Iss TG 7 With Answers
Iss TG 7 With Answers
Iss TG 7 With Answers
There is one lesson plan for every unit in the Student Book,
including Thinking and Working Scientifically, Science in
Context, as well as Extension for the topic. Each lesson plan
suggests activities for use in the classroom linked to the topics
covered on the Student Book spread.
• Know that plants have roots, their diagrams and see how accurately they have labelled the parts. Students
EITHER label the plants correctly in ink (rubbing out their initial pencil notes)
• Explain observations that ask students to think about the different substances moving into and out of a
stems, leaves and flowers plants need water and light
OR answer Q2. to grow • Give students the task to write out the word summary equation and decorate it
• Challenge students to list as many ways as possible in which plants are to help fix it in their memory. Then students answer Q1.
important to humans. Then read through the section headed ‘Why are plants
important?’ with students – check whether they thought of all the uses listed
• Read through the paragraph about chloroplasts at the top of page. Make sure your
students are clear that not all plant cells contain chloroplasts. Any part of the plant
and discover if any of them thought of further uses. Give students as many that is not green, e.g. root cells, do not contain chloroplasts. The epidermis cells
specific examples of plant products and how they are used by people as that form a protective outer layer to the leaf do not contain chloroplasts – they are
possible, e.g. wood: building material, fuel, carving or jewellery, furniture, transparent to let the light through. Students answer Q2.
utensils. Extension • Students read through the final section about the ways in which plants use the
Extension Give students the challenge to products of photosynthesis and answer Q3.
Homework food using carbon dioxide and water and light energy captured by
Complete Q4 and/or Workbook b. light
page 3. carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
1.1 Student Book answers (reactants) chlorophyll (products)
Key word 2. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll; the green colour/pigment that traps
biomass light energy for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are also the site of most
1. As food; as part of the water cycle: as medicines; any other sensible points. of the reactions of photosynthesis. Without chloroplasts there is no
2. Draw the diagram with added flower and label to flower. Roots – anchor the plant and supply water and nutrients. photosynthesis.
Stem – supports plant. Leaves – capture energy from the Sun in photosynthesis. Flowers – reproduction. 3. For aerobic respiration/as a starch store/to make other molecules such as
3. Draw the diagram as given in the unit. proteins, etc.
4. Plants make their own biomass by photosynthesis and a lot of the biomass
on the Earth is plants. Most other organisms depend on eating plants, or
on eating animals that have eaten plants, to get their biomass – so directly
or indirectly all of their biomass also comes from plants. The mass of
decomposers also comes from breaking down plants or animals. So most
of the biomass on Earth comes from photosynthesis.
1 2
Each lesson plan begins with a reference to the pages of
the Student Book that it covers and a summary of their
Finishing each unit are the answers for all of the questions in
the Student Book for quick reference in the classroom.
2.11 The effect of exercise on pulse rate 29 6.2 Physical and chemical properties 64
7.4 How much salt is in the sea? 75 10.9 Acceleration and speed–time graphs 108
7.5 Chlorine and water 76 10.10 Presenting data from racing 109
7.6 Solubility 76 10.11 Review 110
7.7 Investigating solubility and temperature – 1 78
7.8 Investigating temperature and solubility – 2 79
11 Technology in Everyday Life
7.9 Factors affecting solubility 79
11.1 Technology in Everyday life 112
7.10 Review 80
9 Waves and energy Answers124
9.1 Introducing waves 90
9.2 Describing waves 91
9.3 Sound waves and how they travel 92
9.4 Detecting sounds 93
9.5i Loudness and amplitude 94
9.5ii Pitch and frequency 95
9.6 Hearing, decibels, and risk 96
9.7 Review 97
1.1 Objectives
• Explain the root and shoot system in plants and label different parts of leaf,
Plants system stem and root (external and internal structure).
• Predict the role of xylem and phloem in the transport of water and food in
Student Book plants by observing the cross section of the stem.
pages 2–3 Overview
This is the first lesson of ten in which students learn more about plants and the
Prior learning processes they carry out. Discover what your students remember from previous
grades for example, and on food chains and webs. One major focus of this lesson
• Know that plants have roots, is to reinforce the importance of plants to people. The other is to introduce the
stems, leaves and flowers importance of plant scientists and the impact they make on global health and
• Ask the students to draw and colour in the different parts of the plant and then
to add their names and notes on their functions in pencil.
• Read through ‘The structure of a plant’ with students and ask them to revisit
their diagrams and see how accurately they have labelled the parts. Students
EITHER label the plants correctly in ink (rubbing out their initial pencil notes)
OR answer Q2.
• Challenge students to list as many ways as possible in which plants are
important to humans. Then read through the section headed ‘Why are plants
important?’ with students – check whether they thought of all the uses listed
and discover if any of them thought of further uses. Give students as many
specific examples of plant products and how they are used by people as
possible, e.g. wood: building material, fuel, carving or jewellery, furniture,
Students complete Q3.
Workbook page 2 and questions 1 and 2 from the student book.
Key word
1.2 Objective
• Define the process of photosynthesis and derive word equation for it .
Photosynthesis Overview
This lesson continues directly from the previous unit. Students become familiar
Student Book with the basic biochemistry of photosynthesis, the importance of chloroplasts in
pages 4–5 the process and the way the products of photosynthesis are used. Students need
a clear understanding of photosynthesis and its importance to plants to achieve
the highest grades in IGCSE Biology, so a strong foundation built in this and the
Prior learning following lessons will help them do well both now and in the future.
• Explain observations that • Use a quick quiz to make sure that students remember the different ways in
which we use plants from the previous lesson.
plants need water and light
to grow • Remind students that – like aerobic respiration – photosynthesis is really lots
of chemical reactions that we simplify to one process at this stage of biology.
Read page 166 with students, pausing to discuss and explain the different
aspects of photosynthesis given in the text. Look at image in the spread and
ask students to think about the different substances moving into and out of a
• Give students the task to write out the word summary equation and decorate it
to help fix it in their memory. Then students answer Q1.
• Read through the paragraph about chloroplasts at the top of page. Make sure your
students are clear that not all plant cells contain chloroplasts. Any part of the plant
that is not green, e.g. root cells, do not contain chloroplasts. The epidermis cells
that form a protective outer layer to the leaf do not contain chloroplasts – they are
transparent to let the light through. Students answer Q2.
Extension • Students read through the final section about the ways in which plants use the
Give students the challenge to products of photosynthesis and answer Q3.
remember the word equation for
aerobic respiration and compare
• Give students the classwork to answer Q4.
1.3 Objectives
• Define the process of photosynthesis.
Evidence for • Explain that the structure of a leaf is adapted for photosynthesis.
testing for This lesson helps students develop to their skills in Thinking and working
starch scientifically.
This is a good opportunity for students to carry out practical work themselves,
TWS as well as evaluating different practical methods described. Relatively little
apparatus is needed if you provide your students with boiling water from a
Student Book kettle rather than them boiling water using a Bunsen burner. An alternative is to
demonstrate the basic technique of testing a leaf for starch. Forward planning
pages 6–7 is required to have one plant in a dark cupboard for at least 3 days before the
lesson, and another plant in light for at least 12 hours before the lesson.
Prior learning This is a valuable opportunity to demonstrate to students how different types
• EITHER give students starch and let them carry out a practical technique
themselves OR demonstrate the practical technique given to the class.
• Bring the class together and discuss how the basic technique – testing a leaf
for the presence of starch as a sign that photosynthesis has taken place – can
be used to demonstrate what a plant requires to photosynthesise successfully.
Students answer Q1, producing a flow diagram of the practical technique.
Students write a paragraph to explain why it is much harder to demonstrate
that plants need carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis than that they
need light and chlorophyll. [You can remove carbon dioxide from the air around
the leaf but can’t stop the leaves making carbon dioxide as the cells respire, so
they always have some carbon dioxide; plant cells contain lots of water and if a
plant has no water input it will wilt and die, so you can’t investigate the effect of
removing water].
Workbook page 4 and the questions in the spread.
1.3 Student Book answers
1. Take a leaf from a test plant → place it in boiling water for up to a minute (to remove waterproof covering/break open
cells) → turn off heat → remove leaf from boiling water → place leaf in test tube of ethanol → place test tube of ethanol
in beaker of hot water (ethanol boils/removes green colour from leaf) → remove pale, stiff leaf from ethanol → dip leaf
into hot water (to soften) → spread leaf on white tile → add a few drops of iodine solution (to test for starch) → if starch
is present, turns blue-black.
2. a. Plants turn some of the glucose they make during photosynthesis into starch in their leaves to use when they are
in the dark. It takes two to three days to use up these starch stores. By using plants that have been kept in the dark,
students know that any starch they find in their tests is the result of photosynthesis during their investigation.
b. Salma: i. Whether chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis.
ii. Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis.
iii. Any two from these or any other sensible point: using a plant that has been kept in the dark, using a
variegated leaf, leaving the plant in the light for 24 hours, using the iodine test for starch.
iv. Use more than one leaf of each type; use green and white leaves instead of green and pink leaves; try
several different types of variegated leaves; any other sensible point.
Dina: i. Whether light is needed for photosynthesis.
ii. Light is needed for photosynthesis.
iii. Any two from these or any other sensible point: using a plant that has been kept in the dark, covering
part of a leaf with foil/card so the light couldn’t reach it, leaving the plant in the light for 24 hours, using
the iodine test for starch.
iv. Partly cover more than one leaf; completely cover some leaves; use more than one plant; any other
sensible point.
Abdul: i. Whether carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis.
ii. CO2 is needed for photosynthesis.
iii. Any two from these or any other sensible point: using a plant that has been kept in the dark, removing
the carbon dioxide from around one leaf, using the iodine test for starch.
iv. Use more than one leaf of each type; use green and white leaves instead of green and pink leaves; try
several different types of variegated leaves; any other sensible point.
1.4 Objective
• Define the process of photosynthesis and derive word equations for it.
Evidence for Overview
photosynthesis: This lesson helps students to develop their skills in Thinking and working scientifically.
oxygen bubbles It is good opportunity for practical work with your students or a practical
demonstration that requires very little apparatus. The Student Book provides a
version of the practical and results for students to manipulate. Students already
TWS know that plants need light for photosynthesis. In this lesson, they investigate
the link between light intensity and the rate of photosynthesis. This follows up on
earlier work on the need for different techniques to investigate different aspects
Student Book of the same process. It also introduces the limitations of the iodine test for starch
pages 8–9 as a way of assessing the rate of photosynthesis.
• Ask students whether they think a plant would photosynthesise faster in bright
light or dim light. Ask what the term ‘rate of photosynthesis’ means. Encourage
students to suggest ways in which the rate of photosynthesis might be measured.
Prior learning • Discuss problems using the iodine test for starch in measuring the rate of
photosynthesis and point out its limitations – especially the fact that the plant
• Plants need energy from leaves have to be killed before you can test them. Students then read the
light for growth section headed ‘Evidence for photosynthesis’
• Read through the section headed ‘Does light intensity affect the rate of
photosynthesis?’ to the end of the method.
• EITHER give students a chance to create a table in their notebooks and fill in
the sections headed Apparatus, Method and Prediction.
Students carry out the practical as described and complete the results table.
They use this data to plot a line graph, drawing conclusions and evaluating
what they have done.
• OR give students a chance to discuss the practical and get them to consider
the variables involved. Carry out the experiment as a Students use the
data from your investigation or the data in the unit to complete their table,
displaying the results on a line graph, drawing conclusions and evaluating
what they have done.
• OR students read through the section headed ‘Does light intensity affect the rate
of photosynthesis?’ to the end of page and complete the questions. In this option,
make sure that students have the opportunity to see a sample of pond weed
bubbling oxygen in a light source so they understand how the practical works.
• End with a brief plenary summarising the conclusions that can be drawn from
the results and the limitations of these conclusions.
Workbook page 5 and question in the spread.
Key word
light intensity
0 2 4 6 8 10
distance of plant from lamp (cm)
2. The graph shows that the numbers of bubbles produced per minute by the plant decreases as the plant is moved
further away from the lamp.
3. That light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis, and the rate of photosynthesis increases as the light intensity
4. To measure the temperature of the water in the beaker around the test tube containing the experimental pond
weed. It is important because temperature might affect the rate of photosynthesis so it is a variable which must be
5. a. Any two from: Giving the plant time to adjust to the changes in light intensity; measuring the distance from the lamp
accurately; controlling the temperature of the water so it stays the same throughout; any other sensible points.
b. Keep the pondweed in the dark before starting the experiment; control the amount of carbon dioxide available
to the plant in the water; repeat the investigation more times/with different pieces of pond weed; any other
sensible suggestions.
1.5 Objective
• Describe the process of respiration and write word equations for it. Compare
Aerobic and contrast the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
respiration in Overview
animals and In this lesson, you explore the process of aerobic respiration with students. This is
an excellent opportunity to make sure that your students have remembered and
plants understood work on the characteristics of living organisms and the functions of
cell structures from previous grade. They apply and extend this knowledge and
Student Book understanding as you explain the importance of the process of aerobic respiration
pages 10–11 in cells. Understanding cellular respiration is key both for understanding the need
for gas exchange systems and for later study in IGCSE Biology.
Prior learning
• Identify and describe the • Look at the images in the Student Book. Ask students to name other examples
functions of mitochondria of living organisms and ask for the seven characteristics of life.
• Describe the seven • Explain to students that cells need energy to do work – from muscle cells
characteristics of living contracting to building the chemicals needed for the body to function.
organisms Demonstrate burning sugar in air, using appropriate safety precautions, or
show a video clip. This is uncontrolled energy release. Discuss with students
the need for cells to release energy in a controlled way.
• Read through the section on aerobic respiration. Write the word summary on
the board and talk about all of the substances with your students: glucose,
oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. Make sure that students know what each of
them is – a sugar, a gas from the air, etc., and where it comes from. They should
also learn that carbon dioxide is toxic and must be removed from the cells.
• Ask students to name the part of a cell where aerobic respiration takes place
– some will remember the mitochondria. Remind students that both animal
and plant cells have mitochondria. Students read through the text and answer
questions 1–4.
Students should show awareness of cells that use a lot of energy, e.g. muscle
cells, heart muscle cells, cells in growing regions of bones or skin of young
children, growing shoots of plants, forming fruits and tissues/cells with low
energy demands, e.g. fat cells, starch storage cells in plant roots or stems, areas
where little growth takes place, ageing tissue. Give extra credit where students
include plant examples.
Workbook page 6.
Key words
oxygen, glucose, aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide, water
1.5 Student Book answers
1. Aerobic respiration.
2. Mitochondria
3. a. Glucose + oxygen --respiration--> carbon dioxide + Water + energy
(reactants) (products)
b. Sunlight
4. Carbon dioxide + water -------------> glucose + oxygen
(reactants) chlorophyll (products)
5. Encourage students to recollect information from spread 1.2 and compare with the information of the current spread
1.5 and then collate information in tabular form.
1.6 Objective
• Know that plants require minerals to maintain healthy growth and life
The need for processes (limited to magnesium to make chlorophyll and nitrates to make
Student Book This lesson introduces students to the mineral requirements of plants. It is a
pages 12–13 good opportunity to revisit the mineral requirements of people/animals to help
students to understand that all living things face similar problems and often
solve them in similar ways. This lesson is an opportunity for a practical exercise
which requires at least two-weeks’ observation – students can set it up in this
lesson and revisit it before the end of the topic OR you can set it up at least two
weeks before the lesson and demonstrate it on the day.
• Before the lesson, test students’ knowledge and understanding of the
importance of mineral salts in the human diet.
• Read through to the end of the section on ‘The need for minerals’. Discuss
the importance of nitrates and magnesium to plants. Challenge students to
recognise the similarity between the need for iron in humans and the need for
magnesium in plants. Students answer questions 1 and 2.
• EITHER: Students set up the practical and revisit their plants every lesson
for the next two weeks or more. OR: Set up the practical two or three
weeks before this lesson. During the lesson, demonstrate the experimental
procedure/get students to set up the experimental procedure and then
produce plants that have been growing in the different solutions for several
weeks, so that students can observe the results and complete the worksheet
in this lesson. They can also observe their own investigations over time.
• Work through the final section ‘Where do plants get their minerals from?’ with
students. If possible, bring a leguminous plant into the lesson to demonstrate
the root nodules. Students answer Q3.
• Draw the lesson together with a quick review of what has been learned and tell
students that they will be using their knowledge and understanding from this
lesson in the next one when they look at fertilisers.
Students research other mineral requirements of plants, e.g. phosphates,
Workbook page 7
Key words
minerals, nitrates, magnesium, mineral deficiency, legumes
1.7 Objective
• Plants need minerals to maintain healthy growth and life processes.
The use of Overview
fertilisers This lesson helps students to develop their understanding of Science in context.
It gives your students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding
of the mineral requirements of plants to the global use of fertilisers to improve crop
SIC yields. Draw on local experience of fertilizer use – which may be mainly artificial,
mainly natural or a mixture of both – in your discussions. Help your students make
Student Book connections between the chemistry about non-metals, gases, inert elements and
chemical reactions and their biology, by introducing the Haber–Bosch reaction and
pages 14–15 its importance in making fertilisers from the nitrogen in the air. If students develop
the ability to apply what they learn in each science to the other sciences they learn
during their lower secondary course, they will have a big advantage when they
tackle IGCSE science courses.
• Students discuss the difference between plants growing wild and farmed crop
plants before reading the first two paragraphs of page 14.
• Read through with students the section headed ‘What are fertilisers’. Make
time for questions and discussion about any fertilisers students are familiar
Key words with – on local farms, in gardens or for house plants. Take the opportunity
to discover whether students have any information about compost and
natural fertilisers, manure, decomposers. Students answer questions 1 and 2.
artificial fertilisers
• Read through the rest of pages with students. Stop to talk about each
paragraph in turn, and make sure that students recognise the huge benefits
fertilisers have brought to people. Ask questions such as:
– Nitrogen is a relatively inert gas – what does this mean?
– Nitrogen and hydrogen are both non-metals – what does this mean?
– Nitrogen and hydrogen are gases – what does this tell you about their
• Discuss the value of applying the science of Haber’s reaction to the industrial
process developed by Bosch, using the data in spread to support your case.
Students answer Q3 and Q4.
• Remind the students to use their knowledge and understanding of the mineral
requirements of plants and the importance of fertilisers and apply it to new
information they are given.
Ask students to investigate the Haber–Bosch process and write a paragraph
about how the process works.
Workbook page 8.
1.8 Objective
• Predict the role of xylem and phloem in the transport of water and food in
Water and plants by observing the cross section of the stem.
mineral Overview
transport in In this lesson, you will introduce your students to the basic processes in the
movement of water from the soil to the leaves through the plant. This is the
plants basic transpiration stream. Knowledge of the factors affecting transpiration are
required in IGCSE. Here the focus is on the basic plant structures involved in the
Student Book movement of water through the plant – root hairs, xylem and stomata – and their
pages 16–17 functions. Give students the opportunity to observe these different parts of the
plant if possible. This requires preparation – setting up cress seeds to germinate,
placing celery or other stems in water containing ink or food colouring several
days before the lesson and painting the underside of leaves with nail varnish. If
Prior learning
students develop a clear understanding of the basic principles of the movement
• Explain observations that of water and mineral salts through a plant, they will grasp more complex aspects
plants need water to grow of the transpiration stream more easily when they meet it in IGCSE Biology.
• Know that water is taken
in through the roots and
transported through the stem
• Ask students why plants need water, and where they get the water from.
Ask them about the mineral needs of plants too and how the minerals are
• Read the first three paragraphs with your students, to the end of ‘Getting
water into the plant’. Ask students to recall specialised plant cells.
• Read through the section ‘Transporting water and minerals around the
plant’ with your students. do the sectioning of the stems as a demonstration,
showing students the dyed xylem tubes up the stem.
• Read through the section headed ‘Leaving the plant’ before carrying out the
practical. Alternatively, demonstrate looking at the stomata on the varnish
peel and project the microscope image for students to see.
• Students work through the Thinking and working scientifically box – ask them
why the idea of dipping one of the celery stems in wax is so useful.
• Use the key points as a summary with students of the learning in this lesson.
Students draw and annotate their own diagram and use any remaining time to
answer some or all of questions 1–3.
Students complete questions 1–3 and then think about and answer Q4.
Workbook page 9.
Key words
transpiration stream, stomata
1.8 Student Book answers
1. Roots have root hair cells – microscopic hairs that increase the surface area for water to move in. Soil water moves into
the root hair cells by diffusion into the xylem tubes in the root.
2. Mineral salts move into the roots dissolved in the soil water.
3. a. Holes found on the underside of leaves through which gas exchange takes place. They can be opened and closed
by the guard cells.
b. Water evaporates from the cells in the leaf and moves out by diffusion through the stomata.
4. Plants lose water through their leaves by transpiration. Water is pulled up through the plant from the soil in the
transpiration stream. On cool days, the plant transpires and there is enough water in the soil to replace it. On hot days,
more evaporation takes place so more transpiration takes place; there is not enough water in the soil to replace it. The
cells of the plant do not get enough water and so they cannot support the plant and it wilts.
1.9 Objectives
• Investigate the phenomena of transpiration and its importance in a plant.
Factors • Explore natural raise of water based on the principle of transpiration.
affecting Overview
transpiration This lesson is a continuation from the previous lesson on transpiration. In the
lesson, you will guide the students towards a more in-depth understanding of
factors affecting transpiration. Ensure they understand that the factors that
Student Book increase the rate of evaporation or increase the rate of
pages 18–19
photosynthesis will increase the rate of transpiration. These factors include wind
(air flow), temperature, light and humidity, and they are strong enough to raise
water above the ground level. Finally, students are introduced to the working and
Prior learning
function of a potometer.
• understand the importance
of transpiration in a plant.
• Begin the lesson by reviewing the process of transpiration and its importance
with the students. Elicit what they remember from the TWS experiment
discussed in the book.
• Introduce (using the unit text) the factors that increase the rate of
transpiration. Detail how these factors: wind (air flow), temperature, light,
and humidity, are strong enough to raise water above ground level. You can
encourage students to set up an experiment to visualise movement of water
through xylem due to transpiration.
• Indifferent
order to set up the experiment, ask the students how they can set up
conditions for air flow, tempurature, light and humidity, keeping
other conditions constant or same. Once you have set up four such
experimental stations, begin by taking cabbage or celery leaves (their ends
should be intact) and place them in clear containers filled with water. Add
a few drops of food coloring in the water and let the leaves sit for 8 hours or
overnight. Observe how the veins of the leaves are colored, starting from the
bottom to the top.
• Ask students to share their observations with the class. Discuss the role of
xylem in water transportation in plants through this demonstration. Ensure
that the students understand that factors that increase the rate of evaporation
or increase the rate of photosynthesis will increase the rate of transpiration.
• Finally, if possible, show the students the working of a potometer.
Alternatively, you can show them a video showing the function and use of a
potometer. Or you can use the information in the students’ book to discuss
how a potometer doesn’t actually measure the rate at which water evaporates
from the leaves of a plant. Rather it measures the rate at which the plant takes
up water. Ask the students why these two measurements are considered to be
the same.
Questions from the student book spread and workbook page 10.
Key words
ground tissue, epidermis, xylem, phloem, vascular bundle stem, roots, leaves,
root hair, stomata, cuticle, cortex, humidity, photosynthesis, respiration,
1.10 Objective
• Predict the role of the xylem and phloem in transport of food and water by
Xylem, phloem observing the cross section of the stem.
and plant pests Overview
Student Book In this extension lesson, students look in more detail at the transport tissues in
plants, learning more about transport in the phloem vessels. This moves their
pages 20–21 basic studies towards the more detailed work on the xylem and phloem that are
part of IGCSE Biology. Plant pests and diseases are the context for this lesson.
This provides students with an interesting insight into why plant biology is so
important. If possible, bring in a plant infected with aphids to show students as
part of the lesson.
• Have a brief discussion with students about the problems of plant pests and
plant diseases both locally and globally. Help them to understand both the
loss of crop plants and the loss of ecosystems from plant diseases.
Prior learning • Remind students that they have mainly focused on the transport of water
and mineral salts from the soil up through plants in the xylem. Help them to
• Know that plants have roots, understand that plants need to move the glucose they make in photosynthesis
leaves, stems and flowers to all parts of the plants to provide the fuel for cellular respiration. Read ‘Sugar
• Explain observations that transport in plants’ with.
plants need water and light
to grow
• Depending on the abilities of your students and where you feel they need
the most practice, give students EITHER the task of drawing diagrams of
• Know that water is taken the different tissues OR a piece of free writing with diagrams describing the
structure and functions of the two transport tissues in plants, discussing the
in through the roots and
transported through the stem similarities and differences between them.
• Know that plants need • Introduce the idea that many plant pests attack the transport systems
healthy roots, leaves and of plants, especially the phloem and ask students why. Read ‘Targeting
stems to grow well transport’ down to the bottom of page. If you have a plant infected with
aphids, let students look at it and see how the insects attack the plant.
Students carry out independent research and write a short report comparing the
spread of plant diseases by pests such as aphids and human diseases such as
malaria spread by mosquitoes.
Workbook page 11.
Student Book
pages 22–23
Student Book answers
1 a Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own biomass/food using carbon
dioxide and water and light energy captured by chlorophyll.
b light
carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen [3]
(reactants) chlorophyll (products)
Carbon dioxide gets into the leaf from respiration in the cells and diffusion from the air
through the stomata.
Water enters the root hair cells by diffusion from soil water and is transported up the plant in
the xylem to the photosynthesising cells in the leaves.
c Oxygen is used by the plant cells for aerobic respiration and the rest is lost through the [10]
stomata in the leaves by diffusion.
Some of the glucose is used directly by the cells for aerobic respiration, some is converted
to starch to store energy, some is used to build other molecules such as proteins, and some
is transported around the plant to all of the other cells to use.
i. No – root hair cells have no chloroplasts and they are not exposed to light.
ii. Y es – the light needed for photosynthesis is captured by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts [3]
d when there is plenty
of light. [2]
iii. No – chloroplasts are still there but there is no light for them to capture
2 The pond weed photosynthesised in the light. It absorbed carbon dioxide from the water
a and used it in photosynthesis. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the water fell so the [2]
indicator turned purple.
The pondweed did not photosynthesise in the dark, so it did not remove any carbon
dioxide from the water.
d [3]
It respires all the time, in the light and the dark, so in the dark it added carbon dioxide to
the water from respiration and the indicator changed colour.
3 a He collects the gas produced by the plant in a measuring cylinder. [1]
volume of oxygen collected (cm3/day)
b [5]
0 1 2 3 4
distance from window (m)
The closer the plant is to the light of the window, the more oxygen is produced – indicating
c that more photosynthesis is happening. So the greater the light intensity, the more [3]
photosynthesis takes place.
ny two sensible suggestions, e.g. temperature of water, amount of carbon dioxide in the
d [2]
water, the size of the piece of pondweed.
4 a Does a plant need carbon dioxide to photosynthesise? [1]
To use up any starch it has stored in its leaves, so the presence of starch can be used to
b [2]
indicate photosynthesis has taken place in the investigation.
Take the two experimental leaves from the plant and drop them into boiling water to
remove the waterproof layer and break open the cells.
