Covid19 30 Page Work 1 (1) - 1
Covid19 30 Page Work 1 (1) - 1
Covid19 30 Page Work 1 (1) - 1
Over the past 2 decades, coronaviruses (CoVs) have been associated with
significant disease outbreaks in East Asia and the Middle East. The severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
began to emerge in 2002 and 2012, respectively. Recently, a novel coronavirus,
sever acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing coronavirus
disease 2019 (C O V I D -19), emerged in late 2019, and it has posed a global health
threat, causing an ongoing pandemic in many countries and territories (1).
trimeric SI locates itself on top of the trimeric S2 stalk (45). Recently, structural
analysis of the S proteins of COVID-19 have revealed 27 amino acid substitution
within a 1,273-amino-acid stretch (16). Six substitutions are located in the RBD
(amino acids 375 to 528), while four substitutions are in the RBM at the CTD of the
SI domain (16). Of note, no amino acid change is seen in the RBM, which binds
directly to the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor in SARS- CoV (16,
46). At present, the main emphasis in knowing how many differences would be
required to change the host tropism. Sequence comparison revealed 17 non-
synonymous changes between the early sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and the later
isolates of SARS-CoV. The changes were found scattered over the genome of the
virus, with nine substitutions in ORF1ab, ORF8 (4 substitutions), the spike gene (3
substitutions), and ORF7a (single substitutions) (4). Notably, the same
nonsynonymous changes were found in a familial cluster, indicating that the viral
evolution happened during person-to-person transmission (4, 47). Such adaptive
evolution events are frequent and constitute a constantly ongoing process once the
virus spreads among new hosts (47). Even though no functional changes occur in
the virus associated with this adaptive evolution, close monitoring of the viral
N Protein
Fig. 2.
Initially, the epicenter of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was China, which reported a
significant number of deaths associated with COVID-19, with 84,458 laboratory-
confirmed cases and 4644 deaths as of 13 May 2020 (Fig. 4). As of 13 May 2020,
SARS-CoV-2 confirmed cases have been reported in more than 210 countries apart
from China (Fig. 3 and 4) (WHO Situation Report 114) (25, 64). COVID-19 has been
reported on all continents except Antarctica. For many weeks, Italy was the focus
of concerns regarding the large number of cases, with 221,216 cases and 30,911
deaths, but now, the United States is the country with the largest number of
cases, 1,322,054, and 79,634 deaths. Now, the United Kingdom has even more
cases (226, 4671) and deaths (32, 692) than Italy. A John Hopkins University web
platform has provided daily updates on the basic epidemiology of the COVID-19
COVID-19 has also been confirmed on a cruise ship, named Diamond Princess,
quarantined in Japanese waters (Port of Yokohama), as well as on other cruise
ships around the world (239) (Fig.3). The significant events of the SARS-CoV-
2/COVID-19 virus outbreak occurring since 8 December 2019 are presented as a
timeline in Fig. 5.
Timeline depicting the significant events that occurred during the SARS-CoV-
2/COVID-19 virus outbreak. The timeline describes the significant events during
the current SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, from 8 December 2019 to 13 May 2020.
At the beginning, China experienced the majority of the burden associated with
COVID-19 in the form of disease morbidity and mortality (65), but over time the
COVID-19 menace moved to Europe, particularly Italy and Spain, and now the
United States has the highest number of confirmed cases.
After 4 months of struggle that lasted from December 2019 to March 2020, the
COVID-19 situation now seems under control in China. The wet animal markets
have reopened, and people have started buying bats, dogs, cats, birds, scorpions,
badgers, rabbits, pangolins (scaly anteaters), minks, soup from palm civet,
ostriches, hamsters, snapping turtles, ducks, fish Siamese crocodiles, and other.
as an entry receptor while exhibiting an RBD similar to that of SARS-CoV ( 17, 87,
254, 255). Several countries have provided recommendations to their people
travelling to China (88, 89). Compared to the previous coronavirus outbreaks
caused by SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, the efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 human-to-
human transmission was thought to be less. This assumption was based on the
finding that health workers were affected less than they were in previous outbreaks
of fatal coronaviruses (2). Superspreading events are considered the main culprit
for the extensive transmission of SARS and MERS (90,91). Almost half of the
MERS-CoV cases reported in Saudi Arabia are of secondary origin that occurred
through contact with infected asymptomatic or symptomatic individuals through
human-to-human transmission (92). The occurrence of superspreading events in
the COVID-19 outbreak cannot be ruled out until it's possibility is evaluated. Like
SARS and MERS, COVID-19 can also infect the lower respiratory tract, with milder
symptoms (27). The basic reproduction number of COVID-19 has been found to be
in the range of 2.8 to 3.3 based on real-time reports and 3.2 to 3.9 based on
predicted infected cases (84).
