Ijerph 17 08403
Ijerph 17 08403
Ijerph 17 08403
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Psychological Capital and Burnout in Teachers:
The Mediating Role of Flourishing
Carlos Freire 1, * , María del Mar Ferradás 1, * , Alba García-Bértoa 1 , José Carlos Núñez 2 ,
Susana Rodríguez 1 and Isabel Piñeiro 1
1 Department of Psychology, University of A Coruña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain; alba.gbertoa@udc.es (A.G.-B.);
susana.rodriguez1@udc.es (S.R.); isabel.pineiro.aguin@udc.es (I.P.)
2 Faculty of Psychology, University of Oviedo, 33003 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain; jcarlosn@uniovi.es
* Correspondence: carlos.freire.rodriguez@udc.es (C.F.); mar.ferradasc@udc.es (M.d.M.F.);
Tel.: +34-981-167000-1867 (C.F.); +34-981-167000-1865 (M.d.M.F.)
Received: 17 October 2020; Accepted: 11 November 2020; Published: 13 November 2020
Abstract: In keeping with the growth in the development of healthy environments in organizational
contexts, in recent years, there has also been increasing interest in the identification of personal
psychological resources that contribute to improved worker mental health. From this proactive
approach, this study examines the mediating role of flourishing in the relationship between
psychological capital (PsyCap) and burnout in teachers, a professional group that is particularly
prone to suffering from this syndrome. A total of 1379 teachers from pre-school, primary, secondary,
and vocational education systems participated in the study. The mediating effect of flourishing
was determined via mediation analysis using the PROCESS macro. The results showed that
flourishing partially mediates the negative effect of PsyCap on the three symptoms of burnout
(emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of professional accomplishment). These findings
indicate that both PsyCap and flourishing may be effective personal resources in reducing teacher
burnout. Therefore, in order to prevent burnout, it is advisable to design interventions that combine
PsyCap and flourishing.
1. Introduction
The development of workplaces with healthy atmospheres and the preoccupation of workers’
well-being constitute one of the key strategies of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development [1] with the aim of promoting social progress and the growth of individuals, families,
and communities. This emerging approach therefore places workers’ well-being as a cornerstone in
the achievement of healthy, effective, and productive occupational life [2,3], and makes it a key factor
for public health [4].
The emphasis on aspects linked to optimal positive functioning in the organizational environment
is anchored in positive psychology, a discipline that arose at the beginnings of this century with the aim
of identifying and encouraging the conditions that contribute to individual, group, and institutional
flourishing [5]. Flourishing would thus represent the true gold standard for studies carried out in
organizational settings under the umbrella of positive psychology, as it would be the best way to ensure
the prevention and reduction of pathological states and the achievement of high levels of adaptive
functioning [6]. Although flourishing has been operationalized in research via various theoretical
models [6–8], all of the models agree on the idea that this construct represents the combination
of high levels of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being [9], which are the achievement of a pleasant,
comfortable life (hedonia), as well as a full life that is consistent with the development of personal
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403; doi:10.3390/ijerph17228403 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 2 of 14
potential and the values which embody our true self (eudaimonia) [10]. Therefore, flourishing epitomises
mental health as it is conceptualized today [11], since mental health not only implies the absence of
mental illness, but also the presence of “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her
own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is
able to make a contribution to his or her community” [12] (p. 10).
The prolific research activity around the identification of personal psychological resources that
may best contribute to increased flourishing of workers in the organizational context has its highest
expression in the construct of psychological capital (PsyCap) [13]. PsyCap is “an individual’s positive
psychological state of development and is characterized by: (a) having confidence (efficacy) to take
on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks; (b) making a positive attribution
(optimism) about succeeding now and in the future; (c) persevering towards goals and, when necessary,
redirecting paths to goals (hope) in order to succeed; and (d) when beset by problems and adversity,
sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond (resiliency) to attain success” [14] (p. 2). PsyCap is
therefore shaped by the interaction of the resources of efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience,
which implies that these four attributes work synergistically as a higher resource, such that their
predictive ability would be significantly greater when taken together than when taken separately [15].
