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1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................2
2. Liquid –liquid extraction.....................................................................................................3
2.1 Advantages of solvent extraction....................................................................................4
2.2 Application of Extraction................................................................................................4
3. Liquid-Liquid Equilibria.....................................................................................................4
4. Ternary System....................................................................................................................5
4.1 Type 1 Ternary System...................................................................................................6
4.1.1 Effect of Temperature On E.T.D Type- 1 System............................................................7
4.2 Type 2 Ternary System:........................................................................................................7
4.2.1 Effect of Temperature On E.T.D Type 2 Ternary System........................................8
4.3 The carrier and the solvent are partially immiscible:.........................................................8
6.3 Multistage Counter-Current Extraction......................................................................13
6.3.1 Minimum solvent requirement.................................................................................15
7 . IMMISCIBLE SYSTEMS...............................................................................................16
7.1 multistage Cross- current operation.............................................................................16
7.2 multistage Counter current operation..........................................................................16
8 . CLASSIFICATION OF EXTRACTON EQUIPMENT...............................................17
9 . Stage Wise Equipment for Extraction............................................................................19
9.1 The mixer settler............................................................................................................19
9.1.1 Advantages.........................................................................................................................19
9.1.2 Disadvantages..............................................................................................................20
9.2 York-Scheibel Column..................................................................................................20
10 . Differential Contact Equipment for Extraction.........................................................21
10.1 spray column..................................................................................................................21
10.1.2 Dis Advantages................................................................................................................21
10.2 Packed column...............................................................................................................22
10.3 Rotary disc contactor.....................................................................................................23
10.4 Pulsed Column Extractor..............................................................................................24
1. Introduction

Liquid extraction, sometimes called solvent extraction, is the separation of the

constituents of a liquid solution by contact with another insoluble liquid. If the substances
constituting the original solution distribute themselves differently between the two liquid
phases, a certain degree of separation will result, and this can be enhanced by use of multiple
contacts or their equivalent in the manner of gas absorption and distillation. In other words
Liquid-Liquid extraction refers to a separation of constituents of liquid mixture by contacting
it with suitable insoluble liquid solvent, which preferentially dissolves one or more
In liquid extraction, the feed solution to be handled represents one phase and solvent
to be used to effect separation, represents the second phase. In this operation, the two
immiscible phases in contact are both liquid and so is a liquid-liquid operation. The mass
transfer of solute (liquid) takes place from feed solution to the solvent phase.
Extraction utilizes differences in the solubilities rather than differences in their
volatilities. Since solubilities depend on chemical properties, extraction exploits chemical
difference instead of vapour pressure differences. The simplest example involves the transfer
of one component from a binary mixture into a second immiscible liquid phase.
One example is liquid-liquid extraction of an impurity from wastewater into an
organic solvent. This is analogous to stripping or absorption in which mass is transferred
from one phase to another. Transfer of the dissolved component (solute) may be enhanced by
the addition of “salting out” agents to the feed mixture or by adding “complexing” agents to
the extraction solvent. Or in some cases a chemical reaction can be used to enhance the
transfer, an example being the use of an aqueous caustic solution to remove phenolic from a
hydrocarbon stream.
A more sophisticated concept of liquid-liquid fractionation can be used in a process
to separate two solutes completely. A primary extraction solvent is used to extract one of the
solutes from a mixture (similar to stripping in distillation), and a wash solvent is used to
scrub the extract free from the second solute (similar to rectification in distillation).
Separation by distillation becomes expensive, ineffective and difficult when:
 Very large amount of latent heats are required (as in case with very dilute
solutions where water must be vaporized, latent heats of organic liquids are
substantially lower than that of water).
 Whenever we are dealing with liquid mixture forming azeotrope / close
boiling mixtures.
 Whenever we are dealing with substances that are thermally unstable / heat
In such cases, extraction is attractive and preferred. Some examples are:
 Separation of acetic acid from dilute solution with water is done more
economically by extraction followed by distillation than distillation alone
because of high latent heat of vaporization of water.
 Long chain fatty acids can be removed from vegetable oils economically by
extraction with liquid propane than high vacuum distillation technique.
 Separation of petroleum products that have about same boiling range. Separation
of aromatics from lube oil fractions using furfural as a solvent
 Separation of petroleum products that have about same boiling range.
Separation of penicillin from fermentation mixtures.
 Pharmaceutical products that are produced in mixtures which are complex eg.
separation of penicillin from fermentation mixtures.

