Iot Technologies For Connected and Automated Driving Applications

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IoT Technologies for Connected

and Automated Driving Applications

Ovidiu Vermesan1 , Roy Bahr1 , Mariano Falcitelli2 , Daniele Brevi3 ,

Ilaria Bosi3 , Anton Dekusar4 , Alexander Velizhev5 , Mahdi Ben Alaya6 ,
Carlotta Firmani7 , Jean-Francois Simeon8 ,
Louis Touko Tcheumadjeu9 , Gürkan Solmaz10 , Francesco Bisconti2 ,
Luca Di Mauro2 , Sandro Noto2 , Paolo Pagano2 , Enrico Ferrera3 ,
Guido Alejandro Gavilanes Castillo3 , Edoardo Bonetto3 ,
Vincenzo Di Massa7 , Xurxo Legaspi11 , Marcos Cabeza11 ,
Diego Bernardez11 , Francisco Sanchez11 , Robert Kaul9 ,
Bram Van den Ende12 , Antoine Schmeitz12 , Johan Scholliers13 ,
Georgios Karagiannis14 , Jos den Ouden15 , Sven Jansen12 ,
Hervé Marcasuzaa16 and Floriane Schreiner17
1 SINTEF AS, Norway
2 CNIT – PNTLab, Italy
3 LINKS Foundation, Italy
4 IBM, Ireland
5 IBM, Switzerland
6 Sensinov, France
7 Thales Italia, Italy
8 Continental, France
9 DLR German Aerospace Center, Institute of Transportation Systems,

10 NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
11 CTAG, Spain
12 TNO, The Netherlands
13 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland
14 HUAWEI, Germany
15 TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
16 Valeo, France
17 VEDECOM, France

256 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

The applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies connect mul-
tiple devices directly and through the Internet. Autonomous vehicles utilise
connectivity when updating their algorithms based on user data, interact with
the infrastructure to get environmental information, communicate with other
vehicles. They exchange information with pedestrians using mobile devices
and wearables and provide information about the traffic attributes and data
collected by the vehicle sensors. The connected and automated vehicles
(CAV) require a significant quantity of collecting and processing data and
through IoT applications and services the autonomous vehicles share infor-
mation about the road, the present path, traffic, and how to navigate around
different obstacles. This information can be shared between IoT connected
vehicles and uploaded wirelessly to the cloud or/and edge system to be anal-
ysed and operated improving the levels of automation and the autonomous
driving (AD) functions of each vehicle. This chapter gives an overview of
the integration of IoT devices contributing to automated/autonomous driv-
ing, and the IoT infrastructure deployed and seamlessly integrated into the
AUTOPILOT project use cases and pilot demonstrators, including the IoT
platforms integration.

6.1 Introduction
The continuing advancement of intelligent connectivity can provide the
responsiveness needed to make automated/autonomous vehicles a reality.
Automated/autonomous vehicles make the roads much safer as
human errors can be reduced significantly. Technology makes automated/
autonomous vehicles possible to be deployed, and robust networks and
powerful IoT solutions are essential parts to achieve this.
Intelligent connectivity enables new transformational capabilities in the
mobility and transport sectors. The networks used for connecting IoT devices
and vehicles must be ultra-reliable, as many critical tasks are executed
remotely, and must rely on cost-effective edge infrastructure to enable low
latency and scaling. Connectivity is, therefore, necessary for such services
to work optimally. Intelligence enables the enhancement of user experiences
through multi-access edge computing using, augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) technologies [15].
The automated/autonomous vehicles, IoT, and artificial intelligence
(AI) connected systems are increasingly relying on information that is
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 257

exchanged to perform and conduct their safety-critical operations. Keeping

such systems (and the data within) trustworthy, secure, safe, and private for
the required cases is a critical element for the acceptance and adoption of
such autonomous systems.
IoT devices and technologies can support automated/autonomous driving
functions in different ways and enhance these functions for different use
cases. The combined autonomous vehicles and IoT ecosystems implemented
in the AUTOPILOT use cases integrate the services provided by interoperable
IoT platforms and IoT devices that provide additional information to the
vehicles about the environment, surroundings and the dynamic events around
the vehicles to enhance the automated/autonomous functions.
The AUTOPILOT project addresses automated driving progressed by IoT
and is one of the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme (LSPs) [1].

6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains

A vehicle with automated features must have established reliable interactions
with different domains that are interlinked through devices and systems. The
whole ecosystem relies on the interaction among the onboard units (OBUs),
roadside units (RSUs), and vulnerable road users (VRUs). Intelligent sensors
and actuators in the vehicles, roads and traffic control units in the infrastruc-
tures collect various information to serve enhanced automated driving (AD).

6.2.1 Internet of Vehicles

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) concept and the Vehicle-to-Environment
(V2E) or Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) connectivity applied for enhanced
automated/autonomous transportation and mobility applications, requires
ecosystems based on safety, security, privacy, reliability and trust to ensure
mobility and convenience to consumer-centric transactions and services. The
enhanced automated/autonomous vehicles and IoT applications cover several
domains of interaction, connectivity, exchange of information and knowledge
as illustrated in Figure 6.1 together with communications protocols may be
used [1, 13]. Based on the ITS-G5 it can be implemented a process to secure
infrastructure, by providing policies and services of strong authentication
of both vehicle and infrastructures and by performing more and more Risk
Assessments, mapping onto requirements of the ISA/IEC 62443 set of stan-
dards. The figure shows “all” the domains of interactions between the vehicle
and the environment through communication and sensing capabilities.
258 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Figure 6.1 Automated vehicle connectivity domains of interaction [1, 13].

• Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is defined as the wireless

exchange of information between vehicles and the roadside units of the
infrastructure, such as traffic, road and weather condition alerts, traffic
control, upcoming traffic lights information, or parking lot information.
• Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) communication is the wireless exchange of
information between vehicles and cellular networks, used for value-
added services such as traffic jam information and real-time routing or
available charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs).
• Vehicle-to-Cloud/Edge (V2C) communication is defined as the wire-
less exchange of information between vehicles and the cloud or edge
computing centres, for instance, used for tracking and usage-based
• Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) communication is wired and/or wireless
exchange of information between electric vehicles and the charging
station/power grid for such as battery status and correct charging and
energy storage and power grid load/peak balancing.
• Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is defined as the wireless
exchange of information between vehicles about, for instance, speed and
position of surrounding vehicles.
• Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication is the wireless exchange
of information between vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) for
safety-related services.
• Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) communication is the wireless exchange of
information between vehicles and a fixed or temporarily home, for
instance, used for real-time routing.
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 259

• Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) communication is wired and/or wireless

exchange of information between the vehicle and IoT devices either
inside or outside the vehicle.
• Vehicle-to-Maintenance (V2M) communication is the wireless exchange
of information between the vehicle and the vehicle condition responsible
(automotive manufacturer or repair shop), including vehicle condition
monitoring, predictive maintenance notification or alerts.
• Vehicle-to-Users (V2U) communication is the wired/wireless exchange
of information between the vehicle and its current user, including
situational details.
• Vehicle-to-Owner (V2O) communication is the wireless exchange of
information between vehicles and its owner. Use cases may be vehicle
rental, fleet management, freight tracking, etc.
The convergence of enhanced automated/autonomous vehicles, IoT and
AI applications are accelerating the implementation of V2X concept and the
move to mobility as a service (MaaS) and tier-one automotive companies,
large technology companies and technology start-ups active involved in V2X,
addressing first safety, security and privacy use cases to accelerate user
acceptance and innovation. The overall interactions are covered under the
name of V2X and consists of the following [1, 13]:
• The communication and sensing interactions between the autonomous
vehicle and the dynamically changing environment.
• The communication and sensing interactions between the vehicle and its
static environment.
• The communication and sensing interactions with different service
• The communications with the owners, users, mobility service providers.
There are two key technologies considered for intelligent transportation
systems (ITS), namely ITS-G5 and C-V2X, which are based on different
design principles and radio interfaces [1, 13, 14]. However, the higher layers
(above the PHY/MAC radio layers) can mainly share the same protocol stack.
The two technologies are primarily intended for driver assistance warnings
rather than autonomous driving but contribute to extending the line-of-sight
limited operation of sensors such as cameras, RADARs and LiDARs.
ITS-G5 is defined by ETSI, and its radio air interface is based on IEEE
802.11p (DSRC in the US), which is an approved amendment of the Wi-Fi
standard to add wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE). ITS-
G5 works independently of cellular networks, it supports V2V and V2I
260 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

low latency short-range communication in the 5.9 GHz frequency band and
uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and a carrier sense
multiple access (CSMA) based protocol in the MAC layer. ITS-G5 facilitates
high reliability under high vehicle speed mobility conditions. Enhancements
towards more advanced services such as autonomous driving are addressed
by the IEEE 802.11 Next Generation V2X Study Group.
C-V2X is specified by 3GPP and is realised as LTE-V2X (3GPP rel.
14/15) for short- and long-range communication. The short-range mode
can work independently of cellular networks, supports V2V, V2I and V2P
communication, uses direct side-link communication over PC5 interface,
uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) in the 5.9GHz
frequency band, and its MAC layer is based on semi-persistent schedul-
ing allowing deterministic sharing of the medium among multiple stations
in a distributed manner. The long-range mode is cellular mobile network-
dependent and supports V2N communication, i.e. up-/down-link communi-
cation between vehicles and base stations in a cellular LTE network over
Uu interface. The next release 5G NR-V2X (5G New Radio V2X, rel. 16)
addresses improvements such as lower latency, increased reliable communi-
cation, and higher data rates to support autonomous driving. 5G NR-V2X will
complement LTE-V2X, i.e. not replace but co-exist with LTE-V2X.
LTE-V2X short-range mode and ITS-G5 are substitutes, but LTE-V2X
has been shown in recent tests to have a superior performance in range/link-
budget (reliability) [14]. However, ITS-G5 is not an equivalent replacement
for LTE-V2X for providing C-ITS priority services. ITS-G5 provides dif-
ferent performance compared to LTE-V2X in direct side-link short-range
communications and does not support long-range communications. The cur-
rent, ITS-G5 cannot achieve the level of implicit compatibility between
LTE-V2X and 5G-V2X, due to the different technological and design prin-
ciples in the specifications of IEEE 802.11p (ITS-G5) and 3GPP C-V2X
(LTE-V2X/5G-V2X). LTE-V2X is the natural precursor to 5G NR-V2X from
the perspectives of the design and industrial ecosystem. The combination of
these two V2X technologies can allow for the most cost-effective deployment
of C-ITS services in EU [14].
A vehicle with automated features must establish interactions with dif-
ferent domains that are interlinked with one or more operational design
domains like the use cases established in the AUTOPILOT project [1],
namely the Automated valet parking, Highway pilot, Platooning, Urban
driving, and vehicle sharing use cases. In this context for enhanced
automated/autonomous vehicle applications, four connectivity domains are
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 261

