Pipe Laying Methodology Dadaab
Pipe Laying Methodology Dadaab
Pipe Laying Methodology Dadaab
Method Statement
Date: 01/09/2022
General Information
This methodology describes the way we will implement the CONSTRUCTION OF DADAAB
TOWN WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE WORKS. The site of the works shall be the area of
DADAAB TOWN and any other places as may be designated by the Project Manager.
We will establish a site office at around the site for ease of management and quick response.
During mobilization necessary plant and equipment will be brought in their order of priority.
During this period testing of the gravel will be done to meet the specifications. Any other
materials to be used will also be sourced for and tested to meet the specifications.
1.01 Introduction
The water supply project/water distribution system may consist of pipe laying work either HDPE
pipes or GI pipes. The civil engineering background behind implementing pipe laying work shall be
depending on the various circumstances. But here we are outlining a brief methodology of pipe laying
This methodology outlines the efficient and secure working methods for trench excavation,
excavation along narrow roads, excavation of rocks, excavation close to utilities, dewatering,
supporting excavation, pipelaying, removing trench supports and backfilling. When starting the
pipelaying work, the engineer must be informed of the start date and anticipated completion date of
the job, and the work program must be submitted.
1.02 Definitions
Contractor – Bishin Transporters & Construction Company Limited
Client – Garissa Water and Sewerage Company
Engineer – RCG Runji Consulting Group
Site Engineer – Qualified Engineer who represents the contractor
The contractor will provide a set of survey instruments, HDPE butt fusion machine, plate compactor
and a backhoe. These equipment’s shall be maintained periodically by a separate crew.
Transportation shall be provided depending on the type of the machinery/equipment to be
Parking of the vehicle, storing material/equipment shall be done at the main yard. But in a case of this
premises shall not be practicable, a land shall be arranged by the officer-in-charge after discussing
with the Project Manager. However, in a case of cease work for a considerable period all the
equipment/machinery shall be stored at the main yard site.
The setting out would be carried out in the area where the Engineer’s approval is given for channel
excavation. Levels of excavation would be marked by the surveyor using pegs. The line of the
Excavation would be marked with lime powder or any other proper manner
3.02 Procedure to Setting Out
The line and the level of the trenches shall be as per the drawing. the route of the trenching shall be
pegged out accurately. Any deviation of the line and/or grade shall be permitted by the Engineer.
Nominal trench width shall be as indicated in the drawings.
Excavation for structures such as thrust blocks, valve chambers shall be allowed 800mm working
spaces in minimum.
Before starting excavation in any road, the approval shall be obtained from the Engineer and the
relevant authorities shall be informed with the detailed work program and the relevant details
(chainage of the roads, date of commencement, completion date of backfilling, planned dates of
completion of temporary reinstatement and the date of handing over).
Excavation work shall be started only after,
Granting the approval for the program by Engineer/relevant authorities.
Granting the approval for the pipe and fittings.
All the required plants are available for speedy work.
The available details of underground services shall be obtained from the relevant authorities and
respective residence. The Contractor shall protect the underground services and utilities as much as
Special consideration shall be paid to reroute traffic and make provisions to access adjoining
building. Before beginning of the excavation, the existing situation shall be photographed with the
consent of property owner. Possible damages to the boundary walls and other properties, the
possibilities of repairing such damages with the least inconvenience to the owners and cost-effective
manner shall be discussed with the owners. The vicinities shall be informed in advance about the
excavation. Excavation length along such roads shall be limited to the minimum. Excavation shall be
carried out with an optimum care.
Edges of the trench shall be marked on the ground, cut with asphalt cutter and removed by
JCB/Excavator. Details of house connections for shops, etc. shall be inquired and marked on the
ground prior to the excavation work.
All services lines crossing or along the trench shall be exposed. Such services shall be temporary
rerouted/modified wherever possible, to perform trenching operation. Every precaution shall be taken
to avoid any damage to the existing services. Under the worst scenario they will be left as they are by
providing the supports without disturbing to such services. In case of interrupting water supply due to
Contractor’s work, such situation shall be coordinated with the NWS&DB to rectify the situation
Overhead electric wires shall be protected from the construction vehicle operations. Temporary
disconnecting the electric services/temporary shifting of electrical wires shall be arranged by
coordinating with the relevant authority.
Any existing structures that cannot be temporarily relocated shall be preserved prior to the excavation
proceed in the opinion of the Engineer. Above mentioned structures shall be carefully protected from
damages by the Contractor.
In order to protect existing structure, the Contractor shall do shoring where required. The shoring
method shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer. For deep excavation very near to the
existing structure, sheet pile shoring shall be used to protect the structures.