route warrants the introduction of negative fecal viral nucleic acid test results as
one of the additional discharge criteria in laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic does not have any novel factors, other than the
genetically unique pathogen and a further possible reservoir. The cause and the
likely future outcome are just repetitions of our previous interactions with fatal
coronaviruses. The only difference is the time of occurrence and the genetic
distinctness of the pathogen involved. Mutations on the RBD of CoVs facilitated
their capability of infecting newer hosts, thereby expanding their reach to all
corners of the world (85). This is a potential threat to the health of both animals
and humans. Advanced studies using Bayesian phylogeographic reconstruction
identified the most probable origin of SARS-CoV-2 as the bat SARS-like
coronavirus, circulating in the Rhinolophus bat family (86).
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fever, cough, and sputum (83). Hence, the clinicians must be on the look-out for
the possible occurrence of atypical clinical manifestations to avoid the possibility
of a missed diagnosis. The early transmission ability of SARS-CoV-2 was found to
be similar to or slightly higher than that of SARS-CoV, reflecting that it could be
controlled despite moderate to high transmissibility (84).
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The whole world is suffering from the novel SARS-CoV-2, with more than
4,170,424 cases and 287,399 deaths across the globe. There is an urgent need for
a rational international campaign against the unhealthy food practices of China to
encourage the sellers to increase hygienic food practices or close the crude live-
dead animal wet markets. There is a need to modify food policies at national and
international levels to avoid further life threats and economic consequences from
any emerging or reemerging pandemic due to close animal-human interaction
Even though individuals of all ages and sexes are susceptible to COVID-19,
older people with an underlying chronic disease are more likely to become severely
infected (80). Recently, individuals with asymptomatic infection were also found
to act as a source of infection to susceptible individuals (81). Both the
asymptomatic and symptomatic patients secrete similar viral loads, which
indicates that the transmission capacity of asymptomatic or minimally
symptomatic patients is very high. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 transmission can happen
early in the course of infection.
(82). Atypical clinical manifestations have also been reported in COVID-19 in
which the only reporting symptom was fatigue. Such patients may lack respiratory
signs, such as cough, fever, and sputum (83).
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Hence, the clinicians turtles, ducks, fish, Siamese crocodiles, and other animals
meat without any fear of COVID-19. The Chinese government is encouraging people
to feel they can return to Normalcy. However, this could be a risk, as it has been
mentioned in advisories that people should avoid contact with live-dead animals as
much as possible, as SARS-CoV-2 has shown zoonotic spillover.
Additionally, we cannot rule out the possibility of new mutations in the same virus
being closely related to contact with both animals and humans at the market (284).
In January 2020, China imposed a temporary ban on the sale of live-dead animals
in wet markets. However, now hundreds of such wet markets have been reopened
without optimizing standard food safety and sanitation practices (286).
With China being the most populated country in the world and due to it's
domestic and international food exportation policies, the whole world is now facing
the menace of COVID-19, including China itself. Wet markets of live-dead animals
do not maintain strict food hygienic practice. Fresh blood splashes are present
everywhere, on the floor and tabletops, and such food customs could encourage
many pathogens to adapt, mutate, and jump the species barrier. As a result, the
whole world is suffering from Novel SARS-CoV-2SARS-CoV-2.
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More than, from experience with several outbreaks associated with known emerging
viruses, higher pathogenicity of a virus is often associated with lower
transmissibility. Compared to emerging viruses like Ebola virus, avian H7N9,
SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 has relatively lower pathogenicity and
moderate transmissibility (15). The risk of death among individuals infected with
COVID-19 was calculated using the infection fatality risk (IFR). The IFR was found
to be in the range of 0.3% to 0.6%, which is comparable to that of a previous Asian
influenza pandemic (1957 to 1958) (73, 277).
Notably, the reanalysis of the COVID-19 pandemic curve from the initial cluster
of cases pointed to considerable human-to-human transmission. It is opined that
the exposure history of SARS-CoV-2 at the Wuhan seafood market originated from
human-to-human transmission rather than animal-to-human transmission (74);
however, in light of the zoonotic spillover in COVID-19, is too early to fully endorse
this idea (1). Following the initial infection, human-to-human transmission has
been observed with a preliminary reproduction number (R0) estimate of 1.4 to 2.5
(70, 75), and recently it is estimated to be 2.24 to 3.58 (76).