defined as essential connectivity building blocks of the IoT ecosystem in the

AUTOPILOT project, namely V2V, V2P, V2D, and V2I. The IoT ecosystem
relies on the interaction among the vehicles, the VRUs like pedestrians, a
variety of devices and the infrastructure; to improve traffic management by
increased efficiency, security and safety. Intelligent sensors and actuators
in the vehicles, roads and traffic control infrastructures collect a variety
of information to serve enhanced automated driving. These require robust
sensors, actuators, and communication solutions, which can communicate
with the control systems while considering the timing, safety and security
constraints. Redundancy and parallel systems are required in all safety and
security-critical applications. It is also worth mentioning that power saving
mode, for example, for sensors and actuators, can be a barrier to real-time
information. For battery-powered equipment, it will be a trade-off between
power consumption and communication latency.
To mitigate the risks for the autonomous driving systems and infras-
tructures, security should be implemented at all layers and security policies
should be defined following international standards and best practices. This
can be achieved using existing frameworks like the ISA IEC 62443 [16].

6.2.2 Vehicle-to-Vehicle Domain

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is defined as the wireless exchange
of information (data) between vehicles. V2V communication facilitates the
transfer of information and early warnings/control to ensure traffic safety,
avoid traffic congestion, improve traffic flow and environment, etc. Intercon-
nectivity between vehicles plays an important role in autonomous driving.
High-speed environments and reliable real-time information are important
issues for the V2V ad-hoc communication network, also referred to as
VANETs (vehicular ad-hoc networks) or IVC (inter-vehicle communica-
tion) [11]. Examples of relevant standards are ETSI ITS-G5, IEEE 802.11p,
IEEE 1609, and SAE J2735.
In the AUTOPILOT project at the French pilot site [1, 12], V2V com-
munication is used in a platooning use case. This communication is made
over ETSI ITS-G5 (IEEE 802.11 OCB) to allow the exchange of information
between the vehicles forming the platoon. This information will be used to
place the vehicles according to the others. The goal is to ensure that the
platoon is not broken and that all vehicles are capable at any time to cross
an intersection, for example. All the relevant information about the platoon is
displayed to the driver on the embedded screen.
262 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

In the AUTOPILOT’s Dutch pilot site, V2V communication is estab-

lished via ITS-G5 connections and additionally a ultra-wide band (UWB)
connection. An alternative approach for V2V information exchange is via IoT
technology, using a MEC based local cloud service that forwards messages
coming from one vehicle to another. In the AUTOPILOT’s Spanish pilot
site, V2V communication is performed by using the IoT in-vehicle platform
system. To verify the impact of the fully IoT communication system, this V2V
communication is achieved through the infrastructure and using standard
oneM2M messages. These messages wrap the defined data models that allow
IoT communication with the vehicle. Therefore, if a vehicle needs to send its
information to other vehicles, that one will upload the corresponding message
to the cloud, which later will be available for any other connected vehicle.
In AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site, V2V communication is managed by
an in-vehicle platform that implements an almost full ETSI stack. The main
exchanged V2V messages are cooperative awareness messages (CAM). This
information is used to provide a detailed look at the surroundings of the
automated vehicle. CAM messages notify the information sensed by the in-
vehicle sensors to the vehicles in the transmission range. This information is
used by the automated driving data fusion algorithm to make decisions for
both highway and urban driving use case scenarios. In the AUTOPILOT’s
Finnish pilot site, the vehicle is equipped with 4G/LTE communications.
The vehicle ETSI ITS-G5 station transmits CAM messages regularly, and
the vehicle position is also sent to the IoT platform, for use by other services.

6.2.3 Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Domain

Every year, many vulnerable road users (VRUs) are seriously injured or killed
in accidents. Improved connectivity solutions can contribute to reducing
the number of these fatalities thanks to an effective warning system for
the involved actors. Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) connectivity is a field of
research that studies the communications between vehicles and pedestrians.
In the broadest sense, it typically considers bicyclists and motorcyclists, chil-
dren in strollers, mobility-impaired people with wheelchairs, etc. However,
these may also be classified as vehicles in V2V connectivity, if for example
the communication unit is bicycle equipped and not used as wearables,
mobile phones, etc. The goal of the V2P connectivity is to detect a pedestrian
or more generally a VRU and notify information useful to avoid accidents.
The more intuitive device to warn pedestrians is through a smartphone or
even a smartwatch, due to its increasing computational power, the availability
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 263

of wireless connection and its widespread availability. Today’s incumbent

standard for vehicular communication is ETSI ITS-G5 that is based on the
IEEE 802.11p amendment of Wi-Fi standard. Unfortunately, while Wi-Fi
is supported by most smartphones, IEEE 802.11p is not implemented in
commercial products yet [1, 12]. In 2014 Qualcomm and Honda, published
a paper that describes a real implementation of this idea [2]. The prototype
is made with a smartphone equipped with a Qualcomm Wi-Fi solution. As
reported in the original paper: “The design goal was to provide an always-on,
highly accurate and low latency pedestrian collision warning system, without
introducing significant hardware or processing overhead to the smartphone”.
The paper states that good performances can be achieved, although some
problems still need to be solved. Among the others, the accuracy of the
position is given by the internal GNSS receiver of the smartphone, the
congestion of the wireless medium and the certification of communications
and application performances. Indeed, the certification procedure changes a
lot depending on whether the application is considered as a supplemental alert
or as a complete safety-critical warning system. A more recent prototype,
created by Bosch, addresses motorcyclists is shown a video on YouTube [3].
An alternative approach is to exploit the cellular communication channel,
owing to its complete availability on mobile devices. Waiting for the complete
definition of LTE-V2X and 5G, several papers explored this idea showing
good performances. In “Cellular-based vehicle to pedestrian (V2P) adaptive
communication for collision avoidance” presented in 2014 [4], this approach
is theoretically described, also taking into account the road-safety system
in terms of energy consumption on the smartphone. In other papers, LTE
communications are used, together with Wi-Fi, to exploit the advantages of
both channels, i.e. the more extended communication range of LTE and the
low delays of Wi-Fi direct communication. A further example is a study
on the use of a pure Wi-Fi solution in “Vehicle to pedestrian communica-
tions for protection of vulnerable road users” presented in 2014 [5], which
demonstrates the possibility of effectively using such a channel for safety
A different vision is to use different radio systems, with a dedicated
transmitting device carried out by the VRUs. The system can be used to
compute the distance and the position of the users without the need of a
GNSS device and the related issues (e.g. accuracy in urban areas). One of the
most important works in this sense is done in the Ko-TAG project (Security
for vulnerable road users through Ko-Tag) [6], which uses an RFID-like
264 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

In the AUTOPILOT project’s Dutch pilot site [1, 12], a smartphone

application is developed which connects to the Huawei OceanConnect IoT
platform and the oneM2M platform. This smartphone application uses Global
Positioning System (GPS) localisation to localise the VRUs in the area.
This information is used to inform the vehicle of a possible VRU on the
road where the vehicle is also driving. The vehicle must adapt its speed
accordingly. Also, the other way around, the vehicle is sending its location to
the smartphone using oneM2M, in order to warn the VRUs of an automated
driving vehicle approaching. ITS-G5 beacons are used, in addition to the
smartphone, to correlate the data transmitted from the smartphone with the
location transmitted from the ITS-G5 beacons.
Finally, a Wi-Fi sniffer is used to detect surrounding Wi-Fi enabled
devices, which can be used to detect crowdedness by detection of pedes-
trians and cyclists in the area, using their smartphone or other devices as
trackers. While Wi-Fi detection applies to smartphones in the vicinity based
on Wi-Fi sensing range (i.e. about 30 meters in outdoor scenarios), filtering
mechanisms based on received signal strength indication (RSSI) levels may
be used to detect only pedestrians closer to the vehicle. Due to the relatively
low position accuracy utilising this technology, the output (number of devices
detected and location of detection, logged by GPS) will only be used to map a
crowdedness mapping of the area and not to individually position VRUs with
smartphones. This information will then be used to inform other automated
driving vehicles on how many VRUs are on a certain road, so they can
adequately decide to take the less crowded routes.