The arrangement made shall be approved by the Contractor and work should be hold until the
Engineer’s decisions are issued.
material shall be protected from weather as far as possible. All the other material shall be dumped
3.10 Materials.
Materials deemed not suitable for embankment filling would be disposed of to approved disposal
Any area backfilling has to be done to form earth drains; filling would be done using approved filling
material instructed by the Engineer
Individual traffic arrangement shall be provided with coordination with relevant authorities. One road
lane may be closed for the pipe laying work. Maximum speed for the vehicle shall be 30kmph where
the pipe laying work going on.
Where necessary only single lane traffic shall be allowed and the road shall be closed for the other
way traffic for the pipe laying work.
The water distribution system should be thoroughly disinfected before being use. The following
simple procedures will make sure the satisfactory results:
1. Flush and clean water tank and distribution pipe work with potable water to remove dirt and any
foreign matter.
2. Fill the tank with water mixed with chlorine solution at the rate of 50 parts per million. Retain
chlorinated water in the system allowing the chlorine to spread throughout pipe work.
3. Open the farthest draw-off points or drain plug/valve to draw water. Repeat the procedure till
odour of chlorine is felt at all locations when checked at random.
4. Drain out chlorinated water and fill the system with potable water.
8.01 As Built Drawings
Adjustments shall be made from the issued working drawings; if any. That information has to be
maintained at every stage as work progresses. After the implementation team leaves the venture site,
it is difficult to distinguish pipe routings and so forth without the ‘As-Built’ drawings.
The contractor will hand them over to the client with specified number of hard and soft copies.
(a) The provision and maintenance of constructional plant and systems of work that are
lighted, safe and without risks to health;
(b) The execution of suitable arrangements for ensuring safety an absence of risks to health
in connection with the use, handling, storage, transport and disposal of articles and
(c) The provision of protective clothing and equipment, first aid stations with such
personnel and equipment as are necessary and such information, instruction, training and
supervision as are necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all persons
employed on the works all in accordance with the Laws of Kenya;
(d) Designation as Safety Officer of one of our senior staff who shall have specific
knowledge of safety regulations, and experience of safety precautions on similar works
and who shall advise on all matters affecting the safety of workmen and on measures to
be taken to promote such safety;
(e) The provision and maintenance of access to all places on the Site in a condition that is
safe and without risk of injury;
(f) Reporting details of any accident to the Project Manager and the Kenya Police if
appropriate as soon as possible after its occurrence.
(g) Compliance with OSHA 2007 and in particular the Factories (Building Operations and
Works of Engineering Construction) Rules;
(h) The provision of adequate waterborne sanitation, refuse collection and disposal,
complying with
the Laws of Kenya and all locals Bye-Laws and to the satisfaction of the Project
Manager, for all houses, offices, workshops and laboratories erected on the camp sites or
(i) Provision of an adequate number of latrines and other sanitary arrangements at sites
where work is in progress and to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer in the area and
of the Project Manager;
(j) The execution of the appropriate measures in consultation with appropriate Public Health
Authority to control within the site, including the camp sites, mosquitoes, flies and pests
including the application of suitable chemicals to the breeding areas;
water supply and will provide proper supervision and superintendence to the satisfaction
of the supervising representative.
c) The equipment proposed for uses in the contract are in good condition and will be
regularly inspected and maintained to ensure high productivity,
d) The proposed schedule of activities; the tabulation of the resources requirements for the
site will aid in timely procurement of resources.
e) Daily site images will be used to track the progress of the project from start to finish.
10.01 Clearance and Completion:
Cleaning will be done to ensure no debris or undesired material has been left on site. upon
completion of other operations.
A detailed methodology will be agreed with the Project Manager upon order to commence.
under the General site manager, Laborers will be recruited as required throughout the works.
The pipe-laying works are being carried out in compliance with the Technical Specification and
Engineer’s instruction.
Safety of Works
Establishment of HSE team
The HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) team to be set up under Project management office,
which is in charge of daily safety specifically, the establishment of various safety regulations
and rules and the implementation of each safety measures.
The construction industry is responsible for a number of accidents, injuries and fatalities every
year. This team will educate the construction team on typical hazards on site, how to respond
to emergencies, measures to take to reduce environmental impact and essential safety rules for
high-risk activities.
A full-time safety man is appointed for each construction team, who is in responsible for the
safety of the project and under the guidance of the ganger of each section and project manager.
Safety education and safety publicity on employees are carried out monthly as practically as
Air Quality
The Contractor has to devise and implement methods of working to minimize dust, gaseous or
other air-borne emissions and carry out the Works in such a manner as to minimize adverse
impacts on air quality.
The Contractor has to utilize effective water sprays during delivery and handing of materials
when dust is likely to be created, and to dampen stored materials during dry and windy weather.
Stockpiles of friable materials are covered with clean tarpaulins, with application of sprayed
water during dry and windy weather. Stockpiles of material or debris are dampened prior their
Any vehicle with an open load-carrying area used for transporting potentially dust-producing
material have to have properly fitting side and tailboards. Materials having the potential to
produce dust are not loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, and are covered with
a clean tarpaulin in good condition. The tarpaulin is properly secured and extend at least 300
mm over the edges of the side and tailboards.
