Study of the
Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole. It explores the origins,
evolution, structure, and composition of the cosmos. From the Big Bang to the
vast expanses of space, cosmology seeks to unravel the mysteries of our
by Sneha Rajput
The Big Bang Theory
2 Expansion
The universe has been expanding ever since, with galaxies
moving apart from each other.
3 Accelerating Expansion
Observations indicate that the expansion of the universe is
accelerating, driven by a mysterious force called dark energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Dark Matter Dark Energy Effects on the Universe
Dark matter is an invisible form of matter Dark energy is a mysterious force that is Dark matter and dark energy have
that does not interact with light. It makes causing the expansion of the universe to profound effects on the evolution and
up about 85% of the matter in the accelerate. It makes up about 68% of the structure of the universe.
universe. energy density of the universe.
The Cosmic Microwave
Afterglow of the Big Evidence for the Big
Bang Bang
The Cosmic Microwave The CMB provides strong
Background (CMB) is a faint evidence for the Big Bang theory
afterglow of the Big Bang, and its predictions about the
representing the first light early universe.
emitted after the universe
became transparent.
1 The smallest and innermost planet in our solar system.
2 A hot and dense planet with a thick atmosphere.
3 The only known planet to harbor life.
4 A red planet with evidence of ancient water.
5 The largest planet in our solar system, a gas giant with a Great Red Spot.
6 A ringed planet with a complex system of moons.
7 An ice giant with a tilted axis.
8 The outermost planet in our solar system, a cold and windy world.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Exoplanets Planets orbiting stars outside our solar system.
Habitable Zones Regions around stars where liquid water could exist on a
planet's surface.