6.2.4 Vehicle-to-Device Domain

In the AUTOPILOT project’s French pilot site, the car/vehicle-sharing use
case relies on a mobile application that allows the user to unlock and start
one’s vehicle. The system consists of an onboard unit that communicates with
the mobile app via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). An embedded interface
is also developed to display information about the vehicle to the driver, via
an Android tablet that communicates with the vehicle through a serial and
an Ethernet link. The serial link is used to communicate with low- level
network in the vehicle and display failures, etc. The Ethernet one is used
to communicate with the automated driving units and, for example, to guide
the driver during the switch between manual and autonomous driving and
autonomous and manual driving. During the car/vehicle-sharing use case, this
interface displays its position on a map to the user. This position comes from
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 265

the vehicle GPS through the Ethernet link. It also displays an alert when the
vehicle enters a zone where the autonomous driving is allowed and when the
vehicle is approaching the end of this zone. In the vehicle rebalancing use
case, this interface is used to display the state of each vehicle in convoy.
In the AUTOPILOT’s Dutch pilot site, V2D connectivity is used in
platooning and automated valet parking use cases. In the platooning use
case, the drivers are notified in their vehicle by a platoon manager service
about the platoon status and related information. It uses an existing screen on
the dashboard, which was modified for this purpose. Additionally, the lead
driver of the platoon is informed about speed and lane advice via an Android
on a dedicated smartphone. In the automated valet parking (AVP) use case,
the vehicle communicates with an Android smartphone via an IoT platform
using a 5G/LTE communication network. The AVP application running on
the smartphone receives information such as vehicle state (e.g. current vehicle
position, current AVP action and phase) and can send commands like “park”
or “collect” to the vehicle. The data to be exchanged over the IoT platform
has been defined in detail by the DMAG (data modelling activity group).
In AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site, the vehicular IoT bridge should enable
bidirectional semantic-full communications between vehicles and application
entities both in-vehicle and in roadside infrastructure nodes. The bridge con-
tains a processing unit able to manage all communication interfaces; an IEEE
802.15.4 wireless interface, an OBD/CAN interface, the IEEE 802.11p (ETSI
ITS-G5) transceiver and the 4G modem for cellular communication. At the
network layer, the bridge should be able to address 6LoWPAN destinations
(to talk with the onboard WSN) and to address other C-ITS station using the
GeoNetworking protocol. From outside, the bridge should be addressable as
an IP node. The bridge should, at least, handle at the transport layer UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) and BTP (Basic Transport Protocol) [2] and, at the
application layer, CoAP communications. It also requires a bridge to abstract
all the onboard generated data. This involves the abstraction of all the data
that are shared on the OBD/CAN network. Therefore, it should be able to
read the main messages in accordance with OBDII standards and to aggregate
them with the information coming from a wireless sensor network. In the
Italian pilot site use cases, the IoT bridge is an OBU developed so that it can
manage several different devices (V2D): it will manage the connection to a
tablet that will be used as HMI and as a sensor for vibration data. The OBU
will also interface with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) via CAN and with
a 6LoWPAN dedicated vibration sensor.
266 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Moreover, to segregate the OBD/CAN from the V2X and sensors network
traffic a secure gateway is implemented onboard preventing that undesired
communication can happen between non-safety critical onboard zones and
safety-critical onboard zones.

6.2.5 Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Domain

Within the platooning use case in the city centre of Versailles at the
AUTOPILOT’s French pilot site, the platoon must pass through two compli-
cated crossroads. To do so, it is necessary to have V2I communication. When
the platoon is approaching, the complicated intersection, the RSU detects the
lead vehicle and passes the message on to the traffic light controller for it to
change its phase in order to give priority to the platoon. The traffic lights
interrupt their usual phase and switch specific traffic lights to the correct
green/red combination so that the platoon can cross safely. Once the RSU
has communicated with the cloud through the oneM2M server, the OBU is
informed on whether the platoon can continue following its route. Once the
platoon has gone past the junction, it goes back into its classic functioning
mode. The traffic assist architecture for platooning is illustrated in Figure 6.2.
In the AUTOPILOT’s Dutch pilot site, V2I connectivity is used in the
highway pilot, platooning and automated valet parking use cases. Concerning

Figure 6.2 Traffic light assist architecture for platooning in complicated crossroads, (exam-
ple from AUTOPILOT French pilot site) [1, 12].
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 267

the highway pilot use case, all exchanges to and from the vehicles go through
the infrastructure. There are four major components of the system: detec-
tion (of anomalies by leading ego vehicles), reporting (of anomalies to the
cloud), validation (or learning of hazards presence) and information (for the
control of following vehicles). However, only the reporting and information
components rely on V2I communication:
• For reporting, the vehicle communicates with the cloud with MQTT and
HTTP over a 4G connection.
• For information, the vehicle communicates with the map provider with
Web Socket and HTTP over a 4G connection.
The platooning use case uses V2I communication in the following
different ways:
• Broadcasting CAM messages via ITS-G5 that are intercepted by the
instrumented facility along the highway to support vehicle detection.
• Exchanging platoon status information with the cloud-based platoon
manager service that involves IoT (oneM2M) and cellular (commercial
4G) technology.
• Publishing data to and retrieving data from an IoT-enabled (oneM2M)
local dynamic map service deployed at the roadside. This concerns
data that can be used to increase the environmental perception of IoT
connected vehicles (platoon vehicles and other vehicles). The commu-
nication channel is realised through the Hi-5 pre-5G network, which
provides coverage over a part of the road through a base station.
• Status information of four traffic light controllers controlled by RSUs;
one on each successive junction on the road are received by the MQTT
clients. The data in binary format is converted to JSON format with
the ASN.1 decoder and published to the respective containers on the
oneM2M platform. The binary data is also published to the oneM2M
MQTT broker. All services and vehicles subscribed to this service can
pick up this data.
The automated valet parking (AVP) use case:
• Parking spot occupancy and obstacle detection: The AVP use case fea-
tures a stationary roadside camera and the micro aerial vehicle (MAV)
as infrastructure devices. The MAV and the camera detect free parking
spots and obstacles and send this information to the vehicle via the AVP
parking management service (PMS) application. The vehicle commu-
nicates with the infrastructure devices using the IoT platform over the
cellular network connectivity (e.g. 5G/LTE).
268 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• The MAV detects the free parking spots and obstacle, processes the
data and publishes the parking spot and obstacle status information to
the IBM Watson IoT platform. The parking management service appli-
cation, as an IoT application, registered by the Watson IoT platform,
receives this data over MQTT and publishes it to the AVP vehicle.
• Roadside stationary camera: The traffic manager application is pro-
viding parking spot status and obstacle status update information, and
deep learning algorithms send out parking spot status and obstacle
status (along the access road to the parking lot). These algorithms are
running in the servers and use an advanced message queuing protocol to
communicate with the parking spot entity, which then publishes them to
the containers’ resources in the oneM2M platform. The data are updated
to a Watson-specific format and published. The vehicle subscribed to this
information gets these updates from the oneM2M platform. The data
in the Watson-specific format is subscribed by an interworking proxy,
which then forwards it to the IBM Watson platform. The vehicle or
the parking management service application receives these data from
Watson IoT platform over MQTT. For evaluation purposes, the parking
spot entity also forwards the data directly to the IBM Watson platform.
The data flow diagram is shown in Figure 6.3. The AVP data models
follow the SENSORIS and DATEX data models, which are currently
being standardised (for AUTOPILOT community) in the data modelling
activity group (DMAG).
In the AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site, V2I connectivity is managed using
two different channels. The first one is the classic DSRC, used to exchange
decentralised environmental notification messages (DENMs) with the RSUs
and SPaT/MAP messages with the traffic lights. The second channel is LTE,
mainly used to send information to the oneM2M platform. V2I connectivity
is used in the highway, urban and highway driving use cases, and the DENMs
are used to notify alert sensed by the IoT devices. More in details:
• Highway driving use case – For puddle detection, some dedicated
6LoWPAN sensors will detect a puddle. The sensors are connected to
an RSU that sends the information directly to the surrounding vehicles
using a DENM message. The same information is sent by the RSU
to the oneM2M platform (via the cellular network) and then, through
the cloud, it is validated from the Traffic Control Centre and sent back
to the relevant RSUs and to the approaching vehicles, using both the
LTE and the ETSI ITS-G5 channels. The information is sent in the
6.2 Automated Vehicles Connectivity Domains 269

Figure 6.3 Interaction between the AVP devices and the IoT platforms [1, 12].

form of a different speed limit for the portion of highway affected by

the puddles. In this way, both short and long-range communication are
covered. As a further option, also NB-IoT water sensors are used: in
this case, the information about the water level is transmitted straight to
the oneM2M platform via a cellular network and then consumed from
the applications that generate the alert messages. As for road works’
warning, a notification is sent from the Traffic Control Centre to the
oneM2M platform and then consumed by both the RSU, to notify the
vehicles via ETSI ITS-G5, and the e-Horizon cloud application that
dynamically updates the maps onboard the vehicles. The road works can
be fixed or mobile.
• Urban driving use case – For pedestrian red-light violation, the pedestri-
ans are detected thanks to a smart camera. The information is combined
with the status of the pedestrian lights, and in case of violation, a
message is sent using a DENM notification. The message is also sent to
the oneM2M platform. For fallen bicycle detection, a bicycle is equipped
with an IoT in-vehicle platform. This device will be equipped with sen-
sors that permit to detect when the bicycle has fallen. This information is
automatically sent via DENM by the bicycle. If the message is received
by an RSU, this will be sent to the oneM2M platform.
270 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• Highway and urban driving use cases – For pothole detection, the
in-vehicle platform will act as a “virtual sensor” for vibration. The
information can be taken by a 6LoWPAN sensor, a smartphone/tablet or
an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The “virtual sensor” can work with
only one source of information or combines different sources. When a
pothole is detected, a message is sent to the oneM2M platform where
it becomes available for subsequent usage by all the other vehicles.
Additionally, the OBU reports to the oneM2M platform also an idea
about the status of the road surface depending on the data coming from
the sensors.
V2I communications are used to report relevant information coming from
IoT to the oneM2M platform. These data are then used to give useful feedback
to the autonomous driving function.
In the AUTOPILOT’s Spanish pilot site, the V2I connectivity is sup-
ported with both cellular network connectivity and Wi-Fi. Through these
channels, the bidirectional IoT communication will be performed, sending
and receiving messages following the oneM2M standard in the urban driving
and automated valet parking use cases.
Urban driving use case:
• Traffic Lights: In the pilot site, the different involved traffic lights will
be connected to RSUs. These RSUs are monitoring the status of the
traffic lights and publishing it to the IoT cloud platform (IBM Watson).
These statuses are obtained by the in-vehicle IoT platform through an
urban server, which will be providing and filtering this information to
any connected vehicle.
• Vulnerable Road Users (VSUs): In order to detect VRUs, a smart camera
is used, located in the surroundings of the road. This camera detects any
pedestrian located in a relevant area and sends a VRU event message to
the IoT cloud platform (IBM Watson). Afterwards, this information is
collected by the mentioned urban server, which will provide and filter it
to any connected vehicle.
• Hazards: In order to obtain the different hazard events that might occur,
the control management system of the public authorities is used. By
using a module that obtains the different hazard events and translates
them to IoT messages, publishing them to the Watson IoT platform,
these hazards are available to any vehicle connected to the same urban
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 271