• Turn off the heat. Take the leaves from the boiling water.
c • Place the leaves in a test tube of ethanol and put the test tube into the hot water. The [6]
ethanol will boil and the green colour will come out of the leaves.
• Remove the white leaves from the ethanol and dip them into hot water to soften them.
• Spread the leaves on a white tile and add a few drops of iodine solution to each.
Leaf B (from the bag containing lots of carbon dioxide) will turn the iodine blue–black.
It has been photosynthesising and contains starch. Leaf A (from the bag with no carbon
d [5]
dioxide) cannot photosynthesise so it has no starch in its leaves and has no effect on the
iodine which stays yellow–brown.
5 a The amount of minerals available to the plants. [1]
Minerals are absorbed into the roots of plants from the soil, dissolved in the soil water.
b They get into the plant through the root hair cells. They move into the xylem and are [4]
transported up the plant to all the cells in the transpiration stream.
i. Magnesium is needed to make chlorophyll which is the green colour in plants. If a plant
lacks magnesium, it can’t make chlorophyll and this affects the colour of the leaves
ii. Chlorophyll captures light energy for photosynthesis. If a plant lacks magnesium it [5]
cannot make the chlorophyll it needs, so it cannot capture as much light energy. Less [1]
photosynthesis takes place, so less food is made and so the plants do not grow as
quickly as those that have plenty of magnesium.
6 a Xylem [1]
I t is a dead tissue comprising tubes that go from the roots to the leaves and buds; it carries
b [3]
water (and dissolved minerals) up the plant from the roots to the leaves.
c It was put in plain water/it had the end sealed up, e.g. by wax, before it was put in the ink. [2]
7 a. iii, b. i, c. iii, d. i. [4]
2.1 Objective
• Explain that living organisms have a complex transport system for the transfer
Human of various solids, liquids and gases across the body.
Respiratory Overview
and Circulatory This spread prepares the ground for work on the respiratory system and gas
exchange by introducing students to the concept of diffusion in the context of
System biology (they may have studied in chemistry so it is helpful to discuss this with
their chemistry teacher). Diffusion is a key concept in many biological systems at
Student Book IGCSE, so making sure that students have a basic understanding of the principles
now is time well spent. It is important to avoid misconceptions about diffusion –
pages 24–25 for example, the movement of the particles is RANDOM – they do not deliberately
move to areas of high concentration.
Extension Activities
Students chose one example of
diffusion in the natural world and • Begin the lesson with an experiment. Stand in front of your class and tell
students that you are going to squirt perfume/aftershave/air freshener
explain how it works through a
somewhere in the class. Students should all close their eyes and raise their
series of annotated diagrams.
hand when they can smell the perfume. Once they have raised their hands,
they can open their eyes and watch what happens with the rest of the class.
Homework This is a practical demonstration of diffusion.
Workbook page 12.
• Question students to get an understanding of how well they understand
diffusion from their chemistry lessons if appropriate.
Key words • Set up an experiment on your desk – take a beaker of water and drop a crystal
diffusion, net, concentration of potassium manganate (VII) into it. Leave it for diffusion to take place
gradient throughout the lesson. Look at it with students and discuss what it happening
several times throughout the lesson.
• Read through page 88 with students and discuss the process. Emphasise that
the movement of the particles is random but that the particles will always end
up spreading out from where there are a lot of them to where there are fewer.
Make sure that students understand that diffusion only takes place in fluids –
liquids and gases.
• Read the rest of the unit with students who then answer questions 1–3.
• Students complete a Thinking and working scientifically activity – students draw
diagrams to show the particles spreading by diffusion in the beaker of water
and potassium manganate (VII). They then evaluate the model, discussing its
strengths (e.g. it helps you to visualise what is happening when the particles
are too small to see) and weaknesses (e.g. what fills the space between the
particles/the particles are too big and there aren’t enough of them, etc.).
• Students attempt Q4 and keep their answers for later in this series of lessons.
2.2 Objective
• Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Aerobic and Overview
anaerobic In this lesson, you will be introducing students to the key principles about
respiration respiration that they will need to understand for IGCSE Biology. These include:
Defining anaerobic respiration as the chemical reactions in cells that break down
Student Book nutrient molecules and release energy for metabolism without using oxygen.
pages 26–27 Stating the word equation for respiration in muscles during vigorous exercise
(glucose → lactic acid).
Knowing that anaerobic respiration releases much less energy per glucose
molecule than aerobic respiration.
• Begin by introducing students to the word summary equation for aerobic
respiration. Explain to them that cells need plenty of oxygen to carry out
aerobic respiration and ask students how the oxygen gets to the cells (in the
• Students read through the section titled ‘Respiration without oxygen’. Discuss
the problems of respiring without oxygen and the production of lactic acid.
Help students to understand that breaking down many glucose molecules
provides the body with the energy it needs when there is not enough oxygen
for aerobic respiration, but this is inefficient.
• Students work through a simple exercise, where students feel their muscles
tire and ache a little as they are forced to respire anaerobically. Students use
their results to draw a graph which demonstrates that the muscles continue to
work for some time without oxygen, by respiring anaerobically, but eventually
they will not contract any more.
• Students read about lactic acid. Explain how lactic acid builds up in the
muscles during anaerobic respiration and how the body needs more oxygen
once exercise stops to break down the lactic acid. Discuss the benefits of
training in developing a better blood supply to the muscles – this delivers
more oxygen so it takes longer for anaerobic respiration to be required, and it
gives a faster recovery as more oxygen reaches muscles to break down lactic
acid once exercise stops.
Workbook page 13.
Key words
anaerobic respiration, lactic acid
2.2 Student Book answers
1. Anaerobic respiration
2. e.g.
Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
needs oxygen does not need oxygen
waste product: carbon dioxide waste product: lactic acid
a lot of energy per molecule of glucose less energy per molecule of glucose
happens all the time only happens for short bursts, e.g. when exercising hard
3. Sometimes cells do not have enough oxygen to carry out aerobic respiration but they still need energy. Anaerobic
respiration makes it possible to release some energy from food even with very little or no oxygen.
4. When Amir is running, his muscles do not get enough oxygen and use anaerobic respiration. This causes a build-up
of lactic acid. Lactic acid is the waste product of anaerobic respiration. When he stops running, his body needs extra
oxygen to break down the lactic acid in his muscles. He keeps breathing faster for several minutes to supply the extra
oxygen needed to break down the lactic acid which built up when he was running OR Once the lactic acid has been
broken down, Amir’s breathing returns to normal.
2.3 Objectives
The lungs and • Describe the role and function of major organs in the human respiratory
system including trachea, lungs and alveoli (air sacs).
gas exchange
• Trace the path of air in and out of the body, and how the oxygen it contains is
used during the process of respiration.
Student Book
pages 28–29 Overview
In this lesson, you move your students away from aerobic and anaerobic
respiration taking place in the cells and introduce the major organ system of
Prior learning the lungs. Students commonly get very confused by respiration and breathing.
• Use scientific names and This isn’t helped by the term ‘human respiratory system’! It is helpful to talk
position of some of the major about the gas exchange system instead. This lesson is a great opportunity to
organs in the body make sure that your students are clear about the difference. If you can avoid
• Describe the main functions misconceptions and confusion during their current course, it will help students
do well later in their IGCSE Biology.
of some of the major organs
and explain how they are
essential Activities
• Begin by asking students what their cells need for aerobic respiration and
what they produce during aerobic respiration. Then pose the problem that
cells need oxygen but they are deep inside your body, and they produce lots
of carbon dioxide which is poisonous – how do they get the oxygen they need
and get rid of the poisonous carbon dioxide before it kills them?
• Look at the spread with your students. If possible, have a large version of
human respiratory system on the board. Look at the diagram and read
through the text about each of the areas of the gas exchange system. Explain
to your students how the structure of each area is closely related to its
function in the body.
• Students answer Q1. Then they EITHER answer Q2 OR do draw and label the
diagram of the human respiratory system – they can also colour it in if they
have time.
• Students answer Q3. This reinforces their knowledge and understanding of key
biological terms and structures.
Workbook page 14.
Key words
respiratory system, gas exchange, gas exchange system, mouth, nose, trachea,
bronchus (bronchi), alveolus (alveoli), pleura, diaphragm
2.4 Objective
• Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
respiration Overview
This lesson helps students to develop their skills in Thinking and working
TWS It provides examples of three different investigations using the presence
of carbon dioxide to demonstrate that aerobic respiration has taken place.
Student Book Students are asked to evaluate the different methods, looking for strengths and
pages 30–31 weaknesses in the experimental designs.
• Begin by asking students to remember the equation for aerobic respiration.
Talk to them about the use of indicators in science and explain that the change
in colour of limewater indicates the presence of carbon dioxide. Discuss the
important features to look for in investigations.
from clear to cloudy. Comment on the hazard symbol on the bottle of
limewater and remind students of the importance of safety in practical work.
Alternatively, give students the opportunity to try this for themselves.
• You could also demonstrate that if you keep breathing through limewater it
eventually turns clear again – one weakness in the investigation.
• Ifinto
there is time, give students a challenge to either carry out an investigation
their own carbon dioxide production or asks them to explain how a piece
of apparatus might be used to do that.
Students plan an investigation to show that people breathe out more carbon
dioxide after exercise that they do at rest.
Workbook page 15
2.5 Objectives
• Differentiate between the processes of respiration and breathing.
Breathing • Trace the path of air in and out of the body and how the oxygen it contains is
used during the process of respiration.
Student Book
pages 32–33 Overview
In this lesson, students learn the difference between breathing, aerobic respiration
and gas exchange. Three common misconceptions are:
Prior learning
• We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
• Use scientific names and
• The lungs suck air in and squeeze air out when we breathe.
position of some of the
major organs in the body • The lungs are like a pair of balloons.
• Describe the main functions Taking the time to get these concepts clearly differentiated and fully understood to
give the students the ideal foundation for their IGCSE Biology studies. This lesson
of some of the major organs
and explain how they are also gives you the opportunity to revisit TWS ideas on the use and evaluation of
essential models.
• Begin by asking students for their ideas about what breathing is, why they
breathe and what happens when they breathe. Note down their ideas.
• Do a class exercise to calculate resting mean breath rate, with you controlling
the timing. Each student should end up with their own mean resting breathing
• Read the paragraphs headed ‘Why do we breathe?’ and spend some time
looking at the pie charts showing the composition of inhaled and exhaled air
with students. Emphasise that both the air we breathe in and the air we breathe
out are a mixture of gases. It is simply the proportions of the gases that change.
Students could use the data from the pie charts to show the same information
as bar charts to practise data manipulation. Students complete Q1.
• Students can feel their own rib cages rise and fall as they breathe in and out.
Talk through the stages of inhaling and exhaling and let students relate the
changes to the movements of their own rib cages as they breathe. Students
make notes and draw diagrams.
• Iflook
possible, demonstrate the bell jar model of the lungs shown. If not, simply
at the images in the text. Point out that it allows them to see the effect of
Key words the movements of the diaphragm. Ask students for advantages and limitations
of this model. Students answer Q2.
inhale, exhale, intercostal muscles
• Students to reinforce their knowledge of the structures of the respiratory system
and how it works. They explore the strengths and weakness of the different
diagrams and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the bell jar model of the
chest and lungs.
Workbook page 16.
2.5 Student Book answers
1. a. Aerobic respiration uses oxygen to break down glucose into carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy in a
controlled way to be used by the cells.
Breathing moves air into and out of the lungs, bringing oxygen into the body for respiration and removing waste
carbon dioxide.
b. Oxygen content of inhaled air: 21% oxygen
Oxygen content of exhaled air: 16%
21 − 16 = 5%
2. a. Muscles between your ribs contract pulling your ribcage up and out → muscles of the diaphragm contract pulling it
down and flat → volume of chest increases → pressure inside chest decreases → air forced into the lungs.
b. Muscles between your ribs relax so your ribcage moves down and in → muscles of the diaphragm relax so it moves
up and dome shaped → volume of chest decreases → pressure inside chest increases → air forced out of the lungs.
3. a. In the bell jar model, the balloons represent the lungs, the rubber sheet is the diaphragm and the bell jar is the
Breathing in: The rubber sheet is pulled down. The volume inside the bell jar increases, the pressure decreases and
air is forced into the balloons so they inflate.
Breathing out: The rubber sheet is pushed up, the volume inside the jar decreases, the pressure increases and air is
forced out of the balloons.
b. e.g. The lungs are not like balloons – they are like sponges. Each balloon is more like a single alveolus.
The walls of the jar cannot move – the ribs are moved up and down by the muscles changing the volume of the
The diaphragm at rest is a domed structure – the rubber sheet is flat so the changes in volume are not as clear.
The diaphragm is made of muscle which contracts – it does not have to be pulled down or pushed up.
Any other sensible point.
2.6 Objective
The structure of
the alveoli
• Describe the role and function of major organs in the human respiratory
system including trachea, lungs and alveoli (air sacs).
Student Book In this lesson, students focus on the process of gas exchange in the alveoli. You
pages 34–35 have built up their knowledge and understanding of diffusion, the structure of the
respiratory system, the process of aerobic respiration and the mechanics of breathing.
You have also thought about the use of scientific models. Now you bring all of these
elements together to enable students to understand the key process in the respiratory
system – gas exchange in the alveoli. Emphasise the relationship between structure
and function, and the importance of a large surface area for diffusion – both key
principles that students will need to grasp to do well in IGCSE Biology.
• Ask students to describe diffusion, aerobic respiration and breathing.
• Explain to students that they will now find out how oxygen gets from the lungs
to the cells, and how waste carbon dioxide is transported from the cells and
removed into the air. This is the function of the alveoli.
• Look at the first paragraph with your students, and discuss the structure of the
lungs. If possible, bring in a kitchen or bath sponge cut open to show the many
tiny air spaces. Ask students to consider the strengths and weaknesses of this
model of the lung tissue.
• Read through the section on ‘Gas exchange and the structure of the alveoli’,
Look at the diagrams with students, and talk about the relationships between
the structure of the alveoli and their function. You could peel a large potato/
yam and several small potatoes/yams to show students that the surface area
(amount of peel) is much greater from several small ‘spheres’ than from one
large one. This is a clear, physical demonstration of this important principle.
• Ask students how the structure of each alveolus is adapted to its function
of gas exchange. They should use their Student Books to support this
activity. Alternatively, students answer questions 1–3. This demands a good
understanding of the sequence of events during gas exchange in the alveoli
and how it links to events in the cells and breathing air in and out of the lungs.
• Read through the final paragraphs under ‘COPD and the alveoli’. Discuss this
with sensitivity, as, with all health issues, some students will have family
experience of these problems. The key idea is that as the alveoli break down,
there is less surface area for gas exchange and so the cells are short of oxygen and
suffer a build up of carbon dioxide. Students answer Q4.
Workbook page 17.
Key words
2.7 Objective
Asthma • Describe asthma, its causes and how it can be treated.
SIC This lesson helps students to develop their understanding of Science in context.
It gives you the opportunity to explore these ideas by looking at how our ideas on
Student Book asthma and asthma treatment have developed over time and across societies.
pages 36–37 Asthma is a common condition affecting the respiratory system, especially in
children, which is known about and treated around the world. Understanding
asthma reinforces knowledge and understanding of the human respiratory
system and how it functions. Considering how our knowledge of the condition
has developed over time and the treatments developed enables students to see
the relevance of what they are learning. As always when tackling health issues,
Prior learning this needs sensitive handling. Most classes will have at least one student
• How the structure of the with asthma or with family members affected by asthma. Check with your
human respiratory system is students before this lesson. You may have students with asthma who prefer
related to gas exchange others not to know. Or you may have students with asthma who would be
happy to tell their classmates what an attack feels like, or how they use their
• Begin by introducing the concept of asthma to your class. Look up the names
of well-known local sportsmen and women who are affected by asthma but
who have achieved sporting success.
• Read the first section ‘What is asthma?’. Discuss the problems of developing
treatments for a condition if you don’t understand how it affects the body.
Extension Ask students to consider the difference it makes now that we know that the
Carry out some online research lining of the tubes of the respiratory tract swells and the muscles contract and
into the history of the scientific narrow the airways during an asthma attack.
understanding of asthma and
the development of the different • Ask students for suggestions about how the symptoms of asthma are linked to
the changes in the airways.
treatments. Then write a report/
develop a timeline to inform • Students read about the different types of asthma treatment available and the
others. challenge of getting drugs to the airways where they are needed. Talk through
the ideas, emphasising how scientific knowledge has developed over time
Homework and the difference that better medicines have made to people and societies
around the world.
Complete poster or Workbook
page 18. • Students answer questions 1–4.
Key words • Give students the task to design a poster to inform other students about
asthma. They could make this full size for display in the classroom. Encourage
inhaler, environmental triggers
them to include as much clear biology in their posters as possible. Students
can complete this for homework.
2.8 Objectives
• Sketch and label the human circulatory system.
The human • Explain how blood circulates in the human body through a network of vessels
heart and (arteries, veins and capillaries) and transports gases, nutrients, wastes and
circulatory • Describe the structure and function of the human heart.
system Overview
This lesson is good opportunity to connect the concepts of multilevel organization
Student Book in organisms, life processes, respiration and energy production, with importance of
pages 38–39 transport systems in animals.
Ensure that the students appreciate that the major difference between animals
and plants, i.e. mobility, results in greater energy requirements and a complex
Prior learning transport system.
• Compare and draw
connections between the
transport systems in plants
and humans.
• Begin the lesson by reviewing with students the organisation of multicellular
organisms - from single cells to systems. Remind them of the living processes
• Know that many vertebrates and requirements of all cells, namely, food, water, oxygen, and production and
removal of wastes. Ask them how a body can ensure the timely transport of
have a circulatory system
similar to humans. these materials.
• Introduce the idea that, similar to plants, animals (such as humans) also have
elaborated and complex transport system for transfer of various matter across
the body. For example, all vertebrates (and also certain invertebrates) have
a closed, unidirectional circulatory system for this purpose. A unidirectional
circulatory system circulates blood in one direction, i.e. from the heart, around
the body, and back to the heart. In mammals, this system is further evolved
into a bidirectional, double circulatory system.
• Draw the double circulatory system on the board and explain that bi-
directional means blood flows in two different directions and double
circulatory means that the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to flow
separately from each other within the heart. This means that the blood
from the heart travelling to the rest of body contains a high concentration of
oxygen. This is an essential requirement due to the high energy requirements
of mammals. High oxygen levels means that respiration and breakdown of
food can occur easily in the rest of the body.
• Use Either, a poster of the internal structure of the human heart, or a video
showing the movement of blood through the human heart to explain how the
double circulation occurs through the heart, without mixing of the blood.
Q2a and 3 from the student book spread Workbook page 19.
Key words
heart, atrium, ventricle, valve, oxygenated blood, deoxygenated blood, red cells,
white cells, platelets, plasma, haemoglobin.
2.8 Student Book answers
1. It is a special system to carry the nutrients and dissolved gases we need to the cells in a body, and to remove the waste
substances produced by these same cells.
2. a. Students can reproduce the diagram in spread 2.8
b. A double circulatory system carries gases, nutrients and wastes to and from all around the body. The movement of
blood between the heart and the lungs is one part of the double circulatory system. The second part of the double
circulatory system is the movement of blood between the heart and the rest of the body.
3. Encourage students to use the red- and blue-coloured pencils to indicate the paths of oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood through the heart.
2.9 Objectives
Arteries, veins
and capillaries • Explain how blood circulates in the human body through a network of vessels
(arteries, veins and capillaries), and transports gases, nutrients, wastes and
Student Book • Compare and contrast arteries, veins and capillaries.
pages 40–41 • Hypothesize how exercises of varying intensity (from rest to high-intensity
interval training) would impact their pulse rate. Test their hypothesis,
calculate their pulse rate and record their findings.
Prior learning
• Compare and draw Overview
connections between the This lesson is a continuation from the previous lesson on circulatory system.
transport systems in plants In this class, students are to be introduced to the so-called transport routes of
and humans. the circulatory system. The terms arteries, veins and capillaries, their structural
• Know that many vertebrates differences and functions are to be discussed in context of transport of gases,
nutrients, wastes and heat in the body. Finally, the students can learn how pulse
have a circulatory system
similar to humans rates can be measured and use this process to measure the impact of exercises of
varying intensity on their circulatory system.
• Begin by asking students to recall what they learned about the circulatory
system and its functions.
• Use a poster or the images in the students’ book to introduce arteries, veins,
and capillaries. Explain their structural differences and functions in context
of transport of gases, nutrients, wastes, and heat in the body. Ask students
questions to elicit their understanding of transport routes with the class.
• Reinforce the information of the size and roles of blood vessels by asking
students to prepare yarn models of capillaries, veins, and arteries. Take thick
yarn in blue and red color to represent veins and arteries respectively. Thinner
white colored yarn can be used to represent the capillaries.
• Explain the function of valves in the heart and veins, if possible, using a video.
Explain how the valves are essential to the proper functioning of the heart.
• Divide students into groups for a practical investigation of blood vessels.
Remind the students of the difference between veins and arteries. Begin by
the investigating the presence of veins. If the students are not clear about the
presence of veins on the backs of their hands, use a picture or video to show
their location in an older person.
• Introduce the process of measuring pulse rates to students. Instruct them to
measure their resting pulse rates and record their results. Next instruct them
to perform exercises of varying intensity (e.g., jumping jacks, running in place)
for a minute. Then after each exercise, remind the students to re-measure
their pulse rates and record their results. Ask them to compare their pulse
rates before and after exercise. Ask them to share their conclusions and their
reasonings for it.
Questions from the student book spread and Workbook page 20.
Key words
heart, atrium, ventricle, valve, oxygenated blood, deoxygenated blood, red cells,
white cells, platelets, plasma, haemoglobin.
2.10 Objective
Transport in the • Describe the composition of the blood and the functions of red cells, white
cells, platelets and plasma.
Student Book Overview
pages 42–43 In this lesson, you will introduce your students to blood as a complex liquid that
carries out many functions in the human body. It is an excellent opportunity for
helping your students to develop an holistic view of the body, with all the different
systems linked by the blood. This lesson reinforces the idea that the blood carries
oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carries carbon dioxide away from the
cells back to the lungs to be removed from the body. The worksheets give students
the opportunity to analyse data and draw conclusions.
• Ask students what they know about blood and list their answers.
• Read through the first half of page with students. The key ideas are: 1) humans
are large, multicellular organisms and so need a transport system to carry
materials to and from the cells; 2) the blood is the main transport system; 3)
the blood is made up of a number of different components. Have a micrograph
slide of blood projected for reference.
• Students use the data in illustration to draw a pie chart to show the
proportions of the different components of the blood. Ask them to annotate
each section of the pie chart with the functions of that part of the blood.
• Remind students of the different materials that need transporting around the
body in the blood – but also emphasise other functions of the blood such as
defence against disease and clotting. Read with students the four sections
under the heading ‘The structure and functions of the blood’. Take time after
reading about each blood component to explain how it works and answer any
questions the students have, before they make brief notes.
• Finally, ask students to answer Q3, thinking about the major functions of the
blood and its importance in the body.
Students can look at the blood profiles of three different patients to diagnose
their diseases. (Patient 1 = haemophilia (low platelet count); patient 2 =
infectious disease e.g. flu (high white cell count); patient 3 = anaemia (low red
cell count).
Workbook page 21.
Key words
red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets, antibodies
2.10 Student Book answers
2. Substance Part of the From To
blood it is
transported in
Oxygen Red blood cells Alveoli/lungs Cells of the
Carbon dioxide Plasma Cells of the body Alveoli/lungs
Digested food Plasma Digestive system Cells of the
Urea Plasma Liver Kidneys
2.11 Objective
The effect of • Hypothesize how exercises of varying intensity would impact the pulse rate,
exercise on the test the hypothesis, calculate the pulse rate and test the findings.
There are several ways to approach this lesson:
• Work through the spread with your students. Discuss different aspects of
the practical described, encouraging students to predict the outcome of
the investigation based on their knowledge, look for trends in the results
and make conclusions. They should also discuss limitations and answer
questions 1–5.
• Work with your students. Discuss different aspects of the practical described,
encouraging students to predict the outcome of the investigation based on
their knowledge, look for trends in the results and make conclusions. Then ask
them to compare the method described in the Student Book with the method
described on the worksheet, evaluate them and decide which is the better
method. Students then carry out the investigation to observe the effect of
exercise on their breathing rate.
SAFETY WARNING: Make sure that students who do not take part in PE
lessons, for health reasons, do not do this practical – perhaps suggest
they take charge of the timing instead. Check that students who usually
use an asthma inhaler before exercising use their inhalers before taking
part in this practical.
Students write up their investigation and results. You can combine the
whole class results in a table and students can use their own data for the
• Tell students that they will be investigating the effect of exercise on their
breathing rates. Ask them to predict what this will be using their knowledge
of breathing and respiration. Apply the same safety precautions as described
• Once students have carried out the practical themselves, work through the
Student Book with them. Discuss different aspects of the practical described,
comparing it with the practical they have done themselves, evaluating the
methods, and discussing the advantages and limitations of both. Students
then answer questions 1–5, completing them as homework if necessary.
If doing the practical, complete questions 1–5 from the Student Book.
workbook page 41.
Student Book, Student Book answers
pages 46–47
Muscles between your ribs relax so your ribcage moves down and in → muscles of the
b diaphragm relax so it moves up and dome shaped → volume of chest decreases → pressure [5]
inside chest increases → air forced out of the lungs
5 a Trachea [1]
b Diaphragm [1]
When the rubber sheet is pulled down the balloons inflate. Pulling the rubber sheet down
c increases the volume of the model chest. This lowers the pressure inside the jar, so air is [2]
forced into the balloons by the pressure of the air outside the jar.
There is only a short distance for the gases to travel so diffusion into or out of the blood
d [1]
happens easily.
e.g. they have a large surface area – big area for gases to be exchanged; there is a rich
blood supply bringing carbon dioxide to the lungs and picking up oxygen to take to the
e [3]
cells; there are steep concentration gradients between the blood and the air in the alveoli
so diffusion happens as quicky as possible. Any other sensible points.
7 a Students sketch using the spread. [1]
i. bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart
ii. collects the deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lungs
b [2]
iii. stop the blood flowing backwards through the heart - there are four sets of valves
iv. keeps deoxygenated and oxygenated blood from mixing
8 a i. Platelets ii. White blood cells iii. Red blood cells [3,1,1]
b Plasma [1]
c 55% [1]
e.g. digested food, e.g. glucose; waste products/ urea; waste products/carbon dioxide;
d [3]
hormones; antibodies.
Gas Inhaled air Exhaled air
nitrogen 79% 79%
oxygen 21% 16%
carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
The air breathed in/inhaled is relatively high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide. In the
lungs, gases are exchanged between the air in the alveoli and the blood. Oxygen moves
into the blood by diffusion and is carried to the cells for aerobic respiration. Carbon
dioxide, the waste product of respiration, is carried in the blood to the lungs. It diffuses into
the air in the alveoli. As a result, the air breathed out/exhaled is lower in oxygen than the
air breathed in, but it is higher in the waste product carbon dioxide.
