Applsci 10 06628
Applsci 10 06628
Applsci 10 06628
Continuance Use of Cloud Computing in Higher
Education Institutions: A Conceptual Model
Yousef A. M. Qasem * , Rusli Abdullah * , Yusmadi Yaha and Rodziah Atana
Department of Software Engineering and Information System, Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia; (Y.Y.); (R.A.)
* Correspondence: (Y.A.M.Q.); (R.A.)
Received: 29 July 2020; Accepted: 1 September 2020; Published: 23 September 2020
Abstract: Resource optimization is a key concern for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
Cloud Computing, as the recent generation in computing technology of the fourth industrial
revolution, has emerged as the main standard of service and resource delivery. As cloud computing
has grown into a mature technology and is being rapidly adopted in many HEIs across the world,
retaining customers of this innovative technology has become a challenge to the cloud service
providers. Current research trends on cloud computing have sought to study the acceptance or
adoption of technology; however, little research has been devoted to the continuance use in an
organizational setting. To address this gap, this study aims to investigate the antecedents of cloud
computing continuance use in HEIs. Hence, drawing on the prior literature in organizational-level
continuance, this research established a conceptual model that extends and contextualizes the IS
continuance model through the lens of the TOE framework (i.e., technological, organizational,
and environmental influences). The results of a pilot study, conducted through a survey with
information and communications technology (ICT) decision makers, and based on the proposed
conceptual model, indicate that the instrument is both reliable and valid, and so point the way
towards further research. The paper closes with a discussion of the research limitations, contribution,
and future directions.
1. Introduction
Cloud computing (CC) is increasingly becoming a springboard for digital innovation and
organizational agility. Higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing the problems with the increasing
of participants, growing need of IT and infrastructure, education quality of provision, and affordable
education services [1,2]. With the high rate at which IT technology changes, resource management
optimization is a key concern for HEIs [3], not least because on-premise systems can only operate
effectively when they receive adequate initial funding and resources, as well as dedicated and
systematic maintenance regimes [4,5]. Institutions looking to compete in the new world need a flexible
yet comprehensive digital transformation blueprint that integrates various technologies across the
institution with CC being at its foundation. CC, as the current generation in computing technology of
the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0), has emerged as the main standard of service and resource
delivery [6], in which it has become an excellent alternative for HLIs to support cost reduction, quality
improvement and, through this, educational sustainability [7] by providing the required infrastructure,
software, and storage as a service [3]. Thus, CC has been adopted rapidly in both private and public
organizations, including HEIs [3,8,9]. As the fifth most frequently used utility after gas, electricity,
water, and telephone lines [10], the CC tracking poll from the International Data Corporation indicates
that USD 370bn in CC will be used by 2022, corresponding to an increase in 22.5% in terms of 5-year
compound annual growth [11].
However, while the subscription model of cloud services contributes to the growth of the
overall market and makes it accessible for HEIs, a new set of challenges have arisen. This research
addresses one such challenge that the cloud service providers face. The possibility of making such a
decision to discontinue a cloud service provider is exacerbated by the low cost of switching between
applications [12] and in general the competitive markets [4]. Therefore, the conceptualization of CC
service in HEIs changes to a decision on ‘continuance’, rather than ‘adoption’.
Moreover, in subscription models offered via cloud-based education systems, it is possible for HEIs
to switch vendors if they perceive greater benefits elsewhere. Thus, it is essential to understand the
conceptual differences between adoption and continuance [13]. Hence, research on CC continuance have
practical and artifact-specific motivations. Furthermore, theoretical research on organizational-level
continuance is also scarce [14], particularly in HEIs [9,15]. Typically, continuance research has been
undertaken at the individual user level; however, organizational continuance decisions are often made
by senior IS executives or others in the organization who may not be intense users of the service in
question [14]. For many of these executive decision makers, a strong influence may be attributed
to factors that are insignificant for individual users (e.g., lowering organizational costs or shifting a
strategic goal) [16].
Thus, to contribute to the body of knowledge on the organizational-level continuance, this study
draws on the prior literature in organizational-level continuance to establish a conceptual model
that extends and contextualizes the IS continuance model to improve our understanding of the
determinants of CC continuance use in HEIs through the lens of the TOE framework (i.e., environmental,
organizational, and technological influences). Following the establishment of the conceptual model [15],
the model was validated by conducting a pilot study with senior decision makers, all of whom were
asked about aspects of their organizations relating to CC services. Therefore, this study sought to
address was the following: “What constructs influence the organizational-level continuance of CC
in HEIs?” To address this question, our research relies on a positivist quantitative-empirical research
design. In this research, the unit of analysis (i.e., a basic element of observation indicating who or what
the researcher has generalized) [17] is the organization, and the organization-level phenomenon will be
observed by individuals involved in organizational CC subscription decisions at an organization [17].
