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Name of Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing Action

Drug Action n
Generic alkylamine Chlorphena Hypersensitivity Drowsiness, Before:
name: derivative, is a mine to thickening of -Obtain and document the
Chlorphenira sedating injection is chlorpheniramine bronchial patient’s vital signs before
-mine antihistamine indicated maleate or any secretions, administering the
Maleate that for acute component of the dizziness, medication.
competitively urticaria, formulation. constipation - Thoroughly assess the
Brand name: and reversibly control of or diarrhea, patient for any known
Lorecare inhibits allergic dry mouth, allergies
histamine H1- reactions to nose, and -Review the patient’s
Drug receptor in the food and throat, medical history for any
Classificatio gastrointestinal insect bites, headache, conditions that may
n: and respiratory loss of contraindicate the use of
Antihistamine tract and blood appetite, Chlorpheniramine Maleate
vessels. This stomach -Inquire about the patient’s
prevents the upset, history of previous blood
release of vomiting transfusions and any
histamine, reactions experienced.
prostaglandins -Explain the purpose,
and potential side effects, and
leukotrienes, expected benefits of the
and also medication.
prevents the -Check the medication
migration of instructions for proper
inflammatory dilution if required.
mediators. -Monitor the patient closely
for any adverse reactions
during and after medication

-Administer the medication
slowly over at least 1
-Continuously monitor the
patient’s vital signs and for
any signs of adverse
reactions during
-Closely monitor the patient
for any signs of transfusion
reactions during the

-Continue to monitor the
patient’s vital signs
-Monitor the patient’s
respiratory status for any
signs of improvement or
-Observe for any adverse
reactions to medications .
Name of Mechanism Of Nursing
Indication Side Effects
Drug Action Responsibilities
Generic Thought to To relieve mild to CNS: headache, BEFORE
Name: produce moderate pain. fatigue, anxiety Assess pain: Type of
Paracetamol analgesia by Resp: Dyspnea pain, location, intensity,
blocking pain CV: Hyper and duration,
Brand impulses by hypotension aggravating/alleviating
name: inhibiting INTEG: Rash, urticaria, factors
Philpara synthesis of injection site pain Check Hepatic studies
prostaglandin in Check Renal studies
Drug the CNS or of DURING
classificatio other substances Do not exceed dosage
n: that sensitize Contraindications Adverse Effects Give with food to
Analgesic pain receptors to Hypersensitivity to GI: hepatotoxicity, minimize GI upset
stimulation. paracetamol hepatic seizure AFTER
Route: Use cautiously with (overdose) Evaluate Therapeutic
Oral impaired hepatic Genito-Urinary: Renal response: absence of
function failure (high, prolonged pain using pain scoring
Drug dose: Use cautiously with doses) Assess for Chronic
500 mg 1 tab long term alcohol use HEMA: hemolytic poisoning: rapid, weak
q4, PRN because therapeutic anemia (long-term pulse; dyspnea; cold,
doses cause use), clammy extremities;
hepatotoxicity. thrombocytopenia, report immediately to
pancytopenia prescriber
TOXICITY: Cyanosis, Teach family of side
jaundice, pancytopenia, effects and adverse
CNS stimulation, effects
delirium followed by
vascular collapse,
seizures, coma, death
Name of Mechanism Indication Side Effects Nursing Action
Drug of Action
Generic A potent Indicated for -Low blood BEFORE
name: diuretic that treatment of pressure Check doctors order
Furosemide inhibits renal disease, >Loss of Assess allergy to furosemide
sodium and reduced hearing
Brand chloride urinary >Dizziness DURING
name: Lasix reabsorption output due to >Abdominal Check the patency of the IV site and IV line
