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International Conference on Education

Vol. 1, June 2022, pp. 8-15

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news in the

community during the covid-19 pandemic
Reni Sasmita*, Akhsani Sholihati Yasri, Yuike Silvira, Asyharinur Ayuning Putriana Pitaloka
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Kragilan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta,
55191 Indonesia
*Corresponding e-mail: reni1800031082@webmail.uad.ac.id

Social media is a medium that is widely used in today's era. This media provides many benefits to its users
such as getting closer, making communication easier, and many more benefits. Besides having many
benefits, social media also has many disadvantages for its users, one of which is the spread of hoax news.
The problem that has occurred recently is the spread of hoax news on social media related to the COVID-
19 pandemic which has affected many people in Indonesia. The impact of spread of Hoax News has a huge
impact on people's lives in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. With internet access to obtain
information that is easy and fast, causing inaccurate information to spread quickly, and people also easily
make news and write on social media with untrue news content, fake news in such a way as to attract
people's reading interest. Lack of knowledge in the community and the factors causing finding out the truth
of news make the spread of Hoax News happen very quickly. The method used in this study is the library
research method, which is a research method that examines and analyzes articles, books, and journals
related to the topic of the problem. The results of this study are that the impact of spreading hoax news in
the community causes panic and even causes chaos in the community, for example, panic buying of basic
needs and medical equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers to hoarding occurs which results in prices of
necessities and medical equipment being out of control and soaring drastically. . In addition, the spread of
hoax news on social media also causes racism and xenophobia in the community.
Keywords: covid-19 pandemic, hoax news, social media.
How to cite: Sasmita, R., Yasri, A. S., & Silvira, Y., Pitaloka, A. A. P. (2022). The impact of social media on the
spread of hoax new in the community during the during the covid-19. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Education, 1, 8-15.

Social media is a very popular communication tool in today's era. Even in Indonesia, the
dominance of young people towards technology is very high, especially in the use of social media
and information technology. Social media is very helpful and has an important role in human life.
Using social media, people no longer have to meet face-to-face to make social connections. Social
media has significantly changed the social life of people at almost all levels and social strata. The
development of the world of science and technology has indeed provided many extraordinary
benefits for human civilization in life.
The use of social media will have a positive impact if it is used properly and as needed.
However, it will have a bad impact if it is used for things that are not good (Sukmawati, n.d.).
Today's technological advances are felt and recognized because they provide convenience and
comfort for human life. The benefits of social media such as expanding the social environment,
making it easier to relate to many people, easy to express oneself, the information conveyed
quickly spread, and does not know distance and time. However, in addition to providing benefits
and convenience for its users, social media also harms its users such as making people easily
influenced by others, distancing close people, decreasing face-to-face interactions, causing
conflicts, privacy problems, spreading hoax news, and bad impacts. others (Cahyono, n.d.,

Received March 8, 2022; Revised May 29, 2022; Accepted May 30, 2022
ICE n 9

Hartanto et al., 2020; Nuryati et al., 2021). The impact that occurs because of social media on
society is a lot of conflict, hate speech and hoax news.
Users can more easily communicate information with one another thanks to the advent of
digital media. Information can come from several different sources. The rapid evolution of digital
media is undeniable. When it comes to digital media, people's lack of awareness and
preparedness leads to its misuse, which has terrible personal and social consequences. The
evolution of the internet has resulted in the presence of social media. The existence of social
media enables a range of opportunities to interact, communicate, and socialize, as well as some
fascinating supporting aspects (Sutrisna, 2020).
The subject of freedom for the people to express themselves and express their thoughts
using social media has been governed by international law and the 1945 Constitution, and it has
become an inherent right in compliance with existing legislation. Some people, however, abuse
this to promote phony news (hoax) (Hermawan, 2021).
Hoax crimes can be categorized as cybercrimes. Cybercrime is a crime committed by
certain individuals using computer technology, especially through the internet or electronic
media. To provide information that is not necessarily true (Chumairoh, 2020).
Likewise, with the issue of Covid-19, there has been a lot of false information circulating
that is troubling the public. As we know that Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the human respiratory
system, some symptoms will be caused when someone is exposed to the virus such as cough,
runny nose, fever, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and feeling tired easily. The spread of this virus
also makes psychic, mental, to excessive worry about the dangers. This virus can come from any
circle, whether babies, teenagers to adults. This virus was discovered in Wuhan, China, at the end
of December 2019 and has spread in China and even to other countries, one of which is Indonesia.
The spread of fake news or hoaxes through social media has recently been used by
irresponsible individuals to create noise and panic among the public by posting untrue news.
Judging from the motives and modus operandi, this act of spreading fake news is carried out in
almost every circle, from the elite to the lower class, even the educated. The spread of fake news
generally uses social media, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and others that are easily
accessible by all people (Latupeirissa et al., 2021).
The problem that occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic is the spread of hoax news that is
rife in the community. The amount of information through various media is accepted by most of
the world's people who are in uncertainty. This situation has caused panic and severe
psychological pressure (stress). Even the spread of false news/information or hoaxes is also
difficult to contain during these uncertain conditions (Juditha, 2020).
We cannot avoid the impact of hoax news on society, this is because hoax news circulating
in the community will immediately affect the formation of public opinion on them. Where in the
formation of public opinion in the community will also have a very significant impact on social life.
This public opinion drive will later lead to a stigma that will be trusted by the public. Like some
time ago when the vaccine arrived in Indonesia, people were so indifferent and did not believe in
the vaccine. Due to the existence of hoax news circulating in the community. The content of the
news is that the effect of vaccinations carried out by the government can cause death (Septiana
& R., 2021). Based on the explanation of the problems above, the purpose of this study is to
explain the impact of social media on the spread of hoax news in the community during the
COVID-19 pandemic and how the government handles the spread of hoax news.

