Scribe of Orcus 01
Scribe of Orcus 01
Scribe of Orcus 01
The Scribe of Orcus (formerly the Classic Fantasy Review) is a periodical produced by Goblinoid Games
to support “retro-clone” game systems, to provide “compatible” material for various old-school RPGs.
These systems include OSRIC, Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and GORE. Most issues of the Scribe of
Orcus will vary from 5 to 10 pages, and will focus on solid gaming text.
The Pumpkin Lord of Shady Hollow, a Labyrinth Lord adventure by Daniel Proctor
Artwork by David Bezio, cartography by Daniel Proctor
Labyrinth LordTM, Mutant FutureTM, GORETM, Scribe of OrcusTM, and Goblinoid GamesTM are trademarks of Daniel Proctor. This
product uses the OSRIC™ System (Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation™). The OSRIC™ system text may be found at The OSRICTM text is copyright of Stuart Marshall. "OSRIC™" and "Oldschool System
Reference and Index Compilation™" are trademarks of Stuart Marshall and Matthew Finch and may be used only in accordance with
the OSRIC™ license.
Copyright 2007, Daniel Proctor; Some artwork Copyright 2007, David Bezio, used with permission.
The Pumpkin Lord Scribe of Orcus
The Pumpkin Lord of Shady Hollow enter the green doorway. The villagers gave up hope of
By Daniel Proctor their return when they failed to emerge after one week.
It is at this point that the PCs should happen upon the
The Pumpkin Lord of Shady Hollow is an adventure for 4-6 village of Shady Hollow, and learn of recent events. The
characters of 1st or 2nd level, and is for use with the characters might be passing through, staying at the
Labyrinth Lord fantasy role-playing game (and compatible village’s single inn, when they learn from locals about the
systems). With very little effort, this scenario could be used bewildering fire from the sky and the pumpkin patch
with Mutant Future, OSRIC, and Advanced First Edition dome. The PCs might even be locals who decide to team
games. The adventure takes place in the village of Shady up to investigate the structure. The local lord is offering a
Hollow, and can be situated in any fantasy world. If sum of 400 gp to pay any group of adventurers who
playing in the Known Lands, this village could be located successfully clears the evil out of Merle’s pumpkin field.
in the hills about 30 miles east of the small town of Larm. Labyrinth Lord Information
This adventure constitutes a mini-setting, in that the village The meteor from the sky contained an alien, intelligent,
of Shady Hollow is described, as well as key inhabitants and evil life force from another world. An entity with no
and the main adventuring location. A nearby halfling material form of its own, it assembled a form based on
community is also mentioned in passing, which might be a available living material when it came to this new
consideration in choosing a location for the village of environment. In this case, that environment was a pumpkin
Shady Hollow. This village could be used as a staging patch near the village of Shady Hollow.
point for additional adventures. The alien used the available pumpkin plants to craft a
Background material form, a humanoid carnivorous plant-creature with
The chill of fall was in the air the night that a fiery ball fell the head of a pumpkin and a body of thick, interwoven
from the sky near Shady Hollow. There were few witnesses pumpkin vines. Thus was born the Pumpkin Lord. It found
to this event, but by late morning all of the residents of the pumpkin material to be highly desirable and versatile as a
village had learned of the occurrence and many had living medium, and began to reproduce itself in this form.
looked for where this meteor from the heavens had fallen. It extended its will to influence the pumpkin plants around
its crash site, which had mutated from the strange
The great pumpkin field 1 mile north of Shady Hollow, radiation that emanated from the collision blast. In this
owned by one Merle Branbrook, became the object of way the Pumpkin Lord was able to form the upper level of
much speculation when it was discovered to be the crash its lair. The lower layer consists of tunnels excavated
site. In the center of the field was a large, charred pit too through the creature’s will over pumpkin vines. Note that
hot for anyone to approach. There was an ominous cloud the conscious ability to manipulate the surrounding
over the field that gave the uneasy feeling that the crater pumpkin plants is a slow process, and not useful in
stood for something sinister. All through the day the crater combat.
smoked, and old Merle scratched his head at the loss of
over half of his pumpkin patch. If the residents of Shady The primary goal of the Pumpkin Lord is to survive and
Hollow were apprehensive about the crater, they were reproduce. To this end it has fortified its lair against
downright fearful the morning of the following day. intrusion, and will continue to reproduce in the depths of
its new home. It will eventually send new shoots out into
At dawn, Merle made his rounds to feed the livestock. the world.
