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Instructions for Authors

These guidelines are in accordance with “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts explained and approval given to the study by the Human Studies Review
Submitted to Biomedical Journals.” (The complete document is published as: Committee, or equivalent committee, at the principal institution. It should
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for also be stated whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the
manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Engl J Med 1991;324:424-8.). ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation
(institutional or regional) or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as
Type of Manuscripts revised in 1983. Reports on experiments on animals should indicate whether
1. Mini-reviews the institution’s or the National Research Council’s guide for, or any national
2. Original Studies law on, the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.
3. Communications in Brief
4. Literature Reviews Manuscript Format
5. World Literature Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced with at least 1 inch margins. The
6. Video Reviews Roundup manuscript must include the following arranged in this order: Title Page,
7. Opinions in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Structured Abstract (to include these headings: Study Objective, Design, Setting,
8. Book Reviews Participants, Interventions, Main Outcome Measure(s), Results and Conclusions)
9. Letters to the Editor and Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and
10. Case Reports References. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the Title Page.
Submission of Manuscripts 1. Title Page. The title page should include author’s first and middle
All new manuscripts must be submitted through the Journal of Pediatric and initials and last name, academic degree, city and state in which the
Adolescent Gynecology online submission and review Web site (http://ees. study was undertaken, departments and institutional affiliation at the Manuscripts must be written in English. Manuscripts time the study was undertaken, acknowledgment of any source of
not received electronically will not be reviewed. Authors are requested financial support, disclaimers, if any, name and address of author to
to submit the text, tables, and artwork in electronic form (not as a PDF) whom requests for reprints and galley proofs should be addressed,
to this address. In an accompanying letter, authors should state that the and name, telephone number, FAX number, email address, and
manuscript, or parts of it, have not been and will not be submitted elsewhere address of author responsible for correspondence concerning the
for publication, and include potential conflicts of interest, or lack thereof, manuscript, if different from above.
for each author. Please note that an editable file is needed for production 2. Authorship. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial
purposes, so please upload your text files as Word (.doc) files, not as a PDF. contributions to (a) conception and design, or analysis and
Submission items include a cover letter (save as a separate file for upload), interpretation of data; and to (b) drafting the article or revising it
suggested reviewers (but not mandatory), the manuscript (including title critically for important intellectual content; and on (c) final approval
page, abstract, manuscript text, references, and table/figure legends), tables, of the version to be published.
and figures. Revised manuscripts should also be accompanied by a unique file 3. Structured Abstract and Keywords. An abstract of no more than 250 words.
(separate from the covering letter) with responses to reviewers’ comments. The abstract should state the purpose(s) of the study or investigation,
The preferred order of files is as follows: cover letter, suggested reviewers, basic procedures (selection of study subjects or laboratory animals,
response to reviews (revised manuscripts only), manuscript file(s), table(s), observational and analytical methods), main findings (give specific
figure(s). Files should be labeled with appropriate and descriptive file names data and their statistical significance, if possible), and the principal
(e.g., SmithText.doc, Fig1.eps, Table3.doc). Upload text, tables, and graphics conclusion. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study or
as separate files. Do not import figures or tables into the text document and observations. The following heading should be used in the abstract:
do not upload your text as a PDF. Complete instructions for electronic artwork Study Objective; Design: Setting: Participants; Interventions, Main
submission can be found at Outcome Measures; Results; and Conclusion.
The Cover letter must include a conflict of interest statement for all authors. Below the abstract, provide 3 to 10 keywords or short phrases to
Please either indicate the lack of conflict (i.e. nothing to disclose) or list assist in cross-indexing the article. Use terms from the medical subject
possible conflicts for each named author. Conflicts of Interest include heading (MeSH) list of Index Medicus, if possible.
financial or other relationships that could be perceived to influence the
4. Introduction. The introduction should contain a brief background and the
manuscript. If uncertain as to what might be considered a potential conflict
objective of the study and should acquaint the reader with the current
of interest, authors should err on the side of full disclosure.
state of knowledge in the area under investigation. References may be
The Editorial Office can be contacted at: Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, used. Do not include data or conclusions form the work being reported.
Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, The University
5. Materials and Methods. This section should contain a brief but adequate
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 300 Halket Street, Pittsburgh, PA
description of the experimental design, patients and/or animal models
15213-3180, USA. Phone (412) 641-1204; Fax (412) 641-1133. Email:
and controls and methods and procedures. Statistical evaluation with prior to submission to discuss alternate
appropriate reference should be included (see below).
options. The Publisher and Editors regret that they are not able to consider
submissions that do not follow these procedures. 6. Results. This section should be presented in a concise, easily understood
manner, which may necessitate use of figures and tables to illustrate detailed
Authors may send queries concerning the submission process manuscript
findings. Duplication of text and supporting material should be avoided.
status or journal procedures to the Editorial Office. Once the submission
files are uploaded the system automatically generates electronic (PDF) proof, 7. Discussion. The discussion should focus on the specific findings of the
which is then used for reviewing. All correspondence, including the Editor’s study, its interpretation and how the new information relates to what
decision and request for revisions, will be by e-mail. has been published previously. Repetition of material presented in the
Introduction or in Materials and Methods should be avoided. Implications
Previously published tables and illustrations must be referenced correctly, and
of the results and the limitation of interpretation should be included.
written permission from any copyright holders included with the manuscript.
Opinions should be limited to those indicated by the results obtained.
Ethics Interpretation of statistical analysis should be included in the Discussion.
All photographs of person must be accompanied by signed releases or 8. Illustrations. Figures should be submitted in black and white and
have all recognizable features masked. Manuscripts reporting on the numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance in the
results of experimental investigation on human subjects must included a manuscripts. Each figure must be accompanied by a descriptive
statement that informed consent was obtained after the procedure was fully legend. Type legends for illustrations double-spaced, starting on a
separate page, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations, Units of Measurement
identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Explain the Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in
internal scale and identify method of staining in photomicrographs. metric units (meter, kilogram or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures
9. Photographs. Any magnification must be clearly labeled in the legend. Color should be given in degrees Celsius and blood pressures in millimeters of
photographs are acceptable but must be paid for by the author. Cost to mercury. All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be
print color illustrations will be quoted by the publisher. reported in the metric systems in terms of the International System of Units (SI).
10. Tables. Type each table double-spaced on a separate sheet. Do not
submit tables as photographs. Number table consecutively in the order Abbreviations and Symbols
of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. Give Use only standard abbreviations as listed in the American Medical Associations
each column a short or abbreviated heading. Place explanatory matter Stylebook on Medical Writing. Avoid abbreviation in the title and abstract.
in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard The full term for which an abbreviation or acronym stands should recede its
abbreviations that are used in table. For footnotes use the following first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
designation in superscript: a,b,c,d,e,... Identify statistical measure of
variation such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Case Reports or Communications in Brief
Do not use internal horizontal and vertical rules. Be sure that each A case report is a brief description of a specific finding and management that
table is cited in the text. If you use data from another published or is unusual and instructive and not previously reported.
unpublished source obtain permission and acknowledge fully.
Text is limited to 1500 words, up to 8 references and up to 3 tables and/or
11. Statistical Analysis. The statistical methods used in the study should
figures. The case report should have a clear purpose and teaching point; simply
be appropriately referenced. Specify any general use computer
because it is the first case reported does not usually justify publication.
programs used. Put general descriptions of methods in the Method
section. When data are summarized in the Results section specify 1. Abstract: Case reports should have a structured abstract of no more
the statistical methods used to analyze them. Restrict tables and than 125 words, organized as follows:
figures to those needed to explain the argument of the paper and to • Background: importance of the subject matter and specific purpose of
assess its support. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with many the report
entries; do no duplicate data in graphs and tables: Avoid nontechnical • Case: Pertinent information regarding clinical findings, laboratory
uses of technical terms in statistics, such as “random,” “normal,” results, treatment and outcome
“significant,” “correlation,” and “sample.” Define statistical terms, • Summary and Conclusion: Findings and relevant clinical application of
abbreviation, and most symbols. information.
12. Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments of collaboration or preparation of
2. Headings: Case report articles have three basic components.
the manuscript may be included as a final page of the manuscript.
13. References. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in • Introduction: Brief background about why the case is important
which they appear in the manuscript and cited by superscript with no • Case: Should be narrative and include the essential findings and
parentheses. References are not to be listed alphabetically. All references patient management
must be cited in the text. References cited only in tables or in legends to • Summary and Conclusion: May include a brief review of the literature
figures should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established but should focus primarily on the clinical implications of the case(s)
by the first identification in the text of the particular table or illustration. presented.
References should be typed double-spaced, and journal names abbreviated Original Studies
according to the Index Medicus. Work in press should include journal
title, volume, year in which it is to appear or the publisher’s name and Text for Original Studies is limited to 3500 words.
year of a book. Unpublished data, personal communications, and papers Mini-Review
presented at annual meetings or symposia are not to be used. Types of
Mini-Reviews address a specific topic and represent literature review and
references with proper format and punctuation are listed below.
author opinions and recommendations. Mini-Review authors are invited by
Journal Articles the editorial board to submit a manuscript for peer-review. Text is not to
1. Jones J, Smith K, Allen P: Adolescent pelvic inflammatory disease. exceed 5000 words and a maximum of 10 tables (see Manuscript Format).
Adolesc Ped Gynecol 1986; 1:120
Letters to the Editor
Journal Articles, More than Three Authors Letters not exceeding 500 words and containing pertinent observations on
2. Petry J, McDonald R, Spevak P, et al: endometriosis in adolescent articles previously published in the journal or on research in general will be
patients. J Adolesc Health Care 1986; 2:109 considered. Letters should provide constructive criticism and information
Journal Articles, Online Ahead of Print that is of interest to the reader. When a specific article published in the
3. Gillespie L, Hicks, CW, Santana, M, et al: The Acceptability of Human journal is the topic of the letter, the senior author of the article will be asked
Papillomavirus Vaccine among Parents and Guardians of Newborn to to respond. The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten letters when
10-year-old Children. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. (2010). Doi:10.1016/ necessary to comply with journal style. All letters to the editor should be
j.jpag.2010.07.004 addressed to Mary Turner, Managing Editor, Magee-Womens Hospital, 300
Textbook Halket Street, Room 2309, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, Tel: 412-641-1204, Fax:
4. Golden D: Clinical Diagnosis in Pediatric Gynecology, New York, 412-641-1133, E-mail:
Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp 1-22
Video Clips
Chapter in Book
Authors are encouraged to submit videos to the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent
5. Scott R: Neuroendocrinological development in pubertal females. In:
Gynecology that support their article. Videos should be uploaded to http://
Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology, (2nd ed.). Edited by J Alexander. in a manuscript submission as a supplementary file.
Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1988, pp 108-142
This can be done in the same way as uploading a figure or table and other
Edited Book submission items in manuscript. The publisher will not edit any video
6. Gold A (ed): Molecular Biology as Applied to Adolescent Gynecology. submissions, but the editors or reviewers may suggest changes. All patient
Chicago, Yearbook Publishers, 1984, pp 57-89 identifying information must be removed or masked.   Detailed instructions
No Author Given on preparing videos for submission may be found at
7. Contraceptive use by teenagers (editorial). B Med J 1981; 283:628 artworkinstructions under “multimedia instructions.”
Issue with No Volume Checklist
8. Adams D: Chlamydia and pelvic inflammatory disease. Obstet Gynecol
1989;(3):353 -Cover letter including all information deemed necessary for the editor’s review.
Newspaper Article -Original manuscript arranged as follows: Title page, structured abstract,
9. Barry D: Infertility on increase. The Washington Post 1980 Aug 7; introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, references
Sec. A: 2(col. 5) listed consecutively, tables, illust rations and legends.
Audiovisual -Each reference cited in the text by superscript figures and numbered
10. Laparoscopic laser treatment of endometriosis (videorecording). consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.
Louisville (KY): University of Louisville School of Medicine, 1991. -Corresponding author identified, including address and phone numbers.

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