096 CN Practical6
096 CN Practical6
096 CN Practical6
Practical: 6
The network simulator is discrete event packet level simulator. The network simulator covers a very large number of
application of different kind of protocols of different network types consisting of different network elements and traffic
models. Network simulator is a package of tools that simulates behavior of networks such as creating network topologies,
log events that happen under any load, analyze the events and understand the network. Well the main aim of our first
experiment is to learn how to use network simulator and to get acquainted with the simulated objects and understand the
operations of network simulation and we also need to analyze the behavior of the simulation object using network simulation.
Network Simulator is mainly based on two languages. They are C++ and OTcl. OTcl is the object oriented version of Tool
Command language. The network simulator is a bank of different network and protocol objects. C++ helps in the following
Enrolment No:22012011024
NAME: MS Indu Jeph
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• Others: commercial ones, not free, e.g. IBM TPNS
NS2 Goals
• To support networking research and education
• Protocol design, traffic studies, etc.
• Protocol comparison;
• New architecture designs are also supported.
• To provide collaborative environment
• Freely distributed, open source;
• Increase confidence in result
Two Languages:
C++, OTcl OTcl: short for MIT Object Tcl, an extension to Tcl/Tk for object-oriented programming.
• Used to build the network structure and topology which is just the surface of your simulatoion;
• Easily to configure your network parameters;
• Not enough for research schemes and protocol architecture adaption.
• Two Languages (Con’t) C++: Most important and kernel part of the NS2
• To implement the kernel of the architecture of the protocol designs;
• From the packet flow view, the processes run on a single node;
• To change or “comment out” the existing protocols running in NS2;
• Details of your research scheme.
Why 2 Languages?
• 2 requirements of the simulator – Detailed simulation of Protocol: Run-time speed; – Varying parameters or
configuration: easy to use.
• C++ is fast to run but slower to code and change;
• OTcl is easy to code but runs slowly
• Wired Networking – Routing: Unicast, Multicast, and Hierarchical Routing, etc. – Transportation: TCP, UDP,
others; – Traffic sources: web, ftp, telnet, cbr, etc. – Queuing disciplines: drop-tail, RED, etc. – QoS: IntServ and
Diffserv Wireless Networking
• Ad hoc routing and mobile IP
• Sensor Networks(hmmm) – SensorSim: built up on NS2, additional features, for TinyOS
Enrolment No:22012011024
NAME: MS Indu Jeph
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NS2 Models
• Traffic models and applications: Web, FTP, telnet, constant-bit rate(CBR) • Transport protocols: Unicast: TCP
(Reno,Vegas), UDP Multicast • Routing and queuing: Wired routing, Ad Hoc routing. • Queuing protocols: RED(Random
Early Drop), drop-tail • Physical media:
Wired (point-to-point, LANs), wireless, satellite
• Intserv/Diffserv (QoS) • Multicast: Routing, Reliable multicast • Transport: TCP Congestion control • Application: Web
caching Multimedia • Sensor Networks: LEACH, Directed Diffusion, etc. Most are routing protocols.
NS2 Components
• NS2: the simulator itself, now version: ns-2.26 We will work with the part mostly. • NAM: Network animator.
Visualized trace tool(not really). Nam editor: GUI interface to generate ns scripts Just for presentation now, not useful for
research tracing. • Pre-processing: Traffic and topology generators • Post-processing: Simple trace analysis, often in Awk,
Perl(mostly), or Tcl
Installation of NS2
Enrolment No:22012011024
NAME: MS Indu Jeph
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*change line 137: add 'this->erase' keyword in ls.h file -ns-
#Output: pop up small window
Enrolment No:22012011024
NAME: MS Indu Jeph
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