When he went out to the pumpkin field, a dozen villagers
and several halflings from the nearby halfling village of The Village of Shady Hollow
Willow Nook were already there gawking at an immense, The village has a population of approximately 250,
tangled vine dome that had sprung up in the night. including townsfolk and nearby farming families. The
population is predominantly human, but a few halflings
The pumpkin vines at the periphery of the crater had also call Shady Hollow home. The community is
grown to great proportions, and twisted into an economically connected by extensive trade to the nearby
impenetrable mesh of vine, leaf, and pumpkin. They had halfling village of Willow Nook. There is a standing militia
completely encompassed the smoking pit discovered the of four individuals, but they are capable of calling up 60
day before. That is, except for one small opening, about in the event of a crisis. The town is ruled by a local lord,
the size of a doorway, on the south-east side of the green Brady Gransteed, who oversees commerce and justice for
dome. the village.
For days the cursed place drew much fearful curiosity, until The village is primarily dependent on farming for
a band of brave adventures happened by, and decided to livelihood, with a large local brewery that supplies fine ale
to nearby villages and towns. Shady Hollow has one inn,
Scribe of Orcus The Pumpkin Lord
the Oak Barrel, which has six rooms. The inn houses the Important Village Personalities
local pub, and the few travelers who rent rooms are
usually on their way to more exciting locations. Only the most prominent people, or people most likely to
be met by the PCs, are described here. Many more village
The village has a small general store that fills most needs, residents can be designed if the need arises.
a blacksmith, and other trade people. Refer to the village
map for prominent business locations. Unlabeled buildings Lord Brady Gransteed
may be private residences, or they can be additional 4th level fighter
businesses assigned by the Labyrinth Lord. Neutral
STR 12 INT 16
DEX 14 WIS 13
CON 12 CHA 8
hp 17 AC 7
Lord Gransteed is a lesser lord and the ruler of Shady
Hollow. He is charged with managing the surrounding
farmlands, many of which belong to his estate. Although
he is a fair ruler, he is somewhat neglectful of managing
the local economy, and does not keep up on recent
events. Although he is aware of the situation at the
Branbrook farm, he is content to wait it out to see if it
amounts to anything. Granbrook had a brief adventuring
life in his youth, but has now become lazy and gluttonous.
When out, he is likely to wear leather armor and carry a
short sword that hasn’t been removed from its scabbard in
over ten years. He may have up to 300 gp on his person
at any time. If approached and pressed about the
pumpkin patch situation, he will be willing to double the
offer to 800 gp to have the evil cleared out, if only to keep
the village off his back.
Hort the Merchant
1st level thief
Shady Hollow Map Key (1 hex = 50’) DEX 12 WIS 12
1. Hort’s General Store CON 10 CHA 13
2. Hollow Brewery hp 3 AC 9
3. Oak Barrel Inn (3.a. Inn stables)
Hort is in his early 40s, married, and the owner of the
4. Brand’s Smithy
general store. He was very young when he was a
5. Town Hall
practicing thief in Dolmvay. Luckily, his short career came
6. Lord Gransteed’s Estate
to an end when he made a big score. Rather than
7. Potter
continue with the risk of a life of crime, he collected his
8. Shoemaker
take and started his own business in the backwater country
9. Tailor
of Shady Hollow. He is a sly businessman. If wealthy-
10. Furrier
looking adventurers happen into his store, he’ll generally
11. Militia/Jail
try to charge them 20% above regular prices for any
12. Church
goods. If called out on this, he’ll claim the mark-up is due
13. Wood seller
to slow business in the area, which is not entirely true since
14. Jeweler
a fairly steady stream of adventurers trickle through the
15. Barber
16. Cooper
17. Grain storage
The Pumpkin Lord Scribe of Orcus
Merle Branbrook, Farmer level map is 1 square = 10’. Unless otherwise noted, all
0 level human ceilings are approximately 10’ high. The entire structure
Lawful seems to emanate a dull hum, and the air is crisp with the
smell of ozone.