Automated valet parking (AVP) use case:

• Drop-off and pick-up: A parking management system is developed. This
parking management system can forward the user’s command of pick-
up and drop-off to the vehicle. Also, this system can detect VRUs that
afterwards would be published to the IoT platform in the same way that
it is done for the urban driving use case. The in-vehicle platform can
then receive these commands and VRU events adapting its behaviour.
V2I communications are used to report relevant information coming from
the IoT platform. This data is then used to give useful feedback to the
autonomous driving functions.
In the AUTOPILOT’s Finnish pilot site, V2I connectivity is supported
with cellular 4G/LTE communications. In urban driving and automated valet
parking use cases, communication is as follows:
Urban driving use case:
• Traffic Lights: Real-time information on signal state and the next phase
is available both through cellular communications, through connection
to the traffic light operator’s server.
• Vulnerable road users (VRUs): In order to detect VRUs, a smart camera
is used, which is installed at a mobile RSU. This camera will detect
pedestrians and cyclists located in a relevant area and send a VRU event
message to the IoT cloud platform. From there, the information will be
made available to the vehicle.
Automated valet parking (AVP) use case:
• Traffic cameras, installed at the mobile RSU, monitor the parking area
and detect objects and pedestrians either at the parking spaces or on the
potential vehicle paths, and send the information to the IoT platform.

6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications

In the AUTOPILOT project, five different use cases are developed and
implemented in two or more of the pilot sites established in the project. An
overview of the pilot sites and their respective use cases (denoted “+”) are
given in Table 6.1 [1, 12].
This includes connectivity with IoT devices, connectivity between vehi-
cles, infrastructure and other sensors to enhance automated driving capabili-
ties and technology that allows vehicles to monitor the state and availability of
different services. As for the in-vehicle functions, three main groups of sensor
systems such as camera-, RADAR- and LiDAR-based systems, together
272 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Table 6.1 Pilot sites and use cases in the AUTOPILOT project [1, 12]
Italy The
Pilot Sites vs. France (Livorno- Netherlands Spain Finland
Use Cases (Versailles) Florence) (Brainport) (Vigo) (Tampere)
Automated − − + + +
Valet Parking
Highway Pilot − + + − −
Platooning + − + − −
Urban Driving + + + + +
Car/vehicle + − + − −

Figure 6.4 RADAR observation ranges, sensors, actuators and functions [7].

with ultrasonic sensors, are used for autonomous driving, as illustrated in

Figure 6.4.

6.3.1 Automated Valet Parking

The aim of the automated valet parking (AVP) use case is to demonstrate
how this functionality can benefit from different information sources, other
than the onboard sensors, accessed via the principle of the IoT like parking
cameras. Through the use of IoT, the IoT platform can monitor and/or
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 273

Figure 6.5 Automated valet parking (AVP) execution view, (example from the AUTOPILOT
Spanish pilot site) [1, 12].

coordinate traffic on the parking lot and do efficient route planning based on
real-time available traffic information. Hence, the IoT platform will exchange
information about the dynamic and static obstacles in the parking lot and/or
the route to be followed by the vehicle using the information provided by the
parking cameras. The AVP use case has two main scenarios:
• Autonomous parking of the vehicle (drop-off scenario), after the driver,
has left the vehicle at the drop-off point, that can be located near the
entrance of a parking area.
• Autonomous collection of the vehicle (pick-up scenario), when the
driver wants to leave the site, he/she will request the vehicle to
return itself to the collection point, using, for example, a smartphone
In Figure 6.5, which is an execution view from the Spanish pilot site,
the IoT devices and the functions that will be supported using the IoT
platform are described. The following list is a detailed proposal of devices
and functions to support the valet parking use case:
Private parking control centre:
• Informs when a parking spot is free or not.
• Manages reservations.
274 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• Validates vehicle access.

• Manages maps and vehicle routes.
User’s mobile device:
• Requests parking slots.
• Manages pick-up and drop-off events.
Smart cameras:
• Publish detected events (e.g. pedestrians or other objects on the parking
Connected automated driving (CAD) vehicle:
• Validates that the access to the vehicle is provided to the authorised
• Informs when the vehicle is ready to move unmanned to the destination
(parking place or collect point), e.g. when the driver has moved out of
the proximity of the vehicle or has locked the doors.
• Manages pick-up and drop-off events and Navigation to the destination,
following a route either determined by the IoT platform, while avoiding
obstacles detected by either the vehicle sensors or the IoT platform.
• Informs when the vehicle goes into a low power consumption mode.
• Informs when an obstacle is detected.
• Informs about vehicle sensors values and position.
Interior parking areas are very controlled scenarios where the main chal-
lenges are the corners without visibility. IoT parking cameras can provide
information on these blind spots, allowing the AD function to increase the
SAE automation level from 3 to 4 [1, 12].
At the Dutch pilot site, the AVP use case story starts with the vehicle being
manually driven to the drop-off point. After arriving there, the user activates
the AVP function (e.g. by in-vehicle interface or smartphone app) and exits
the vehicle. Services on the IoT platform determine an obstacle-free route
to an available parking position based on information from IoT devices. The
vehicle autonomously drives to the dedicated parking position. IoT devices
involved in the use case are:
• Permanently installed cameras on the parking area that can detect free
parking spots and obstacles.
• A micro aerial vehicle (MAV) that can provide information about free
parking spots and obstacles, for areas the cameras do not cover.
• IoT-enabled vehicles with their own sensors.
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 275

Figure 6.6 Automated valet parking (AVP) use case architecture, (example from the
AUTOPILOT Dutch pilot site) [1, 12].

The primary goal of the IoT usage is, therefore, to gain an improved
environment model that can possibly increase the efficiency and safety of the
use case. Figure 6.6 depicts an overview of the IoT architecture of the AVP
use case as deployed in the Dutch pilot site. Two IoT platforms from Watson
IBM and oneM2M are used by the AVP, and the interoperability between the
two platforms is realised through the bidirectional interworking connector
that has been implemented for this purpose.

6.3.2 Highway Pilot Use Case

For the detection component of the Dutch pilot site system, three sensors in
the vehicle are relied upon: a LiDAR, a front camera and an inertial measure-
ment unit (IMU). An extra camera supports the use case for lane detection
but is not directly involved in hazard detection. The LiDAR data is processed
by a specifically developed algorithm, focusing on speed bump detection.
The front camera data is processed by a specifically developed algorithm,
276 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

focusing on potholes. The IMU data is processed by a specifically developed

algorithm, capable of detecting anomalies without specific classification.
For the information component of the system, one actuator relies upon
the active cruise control (ACC) unit. Moreover, turning lights are controlled
to support lane changes scenario. The way all these are interconnected is
illustrated in Figure 6.7.
It is worth noting that the raw data from sensors are indeed passed directly
to the runtime environment where the real-time detection algorithms runs.
However, everything else is coordinated through an in-vehicle IoT platform
(here an MQTT Broker) that ensures the coordination between the results
from all other software modules. In addition to the IoT devices within
vehicles, the use case also takes advantage of a roadside camera that monitors
the road for anomalies too (e.g. static objects like fallen cargo). The detection
from this camera is passed through onto the oneM2M IoT platform.
The use case carried out in the Italian pilot site involves vehicles with IoT
enhanced automated driving (AD) functions, driving on a “smart” highway.
The test vehicles are equipped with an onboard IoT open vehicular platform
enabling IoT triggered AD functions, like speed adaptation, lane change, and
lane-keeping. Some vehicles also have special sensors, such as an IoT-based
pothole detector.
The “smart” highway is a highway where a pervasive IoT ICT system is
deployed based on a network of roadside sensors or other sources capable of
collecting information and making it available to cloud-based applications.
In the use cases, connected vehicles and the traffic control centre (TCC) also
have an important role. For safety reasons, the connected vehicles precede
and follow the AD vehicle driving in convoy.
The goal is to show how the combined use of IoT and C-ITS can mitigate
the risk of accident for an AD vehicle when at a certain point, the road
becomes dangerous because of the two kinds of hazardous events: Wet road
(puddle) and road works. In the following, the functions of the different IoT
devices are described. Hazard on the roadway (puddle)

Puddle IoT sensors:
• In the Italian pilot site, two kinds of such sensors are deployed, using
different communication technologies: 6LowPAN and NB-IoT. They
continuously monitor the highway in critical locations sending two
kinds of signals; a low-frequency heartbeat and a high-frequency alert
triggered by the rising of the water level.
Figure 6.7 SW and HW IoT architecture, (example from the AUTOPILOT Dutch pilot site) [1, 12].
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications
278 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• The 6loWPAN puddle sensors send the messages to the roadside ITS-
Station by means of CoAP.
• The NB-IoT puddle sensor sends the message straight to the oneM2M
platform using the LTE cellular network and CoAP protocol, as well.
Roadside ITS station:
• Roadside ITS station is a programmable gateway with multi-access
technologies (notably 6LowPAN, ETSI ITS G5, LTE, and Ethernet). It is
an RSU, compliant with ISO/TC204 WG16 standards, able to exchange
information over different networks, using different protocols, including
the IoT ones.
• The RSU always listens to the 6loWPAN sensors and sends the mea-
surement to the oneM2M IoT platform of the pilot site with a certain
• When a hazard occurs, the RSU broadcasts a DENM with the lowest
quality level of the information (i.e. not yet validated by the TCC),
toward both the approaching vehicles via the ITS-G5 network and the
oneM2M platform via LTE cellular network.
• Furthermore, the RSU publishes on the oneM2M platform the CAMs
collected from the vehicles in the ITS-G5 communication range.
The traffic control centre (TCC):
• The TCC implements a DATEX II node that is allowed to supply infor-
mation from the whole highway network. The TCC is also responsible
for managing ITS on the oneM2M platform of the Italian pilot site.
Two kinds of services are provided leveraging the subscription to the
oneM2M platform: hazard validation and DENM forwarding. It also
publishes to the oneM2M platform the relevant traffic information from
the DATEX II node, to be consumed by the highway infotainment
service (FI-PI-LI App).
• When a hazard like flooding on the road occurs, the TCC is notified by
the subscription to the oneM2M platform. After assessing the severity
of the danger, it validates the hazard and broadcasts a DENM with the
highest quality level of the information (i.e. validated by the TCC) to the
RSUs along the highway, using the cabled LAN.
• The TCC subscribes to the CAMs of the vehicles published by the
RSUs on the oneM2M platform. The information is combined with
the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transit data loggers to perform the travel time
analysis and live overview on the TCC video wall.
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 279

