Heat Transfer

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Son Thanh Nguyen
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Danang - University of Technology and Education
Abstract: In this research, a numerical investigation is the mean Nusselt numbers of the hot and cold fluid flow of
done on the influence of geometrical and operating case 1 (x = 75%) have smallest value in three cases.
parameters on heat transfer process in a double pipe Additionally, the thermal effectiveness of the double pipe
longitudinal fined heat exchanger. With Reynolds numbers longitudinal fined heat exchanger increases with increasing
of the hot fluid flow Reh from 5000 to 17000 for case 1, 2 the Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow and decreasing
and 3 (x = 75%, 50% and 37.5% respectively) of double the ratio x. The thermal effectiveness of the double pipe
pipe longitudinal fined heat exchanger were investigated. longitudinal fined heat exchanger obtained maximum of ε =

The results of the study show that mean Nusselt numbers of 16.35% corresponding to Reh = 17000 and x = 37.5%.
the hot fluid flow increase with Reynolds numbers of the Keywords: Double pipe heat exchanger; CFD simulation;
hot fluid flow increases in all cases, but mean Nusselt Heat transfer; Longitudinal fins.
numbers of the cold fluid flow has decreased trend; in there,
1. INTRODUCTION rate and pressure drop. Pethkool et al. [10] used a
corrugated pipe as the central pipe of a double-pipe
Nowadays, double pipe heat exchangers are heat exchanger to investigate its impacts on heat
widely used in industry and our daily life, such as in transfer rate and pressure drop. They found that
power generation, chemical industries, as well as considerable rises in heat transfer and pressure drop
refrigerators and ventilators [1, 2]. This is because
are obtained with the increases in depth and torsional
they have a wide working temperature range, can

step of the corrugated pipe. Agarwal and Rao [11]

work at high pressure, and have low design and experimentally investigated thermal and frictional
maintenance costs. However, to design an efficient characteristics of oil flow in a double-pipe heat
double pipe heat exchanger, many considerations are exchanger containing twisted tape inserts with
needed factors, such as investment cost, equipment

constant wall temperature. Their results show that the

lifespan, shape, size, especially heat transfer and friction factor can be increased by 3.13 - 9.71 times
pressure loss. And this is still a research hotspot in compared to straight pipes, while Nusselt number are
recent years. raised by 2.28–5.35 and 1.21 - 3.70 times with respect
So far, a plethora of researches have been to straight pipes at constant flow rate and power,
proposed to improve efficiency of double pipe heat respectively.

exchanger, such as installing turbulators [3], using In recent years, computational fluid dynamics
porous materials [4], introducing nanofluids [5], (CFD) simulations are based on the Navier-Stokes
modifying passages [6], etc… However, to the best of equation, used to describe the motion of fluids, which
our knowledge, changing geometrical configuration is can clarify the complex flow and heat transfer
a straightforward but very effective approach. Indeed, patterns inside double pipe heat exchangers with
a simple modification of geometry that not only much more details but rather reduced cost. So CFD
increases heat transfer remarkably, but also does not has been largely employed in scientific investigations
affect pressure drop too much is favorable: Zhang et and engineering applications of double-pipe heat
al. [7], Barga and Saboya [8] researched on helical exchangers. Sun and Zhang [12] conducted a
fins arrangement and continuous longitudinal numerical study on the impact of large vortices on
rectangular fins to increase heat transfer. Designing thermal and flow characteristics of turbulent airflows
double pipe heat exchangers with fins proves to be a in a fin-and-tube heat exchanger. Their outcomes
cost-effective approach, given their affordability reveal that heat transfer coefficient in larger pipes is
when compared to pristine tube surfaces. Sadighi et higher than that in smaller pipes by 20 - 30%. Sharifi
al. [9] used corrugated pipes as both inner and outer et al. [13] used CFD to study the effects of helical
pipes and investigated their effects on heat transfer wire inserts on heat transfer and pressure drop in a
rate and pressure drop. Their results indicate that the double pipe heat exchanger. Their results show that
induced turbulence obviously increases heat transfer regarding the heat-exchanger containing coiled wire
ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

inserts P = 69 mm, the Nusselt number was enhanced

by 1.77 times as compared with the plain heat-
exchanger. Arjmandi et al. [14] conducted a
numerical investigation on the effect of employing the
new combined vortex generators, the twisted tape
turbulator and Al2O3-H2O nanofluid as the involved
base fluid. Their results show that the pitch ratio has a
predominant effect on the Nusselt number and the
friction factor, which causes an efficiency increase up
to five times compared to the original one. In
addition, by decreasing the angle of the vortex
generators in the new combined turbulator, both
Nusselt number and the friction factor are increased.
Hereby shows the research is done to improve
efficiency of double pipe heat exchanger has been
investigated numerically and experimentally. Fig.1. 3D overview and cross sections of the studied
However, there has been few works reported on the double-pipe heat exchanger
effects of geometrical parameters of fins on the 3. THEORY BACKGROUND