In general, we contribute to research in different ways. First, the most important contribution
of this research constitutes to the body of knowledge within the IS field surrounding continuance
phenomenon. In practical settings, many are concerned with reducing capital IT expenses [3,18,19]
and IS services allow client organizations to select from various services that they can continue using
or discontinue using [8,9]. Therefore, conducting research that focuses on the continuance of IS will
play a critical role in theory and practice. Second, we develop a conceptual model that provides a clear
perspective through which HEIs can answer the question related to their use of CC services: “should
we go, or should we stay?” Third, the results of the full-scale research will assist IT decision makers
in CC when seeking to optimize institutional resource utilization, or to commission and market CC
projects. As a case in point, the results can serve as guidelines that cloud service providers will use
to focus their efforts towards retaining customers. These can also be leveraged by clients to guide
routine assessments over whether the use of a specific CC service should be discontinued. Fourth,
the study is expected to contribute to developing the literature in the best available organizational-level
continuance models for HEI settings. Last, in providing a model for CC continuance use, we provide
a new explanation for organizations’ continuance use of novel technologies. Measuring the model
constructs not only reflectively but also formatively would add little to the practical contribution of the
study. Thus, further quantitative, and qualitative research about the conceptualized model and its
relationships is needed.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 3 of 36
The structure of the rest of this study is as follows, a literature review is given in the next section.
Theoretical models are then identified and analyzed, a conceptual model for exploring continuance of
CC in HEIs is proposed. In turn, the method is explained, and the preliminary results of the study
are presented. Finally, the study’s results are discussed, their implications are examined, and the
contributions of the research are outlined.
technology adoption that have been investigated in previous studies [93–95] (see Figure 1). Certain
studies have reported that, in terms of the methods that are available in technology adoption research,
many are limited because they do not differentiate between changes in the significance of factors in the
Appl. Sci.
different 2020, 10,
phases ofxadoption
FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 36 for
[96]. Therefore, opportunities, as well as suitable research settings
exploring continuance as the last phase of adoption, have been limited.
[80] √ √ √ √ √
[49] √ √ √ √
Table 1. Literature on CC Continuance.
[14] √ √ √ √ √
SUM Level of
4 Analysis
10 2
Adoption 13
Phase 5 6Theoretical
3 Perspective
2 3 12 1
Research √ √ √
√ √ √√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
[72]Legend: IND = Individual; ORGA = Organizational; PRE = Pre-Adoption; POST = Post-Adoption; ISC
√ √ √ √
[75]= Information System Continuance; ISS = IS Success Model; ISD = IS Discontinuance Model; TOE =
√ √ √ √ √ √
[76] *
√ √
Technology–Organization–Environment √ Framework; OTH = Others; √ THEO √ =
[71] **
√ EMP = Empirical.
Theoretical/Conceptual; √ * Study examines√ adopters’ √
and non-adopters’
√ √ √ √
[45] intention
* to increase the level of sourcing; thus, it is√categorized as adoption. ** Study
√ √ √ √
[78]examines adopters’ intention at individual and organizational levels; thus, it is categorized
√ √ √ √ √
as an individual. √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
Life Cycle of an Information
System √ √ √ √
SUMThis study 4 belongs10 to the2 well-established
13 5 stream6 of literature
3 2that has
3 examined
12 the
√ √ √ √ √
This Research of “technology adoption”, which was initially defined by Rogers [81] as a five-step
Legend: IND =
process. Since then, a range of
Individual; models
ORGA = has been developed
Organizational; = extend
PRE to Rogers’ POST
Pre-Adoption; = Post-Adoption;
preliminary work [82–
ISC = Information
84]. According System
to some Continuance;
researchers, ISS =is IS
adoption Success Model;
a multi-phase process = IS than
ISDrather Discontinuance Model;
a binary decision
TOE = Technology–Organization–Environment Framework; OTH = Others; THEO = Theoretical/Conceptual;
[85–88], and for some theoreticians, adoption occurs over seven rather than five stages [89,90].
EMP = Empirical. * Study examines adopters’ and non-adopters’ intention to increase the level of sourcing; thus,
itHowever, mostasresearchers
is categorized adoption. ** agree
Study that technology
examines adoption
adopters’ intentionoperates across
at individual andthe following five
organizational stages:
levels; thus,
itawareness, interest,
is categorized evaluation, trial, and continuance. Several researchers advocated a four-phase
as an individual.
model, which involved initiation, adoption, decision, and implementation (e.g., [81,91,92]). However,
In studies
Table, have concentrated
previous studies have their empirical
adapted understanding
various of technology
IS theories adoption analyzed
and empirically into a single
CC in
phase (e.g., adoption or pre-/post-adoption) [14]. This perspective is consistent with the wide-ranging
different contexts from an individual or organizational viewpoint in the pre-adoption or post-adoption
stages of technology adoption that have been investigated in previous studies [93–95] (see Figure 1).