• The TCC subscribes to the AD vehicle’s sensor data on the oneM2M

platform in order to provide ITS services to the users of the highway.
The automated driving (AD) vehicle:
• The AD vehicle broadcasts CAMs over the IEEE 802.11 OCB (ETSI
ITS-G5) network; at the same time, the AD vehicle publishes data from
its sensors to the oneM2M platform.
• The AD vehicle is approaching the hazard on the road; the in-vehicle
application (Connected e-Horizon (CeH)) subscribes to the alert from
the oneM2M platform.
• The in-vehicle IoT platform combines the information obtained by the
CeH with that obtained by DENM via the IEEE 802.11 OCB (ETSI ITS-
G5) network and then feeds the appropriate autonomous functions that
perform either the necessary adaptation of the driving style in a smooth
way, if sufficiently in advance.
• In a case when a vehicle is close to the hazard and for some reason
(i.e. the warning from the IoT services was not received, or the warning
was received just by the safety channels of ITS-G5 (DSRC), etc.), an
emergency braking is needed, and this event is registered by the in-
vehicle application and sent to the oneM2M IoT platform of the pilot
• At the same time, the cloud monitors the performance of the vehicle,
checks that the in-vehicle application feeds the appropriate autonomous
functions, and sends a notification to the in-vehicle HMI.
Connected vehicles:
• The connected vehicles lead and follow the AD vehicle; they contin-
uously broadcast CAMs over the ETSI ITS-G5 (IEEE 802.11 OCB)
network; at the same time, they publish its sensor’s data the oneM2M
• The connected vehicles are approaching the hazard on the road; the in-
vehicle IoT platform receives the information from both the RSU along
the track and the oneM2M IoT platform.
• The in-vehicle application pre-alerts the driver about the hazard using
the information obtained by the oneM2M IoT platform of the pilot site
and by the DENM.
An overview of the demonstration storyboard is shown in Figure 6.8: IoT
sensors placed along with to the highway monitor continuously the presence
of puddles and if a warning condition has been detected, send an alert to the
280 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Figure 6.8 Hazard on the roadway (puddle) execution view, (example from the
AUTOPILOT Italian pilot site) [1, 12].

RSU that broadcasts this information to vehicles (DENM) and to the TCC. It
validates the alert, forwards the DENM message to farther away RSUs and
feeds the IoT oneM2M cloud platform with alert related data.
The information on the presence of puddles generates a temporary update
of the speed limit in the interested area, which is transmitted from the cloud to
the CeH installed inside the prototypes. The in-vehicle application feeds the
appropriate autonomous functions that perform a smooth speed adaptation
(IoT-enabled speed adaptation for AD vehicle) in combination with informa-
tion obtained from DENM. In consequence, IoT technology assists the rising
of the SAE automation level from 3 to 4 [1, 12]. Roadworks warning by traffic control centre (TCC)

A roadworks event is planned by traffic/road operators, and a temporary
speed limit is associated with the event. Two IoT-assisted AD manoeuvres
are expected:
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 281

• The AD vehicle has to reduce its speed approaching the roadworks area,
travel at the temporary speed limitation and increase the speed again at
the end of the roadwork area.
• The AD vehicle has to stay on the current lane without any human steer-
ing action. Moreover, in the presence of a lane closed due to roadworks,
it has to perform a lane change and avoid the obstacle.
An overview of the demonstration storyboard is shown in Figure 6.9:
• A sensor node is attached to the road works trailer and announces the
presence of roadway works to an RSU.
• Then the RSU triggers DENM messages, broadcasting information
about available lanes, speed limits, geometry, alternative routes, etc.
• The TCC broadcasts the DENM messages to farther away RSUs. At the
same time, the TCC feeds the oneM2M platform with roadworks related

Figure 6.9 Roadworks warning by traffic control centre (TCC) execution view, (example
from the AUTOPILOT Italian pilot site) [1, 12].
282 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• Then the information is consumed by the CeH application and transmit-

ted to the cloud as a modified dynamic speed limit that considers the
generated dynamic event.
• The cloud immediately notifies to the prototype vehicles the updated
information for the onboard CeH device. Thus the in-vehicle application
feeds the appropriate autonomous functions that perform the necessary
adaptation of the driving style in combination with information obtained
from DENM. A notification/warning can be generated through the in-
vehicle HMI.
Expected benefits; IoT can provide to the AD vehicle information in
advance on the presence of obstacles, roadworks or other vehicles in the rear
blind spot. With that information, the in-vehicle application can instantiate
both smooth IoT-enabled speed adaptation and lane-change manoeuvres. In
such a way, IoT technology assists the rising of the automation level from 3
to 4 [1, 12].

6.3.3 Platooning Use Case

The platooning use case of the French pilot site is part of the vehicle rebalanc-
ing business case and is closely linked to the fleet management system that
indicates which vehicles have to be transferred from one station to another.
The added value of the IoT in the platooning use case is illustrated in the
following aspects of mission planning, and traffic light assist:
Mission planning:
• Choose the leading vehicle and its start/end stations according to data
collected via IoT objects (e.g. the position of the operator, the charging
level of the vehicle, etc.).
• Choose the follower vehicles, the start/end station and their order in the
platoon according to data collected via IoT sensors in each vehicle and
in the parking spots.
Traffic light assist:
• Suggest a reference speed to the operator in order to minimise the
waiting time (red light) at each intersection that counts with a traffic light
along the entire itinerary. (The traffic assist architecture for platooning
is already illustrated in Figure 6.2 as an example from the French pilot
site and the V2I domain).
The main scope in the Dutch pilot site is to show how increased flexibility
in platoon navigation and manoeuvring capabilities can be realised, and how
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 283

it can benefit from the use of IoT technology. For instance, platoon forming is
done under the control of a platoon manager service that calculates the esti-
mated time of arrival and rendezvous point of platoon vehicles based on the
actual positions and speeds of those vehicles.. An additional function of the
service is to guide the platoon after successful formation. Guidance involves
speed and lane advice to the lead vehicle, based on the traffic situation on the
road ahead. For example, the platoon service receives regulatory information
from the road operator (max speed and lane access/or closure) and takes data
from the IoT platform (oneM2M) concerning vehicle traffic conditions and
traffic light status data. In order to minimise the probability of platoon break-
up, the platoon service provides specific speed advice. After (an unlikely)
break-up of the platoon, the service will support reformation of the platoon.
The platooning use case utilises various communication channels (V2V and
V2I). V2V concerns operational driving of the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise
Control (CACC) while the bidirectional V2I channels are mainly used for
exchange of data related to tactical driving (such as lane or speed choice).
Relevant IoT data are the road operator originated info, the actual traffic state
data (from road-side surveillance cameras), platoon state data and traffic light
data. Logging takes place on the vehicle (vehicle state and control) and on the
IoT platform.
The execution view of the systems and processes involved during the
platoon formation stage gives some insight into the system architecture
implemented for platooning. The intended procedures in Figure 6.10 are:
• Traveller steps into the vehicle and starts the vehicle-sharing application.
• Traveller defines whether he/she wants to be leading or following in
• Traveller defines the destination.
• Vehicle sharing application already knows about existing platoons and
can match.
• Vehicle sharing app gives route to the Watson IoT platform, which sends
it to the oneM2M IoT platform.
• Traveller presses the vehicle GUI to put the vehicle in platoon formation
• Platoon service receives a message from the vehicle that it wants to
• Platoon service application receives a message from the vehicle-sharing
app that matches has been made.

Figure 6.10 Platooning use case execution view of platoon formation (example from the Dutch pilot site) [1, 12].
IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 285

• Platoon service application gives route(s) to the planner; fill platoon

formation message with info from the planner and send to vehicles.
• Vehicle receives a platoon formation message containing platoon ID and
planner information.
The platoon service listens to the cloud-based Traffic Manager applica-
tion, which delivers regulatory road information. The traffic operator can
update the traffic management info such as speed limits, lane status, etc.,
using the GUI and publishes this information to a respective container in
oneM2M. The operator can also publish road map information (usually static)
wherever there is any change to the otherwise static map. The platooning
vehicles subscribed to these containers in oneM2M get these updates and
adapt their driving accordingly.