of proximal chronic renal pain Give early in the day so that increased urination
Route: and distal failure will not disturbed sleep
IV tubules and ADVERSE Monitor weight, blood pressure and pulse rate
ascending EFFECTS : Watch for signs of hypokalemia such as muscle
Drug dose: loop of Henle Contraindic >Restlessnes weakness and cramps
20 mg ations s AFTER
>Hypersensit >Constipatio Advice patient to immediately report any side
ivity to n effects.
Name of Mechanism Of Nursing
Indication Side Effects
Drug Action Responsibilities
Generic Selective and Indicated for peptic CNS: dizziness, BEFORE
Name: irreversible proton- ulcer disease in headache, myalgia Check the history and
Omeprazole pump inhibitors: adults. GI: Diarrhea, assess for allergy to
Suppresses gastric nausea, constipation, omeprazole and any
Brand name: acid secretion by vomiting, flatulence, of its components
Prosec specific inhibition of acid regurgitation Assess for mentioned
the hydrogen- Integ: Skin rashes contraindications to
Drug potassium ATP as Resp: Upper this drug
classification enzyme system at the respiratory tract DURING
: secretory surface of infection, cough Observe the 10 rights
Proton-pump the gastric parietal Others: dry mouth, of medication
inhibitors cells; blocks the final fatigue administration
step of acid Contraindications Adverse Effects Check for signs of IV
Route: production. Contraindicated with GI: Diarrhea, complication
IV hypersensitivity to abdominal pain, Check the patency of
omeprazole or its constipation, nausea, the IV line then
Drug dose: components vomiting, acid administer the drug
40 mg IV q12 Hepatic disease regurgitation AFTER
Liver problems Integ: Rash Monitor for side
Others: heart failure, effects and adverse
hepatic failure, effect
hematuria Document the
Name of Mechanism Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing Action
Drug of Action n
Generic Essential for Bleeding 1. Known 1. Injection site Before
name: gamma- disorders hypersensitivity reactions (pain, - Review the patient's
Phylloquinone carboxylatio (hemorrhage, to phylloquinone swelling) recent creatinine and GFR
n of clotting hypoprothrom 2. Severe liver 2. Allergic levels to assess renal
factors II, VII, binemia) disease reactions (rash, function.
Brand name: IX, and X, urticaria) - Consider any recent
Vitamin K1 promoting Vitamin K 3. Anaphylaxis changes in kidney function
blood deficiency (rare) that might affect vitamin K
Route: coagulation. 4. Hemolysis metabolism.
Oral (tablets, Anticoagulant (rare) -Assess Bleeding
capsules) reversal (e.g., Tendencies
warfarin) Adverse -Assess the patient's
Dosage: Effects: dietary intake of vitamin K-
Adult Oral: 1. rich foods, such as green
50-500 mcg Hypersensitivit leafy vegetables.
once daily y reactions -Consider any dietary
2. Hemolytic restrictions or limitations
Frequency: anemia that may affect vitamin K
Once daily 3. Kernicterus intake.
(in newborns) During
4. Interference _ Administer Medication
with Correctly:
anticoagulant * Administer phylloquinone
therapy as prescribed, either orally
or parenterally.
* Follow specific guidelines
for dosage and
administration route.
_Monitor for Adverse
-Monitor Bleeding
- Instruct the patient to
report any unusual
bleeding or bruising.
_Evaluate Vitamin K Status:
* Monitor the patient's
international normalized
ratio (INR) or prothrombin
time (PT) to assess the
effectiveness of vitamin K
-Adjust the dosage of
vitamin K or anticoagulant
medications as needed.
-Educate the patient about
the importance of taking
vitamin K as prescribed.
- Explain the potential
benefits of vitamin K in
improving bone health and
reducing cardiovascular
- Advise the patient to
maintain a balanced diet
rich in vitamin K-containing