2. Liquid –liquid extraction

Extraction - is the process by which a solute is transferred from one phase to a

new phase. Liquid-liquid extraction, also known as solvent extraction and
partitioning, is a method to separate compounds based on their relative solubility's
in two different immiscible liquids, usually water and an organic solvent.

Process of dissolved substance transferring from one phase to another phase,

which are immiscible or restrictedly miscible, is named liquid-liquid -partition or
partition between two phase of liquids.

An extraction process involves four major steps:

a. The bringing the feed and solvent into intimate contact by dispensing one
phase into the others as droplets.
b. Separation of extract and raffinate phase that have different densities.
c. Removal and recovery of solute from the extract phase in a relatively pure
d. Removal and recovery of solvent from each phase by distillation.
2.1 Advantages of solvent extraction
 Selectivity of extraction directly from fermentation broths or from reaction
medium in the case of bio transformations wherein whole cells or enzymes
are used for conversion of a substrate into a desired product.
 Reduction in product loss due to hydrolytic or metabolic/microbial
degradation as the product is transferred to a second phase with different
physical and chemical properties.
 Suitability over a wide range of scales operation.

2.2 Application of Extraction

 Extraction processes are well suited to the petroleum industry because of
the need to separate heat-sensitive liquid feeds according to chemical type
(e.g. aliphatic, aromatic, naphthenic) rather than by molecular weight or
vapour pressure.
 Other major applications exist in the biochemical or pharmaceutical
industry, where emphasis is on the separation of antibiotics and protein
 In the inorganic chemical industry, they are used to recover high-boiling
components such as phosphoric acid, boric acid, and sodium hydroxide
from aqueous solutions.

3. Liquid-Liquid Equilibria

Liquid –liquid equilibrium data are obtained by measuring the concentrations of

the three components in two liquid phases in equilibrium at a given temperature.

The following steps are followed:

1. Suitable quantities of purified A, B and C are taken in an equilibrium cell

maintained at a constant temperature.
2. The content is mixed vigorously for a sufficient time to ensure attainment
of equilibrium.
3. The content is allowed to separate into two phases.
4. Samples are drawn from the two phases and analysed for the
concentrations of A, B and C. by it we get extract phase and raffinate

The schematic diagram shown in Fig.1 & steps indicates the various streams
involved in a typical liquid-liquid extraction operation. The equilibrium
concentration of such systems can be represented in a triangular coordinate
system. In some operations, the solutes are the desired product, hence the extract
stream is the desirable stream. In other applications, the solutes may be the
contaminants that need to be removed, and in this instance the raffinate is the
desirable product stream.

i. Contacting the feed with a solvent.

ii. Separation of the resulting phases.
iii. Removal / Recovery of solvent(s) from each phase.

Fig.1 streams in extraction

x = mass fraction of solute in Feed and Raffinate stream

y = mass fraction of solute in Solvent and Extract stream
X = Mass of solute/mass of solute free components in Feed or Raffinate
Y = Mass of solute/mass of solute free components in Extract or Solvent

4. Ternary System

The ternary systems usually follow any one of the two categories given below:
a. one pair partially soluble (type1 ternary system) and two pairs partially
soluble (type 2 ternary system)
b. Insoluble systems.

The equilibrium data for a liquid-liquid system are of vital importance in the
selection and design of an extraction equipment. By it three binary mixtures can
be formed: A-B, B-C, C-A. The mutual miscibility behaviour of the components
in each of these binaries determines the nature of the equilibrium diagram for the
ternary system.