10 a Use data on table. Correct axes. Show different readings for each individual. [8]
is least fit – highest resting breathing and biggest increase in breathing rate after
b exercise. D is fittest – lowest resting breathing rate and lowest increase in breathing rate [2,2]
after exercise.
c Resting = 14; Exercise = 20. Use data in table. Correct axes [2,2,3]
Individual mean – enables you to see differences between individuals/identify most or
d least fit. [2]
Group mean – increases reliability, enables you to see main trends
3.1 Objective
• Identify the various types of pathogens that cause infectious diseases.
Microorganisms Overview
This is the first of several lessons introducing students to microorganisms. It is
Student Book very important for future studies that students recognise the positive importance
pages 48–49 of microorganisms in the natural world (e.g. in the cycling of nutrients in
nature, in decomposition, on the skin and in the digestive system). The role of
microorganisms in infectious disease is, of course, also important, but the way
Extension you introduce and work with students at this stage should give them a balanced
Students complete Q3 calculating overview of these vitally important organisms.
the magnification of bacterial
cells. Activities
Homework • Give each student three coloured pieces of card, e.g. green, red and yellow.
Each colour represents an answer: green = true, red = false, yellow = I don’t
Workbook page 22 know. Read the following statements to students and ask them to raise the
coloured card which best represents their own knowledge. It doesn’t matter
Key words what they answer – the value of this exercise is for you to gauge how much
students know about microorganisms and what misconceptions they already
microorganisms, single celled have. Note down the responses to each statement. Do NOT give students any
organisms, bacteria, fungi, viruses. feedback on their answers – simply tell them that they are now going to learn
culture, colonies, hyphae more about microorganisms. Repeat this exercise at the end and see how the
responses have changed. Suggested statements: All microorganisms are so small
you cannot see them. All diseases are caused by microorganisms. Microorganisms
are bad for you. Microorganisms make food go bad. Some foods are made by
microorganisms. Humans should aim to destroy all microorganisms.
• Read through the content on bacteria with students. Discuss the features of
bacteria and compare them with animal and plant cells that students are
familiar with. Students can then answer Q2.
• Describe how quickly bacteria reproduce if they have everything they need.
Ask students to suggest what bacteria might need to grow – food, water,
right temperature. If you chose to culture bacteria on petri dishes with your
students, observe how invisible microorganisms reproduce and form colonies,
• Give students the task to calculate the number of bacteria in a colony as it
grows and then plot a graph of their data.
• Students read the rest of unit make notes on bacteria, fungi and viruses and
answer questions 1, 4 and 5.
4. Similarities: (one of) both are microorganisms; both are single cells; both have cell walls. Differences: (one of) yeast bigger
than bacteria; different material in the cell walls; yeast have nuclei, bacteria do not.
5. plant cell: animal cell; bacterium; virus
3.2 Objective
• Identify the various types of pathogens that cause infectious diseases.
Pathogens In this lesson, students are encouraged to find out more about the ways in which
and infectious we the microorganisms impact our health, extending their studies towards the
diseases understanding they will need to succeed in IGCSE Biology. Begin with familiar
materials such as bread, yoghurt, and cheese, and allow students to explore
the role of microorganisms in our daily life, before considering the impact of
Student Book microorganisms in other areas of our daily life, such as health.
pages 50–51
Prior learning • Begin by reviewing the role of microorganisms in our daily life. Ask the students
• Define and describe main if they remember the role of microorganisms play in our daily life. Elicit
responses using familiar materials such as bread, yogurt, and cheese, and the
groups of microorganisms
(bacteria, virus and fungi) processes of decomposition and fermentation as examples.
and give examples of each. • Ask them if they can think of any other ways in which microorganisms impact
our daily life. Elicit from them if they remember the difference between
• Recognize some common infectious and non-infectious diseases. Remind them that infectious diseases
diseases of each group are a result of infections by pathogens. Describe the meaning of the word
(bacteria, virus and fungi) pathogen.
caused by microorganisms.
• Elaborate the concept of pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, and how
• Recognize that they can spread from one person to another. Discuss the modes of spread
microorganisms get of infections including droplet infection, direct contact, contaminated food
transmitted into humans and and drink, and by vectors. Direct contact occurs through skin-to-skin contact,
spread infectious diseases. whereas Indirect contact occurs due to contact between a person and a
contaminated object. Droplet transmission occurs when droplets containing
microorganisms create as a result of coughing, sneezing, or talking, are travel
through the air and land on another person. Airborne transmission is said to
occur when pathogens are carried by dust or droplet suspended in the air.
Vector transmission occurs when another animal, usually an insect, transmits
the infectious agent to a human host. Common vehicle transmission occurs
when an object or item, such as food, water, or medication, is contaminated
with the infectious agent, which then serves as the source of infection for
multiple individuals.
• Ensure the students can classify the mode of transmission of major diseases. As
a class activity, attempt question Q2 parts a and b. Encourage the students to
prepare a KWL of the lesson.
Q1 and 3 from the student book spread and Workbook page 23.
Key words
Immune system, infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, vaccine.
3.2 Student Book answers
1. Pathogens which are passed from one person to the other through various means.
2. a. Students can choose any one from droplets, direct contact, contamination of food/drink, or vectors.
b. Students to write in their own words the mode of transmission. You may encourage them to research the mode of
transmission in further detail and /or to present information in form of an infographic or a poster.
3. Students to write the answer in their own words, including the mode of admission of pathogen into body, behaviour of
different pathogen inside body and cells, and body response.
3.3 Objectives
• Explain the various lines of defences that the body has against pathogens.
Body defences • passive. the three types of immunity in humans – innate, adaptive and
• Describe the parts of the immunity system and how they function to produce
an immune response.
Questions from the student book spread Workbook page 24.
Key words
Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
system, virus, bacteria, antibodies, infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases,
3.4 Objectives
• Explain the various lines of defences that the body has against pathogens.
The adaptive • passive. the three types of immunity in humans – innate, adaptive and
immune system • Describe the parts of the immunity system and how they function to produce
an immune response.
Student Book • Illustrate how adaptive immunity develops over time.
pages 54–55 Overview
This lesson provides a continuation of the previous topic on immunity. Here the
Prior learning students will gain a more in-depth look into how the adaptive immune system
works in human beings, which has relevance both in their biology studies and in
• Know that the human body
life. Students will have new terminology to cope with, as this lesson moves them
has a number of systems,
towards their IGCSE Biology course, where they learn how an active immune
each with its own function.
system provide organisms with increased chances of survival and reproductive
3.4 Student Book answers
1. Active adaptive immunity and
Passive immunity.
• Begin by reviewing the previous lesson by questioning the students about types
of immunity. Ensure they have a clear grasp of the difference between innate
2. a. antigens are special protein and adaptive immunity.
markers on the outside of cells
of different organisms.
• Review the various lines of defenses that the body has against pathogens.
Elaborate that the active adaptive immunity forms the second line of defense
b. an antibody is a special of our body. It provides us with immunity to a disease when the white blood
chemical made by white blood cells learn to recognise the antigens on the surface of specific pathogens, and
cells for each specific antigen. produce antibodies to destroy them.
Antibodies target antigens
which are different to the
• Explain the terms surface proteins, antigens, antibodies and antitoxins. Ensure
the students understand the difference between these terms thoroughly.
body’s own antigen. Each type
of pathogen requires different • Explain how the processes of infection, illness and fever, recovery and long term
immunity development are related to each other and part of the active adaptive
antibodies to destroy it. immunity.
3. Students to write the answer
in their own words, starting • Introduce the concept of a passive adaptive immunity in which a person does
not make their own antibodies. Rather they receive antibodies from someone
from the need of the immune else to protect them from a disease e.g. when a baby receives passive immunity
system to encounter a from its mother.
pathogen before an antibody
can be produced against • Ensure the students understand clearly the difference between active adaptive
immunity and passive immunity. You may choose to share an infogram with the
it. The mode of function
students or prepare one in class with student participation.
of antibodies and how the
body remembers the antigen
should also be included in the
answer. Q3 from the student book spread and Workbook page 25.
4. In active adaptive immunity
the body encounters an Key words
antigen and produces Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
antibodies against it, and system, leukocytes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil, T-cells,
also remembers the antigen B-cells, natural killer cells, virus, bacteria, antibodies, daily infection rate (/ Ro),
for future attack. In passive infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, vaccine.
immunity the immune system
does not produce its the
antibodies, rather receives it
from an external source, e.g. a
baby from its mother.
3.5 Objectives
• Visualize the ways to add additional layers of defense (such as wearing masks,
Using science to using sanitizers etc).
prevent disease • Suggest ways in which communities of people can safeguard against the
spread of infectious diseases.
SIC Overview
This lesson helps students to develop their understanding of Science in context.
Any work relating to COVID-19 must be handled very sensitively as students may
Student Book have been affected personally by the pandemic.
pages 56–57 Pages of this spread present students with information about the spread of
infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. They consider a chart on the
spread of infectious diseases produced by students BEFORE the COVID-19
pandemic of 2019 onwards, and look at how such scientific knowledge can be
applied. You then present your students with evidence from two studies looking
at the impact of both mask-wearing and social distancing on deaths globally
and cases of COVID-19 in two Italian towns. Throughout this work, emphasise
how scientific evidence changes understanding and so changes actions across
• Any work relating to COVID-19 must be handled very sensitively as students
may have been affected personally by the pandemic.
• Quiz students on how diseases are spread to see what they have retained from
the previous lesson.
• Read through the opening paragraphs and work through the display produced
by the students. Make sure that students understand the different ways in
which microorganisms can be passed from one person to another.
• Work through the section headed ‘Using scientific knowledge’ with students
and encourage them to discuss the science behind the different instructions to
prevent the spread of COVID-19. Students answer questions 1 and 2.
Workbook page 26.
Key words
droplet infection, direct contact
3.5 Student Book answers
1. COVID-19 had not appeared when the students did this work.
2. • Wwhich
ash your hands often and well and use antiseptic hand gels: Your hands touch surfaces and can pick up viruses
you then get in your mouth/nose. Washing your hands/using antiseptic hand gel removes viruses/kills
viruses, reducing your risk of disease.
• Wear a face mask to cover your mouth and nose when you go out: If you cough or sneeze, droplets containing viruses
are caught in your mask – reduces the risk of passing viruses to other people. Mask may also reduce the chance of
you breathing in viruses.
• Meet as few people as possible – avoid crowded places: People carry COVID-19. The more people you meet, and the
more crowded the place, the more likely you are to be in contact with someone with the disease or – if you are
infected – to pass it on.
• Keep a distance between yourself and other people and meet outdoors if possible: The further away you are, the less
likely you are to breathe in viruses from someone else. In the open air viruses and droplets are moved away more
quickly [sunlight can kill viruses].
• Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into your elbow: Any viruses you may have are not sprayed out into the air to infect
other people.
• Stay at home away from other people if you feel ill: You are most infectious when you are ill – keep away from other
people so they don’t come into contact with the virus.
3. In countries where people were made to wear masks outdoors and in shops quickly (pink line), the death rates from
COVID-19 were very low. In countries (blue line) where there was more of a delay in making mask wearing important, there
were more deaths. Countries where it took months to introduce mask wearing (green line) had a very high death rate.
4. Answer must be justified. Jamal is correct – where businesses, etc., closed and people socially distanced/stayed at home,
the number of people infected greatly reduced. That would in turn reduce the number of deaths. Where people carried
on as normal [pink line] – the numbers infected just grew and grew.
3.6 Objectives
• Illustrate how adaptive immunity develops over time.
• Propose someways
Visualise the to add additional layers of defense.
Strengthening • Suggest ways in which communities
common strategies for strengthening the immune system.
the immune • spread of infectious diseases. of people can safeguard against the
system • Describe the role of accines in immunity and explore some strategies on how
vaccines can be created.
Student Book Overview
pages 58–59 This lesson provides an interesting opportunity for the class to stretch the
boundaries of teaching-learning process in a collaborative manner. The role of
the teacher can be expanded from explaining to facilitating the learning journey
of the students as they explore ways to prevent spread of infections and methods
to strengthen the immune system. Although the topic further elaborates topics
already introduced earlier, the real-world impact of these are explored, creating
an opportunity for the students to understand how thinking and working
scientifically occurs in a real world context.
• Begin the lesson by reviewing the role of and types of immunity found in human
beings, by questioning the students. Invite them to share the information they
remember, especially the differences between antigen, antitoxin, and antibody.
Prior learning Ask them to explain through an analogy how the surface proteins help in
• Know that the human body identification of pathogens.
has a number of systems,
each with its own function. • Introduce the word immunisation and explain that it is triggers a form of
adaptive immunity. Remind them that immunisation can be form of a vaccine
• Relate the transmission of or oral drops, but they both function to ensure that the body is able to produce
antibodies against the disease, ensuring that the numbers of people affected by
common communicable
diseases to human the disease is lesser than before.
contact and explain some
methods of preventing their
• Review the graph on page 59 and ask the students what they think is indicated
in it. Elicit the role of immunisation in global disease reduction. You can
transmission. introduce the idea of significant reduction of cases. This can be used as
extension work demonstrating the use of statistical probability in scientific
reporting and analysis.
• Introduce the concept of Artificial passive immunity and explain how it differs
from active adaptive immunity. As a group, encourage students to answer
question 2 given in the spread, giving their reasoning.
Q1, 3 and 4 from the student book spread and Workbook page 27.
Key words
Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
system, leukocytes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil, T-cells,
B-cells, natural killer cells, virus, bacteria, antibodies, infectious diseases, non-
infectious diseases, vaccine.
1. Encourage students to present the information given in the spread in the form of a flow chart.
2. Encourage students to adapt the infographic in the spread in the form of a Venn diagram.
3. When entire (or maximum members of) populations are immunised against a disease, the numbers of people affected by
the disease falls quickly.
4. Encourage students to adapt the infographic in the form of a triple Venn diagram.
3.7 Objectives
• Identify the various types of pathogens that cause infectious diseases.
and disease • Propose some common strategies for strengthening the immune system.
TWS This lesson helps students to develop their skills in Thinking and working
scientifically. Students are introduced to the world when we did not understand
how infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms and had no effective
Student Book treatments. They consider the work of Louis Pasteur, a global pioneer in germ
pages 60–61 theory and in vaccinations. Through the exciting story of Pasteur’s anthrax trials,
you allow students to make predictions of the outcome of the trials based on
what they know, and help students understand how evidence is vital to support
a scientific hypothesis, or to disprove it. This lesson gives you scope for setting
project work on the life and work of Louis Pasteur.
Prior learning Activities
• Suggest and evaluate • Find out from your students what they think causes infectious diseases and
explanations for predictions how they are spread. Then paint a picture of the 19th century CE, when no-one
using scientific knowledge knew about the role of microorganisms in disease.
and understanding and
communicate these clearly to
• Read the first paragraph with students and then give your students a brief
summary of the old idea of spontaneous generation of organisms from mud or
others. dust,
• Say if and how evidence • Read though the spread with students – perhaps ask different students to read
supports any prediction sections. At the end of each section, pause and question students – for example,
made ask them to discuss Pasteur’s ideas; would they have agreed to Rossignol’s
challenge? Do they agree with Pasteur’s prediction? How did the evidence
confirm Pasteur’s hypothesis? Raise some of the issues of Pasteur’s techniques
with students. Think about the ethics of using an untried treatment in this way.
• Students complete questions 1 and 2.
• QPasteur’s
3 is an opportunity for students to carry out independent research into
work on rabies. Students can simply answer the question OR you
could ask them to use their research into this gripping story to write a report
on Pasteur and rabies for a TV news item, or for a series of posts on social
media, or as a story for other students to read and understand both what
happened, then and why Pasteur’s work would not be possible today.
Students research and produce a timeline for the life and research of Louis
Pasteur, with analysis of some of his major discoveries and some of the most
challenging ethical aspects of his work.
Workbook page 28.
Key words
germ theory of disease, vaccine
1. Disease-causing germs are passed from one organism to another. In Pasteur’s experiment, germs from infected animals
were injected into his experimental animals. All of the unvaccinated animals developed the disease – confirming the idea of
germs passed from one animal to another.
2. a. Using this account of Pasteur’s famous experiment: e.g. he had a control group of animals which were not given the
vaccine so he a comparison for his experimental group/he only changed one variable – whether the animals were
vaccinated or not.
b. E.g. he had not finished testing his vaccine before giving it to animals/he carried out an experiment that killed over 30
animals and in public with associated risk to public health/he lied about the vaccine he used.
3. Look for evidence of good research and a clear account of the story, including his motivation for the work, the good
science in developing the vaccine and the bad science of using an untested vaccine on children.
3.8 Objective
• Explain how infectious disease such as hepatitis, is caused/contracted, how it
Infectious is tested and diagnosed, and how it can be prevented.
diseases: Overview
Hepatitis This lesson provides an overview of the dangers and impact of Hepatitis in
Pakistan. It is designed to cover many of the objectives of science in context.
Student Book Students will be introduced to the common forms of the disease prevalent in
Pakistan. They will also review the socio-economic reasons this prevalence and
pages 62–63 how they can play their part in reducing the number of Hepatitis affectees.
Prior learning
• Identify the various types • Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever heard of the disease
known in Urdu as Verm-Jigar. Explain that this is the Urdu name for the disease
of pathogens that cause
Hepatitis, which is an infectious disease of the liver.
infectious diseases.
• Ask students to design and fill in a disease identification card as you share the
• Propose some common information about Hepatitis. Explain that Hepatitis is caused by viruses which
strategies for strengthening attack the liver and its functions and can even lead to cancer. The two common
the immune system. forms in Pakistan are hepatitis B (approximately 5 million people are affected)
and hepatitis C (10 million people are affected).
• Hepatitis B and C primarily contracted through contaminated blood. Blood tests
for the hepatitis viruses and antibodies against the different viruses are used to
diagnose hepatitis. Explain how unhygienic and unlicensed medical and dental
practitioners add to prevalence of the disease.
• Announce that government of Pakistan has an ambitious plan to eliminate viral
hepatitis B and C infections in the country by 2030. The program will provide
leadership and coordination to provincial programs in scaling up hepatitis
prevention, testing and treatment services. List and elaborate the three proven
methods of hepatitis prevention: Immunisation, Testing, and Stopping the
spread through good hygiene in health care and screening blood transfusions.
Questions from the student book spread and Workbook page 29.
Key words
Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
system, leukocytes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil, T-cells,
B-cells, natural killer cells, virus, bacteria, antibodies, infectious diseases, non-
infectious diseases, vaccine.
1. a. Hepatitis is an infectious disease of the liver. It is caused by viruses and contracted through contaminated blood.
b. The two common forms in Pakistan are hepatitis B and hepatitis C. They both cause scarring and cancer of the liver and
liver failure. However, Hepatitis B can be prevented by immunisation. Hepatitis C can be prevented from causing serious
damage by early detection and treatment.
2. a. untreated blood transfusions and lack of hygiene.
b. immunisation.
3. a. The symptoms of hepatitis C affect many different parts of the body and are similar to symptoms of many other diseases.
b. The different types of hepatitis are diagnosed using blood tests that look for either the hepatitis virus or the antibodies
which show that the adaptive immune system is fighting the hepatitis virus.
3.9 Objective
• Explain how infectious disease such as covid-19, is caused/contracted, how it
Infectious is tested and diagnosed, and how it can be prevented.
diseases: Overview
Covid-19 In this lesson, your students will discover how a global pandemic affected
millions in countries around the world. This is a sensitive topic as many students
Student Book may have family members who succumbed to the Covid-19 virus. As the previous
pages 64–65 lesson, this lesson also covers many of the objectives of science in context as it
looks at risk and the way scientific knowledge and human behaviour interact.
Prior learning
• Identify the various types • As this lesson is related to the global pandemic, ask the students what they
of pathogens that cause remember from that era. Collate their feedback and explain how it relates to the
infectious diseases. strategies suggested by the government of Pakistan.
• Propose some common • Take a step back and explain that covid is also a result of a viral infection. Review
by asking students the modes of infection from person to person (review SiC
strategies for strengthening unit 3.5).
the immune system.
• Explain the testing methods for diagnosing covid-19 infection. Discuss that
though Covid-19 is prevented by immunisation, it still better to take precautions
such as mask wearing, keeping your distance form others, and self-isolating if
you are infected.
• Ask a class activity, facilitate a discussion on question 2 of the spread.
Q3 from the student book spread and Workbook page 30.
Key words
Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
system, leukocytes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil, T-cells,
B-cells, natural killer cells, virus, bacteria, antibodies, infectious diseases, non-
infectious diseases, vaccine.
1. Virus
2. Encourage students to list and then discuss the statements.
3. Encourage students to search online for the latest data to calculate the answers for parts a & b. Use the formula 100 *
(Infected population/total population).
c. encourage students to create the bar graphs themselves using their calculations.
d. possible differences between percentages of infected and dead, in different countries may lie in the precautions and self-
isolation practiced.
3.10 Objective
• Explain how infectious disease such as typhoid, is caused/contracted, how it is
Infectious tested and diagnosed, and how it can be prevented.
diseases: Overview
Typhoid This lesson is similar to unit 3.8, as it reinforces how lifestyle and socio-economic
conditions impact the prevalence of disease in Pakistan. In this lesson students
Student Book will learn about Typhoid, its causal agent and health practices that impact its
prevalence. They should be encouraged to discover how immunisation and
pages 66–67 hygiene practices go hand-in-hand towards creation of a disease-free society.
Prior learning
• Identify the various types • Begin the lesson by sharing the statistic in the book: Pakistan has one of the
highest rates of typhoid in the world, with 493.5 cases per 100,000 population,
of pathogens that cause
resulting in thousands of deaths each year, of which 70% are of children. Next
infectious diseases.
share that the first vaccine dose against typhoid vaccine is generally given to
• Propose some common children around 9 months to 15 months of age, with a second dose at 15 months
to six years of age.
strategies for strengthening
the immune system.
• Encourage the students to create and fill a disease-profile card with the
information you are providing.
Homework • Explain that typhoid is a disease caused due to a highly contagious bacterial
infection, contracted by drinking water or eating food contaminated by
Questions from the student book infected human faeces. As a result, it can be contracted by anyone who takes in
spread and Workbook page 31. contaminated food or water. It can also be spread if an infected person prepares
and serves raw or undercooked food. As a result, living areas with unhyginic
Key words living conditions are hotspots of infection. And it is is diagnosed by testing the
Innate immunity, adaptive faeces or the blood for the presence of typhoid bacteria.
immunity, passive immunity,
pathogens, immune system,
• Detail that Typhoid outbreaks in Pakistan are particularly lethal as most cases
are caused by antibiotic-resistant variants of the bacteria which cannot be
leukocytes, lymphocytes, treated using antibiotics. Ask the students, what may be the best preventive
phagocytes, neutrophils, measure in such a situation. Elicit that under such circumstances, Immunisation
eosinophil, T-cells, B-cells, is the best way to prevent typhoid.
natural killer cells, virus, bacteria,
antibodies, daily infection rate • Facilitate a class discussion on what are the other ways to prevent typhoid.
Ensure that students realize that the answer lies in personal as well as
infectious diseases, non-infectious communal hygiene practices, which include Hand washing with soap, building
diseases, vaccine. pit latrines and using/providing clean water supplies.
1. a. typhoid is a disease caused by bacterial infection contracted by drinking water or eating food contaminated by infected
human faeces.
b. Low levels of hygiene and a prevalence of antibiotic resistant strain of typhoid bacteria are the main factors why typhoid
is a problem in Pakistan.
2. a. Contamination of food and drink due to open defecation and a general lack of proper hygiene during food preparation
help typhoid spread faster.
b. though immunisation is the best way to prevent typhoid, it only works if majority of the population is immunized.
c. the data in the graph demonstrates the incidence of typhoid in vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, over a period of
time. It shows that the number of typhoid victims increase drastically among the unvaccinated as time passes. Among the
vaccinated children the incidence of typhoid remains negligible.
3. Hand washing with soap, building clean public toilets and clean water supplies can help in preventing the spread of typhoid.
Encourage the children to elaborate on these methods using the information in the spread and their general observations.
3.11 Objective
• Explain how infectious disease such as dengue is caused/contracted, how it is
Infectious tested and diagnosed, and how it can be prevented.
diseases: Overview
Dengue As with the last 3 lessons, this lesson also covers many of the objectives of
science in context. Students will be encouraged to revisit how vectors can spread
Student Book diseases. Sensitivity will be required by the teacher, as the class may include
pages 68–69 students who have themselves suffered from this disease or have lost a family
member to it.
Prior learning
• Identify the various types • Begin the lesson by askign the students if they know why the anti-dengue
campaign is conducted annually. Ask them if they know the cause of dengue.
of pathogens that cause
Remind them that though dengue can be caused by any of the 4 viruses (DEN-1,
infectious diseases.
DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4) it is actually spread by a vector.
• Propose some common
• Ask the student to remember how the spread of infection by vectors works.
strategies for strengthening Explain that dengue viruses are spread primarily by the female Aedes aegypti
the immune system. mosquitos acting as unwitting vectors, during their reproductive cycle. Review
the lifecycle of these mosquitos, and lead students to pinpoint that it’s the 2
blood meals before egg-laying process that is responsible for spread of dengue.
• Move to the symptoms of dengue and ask students if they can recall the
commonly advertised symptoms of the disease. Explain that mild dengue
involves a fever, rashes and severe pain in the muscles and joints. However,
severe dengue (haemorrhagic fever) causes internal bleeding and may cause
• Explain that dengue can be diagnosed by blood tests for the virus as well as, for
antibodies against the virus. Elaborate that since there do not exist medicines or
vaccines against dengue, it is best prevented by avoiding mosquito bites (e.g.,
using mosquito nets at night) and preventing mosquitos breeding.
• Ask the students to prepare a leaflet detailing best practices to prevent the
Aedes aegypti mosquitos from breeding.
Questions from the student book spread and Workbook page 32.
Key words
Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, passive immunity, pathogens, immune
system, leukocytes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil, T-cells,
B-cells, natural killer cells, virus, bacteria, antibodies, daily infection rate
infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, vaccine.
1. Dengue is caused by four different viruses – DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4.
2. Dengue can be mild or severe. Mild dengue includes a high fever, rashes and aching in the joints and muscles. Severe dengue
(also called haemorrhagic fever) causes internal bleeding and shock leading to cardiovascular system failure.
3. It is because these methods help us avoid getting bitten by mosquitos. And if we do not get bitten by mosquitos, we will not
catch dengue, since it cannot be caught directly from another person.
Student Book
pages 70–71 Student Book answers
1 a any of the following: (i) they help us make food such as cheese and yoghurt, (ii) they
decompose our waste and the bodies of dead organisms and fertilise the soil, (iii) they
allow our sheep, cows and goats to digest their food and (iv) they make medicines such as
b a pathogen can be either bacteria, fungi or viruse which cause infectious diseases. [1]
c any infectious disease can be listed including Hepatitis, covid-19, typhoid, and dengue. [3]
d pathogens cause disease by attacking the cells of the body and causing disease symptoms. [1]
2 Infectious diseases spread from one person to another by droplet infection, direct contact,
contaminated food and drink, or by vectors.
3 a antigens are special protein markers on the outside of cells of different organisms. [2]
an antibody is a special chemical made by white blood cells for each specific antigen.
b [2]
Antibodies target antigens which are different to the body’s own antigen.
ach type of pathogen requires different antibodies to destroy it. The adaptive immune
system requires an encounter with a pathogen before an antibody can be produced
c [5]
against it. Once an antibody against an antigen has been produced, the immune system
remembers it and can re-produce them quickly in case of re-infection.
