Common Ions Names, Formulas, and Charges: Active Chemistry
Common Ions Names, Formulas, and Charges: Active Chemistry
Common Ions Names, Formulas, and Charges: Active Chemistry
Common Ions
Names, Formulas, and Charges
Cations Anions
aluminum (Al3) acetate (CH3COO–)
ammonium (NH4) arsenate (AsO43–)
antimony(III), antimonous (Sb3) arsenite (AsO33–)
arsenic(III), arsenious (As3) benzoate (C6H5COO–)
bismuth (Bi3) borate (BO33–)
cadmium (Cd2) carbonate (CO32–)
cerium(IV), ceric (Ce4) chlorate (ClO3–)
cerium(III), cerous (Ce3) chlorite (ClO2–)
chromium(III), chromic (Cr3) chromate (CrO42–)
chromium(II), chromous (Cr2) cyanate (CNO–)
cobalt(III), cobaltic (Co3) cyanide (CN–)
copper(II), cupric (Cu2) dichromate (Cr2O72–)
copper(I), cuprous (Cu+) dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4–)
gallium(III) (Ga3) hydride (H–)
gold(III), auric (Au3) hexacyanoferrate(III), ferricyanide (Fe(CN)63–)
gold(I), aurous (Au) hexacyanoferrate(II), ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)64–)
hydrogen (H) hydrogen carbonate, bicarbonate (HCO3–)
hydronium (H3O) hydrogen oxalate, bioxalate (HC2O4–)
iron(III), ferric (Fe3) hydrogen phthalate, biphthalate (HC8H4CO4–)
iron(II), ferrous (Fe2) hydrogen sulfate, bisulfate (HSO4–)
lead(IV), plumbic (Pb4) hydrogen sulfide, bisulfide (HS–)
lead(II), plumbous (Pb2) hydrogen sulfite, bisulfite (HSO3–)
manganese(II), manganous (Mn2) hydroxide (OH–)
mercury(II), mercuric (Hg2) hypochlorite (ClO–)
mercury(I), mercurous (Hg22) iodate (IO3–)
nickel(II) (Ni2) monohydrogen phosphate (HPO42–)
silver (Ag) nitrate (NO3–)
thallium(III), thallic (Tl3) nitrite (NO2–)
thallium(I), thallous (Tl) orthosilicate (SiO44–)
tin(IV), stannic (Sn4) oxalate (C2O42–)
Active Chemistry
Common Ions
Names, Formulas, and Charges
Cations Anions
Active Chemistry