6.3.4 Urban Driving Use Case

Urban driving assisted by IoT has the main objective to support connected,
and automated driving (CAD) functions through the extension of the CeH of
an automated vehicle. The vehicle can process data from external sources that
enrich those provided by its own sensors (Camera, LiDAR, RADAR, etc.). In
Figure 6.11, which is an execution view from the Spanish pilot site, the IoT
devices and the functions that will be supported using the IoT platform are

Figure 6.11 Urban driving execution view, (example from AUTOPILOT Spanish pilot site)
[1, 12].
286 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

described. The following list is a detailed proposal of devices and functions

to support the urban driving use case:
• Traffic control centre: Informs when there is a hazard on the road (e.g.
accident, traffic jam, road work warning).
• Traffic light: Informs about the traffic light status and time to change.
• Smart cameras: Publish detected events (e.g. pedestrians or other objects
on the intersection).
• Connected AD vehicle: Informs when an obstacle is detected, and about
vehicle sensors values and position.
Considering all the information provided by IoT devices, the CAD
systems will adapt their behaviour accordingly. The complexity of urban
scenarios makes it essential to have as much redundancy information as
possible. IoT platform provides data about the traffic lights and road events
through 3G/4G. Furthermore, the frequency with which the IoT platform
sends the data is higher than other advanced V2X communication. For the
case of VRUs, the information received by IoT complements the data from the
AD sensors, so it provides more reliable and accurate results. There are other
objects that could not be detected if there were no IoT services (IoT camera or
sensor information from other vehicles). As a result, IoT technology allows
for increasing the SAE automation level from 3 to 4 [1, 12].
The urban driving use cases concern IoT-assisted speed adaptation in
the common urban scenario, considering traffic light, presence of bicycles,
pedestrians and other vehicles. An Italian pilot site overview of the execu-
tion is shown in Figure 6.12, including pedestrian detection with a camera,
connected bicycles, and potholes detection:
Pedestrian detection with a camera:
• An AD vehicle is approaching an intersection regulated by a “smart”
traffic light.
• A smart camera detects a pedestrian or an obstacle on the lane. The
information is processed locally and notified to the RSU via IoT proto-
cols. The stereo-camera used for the implementation can even provide
information about the position of the VRU or obstacle with a good
confidence degree. Moreover, a connected traffic light sends to the RSU
via SPaT/MAP messages information about the time to green/red.
• The RSU receives the information transmitted by both devices (smart
camera and traffic light), fuses the data and sends it by DENM messages
to all the interested actors on the roads.
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 287

Figure 6.12 Urban driving execution view, (examples from AUTOPILOT Italian pilot site)
[1, 12].

• The OBU of the AD vehicle receives the information and smoothly

adapts the speed to the situation. The detection of VRUs and the traffic
light status is also displayed on the HMI of the vehicle.
• The information is also sent to the oneM2M platform and can be
retrieved by other vehicles in the same area via cloud applications.
• At the same time, the area monitoring centre consumes the information
from the oneM2M platform and displays a new advisory speed limit for
the interested area to avoid possible problems.
Connected bicycle:
• An AD vehicle is moving in an urban scenario with other road users,
including a connected bicycle.
288 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• The connected bicycle is equipped with battery-powered communication

modules and dropout sensors: currently, it sends CAM messages to other
vehicles and to the infrastructure.
• At a certain point, the bicyclist falls while the AD vehicle is approaching
and a DENM is triggered.
• The AD vehicle, informed by IoT of the dangerous situation, smoothly
decreases its speed and stops before reaching the accident area.
• The information is also sent to the oneM2M platform and can be
retrieved by other vehicles in the same area via cloud applications.
• At the same time, the area monitoring centre consumes the information
from the oneM2M platform and displays a new advisory speed limit for
the interested area to avoid possible problems.
Potholes detection:
• A wireless vibrations sensor installed on the vehicle collect the data of
the raw signal accelerations on the three axes and notifies to the OBU,
via 6LowPAN or MQTT protocol, the occurrence of a vibrational shock
above a certain level (threshold), due to a pothole presence on the road.
• The OBU combines this information with other data coming from the
CAN bus (speed, odometer, etc.) and GPS and sends this data to the
oneM2M IoT platform, by using MQTT and/or HTTP as application
• An upcoming AD vehicle consumes the information and can arrange its
speed accordingly.
In such complex scenario, the IoT inputs to AD functions are many: IoT
information about the traffic light phase and remaining time can be used from
AD vehicles to adapt their speed in order to cross the intersection with green
traffic light; and if not possible, to safety stop at the traffic light or queue
behind other vehicles. Moreover, a smart camera on the test site can provide
information on pedestrian traffic light violation. AD vehicles can use this
information to stop at the traffic light even if the traffic light on its side is
green. IoT enabled speed adaptation for AD vehicle is also related to the
bicycle presence and if a fallen bicycle is detected, and to the road conditions.
What is more, in this scenario, the IoT technology enhances the rising of the
automation level from 3 to 4 [1, 12].

6.3.5 Car/Vehicle Sharing Use Case

A car/vehicle sharing service is intended as a service to enable different
customers to make use of a fleet of vehicles (either self-driving or not) which
6.3 Automated Driving Use-Cases and Applications 289

Figure 6.13 Vehicle sharing use case architecture (example from the Dutch pilot site) [1, 12].

is shared amongst them. Vehicle sharing can be interpreted as a service that

finds the closest available vehicle and assigns it to a single customer or drives
the closest available vehicle to the requesting customer. Vehicle sharing can
also be intended as ridesharing when multiple customers that possibly have
different origins and destinations share a part of the ride on a common vehicle
(either self-driving or by driving it themselves). Finally, vehicle-sharing
services can also be thought of as services that allow customers to specify
pick-up and drop-off time-windows to increase flexibility and planning.
Figure 6.13 shows the target architecture for the vehicle-sharing use case
at the Dutch pilot site. The focus here is on the interaction between the various
vehicle-sharing actors and components and the open IoT platform common
services, represented as one box.
The users should book vehicles and manage (modify, cancel, etc.) their
bookings using the central vehicle-sharing service through a mobile or desk-
top application, referred to as the client app. The proposed architecture
requires that shared vehicles should be equipped with the necessary hardware
and software to:
• Communicate their probe data (GPS location, speed, etc.) to the open
IoT platform common services and the vehicle-sharing service.
• Compute optimum routes and their costs (distance, energy consumption,
etc.) given an assigned destination. These may be fully implemented
inside the vehicle itself or may be delegated to external web services.
290 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

IoT enabled devices and vehicles of the IoT ecosystem should publish
relevant events (traffic, accidents, weather, parking spot availability, etc.) on
the open IoT platform. In order for the vehicle-sharing service and shared
vehicles to be notified about events that may affect their planned trips, they
should subscribe to the open IoT platform for relevant events. The open
IoT platform should be responsible for collecting data from the various IoT
devices, storing them and communicating the relevant pieces of data (events)
to subscribers.

6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration

IoT devices for autonomous driving applications are deployed through IoT
platforms that offer integrated services where the IoT devices interact and
exchange information. The integration of IoT devices into IoT end-to-end
platforms provides the hardware, software, connectivity, security and device
management tools to handle the different IoT devices used in the different
use cases across the AUTOPILOT project’s pilot sites. Different sections
provide information on how some of the integration is implemented pre-
senting the managed integrations, device management, cloud connection,
cellular modem, etc., to manage and monitor the IoT devices in different
use cases. Table 6.2 gives an overview of the communication infrastructure
in the AUTOPILOT project [1, 13]. Fields denoted “+” means that the
communication technology is implemented in the respective use case in one
or more of the pilot sites.

6.4.1 French Pilot Site in Versailles

The oneM2M standard defines two mechanisms to integrate oneM2M and
non-oneM2M IoT devices into the IoT platform:
• Integration of oneM2M devices: The IoT devices are called application
dedicated nodes (ADN) and can interact with the oneM2M platform
directly via the Mca, one of the oneM2M standard interfaces. The
IoT devices send requests and receive notification using the oneM2M
• Integration of non-oneM2M devices: The oneM2M standard is highly
extensible and allows the integration of non-oneM2M devices and appli-
cations, regardless of their vendor or provider. A dedicated software
component called Interworking Proxy Entity (IPE) shall be developed
and deployed for this purpose. The IPE provides interworking between
the oneM2M platform and specific IoT device technologies or protocols.
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 291

Table 6.2 Communication technologies in the AUTOPILOT project [1, 13]

Automated Car/
Urban Valet Highway Vehicle
Use Cases vs. Technologies Driving Parking Pilot Platooning Sharing
Long Range Wireless Communication Networks:
3GPP 4G (LTE) + + + + +
3GPP 4.5G (LTE advanced) + − − + +
IoT Wireless Communication Technologies:
IEEE 802.15.4 + − + − −
IEEE 802.11 + + − + +
IETF 6LoWPAN/LP-WAN + − + + +
LoRaWAN + − − + +
Bluetooth/BLE + + − + +
RFID + − − + +
3GPP NB-IoT − − + − −
Intelligent Transport Systems wireless technologies:
ETSI ITS G5 + + + + +
IEEE 802.11-OCB + + + + +
LTE Cellular-V2X-Release14 + − + − −
IP Communication:
IP-V4 TCP/UDP + + + + +
IP-V6 TCP/UDP + − − + −
IoT Protocols:
DDS + + − − −
MQTT + + + + +
oneM2M standard + + + + +
Facilities, Transport and Application Protocols:
ETSI CAM + + + + +
ETSI DENM + + + + +
ETSI SPaT + + − − −
ETSI MAP + − − − −
CEN/TS 16157 DATEX II − − + − −
DIASER NF P 99-071-1 G3 − − − + −

Figure 6.14 illustrates the main components and interactions of the

AUTOPILOT’s French pilot site. The connectivity within the vehicle is
handled by the vehicle connectivity module (VCM) developed.
Vehicle remote control data is not exposed to the IoT platform. It is
pushed to the OEM platform (via the VEDECOM Broker) using a separate
interface available on the vehicle. In addition, a separate communication
292 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Figure 6.14 AUTOPILOT’s French pilot site IoT platform integration [1].

channel for virtual key management is established between the Kuantic

server, deployed on the cloud, and the Kuantic box, deployed on the vehicle.
Vehicle monitoring data is exposed to the OEM vehicle Broker using the
API service available on the vehicle. Data is pushed to the IoT platform via
an IPE to make it available for high-level IoT services using a generic data
model and Mca the oneM2M Mca interface.
Other IoT devices, including traffic lights, bicycles, charging spots, pas-
sengers’ devices are considered as oneM2M-enabled devices and will interact
with the IoT Platform using Mca interface.

