Marcus ERP Synopsis
Marcus ERP Synopsis
Marcus ERP Synopsis
Table of content
Oracle as an ERP
Modules of Oracle ERP
How do ERP system work?
Benefits of ERP
Future scope of ERP
Reference links
1. Introduction
What is ERP?
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that
organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such
as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and
compliance, and supply chain operations. A complete ERP suite also
includes enterprise performance management, software that helps plan,
budget, predict, and report on an organization’s financial results.
Oracle Cloud ERP software is the most advanced software available for
managing business processes in real time .
2. Oracle as an ERP
Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP is a complete, modern, cloud ERP suite that
provides your teams with advanced capabilities, such as AI to automate
the manual processes that slow them down, analytics to react to market
shifts in real time, and automatic updates to stay current and gain a
competitive advantage.
o Financial management
The financial management module is the foundation of an ERP
system. By tracking accounts payable and accounts receivable,
plus helping to manage the general ledger, this module puts your
current financial picture and outlook into focus.
o Procurement
o Risk management
o Manufacturing process
o Human resources
o Project management
o ERP analytics
An ERP analytics module helps finance, procurement, and project
management professionals understand the factors that drive
profitability, improve the use of working capital, and control business
Each ERP module typically focuses on one business area, but they work
together using the same data to meet the company’s needs. Finance,
accounting, human resources, sales, procurement, logistics, and supply
chain are popular starting points. Companies can pick and choose the
module they want and can add on and scale as needed.
5. Benefits of ERP
6. Limitations
1. Costs of an ERP Software
Third-party software add-ins
Implementation costs
Initial and continuous training
2. Complex Data Conversion
Developing a solid data conversion strategy can be
You have to define, examine and analyze data sources
Bad data conversion will cause delays and increased
3. Requires thorough training
Training needs to cover all of the ERP system’s
ERP training sessions need to be in line with business
IT users need to be trained for the technical aspects
of the ERP System
As the time fleet, the new generation wants to focus more on starting
the startup as compared to working as an Employee due to this the
demand for ERP systems will rise.
As new technology arises, every ERP vendor will try to use new
technology in order to become top in the market as well as meets the
user requirement.
8. Conclusion
9.Reference links