4.1 Type 1 Ternary System

A-C and B-C are miscible pairs and A-B is partially miscible pair. About 75% of
ternary liquid systems are fall in this category.

1. Curve RPS is equilibrium diagram

2. R=Solubility of solvent (B) in carrier liquid A is 0%
3. S=solubility of A is 0%
4. G1H1, G2H2, G3H3 represents two phases of liquid which is in
equilibrium (extract & raffinate phase)
5. Tie lines G1, G2, G3 are raffinate phase and H1, H2, H3 are extract phase
6. RP & PS is called bimodal curve
4.1.1 Effect of Temperature On E.T.D Type- 1 System

The mutual solubility of A and B increases with increasing temperature and

beyond some critical temperature, A and B are completely soluble. Thus, the
heterogeneity decreases at higher temperatures. Also, the slope of tie lines and
distribution curve vary with changes in temperature and it is shown in Fig. Hence,
it is preferable to operate below the critical temperature such that the
heterogeneity is maintained.

 Solubility of A& B is increase with the temperature increase.

 At very high temperature A-B pair is completely soluble.
 So increase in the temperature will be disadvantageous for liquid –liquid

Fig.2 effect of temperature on extraction (T1<T2<T3)

4.2 Type 2 Ternary System:

B-C and A-B are only partially soluble and A is completely soluble in C. ( Open
ternary system)

Fig. liquid-liquid equilibrium for a type -2 system

4.2.1 Effect of Temperature On E.T.D Type 2 Ternary System

4.3 The carrier and the solvent are partially immiscible:

5. Properties Solvent Choice of Solvent
5.1 selectivity

The relative separation or selectivity is defined as the ratio of ratios of solute to

non-solute components in extract phase to the same in raffinate phase at
equilibrium. It is represented as α or β.

For all useful extractions, α >1. If α = 1, it means no separation or no extraction. It

represents the separation power of solvent. Higher the selectivity, lesser is the
number of theoretical stages required for the desired separation. Dilute solute
concentration generally gives the highest selectivity.

5.2 Distribution coefficient

Distribution coefficient K or m is the ratio of mass fraction of solute in extract

phase to mass fraction of solute in raffinate phase at equilibrium. K = y/x at
equilibrium as defined in Eq.

It is not necessary that K should be greater than 1. K can be less than 1. But higher
value of K is desirable because higher the distribution coefficient, lesser is the
amount of solvent required for desired separation. Unfortunately, solvents which
provide the higher value of K normally provide poor value of α.

5.3 Recoverability

It is always necessary to recover the solvent from extract phase for reuse. Hence
selected solvent must be easily recoverable from the extract phase. In most of the
cases. solvent is separated from extract phase by distillation. If selected solvent to
be separated or recovered by distillation than it should not form an azeotrope with
the solute and also it should provide higher value of relative volatility. Lesser
value of latent heat of vaporization of solvent is also desirable for low cost of
recovery. Water is not an attractive solvent for extraction as it forms azeotrope or
non-ideal solution with many organics and it has very high value of latent heat of

5.4 Insolubility of Solvent

Low solubility of solvent in the raffinate phase is desirable. Solvent which is more
insoluble is preferred. More insoluble solvent can separate wide range of
composition of feed mixture. Also, it gives less solvent loss and adds less impurity
in the final raffinate. Generally, a solvent which is more insoluble provides higher

5.5 Density

Higher density difference between solvent and diluent or extract and raffinate
phase is desirable. It makes the decantation easier. In most of the systems, density
difference decreases to zero at plait point, but in some system it can become zero
at an intermediate solute concentration and can invert the phases at higher con-

For such a system, in the desired range of separation in the extractor, if density
difference passes through zero then use of continuous contact equipment like
packed tower is not preferred but mixer-settler type stage wise extractor can be
used. Other option is to use two continuous contact extractors in series.

5.6 Interfacial Tension

A high interfacial tension promotes rapid coalescence and generally requires high
mechanical energy for agitation to produce small droplets. Conversely, low inter-
facial tension requires lesser mechanical energy for agitation to produce small
droplets but at the same time it provides slow coalescence rates.

