Accountancy Project On ITC - 20241120 - 120719 - 0000
Accountancy Project On ITC - 20241120 - 120719 - 0000
Accountancy Project On ITC - 20241120 - 120719 - 0000
I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my teacher.
Who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project, which also helped me
in doing a lot of research and, I came to know
about so many new things. I am really
thankful to them.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited
This is to certify that
a student of class - Xll has successfully
completed the research on this project
under my supervision.
He has taken proper care and shown
utmost sincerity in the completion of
this project. I certify that this project is
upto my expectations and as per the
guidelines issued by CBSE.
1 Introduction
2 History
3 Company’s Profile
4 Board Of Directors
5 Balance Sheet
7 Accounting Ratio
a) Liquidity Ratio
b) Solvency Ratio
c) Activity Ratio
d) Profitability Ratio
10 Conclusion
11 Bibliography
...Of ITC
ITC Limited is one of India’s foremost private
sector companies, with a diversified presence
across industries like FMCG, hotels, paperboards,
packaging, and agribusiness. Founded as the
Imperial Tobacco Company in 1910, ITC has evolved
into a robust conglomerate, with ventures that
include an extensive range of consumer goods,
hospitality services, and agricultural solutions.
Known for its commitment to sustainable
practices, ITC has made significant strides in
areas like renewable energy, water conservation,
and waste management, becoming a leading
example of corporate responsibility.
Over the years, ITC has strengthened its brand
portfolio to encompass well-known names in
various categories, such as Aashirvaad, Sunfeast,
and Classmate, which enjoy substantial consumer
loyalty. The company’s strategic focus on
innovation and brand-building, combined with its
dedication to eco-friendly business practices, has
positioned it as a pioneering force in India’s
economic landscape. With a market presence that
continues to grow, ITC is a testament to
corporate resilience and adaptive strategies in
changing business environments.
ITC was established in 1910 as the Imperial
Tobacco Company of India Limited in Kolkata,
originally focusing on the production and
distribution of tobacco products. Over the
decades, the company diversified its portfolio,
entering sectors such as hospitality, packaging,
and FMCG. By 1970, the company was
rebranded as ITC, marking a shift toward a
diversified, more inclusive identity that went
beyond its tobacco roots.
Sanjiv Puri
Key People
(Chairman & Managing Director)
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached For S R B C &
CO LLP Chartered Accountants Firm S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi (DIN : 00280529)
Partner Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024 (DIN : 01804345)
(Membership No.: FCS 3770)
Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss
for the year ended 31st March, 2024
For the year ended For the year ended
Note 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
( `in Crores) ( `in Crores)
I Revenue From Operations 21A, 21B 70105.29 70251.28
II Other Income 22 3538.28 2437.61
III Total Income (I+II) 73643.57 72688.89
Cost of materials consumed 21309.84 19809.83
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 6042.97 9109.85
Changes in inventories of finished goods, Stock-in-Trade,
work-in-progress and intermediates 23 (370.71) (39.50)
Excise duty 4664.48 4208.01
Employee benefits expense 24 3732.23 3569.46
Finance costs 25 45.73 41.81
Depreciation and amortization expense 1647.82 1662.73
Other expenses 26 10247.87 9649.16
Total expenses (IV) 47320.23 48011.35
Profit before exceptional items and tax (III-IV) 26323.34 24677.54
Exceptional Items (7.57) 72.87
VI 28(i)
Profit before tax (V+VI) 26315.77 24750.41
VIIITax expense:
Current Tax 27 5661.21 6025.32
Deferred Tax 27 232.59 (28.22)
IX Profit for the year (VII-VIII) 20421.97 18753.31
Other Comprehensive Income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
– Remeasurements of the defined benefit plans 28(vi) (22.97) (21.81)
– Equity instruments through other comprehensive
income 2515.06 91.90
– portion of gains / (losses) on designated
portion of hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge (10.46) 21.22
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss 27 (228.72) (0.34)
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss:
– Debt instruments through other comprehensive
income 17.91 (35.01)
– Effective portion of gains / (losses) on designated
portion of hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge 19.71 (47.45)
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss 27 (9.47) 20.75
X Other Comprehensive Income [A (i+ii) + B (i+ii)] 2281.06 29.26
XI Total Comprehensive Income for the year (IX+X) 22703.03 18782.57
XII Earnings per equity share (Face Value `1.00 each): 28(ii)
(1) Basic (in `) 16.39 15.15
(2) Diluted (in `) 16.35 15.11
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
In terms of our report attached On behalf of the Board
For S R B C & CO LLP S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration Number: 324982E / E300003
(DIN : 00280529) Director & Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Sethi
Partner S. DUTTA Company Secretary
(Membership No.: 89802)
Kolkata, May 23, 2024 (DIN : 01804345)
To study whether the company has performed
better than before and to assess whether the
company’s business is on the right path or not.