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and deaths. The COVID-19 outbreaks have also been associated with severe
economic impacts globally due to the sudden interruption of global trade and
supply chains that forced multinational companies to make decisions that led to
significant economic losses (66). The recent increase in the number of confirmed
critically ill patients with COVID-19 has already surpassed the intensive care
supplies, limiting intensive care services to only a small portion of critically ill
patients (67). This might also have contributed to the increased case fatality rate
observed in the COVID-19 outbreak.
The novel coronavirus was identified within 1 month (28 days) of the outbreak.
This is impressively fast compared to the time taken to identify SARS-CoV reported
in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China (125 days) (68). Immediately after the
confirmation of viral etiology, the Chinese virologists rapidly released the genomic
sequence of SARS-CoV-2, which played a crucial role in controlling the spread of
this newly emerged novel coronavirus to other parts of the world (69). The possible
origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the first mode of
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N Protein
The LKR is capable of direct interaction with in vitro RNA interaction and is
responsible for cell signaling (60, 61). It also modulates the antiviral response of
the host by working as an antagonist for interferon (IFN) and (RNA) interference.
(62). Compared to that of SARS-CoV, the N protein of SARS-CoV-2 possess five
amino acid mutations, where two are in the intrinsically dispersed region (IDR;
positions 25 and 26), one each in the NTD (position 103), LKR (position 217), and
CTD ( position 334) (16).
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adaptive evolution, close monitoring of the viral mutations that occur during
M Protein
The M protein is the most abundant viral protein present in the virion
particle, giving a definite shape to the viral envelope (48). It binds to the
nucleocapsid and acts as a central organizer of coronavirus assembly (49).
Coronavirus M proteins are highly diverse in amino acid contents but maintain
overall structural similarity within different genera (50). The M protein has
three trans- membrane domains, flanked by a short amino terminus outside the
virion and a long carboxy terminus inside the virion (50). Overall, the viral
scaffold is maintained by M-M interaction. Of note, the M protein of SARS-CoV-2
does not have an amino acid substitution compared to that of SARS- CoV (16).
E Protein
The coronavirus E protein is the most enigmatic and smallest of the major
structural proteins (51). It plays a multifunctional role in the pathogenesis,
assembly, and release of the virus (52). It is a small integral membrane polypeptide
that acts as a viroporin (ion channel) (53).
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Coronavirus genomes and sub-genomes encode six ORFs (31). The majority of
the 5' end is occupied by ORF1a/b, which produces 16 NSPS. The two poly-
proteins, pp 1a and pp 1ab, are initially produced from ORF1a/b by a -1 frame-
shift between ORF1a and ORF1b (32). The virus-encoded proteases cleave poly-
proteins into individuals NSPS (main protease [Mpro], chymotrypsin-like protease
[3CLpro], and papain-like proteases [PLPs]) (42). SARS-CoV-2 also encodes these
nsps, and their functions have been elucidated recently (31). Remarkable, a
difference between SARS-CoV-2 and other CoVs is the identification of a novel short
putative protein within the ORF3 band, a secreted protein with an alpha helix and
beta-sheet with six strands encoded by ORF8 (31).
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S Glycol-protein
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279). The recently emerging SARS-CoV-2 has wrought havoc in China and caused a
pandemic situation in the worldwide population leading to
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New targeted drugs, and prevention of further epidemics (13). The most
common symptoms associated with COVID-19 are fever, cough, dyspnea,
expectoration, headache, and myalgia or fatigue.
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range of hosts, producing symptoms and diseases ranging from the common cold to
severe and ultimately fatal illnesses, such as SARS, MERS, and presently,
COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 is considered one of the seven members of the CoV
family that infect humans (3), and it belongs to the same lineage of CoVs that
causes SARS; however, this novel virus is genetically distinct. Until 2020, six CoVs
were known to infect humans, including human CoV 229E (HCoV-229E), HCoV-
NL63, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKUI, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV have resulted in
outbreaks with high mortality, others remain associated with mild upper-
respiratory-tract illnesses (4).
Newly evolved CoVs pose a high threat to global public health. The current
emergence of COVID-19 is the third CoV outbreak in humans over the past 2
decades (5). It is no coincidence that Fan et al. Predicted potential SARs- or
MERS-like CoV outbreaks in China following pathogen transmission from bats (6).
COVID-19 emerged in China and spread rapidly throughout the country and,
subsequently, to other countries. Due to the severity of this outbreak and the
potential of spreading on an international scale, the WHO declared a global health
emergency on 31 January 2020; subsequently.
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