Penta Labs-Brochure
Penta Labs-Brochure
Penta Labs-Brochure
Terms: Open Account status may be Terms of Payment. (1) An Irrevocable Letter
established by submitting credit information of Credit, payable at sight confirmed by any
to the Accounting Department at Penta major U.S. bank. All bank charges in
Laboratories, and terms of Net 30 days from country of origin and in U.S. are for buyers'
date of invoice may be extended upon account. (2) Payment with order, in U.S.
approval. If sufficient time to process funds, by check, bank draft or telex transfer
application is not received the order will be to our account (to be supplied upon
shipped C.O.D. request). (3) Open terms pending approval
of credit.
Prices: All quoted prices refer to components
meeting commercial specifications. If Minimum Order: $50.00 per shipment.
military approval is specifically required it
must be so stated at the time of order. All Transportation: All shipments are F.O.B.
prices subject to change without notice. Penta Laboratories warehouse. All charges,
including inland freight, documentation and
Transportation: Orders are F.O.B. Penta handling are for buyers' account.
Laboratories in Chatsworth, CA unless Shipments will be handled by our freight
otherwise stipulated. Shipment will be forwarders unless other arrangements are
made via a variety of approved carriers, mutually agreed upon.
including UPS, FedEx, DHL, Airborne, etc.
unless special handling is required or special Special Certifications: Requests for Certificate
factors dictate the use of alternate methods. of Origin, Warranty certificates or any other
Air freight is available upon request, with certification must be made at time of inquiry
additional expenses billed to the purchaser. to avoid possible misunderstandings and
Shipping Damages & Claims:
All merchandise is carefully inspected prior Other Conditions: Same as U.S. and
to shipment. It should be inspected Canada.
immediately upon receipt and the carrier
notified if any damages are found. Notify
the carrier for a damage inspection. Retain
all original shipping containers for
inspection, pending instructions from the
carrier. All claims for shortages must be
made within 7 days after receipt of