Name of Mechanism Of Indication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Action
Generic It prevents Used for prevention and Increased BEFORE
Name: unnecessary therapy of damages due to calcium levels,
Ketoanalogueincrease in urea the faulty or deficient nausea, DURING
levels in the protein metabolism in vomiting,
Brand blood due to the chronic renal insufficiency diarrhea, AFTER
Name: intake of non- in connection with limited abdominal pain
Globisaph essential amino protein in food of 40g per
acids in patients day (for adults) generally
Route: with kidney in patients with a GFR
failure. It also (glomerular filtration rate)
allows the intake below 25ml/min.
Dosage: of essential Contraindications Adverse
amino acids Effects
while minimizing Hypersensitivity to the Hypercalcemia,
the amino- active substance of disturbed amino
nitrogen intake. ketoanalogues or any of its acids
Following ingredients,
ingestion, the Hypercalcemia
ketoanalogues disturbed amino acids
are transmitted metabolism
by taking Give with caution to
nitrogen from pregnant women
non-essential Lactating mothers
amino acids,
decreasing the
formation of
urea reusing the
Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Decreased STG: INDEPENDENT: 1.To identify STG:
Data: Cardiac After 30 1.Assessed the patients imbalances, After 30 mins.
“Nagpangit ti Output minutes general health status. disease process, Of nursing
riknak tatta, related of nursing 2.Assessed client and desired or interventions, the
highblood ak to elevated interventions, reports and evidence of adverse effects client was able to:
gamin, santo blood the client will extreme fatigue, of treatment. 1.Not met – the
maul-ulawak pressure as be able to: intolerance for activity 2.To assess for client’s blood
nu agkutiak evidenced 1.Decrease and progressive signs of poor pressure was 180/70
santo nu by BP: blood pressure. shortness of breath. ventricular mmHg.
bumangonak 180/70 2.Report/ 3.Kept client on bed function and /or 2.Goal met –
.” asverbaliz mmHg, demonstrate rest in a position of impending reported /
ed by the restlessness decreased comfort. cardiac failure demonstrated
patient , episodes 4.Monitored vital signs 3.Decreases decreased episodes
and difficult of difficulty of frequently. oxygen of difficulty of
Objective y of breathing. 5.Provided adequate consumption breathing.
Data: breathing fluid/free water, and risk of
-Pale in color LTG: depending on client’s decompensation LTG:
-Skin cool After 1-2 hrs. of needs. . After 1-2 hrs. of
and dry to nursing 6.Provided a quiet/calm 4. To note nursing
touch interventions, environment; and response to interventions, the
- the client will minimizing noise activities and client was able to:
Restlessness be able to: 7.Encouraged relaxatio interventions. 1. Not met – not able
- Difficulty of 1.Display n techniques like 5.To check the to display
breathing Hemodynamic guided imagery and input and hemodynamic
-Temp: stability distractions. output. stability.
36.6°C 2.Participate in 6.To promote 2.Goal met –
-BP: 180/70 activities that DEPENDENT: adequate participated in
mmHg reduce the 8.Administered oxygen rest/relaxation. activities that
-PR: 62 bpm workload of the via nasal canula, as 7.To help reduce reduces the workload
-RR: 19 cpm heart indicated. stressful of the heart.
- SP02: 97% 9.Administered medicat stimuli, thereby
-Oxygen: ions as indicated decreases blood
(flow rate) 2 pressure.
lpm COLLABORATIVE: 8.To increase
10.Instructed and oxygen available
implemented to patient for cardiac
dietary restrictions in function/tissue
sodium, fat, and perfusion.
cholesterol (LSLF Diet). 9. To improve
cardiac output
and / or to lower
blood pressure
10.To help
manage fluid
retention and
Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Intervention
Objective: Activity STG: -Assess the -Understand STG:
-Patient requires intolerance After one day of patient in limitations of Partially met.
assistance in related to nursing performing patient in After one day of
performing impaired motor intervention, the activities and performing nursing
Activity of Daily skills patient will motor skills as activity and will intervention, the
Living (ADLS) maintain joint tolerated help in patients’ joints
-Limited range of range of motion -Assess for individualized can still be
mobility present or any care plan exercised with
LTG: signs of edema -To prevent complaints of
Subjective: After 3 days of -Perform further pain.
“Mabalin nursing dependent ROM complications
tulongan yu interventions, exercise as -To improve LTG:
saken? Tanay the patient will tolerated general Goal not met.
marigatan ak be able to move -Educate patient circulation The patient is
tumakdeg ta some body parts and SO on -To reduce still unable to
umey ak independently. importance of muscle tension move some body
umiseb.” changing and bed sore. parts
Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Intervention
DATA: Volume After 8 hrs. 1.Assessed or 1.To facilitate Goals partially met.
“Makain- Deficit of nursing instructed patient accurate After 8 hrs. of nursing
inumak ti warm related to interventions to monitor weight measurement and interventions, the client
water tanni na loss of , the client daily and follow trends. was able to:
magaan ti fluid and will be able consistently, with 2.Fluid loss occurs Exhibit moist mucous
bagang ko ken electrolyte to: same scale, and first in extracellular membrane but still has
tepek ko” as s as 1.Exhibit preferably at the spaces, resulting in a poor skin turgor. She
verbalized by evidenced moist same time of the poor skin turgor and as only a urine output
the patient by dry mucous day. dry mucous of 200 ml.
mucous membrane 2.Assessed skin membrane.
OBJECTIVE membrane and good turgor and 3.Increased LTG:
DATA: , poor skin skin turgor. mucous temperature and Goals partially met.
-dry mucous turgor and 2.Have a membrane every respiratory rate After 3 days of nursing
membrane urine urine output shift or every 4 contribute to fluid interventions, the client
-poor skin output of of more than hours. loss. A weak, thread was able to:
turgor <30ml/hr. 240 ml. 3.Monitored vital pulse and drop in exhibit fluid and
-dry skin signs at least blood pressure electrolyte balanced as
-sunken eyes LTG: every four hours. indicate dehydration. manifested on her
-urine output: After 3 days 4.Assessed color 4.Concentrated urine latest laboratory result.
<30ml/hr of nursing and amount of denotes fluid However, she wasn’t
-Temp: 37.6°C intervention urine. Reported charges. able to maintain her
-BP: 180/70 the client will urine output less 5. Oral mucous normal weight.
mmHg be able to: than 30ml per membranes becomes
-PR: 62 bpm 1.Exhibit hour for 2 dry and sticky due to
-RR: 25 cpm fluid consecutive loss of fluid in the
- SP02: 97% electrolyte hours. interstitial spaces.
balance 5.Provided 6.To replace fluid
2.Maintain frequent oral loss without causing
normal hygiene. further GI irritation.
weight. 6.Encouraged 7.Parenteral fluid
patient to drink replacement is
prescribed fluid indicated to prevent
amounts. shock.
8.To prevent further
DEPENDENT fluid loss.
7.Administered IV 9.To allow for timely
therapy as alterations in
prescribed. therapeutic regimen.
8.Monitored IV
fluid infusion
every hour.
antiemetic as

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