The method used in this research is literature analysis with literature review. The data were
collected through systematic analysis and search of scientific literature on scientific articles,
books, and documents relevant to this research. The context used as the object in this study is
the case that occurred in Indonesia, so the data used in this study relates to the impact of social
The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news
Sasmita, Yasri, Silvira, & Pitaloka

media on the spread of hoax news in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic which was
carried out by an in-depth analyzer. Furthermore, the process of collecting and analyzing data is
carried out to provide conclusions as a closing of the results of this study.


Social Media
Social media is online media that makes it easy for every user to communicate, share experiences,
create content, share information, issues, news, and various other aspects. According to another
perspective, social media is online media that facilitates and encourages social interaction using
web-based technology. What started as communication turned into interactive dialogue (Istiani
& Islamy, 2020). As a collection of social media software, it makes it easy for individuals or groups
to communicate, gather, share, collaborate and play in a virtual world. The strength possessed by
social media itself is in the form of user-generated content (UGC) where content comes from
social media users not from editors as in mass media institutions (R Nasrullah, 2017). It can be
concluded that social media facilitates and supports social interactions using technology. web-
based that transforms communication into interactive dialogue. The following are examples of
social media that are currently developing: Path, Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, and
Social media has characteristics, namely: (Indah, 2016) (1) Network (network) Between
Users, social media comes from the social structure in the internet network. (2) Information,
Information is an important component of social media. Social media users, unlike other types of
internet media, construct representations of their identities, connect based on information, and
become commodities that are consumed by other users. (3) Interaction, Simply put, interactions
on social media are in the form of people commenting on each other or giving a thumbs up.
"likes". (4) Dissemination (Sharing), is a comment that includes not only views but also the most
common facts or facts On social media, dissemination includes efforts to share important
information with other social media communities, express opinions about an issue, or transmit
knowledge. Online content is an opportunity to leverage information or other fresh data to make
content more accurate.
Misuse of Social Media in Spreading Hoax News
The presence of the media, with all its benefits, has become an inseparable part of human life.
Social media is one of the many media that emerged as a result of changing times. Social media
is an online medium that allows users to collaborate, exchange, and connect while also forming
virtual social bonds. Social media is a type of digital media where social reality takes place and
where users can communicate in real-time. The values that exist in society can also be found on
the internet, in various forms or the same (Rulli Nasrullah, 2016).
Currently, hoax news is wrapped around all aspects of society. Even the elderly and the
elderly are aware of so-called fake news. The public is shocked by fake news, especially with the
current scenario. We often encounter hoax news in various forms, such as SARA hoax news,
politics, health, and so on (Tenriawali et al., 2020).
Misuse of False Information (Hoax) is defined as a process or method, as well as an act that
misuses or misappropriates the wealth obtained. Hoax, according to the Oxford English
Dictionary, is a joke about a fictional story. In Indonesia, the term is "fake news". Fake news is an
attempt to trick or trick readers/listeners into believing something, even though the fake news
maker knows the fake news (Echols & Shadily, 2010)
Data from the Indonesian Communications and Information Technology as of March 1,
2022, shows that the total spread of hoax news related to Covid-19 reached 5, 606 cases. Of the
total cases of hoax spread, 4,901 cases were spread on Facebook social media, 52 cases from

