Point Group - 240209 - 104428
Point Group - 240209 - 104428
Point Group - 240209 - 104428
1. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, F. A. Cotton
2. Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, R. L. Carter; John Wiley & Sons, Inc
3. Group Theory and its Applications to Chemistry, K. V. Raman; Tata McGraw-
Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd.
4. Group Theory and Chemistry, David M. Bishop, Clarendon Press.
5. Symmetry and Spectroscopy of Molecules, K Veera Reddy, New Age Int. (P) Ltd.
One way is to consider the effect that a symmetry operation has on the Cartesian
coordinates of some point (or equivalently, on some position vector) in the molecule.
The Identity: A point (x,y,z) does not change under this operation. Therefore, the
identity operation is represented by a unit matrix.
1 0 0 x x
0 1 0 y = y
0 0 1 z z
This operation results simply the change of signs of all the coordinates. Clearly we need a
negative unit matrix to represent inversion operation.
− 1 0 0 x − x
0 − 1 0 y = − y
0 0 − 1 z − z
1 0 0 x x
σ ( xy) : 0 1 0 y = y etc.
0 0 − 1 z − z
Proper rotation:
Defining the rotation axis as the z axis, one should note that z coordinate will be
remaining unchanged by any rotation about x axis. Thus the matrix we seek must be, in
0 0 1
Other four elements can be obtained as follows.
Bishop [Ref. 4]
Cn(z) :
cosθ sin θ 0
− sin θ cosθ 0
0 0 1
for clockwise
Cn(z) :
cosθ − sin θ 0
sin θ cosθ 0
0 0 1
e rotation.
Improper rotation:
Sn(z) = σ (xy ) Cn(z), i.e., an improper rotation equivalent to proper rotation followed by
mirror image in the horizontal plane. So, one can think of just changing sign of z
coordinate in addition to proper rotation. The matrix corresponding to an improper
rotation has the form
cosθ sin θ 0
Sn(z) : − sin θ cosθ 0 for clockwise rotation.
0 0 − 1
One could however, have obtained this matrix by explicitly multiplying the matrices for
rotation around z axis and reflection in the xy plane.
1 0 0 cosθ sin θ 0 cosθ sin θ 0
0 1 0 × − sin θ cosθ 0 = − sin θ cosθ 0
0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 − 1
σ (xy ) Cn(z) Sn(z)
1 0 0 − 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 1 0 0
E = 0 1 0 , C2(z) = 0 − 1 0 , i = 0 − 1 0 , σh = 0 1 0 .
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 −1
Using matrix multiplication as the combining operation, we can construct a group
− 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 1 0 0
multiplication table: C2 i = 0 − 1 0 0 − 1 0 = 0 1 0 = σh
0 0 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 −1
This is using the fact that if operations R, S and T obey the relation RS=T, then their
corresponding matrices follow the same relation.
Representation of groups:
The set of matrices for the various symmetry operations of a point group forms a
representation. For C2v group multiplication table:
E E C2 σv σv’
C2 C2 E σv’ σv
σv σv σv’ E C2
σv’ σv’ σv C2 E
For our purpose, we define a representation of a group as a set of symbols that will satisfy
the multiplication table for the group. The symbols are called character of the
representation. Let’s first consider the representations whose characters are simply
positive and negative integers. For example we make a set of substitutions for the four
operations of the C2v point group such that the substituted characters also obey the
general relationships of the above multiplication table, then the set of characters will be a
representation of C2v.
Q. A natural question is then how many representations can be obtained for any particular
C2 z [+1]z
σv z [+1]z
σ v/ z [+1]z
Now consider a curved unit vector, Rz, representing rotation about the z axis.
Carter p-45
Thus we can say that Rz transforms as A2 in C2v or Rz belongs to the A2 species in C2v.
Some higher order representation can also be obtained by considering 3 unit vectors at
each atom along x,y and z, leading to a set of four 9x9 matrices.
However, there are some representations for those after similarity transformations of the
corresponding matrices can be block-factored and hence the representation can be
represented by the combination of irreducible representation. These are reducible
representation. E.g, for C2v point group a representation obtained by the character of the
transformation matrices of a vector in 3D (x,y & z) is :
E C2 (z) σv (xz) σv’(yz)
1 0 0 − 1 0 0 1 0 0 − 1 0 0
Гm 0 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 − 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Гv 3 -1 1 1 = A1 + B1 + B2
The above reduction can be done using block diagonalization method, where we mark off
a series of matrices along the diagonals of all the matrices as follows:
C3v group:
If B and P are two elements of a group, then P-1 B P will be equal to some element of the
group, say A. We have A = P B P-1.
We express this relation is words by saying that A is a similarity transform of B by P. We
also say that B and A are conjugate.
We know that operations under a class are related to each other by ‘similarity
transformation’, namely with the following relation:
A = P B P-1. In other words if any two operations (A,B) are related to each other by
similarity transformation then they are in the same class.