Usually interfacial tension decreases with increase in solute concentration and

increase in mutual solubility and falls to zero at plait point. Very high and very
low interfacial tension of selected solvent is not desirable, otherwise higher
collision rate is more important, hence moderately high interfacial tension is

5.7 Chemical Reactivity

The solvent should be inert towards the other components of extraction system
and to the common materials of construction.

5.8 Other properties: Viscosity, Vapour Pressure and Freezing Point. All these
properties of solvent should be low for ease in handling, transportation and storage. The
solvent should be nontoxic, non-flammable and of low cost.


6.1 Single Stage Operation

Fig. 1 Streams in a single stage operation.

A typical flow diagram of a single stage extraction operation is shown in Fig.

F, R1, E1, and S are either the flow rates or quantities of different streams
such as feed, raffinate, extract and solvent respectively and XF, X1, y1, y s are all
weight fractions of solute in their respective streams.
The material balance gives
F + S = M1 = E1 + R1 (1)
where M1 is the total weight of mixture (Feed + solvent or extract + raffinate)
A solute balance yields
F xf + Sys = M1XM = E1y1 + R1x1 (2)
where XM1 is the effective solute concentration in the extractor.
Eliminating M1 from Eqs. (1) and (2), we get
S Xf −Xm 1
= (3)
F Xm 1−Ys

The quantities of extract and raffinate can be computed from mixture rule
given by material balance given in Eq. (2)

E1y1 + R1x1 = M1xm1 (4)

E1y1+ (M1 – E1) x1= M1xm1 (5)

xm1−x 1
E 1= M1( ) (6
y 1−x 1

The point F corresponds to feed mixture and S, the solvent. Once the feed and solvent are
mixed, the mixture has an effective solute concentration of XM1 and is located as M1 which
lies on the line joining F and S. Thus the point M1 lies within the curve. However, on
settling, the mixture forms the two phases E1 and R1 and the line joining the points E, and R1
intersects the feed line FS which is M1. Though many lines can be drawn through the point
M1, only one line could be the tie line which will correspond to the equilibrium composition
of extract and raffinate phases. The tie line could be located by a trial and error procedure
using the equilibrium curve as shown.
6.2 Cross-Current Operation

Fig. a three stage cross-current extraction operation

A typical flow diagram of a multistage cross-current operation is show in fig

Consider a three-stage cross-current extraction process as shown in Fig. The feed
enters the first stage and the raffinate successively passes from stage (1) to (2) and (2)
to (3) and finally leaves the system. Fresh or recovered solvent enters each stage. The
solvent used could be of different concentrations but generally it will have the same
value as it enters either fresh or after recovery from extract. The values of M i, xmi, xi and
yi, where i stands for the ith stage, can be computed as indicated in the single stage
operation using material balances and tie lines. From these values the quantities of
extract and raffinate from each stage can be computed.

Material balance across stage (1) gives

F + S1 = R1 + E1 = M1 ………………………. (7)

Component balance gives

F xf + S1ys = R1x1+M1xM1……………………………. (8)

( F xf + S 1 ys)
XM1 =
(F +S 1)

( Ri−1+Siys)
Similarly for any stage I, X Mi =
(Ri−1+ Si)

6.3 Multistage Counter-Current Extraction

Fig. multistage counter-current extraction operation

Material balance for the system gives

F + ENp+1 = E1 + R Np

i.e. F - E1 = R Np - ENp+1………………………….14

A component balance gives,

F xf + ENp+1YNp+1 = E1y1 + RNp. XNp

i.e. Fxp - ELy1 = RNp" XNp - ENp+1 . yNp+1

A material balance from 1 to n stages gives

F + En+1 = E1 + R, ……………….17

F - E = R, - En+1……………. 18

Hence, from Eqs. (14) and (18) , we get

F - E1 = RNp - ENp+1 = Rn - En+1………….19

By substituting for n as 1, 2, 3, ... we can show that

F - E1 = R1 - E2 = R2 - E3 = R
Fig. counter current operation-graphical representation of stages

Here R, which is defined as a difference point, is the net flow outward not only at
the last stage but also between any two adjacent stages and it remains constant. In
other words, any line joining FE1, R1E2, R2E3, ... and extended must pass through
the point R as shown in Fig.

