
d 2 d
BP2  AP2 = (xm + )  (xm + )2
2 2
(BP – AP) (BP + AP) = 2 xm . d
(BP – AP) . 2 D = 2 xm . d
m .D = xm d

m D
1 D D
Fringe width  x1 
d d

(c) (i) In unpolarised light, electric vector points in all directions or infinite number of
directions in a plane, perpendicular to the direction of propogation whereas in polarised
light, it points in only one direction which is perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of light OR correct diagram.


(ii) (1) decreases

(2) increases

(a) At what angle, a ray of light should be incident on the first face AB of a regular glass ) *
prism ABC so that the emergent ray grazes the adjacent face AC ?
See  below. (Refractive Index of glass = 16)


r1 r2


(b) A convex lens ‘’ and a plane mirror ‘’ are arranged as shown in  below. ) *
Position of object pin ‘!’ is adjusted in such a way that the inverted image ‘D formed by
the lens mirror combination, coincides with the object pin ‘!’. Explain how and when
this happens.

(c) Starting with an expression for refraction at a <3715/ <92/;3-+5 <>;0+-/, obtain an ) *
expression for 5/7<6+4/;D<08;6>5+.

Comments of Examiners
(a) Many candidates got confused and used very
complicated formulas. Some candiates used the '%&! %!$&$%
formula for min. deviation.  Teach well the concept of critical
(b) A number of candidates did not know that the image angle of incidence, with $ = 90;
formation was due to rays returning to O after grazing angle of incidence, sin c =
refraction through the lens and reflection from the 1/n; (sin i/sin r)= ; $1 + $2 =
mirror. Hence they did not mention the position of the = 60oetc. Encourage step by step
object pin as the focus of the lens. Many wrong calculation.
answers were given.  Different cases of the incident rays
(c) Several candidates derived the expression for retracing their path after reflection
refraction at a single spherical surface. This was not from (i) a plane mirror and (ii) a
asked, this was to be assumed. It was clearly given in convex /concave mirror must be
the question. Candidates also made mistakes in the taught with the help of ray diagrams
sign convention used. and explanation of the ‘why’ in each
case should be done. Also, do image
formation with a combination of
lens and mirror.
 Ask students to read the questions
very carefully and do just what is
asked following the directions given.
 Discourage the learning of
derivations by heart. Students
should be made to understand the
logic behind each step.

$ %
(a) 1  1 
r2  c  sin1    sin 1  
   1 6 
= 38.7o
1 =A–C
= 60o – 38.7 = 21.3o
sin i
 OR sin i  sin r1
sin r1

Sin i = 1.6  sin 21.3o 
 i  35.5o
(b) This happens when the object pin is kept at the focus of the lens.
Rays of light emerging from the lens become 9+;+55/5 to each other and to the principal axis of
the lens. These rays fall on the plane mirror 78;6+55B and hence get reflected back. The rays
now retrace their path and meet at the focus of the lens, i.e. the image coincides with the object
pin. OR ray diagram with f or F marked.
(c) For the refraction at first (convex) spherical surface;
1   1
( ' R1
For refraction at second spherical surface;
( ( R2
1 1  1 1 
( '  R1 R 2 
1  1 1 
f  R1 R 2 
Correct diagram

(a) Show that the +A3+5 -2;86+=3- +,/;;+=387 (fr – fv) for a convex lens is equal to the ) *
product of its mean focal length (f) and dispersive power (  ) of its material i.e. Prove:

fr – fv =  f.
(b) Draw a labelled diagram of an image formed by a -8698>7. 63-;8<-89/, with the ) *
image at 5/+<=.3<=+7-/80.3<=37-=?3<387. Write any one expression for its magnifying