4 The two types of active immunity (innate and adaptive) work to prevent pathogens from
entering the body and if they do enter, produce antibodies to destroy them. These are both
active responses by the body itself. In passive immunity the body itself does not produce
antibodies, rather it requires on antibodies produced by someone else to defend itself.
5 it covers and protects tissues of the body and stops pathogens getting in. In case there is a
a [2]
cut, the blood clots to form a scab to prevent pathogens gaining entry inside the body.
the acid in the stomach kills almost all of the microorganism in anything that is
b [1]
the nose hairs filter the air to trap pathogens. The respiratory system produces mucus
which traps pathogens and dust. The airways have ciliated epithelial cells which move
c [3]
mucus out of the respiratory system to be swallowed. The acid in the stomach then
destroys the pathogens trapped in the mucus.
d students can refer to page 53 for the labelling. [4]
Innate immune system Adaptive immune system
A- it is the first line of defense A- it forms the second line of defense
against pathogens. against pathogens.
B- the adaptive immune system is not
B-the innate immune system is
present from birth but develops
present from birth.
as the body encounters different
C- it is not specific and does not pathogens.
target particular pathogens. C- it is very specific and can identify and
destroy particular pathogens.
Innate immune system Adaptive immune system
D- It works to protect the body D- it is able to remember particular
from all pathogens but has pathogens by their antigens and
limited power over specific produces targeted antibodies against
pathogens if they gain entry these antigens. Sometimes it is also
into the body. able to produce antitoxins.
9 a Single [1]
b Hyphae [1]
c Vector [1]
d Phagocytosis [1]
e Passive [1]
f Immunisation [1]
g Hepatitis [1]
h Typhoid [1]
4.1 Objective
• Explain that the Periodic Table is a way to organise elements in a systematic
Structure of an order.
Atom Overview
Students will understand that the Periodic Table is a systematic way to organize
Student Book elements based on their properties. They will explore the layout and structure
pages 72–73 of the Periodic Table, learn about the significance of its arrangement, and
understand how it helps predict the properties of elements.
• Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about the Periodic Table
and its purpose.
• Display a simplified version of the Periodic Table on the board or using visual
• Explain that there are about 118 elements. The elements are listed in the
Periodic Table. The Periodic Table groups together elements with similar
properties. For example, the metals on the left of the stepped line are metals.
• Emphasize that elements within the same group have similar properties, while
elements in the same period share the same number of electron shells.
• Introduce the concept of periodic trends, such as boiling point and melting
• Explain that these trends vary in a predictable manner across the Periodic
• Use examples and visual aids to illustrate how elements in a group or period
exhibit similar trends. Activity: Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt Distribute
handouts with simplified Periodic Tables to each student.
4.2 Objectives
• Explain that the Periodic Table is a way to organize elements in a systematic
The periodic order.
table: Group 1 • Explain that the Periodic Table is a way to organize elements in a systematic
Extension • Tell students that there are patterns in the physical and chemical properties of
the Group 1 elements. This lesson is about their physical properties.
Students read Student Book
which explains the melting point
• Students plot a bar chart of the Group 1 element melting points. Elicit that the
data are from a secondary source – students have not measured the values
trend. They make a small poster to themselves. Ask students to explain why they should plot a bar chart, not a
summarise the explanation. line graph (the independent variable – the element – is categoric). Students
then describe the pattern in melting points.
Homework • If there is time, students answer questions 1 and 4.
Workbook page 34.
• Finish the lesson by eliciting properties of typical metals (shiny, conduct
electricity, high melting points, high densities). Tell students that the Group 1
Key words elements have some properties that are typical of all metals (shiny when
Group 1 freshly cut, conduct electricity), but that some of their properties are not
typical of metals (relatively low melting points and densities).
lithium sodium potassium rubidium
Group 1 element
4.3 Objectives
• Describe and draw the structure of an atom in terms of electrons, protons, and
Inside atoms neutrons.
Student Book
• Describe how an atom is electrically neutral.
pages 76–77 Overview
This lesson introduces students to sub-atomic particles and the 1932 atomic
structure model. Students learn the mass and charge of each sub-atomic
Prior learning particle, and its position in an atom. They then use dried beans to represent
• An atom is the smallest part protons, neutrons, and electrons in different atoms, and evaluate the analogy.
An extension activity supports students in considering the relative sizes of atoms,
of an element that can exist.
nuclei, and sub-atomic particles.
• Show students about ten small identical balls. Each one represents an atom
of the element helium. Discuss how the balls can be used to explain changes
of state. Point out that the balls are an analogy for the model of the atom used
until the early 1900s, and that atoms are solid spheres. Tell students that an
analogy is a comparison between one thing and another that helps to explain
• Tell students that the solid atom model cannot explain everything in
chemistry, for example, chemical reactions. A new model is needed.
• Describe the 1932 atomic model, that atoms consist of tiny sub-atomic
particles. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus. Electrons move around
outside the nucleus. Atoms are electrically neutral because the number of
protons is equal to the number of electrons. This model can be used to explain
chemical reactions, and how atoms join together.
• Practical activity: Explain that every atom of a certain element has the same
number of protons. Student pairs use beans to represent atomic structures
of given atoms. They do not arrange electrons in shells, but spread them out
around the outside of the nucleus. Students draw their models. It includes a
question in which students evaluate the bean analogy.
Workbook page 35.
Key words
sub-atomic particle, proton, neutron, electron, analogy
4.4 Objectives
• Differentiate between atomic number and mass number.
Proton number • Describe and draw the structure of an atom in terms of electrons, protons and
and the neutorns.
• Remind students that each element has a different number of protons in its
atoms. Tell them that the number of protons in an atom of the element is its
proton number, and that – in the periodic table – the elements are arranged in
order of proton number. Students who carried out the activities in extension
lesson 7.5 have already covered these ideas.
• You might wish to point out that, in Mendeleev’s periodic table, the elements
were arranged in atomic mass order, but element pairs were swapped so that
only elements with similar properties were placed together in a group. On
discovering protons, scientists arranged the elements in proton number order.
This worked perfectly – all elements in a group then had similar properties.
4.5 Objectives
• Differentiate between atomic number and mass number.
Mass number • Determine the atomic number and mass number of elements on the basis of
the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
Student Book
pages 80–81 Overview
Students will understand the differences between atomic number and mass
number and learn how to determine these values for elements based on the
number of protons, electrons, and neutrons. They will explore the significance of
these fundamental properties in identifying and categorizing elements.
• Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about atoms and their
• Explain that atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter and that
elements are made up of specific types of atoms.
• Atomic Number and Mass Number Present the definitions of atomic number
and mass number.
• Explain that the atomic number (Z) represents the number of protons in an
atom, and it also defines the element’s identity in the Periodic Table.
• Describe that the mass number (A) represents the total number of protons and
neutrons in an atom’s nucleus.
• Determining Atomic Number and Mass Number Use visual aids to illustrate the
structure of an atom, with protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons
in electron shells.
• Clarify that in a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of
4.5 Student Book answers
1. The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is its mass number.
2. Boron: Atomic No. = 5 Mass no. = 11
Lithium: Atomic No. = 3 Mass no. = 7
Carbon: Atomic No. = 6 Mass no. = 12
3. a. Mass Number = 119 , b. Tin
4. No. of Protons= 19 , No. of neutrons= 20
4.6 Objectives
• Show the arrangement of electrons in K, L and M shells of elements
Electrons in • Draw the atomic structure of the first eighteen elements of the Periodic Table.
atoms • Draw atomic structures of elements in the Periodic Table.
Student Book This lesson introduces electronic structure. Students use beans to show the
electronic structures of atoms of different elements, and draw the electronic
pages 82–83 structures of these elements. They then draw the electronic structures of
elements in the same group of the periodic table, and look for patterns in these
structures. The lesson finishes with a true/false activity to check learning from
Prior learning the lesson.
• There are three types of sub- Activities
atomic particle – protons,
neutrons, and electrons. • Remind students that the nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and
neutrons, and that all atoms of an element have the same number of protons.
• Electrons orbit outside the This is the proton number of the element. In a neutral atom, the number of
nucleus of an atom. protons is equal to the number of electrons.
• Practical activity: Tell students that electrons whizz around an atom outside
its nucleus. The atomic model we use states that the electrons move around
in shells, and that each shell holds a maximum number of electrons. Students
use beans to model the electron configurations of atoms. They draw the
arrangements, and then write the electron configurations in the form 2,8,1.
• Students draw the electron configurations of atoms of the first three elements
of Group 1. They repeat for Groups 2 and 18, and look for patterns.
Students plan an illustrated talk to explain electron configurations to students in
another class.
Workbook page 38.
Key words
electron configuration
4.6 Student Book answers
1. Electron configuration – the arrangement of electrons in shells in an atom.
2. a. 7 b. 9 c. 13
3. a.
4. Similar – there is one electron in the outer shell, furthest from the nucleus; different – each has a different number of
electron shells.
Review answers
Student Book
pages 84–85 Student Book answers
7 a nucleus [1]
b 16 [1]
c electrostatic [1]
8 a metal [1]
i. 200 [2]
b ii. 80 [1]
iii. because there are equal numbers of electrons and protons. [1]
9 a 7 [1]
b 5 [1]
c Magnesium [1]
d 5 [1]
e 4 [1]
f 23 [1]
g 24 [1]
10 a 11 [1]
b 2 [1]
c K=2, L=1 [3]
d Magnesium [2]
11 a Group 6 [1]
b It can conduct electricity and belongs to group 1. [1]
c Nucleus [1]
d atomic number [1]
5.1 Objectives
• Define valency and explain the formation of ions.
Making ions • Draw dot and cross diagrams showing the formation of ionic compounds.
Student Book Overview
pages 86–87 The lesson begins by considering an important ion, Na+, and continues with a
modelling activity in which students use dried beans to model atoms forming
ions in chemical reactions. Students then learn why atoms form ions, before
practising writing the formulae of some common ions. The lesson finishes with a
Prior learning
true or false activity to check learning.
• The electron configuration
of an atom describes how its
electrons are arranged.
• Each electron shell has
• Ask students if they have seen an animal licking salt, like the goat in the
picture. Elicit that animals get sodium ions from salt. Animals (and humans)
a maximum number of need sodium ions to make their heart and nerves work.
• Tell students that an ion is a particle with a positive or negative charge, and
that an ion forms when an atom gains or loses electrons. Students use dried
beans to model atoms forming ions in chemical reactions.
• Students read Student Book to learn why atoms form ions. Emphasise that an
atom with a full outer shell is stable, and that ions form in order to achieve this
stable structure. Students answer questions 1 and 2.
• Finish the lesson by reading out the following statements. Students indicate
which are true, and which are false:
1. When an atom gains an electron, a negative ion forms. (True)
5.1 Student Book answers
2. A positive ion forms when an atom gains an electron. (False)
1. Ion – an atom that has 3. An atom or ion is stable if its outer shell is full. (True)
gained one or more 4. In the formation of sodium chloride from its elements, an electron moves
electrons to be negatively from a chlorine atom to a sodium atom. (False)
charged, or lost one or more
electrons to be positively
Students work out the charges of the ions formed in the reaction of aluminium
2. The outer electron shell is
with nitrogen to make aluminium nitride.
full, and the ion stable.
3. a. K+
b. Mg2+
Workbook page 39.
c. Br−
4. Charge on ion is −1, because Key words
gaining one electron gives
a full outer shell, which is a
stable arrangement.
5. Students should attempt this
taking guidance from the
student book page 86 and
the teacher.
5.2 Objective
• Recognize that a chemical bond results from the attraction between atoms in
Inside ionic a compound and that the atoms’ electrons are involved in this bonding.
compounds Overview
The lesson begins by displaying ionic crystals and a model of the structure of
Student Book sodium chloride. Following this, student groups make a model of the structure
pages 88–89 of sodium chloride, using modelling clay or grapes (or similar), and identify its
strengths and limitations. Next, there is a demonstration of two of the properties
of ionic compounds – their high melting points and their solubility in water. The
Prior learning lesson concludes with students composing and answering questions on the topic.
• Display a model of the structure of sodium chloride. Elicit that positive sodium
ions and negative chloride ions are arranged alternately, in a regular pattern.
5.2 Student Book answers This is a giant ionic structure. Tell students that electrostatic attraction
between positive and negative ions holds the structure together. This is ionic
bonding. Ionic bonds act in all directions.
1. Ionic bond – the electrostatic
attraction between positive • Student groups model the structure of sodium chloride, using modelling
clay or grapes (or similar). They identify the strengths and limitations of their
and negative ions that
holds an ionic compound
together; ionic compound –
a compound made up of
• Demonstrate heating a small amount of sodium chloride, an ionic compound.
It does not melt at the temperature of a Bunsen burner flame, so must have a
positive and negative ions; high melting point. Tell students that all ionic compounds have high melting
giant ionic structure – the points, and that they are brittle. Elicit explanations for these properties, as
three-dimensional pattern given at the top of Student Book page 177.
of oppositely charged ions in
an ionic compound. • Demonstrate adding one spatula measure of three different ionic compounds
(for example sodium chloride, copper sulfate, and cobalt chloride) to separate
2. Electrostatic beakers of water. Stir. Elicit that these ionic compounds (and many others) are
3. Sodium chloride, calcium soluble in water.
oxide, nickel chloride, and
cobalt chloride. • Finish the lesson by asking each student to make up one question about ionic
compounds. Invite a few students to ask the class their questions.
4. a. The electrostatic
attraction between
oppositely charged ions
is strong. Workbook page 40
b. If you drop a crystal of an
ionic compound, it breaks Key words
between one row of ions ionic bonding, ionic compound, giant ionic structure
and another.
5. Strengths – shows positions
of ions, shows that the ions
are held together strongly;
limitations – does not show
that ions vibrate on the spot,
does not explain why ionic
compounds are brittle.
5.3 Objectives
• Discuss types and formation of covalent bonds as a result of mutual sharing of
Covalent bond electrons between atoms.
Student Book • Draw dot-and-cross diagrams showing the formation of covalent compounds.
pages 90–91 • Name certain covalent compounds.
• Recognize that a chemical bond results from the attraction between atoms in
a compound and that the atoms’ electrons are involved in this bonding.
Prior learning
• The electron configuration
The lesson begins by considering the element ammonia, which is one of the
of an atom describes how its
electrons are arranged. products of digestion by fish. Students then use beans to model the formation
of covalent bonds, before drawing dot-and-cross diagrams for elements and
• Each electron shell has
compounds that exist as simple molecules. The lesson ends by comparing
a maximum number of
covalent and ionic bonding.
× ×
H × Cl ×
× ×
5.4 Objective
• Recognize that a chemical bond results from the attraction between atoms in
Covalent a compound and that the atoms’ electrons are involved in this bonding.
structures Overview
The lesson starts by observing that two substances with covalent bonding –
Student Book nitrogen and diamond – have very different physical properties. Students
pages 92–93 then read about simple molecules and giant covalent structures, and create
small posters to display their learning. Students then make conclusions about
structure from melting point data. The lesson ends with students noting three
things they have learnt.
Prior learning
• A covalent bond is a shared
pair of electrons that joins
two atoms together. • Ifcharcoal,
possible, show students a sample of the element carbon (as graphite,
or diamond). Elicit some physical properties of the element. Point
out that a neighbouring element in the periodic table, nitrogen, is an invisible
gas. In both elements, the atoms are joined together by covalent bonds. In this
lesson, students will learn why two substances with the same type of bonding
have such different physical properties.
• Ingiant
pairs, one student reads about simple molecules and the other reads about
covalent structures They then tell each other what they have read about,
and ask questions to check learning. Following this, student pairs create small
posters to display their learning.
• Display the data in the Student Book. Elicit that the substances with low
melting points (carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide) have simple molecules,
and that the substances with high melting points (diamond and silicon
dioxide) have giant covalent structures. Point out that students have used
secondary data – as well as scientific knowledge – to make conclusions.
• Atposters
the end of the lesson, students walk round the classroom to look at the
created earlier. They consider how successfully each poster conveys
5.4 Student Book answers the required information.
5.5 Objectives
• Define valency.
Valency and • Write chemical formulae on the basis of valency of the constituent elements.
chemical such as H₂O, NaCl, NH , CO₂, CO, etc.
formulae Overview
Students will understand the concept of valency and its significance in forming
Student Book chemical compounds. They will learn how to write chemical formulas based on
pages 94–95 the valency of constituent elements for various compounds, such as H₂O, NaCl,
NH3, CO₂, and CO.
• Begin the lesson by asking students about chemical compounds and how they
are formed.
• Introduce the concept of valency as the combining capacity of an atom to form
chemical bonds with other atoms.
• Explain that valency determines the number of electrons an atom can gain,
lose, or share to achieve a stable configuration.
• Use visual aids to illustrate that every element has a valency value, which
is linked to the number of electrons in its outer shell. Elements in the same
group of the Periodic Table have the same valency.
• Provide simple examples of chemical bonds and compounds formed by
elements with specific valencies.
• Review the correct answers as a class and address any questions or
To extend the lesson, students can research and present on polyvalent elements
and their multiple valencies, or investigate the use of chemical formulas in
various industrial processes.
Workbook page 43.
Review answers
Student Book
pages 96–97 Student Book answers
1 a Neutron [5]
b Electron configuration
c Proton number
d Positive
e Negative
2 a 9 [1]
b Diagram showing 9 protons and 10 neutrons, arranged in a cluster [1]
c Refer spread for answer. [3]
d Fluorine and chlorine [2]
e They both have the same number of electrons (7) in their outer shells [2]
3 Top row – B, 3
Second row – carbon, 6, 4
Third row – Li, 3 [12]
Fourth row – Mg, 12
Fifth row – sodium, 1
4 a 13 [1]
b 2 electrons in shell nearest nucleus, 8 in next shell, 3 in outer shell [2]
c One from: boron, gallium, indium, thallium [1]
5 a Li+ [5]
b Ca2+
c d
d Cl−
e N3−
6 2 (because it needs two more electrons to gain a full outer electron shell / gain a stable
electron configuration)
7 a Electrostatic [1]
b The electrostatic attractions between the positive and negative ions are strong. [1]
c Mg2+ [1]
d I− [1]
e MgI2 [2]
f If dropped or hit, it breaks between one row of ions and another. [1]
8 a F2 [1]
b Covalent [1]
c Fluorine molecules are attracted to each other only weakly [1]
9 a H2S [1]
b Gas [1]
c [1]
6.1 Objective
• Differentiate between physical and chemical changes while considering daily
Chemical and life examples.
Extension: Introduction
• To extend the lesson, students
• Begin the lesson by asking students to define physical and chemical changes
can research and present on and if they have encountered any examples in their daily lives.
reversible and irreversible
changes, investigate the • Introduce the concept of physical changes as alterations that affect the
concept of conservation of mass appearance, shape, or state of matter without forming new substances.
in chemical changes, or conduct • Explain that chemical changes involve the transformation of substances into
experiments to demonstrate new substances with different properties.
physical and chemical changes
in the laboratory.
• Characteristics and Examples of Physical Changes Discuss the
characteristics of physical changes, such as reversibility and no change in the
composition of matter.
Homework • Present visual aids and real-life examples of physical changes, such as melting
Workbook page 44. ice, cutting paper, dissolving sugar in water, and crushing a can.
• Encourage students to identify other physical changes they encounter
• Characteristics and Examples of Chemical Changes Discuss the
characteristics of chemical changes, such as the formation of new substances,
energy changes, and irreversibility.
• Present visual aids and real-life examples of chemical changes, such as
burning paper, rusting of iron, baking bread, and digestion of food.
• Encourage students to identify other chemical changes they encounter in their
daily lives.
• Activity: Identifying Changes Divide the class into small groups and provide
them with objects representing various examples of physical and chemical
• Instruct each group to observe the objects and determine if the changes are
6.1 Student Book answers physical or chemical.
• Have the groups present their findings to the class and explain the reasons
1. Physical changes are behind their classifications.
changes that do not make
new substances.
• Group Discussion and Review Engage students in a discussion about the
differences between physical and chemical changes based on the activity and
2. Physical change: dissolving examples discussed.
sugar in water, melting ice,
freezing water Chemical
• Recap the main characteristics of each type of change and emphasize the
importance of understanding these concepts in everyday life.
changes: rusting of iron,
burning paper • Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the differences
between physical and chemical changes.
3. Cooked food, Fire, Energy
from digestion of food. • Encourage students to be observant of the changes they encounter in their
daily lives and to think critically about whether they are physical or chemical.
4. Encourage students to
present their answers in • Discuss the significance of these concepts in various fields, such as cooking,
construction, and environmental science.
form of an infographic.
6.2 Objectives
• Distinguish between physical and chemical properties of matter.
Physical and • Relate uses of materials to their physical properties.
chemical • Relate uses of materials to their chemical properties.
properties Overview
Student Book Students will distinguish between physical and chemical properties of matter,
and relate the uses of materials to their respective properties. They will explore
pages 100–101 how these properties influence the choice of materials in various applications
and understand the significance of these concepts in everyday life.
• Begin the lesson by asking students to define physical and chemical properties
of matter and provide examples if they know any.
• Introduce the concept of physical properties as characteristics that can be
observed or measured without changing the substance’s identity.
• Explain that chemical properties are characteristics that describe how a
substance reacts with other substances to form new substances.
• Examples and Characteristics of Physical Properties Present visual aids
and real-life examples of physical properties, such as colour, texture, density,
melting point, boiling point, and conductivity.
• Discuss the characteristics of physical properties, such as being observable
and measurable without altering the substance’s composition.
• Show samples of different materials and demonstrate how their physical
properties influence their uses (e.g., metals for conductivity, wood for its
texture and strength).
• Examples and Characteristics of Chemical Properties Present visual aids
and real-life examples of chemical properties, such as flammability, pH, and
6.2 Student Book answers combustion.
• Discuss the characteristics of chemical properties, such as describing how a
1. Physical properties are substance interacts with other substances and undergoes chemical changes.
properties that you can
observe or measure without
• Show samples of different materials and explain how their chemical
properties determine their uses (e.g., plastic for its resistance to corrosion,
permanently changing iron for its rusting, magnesium oxide for high MP ).
the material. Chemical
properties describe how • Give use of penicillin and vegetable and fruit based on their solubility.
substances change in • Identifying Properties and Uses Divide the class into small groups and
chemical reactions provide them with samples of different materials.
2. Physical properties: melting • Instruct each group to observe and identify the physical and chemical
point, boiling point, mass properties of the materials and discuss their potential uses based on these
of a substance, state of a properties.
substance • Have the groups present their findings to the class, explaining how the
3. a. High melting point of properties influence the materials’ applications.
magnesium oxide helps to
make it suitable for fire-
• Group Discussion and Review Engage students in a discussion about the
differences between physical and chemical properties and how they relate to
resistant building boards. the uses of materials.
b. Low melting point of
ethanol helps to make
• Recap the main characteristics of each type of property and emphasize
the importance of understanding these concepts in choosing appropriate
it a suitable liquid for materials for different applications.
Homework • Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the distinction
between physical and chemical properties and their relevance in material
Workbook page 45. selection.
• Encourage students to be more observant of the materials they encounter in
everyday life and think critically about their properties and uses.
• Discuss the significance of understanding these concepts in various fields,
such as engineering, architecture, and product design.
To extend the lesson, students can research and present on the properties and
uses of specific materials, investigate how the properties of materials can be
modified for specific applications, or conduct experiments to demonstrate the
physical and chemical properties of different substances.
Using materials: Objective
Thermal • Relate uses of materials to their physical properties: thermal conductivity.
conductivity Overview
TWS This is a lesson that helps students develop their skills in Thinking and working
Student Book The lesson starts with a discussion about computer heat sinks. Students
then carry out a scientific enquiry to find out which of four metals is the best
pages 102–103 conductor of thermal energy. The lesson ends by referring back to the discussion
about heat sinks – which of the metals used in the enquiry would make the best
heat sink?
Prior learning
• How to plan a fair. Activities
• Ifsinks
possible, show students a heat sink in a computer. Tell students that heat
are made from copper or aluminium. In this lesson, they will do an
6.3 Student Book answers enquiry to find out why these metals are chosen.
1. Scientific question – • Students finish planning, carry out, and analyse an enquiry to find out which
question that needs of four metals conducts heat quickest. Student Book page 64 shows one type
evidence in order to be of apparatus for the investigation, but your school may have a different type of
answered; independent apparatus.
variable – the variable that
you change; dependent
• Finish the lesson by referring back to the discussion about heat sinks. Ask
student pairs to discuss whether their results support the use of copper or
variable – the variable that aluminium for heat sinks.
is observed or measured;
control variable – variables • If time permits, students answer the questions in the Student Book.
that must be kept constant in
order to do a fair. Extension
2. Control variables Student suggest reasons for the shape of heat sinks.
3. Iron, zinc, aluminium,
copper Homework
Workbook page 46.
6.4 Objectives
• Evaluate some physical properties of materials.
Using materials: • Evaluate Impact of combustion reaction on environment.
Bicycles Overview
SIC This is a lesson that helps students develop their understanding of Science in
The lesson begins by considering the properties that a bicycle frame must have,
Student Book as well as an opportunity to look at some of the materials that are – or have
pages 104–105 been – used to make bicycle frames. Students then take the role of a company
that makes bicycles, and chooses a material for the frame. They then make
advertisements for their bicycle, and peer assess others’ advertisements.
Prior learning
• The properties of materials Activities
make them suitable for their
• Show a picture of some bicycles, and ask if any students have bicycles.
Student pairs then discuss the properties that the material used for the frame
must have.
• Tell students about materials that are, or have been, used to make bicycle
frames (iron, steel, aluminium alloys, titanium alloys, carbon fibre reinforced
polymer, bamboo) and display samples of some of these materials, if possible.
Point out that, over the years, bicycle makers have worked with scientists to
improve the performance of bicycles, in part by developing new materials for
their frames.
• Inbicycles.
pairs or groups of three, students take the role of a company that makes
They read Student Book and choose a material for the frame. They
then make advertisements – for any media – for their bicycles.
• Finally, the class looks at some of the advertisements. They use two criteria to
evaluate these – how clearly the science is conveyed, and its suitability for its
Students create a graphic to compare the properties of the all the bicycle frame
materials mentioned on Student Book.
Workbook page 47.
6.5 Objectives
• Differentiate between physical and chemical changes while considering daily
Using materials: life examples .
• Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about rusting of
• Introduce the concept of rusting as the process where metals, especially iron,
combine with oxygen to form a reddish-brown compound called iron oxide.
• Present visual aids and real-life examples of rusting, highlighting the role of
oxygen in the process.
• Discuss how water, oxygen, and iron react to form rust, emphasizing that
oxygen is an essential component for rusting to occur.
• Use simple chemical equations to represent the rusting process.
• Show samples of different materials, including iron, copper, plastic, and wood.
• Discuss the chemical properties of each material, particularly focusing on their
tendency to rust or not rust.
• Explain how the tendency to rust influences the use of materials in various
applications (e.g., using stainless steel to avoid rusting in kitchen utensils and
surgical tools.).
• Discuss that all almost all the iron we use is mixed with small amounts of
carbon – and sometimes other metals – to make alloys. Iron alloys are called
• Surgical tools are made from a special type of steel, called stainless steel.