In this regard, various studies in occupational and academic environments have shown that PsyCap
predicts levels of flourishing significantly better when it is considered as a global construct [16–20].
three burnoutofdimensions,
explanation namely
burnout, with emotional
greater exhaustion,
vulnerability to thedepersonalization, and a lack
syndrome in the higher of professional
educational stages
accomplishment (see Figure
[52,53] and in teachers 1). experience [54,55].
with little
2. Materials
Although andtheMethods
studies we reviewed above indicate that PsyCap contributes to experiencing high
levels of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, as well as reduced teacher burnout, to the best of our
2.1. Participants
knowledge, there is no research that has examined the relationship between these three variables
together. However, there are
A total of 1379 teachers fromvarious reasons
pre-school, leading
primary, andussecondary
to hypothesize thatasthe
education, negative
well effect
as vocational
of PsyCap
systems on women,
(1016 the burnout dimensions
363 men) will be
from Galicia partly
(Spain) mediated
took by study.
part in the flourishing.
They wereAccording to the
aged between
widely-accepted job-demands resources model (JD-R) [38], PsyCap is a personal psychological
24 and 63 years old (M = 43.17; SD = 13.21). The distribution by educational stage was as follows: 107 resource
that—in highly in
(7.8%) worked demanding
pre-schooloccupational contexts,aged
education (students which are297
3–6); therefore
worked inharmful
(agespsychological health—would
6–12); 472 (34.2%) worked in not only directly
compulsory reduceeducation
secondary the likelihood
(ages of experiencing
12–16); 127 (9.2%)burnout,
but would also stimulate worker well-being (i.e., flourishing). In turn, the JD-R
Bachillerato (Baccalaureate) (ages 16–18); 11 taught vocational training; and 365 (26.5%) taught model states that
occupational well-being would reduce the tendency to experience burnout, although
more than one educational stage. In terms of experience, 6 (0.4%) participants had less than 1 year of it also posits
that high experience,
teaching levels of burnout wouldhad
204 (14.8%) negatively
2 anda 5, worker’s well-being
137 (9.9%) [39]. This
had between 5 anddual approach
10, 386 (28%)
demonstrates the heuristic nature of the JD-R model, in light of which both
had between 10 and 20, 409 (29.7%) had between 20 and 30, and 237 (17.2%) had more than 30flourishing and burnout
may be mediators or outcomes [40].
In line with this lack of consensus about the role played by flourishing and burnout in their
relationship with PsyCap, Manzano-García and Ayala [19] have shown a moderating effect of burnout
2.2. Instruments
between PsyCap and eudaimonic well-being in direct support staff of specialist autism services.
Psychological capital: We used the CapPsi Psychological Capital Scale [28,56]. It consists of 16
In contrast, Polizzi Filho and Claro [41] found that PsyCap and hedonic well-being were negative
items which evaluate the four resources (efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience) which
predictors of turnover intention (i.e., an indicator of the lack of professional accomplishment dimension
synergistically make up human psychological capital [14]. The responses are given on a six-point
of burnout) in teachers.
Likert-type scale (1 = completely disagree, to 6 = completely agree). Higher responses indicate a
The results from Polizzi Filho and Claro are therefore consistent with our hypothesis that flourishing
higher level of self-reported PsyCap. The internal consistency of the instrument in our study was α =
has a negative (mediating) effect on teacher burnout. Although to date the negative relationship
0.90, ω = 0.90 (95% CI [89,90]).
between flourishing and burnout has not been clearly demonstrated in teachers, various arguments
Flourishing: We assessed flourishing using the eight items making up the Flourishing Scale [57],
lead us to expect this effect. First, studies such as Redelinghuys, Rothman, and Botha [42] have found
Spanish version [58]. It uses a Likert-type response scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 5
high levels of flourishing in teachers to be related to a lower likelihood of leaving the profession,
(completely agree). Higher scores indicate higher levels of flourishing. The internal consistency of the
a factor that is associated with one of the burnout dimensions, a lack of professional accomplishment.
instrument was α = 0.88, ω = 0.88 (95% CI [0.87, 0.89]).