efficiency of a double pipe longitudinal fined heat A. Governing Equations
exchanger. Thus, this study is oriented to further
clarify this issue. Continuity, momentum and energy equations for
an incompressible flow in a steady regime are
in this study, through CFD simulation combined expressed as follows,
with analysis to consider the influence of longitudinal
rectangular fin geometric parameters: fin heigh, .V = 0 (1)
number of fins,… on temperature distribution, heat . ( VV ) = −P + . ( (  +  t ) V )
transfer rate, effectiveness, which are investigated
( )
under a range of reynolds number. + . −V ' V '

Cp V.T = . ( k eff T ) (3)

Heat transfer process inside a double pipe
longitudinal fined heat exchanger was investigated at Here, V is fluid velocity (m/s), ρ is fluid density
different longitudinal rectangular fins geometrical (kg/m3), P is pressure (Pa), μ is fluid dynamic

parameters of the inner pipe. To this end, a 500 mm viscosity (kg/m.s), μt is fluid turbulent viscosity
long double-pipe heat exchanger was made of steel, (kg/m.s), V’ is velocity fluctuation (m/s), T is
d1 54 temperature (K), Cp is heat capacity (J/kg.K), and keff
having a = mm for outer pipe and a is effective heat conductivity (W/m.K).
d 2 60
d3 16 B. Definition of performance indicators
= mm for inner pipe was considered. In

d 4 22 Changes on physical properties of the fluids with

temperature were ignored on both sides of the heat
addition, longitudinal rectangular fins of inner pipe
exchanger in this study to eliminate extra
were made of steel, 1 mm thick, designed by
changing the ratio of the fin height to the thickness of
the space between the two pipes (annulus), is defined Overall the heat transfer rates of the hot fluid flow
h and the cold fluid flow are
as x = (fin height as h) but must ensure
0,5. ( d1 − d 4 ) Qh = mh .Cp,h . ( Tin − Tout )h , W (4)
that the heat transfer area of the inner tube remained Qc = m c .Cp,c . ( Tout − Tin )c , W (5)
constant. Accordingly, three case x = 75%, 50%,
37.5% was considered for the study (Fig. 1). Flow Here, mh is inlet mass flow rate for the hot fluid
direction of hot fluid in the inner pipe and that of cold (kg/s), Cp,h is specific heat capacity of the hot fluid
fluid in the annulus are opposite. (J/kg.K), mc is inlet mass flow rate for the cold fluid
(kg/s), Cp,c is specific heat capacity of the cold fluid
(J/kg.K), Tin and Tout show temperatures at inlet and
outlet (K).
Mean heat transfer rate is defined as [15]:

ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

Q h + Qc Pc
Q= ,W (6) fc = (13)
2 1 L
c .Vc2 .
According to heat transfer theory, ratio between 2 D
actual and maximum achievable heat transfer rates Here, ΔPc is pressure drop of the cold fluid flow
represents effectiveness, which is calculated as: (Pa), Vc is fluid velocity at inlet of the annulus side
Q (m/s) and ρc is fluid density of the cold fluid flow
= (7) (kg/m3).
Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow and the
Here, Qmax = ( m.Cp ) (T
h,in − Tc,in ) cold fluid flow are defined as
h .Vh .d3
in which (mCp)min indicates the smaller value Reh = (14)
between mcCp,c and mhCp,h. h
And, mean convective heat transfer coefficients of c .Vc .D
the hot fluid flow and the cold fluid flow can be Rec = (15)
obtained as c

qw Here, μh and μc are dynamic viscosity of the hot

h = , W/m2.K (8) fluid flow and the cold fluid flow (kg/m.s).

0,5 ( Th,in + Th,out ) − Tw
C. Boundary conditions
qw Hot fluid enters the inner pipe at constant
c = , W/m2.K (9)
Tw − 0,5 ( Tc,in + Tc,out ) temperature of 333K and velocity of
Reh .h
Here, Tw is mean temperature of the inner pipe Vh = , m/s (16)
h .d3
wall (K), and q w is mean thermal flux on the inner
Cold fluid enters the annulus with constant flow
pipe wall (W/m2). rate of 0.1 kg/s and temperature of 293K in the
Thus, mean Nusselt numbers of the hot fluid flow opposite direction.

and the cold fluid flow are Static pressure is assumed to be atmospheric at
 .d both outlets. Moreover, mass balance is used. Same
Nu h = h 3 (10) turbulent intensity and hydraulic diameter as those at

the inlets were used as turbulence conditions at the

 c .D outlets.
Nu c = (11) Non-slip condition for the fluid flow applies to all
walls of the heat exchanger. Moreover, thermal
Here, d3 is inner diameter of the inner pipe (m), insulation was assumed for the outer pipe of the heat

