Prac 8
Prac 8
Prac 8
Test plan
All test cases with high priority are closed with the
result - pass.
The test coverage is checked and sufficient, where
6 Item pass/fail criteria
the criterion of sufficiency is not less than 99%
of the coverage of requirements by tests.
The test report was compiled and approved by the
team lead and customer.
Suspension criteria:
7 The app should pause operations during incoming
calls, user navigation away from the app, low battery
conditions, or loss of network connectivity, ensuring
that critical tasks are put on hold without data loss.
15 Schedule
The deadline for completion of all works and
delivery of the project is 08/10/2024 by 9.15am
2. Application Overview
WhatsApp is a widely used messaging application that allows users to send text
messages, make voice and video calls, share media (images, videos, and documents),
and participate in group chats. It also includes features such as status updates,
end-to-end encryption for secure communication, and the ability to back up and restore
chat history. The app is available on multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and web
browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.
3. Testing Scope
3.1. In Scope: Functional testing for the following modules are in scope of testing:
3.2. Out of Scope: Performance testing was done for this application
● Third-Party Integrations
● Device-Specific Issues
● Non-Functional Features
4. Metrics
(for now consider this diagram)
5. Types of testing performed:
1. Smoke Testing: A quick check to verify the basic functionalities after a new build
is deployed.
2. Regression Testing: Ensures that new changes do not negatively impact
existing features by retesting them.
3. Integration Testing: Validates the interaction between different modules to
ensure they work together properly.
4. Performance Testing: Evaluates the app’s responsiveness and stability under
various load conditions.
7. Lesson Learned
To enhance app development, it's crucial to focus on user-centric design, ensuring the
interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Regular updates should be implemented to
introduce new features and address bugs based on user feedback. Additionally,
scalability in the app's architecture will accommodate growth in users and functionality.
Performance optimization is essential for maintaining fast load times, while strong data
privacy and security measures are necessary to protect user information. Ensuring
compatibility across various devices will broaden the app’s reach, and developing a solid
marketing strategy will boost visibility and user engagement.
9. Best Practices
To enhance app development, adopt an agile approach for iterative feedback and
prioritize user experience with intuitive design. Conduct regular code reviews and
implement CI/CD for automated testing and delivery. Monitor performance metrics for
continuous improvement, emphasize security through best practices, and maintain
documentation for future development.
1. All planned test cases must be executed and documented, with critical defects
resolved or documented with exceptions.
2. The application must meet predefined performance metrics and successfully
pass user acceptance testing.
11. Conclusion
In conclusion, the testing process has validated that the application meets its functional
and performance requirements. By addressing critical defects and ensuring user
satisfaction, the project is well-prepared for deployment. Continuous monitoring and
future enhancements will further improve the application's quality and user experience.
Test Steps and Expected
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Data Result Actual Result Status
1. Open
2. Enter valid
phone number
(e.g., User
+1234567890) User should successfully
Verify login with 3. Enter OTP successfully log logs into
TC001 valid credentials (e.g., 123456) into WhatsApp WhatsApp Pass
1. Open
2. Enter invalid Error message: Error message:
Verify login with phone number "Invalid phone "Invalid phone
invalid phone (e.g., number" should number" is
TC002 number +9876543210) be shown shown Pass
1. Open
2. Enter valid
phone number Error message:
3. Enter "Incorrect OTP" Error message:
Verify login with incorrect OTP should be "Incorrect OTP"
TC003 incorrect OTP (e.g., 654321) shown is shown Pass
1. Open
WhatsApp chat
2. Type
message "Hello" Message should
Verify message 3. Click send be sent Message is sent
TC004 sending button successfully successfully Pass
1. Send
message Message should
2. Check double show Message shows
tick marks after "delivered" "delivered"
Verify message message is status (double status (double
TC005 delivery status delivered ticks) ticks) Pass
1. Send
2. Check blue Message should
double ticks show "read" Message shows
Verify message after message is status (blue "read" status
TC006 read status read ticks) (blue ticks) Pass
1. Open Group should
Verify group WhatsApp be created Group is not
TC007 creation 2. Click on New successfully created Fail
3. Add
participants and
group name
1. Open
2. Start voice Voice call
Verify voice call call with a should connect Voice call is not
TC008 functionality contact successfully connected Fail
1. Open chat
2. Click
attachment icon
3. Select image Image should
Verify media from gallery be sent Image is not
TC009 sharing (image) 4. Send successfully sent Fail
1. Open WhatsApp Web
Verify WhatsApp Web should WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp Web 2. Scan QR successfully log is successfully
TC010 login code with phone in logged in Pass