The Contractor has to consider noise as an environmental constraint in his planning and
execution of the Works. The Contractor has to take all necessary measure that the operation of all
mechanical equipment and construction processes on and off the Site does not cause any
unnecessary or excessive noise, taking into account applicable environment requirements. The
Contractor has to use all necessary measures and maintain all plant and silencing equipment in
good condition so as to minimize the noise emission during construction works.
Control of Wastes
The Contractor has to control the disposal of all forms of waste generated by the construction
operations and in all associated activities. No uncontrolled deposition or dumping is permitted.
Waste to be so controlled includes, but is not limited to, sewerage, all forms of fuel and engine
oils, bitumen, cement, surplus concrete, surplus aggregates, gravels etc. The Contractor has to
make specifies provision for the proper disposal of these and any other waste products,
conforming to local regulations and acceptable to the Engineer. In the event of any spoil or
debris or silt from the Site being deposited on any adjacent land, the Contractor immediately
remove all such spoil debris or silt and restore the affected area to its original state to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The significant hazards associated with excavations are:
Collapse of the sides of the excavation
Persons falling into excavations
Underground services
People in excavations being struck by falling materials
Buildings or structures collapsing due to excavations
Contaminated ground conditions*
Fumes from plant*
Planning running into excavations
Peat, soft ground or other unstable ground conditions affecting stability of plant
Manual handling*
Flammable atmospheres.
*Those hazards marked with an asterisk may require assessment under specific legislation,
i.e. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Control measures
The following actions should eliminate or reduce the risk of the above hazards to an acceptable
level. Where changes take place or any other hazard identified not included above, an additional
risk assessment must be carried out and appended to this section with details of appropriate
arrangements. Examples of tasks that will require a specific risk assessment are situations where
health hazards may be encountered, for example, in landfill sites, industrial sites, sewers or where
dangerous gases such as methane gas or carbon dioxide from limestone may be present.
Details of all underground services will be obtained before excavation work commences; cable
plans will need to be referred to and underground service location equipment will need to be
obtained and provided to site.
All excavation activity is work for which safety helmets must be provided and worn. Other types of
personal protective equipment will also need to be considered.
Training will be provided to supervisors required to carry out inspections and thorough
examinations of excavations and location of services, and to operatives involved in supporting
excavations. Staff will be trained to be aware of the risks from excavations.
Management control
Supervisors will not permit excavation work to begin on site until all plant, materials and
equipment necessary to carry out the excavation work safely is available on site. Work must not be
allowed to be carried out in an excavation where any supports or battering have been provided,
unless the excavation and any work equipment and materials which affect its safety, unless it has
been inspected by a competent person who is satisfied that the work can be carried out safely.
The supervisor will ensure that all underground services have been located using any means and
exposed by careful hand digging before machine excavation is permitted.
No person is permitted to enter any unsupported excavation more than 1.5m deep unless the sides
are properly supported or battered back to a safe angle for the ground conditions which apply.
Shallower trenches may require support in very poor conditions. Where possible, the excavation
support should be installed from ground level otherwise precautions must be provided for the
safety of the operatives installing the support.
Access and plant must be routed away from the edge of excavations. Stop blocks (which chock the
wheels and prevent the vehicle rolling back) or other precautions must be provided to prevent
vehicles tipping into excavations from overrunning the edge. Materials must not be stacked or
placed near the edges of excavations. Secure barriers must be provided around any excavation
more than 2m deep or around excavations of any depth in public areas.
Any defect noted in any equipment (eg excavation support or protective barrier equipment) must be
reported and attended to immediately.
If any gas, water, oil, electricity or other hazardous underground service is struck, work in that area
must be stopped and barriers erected around the excavation until the utility owner has agreed that
work can continue.
Emergency rescue procedures should be developed prior to the work in the excavation taking
place, especially where the work is categorized as confined space work. The rescue procedures
must not put rescuers at increased risk. The supervisor must control rescue operations until
emergency services arrive on site. When the emergency services arrive, they must be notified of
the work being carried out and the associated risks.
In the event of an excavation collapse and burial of a person in an excavation, rescue attempts must
not put rescuers at increased risk. The supervisor must control rescue operations until emergency
services arrive on site. The emergency services must be notified of the work being carried out and
the associated risks.
In the event of any unusual buried item that appears to be a possible unexploded wartime bomb
being uncovered during excavation work, work must be stopped. No further excavation of the item
can take place and the police must be informed.
The supervisor must also carry out a thorough examination of any excavation required to be
supported which has been open for seven days, and then every seven days thereafter.
A thorough examination must also be carried out after blasting in or near the excavation, or if there
has been a fall of earth or rock, or if any part of the support has been substantially damaged.
Accident/incident investigation
Any accident or incident involving excavation collapse or contact with underground services will
be investigated by the Site Engineer.