In case of matrix representation, the matrices are said to be conjugate matrix of each
Since the associative law holds for matrix multiplication, we can write
χ A = χ of (P B P-1) = χ of (P B )P-1 = χ of P-1(PB) = χ B
Therefore, one can say that for any representation the character of the transformation
matrix for a given operation is the same as that for any other operation in the same class.
This permits listing one character for each class of operations for each irreducible
representation in the character table. Using counterclockwise rotation we have,
Our inability to reduce this matrix representation into three irreducible representations of
1x1 matrices, equivalent to characters, is a consequence of the mixing of x and y by the
C3 operation.
We can still obtain irreducible representation of characters by summing along the trace of
the block matrices. This gives the following representations:
C3v E 2C3 3σ v
Γx, y 2 -1 0 Doubly degenerate Irr. Rep.
1 1 1
It has similarity with the acceptable basis functions must be orthonormal. Or with the
concept of unit vectors representations, where each unit vectors are orthonormal. Each
basis function or each unit vector are unique, so also the irreducible representations.
1. The sum of the squares of the dimensions of all the irreducible representations is
equal to the order ( total number of nonredundant symmetry operations) of the
group: ∑ d i2 = h .
2. Also note that, the sum of the squares of the characters in any irreducible
representation is equal to order of the group: ∑ [χ i ( R ) ] = h
C2v: Four nonredundant symmetry operations and each is in a separate class. Hence, the
order = 4 and there are four irreducible representations.
Step 1:
Rule 1: d 12 + d 22 + d 32 + d 42 = 4 , only one solution: d 1 = d 2 = d 3 = d 4 = 1
Thus the group C2v has four one dimensional irreducible representations.
Step 2:
C2v E C2 σv σ v/
Γ1 1 1 1 1
C2v Mulliken E C2 σv σ v/
Γ1 A1 1 1 1 1
Γ2 B1 1 -1 1 -1
Γ3 B2 1 -1 -1 1
Γ4 A2 1 1 -1 -1
Step 1:
Rule 1: d 12 + d 22 + d 32 = 6 , the only values of the di that will satisfy this requirement are 1,
1 and 2, as one can only assume positive integer values other than zero for dimension of
any representation.
Step 2: Every point group possesses one representation which is totally symmetric in
which all the operations have the character value +1.
C3v E 2C3 3σ v
Γ1 1 1 1
Γ2 1 a b
2 c d
Step 3: We now look for a second vector Γ2 in 6-space, with χ ( E ) = 1 and orthogonal to
Γ1 . We have using ∑ [χ ( R)]
= h,
1 + 2.1.a + 3.1.b=0…………………..(2)
3b + 1
From eqn. 2, a=− . Inserting this in equation 1, we have
3b + 1 2
1 + 2 − + 3b = 6
9b + 6b + 1 + 6b 2 = 10
15b 2 + 6b − 9 = 0
5b 2 + 2b − 3 = 0
5b 2 + 5b − 3b − 3 = 0
(5b − 3)(b + 1) = 0
The acceptable solution b = -1 ( as characters are not a fractional numbers), therefore,
a = 1.
Similarly, for Γ3 , we have d = 0, c = -1.
3. Primes ( symmetric wrt σh ), else double primes.
4. g (gerade) if inversion symmetry is there, else u
Linear, rotation:
X,y and z vector transformation. According to these vectors, a p-orbital will change. Rx,y,z
rotation about x,y,z. Consider a curved vector Rz, rotation about z axis (Carter, p-45).
Where nj represents the number of times the j-th irreducible representation occurs in the
reducible representation.
Multiplying each side by χ i (R ) and summing each side over all the operations R one
∑ χ ( R) χ i ( R) = ∑ ∑ n j χ j ( R) χ i ( R) =∑ n j ∑ χ j ( R) χ i ( R) as nj same for all R.
R R j j R
= ∑ n j hδ ji
The terms in right hand side are going to survive only when j=i, δ ji = 0 otherwise.
Therefore, we have ∑ χ ( R) χ ( R) = n h
i i or ni = ∑ χ ( R) χ i ( R) .
h R
Or ni = ∑ g c χ ( R) χ i ( R)
h Rc
Character table for C2v point group
E C2 (z) σv(xz) σv(yz) quadratic
A1 1 1 1 1 z x2, y2, z2
A2 1 1 -1 -1 Rz xy
B1 1 -1 1 -1 x, Ry xz
B2 1 -1 -1 1 y, Rx yz
ΓR 9 -1 1 3 = 3A1+A2+2B1+3B2
The fundamental, universally applicable tool for constructing SALCs is the projection
operator. The most important and frequent use for projection operators is to determine the
proper way to combine atomic wave functions on individual atoms in a molecule into
MOs that correspond to the molecular symmetry.