(i.e. continuance use) phase. However, no empirical study was found measuring the continuance use of
Certain studies have reported that, in terms of the methods that are available in technology adoption
CC in HEIs. Therefore, the main contribution of this study is to develop an instrument and conceptualize
research, many are limited because they do not differentiate between changes in the significance of
a model to measure
factors the continuance
in the different use of[96].
phases of adoption CCTherefore,
in the context of HEIs.asBeside
opportunities, well as this context-specific
suitable research
contribution, our study also reduces the gap of related to organizational IS continuance
settings for exploring continuance as the last phase of adoption, have been limited. research.
Figure Life cycle
cycle of
A range
A range of theories
of theories havehave beenused
been usedto to study
study adoption
adoption(e.g., UTAT
(e.g., UTAT or or
TAM), continuance
TAM), (e.g., (e.g.,
ISC), and discontinuance at the individual level. Contrastingly, scholars have used
ISC), and discontinuance at the individual level. Contrastingly, scholars have used theories such theories such as as
TOE, DOI, and social contagion to examine adoption from an organizational
TOE, DOI, and social contagion to examine adoption from an organizational perspective. Additionally, perspective.
Additionally, the ISS and ISD models have been leveraged to investigate continuance and
the ISS and ISD models have been leveraged to investigate continuance and discontinuance respectively,
discontinuance respectively, at the organizational level. Table 2 provides an overview of the various
at the organizational level. Table 2 provides an overview of the various theoretical approaches that have
theoretical approaches that have been used in the literature to examine the lifecycle of an IS.
been Dissimilar
used in theto literature
studies thattohave
examine theonlifecycle
focused of an IS.
the individual Dissimilar
level, those thatto studies
have that have
addressed focused on
the individual level, those that have addressed continuance and discontinuance
and discontinuance at the organizational level are few and far between [9,14,16,97]. at the organizational
level are few and far between [9,14,16,97].
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 5 of 36
After initially adopting an IS, a user decides to either continue or discontinue the IS adoption.
Contrastingly, this is unlikely to retire or replace their on-premise CC services [106]. Nevertheless,
since almost all CC services involve a subscription model, and since this study’s focal point is the issue
of continuance, the aim of this study is not to examine factors that influence the use of CC services in
HEIs. Instead, the main area of focus in the current study is the set of constructs that contribute to IS
continuance. An implication of this is that it is possible to evaluate success and system performance,
which is dissimilar to the pre-adoption phase in which only expectations can be used to estimate usage.
This also enables the integration of post-adoption variables as predictors of IS adoption continuance,
thereby exerting far-reaching impacts on model development.
to a sequence of adoption decisions that are not related to factors such as timing or the behavioral
stage [110]. Hence, perceived usefulness should have a direct impact on IS continuance intention to
Appl. Sci.
have an2020, 10, 6628
indirect 6 of 36
effect on IS continuance intention via satisfaction. In the literature, the ISC model
has primarily been employed to examine continuance use from an individual perspective. However,
the model has been extended for organizational post-adoption studies (e.g., [72]); consequently, it is
extended for organizational post-adoption studies (e.g., [72]); consequently, it is associated with a
associated with a substantial level of external validity. Besides, the ISC model has been used to
substantial level of external validity. Besides, the ISC model has been used to explain the continuance
explain the continuance phenomenon in the education context (e.g., [111–113]).
phenomenon in the education context (e.g., [111–113]).
The focal point of the ISC model is an individual’s continued acceptance of technology, whereas
The focal point of the ISC model is an individual’s continued acceptance of technology, whereas
the purpose of this study is to address organizational continuance use. However, several researchers
the purpose of this study is to address organizational continuance use. However, several researchers
have extended the model for organizational post-adoption context (e.g., [72]). As suggested by the
have extended the model for organizational post-adoption context (e.g., [72]). As suggested by the
TOE model, a critical point of difference between organizational and individual continuance use
TOE model, a critical point of difference between organizational and individual continuance use
settings is that the technology adoption decisions made by organizations are typically informed both
settings is that the technology adoption decisions made by organizations are typically informed both
by technology factors associated with individual beliefs (e.g., satisfaction) and by organizational
by technology factors associated with individual beliefs (e.g., satisfaction) and by organizational factors
factors such as external threats and opportunities. Therefore, to fine-tune ISC model to address the
such as external threats and opportunities. Therefore, to fine-tune ISC model to address the research
research problem, it is necessary to supplement factors in the organizational continuance context,
problem, it is necessary to supplement factors in the organizational continuance context, especially
especially those relating to organizational and environmental settings [72]. Given that researchers
those relating to organizational and environmental settings [72]. Given that researchers need to choose
need to choose a theory or model that is appropriate for the research setting (in this case, continuance
a theory or model that is appropriate for the research setting (in this case, continuance use at the
use at the organizational level), this study substitutes the perceived usefulness construct of the ISC
organizational level), this study substitutes the perceived usefulness construct of the ISC model with
model with logical reasoning. Perceived usefulness is generally considered the most relevant
logical reasoning. Perceived usefulness is generally considered the most relevant technological factor
technological factor that informs IS post-adoption behavior in the ISC model, and a range of studies,
that informs IS post-adoption behavior in the ISC model, and a range of studies, including [72,114],
including [72,114], have employed it as a baseline model. Nevertheless, the theory of planned
have employed it as a baseline model. Nevertheless, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) [115]
behavior (TPB) [115] suggests that net benefits ought to be viewed as behavioral belief (that is,
suggests that net benefits ought to be viewed as behavioral belief (that is, perceived usefulness) [116].