Stainless steel is an alloy of iron mixed with chromium. Stainless steel has
different chemical properties from pure iron. Stainless steel does not rust.
• Divide the class into small groups and provide them with scenarios where
materials are needed for specific applications (e.g., building a bridge, making
a toy, constructing a home).
6.5 Student Book answers • Have the groups present their material selections and explain the reasoning
behind their choices.
1. Reactants: iron and oxygen
Product: water and hydrated
iron oxide To extend the lesson, students can research and present on other chemical
2. Because rust forms due to a properties that influence material selection, investigate the development of
chemical reaction. materials to address specific challenges (e.g., corrosion resistance).
3. a. Bus b. Surgical tools
6.6 Objective
• Explore methods of preventing rusting.
rusting This unit continues from the previous lesson on rusting. Students will be
encouraged to use their thinking and working scientifically and science in context
Student Book skills. They will learn that knowing that certain conditions are to be met for
pages 108–109 rusting to occur, we can use the same information to prevent or slow down the
process of rusting. This is of great importance in industries.
Workbook page 49 and questions from the student book.
6.7 Student Book answers Activities:
• Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about combustion and
1. In a combustion reaction, how it occurs.
a substance reacts with
oxygen. Energy is transferred
• Introduce the concept of combustion as a chemical reaction that involves
the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen to produce heat, light, and new
as heat and light. products.
2. methane + oxygen → carbon • Explain that oxygen is essential for the combustion process to take place.
dioxide + water
3. Carbon dioxide
• Present visual aids and real-life examples of combustion reactions,
highlighting the role of oxygen.
4. Climate change makes it
harder to grow food. Climate
• Discuss how fuels (e.g., wood, gasoline, natural gas) react with oxygen to
produce energy in the form of heat and light.
change has made some
plant and animal species • Use simple chemical equations to represent combustion reactions.
extinct. • Show samples of different materials, including flammable and non-flammable
5. Encourage students to share
reasoned answers. • Discuss the chemical properties that make certain materials highly flammable
and others less prone to catching fire.
• Explain how flammability influences the choice of materials for specific
applications (e.g., using fire-resistant materials in construction, using fuels
with specific combustion properties in engines).
• Methane gas catches fire easily. It is highly flammable. This makes methane
suitable for cooking stoves.
• Brick and mud do not catch fire easily. They are not flammable. This makes
brick and mud suitable for building houses.
• Present visual aids and real-life examples of combustion-related
environmental impacts, such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Discuss how combustion reactions release various pollutants (e.g., carbon
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter) into the atmosphere.
• Explain the connection between these pollutants and environmental issues
like global warming, acid rain, and respiratory problems.
• Divide the class into small groups and provide them with scenarios related to
combustion activities (e.g., burning of fossil fuels, forest fires).
• Instruct each group to discuss and evaluate the potential environmental
impact of the combustion activity presented in their scenario.
• Have the groups present their findings to the class and discuss ways to
mitigate the negative effects of combustion-related environmental impacts.
To extend the lesson, students can research and present on alternative and
renewable energy sources that produce fewer emissions than traditional
combustion processes, investigate ways to promote energy efficiency and reduce
fossil fuel consumption, or analyse real-world case studies of combustion-related
environmental issues and solutions.
Workbook page 50 and questions from the student book.
Review Answers
Student Book
pages 112–113 Student Book answers
1 a Physical [5]
b Chemical
c combustion
d rusting
e combustion
2 a physical [9]
b conductor
c malleable
d ductile
e independent
f dependent
g alloy
h brittle
i insulator
3 a good conductor of heat [1]
b a good conductor of electricity [1]
c sonorous [1]
d strong [1]
4 a It melts at 1063oC [1]
It is a good conductor of electricity
b [1]
It is a good conductor of heat
c It is always shiny. [1]
It melts at 1063oC.
d [1]
It is a good conductor of electricity.
e Because it is very costly. [1]
5 a Oxygen and water [2]
b Corrosion [1]
c For example, paint the sign [1]
6 a combustion [1]
b rusting [1]
c combustion [1]
7 Because bar graphs are useful for clearly comparing larger changes in data while line
a [1]
graphs are good for comparing continuous smaller changes.
b 42 [1]
c 58 [1]
d Iron, Sodium, Aluminium, Gold, Copper [2]
c Because it is costly. [1]
Example Physical/Chemical Change
Combustion Chemical change
Condensation Physical change
Melting Physical change
Freezing Physical change
Formation of sulphur dioxide Chemical change
Rusting Chemical change
Formation of ions Chemical change
7.1 Objectives
• Demonstrate the process of solution formation (using water as universal
Speeding up solvent).
dissolving – 1 • Distinguish among solute, solvent and solution; saturated and unsaturated
Student Book • Identify ways of accelerating the process of dissolving materials in a given
amount of water and provide reasoning (i.e., increasing the temperature,
pages 114–115 stirring, and breaking the solid into smaller pieces increases the process of
Extension: Overview
To extend the lesson, students Students will demonstrate the process of solution formation using water as the
can research and present on universal solvent. They will learn to distinguish between solute, solvent, and
other solvents and their solubility solution, as well as recognize the differences between saturated and unsaturated
characteristics, investigate the solutions.
factors that influence solubility
(e.g., temperature, pressure), or Activities
conduct experiments to explore
the solubility of different solutes in
• Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about solutions and how
they are formed.
various solvents.
• Introduce the concept of a solution as a homogenous mixture where one
substance (solute) dissolves in another (solvent).
Workbook page 51 and questions
• Explain that water is a universal solvent because it can dissolve a wide range
of substances.
from the student book.
• Set up a demonstration of solution formation using water as the solvent and
different solutes (e.g., sugar, salt, food coloring).
• Instirring
separate clear containers, add water and a small amount of each solute,
to help the solutes dissolve.
• solutions.the solute particles mixing uniformly with the solvent (water) to form
7.1 Student Book answers • Define solute as the substance that dissolves in a solvent to form a solution.
• Define solvent as the substance that dissolves the solute to form a solution.
1. A solution is a mixture that
forms when a substance
• Use visual aids and examples from the demonstration to help students
understand the differences between solute, solvent, and solution.
dissolves in a liquid forming
a uniform composition. • Introduce the concept of saturation in solutions, explaining that a saturated
solution contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a
Solute is the substance that
given amount of solvent at a specific temperature.
dissolves. Solvent the liquid
that the solute dissolves in • Discuss how adding more solute to a saturated solution will not dissolve, and
any excess will remain undissolved at the bottom of the container.
2. Sugar dissolves when sugar
particles leave the surface • Present the concept of an unsaturated solution as one where more solute can
of the grains and mix still dissolve in the solvent at a given temperature.
with water. This happens • Use examples and visual aids to illustrate the differences between saturated
more quickly if you stir the and unsaturated solutions.
3. Dissolving speed increases
Activity: Classifying Solutions
with the increase in • Divide the class into small groups and provide them with scenarios and
temperature. descriptions of different solutions.
4. Encourage students to • Instruct each group to determine whether the solutions are saturated or
provide a well reasoned unsaturated based on the information provided.
answer based on their
• Have the groups present their classifications and explain their reasoning.
• Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the process of solution
formation using water as the universal solvent.
• Review the definitions of solute, solvent, and solution, as well as the
differences between saturated and unsaturated solutions.
• Encourage students to observe and explore the formation of solutions in their
daily lives and consider the factors that affect solubility.
7.2 Objective
• Identify ways of accelerating the process of dissolving materials in a given
amount of water and provide reasoning (i.e., increasing the temperature,
Speeding up stirring, and breaking the solid into smaller pieces increases the process of
dissolving – 2 dissolving).
• Explain that stirring helps distribute the solute particles evenly in the solvent,
facilitating faster dissolving.
• Show how breaking a solid into smaller pieces increases its surface area,
leading to faster dissolving because more particles are exposed to the solvent.
• Divide the class into small groups and provide them with containers, water,
and different solutes (e.g., sugar, salt).
• Instruct each group to set up three separate experiments using cold water,
warm water, and hot water, and measure the time taken for each solute to
• Have the groups stir one container while leaving the other unstirred to observe
the difference in dissolving rates.
• Finally, provide solid sugar in different forms (e.g., sugar cubes and granulated
sugar) and observe the dissolving rates for each form.
7.2 Student Book answers
Data Collection and Analysis :
• Have each group record their observations and time measurements in a table.
1. a. Stirring b. temperature
c. grain size of solute • Facilitate a class discussion where each group presents their findings and
draws conclusions about the effects of temperature, stirring, and surface area
2. Approximately 1 min 7 on the dissolving process.
3. Using smaller pieces of • Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of
temperature, stirring, and surface area in accelerating the dissolving process.
solute speeds up dissolving.
• Discuss practical applications of these methods in various situations, such as
cooking, making beverages, and preparing medications.
7.3 Objective
• Explain what is meant by concentrated and dilute solution.
Solutions and Overview
concentration The lesson begins by considering examples of everyday solutions, and revising
key terms. Having been introduced to the terms concentrated and dilute,
Student Book students then make and evaluate physical models to show the particles in
dilute and concentrated solutions. The lesson finishes with a consideration of
pages 118–119 circumstances in which the concentration of a solution is changed for a specific
• Student pairs carry out the card matching activity to check that they can
remember key words about solutions.
• Display dilute and concentrated tea (in transparent cups or glasses). Student
pairs discuss the similarities and differences between the two cups of tea.
7.3 Student Book answers Elicit that the paler-coloured tea is a dilute solution and that the darker colour
tea is a more concentrated solution.
1. A measure of the number of
solute particles in a volume • Use the particle diagrams shown in the Student Book to explain the key
of a solution. difference between a dilute solution and a concentrated solution of the same
2. Diagram with more darker substance.
blue circles but with the
same (or similar) number of
• Student pairs to make physical models to show the particles in dilute and
concentrated solutions. The worksheet guides them in evaluating the model.
circles in total.
3. It is easier to handle water
• Finish the lesson by reading the Science in context box which describes how
diluting a solution can reduce the risk of harm from the solution. Ask student
safely, compared to an pairs to think of other examples of situations in which it is useful to change the
alkali. / The reaction of a concentration of a solution.
concentrated acid with an
alkali might be dangerous.
4. Hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen
Devise and evaluate a different physical model to explain dilute and
concentrated solutions.
Workbook page 53.
Key words
concentration, dilute, concentrated
7.4 Objective
• Recognize that the amount of solute which dissolves in a given solvent has an
How much salt upper limit at a given temperature.
• Ask how we could find the percentage by mass of salt in seawater. Elicit that
we could take a known mass of seawater, evaporate the water, and find the
mass of solute remaining. Most – but not all – the solute is sodium chloride.
7.5 Objective
• Evaluate an issue that requires science understanding.
Chlorine and
water This is a lesson that helps students develop their understanding of Science in
Students read about a scientific study on the effects of chlorinating water. In
groups of three, they create a radio programme to tell listeners about the study
Student Book and its findings. Students then discuss how they can persuade people of the
pages 122–123 importance of drinking clean water.
Prior learning • Ask students what may happen if they drink dirty water. Elicit that untreated
• Scientists carry out water spreads diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.
investigations, analyse
the evidence, and make
• Students read about the scientific study on the effects of chlorinating water
described in the Student Book. In groups of three, they plan to create a radio
conclusions. programme or podcast to tell listeners about the study and its findings.
• Student pairs discuss how they can persuade people why it is important to
drink clean water.
Use the Internet to research the chlorination of drinking water in more detail.
Start by looking at the World Chlorine Council and navigating to resources.
Workbook page 55.
7.6 Objectives
Solubility • Distinguish among solute, solvent and solution; saturated and unsaturated
Student Book • Recognize that the amount of solute that dissolves in a given solvent has an
pages 124–125 upper limit at a given temperature.
• Define solubility.
• Identify the factors which affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent and
recognize the importance of these factors in homes and industries.
Prior learning Overview
• Define and use the terms The lesson begins with demonstrations of the amount of sugar in cola and
the amount of sugar required to make a saturated solution in 100 g of water.
solution, solute, and solvent.
Students then draw solubility bar charts, and make conclusions from these.
Finally, there is a card matching activity to revise key words about solutions.
• Display a bottle of cola. Ask students to guess how many teaspoonfuls of sugar
are in the drink. Then show the answer by measuring out the appropriate
amount of sugar. [A 330 ml bottle of cola contains about 40 g of sugar, which is
about 10 teaspoonfuls.] Elicit the health problems linked to consuming large
amounts of sugar.
time. Students guess how many spoonfuls will dissolve. At 25 °C, 200 g of sugar
dissolves in 100 cm3 of water. This is approximately 40 teaspoonfuls. Explain
the terms saturated solution and solubility.
• Students draw solubility bar charts, using data from a secondary source. They
make conclusions from this data.
• Students read about data from secondary sources on Student Book page 138.
Elicit examples of trustworthy data sources.
• Finish the lesson with the card matching activity to revise key words.
Students answer question 4.
Workbook page 56.
Key words
solubility, saturated solution
7.7 Objective
• Identify the factors that affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent.
solubility and This is a lesson that helps students develop their skills in Thinking and working
temperature – 1 scientifically.
The purposes of this lesson are to practise planning investigative work and to
TWS obtain evidence about the relationship between temperature and solubility
for one solute. The lesson starts with a reminder that the solubility of sugar
increases with temperature. Students then carry out these stages of an
Student Book investigation: making a prediction, considering variables, choosing equipment,
pages 126–127 choosing apparatus, planning how to obtain data, recording data, and carrying
out the investigation. The investigation continues the next lesson.
• Students carry out the investigation and record their data in a table. Tell
students that they will analyse their data and make conclusions next lesson.
Workbook page 57.
7.8 Objective
• Identify the factors that affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent.
solubility and This is a lesson that helps students develop their skills in Thinking and working
temperature – 2 scientifically.
In this lesson, students continue the investigation they started in lesson 8.8. They
TWS decide whether to present their evidence in a line graph or bar chart, and then
produce line graphs. Students then write a conclusion for the investigation, and
Student Book discuss what to do about any results that do not fit into the pattern.
pages 128–129 Activities
• Discuss the evidence obtained in previous lesson. Is it easy to make
conclusions from the evidence presented in tables? Elicit that it would be
better to present the evidence graphically.
• Student pairs discuss whether to draw bar charts or line graphs. Tell students
that bar charts are suitable if the variable you change is discrete. Line graphs
are suitable if the variable you change is continuous. In this investigation, line
graphs should be drawn.
• Students draw line graphs and write conclusions for their investigations.
• Student pairs discuss any anomalous results, and possible reasons for these.
• Student pairs evaluate their investigations by discussing limitations and
suggesting improvements.
• Tell students that they have drawn a solubility curve. Point out that every
substance has its own solubility curve. There are examples of solubility curves
in the Student Book. In turn, ask a few students to describe one solubility
curve each.
7.8 Student Book answers
1. A variable that can have any
numerical value. Answer the questions in the spread.
2. 42 g/100 g of water
Workbook page 58.
Factors affecting Objectives
solubility • Identify the factors that affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent and
recognize the importance of these factors in homes and industries.
Student Book • Make a rock candy with sugar using crystal seeding technique (STEAM).
pages 130–131
Students will understand how temperature and pressure affect the solubility of
gases in liquids. They will explore the scientific principles behind these effects,
conduct experiments to observe gas solubility under different conditions, and
apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Extension: Introduction:
To extend the lesson, students • Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about gas solubility and
can research and present on the how gases dissolve in liquids.
factors that affect gas solubility
in specific liquids, investigate the • Introduce the concept of gas solubility as the ability of a gas to dissolve in a
liquid to form a homogeneous mixture (solution).
solubility of different gases under
varying conditions. • Explain that temperature and pressure are critical factors that influence the
solubility of gases in liquids.
Homework • Gases are different from liquids .If the solute is in the gas state, solubility
Workbook page 59. decreases as temperature increases. So more gas dissolves at 10 °C than at
30 °C. Display graph showing the pattern for the gas in fizzy drinks, carbon
7.9 Student Book answers
• The pattern explains why, if a fizzy drink gets warm, more bubbles come out. If
1. Solubility of solids increases the drink is in a sealed bottle, the gas stays in the bottle, under the lid.
with the increase in
temperature. • The Effect of Pressure on Gas Solubility: Present visual aids and real-life
examples to demonstrate the impact of pressure on gas solubility.
2. Solubility of solute in
gaseous state decreases as • Discuss how increasing pressure forces more gas particles into the liquid,
temperature increases. leading to higher solubility.
3. Carbon dioxide is more • Show how decreasing pressure causes gas particles to escape from the liquid,
soluble at 40 °C than at 60 °C resulting in lower gas solubility.
4. The solubility of a gas
increases as pressure
• Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing how temperature and
pressure influence gas solubility in liquids.
Review Answers
Student Book
pages 132–133 Student Book answers
1 a Pure [6]
b Purity
c Dilute
d Concentrated
e Concentration
f Solubility
2 a Time [1]
b Temperature [1]
c [3]
d 42 ᵒC [1]
At first, the particles are moving from place to place, sliding over each other and their
e arrangements are random and changing. Then the movement of the particles slows down [3]
and the particles start vibrating on the spot in fixed positions.
3 a Boiling [1]
b The result at 1.5 minutes [1]
c Any sensible suggestion [1]
4 i. Temperature [1]
a ii. Mass of potassium chloride that dissolves [2]
iii. Volume of water and amount of stirring [1]
The prediction is correct because the graph shows that, as temperature increases, the
b [1]
mass of potassium chloride that dissolves increases
c Both variables are continuous [1]
5 a Lithium bromide [1]
b Copper sulphate [1]
c 72g [2]
d 16g [2]
6 a It has more water and less solute than a concentrated solution. [1]
b stirring affects the speed of dissolving [1]
8.1 Objectives
• Compare all three scales of temperature (including inter-conversion of
Hot and cold temperature scales).
• Define the terms heat and temperature on the basis of Kinetic Molecular
Student Book Theory.
pages 134–135 • Differentiate between heat and temperature on the basis of particle theory.
Prior learning In this lesson students learn the difference between thermal energy and
temperature. They build on their experiences of heating and cooling materials.
• Investigate how materials They start by learning how unreliable our skin is at detecting temperature, and
change when they are hence the need for a thermometer. They learn that we measure temperature
heated and cooled on the Celsius scale, and the temperatures that they might expect to find
in everyday situations. In an experiment to heat water they learn that the
Workbook page 60. temperature that water achieves depends not only on the length of time of
heating, but on the mass of water being heated.
Key words
heat, thermal energy, temperature,
thermometer, degrees Celsius (°C), • Ask students to put one hand in hot water and the other in cold water for
heat dissipation 1 minute, and then both in lukewarm water. This leads them to understand
that feeling hot and cold is relative, so a better way of assessing the degree of
hotness of an object is necessary. Ask for suggestions to do this. Show different
types of thermometer. Mention the Celsius scale (°C). Get them to guess the
temperature of each bowl. They will be surprised at the low temperature of the
hot water.
• Students heat various masses of water and investigate how the temperature
changes Important: Ensure that appropriate measures are taken make sure
that there is a very low risk of injury. (Safety: Ensure students wear goggles.
The heating equipment and water will get hot. Ensure students allow all
equipment to cool down before attempting to move it. For the extension
activity, check the hazards involved in heating a different liquid.)
• Students discuss the results and elicit the link between mass, temperature,
and thermal energy. For extension students, discuss that the type of liquid is
also a factor.
8.2 Objectives
• Describe the expansion of the three states of matter on heating, and
Thermal contraction on cooling, in terms of particles.
expansion and • Identify the effects of thermal expansion and contraction with their
applications in daily life.
Student Book This lesson helps students identify thermal expansion and contraction in daily
pages 136–137 life. They are introduced to the inference that generally, solids, liquids, and gases
expand when heat energy is absorbed and contract when heat energy is given
out. They are reminded of the particle theory of matter and encourage to make
Prior learning observations of the expansion or contraction of metals in their daily life.
• Next, introduce the concept of thermal expansion. Explain that when a solid is
heated, its particles gain kinetic energy and begin to vibrate more vigorously.
This increased motion causes the particles to move slightly further apart,
resulting in an overall expansion of the solid.
• Demonstrate the expansion of solids, using a metal ball and ring setup. Show
the students how before heating, the metal ball is able to go through the ring.
Ask them to predict what will happens when we heat the metal ball to high
temperature. Remind them that heat gain causes expansion and heat loss
causes contraction. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature change.
8.2 Student Book answers
• After hearing their predictions, heat the metal ball and show that it expands and
1. Expand, contracts, faster/ can no longer fit through the ring. Ask the students to relate this phenomenon
more, apart, slower/less to thermal expansion. Discuss how this phenomenon can have practical
close. applications, such as in the design of bridges and other structures that must
account for changes in temperature. You could also demonstrate how a
2. The forces between the
thermometer works by showing how the liquid inside expands when heated,
particles in a liquid are
causing it to rise up the tube.
less than in a solid. This
means that as the particles
are heated they can move
further apart and so the Workbook page 61.
substance expands more.
3. In the summer the cables Key words
have expanded ad so are Conduction, convection, radiation, kinetic energy, convection current,
longer this is why they hang thermometer, expansion, contraction, thermal, insulator, conductor,
lower OR In the winter the temperature, heat gain, heat loss, poor absorber/ reflector.
cables have contracted and
so are shorter this is why
they are tighter
4. The lid expands more than
the glass in the hot water.
This loosens the lid.
8.3 Objectives
• Construct the concept of heat conduction, convection and radiation by
Energy applying particle theory including daily life examples .
transfer: • Explain why metals are good thermal conductors and fluids are poor
conductors of heat using the particle model.
Conduction Overview
This lesson introduces students to energy transfer by conduction. They discover
Student Book that all good conductors are solid and that the best conductors are metals. The
pages 138–139 mechanism of conduction is to be linked to particle motion. The students learn
many applications of good and bad thermal conductors and that air is a poor
conductor. They will link the idea of particle motion to convection in the next
white paper lesson.
• Show that metal is a better conductor of heat than wood using a rod that
is one half metal and the other wood, with paper wound tightly around the
central area. Warm around the centre by rotating it above a gentle Bunsen
flame. The paper will char a little but take care not to set it alight!
• Some students can be asked to feel either end of the rod and report what they
notice. Ask students what they think is happening. Establish that thermal energy
Key words travels along metal more easily than along wood, so the paper wrapped around
conductor, insulator the metal is not scorched. Introduce the words conductor and insulator.
• Discuss, in terms of particles, how energy is transferred from one end of the
rod to the other. The students could make a model of a solid by standing
in line. As one end is heated the particles vibrate more and this vibration is
transferred along the rod. Ask students how they could demonstrate this in
8.3 Student Book answers the way that they move. Bring out the link between electrical conductors and
thermal conductors. Explain that electrons in metals transfer energy, and
1. a. Thermal energy is produce a current when they move.
transferred much more
quickly in a conductor • Pass around materials that are used to insulate (to keep hot things hot or cold
than in an insulator. things cold). Elicit the observation that they have pockets that trap air, and
explain that air is a very poor conductor.
b. Metals are conductors;
plastics, wood, and • Demonstrate that water is a poor conductor by taking a test tube of water
trapped air are insulators. containing some ice trapped at the bottom by a small piece of gauze, or similar,
2. It would take a very long and heating it at the top. The water at the top boils but the ice does not melt.
time to heat the water. • Students make a table of conductors and insulators and where they are used
3. a. The trapped layer of air is and why.
an insulator.
b. Drysuits. Air will be a
• Students learn that materials that feel warm are insulators because they do
not transfer energy quickly. They investigate ice melting on conductors and
better insulator because insulators, which produces a counterintuitive result, Alternatively, this activity
the particles are farther could be demonstrated.
4. It doesn’t trap ‘heat’. It traps Homework
air and air is not a very Workbook page 62.
good conductor of thermal
energy/is an insulator.
8.4 Objective
• Construct the concept of heat conduction, convection and radiation by
Energy transfer: applying particle theory including daily life examples .
Convection Overview
The lesson introduces students to energy transfer by convection. They observe
Student Book convection currents in liquids and gases, and discover that though liquids and
pages 140–141 gases do not transfer energy well by conduction they do transfer energy by
convection. They explain convection in terms of density and the particle model.
They consider some applications of convection and learn how convection currents
smouldering are formed.
rag or taper
• Show short video clips of birds and gliders. Ask students to suggest how they
do it. They may not come up with the correct answer, but it will get them
thinking and you will return to this later in the lesson.
• Remind them that they saw energy transferred by conduction in solids last
lesson, and they learned that liquids and gases are not good conductors.
They do an experiment to find out what happens when they heat a liquid
and to demonstrate that the same thing happens in air (Safety: Ensure
students wear goggles. The equipment will get hot – they should allow the
equipment to cool down before moving it. Take care with hot water. Check
hazards involved in handling potassium permanganate. Ensure students
take care not to set fire to the paper.)
• Demonstrate the same effect in air using a box containing a candle and some
smouldering paper (see diagram on the left).
• Discuss the extent to which the two experiments show the same thing. Introduce
the idea that the movement of the air/water is to do with density. Hold a cork
underwater and let it go. Elicit that it moves up because it is less dense, so it
8.4 Student Book answers floats up. This is what happens in a liquid. As the liquid gets hotter it becomes
less dense, rises, then cools and sinks, and this makes a convection current.
1. In conduction, thermal
energy is transferred because
• Demonstrate a convection current in water very clearly using a large glass
bowl of water, a small bottle of coloured water, and some coloured ice
particles in a solid are close cubes. You can find detailed instructions online, for example at https://www.
to each other, so when the
solid is heated the increased
vibrations of the particles are • Students work through using the idea of density to explain convection.
transferred. In convection
the gas or liquid moves when
• Students design a poster that explains how convection keeps a refrigerator cold.
it is heated. • Return to the videos of the birds and gliders and ask students to explain what
is happening.
2. When you heat a gas the
particles in it move further
apart, so the gas becomes
less dense and rises. Workbook page 63.
3. a. anticlockwise
b. The air near the equator
Key words
will rise because it is convection, convection current, thermal
hotter. It will be replaced
by cooler air drawn in
from away from the
8.5 Objective
• Construct the concept of heat conduction, convection and radiation by
Energy applying particle theory including daily life examples .
transfer: Overview
Radiation This lesson introduces the idea of energy transfer by infrared radiation. Students
look at thermal images and learn how they show temperature variation. They
Student Book consider how thermal transfer is different from conduction and convection,
pages 142–143 and complete an investigation into which material absorbs infrared radiation
fastest. They apply their knowledge to the Earth as a whole and explain what is
happening in the greenhouse effect.
• Show some thermal imaging photographs and explain the colour coding.
Remind them that thermal radiation is known as infrared radiation or infrared.
• Energy reaches us from the Sun by infrared. Discuss whether this transfer is
like conduction or convection. Elicit that it must be different because there
is a vacuum in space and the other methods require a medium. Set up a
large plastic bottle filled with CO2 (from e.g. antacid tablet and water, or a
carbonate/bicarbonate of soda and vinegar), and another with the same
amount of water. Put thermometers through corks to seal the bottles and set
in the sun or near an infrared lamp.