Second, studies with other professions [43] have found an inverse relationship between flourishing and
Burnout: We measured burnout using the Spanish adaptation [59] of the Maslach Burnout
burnout. Third, the idea of flourishing as a negative predictor of teacher burnout links conceptually
Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) [60]. It consists of 22 items that evaluate the three
with the positive psychology approach, which emphasizes the idea that flourishing represents the
manifestations of the syndrome (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of professional
mirror opposite of the symptoms of common mental disorders [9], and as such is the best guarantee of
accomplishment). According to the original authors’ recommendations, each of these characteristics
preventing or reducing these pathologies (e.g., burnout).
should be assessed individually. The emotional exhaustion scale has nine items (α = 0.90, ω = 0.91
(95% CI [0.89, 0.91]). The depersonalization scale has five items (α = 0.62, ω = 0.63 (95% CI [0.58, 0.64]).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 4 of 14
In light of these arguments, one might assume that teachers with high PsyCap will be better
able to experience states of flourishing in the performance of their job, and both aspects (PsyCap and
flourishing) would reduce vulnerability to burnout. This would be consistent with the approach
of the theory of Conservation of Resources (COR) [44], which suggests that people with personal
resources exhibit strong motivation to acquire, maintain, and develop new resources (e.g., PsyCap)
when facing occupational demands, and this spiral of positive gains would result in long-term
adaptive personal results (e.g., high levels of flourishing, low levels of burnout). In short, within
the relatively recent interest in the study of aspects linked to positive psychological functioning in
teachers, the main contribution of this study lies in examining the role of teacher flourishing, not only
as a possible desirable effect of PsyCap, but also as a major contributor to the reduction of burnout in
this professional group.
We have chosen to statistically control the effect of gender, educational stage, and teacher
experience in our study because, as previous research has shown, these sociodemographic variables
seem to differentially influence teachers’ experience of burnout. In terms of gender, some studies
have indicated that burnout is more pronounced in women [45], whereas others have reported the
opposite [46]. It is possible that men and women display themselves differently in their vulnerability
to the various burnout symptoms. Women would be more likely to suffer emotional exhaustion while
men would be more affected by depersonalization and a lack of professional accomplishment [47–51].
The educational stage and professional experience may also be significant factors in the explanation of
burnout, with greater vulnerability to the syndrome in the higher educational stages [52,53] and in
teachers with little experience [54,55].
2.1. Participants
A total of 1379 teachers from pre-school, primary, and secondary education, as well as vocational
systems (1016 women, 363 men) from Galicia (Spain) took part in the study. They were aged between
24 and 63 years old (M = 43.17; SD = 13.21). The distribution by educational stage was as follows:
107 (7.8%) worked in pre-school education (students aged 3–6); 297 (21.5%) worked in primary
education (ages 6–12); 472 (34.2%) worked in compulsory secondary education (ages 12–16); 127 (9.2%)
taught Bachillerato (Baccalaureate) (ages 16–18); 11 taught vocational training; and 365 (26.5%) taught
in more than one educational stage. In terms of experience, 6 (0.4%) participants had less than
1 year of teaching experience, 204 (14.8%) had between 2 and 5, 137 (9.9%) had between 5 and 10,
386 (28%) had between 10 and 20, 409 (29.7%) had between 20 and 30, and 237 (17.2%) had more than
30 years’ experience.
2.2. Instruments
Psychological capital: We used the CapPsi Psychological Capital Scale [28,56]. It consists of
16 items which evaluate the four resources (efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience) which synergistically
make up human psychological capital [14]. The responses are given on a six-point Likert-type scale
(1 = completely disagree, to 6 = completely agree). Higher responses indicate a higher level of self-reported
PsyCap. The internal consistency of the instrument in our study was α = 0.90, ω = 0.90 (95% CI [89,90]).
Flourishing: We assessed flourishing using the eight items making up the Flourishing Scale [57],
Spanish version [58]. It uses a Likert-type response scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to
5 (completely agree). Higher scores indicate higher levels of flourishing. The internal consistency of
the instrument was α = 0.88, ω = 0.88 (95% CI [0.87, 0.89]).
Burnout: We measured burnout using the Spanish adaptation [59] of the Maslach Burnout
Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) [60]. It consists of 22 items that evaluate the three manifestations
of the syndrome (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of professional accomplishment).
According to the original authors’ recommendations, each of these characteristics should be assessed
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 5 of 14
individually. The emotional exhaustion scale has nine items (α = 0.90, ω = 0.91 (95% CI [0.89, 0.91]).