Accounting Ratios...
Ratio Analysis is technique of financial statements
Analysis. It is more widely used tool to interpret
quantitative relationships between two variable of
the financial statements.
Current Ratio :-
It refers to a company’s ability to generate
enough cash to pay off its debts once they
become due. Its used globally as a way to measure
the overall financial health of a company.
Operating Activities :-
Operating activities are the principal revenue
activities of the enterprise and the other
activities that are not investing are financing
Standalone Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31st March, 2024
For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
( `in Crores) ( `in Crores)
A.Cash Flow from Operating Activities
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 26315.77 24750.41
Depreciation and amortization expense 1647.82 1662.73
Share based payments to employees 103.10 58.50
Finance costs 45.73 41.81
Interest Income (1592.41) (1434.53)
Dividend Income (990.35) (556.90)
(Gain) / Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment,
lease termination - Net (54.07) 4.53
Inventory write-offs / write-downs (net of reversals) 149.62 155.46
Doubtful and bad debts 9.23 (0.93)
Doubtful and bad advances, loans and deposits 25.03 1.16
Impairment of investment in joint venture – 8.50
Gain recognised on divestment of shares held in joint venture (9.49) –
Net gain arising on financial instruments measured at amortised
cost / mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss (784.82) (416.74)
Foreign currency translations and transactions - Net (6.28) (1456.89) 37.89 (438.52)
Trade receivables, advances and other assets (887.87) (603.25)
Inventories (2187.23) (751.59)
Trade payables, other liabilities and provisions 17.30 (3057.80) 755.24 (599.60)
Income tax paid (net of refunds) (5682.85) (5800.59)
B.Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, intangibles,
ROU asset etc. (2647.23) (1858.32)
Sale of property, plant and equipment 100.85 48.86
Purchase of current investments (64931.45) (72925.91)
Sale / redemption of current investments 67992.14 67720.51
Payment towards contingent purchase consideration – (63.75)
Investment in subsidiaries (1050.35) (1184.14)
Investment in associates* (86.26) (1.88)
Investment in joint venture (0.90) –
Purchase of non-current investments* (2745.51) (2349.41)
Sale / redemption of non-current investments 2622.86 4057.60
Redemption of investment in subsidiary – 18.00
Advance received towards divestment of shares held in joint venture
[Refer Note 28 (x)]
– 56.00
Dividend received
990.35 556.90
Interest received
1016.53 1216.27
Investment in bank deposits
(original maturity more than 3 months)
Redemption / maturity of bank deposits (3578.11) (7427.20)
(original maturity more than 3 months)
4446.34 5476.33
Investment in deposit with housing finance company – (3500.00)
Redemption / maturity of deposit with housing finance company – 5000.00
Loans given (12.22) (8.21)
Loans realised 10.51 8.98
1. The above Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared under the “Indirect Method” as set out in Ind AS - 7 “Statement of Cash Flows”
As at As at
2. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents as above 197.63 206.88
Unrealised gain / (loss) on foreign currency cash and cash equivalents … …
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 11) 197.63 206.88
3. Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities includes an amount of `436.16 Crores (2023 - `328.80 Crores) spent towards Corporate
Social Responsibility.
4. Disclosure of change arising from financing activities in respect of lease liabilities - Refer Note 15
The accompanying notes 1 to 31 are an integral part of the Standalone Financial Statements.
On behalf of the Board
In terms of our report attached For S R B C & CO LLP Chartered Accountants Firm
Registration Number: 324982E / E300003 S. PURI Chairman & Managing Director
Arvind Sethi
Partner (DIN : 00280529) Director & Chief Financial Officer
(Membership No.: 89802)
S. DUTTA Company Secretary