• Ifusing
available, boil water on a solar oven. A simple solar oven can be made by
a concave shape in sand, covering with foil, and suspending a pan of
water at the focus. Take care with positioning of students – they should not be
able to look into it or get near the focus. Look up hazards and take appropriate
precautions. Go to and search for ‘Solar Oven’.
• Students read the Student Book about the greenhouse effect. Look at the
temperatures of the bottles you set up at the start of the lesson. Discuss the
differences. They research the greenhouse effect, climate change, and global
8.5 Student Book answers warming, and produce a leaflet for other students that explains what climate
change is and how it is linked to greenhouse gases and infrared radiation. Find,
1. carbon dioxide, methane, and check for scientific reliability, some suitable sources to suggest beforehand
water vapour (e.g.,
2. a. The thermal imaging
camera absorbs infrared, Homework
not visible light. Workbook page 64.
b. The person is not hot
enough to emit visible Key words
infrared radiation, medium, vacuum, greenhouse effect
3. If the Earth emitted more
radiation than it receives.
8.6 Objective
• State and explain the practical methods of thermal insulation used for
Insulating constructing buildings.
homes Overview
Introduce the students to the concept of energy as an amount that we can track,
Student Book spend and overspend. Elicit consideration of energy transfers as either ‘useful’ or
pages 144–145 ‘wasted’ energy. Remind them to make observations in their daily life, keeping
in mind the law of conservation of energy, and how that applies to the energy
transfers that they have been investigating.
Prior learning
• the concept of heat
• Begin by reviewing the concepts of energy transfer, conservation of energy
conduction, convection,
and wastage of energy in daily life. Ask the students to share possible modes
and radiation by applying
of energy wastage and whether they can be curtailed and how. Introduce the
particle theory including
concepts of insulation and how it can help reduce energy consumption and
daily life examples.
save money on heating and cooling bills in houses. Elicit the importance of heat
insulation in homes.
• Explain the different types of insulation materials and their properties, such
as fiberglass, foam board, and cellulose. Divide the class into small groups.
Encourage students to be creative and design their own unique house.
• Once the model houses are complete, with the the heat insulation mechanisms,
encourage each group to present their model and discuss in class: students to
8.6 Student Book answers ask questions and provide feedback.
8.7 Objective
• Predict the effects of heat gain and heat loss.
Cooling by
evaporation Overview
This lesson introduces the idea of cooling by evaporation. Students learn that
people have been using evaporating liquids to produce a cooling effect for a
Student Book long time and investigate the cooling effect. They consider how refrigerators and
pages 146–147 coolers work by evaporating a refrigerant or water, and how evaporation helps
animals to keep cool.
• Ask how people used to keep their houses or food cool before electricity
allowed us to use fans, air conditioning, or refrigeration. Get students to wet
their hands or use a drop of a volatile liquid (check for allergies) on the back of
their hands. They should feel that their hands get cooler. Discuss why.
• Students brainstorm the factors that might affect the rate that a liquid
evaporates. Elicit temperature of the air/liquid, type of liquid, surface area,
and breeze/wind. Students can hold wet hands in front of a fan to feel that
that is the case. Discuss why a breeze affects the rate of cooling. Set up a
demonstration to investigate the effect of the factors that they have identified.
Measure a set amount of water into a petri dish and into a small beaker, and
then repeat with fans pointing at the surface. Students note the starting
temperature of each and the volume of water in each.
Student Book Student Book answers
pages 148–149
1 a temperature [1]
b energy [1]
c more [1]
2 a The type of material and amount of the material. [1]
b C, A, B [1]
3 a Metals are good conductors of thermal energy. [1]
b They absorb infrared radiation more quickly than white clothes. [1]
c The hot air expands, becomes less dense, and floats up. [1]
d The feathers trap air and keep the bird warm because air is a good insulator of thermal energy. [1]
4 °C K °F
10 283 50
[1] each
60 333 140
-173 100 -279.4
5 a The one covered with black paper. [1]
b The black paper will absorb the thermal energy from the lamp and the foil will reflect it. [1]
6 a Thermal energy is conducted through the cup to the table. The temperature of the tea goes
b The air above the hot tea and around the sides of the cup gets warmer, expands, and rises.
Cooler air flows in to replace it, more energy is transferred to the air from the tea, and that air [1]
too gets warmer, expands, and rises, and so on. The temperature of the tea goes down.
c All hot objects emit radiation. The hot cup will radiate thermal energy. The temperature of the
tea goes down.
d The lid would reduce the thermal energy transfer by convection. [1]
7 At least six from:
The particles in the metal tray vibrate.
The hotter the tray, the more they vibrate.
When the tray goes into the oven the metal heats up.
The particles on the outside of the tray vibrate more.
They pass the vibrations on.
The tray reaches the same temperature as the inside of the oven.
The tray is in thermal equilibrium.
When you take the tray out of the oven it cools down.
The energy moves from the thermal store of the tray to the thermal store
of the air.
The air heats up.
The tray reaches the same temperature as the air.
The particles in the tray vibrate less.
9.1 Objectives
• Define a wave.
Introducing • Compare the types of waves(mechanical and electromagnetic ) with daily life
waves examples.
Create a fish bone diagram to differentiate between the different forms of waves.
Also Workbook page 67.
Key words
energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, renewable, non-renewable,
conservation, solar, geothermal, stores of energy, energy supplies, fossil fuel.
9.2 Objectives
• Define the terms: wavelength, frequency and time period of a wave.
Describing • Construct the inverse relation between time, period and frequency.
Student Book In this lesson students will be introduced to certain important properties of
waves. They will learn how a wave’s wavelength, frequency, and time period,
pages 152–153 help us wave behaviour and ability to transfer energy from one place to another.
Students learn the definitions and then the relationship between these terms.
Prior learning They will discover how time period and frequency are inversely related.
• Energy and types of energy
• Transfer of energy • Begin by reviewing the previous lesson. Ask the students to recall what they
remember about the different types of waves. Next introduce the idea that
Key words all wave types share certain common characteristics, namely, wavelength,
frequency, and time period. Provide their brief overview and definitions.
energy, potential energy,
mechanical energy, renewable,
non-renewable, conservation,
• Draw a waveform on the board and indicate the above on it. Ensure the students
understand that difference between a wavelength and the amplitude of a wave.
solar, geothermal, stores of energy, Explain that wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points on a
energy supplies, fossil fuel. wave that are in phase, frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in
one second, and time period is the time it takes for one complete wave to pass a
Homework point.
Workbook page 68. • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a slinky or rope.
Instruct students to create transverse waves by moving one end of the slinky or
rope up and down.
• Set up the wave creation in water activity (as discussed in the book). Have
students measure the wavelength of the wave by measuring the distance
between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase. Suggest they
calculate the frequency of the wave by counting the number of waves that pass
a point in one second. Encourage the students to calculate the time period of
the wave. Explain that this is because time period and frequency are inversely
related - as one increases, the other decreases.
9.3 Objectives
• Compare the types of waves (mechanical and electromagnetic) with daily life
Sound waves examples.
and how they • Explain the factors affecting pitch and loudness of sound.
travel Overview
In this topic students build on what they have learned about sound in earlier
Student Book grades.
pages 154–155 In this lesson students learn that all sounds are made by vibrations, even though
those vibrations may not be observable. They examine various ways of making
sounds to find out what is vibrating, and look at a wave on a Slinky spring as a
Prior learning model of a sound wave. This work links to the particle model, which is needed to
• Identify many sources explain how sound travels and why it doesn’t travel through a vacuum.
of sound
Students use a Slinky to make longitudinal and transverse waves.
Workbook page 69.
9.4 Objectives
• Describe how the ear detects sound.
Detecting • Explain how your hearing can be damaged.
sounds • Describe how a microphone works.
Student Book Overview
pages 156–157 The ear is one way of detecting a sound wave. In this lesson students learn
about the structure of the ear and ways in which its structures can be damaged,
resulting in loss of hearing.
Students learn about the similarities between the ear and the microphone,
another detector of sound.
• Ask students how much of your ear can be seen, and how much of the ear is
inside your head. Demonstrate the inside of the ear using a model of the ear if
available. If not, use a suitable animation to show the different parts of the ear.
• Students label the diagram of the ear and colour-code it to show the inner,
middle, and outer ear. Then students should work out the order in which a
sound wave reaches parts of the ear.
• Students read about how hearing can become damaged. They show the
different ways that your hearing can change. They could write the possible
damage next to the part of the ear or they could make a table in the space
Key words
outer ear, pinna, auditory canal, auditory nerve, eardrum, middle ear,
oval window, inner ear, semicircular canals, cochlea, perforate, transducer,
electrical signal, microphone, loudspeaker
9.5i Objectives
• Define and relate:
Loudness and a. Pitch and frequency.
amplitude b. Amplitude and frequency.
Student Book
• Explain the factors affecting pitch and loudness of sound.
pages 158–159 Overview
Due to complexity, this lesson is divided into 2 lesson plans, to better aid
students to clarify concepts. Students learn about the properties of waves and
Prior learning how they can be shown on an oscilloscope. They learn how to define wave
• Students answer the questions to demonstrate what they have learned so far.
• Display some images of stringed instruments. Most have a box underneath
them. Ask students why. They investigate the effect of putting a box underneath
9.5 Student Book answers an elastic band. (Safety: Ensure students do not flick elastic bands). Discuss
the results. The box will amplify the sound, just like an amplifier that is used at a
1. Loud, soft/quiet, frequency,
2. 512 times each second • Students make and play a simple game to demonstrate their understanding of
the waveforms on an oscilloscope. Emphasise that the pairs should have the
3. Sketch the answer as per
same number of waves, but different amplitudes.
below parameters:
a. Long wavelength large Extension
Students explain the difference between the wave on the string, the wave on the
b. Short wavelength small screen of the oscilloscope, and a sound wave travelling through the air in terms
amplitude of their properties.
4. To make louder sounds
the vibrations of the voice Key words
box/vocal cords must be
bigger. This increases the property, wavelength, amplitude, frequency, oscilloscope, amplifier
amplitudes of the vibrations
of the air.
To make higher pitched
sound the frequency of the
vibrations must be greater/
more vibrations per second.
9.5ii Objectives
• Describe what affects the pitch of a sound
Pitch and • Draw and interpret waveforms showing differences in frequency
frequency Overview
Student Book Continuing from the previous lesson plan for the same unit, this lesson will build
on the knowledge gained so far. Students will know that some sounds are high
pages 158–159 and some are low; this lesson establishes the link between pitch and frequency.
Students learn that changing the frequency is distinct from changing the
amplitude of a sound. They explore the range of human hearing and the range of
Prior learning hearing of other animals. They learn why musical instruments sound distinctly
• Investigate the way pitch different. They learn that sounds with a frequency higher than 20 000 Hz cannot
be heard by humans and are called ultrasound.
describes how high or low a
sound is and that high and
low sounds can be loud or Activities
soft • Discuss what is meant by ‘high’ and ‘low’ notes, and how this property –
• Explore how pitch can pitch – is different from loudness.
be changed in musical
instruments in a range of
• Use a signal generator, loudspeaker, and oscilloscope to show a sound wave
on the screen of the oscilloscope and hear it at the same time. Change the
ways frequency of the sound and elicit the description that there are more waves on
the screen, so the frequency has increased.
• Play the same note on lots of different musical instruments, record each one
and compare them. This is possible with a microphone and an oscilloscope
but is easier to see when you can record it. Use Audacity (free software
available to download) to show the timbre of different instruments. Discuss
why different instruments sound so distinct. The same note will have the same
‘fundamental’ frequency, with higher frequencies that make up the quality, or
timbre, that makes each one distinct.
• Students consolidate what they have learned about frequency, pitch, and how
waves are represented on a screen.
Workbook page 71.
Key words
frequency, pitch, ultrasound, audible range, fundamental, harmonics, timbre
9.6 Objectives
• Name the unit of sound intensity, or loudness.
Hearing, • Describe some of the risks of loud sounds and how to reduce the risks.
decibels, and Overview
risk This lesson helps students develop their understanding of science in context. In
this lesson students learn about the decibel scale of sound intensity or loudness,
SIC and what it means. They investigate the loudness of sounds in the world around
them and collect data using a sound-level meter. They learn about how loud
sounds can damage hearing and how to reduce the risk of that damage. This
Student Book lesson links together what they have learned about the ear, amplitude, and how
pages 160–162 sound is displayed on an oscilloscope.
Students consider how people can use this scientific understanding to evaluate
the risks to their hearing and take steps to reduce those risks.
Science in context
• Describe how people Activities
develop and use scientific
understanding, as
• Ask the students to think of the loudest sound they have ever heard (or even
ask them to make a very loud sound!). Bang a drum softly, and then loudly.
individuals and through Ask a student to measure the loudness of the sound with a sound meter.
collaboration, for example Introduce the decibel as the unit of sound intensity or loudness. Distinguish
through peer review. between sounds that we like and noise that we don’t like. Students make a
decibel scale.
Prior learning • Students investigate the sound levels in and around the classroom or other
area and interpret them. (Safety: Remind students to follow road safety
• Investigate the way pitch
rules if they record traffic noise.)
describes how high or low a
sound is and that high and • Students may be surprised to know that listening to music on earphones can
low sounds can be loud or be damaging to their hearing. Studies have shown that the risk of hearing loss
soft. Secondary sources can is considerably increased by listening with earphones. Use this example to
be used introduce the idea of risk, and the link to probability and consequence.
• Explore how pitch can • Students make a list of all the different ways that you can protect your
be changed in musical hearing. Students test ear plugs and homemade or commercial ear defenders.
instruments in a range of ways
• Students analyse the results of their experiment. Ask groups to come up with
two ways that they could improve the test and feed those ideas back to the
Workbook page 72.
1. a. decibel
b. 100 times more intense
2. Two from: reduce the volume, reduce the time, listen through a
loudspeaker, not earphones.
3. a. Two jobs carried out near loud noise, e.g. construction worker, working
near planes.
b. The continuous road noise could damage their hearing.
Review answers
Student Book
pages 162–163 Student Book answers
1 a f, h [1]
b d, g [1]
c e, h [1]
2 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – B, 4 – A [1] each
3 a false [1]
b true [1]
c false [1]
4 a closer together [1]
b closer together [1]
c less [1]
5 a B, C [1] each
b D, F [1] each
c A, E [1] each
d E [1]
The speed is larger when the particles are closer together [1]
e D [1]
6 a distance = speed × time
= 330 m/s × 4 seconds [1]
= 1320 m [1]
b She assumes that the light took no time to travel to her. It arrives immediately. [1]
7 a wave with a bigger amplitude (taller) but same frequency [1]
b wave with a higher frequency (peaks closer together) but same amplitude [1]
8 a 400 [1]
b 200 [1]
Arrow Wavelength Amplitude neither
C [1] each
10 a There are 1500 vibrations or waves per second. [1]
b The pitch would be higher. [1]
11 1–D
[1] each
10.1 Objectives
• Define and state the SI unit of force.
Introduction to • Give examples of contact forces and non-contact forces.
Student Book This lesson builds on the understanding of forces that students gained in
previous grades. It will enable them to recall the different types of forces, such as
pages 164–165 gravity, air resistance, and friction.
The main idea is that forces enable us to explain what is happening to an object.
To explain motion, students need to be able to identify the forces acting on an
Prior learning object and the direction in which they act. Because forces are invisible, students
• Explore, talk about and need to be able to represent the forces acting on an object with an arrow, and
describe the movement of to be able to label those arrows correctly. Students will be familiar with using
familiar things a spring balance, or forcemeter, to measure forces. They should be aware that
• Recognise that both pushes forces are measured in newtons.
and pulls are forces
• Know that pushes and pulls
• Ask students to recall the names of the different types of force. They may not
are examples of forces and
that they can be measured have learned about the electrostatic force. How do we know that there are
with forcemeters forces acting? Explain that forces act on objects and we can represent them
with arrows.
10.2 Objective
• Demonstrate that forces always work in action and reaction pairs (equal in
Action and magnitude, opposite in direction).
• Types of forces
that whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object
exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object.
• Divide the class into smaller groups and ensure there is plenty of space for the
activities. Make sure the students observe safety. (Safety: Ensure that student
do not stand anywhere hazardous such as on tables.)
8 a Infrared radiation from the Sun heats up the can of soft drink. [1]
b The water that he was pouring on the pot has evaporated. [1]
This has cooled the air inside the pot, and that has cooled the can of soft drink. [1]
c The water evaporates so he needs to keep pouring more water to keep cooling the can. [1]
9 a White surfaces reflect infrared radiation so the houses will absorb less and stay cooler. [1]
b The fire emits infrared radiation,
so the camera cannot distinguish between the infrared radiation from the people and the
infrared radiation from the fire.
10 a Energy is transferred by conduction through the inner pane of glass/passed on by vibrations [1]
from the hot room.
Air inside the gap heats up/conduction occurs very slowly through the air.
There is very little convection as there is not much air inside the window.
(Very little infrared gets through the glass.)
Energy is transferred by conduction through the outer pane of glass/passed on by vibration to
the cold air outside.
b The rate of transfer would decrease.
There is no air to transfer the energy between the panes.
Conduction and convection will not occur/energy would be transferred very slowly by
11 a Heating the water creates convection currents and warmer, less dense water rises. [1]
The sugar cube dissolves. [1]
The convection currents carry the dissolved solid through the water, creating a purple current.
b Any three from:
Water is heated by the Bunsen burner.
The water molecules move faster.
The water expands/becomes less dense.
Hot water rises.
This is replaced by cold water, forming a convection current.
c e.g. thermals, onshore/offshore breezes [1]
12 a Particles cannot move past each other so a group of particles cannot rise. [1]
b Heat/thermal energy is transferred to you by radiation.
c Any one from:
They can move/travel through a vacuum/space.
They both travel at the speed of light.
They are both waves.
13 a the balloon would have a smaller volume [1]
b The particles are moving more slowly and are closer together. [1]
10.3 Objectives
• Describe how air resistance is produced.
Air resistance • Describe where it causes a problem, and where it is useful.
Student Book
• Describe what happens in a vacuum.
pages 168–169 Overview
Students will be familiar with the idea of air resistance from their everyday
experience. In this lesson the practical activities establish the link between air
Prior learning resistance and the area of an object, and air resistance and speed.
• Recognise friction (including It is important for students to think about the mechanism by which the air is
exerting a force, which is explained in terms of collisions with air particles. This
air resistance) as a force
that can affect the speed will help them to explain the observations of the effect of changing area and
at which objects move and speed on the force of air resistance.
that sometimes stops things
moving Activities
• Demonstrate dropping sheets of paper in different ways:
◦ two screwed-up pieces
◦ one screwed-up and one flat piece
◦ one held flat and one held vertically.
Ask students why they fall at different rates, and establish the idea of air
• Discuss what exactly we mean by ‘air resistance’ and bring out the idea of
collisions with air particles. Students draw diagrams of the second case above
showing the air particles colliding with the paper. More collide with the flat
piece than the screwed-up piece.
• Students make parachutes of different areas and test how long each one takes
to reach the ground. This activity could be made into a competition to find
10.3 Student Book answers the parachute that takes the longest time to travel a set distance. (Safety:
Do not allow students to stand on desks or tables. Ensure they use an
1. a. Shaped to reduce the appropriate environment for dropping the parachute.)
force of air resistance. • Show a video clip of the feather and hammer being dropped on the Moon or
b. The lorry travelling fast: demonstrate in the classroom if a vacuum pump is available. There is no air
air resistance depends on resistance in a vacuum. See
area – the lorry is bigger
– and speed – the lorry is
travelling faster. • Discuss the difference between the Moon and the Earth in terms of
gravitational field strength and atmosphere. Ensure that all students
2. The force of gravity (weight) understand that there can still be gravity even if there is no atmosphere.
acting on the cricket ball
is bigger than the force of Homework
gravity acting on the tennis
ball. This means that the Workbook page 75.
acceleration of each ball
will be the same. The area Key words
in contact with the air is air resistance, streamlining, terminal velocity
about the same, so the air
resistance acting on the
balls will be about the
same. So they will fall
at the same rate.
10.4 Objectives
• Describe how explanations about motion were developed.
Changing ideas • Explain why ideas take a long time to change.
about motion Overview
SIC This lesson helps students develop their understanding of Science in Context.
Students learn about how scientists can be very creative when they want to
answer questions. They learn about how you can do ‘thought’ experiments as
Student Book well as actual experiments, and how this can be very helpful when it is difficult
pages 170–171 or impossible to produce conditions that you are discussing. They do an actual
experiment about falling objects and then think up a thought experiment that
they could use to reach the same conclusion. They develop their understanding
about why ideas can take a long time to develop and be accepted.
They plan a cartoon strip or picture book to explain to younger students that
you do not need a force to keep something moving (at a steady speed). This is
a misconception that many students (and adults!) have about moving objects.
They consider why ideas take a long time to be developed.
• Ask students to imagine being a very, very long way away from Earth or any
other planet. Ask them what has happened to their mass (nothing) and their
weight. Elicit the idea that weight only has meaning if they are near a planet, a
moon, or another massive body.
10.5 Objectives
• Describe how to plan an investigation to test an idea in science.
Planning • Describe how to write a conclusion.
fair tests: • Describe how to write an evaluation.
Streamlining Overview
This lesson develops skills in Thinking and Working Scientifically.
TWS In this lesson students plan an investigation into streamlining. They revise what
they learned about air resistance and gravity, and apply it to dropping cones.
Student Book They consider all the factors that might affect the fall, and then suggest what to
investigate. Their plan should include:
pages 172–173
• listing all the variables
Homework • deciding how to make the investigation a fair test
Workbook page 77. • making a prediction
• choosing apparatus and making a plan
Key words • collecting evidence to present in a table and on a graph
variable, evidence, plan, • writing a conclusion and an evaluation.
prediction, fair You may want the students to read pages of the Student Book before planning
their investigation, or they could complete their investigation and then review
what they have done once they have read the book.
10.5 Student Book answers
• Show photographs of different vehicles and ask which is most streamlined.
• Remind the students of what they have learned about air resistance, and how
it slows objects down.
Why Kiran needs it
• Demonstrate dropping a cone or coffee filter. Explain that the students are
To hold the water going to find out how the shape of the cone affects the air resistance.
To make the objects of • Discuss how to investigate the link between variables in an investigation.
different shapes Explain what we mean by variables (independent, dependent, and control)
and how scientists ensure that they are doing a fair test.
To measure the time
To measure the mass
• Students plan an investigation. They may need help to ensure that they do not
change more than one variable at a time. Students can make their own plan.
To measure the volume of • Students carry out the investigation and record their results in a table.
• They plot a graph, write a conclusion, and evaluate the data. They can refer
2. Independent variable: shape to the Thinking and Working Scientifically spreads in the Student Book. They
write simple conclusions such as ‘My data show that more streamlined shapes
Dependent variable: time
reach the ground in a shorter time’, and evaluations such as ‘My data are not
Control variables: mass, reliable as it was difficult to measure the time accurately’.
volume, temperature
3. The units. The second
• Students report to the class or make a poster that shows their plan, results, and
findings. Other groups comment with one good thing and one thing to be improved.
column should say ‘Time
(seconds)’. • Students look at the points that need to be improved and make a checklist
ready for their next investigation.
4. You can see whether all the
readings are close together Extension
or there are any that do not
Students consider how other factors might be investigated or devise a more
fit the pattern. If they are
accurate method for measuring the time.
together your data are more
likely to be close to the true
10.6 Objectives
• State SI (System International) unit of speed.
Speed • Calculate average speed.
Student Book Overview
pages 174–175 In this lesson students are introduced to the equation for calculating speed.
They also learn to consider the units used to measure speed. To appreciate
the difference between (instantaneous) speed and average speed, they make
a balloon rocket and measure the total time that it takes to travel a certain
• Show pictures of animals and vehicles and ask students to discuss in pairs
and rank them in terms of speed. Discuss the concept of a certain distance
in a certain time. Introduce the equation and all the units that speed can
be measured in. This is a good opportunity to discuss how best to set out
calculations (as shown in the Student Book). Encourage students to develop
good habits that will help them now and in examinations in the future.
• Discuss how the speed of a car or bicycle changes during a journey. Talk
about the speed at a certain moment (like the number on the speedometer or
phone app) know as the ‘instantaneous’ speed and the average speed. Define
average speed and discuss how it is different from ‘steady speed’.
• Introduce the balloon activity. You will need to suspend long pieces of string
across the room for this activity, and assist students when they are putting
their balloon racers on the string. Alternatively, ask students to time each
other walking different distances and then calculate their average speeds.
Key words
speed, metres per second, kilometres per hour, steady speed, average speed
10.7 Objectives
• Calculate average speed.
Precision and • Describe the effect of force on changing the speed and direction of motion
accuracy: with time.
• Recap what by asking students the difference between speed, average speed,
and instantaneous speed.
• Ask students how good they thought they were at timing their balloon in the
previous lesson. Introduce the idea of reaction time and discuss how reaction
time affects the measurements that they can take.
• Students measure the time it takes a ball to roll down a ramp manually and
• Students make a table comparing the pros and cons of using a stop-clock and
timing gates.
Students research the technology that enables the sprint races in the Olympics to
be timed to a thousandth of a second.
Workbook page 79.
Key words
precision, accuracy, reaction time, timing gate
10.8 Objectives
• Interpret a distance-time graph.
Distance–time • Formulate the relationship between speed, distance, and time.
This lesson introduces the idea that a distance–time graph can be used to tell
Student Book a story. Students learn that the total distance travelled in a certain time tells us
pages 178–179 the average speed, and it would be difficult to write down the speed at every
moment of a journey, but a graph can convey that information simply.
Students complete an experiment to find the time it takes to travel different
distances and use this to plot a graph. They work out how to draw distance–time
graphs for different types of motion and how to interpret distance–time graphs in
terms of relating the gradient of the graph to the speed of the object. Finally, they
link this lesson back to what they know about calculating speed.
• Ask students to think about walking to school or going to see their friends
after school. Ask them how they could describe that journey in terms of how
far they went and how long it took them. Introduce the idea of showing those
things on a distance–time graph.
• Students complete an activity that produces data from a ball rolling on a track
that they have made, and use the data to draw a distance–time graph. They
draw the graph and interpret it. This asks them to use the graph to work out
where the ball is moving fastest and slowest.
• Discuss the shapes of the graphs and elicit that the slope of the graph tells you
the speed.
• Discuss the need to take reaction time into account when measuring time.
Elicit that repeating measurements improves accuracy be enabling you to
remove outliers.
Workbook page 80.
Key words
distance–time graph, average speed
10.9 Objective
• Formulate the relationship between speed, distance , and time.
and speed–time This lesson introduces the idea of acceleration as changing speed, and how
graphs to calculate it. Students learn the difference between positive and negative
acceleration and how that links to the motion of the object. They learn how to
Student Book interpret speed–time graphs and to make calculations from those graphs.
pages 180–181 These are important skills that will link to work that students will do at IGCSE.
• Show pictures of a car, a motorcycle, and a plane, or find a suitable video
online. Ask the students which one is the ‘fastest’. Students discuss in pairs
and report back. Elicit that there is a difference between speed and how fast
the speed increases (acceleration). The motorcycle could accelerate more than
the plane if both were on a runway, but the plane will end up travelling faster.
You could show a video that demonstrates this.