The depersonalization scale has five items (α = 0.62, ω = 0.63 (95% CI [0.58, 0.64]). The professional
accomplishment scale has eight items (α = 0.84, ω = 0.83 (95% CI [0.82, 0.85]). The responses to all of
the items are given using a Likert-type scale with responses from 0 (never) to 6 (always). Higher scores
indicate higher levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and lower scores indicate lower
levels of professional accomplishment.
2.3. Procedure
We began the data collection process by sending emails to schools in the four provinces in
Galicia. The email detailed the study objectives and the terms of participation (voluntary, anonymous,
and confidential). It also included a link to an online platform which contained the measurement
instruments items, the instructions for responding to them, and a declaration of informed consent, in
accordance with the ethical principles of the University of A Coruña (UDC Ethical Code of Research
27 February 2019) and the Declaration of Helsinki. We asked the schools to distribute the information
in the email to the teaching staff. Thus, the study included those teachers who, after accepting the
above conditions, responded to the questions via the online platform, with no time limit.
3. Results
Table 1. Correlation matrix and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, asymmetry, and kurtosis)
for the study variables.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Psychological Capital −
2. Flourishing 0.66 * −
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 6 of 14
Table 1. Cont.
1 2 3 4 5
Table 2. Results of the mediation analysis of flourishing in the relationship between PsyCap and
emotional exhaustion.
The data confirmed our initial hypotheses, as once the effects of covariables (gender,
educational stage, and teacher experience) were statistically controlled for, flourishing partially
mediated the effect of PsyCap on emotional exhaustion. More specifically, PsyCap exercised a significant
direct effect on both flourishing and emotional exhaustion. For flourishing, this effect was positive
(b = 0.727; p < 0.001), with a large effect size (d = 3.55), whereas the effect on emotional exhaustion
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 7 of 14
was negative (b = −0.767; p < 0.001), with a moderate effect size (d = 0.56). Flourishing in turn had
a significant, direct, negative effect on emotional exhaustion (b = −0.372; p < 0.001), albeit with a small
effect size (d = 0.29). We also found a significant indirect effect of PsyCap on emotional exhaustion
via flourishing (b = –0.271; 95% CI [−0.309, −0.113]). The confidence intervals do not include zero,
indicating that this indirect effect was statistically significant. The overall effect of the model was also
statistically significant (b = –1.038; p < 0.001), with a large effect size (d = 1.09). With regard to the effects
of the covariables, we found that they had a significant effect on both flourishing (b = −0.063; p < 0.05)
and emotional exhaustion (b = –0.164; p < 0.05), although with a small effect size (d = 0.12 in both
cases). Being a woman predicted a greater level of flourishing and emotional exhaustion. The effects of
the other two covariables (educational stage and experience) were not statistically significant.
We also confirmed the hypothesized effect of flourishing’s partial mediation in the relationship
between PsyCap and depersonalization, once the effect of the three covariables was controlled for.
As Table 3 shows, PsyCap had a significant negative effect on depersonalization, both directly (b = –0.274;
p < 0.001; d = 0.27) and indirectly through flourishing (b = –0.244; 95% CI [–0.337, –0.153]). We also
found a significant direct negative effect of flourishing on depersonalization (b = –0.335; p < 0.001),
with a small effect size (d = 0.36). The total effect of the model was also statistically significant
(b = –0.518; p < 0.001), with a moderate effect size (d = 0.69). With regard to the effects of the covariables,
gender (b = 0.260; p < 0.001), educational stage (b = 0.027; p < 0.05), and teacher experience (b = –0.064;
p < 0.001) were significant predictors of depersonalization, albeit with small effect sizes (d < 0.30, in each
case). Being a man, teaching in a higher educational stage, and having less experience predicted greater
levels of depersonalization.
Table 3. Results of the mediation analysis of flourishing in the relationship between PsyCap
and depersonalization.
Lastly, the data also supported our initial hypothesis about the partial mediating effect of
flourishing in the relationship of PsyCap and the lack of professional accomplishment. As the results
in Table 4 show, once the effect of the covariables was statistically controlled for, we found that
PsyCap had a significant positive effect on professional accomplishment, both directly (b = 1.005;
p < 0.001; large effect size, d = 1.61) and indirectly through flourishing (b = 0.140; 95% CI [0.079, 0.209]).