Steps involved in the determination of number of stages

1. Plot ternary data and draw the distribution curve adjacent to the ternary data in
rectangular co-ordinates as shown in Fig.
2. Locate the feed point (F), solvent point (E Np+1) and the raffinate point (R Np) leaving
the systems based on their composition.

3. Join FS and locate XM where, XM= ❑
4. Join R Np and XM and extend it to intersect the bimodal curve which gives E1.
5. Join F and E1. Similarly join R Np and ENp+1-
6. Lines FE, and R Np ENp+1 are extended to meet and the meeting point is R.
7. Through E, and with the help of distribution curve, locate R, on solvent
lean layer.
8. Join R1 with R and extend the line to obtain E2 on the solvent rich layer
part of the ternary data plot.
9. Through E2 and with the distribution curve, obtain R2.
10. Proceed similarly till R Np is crossed, thus number of stages needed for
a specific operation is obtained.
11. However, if the number of stages are specified, there are two possible questions that
6.3.1 Minimum solvent requirement

The minimum solvent needed is fixed by the tie line which passes through the point of
intersection of line FE mm and solvent lean layer curve (the corresponding point of
intersection is F'). The procedure to determine the minimum amount of solvent is given
below and shown in Fig.

Fig. Counter-current operation- determination of minimum solvent

1. Plot the ternary data and draw the distribution curve.
2. Locate F, E Np + 1 and R Np.
3. Arbitrarily draw the line R Np E mm and check with the help of x-y plot whether the
points F' and E m. correspond to a tie line. If not, by trial and error locate a suitable R
Np E mm line which will ultimately correspond to tie line.
4. Join F E Np + 1 and E mm R Np to find the intersection of these lines, X m.

5. Since,
6. the determined ENp+1 will be the minimum solvent required. (Since, all the other
quantities are known.)
7.1multistage Cross- current operation

Fig. multistage cross current operation for an insoluble system

In insoluble systems, the solvent (B) and the non-solute component in feed solution
(A) are insoluble and remain so at all solute concentrations. Since A and B are insoluble, the
amount of A and B both in their feed streams and the leaving streams remain constant. If X is
the solute concentration in feed stream or raffinate stream expressed in mass ratio (kg of C/kg
of A) and Y is the solute concentration in solvent or extract stream expressed in mass ratio
(kg of C / kg of B), then a mass balance around stage n with reference to Fig. 10.15 yields

where A is the non-solute component in feed and B , is the quantity of pure solvent
used in nth stage, - A/B ,, is the slope of the operating line for stage n. For a typical three
stage cross-current operation the construction of operating lines and the determination of final
concentration of raffinate is shown in Fig.

7.2 multistage Counter current operation

Fig. multistage Counter current operation

If a series of mixing and separating vessels is arranged so that the flow is

countercurrent, then the conditions of flow may be represented as shown in Figure 13.13,
where each circle corresponds to a mixer and a separator. The initial solution F of the solute
B in solvent A is fed to the first unit and leaves as raffinate R1. This stream passes through
the units and leaves from the nth unit as stream R,The fresh solvent S enters the nth unit and
passes in the reverse direction through the units, leaving as extract E1.

The following definitions may be made:

X = the ratio of solute to solvent in the raffinate streams, and

Y = the ratio of the solute to solvent in the extract streams.

