Class 11 Sample Paper Term-1 2024
Class 11 Sample Paper Term-1 2024
Class 11 Sample Paper Term-1 2024
1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 34 Questions.
2) Section A consists of Ques. No. 1-18 MCQs - 1 mark each .
3) Sections B consist of Ques. No. 19-23 carrying 2 marks each. Very short answer types should not exceed 60-90
4) Sections C consist of Ques. No. 24-28 carrying 3 marks each. Short answer types and should not exceed 100-
150 words.
5) Sections D consist of Ques. No. 29-31 carrying 4 marks and are case study.
6) Section E consists of Ques. No. 32-34 carrying 5 marks. Long answer type and should not exceed 200-300
Q1. Advantages of Yoga Nidra:
a) Reduces tensions b)Relaxes mind c)Improves Sleep patterns d)All of these
Q2. “Physical Education is sum of those experiences which come to the individual through movement.”
Who gave the above definition?
a) Delbert Oberteuffer b) C. C. Covel c) J. B. Nash d) J. F. Williams
Q3. The ability of the muscles to overcome the resistance is defined as _______________.
a) Strength b) Endurance c) Speed d) agility
Q4. In khelo India programme, the selected player is given an amount of:
a) Rupees Five lakh b) rupees two lakh c) Rupees three lakh d) None of these
Q5. ______________ helps children with special needs in performing activities related to fine motor skills, like
eating, dressing, bathing and grooming, etc.:
a) Physiotherapist b) Counsellor c) Physical Education Teacher d) Occupational Therapist
Q6. The state of being healthy and free from disease is called __________ .
a) Health b) Physical Fitness c) Wellness d) Well Being
Q9. Given below are two statements labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Playing traditional games have always brought togetherness.
Reason (R): It is important to teach our kids our culture.
In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Q11. Olympic Flag was first hoisted for the first time at _____________.
a) Antwerp b) Paris c) Sweden d)Germany
Q12. Any disruption due to which an individual is not able to perform his daily human activities is known as
a) Disorder b) Disability c) Illness d) Disease
Q16. ________ is a yogic cleansing exercise that involves a rolling movement of the abdominal muscles.
a) Neti Kriya b) Nauli Kriya c) Dhouti Kriya d) Tratak Kriya
Section - B
Q19. How do traditional games promote wellness?
Q20. Write a note on playing surface and changing trends in playing surface.
Q21. Elaborate the role of Occupational therapist for children with special needs.
Q22. Write a short note on NOC.
Q23. What do you mean by Pranayama? What are its elements?
How is Yoga helpful in stress management?
Section - C
Q24. Describe the Objectives of Physical Education.
Q25. Write briefly about the procedure and benefits and contraindications of vaman douti.
Q26. Briefly explain the educational values of Olympism.
Q27. Describe First aid and PRICE.
Q28. Explain what etiquettes one should keep in mind while communicating with the person with special needs.
How a Special Educator helps in children with special needs?
Section – D
Q29. Sports, traditionally has been the domain of the fit and able-bodied. Many people started to feel that the
physically challenged people should also be able to enjoy sports and the competition. Thereafter, the role of
sports and competition assumed importance for the intellectually challenged people as well. This brought about
a lot of changes in the Olympic movement. Starting as finding the fittest athlete, today, besides finding winners,
the Olympic movement has come to represent participation from all strata of society. These Games are held
under the International Olympic Committee where India is represented by the Indian Olympic Committee.
a) What are the changes modern Olympics have witnessed since their inception in 1896?
b) What role does the International Olympic Committee have?
c) Write briefly about the IFS.
d)What role does OCOGSs play in organising Olympics Games?
Q30. Keshav, a cricketer had been playing the games for almost 5 years. His persistent efforts, hard work and
determination resulted in his selection in the National team. His father, Nand lal was also a cricketer in his
younger days. But unfortunately Nand lal couldn’t get much success due to lack of facilities or advanced
technologies. Keshav on the other hand is using new technologies (like sensors, virtual reality, latest equipments,
etc). This has not only enhanced his performance but also kept him safe from any injuries.
Based on the passage given above answer the following questions.
a. What do you mean by virtual reality in sports?
b. Name any two other technological advancements in sports other than those given in the passage.
c. How injuries and rehabilitation are possible through technological advancements?
d. Give two reasons for why Nand Lal couldn’t get success in his cricket career?
Q31.In a school, where inclusive education was implemented, a medical check up of all the students including
the students with special needs (Divyang) was conducted. To help the students with disability, firstly it is
important to know about different types of disabilities so that right support can be given to them.
Medical checkup
Section – E
Q32. How does effective and efficient leaders are created through physical education? Write down the steps in
Q33. Elaborate various career options available in sports
Q34. Explain the procedures, benefits and contraindications of Sitli Pranayama.
What is Yoga? Describe all the elements of Yoga.