Flourishing was also shown to be a significant positive predictor of professional accomplishment
(b = 0.193; p < 0.001), although the effect size was small (d = 0.27). The total effect of the model was
also statistically significant (b = 1.145; p < 0.001), with a large effect size (d = 5.53). With regard to
the covariables, only the educational stage demonstrated a statistically significant effect, which was
negative, on professional accomplishment (b = –0.028; p < 0.05), with a small effect size (d = 0.15).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 8 of 14
Table 4. Results of the mediation analysis of flourishing in the relationship between PsyCap and
professional accomplishment.
4. Discussion
Since flourishing has been considered a key objective for the development of healthy organizational
environments, there has been growing interest in the identification of personal psychological resources
that encourage workers’ successful adaptation to the complex, changing demands of the modern
workplace [2]. In line with this proactive positioning, in this study, we examined the effect of PsyCap
and flourishing on burnout in teachers, given its high prevalence in this professional group [21–23].
Specifically, we explored the possible mediating role of flourishing in the relationship between PsyCap
and each of the symptomatic manifestations of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,
and lack of professional accomplishment).
Our results confirmed our initial hypothesis. They showed that PsyCap has a direct effect on
teacher flourishing and on the three burnout indicators. The effect of PsyCap on flourishing was
positive, indicating that the availability of high levels of efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience in
teaching is related to experiencing high levels of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. This finding
seems to align with recent research focused on teacher well-being [31,32], underlining the significant
contribution of PsyCap as a personal resource that enhances the lives of teachers, not only in terms of
satisfaction, pleasure, and enjoyment, but also as a means of attaining high levels of personal excellence,
as other studies have concluded [34–37]. In addition, the positive effect of PsyCap on flourishing
would confirm, along the lines laid out by the JD-R model [39], the significant contribution made by
personal resources to well-being in occupational settings. More specifically, this positive impact on
well-being was produced directly, which is consistent with other studies on teachers [36,64].
In contrast, our data show that the direct effect of PsyCap on the three characteristic burnout
sypmtoms was negative. This suggests, in line with other studies [26–30], that PsyCap—considered as
a paradigmatic example of positive organizational behavior—plays a significant role when it comes to
reducing teachers’ vulnerability to feeling burned out in their day to day professional experience.
The negative effect of PsyCap on burnout is not only direct. Based on the results of our study
the relationship is also partially mediated by flourishing. One notable implication resulting from this
finding is the fact that flourishing, in addition to being an optimal outcome of the effective use of
PsyCap in teaching, is also in itself an adaptive personal resource in the reduction of the three clinical
manifestations of burnout. In this regard, studies such as Redelinghuys et al. [42] have already noted
the negative effect of flourishing on one of the main indicators of a lack of professional accomplishment,
the intention to quit the teaching profession. In addition to supporting this relationship, our data
demonstrate that flourishing also contributes to reducing the tendency to experience the two “core”
manifestations of burnout [65] (emotional exhaustion and depersonalization).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8403 9 of 14
would be more beneficial if both factors were worked on in combination, making use of the caravan
action that, according to COR theory [78], is produced when new personal psychological resources are
acquired and developed.
5. Conclusions
Flourishing has been considered as a “promising new outcome variable for POB (positive organizational
behavior) researchers” [79] (p. 50). In line with this new paradigm focused on the promotion of health
in the organizational context, the main contribution of this study was the identification of flourishing
as a mediating variable in the relationship between PsyCap and the symptoms of burnout in teachers,
a group that faces high occupational demands. These findings indicate that flourishing is not
only a desirable effect of the availability of a high level of PsyCap, but that it is also a valuable
psychological resource supporting PsyCap, contributing to a reduced likelihood of suffering from
burnout. Consequently, interventions designed to enhance teachers’ psychological health and that of
schools overall should consider the possible synergistic action of PsyCap and flourishing to promote
initiatives aimed at the development of both personal resources.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.d.M.F., C.F., and A.G.-B.; methodology, M.d.M.F., C.F., and J.C.N.;
formal analysis, M.d.M.F., C.F., and J.C.N.; investigation, M.M.F., C.F., A.G.-B., and J.C.N.; writing—original draft
preparation, M.d.M.F., C.F., and S.R.; writing—review and editing, M.d.M.F., C.F., A.G.-B., S.R., and I.P.; supervision,
M.d.M.F., C.F., S.R., and I.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was partially funded by the European Regional Development Funds (European Union and
Principality of Asturias) through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000199).
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the teachers who participated in the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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