ICE, Vol. 1, June 2022, 8-15

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Instagram, 573 cases from Twitter, 55 cases from Youtube, and 25 cases from Tik Tok. Of the
cases above 5,398 cases are being followed up or taken down, while 208 cases of spreading hoax
issues are being followed up (Penanganan Persebaran Konten Hoaks Covid-19, 2022).
Based on the case above, it is clear that cases of spreading hoax news during the COVID-
19 pandemic are very rampant by irresponsible people. The spread of hoax news during the
Covid-19 pandemic occurred a lot and spread very quickly because the cases were spread through
social media. So that the hoax news quickly spread to all social media users.
Positive sensations naturally arise in people when their views or ideas are confirmed, so
they do not care whether the information they receive is accurate, and it is even easier for them
to redistribute it. This can be exacerbated if the hoax spreader does not have experience using
the internet to gather more information or facts to double-check.
This act of spreading false news (hoax) is a crime, and such crimes should be punished very
harshly during this epidemic as the country is in an emergency facing natural disasters (Yazid,
2020). The news of the spread of health information during the Covid-19 pandemic which is
widely disseminated through Whatsapp groups cannot be accounted for because it does not
include the source from which the information was taken, so it is very risky for anyone who
receives it. The reason is, the information they receive is considered to have a bad impact on
those who receive it.
Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow, mention several reasons why social media platforms
are fertile grounds for the rise of fake news (hoax), First, the costs incurred when using social
media are very cheap. With only internet data, fake newsmakers can easily spread their
Second, the format of social media makes it difficult to reveal the truth of the information
presented other than users who are trying to find it themselves. Recently, social media platforms
such as Facebook have started campaigning against hoaxes. Even Facebook reserves the right to
delete messages or information deemed contrary to universal human values, such as SARA.
Third, is the ideological factor. Social media friendship networks such as Twitter or
Facebook allow communication with individuals who are aligned with their ideological position.
The similarity of ideology allows one to believe in one piece of information without having to
make corrections first (Bahri, 2021).
Whereas the law has regulated information and electronic transactions. This is regulated
in Article 40 paragraph (2) and (2a) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law
Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, explaining:
Article 40 paragraph (2): Following the provisions of laws and regulations, the government
defends the public interest from all kinds of disturbances caused by Electronic Information and
Electronic Transactions that disturb the public.
Article 40 paragraph (2a): Following the provisions of laws and regulations, the government
is obliged to prevent the dissemination and use of electronic information and/or electronic
documents containing prohibited content.
The Impact of Social Media on the Spread of Hoax News in Society
The impact of the spread of Hoax News has a huge impact on people's lives in the current state
of the COVID-19 pandemic. With internet access to obtain information that is easy and fast
causing inaccurate information or being conveyed easily to all levels of society, fake news is made
in such a way as to attract people's reading interest. The lack of knowledge in the community and
the laziness factor in finding out the truth of news make the spread of Hoax News happen very
quickly (Hermawan, 2021).
The spread of hoax news is widely circulated through social media such as Facebook,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. The spread of hoax news about COVID-19 is
circulating quickly through social media, this is because people who receive this information easily

The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news

Sasmita, Yasri, Silvira, & Pitaloka

share the news that is not necessarily true. The impact of social media on the spread of hoax
news in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic are:
Xenophobia and Racism
One of the impacts of the spread of hoax news during the Covid-19 period on social media is the
occurrence of xenophobia and racism in society. There is a difference in intensity between the
acts of racism and xenophobia that occurred in the previous pandemic and the current one.
Currently, sentiments of racism and xenophobia are met with technological sophistication, so that
in quantity acts of hatred against certain races and fear of foreigners more broadly, not only meet
interactions in the real world but also communication in cyberspace. This sentiment extends in
its new form, namely in the form of hoaxes in the form of short narratives, pictures/memes, and
even short videos with provocations against certain ethnicities or foreigners.
Fake news based on racism and xenophobia only gives birth to acts of violence and
discrimination that are very likely to occur in the real world in the form of vigilantism. It seems
that the latter has become a global concern until the Director-General of the WHO (World Health
Organization) Antonio Guttierez emphasized that the public is alert to fake news about Covid-19
and issues that arouse racism. The various false narratives on social media only aim to spread
excessive fear and panic (Abadi & Muthohirin, 2020). Racism and xenophobia have also occurred
to nurses who handle cases of COVID-19. They are shunned and expelled from their
neighborhood because they are considered to be transmitting COVID-19 to the surrounding
community. This is caused by the large number of people who are affected by hoax news that is
widespread in the community.
Based on the explanation above, the impact of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic
on the community in spreading hoax news is that it has an impact on acts of racism and
xenophobia suffered by the Indonesian people. In addition, the impact of spreading hoax news
on social media also has an impact on Indonesian society itself. As in the recent case, the
Indonesian people have been consumed by news stating that the injection of the vaccine will
cause paralysis and death. This happened after the circulation of a video showing a person who
after being vaccinated experienced convulsions and some even died.
Anxiety and Panic Buying
Anxiety is a response to certain threatening situations and is a normal thing that occurs following
developments, changes, new experiences, or things that have never been done. Anxiety is
characterized by the emergence of feelings of fear, caution, and vigilance that are not clear and
unpleasant. In addition to the occurrence of xenophobia and racism, the spread of hoax news
also causes excessive anxiety or abnormal anxiety. This happens because the information they
get from certain sources gives a scary impression. After all, the information conveyed is
exaggerated. Excessive anxiety can cause symptoms such as feelings of fear, worry, and extreme
alertness. This anxiety can be a threat and a nuisance to the community because it can encourage
people to do things that are detrimental (Sari et al., 2020).
Anxiety due to various news that is not clearly true (Hoaks) makes the normal anxiety
experienced by individuals become abnormal anxiety, moreover this rampant news can grab
people's attention, the number of media reporting various COVID-19 issues without any filtering
of information, with this it can cause various reactions that appear simultaneously, many new
things that have never been thought of by individuals and cause their anxiety (Rayani & Purqoti,
2020). This disinformation can lead to excessive anxiety, worry, and fear that are not balanced
with empathy and sympathy for people with COVID-19 (Wanodya & Usada, 2020).
Panic buying also occurred in the community due to hoax news that spread in the
community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the spread of hoax news is that it
causes panic and even causes chaos in the community, for example, panic buying of basic needs