6.4.2 Dutch Pilot Site in Brainport

There are several use cases implemented and rolled out on the AUTOPILOT’s
Dutch pilot site. The case implementations are being developed by various
project partners using different IoT platforms and technologies:
• oneM2M interoperability integration platform provided by Sensinov.
• FIWARE IoT Broker [17].
• Watson IoT platform.
• Huawei IoT platform.
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 293

Figure 6.15 AUTOPILOT’s Dutch pilot site IoT platform integration [1, 12].

Since the platforms generally perform similar tasks and provide compara-
ble interfaces (e.g. device management, discovery, message brokers, etc.), it
has been a challenging task to make all components work together. Moreover,
the pilot site devices can connect to one of the platforms, i.e. the platforms
are able to discover the devices and communicate with them. The goal was to
make the platforms and devices interoperable, and Figure 6.15 illustrates the
integration between the platforms and devices in the AUTOPILOT’s Dutch
pilot site:
• AUTOPILOT applications that implement the use cases.
• An oneM2M platform that all devices connect to by default to “hide”
the complexity of the communications between the platforms and
• A set of IoT platforms that should either be able to communicate
with the oneM2M platform or implement support to the oneM2M
communication protocols by itself.
• The IoT devices connected to the oneM2M platform of the pilot site.
In this scenario, there are two platforms involved in the communications
from the bottom up to the top; from the device to the oneM2M interoperability
platform, then to the target IoT platform and finally, an application that deals
294 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

with the device, and vice versa. Another scenario is that the devices connect
directly to the target IoT platform (e.g. Watson IoT platform) to reduce the
burden of the interoperability between the platforms. This may be useful if
one knows that messages from the device will be consumed only by one IoT
platform. In this case, there is no need to build a hierarchy of the platforms
and pass the messages emitted by the device through the full stack. The
drawback of this approach is that the interoperability platform does not know
all the connected devices. To address this problem, an announcement process
may be introduced. When a device is connecting to an IoT platform, this
platform makes an announcement to the interoperability platform to convey
that a new device is connected to a given IoT platform, and if somebody
wants to consume data from the device via the interoperability platform, it
must lookup for the device and message at this IoT platform.
The various platforms and applications are interfaced, as depicted in
Figure 6.16. FIWARE focuses on a common data model and powerful inter-
faces for searching and finding information in IoT. FIWARE is using the
OMA Next Generation Service Interface (NGSI) data model as the common
information model of IoT-based systems and the protocol for communication.
NGSI-9 and NGSI-10 are HTTP-based protocols that support JSON and
XML formats for data. Let us shortly describe these two interfaces.

Figure 6.16 The platform interfaces in AUTOPILOT’s Dutch pilot site [1, 12].
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 295

• NGSI-9 is used to manage the availability of context entity. A system

component can register the availability of context information, and later
on, the other system component can issue either discover or subscribe
messages to find out the registered new context information. Detailed
specifications can be found in the FIWARE NGSI-9 Open RESTful API
Specification [9].
• NGSI-10: is used to enable the context data transfer between data pro-
ducers and data consumers. NGSI10 has a query, update, subscribe and
notify context operations for providing context values. A context broker
is necessary for establishing data flow between different resources as
well as consumers or providers. Detailed specifications can be found in
the FIWARE NGSI-10 Open RESTful API Specification [10].
The micro aerial vehicle (MAV) and its ground station computer act as
one single IoT device in the AVP use case. The communication between
the MAV and the ground station is based on a local IEEE 802.11n Wi-
Fi connection that guarantees high-data bandwidth and continuous local
availability. Small Open Mesh OM2P routers are used on both sides. The
ground station computer connects to the Watson IoT platform via 4G/5G.
The Huawei OceanConnect IoT platform is an open ecosystem built on
IoT, cloud computing and Big Data technologies. It provides over 170 open
APIs and serial agents that enable application integration, simplifies and
accelerate device access, guarantees network connection and realises the
seamless connection between upstream and downstream products for Huawei
partners. The used communication protocols are MQTT and HTTP. Applica-
tions requiring access to the Huawei OceanConnect IoT Platform need to be
authenticated first. Once an application is successfully authenticated, it may
perform the following actions:
• Collect device data from the IoT connection management platform using
either an active query or data subscription.
• Issue commands to a specified sensor through the IoT connection
management platform.
• Issue rules to the IoT connection management platform, allowing
response events and commands to be triggered based on the rules.
• Subscribe to device information (events) from the platform.

6.4.3 Italian Pilot Site in Livorno-Florence

At the AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site, the IoT devices are integrated into the
IoT oneM2M platform according to the oneM2M standard, as illustrated in
Figure 6.17:
296 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Figure 6.17 AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site IoT device integration [1, 12].

• IoT oneM2M platform: A federated model where several heterogeneous

IoT platforms are interconnected. A central IoT platform includes var-
ious modules: big data management and storage, real-time and batch
analytics, security and privacy, semantics, etc. Interoperability between
the central IoT platform and the pilot site IoT platforms is addressed in
this platform.
• In-vehicle IoT platform: An in-vehicle component that provides com-
munication with the cloud IoT platform and the interfaces to other
in-vehicle components.
The in-vehicle software architecture for the IoT platform integration is
illustrated in Figure 6.18. In this scheme, it is possible to represent the IoT
in-vehicle platform and also the interconnections between this container with
other onboard sensors in the host vehicle and the cloud system and/or other
vehicles and RSUs.
The IoT in-vehicle platform is composed by a quad-core ARM pro-
cessor. The platform runs an optimised version of Linux and provides
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 297

Figure 6.18 AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site software architecture for OBU IoT platform
integration [1, 12].

several interfaces like IEEE ETSI ITS-G5, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, CAN,
6LoWPAN, and LTE. The board implements CAM, DENM and SPaT/MAP
standards with the possibility to send messages both over ETSI G5 and LTE
channels. The board will manage the lane level computation of the surround-
ing vehicles’ position. Finally, it mounts a GNSS (Galileo + GPS) receiver
that is used for positioning and synchronisation. The unit can synchronise
other hosts (within 10 ms) using the NTP standard or other protocols. The
IoT in-vehicle platform is modular software including application container
and communication system, which are deployed on the OBU. The runtime
environment part of the OBU is composed of several software modules.
The functionality of the remote management is implemented by software,
which allows configuring the platform by adding/removing bundles, introduc-
ing the idea of remote monitoring and control of external application based on
an OSGi platform. Through the event admin internal bus, the connectors have
the same communication interface to the bundles, which they interfaced in the
298 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

application container. The application container also encases the functionality

of data management, with the modules of local dynamic maps (LDM) and the
pothole detector. LDM is a database that achieves integrated management of
map and vehicle information (functional requirement of context awareness).
It contains information on real-world and conceptual objects that have an
influence on the traffic flow. The bundle of the pothole detector represents
the implementation of the pothole detection algorithm. It is based on data
fusion techniques in order to implement the concept of “virtual sensors”. This
module collects data from multiple sensors on the vehicle (IoT in-vehicle
components or OEM in-vehicle components), processes the various data and
sends the results of this elaboration to the cloud oneM2M platform, RSUs or
other vehicles via the communication system.
Regarding the IoT device adaptation, the target is to support different IoT
communication protocols with the devices. The IoT connectors showed in
Figure 6.18 are used to integrate with 6LoWPAN data coming from additional
IoT devices (i.e. inertial sensors), which are used by edge applications on
the OBU (CoAP/6LoWPAN connector). They are also used to integrate with
MQTT protocol data coming from additional IoT devices (e.g. smartphone),
which are used by edge applications on the OBU (MQTT connector).
The communication system part of the OBU manages different high-
level capabilities. The module CAN bus interface reads data coming from
the CAN bus and decodes important data coming from the in-vehicle sensors
that are sent directly to the oneM2M platform or used by edge applications
on the OBU. The module Pos-Timing reads the positioning data and tim-
ing information through the GPS hardware module to set the position on
CAM and DENM messages. CABS and DENBS modules take data from
the CAN bus, position and time from Pos-Timing and create a CAM/DEN
message as described in the proper ETSI standard [8]. They also receive
CAM/DEN messages coming from other vehicles and save them on the LDM.
The SPaT/MAP messages in the communication system are generated from
a traffic light, and SPaT/MAP module decodes them, saving the relevant
information in the LDM for further use. SPaT/MAP offers a potential channel
for detailed information exchange between traffic systems and road users.
The capability of message routing is assigned to network routing, which
manages the connectivity of all the in-vehicle modules that need network
connectivity. Moreover, it manages the channels where CAM and DENM
messages are sent. In the OBU, they can be transmitted on the ETSI G5
radio channel and/or on the cellular way towards the oneM2M platform or
for debugging.
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 299

As far as the interoperability part is concerned, it should be considered

that the in-vehicle IoT platform should work with heterogeneous devices,
technologies, applications, without additional effort from the application or
service developer. OEM-specific components relate to components such as
actuators for power steering and brakes, inputs to gearbox or vehicle sensors
needed for the normal vehicle functions (MAP, MAF, ABS, etc.). Software
modules implementing drivers to virtualise such OEM-specific components
into vehicle IoT platform are needed, so as to satisfy the OEM systems com-
munication functionality. The OBU can also exchange data with additional
IoT devices such as inertial sensors or the motion sensors of, for example,
the smartphone. These data are interfaced with the IoT in-vehicle platform
using CoAP/6LoWPAN or MQTT protocols as already described, and better
implement the concept of “virtual sensors” added to pothole detection.
In order to have a complete vision of Italian pilot site architecture, exter-
nal components should also be mentioned. The AUTOPILOT applications
interface the IoT platform and implement the AUTOPILOT functions in the
cloud. Each application communicates with the vehicle via the IoT platform.
An application can also comprise a component that runs in the vehicle
platform. These components can be either an IoT application or an in-vehicle
application, depending on the level of integration with the IoT platform. The
IoT platform implements the IoT functions at the cloud or edge level. It also
comprises other vehicles and roadside elements.
For example, in the use case of urban driving, a smart traffic light detects a
pedestrian or an obstacle on the lane. The information is processed locally and
notified to the RSU using the IoT protocols to the vehicles via standard C-ITS
messages. Moreover, a connected traffic light sends information about the
time to green/red (SPaT/MAP messages). The RSU receives the information,
fuses the data and sends it by DENM to all the interested actors on the
roads. The information from RSUs and OBUs is also sent to the IoT data
platform via IoT standard protocols, and it can then be processed by the area
monitoring centre for real-time risk assessment and safety services.
Figure 6.19 illustrates the RSU software architecture for IoT platform
integration. The peculiarity given by the modularity and configurability of
the designed software, it is possible to customise it depending on the context
in which it is inserted (i.e. OBU or RSU IoT platform). In this case, the
runtime environment contains a bundle related to pedestrian detection. The
module Jaywalking Detector represents the implementation of the algorithm
that notifies this event when a pedestrian crosses the strip while the traffic
light is red. In these conditions, the IoT platform of RSU is interfaced with a
300 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

Figure 6.19 AUTOPILOT’s Italian pilot site software architecture for RSU IoT platform
integration [1, 12].
camera that may register the wrong crossing of pedestrians and send data to
the IoT platform. In this bundle, the data are elaborated and the notification of
“detected jaywalking pedestrian” is sent to oneM2M IoT platform exploiting
HTTP request (JSON, XML) via oneM2M protocol, or to other vehicles using
the CAM/DENM/SPaT/MAP interfaces.