(c) What is meant by 5871<312=/.7/<< How can this defect be corrected? ) *

Comments of Examiners
(a) The starting expression for 1/f = (n-1)(1/R1 – 1/R2)
'%&! %!$&$%
was given incorrectly by several candidates. The  Explain the starting equation and
definition of ω was wrong. Many candidates gave no the ‘why’ of each step well. Ask
explanation for the steps. students not to learn derivations by
(b) Many candidates made mistakes in the diagram of heart.
compound microscope: F1, F2, $$!)% on rays were
 In teaching/learning, make sure that
not shown; formation of image I1 was not correctly
‘compound microscope’ is not left
shown. Formation of I2 at D was not correctly shown. out or neglected. Draw neat labelled
In some Expression for  was not correct.
diagrams on the black board;
(c) Several candidates did not know the meaning of
explain the formation of images as
long-sightedness. For correction, some wrote
well as the magnifying power
‘concave lens’, in place of ‘convex lens’.
m = moxme. At least one arrow is a
must for each ray.
 Ask students to study carefully the
physics behind the defects of the
eye and its correction, using neat
ray diagrams. Differentiate between
long sightedness and short

$ %
(a) 1  1 1 
 r  1   
fr  R1 R 2 
1  1 1 
 (  1   
f(  R1 R 2 
1 1  1 1 
f( f$  R1 R 2 

f$  f(   $  1 1 
   1  (
f$ f(     R1 R 2 

1 R R μ(  μ$
  μ  1    sin ϖ  or implied
f 1 2 μ 1
f$  f( 1
f f
 [f$ – f( = f ]
(b) Two incident rays from an object + objective, with at least one arrow.
Two emergent rays with at least one arrow + eyepiece, with inverted
image at D.
M = MeMo OR
= 1   o …OR
 fe  u o
 D  vo 
= 1     1
 fe   fo 
(c) (It is that defect of vision)
A person can’t see objects at and beyond D (25 cm) upto his near point.
It can be corrected by using a convex lens (of appropriate focal length).

%)$ * =@8#'%&! %

(a) (i) What is meant by ‘#>+7=3C+=38780-2+;1/’? ) *

(ii) In Thomson’s experiment, prove that the ratio of -2+;1/=8=2/6+<< (e/m) of an
electron is given by:
e 1 E2
= .
m 2V B2
where the terms have their usual meaning.
(b) In a photo-electric cell, a retarding potential of 05V is required to block the movement ) *
of electrons from the cathode when monochromatic light of wavelength 400 nm is
incident on its surface. Find the @8;40>7-=387 of the material of the cathode.

(c) Name a 92/786/787 or an /A9/;36/7= which proves: ) *
(i) Particle nature of electro magnetic radiations.
(ii) Wave nature of particles.
(Description of the phenomenon / experiment is 78= required.)

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) In place of   , some candidates wrote, Q is a '%&! %!$&$%
simple multiple of … which is not correct.  Teach the mathematical statement,
(ii) Many candidates were confused between    where is an integer and
v (velocity) and V (pd).  is the charge on an electron.
(b) Some candidates calculated λo unnecessarily. Many  Stress upon the convenience of
candidates used very lengthy methods in the solution; using eV for energy unit in modern
mistakes were also made by candidates in calculating/ physics problems. The work out is
converting energy in joules, not taking common much simpler and easier. Work
factors, simplifying exponents in the values of h, c function is usually given in eV.
and λ. Also, point out that when
(c) (i) For an experiment or phenomenon which proves the retarding/stopping potential V is
particle nature of  radiation, some candidates gave given, work function in eV is
Plank’s quantum theory or de Broglie equation which simply = V (numerically).
was not correct.  Explain the importance/relevance
(ii) For wave nature of particles, many candidates of photoelectric effect and
wrote - reflection, refraction, etc which was incorrect. Compton effect. These can be
explained only assuming quantum
nature of radiation (not its wave

$ %
(a) (i) The charge on any body is always an /integral multiple of elementary charge (  e)
Q =  ne where n is an integer.
(ii) 1
mv  eV OR
e (

Be( = eE OR (=

(b) hc
eVs = 


For hc/λ or eVs calculation

6.63 1034  3  108
 0.8  1019
400 10
= 4.172510-19 J
  2.61 eV Or may do in eV complete solution.

