124 A
124 A
124 A
﴿منزل ﴾ ۲
ُس ْور ُة ا ل ْانْعام ( [ )6مکی] ﴿﴾350 و ِإذا س ِم ُعوا( )7
ےک ببسوجمتاہللرپڑھگارکےتےھتاوراس رسیشکیک اپداشںیم وجمتاہللیکآایت
ےکابرےںیمایکرکےتےھتتخسذتلآزیمزسادیاجےئیگ و لق ْد ِج ْئ ُت ُم ْونا
ك ُت ْم ما خولْ ّٰن ُك ْم ورٓاء
فُرا ّٰدى كما خل ْق ّٰن ُك ْم اول مر ٍة و تر ْ
ُظ ُھ ْو ِرك ُْمۚ ١اور اہلل رفامےئ اگ ہک ول اب مت وےسی یہ نت اہنت امہرے اسےنم احرض
وہےئگ اسیج ہ ےن ںیہمت یلہپ رمہبت االیک دیپا ایک اھت اوروج ھچک امل و اتمع ہےن مت وک
داین ںیم اطع ایک اھت وہ بس اےنپ ےھچیپ یہ وھچڑ آےئ و ما ن ّٰرى معك ُْم
ُشفعٓاءك ُُم ال ِذ ْین زع ْم ُت ْم ان ُھ ْم فِ ْی ُك ْم ُشركّٰ ٓ ُؤاؕ ١اور آج ہاہمترے
اسھت اہمترے ان افسرویشں وک یھب ںیہن دےتھکی نج ےک قلعتم اہمترا ایخل اھت ہک
اہمترے اعمالمت ںیم وہ امہرے رشکی ںیہ لق ْد تقطع ب ْین ُك ْم و ضل
ع ْن ُك ْم ما ُ
ك ْن ُت ْم ت ْز ُع ُم ْونَ۠۹۴ اہمترےآسپےک اسرے رےتش وٹٹےئگاور
وہ بس دوعےوجمتایکرکےتےھتوہبسمتسمگوہےئگ رکو ع[]۱۱
﴿منزل ﴾ ۲
)6( ُس ْو َرةُ ا لْاَنْ َعام ﴾856﴿ )7 ( َو اِذَا َس ِم ُع ْوا:پارہ
[# 124]
Verses 91 to 94: Jews used to mislead
the polytheists by telling them that
Allah never revealed any book to any
human being. The answer from Allah is
that if no book was ever revealed, then
who brought down what Moses
brought? Only those who believe in the
Hereafter will believe in the Qur'an.
Refutation of the disbelievers' claim
that they too can make verses similar
to the one presented by the Messenger
of Allah. Ultimately, all these people
will be presented before Allah, where
they will not have any intercessors.
ُ ّٰ الل َح َّق ق َْد ِر ٰٖۤه اِذْ قَا ل ُْوا َماٰۤ ا َنْ َز َل
الل َعلٰی َ ّٰ َو َما ق ََد ُروا
ْ ب َ َش ٍر ّم
١ِؕن َشیْ ٍء
They have not esteemed Allah
with His rightful esteem when they
said: Allah has not sent down
anything [of His Heavenly
revelation] to a human being.
)6( ُس ْو َرةُ ا لْاَنْ َعام ﴾857﴿ )7 ( َو اِذَا َس ِم ُع ْوا:پارہ
ی َجٓا َء ِب ٖه ُم ْو ٰسی نُ ْو ًرا َّو ْ ب الَّ ِذَ قُ ْل َم ْن ا َنْ َز َل الْ ِك ٰت
اس ت َ ْج َعل ُْونَه ق ََرا ِط ْی َس ت ُ ْب ُد ْون ََها َو ت ُ ْخف ُْو َن
ِ ُه ًدى لِّل َّن
١ۚك ِثیْ ًرا
Say to them, "Who then sent down
the Scripture that Moses brought
as a light and guidance to the
people? You [ O people of the
scripture] have made it into
separate parchments, disclosing [
some of] it and concealing much.
١َؕو ُع ِل ّ ْم ُت ْم ّمَا ل َْم ت َ ْعل َُم ْٰۤوا ا َنْ ُت ْم َو لَا ٰۤ ٰا بَٓا ُؤك ُْم
And you were taught [from this
book] which you did not know -
neither you nor your forefathers.
ُ ّٰ قُ ِل
۹۱ ث ُ َّم َذ ْر ُه ْم فِیْ َخ ْو ِض ِه ْم َیل َْع ُب ْو َن١ۙالل
Say to them: [That was also sent
by] Allah, and then leave them to
play in their discussions.
)6( ُس ْو َرةُ ا لْاَنْ َعام ﴾858﴿ )7 ( َو اِذَا َس ِم ُع ْوا:پارہ
َك ِذبًا ا َ ْو قَا َل ا ُ ْوحِی ِ ّٰ َو َم ْن ا َ ْظل َُم ِم َّم ِن افْتَ ٰرى عَلَی
َ الل
ْٰۤل َما
َ اِلَی َّ َو ل َْم ُی ْوحَ اِل َْی ِه َشیْء َّو َم ْن قَا َل َساُن ِْز ُل ِمث
ُ ّٰ ا َنْ َز َل
And who can be more unjust than
one who forges lies against Allah
or, who says, "It has been
revealed to me." while nothing has
been revealed to him, or who
says, "I will reveal the like of what
Allah has revealed."
َو لَق َْد ِج ْئ ُت ُم ْونَا فُ َرا ٰدى ك ََما َخل َ ْق ٰن ُك ْم ا َ َّو َل َم َّر ٍة َّو
١ۚك ُت ْم ّمَا َخ َّولْ ٰن ُك ْم َو َرٓا َء ُظ ُه ْو ِرك ُْم
ْ ت َ َر
[And Allah will say,] "Now you
have come to Us [all alone] as We
created you in the first instance,
and you have left behind your
backs, whatever We had
bestowed upon you.
)6( ُس ْو َرةُ ا لْاَنْ َعام ﴾861﴿ )7 ( َو اِذَا َس ِم ُع ْوا:پارہ
َو َما ن َٰرى َم َعك ُْم ُشف ََعٓا َءك ُُم الَّ ِذ ْی َن َز َع ْم ُت ْم اَن َّ ُه ْم
١ِؕف ْی ُك ْم ُش َركٰ ٰٓ ُؤا
And We do not see with you your
intercessors whom you claimed to
be [Our] partners.