Projection operator by name itself implies that if we project an MO into the atomic
orbital bases gives the corresponding components. Like a vector, if we need to know the
components along x,y and z we take projection along three axes. We define symmetry
adapted function
ψ i = ∑ χ i ( R ) ( Rφ )
1s 0 1 1s a
C2 a =
1sb 1 0 1sb
Of B2 symmetry b2 = C4(2py) + C5ψ (B2 )= (1s a − 1sb ) ; coefficients are obtained
from 2x2 determinant.
Schematic MO diagram for H2O:
Bonding in NH3:
AK Chandra, p-317
C3v E 2C3 3σ v
Γ1 3 0 1 = A1+E
corresponding character of the operations in the particular irreducible
representation and sum the result. Systematically we do this as follows:
C3v E C3 C 32 σ va σ vb σ vc
Operating on 1sa 1sb 1sc 1sa 1sc 1sb
ψ 1 (E) = ( 2.1s a − 1sb − 1s c )
C3v E C3 C 32 σ va σ vb σ vc
Operating on 1sb 1sc 1sa 1sc 1sb 1sa
ψ 2 (E) = ( 2.1s b − 1s c − 1s a )
But ψ 1 and ψ 2 are not orthogonal. One can generate orthogonal functions using these
functions using Schmidt orthogonalization procedure.
The theorem reads as, even two degenerate functions are not orthogonal but their linear
combinations may be orthogonal.
Consider the functions ψ 1 and ψ 1/ = ψ 2 + cψ 1 which are orthogonal. Hence
∫ψ 1 (ψ 2 + cψ 1 ) dτ = 0
c = − ∫ψ 1ψ 2 dτ =
This leads to after normalization ψ 1/ ( E ) = (1sb − 1sc )
Direct product and its importance: (Cotton, p-93,98; Chandra, p-324)
A. NO. Because any symmetry operation on a molecule results in an indistinguishable
configuration from its original configuration, and hence energy does not change.
Therefore, R H = H R.
Hence, H Rψi = E Rψi ; indicates that Rψi is also an eigen function of H.
Now as ψi is normalized, in order to Rψi to be normalized Rψi = ±1ψi.
ψi ; i=1,2,….. φk; k = 1,2,3…….. are two sets of functions(perhaps eigen functions) of a
molecule which are bases for representations of the group and R is an operation in the
symmetry group of the molecule.
R ψi = ∑a ψ ji j ; R ϕ k = ∑ blk ϕ l ; Rψ i ϕ k = ∑ ∑a b ψ jϕl
ji lk
j l j l
Example (see Chandra, p-324), taking two doubly degenerate functions f and g, find fg.
The set of functions ψ iϕ k ; {ψ iϕ k }, called the direct product of ψi ; i=1,2,….. and φk; k =
1,2,3…….. , also forms a basis for a representation of the group.
1. The characters of the representation of a direct product are equal to the product of
the characters of the representations based on the individual sets of functions. i.e.,
χ(R) = χ 1 ( R ) χ 2 ( R)
2. The representation of a direct product, ГAB, will contain the totally symmetric
representation (A1) only if the irreducible representation ГA = the irreducible ГB.
∧ ∧
Integrals of the type ∫ψ i Oψ j dτ , where O is an operator, are non vanishing if it
invariant under all the operations of the group, or some term in it, if it can be expressed as
a sum of terms, remains invariant. In other words, for the nonzero value of the integral,
the direct product of the representations (i.e., Γ(ψ i ) × Γ (ψ j ) = Γ (O ) ), must contain an
irreducible component having the same properties as the operator O.
1. Energy elements: (Cotton, p-101) ∫ψ i Hψ j dτ ≠ 0, only if ψ i and ψ j belong to
the same irreducible representation of the molecular point group. This is because
the Hamiltonian is totally symmetric and therefore, invariant under any operation
of the group. It will save the computational time wastage.
2. Spectral transition probabilities: (Cotton, p-102)
Intensity of a transition, I, from a state ψ i to ψ j is given by I α ∫ψ i µ ψ j dτ ,
where µ is a transition moment operator, those corresponding to changes in electric
or magnetic dipoles, multipoles, or polarizability tensors.
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Considering electrical dipole operator µ = ∑ ei
xi + ∑ e yi + ∑ e zi , where
Symmetry and its applications
Home work
Due date: May 4, 2020
Q1. Find out the symmetry operations and hence the point group of the following
(a) H2O2 (b) Allene (c) staggered ethane (d) pencil (e) a tennis ball
(f) Cyclohexane (g) Methane (h) Chloroform (i) Phenol (j) a cricket ball (k) SF6
(l) Ethylene
Q2. Obtain group multiplication table for chloroform using matrix representation of the
symmetry operations.
Q4. Form SALC’s for π-Orbitals for the Cyclopropenyl group, C3H3, using the three p-
orbital of three carbon atom as the basis.