D is hydraulic diameter of the annulus (m); λh, λc is exchanger.

thermal conductivity of the hot fluid flow and the cold D. Computational Mesh
fluid flow (W/m.K).
Structured finite volume meshs with a high
Friction coefficient is evaluated using pressure resolution of case 1, 2 and 3 are created.
difference at the inlet and outlet on each side. Friction
A mesh sensitivity study is conducted both
coefficient of the hot fluid flow is obtained as
quantitatively and qualitatively. Fig. 3 shows the
Ph variation in Th, Tc with different mesh resolutions. As
fh = (12)
1 L can be seen, with the resolution larger than 792600,
 h .Vh2 . 766320, 825995 elements (corresponding to cases 1, 2,
2 d3
3), the temperature at outlet of the hot fluid flow and
Here, ΔPh is pressure drop of the hot fluid flow the cold fluid flow is unchanged. This mesh resolution
(Pa), Vh is fluid velocity at inlet of the inner pipe is considered the most optimal and hence employed
(m/s), L is pipe length (m) and ρh is fluid density of for our simulations.
the hot fluid flow (kg/m3).
Similarly, friction coefficient of the cold fluid flow
is obtained as

ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

Fig.4. Comparison of mean Nusselt number

of the hot fluid flow in case 3 between
our numerical prediction and literature data
E. Validation
Our computational approach is validated in this
part. It is noted that the calculations are carried out
Fig.2. Structured mesh of case 2 with the finite volume method [16] through the

commercial software Ansys-Fluent®. Convection
terms in momentum, energy, turbulent kinetic energy,
and turbulent losses were discretized with the second-
order upwind scheme. The variables are set converged
at 10-6.
To validate the numerical accuracy, numerical
prediction of dependence of mean Nusselt numbers of
the hot fluid flow on Reynolds numbers of the hot
fluid flow for case 3 was compared with analytical
data. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that our numerical

prediction is consistent with that reported by Jerry

Taborek [17]. The maximum error between our
numerical prediction and that of Jerry Taborek [17] is
10.5% at Reh = 17000. Thus, these comparisons

clearly indicate that the numerical accuracy is

In this part, temperature distribution, heat transfer
rate, effectiveness for case 1, 2, 3 is reported and

analyzed. Additionally, comparisons between these are

also made.
A. Temperature distribution
In the scope of the survey with Reynolds numbers
of the hot fluid flow Reh from 5000 to 17000, effects
of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow on
temperature at outlet of the hot and cold fluid flow for
the three cases are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that
temperature at outlet of the hot fluid flow and the cold
fluid flow increases with Reynolds numbers of the hot
fluid flow increases in all cases. Based on Eq. (16),
velocity of the hot fluid flow in the inner pipe
Fig.3. Mesh sensitivity study increases with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow
for three cases at Reh = 14000 increases, thus temperature at outlet of the hot fluid
flow also increases. Besides, heat transfer efficiency of
the double pipe heat exchanger increase with Reynolds
numbers of the hot fluid flow increases, this lead to
temperature at outlet of the cold fluid flow increases.
ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

Additionally, it can be seen in Fig. 5 that the B. Heat transfer

maximum temperature at outlet of the cold fluid flow As seen in Fig. 7, the friction coefficient of the hot
for case 1, 2, 3 are 294.55K, 294.62K, 294.63K fluid flow decreases with Reynolds numbers of the hot
respectively with Reh = 17000 and the minimum fluid flow increases in all cases. This is because the
temperature at outlet of the hot fluid flow for case 1, 2, increase of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow
3 are 330.95K, 330.88K, 330.84K respectively with leads to velocity of the hot fluid flow in the inner pipe
Reh = 5000. increases, resulting in higher pressure drop. However,
Fig. 6 shows temperature and velocity distribution the increase in velocity is greater than the increase in
at a cross section perpendicular to the centerline of the pressure loss so the hot fluid flow friction coefficient
pipe (at z = 250 mm and Reh = 5000) for the three decreases. Generally, for Reh < 9000, the friction
cases. The hot and cold fluid flow temperature and coefficient of the hot fluid flow in case 3 has the
velocity distribution are evenly distributed largest value, but at Reh > 9000 the friction coefficient
concentrically. of the hot fluid flow in case 3 has the smallest value in
three cases. For example, at Reh = 17000, the friction
coefficient of the hot fluid flow in case 3 is lower than
that in case 1, case 2 by 7.37%, 4.91% respectively;
and at Reh = 5000, the friction coefficient of the hot
fluid flow in case 3 is higher than that in case 1, case 2

by 6.32%, 6.5% respectively.