STR 11 INT 17
DEX 11 WIS 13 Level 1
CON 9 CHA 7 The floor, walls, and ceiling of level 1 are entirely
hp 2 AC 9 composed of thickly entangled mutant pumpkin vines,
Merle is a simple farmer, despite his highly shrewd leaves, and the occasional pumpkin or pumpkin blossom.
intelligence. He is famous for his abundant crops, and in
the fall people come from many miles around to buy his
large pumpkins for the Hallows Eve pumpkin festival. He is
married and has two teenage sons who help tend the
farm. Merle is very upset about the situation in his
pumpkin field (understandably), and will do anything he
can to help adventurers who try to do away with the
The Labyrinth Lord could up the stakes of the adventure by
having Merle’s sons slip past the guard and into the
pumpkin lair to take care of the problem themselves, only
to go missing. This would add extra incentive to the village
to aggressively pursue hiring a party to clear the lair of
evil. In such a case, it is up to the Labyrinth Lord to decide
the fate of the boys.
Barby, Owner of the Oak Barrel Inn
2nd level fighter
STR 13 INT 6
DEX 9 WIS 12
CON 14 CHA 14
hp 7 AC 9
Barby is the typical jolly, large barkeep. He is a family man
and delights in new tales of adventure throughout the
Known Lands and beyond. He collects exotic trinkets and
stuffed monster heads brought to him by various
adventurers. These are mounted and displayed on the
walls and ceiling throughout the inn’s common room. His
inn is famous for his spicy hard-boiled eggs that are
pickled in oak barrels. They are provided complimentary in
large clay pots at the bar. He has a standing bet that no 1. ENTRANCE: The opening to level 1 is approximately 7’
person can eat more than five eggs in a row, without wide. One of the Shady Hollow militia members is
needing to take a drink of some stout beverage to ease stationed here at all times, primarily to prevent curious
the culinary flames. So far, no one has succeeded in this, children from entering the sinister construct. He will not
but Barby will offer to treat anyone to a week of free meals impede the adventurers if they choose to enter, but he
who succeeds. At any time his inn is usually half full, and will try to talk them out of it. Should they persist, he
about half of his rooms are rented. During village festivals wishes them well and says a brief prayer for their lost
he will be booked well in advance. His rates are a souls.
standard 3 sp a night per person, with complimentary Militia Guard (1) [Fighter 1; AL L; MV 120’; AC 7
breakfast. (leather armor); 6 hp; #AT 1; DG 1d6 (short sword); SV
Lair of the Pumpkin Lord F1] 50 cp, 12 sp.
All mutant pumpkin vines are impervious to fire, whether 2. OBSERVATORY: This room contains hundreds of
mundane or magical. This makes it impossible to burn the marble-sized pumpkins on the walls and ceiling, each
lair down, should this be attempted. The scale for each glowing with an orange light. Observant characters
Scribe of Orcus The Pumpkin Lord
might notice that the small pumpkins mimic the the Pumpkin Lord’s observation screens (area 23). They
constellations in the night sky. One “star” glows more have no real value to the PCs, except that their unspent
brightly than the others, and this represents the alien energy will cause the amber stones to emanate heat for
world of the Pumpkin Lord’s origin. The small pumpkins 1d4 years, and can be used to ward off the effects of
are harmless, and if cut from the vine they will continue cold temperatures. Any character with one or more
to glow for a month before they lose potency and begin stones will automatically receive a +1 saving throw
to rot. Ingenious players might make these into a paste bonus against cold-based attacks.
that can be used to create temporary glow-in-the-dark
5. SLEEP SCENT: The walls and ceiling of this room are
passage markings that will glow for 5 hours before
lined with large, beautiful pumpkin blossoms of various
shades of yellow and orange. Their lovely scent
3. AXE LEAVES: Guarding the opening to the beckons.
north passage, there is a vine on either
All characters must
side of the tunnel opening. They are
succeed in a saving
as thick as a human’s thigh, and
throw versus poison, or
20’ long. At the end of each
fall asleep. Any
vine there is a hard, stiff and
character that succeeds
serrated blade-like leaf.
is immune to the
These vines will attack
flowers’ effects for the
characters as a 1 HD
duration of his stay in
monster, dealing 1d8
this room. If the roll is
damage as a battle axe.
failed, a character will
They may not be
not awaken by any
surprised. Each vine may
means, until his body
sustain 6 hp of damage
is carried out of the
before being destroyed,
room and away from
and has AC 9.
the flowers’ scent.