• Introduce the equation for calculating acceleration and the units. Emphasise
that the ‘metres per second squared’ is actually better thought of as ‘(metres
per second) (per second)’.
Key words
acceleration, deceleration
10.10 Objectives
• Explain which type of graph to plot from different types of data.
Presenting data • Apply ideas about distance–time graphs.
from racing
TWS This lesson helps students develop their skills in Thinking and Working
The lesson looks at the presentation and analysis of data. Students consider pie
Student Book charts, bar charts, and line or scatter graphs as ways of communicating. They
pages 182–183 learn that it is appropriate to use line graphs when the variables are continuous.
• Show some examples of bar charts and pie charts and demonstrate that we
use bar charts to show information that is categoric (names, etc.) or discrete
(can only have integer values).
• Students work with data from the Formula 1 2019 season to present it in the
most appropriate way. They can decide on their own way of showing the data
to structure their work. They present their charts to the rest of the class.
• Students develop their understanding of line or scatter graphs. Ask them what
they think is important if you are going to be a successful Formula 1 driver.
Elicit age and experience as possible factors. Give them more data about the
drivers and ask them to plot line graphs to find out if there is a link. Discuss
what is meant by anomalous results and what to do with anomalous results in
experiments. Discuss how data can show that no relationship exists, as well as
demonstrating a correlation.
• Consolidate with a list of examples of things to plot and ask students to decide
whether to plot line graphs or bar charts.
Workbook page 81.
Key words
categoric, discrete, continuous, bar chart, pie chart, line graph, scatter graph,
Review answers
Student Book
pages 184–185 Student Book answers
1 B, D [2]
2 a buoyancy/upthrust/the force of the air on the balloon [1]
b weight/the force of gravity on the balloon
tension/the force of the string on the balloon
c contact – buoyancy, tension
non-contact – weight
3 a speed = distance/time
= 1440 km [1]
= 720 km/h [1]
b deceleration/decelerating [1]
c The average speed would be less. [1]
There is more air resistance/a force acts against the plane. [1]
4 a 3000 m or 3 km [1]
b 50 minutes [1]
c from 30 to 40 minutes/the last 10 minutes of his journey out [1]
d 30 minutes = 30 × 60 = 1800 s [1]
speed = distance/time
= 3000 m/1800 s
= 1.7 m/s [1]
5 a The slope of the graph increases. [1]
b average speed = total distance/total time
= 100 m/4.5 s [1]
= 22.2 m/s [1]
c smaller [1]
6 Either swimmer pushes back on water so water pushes forward with equal and opposite force
Or gravitational force of attraction on swimmer from earth downward and equal upward force of
gravitational attraction for Earth Or swimmer pushes down on the water and the water pushes
back up on the swimmer (upthrust)
7 a A streamlined object has a low surface area facing the flow of air/allows air to flow over it
smoothly/has low air resistance when it moves.
b 0.1 s (time 2 for shape B) [1]
c 1.9 s (time 2 is discarded) [1]
d A, B, C [1]
The most streamlined will take the least time to fall. [1]
e Two from: the same tank/water/depth of water, mass of clay, temperature [2]
f bar chart; the shapes are categoric [2]
g The student may have used a different mass of clay/different liquid/different size of tank. [2]
8 If it is streamlined then there is less air resistance. [1]
Fewer air particles collide with the car, [1]
producing less force opposing the motion of the car, [1]
so less thrust is needed to reach a given speed. [1]
9 A force pushes the bullet out of the gun in one direction. The bullet pushes back on the gun with
an equal force in the opposite direction. This is why the gun recoils.
10 particles, force, vacuum, same [4]
11 Any situation where a parachute is used. [1]
12 Folding the wings reduces the area in contact with the air
so reduces the air resistance (and water resistance/drag force) acting
on the bird so it goes faster in the air (and the water).
13 a. iv
b. iii
c. ii
[1] each
d. iii
e. iv
f. ii.
11.1 Objectives
• Make a simple Stethoscope.
Technology in • Use different techniques of preserving foods like orange juice, apple jam and
Everyday life pickles.
• apply the process people follow to design new things (make a plan, make
drawings of the design, choose the best available material, construct working
models and test your design)
Workbook page 82.
11.2 1 Food goes bad due to the action of non-beneficial microorganisms, which feed on food, break
it down and make unpleasant compounds which smell and taste bad. Sometimes these
compounds are harmful and make us ill.
2 Cooling, heating, preserving.
3 Removing or changing the ideal conditions for microorganisms to grow, which include warmth,
oxygen, and pH levels.
11.3 1 The process of adding water to the soil.
2 a. In a drip irrigation system, water is pumped through long tubes that stretch along the surface
of the soil. Small holes in the tubes drip water onto the roots.
b. In a sprinkler system, water is evenly distributed over large areas of the crop, using a pump
and series of pipes with nozzles.
3 a. Drip irrigation system is an efficient system as the water is delivered with little loss through
evaporation and very little water pressure is needed. A disadvantage is that the pipe system
set up can be expensive and difficult to maintain.
b. Sprinkler irrigation system distributes water evenly over large areas of the crop. But the
disadvantage is that a good pump is required to maintain water pressure for the system to
work and wind can cause water to drift.
11.4 1 An alcohol, a gel, any nice smelling essential oil.
2 Clean measuring cylinder, bowl, a mixing stick or a fork, (optional: dropper) and a funnel.
3 It is the same everywhere in the mixture, i.e., with exactly the same substances, in exactly the
same proportions.
4 Students to research the difference between propan-1-ol and ethanol, focusing on the solubility
difference. For extra credit they may also research and share the comparison between propan-1-
ol and propan-2-ol.
12.1 Objective
• Differentiate between mass and weight, using examples of weightlessness
The force of experienced by astronauts on the surface of the Moon.
Gravity Overview
This lesson introduces ideas about weight and how it is different to mass.
Student Book Students often find it difficult to distinguish between the two, so it is worth
pages 194–195 spending time talking about the use of the two words in everyday language to
bring out the issue. The weight of an object is a measure of the gravitational force
of the Earth on the object, and the mass is a measure of how difficult it is to move
Prior learning it, or the amount of ‘stuff’ there is in it.
• Distinguish between mass Talking about the gravitational force of the Earth on objects naturally leads into
the idea that weight will be different on different planets.
measured in kilograms (kg)
and weight measured in
newtons (N), noting that Activities
kilograms are used to refer
to weight in everyday life
• Ask students to guess the weight of a bar of chocolate. They will usually give
the answer in grams. It will even be printed in grams on the wrapper! Next,
• Recognise and use units they write down as many ways of measuring the weight of something that they
can think of, for example, bathroom scales, spring balance, etc. Ask what the
of force, mass and weight
and identify the direction in weights would be, and again they will be in grams or kilograms.
which forces act
• Establish that most weighing machines are effectively spring balances, so they
are measuring a force, the force of the Earth on the object, and this is what we
call weight, in newtons (N).
• Students find the weight of objects of different mass and work out the link
between them. (Safety: do not drop objects on fingers or feet.)
• Prepare small boxes that are sealed and labelled with the names of the
planets. In each box should be the amount of modelling clay that gives the
weight as it would feel if you took an object of the same mass to each of the
planets. Factors to use in calculating the appropriate weights relative to
the Earth weight are: Mercury ×0.37; Venus ×0.89; Moon ×0.16; Mars ×0.37;
Jupiter ×2.3; Saturn ×0.90; Uranus ×0.87; Neptune ×1.1. Hand around the
boxes for students to feel the difference in the weight.
• Establish from the results that the link between weight and mass on Earth is
the number 10. Emphasize that this is the link between weight and mass on
Earth, and therefore their weight might be different elsewhere, such as other
planets or the Moon. consolidate their understanding.
Students suggest reasons why weight is different on different planets.
Workbook page 83.
Key words
gravity, weight, newtons, mass, kilograms, grams, matter, gravitational field,
gravitational field strength
12.1 Student Book answers
1. a. A force of attraction between objects with mass.
b. The mass of the objects, the distance between them.
2. a. Weight is a force. It is the force of the Earth on an object.
Mass is the amount of stuff (matter) in an object/mass is related to how hard it is to accelerate something when you
apply a force to it.
b. The same; your mass doesn’t change, but your weight does.
3. The gravitational force and the magnetic force are both non-contact forces/the force of gravity pulls you down just like
magnets pull other magnets. The force of gravity is to do with mass, not a magnet.
4. weight = mass × gravitational field strength
= 4 kg × 10 N/kg
= 40 N
5. weight = gravitational field strength × mass
a. mass = weight/gravitational field strength
= 370 N/3.7 N/kg
= 100 kg
b. weight = 100 kg × 10 N/kg
= 1000 N
12.2 Objective
• Recognize that the force of gravity keeps planets and moons in their orbit.
Student Book Overview
pages 1196–197 This lesson details how the concept of how gravitational force of the Earth on
objects leads into the idea that gravity affects the motion of planets and moons.
They will learn how the force of gravity keeps these celestial bodies in their orbits
Prior learning around the Sun or other planets.
• Gravitational force
It is important to ensure students are clear on the concept of Gravity as a force
of attraction between any two objects with mass. The more massive an object is,
the stronger its gravitational force.
• Begin by reviewing with students the concept of force of gravity. Elaborate
how it keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun. Explain that since the
Sun has a mass much greater than any of the planets, means that it has a
stronger gravitational force. This force attracts the planets, which also exert
their own gravitational force on the Sun. This action and reaction pair of the
gravitational forces results in defining the orbits of planets around the Sun.
• Divide students into groups and instruct them to create models of the Solar
system. Instruct them to use the skewers to connect the planets to the Sun
and once completed, each group to demonstrate how the planets orbit
around the Sun. Explain that the closer a planet is to the Sun, the stronger the
gravitational force it experiences.
12.2 Student Book answers • Next, introduce the concept of weightlessness in space. Explain that weight is
a measure of the force of gravity on an object, and that when an object is far
from any large masses (such as planets or moons), it experiences very little
1. Orbit, attract, mass gravitational force. This can cause objects to feel weightless, as if they are
2. The station is in orbit so floating.
it is falling towards earth
as the earth curves away. • As an extension activity, you could have students research and compare the
The astronauts are falling masses of different planets and moons in our solar system. They could then
to earth too so experience discuss how these differences in mass affect their orbits and gravitational
weightlessness. forces. You could also have students research and discuss real-life examples
of weightlessness in space, such as astronauts on the International Space
3. Tension provides the force Station.
to keep the balloon moving
in a circle. When the balloon • Finally introduce the students to the concept of gravitational field strength
went faster more tension/ and its calculation. Remind them that a force always has an associated ‘’field’’
force was needed. If it was in which it has influence, and further away from the body exerting the force,
too great the clip slipped off. the field becomes weaker.
4. The stars have a similar
mass, so the gravitational Homework
force has the same effect on Attempt the answers to the questions in the spread. Also Workbook page 84.
both of them.
Key words
Force of Gravity, orbit, tides, annual revolution, axis, constellations, northern
hemisphere, southern hemisphere.
12.3 Objectives
How ‘old’ is
gravity? • Describe how scientific knowledge about gravity has developed over time.
• Describe some reasons why scientific explanations change.
SIC Overview
This lesson helps students develop their understanding of Science in Context.
Student Book
In this lesson students are introduced to the idea that scientific explanations
pages 198–199 have changed over time because of creative thought. They learn about how
different scientists can give similar explanations for a phenomenon at different
times in history, but how evidence from predictions is important in confirming
that explanation. Students learn about the idea of gravity, as described by
Bhaskaracharya and Newton, and use ideas about gravity to plot a journey to
the Moon. They use creative thought to think about how the mission would work
given the relative strengths of the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Moon.
• Students read through the Student Book pages to find out about
Bhaskaracharya and Newton and their ideas about how the gravitational pull
of the Earth keeps the Moon in orbit.
• Introduce the idea that gravity gets weaker as you move away from a planet
or moon and that gravity is weaker on less massive planets or moons. Explain
how the students are going to make a poster presentation about a journey to
the Moon. They can use for
• Groups present their ‘Mission to the Moon’ to the class. Elicit the idea that the
Earth’s gravity will slow the rocket as it leaves the Earth, but will accelerate as
it approaches the Moon. The rocket will need to slow down to land safely.
• Students vote on which group has produced the best explanation for each of
the questions on the worksheet.
• Ifreturning
available, show a video clip from the film ‘Apollo 13’ where the crew are
to Earth and the astronauts say ‘Isaac Newton is in the driving seat now’.
Scientists used Newton’s ideas to send astronauts to the Moon. Use the internet
or books available to you to research the ideas of Edwin Hubble and Albert
Einstein about gravity and its effects in the Universe.
• make a list of ways that their ideas differed from those of Newton and
• make a timeline that shows how ideas about gravity developed after Isaac
Newton published his ideas.
Workbook page 85.
Key words
explanation, gravity, questions, Newton, Bhaskaracharya
12.4 Objective
The Moon
• Recognize that tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
Student Book Overview
pages 200–201 In this lesson students learn about the Moon and its position in relation to the
Earth. They are introduced to the different phases of the Moon and to eclipses,
and model how phases and eclipses happen.
12.4 Student Book answers Activities
• Ask students what they know about the Moon. They can refer to the diary of
1. a. 27.3 days/28 days the night sky that they have been keeping. Elicit the idea that the Moon is
b. h Earth’s satellite and takes 28 days to orbit the Earth. Then ask them to draw as
many phases of the Moon as they can.
2. In a solar eclipse the Moon is
between the Earth and the • Explain that we see the Moon because sunlight is reflected off its surface.
Sun, in a lunar eclipse the We see it differently depending on where it is in its orbit: new Moon, waxing
Earth is between the Moon crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, last quarter,
and the Sun. waning crescent, and new Moon. (‘Waxing’ is getting bigger, ‘waning’ smaller.)
3. One from: You would not see
a full moon, there would be
• Students model the phases of the Moon using a half-black ping-pong ball. Talk
about what the model represents (front wall = Sun, turning on the spot with the
a lunar eclipse every month, ball held out = the Moon’s orbit around Earth, the view of the ball as it orbits =
there would be a solar view of the Moon we get from Earth).
eclipse every month.
4. All three happen when the • Students consolidate ideas about the phases of the Moon. They write a short
evaluation of the model, e.g. it is a good model because the ping-pong ball is
Moon is between the Earth round like the Moon and you can see the phases. It is not a good model because
and the Sun. the Moon is not held out by a giant arm! The Earth (= person) does not spin on its
axis the same way that the real Earth would. In reality the same part of the Moon
is always facing the Earth and the shadow moves across the surface – in this
model the shadow is fixed and it appears to move by turning the Moon. Students
could suggest improvements to the model.
• Next, students consider how the model helps to understand how the tides
• Show a video clip of a solar eclipse from Earth and from space (e.g. from, search for ‘eclipse’). Ask students to try to explain what
is happening.
• Students model solar and lunar eclipses with a lamp and two balls. (Safety:
Ensure students do not look directly at the lamp, and take care – the lamp will
get hot.) They draw diagrams to show how solar and lunar eclipses are formed.
Discuss the diagrams and show a suitable animation (again,
is an excellent source), showing the formation of solar and lunar eclipses. If one is
available, show a photo or diagram of a solar eclipse as seen from space. Discuss
the tilt of the Moon’s orbit and how this relates to the frequency of eclipses. Discuss
the difference between phases (different views of the fully lit Moon) and eclipses
• Students consolidate what they have learned about phases, eclipses, and
Workbook page 86.
Key words
phase, new Moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter, gibbous, crescent, waxing,
waning, solar eclipse, total eclipse, partial eclipse, umbra, penumbra,
lunar eclipse, tide, spring tide, neap tide
12.5 Objective
• Describe the effects of the Earth’s annual revolution around the Sun, given the
Our planet: Day tilt of its axis (e.g., different seasons, different constellations visible at different
times of the year).
and night Overview
Student Book Students build on what they have learned about the direction of sunrise and
pages 202–203 sunset. They link this to the spinning Earth and the way that the Sun moves in
the sky. They consider evidence for the spinning Earth. They extend this idea to a
consideration of how stars look in the sky and how this depends on the direction
Prior learning in which you are looking.
e.g. with different-sized balls • Use a model globe of the Earth with a model mountain stuck on it to show how
scientists/astronomers argued that the Earth is round nearly 2000 years ago.
and a torch
Rotate the globe towards the students so that the mountain ‘appears’ over the
• Explore that the sun does horizon as if it is growing. Place the mountain on a flat surface to show that
not move; its apparent you would be able to see it all the time if the Earth were flat – it might just look
movement is caused by the smaller from a distance.
Earth spinning on its axis
• Recap day and night using a globe and a light source to represent the Sun and
• Know that the Earth spins the Earth.
on its axis once in every
24 hours
• Discuss possible explanations for the observation that the Sun rises in the east
and sets in the west. Revisit the demonstration of the Earth/Sun to explain.
Remind students of the importance of physical models in science.
• Students investigate how the length of a shadow changes with the height of a
lamp on the desk. (Safety: Ensure that they can safely adjust the height of
the lamp. Lamps can get very hot.)
• Show an appropriate animation that shows how the Earth is spinning and how
the Sun appears to move across the sky. Alternatively use Stellarium software,
which can be downloaded free from, to highlight the
12.5 Student Book answers
changes in height of the Sun at different locations. Once loaded on a computer,
1. east, west, noon, 24 press 1 (one) to see the menu. Set the location and the date (it might be useful to
compare June to December). You can tilt the view by using the cursor keys, and
2. This cannot be true because so get more sky in view. Press play in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen,
when clouds cover the Sun where you can speed up and slow down the time to watch the Sun rise and
during the day, night does set and its progression across the sky.Discuss how (or whether) this apparent
not fall. You would need a motion proves that the Earth is spinning on its axis.
lot of cloud to block out the
Sun. These clouds would Homework
have to cover the Sun for the
right amount of time each Workbook page 87.
night. In fact, we have day
and night because the Earth
Key words
spins and only half the Earth Earth, Sun, day, night, axis pole, year, shadow
is lit up by the Sun at any
one time.
3. So that it would swing for
a long time, long enough
to show that the Earth was
12.6 Objective
• Describe how seasons in Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres are
Our planet: related to Earth’s annual movement around the Sun.
Seasons Overview
Students build on what they have learned earlier to work out why there are
Student Book seasons and why the seasons in some parts of the world are very different
pages 204–205 from the seasons in other parts of the world. They build on what they have
learned about the tilt of the Earth’s axis to explain the difference in day length,
temperature, and the maximum height of the Sun in the sky.
Prior learning
• Know that the Earth takes Activities
a year to orbit the Sun, • Discuss how temperature and day length changes during the year, and ask
spinning as it goes if the answer to the question would be different if they lived in a different
• Students feed back their answers and discuss explanations using their globes.
• Students show how seasons change as the Earth orbits the Sun. Students
identify the seasons and fill in hours of daylight using information from the
graph on the Student Book, then describe the temperatures (e.g. hot/cold,
not actual temperatures). Alternatively a local publication or online source
of meteorological data can be used to fill out the worksheet with information
from the students’ own area.
• Ifwith
available, use strips of heat-sensitive tape attached to a globe together
a lamp to show how the temperature changes during different seasons
in different parts of the world. Alternatively set up the practical shown in the
extension question on page 29 of the Workbook. You will need two trays of
sand, two long thermometers, and two desk lamps. If you vary the angle of the
light from the lamp onto the sand you will see different temperatures on the
12.6 Student Book answers
thermometers. Discuss how the angle affects the temperature in the summer
and the winter, as well as the hours of sunlight.
1. The shadow would be longer
in winter because the sun is
lower in the sky.
• Students write a story about what they would see around them during the
year if they lived in a very different part of the world.
2. a. The Earth’s axis is tilted
relative to its orbit around Homework
the Sun. This makes the Workbook page 88.
days shorter in the winter
and longer in the summer. Key words
b. shortest – December
Earth, year, season, pole, equator, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere
longest – June
3. We would not have seasons.
Day and night would be the
same length all year round.
12.7 Objectives
• Describe the difference between primary and secondary sources of data.
Using planetary • Name some secondary sources.
data • Use information from secondary sources to answer questions.
TWS Overview
In this lesson students learn the difference between primary and secondary
Student Book sources of data. They interpret data about the planets of the Solar System. They
compare the need to be able to repeat the results of an experiment, and for
pages 206–207 the results of an experiment to be reproduced by other people, to the need to
confirm secondary data by looking at data from a range of sources.
• Ask students to recall an experiment that they have done this year where they
collected data that they put in a table. Show them the cards with information
about the planets of the Solar System and ask them where the data came
from. Explain the difference between primary and secondary data.
• Students use the cards about the planets and investigate the link between
distance from the Sun and temperature, and distance from the Sun and year
• Students read pages of the Student Book and discuss the conclusions that you
can draw from the data shown. They answer questions 2 and 3.
• Students work out how you can ensure that your primary and secondary data
are reliable. Groups present their ideas and the class votes on the best ideas.
Students find at least five websites that contain the information temperature,
12.7 Student Book answers distance from the Sun, day length, year length, and diameter and draw a
table comparing the data. Discuss any differences.
1. a. Mercury: its axis is not Students could plot graphs of the data collected on a graph paper and discuss
tilted. how the graphs provide additional information about the links between the
b. Mars, Saturn, Neptune: variables.
their axes are tilted by
about the same angle as Key words
Earth’s. data, primary source, secondary source
c. Venus, Jupiter: the angle
of tilt is very small.
d. Uranus: the angle is nearly
2. No, there is no link between
day length and year
length. As the year length
increases the day length
does not steadily increase or
3. You need to look at more
than one secondary source
to check that the data are
Student Book Student Book answers
pages 208–209
1 B, C [1]
2 A, D [1]
3 The gravitational field strength is smaller so it would go higher (and take longer to come [1]
down, so go further). There is no air, so there is no air resistance.
4 W = mg
a = 65 kg × 10 N/kg [1]
= 650 N
Their mass will stay the same, because it is not affected by gravity. Their weight will be
b smaller (65 kg × 3.7 N/kg = 240 N) because the gravitational field strength on Mars is [1]
5 Weight on Jupiter = mg
u = 100 kg × 23 N/kg = 2300 N
Weight on Io = mg [3]
Io = 100 kg × 1.8 N/kg = 180 N
The astronaut will have a weight on Jupiter that is 2300 N/180 N = 12.8 times greater.
6 a Arrow from the ball going straight down to the centre [1]
b It would move at a tangent and then go downwards. [1]
c gravity [1]
d They would move off at a tangent to their orbits. [1]
7 D [1]
8 a axis [1]
b south, north, shorter, longer [1]
c larger away from [1]
9 a 3 [1]
b 6 [1]
c 9 [1]
When the two are lined up together with the Sun, distance between them is 150 000 000 km
d [2]
– 60 000 000 km = 90 million km
We only see stars at night when our side of the Earth is in shadow. The side of the Earth
e that is in shadow faces different directions at different times of the year as the Earth orbits [1]
the Sun.
10 a one (or both) of: [1]
Spring tides
1.1 What do we know about plants? 2. a. A chloroplast is a structure found in many plant
cells where the photosynthesis reactions take
1. a. A = roots, B = leaf/leaves; C = stem; D = flower. place.
A: The roots anchor the plant in the ground and b. Chlorophyll.
supply it with water and mineral nutrients from c. Not correct because not all plant cells
the soil. contain chloroplasts. Only plant cells that
B: Leaves capture energy from the Sun using are exposed to light contain chloroplasts and
the green-coloured chlorophyll. They use this to so are green. Structures such as the roots
make carbohydrates. which are underground get no light so cannot
photosynthesize and do not contain chloroplasts.
C: Stems support the leaves, holding them out
to capture the sunlight they need. They also 3. For aerobic respiration in the cells, making energy
support the flowers and fruit. available for all the other reactions of life.
D: Flowers are the reproductive structures of To make starch as an energy store – glucose molecules
plants, and they form the seeds and fruit. They are joined together to make large starch molecules
only appear at certain times in the life cycle of which are stored in the leaves and in root and stem
the plant. stores.
2. Any three from: Plants are the producers for food To make all the other molecules needed in the plant
chains and food webs all over the world. Plant crops such as cellulose for the cell walls.
are the source of most human food, both directly
and as animal feed. Plants are part of the water
cycle. Materials from plants are used for medicines, 1.3 Evidence of photosynthesis:
clothing, building, biofuels, and more. testing for starch
Extension 1. The missing words are: variables; measured;
changed; variable; repeat; reliable.
Stems – swollen and fat to store a lot of water,
green to capture sunlight to make food/ 2. Ask a question
photosynthesise. b
3. a. 1 Drop the leaf into boiling water to remove the b. Light intensity affects the volume of oxygen
waterproof outer layer, kill and break open produced. The closer the pondweed is to the
cells. Turn off heat and remove leaf using window, the higher the light intensity so more
forceps. photosynthesis is carried out and more oxygen is
Place leaf in test tube of ethanol and put test tube produced.
in hot water. As the ethanol boils, the green colour
comes out of the leaf.
a. test tube pondweed
3 Remove the stiff white leaf from the ethanol and light source
dip it into the hot water to wash off the ethanol
and soften it.
4 Spread the leaf on a white tile and add a few 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ruler
drops of yellow-brown iodine solution to test for
the presence of starch. b. Prediction: rate of photosynthesis will increase
as the carbon dioxide concentration of the
b. Blue-black.
water increases as plants need carbon dioxide
Extension as one of the raw materials for photosynthesis.
c. All the experimental beakers must be the same
When leaves photosynthesise, they use carbon
distance from the light source/window as light
dioxide and water with energy from light to make
intensity also affects the rate of photosynthesis
glucose and oxygen. The glucose molecules are
so they must all have the same light intensity.
joined together to make starch which is used as
an energy store in the leaves and other parts of
plants. So the presence of starch indicates that 1.5 Respiration and photosynthesis
photosynthesis has been taking place. When plants
are kept in the dark they use up their starch stores. 1. The missing words are: energy, aerobic, energy,
glucose, controlled, oxygen, water, carbon dioxide.
2. glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water +(energy)
1.4 Evidence of photosynthesis:
oxygen bubbles 3. a. The irregularly shaped cell is the animal cell,
whereas the rectangular looking cell is the plant
1. a. Prediction: light intensity will affect the rate of cell.
photosynthesis and the higher the light intensity,
the more oxygen will be produced. Explanation: Mitochodria
plants need light to photosynthesise, and the
more light there is available, the more they can
photosynthesise. Oxygen is produced as a waste
product of photosynthesis and this is what A B
Raheel is collecting and measuring, so the more
light there is, the more gas he will collect. Extension
Since aerobic respiration takes place in
4 mitochondria, increased number of mitochondria
3 are found in those animal and plant cells where
there is a need to release the energy stored in food
0 1 2 3 4
distance from window (m) 125
2.2 Aerobic and anaerobic 2.3 The lungs and gas exchange
respiration 1. Clockwise from the top right the labels are:
1. a. Glucose + oxygen ➔ carbon dioxide + water trachea, bronchus, small branch of bronchi, alveoli,
b. Glucose ➔ lactic acid diaphragm, lung, rib.
2.4 Investigating respiration
lactic acid 1. a. They are hazard warning signs.
extra oxygen
oxygen uptake
2. diaphragm 2. diaphragm
muscle contracts relaxes and
and flattens springs back 129
2.7 Asthma
1. a.