Fig.7. Effects of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid

flow on friction coefficient of the hot fluid flow for the

three cases
Fig. 8,9 show effects of Reynolds numbers of the
Fig.5. Effects of Reynolds numbers hot fluid flow on mean Nusselt numbers of the hot and
of the hot fluid flow on hot and cold fluid cold fluid flow for the three cases. It can be seen that
flow temperature at outlet for the three cases mean Nusselt numbers of the hot fluid flow increase

with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow increases

in all cases, but mean Nusselt numbers of the cold
fluid flow has decreased trend. In there, the Nu h and
Nuc of case 1 have smallest value in three cases. For
example, at Reh = 17000, Nu h in case 2, case 3 are
higher than that in case 1 by 11.89%, 6.16%
respectively, and Nuc in case 2, case 3 are higher than
that in case 1 by 0.75%, 4.84% respectively. Besides,
at Reh > 9000, the Nu h of case 1 has increased more
and more slowly than in case 2, 3; this is because the
friction coefficient of the hot fluid flow in case 1 has
increased more and more strongly than in case 2, 3 for
Fig.6. Temperature and velocity Reh > 9000.
distribution at a cross section
perpendicular to the centerline of the pipe
(at z = 250 mm and Reh = 5000) for the three cases

ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

13.34%, 13.55% respectively with Reh = 5000. Thus,

the thermal effectiveness in case 1 has the smallest
value in three cases with Reynolds numbers of the hot
fluid flow Reh from 5000 to 17000. For example, at
Reh = 17000, the thermal effectiveness in case 2, case
3 are higher than that in case 1 by 4.76%, 5.17%
In this study, CFD simulations were conducted to
Fig.8. Effects of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid investigate heat transfer process in a double pipe
flow on mean Nusselt numbers of the hot fluid flow for longitudinal fined heat exchanger with the aim to shed
the three cases light on design of an efficient double pipe heat
exchanger. Longitudinal rectangular fins of inner pipe
were designed by changing the ratio of the fin height
to the thickness of the space between the two pipes
(annulus) but must ensure that the heat transfer area of
the inner tube remained constant. These configurations

consist of case 1 (x =75%), case 2 (x=50%) and case 3
(x=37.5%) respectively. After validating the CFD
predictions using analytical data, effects of
longitudinal rectangular fin geometric parameters on
temperature distribution, heat transfer rate,
effectiveness were studied. The main findings are:
Fig.9. Effects of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid - Temperature at outlet of the hot and cold fluid
flow on mean Nusselt numbers of the cold fluid flow flow increases with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid
for the three cases flow increases in all cases. The maximum temperature
C. Effectiveness at outlet of the cold fluid flow for case 1, 2, 3 are

294.55K, 294.62K, 294.63K respectively with Reh =

17000 and the minimum temperature at outlet of the
hot fluid flow for case 1, 2, 3 are 330.95K, 330.88K,
330.84K respectively with Reh = 5000. Additionally,

the hot and cold fluid flow temperature and velocity

distribution are evenly distributed concentrically.
- Friction coefficient of the hot fluid flow
decreases with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow
increases in all cases. For Reh < 9000, the friction

coefficient of the hot fluid flow in case 3 has the

largest value, but at Reh > 9000 the friction coefficient
of the hot fluid flow in case 3 has the smallest value in
Fig.10. Effects of Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid three cases.
flow on thermal effectiveness for the three cases • Mean Nusselt numbers of the hot fluid flow
Fig. 10 shows effects of Reynolds numbers of the increase with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow
hot fluid flow on thermal effectiveness for the three increases in all cases, but mean Nusselt numbers of the
cases. It can be seen that the thermal effectiveness cold fluid flow has decreased trend. In there, the
increases with Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow Nu h and Nuc of case 1 have smallest value in three
increases in all cases. This is because the increase of
Reynolds numbers of the hot fluid flow leads to mean cases. The Nu h and Nuc of case 1 have smallest value
heat transfer rate Q increases while maximum mean in three cases. For example, at Reh = 17000, Nu h in
heat transfer rate Qmax remains unchanged, so the case 2, case 3 are higher than that in case 1 by 11.89%,
thermal effectiveness increases (Based on Eq. (7)). As
6.16% respectively, and Nuc in case 2, case 3 are
seen in Fig. 10, the maximum thermal effectiveness
for case 1, 2, 3 are 15.54%, 16.28%, 16.35% higher than that in case 1 by 0.75%, 4.84%
respectively with Reh = 17000 and the minimum respectively.
thermal effectiveness for case 1, 2, 3 are 12.92%,
ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [14] H. Arjmandi, P. Amiri, and M. Saffari Pour, "Geometric
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This research is funded by University of vortex generator and twisted tape: A CFD and response surface
Technology and Education - The University of methodology (RSM) study", Thermal Science and Engineering
Danang under project number T2022-06-20. Progress, vol. 18, p. 100514, 2020/08/01/ 2020.
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ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0

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