4. SPIDER PUMPKINS: Sleeping characters
The walls of this room removed from the
are littered with 1’ room will awaken
long red pods (about after 1d4 rounds.
four dozen),
Any characters that
resembling giant pea
fall asleep will begin
pods, that are
to slowly be
growing from red
entangled in
vines which are
constricting vines
interwoven among
that come from the
the green vines of the
walls and ceiling. The
walls and ceiling. The
vines will entangle a
red vines seem to emit
sleeping character after 1d4
a small discharge of
rounds. After which he suffers
harmless electrical energy
1d4 hp of constricting damage
at intervals. When the
per round. The previous adventurers
characters enter, 4 creatures
met their fate here, and their bodies ended
slowly descend from the foliage on the ceiling. They
up tossed into the compost tank in area 19.
have pumpkin bodies about 2’ in diameter, with vicious
thorn-like mandibles and eight vine-like legs. They will 6. EXPLOSIVE PUMKINS: This room contains dozens of
attack immediately, and fight to the death. large, bright orange pumpkins hanging by thick vines
from the ceiling. As soon as any creature enters the
Spider Pumpkins (4) [AL N; MV 120’; AC 7; HD 1; #AT
room, one of the pumpkins explodes, dealing 1d6 hp of
1; DG 1d8; SV F1; ML 11].
damage to any character in the room. Rock-hard
Should the characters open the pods, they will find that pumpkin seeds fly like shrapnel in every direction. One
each pod contains five amber-colored crystals. The pumpkin will explode every subsequent round, until the
crystals are very warm to the touch, and contain the room is empty of living creatures. NOTE: The noise
energy necessary to fuel the large “brain” (area 22) and
The Pumpkin Lord Scribe of Orcus
produced by the pumpkins in this
area may (1-3 on 1d6) attract the
monster from area 9.
7. COOLING TANKS: The floor of
this room is obscured due to a
low, thick mist that is
approximately 1’ deep. There are
ten orange translucent pods on
the west wall, each about 7’ tall
and 2’ wide. Red pumpkin vines
lead to and from these pods,
disappearing in the wall and
floor. A bubbling liquid can be
seen inside the pods. The
translucent shells are very cold to
the touch, and are easily
damaged. The liquid in the pods
is under pressure, and if a pod is
punctured it will burst, dealing
2d6 hp of cold damage to any
character within 15’. A saving
throw versus breath attacks is
allowed for half damage. The
liquid quickly evaporates into a
mist, and a burst pod will fill the
entire room with a thick fog that
obscures all vision.
These pods are cooling tanks for
the brain in area 22, and for the
energy system of the lair.
8. GIANT RAT NEST: This room has
been taken over by a pack of
giant rats. A large pile of debris
litters this room, with the distinct
odor of rodent droppings. If the
large nest is disturbed, the rats
will automatically attack.
10, 11, and 12. THORNY GUANTLET: These three
Otherwise, they will attack characters passing by only on
consecutive rooms are lined with vines bearing small
a roll of 1-2 on 1d6.
dart-like thorns. As soon as a character enters the first
Giant Rats (9) [AL N; MV 120’; AC 7; HD 1d4 hp; #AT room, all three rooms begin firing darts in all directions,
1; DG 1d3, disease; SV F1; ML 7]. Within the refuse of and continue to do so every round until no living
the rat nest, there are 800 sp. creature is inside any of these rooms. Any character
within any of these rooms suffers 1d4 hp of damage
9. SPIN BEAST: This large room has a ceiling that is 30’
each round.
high. A mutated beast occupies this area. This mobile
plant creature has a “head” attached to a long stalk 13. STAIRWAY: This stairway is composed of packed earth
from a round, pumpkin-like central body. Four “fins,” and charred, glassy-looking stones. It descends at a 45°
modified leaves, are razor sharp. The creature will angle for a distance of 20 feet. Warm, humid air flows
immediately attack anyone who enters this room, and gently up the stairs.
does so by lunging at an opponent and spinning at the
same time, to lacerate with its sharp fins.
Level 2
This level has a ceiling of thickly woven pumpkin vines,
Spin Beast (1) [AL N; MV 90’; AC 6; HD 3; #AT 1; DG with a packed dirt floor and dirt walls that have vine
1d8, SV F3; ML 9]. patches interspersed at irregular intervals. Every so often
Scribe of Orcus The Pumpkin Lord
bright red vines descend from the ceiling, and disappear brown sludge constantly churns within, and a thick vine
into the dirt walls. If severed, they will produce harmless descends from the ceiling to dip into the sludge in the
sparks from their cut ends. The level is noticeably warmer center of the tank. This vine is hollow, and it slowly sucks
and more humid than the level above. the sludge up for further processing by the pods in area
17. If characters watch the sludge for more than 1
14. STAIRWAY LANDING: This area is the beginning of
round, they will notice that in the churning material, the
level 2. Characters will immediately become aware that
occasional bone and small animal surfaces. They may
the air is charged with static electricity, causing their hair
see a human skull come to the surface, eye sockets
to rise slightly.