perceived usefulness) [116]. For this reason, the net benefit construct taken from the IS success model
For this reason, the net benefit construct taken from the IS success model is used instead of perceived
is used instead of perceived usefulness, thereby achieving an effective fit with the research setting.
usefulness, thereby achieving an effective fit with the research setting.
studies of system performance [14]. Regarding the service quality construct, this was removed for
the following reasons: firstly, it is comparable to the complete idea of IS success in several ways,
where system and quality constitute a “functional” aspect, while the effects constitute the “technical”
aspects in the “operational” IS (in this case, the system is considered a set of services); and secondly,
in order to assess the service provider’s services, a narrow perspective of service quality is involved.
In CC service research, an assessment of this kind would be an antecedent rather than a measure.
Given these considerations, several constructs, namely information quality, system quality, and net
benefits, are integrated into the conceptual model of this study.
quality, firm size and scope, and the internal social network. Finally, the environmental context
demonstrates that an organization’s IS adoption is significantly impacted by constructs that lie outside
of its direct control (e.g., competitors, government regulations, and supply chains) [102]. In view
of these considerations, it is clear that the TOE framework can play an effective role in identifying
non-technology-level factors that have not been considered in other studies on consumer software
(e.g., constructs relevant to external circumstances) [140]. Additionally, the TOE framework helpfully
interprets the notion of adoption behavior based on the following technological innovations: firstly,
innovations applied for technical tasks (i.e., type 1 innovations); secondly, innovations relating to the
business administration (i.e., type 2 innovations); and thirdly, innovations integrated into core business
procedures (i.e., type 3 innovations) [141].
Along with the technological and organizational variables of continuance use, which were
derived from models of IS continuance, discontinuance, and success, constructs were identified that
affect organizational and environmental persistence, especially insofar as they relate to CC in HEIs.
As a result of this process, collaboration was identified as an organizational variable [42,142–144],
while regulatory policy [145–147] and competitive pressure [72,145] were identified as environmental
variables. Collaboration tasks lie at the heart of HEIs, and collaboration can be conceptualized as the
ability of CC services to facilitate communication among stakeholders [42,142]. In the case of digital
natives, CC services play a vital role in effective collaboration [148,149]. Table 3 presents a mapping
matrix for the continuance use constructs and theories, each of which has been obtained from the
extant and related literature [150,151].
Table 3. Mapping matrix of model constructs from ISC, ISS, ISD, and TOE.
Constructs/Independent Variables
Technology Organization Environment
Technology Integration
Competitive Pressures
Information Quality
System Integration
Regulatory Policy
System Quality
Net Benefits
Theory/ Technology/Dependent
Model Variable
Organizational level √ √ √
ISD information System [16]
discontinuance intentions.
Information system √ √
ISC [101]
√ √ √
ISS Information system success. [105,120]
ECM & Enterprise 2.0 √ √ √
TOE post-adoption.
Continuance intention to
TAM [75]
use CC.
Disruptive technology √ √
continuous adoption [76]
√ √ √
ISS CC evaluation [77]
ISS & Cloud-Based Enterprise √ √ √ √ √
ISD Systems.
SaaS-based collaboration √ √
ISC [45]
CC client-provider √ √
ISC [70]
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 9 of 36
Table 3. Cont.
Constructs/Independent Variables
Technology Organization Environment
Technology Integration
Competitive Pressures
Information Quality
System Integration
Regulatory Policy
System Quality
Net Benefits
Theory/ Technology/Dependent
Model Variable
Operational Cloud √ √ √
ISC [152]
Enterprise System.
Usage and adoption of CC. √
OTH [143]
by SMEs
Knowledge management √
TOE [153]
systems diffusion
Information technology √ √
TCT [154]
adoption behavior life cycle
√ √ √
ISC Wearable Continuance [155]
Legend: TOE = Technology–Organization–Environment Framework; ISC = Information System Continuance Model;
ISS = IS Success Model; ISD = IS Discontinuance Model; TAM = Technology Acceptance Model; TCT = Technology
Continuance Theory; OTH = Others.
Figure 3.
3. Research
Research Model.