(c) (i) Photo electric effect OR

Compton effect OR
Raman effect.
(ii) Electron diffraction OR
Davisson & Germer’s experiment OR
GP Thomsons experiment.

(a) (i) State the postulate of 82;D< =2/8;B regarding: ) *
(1) Angular momentum of an electron.
(2) Emission of a photon.
(ii) Total energy of an electron orbiting around the nucleus of an atom is always
negative. What is the significance of this?
(b) (i) Draw a labelled graph showing variation of relative intensity of X-rays versus ) *
their wavelength . Mark min on the graph.

(ii) State how the value of min can be varied.

(c) +50 530/ of a certain radioactive substance is 6 hours. If you had 32 kg of this ) *
substance in the beginning, how much of it will disintegrate in one day?

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Some candidates unnecessarily explained the
'%&! %!$&$%
postulates, while only the statement was asked.
 Teach the statement of postulates in
Emission of electrons was not explained properly by
words and in equation form.
many candidates. Some candidates gave the condition
L = n.h/2π and ΔE or (Ef – Ei) = hf
for emission of photoelectrons.
= hc/λ.
(ii) The significance of –ve energy was not known to
 Tell students that the kinetic energy
many candidates. The word ‘significance’ was also
is always +ve; but potential energy
not understood by some.
of electron-proton system (H atom)
(b) (i) The shape of the graph and position of λmin were
is always –ve because of the
not correct in many cases. At times, the right arm of
attractive force. Total energy E = U
the graph was shown as coming down steeply.
+K is always –ve for a bound
Labelling of axes not correct for some candidates.
system like H atom. This should be
(ii) Many candidates mentioned just potential or pd
explained clearly with numerical
without specifying Anode potential or Tube potential.
values also.
(c) Some candidates made very lengthy calculations.
 Explain the difference between
Mistakes were also made in simplification.
anode potential and filament
 Teach the concept of half-life with
numerical examples. Explain the
difference between the amount
which decays and the amount left
after decay.

$ %
(a) (i) 1) Angular momentum of an electron is quantized OR
(Electron revolves around the nucleus in that orbit where) its angular momentum is an
integral multiple of   or  t  OR
l = nt or
2) An atom emits energy/photon when its electron jumps from higher excited state to a
lower excited state or ground state. Or equivalent formula.
(ii) It means electron is bound to be nucleus OR
electron can’t leave the atom unless it is provided with sufficient / enough energy. OR
atom is in abound/stable state. OR
energy is required to remove an electron from an atom.



min Wavelength
( )

(i) Axes correctly labelled

(ii) Correct shape of the graph (with or without peaks/spikes)
With min marked

min depends on tube potential i.e. potential difference between

The cathode and the anode.
(c) (1 day = 24 hours = 4T)
3.2 kg T
 1.6kg 2T
3T 0.4kg

0.4 kg  0.2kg OR using N = N0.(1/2)n where n = t/T

Amount disintegrated = 3.0 kg

(a) (i) What is the significance of ,37.371/7/;1B9/;7>-5/87 of a nucleus? ) *
(ii) In a certain star, three alpha particles undergo0><387 in a single reaction to form
6 C nucleus. Calculate the energy released in this reaction in MeV.

Given : m( 42 He ) = 4.002604 u and m( 126 C ) = 12.000000 u.