oozing sludge briefly before it sinks again in the agitated
15. PIT TRAP: This pit trap is on the floor, and will always muck. This sludge is highly acidic, and if touched it will
be triggered when a character walks over it. The trap automatically deal 1 hp of damage. If a character were
door is made of woven vines, covered in earth. The pit is to be immersed in it, he would suffer 1d6 hp of acid
10’ deep and lined with sharp thorns. Any character damage per round. The sludge loses its acidity 5 rounds
falling inside will suffer 1d6 hp damage from the fall, after being removed from the tank.
+1d3 hp damage from the sharp thorns.
20. BARRICADE: The entire length of the tunnel between
16. MUDDY ROOM: The floor of this room is muddy, and areas 19 and 21 is covered with vines. The vines at area
goes 12’ deep. Any character walking over it will begin 20 can detect movement as beings pass by. Three
to sink at a rate of 3’ per round. During the first round rounds after movement is no longer detected (the whole
he may make a saving throw versus wands, with success party has passed by), two 1’ thick walls of amber-
indicating he has escaped the mud. Otherwise, he will colored hard resin spring from the north and south
sink and continue to sink each round, until reaching the walls, and lock together to form a complete barrier.
bottom. Any character will begin to suffocate if he sinks They will automatically retract after 24 hours. The walls
below head level. A character may be pulled free by are as strong as stone. They may be pulled apart with a
other characters if they have firm footing. combined STR of 45 or greater.
17. PLANT FOOD STOMACHS: This room is filled with 21. TRICK ROOM: This room has what appear to be
large, 8’ pods that hang from the ceiling and flex and several dozen pitchers made of very thin-walled purple
bend continuously. They conduct the final processing of plant material. A very pleasant scent fills the room,
the acidic compost sludge from area 19, and render the which is quite reminiscent of warm, spiced pumpkin pie.
sludge free of acid and other The pitchers hang from the
toxins. Each pod has a green ceiling, and are open at the
tube at its bottom that snakes top. A number of “cups” litter
back up into the ceiling and the floor, and resemble
disperses energy-rich sludge cracked-open gourds. Should
to the entire lair. If any pod is any characters drink the clear
sliced open, thick, brown, syrup-like fluid contained in
smelly sludge will leak out. It the pitchers, it will taste like
is quite warm, but otherwise delicious pumpkin pie, and fill
harmless. their stomachs with a warm,
pleasant feeling. After 1 turn,
18. TREAT ROOM: The walls of
however, they will be
this room are completely
subjected to intensely painful
covered in mutated pumpkin
cramps (-1 to attack for 3
vines. Marble-sized, bright
rounds) and must succeed in a
blue, berry-like pumpkins
saving throw versus poison or
grow in abundant quantities
from these vines. The berries
have a thin skin, and are 22. BRAIN ROOM: This room
filled with a very sweet juice that smells and tastes is completely empty save for a 10’x10’ convoluted, soft
vaguely like strawberries. The berries are harmless. and slimy-looking brain-like structure firmly rooted to the
ground in the middle of the room, but linked to the
19. COMPOST TANK: This room has an irregularly
ceiling by multiple red and green vines. This is in fact a
shaped tank that is on the floor at the east side. The
plant-like brain, and although it is thinking at a relatively
tank is wide open at the top. It is approximately 4’ tall,
child-like level, it does regulate the various systems and
20’ wide, 30’ long, and is made of some opaque,
processes at work in the lair. If the brain is destroyed, all
amber-colored material that feels like glass. A watery
of the energy and food-producing activities of the lair
The Pumpkin Lord Scribe of Orcus
will halt. The brain may regenerate, even from death, at Pumpkin Lord (Unique) [AL C; MV 120’; AC 6; HD 26
a rate of 1 hp per turn. This regeneration is not possible hp; #AT 3/1; DG 1d3/1d3/1d6 or optic emission, SV
if it has been destroyed by fire or acid. Otherwise, it will F4; ML na]
heal and reconnect with the lair. The brain is almost The Pumpkin Lord’s optic emission is a beam of intense
entirely helpless except that it can emit an electrical damage-causing energy that shoots from his eyes to a
charge every three rounds. This charge inflicts 2d6 hp of range of 50’. Any character hit will suffer 2d6 damage.