Based on a positivist,
The relationships deterministic
among philosophical
perceived usefulnessparadigm, a priori assumptions
and confirmation, continuancein the form of
hypotheses wereas established
and satisfaction, for later statistical
noted by Bhattacherjee [101] in theanalysis
context to facilitate
of system model validation.
acceptance, are relevantThefor
propositions focus on the link between the independent variables encompassing
investigating CC continuance in HEIs. In this study, perceived usefulness was substituted by net the IS continuance
is amodel, IS discontinuance
cognitive model,
belief relevant to IS useand TOE
[157]. In framework,
the context ofand
TAM,the perceived
namely CC continuance use.
is considered a user’s belief towards system usefulness [98]. Whereas in the organizational context,
The relationships
net benefit is considered among perceived
a belief about theusefulness
degree toandwhichconfirmation,
IS promotes continuance
organizationalintention, and
This definitionas is
noted by Bhattacherjee
aligned [101] in the context
with other organizational-level of system
definitions acceptance,
[157,158]. are relevant
We thus propose thefor
investigating CC
following hypotheses: continuance in HEIs. In this study, perceived usefulness was substituted by net
benefits, which is a cognitive belief relevant to IS use [157]. In the context of TAM, perceived
Hypothesisis1considered a user’s belief
(H1). An institution’s towardslevel
satisfaction system
initial CC[98]. Whereas
adoption in theinfluences
positively organizational
its CC
benefit is considered a belief about the degree to which IS promotes organizational
objectives. This definition is aligned with other organizational-level definitions [157,158]. We thus
propose the 2a (H2a). An
following institution’s extent of confirmation positively influences its satisfaction with CC use.
H1: An institution’s satisfaction level with initial CC adoption positively influences its CC
Hypothesis 2b (H2b). An institution’s net benefits from CC use positively influence its satisfaction with CC use.
continuance use.
H2a: An institution’s
Hypothesis 3a (H3a).extent of confirmation
An institution’s positively
net benefits from CCinfluences its satisfaction
use positively influence itswith CC use. use.
CC continuance
H2b: An institution’s net benefits from CC use positively influence its satisfaction with CC use.
H3a: An institution’s
Hypothesis 3b (H3b).net
Anbenefits from
institution’s CC use
extent positively positively
of confirmation influenceinfluences
its CC continuance use.
its net benefits from CC use.
H3b: An institution’s extent of confirmation positively influences its net benefits from CC use.
The relationships among system quality, information quality, and continuance intention [120]
The relationships among system quality, information quality, and continuance intention [120] in
in the context of IS success can also be applied to CC continuance use in HEIs. Prior studies have
the context of IS success can also be applied to CC continuance use in HEIs. Prior studies have
examined the relationships among system quality, information quality, and satisfaction [77,159–165].
examined the relationships among system quality, information quality, and satisfaction [77,159–165].
Hence, it follows:
Hence, it follows:
H4a: System4a
Hypothesis quality
(H4a).positively influences
System quality an institution’s
positively influences ansatisfaction
institution’swith CC use.
satisfaction with CC use.
H4b: System quality positively influences an institution’s CC continuance use.
H5a: 4b (H4b).
Information System
quality qualityinfluences
positively positively influences an institution’s
an institution’s CC continuance
satisfaction with CC use. use.
H5b: Information quality positively influences an institution’s CC continuance use.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 11 of 36
Hypothesis 5a (H5a). Information quality positively influences an institution’s satisfaction with CC use.
The relationships among technical integration, system investment, and discontinuance intention
[16] can also be applied to CC continuance use in HEIs. Thus, we propose:
Presently, the success of HEIs depends in large part on effective collaboration. This is noteworthy
because, by leveraging CC, it is possible for HEIs to exploit new modes of communication between
key stakeholders [42,142]. Digital natives, many of whom are students within HEIs, now require
the Internet to undertake daily tasks [148,149], and also to participate in online group activities (e.g.,
socializing, group studying, and so on) [166]. In order to satisfy student requirements, it is necessary
to practitioners within HEIs to understand the various ways in which knowledge and content can be
delivered to them [167]. In view of this, it is important to know what types of expectations students
have, and to understand how technology can be leveraged or incorporated into teaching activities to
meet these expectations. Hence, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the competitiveness of a HEI
depends on its utilization of novel technology to satisfy student needs, and to enable streamlined
collaboration and communication [168]. Taking the context into account, we thus predict:
Regulatory policy is another critical consideration that is likely to affect an organization’s decision
to use, or to continue using, a technology. One of the reasons for this is because the regulatory policies
established by a government play a key role in setting laws relating to the use of certain technologies
(e.g., CC) [147,169,170]. For example, the authors of [145–147] discussed how regulatory policies
have shaped adoption trends in CC in various research settings. Taking the context into account,
we therefore hypothesized:
Competitive pressure refers to the pressure that an institution’s leadership may feel regarding the
performance-related abilities that its competitors are gaining through the exploitation of CC services
(e.g., an increase in student assessment outcomes due to the use of CC platforms) [72,137,138]. In the
literature, several scholars have noted that competitive pressure plays a determining role in influencing
CC use in multiple research settings [72,153,170–173]. Taking the context into account, we thus predict:
The research model will be used to examine CC continuance use at the organizational level in
HEIs. Nevertheless, institutions are a key element of the CC ecosystem, in which diverse sets of
actors are involved (e.g., government agencies, public organizations, and researchers). The proposed
model can be referenced by CC actors in HEIs as a basis for cooperating with stakeholders, which is a
prerequisite for the creation and provision of improved products and services.
