E Phy (1st 2nd) Dec2023
E Phy (1st 2nd) Dec2023
E Phy (1st 2nd) Dec2023
of Pages: 02
Total No. of Questions: 09
.r c
1. Write briefly:
a) Give the physical significance of gradient, divergence and curl of a physical quantity.
b) Derive the relationship between electric field and potential ( = −∇ )
a o m
r p
c) Define Meissner's effect in superconductivity.
.r c
d) State Bragg's law of diffraction in crystals.
p e
p a
e) Differentiate between spontaneous & stimulated emission.
b r
f) Define acceptance angle and numerical aperture in optical fibers.
M-54105 S-2808
2. a) Write Maxwell's equations in free space in their differential form and derive the EM wave
b) Prove that the velocity of EM waves in free space is equal to the velocity of light. (6+2)
3. a) Make a comparison of different properties for dia, para, ferro and ferri magnetic materials.
b) Derive the London equations for superconductivity. (4+4)
4. a) What is the concept of Miller indices? Derive the formula for the distance between two
adjacent planes of a simple cubic lattice.
b) Deduce the Miller indices for planes in each of the following sets which intercept
⃗, ⃗ and ⃗ at (4+4)
o m
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p e
6. a) Explain the allowed modes in an optical fibre. How are they related to normalized
a o
.r c
b) Calculate the refractive indices of the core and cladding materials of a fibre from the
r p
following data: NA = 0.22, Δ = 0.012, where NA is numerical aperture. (5+3)
b e
7. a) Write Lorentz transformation equations and using them derive the expressions for length
contract and time dilation in a relative motion.
b) Derive the relativistic form of Newton's second law of motion when ⃗ is parallel to ⃗.
b r
8. a) Define group and phase velocities of matter waves.
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M-54105 S-2808