electrical damage to all beings within 10’. A saving A successful saving throw versus wands reduces damage
throw versus spells is allowed for half damage. It will by half. This attack is only usable once every 5 rounds.
emit this charge for the first time one round after it has
24. NURSERY: This room is bathed in an intense red light
first been attacked, but if unmolested it will not attack
that emanates from multiple glowing pumpkin-like fruits
any creatures that come near. It enjoys being petted.
on the ceiling. Six canisters, each 6’ tall, stand in a
Plant Brain (1) [AL N; MV 0’; AC 9; HD 30 hp; #AT 1 semicircle facing the north wall. Each canister is
every 2 rounds; DG 2d6, SV F5; ML na]. connected to the ceiling by multiple red vines. Each
23. PUMKIN LORD’S ROOM: The center of this room is canister is translucent amber, and contains a bubbling
slightly depressed, and the floor is glossy black heat- liquid with a small-plant like creature (1’ tall) suspended
fused glass, rock, and dirt. Multiple dead-end tunnels within, and connected to the top of the canister by an
radiate from this central area, having been broken open umbilical cord-like pale orange vine.
from the impact of the meteor that brought the alien These creatures are the Pumpkin Lord’s young. If left
seed that was to become the Pumpkin Lord. The remains undisturbed they will grow in these self-contained
of the meteor lie in the center of the room. They form a canisters until spring, when they will emerge as fully
shape roughly resembling a charred iron throne, on formed Pumpkin Lords. At this point they will each go
which the mighty Pumpkin Lord sits in royal splendor. To their separate ways to create their own lairs. If this lair is
the left and right of the throne there are panels of unoccupied, one of the young will stay behind to rebuild
vegetation, with various pumpkin-like fruits that flash it.
different colors. Multiple screens rest on the left panel,
There is a large sack on the floor of the east side of the
displaying moving, real-time pictures of several different
room, containing valuables from the last party that
scenes around the outer shell of the layer, on the
entered the lair. It contains the following items: scroll of
ground surface, and of various rooms within the lair. If
spells (magic-user) with floating disc; dagger +1; 200
severed from the vegetation these screens cease to
sp, 60 gp, 10 pp.
The Pumpkin Lord is humanoid in form. Its body, arms Concluding the Adventure
and legs are formed from tightly interwoven pumpkin Should the adventurers succeed in clearing Merle’s
vines. Its head consists of a large, stark white pumpkin pumpkin field of the menace from the stars, they will be
with insect-like eyes and a mouth lined by a row of paid as promised and invited to stay on for the pumpkin
sharp tooth-like thorns. Each of his “fingers” is tipped festival. They can sample dozens of unique pumpkin-
with a sharp talon. derived treats, that is, if the PCs have not already had all
When the PCs enter, the Pumpkin Lord will rise from his the pumpkin they can handle!
throne and seem to address them in the common If the PCs fail to discover area 24, the village will have a
tongue. He has the power to communicate with any threat on their hands again, as more than just Merle’s
intelligent being, and will claim to be peaceful. He will pumpkins poke their heads from the thawed spring soil.
also claim that any casualties he has caused the PCs or
other parties was purely out of self-defense. He may
explain his origin as being from another place, but that
he has come only to eek out an existence.
Of course, the Pumpkin Lord is pure evil and he is bent
on destruction. If the PCs seem unconvinced of his good
intentions after 4 rounds, he will engage in combat,
using his optic emission attack first. The Pumpkin Lord
will fight to the death.
A secret door in the floor of one of the side tunnels will
reveal a tunnel leading down and through the ground to
a secret room. The tunnel is only high enough for a
human-sized being to crawl. This tunnel leads to area
The Pumpkin Lord Scribe of Orcus
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, originally distributed under any version of this License.
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent
such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have
identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any written permission from the Contributor to do so.
work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
"Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, termination of this License.
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
necessary to make it enforceable.
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer
distributed using this License.
Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate original material by Gary Gygax
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Labyrinth LordTM Copyright 2007, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
Scribe of Orcus, Volume 1 Issue 1, Copyright 2007, Daniel Proctor.
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the END OF LICENSE
Open Game Content. Copyright 2007, Daniel Proctor. Labyrinth LordTM, Advanced Labyrinth
LordTM, Mutant FutureTM, Scribe of OrcusTM, and Goblinoid GamesTM are
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
trademarks of Daniel Proctor.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights
to grant the rights conveyed by this License.