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5. Methodology
A positivism quantitative survey approach is warranted to address the research objectives
illustrated through the research questions and the hypotheses. Instrument development, data collection
and data analysis mechanisms are discussed in detail below.
IS discontinuance model [16], and TOE framework [102]) (See Appendix A). The instrument’s feasibility,
consistency of style and formatting, readability, and linguistic clarity [185,186], were evaluated in
interviews with academic researchers (n = 2) with experience in questionnaire design. Their feedback
on the general design and measurement scales were requested for improving the usability of the
questionnaire. A content-based literature review approach recommended by Webster and Watson [187])
was used for instrument conceptualization and content specification, in which constructs have been
clearly defined (See Table 3). The next stage involved producing an item pool, the purpose of which
was to represent every aspect of the construct without overlap [183]. Notably, the elimination of a
measure from a formative indicator model risks leaving out a relevant part of the conceptual domain
(or, for that matter, changing a construct’s meaning). This is because the construct is the set of all
indicators [188], and also because maintaining irrelevant items will not have the effect of introducing
bias into the results when examining the data with PLS [181]. In view of this, every dimension that
was identified was retained and changed into an item.
The questionnaire comprises three parts: firstly, a preamble; secondly, a demographic section;
and finally, a section on the constructs relating to continuance use of CC in HEIs. For the first section,
we applied the key informant approach [198] in which two questions were used to eliminate participants
from the sample: first, checking for participants whose institutions had not yet adopted CC services;
and second, checking for participants who do not participate in the ICT adoption decision. Participants
eligible for inclusion in the study, they can complete the next two sections of the questionnaire. In the
second section, demographic data about each institution’s age, faculty, student population, years of CC
service adoption, and type of CC service model were gathered. A service provider variable was also
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 14 of 36
measured based on asking the respondent who their CC service provider was (e.g., Oracle, Microsoft,
Google, Salesforce, and Amazon, among others). Notably, the service providers did not affect the
final dependent variable. In the third section of the questionnaire, each item sought to address an
aspect of the research question, particularly measuring the information of constructs that led towards
an organizational continuance use. These included satisfaction (S), confirmation (Con), net benefits
(NB), technical integration (TE), system quality (SQ), information quality (IQ), system investment (SI),
collaboration (Col), regulatory policy (RP), and competitive pressure (CP). As shown in Appendix A,
a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”, was used to measure each
item. Additionally, SAT items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale with different options (e.g.,
1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very satisfied; 1 = very displeased to 5 = very pleased; 1 = very frustrated to
5 = very contented; and 1 = absolutely terrible to 5 = absolutely delighted).
Further, the instrument development process took into consideration the debate surrounding
the practice of gathering perceptual data on both the dependent and independent variables from a
single respondent [199]. In this debate, a central issue is that of whether the practice may result in
excessive common method variance (CMV). Nevertheless, some studies indicate that CMV is a greater
problem for abstract constructs (e.g., attitude) when compared to concrete measures (e.g., those linked
to IS success in this research) [200]. Besides, it has been noted in the literature that the constructs
of IS success are not highly susceptible to CMV [201]. Moreover, CMV is not a major concern for
formative constructs because the items do not have to co-vary [14]. Furthermore, in the process of
operationalizing the research instrument, CMV can be further reduced by neglecting to group the
items from reflective constructs under the associated construct headings [199,200].
when examining new structural paths in the context of incremental studies that extend previous
models [211], or when the relationships and measures proposed are new or have not been extensively
examined in the prior literature [212,213]; and thirdly, the variance-based approach in PLS is effective
for predictive applications. Therefore, since the study’s objective was to identify the factors underlying
organizational-level CC continuance use (i.e., not to examine a particular behavioral model), PLS was
suitable choice
Sci. 2020, [214].
10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 36
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Prototype
Prototype Development Processes [215].
Development Processes [215].