The muscles around the airways to the lungs contract making the tubes narrower; the linings of the bronchi
swell and make more mucus during an asthma attack.
b. Both of these changes make the airways narrow and make it hard to move air into and out of the lungs. This
means that the person affected does not get enough oxygen so they feel breathless.
2. a. Any two from the following: Lotanna breathes out a larger volume (or the reverse for Maryam); Lotanna
breathes out faster (or the reverse for Maryam); Lotanna empties her lungs faster (or the reverse for Maryam).
b. Maryam has asthma.
3. Scientists had to discover what happens in an asthma attack and what causes asthma before they could begin
to develop medicines. Once they had developed medicines that stopped the muscles contracting and the tubes
swelling, they needed to get the medicines into the respiratory system where it is needed. So they had to apply
scientific principles from engineering to develop an inhaler to deliver the drug to where it is needed.
Generally, the left side of the heart deals with oxygenated blood, sending it to the body. Whereas, the right side
handles deoxygenated blood, sending it to the lungs for oxygenation.
The left atrium receives oxygenated The right atrium receives deoxygenated
blood from the lungs via the pulmonary blood from the systemic circulation via
veins. the superior and inferior vena cava.
This oxygen-rich blood then flows into This deoxygenated blood then flows into
the left ventricle. the right ventricle.
The left ventricle is responsible for The right ventricle pumps this blood to
pumping oxygenated blood to the entire the lungs through the pulmonary artery.
body through the aorta.
The left ventricle has a thicker muscular In the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen and
wall as it needs to generate enough force releases carbon dioxide during the process
to propel blood throughout the body. of gas exchange.
Artery Vein Capillary
Arteries carry the blood away Veins carry blood back from Capillaries form a big network joining
from your heart. the body to the heart. arteries to veins.
The blood they carry is usually The blood they carry is usually The blood moves quite slowly in the
oxygenated (rich in oxygen) and deoxygenated - it has given up capillaries. Dissolved food and oxygen
bright red in colour. its oxygen to the cells of your diffuse out of the blood into the cells.
body. It is purply-red in colour. Carbon dioxide and urea diffuse out of
the cells into the blood in the capillaries.
Arteries have a pulse due to Veins have no pulse. As they connect arteries and veins, there
heartbeat forcing the blood is a slight pulse present.
through the vessels.
Arteries have thick walls with Veins have relatively thin walls, Capillaries have very thin, only one cell
lots of elastic tissue. with valves to stop the blood thick, walls.
flowing backwards away from
the heart.
The reason the artery carrying blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs, and the veins carrying blood
from the lungs to the left side of the heart are different, is due to the blood they are carrying.
Generally, arteries carry oxygenated blood and veins carry deoxygenated blood. However, the artery carrying
blood from heart to the lungs carries deoxygenated blood, so that it gets oxygenated in the lungs. On the other
hand, veins transporting blood from lungs to heart carry oxygenated blood, which has had oxygen added to it
in the lungs. This blood is sent back to the heart and from there to the rest of the body.
3.1 Microorganisms
plasma red blood cells white blood cells and 1. The missing words are: single; bacteria/viruses;
viruses/bacteria; fungi; microscope; culture.
2. a. fungus b. bacteria c. viruses d. yeast/s.
3. a. C
b. F, plasmids.
c. i.
Any two from: A cell membrane, B cytoplasm,
C loop of genetic material, E cell wall.
ii. Corresponding two from: cell membrane –
controls the movement of substances in and
out of the bacterial cell; cytoplasm – site
of most of the reactions that take place in
the cell; loop of genetic material – carries
information about making new bacteria; cell
wall – gives the cell strength.
Your table should look something like this:
Extension pathogen pathogen engulfed
white blood cell
The spread of typhoid can be prevented by
ensuring that the faeces do not contaminate the
food and water taken in by people. This requires
strictly observed personal and communal hygiene,
such as washing hands with soap after using the
toilet and before preparing food. Other important
habits would be to drink boiled water, keep
utensils clean and keep cooking area separate and pathogen digested and
away from the toilets. The community should also
make sure not to defecate in public or near food
storage. 3.4 The adaptive immune system
Finally, the typhoid bacteria should be treated 1. a. The adaptive immunity offers targeted and
through use of antibiotics and the rest of memory-based protection against pathogens,
population should be vaccinated against typhoid. while the innate immunity provides a rapid but
non-specific defense. The innate immune system
is present from birth and can be inherited but
3.3 Body defences against pathogens cannot remember any past pathogens it has
1. The missing words are: pathogens, immune, innate, encountered. The adaptive immune system is
specific, pathogens, adaptive immune system, known as acquired immunity as it is acquired by
different, remembers. the body as it encounters different pathogens. It
can remember the pathogens it encounters and
Structure Function can provide a targeted response to them.
Skin The skin covers and b. The two elements of adaptive immunity are
protects the tissues Antigens and Antibodies.
of the body and stops 2. a. antibody antigen
pathogens getting in. If bacterium
there is a cut, the blood
clots and forms a scab,
to stop the bleeding,
and prevent pathogens
antibody attached to antigen
from getting in through
white blood cell
the open cut.
b. The cells of every different type of organism
The digestive system Acid produced by the have special protein markers on the outside
stomach kills almost called antigens. A body can recognise pathogens
all the microorganisms because their antigens are different from its own.
that get into this body
Some white blood cells make special chemicals
called antibodies, which target antigens which
Respiratory system The nose hairs, mucus are different to your own. Each type of pathogen
and epithelial cells needs different antibodies to destroy it and the
work together to adaptive immune system only adapts and learns
prevent pathogens to make the right antibodies once it meets the
from entering the lungs. pathogen with its specific antigens.
The body ‘remembers’ the antigens from the other people to take in; avoid crowded places so
surface of each type of pathogen, so it can make there are fewer microorganisms in the air; cough
antibodies against it very fast if you meet it again. or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow to prevent
This makes a body immune to the disease a microorganism spray; meet outdoors where
there is less build up of microorganisms in the
Extension air; any other sensible points.
This is because being immune to a disease does b. Wash hands often/use antiseptic gel to prevent
not mean you have a high level of antibodies to transfer of microorganisms from surfaces to
a disease in your blood all the time. Jamils white mouth; don’t shake hands; maintain distance
blood cells remember the measles’ antigens. This from people so you don’t touch them to transfer
means that in case Jamil is ever infected with microorganisms; any other sensible points.
measles again, the white blood cells will make the
right antibodies faster.
Any three from: improve sewage treatment so that
drinking water is never contaminated with faeces
3.5 Using science to prevent carrying typhoid bacteria; make sure everyone can
disease get clean drinking water so people are not forced
to drink water that may be contaminated with
1 typhoid bacteria; encourage people to wash their
How disease-causing microorganisms
hands after using the toilet to make sure they don’t
spread from person to person
transfer typhoid bacteria to surfaces, food, etc.;
Droplet infection: Tiny droplets containing
encourage people who sell or prepare food not to
disease-causing microorganisms forced out of
work when they feel ill to minimise risk of them
your nose and mouth when you breathe, talk,
passing on typhoid bacteria on their hands; any
cough, or sneeze. Other people breathe in the
other sensible point with scientific explanation.
droplets and take the microorganisms into their
Contact: Some microorganisms passed from one 3.6 Strengthening the immune
person to another by direct contact with skin or system
with other objects people have coughed/sneezed
1. Some pathogens make you seriously ill; and may
over, etc. You transfer the microorganisms to your
even kill you.
mouth, eyes, etc. by touch.
Contaminated food and drink: Water Examples of dangerous pathogens include; measles,
contaminated by human waste or raw or typhoid, tetanus and COVID-19.
undercooked food may be contaminated We can strengthen our immune system and protect
with disease-causing microorganisms. The ourselves against some serious diseases; by
microorganisms are taken directly into the body. immunisation.
Break in the skin: Some microorganisms get
Immunisation teaches your adaptive immune
straight into the blood stream through cuts or
system; to make the antibodies it needs to protect
breaks in the skin, including animal bites and
you against serious diseases.
needle scratches.
Immunisation saves; millions of lives every year.
1. a. Wear a face mask to protect your mouth and
nose and prevent you breathing out/coughing 2. i. When you are given a vaccine against a serious
out/sneezing microorganisms into the air for infectious disease, it contains antigens from a
specific type of pathogen. These antigens do not
cause disease.
ii. When the white blood cells of your adaptive 8 Pasteur had clearly demonstrated both the germ
immune system meet the antigens in the vaccine, theory of disease and the value of vaccination.
they recognise that they are different and react 4 Pasteur gives a group of healthy sheep, cows and
as if they were meeting the live pathogen. They goats his vaccine. He selects a similar group of
learn to make the antibodies needed to protect animals that do not get the vaccine.
you against this pathogen.
iii. Your adaptive immune system remembers the Extension
antigens in the vaccine. Your white blood cells Says: When microorganisms land in liquids full of
can now make the right antibodies faster when nutrients they grow and reproduce, and make the
you need them, if you come into contact with the liquid cloudy – suggest an explanation.
live pathogen.
Thinks: if I keep microorganisms out of a nutrient
iv. Your body destroys the pathogen before it can
solution it will not go cloudy because it will not go
make you feel seriously ill.
bad – make a prediction.
Extension Places nutrient solutions in flasks with
The data shows that as the uptake of polio vaccine S-shaped necks, and boils them to destroy any
increased in a population, the incidence of polio microorganisms present – test the explanation.
fell drastically and remained at minimal level. Notices that nutrient solutions do not go cloudy in
flasks with S-shaped necks – review the evidence.
3.7 Microorganisms and disease Breaks the neck of one of the flasks and observes
that the nutrient solution begins to ferment and
1. The correct order is:
turn cloudy once microorganisms can get in –
2 Pasteur decides to grow anthrax germs, weaken collect extra evidence.
them, and inject them into animals to protect
them, against the disease and prove his germ
theory. 3.8 Infectious diseases: hepatitis
1 Pasteur has a hypothesis that infectious diseases 1. a. The Hepatitis viruses are responsible for the
like anthrax are caused by germs passed from cause of hepatitis infection in the liver.
one person or animal to another. b. dark urine with pale poop; jaundice; hives,
7 Three days after the animals were infected with weakness, sleep disruption.
anthrax, there was a public inspection. All the c. 2 common ways of getting a hepatitis infection in
vaccinated animals were alive and healthy. All Pakistan are:
the unvaccinated animals were dead or dying of i. through untreated blood transfusions and in
anthrax. hospitals and dentists where good hygiene
3 Hippolyte Rossignol does not believe in germ is not practised so surgical instruments
theory and challenges Pasteur to prove his and needles are not sterilised between one
theory with a public test. patient and the next.
5 A few weeks later all the animals are infected ii. through transfusion of infected blood.
with live anthrax from infected animals. 2. Immunisation works against the spread of Hepatitis
6 Pasteur predicts that the vaccinated animals because there is a very good vaccine against
will survive and the unvaccinated animals will hepatitis B. In Pakistan, many children are now given
develop anthrax and die. this vaccine when they are very young, protecting
them for life.
For complete protection against covid-19 around boiling water before Local governments to
90% of a population need to be immunised. drinking or washing provide latrines and
food in it toilets
The way people behave also reduces the spread of
covid-19. We need to wear masks in public places, cooking all food Local governments to
avoid big crowds and stay at home away from others thoroughly give every community a
if we get covid-19. clean water supply
f. – neutron.
g. O 3. a. 5
2. a. i. 1400 b. 19
1200 c. 28
d. 33
boiling point (°C)
lithium sodium potssium rubidium caesium
Like an atom – similar shape, includes small
Group 1 element
electrons/pips; unlike an atom – no nucleus,
ii. From top to bottom of Group 1, boiling point
no parts represent protons and neutrons;
overall usefulness – any well-argued answer.
a. F rom top to bottom of Group 1, melting point 4.4 Atomic number and the
decreases. periodic table
b. Group 1 elements have giant metallic
1. True – a, c.
structures. From top to bottom of the group, the
False – b, d.
ions get bigger. This means that electrostatic
Corrected versions of false statements:
attractions between positive ions and negative
b. In the periodic table, the elements are arranged
electrons get weaker. As the attractions get
in order of proton/atomic number;
weaker, ions leave their fixed positions more
d. A helium atom has 2 protons and 2 neutrons, so
easily, so melting point decreases.
its proton number is 2.
2. a. i. 33
ii. 36
4.3 Inside atoms iii. 47
1. b. i. Lithium.
Phenomenon The solid The solid ii. Nitrogen.
sphere model sphere model iii. Aluminium.
of atoms can of atoms cannot iv. Potassium.
explain this. explain this.
c. i. 21
condensing ✓
ii. 17
✓ iii. 50
melting ✓ iv. 79
2. Left – nucleus; right, from top – electron, proton, 3. Diagram showing 4 small circles in one colour (key –
protons) and 5 small circles in another colour (key –
silicon 14 2,8,4
sulfur 16 2,8,6
2. A, C, D
3. Zareena.
Any suitable model, with clear labels.
B and D.
2. a. M
b. G
c. M
d. M
e. M
f. G
3. In a substance with simple molecules, the molecules
are attracted to each other only weakly, so little
energy is needed to disrupt the structure when the
solid melts; but in a substance with a giant covalent
structure, atoms are joined together in a three-
dimensional structure with strong covalent bonds,
so large amounts of energy are needed to break all
the covalent bonds when it melts.
Name Chemical symbols Valency Swap and Answer
lithium fluoride Li F 11 Li1 F1 LiF
methane CH 41 C1 H4 CH4
2. C: c, d, f; P: a, b, e, g, h, i.
3. Encourage students to write in their own words.
Encourage students to provide any appropriate
a. The constant exposure to water and the oxygen
dissolved in it developed the rust.
b. The machine is used to remove/reduce the
amount of water vapour in the air to prevent
further development of rust.
There are multiple reasons for the teacher to say
this: 1- there are no hypothesis and conclusion
statements; 2. An experiment needs to be repeated
multiple times to get enough data for accuracy.
Mass of sugar ●
Water temperature ●
Volume of water ●
Speed of stirring ●
Mass of salt ●
Water temperature ●
Volume of water ●
Speed of stirring ●
7.3 Solutions and concentration 4. In towns where the water was fluoridated, the
number of 5–6 year olds with missing teeth (from
1. True – a, b, c. decay) and the number of 12–13 year olds with
False – d, e, f. surface decay decreased. However, the same effect
Corrected versions of false statements: on 5–6 year olds was seen in town D, which did not
d. To make a solution more concentrated, add more have fluoridated water. There does not appear to be
solute; a link between water fluoridation and the change in
e. To make a solution more dilute, add more the number of 12–13 year olds with decayed, missing
solvent; or filled teeth.
f. The more solute particles in 100 cm3 of solution,
the more concentrated the solution 5. If the water did not contain adequate levels of
fluorine, it is possible that the effects of the fluorine
2. Beaker B. may have not been as significant as if the correct
3. Diagram the same as B, but with more black levels of fluorine were used.
7.6 Solubility
1. A, C, E
a. Y b. X c. Y d. Y e. X
2. 80
solubility (g/100 g of water)
7.4 How much salt is in the sea? 60
1. a.
Mass of empty beaker – 120 g; mass of beaker + 40
rock salt – 125.8 g; mass of rock salt (125.8 – 120) 30
= 5.8 g. 20
b. A, E, C, B, D, F 10
c. Hot apparatus – reduce chance of injury and magnesium calcium strontium barium
damage by burning off Bunsen when water has chloride chloride chloride chloride
evaporated, wait for the equipment to cool before name of salt
touching, stand back while heating;
salt spitting – burns to skin and damage to eyes; Extension
wear eye protection. Any reasonable questions.
d. Sample may contain less salt; some salt may
have left the evaporating basin during the
heating stage. 7.7 Investigating solubility and
temperature –1
7.5 Chlorine and water 1. a.
Independent – water temperature;
1. Larger samples make the results more reliable and dependent – mass of salt;
reduce errors. control – water temperature.
2. To compare the effect of fluoridation with no b. i. Measuring cylinder.
fluoridation. ii. Lab thermometer (the longer one).
3. 2007–2012 is a longer time frame so they could c. 58
determine the effects of fluoridation over a longer d. B. heat the water to the required temperature;
time period. E. measure out 100 cm3 of water and pour into a
new beaker;
H. w
rite down the mass of salt added when
some remains undissolved.
1. 70 70
2. a.
time for 50 g of sugar to dissolve in
100 g of water (s)
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
small medium big 0 20 40 60 80 100
size of grains temperature
b. D
b. It takes longer to boil a pan of water as more c. Since the coolant expands when it is heated, it
energy is need to heat the same mass of water to might break the car radiator.
a higher temperature.
3. The bimetallic strip bends to the right. This
c. The temperature of the Sun is 6 million degrees C. completes the circuit and lamp B lights up.
8.3 Energy transfer: Conduction
Thermal Temperature
energy 1. a. T b. F c. T d. F
Measured in joules. ✓ b. F – Things that feel warm conduct thermal energy
Does not depend on towards/into our hands.
how much material ✓ d.
F – The particles in a metal that is hot are
there is. vibrating more than the particles in a metal that
Measured in degrees is cold.
2. a. Foam.
Increases if you heat
✓ ✓ b. Paper.
something for longer.
c. Air is a poor conductor of energy, so a material
4. a. 8.4 kJ
that contains pockets of air will be a good
b. 12.6 kJ insulator.
3. a.
The drawing pin drops off the rod that is the best
conductor first.
Statement c is true. Oil takes about half as much b. If the rod was made of an insulator the drawing
energy to raise its temperature by the same pin would not drop off.
amount as water.
c. Order of best to worst conductor: copper,
aluminium, iron.
8.2 Thermal expansion and
contraction 8.4 Energy transfer: Convection
1. true: b, d; false: a, c. 1. Missing words in order: expands, decrease, upwards,
colder, denser, convection current.
The corrected versions are:
2. a.
The purple crystal will have dissolved and the
The particles do not expand they vibrate more and colour moved up across and back down.
move further apart so the substance as a whole
b. Convection current.
c. The purple will have moved down to the bottom
Bimetallic strips are made of two different metals of the beaker and spread across the bottom.
welded together.
d. No, there is no way that the purple will move up
2. a. In hot weather the slabs expand, so the gaps stop without heating.
them pushing against each other.
3. a.
Small amount of smoke beginning to be drawn
b. Glass is a poor conductor, so the inner surface of down the tube.
the glass is hotter than outer surface. The inner
b. Current of smoke down the tube along the
surface expands more, and this causes the glass
bottom to the candle and up with the warm air
to shatter.
from the candle.
c. Warm water evaporates faster than cold water c. Frequency= 1/(Time period)=1/20 = 0.05 Hz
because more molecules have enough energy 3. a. 4 waves in 8 cm, wavelength = 2 cm.
to escape from the surface of the liquid. b. 20 waves in 2 seconds so there must be 10 waves
in 1 s. Frequency = 10 Hz
9.1 Introducing waves c. time period = 0.1 s
2. a. G
c. Yes, the frequency and wavelength are linked. A
b. F high frequency sound has a short wavelength,
c. C and a low frequency sound has a longer
d. E, D, and C wavelength. Therefore, as the frequency of the
e. C noise is decreasing, the wavelength is getting
a. Underline: converts a sound wave into an 9.6 Hearing, decibels, and risk
electrical signal. 1. a.
Ear defenders are better at reducing the sound
b. Singers use uni-directional microphones, so as the student wearing ear defenders can only
that the only noise that the microphone picks detect the sound when it is at 50 dB, but the
up is their voice. Any background voice would student wearing ear plugs can hear it at a lower
distort the signal. intensity, 30 dB.
c. It would be best to use an omni-directional b. The experiment is not a fair test as the different
microphone to measure sound levels in students might have different hearing abilities.
a classroom to ensure that all sounds are The same student should test all three options.
picked up. c. The same student could test all three scenarios.
The test should be repeated.
1. the correct words are: frequency, higher, second, Wear ear defenders. Working with loud
amplitude. machinery in a
2. a. by the vibrations of the ruler.
Move away from the Living close to a
b. Pull the ruler down further to make larger sound. noisy road.
vibrations; Wave should be drawn with greater
Put something Listening to loud
amplitude but the same frequency.
between you and the music.
c. The wavelength would be shorter/there would be sound to absorb it.
more waves visible.
Reducing the length
3. a. This means the string vibrates 82 times each of time that you are
second. exposed to the sound.
b. 6th string.
c. 1st string.
a. As the sound level increases, the maximum
Extension recommended time of exposure decreases.
The recommended maximum time of exposure
a. Students should plot the data as a line graph
halves each time the sound level increases 3 dB.
and explain that it is because the data are
continuous. The graph should show a negative b. As sound level increases the maximum
relationship. recommended time decreases significantly
as ears are easily damaged by loud noises.
b. As the pipe length increases, the frequency
The louder the noise, the quicker irreparable
damage occurs.
c. i.
The maximum recommended time of 10.2 Action and reaction pairs
exposure would increase from 15 minutes to 1. We know that action and reaction force pairs do not
2 hours. act on the same body. As a result, all the statements
ii. The maximum recommended time of are examples of action reaction pair.
exposure would increase from 2 minutes to 2. a. the ball provides a force of 20 N to the right on
30 minutes. the foot.
b. the gases push upwards on the rocket with a
10.1 Introduction to forces force of 30 N
1. Correct answers in order: gravity, friction, air 3. a. When the grasshopper pushes down on the
resistance, air resistance, gravity, upthrust. earth the earth pushes back with an equal
and opposite force. This force pushes the
2. The forces have been incorrectly labelled on the first
grasshopper upwards.
diagram – drag is a combination of friction and air
resistance that acts to slow down a moving object. b. The mass of the earth is so great the force has a
Thrust is a force that acts in the direction that an very tiny/negligible effect on the earth.
object is moving, like a car. 4. If they throw the spanner backwards the spanner
To correctly label the diagram the up arrow should would exert and equal and opposite force of the
be upthrust, and the down arrow should be gravity. astronaut forwards.
a. I nside a spring balance is a spring. The extension
of the spring is proportional to the size of the 10.3 Air resistance
force applied. When a force is applied, the spring 1. Missing words in order: friction/air resistance, air
stretches and the display shows how much force resistance/friction, faster, friction, streamlined.
has been applied dependent on the spring’s
2. G, C, A, D, E, F, B
b. Tension. 3. a.
Birds take on a streamlined shape to dive
into water and catch fish, to reduce the water
c. Weight is a measure of force, and is measured in
resistance acting on them.
newtons. The bananas have a mass of 1 kg.
b. Large parachutes slow you down more than
Extension small parachutes because they have a larger
surface area and so experience more air
Contact forces Non-contact forces
friction weight
air resistance electrostatic force
water resistance magnetic force a. Down arrow labelled gravity, up arrow labelled
thrust air resistance. On the Moon these arrows should
be much smaller.
tension b. Objects fall at the same rate even if they are
different masses. Any difference in speed on
b. Any suitable answer: e.g. when something
Earth is caused by air resistance, but on the
is dropped into water. Moon there is much less air resistance.
c. Any suitable answer: e.g. when a car drives
from a road onto gravel.
10.4 Changing ideas about motion 10.5 Planning fair tests: Streamlining
1. a. Any suitable answers, see below: 1. Any suitable answers: How does the size of the mass
affect the deflection? Does the height of the books
Why this doesn’t happen in real life change the deflection?
Friction will slow the ball down on a horizontal slope.
2. I predict that the further apart the books are the
greater the deflection will be.
The ball loses energy as it travels, meaning that it
won’t travel so far. 3. Distance between the books, mass of object, type of
Friction will slow the ball down over time and it will card, height of books.
stop when all of its energy has been lost. 4. Equipment: books, cardboard, masses, ruler.
2. a. Thought experiment. 5. Plan of investigation: Set up equipment as in
b. The heavy ball will fall faster than the light ball diagram, measure distance between books, measure
and hit the ground first. deflection, repeat three times, change distance
between books, and repeat.
c. The heavy ball will fall faster until the string is
taut. It has a greater force than the light ball so 6. Distance between Deflection (cm)
the light ball will speed up when the string is the books (cm) or (m)
d. The two balls cannot fall at different speeds if
they are stuck together.
e. This thought experiment shows that heavier Extension
objects don’t fall faster because if the heavy and Any suitable answer: e.g. The student might have
light balls were stuck together they must fall at problems measuring the deflection accurately.
the same rate OR if they are stuck together the
heavy would speed up the light ball and the light
ball would slow down the heavy ball. This is 10.6 Speed
impossible. 1. a.
f. It is more convincing to see the experiment being b. T
done with equipment, as this shows what is c. F
possible and what will happen. It is possible to
d. F
imagine things that are impossible. distance 200 m
2. a. speed = = = 12.5 m/s
time 16 s
Extension b. Average speed. The average speed is the total
a. From smallest to largest force: C, A, B, D. distance travelled divided by the total time, the
speed may have varied during this time.
b. Fiction/drag acts to slow objects down,
therefore you need to apply a force to keep 3. a. 118 seconds
the forces balanced. Most people don’t distance 800 m
b. average speed = = = 6.78 m/s
notice or realise friction/drag are acting on time 118 s
an object. distance 400 m
c. average speed = = = 8.33 m/s
time 48 s
distance 800 m
d. time = = = 96 seconds
speed 8.33 s
= 1 minute 36 seconds
2. a. 600 m
b. 180 s
a. 88.89 seconds distance 600 m
c. average speed = =
b. 17.20 seconds time 180 s
3. a.
Line graph, both volume and time are continuous
b. Line graph, both extension and weight are
continuous variables.
measuring cylinder
Encourage students to prepare the advertisement
in more than one format, eg a print format and a
radio or podcast commercial.
2. a. N 3. a. D b. D
Mass of object Weight on Mass of object Weight on the Mass of object Weight on the
on Earth Earth (N) on the Moon Moon (N) on the planet planet (N)
50 g 0.5 50 g 0.08 50 g 2.5
500 g 5 500 g 0.8 500 g 25
2 kg 20 2 kg 3.2 2 kg 100
25 kg 250 25 kg 40 25 kg 1250
b. 50 N/kg
c. The gravitational field strength of the planet is greater than that of Earth, so it has a greater mass.
d. We only see the area of the Moon that is lit up and 12.6 Our planet: Seasons
facing us, other parts are lit up by the Sun at the
same time. For example, in a new moon we see 1. a. Orbit.
only a dark moon, the other side is lit by the Sun b. The Sun and the Earth are similar sizes, but the
but we cannot see it. Sun is really a lot bigger than the Earth.
c. Position Southern Northern
2. a.
From left to right: Sun, Earth, umbra, moon,
hemisphere hemisphere
A spring autumn
b. Lunar eclipse as the Moon is in darkness because
the Earth is blocking the Sun’s light. B summer winter
C autumn spring
c. A diagram of a solar eclipse like the one in Unit
D winter summer
5.5, page 78, of the Student Book.
a. Junaid and Sarim can use this model to explain
day and night because the torch represent the
Sun. As Juniad turns anti clockwise you will see
the path of the torch move around the map as
the rays of the Sun would move on the Earth’s
b. Foucault’s pendulum demonstrates that the
Earth is spinning.