(b) Show by drawing labelled diagrams, the nature of output voltages in case of: ) *
(i) A half wave rectifier.
(ii) A full wave rectifier.
(iii) An Amplifier.
(In each case, input is an ac voltage)

(c) Identify the logic gate whose truth table is given below and draw its symbol: ) *
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Many candidates gave the definition of '%&! %!$&$%
BE/nucleon, which was not asked. The  Explain with example that high
‘significance’ of BE per nucleon was asked. values of BE/A signifies high
(ii) Calculation of mass defect, Δm was wrong in stability.
several cases, as candidates did not use 3 in 3m(He)  Teach students to first calculate Δm
or did not subtract correctly. Some candidates in u only very carefully. To convert
wrongly used E = m.c2 with m in u. Some did the mass defect in u to energy in
E = E1- E2 which was very lengthy. MeV, use the conversion factor,
(b) Many candidates gave full circuit diagrams which 1=931 MeV/u. Also, explain that
were not asked. Input signal was not asked but E=m.c2 is valid only with mass m in
many candidates gave that also. Some candidates kg. Here, c = 3.0x108 m/s.
did not label the axes.  Stress upon labelling the axes for
(c) A number of candidates identified it as AND + graphs. Explain the function and
NOT gate. Some wrote ‘AND’ gate. Many copied working of each device.
the Truth Table which was not required. The  Ask students to do just what is asked
symbol of NAND gate was wrong in a few cases. following the directions strictly and
not to copy diagrams and tables from
the question paper to the answer

$ %
(a) (i) It gives us an idea of the relative stability of the nucleus.

(ii) m  3m
   H !  m  C !
2 e

(3 4002604 – 12.0000)u
= 0.007812 u
Energy releasd, E = 0.007812931)
= 7.27 (MeV)

(b) (i) Half wave rectifier.

(ii) Full wave rectifier: Output


(iii) Amplifier: (


 $! &%
+ &893-<08>7..3003->5=,B-+7.3.+=/<37=2/#>/<=387"+9/;
 Correct application of Gauss’ law
 Distribution of charge in a network of capacitors.
 Vector form of Biot-Savart Law
 RLC Circuit, voltage across each; c = 1/ωC calculation
 Kirchhoff’s Law equations
 Solving simultaneous equations
 Direction of induced current; Lenz’s law.
 Derivations: Mixed grouping of cells, Magnetic force between parallel currents, Interference
fringe-width formula, and Chromatic aberration formula.
 Relation between angles in the refraction through a prism, including critical angle.
 Compound microscope, ray diagram, magnifying power.
 Particle accelerators.
 Significance of BE/A and negative total energy.

 Conversion of energy into matter; examples.
, 87-/9=<,/=@//7@23-2-+7.3.+=/<18=-870></.
 Permittivity and relative permittivity.
 Seebeck effect and Peltier effect.
 Electric and magnetic dipole moments.
 Relative size and focal length of objective and eyepiece in a telescope.
 Long sightedness and short sightedness.
 Polarised light and un-polarised light in terms of electric field vector.
 Emission of photons from (i) H atom (Bohr’s theory) and (ii) metals (photo-electric effect).
 Wave nature and particle nature.
 Mass defect, binding energy, energy released, and conversion factor (1 u = 931.5MeV).
 The n-type and p-type semiconductors.
 Amount of radioactive substance decayed/left.
- %>11/<=387<08;<=>./7=<
 While reading your text, mark important definitions, formulas, vector equations and make a
 Prepare notes combining your own reading and class room lecture material. Review the
classroom lessons on the same day.
 Learn derivations step by step, understanding the logic of each step; start from defining
equations or the given equations. Include diagrams if relevant.
 Work out as many problems as possible related to each topic.
 Practise drawing figures, graphs and circuit diagrams with labels.
 Keep your eyes/mind open for easier, shorter, and faster solutions/derivations.
 Read each question very carefully, underline the data given (if any), and plan out the steps,
solution and results /A+-=5B+<;/:>3;/.37=2/:>/<=387.
 Do not leave out units of final results, and arrows in ray diagrams.
 Try to understand what exactly is asked; do just that and that only.
 Keep your answers neat, legible and well-spaced.
 Keep the length of your answers proportional to the marks allotted.
 Do not copy diagrams, tables etc. from the question paper.
 Practice drawing figures, graphs and circuit diagrams with labels.
 Work systematically, with a definite plan of study and revision.


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