6. Preliminary Results
A pilot study was conducted to increase the consistency of the measures used throughout the
research. Noteworthily, the main objective associated with a pilot study is to ensure the validation of
the initial instrument, and to identify any inconsistencies that could undermine the accuracy of the
results [227].
correlation values, in Table 5. According to Briggs and Cheek [233], inter-item correlations in a reflective
measurement scale offer data pertaining to the scale’s dimensionality. Furthermore, mean inter-item
correlation is distinct when compared to a reliability estimate because it is not impacted by scale
length. Resultantly, it provides a less ambiguous sense of item homogeneity. When the mean inter-item
correlation does not exceed 0.3, this suggests that the item is not correlated with others in the same
construct in a strong way [234]. At the same time, inter-item correlations that exceed 0.9 are indicative
of multicollinearity issues [235]. For Cronbach Alpha values that exceed 0.7, this suggests favorable
internal consistency in terms of the items on the scale [236]. Specifically, Cronbach Alpha values
that exceed 0.9 are considered “excellent”, while values exceeding 0.8 and 0.7 are considered “good”
and “acceptable”, respectively [237]. For values exceeding 0.6, these are considered “questionable”,
while values lower than 0.5 are considered “unacceptable” [237]. In this study, relatively only one of
the inter-item correlations fell below the recommended value of 0.3, meaning that the implications
associated with their elimination from the survey instrument were considered. Given their weak
correlations with other items in the measurement of confirmation construct, one item was removed.
Additionally, because the resulting Cronbach Alpha values would not have increased after the deletion
of the item, the item was retained (see Table 5).
Construct No. Items Min Inter-Item Correlation Max Inter-Item Correlation Cronbach’s Alpha
CC Continuance Use 3 0.656 0.828 0.907
Satisfaction 4 0.684 0.81 0.916
Confirmation 5 0.124 0.795 0.78
Net Benefit 13 - - 0.916
Technical Integration 3 0.711 0.788 0.891
System Quality 13 - - 0.927
Information Quality 7 - - 0.928
System Investment 3 0.67 0.731 0.836
Collaboration 5 0.504 0.742 0.899
Regulatory Policy 5 0.398 0.821 0.894
Competitive Pressure 4 0.577 0.772 0.86
All Items 65 0.862 0.913
Drawing on partial least squares (PLS) analysis, the validity of the reflective and formative models
was evaluated based on the recommendations of Hair Jr, Hult [208], which are discussed below.
In the case of convergent validity, this was computed as the average variance extracted (AVE) for
every construct, and it was greater than 0.5 in each case [239]. Every square root for the AVEs was
greater than the corresponding latent variable correlation, thereby indicating a satisfactory level of
discriminant validity (see Table 7).
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 19 of 36
the constructs has been established using AVE and CR tests. Based on the feedback received from
the pilot study’s participants, as well as from the statistical analysis, a revised survey instrument
was devised for the full-scale research. An assessment of the reflective measurement model was
undertaken by computing internal consistency, discriminant validity, and convergent validity. In each
case, the instrument was associated with satisfactory results. Formative measures were evaluated
based on convergent validity, collinearity issues, and significance and relevance, revealing satisfactory
performance in terms of convergent validity. As for collinearity issues, these were examined by
computing the variance inflation factors (VIFs) for every indicator, most of which did not exceed the
maximum threshold of 5 [242]. Certain VIFs were greater than the required value, but because formative
measurement models are based on regression (which is informed both by measure intercorrelations
and sample size), these indicators will be considered when using full-scale data for the model.
Additionally, indicators were examined in terms of significance and relevance by considering the initial
research model.
7.3. Limitations
This study has some limitations that will bring about the focus of subsequent research. First, similar
to organizational studies, possible bias to the results may occur from representing individual views
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 22 of 36
rather than a shared opinion within the HEIs. This can be addressed if the constructs in the full-scale
study are used for longitudinal evaluations rather than just cross-sectional evaluations, then the client
organizations will be able to learn about critical “pain-points”. Second, the proposed model is intended
for organizational-level usage. However, CC ecosystems involve operationalizing constructs such as
IT infrastructure availability and computer sophistication [244,245]. Future research will have to take
additional perspectives to understand continuance on an organizational level. Finally, the proposed
model contextualized the IS continuance model based on previous literature in organizational-level
continuance to better suite HEIs. However, future research may have to consider contextual constructs
to understand continuance on HEIs.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.A.M.Q.; Data curation, Y.A.M.Q. and R.A. (Rusli Abdulah); Formal
analysis, Y.A.M.Q., R.A. (Rodziah Atan) and Y.Y.; Methodology, Y.A.M.Q., R.A. (Rusli Abdulah) and Y.Y.;
Project administration, R.A. (Rusli Abdulah), Y.Y. and R.A. (Rodziah Atan); Resources, R.A. (Rusli Abdulah),
Y.Y. and R.A. (Rodziah Atan); Supervision, R.A. (Rusli Abdulah), Y.Y. and R.A. (Rodziah Atan); Validation,
Y.A.M.Q. and R.A. (Rodziah Atan); Writing—original draft, Y.A.M.Q.; Writing—review & editing, Y.A.M.Q.
and R.A. (Rusli Abdulah). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Research Management Center (RMC), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM),
UPM Journal Publication Fund (9001103).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 23 of 36
Appendix A
Measurement Items
Constructs Reflective/Formative Theories
Items Adapted Source Previous Studies
(1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree)
CCA1: Our institution intends to continue using the cloud computing service rather than
CC Continuous Intention Reflective CCA2: Our institution’s intention is to continue using the cloud computing service rather [101] [45,72,76] ECM & ISD
than use any another means (traditional software).