6.4.4 Spanish Pilot Site in Vigo

AUTOPILOT’s Spanish pilot site is composed of three main IoT platforms,
as illustrated in Figure 6.20:
• IoT platform: A federated model where several heterogeneous IoT
platforms are interconnected. A central IoT platform includes various
modules like big data management and storage real-time and batch
analytics, security and privacy, semantics, etc. Interoperability between
the central IoT platform and the pilot site IoT platforms is addressed in
this platform.
• In-vehicle IoT platform: An in-vehicle component that provides com-
munication with the cloud IoT platform and the interfaces to other
in-vehicle components.
6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 301

Figure 6.20 AUTOPILOT’s Spanish pilot site IoT platform integration [1, 12].

• Devices IoT platform: The devices can be new devices or existing

devices adapted to become IoT devices able to be integrated into the
IoT ecosystem.
The in-vehicle platform and device platform software components are
described in Figure 6.20. The more important software components are:
Communication interfaces: The component responsible for providing
connectivity to the device.
• The supported interfaces are cellular (3G/4G LTE), Wi-Fi and ITS-G5
wireless interface.
IoT Module: This module translates the information that comes from the
different devices into oneM2M messages and translates oneM2M message
into understandable information for the vehicle.
• IoT Broker: OM2M based ASN-CSE (oneM2M) that acts as an IoT
gateway. It provides the HTTP and MQTT connectivity to the cloud IoT
• Bridge: Responsible for translating all the information from the vehicle
into oneM2M and for publishing and providing any needed methods to
obtain this data.
302 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• IoT Applications: Responsible for the interaction with the physical

devices in order to provide the full functionality expected in the use
Runtime environment: OSGi framework that contains the stack that
enables the V2X communication.
• V2X Component: Contains several modules that are able to process data
coming from V2X communication through ITS-G5. The component
provides the encoding/decoding for the SPaT/MAP, CAM and DENM
messages. Includes the connectors that give access to the IoT module.

6.4.5 Finnish Pilot Site in Tampere

Figure 6.21 illustrates the communication architecture of the AUTOPILOT’s
Finnish pilot site, including the two use cases; automated valet parking and
urban driving. For both use cases, the same infrastructure is used; the proto-
type vehicles and a traffic camera installed on the mobile RSU. The data of the
traffic camera are processed locally, and information on objects is transmitted
to the IoT platform. Both the vehicle and the mobile RSU internal network are

Figure 6.21 AUTOPILOT’s Finnish pilot site communication architecture overview.

6.4 IoT Devices and Platforms Integration 303

based on the data distribution service (DDS) network. Information exchanged

between the vehicles, RSU and the services, like the parking management
service, is based on MQTT and is being sent to an open oneM2M IoT
platform. Communication between vehicle, mobile RSU and the IoT platform
uses available mobile commercial network (4G/LTE) or a Pre-5G innovation
platform, which is installed in the city of Tampere. Vehicles receive signal
phase information from traffic lights also from the traffic light operator’s
server over MQTT. Services for parking management and for management of
the urban driving use case are developed and integrated with the IoT platform.
Figure 6.22 illustrates the IoT platform architecture integration of the
Finnish pilot site and is composed as follows:

Figure 6.22 AUTOPILOT’s Finnish pilot site IoT platform integration [1, 12].
304 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

• An open IoT platform for connecting the different devices based on

oneM2M. The main purpose of the IoT platform is to act as a broker.
• The in-vehicle IoT platform provides communication with the IoT plat-
form, and with the different devices and applications in the vehicle. Data
is exchanged between the different applications using data distribution
service (DDS).
• The mobile roadside unit has a similar architecture as the vehicle unit.
The mobile roadside unit processes the information from the traffic
camera and makes this information available through the IoT platform to
the vehicle and the parking management system. The system also has a
storage process for assuring that all data needed for evaluation are made
• In addition, there is a connection to the traffic light server. Information
on the traffic signal phases is available in real-time over the cellular
network as MQTT messages.

6.5 Conclusion
The IoT technologies used in different AUTOPILOT use cases have demon-
strated that it is possible to support automated/autonomous driving functions
as defined by SAE levels and IoT technologies and platforms embedded
in vehicles and infrastructure, enhancing the automated/autonomous driving
functions. There are five different IoT platforms used for collecting, exchang-
ing and processing the data from the IoT devices in the different use cases in
the different pilot sites presented:
• FIWARE IoT Broker.
• IBM Watson IoT platform.
• HUAWEI OceanConnect IoT platform.
• Telecom Italia (TIM) oneM2M IoT platform.
• Sensinov oneM2M platform.
The integration of IoT technologies and platforms is adapted to the
infrastructure of the pilot sites. The use cases map the AUTOPILOT archi-
tecture, and the IoT technologies are integrated into different architecture
components and interfaced/connected to the infrastructure of each pilot site.
The IoT technologies used were adapted to the autonomous driving function
requirements in terms of speed of access (latency), availability and range
(covered area).
The vehicles used in the different AUTOPILOT use cases starts at level 2
with internal systems that take care of the different aspects of driving, such
References 305

as steering, acceleration and braking. The driver is able to intervene if any

part of the vehicle system fails. Examples of level 2 include use cases
helping vehicles to stay in lanes and self-parking features, with more than
one advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) aspect. Tesla’s Autopilot and
Nissan’s ProPilot are examples of level 2, as the vehicles can automatically
keep you in the right lane on the road and keep you at a safe distance from
the vehicle in front when in a traffic jam.
The results from the AUTOPILOT projects show that the IoT devices and
technologies can support the autonomous driving functions in use cases such
as urban driving/vehicles rebalancing, highway driving and automated valet

The work presented in this chapter has been supported by the European
Commission within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno-
vation programme funding, project AUTOPILOT [1] under Grant Agreement
No. 731993. Special thanks to all involved project partners, whose names
do not appear on the author list, but who also contribute significantly to the
development and testing of the automated driving applications presented in
this chapter at various pilot sites.

[1] The AUTOPILOT project – Automated driving progressed by Internet
of Things, online at:
[2] X. Wu et al., “Cars Talk to Phones: A DSRC Based Vehicle-Pedestrian
Safety System,” 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC2014-Fall), Vancouver, BC, 2014, pp. 1–7.
[3] Bosch Motorcycle-to-vehicle communication, online at: https://www.yo
[4] M. Bagheri, M. Siekkinen and J. K. Nurminen, “Cellular-based vehi-
cle to pedestrian (V2P) adaptive communication for collision avoid-
ance,” 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo
(ICCVE), Vienna, 2014, pp. 450–456.
[5] J. J. Anaya, P. Merdrignac, O. Shagdar, F. Nashashibi and J. E. Naranjo,
“Vehicle to pedestrian communications for protection of vulnerable
306 IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications

road users,” 2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings,

Dearborn, MI, 2014, pp. 1037–1042.
[6] The Ko-TAG project, online at:
[7] M.S. Greco. Automotive Radar. IEEE Radar Conference, Atlanta, May
[8] O. Vermesan and J. Bacquet (Eds.). Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital
Transformation Internet of Things Intelligence Evolution, ISBN: 978-
87-93609-10-5, River Publishers, Gistrup, 2017.
[9] “FI-WARE NGSI-9 Open RESTful API Specification”, FIWARE Forge,
2017, online at:
index.php/FI-WARE NGSI-9 Open RESTful API Specification
[10] “FI-WARE NGSI-10 Open RESTful API Specification”, FIWARE
Forge, 2017, online at:
wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE NGSI-10 Open RESTful API Speci
[11] Handbook to the IoT Large-Scale pilots Programme, online at: https:
[12] The AUTOPILOT project – Automated driving progressed by Internet
of Things. Report on development and integration of IoT devices into
IoT ecosystem. D2.4, July 2018.
[13] The AUTOPILOT project – Automated driving progressed by Internet of
Things. Final specification of communication system for IoT enhanced
AD. D1.8, June 2019, online at:
[14] Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI), IoT Relation and
Impact on 5G, (Rel. 2.0). AIOTI WG03 – IoT Standardisation. February
[15] Intelligent Connectivity, GSMA Report, 2018, online at:
[16] The AUTOPILOT project – Automated driving progressed by Internet
of Things. Final specification of Security and Privacy for IoT-enhanced
AD. D1.10, June 2019.
[17] F. Cirillo, G. Solmaz, E. L. Berz, M. Bauer, B. Cheng and E. Kovacs, “A
Standard-Based Open Source IoT Platform: FIWARE,” in IEEE Internet
of Things Magazine, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 12–18, September 2019.

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