If the two solvents are immiscible, the solvent in the raffinate streams remains as A,
and the added solvent in the extract streams as S. The material balances for the solute may
then be written as

This is the equation of a straight line of slope A/S, known as the operating line, which
passes through the points (Xf, Y1) and (X ,., Yn+1). In Figure 13.14, the equilibrium relation,
Y, against X ,., and the operating line are drawn in, and the number of stages required to pass
from X, to X ,, is found by drawing in steps between the operating line and the equilibrium
curve. In this example, four stages are required, and (X ,., Yn+1) corresponds to (X4, Ys). It
may be noted that the operating line connects the compositions of the raffinate stream leaving
and the fresh solvent stream entering a unit, X ,, and Yn+1,respectively.


Commercial Extractor

Phase Contact By
Phase Contact by Gravity Centrifugal Force

Counter Current Produced Centrifugal Extractor

By Gravity Podbielnaik Extractor
Delavan Extractor
Luwasta Extractor
Robatel Extractor
Types of Agitators

Un Agitated Pulsed Mechanically Agitated Miscellaneous

Columns Columns Columns columns

Rotary Reciprocating
Spray columns Pulse-packed
contactors contactors Static mixer
Packed columns Column Vibrating-plate
Plate columns Pulse plate Extractor
Column Perforated plate Ultrasonic extractor
Mixer settler Column
Controlled- Scheibel columns Electrically-sided
Karr column
cycling columnOldshue- Rushton extractor
pulsed mixer column
settler Rotary disk
Kuhni column
Grasser raining-
Bucket contactor
9 . Stage Wise Equipment for Extraction

9.1 The mixer settler

Each mixer settler provides a single stage of extraction. The two phases enter the
mixing section where they are mixed using an impeller. Later the two phases are allowed to
separate by gravity due to their density differences. Typically, mixer settler has mixing time
of the order of a few minutes and settling times of several minutes.

If no. of theoretical stages, required for desired separation, is less than or equal to
four, mixer settler is probably the most economical amongst all types of extractors. In this
extractor, turbine or propellers are used as agitators. Amongst all types agitators, pitched
blade turbine agitator is found to be most effective for mixing of two soluble liquids. For
small vessels, propellers are selected for mixing.

The normal ratio of impeller to tank diameter is 0.25 to 0.33. The dispersion can also
be achieved by the dispersion of one liquid through another liquid in the form of fine droplets
with the help of nozzles.

Fig. a mixer-settler combination

9.1.1 Advantages

o Provides better contact of extract and raffinate phases and thus provides higher
rate of mass transfer.
o Higher efficiency or attain separation closer to equilibrium.
o Requires limited instrumentation.
o Reliable scale up.
o Requires low head room.
o Low capital cost.
o Provides more stage wise flexibility.
o Offers wide range of capacities and simple operation.

9.1.2 Disadvantages

o Requires large hold up

o Higher power requirement.
o High solvent inventory.
o Requires large floor space.

9.2 York-Scheibel Column

This column is provided with mixing and horizontal packed compartments arranged
alternately as shown in Fig. Mixing is done by a turbine impeller which is attached to a
mechanically driven central shaft. The packed compartments are provided with wire mesh to
reduce axial mixing.

One of the problems with perforated plate and indeed packed columns is that
redispersion of the liquids after each stage is very poor. To overcome this, SCHEIBEL and
KARR (8) introduced a unit, shown in Figure 13.30, in which a series of agitators is mounted
on a central rotating shaft. Between the agitators is fitted a wire mesh section which
successfully breaks up any emulsions. Some results for a column 292 mm diameter, with 100
mm diameter agitators and with packing sections 230 and 340 mm, are shown in Figure
13.31. It is found that one theoretical stage is obtained in a height of 0.45-0.75 m. This is a
significant improvement on that usually obtained in a packed column. Although there are few
data on large units, there should be no fall in efficiency as the diameter is increased.