CCA3: If we could, our institution would like to discontinue the use of the cloud
computing service. (reverse coded).
How do you feel about your overall experience with your current cloud computing
service (SaaS, IaaS, or PaaS)?
SAT1: Very dissatisfied (1)–Very satisfied (7)
Satisfaction (SAT) Reflective [101] [45,72,76] ECM
SAT2: Very displeased (1)–Very pleased (7)
SAT3: Very frustrated (1)–Very contented (7)
SAT4: Absolutely terrible (1)–Absolutely delighted (7).
(1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree)
CON1. Our experience with using cloud computing services was better than what we
CON2. The benefits with using cloud computing services were better than we expected.
Confirmation (Con) Reflective CON3. The functionalities provided by cloud computing services for team projects was [101] [45,72] ECM
better than what I expected.
CON4. Cloud computing services support our institution more than expected.
CON5. Overall, most of our expectations from using cloud computing services were
Our cloud computing service . . .
NB1. . . . increases the productivity of end-users.
NB2. . . . increases the overall productivity of the institution.
NB3. . . . enables individual users to make better decisions.
NB4. . . . helps to save IT-related costs.
NB5. . . . makes it easier to plan the IT costs of the institution.
NB6. . . . enhances our strategic flexibility. [105,120]
Net Benefits (NB) Formative [14,77,78,152] ECM
NB7. . . . enhances the ability of the institution to innovate.
NB8. . . . enhances the mobility of the institution’s employees.
NB9. . . . improves the quality of the institution’s business processes.
NB10. . . . shifts the risks of IT failures from my instituting to the provider.
NB11. . . . lower the IT staff requirements within the institution to keep the system running.
NB12. . . . improves outcomes/outputs of my institution.
NB13. . . . has brought significant benefits to the institution. [116]
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6628 24 of 36
Measurement Items
Constructs Reflective/Formative Theories
Items Adapted Source Previous Studies
TI1. The technical characteristics of the cloud computing service make it complex.
TI2. The cloud computing service depends on a sophisticated integration of technology
Technical Integration (TE) Reflective [16] [14,78] ISD
TI3. There is considerable technical complexity underlying the cloud computing service.
Our cloud computing service . . .
SQ1. . . . operates reliably and stable.
SQ2. . . . can be flexibly adjusted to new demands or conditions.
SQ3. . . . effectively integrates data from different areas of the company.
SQ4. . . . makes information easy to access (accessibility).
SQ5. . . . is easy to use.
SQ6. . . . provides information in a timely fashion (response time). [105,120]
System Quality (SQ) Formative [14,77,78,152]
SQ7. . . . provides key features and functionalities that meet the institution requirements.
SQ8. . . . is secure.
SQ9. . . . is easy to learn.
SQ10. . . . meets different user requirements within the institution.
SQ11. . . . is easy to upgrade from an older to a newer version.
SQ12. . . . is easy to customize (after implementation, e.g., user interface). ISS
Measurement Items
Constructs Reflective/Formative Theories
Items Adapted Source Previous Studies
Col1. Interaction of our institution with employees, industry and other institutions is easy
with the continuance use of cloud computing service
Col2. Collaboration between our institution and industry raise by the continuance use of
cloud computing service
Col3. The continuance uses of cloud computing service improve collaboration among
Collaboration (Col) Reflective [195,196] [42,142–144] TOE
Col4. If our institution continues using cloud computing service, it can communicate with
its partners (institutions and industry)
Col5. Communication with the institution’s partners (institutions and industry) is
enhanced by the continuance use of cloud computing service
RP1. Our institution is under pressure from some government agencies to continue using
cloud computing service.
RP2. The government is providing us with incentives to continue using cloud computing
Regulatory Policy (RP) Reflective [172,252,253] [145–147] TOE
RP3. The government is active in setting up the facilities to enable cloud computing service.
RP4. The laws and regulations that exist nowadays are sufficient to protect the use of cloud
computing service.
RP5. There is legal protection in the use of cloud computing service.
CP1. Our Institution thinks that continuance use of cloud computing service has an
influence on competition among other institutions
CP2. Our institution will lose students to competitors if they don’t keep using cloud
Competitive Pressure (CP) Reflective computing service [170,171,197] [72,145] TOE
CP3. Our institution is under pressure from competitors to continue using cloud
computing service
CP4. Some of our competitors have been using cloud computing service
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