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and medical equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers to hoarding occurs which results in the
price of necessities and medical equipment being out of control and soaring drastically.
Public Distrust of the Government
In addition to causing anxiety and panic buying and stress in the community, the spread of hoax
news during the COVID-19 pandemic has also caused public distrust of the government. This is
because the public has been affected and provoked by the hoax news they get (Sutrisna, 2020).
One example is that many people do not want to vaccinate because they are influenced by
fake news circulating in the community. fake news about the covid -19 vaccine is quite
inconvenient in handling the covid 19 pandemic. Many people are affected by fake news and
eventually become unwilling to be vaccinated against covid-19. The impact of this is that they
become vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission and even have the potential to threaten their lives.
The impact of fake news about the Covid-19 vaccination will harm many people. This is because
the low participation of the covid-19 vaccination will have an impact on the low immunity of the
community to the transmission of covid 19. The low immunity of the community to the covid-19
virus makes it difficult for the government to overcome the covid 19 pandemic (Fashihullisan et
al., 2022).
Government Handling Against the Spread of Hoax News
Digital literacy will create a society with a critical-creative mindset and view. They will not be easily
consumed by provocative issues, become victims of hoax information, or victims of digital-based
fraud. Thus, the social and cultural life of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic will tend
to be safe and conducive. The purpose of digital literacy in society is to educate people in utilizing
technology and communication by using digital technology and communication tools or networks
to find, evaluate, use, manage, and create information wisely and creatively. In addition, digital
literacy also aims to use digital media responsibly, knowing the legal aspects and consequences
related to Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (Sutrisna,
Meanwhile, to prevent the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19, the Ministry of
Communication and Information stated the need for education and digital literacy to the public
regarding the disadvantages of hoaxes. Because as a result of this hoax news about Covid-19
causing concern in the community so that with education and literacy to the community, the
community can combat hoax news by reading and seeking information from trusted sources and
minimizing people who become victims of hoax news (Putri et al., 2020). Allah SWT in the Qur'an
also recommends studying the news that comes. Especially the information that comes from
those who are wicked. "O you who believe! If someone wicked comes to you with news, then
examine the truth, so that you do not harm a people because of ignorance (recklessness), which
in the end you will regret your actions." (Al-Hujurat: 6).
Based on this, both the Qur'an and the government remind the public to study and analyze
news on social media so as not to be influenced by hoax news. By thinking creatively and criticizing
the public, they can avoid hoax news because before receiving the information they compare the
news they get with news from other media and analyze whether the news is true or hoax news.

Based on the explanation above, the use of social media has an impact on its users, both positive
and negative impacts. The positive impact of social media is that it makes it easier for users to
communicate with people who are far away. However, social media also hurts its users, one of
which is the spread of hoax news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This hurts society during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news in the community is
xenophobia and racism by certain communities, excessive anxiety, and panic buying, and reduced
public trust in the government.
The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news
Sasmita, Yasri, Silvira, & Pitaloka

We would like to thank BEM FKIP Ahmad Dahlan University for holding an international seminar
with the theme “Digital Literacy Education Research and Innovation for the Golden Generation”.
We also thank all those involved in writing this article.

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Septiana, N. Z., & R., M. W. (2021). Dampak Berita Hoax Pada Masyarakat: Studi Fenomenologi
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The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news

Sasmita, Yasri, Silvira, & Pitaloka

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