Fig. York scheibel column

9.2.1 Advantages

o Efficient Separation
o Compact Design
o Lower Pressure Drop
o Heat-Sensitive Materials
o Versatile
o Good for Close Boiling Mixtures
o Energy Efficient
o Easy to Scale Up
o Continuous Operation
9.2.2 Disadvantages
o Limited Capacity
o High Initial Cost
o Clogging
o Complex Operation.
o Not for High Viscosity
o Packing Issues
o Less Flexible
o Not for Dense Mixtures.
o High Energy consumption
o High Maintenance
o Low number of stages
o High flow rate
o Very high residence time
o Moderate to high interfacial tension
o low to high viscosity
o low to high density differences
o high floor space

10 . Differential Contact Equipment for Extraction

10.1 spray column

Two methods of operating spray columns are shown in Figure 13.32. Either the light
or heavy phase may be dispersed. In the former case (a) the light phase enters from a
distributor at the bottom of the column and the droplets rise through the heavier phase, finally
coalescing to form a liquid-liquid interface at the top of the tower. Alternatively, the heavier
phase may be dispersed, in which case the interface is held at the bottom of the tower as
shown in (b). Although spray towers are simple in construction, they are inefficient because
considerable recirculation of the continuous phase takes place. As a result, true
countercurrent flow is not maintained and up to 6 m may be required for the height of one
theoretical stage. There is very little turbulence in the continuous phase and lack of interface
renewal, and appreciable axial mixing results in poor performance.
Fig. spray columns

o simple Design: Easy to operate with a straightforward setup.
o Good for Small-Scale Operations: Ideal for laboratory or pilot-scale
o Low Cost: Generally cheaper to install and maintain than other columns.
o Efficient for Low-Volume Flows: Works well for smaller liquid flows and
lower throughput.
o Effective for Heat-Sensitive Materials: Can handle temperature-sensitive
compounds without high heat exposure.
o Flexible: Can be used for a variety of liquid-liquid extraction processes.
o Simple Maintenance: Easier to clean and maintain than more complex column

10.1.2 Dis Advantages

o Low Efficiency: Lower mass transfer efficiency than other types of columns.
o Limited Capacity: Not suitable for large-scale operations.
o High Pressure Drop: Requires more energy for pumping liquids.
o Inconsistent Spray: Hard to achieve uniform spray distribution.
o Not for Viscous Liquids: Struggles with thick or sticky liquids.
o Temperature Control Issues: Difficult to maintain uniform temperature.
o Emulsion Formation: Higher chance of creating emulsions, reducing
o High Maintenance: Requires frequent cleaning and nozzle replacements.
o Poor for Close-Boiling Mixtures: Less effective for separating closely boiling
More:- Chemical Engineering World

10.2 Packed column

They are two types of columns that are used for extraction operation; packed column and
sieve plate column.

In packed tower type extractor, standard commercial packings, used in vapour- liquid system,
are used. This includes structured packings, Raschig and Pall rings, Berl and Intalox saddles
and other random packings. Packing reduces the vertical back mixing of the continuous phase
and thereby reduces height required for mass transfer. It is recommended to redistribute the
dispersed phase at about every 1.5 to 3 m distance to generate new droplets. Size of packing
should preferably be less than one-eight of the tower diameter to minimize the wall effect.
Flooding velocity in packed tower is the velocity of dispersed phase or continuous phase at
which dispersed phase is coming out from the outlet pipe of continuous phase.

Fig. Packed column extractor

o Small no of stages required
o Chemically stable
o Easy phase separation
o Low valu

10.3 Rotary disc contactor

It comprises a tall vertical tower provided with inlets for both feed and solvent streams to
enter and outlets for both product (Raffinate and Extract) streams. It has a central shaft
attached with rotor discs and is driven by a motor. Stators of centrally hollowed rings
attached to the wall of the tower alternate position to the rotors. This can be operated at high
speeds and it finds wide application in petroleum industries.

Fig. rotary disc contactor(RDC)

10.4 Pulsed Column Extractor

In this extractor, there is no moving device. A reciprocating pulse input is

hydraulically transmitted into the column due to which there is thorough contact
between liquid streams. Column is provided with perforated plates attached as
shown in Fig. 10.24. Due to the pulse input, the light and heavy liquids move
upward and downward throughout the tower through the perforations. Since it
has no moving parts, it finds extensive use in handling.

Fig. pulsed column extractor

10.5 Centrifugal extractors

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pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy