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MDrive® Step / direction

MDrive Plus and
Linear Actuator Products
MDrive Step / direction input Manual Change Log
Date Revision Changes
07/24/2009 R072409 Reformatted to current documentation standards and format.
Combined all MDrive and MDrive Linear Actuators into single
08/21/2009 R082109 Removed MDrive42AC Plus information -- product discontin-
10/29/2009 R102909 Added clock direction timing to Section 5. Added Connector
Product Alert to to hardware sections.
11/24/2009 R112409 Linear Actuator support added
03/19/2010 R031910 Added support for DPM75 Drive Protection Module. Added
installation and assembly instructions for the anti-backlash nut
in the linear actuator sections. Minor update, corrections
06/03/2010 R060310 Added external encoder pins and cable information to the appli-
cable MDrive sections. Updated SPI commands and param-
eters table in section 5.1.5.
07/01/10 R070110 Changed product name from MDrive Microstepping to MDrive
Step / direction input

The information in IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA product documen-

tation and on this web site has been carefully checked and is believed to
be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA reserves the right to make changes
without further notice to any products to improve reliability, function or
design. IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA does not assume any liability
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described;
neither does it convey any license under its patent rights of others.
IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA’s general policy does not recommend
the use of its products in life support or aircraft applications wherein a
failure or malfunction of the product may directly threaten life or injury. Per
the terms and conditions of sales of IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA,
the user of IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA products in life support or
aircraft applications assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies IMS
Schneider Electric Motion USA against all damages. aircraft applications
assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies IMS Schneider Electric Mo-
tion USA against all damages.

MDrive Step / direction input manual revision R070110

Copyright © Schneider Electric Motion USA, All Rights Reserved
Important information
The drive systems described here are products for general use that conform
to the state of the art in technology and are designed to prevent any dangers.
However, drives and drive controllers that are not specifically designed for
safety functions are not approved for applications where the functioning of
the drive could endanger persons. The possibility of unexpected or un-braked
movements can never be totally excluded without additional safety equipment.
For this reason personnel must never be in the danger zone of the drives un-
less additional suitable safety equipment prevents any personal danger. This
applies to operation of the machine during production and also to all service
and maintenance work on drives and the machine. The machine design must
ensure personal safety. Suitable measures for prevention of property damage
are also required.

Qualification of personnel
Only technicians who are familiar with and understand the contents of this ma-
nual and the other relevant documentation are authorized to work on and with
this drive system. The technicians must be able to detect potential dangers
that may be caused by setting parameters, changing parameter values and
generally by the operation of mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment.

The technicians must have sufficient technical training, knowledge and expe-
rience to recognise and avoid dangers.

The technicians must be familiar with the relevant standards, regulations and
safety regulations that must be observed when working on the drive system.

Intended Use
The drive systems described here are products for general use that conform
to the state of the art in technology and are designed to prevent any dangers.
However, drives and drive controllers that are not specifically designed for
safety functions are not approved for applications where the functioning of
the drive could endanger persons. The possibility of unexpected or unbraked
movements can never be totally excluded without additional safety equipment.

For this reason personnel must never be in the danger zone of the drives un-
less additional suitable safety equipment prevents any personal danger. This
applies to operation of the machine during production and also to all service
and maintenance work on drives and the machine. The machine design must
ensure personal safety. Suitable measures for prevention of property damage
are also required.

In all cases the applicable safety regulations and the specified operating
conditions, such as environmental conditions and specified technical data,
must be observed.

The drive system must not be commissioned and operated until completion
of installation in accordance with the EMC regulations and the specifications
in this manual. To prevent personal injury and damage to property damaged
drive systems must not be installed or operated.

Changes and modifications of the drive systems are not permitted and if made
all no warranty and liability will be accepted.

The drive system must be operated only with the specified wiring and appro-
ved accessories. In general, use only original accessories and spare parts.

The drive systems must not be operated in an environment subject to explo-

sion hazard (ex area).
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MDrive® Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Part 1: General Usage

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1
2 Safety .......................................................................................... 2-1
3 Power supply selection and connection ................................. 3-1
4 Communications and parameter setup ................................... 4-1
5 Interfacing logic inputs ............................................................. 5-1
6 Minimum connection requirements ......................................... 6-1

Part 2: Detaled specifications and connectivity information: MDrive

MDrive14Plus 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

MDrive17Plus 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

MDrive23Plus 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

MDrive34Plus 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

MDrive34 AC Plus 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

Part 3: Detaled specifications and connectivity information: MDrive Linear Actuators

MDrive14 Linear Actuator 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1
2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

MDrive 17 Linear Actuator 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
Revision R070110

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® Step / direction input

MDrive23 Linear Actuator 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1
3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1
4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction

Part 1: General Usage

1. Introduction
2. Safety
3. Interfacing DC power
4. Interfacing AC power
5. Communications and parameter
6. Interfacing logic
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MDrive® Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Important information ................................................................... 3
Qualification of personnel ............................................................ 3
Intended Use ............................................................................... 3

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive versions ..............................................................1-1
1.2 Documentation reference ................................................1-2
1.3 Product software .............................................................1-2
1.3.1 Communications converter drivers ....................1-2
1.3.2 SPI motor interface ............................................1-2

2 Safety ............................................................................................. 1
2.1 Qualification of personnel ................................................... 1
2.2 Intended Use ...................................................................... 1
2.3 Hazard Categories ............................................................. 2
2.4 General safety instructions ................................................. 2

3 Power supply selection and connection ................................. 3-1

3.1 Selecting a power supply (+V) ........................................3-2
3.1.1 Power supply — motor relationship ...................3-2
3.1.2 Power supply — driver relationship ...................3-2
3.1.3 Regulated vs unregulated ..................................3-2
3.3 Power supply cabling best practices ...............................3-3
3.3.1 DC Cabling Under 50’ (15.24 m) .......................3-4
3.3.2 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to full wave ....
bridge 3-4
3.3.3 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power DC supply..3-5
3.3.4 Recommended power supply cable wire
gauges ...............................................................3-5
3.4 Switching DC power (DPM75 accessory) .......................3-6

4 Interfacing AC power ................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Applicability .....................................................................4-1
4.2 Interfacing AC voltage .....................................................4-2
4.3 MD-CS20x-000 cordset ...................................................4-2

5 Communications and parameter setup ................................... 5-1

5.1 SPI communications interface .........................................5-1
5.1.1 SPI definition......................................................5-1
5.1.3 SPI connection methods ....................................5-2
5.1.4 SPI Timing .........................................................5-6
5.1.5 SPI Commands and parameters .......................5-7
5.1.6 SPI Communications sequence.........................5-9
5.2 SPI Motor Interface .........................................................5-9
5.2.1 System Requirements .......................................5-9
5.2.2 Installation..........................................................5-9
5.2.3 Connect to the SPI port ...................................5-10
5.2.4 Setup Parameters ............................................5-11
5.2.5 Color coded parameter values.........................5-11
5.2.7 Motor settings configuration screen .................5-12
Revision R070110

5.2.8 I/O settings configuration screen .....................5-14

5.2.9 IMS part number/serial number screen ...........5-16
5.2.10 Fault codes ......................................................5-16

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive Step / direction input

5.2.10 Upgrading the firmware ...................................5-17

5 Interfacing logic inputs ............................................................. 6-1

6.1 Logic inputs (universal input version) ..............................6-2
6.1.1 Logic inputs........................................................6-2
6.1.2 Optically isolated input description ....................6-3
6.1.3 Optocoupler reference input ..............................6-4
6.1.4 Interfacing the isolated logic inputs .................................6-5
6.2 Logic inputs (differential input version) ............................6-6
6.2.1 Logic inputs........................................................6-6
6.2.2 Connection and interface ...................................6-6
Minimum connection requirements ......................................... 6-1
7.1 Minimum connection requirements ....................6-2

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 DC power supply cabling under 50’ (15.24 m) ......................3-4

Figure 3.2 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to full wave bridge .........3-5
Figure 3.3 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to DC supply .................3-5
Figure 3.4 DPM75 basic wiring and connection .....................................3-6
Figure 4.1 Euro AC connector (P3) ........................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 MD-CS20x-000......................................................................4-2
Figure 5.1 Single SPI master - single MDrive slave ...............................5-2
Figure 5.2 Single SPI master - Independent MDrive slaves ...................5-3
Figure 5.3 Single SPI master - Cooperative MDrive slaves ...................5-4
Figure 5.4 Logic level shifting and conditioning circuit ...........................5-5
Figure 5.5 SPI Timing .............................................................................5-6
Figure 5.6 SPI Commands and parameters ...........................................5-8
Figure 5.7 SPI Motor Interface startup dialog .......................................5-10
Figure 5.8 SPI Motor Interface parameter setup dialog........................5-10
Figure 5.9: SPI Motor Interface motion settings screen ...........................5-12
Figure 5.10: SPI Motor Interface I/O settings screen ...............................5-14
Figure 5.11: SPI Motor Interface part number serial number screen .......5-16
Figure 6.1 Universal optically isolated input equivalent circuit ...............6-2
Figure 6.1 Step /direction signal timing ..................................................6-3
Figure 6.2 CW/CCW signal timing ..........................................................6-3
Figure 6.3 A/B quadrature signal timong ................................................6-4
Figure 6.4 Open collector sinking input ..................................................6-5
Figure 6.5 Open collector sourcing input ................................................6-5
Figure 6.6 Switch interface sinking input ................................................6-5
Figure 6.7 Switch interface sourcing input..............................................6-5
Figure 6.8 Differential line-driven input interface ....................................6-6
Figure 6.1 Minimum connections, open-collector sinking configuration .6-2
Figure 6.2 Minimum connections, open-collector sourcing configuration6-2
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Power supply cable AWG recommendations ........................3-5

Table 4.1 AC standard wire colors ........................................................4-2
Table 5.1 SPI Commands and Parameters...........................................5-7
Table 5.2 MDrive setup parameters ....................................................5-11
Table 5.3 Microstep resolution settings ...............................................5-13
Table 5.4 Input clock filter settings ......................................................5-15
Table 5.5 Fault error codes .................................................................5-16
Table 6.1 Universal logic inputs ............................................................6-2
Table 6.2 Differential logic inputs ..........................................................6-5
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Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive Step / direction input high torque integrated motor and step
and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity of a
motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of the MDrive
eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine, reducing
the potential for problems due to electrical noise
The MDrive uses high torque brushless step motors integrated with a mi-
crostepping driver, and accepts up to 20 resolution settings from full to
256 microsteps per full step, including: degrees, metric and arc minutes.
These settings may be changed on-the-fly or downloaded and stored
in nonvolatile memory with the use of SPI Motor Interface, a simple
software tool which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The MDrive microstepping is a compact, powerful and cost effective so-
lution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a large
range of brushless step motor applications.

1.1 MDrive versions

The MDrive is available in the following power ranges and flange sizes:

+12 to +48 VDC

„ NEMA 14
„ NEMA 17
+12 to +75 VDC
„ NEMA 23
„ NEMA 34
120 and 240 VAC
„ NEMA 34
MDrive Linear Actuator
The MDrive Linear Actuator is available in the following power ranges and
flange sizes:

„ NEMA 14
„ NEMA 17
+12 to +75 VDC
„ NEMA 23
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® Step / direction input

1.2 Documentation reference

The following user’s manuals are available for the MDrive:
„ Product hardware manual, describes the technical data, installa-
tion and configuration of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web site

1.3 Product software

1.3.1 Communications converter drivers

If using the IMS communications converter, drivers are required, these
drivers are available for download from the IMS web site at http://www.

1.3.2 SPI motor interface

The MDrive microstepping is configured using the SPI motor interface,
a GUI that grants access to all the features of the MDrive microstepping
and automatically detects the model MDrive being configured.
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Section 5 of this
This software may be downloaded from
Revision R070110

1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 2 Safety

2 Safety

2.1 Qualification of personnel

Only technicians who are familiar with and understand the contents
of this manual and the other relevant documentation are authorized
to work on and with this drive system. The technicians must be able
to detect potential dangers that may be caused by setting param-
eters, changing parameter values and generally by the operation of
mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment.
The technicians must have sufficient technical training, knowledge
and experience to recognise and avoid dangers.
The technicians must be familiar with the relevant standards, regula-
tions and safety regulations that must be observed when working on
the drive system.

2.2 Intended Use

The drive systems described here are products for general use that
conform to the state of the art in technology and are designed to pre-
vent any dangers. However, drives and drive controllers that are not
specifically designed for safety functions are not approved for appli-
cations where the functioning of the drive could endanger persons.
The possibility of unexpected or unbraked movements can never be
totally excluded without additional safety equipment.
For this reason personnel must never be in the danger zone of the
drives unless additional suitable safety equipment prevents any
personal danger. This applies to operation of the machine during
production and also to all service and maintenance work on drives
and the machine. The machine design must ensure personal safety.
Suitable measures for prevention of property damage are also re-
In all cases the applicable safety regulations and the specified op-
erating conditions, such as environmental conditions and specified
technical data, must be observed.
The drive system must not be commissioned and operated until
completion of installation in accordance with the EMC regulations
and the specifications in this manual. To prevent personal injury and
damage to property damaged drive systems must not be installed or
Changes and modifications of the drive systems are not permitted
and if made no warranty and liability will be accepted.
Revision R070110

The drive system must be operated only with the specified wiring
and approved accessories. In general, use only original accessories
and spare parts.

Integrated Motor and Driver 2-1

2 Safety MDrive® Step / direction input

The drive systems must not be operated in an environment subject

to explosion hazard (ex area).

2.3 Hazard Categories

Safety notes and general information are indicated by hazard mes-
sages in the manual. In addition there are symbols and instructions
affixed to the product that warn of possible hazards and help to
operate the product safely.
Depending on the seriousness of the hazard, the messages are
divided into three hazard categories.

DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which,
if not avoided, will result in death, serious injury, or equipment

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if
not avoided, can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if
not avoided, can result in injury or equipment damage.

2.4 General safety instructions

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.
Revision R070110

2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 2 Safety

z Observe the accident prevention regulations. (For USA see also
NEMA ICS1.1 and NEMA ICS7.1)
z The system manufacturer must take the potential error pos-
sibilities of the signals and the critical functions into account to
ensure a safe status during and after errors. Some examples
are: emergency stop, final position limitation, power failure and
z The assessment of error possibilities must also include unex-
pected delays and the failure of signals or functions.
z Suitable redundant control paths must be in place for danger-
ous functions.
z Check that measures taken are effective.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

To meet UL conformity specification the MD-CS20x-000 cord-
set or Lumberg equivalent AC power cord must be used.
This caution applies to 120 and 240 VAC MDrives only.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 2-3

2 Safety MDrive® Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 3 Interfacing DC Power

3 Power supply selection and connection

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not exceed the maximum rated voltage of the device! Motor
Back EMF, power supply ripple and high line must be taken
into account when selecting a power supply voltage level.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Do not connect or disconnect the power supply while power is
Disconnect the AC side to power down the DC supply.
For battery operated systems connect a “transient suppressor”
across the switch to prevent arcs and high-voltage spikes.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Detailed specifications, voltage limits, current requirements and connec-

tivity information are located in the product detail section corresponding
Revision R070110

to the MDrive linear actuator model you purchased.

Integrated Motor and Driver 3-1

3 Interfacing DC Power MDrive® Step / direction input

3.1 Selecting a power supply (+V)

Proper selection of a power supply to be used in a motion system is as
important as selecting the drive itself. When choosing a power supply
for a stepping motor driver, there are several performance issues that
must be addressed. An undersized power supply can lead to poor per-
formance and possibly even damage to your drive.

3.1.1 Power supply — motor relationship

Motor windings can basically be viewed as inductors. Winding resis-
tance (R) and inductance (L) result in an L/R time constant that resists
the change in current. To effectively manipulate the rate of charge, the
voltage applied is increased. When traveling at high speeds, there is
less time between steps to reach current. The point where the rate of
commutation does not allow the driver to reach full current is referred to
as voltage mode. Ideally you want to be in current mode, which is when
the drive is achieving the desired current between steps. Simply stated,
a higher voltage will decrease the time it takes to charge the coil and,
therefore, will allow for higher torque at higher speeds.
Another characteristic of all motors is back EMF. Back EMF is a source
of current that can push the output of a power supply beyond the maxi-
mum operating voltage of the driver. As a result, damage to the stepper
driver could occur over a period of time. This is especially prevalent with
overhauling loads.

3.1.2 Power supply — driver relationship

The MDrive linear actuator is very current efficient as far as the power
supply is concerned. Once the motor has charged one or both windings
of the motor, all the power supply has to do is replace losses in the sys-
tem. The charged winding acts as an energy storage in that the current
will recirculate within the bridge and in and out of each phase reservoir.
This results in a less than expected current draw on the power supply.
Stepping motor drivers are designed with the intent that a user’s power
supply output will ramp up to greater than or equal to the minimum
operating voltage of the drive. The initial current surge is substantial and
could damage the driver if the supply is undersized. The output of an un-
dersized power supply could fall below the operating range of the driver
upon a current surge. This could cause the power supply to start oscillat-
ing in and out of the voltage range of the driver and result in damage to
either the supply, the driver, or both.
There are two types of supplies commonly used, regulated and unregu-
lated, both of which can be switching or linear. Each have advantages
and disadvantages.

3.1.3 Regulated vs unregulated

An unregulated linear supply is less expensive and more resilient to
Revision R070110

current surges, however, the voltage decreases with increasing current

draw. This may cause problems if the voltage drops below the working
range of the drive.

3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 3 Interfacing DC Power

Fluctuations in line voltage are also a point of concern. These fluctua-

tions may cause the unregulated linear supply to be above or below the
anticipated or acceptable voltage.
A regulated supply maintains a stable output voltage, which is good for
high speed performance. These supplies are also not affected by line
fluctuations, however, they are more expensive. Depending on the cur-
rent regulation, a regulated supply may crowbar or current clamp and
lead to an oscillation that, as previously stated, can cause damage to the
driver and/or supply. Back EMF can cause problems for regulated sup-
plies as well. The current regeneration may be too large for the regulated
supply to absorb. This could lead to an over voltage condition which
could damage the output circuitry of the MDrive.
Non IMS switching power supplies and regulated linear supplies with
over current protection are not recommended because of their inability to
handle the surge currents inherit in stepping motor systems.
See the product detail section of this document for specific power supply voltage and
current requirements and recommended power supplies.

3.3 Power supply cabling best practices and recommendations

These recommendations will provide optimal protection against
EMI and RFI. The actual cable type, wire gauge, shield type
and filtering devices used are dependent on the customer’s
application and system.
The length of the DC power supply cable to an MDrive should
not exceed 50 feet.
Always use Shielded/Twisted Pairs for the MDrive DC Supply
Cable and the AC Supply Cable.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Cable length, wire gauge and power conditioning devices play a major
role in the performance of your MDrive.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the recommended cable configuration for DC
power supply cabling under 50 feet long. If cabling of 50 feet or longer
is required, the additional length may be gained by adding an AC power
supply cable (see Figures 3.2 and 6.3).
Correct AWG wire size is determined by the current requirement plus
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 3-3

3 Interfacing DC Power MDrive® Step / direction input

cable length. Please see Table 3.1.

3.3.1 DC Cabling Under 50’ (15.24 m)

+ Supply GND

+V -
GND - +
≤ 50’ (15.24 m) +VDC Output

A Type RFI Filter ≥ Required Current

Shield to Earth
Ferrite Bead (Supply End Only)

C Shielded Twisted Pair (See AWG Table for Size)

D Electrolytic Capacitor, 500μF per Amp

Figure 3.1 DC power supply cabling under 50’ (15.24 m)

3.3.2 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to full wave bridge

B To Cable in
C Figure 3.1
≥ 50’ (15.24 m)

Shield to Earth
(Supply End Only) A Type RFI Filter ≥ Required Current

B Transformer: 10 to 28 VAC RMS

C Shielded Twisted Pair (See AWG Table for Size)

Full Wave Bridge Rectifier, Rectifier Output
Connects to Cable Shown in Figure 3.1
Revision R070110

3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 3 Interfacing DC Power

Figure 3.2 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to full wave bridge

3.3.3 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power DC supply

B DC Volts Out to
Cable Example A
≥ 50’ (15.24 m)

Shield to Earth A Type RFI Filter ≥ Required Current

(Supply End Only) 120 or 240 VAC Dependant on DC Power
Supply AC Input Requirement
C Shielded Twisted Pair (See AWG Table for Size)

D Unregulated DC Power Supply

Figure 3.3 50’ (15.24 m) or greater, AC power to DC supply

3.3.4 Recommended power supply cable wire gauges

For cable lengths exceeding 50’ (15.2 meters), use the cable configura-
tions shown in Sections 3.3.2 or 3.3.3.

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14
3 Amps Peak 18 16 14 12 12
4 Amps Peak 18 16 14 12 12

Table 3.1 Power supply cable AWG recommendations

Detailed specifications, voltage limits and connectivity information are

located in the product detail section corresponding to the MDrive linear
actuator model you purchased.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 3-5

3 Interfacing DC Power MDrive® Step / direction input

3.4 Switching DC power (DPM75 accessory)

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state without additional protec-
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to a motor drive. This provides the added protection necessary
for reliable motor drive operation when switching the DC power, instead
of the recommended AC power to the DC power supply. The device is
designed to protect the motor drive when operating under all load condi-
tions. This device does not protect the motor drive from wiring the power
The unit is capable of being used with 48, 60, and 75 volt rated motor
drives. An external jumper selection is available so the user can match
the circuit to their particular application. The DPM75 is capable of a
steady state operating current of 4 amps.
The DPM75 can be used for any frame size motor drive, when properly
configured. It can also be used for more than one unit provided the
current and voltage do not exceed the DPM75’s ratings. The maximum
DPM75 ratings are 75 volts and 4 amps.
Power requirements and wiring details are available in the product detail
section pertaining to the MDrive product purchased.
Voltage set by wire jumper SPST
switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+ – – +

Motor drive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
Revision R070110

**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A

or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 3.4 DPM75 basic wiring and connection

3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 4 Interfacing AC Power

4 Interfacing AC power

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Detailed specifications, voltage limits, current requirements and connec-

tivity information are located in the product detail section corresponding
to the MDrive model you purchased.

4.1 Applicability
This section is only applicable to the MDrive34AC Plus with a 120 or 240
VAC input voltage.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 4-1

4 Interfacing AC Power MDrive® Step / direction input

4.2 Interfacing AC voltage

3-Pin Euro AC Connector

Pin 3: Neutral
Pin 1: Earth

Pin 2: Line

Figure 4.1 Euro AC connector (P3)

Signal European (IEC) color code US color code

Earth Yellow/Green Green
Line Brown Black
Neutral Blue White
Table 4.1 AC standard wire colors

4.3 MD-CS20x-000 cordset

The single-end three conductor cordsets are used with the MDrive AC.
Measuring 13.0’ (4.0m) long, they are available in either straight or right
angle termination. IEC color code, oil-resistant yellow PVC jacket, IP68
and NEMA 6P rated.
Straight Termination ............................................... MD-CS200-000
Right Angle Termination ......................................... MD-CS201-000

2.54” (64.5 mm)


13’ (4.0 m)

Brown MD-CS201-000

(43.3 mm)
Ensure adequate space is available inside your
Enclosure to allow for the cordset connector!

Figure 4.2 MD-CS20x-000

Revision R070110

4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

5 Communications and parameter setup

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

The MDrive microstepping product family has an extensive set of con-
nector options. The purpose of this section is to give a general overview
of the SPI communications interface methods and practices.
Please see the section specific to the MDrive product you purchased in
the second part of this document for connectors, pin configurations and
connectivity options.

5.1 SPI communications interface

The MDrive microstepping integrated motor and driver use the Serial
Peripheral Interface (SPI) to configure the setup parameters.
Optionally available are parameter setup and logic interface cable with
inline USB to SPI converter for each connector variation. Installation and
connection of this covered in the product specific section in Part 2 of this

5.1.1 SPI definition

The Serial Peripheral Interface or SPI bus is a synchronous serial data
link standard that operates in full duplex mode. Devices communicate
in master/slave mode where the master device initiates the data frame.
Multiple slave devices are allowed with individual slave select (chip
select) lines.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-1

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

5.1.3 SPI connection methods

Do not connect or disconnect communications while the device
is in a powered state.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Do not attempt to change parameter settings while the device
is in operation. Parameters must be set while the device is in a
disabled state. The motor cannot be in motion.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Typically, the parameters are set on a work bench prior to the instal-
lation of the MDrive into a machine. The ideal accessory for this setup
method is the IMS USB to SPI communications converter cable (see
product specific section in Part 2 of this document). If a continuous con-
nection to the SPI port is required, see the following figures. Figure 5.1
illustrates a single MDrive on the SPI bus. Figures 5.2 and 5.3 illustrate
multi-drop configurations:
„ Independent: MDrives communicating independently with
different setup parameters.
„ Cooperative: MDrives communicating simultaneously with
identical setup parameters.
SPI connection: Single master - single The single master - single MDrive slave is the most common connection
MDrive slave method for the MDrive. It is also the only connection method which will
allow use of the IMS SPI Motor Interface utility, which is used to setup
and change the motion and current control parameters of the MDrive-

SPI MDrive
Master (SPI Slave)


Figure 5.1 Single SPI master - single MDrive slave

Revision R070110

5-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

SPI connection: Single master - Indepen- This connection method allows for multiple MDrives in a system to be
dent MDrive slaves continually connected to the SPI bus. This method is useful in systems
using multiple size devices with different setup parameters.
Using this method the user will have to create a user interface to com-
municate with the MDrives.

SPI MDrive
Master (SPI Slave)


MISO (SPI Slave)

(SPI Slave)

Figure 5.2 Single SPI master - Independent MDrive slaves

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-3

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

SPI connection: Single master - This connection method allows for multiple MDrives in a system to be
cooperative MDrive slaves continually connected to the SPI bus. This method is useful in systems
using multiple devices where the setup parameters need to be identical
in each device.
Using this method the user will have to create a user interface to com-
municate with the MDrives.

SPI MDrive
Master (SPI Slave)

(SPI Slave)

(SPI Slave)

Figure 5.3 Single SPI master - Cooperative MDrive slaves

Revision R070110

5-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

Logic level shifting circuit A logic level shifting and conditioning circuit may be required if commu-
nicating to the MDrive using a notebook computer with 3.3 VDC parallel
port. The schematic in Figure 5.4 shows this circuit.

2 R1 R2
2 3
DB25: 2 100 HCT125 49.9
330pF C3 100K 14
3 R9 +5V +5V

DB25: 3 4
R10 100K R4
4 R3 5 6
DB25: 4 100 HCT125 49.9
C4 330pF 7
DB25: 19 13
R5 R6
12 11
100 49.9
330pF C5 100K HCT125
R11 +5V +5V

R8 4.9K 10 100K
15 R7 9
DB25: 15 49.9
HCT125 +5V

+5 VDC
C1 .1μF C2 + 1μF

Figure 5.4 Logic level shifting and conditioning circuit

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Integrated Motor and Driver 5-5

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

5.1.4 SPI Timing

1) MSb (Most Significant bit) first and MSB (Most Significant Byte)
2) 8 bit bytes.
3) 25 kHz SPI Clock (SCK).
4) Data In (MOSI) on rising clock.
5) Data Out (MISO) on falling clock.

Figure 5.5 SPI Timing

Revision R070110

5-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

5.1.5 SPI Commands and parameters

CMD/PRM HEX Default Dec. Default Range Notes

Read All 0x40 Reads the Hex value of all parameters
Write All 0x80 Writes the Hex value to the parameters
“M” 0x4D “M” character precedes every data read
Version MSB 0x10 <1-8>.<0-9> Firmware version MSB
Version LSB 0x01 <0-99> Firmware version LSB
USR_ID1 0x49 I Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <I>
USR_ID2 0x4D M Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <M>
USR_ID3 0x53 S Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <S>
MRC 0x19 25% 1 to 100% Motor Run Current
MHC 0x05 5% 0 to 100% Motor Hold Current
MSEL 0x00 0 See Table 5.4 Microstep resolution select
DIR_OVRID 0x00 0 0/1 Direction override CCW (1) or CW (0)
HCDT_HI 0x01 Hold Current Delay Time high byte
500 ms 0 to 65535
HCDT_LO 0xF4 Hold Current Delay Time low byte
CLKTYPE 0x00 0 (step/dir) 0-2 0=step/dir, , 1=quad, 2=clk up/clk dn
CLKIOF 0x02 2 <0-9> Input clock filtering
WARNTEMP 0x50 80°C Warning temperature= overtemp -5°C
ENACT 0x01 1=Active <0/1> Enable Active 0=low, 1=high
FAULT 0 0x00 — See fault error code table
Version MSB 0x10 <1-8>.<0-9> Firmware version MSB
Version LSB 0x01 <0-99> Firmware version LSB
USR_ID1 0x49 I Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <I>
USR_ID2 0x4D M Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <M>
USR_ID3 0x53 S Viewable ASCII Uppercase letter <S>
MRC 0x19 25% 1 to 100% Motor Run Current
MHC 0x05 5% 0 to 100% Motor Hold Current
MSEL 0x00 0 See Table 5.4 Microstep resolution select
DIR_OVRID 0x00 0 0/1 Direction override CCW (1) or CW (0)
HCDT_HI 0x01 Hold Current Delay Time high byte
500 ms 0 to 65535
HCDT_LO 0xF4 Hold Current Delay Time low byte
CLKTYPE 0x00 0 (step/dir) 0-2 0=step/dir, , 1=quad, 2=clk up/clk dn
CLKIOF 0x02 2 <0-9> Input clock filtering
WARNTEMP 0x50 80°C Warning temperature= overtemp -5°C
ENACT 0x01 1=Active <0/1> Enable Active 0=low, 1=high
CKSUM 33 Checksum
Revision R070110

Table 5.1 SPI Commands and Parameters

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-7

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input


RESPONSE (MISO): XX 4D 10 00 49 4D 53 19 05 00 00 01 F4 00 00 50 01 00
256 MSEL
25 MRC
1.0.00 VERSION

25 MRC
256 MSEL
WRITE (MOSI): 80 49 4D 53 19 05 00 00 01 F4 00 00 50 01 33

BINARY = 1100 1101
1'S COMPLEMENT = 0011 0010
2'S COMPLEMENT = 0011 0011
DEC = 51
HEX = 33

Figure 5.6 SPI Commands and parameters

Revision R070110

5-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

5.1.6 SPI Communications sequence

See Timing Diagram and Byte Order figures.

Read 1) Send READ ALL Command 0x40 down MOSI to MDrive Step / di-
rection input followed by
FF (15 Bytes).
2) Receive Parameter settings from MISO MSB First (M-Device) and
ending with LSB (Fault).

Write 3) Send WRITE ALL Command (0x80) down MOSI followed by Pa-
rameter Bytes beginning with MSB (MRC) and ending with the LSB
(Checksum of all parameter Bytes).
4) Response from MISO will be FF (10) Bytes.

5.2 SPI Motor Interface

SPI Motor Interface is the setup and configuration utility developed to
provide the customer with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to easily
configure IMS products that communicate over the SPI bus.

5.2.1 System Requirements

„ PC or notebook running Windows XP™ service pack 2 or
5.2.2 Installation
1) Download the installation package from
2) Browse to the download location on your PC hard-drive
and extract the files from the zip file
3) Double-click setup.exe.
4) Follow the installation prompts to complete the installation.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-9

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

5.2.3 Connect to the SPI port

To connect to the SPI port on the MDrive14Plus:
1) Apply power to the MDrive
2) Open the SPI Motor Interface program
3) Select the PC COM port that the MDrive is connected to
(see Figure 5.7) See Appendix A: Connectivity for details
on determining the COM port.
4) If communications is established, the setup dialog will
display (Figure 5.8)

Figure 5.7 SPI Motor Interface startup dialog

Figure 5.8 SPI Motor Interface parameter setup dialog

Revision R070110

5-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

5.2.4 Setup Parameters

Parameter Default Range Notes

MHC 5% 0 to 100% Motor Hold Current
MRC 25% 1 to 100% Motor Run Current
MSEL 256 See Table 5.4 Microstep resolution
ENACT High High/Low Enable active state
HCDT 500 ms 0 to 65000 Hold Current Delay Time in milliseconds
DIR CW CCW/CW Direction override CCW or CW
CLK TYPE Step/Dir See Specifications Input clock type
200ns (250 50 ns to 12.9 μs
CLK IOF Input clock filter
MHz) (10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
USER ID IMS Viewable ASCII User identification code

Table 5.2 MDrive setup parameters

5.2.5 Color coded parameter values

The SPI Motor Interface displays the parameter values using a pre-
defined system of color codes to identify the status of the parameter.
1) Black: the parameter settings currently stored in the device
NVM will display as black.
2) Blue: Blue text indicates a changed parameter setting that
has not yet been written to the device.
3) Red: Red text indicates an out-of-range value which cannot
be written to the device. When an out-of-range parameter
is entered into a field, the "set" button will disable, prevent-
ing the value to be written to NVM.
To view the valid parameter range, hover the mouse pointer over the
field. The valid range will display in a tool tip.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-11

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

5.2.7 Motor settings configuration screen

Motor Run

Microstep Resolution

Holding Current
Delay Time

Motor Holding

Load Factory
Default Settings
Exit Program
Three Character
User ID

Store Settings
to NVM

Figure 5.9: SPI Motor Interface motion settings screen

The IMS SPI Motor Interface Software opens by default to the Motion
Settings Screen shown on the left.
1) There are six basic parameters that may be set here:
2) MSEL: Microstep Resolution Select.
3) HCDT: Holding Current Delay Time.
4) MRC: Motor Run Current
5) Motor Holding Current
6) User ID: 3-character ID
7) Direction Override: Allows the user to set the CW/CCW
direction of the motor in relation to the Direction Input from
the SPI Motor Interface.

MSEL (Microstep Resolution Selection) The MDrive Step / direction input features 20 microstep resolutions. This
setting specifies the number of microsteps per step the motor will move.
The MDrive uses a 200 step (1.8°) stepping motor which at the highest
(default) resolution of 256 will yield 51,200 steps per revolution of the
motor shaft.
See Table 5.3 for available Microstep Resolution.
Revision R070110

5-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

Binary Decimal
microsteps/step steps/revolution microsteps/step steps/revolution
1 200 5 1000
2 400 10 2000
4 800 25 5000
8 1600 50 10000
16 3200 100 20000
32 6400 125 25000
64 12800 200 40000
128 25600 250 50000
256 52100
Additional resolution settings
180 36000 (0.01°/μstep)
108 21600 (1 arc-min/μstep)
127 25400 (0.001 mm/μstep)

Table 5.3 Microstep resolution settings

HCDT (Hold Current Delay Time) The HCDT Motor Hold Current Delay sets time in milliseconds for the
Run Current to switch to Hold Current when motion is complete. When
motion is complete, the MDrive Step / direction input will reduce the cur-
rent in the windings of the motor to the percentage specified by MHC
when the specified time elapses.

MRC (Motor Run Current) The MRC Motor Run Current parameter sets the motor run current to a
percentage of the full output current of the MDrive driver section.

MHC (Motor Hold Current) The MHC parameter sets the motor holding current as a percentage of
the full output current of the driver. If the hold current is set to 0, the
output circuitry of the driver section will disable when the hold current
setting becomes active. The hold current setting becomes active the
amount of time specified by the HCDT setting following the last clock

DIR (Motor Direction) The DIR Motor Direction parameter changes the motor direction rela-
tive to the direction input signal, adapting the direction of the MDrive to
operate as your system expects.

User ID The User ID is a three character (viewable ASCII) identifier which can
be assigned by the user. Default is IMS.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-13

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

IMS SPI Motor Interface Button Functions The following appear on all of the IMS SPI Motor Interface screens, but
will only be documented here.
Clicking the Factory button will load the MDrive Step / direction input
unit’s factory default settings into the IMS SPI Motor Interface.
Connected/Disconnected Indicator
Displays the connected/disconnected state of the software , and if con-
nected, the port connected on.
Set writes the new settings to the MDrive . Un-set settings will display as
blue text in the setting fields. Once set they will be in black text. Setting
the Parameters will also clear most Fault Conditions.
Disconnects and opens the Initialization dialog.

5.2.8 I/O settings configuration screen

The I/O Settings screen may be accessed by clicking View > IO Settings
on the menu bar. This screen is used to configure the Input Clock type,
the filtering and the Active High/Low State of the Enable Input.

Input Clock Type

(Step/Dir, Quadrature or

Input Clock Filter

Active High/Low
State of the
Enable Input

Figure 5.10: SPI Motor Interface I/O settings screen

Revision R070110

5-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

Input Clock Type The Input Clock Type translates the specified pulse source that the mo-
tor will use as a reference for establishing stepping resolution based on
the frequency.
The three clock types supported are:
1) Step/Direction
2) Quadrature
3) Up/Down
4) CW/CCW - Note that CW/CCW is functionally the same as

Input Clock Filter The clock inputs may also be filtered using the Clock IOF pull down of
the IMS SPI Motor Interface. The filter range is from 50 nS (10 MHz) to
12.9 μSec. (38.8 kHz). Table 5.5 shows the filter settings.

Minimum pulse width Cut-off frequency

50 ns 10 MHz
150 ns 3.3 MHz
200 ns 2.5 MHz
300 ns 1.67 MHz
500 ns 1.0 MHz
900 ns 555 kHz
1.7 μs 295.1 kHz
3.3 μs 151 kHz
5.5 μs 79.6 kHz
12.9 μs 38.8 kHz
Table 5.4 Input clock filter settings

Enable Active High/Low The parameter sets the Enable Input to be Active when High (Default,
Disconnected) or Active when Low.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver 5-15

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

5.2.9 IMS part number/serial number screen

The IMS Part Number and Serial Number screen is accessed by clicking
“View > Part and Serial Numbers”.
This screen is read-only and will display the part and serial number, as
well as the fault code if existing. IMS may require this information if call-
ing the factory for support.

IMS Part #

IMS Serial Number

Figure 5.11: SPI Motor Interface part number serial number screen

5.2.10 Fault codes

All of the IMS SPI Motor Interface Screens have the Fault field visible.
This read-only field will display a 2 character error code to indicate the
type of fault. The table below shows the error codes.

Error code Description Action To clear
— None No fault — —
SPI checksum
4 CS Error displayed Write to device
SPI checksum
8 SC/CS error/sector Error displayed Write to device
16 DFLT Error displayed Write to device
checksum error
32 DATA Error displayed Write to device
checksum error
Table 5.5 Fault error codes
Revision R070110

5-16 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 5 Communications and Parameter Setup

5.2.10 Upgrading the firmware in the MDrive Step / direction input

The IMS SPI Upgrader New firmware releases are posted to the IMS web site at http://www.
The IMS SPI Motor Interface is required to upgrade your MDrive
Step / direction input product. To launch the Upgrader, click “Upgrade!”
on the IMS SPI Motor Interface menu.
The Upgrader screen has 4 read-only text fields that will display the
necessary info about your MDrive Step / direction input.
Previous Version: this is the version of the firmware currently on your
MDrive Step / direction input.
Serial Number: the serial number of your unit.
Upgrade Version: will display the version number of the firmware being
Messages: the messages text area will display step by step instructions
through the upgrade process.

Upgrade Instructions Below are listed the upgrade instructions as they will appear in the mes-
sage box of the IMS SPI Upgrader. Note that some steps are not shown
as they are accomplished internally, or are not relevant to the model
IMS product you are updating. The only steps shown are those requiring
user action.
Welcome Message: Welcome to the Motor Interface UPGRADER! Click
NEXT to continue.

Step 2: Select Upgrade File

When this loads, an explorer dialog will open asking you to browse for
the firmware upgrade file. This file will have the extension *.ims.

Step 3: Connect SPI Cable

Step 4: Power up or Cycle Power to the MDrive
Step 6: Press Upgrade Button

Progress bar will show upgrade progress in blue, Message box will
read “Resetting Motor Interface”

Step 8: Press DONE, then select Port/Reconnect.

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Integrated Motor and Driver 5-17

5 Communications and Parameter Setup MDrive® Step / direction input

This page is intentionally left blank

Revision R070110

5-18 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 6 Interfacing Logic

5 Interfacing logic inputs

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

These recommendations will provide optimal protection against
EMI and RFI. The actual cable type, wire gauge, shield type
and filtering devices used are dependent on the customer’s
application and system.
Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power
cables will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make
your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of
EMI induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the
signal source to earth. The other end of the shield must not be
tied to anything, but allowed to float. This allows the shield to
act as a drain.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

The MDrive microstepping product family has an extensive set of con-
nector options. The purpose of this section is to give a general overview
Revision R070110

of the I/O interface methods and practices.

Please see the section specific to the MDrive product you purchased in
the second part of this document for connectors, pin configurations and
connectivity options.

Integrated Motor and Driver 6-1

6 Interfacing Logic MDrive® Step / direction input

6.1 Logic inputs (universal input version)

The MDrive has three optically isolated inputs which are located on
connector P1. These inputs are isolated to minimize or eliminate electri-
cal noise coupled onto the drive control signals. Each input is internally
pulled-up to the level of the optocoupler supply and may be connected
to sinking or +5 to +24 VDC sourcing outputs on a controller or PLC.
These inputs are:
1) Step Clock (SCLK)
2) Direction (DIR)
3) Enable (EN)
Of these inputs only step clock and direction are required to operate the
MDrive Step / direction input.

+5 VDC

MDrive14Plus Universal Inputs

Opto Reference Equivalent Circuit

Constant To Drive Logic
Input Source

MDrive P1

Figure 6.1 Universal optically isolated input equivalent circuit

6.1.1 Logic inputs

Function Description
OPTO Optocoupler reference input
SCLK Step Clock input
The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
of the Optocoupler Reference.

Table 6.1 Universal logic inputs

Revision R070110

6-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 6 Interfacing Logic

6.1.2 Optically isolated input description

P1:4 — Step Clock The step clock input is where the motion clock from your control circuitry
will be connected. The motor will advance one microstep in the plus or
minus direction (based upon the state of the direction input) on the rising
edge of each clock pulse. The size of this increment or decrement will
depend on the microstep setting

P1:6 — Direction The direction input controls the CW/CCW direction of the motor. The
input may be configured as sinking or sourcing based upon the state
of the Optocoupler Reference. The CW/CCW rotation, based upon the
state of the input may be set using the IMS Motor Interface software
included with the MDrive14Plus Step / direction input.

Clock Input Timing

STEP/DIR interface mode
The motor angle step with the rising edge of the pulse signal, the direction of rotation
is controlled by the DIR signal.

STEP ≥50ns
≥100ns ≥100ns ≥100ns

+ + – +

Figure 6.1 Step /direction signal timing

CW/CCW interface mode

The motor angle step with the rising edge of the pulse signal, the direction of rotation
is controlled by the input receiving pulses.

≥100ns ≥100ns ≥200ns

+ + – –

Figure 6.2 CW/CCW signal timing

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Integrated Motor and Driver 6-3

6 Interfacing Logic MDrive® Step / direction input

A/B (quadrature) interface mode

In A/B interface mode, quadrature signals are supplied as reference


+ –

Figure 6.3 A/B quadrature signal timong

P1:5 — Enable Input This input can be used to enable or disable the driver output circuitry.
Leaving the enable switch open, Disconnected) for sinking or sourc-
ing configuration, the driver outputs will be enabled and the step clock
pulses will cause the motor to advance. When this input switch is closed
(active signal) in both sinking and sourcing configurations, the driver
output circuitry will be disabled. Please note that the internal sine/cosine
position generator will continue to increment or decrement as long as
step clock pluses are being received by the device.

6.1.3 Optocoupler reference input

The optocoupler reference sets the reference state, sinking or sourcing,
for the universal isolated logic inputs.
If a +5 to +24 VDC power source is connected to the reference, the
inputs will be sinking-type inputs.
If the reference is connected to ground, the inputs will be sourced by a
+5 to +24 VDC signal. Section 6.3 details both connection methods.
Revision R070110

6-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 6 Interfacing Logic

6.1.4 Interfacing the isolated logic inputs

NPN Sinking inputs
+5 to +24VDC

- + Opto Reference
Sensor or Input
Controller Output

MDrive P1

Controller Ground

Figure 6.4 Open collector sinking input

PNP sourcing inputs

+5 to +24VDC

Sensor or
- +
Controller Output
Opto Reference

MDrive P1
Controller Ground

Figure 6.5 Open collector sourcing input

Sinking inputs
+5 to +24VDC

- +
Opto Reference


Figure 6.6 Switch interface sinking input

Sourcing inputs

+5 to +24VDC

- +
Opto Reference

Revision R070110

MDrive P1

Figure 6.7 Switch interface sourcing input

Integrated Motor and Driver 6-5

6 Interfacing Logic MDrive® Step / direction input

6.2 Logic inputs (differential input version)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

6.2.1 Logic inputs

Function Description
CW+ Clockwise + input
CW- Clockwise - input
CCW+ Counter-clockwise + input.
CCW- Counter-clockwise - input.

Table 6.2 Differential logic inputs

6.2.2 Connection and interface

MDrive Microstepping

CW + +5 VDC


CW -

CCW + +5 VDC



Figure 6.8 Differential line-driven input interface

Revision R070110

6-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction input 7 Minimum connection requirements

7 Minimum connection requirements

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the optocouplers and motor
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect DC power, logic or communica-
tions while the device is in a powered state.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

These recommendations will provide optimal protection against
EMI and RFI. The actual cable type, wire gauge, shield type
and filtering devices used are dependent on the customer’s
application and system.
Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power
cables will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make
your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of
EMI induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the
signal source to earth. The other end of the shield must not be
tied to anything, but allowed to float. This allows the shield to
act as a drain.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

The MDrive Step/direction products family has an extensive set of con-
nector options. The purpose of this section is to give a general overview
of the I/O interface methods and practices.
Please see the section specific to the MDrive product you purchased in
Revision R070110

the second part of this document for connectors, pin configurations and
connectivity options.

Integrated Motor and Driver 6-1

7 Minimum connection requirements MDrive® Step / direction input

7.1 Minimum connection requirements

The diagrams below illustrates the minimum connections required to
operate the MDrive microstepping integrated motor and driver.
These connections are:
„ +V Motor power
„ Power ground
„ Optocoupler reference
„ Step clock
„ CW/CCW direction
Connecting SPI communications is not required as the device will
operate using the factory default settings in full step mode at 25% run
Opto Supply Motor Power Supply

+5 to +24VDC See specs

- + - + P1 Pin +V


Opto Reference

Step Clock Input
Step Clock NPN
Direction Input
MDrive P1
Control GND

Figure 6.1 Minimum connections, open-collector sinking configuration

Opto Supply Motor Power Supply

+5 to +24VDC See specs

- + - + +V


Opto Reference

Step Clock
Step Clock Input

Direction Input

Control GND MDrive P1

Revision R070110

Figure 6.2 Minimum connections, open-collector sourcing configuration

6-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Step / direction

Part 2: Detailed
Specifications and
Connectivity Information
1. MDrive 14
2. MDrive 17
3. MDrive 23
4. MDrive 34
5. MDrive 34AC
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MDrive® 14
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
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MDrive® 14 Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 14 Step / direction input unit overview .................1-1
1.2 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.3 Documentation reference ................................................1-2
1.4 Product software .............................................................1-2

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications.....................................................
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-2
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-2
2.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-2
2.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-2
2.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-2
2.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-3
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-3
2.2.9 Performance curves...........................................2-3
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments ...................2-5
2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic
(universal inputs) ....................................................
2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic
(differential inputs) .............................................2-6
2.4 Connectivity .....................................................................2-7
2.3.2 P2 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential) ...2-7
2.5 Options ............................................................................2-8

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Recommended Wiring .......................................3-3
4.2.2 Securing power and logic leads .........................3-3

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Interfacing communications.............................................4-1
4.1.1 P1 — 12--pin wire crimp connector ...................4-2
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-3
4.3.1 Recommended IMS power supplies ..................4-3
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-4
4.3.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-4
4.3.4 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module .....
DPM75 ............................................................... 4.4
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-5
4.4.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-5
4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-6
4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-6
4.6 Optional encoder interface ..............................................4-7
4.6.1 Internal encoder .................................................4-7
4.6.1 External encoder................................................4-7
4.7 Connectivity accessory details ........................................4-8
Revision R070110

4.7.1 USB to SPI communications converter cables ..4-8

4.7.2 PD12B-3400-FL3 prototype development cable 4-8

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.7.3 Mating connector kits .........................................4-8

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications ..............................2-1
Figure 2.2 Performance curves - single length motor.............................2-3
Figure 2.3 erformance curves - triple length motor.................................2-4
Figure 3.1 MDrive 14 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern....3-2
Figure 3.2 Secure leads .........................................................................3-4
Figure 4.1 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-4
Figure 4.2 MD-CC305-001 USB to SPI converter cable ........................4-8
Figure 4.3 Prototype development cable PD12B-1435-FL3 ...................4-8
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-2

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-2
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-2
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-2
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-3
Table 2.8 Step / direction input motor specifications ..............................2-3
Table 2.9 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-oin locking wire ...
Table 2.10 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-oin locking wire ...
Table 2.11 P2 — Internal encoder option................................................2-7
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P1 - 12-pin wire crimp ..........4-2
Table 4.2 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-3
Table 4.3 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-3
Table 4.4 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-4
Table 4.5 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-5
Table 4.6 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.......4-6
Table 4.7 P2 - Optional encoder interface.............................................4-7
Table 4.8 External encoder interface ....................................................4-7
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 14 Step / direction input high torque integrated motor and
step and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity
of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of the
MDrive 14 eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine,
reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 14 Step / direction input unit overview

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive
14 Step / direction input are achieved through IMS’s advanced 2nd
generation current control. By applying innovative techniques to control
current flow through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened
over the entire speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 14 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +48
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems
that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.
The MDrive 14 uses a NEMA 14 frame size high torque brushless
step motor integrated with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to
20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, includ-
ing: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use
of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile MDrive 14 Step / direction input is available in multiple con-
figurations to fit various system needs. Rotary motor versions come in 2
lengths and may include an encoder, control knob or planetary gearbox.
Long life Acme screw linear actuators** are also available. Interface
connections are accomplished using locking wire crimp connectors.
MDrive connectivity has never been easier with options ranging from
all-inclusive QuickStart Kits to individual interfacing cables and mating
connector kits to build your own cables. See pg 4.
The MDrive 14 is a compact, powerful and cost effective motion control
solution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a
large range of brushless step motor applications.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

1.2 Product identification


QuickStart Kit Motor
details above
A = Single Length & Linear Actuator** External
C = Triple Length Encoder –E
Input Version Refer to external encoder table above for line counts and part numbers.
1 = Universal
Example: MDM1CSZ14A4–EHL adds an external 500-line count
5 = Differential differential optical encoder with index mark to example #1.

P1: I/O, Power & Communications Control

12-Pin Locking Wire Crimp Knob –N
Example: MDM1CSZ14A4–N adds a rear control knob for manual
positioning to example #1.

Example #1: Part Number MDM1CSZ14A4 is an MDrive14Plus Step/direction input

with Universal Input, 12-pin pluggable locking wire crimp connector for I/O, power
and communications interface, and NEMA 14 single length motor.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

1.3 Documentation reference

The following User’s manuals are available for the MDrive 14
Step / direction input:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation, con-
figuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web site

1.4 Product software

The MDrive 14 Step / direction input integrated motor and driver is
configured using the SPI motor interface graphical user interface. This
free software may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

MDM14:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

0.17 (28.19)
0.94 ±0.02
P1 (24.0 ±0.5)
0.079 ±0.01
0.10 (2.0 ±0.25) 4X M3x0.5 THREAD
(2.54) x0.138 DEEP
2.05 0.59 ±0.02
(52.07) (15.0 ±0.5)
P2 Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
(Ø 22.0 +0/-0.051)

0.177 ±0.002 Ø 0.197 +0/-0.0005

(4.50 ±0.05) (Ø 5.00 +0/-0.012)

1.024 SQ.
(26.0 SQ.)
1.4 ±0.004 SQ.
LMAX2 (35.55 ±0.1 SQ.)

LMAX2 Options Differential

SINGLE SHAFT, Ø 0.97 2.04*
INTERNAL ENCODER, (Ø 24.6) (51.8)
Single 1.93 (49.02) 2.62 (66.55) 1.42
3.03 (76.96) 3.73 (94.74) (36.1)

Control Knob 1.20
External Encoder

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications - dimensions in inches (mm)

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Input voltage range — +12 — +48 VDC
Max power supply current — — — 1.0* A

*per MDrive 14, Actual current depends on voltage and load.

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

2.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

2.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

2.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

MDM14:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Spcification Single length Triple length

Holding torque oz-in (N-cm) 18.0 (12.71) 36.0 (25.0)
Detent torque oz-in (N-cm) 2.0 (1.4) 4.4 (3.1)
Rotor inertia oz-in-sec (kg-cm ) 2 2
0.00024 (0.017) 0.000801 (0.0566)
Weight motor and driver oz (g) 5.29 (150.0) 12.8 (380.0)

Table 2.8 Step / direction input motor specifications

2.2.9 Performance curves

Single length motor
40 28
12 VDC
30 24 VDC

Torque in N-cm
Torque in Oz-In

48 VDC

20 14

10 8

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400) (2700)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Revision R070110

Figure 2.2 Performance curves - single length motor

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

Triple length motor

40 28
12 VDC
30 24 VDC

Torque in N-cm
Torque in Oz-In
48 VDC

20 14

10 8

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400) (2700)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 erformance curves - triple length motor

Revision R070110

MDM14:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments

2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic (universal inputs)

The +5 VDC output on connector P1 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
1 3 5 7 9 11
3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
2 4 6 8 1012
4 SCLK Step Clock input
The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
Connectivity Options 6 DIR
USB to SPI Converter: configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the
MD-CC305-001 state of the Optocoupler Reference.
Mating connector kit: +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to
CK-08 power the optional communications converter cable
7 +5 VDC
MD-CC305-001. Do not use to power external
Mfg P/N:
JST PADP-12V-1-S 8 CLK SPI Clock
Pins 9 CGND Communications ground
JST SPH-001T0.5L
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
11 CS SPI Chip Select input
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out

Table 2.9 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-oin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)

1 3 5 7 9 11 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input

2 4 6 8 1012 3 CW+ Clockwise plus direction input.
4 CW — Clockwise minus direction input.
5 CCW+ Counter-clockwise plus direction input.
6 CCW- Counter-clockwise minus direction input.
Connectivity Options +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to
USB to SPI Converter: power the optional communications converter cable
7 +5 VDC
MD-CC305-001 MD-CC305-001. Do not use to power external
Mating connector kit:
CK-08 8 CLK SPI Clock
Mfg P/N: 9 CGND Communications ground
JST PADP-12V-1-S 10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Pins 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
JST SPH-001T0.5L
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out

Table 2.10 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-oin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

MDM14:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.3.2 P2 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential)

P2 is only present if the internal encoder option is selected.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Encoder ground
9 10
7 8 2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
P2 5 6
3 4 3 CH A- Channel A negative input
1 2

4 CH B+ Channel B positive input

5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
Connectivity Options
Prototypre development 8 N/C Not connected
PD10-3400-FL3 9 N/C Not connected
Mating connector kit: 10 N/C Not connected
Table 2.11 P2 — Internal encoder option
Mfg P/N:
Hirose DF11-2428SC

Hirose DF11-TA2428HC
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

2.5 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to a motor drive.

External Encoder External optical encoders, single-end and differential, are offered facto-
ry-mounted with the MDrive 14. All encoders come with an index mark.
Refer to the table below for available line counts and part numbers.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 1000, 1024
Optional encoder cables are available. Order separately.
Single-end Cable (12.0”/30.5cm)....................... ES-CABLE-2
Differential Locking Cable (6.0’/1.8m) ...............ED-CABLE-6

Internal Encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive 14 Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 1000
Differential Locking Cable (10.0’/3.0m) ........ PD10-3400-FL3

Control Knob The MDrive 14 is available with a factory-mounted rear control knob for
manual shaft positioning.

Planetary Gearbox Efficient, low maintenance planetary gearboxes are offered assembled
with the MDrive 14.

Differential Inputs Changes the clock and direction inputs to differential +5 VDC inputs.
Revision R070110

MDM14:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Connectivity
QuickStart Kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have commu-
nication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and CD
for MDrive initial functional setup and system testing.

Parameter Setup Cable The optional 12.0’ (3.6m) parameter setup cable assembly with inline
USB to SPI converter, part number MD-CC305-001, facilitates commu-
nications, power and logic wiring and is recommended with first order.

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:

12-Pin Wire Crimp ................ ..................................................CK-08

Encoder Cable The following 10.0’ (3m) interface cable is recommended with first or-
ders for MDrive 14 with an internal encoder:

Internal Encoder: 10-Pin Cable ............................... PD10-3400-FL3

External Encoder (Single-end) ..................................... ES-CABLE-2
External Encoder (differential) ...................................... ES-CABLE-6
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM14:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Some Step / direction input mounting configurations require
that the MDrive move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling
is properly restrained to provide strain relief on connection
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

When mounting the MDrive, do not exceed the maximum rec-
ommended tightening torque of 7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

3.1 Mounting
The maximum temperature for the MDrive 14 is 85°C measured at the
heat sink, 100°C measured at the motor. Ensure that the unit is mount-
ed to adequate heat sink plating to ensure that the temperature does not
exceed 85°C.

M3 x 0.5 Screw
(Not Supplied)

Temperature sensor B Mounting Flange

should be attached
at the center of the Max Length of threads
C into the motor housing
motor body
= 0.130” (3.3 mm)

Drill Pattern for Mounting Flange

or Adapter Plate

0.118 (3.0) Thru 4 Places

on a 1.448 (36.79) Circle Ø 0.866 (21.996)

1.024 SQ.
(26.0 SQ.)

Figure 3.1 MDrive 14 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern
Revision R070110

MDM14:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 14 need to be twisted. If more than
one MDrive is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate
power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Recommended Wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 14:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power, Ground .................................................................... 20 AWG
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.2.2 Securing cabling

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads must
be properly anchored. This will prevent flexing and tugging which can
cause damage at critical connection points.

Power, communications and logic

Adhesive anchor

Figure 3.2 Secure leads

Revision R070110

MDM14:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Communications, DC power and logic are all interfaced using the 12-pin
wire crimp connector at P1.

4.1 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using a 12-pin locking wire
crimp connector at P1
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.1.1 P1 — 12--pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Function Description

11: CS + 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS

12: MISO 7 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
10: MOSI general purpose use.
7: +5 VDC
8: CLK
8 CLK SPI clock
9 GND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
11 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
12 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P1 - 12-pin wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell........................................................ PADP-10V010S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

MDM14:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 14 Step / direction input is
+12 to +48 VDC. Ensure that motor back EMF is factored into
your power supply size calculations.
Allow 2.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
14 in the system. Actual power supply current will depend on
voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +48 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 1.0 A (per MDrive 1

Table 4.2 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

1 Ampere (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 20 18 18 16
2 Amperes (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 18 16 14 14

Table 4.3 Recommended power supply wire gauge

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.3.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-14340-FL3
2 +12 to + 48 VDC Red See section 4.7.2
1 Power ground Black for wire colors.

1: +VDC 2: GND Table 4.4 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L

4.3.4 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

Wire jumper A to B for 48 VDC Max. SPST

switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 4.1 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Revision R070110

MDM14:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 4, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-1434-FL3
3 Opto reference White See section 4.7.2
5: Enable 4 Step clock input Green for wire colors.
6: Direction
3: Opto 4: Step 5 Enable input Orange
6 Direction input Blue

Table 4.5 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-1434-FL3
3 CW + White See section 4.7.2
5: CCW+ 4 CW — Green for wire colors
6: CCW -
3: CW+ 4: CS - 5 CCW — Orange
6 CCW + Blue

Table 4.6 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

MDM14:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.6 Optional encoder interface

4.6.1 Internal encoder

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire color


6: IDX+ 7: IDX- 1 GND White/Brown

4: CH B+ 5: CH B- 2 CH A+ White/green
2: CH A+ 3: CH A- 3 CH A- Green/white
1: Ground
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
7 IDX- Blue/white
8-10 No Connect

Table 4.7 P2 - Optional encoder interface

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-02

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)

Manufacturer (Hirose) part numbers Connector shell......................................................... DF11-10DS-2C

Pins............................................................................. DF11-2428SC

4.6.2 External encoder

Differential Differential Single-end

Pin # Signal Cable: ED-CABLE-6 Pin # Signal Cable: ES-CABLE-2
1 No connect – 1 Ground Brown
2 +5 VDC input Orange/White 2 Index Violet
9 7 5 3 1
10 8 6 4 2 3 Ground White/Orange 3 Channel A Blue
4 No connect – 4 +5 VDC input Orange
5 Channel A – White/Blue 5 Channel B Yellow
Single-End 6 Channel A + Blue/White
7 Channel B – White/Green
8 Channel B + Green/White
9 Index – White/Brown
1 2 3 4 5
10 Index + Brown/White

Table 4.8 Optional external encoder pins

Connectivity accessories Differential cable ...........................................................RD-CABLE-6

Revision R070110

Single-end cable ........................................................... ES-CABLE-2

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM14:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 14 Step / direction input

4.7 Connectivity accessory details

4.7.1 USB to SPI communications converter cables

The MD-CC305-001 is an interface cable which combines Power, Logic
and communications with an inline USB to SPI converter.
It is recommended with the first purchase.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
JST connector

Wire Colors Function

Red +V
in-line converter Black Gnd
10.0’ (3.0m) Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
Green Step Clock
Orange Enable

To Power, I/O & Communications

Figure 4.2 MD-CC305-001 USB to SPI converter cable

4.7.2 PD12B-3400-FL3 prototype development cable

Description: Pre-wired mating connector interfaces to an MDrive’s
12-pin wire crimp connector, with flying leads other end, for quick test/
Function: I/O, Power & Communications Interface.

To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function

12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power & 1
Black GND
JST connector Communications Red +V
Black Comm GND
White MOSI
Black CS
Green MISO
Black Opto Ref
Blue +5 VDC Out
Black Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m) Yellow Enable
Black Direction
Brown SPI Clock

Figure 4.3 Prototype development cable PD12B-1435-FL3

4.7.3 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Revision R070110

Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-08
P2 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-02

MDM14:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
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MDrive® 17 Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 17 unit overview ..................................................1-1
1.3 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.4 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.5 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications................................................2-1
2.1.1 MDrive 17 mechanical specifications.................2-1
2.1.2 MDrive 17-65 mechanical specifications ...........2-2
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-3
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-3
3.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-3
3.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-3
3.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-3
3.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-4
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-4
2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves ......................2-4
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments -
2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2..................2-6
2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and ...
logic .................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs) .....................2-7
2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)...................2-8
2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire
crimp (universal input) ...................................................2-9
2.4.4 Power, logic, communications and optional
encoder — 19-pin M23 (universal input)..........2-10
2.4.5 Power, logic and communications
(differential input) .............................................2-11
2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments -
internal encoder.............................................................2-12
2.5 Options ..........................................................................2-13
2.6 Connectivity ...................................................................2-13

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-1
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Rules of wiring ..................................................3-3
3.2.2 Rules of shielding .............................................3-3
3.3 Recommended wiring......................................................3-4
3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins .....3-4
3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads .............................3-4
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Connector orientation ......................................................4-2
4.2 Interfacing communications.............................................4-3
4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector .........................4-3
4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-4
4.2.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector .................4-5
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-5
4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-6
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-6
4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-6
4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-6
4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-6
4.3.6 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial interface.................4-7
4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module .....
DPM75 ...............................................................4-7
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-8
4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-8
4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-8
4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-8
4.4.3 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector...............4-9
4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-9
4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-9
4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface..........4-10
4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .......................4-10
4.6 Encoder interface ..........................................................4-11
4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ...................................4-10
4.6.2 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector.............4-11
4.6.3 External encoder..............................................4-11
4.7 USB to SPI communications converters .......................4-12
4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001 ..4-12
4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001 ..4-12
4.7.3 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001 ...
4.8 Prototype development cables ......................................4-14
4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3....
4.8.1 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector
MD-CS10x-000 ................................................4-14
4.8.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6 .............4-15
4.9 Mating connector kits ....................................................4-15
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 MDrive 17 Mechanical Specifications....................................2-1
Figure 2.2 MDrive 17-65 Mechanical Specifications ..............................2-2
Figure 2.3 Single length motor ...............................................................2-4
Figure 2.4 Double length motor ..............................................................2-5
Figure 2.5 Triple length motor ................................................................2-5
Figure 3.1 Mdrive Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern .........3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-5
’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation ............................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-7
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable...............4-12
Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable...............4-12
Figure 4.5 MD-CC301-001 communications converter ........................4-13
Figure 4.6 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3 ...................4-14
Figure 4.7 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset .................4-14
Figure 4.8 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10 ........................4-15
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-3

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-3
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-3
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-3
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-4
Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications ..............................2-4
Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin locking wire crimp .....................2-6
Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-7
Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-7
Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-8
Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-8
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications ...................................2-9
Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder .....2-10
Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-11
Table 2.15 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-12
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC.....................4-3
Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ......4-4
Table 4.3 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial ..........................4-5
Table 4.4 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-6
Table 4.5 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-6
Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, flying leads .........................4-6
Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal .....................4-6
Table 4.8 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-6
Table 4.9 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-7
Table 4.10 Universal input connections, flying leads ..............................4-8
Table 4.11 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal...........................4-8
Table 4.12 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-8
Table 4.13 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-9
Table 4.14 Differential input connections, flying leads interface .............4-9
Table 4.15 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal ......................4-10
Table 4.16 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.....4-10
Table 4.17 P4 - Encoder interface.........................................................4-10
Table 4.18 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector ...........4-11
Rable 4:19 External encoder interface ..................................................4-11
Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 17 Step / direction input high torque integrated motor and
step and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity
of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of the
MDrive 17 eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine,
reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 17 unit overview

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive
17 Step / direction input are achieved through advanced 2nd generation
current control. By applying innovative techniques to control current flow
through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire
speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 17 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +48
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems
that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.
The MDrive 17 uses a NEMA 17 frame size high torque brushless
step motor integrated with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to
20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, includ-
ing: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use
of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile MDrive 17 Step / direction input is available in multiple
configurations to fit various system needs. Rotary motor versions come
in three lengths and may include an encoder, control knob or planetary
gearbox. Long life Acme screw linear actuators are also available.
Numerous connector styles give you choices for the best fit and fea-
tures. Select from 12.0” (30.5cm) flying leads, pluggable terminal strip,
locking wire crimp connectors1, and M23 industrial connectors on IP65
sealed versions1.
MDrive connectivity has never been easier with options ranging from
all-inclusive QuickStart Kits to individual interfacing cables and mating
connector kits to build your own cables.
The MDrive 17 is a compact, powerful and cost effective motion control
solution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a
large range of brushless step motor applications.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

1.3 Product identification

K MDM S 17 4–
QuickStart Kit Motor
base version details above A = Single Length & Linear Actuator
Input Version B = Double Length
1 = Universal C = Triple Length
5 = Differential

P1: I/O & Power

F = 12" Flying Leads
P = Pluggable Clamp
Type Terminal Strip
C = 12-Pin Locking Wire Crimp
(Includes I/O, Power & Comm)
Not available with Differential P2: Communications
Input Version
D = SPI with 10-Pin IDC Connector
Z = None. Used with 12-Pin Locking Wire
Crimp in Position P1, which includes

Example #1: Part Number MDM1PSD17A4 is an MDrive17Plus Step/direction input

with pluggable I/O & power interface, SPI communications with 10-pin IDC
connector, and NEMA 17 single length motor.

Plus-65 QuickStart Kit
details above
A = Single Length
B = Double Length
C = Triple Length
P1: I/O, Power & Communications
19-Pin M23 Industrial Connector

Example #2: Part Number MDM2MSZ17B4 is an MDrive17Plus-65 Step/direction input

with a 19-pin M23 I/O, power and communications industrial
connector, and NEMA 17 double length motor.


Refer to external encoder table above for line counts and part numbers.
Example: MDM1PSD17A4–EHL adds an external 500-line count differential optical encoder with
index mark to example #1.
Not available with –65 versions.

Example: MDM1PSD17A4–N adds a rear control knob for manual positioning to example #1.
Not available with sealed –65 versions.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MDM17:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.4 Documentation reference

The following user’s manuals are available for the MDrive 17:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation,
configuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web
site at

1.5 Product software

The MDrive 17 microstepping integrated motor and driver is configured
using the SPI motor interface graphical user interface. This free soft-
ware may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM17:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

2.1.1 MDrive 17 mechanical specifications

Option 0.94 ±0.02
P1 (23.9 ±0.5)
(2.0) 4X M3x0.5 THREAD
0.59 ±0.02 Ø 0.1968 +0/-0.0005 x0.15 MIN DEEP
(15.0 ±0.5)
(Ø 4.999 +0/-0.013)

Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002 0.20

2.30 (Ø 21.996 +0/-0.051) (5.0)
P2 P4

1.220 ±0.004 SQ.


(31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)

0.177 ±0.002
(4.49 ±0.05)

1.68 SQ.
LMAX (42.7 SQ.)

P1 Connector Options
I/O & Power I/O & Power I/O, Power & Comm

MDrive Lengths Inches (mm) 0.44 0.36

12.00 +1.0/-0.0 (11.2) (9.1)
LMAX LMAX2 (304.8 +25.4/-0.0)
Single 2.20 (55.9) 2.79 (70.9)
Double 2.43 (61.7) 3.02 (76.7) Differential
2.77 (70.4) 3.37 (85.6) Encoder* Flying Leads 7-Pin Pluggable Clamp 12-Pin Pluggable
Type Terminal Strip Locking Wire Crimp**
LMAX2 Options (51.8) P2 Connector Options P4 Option
Comm Internal Encoder
1.42 P2 P2 Internal Encoder
Ø 0.97
(Ø 24.6) P4

Control Knob External Encoder 10-Pin IDC No Connector** 10-Pin Pluggable
Locking Wire Crimp

**12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp connector at P1 eliminates the P2 connector.

Figure 2.1 MDrive 17 Mechanical Specifications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

2.1.2 MDrive 17-65 mechanical specifications


(12.5) 0.64
0.94 ±0.02
(23.9 ±0.5)
(2.0) 4X M3x0.5 THREAD
0.59 ±0.02
x0.15 MIN DEEP
(15.0 ±0.5)

Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
P1 (Ø 21.996 +0/-0.051)

1.220 ±0.004 SQ.

(31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)
(29.5) 0.177 ±0.002
(4.49 ±0.05)
Ø 0.1968 +0/-0.0020
(Ø 4.999 +0/-0.051)

1.69 SQ.
LMAX (42.9 SQ.)

Sealed MDrive Lengths Inches (mm) Connector

I/O, Power & Comm

Ø 0.87
Single 2.39 (60.71) 3.06 (77.72)
(Ø 22.1)
Double 2.62 (66.55) 3.29 (83.57)
Triple 2.96 (75.18) 3.63 (92.20)

Figure 2.2 MDrive 17-65 Mechanical Specifications

Revision R070110

MDM17:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Input voltage range — +12 — +48 VDC
Max power supply current — — — 2.0* A

*per MDrive 17, Actual current depends on voltage and load.

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

3.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

3.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

3.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

3.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Specification Single length Double length Triple length

Holding torque oz-in (N-cm) 32 (22.6) 60 (42.4) 74.9 (52.9)
Detent torque oz-in (N-cm) 1.66 (1.17) 2.08 (1.47) 3.47 (2.45)
Rotor inertia oz-in-sec (kg-cm )
2 2
0.00053 (0.038) 0.00080 (0.057) 0.00116 (0.082)
Weight motor and driver oz (g) 10.4 (294.8) 12.0 (340.2) 15.2 (430.9)

Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications

2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves

Single length motor
60 42
50 35
Torque in Oz-In

Torque in N-cm
40 28

30 21

20 14
24 VDC
10 7
48 VDC
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 Single length motor

Revision R070110

MDM17:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

Double length motor

60 42

50 35

Torque in Oz-In

Torque in N-cm
40 28
30 21
20 14
24 VDC
10 7
48 VDC
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 Double length motor

Triple length motor

60 42
50 35
Torque in Oz-In

Torque in N-cm
40 28

30 21

20 14
24 VDC
10 48 VDC 7

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.5 Triple length motor

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - Communications

2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2

The +5 VDC output on connector P2 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

10-pin IDC style connector

Pin # Function Description
1 N/C Not connected
34 2 N/C Not connected
P2 5 6
78 3 N/C Not connected
9 10
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
Connectivity Options general purpose use.
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC300-001 7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
Mating connector kit: 8 CLK SPI clock
CK-01 (ribbon cable not
included) 9 N/C Not connected
Mfg P/N: 10 MISO SPI master in - slave out
SAMTEC TSD-05-01-N Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin locking wire crimp
Ribbon cable
Tyco: 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

MDM17:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and logic

2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs)

12” (304.8 mm) flying leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power
White Opto Optocoupler reference
12.0”+1.0/-0.0 Orange Step clock Step clock input
(304.8mm )
+25.4/-0.0 Blue Direction CW/CCW direction input
Brown Enable Output bridge enable input
Black GND Power ground
Red +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads

7-pin pluggable terminal

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
0.44” 1 Opto Optocoupler reference
(11.2mm) 2 N/C Not connected
3 Step clock Step clock input

P1 4 Direction CW/CCW direction input

5 Enable Output bridge enable input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)
Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

12” (304.8 mm) fly-

ing leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power White CW + Clockwise plus input
Orange CW - Clockwise minus input
(304.8mm ) Blue CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input

Brown CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input

Black GND Power ground
Red +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” (

flying leads

7-pin pluggable
Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 CW + Clockwise plus input
(11.2mm) 2 N/C Not connected
3 CW - Clockwise minus input
4 CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input
5 CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input
6 GND Power ground

Top view
7 +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

1 Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable

2 terminal
Revision R070110

MDM17:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire crimp (universal input)

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
6 5 3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
8 7
4 SCLK Step Clock input
10 9
12 11 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
Connectivity Options 6 DIR
USB to SPI Converter:
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
MD-CC303-001 of the Optocoupler Reference.

Prototype development
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
cable: 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
PD12-1434-FL3 CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
Mating connector kit: 8 CLK SPI Clock
9 CGND Communications ground
Mfg P/N:
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Tyco: 1-794617-2 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Pins 12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Tyco: 794610-1
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

2.4.4 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder — 19-pin M23 (universal
Outside: Pins 1 -12
Pin # Function Description
The signal applied to the optocoupler reference will
determine the sinking/ or sourcing configuration of the
2 3 4 1 inputs. To set the inputs for sinking operation, a +5 to +24
1 5 Reference
VDC supply is connected. If sourcing, the reference is
11 7 connected to ground
10 9 8
Enable/disable input will enable or disable the driver output
to the motor. In the disconnected state the driver outputs
2 Enable
are enabled in either sinking or sourcing configuration. Can
be configured as active high or active low.
Inside: Pins 13 -19
3 IDX+ Encoder index + output.
4 CH B+ Encoder channel B+ output.
5 CH B- Encoder channel B- output.
13 14 6 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input.
18 19 15 7 CH A+ Encoder channel A+ output.
17 16
Master-out/slave-in. Carries output data from the SPI
Master to the MDO.
SPI chip select. This signal is used to turn communications
9 CS
on multiple MDM units on or off.
+5 VDC Supply voltage for the MD-CC301-000 Converter Cable
Connectivity Options Output ONLY!
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC301-001 11 GND Communications ground.
Prototype development Connector
cable: 12 Connector shell,
MD-CS100-000 (straight)
MD-CS101-000 (right- Direction input. The axis direction will be with respect
angle) to the state of the direction override parameter. It may
13 Channel B/
also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Down
14 IDX- Encoder index - output
15 CH A- Encoder channel A - output
The clock is driven by the SPI Master. The clock cycles
16 SPI Clock
once for each data bit.
Master-in/slave-out. Carries output data from the MDM
back to the SPI Master.
Step clock input. The step clock input will receive the clock
Step Clock/
pulses which will step the motor 1 step for each pulse. It
18 Channel A/
may also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Up
19 GND Power ground

Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder

Revision R070110

MDM17:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.5 Power, logic and communications (differential input)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
6 5 3 CW+ Positive clockwise input
8 7
10 9 4 CW- Negative clockwise input
12 11 5 CCW+ Positive counter-clockwise input
6 CCW- Negative counter-clockwise input
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
Connectivity Options 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
USB to SPI Converter: CC303-001. Do not use to power external devices.
8 CLK SPI Clock
Prototype development
cable: 9 CGND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mating connector kit: 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N:
Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications
Tyco: 1-794617-2

Revision R070110

Tyco: 794610-1

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-11

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal encoder

Pin # Function Description

Internal Encoder 1 GND Encoder ground
2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
3 CH A- Channel A negative input
4 CH B+ Channel B positive input
5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
8 N/C Not connected
9 N/C Not connected
10 N/C Not connected

Table 2.15 P1 Power, logic and communications

Revision R070110

MDM17:2-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.5 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to the MDrive.

Internal encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 800, 1000

2.6 Connectivity
QuickStart kit For rapid design verification, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have com-
munication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and
CD for MDrive Step / direction input initial functional setup and system

Communication Converters Electrically isolated, in-line converters pre-wired with mating connec-
tors to conveniently set/program communication parameters for a single
MDrive product via a PC’s USB port. Length 12.0’ (3.6m).
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ...........................................................MD-CC300-001
P1 12 pin locking wire crimp .....................................MD-CC303-001
P1 19-pin M23 industrial ...........................................MD-CC301-001

Prototype Development Cables Speed test/development with pre-wired mating connectors that have fly-
ing leads other end. Length 10.0’ (3.0m).
Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin locking wire crimp.................................... PD12-1434-FL3
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ........................... ED-CABLE-JST10
P1 19-pin M23 industrial (straight)............................ MD-CS100-000
P1 19-pin M23 industrial (right-angle) ...................... MD-CS101-000

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
Revision R070110

P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03

P4 10-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-13

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:2-13

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM17:2-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Some Step / direction input mounting configurations require
that the MDrive move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling
is properly restrained to provide strain relief on connection
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

When mounting the MDrive, do not exceed the maximum rec-
ommended tightening torque of 7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

3.1 Mounting
Care must be observed when installing the mounting screws on ALL
MDrive 17 versions. The mounting holes on the flange are not drilled
through and have a maximum depth of 0.150” (3.81 mm).
The warning note and Figure below illustrate the maximum safe thread
length and maximum torque for mounting all versions of the MDrive 17.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

Maximum length of
screw threads into
the motor housing
0.140" (3.5 mm) 4 X M3-0.5 Screw
(not supplied)
Length TBD
by flange thickness

Maximum Tightening Torque:

7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm)
Temperature sensor
Mounting Flange
should be attached
Or Adapter Plate
at the center of the MDrive17Plus
motor body

Drill Pattern for Mounting Flange

or Adapter Plate

0.118 (3.0) Thru 4 Places

on a 1.725 (43.82) Circle Ø 0.866 (21.996)

1.220 SQ.
(31.0 SQ.)

Figure 3.1 Mdrive Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern
Revision R070110

MDM17:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 17 need to be twisted. If more than
one driver is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate
power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Rules of wiring

„ Power Supply and Motor wiring should be shielded twisted
pairs, and run separately from signal-carrying wires.
„ A minimum of one twist per inch is recommended.
„ Motor wiring should be shielded twisted pairs using 20 gauge, or
for distances of more than 5 feet, 18 gauge or better.
„ Power ground return should be as short as possible to estab-
lished ground.
„ Power supply wiring should be shielded twisted pairs of 18
gauge for less than 4 amps DC and 16 gauge for more than 4
amps DC.
3.2.2 Rules of shielding
„ The shield must be tied to zero-signal reference potential. It is
necessary that the signal be earthed or grounded, for the shield
to become earthed or grounded. Earthing or grounding the
shield is not effective if the signal is not earthed or grounded.
„ Do not assume that Earth ground is a true Earth ground. De-
pending on the distance from the main power cabinet, it may be
necessary to sink a ground rod at the critical location.
„ The shield must be connected so that shield currents drain to
signal-earth connections.
„ The number of separate shields required in a system is equal to
the number of independent signals being processed plus one for
each power entrance.
„ The shield should be tied to a single point to prevent ground
„ A second shield can be used over the primary shield; however,
the second shield is tied to ground at both ends.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

3.3 Recommended wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 17:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power and Ground ............................................................. 20 AWG

3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins

Communications 10-pin IDC (P2).......................................... SAMTEC TCSD-05-01-N

Recommended ribbon cable.....................................Tyco 1-57051-9

Logic and Power The following mating connectors are recommended for the MDrive
12-pin Locking Wire Crimp Connector Shell...........Tyco 1-794617-2
Crimp Pins ................................................................. Tyco 794610-1

3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads (flying,
pluggable or threaded) must be properly anchored. This will prevent
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at critical connection
points within the MDrive.
Revision R070110

MDM17:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

Power leads

Adhesive anchor
& tywrap

Logic leads

Adhesive anchors
& tywrap

Communication leads

Figure 3.2 Securing leads

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:3-5

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

This page intentionally left blank

Revision R070110

MDM17:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown in this document.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.1 Connector orientation

The illustration below shows the connector positions and orientation
with regard to the location of pin 1.
All connector drawings in this section will show this orientation.
P2: 10-pin IDC (Communications) P1: 7-pin Terminal (Power and I/O)

Red P1
Pin 1

Pin 1

Pin 7
Pin 10

P1: 12-pin Locking Wire Crimp

(Communications Power and I/O)

2 1
12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp 4 3
connector at P1 eliminates Locking Tab 6 5
the P2 connector. to Left 8 7
10 9
12 11

P4: 10-pin wire crimp (Optional Internal Encoder)

2 1
4 3
6 5
8 7
10 9

’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation

Revision R070110

MDM17:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 10-pin IDC connector at P2
2. 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1
3. 19-pin M23 industrial connector at P1
If using the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector or M23 industrial at P1,
there will be no P2 connector. The P1 option will bundle power, logic
and communications on a single connector.
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector

Red conductor Pin # Function Description

1 N/C Not connected
Pin 1 2 N/C Not connected
3 N/C Not connected
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
Pin 10
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
general purpose use.
7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-01

(contains 5 connector shells, ribbon cable not included)
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC300-001

Manufacturer (SAMTEC) part numbers Connector shell.......................................................... TCSD-05-01-N

Ribbon cable.............................................................Tyco 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD14-1434-FL3
7 + 5 VDC output — White/brown
8 SPI clock — White/green
8: CLK 7: +5V 9 Comm ground — Green/white
10: MOSI 9: GND 10 SPI MOSI — White/gray
12: MISO 11: CS 11 SPI chip select — Gray/white
12 SPI MISO — Brown/white

Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

MDM17:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
7 + 5 VDC output — White/gray
8 SPI clock — Yellow
COM GND 11 17 16 SPI CLK
10 9 8 MOSI 9 Comm ground — Black
+5 VDC
10 SPI MOSI — White/green
CS 11 SPI chip select — White/yellow
12 SPI MISO — Pink

Table 4.3 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 17 is +12 to +48 VDC.
Ensure that motor back EMF is factored into your power supply
size calculations.
Allow 2.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
17 in the system. Actual power supply current will depend on
voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +48 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 2.0 A (per MDrive 17

Table 4.4 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14

Table 4.5 Recommended power supply wire gauge

4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color
Red +12 to +48 VDC supply
Black Power ground

Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, flying leads

4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin #
6 Power ground
7 +12 to +48 VDC supply

Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal

+V 7

4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

Pin # Signal Wire colors

2: +V MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
1: Ground
2 +12 to +48 VDC supply Red Red
1 Power ground Black Black

Table 4.8 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

MDM17:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3.6 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial interface

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
6 +12 to +48 VDC supply Blue Blue
19 Power ground Brown Brown
19 6 +V Table 4.9 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for up to
three (3) MDrive 17 units at up to 48 VDC to allow switching DC Power.

Wire jumper A to B for 48 VDC Max. SPST

switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.
Revision R070110

Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 6, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White Opto reference
Orange CW/CCW direction input
Blue Step clock input
Brown Enable input

Table 4.10 Universal input connections, flying leads

4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
Opto ref. 1
2 1 Opto reference
Step Clock 3
Direction 4 3 Step clock input
Enable 5 4 CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable input

Table 4.11 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: Step clock in MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: Opto Ref.
6: Direction in 3 Opto reference White White/blue
5: Enable in
4 Step clock input Green Blue/white
5 Enable input Orange White/orange
6 Direction input Blue Orange/white

Table 4.12 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

MDM17:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4.3 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
Opto 2
1 13 1 Opto reference Violet Violet
Enable Direction
18 Step Clock 18 Step clock input Gray/brown Gray/brown
2 Enable input Red Red
13 Direction input Yellow/brown Yellow/brown

Table 4.13 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White CW +
Orange CW —
Blue CCW —
Brown CCW +

Table 4.14 Differential input connections, flying leads interface

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-9

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
CW + 1 1 CW +
CW - 3 3 CW —
CCW - 4
CCW + 5 4 CCW —
5 CCW +

Table 4.15 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: CW - MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: CW +
6:CCW + 3 CW + White White/blue
5: CCW -
4 CW — Green Blue/white
5 CCW — Orange White/orange
6 CCW + Blue Orange/white

Table 4.16 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.6 Encoder interface

4.6.1 Internal encoder P4 — 10-pin wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire color

2: CH A+ 1: Ground ED-CABLE-JST10
4: CH B+ 3: CH A- 1 GND White/Brown
6: IDX+
5: CH B-
2 CH A+ White/green
7: IDX-
3 CH A- Green/white
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
Revision R070110

7 IDX- Blue/white
8 No Connect Brown/white

Table 4.17 P4 - Encoder interface

MDM17:4-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.6.2 Internal encoder: P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000

3 4 3 Index + Gray Gray

CH B +
IDX - 14 5 CH B - 4 Channel B + Red/blue Red/blue
GND 19 15
7 CH A + 5 Channel B - Green Green
7 Channel A - Gray/pink Gray/pink
14 Index - Brown/green Brown/green
CH A -
15 Channel A + White White
19 Ground Brown Brown

Table 4.18 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.6.3 External encoder

Differential Differential Single-end

Pin # Signal Cable: ED-CABLE-6 Pin # Signal Cable: ES-CABLE-2
1 No connect – 1 Ground Brown
2 +5 VDC input Orange/White 2 Index Violet
9 7 5 3 1
10 8 6 4 2 3 Ground White/Orange 3 Channel A Blue
4 No connect – 4 +5 VDC input Orange
5 Channel A – White/Blue 5 Channel B Yellow
Single-End 6 Channel A + Blue/White
7 Channel B – White/Green
8 Channel B + Green/White
9 Index – White/Brown
1 2 3 4 5
10 Index + Brown/White

Table 4.19 Optional external encoder pins

Connectivity accessories Differential cable ...........................................................RD-CABLE-6

Single-end cable ........................................................... ES-CABLE-2
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-11

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.7 USB to SPI communications converters

4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
6.0’ (1.8m)

To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
IDC connector

in-line converter

( ) converter cable
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications

4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
Tyco connector Wire Colors Function
Orange Enable
Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
in-line converter Green Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m)
Black** Power Gnd
To I/O & Power Red** +V

Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable

Revision R070110

MDM17:4-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.7.3 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.

Wire Colors Function

Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue +V*
Black Comm GND
Green/Yellow Shell
Yellow/Brown Direction
Gray/Brown Step Clock
Brown Power GND*
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
Red/blue Channel B +
Green Channel B -
Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
White Channel A +

Figure 4.5 MD-CC301-001 communications converter

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-13

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

4.8 Prototype development cables

4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3

The PD12-1434-FL3 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 12-pin locking wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.

Wire Colors Function

To MDrivePlus Gray/White Chip Select
12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power &
Communications White/Gray SPI MOSI
Tyco connector
White/Brown +5 VDC
Cable 2 Brown/White SPI MISO
White/Green SPI Clock
Cable 1 Green/White Comm Gnd
White/Orange Enable
Orange/White Direction
10.0’ (3.0m) White/Blue Opto Ref
Blue/White Step Clock
Black Power Gnd
Red +V
Uninsulated Drain Wire

Figure 4.6 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3

4.8.1 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector MD-CS10x-000

The MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 13’ (4.0 m) cable consists of a 119-pin M23 industrial
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.
To MDrivePlus
19-pin M23 Connector To Power & I/O
Wire Colors Function
Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue +V*
2.815” White/Green MOSI
(71.5 mm) White/Yellow CS
White/Gray +5 VDC
Black Comm GND
MD-CS101-000 Green/Yellow Shell
Yellow/Brown Direction
Yellow SPI Clock
2.37” Gray/Brown Step Clock
(60.2) Brown Power GND*
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
Red/blue Channel B +
13.0’ Green Channel B -
(4.0 m) Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
Ensure adequate space is available within White Channel A +
your enclosure for the cordset connector!
Revision R070110

Figure 4.7 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset

MDM17:4-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.8.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6

The ED-CABLE-JST10 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive optional encoder interface to the users controller.
This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 10-pin locking wire crimp connector
to plug directly into the MDrive optional P4 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface a control device.
To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function
10-pin wire crimp White/Blue IDX+
JST connector To Controller/PLC 1
Blue/White IDX-
White/Orange CH B+
Orange/White CH B-
White/Green CH A+
Green/White CH A-
White/Brown Ground
10.0’ (3.0m) Brown/White N/C

Figure 4.8 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10

4.9 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-13
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM17:4-15

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM17:4-16 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
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MDrive® 23 Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 23 unit overview ..................................................1-1
1.3 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.4 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.5 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications................................................2-1
2.1.1 MDrive 23 mechanical specifications.................2-1
2.1.2 MDrive 23-65 mechanical specifications ...........2-2
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-3
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-3
3.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-3
3.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-3
3.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-3
3.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-4
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-4
2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves ......................2-4
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments -
2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2..................2-6
2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and ...
logic .................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs) .....................2-7
2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)...................2-8
2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire
crimp (universal input) ...................................................2-9
2.4.4 Power, logic, communications and optional
encoder — 19-pin M23 (universal input)..........2-10
2.4.5 Power, logic and communications (differential ......
input) ................................................................2-11
2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal
encoder .........................................................................2-12
2.5 Options ..........................................................................2-13
2.6 Connectivity ...................................................................2-13

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Rules of wiring ..................................................3-3
3.2.2 Rules of shielding .............................................3-3
3.3 Recommended wiring......................................................3-4
3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins .....3-4
3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads .............................3-5
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Connector orientation ......................................................4-2
4.2 Interfacing communications.............................................4-3
4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector .........................4-3
4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-4
4.2.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector .................4-5
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-5
4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-6
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-6
4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-6
4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-6
4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-6
4.3.6 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial interface.................4-7
4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module .....
DPM75 ...............................................................4-7
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-8
4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-8
4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-8
4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-8
4.4.3 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector...............4-9
4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-9
4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-9
4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface..........4-10
4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .......................4-10
4.6 Encoder interface ..........................................................4-10
4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ...................................4-10
4.6.2 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector.............4-11
4.6.3 External encoder..............................................4-11
4.7 USB to SPI communications converters .......................4-12
4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001 ..4-12
4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001 ..4-12
4.7.3 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001 ...
4.8 Prototype development cables ......................................4-14
4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp
PD12-1434-FL3 ...............................................4-14
4.8.1 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector
MD-CS10x-000 ................................................4-14
4.8.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6 .............4-15
4.9 Mating connector kits ....................................................4-15
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 MDrive 23 Mechanical Specifications....................................2-1
Figure 2.2 MDrive 23-65 Mechanical Specifications ..............................2-2
Figure 2.3 Single length motor ...............................................................2-4
Figure 2.4 Double length motor ..............................................................2-5
Figure 2.5 Triple length motor ................................................................2-5
Figure 2.6 Quad length motor.................................................................2-5
Figure 3.1 MDrive 23 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern....3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-5
’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation ............................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-7
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable...............4-12
Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable...............4-12
Figure 4.5 MD-CC301-001 communications converter ........................4-13
Figure 4.6 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3 ...................4-14
Figure 4.7 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset .................4-14
Figure 4.8 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10 ........................4-15
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-3

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-3
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-3
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-3
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-4
Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications ..............................2-4
Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin IDC ............................................2-6
Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-7
Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-7
Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-8
Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-8
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications ...................................2-9
Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder .....2-10
Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-11
Table 2.15 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-12
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC.....................4-3
Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ......4-4
Table 4.3 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial ..........................4-5
Table 4.4 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-6
Table 4.5 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-6
Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, flying leads .........................4-6
Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal .....................4-6
Table 4.8 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-6
Table 4.9 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-7
Table 4.10 Universal input connections, flying leads ..............................4-8
Table 4.11 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal...........................4-8
Table 4.12 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-8
Table 4.13 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-9
Table 4.14 Differential input connections, flying leads interface .............4-9
Table 4.15 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal ......................4-10
Table 4.16 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.....4-10
Table 4.17 P4 - Encoder interface.........................................................4-10
Table 4.18 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector ...........4-11
Table 4:19 External encoder interface ..................................................4-11
Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 23 Step / direction input high torque integrated motor and
step and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity
of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of the
MDrive 23 eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine,
reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 23 unit overview

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive
23 Step / direction input are achieved through advanced 2nd generation
current control. By applying innovative techniques to control current flow
through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire
speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 23 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +75
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems
that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.
The MDrive 23 uses a NEMA 23 frame size high torque brushless
step motor integrated with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to
20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, includ-
ing: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use
of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile MDrive 23 Step / direction input is available in multiple
configurations to fit various system needs. Rotary motor versions come
in three lengths and may include an external optical encoder or a control
knob. Long life Acme screw linear actuators are also available.
Numerous connector styles give you choices for the best fit and fea-
tures. Select from 12.0” (30.5cm) flying leads, pluggable terminal strip,
locking wire crimp connectors1, and M23 industrial connectors on IP65
sealed versions1.
MDrive connectivity has never been easier with options ranging from
all-inclusive QuickStart Kits to individual interfacing cables and mating
connector kits to build your own cables.
The MDrive 23 is a compact, powerful and cost effective motion control
solution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a
large range of brushless step motor applications.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

1.3 Product identification

QuickStart Kit Motor
details above A7 = Single Length (12–75 VDC)
Input Version & Linear Actuator**
1 = Universal B7 = Double Length (12–75 VDC)

base version
5 = Differential

P1: I/O & Power

C7 = Triple Length (12–75 VDC)
D6 = Quad Length (12–60 VDC)

F = 12" Flying Leads

P = Pluggable Clamp
Type Terminal Strip
C = 12-Pin Locking Wire Crimp
(Includes I/O, Power & Comm)
P2: Communications
D = SPI with 10-Pin IDC Connector
Z = None. Used with 12-Pin Locking Wire
Crimp in Position P1, which includes

Example #1: Part Number MDM1PSD23A7 is an MDrive23Plus

Step/direction with pluggable I/O & power interface, SPI communications
with 10-pin IDC connector, and NEMA 23 single length motor.

IP65 sealed
QuickStart Kit
details above
A7 = Single Length (12–75 VDC)
B7 = Double Length (12–75 VDC)
C7 = Triple Length (12–75 VDC)

P1: I/O, Power & Communications

19-Pin M23 Industrial Connector

Example #2: Part Number MDM2MSZ23B7 is an MDrive23Plus-65

Step/direction input with a 19-pin M23 I/O, power and
communications industrial connector, and NEMA 23 double length motor.


Refer to external encoder table above for line counts and part numbers.
Example: MDM1PSD23A7–EHL adds an external 500-line count differential optical encoder with
index mark to example #1.
Not available with –65 versions.

Example: MDM1PSD23A7–N adds a rear control knob for manual positioning to example #1.
Not available with sealed –65 versions.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MDM23:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.4 Documentation reference

The following user’s manuals are available for the MDrive 23:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation,
configuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web
site at

1.5 Product software

The MDrive 23 microstepping integrated motor and driver is configured
using the IMS SPI motor interface graphical user interface. This free
software may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM23:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

2.1.1 MDrive 23 mechanical specifications

(48.3) 2.02
0.81 ±0.02 (51.2)
(20.6 ±0.5) 1.63
Option 0.06 ±0.00
P1 (1.5 ±0.1)

0.59 ±0.008 Ø 0.197

(15.0 ±0.2) (Ø 5.0)


Single, Double & Triple


Length Motors: 1.856 ±0.008 SQ.
Ø 0.2500 +0/-0.0005 (47.1 ±0.2 SQ.)
Single, Double & Triple
Length Motors: (Ø 6.350 +0/-0.013)
0.230 ±0.004 Quad Length Motor:
(5.8 ±0.1) Ø 0.315 +0/-0.0005
Quad Length Motor: (Ø 8.0 +0/-0.013)
0.2756 ±0.004
1.34 (7.0 ±0.1)
(34.0) 0.19 Ø 1.500 ±0.002
(4.9) 2.22 SQ. (Ø 38.1 ±0.1)
LMAX (56.4 SQ.)

LMAX2 P1 Connector Options

I/O & Power I/O & Power I/O, Power & Comm
MDrive Lengths Inches (mm) (9.1)
+1.0/-0.0 0.44
LMAX LMAX2 (304.8) (11.2)
Single 2.65 (67.31) 3.36 (85.34)
Double 3.02 (76.71) 3.73 (94.74)
Triple 3.88 (98.55) 4.59 (116.59) Encoder* Flying Leads 7-Pin Pluggable Clamp 12-Pin Pluggable
Quad 5.28 (134.15) 5.99 (152.19) Type Terminal Strip Locking Wire Crimp**
LMAX2 Options Single-End P2 Connector Options P4 Option
Encoder Comm Internal Encoder
(36.1) P2 P2 Internal Encoder
Ø 0.97
(Ø 24.6)
Control Knob External Encoder
10-Pin IDC No Connector** 10-Pin Pluggable
Locking Wire Crimp

**12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp connector at P1 eliminates the P2 connector

Figure 2.1 MDrive 23 Mechanical Specifications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

2.1.2 MDrive 23-65 mechanical specifications

2.042 0.81 ±0.02 1.64
(51.9) (20.6 ±0.5) (41.5)
0.590 ±0.008 Ø 0.197
(15.0 ±0.2) (Ø 5.0)

1.856 ±0.008 SQ
(47.1 ±0.2 SQ.)

Single, Double & Triple Single, Double & Triple

1.033 Length Motors:
(26.2) Length Motors:
0.230 ±0.004 Ø 0.2500 +0/-0.0005
(5.8 ±0.1) (Ø 6.350 +0/-0.013)

Ø 1.500 ±0.002
LMAX 2.22 SQ. (Ø 38.1 ±0.1)
LMAX2 (56.4 SQ.)

Sealed MDrive Lengths Inches (mm) I/O, Power & Comm

Length LMAX LMAX2 Ø 0.87
Single 2.82 (71.63) 3.48 (88.39) (Ø 22.1)
Double 3.16 (80.26) 3.82 (97.03)
Triple 4.02 (102.11) 4.67 (118.62) 19-Pin M23 (Male)

Figure 2.2 MDrive 23-65 Mechanical Specifications

Revision R070110

MDM23:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Single, double and triple
+12 — +75 VDC
Input voltage range lengthe motors
Quad length motor +12 +60

Current (Amp)

Single, double and triple length 1.6

motors 1.2
75 60 45 30 12
Voltage (VDC)

Max power supply current*

Current (Amp)

Quad length ,motor
60 48 36 24 12
Voltage (VDC)

*per MDrive 23, Actual current depends on voltage and load.

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

3.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

3.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

3.2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

3.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Specification Single length Double length Triple length Quad length

Holding torque oz-in (N-cm) 90.0 (64) 144 (102) 239 (169) 283 (200)
Detent torque oz-in (N-cm) 3.9 (2.7) 5.6 (3.92) 9.7 (6.86) 14.2 (10.0)
Rotor inertia oz-in-sec (kg-cm )
2 2
0.0025 (0.18) 0.0037 (0.26) 0.0065 (0.46) 0.0108 (0.76)
Weight motor and driver oz (g) 21.6 (612.3) 26.4 (784.4) 39.2 (1111.3) 61.6 (1746.3)

Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications

2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves

Single length motor
250 176
225 159
24 VDC
200 141
48 VDC
Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In

175 75 VDC 124

150 106
125 88
100 71
75 53
50 35
25 18
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)
Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 Single length motor

Revision R070110

MDM23:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

Double length motor

250 176
225 159
24 VDC
200 141
48 VDC

Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In
175 75 VDC 124
150 106
125 88
100 71
75 53
50 35
25 18
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)
Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 Double length motor

Triple length motor

250 176
225 159
24 VDC
200 141
48 VDC

Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In

175 75 VDC 124

150 106
125 88
100 71
75 53
50 35
25 18
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)
Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.5 Triple length motor

Quad length motor

250 176
225 159
24 VDC
200 141
48 VDC
Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In

175 60 VDC 124

150 106
125 88
100 71
75 53
50 35
25 18
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)
Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.6 Quad length motor

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - Communications

2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2

The +5 VDC output on connector P2 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp or M23
industrial connector at connector position P1, the P2 connector is elimi-
nated and SPI communications are bundled with power and logic.

10-pin fIDC style connector

Pin # Function Description
SPI 1 N/C Not connected
2 N/C Not connected
P2 5 6
3 N/C Not connected
9 10 4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
Connectivity Options general purpose use.
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC300-001 7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
Mating connector kit: 8 CLK SPI clock
CK-01 (ribbon cable not
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out
Mfg P/N:
SAMTEC TSD-05-01-N Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin IDC

Ribbon cable
Tyco: 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

MDM23:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and logic

2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs)

12” (304.8 mm) flying leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power
White Opto Optocoupler reference
12.0”+1.0/-0.0 Orange Step clock Step clock input
(304.8mm )
+25.4/-0.0 Blue Direction CW/CCW direction input
Brown Enable Output bridge enable input
Black GND Power ground
Red +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power

Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads

7-pin pluggable terminal

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 Opto Optocoupler reference
0.44 2 N/C Not connected
3 Step clock Step clock input
4 Direction CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable Output bridge enable input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
2 Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

12” (304.8 mm) flying

Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power White CW + Clockwise plus input
Orange CW - Clockwise minus input
(304.8mm ) Blue CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input

Brown CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input

Black GND Power ground
Red +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power

Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( fly-

ing leads

7-pin pluggable ter-

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 CW + Clockwise plus input
0.44 2 N/C Not connected
3 CW - Clockwise minus input
4 CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input
5 CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V Motor power
1 Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable
2 terminal
Revision R070110

MDM23:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire crimp (universal input)

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
6 5 3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
8 7
4 SCLK Step Clock input
10 9
12 11 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
Connectivity Options
USB to SPI Converter:
of the Optocoupler Reference.
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
Prototype development 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
cable: CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
8 CLK SPI Clock
Mating connector kit:
9 CGND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N:
Shell 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Tyco: 1-794617-2
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Tyco: 794610-1 Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

2.4.4 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder — 19-pin M23 (universal
Outside: Pins 1 -12
Pin # Function Description
The signal applied to the optocoupler reference will
determine the sinking/ or sourcing configuration of the
2 3 4 1 inputs. To set the inputs for sinking operation, a +5 to +24
1 5 Reference
VDC supply is connected. If sourcing, the reference is
11 7 connected to ground
10 9 8
Enable/disable input will enable or disable the driver output
to the motor. In the disconnected state the driver outputs
2 Enable
are enabled in either sinking or sourcing configuration. Can
be configured as active high or active low.
Inside: Pins 13 -19
3 IDX+ Encoder index + output.
4 CH B+ Encoder channel B+ output.
5 CH B- Encoder channel B- output.
13 14 6 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
18 19 15 7 CH A+ Encoder channel A+ output.
17 16
Master-out/slave-in. Carries output data from the SPI
Master to the MDO.
SPI chip select. This signal is used to turn communications
9 CS
on multiple MDM units on or off.
+5 VDC Supply voltage for the MD-CC301-000 Converter Cable
Connectivity Options 10
Output ONLY!
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC301-001 11 GND Communications ground.
Prototype development Connector
cable: 12 Connector shell,
MD-CS100-000 (straight)
MD-CS101-000 (right- Direction input. The axis direction will be with respect
angle) to the state of the direction override parameter. It may
13 Channel B/
also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Down
14 IDX- Encoder index - output
15 CH A- Encoder channel A - output
The clock is driven by the SPI Master. The clock cycles
16 SPI Clock
once for each data bit.
Master-in/slave-out. Carries output data from the MDM
back to the SPI Master.
Step clock input. The step clock input will receive the clock
Step Clock/
pulses which will step the motor 1 step for each pulse. It
18 Channel A/
may also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Up
19 GND Power ground

Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder

Revision R070110

MDM23:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.5 Power, logic and communications (differential input)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
6 5 3 CW+ Positive clockwise input
8 7
10 9 4 CW- Negative clockwise input
12 11 5 CCW+ Positive counter-clockwise input
6 CCW- Negative counter-clockwise input
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
Connectivity Options 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
USB to SPI Converter: CC303-001. Do not use to power external devices.
8 CLK SPI Clock
Prototype development
cable: 9 CGND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mating connector kit:
11 CS SPI Chip Select input
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N:
Tyco: 1-794617-2 Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications
Revision R070110

Tyco: 794610-1

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-11

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal encoder

Pin # Function Description

Internal Encoder 1 GND Encoder ground
2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
3 CH A- Channel A negative input
4 CH B+ Channel B positive input
5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
8 N/C Not connected
9 N/C Not connected
10 N/C Not connected

Table 2.15 P1 Power, logic and communications

Revision R070110

MDM23:2-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.5 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to the MDrive.

Internal encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 800, 1000

2.6 Connectivity
QuickStart kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have com-
munication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and
CD for MDrive Step / direction input initial functional setup and system

Communication Converters Electrically isolated, in-line converters pre-wired with mating connec-
tors to conveniently set/program communication parameters for a single
MDrive product via a PC’s USB port. Length 12.0’ (3.6m).
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ...........................................................MD-CC300-001
P1 12 pin locking wire crimp .....................................MD-CC303-001
P1 19-pin M23 industrial ...........................................MD-CC301-001

Prototype Development Cables Speed test/development with pre-wired mating connectors that have fly-
ing leads other end. Length 10.0’ (3.0m).
Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin locking wire crimp.................................... PD12-1434-FL3
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ........................... ED-CABLE-JST10
P1 19-pin M23 industrial (straight)............................ MD-CS100-000
P1 19-pin M23 industrial (right-angle) ...................... MD-CS101-000

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
Revision R070110

P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:2-13

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM23:2-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Some MDrive mounting configurations require that the MDrive
move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling is properly re-
strained to provide strain relief on connection points..
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The mounting plate material should offer sufficient mass and
thermal conductivity to ensure that the motor temperature does
not eceed 100°C.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

3.1 Mounting
Mounting Flange or Adapter Plate
(Material and thickness determined by user application
and thermal considerations)

Temperature sensor
should be attached
at the center of the
motor body

Mounting Hardware* Mounting Hardware (Metric)*

4 x #10-32 Screw 4 x M5 - 0.50 Screw
4 x #10 Split Lockwasher 4 x M5 Split Lockwasher
4 x #10 Flat Washer 4 x M5 Flat Washer
*Not Supplied

Drill Pattern

4 Places on a Ø 2.638 (Ø 67.00) Circle

Use #21 (4.5 mm) drill. Tap to
10-32 (M5-0.5)

1.856 ±0.008 SQ.

(47.1 ±02 SQ.)

Ø 1.500 ±0.002
(Ø 38.1 ±0.1)

Figure 3.1 MDrive 23 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern
Revision R070110

MDM23:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 23 need to be twisted. If more than
one driver is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate
power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Rules of wiring

„ Power Supply and Motor wiring should be shielded twisted
pairs, and run separately from signal-carrying wires.
„ A minimum of one twist per inch is recommended.
„ Motor wiring should be shielded twisted pairs using 20 gauge, or
for distances of more than 5 feet, 18 gauge or better.
„ Power ground return should be as short as possible to estab-
lished ground.
„ Power supply wiring should be shielded twisted pairs of 18
gauge for less than 4 amps DC and 16 gauge for more than 4
amps DC.
3.2.2 Rules of shielding
„ The shield must be tied to zero-signal reference potential. It is
necessary that the signal be earthed or grounded, for the shield
to become earthed or grounded. Earthing or grounding the
shield is not effective if the signal is not earthed or grounded.
„ •Do not assume that Earth ground is a true Earth ground. De-
pending on the distance from the main power cabinet, it may be
necessary to sink a ground rod at the critical location.
„ The shield must be connected so that shield currents drain to
signal-earth connections.
„ The number of separate shields required in a system is equal to
the number of independent signals being processed plus one for
each power entrance.
„ The shield should be tied to a single point to prevent ground
„ A second shield can be used over the primary shield; however,
the second shield is tied to ground at both ends.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

3.3 Recommended wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 23:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power and Ground ............................................................. 20 AWG

3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins

Communications 10-pin IDC (P2).......................................... SAMTEC TCSD-05-01-N

Recommended ribbon cable.....................................Tyco 1-57051-9

Logic and Power The following mating connectors are recommended for the MDrive
12-pin Locking Wire Crimp Connector Shell...........Tyco 1-794617-2
Crimp Pins ................................................................. Tyco 794610-1
Revision R070110

MDM23:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads (flying,
pluggable or threaded) must be properly anchored. This will prevent
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at critical connection
points within the MDrive.

Power leads

Adhesive anchor
& tywrap

Logic leads

Adhesive anchors
& tywrap

Figure 3.2 Securing leads

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:3-5

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM23:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown in this document.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

The MDrive 23 is available in four stack lengths, single, double,
triple and quad.
Single, double and triple length motors have an input voltage
range of +12 to +75 VDC. Quad length motors have an input
range of +12 to +60 VDC. Ensure that the proper power supply
voltage is used before applying power to the device.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.1 Connector orientation

The illustration below shows the connector positions and orientation
with regard to the location of pin 1.
All connector drawings in this section will show this orientation.

P2: 10-pin IDC (Communications) P1: 7-pin Terminal (Power and I/O)

Red Pin 1
Pin 1
Pin 7

Pin 10

P4: 10-pin wire crimp (Optional Internal Encoder)

P1: 12-pin Locking Wire Crimp

(Communications Power and I/O)

2 1
4 3
6 5
8 7
2 1 10 9
4 3
12 11
6 5
8 7
10 9

12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp

connector at P1 eliminates
the P2 connector.
Revision R070110

’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation

MDM23:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 10-pin IDC connector at P2
2. 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1
3. 19-pin M23 industrial connector at P1
If using the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector or M23 industrial at P1,
there will be no P2 connector. The P1 option will bundle power, logic
and communications on a single connector.
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector

Red conductor Pin # Function Description

1 N/C Not connected
Pin 1 2 N/C Not connected
3 N/C Not connected
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
Pin 10
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
general purpose use.
7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-01

(contains 5 connector shells, ribbon cable not included)
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC300-001

Manufacturer (SAMTEC) part numbers Connector shell.......................................................... TCSD-05-01-N

Ribbon cable.............................................................Tyco 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD14-1434-FL3
7 + 5 VDC output — White/brown
8 SPI clock — White/green
8: CLK 7: +5V 9 Comm ground — Green/white
10: MOSI 9: GND 10 SPI MOSI — White/gray
12: MISO 11: CS 11 SPI chip select — Gray/white
12 SPI MISO — Brown/white

Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

MDM23:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
7 + 5 VDC output — White/gray
8 SPI clock — Yellow
COM GND 11 17 16 SPI CLK
10 9 8 MOSI 9 Comm ground — Black
+5 VDC
10 SPI MOSI — White/green
CS 11 SPI chip select — White/yellow
12 SPI MISO — Pink

Table 4.3 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The MDrive 23 is available in four stack lengths, single, double,
triple and quad.
Single, double and triple length motors have an input voltage
range of +12 to +75 VDC. Quad length motors have an input
range of +12 to +60 VDC. Ensure that the proper power supply
voltage is used before applying power to the device.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Single, double or triple length +12 to +75 VDC

Voltage range
Quad length +12 to +60 VDC
Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Single, double or triple length 2.0 A (per MDrive 23)
Output current
Quad length 3.5 A (per MDrive 23)

Table 4.4 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14
3 Amps Peak 18 16 14 12 12

Table 4.5 Recommended power supply wire gauge

4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color
Red Motor power supply
Black Power ground

Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, flying leads

4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin #
6 Power ground
7 Motor power supply

Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal

+V 7

4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

2: +V Pin # Signal Wire colors

1: Ground MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
2 Motor power supply Red Red
1 Power ground Black Black
Revision R070110

Table 4.8 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

MDM23:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3.6 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial interface

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
6 Motor power supply Blue Blue
19 Power ground Brown Brown
19 6 +V Table 4.9 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for up to
two (2) MDrive 23 units at up to 75 VDC to allow switching DC Power.
switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +
Wire jumper B to C for 60 VDC Max.
No jumper for 75 VDC Max.
MDrive Power supply
* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.
Revision R070110

Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 6, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White Opto reference
Orange CW/CCW direction input
Blue Step clock input
Brown Enable input

Table 4.10 Universal input connections, flying leads

4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
Opto ref. 1
2 1 Opto reference
Step Clock 3
Direction 4 3 Step clock input
Enable 5 4 CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable input

Table 4.11 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: Step clock in MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: Opto Ref.
6: Direction in 3 Opto reference White White/blue
5: Enable in
4 Step clock input Green Blue/white
5 Enable input Orange White/orange
6 Direction input Blue Orange/white

Table 4.12 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

MDM23:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4.3 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
Opto 2
1 13 1 Opto reference Violet Violet
Enable Direction
18 Step Clock 18 Step clock input Gray/brown Gray/brown
2 Enable input Red Red
13 Direction input Yellow/brown Yellow/brown

Table 4.13 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White CW +
Orange CW —
Blue CCW —
Brown CCW +

Table 4.14 Differential input connections, flying leads interface

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-9

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
CW + 1 1 CW +
CW - 3 3 CW —
CCW - 4
CCW + 5 4 CCW —
5 CCW +

Table 4.15 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: CW - MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: CW +
6:CCW + 3 CW + White White/blue
5: CCW -
4 CW — Green Blue/white
5 CCW — Orange White/orange
6 CCW + Blue Orange/white

Table 4.16 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.6 Encoder interface

4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire color

2: CH A+ 1: Ground
3: CH A-
6: IDX+ 1 GND White/Brown
5: CH B-
7: IDX- 2 CH A+ White/green
3 CH A- Green/white
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
Revision R070110

7 IDX- Blue/white
8 No Connect Brown/white

Table 4.17 P4 - Encoder interface

MDM23:4-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.6.2 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
3 4 3 Index + Gray Gray
CH B +
IDX - 14 5 CH B - 4 Channel B + Red/blue Red/blue
GND 19 15
7 CH A + 5 Channel B - Green Green
7 Channel A - Gray/pink Gray/pink
14 Index - Brown/green Brown/green
CH A -
15 Channel A + White White
19 Ground Brown Brown

Table 4.18 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

4.6.3 External encoder

Differential Differential Single-end

Pin # Signal Cable: ED-CABLE-6 Pin # Signal Cable: ES-CABLE-2
1 No connect – 1 Ground Brown
2 +5 VDC input Orange/White 2 Index Violet
9 7 5 3 1
10 8 6 4 2 3 Ground White/Orange 3 Channel A Blue
4 No connect – 4 +5 VDC input Orange
5 Channel A – White/Blue 5 Channel B Yellow
Single-End 6 Channel A + Blue/White
7 Channel B – White/Green
8 Channel B + Green/White
9 Index – White/Brown
1 2 3 4 5
10 Index + Brown/White

Table 4.19 Optional external encoder pins

Connectivity accessories Differential cable ...........................................................RD-CABLE-6

Single-end cable ........................................................... ES-CABLE-2
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-11

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.7 USB to SPI communications converters

4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
6.0’ (1.8m)

To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
IDC connector

in-line converter

( ) converter cable
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications

4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
Tyco connector Wire Colors Function
Orange Enable
Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
in-line converter Green Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m)
Black** Power Gnd
To I/O & Power Red** +V

Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable

Revision R070110

MDM23:4-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.7.3 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.

6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

Wire Colors Function

Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue +V*
To MDrivePlus in-line converter Black Comm GND
19-pin M23 (male) Green/Yellow Shell
Connector Yellow/Brown Direction
Gray/Brown Step Clock
Brown Power GND*
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
19-pin M23 (Female) Red/blue Channel B +
To Power & I/O Green Channel B -
Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
White Channel A +

Figure 4.5 MD-CC301-001 communications converter

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-13

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

4.8 Prototype development cables

4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3

The PD12-1434-FL3 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 12-pin locking wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.

Wire Colors Function

To MDrivePlus Gray/White Chip Select
12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power &
Communications White/Gray SPI MOSI
Tyco connector
White/Brown +5 VDC
Cable 2 Brown/White SPI MISO
White/Green SPI Clock
Cable 1 Green/White Comm Gnd
White/Orange Enable
Orange/White Direction
10.0’ (3.0m) White/Blue Opto Ref
Blue/White Step Clock
Black Power Gnd
Red +V
Uninsulated Drain Wire

Figure 4.6 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3

4.8.1 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector MD-CS10x-000

The MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 13’ (4.0 m) cable consists of a 119-pin M23 industrial
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.
To MDrivePlus
19-pin M23 Connector To Power & I/O
Wire Colors Function
Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue +V*
2.815” White/Green MOSI
(71.5 mm) White/Yellow CS
White/Gray +5 VDC
Black Comm GND
MD-CS101-000 Green/Yellow Shell
Yellow/Brown Direction
Yellow SPI Clock
2.37” Gray/Brown Step Clock
(60.2) Brown Power GND*
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
Red/blue Channel B +
13.0’ Green Channel B -
(4.0 m) Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
Ensure adequate space is available within White Channel A +
your enclosure for the cordset connector!
Revision R070110

Figure 4.7 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset

MDM23:4-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.8.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6

The ED-CABLE-JST10 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive optional encoder interface to the users controller.
This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 10-pin locking wire crimp connector
to plug directly into the MDrive optional P4 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface a control device.
To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function
10-pin wire crimp White/Blue IDX+
JST connector To Controller/PLC 1
Blue/White IDX-
White/Orange CH B+
Orange/White CH B-
White/Green CH A+
Green/White CH A-
White/Brown Ground
10.0’ (3.0m) Brown/White N/C

Figure 4.8 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10

4.9 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-13
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM23:4-15

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM23:4-16 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
This page intentionally left blank
MDrive® 34 Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 34 Step / direction input unit overview .................1-1
1.2 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.3 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.4 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications................................................2-1
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-2
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-2
2.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-2
2.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-2
2.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-2
2.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-3
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-3
2.2.9 Performance curves...........................................2-3
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments ...................2-5
2.3.1 P1 — Power and logic (12” flying leads)............2-5
2.3.2 P2 — Motor power (+V) .....................................2-6
2.3.3 P2 — SPI, communications ...............................2-6
2.4.4 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire ..
crimp (universal input) .......................................2-7
2.3.5 P4 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential) ...2-8
2.4 Options ............................................................................2-9
2.5 Connectivity .....................................................................2-9

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Recommended Wiring .......................................3-3
4.2.2 Securing power and logic leads .........................3-4

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Connector orientation ......................................................4-2
4.2 Interfacing communications.............................................4-3
4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-3
4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-4
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-5
4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-5
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-5
4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-5
4.3.4 P3 — 2-pin locking wire crimp interface ............4-6
4.3.5 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module
DPM75 ..........................................................................4-6
4.4 Interfacing logic ...............................................................4-7
4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-7
4.4.2 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-7
4.5 Optional encoder interface ..............................................4-8
4.5.1 Flying leads........................................................4-8
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.5.2 10-pin wire crimp ...............................................4-8

4.6 USB to SPI communications converters .........................4-9
4.6.1 USB to 10-pin IDC — MD-CC300-001 ..............4-9
4.6.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001 ....4-9
4.7 Prototype development cables ......................................4-10
4.7.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp
PD12-1434-FL3 ...............................................4-10
4.7.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp PD10-3400-FL3 .........4-10
4.8 Mating connector kits ....................................................4-10
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications...............................2-1
Figure 2.2 Performance curves - single length motor.............................2-3
Figure 2.3 Performance curves -double length motor ............................2-4
Figure 2.4 Performance curves -triple length motor ...............................2-4
Figure 3.1 MDrive 34 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern....3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-4
’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation ............................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-6
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable.................4-9
Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable.................4-9
Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3 ...................4-10
Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10 ........................4-10
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-2

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-2
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-2
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-2
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-3
Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications ..............................2-3
Table 2.7 Power, logic and optional internal encoder interface - 12” ........
( flying leads .........................................................2-5
Table 2.8 Motor power supply — P3 .....................................................2-6
Table 2.9 P1 — SPI communications, 10-oin locking wire crimp ..........2-6
Table 2.10 P1 Logic and communications ..............................................2-7
Table 2.11 P4 — Internal encoder option................................................2-8
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin wire crimp ..........4-3
Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ......4-4
Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-5
Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-5
Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads .........................4-5
Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 2-pin locking wire crimp .....4-6
Table 4.7 Universal input connections, flying leads ..............................4-7
Table 4.8 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-7
Table 4.9 Flying leads encoder interface ..............................................4-8
Table 4.10 P4 - Optional encoder interface.............................................4-8
Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 34 Step / direction input high torque integrated motor and
step and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplicity
of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of the
MDrive 34 eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the machine,
reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 34 Step / direction input unit overview

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive
34 Step / direction input are achieved through IMS’s advanced 2nd
generation current control. By applying innovative techniques to control
current flow through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened
over the entire speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 34 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +75
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems
that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +75°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.
The MDrive 34 uses a NEMA 34 frame size high torque brushless
step motor integrated with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to
20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, includ-
ing: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use
of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile MDrive 34 Step / direction input is available in multiple
configurations to fit various system needs. Rotary motor versions come
in three lengths and may include an encoder, control knob or planetary
gearbox. Long life Acme screw linear actuators** are also available.
Connector style options give you choices for the best fit and features.
Select from 12.0” (30.5cm) flying leads or locking wire crimp connectors.
MDrive connectivity has never been easier with options ranging from
all-inclusive QuickStart Kits to individual interfacing cables and mating
connector kits to build your own cables.
The MDrive 34 is a compact, powerful and cost effective motion control
solution that will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a
large range of brushless step motor applications.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

1.2 Product identification

flying leads
QuickStart Kit

interface details above Motor

A = Single Length & Linear Actuator**
P1: I/O & Power B = Double Length
12" Flying Leads C = Triple Length

P2: Communications
10-Pin IDC Connector

Example #1: Part Number MDM1FSD34A7 is an MDrive34Plus

Microstepping with 12" flying leads I/O & power interface, SPI commu-
nications with 10-pin IDC connector, and NEMA 34 single length motor.

QuickStart Kit
34 7– OPTION

interface details above Motor

P3: Power A = Single Length & Linear Actuator**
2-Pin Locking Wire Crimp B = Double Length
C = Triple Length
P4: Optional Encoder
L = 10-Pin Encoder Interface
Z = No Encoder

P1: I/O & Communications

12-Pin Locking Wire Crimp

Example #2: Part Number MDM1CSL34A7 is an MDrive34Plus

Microstepping with 12-pin I/O & communications interface,
2-pin power connector, and NEMA 34 single length motor.


Refer to encoder specifications section for line counts and part numbers.
Example: MDM1CSL34A7–EH adds an internal 500-line count differential optical encoder with
index mark to example #2, which is interfaced via a 10-pin friction lock wire crimp connector.

Example: MDM1CSL34A7–N adds a rear control knob for manual positioning to example #2.
Revision R070110

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

MDM34:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.3 Documentation reference

The following User’s manuals are available for the MDrive 34
Step / direction input:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation, con-
figuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web site

1.4 Product software

The MDrive 34 Step / direction input integrated motor and driver is
configured using the IMS SPI motor interface graphical user interface.
This free software may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM34:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

0.731 1.250 4X Ø 0.217 (Ø 5.51)
(18.57) (31.75)
(10.01) 1.46 ±0.04
(37.1 ±1.0)

0.984 ±0.01
(25.0 ±0.25)


0.512 +0/–0.004
(13.0 ±0.10) Ø 0.5512 +0/-0.0004
(Ø 14.0 +0/-0.010)

Ø 2.874 ±0.002
LMAX (Ø 73.0 ±0.05)
2.739 SQ.
LMAX2 (69.57 SQ.)

3.39 SQ.
(86.1 SQ.)
MDrive Lengths Inches (mm) LMAX2 Option
Single 3.81 (96.77) 4.52 (114.81)
Double 4.60 (116.84) 5.31 (134.87)
Triple 6.17 (156.72) 6.88 (174.75)

Control Knob


P3 P3
I/O & Power


Connector P4
I/O & Comm

I/O & Comm


P1 P1

Pluggable Locking Pluggable Locking

Wire Crimp Wire Crimp with
Internal Encoder
Revision R070110

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications - dimensions in inches (mm)

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Input voltage range — +12 — +75 VDC
Max power supply current — — — 4.0* A

*per MDrive 34, Actual current depends on voltage and load.

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

2.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

2.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

2.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +75 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +90 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

MDM34:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Spcification Single length Double length Triple length

Holding torque oz-in (N-cm) 381 (269) 575 (406) 1061(749)
Detent torque oz-in (N-cm) 10.9 (7.7) 14.16 (10.0) 19.83 (14.0)
Rotor inertia oz-in-sec (kg-cm )
2 2
0.01416 (1.0) 0.02266 (1.6) 0.04815 (3.4)
Weight motor and driver lb (kg) 4.1 (1.90) 5.5 (2.5) 8.8 (4.0)

Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications

2.2.9 Performance curves

Single length motor

1000 706

900 635
24 VDC
Torque in N - cm

800 565
Torque in Oz - In

45 VDC
700 75 VDC 494
600 423
500 353
400 282
300 211
200 140
100 71
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.2 Performance curves - single length motor

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

Double length motor

1000 706

900 635
24 VDC
800 565

Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In
45 VDC
700 75 VDC 494
600 423
500 353
400 282
300 211
200 140
100 71
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 Performance curves -double length motor

Triple length motor

1000 706

900 635
24 VDC
800 565
Torque in Oz - In

Torque in N - cm
45 VDC
700 75 VDC 494
600 423
500 353
400 282
300 211
200 140
100 71
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100)

Speed in Full Steps per Second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 Performance curves -triple length motor

Revision R070110

MDM34:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments

2.3.1 P1 — Power and logic (12” flying leads)

Wire Color Function Description

White Opto Optocoupler reference
Orange Step clock Step clock input
Blue Direction CW/CCW direction input
Brown Enable Output bridge enable input
Black GND Power ground
Red +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
Optional internal encoder
Differential Single end
Yellow/black Ground Ground
Yellow/violet Index + Index
Yellow/blue Channel A + Channel A
Yellow/red +5 VDC input +5 VDC input
Yellow/brown Channel B + Channel B
Yellow/gray Index - —
Yellow/green Channel A - —
Yellow/orange Channel B - —

Table 2.7 Power, logic and optional internal encoder interface - 12” ( fly-
ing leads
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

2.3.2 P2 — Motor power (+V)

Pin # Function Description

1 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
2 GND Power supply return (ground)
P3 Table 2.8 Motor power supply — P3

Connectivity Options
Prototype development

Mating connector kit:


Mfg P/N:
Molex 51067-0200
Molex 50217-9101

2.3.3 P2 — SPI, communications

The +5 VDC output on connector P2 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Pin # Function Description

1 N/C No connect
10 9 2 N/C No connect
8 7
P2 6 5 3 N/C No connect
4 3
2 1 4 CS SPI Chip Select input
5 CGND Communications ground
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to
power the optional communications converter cable
6 +5 VDC
MD-CC305-001. Do not use to power external
Connectivity Options
USB to SPI Converter: 7 MOSI SPI Master Out - Slave in
8 CLK SPI Clock
Revision R070110

Mating connector kit:

CK-01 9 N/C No connect

Mfg P/N:
10 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
SAMTEC TCSD_05-01-N Table 2.9 P1 — SPI communications, 10-oin locking wire crimp

MDM34:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.4 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire crimp (universal input)

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 N/C Not connected
11 12
2 N/C Not connected
9 10

P1 7
3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
4 SCLK Step Clock input
3 4
2 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
1 5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
of the Optocoupler Reference.
Connectivity Options
USB to SPI Converter: +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
MD-CC303-001 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
Prototype development
cable: 8 CLK SPI Clock
9 CGND Communications ground
Mating connector kit:
CK-03 10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out

Mfg P/N:
11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Shell 12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Tyco: 1-794617-2

Pins Table 2.10 P1 Logic and communications

Tyco: 794610-1
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

2.3.5 P4 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential)

P2 is only present if the internal encoder option is selected.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Encoder ground
2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
1 2
3 4 3 CH A- Channel A negative input
P4 5
8 4 CH B+ Channel B positive input
9 10 5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
Connectivity Options 8 N/C Not connected
Prototypre development
cable: 9 N/C Not connected
10 N/C Not connected
Mating connector kit:
CK-02 Table 2.11 P4 — Internal encoder option

Mfg P/N:
Hirose DF11-2428SC

Hirose DF11-TA2428HC
Revision R070110

MDM34:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to the MDrive.

Internal Encoder Internal differenti4l magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive 34 Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 1000
Differential Locking Cable (10.0’/3.0m) ........ PD10-3400-FL3

Control Knob The MDrive 34 is available with a factory-mounted rear control knob for
manual shaft positioning.

Planetary Gearbox Efficient, low maitenance planetary gearboxes are offered assembled
with the MDrive 34.

2.5 Connectivity
QuickStart Kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have commu-
nication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and CD
for MDrive initial functional setup and system testing.

Parameter Setup Cable The optional 12.0’ (3.6m) parameter setup cable assembly with inline
USB to SPI converter facilitates communications, power and logic wiring
and is recommended with first order.

12-Pin Wire Crimp ................ ...................................MD-CC305-001

10-pin IDC ................................................................MD-CC300-001

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:

12-Pin Wire Crimp ................ ..................................................CK-08

10-pin IDC ...............................................................................CK-01
10-pin wire crimp .....................................................................CK-02

Encoder Cable The following 10.0’ (3m) interface cable is recommended with first or-
ders for MDrive 34 with an internal encoder:
Revision R070110

Internal Encoder: 10-Pin Cable ............................... PD10-3400-FL3

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM34:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Some Step / direction input mounting configurations require
that the MDrive move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling
is properly restrained to provide strain relief on connection
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

3.1 Mounting
The maximum temperature for the MDrive 34 is 75°C measured at the
heat sink, 980°C measured at the motor. Ensure that the unit is mount-
ed to adequate heat sink plating to ensure that the temperature does not
exceed 85°C.
Revision R070110

Figure 3.1 MDrive 34 Step / direction input mounting and drill pattern

MDM34:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 34 need to be twisted. If more than
one MDrive is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate
power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Recommended Wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 34:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power, Ground ......................See Part 1 Section 3 of this document
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.2.2 Securing power and logic leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads must
be properly anchored. This will prevent flexing and tugging which can
cause damage at critical connection points.

P1: Power

P2: Communications

Adhesive anchor/tywrap
P1: Logic

Figure 3.2 Securring leads

Revision R070110

MDM34:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown in this document.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.1 Connector orientation

The illustration below shows the connector positions and orientation
with regard to the location of pin 1.
All connector drawings in this section will show this orientation.


P3 P3
1 1

2 2

2 P4 1
I/O & Power

4 3

6 5
8 7
10 9
P2 P1 P1
Pin 10 11 12 11 12
9 10 9 10
I/O & Comm

I/O & Comm

7 8 7 8

5 6 5 6
3 4 3 4
Pin 1 1 2 1 2

Red conductor
Flying Leads Pluggable Locking Pluggable Locking
Wire Crimp Wire Crimp with
Internal Encoder

’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation

Revision R070110

MDM34:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 10-pin IDC connector at P2
2. 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1
If using the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1, there will be no
P2 connector. The P1 option will bundle power, logic and communica-
tions on a single connector.
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.

4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Function Description

Pin 10
1 N/C Not connected
2 N/C Not connected
3 N/C Not connected
Pin 1 4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
Red conductor 5 GND Communications ground
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
general purpose use.
7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-01

(contains 5 connector shells, ribbon cable not included)
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC300-001

Manufacturer (SAMTEC) part numbers Connector shell.......................................................... TCSD-05-01-N

Ribbon cable.............................................................Tyco 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Signal Wire colors

11: CS 12: MISO MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
9: GND 10: MOSI 7 + 5 VDC output — White/brown
7: +5V 8: CLK 8 SPI clock — White/green
9 Comm ground — Green/white
10 SPI MOSI — White/gray
11 SPI chip select — Gray/white
12 SPI MISO — Brown/white

Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

MDM34:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 34 is +12 to +75 VDC.
Ensure that motor back EMF is factored into your power supply
size calculations.
Allow 3.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
34 in the system. Actual power supply current will depend on
voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +75 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 4.0 A (per MDrive 34)

Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14
3 Amps Peak 18 16 14 12 12
4 Amps Peak 16 14 12 12 12

Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge

4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color
Red +12 to +75 VDC supply
Black Power ground
Revision R070110

Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.3.4 P3 — 2-pin locking wire crimp interface

Pin # Signal Wire colors

Pin 1 +V PD12-1434-FL3
1 +12 to +75 VDC supply Red

Pin 2 GND 2 Power ground Black

Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 2-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-05

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD02-3400-FL3

Manufacturer (Molex) part numbers Connector shell...............................................................51067-0200


4.3.5 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for one (1)
MDrive 34 at 75 VDC to allow switching DC Power.
switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +
No jumper for 75 VDC Max.

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Revision R070110

MDM34:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4 Interfacing logic

See part 1 of this document, section 6, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White Opto reference
Orange CW/CCW direction input
Blue Step clock input
Brown Enable input

Table 4.7 Universal input connections, flying leads

4.4.2 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3 Opto reference White White/blue

5: Enable in 4 Step clock input Green Blue/white

6: Direction in
3: Opto Ref. 5 Enable input Orange White/orange
4: Step clock in
6 Direction input Blue Orange/white

Table 4.8 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.5 Optional encoder interface

4.5.1 Flying leads

Wire Color Function Description

Differential Single end
Yellow/black Ground Ground
Yellow/violet Index + Index
Yellow/blue Channel A + Channel A
Yellow/red +5 VDC input +5 VDC input
Yellow/brown Channel B + Channel B
Yellow/gray Index - —
Yellow/green Channel A - —
Yellow/orange Channel B - —
Table 4.9 Flying leads encoder interface

4.5.2 10-pin wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire color

1 GND White/Brown
6: IDX+ 7: IDX-
2 CH A+ White/green
4: CH B+ 5: CH B-
2: CH A+ 3: CH A- 3 CH A- Green/white
1: Ground 4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
7 IDX- Blue/white
8-10 No Connect

Table 4.10 P4 - Optional encoder interface

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-02

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)

Manufacturer (Hirose) part numbers Connector shell......................................................... DF11-10DS-2C

Pins............................................................................. DF11-2428SC
Revision R070110

MDM34:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34 Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.6 USB to SPI communications converters

4.6.1 USB to 10-pin IDC — MD-CC300-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters

6.0’ (1.8m)

To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
IDC connector

in-line converter

Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable

4.6.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
Tyco connector Wire Colors Function
Orange Enable
Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
in-line converter Green Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m)
Black** Power Gnd
To I/O & Power Red** +V

Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34:4-9

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34 Step / direction input

4.7 Prototype development cables

4.7.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3

The PD12-1434-FL3 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 12-pin locking wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.

Wire Colors Function

To MDrivePlus Gray/White Chip Select
12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power &
Communications White/Gray SPI MOSI
Tyco connector
White/Brown +5 VDC
Cable 2 Brown/White SPI MISO
White/Green SPI Clock
Cable 1 Green/White Comm Gnd
White/Orange Enable
Orange/White Direction
10.0’ (3.0m) White/Blue Opto Ref
Blue/White Step Clock
Black Power Gnd
Red +V
Uninsulated Drain Wire

Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3

4.7.3 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp PD10-3400-FL3

Used to rapidly interface the MDrive optional encoder interface to the
users controller. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 10-pin wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive optional P4 connector with fly-
ing leads on the opposite end to interface a control device.
To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function
10-pin wire crimp White/Blue IDX+
JST connector To Controller/PLC 1
Blue/White IDX-
White/Orange CH B+
Orange/White CH B-
White/Green CH A+
Green/White CH A-
White/Brown Ground
10.0’ (3.0m) Brown/White N/C

Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10

4.8 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
Revision R070110

P2 10-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-01

P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-13

MDM34:4-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
This page intentionally left blank
MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 34AC Step / direction input unit overview ............1-1
1.2 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.3 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.4 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications................................................2-1
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-2
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-2
2.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-2
2.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-2
2.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-2
2.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-3
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-3
2.2.9 Performance curves...........................................2-3
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments ...................2-4
2.3.1 P3 — AC power (3-pin Euro AC) .......................2-4
2.3.2 Logic, communications and optional encoder — ...
19-pin M23 .........................................................2-5
2.4 Connectivity .....................................................................2-6
2.5 Options ............................................................................2-6

3 Connection and interface ......................................................... 3-1

3.1 Interfacing communications.............................................3-1
3.1.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector .................3-2
3.2 Interfacing AC power .......................................................3-2
3.2.1 P3 — 3-pin Euro AC ..........................................3-2
3.3 Interfacing AC power .......................................................3-3
43.1 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector...............3-3
3.4 Encoder interface ............................................................3-3
3.3.1 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector...............3-3
3.4 USB to SPI communications converters .........................3-4
3.3.1 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001 ...
3.5 Prototype development cables ........................................3-5
3.5.1 P3 — 3-pin Euro AC ..........................................3-5
3.5.2 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector MD- ............
CS10x-000 .........................................................3-6
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications ..............................2-1
Figure 2.3 Motor performance curve — 120 VAC ..................................2-3
Figure 2.4 Motor performance curve — 240 VAC ..................................2-4
Figure 3.1 MD-CC301-001 communications converter ..........................3-4
Figure 3.2 MD-CS20x-000......................................................................3-5
Figure 3.3 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset ...................3-6

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-2

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-2
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-2
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-2
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-3
Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications ..............................2-3
Table 2.7 P3 DC power, 2-pin locking wire crimp .................................2-4
Table 2.8 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder .......2-5
Table 3.1 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial ..........................3-2
Table 3.2 AC standard wire colors ........................................................3-2
Table 3.3 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........3-3
Table 3.4 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector .............3-3
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input high torque integrated motor
and step and direction driver is ideal for designers who want the simplic-
ity of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated electronics of
the MDrive 34AC eliminate the need to run motor cabling through the
machine, reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 34AC Step / direction input unit overview

The unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by the MDrive

34AC Step / direction input are achieved through IMS’s advanced 2nd
generation current control. By applying innovative techniques to control
current flow through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened
over the entire speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 34AC accepts a broad input voltage range from 95 to 264
VAC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems
that can occur with long runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +75°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.
The MDrive 34AC uses a NEMA 34 frame size high torque brushless
step motor combined with a microstepping driver, and accepts up to
20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, includ-
ing: degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile memory with the use
of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external
switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile MDrive 34AC Step / direction input is available in multiple
configurations to fit various system needs. Three rotary motor lengths
are available and may include an internal optical encoder or a control
knob for manual positioning.
Interface connections are accomplished using standard industrial indus-
trial connectors. And connectivity has never been easier with options
ranging from all-inclusive QuickStart Kits to individual interfacing cables.
The MDrive 34AC is a compact, powerful and cost effective solution that
will reduce system cost, design and assembly time for a large range of
brushless step motor applications.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

1.2 Product identification


base version
QuickStart Kit
details above MDrive Version Input Voltage
1 = Plus 1 = 120 Volt

2 = Plus-65 (sealed) 2 = 240 Volt
A = Single Length
B = Double Length
C = Triple Length

P3: Power, 3-Pin Euro AC Connector

P1: I/O & Communications,

19-Pin M23 Circular Connector

Example #1: Part Number MDM1MSZ34B2

is an MDrive34AC Plus Microstepping with
19-pin M23 industria I/O & SPI communications
interface, NEMA 34 double length motor and
240 input voltage.
Refer to encoder specifications section for line counts and part numbers.
Example: MDM1MSZ34B2–EX adds an internal 512-line differential
optical encoder with index mark to example #1.

Example: MDM1MSZ34B2–N adds a rear control knob to
example #1. Not available with sealed –65 versions.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MDM34AC:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.3 Documentation reference

The following User’s manuals are available for the MDrive 34AC
Step / direction input:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation, con-
figuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web site

1.4 Product software

The MDrive 34AC Step / direction input integrated motor and driver is
configured using the IMS SPI motor interface graphical user interface.
This free software may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MDM34AC:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

LMAX2 2.70
LMAX (68.4)


1.46 ±0.039
(37.0 ±1.0)

Ø 0.22 (
(Ø 5.5)
0.87 ±0.010 5.76
(22 ±0.25) (146.2
0.20 +0/-0.002
(5.0 +0/-0.05)
Ø 2.87 ±0.002 3.38 SQ.
(Ø 73.0 ±0.05) (85.8 SQ.)

2.74 +0/-0.010 SQ.

Ø 0.55 +0/-0.0005 (69.58 +0/-0.25 SQ.)
(Ø 14.0 +0/-0.013)

0.08 ±0.004
0.40 (2.0 ±0.1)
0.63 +0/-0.017
(16.0 +0/-0.432)

MDrive Lengths 3.46

Inches (mm) LMAX2 Option
(Ø 48.3)
Single 6.1 (155.0) 7.1 (180.4)
Double 6.9 (174.3) 7.9 (199.7)
Ø 0.87 Ø 0.87
Triple 8.4 (214.3) 9.4 (239.7) (Ø 22.1) (Ø 22.1)

P1: 19-Pin M23 P3: 3-Pin Euro AC

(Male) (Male)

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications - dimensions in inches (mm)

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

120 VAC — 95 — 132 VAC
Input voltage range
240 VAC — 95 264 VAC
Aux-Logic Input Voltage* — +12 — +24 VDC
Max Aux-Logic Supply Current (Per
— — — 194 mA

* Maintains power to control and feedback circuits [only] when input volt-
age is removed
Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

2.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

2.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

2.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +75 ºC
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Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +90 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

MDM34AC:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Specification Single length Double length Triple length

Holding torque oz-in (N-cm) 330 (233) 500 (353) 700 (529)
Detent torque oz-in (N-cm) 10.9 (7.7) 14.16 (10.0) 19.83 (14.0)
Rotor inertia oz-in-sec (kg-cm )
2 2
0.0142 (1.0) 0.0227 (1.6) 0.0482 (3.4)
Weight motor and driver lb (kg) 6.4 (2.9) 7.7 (3.5) 11.0 (5.0)

Table 2.6 Step / direction input motor specifications

2.2.9 Performance curves

120 VAC motor performance
700 495
Triple Motor Length
600 Double Motor Length 424
Torque in N - cm
Single Motor Length
Torque – Oz - In

500 354

400 283

300 212

200 141

100 71

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
(600) (1200) (1800) (2400) (3000)
Speed – Full Steps/Second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 Motor performance curve — 120 VAC

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

240 VAC motor performance

700 495
Triple Motor Length
600 Double Motor Length 424

Torque in N - cm
Single Motor Length

Torque – Oz - In
500 354

400 283

300 212

200 141

100 71

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
(600) (1200) (1800) (2400) (3000)
Speed – Full Steps/Second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 Motor performance curve — 240 VAC

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments

2.3.1 P3 — AC power (3-pin Euro AC)

Pin 3 Pin # Function Description

Pin 1 1 Earth Chassis (earth) ground
2 Line AC line
Pin 2
3 Neutral AC neutral

Connectivity Options Table 2.7 P3 DC power, 2-pin locking wire crimp

Straight MD-CS200-000
Right-angle: MD-
Revision R070110

MDM34AC:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.3.2 Logic, communications and optional encoder — 19-pin M23

The +5 VDC output on connector P1 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Pin # Function Description

Outside: Pins 1 -12
The signal applied to the optocoupler reference will
determine the sinking/ or sourcing configuration of the
1 inputs. To set the inputs for sinking operation, a +5 to +24
2 3 4 VDC supply is connected. If sourcing, the reference is
1 5 connected to ground
12 6
11 7 Enable/disable input will enable or disable the driver output
10 9 8 to the motor. In the disconnected state the driver outputs
2 Enable
are enabled in either sinking or sourcing configuration. Can
be configured as active high or active low.
3 IDX+ Encoder index + output.
Inside: Pins 13 -19
4 CH B+ Encoder channel B+ output.
5 CH B- Encoder channel B- output.
6 N/C Not connected
13 14 7 CH A+ Encoder channel A+ output.
18 19 15 Master-out/slave-in. Carries output data from the SPI
17 16 8 MOSI
Master to the MDO.
SPI chip select. This signal is used to turn communications
9 CS
on multiple MDM units on or off.
+5 VDC Supply voltage for the MD-CC301-000 Converter Cable
Output ONLY!
Connectivity Options
USB to SPI Converter: 11 N/C Not connected
12 Connector shell,
Prototype development Shell
Direction input. The axis direction will be with respect
MD-CS100-000 (straight) Direction/
to the state of the direction override parameter. It may
MD-CS101-000 (right- 13 Channel B/
angle) also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Down
14 IDX- Encoder index - output
15 CH A- Encoder channel A - output
The clock is driven by the SPI Master. The clock cycles
16 SPI Clock
once for each data bit.
Master-in/slave-out. Carries output data from the MDM
back to the SPI Master.
Step clock input. The step clock input will receive the clock
Step Clock/
pulses which will step the motor 1 step for each pulse. It
18 Channel A/
may also receive quadrature and clock up type inputs if so
Clock Up
19 GND Power ground
Revision R070110

Table 2.8 P1 Power, logic, communications and optional encoder

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

2.4 Connectivity
QuickStart kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have commu-
nication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and CD
for MDrive AccuStep initial functional setup and system testing.

Communication Converters Electrically isolated, in-line converters pre-wired with mating connec-
tors to conveniently set/program communication parameters for a single
MDrive product via a PC’s USB port. Length 12.0’ (3.6m).
Mates to connector:
P1 19-pin M23 industrial ...........................................MD-CC301-001

Prototype Development Cables Speed test/development with pre-wired mating connectors that have
flying leads other end. Length 10.0’ (3.0m).
Mates to connector:
P1 19-pin M23 (straight) ........................................... MD-CS100-000
P1 19-pin M23 (right-angle) ...................................... MD-CS101-000
P3 Euro AC (straight) ............................................... MD-CS200-000
P3 Euro AC (right-angle) .......................................... MD-CS201-000

2.5 Options
Internal Encoder Internal differenti4l magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive 34AC Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 1000

Control Knob The MDrive 34AC is available with a factory-mounted rear control knob
for manual shaft positioning.

Planetary Gearbox Efficient, low maitenance planetary gearboxes are offered assembled
with the MDrive 34AC.
Revision R070110

MDM34AC:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 3 Connection and Interface

3 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

3.1 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 19-pin M23 industrial connector at P1
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:3-1

3 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

3.1.3 P1 - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
7 + 5 VDC output — White/gray
8 SPI clock — Yellow
COM GND 11 17 16 SPI CLK
10 9 8 MOSI 9 Comm ground — Black
+5 VDC
10 SPI MOSI — White/green
CS 11 SPI chip select — White/yellow
12 SPI MISO — Pink

Table 3.1 SPI communications, 19-pin M23 industrial

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

3.2 Interfacing AC power

3.2.1 P3 — 3-pin Euro AC

3-Pin Euro AC Connector Pin number Signal European (IEC) color code
1 Earth Yellow/Green
Pin 3: Neutral
2 Line Brown
Pin 1: Earth
3 Neutral Blue

Pin 2: Line Table 3.2 AC standard wire colors

The single-end three conductor cordsets are used with the MDrive AC.
Measuring 13.0’ (3.0m) long, they are available in either straight or right
angle termination. IEC color code, oil-resistant yellow PVC jacket, IP68 and
NEMA 6P rated.
Straight Termination ............................................... MD-CS200-000
Right Angle Termination ......................................... MD-CS201-000
Revision R070110

MDM34AC:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 3 Connection and Interface

3.3 Interfacing AC power

43.1 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000

Opto 2 1 Opto reference Violet Violet

Enable 1 13
Direction 18 Step clock input Gray/brown Gray/brown
18 Step Clock
2 Enable input Red Red
13 Direction input Yellow/brown Yellow/brown

Table 3.3 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors

3.4 Encoder interface

3.3.1 P1 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC301-001 MD-CS10x-000
3 Index + Gray Gray
4 Channel B + Red/blue Red/blue
5 Channel B - Green Green
7 Channel A - Gray/pink Gray/pink
14 Index - Brown/green Brown/green
15 Channel A + White White
19 Ground Brown Brown

Table 3.4 Encoder interface - 19-pin M23 industrial connector

A mating connector kit is not available for this connector. Shop for com-
patible connectors at:
„ Lumberg
„ Phoenix
„ Turck
„ RDE Connectors
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:3-3

3 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

3.4 USB to SPI communications converters

3.3.1 USB to 19-pin M23 industrial — MD-CC301-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.

To computer
USB port

Wire Colors Function

Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue +V*
in-line converter Black Comm GND
Green/Yellow Shell
To P1
Yellow/Brown Direction
Gray/Brown Step Clock
Brown Power GND*
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
19-pin M23 (Male) Red/blue Channel B +
To logic
Green Channel B -
Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
White Channel A +

Figure 3.1 MD-CC301-001 communications converter

Revision R070110

MDM34AC:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input 3 Connection and Interface

3.5 Prototype development cables

3.5.1 P3 — 3-pin Euro AC

The single-end three conductor cordsets are used with the MDrive AC.
Measuring 13.0’ (3.0m) long, they are available in either straight or right
angle termination. IEC color code, oil-resistant yellow PVC jacket, IP68 and
NEMA 6P rated.
Straight Termination ............................................... MD-CS200-000
Right Angle Termination ......................................... MD-CS201-000

2.54” (64.5 mm)


13’ (4.0 m)

Brown MD-CS201-000

(43.3 mm)
Ensure adequate space is available inside your
Enclosure to allow for the cordset connector!

Figure 3.2 MD-CS20x-000

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MDM34AC:3-5

3 Connection and Interface MDrive® 34AC Step / direction input

3.5.2 P2 — 19-pin M23 industrial connector MD-CS10x-000

The MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 13’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 119-pin M23 industrial
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.
To MDrivePlus
19-pin M23 Connector To Power & I/O
Wire Colors Function
Violet Opto Ref.
Red Enable
Blue Not connected
2.815” White/Green MOSI
(71.5 mm) White/Yellow CS
White/Gray +5 VDC
Black Comm GND
MD-CS101-000 Green/Yellow Shell
Yellow/Brown Direction
Yellow SPI Clock
2.37” Gray/Brown Step Clock
(60.2) Brown Not connected
Optional internal encoder
Gray Index +
Red/blue Channel B +
13.0’ Green Channel B -
(4.0 m) Gray/pink Channel A -
Brown/green Index -
Ensure adequate space is available within White Channel A +
your enclosure for the cordset connector!

Figure 3.3 MD-CS10x-000 prototype development cordset

Revision R070110

MDM34AC:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® Linear Actuator
Step / direction input

Part 3: Detailed
Specifications and
Connectivity Information
1. MDrive 14 Linear Actuator
2. MDrive 17 Linear Actuator
3. MDrive 23 Linear Actuator
This page intentionally left blank
MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
This page intentionally left blank
MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 14 linear actuator unit overview ..........................1-1
1.1.1 Linear actuator styles ........................................1-1
1.1.2 MDrive 14 linear versions .................................1-1
1.2 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.3 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.4 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1.1 Non-captive shaft ...............................................2-1
2.1.2 External shaft .....................................................2-2
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-3
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-3
2.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-3
2.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-3
2.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-3
2.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-4
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-4
2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves ......................2-5
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments ...................2-6
2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic
(universal inputs) ...............................................2-6
2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic
(differential inputs) .............................................2-7
2.3.2 P2 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential) ...2-8
2.4 Options ............................................................................2-9
2.5 Connectivity .....................................................................2-9

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Recommended Wiring .......................................3-3
4.2.2 Securing cabling ................................................3-4
3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation ...................3-5
3.5.1 Notes and warnings ...........................................3-5
3.5.2 Installation..........................................................3-5
3.5.3 Removal from screw ..........................................3-5
3.5.4 Assembly procedure ..........................................3-6

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Interfacing communications.............................................4-1
4.1.1 P1 — 12--pin wire crimp connector ...................4-2
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-3
4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-3
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-3
4.3.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-4
4.3.4 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module .....
DPM75 ...............................................................4-4
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-5
4.4.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-5
Revision R070110

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-6

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-6

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.6 Optional encoder interface ..............................................4-7

4.7 Connectivity accessory details ........................................4-8
4.7.1 USB to SPI communications converter cables ..4-8
4.7.2 PD12B-3400-FL3 prototype development cable 4-8
4.7.3 Mating connector kits .........................................4-8

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 Non-captive shaft mechanical specifications.........................2-1
Figure 2.2 External shaft mechanical specifications...............................2-2
Figure 2.3 Performance curves ..............................................................2-5
Figure 3.1 MDrive 14 linear actuator mounting and drill pattern.............3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-4
Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang...................................................................3-6
Figure 3.4 Spring engaged .....................................................................3-6
Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang ...............................................................3-6
Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut ............................................................3-7
Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance ..................................................3-7
Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut ................................................................3-8
Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled ......................................3-8
Figure 4.1 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-4
Figure 4.2 MD-CC305-001 USB to SPI converter cable ........................4-8
Figure 4.3 Prototype development cable PD12B-1435-FL3 ...................4-8
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-3

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-3
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-3
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-3
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-4
Table 2.8 Actuator specifications ..........................................................2-4
Table 2.9 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-pin
locking wire crimp ..................................................................2-6
Table 2.10 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-pin
locking wire crimp ..................................................................2-7
Table 2.11 P2 — Internal encoder option................................................2-8
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P1 - 12-pin wire crimp ..........4-2
Table 4.2 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-3
Table 4.3 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-3
Table 4.4 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-4
Table 4.5 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-5
Table 4.6 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.......4-6
Table 4.7 P2 - Optional encoder interface.............................................4-7
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input high torque

integrated motor and step and direction driver is ideal for designers who
want the simplicity of a motor with on-board electronics. The integrated
electronics of the MDrive 14 Linear Actuator eliminate the need to run
motor cabling through the machine, reducing the potential for problems
due to electrical noise.

1.1 MDrive 14 linear actuator unit overview

1.1.1 Linear actuator styles

Two (2) linear actuator styles of MDrive 14 integrated motor + driver

solutions are available:
„ Non-captive shaft — a screw runs through the MDrive and
moves axially as the motor rotates
„ External shaft — a rotating screw, integral to the motor shaft,
moves a screw-mounted nut axially
Precision rolled lead screws used with MDrive linear actuators are
designed specifically for motion control applications to deliver maximum
life and quiet operation. Corrosion resistant and non-magnetic, screws
are manufactured from premium grade stainless steel and available with
optional coating.

1.1.2 MDrive 14 linear versions

Three (2) MDrive 14 integrated versions provide a choice of features and

„ Step / direction input — motor + driver

„ Motion Control — motor + driver + controller
MDrive 14 linear actuators feature high torque 1.8° brushless NEMA 14
single length step motors with integrated electronics, providing the lead-
ing technology solution for all-in-one linear motion applications.
Unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by MDrive 14
products are achieved through IMS’s advanced 2nd generation cur-
rent control. By applying innovative techniques to control current flow
through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire
speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 14 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +48
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input ca-
pacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems that
can occur with long cable runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
Revision R070110

operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.mapping and extended node identifier.
Motor configurations include a single shaft rotary in four lengths, and
linear actuators with long life Acme screw**.

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

1.2 Product identification

P1 P2
P1 I/O, power & communication Communication connectors
connector: Plus2 versions only:
C = locking wire crimp L = 10-pin locking wire crimp
(separate Comm connector B = DB9, only with CANopen Comm
on Plus2 versions)

MLM 1,5 C S Z14A4 – L linear actuator

SPI comm
See details at bottom of
Input version page for complete linear
1 = Universal - standard actuator part numbers.
5 = Differential - CW/CCW

Linear actuator styles

Non-captive shaft External shaft

–L 1 Z
Screw end T = teflon* –L 3
M = metric Z = none Coating
Screw end
U = UNC T = teflon*
S = smooth Screw length M = metric
Screw lead Z = none
3.0 to 18.0” U = UNC Nut
travel per rev Z = none S = smooth
in 0.1 increments Screw lead G = general purpose
A = 0.250” (6.35mm) Z = none
ex. 12.5” = 125 travel per rev (dynamic load limit
B = 0.125” (3.175mm) to 25lbs/11kg)
10.0” = 100 A = 0.250” (6.35mm)
C = 0.063” (1.588mm) Screw length A = anti-backlash
D = 0.031” (0.794mm) B = 0.125” (3.175mm) 3.0 to 18.0” (dynamic load limit
C = 0.063” (1.588mm) in 0.1 increments to 5lbs/2kg)
Screw length calculation = desired stroke length + D = 0.031” (0.794mm) ex. 12.5” = 125
1.40" (35.56mm) + mounting surface plate thickness 10.0” = 100
Screw length calculation = desired stroke length +
nut length + mounting surface plate thickness
*Contact factory for availability.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MLM14:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.3 Documentation reference

The following User’s manuals are available for the MDrive 14 Linear
Actuator Step / direction input:
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation, con-
figuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web site

1.4 Product software

The MDrive 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input integrated motor
and driver is configured using the SPI motor interface graphical user
interface. This free software may be downloaded from
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MLM14:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1.1 Non-captive shaft

Side view Front view
Screw end
(28.19) options:
- Metric
- Smooth
0.079 ±0.01 - None
(2.0 ±0.25) 4X M3x0.5 THREAD
2.05 x0.138 DEEP

Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
(Ø 22.0 +0/-0.051)
(6.35) 0.25 Screw end options,
(6.35) see detail drawings
2.30 1.024 SQ.
(58.42) (26.0 SQ.)
3.0 to 18.0 1.4 ±0.004 SQ.
(76.2 to 457.2) (35.55 ±0.1 SQ.)

Load limit
Nominal load limit: 50 lbs (22 kg)*
*Screw D: 10 lbs (4.5 kg). Heavier loads will degrade screw life. Consult factory for alternatives.

Screw specifications
Screw material Standard screw Screw end options
MDrive Linear Actuator Dimensions in inches (mm)
Metric end: UNC end:
precision rolled lead Threaded end M4 x 0.7mm #8-32 UNC-2A
thread to thread to
screws are designed 3.0 to 18.0 within 0.03" within 0.03"
specifically for motion (76.2 to 457.2) (0.76mm) (0.76mm)
0.25 of shoulder of shoulder
control applications to (6.35)
deliver maximum life
Smooth end
and quiet operation. Ø 0.1967" ±0.001
Corrosion resistant Screw end options (Ø 5mm ±0.003)
(see details at right)
and non-magnetic, 0.25
screws are manufac-
tured from premium None
grade stainless steel.

Lead options
Screw coating
An optional teflon inches (mm) travel per revolution travel per full step
Screw A 0.250 (6.350) 0.00125 (0.0317)
screw coating is avail-
Screw B 0.125 (3.175) 0.00063 (0.0158)
able for smooth opera-
Screw C 0.063 (1.588) 0.00031 (0.0079)
tion and extended life. Screw D 0.031 (0.794) 0.00016 (0.0040)

Cantilevered loads
Unsupported loads and side loading are not recommended for non-captive shaft MDrive® linear actuator products.

Calculating screw length

Screw length = [mounting surface plate thickness] + [1.40" (35.56mm)] + [desired stroke length]
Revision R070110

Figure 2.1 Non-captive shaft mechanical specifications

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.1.2 External shaft

Side view Front view
1.11 3.0 to 18.0
(28.19) (76.2 to 457.2)

0.079 ±0.01 (6.35)
(2.0 ±0.25) 4X M3x0.5 THREAD
2.05 x0.138 DEEP
(52.07) 0.25
(6.35) 1.82
Nut Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
(Ø 22.0 +0/-0.051)

Screw end options,

Screw end
options: see detail drawings
2.30 - Smooth 1.024 SQ.
- None
(58.42) (26.0 SQ.)

1.4 ±0.004 SQ.

(35.55 ±0.1 SQ.)
Nut detail
F Anti-backlash ØD
F nut outline
purpose ØE
A A nut outline

Anti-backlash nut load drag

General purpose nut A B D E F BCD
Flange shape: triangle
inches (mm) limit torque
Flange shape: round
Load limit: 25 lbs (11 kg) Load limit: 5 lbs (2 kg) General 0.50 0.75 1.0 0.14 0.15 0.75 25lbs/ free
Purpose: for applications Purpose: backlash free
purpose (12.7) (19.1) (25.4) (3.6) (3.81) (19.1) 11 kg wheeling
not requiring anti-backlash operation for high accuracy 0.50 0.9max 1.0 0.143 0.18 0.75 5lbs/ < 1.0 oz-in
Anti-backlash (12.7)
and wear compensation. and low drag torque. (22.86) (25.4) (3.63) (4.57) (19.1) 2 kg < 0.7 N-cm

Screw specifications
Screw material Standard screw Screw end options
MDrive Linear Actuator Dimensions in inches (mm)
precision rolled lead Metric end: UNC end:
0.25 Threaded end M4 x 0.7mm #8-32 UNC-2A
screws are corrosion Screw end options
(6.35) (see details at right) thread to thread to
resistant and non-mag- within 0.03" within 0.03"
(0.76mm) (0.76mm)
netic, manufactured of shoulder of shoulder
from premium grade 0.25
stainless steel. 3.0 to 18.0
(6.35) Smooth end
(76.2 to 457.2) Ø 0.1967" ±0.001
Screw coating (Ø 5mm ±0.003)
An optional teflon screw Lead options
coating is available for
inches (mm) travel per revolution travel per full step None
smooth operation and Screw A 0.250 (6.350) 0.00125 (0.0317)
extended life. Screw B 0.125 (3.175) 0.00063 (0.0158) —
Screw C 0.063 (1.588) 0.00031 (0.0079)
Screw D 0.031 (0.794) 0.00016 (0.0040)

Cantilevered loads
Loads for external shaft MDrive® linear actuator products MUST BE supported. Side loading is not recommended.

Calculating stroke length

Available stroke length = [screw length] – [nut length] – [mounting surface plate thickness]

Figure 2.2 External shaft mechanical specifications

Revision R070110

MLM14:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Input voltage range — +12 — +48 VDC
Max power supply current — — — 1.0* A

*per MDrive 14 Linear Actuator, Actual current depends on voltage and

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

2.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

2.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

2.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Holding torque 18 oz-in (13 N-cm)

Rotor inertia 0.0003 oz-in-sec2 (0.021 kg-cm2)
General purpose 50 lbs (22 kg)
Maximum thrust (Non-captive)
With anti-backlash nut —
General purpose 25 lbs (11 kg)
Maximum thrust (External)
With anti-backlash nut 5 lbs (2 kg)
General purpose 0.005” (0.127 mm)
Maximum repeatability (Non-captive)
With anti-backlash nut —
General purpose 0.005” (0.127mm)
Maximum repeatability (External)
With anti-backlash nut 0.0005” (0.0127 mm)
Maximum screw misalignment ± 1°
Wieght without screw 8.0 oz (230.0 g)

Table 2.8 Actuator specifications

Revision R070110

MLM14:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves

12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC

Force kg
100 Screw D 4 100 Screw D 44 100 Screw D 44
90 Screw C 4 Screw C 40 Screw C 40
90 90
Screw B Screw B Screw B

80 3 80 36 80 36
Screw A Screw A Screw A
70 3 70 31 70 31
60 2 60 27 60 27
Load limit 50lbs / 22kg * Load limit 50lbs / 22kg * Load limit 50lbs / 22kg *
50 2 50 22 50 22
40 40 18 40 18
30 30 13 30 13
Force lbs

Force lbs

Force lbs
20 9 20 9 20 9
10 4 10 4 10 4
0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 800 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (240 (300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400) (300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)

Speed in full steps per second (RPM) Speed in full steps per second (RPM) Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

*For non-captive shaft linear actuators. Load limit for external shaft linear actuators is determined by selected nut.

Figure 2.3 Performance curves

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments

2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic (universal inputs)

The +5 VDC output on connector P1 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
1 3 5 7 9 11
3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
2 4 6 8 1012
4 SCLK Step Clock input
The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
Connectivity Options 6 DIR
USB to SPI Converter: configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the
MD-CC305-001 state of the Optocoupler Reference.
Mating connector kit: +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to
CK-08 power the optional communications converter cable
7 +5 VDC
MD-CC305-001. Do not use to power external
Mfg P/N:
JST PADP-12V-1-S 8 CLK SPI Clock
Pins 9 CGND Communications ground
JST SPH-001T0.5L
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
11 CS SPI Chip Select input
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out

Table 2.9 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-pin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

MLM14:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.3.1 P1 — Power, communications and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)

1 3 5 7 9 11 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input

2 4 6 8 1012 3 CW+ Clockwise plus direction input.
4 CW — Clockwise minus direction input.
5 CCW+ Counter-clockwise plus direction input.
6 CCW- Counter-clockwise minus direction input.
Connectivity Options +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to
USB to SPI Converter: power the optional communications converter cable
7 +5 VDC
MD-CC305-001 MD-CC305-001. Do not use to power external
Mating connector kit:
CK-08 8 CLK SPI Clock
Mfg P/N: 9 CGND Communications ground
JST PADP-12V-1-S 10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Pins 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
JST SPH-001T0.5L
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out

Table 2.10 P1 — Power, communications and logic, 12-pin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.3.2 P2 —- Internal magnetic encoder (differential)

P2 is only present if the internal encoder option is selected.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Encoder ground
9 10
7 8 2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
P2 5 6
3 4 3 CH A- Channel A negative input
1 2

4 CH B+ Channel B positive input

5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
Connectivity Options
Prototypre development 8 N/C Not connected
PD10-3400-FL3 9 N/C Not connected
Mating connector kit: 10 N/C Not connected
Table 2.11 P2 — Internal encoder option
Mfg P/N:
Hirose DF11-2428SC

Hirose DF11-TA2428HC
Revision R070110

MLM14:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to a motor drive.

Internal Encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 1000
Differential Locking Cable (10.0’/3.0m) ........ PD10-3400-FL3

Differential Inputs Changes the clock and direction inputs to differential +5 VDC inputs.
Refer to details and part numbers in Appendix D of this document.

2.5 Connectivity
QuickStart Kit For rapid design verification, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have commu-
nication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and CD
for MDrive Linear Actuator initial functional setup and system testing.

Parameter Setup Cable The optional 12.0’ (3.6m) parameter setup cable assembly with inline
USB to SPI converter, part number MD-CC305-001, facilitates commu-
nications, power and logic wiring and is recommended with first order.

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:

12-Pin Wire Crimp ................ ..................................................CK-08

Encoder Cable The following 10.0’ (3m) interface cable is recommended with first or-
ders for MDrive 14 Linear Actuator with an internal encoder:

Internal Encoder: 10-Pin Cable ............................... PD10-3400-FL3

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MLM14:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Some MDrive mounting configurations require that the MDrive
move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling is properly re-
strained to provide strain relief on connection points..
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The mounting plate material should offer sufficient mass and
thermal conductivity to ensure that the motor temperature does
not eceed 100°C.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Ensure that support for the screw is in place as to not exceed
Revision R070110

the maximum misalignment of ±1°.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

Loads for external shaft MDrive linear actuator products MUST
BE supported. Side loading is not recommended.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

3.1 Mounting
The maximum temperature for the MDrive 14 Linear Actuator is 85°C
measured at the heat sink, 100°C measured at the motor. Ensure that
the unit is mounted to adequate heat sink plating to ensure that the
temperature does not exceed 85°C.

Maximum length of
screw threads into
the motor housing
0.130" (3.3 mm)

4 X M3-0.5 Screw
(not supplied)
Length TBD
by flange thickness

Maximum Tightening Torque:

7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm)
Temperature sensor
should be attached Mounting Flange
at the center of the MDrive 14 Or Adapter Plate
motor body
Drill Pattern for Mounting Flange
or Adapter Plate

0.118 (3.0) Thru 4 Places

on a 1.448 (36.79) Circle Ø 0.866 (21.996)

1.024 SQ.
(26.0 SQ.)

Figure 3.1 MDrive 14 linear actuator mounting and drill pattern

Revision R070110

MLM14:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 14 Linear Actuator need to be twisted.
If more than one MDrive is to be connected to the same power supply,
run separate power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Recommended Wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 14
Linear Actuator:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power, Ground .................................................................... 20 AWG
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.2.2 Securing cabling

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads must
be properly anchored. This will prevent flexing and tugging which can
cause damage at critical connection points.

Power Leads

Adhesive Anchor
& Tywrap

Logic Leads

Adhesive Anchors
& Tywraps

Communication Leads

Figure 3.2 Securing leads

Revision R070110

MLM14:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation

3.5.1 Notes and warnings

„ Do not use a wrench on the stainless steel cam of the nut.
„ Do not oil the mechanism of the nut.
„ Do not install the note into an interference fit bore (mechanism
will not work).
3.5.2 Installation
To install threaded model nuts, simply hand tighten until shoulder is
flush with mounting surface. A small amount of Loctite thread com-
pound such as #277 can be used to prevent loosening. Alternatively, a
pin can be installed to mechanically lock the threads.
Flanged models can be mounted to either the front or rear face of the
Before use, it is recommended that the stainless steel preload mecha-
nism be turned so that the caming surfaces move down the ramps.
Once play is felt, allow the mechanism to slowly unwind again to estab-
lish the proper preload. (It is possible in assembly to inadvertently twist
the cam creating excessive drag torque. This procedure will correct
Using lubricant on the lead screw threads is recommended. This ex-
tends the life of the nut and reduces heat generation, noise and vibra-
tion. TriGEL-300S or TriGEL-1200SC is recommended.

3.5.3 Removal from screw

If it is necessary to remove the nut from your screw, you may lock the
mechanism so that it can be immediately reinstalled without re-setting
the preload. This can be done by wrapping tape around the junction
between the stainless steel cam and the plastic nut halves. This will
prevent the cam from turning when the nut is removed from screw.
Remember to remove tape after installation.
For immediate transfer from one screw to another, hold the nut together
between your thumb and forefinger so that it cannot expand axially.
Remove the nut and install it on the second screw. It may be help-
ful to prevent the cam from turning with your remaining fingers as you
transfer. If the nut becomes disassembled or looses its preload for any
reason, follow the steps listed in the assembly procedure below.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:3-5

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

3.5.4 Assembly procedure

1) Insert spring tang into cam slot.

Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang

2) Ensure that the spring is engaged.

Figure 3.4 Spring engaged

3) Insert opposite tang into front nut slot or hole (dependant on size).
Use the slot or hole that will allow the the cam to be positioned clos-
est to the bottom of the ramp.

Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang

Revision R070110

MLM14:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

1) With washer installed, insert the back nut into the front nut.

Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut

2) With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut onto the screw starting with the front nut. After the entire nut
is threaded onto the screw, release the cam to observe the gap
distance (X on the drawing). The gap distance (X) should be about
one-third of the full ramp distance, but no more than half.

Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance

3) If the gap distance is incorrect, unthread the nut just enough to al-
low the back nut to disengage from the screw. Pull the back nut off
and rotate to the next index position and reinsert back into the front
nut. With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut back onto the screw. Release the cam and verify the correct
gap distance. If still not correct repeat this step.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:3-7

3 Mounting MDrive® 14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

1) Once the back nut has been properly clocked to yield the correct
gap distance, unthread the nut again just enough to disengage the
back nut from the screw, but do not remove from the nut. Pull the
cam away from the ramp and rotate in the clockwise direction for
two ramp settings, then hold the cam at the bottom of the second
ramp. Be careful not to allow the back nut to rotate with respect to
the front nut while completing this task. With the cam held at the
bottom of the second ramp, push the back nut into the front nut and
thread the entire nut onto the screw.

Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut

2) The anti-backlash nut is now pre-loaded and fully assembled.

Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled

Revision R070110

MLM14:3-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Communications, DC power and logic are all interfaced using the 12-pin
wire crimp connector at P1.

4.1 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using a 12-pin locking wire
crimp connector at P1
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.1.1 P1 — 12--pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Function Description

11: CS + 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS

12: MISO 7 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
10: MOSI general purpose use.
7: +5 VDC
8: CLK
8 CLK SPI clock
9 GND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
11 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
12 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P1 - 12-pin wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell........................................................ PADP-10V010S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

MLM14:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 14 Linear Actuator
Step / direction input is +12 to +48 VDC. Ensure that motor
back EMF is factored into your power supply size calculations.
Allow 2.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
14 Linear Actuator in the system. Actual power supply current
will depend on voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +48 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 1.0 A (per MDrive 1

Table 4.2 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

1 Ampere (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 20 18 18 16
2 Amperes (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 18 16 14 14

Table 4.3 Recommended power supply wire gauge

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.3.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-14340-FL3
2 +12 to + 48 VDC Red See section 4.7.2
1 Power ground Black for wire colors.

1: +VDC 2: GND Table 4.4 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L

4.3.4 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for up to
three (3) MDrive 14 units at up to 48 VDC to allow switching DC Power.

Wire jumper A to B for 48 VDC Max. SPST

switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 4.1 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Revision R070110

MLM14:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 4, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-1434-FL3
3 Opto reference White See section 4.7.2
5: Enable 4 Step clock input Green for wire colors.
6: Direction
3: Opto 4: Step 5 Enable input Orange
6 Direction input Blue

Table 4.5 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC305-001 PD12B-1434-FL3
3 CW + White See section 4.7.2
5: CCW+ 4 CW — Green for wire colors
6: CCW -
3: CW+ 4: CS - 5 CCW — Orange
6 CCW + Blue

Table 4.6 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-08

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) .............. PD12B-1434-FL3
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC305-001

Manufacturer (JST) part numbers Connector shell..........................................................PADP-12V-1-S

Pins............................................................................ SPH-001T0.5L
Revision R070110

MLM14:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.6 Optional encoder interface

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire color


7: IDX- 1 GND White/Brown

6: IDX+
4: CH B+ 5: CH B- 2 CH A+ White/green
2: CH A+ 3: CH A- 3 CH A- Green/white
1: Ground
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
7 IDX- Blue/white
8-10 No Connect

Table 4.7 P2 - Optional encoder interface

onnectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-02

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)

Manufacturer (Hirose) part numbers Connector shell......................................................... DF11-10DS-2C

Pins............................................................................. DF11-2428SC
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM14:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive®14 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.7 Connectivity accessory details

4.7.1 USB to SPI communications converter cables

The MD-CC305-001 is an interface cable which combines Power, Logic
and communications with an inline USB to SPI converter.
It is recommended with the first purchase.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
JST connector

Wire Colors Function

Red +V
in-line converter Black Gnd
10.0’ (3.0m) Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
Green Step Clock
Orange Enable

To Power, I/O & Communications

Figure 4.2 MD-CC305-001 USB to SPI converter cable

4.7.2 PD12B-3400-FL3 prototype development cable

Description: Pre-wired mating connector interfaces to an MDrive’s
12-pin wire crimp connector, with flying leads other end, for quick test/
Function: I/O, Power & Communications Interface.

To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function

12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power & 1
Black GND
JST connector Communications Red +V
Black Comm GND
White MOSI
Black CS
Green MISO
Black Opto Ref
Blue +5 VDC Out
Black Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m) Yellow Enable
Black Direction
Brown SPI Clock

Figure 4.3 Prototype development cable PD12B-1435-FL3

4.7.3 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Revision R070110

Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-08
P2 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-02

MLM14:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
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MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 17 linear actuator unit overview ..........................1-1
1.1.1 Linear actuator styles ........................................1-1
1.1.2 MDrive 17 versions ...........................................1-1
1.3 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.3.1 Linear actuator options ......................................1-2
1.4 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.5 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications.....................................................
2.1.1 External shaft .....................................................2-1
2.1.1 Non-captive shaft ...............................................2-2
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-3
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-3
3.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-3
3.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-3
3.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-3
3.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-4
2.2.8 Actuator motor specifications.............................2-4
2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves ......................2-4
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments -
2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2..................2-6
2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and ...
logic .................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs) .....................2-7
2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)...................2-8
2.4.3 Power, logic and communications (universal input)
2.4.4 Power, logic and communications (differential
input) 2-10
2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal
encoder .........................................................................2-11
2.5 Options ..........................................................................2-12
2.6 Connectivity ...................................................................2-12

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Rules of wiring ..................................................3-3
3.2.2 Rules of shielding .............................................3-3
3.3 Recommended wiring......................................................3-4
3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins .....3-4
3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads .............................3-4
3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation ...................3-6
3.5.1 Notes and warnings ...........................................3-6
3.5.2 Installation..........................................................3-6
3.5.3 Removal from screw ..........................................3-6
Revision R070110

3.5.4 Assembly procedure ..........................................3-7

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Connector orientation ......................................................4-2
4.2 Interfacing communications.............................................4-3
4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector .........................4-3
4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-4
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-4
4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-5
4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-5
4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-5
4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-5
4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-5
4.3.6 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module
DPM75 ..........................................................................4-6
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-7
4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-7
4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-7
4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-7
4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-8
4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-8
4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-8
4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-9
4.6 Encoder interface ............................................................4-9
4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp .....................................4-9
4.7 USB to SPI communications converters .......................4-10
4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001 ..4-10
4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001 ..4-10
4.8 Prototype development cables ......................................4-11
4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3....
4.8.2 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6 .............4-11
4.9 Mating connector kits ....................................................4-12
Revision R070110

ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.2 Non-captive shaft mechanical specifications.........................2-2
Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications...............................2-2
Figure 2.3 12 VDC speed-force curves ..................................................2-4
Figure 2.4 24 VDC speed-force curves ..................................................2-5
Figure 2.5 48 VDC speed-force curves ..................................................2-5
Figure 3.1 Mdrive linear actuator mounting and drill pattern ..................3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-5
Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang...................................................................3-7
Figure 3.4 Spring engaged .....................................................................3-7
Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang ...............................................................3-7
Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut ............................................................3-8
Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance ..................................................3-8
Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut ................................................................3-9
Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled ......................................3-9
’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation ............................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-6
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable...............4-10
Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable...............4-10
Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3 ...................4-11
Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10 ........................4-11
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-3

Table 3.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-3
Table 3.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-3
Table 3.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-3
Table 3.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-4
Table 2.8 Linear actuator motor specifications......................................2-4
Table 2.9 P2 communications, 10-pin locking wire crimp .....................2-6
Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-7
Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-7
Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-8
Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-8
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications ...................................2-9
Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-10
Table 2.14 P4 Optional internal encoder ...............................................2-11
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC.....................4-3
Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ......4-4
Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-5
Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-5
Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads .........................4-5
Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal .....................4-5
Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-5
Table 4.8 Universal input connections, flying leads ..............................4-7
Table 4.9 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal...........................4-7
Table 4.10 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-7
Table 4.11 Differential input connections, flying leads interface .............4-8
Table 4.12 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal ........................4-8
Table 4.13 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.......4-9
Table 4.14 P4 - Encoder interface...........................................................4-9
Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

MDrive® linear actuators combine leading all-in-one integrated motion

technology with linear motion to deliver high accuracy, unsurpassed
repeatability and long life, all in a package that is extremely compact
and affordable.

1.1 MDrive 17 linear actuator unit overview

1.1.1 Linear actuator styles

Two (2) linear actuator styles of MDrive 17 integrated motor + driver

solutions are available:
„ Non-captive shaft — a screw runs through the MDrive and
moves axially as the motor rotates
„ External shaft — a rotating screw, integral to the motor shaft,
moves a screw-mounted nut axially
Precision rolled lead screws used with MDrive linear actuators are
designed specifically for motion control applications to deliver maximum
life and quiet operation. Corrosion resistant and non-magnetic, screws
are manufactured from premium grade stainless steel and available with
optional coating.

1.1.2 MDrive 17 versions

Two (2) MDrive 17 integrated versions provide a choice of features and

„ Step / direction input — motor + driver

„ Motion Control — motor + driver + controller
MDrive 17 linear actuators feature high torque 1.8° brushless NEMA 17
(1.7”/43mm sq.) single length step motors with integrated electronics,
providing the leading technology solution for all-in-one linear motion ap-
Unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by MDrive 17
products are achieved through advanced 2nd generation current control.
By applying innovative techniques to control current flow through the
motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire speed range
and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 17 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +48
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input ca-
pacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems that
can occur with long cable runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
Revision R070110

in demanding environments.

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

1.3 Product identification

P1 P2
P1 I/O & power connectors: Communication connectors:
F = flying leads D = 10-pin IDC
P = pluggable terminal Z = None (when C used at P1
C = locking wire crimp on Microstepping version)
P2 (includes Comm on
Microstepping version)

P1 P2
MLM 1,5 F,P S D 17A4 – L linear actuator

MLM 1,5 C S Z 17A4 – L linear actuator

SPI comm
Input version
1 = Universal - standard
5 = Differential - CW/CCW

Non-captive shaft External shaft

–L 1 Z
Screw end T = teflon* –L 3
M = metric Z = none Coating
U = UNC Screw end
T = teflon*
Screw lead S = smooth Screw length M = metric
Z = none
3.0 to 18.0” U = UNC Nut
travel per rev Z = none S = smooth
in 0.1 increments Screw lead G = general purpose
A = 0.250” (6.35mm) Z = none
ex. 12.5” = 125 travel per rev (dynamic load limit
B = 0.125” (3.175mm) to 25lbs/111N)
10.0” = 100 A = 0.250”/6.35mm
C = 0.063” (1.588mm) Screw length A = anti-backlash
D = 0.031” (0.794mm) B = 0.125”/3.175mm (dynamic load limit
3.0 to 18.0”
C = 0.063”/1.588mm in 0.1 increments to 5lbs/22N)
Screw length calculation = mounting surface plate D = 0.031”/0.794mm
ex. 12.5” = 125
thickness + 1.40" (35.56mm) + desired stroke length
10.0” = 100
Stroke length calculation =
screw length – nut length – mounting surface plate thickness
*Contact factory for availability.

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MLM17:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 1 Introduction

1.3.1 Linear actuator options

1.4 Documentation reference

The following User’s manuals are available for the MDrive 17 linear
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation,
configuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the web site at

1.5 Product software

The MDrive 17 linear actuator Step / direction input integrated motor
and driver is configured using the SPI motor interface graphical user
interface. This free software may be downloaded from http://www.
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 4.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

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Revision R070110

MLM17:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

2.1.1 External shaft

Side view Front view
option 3.0 to 18.0 Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
P1 (76.2 to 457.2) (Ø 21.996 +0/-0.051)

0.08 0.25
(2.0) (6.35) 4X M3x0.5 thread
x0.15 minimum deep

Screw end options

0.25 see detail drawings below
2.30 (6.35)

Screw end
- Smooth
1.59 - None 1.220 ±0.004 SQ.
2.20 (40.5) (31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)
1.68 SQ.
Nut detail (42.7 SQ.)

F Anti-backlash ØD
F nut outline
purpose ØE
A A nut outline

General purpose nut Anti-backlash nut load drag

Flange shape: round Flange shape: triangle inches (mm) limit torque
Load limit: 25 lbs (11.3 kg) Load limit: 5 lbs (2.3 kg) General 0.50 0.75 1.0 0.14 0.15 0.75 25lbs/ free
Purpose: for applications Purpose: backlash free purpose (12.7) (19.1) (25.4) (2.6) (2.81) (19.1) 11.3kg wheeling
not requiring anti-backlash operation for high accuracy 0.50 0.9max 1.0 0.143 0.18 0.75 5lbs/ < 1.0 oz-in
Anti-backlash (12.7) (22.86) (25.4)
and wear compensation. and low drag torque. (2.63) (4.57) (19.1) 2.3kg < 0.7 N-cm

Screw Specifications

Screw material Standard screw Screw end options

MDrive Linear Actuator Dimensions in inches (mm)
precision rolled lead Metric end: UNC end:
0.25 Screw end options
Threaded end M4 x 0.7mm #8-32 UNC-2A
screws are corrosion (6.35) thread to thread to
(see details at right)
resistant and non-mag- within 0.03" within 0.03"
(0.76mm) (0.76mm)
netic, manufactured
of shoulder of shoulder
from premium grade 0.25
stainless steel. 3.0 to 18.0
(6.35) Smooth end
(76.2 to 457.2) Ø 0.1967" ±0.001
Screw coating (Ø 5mm ±0.003)
An optional teflon screw Lead options
coating is available for
inches (mm) travel per revolution travel per full step
smooth operation and None
Screw A 0.250 (6.350) 0.00125 (0.0317)
extended life. Screw B 0.125 (3.175) 0.00063 (0.0158) —
Screw C 0.063 (1.588) 0.00031 (0.0079)
Revision R070110

Screw D 0.031 (0.794) 0.00016 (0.0040)

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

Figure 2.1 External shaft mechanical specifications - dimensions in inches (mm)

Cantilevered loads
Loads for external shaft MDrive® linear actuator products MUST BE supported. Side
loading is not recommended.

Calculating screw/stroke length

Available stroke length = [6.0” screw] – [nut length] – [mounting surface plate

2.1.1 Non-captive shaft

Side view Front view
Ø 0.866 +0/-0.002
(Ø 21.996 +0/-0.051)
Screw end
0.08 options:
- Metric 4X M3x0.5 thread
(2.0) - UNC x0.15 minimum deep
- Smooth
- None
Screw end options
0.25 see detail drawings below
2.30 (6.35)


1.59 1.220 ±0.004 SQ.

(40.5) (31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)
1.68 SQ.
3.0 to 18.0 (42.7 SQ.)
(76.2 to 457.2)

Screw Specifications
Standard Acme style rolled screw Screw end options
3.0 to 18.0
(76.2 to 457.2) Metric
0.250 M4 x 0.7mm
(6.35) thread to within
0.03" (0.76mm)
of shoulder
Screw end options
(see details at right) UNC
#8-32 UNC-2A
(6.35) thread to within
0.03" (0.76mm)
of shoulder

Lead options Ø 0.1967" ±0.001
(Ø 5mm ±0.003)
inches (mm) Travel/revolution Travel/full step
Screw A 0.250 (6.35) 0.00125 (0.0317)
Screw B 0.125 (2.175) 0.00063 (0.0158) None
Screw C 0.063 (1.588) 0.00031 (0.0079)
Screw D 0.031 (0.794) 0.00016 (0.004) —

Figure 2.2 Non-captive shaft mechanical specifications - dimensions in inches (mm)

Revision R070110

Cantilevered loads
Unsupported loads and side loading are not recommended for non-captive shaft
MDrive® linear actuator products.

Calculating screw/stroke length

Screw length = [mounting surface plate thickness] + [1.40” (35.56mm)] + [desired
stroke length]]

MLM17:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Input voltage range — +12 — +48 VDC
Max power supply current — — — 2.0* A

*per MDrive 17, Actual current depends on voltage and load.

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

3.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 3.2 I/O specifications

3.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 3.3 Communications specifications

3.2.4 Thermal specifications

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 3.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

3.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 3.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Actuator motor specifications

Holding torque 29.16 oz-in (20.6 N-cm)

Rotor inertia 0.0005 oz-in-sec2 (0.035 kg-cm2)
General purpose 50 lbs (222 N)
Maximum thrust
With anti-backlash nut 25 lbs (111 N)
General purpose 0.005” (0.127 mm)
Maximum repeatability
With anti-backlash nut 0.0005” (0.0127 mm)
Maximum screw misalignment ± 1°
Weight without screw 9.6 oz (272.2 g)

Table 2.8 Linear actuator motor specifications

2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves

12 VDC Curves
100 444
90 399
80 355
70 310
Force in lbs

Force in N

60 266
Load limit 50lbs / 222N *
50 222
40 177
30 Screw D 133
20 Screw C 88
Screw B
10 44
Screw A
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)
Speed in full steps per second (RPM)
Revision R070110

Figure 2.3 12 VDC speed-force curves

24 VDC Curves

MLM17:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

100 444
90 399
80 355
70 310

Force in lbs

Force in N
60 266
Load limit 50lbs / 222N *
50 222
40 177
30 Screw D 133
20 Screw C 88
Screw B
10 44
Screw A
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)
Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 24 VDC speed-force curves

48VDC Curves
100 444
90 399
80 355
70 310
Force in lbs

Force in N
60 266
Load limit 50lbs / 222N *
50 222
40 177
30 Screw D 133
20 Screw C 88
Screw B
10 44
Screw A
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)
Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

Figure 2.5 48 VDC speed-force curves

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - Communications

2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2

The +5 VDC output on connector P2 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

10-pin friction lock wire crimp

Pin # Function Description
1 N/C Not connected
9 10
7 8 2 N/C Not connected
P2 5 6
3 4
1 2
3 N/C Not connected
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
Connectivity Options general purpose use.
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC302-001 7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
Mating connector kit: 8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
Mfg P/N:
Shell 10 MISO SPI master in - slave out
Hirose DF11-10DS-2C
Table 2.9 P2 communications, 10-pin locking wire crimp
Hirose: DF11-2428SC
Revision R070110

MLM17:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and logic

2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs)

12” (304.8 mm) flying leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power
White Opto Optocoupler reference
12.0”+1.0/-0.0 Orange Step clock Step clock input
(304.8mm )
+25.4/-0.0 Blue Direction CW/CCW direction input
Brown Enable Output bridge enable input
Black GND Power ground
Red +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads

7-pin pluggable terminal

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
0.44” 1 Opto Optocoupler reference
(11.2mm) 2 N/C Not connected
3 Step clock Step clock input

P1 4 Direction CW/CCW direction input

5 Enable Output bridge enable input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)
1 Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

12” (304.8 mm) fly-

ing leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power White CW + Clockwise plus input
Orange CW - Clockwise minus input
(304.8mm ) Blue CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input

Brown CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input

Black GND Power ground
Red +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” (

flying leads

7-pin pluggable
Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 CW + Clockwise plus input
(11.2mm) 2 N/C Not connected
3 CW - Clockwise minus input
4 CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input
5 CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V Motor Power (+12 to +48 VDC)

7 Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable

6 terminal
Revision R070110

MLM17:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

2.4.3 Power, logic and communications (universal input)

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
6 5 3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
8 7
10 9
4 SCLK Step Clock input
12 11 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
IMS Pin Numbering The direction Input controls the clockwise/
Scheme counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
Connectivity Options of the Optocoupler Reference.
USB to SPI Converter:
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
Prototype development CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
PD12-1434-FL3 8 CLK SPI Clock

Mating connector kit: 9 CGND Communications ground

10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N: 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Tyco: 1-794617-2 12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications
Tyco: 794610-1
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

2.4.4 Power, logic and communications (differential input)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +48 VDC motor power supply input
6 5 3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
8 7
10 9 4 SCLK Step Clock input
12 11 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
IMS Pin Numbering The direction Input controls the clockwise/
Scheme counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
Connectivity Options
of the Optocoupler Reference.
USB to SPI Converter: +5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
Prototype development CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
PD12-1434-FL3 8 CLK SPI Clock
9 CGND Communications ground
Mating connector kit:
CK-03 10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N: 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Revision R070110

Tyco: 1-794617-2 12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Pins Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic and communications
Tyco: 794610-1

MLM17:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 2 Specifications

2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal encoder

Pin # Function Description

Internal Encoder 1 GND Encoder ground
2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
3 CH A- Channel A negative input
4 CH B+ Channel B positive input
5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
8 N/C Not connected
9 N/C Not connected
10 N/C Not connected

Table 2.14 P4 Optional internal encoder

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:2-11

2 Specifications MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

2.5 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to a motor drive.

Internal encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 800, 1000

2.6 Connectivity
QuickStart kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have commu-
nication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and CD
for MDrive linear actuator initial functional setup and system testing.

Communication Converters Electrically isolated, in-line converters pre-wired with mating connec-
tors to conveniently set/program communication parameters for a single
MDrive product via a PC’s USB port. Length 12.0’ (3.6m).
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin wire crimp .................................................MD-CC302-001
P1 12 pin locking wire crimp .....................................MD-CC303-001

Prototype Development Cables Speed test/development with pre-wired mating connectors that have fly-
ing leads other end. Length 10.0’ (3.0m).
Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin locking wire crimp.................................... PD12-1434-FL3
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ........................... ED-CABLE-JST10

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-02
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-13
Revision R070110

MLM17:2-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Some linear actuator mounting configurations require that the
MDrive move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling is prop-
erly restrained to provide strain relief on connection points..
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Ensure that support for the screw is in place as to not exceed
the maximum misalignment of ±1°.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Loads for external shaft MDrive linear actuator products MUST
BE supported. Side loading is not recommended.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

When mounting the MDrive, do not exceed the maximum rec-
ommended tightening torque of 7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

3.1 Mounting
Care must be observed when installing the mounting screws on ALL MDrive 17 linear
actuator versions. The mounting holes on the flange are not drilled through and have
a maximum depth of 0.150” (3.81 mm).

The warning note and Figure below illustrate the maximum safe thread length and
maximum torque for mounting all versions of the MDrive 17 linear actuator.

Maximum length of
screw threads into
the motor housing
0.140" (3.5 mm) 4 X M3-0.5 Screw
(not supplied)
Length TBD
by flange thickness

Maximum Tightening Torque:

7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm)
Temperature sensor
Mounting Flange
should be attached
Or Adapter Plate
at the center of the MDrive17
motor body Linear Actuator

Drill Pattern for Mounting Flange

or Adapter Plate

0.118 (3.0) Thru 4 Places

on a 1.725 (43.82) Circle Ø 0.866 (21.996)

1.220 SQ.
(31.0 SQ.)

Figure 3.1 Mdrive linear actuator mounting and drill pattern

Revision R070110

MLM17:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive 17 need to be twisted. If more than
one driver is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate
power and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Rules of wiring

„ Power Supply and Motor wiring should be shielded twisted
pairs, and run separately from signal-carrying wires.
„ A minimum of one twist per inch is recommended.
„ Motor wiring should be shielded twisted pairs using 20 gauge, or
for distances of more than 5 feet, 18 gauge or better.
„ Power ground return should be as short as possible to estab-
lished ground.
„ Power supply wiring should be shielded twisted pairs of 18
gauge for less than 4 amps DC and 16 gauge for more than 4
amps DC.
3.2.2 Rules of shielding
„ The shield must be tied to zero-signal reference potential. It is
necessary that the signal be earthed or grounded, for the shield
to become earthed or grounded. Earthing or grounding the
shield is not effective if the signal is not earthed or grounded.
„ •Do not assume that Earth ground is a true Earth ground. De-
pending on the distance from the main power cabinet, it may be
necessary to sink a ground rod at the critical location.
„ The shield must be connected so that shield currents drain to
signal-earth connections.
„ The number of separate shields required in a system is equal to
the number of independent signals being processed plus one for
each power entrance.
„ The shield should be tied to a single point to prevent ground
„ A second shield can be used over the primary shield; however,
the second shield is tied to ground at both ends.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

3.3 Recommended wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 17:
Logic Wiring ...........................................................................................22 AWG

Wire Strip Length......................................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)

Power and Ground .................................................................................20 AWG

3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins

Communications 10-pin wire crimp (P2) .....................................................Hirose DF11-10DS-2C

Crimp contact for 10-pin wire crimp (22 AWG) ............................... DF11-22SC

Crimp contact for 10-pin wire crimp (24 - 28 AWG) .................... DF11-2428SC

Crimp Contact for 10-pin wire crimp (30 AWG) .............................. DF11-30SC

Logic and Power The following mating connectors are recommended for the MDrive

12-pin Locking Wire Crimp Connector Shell.............................Tyco 1-794617-2

Crimp Pins ....................................................................................Tyco 794610-1

3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads (flying,
pluggable or threaded) must be properly anchored. This will prevent
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at critical connection
points within the MDrive.
Revision R070110

MLM17:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 3 Mounting

Power leads

Adhesive anchor
& tywrap

Logic leads

Adhesive anchors
& tywrap

Communication leads

Figure 3.2 Securing leads

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:3-5

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation

3.5.1 Notes and warnings

„ Do not use a wrench on the stainless steel cam of the nut.
„ Do not oil the mechanism of the nut.
„ Do not install the nut into an interference fit bore (mechanism
will not work).
3.5.2 Installation
To install threaded model nuts, simply hand tighten until shoulder is
flush with mounting surface. A small amount of Loctite thread com-
pound such as #277 can be used to prevent loosening. Alternatively, a
pin can be installed to mechanically lock the threads.
Flanged models can be mounted to either the front or rear face of the
Before use, it is recommended that the stainless steel preload mecha-
nism be turned so that the caming surfaces move down the ramps.
Once play is felt, allow the mechanism to slowly unwind again to estab-
lish the proper preload. (It is possible in assembly to inadvertently twist
the cam creating excessive drag torque. This procedure will correct
Using lubricant on the lead screw threads is recommended. This ex-
tends the life of the nut and reduces heat generation, noise and vibra-
tion. TriGEL-300S or TriGEL-1200SC is recommended.

3.5.3 Removal from screw

If it is necessary to remove the nut from your screw, you may lock the
mechanism so that it can be immediately reinstalled without re-setting
the preload. This can be done by wrapping tape around the junction
between the stainless steel cam and the plastic nut halves. This will
prevent the cam from turning when the nut is removed from screw.
Remember to remove tape after installation.
For immediate transfer from one screw to another, hold the nut together
between your thumb and forefinger so that it cannot expand axially.
Remove the nut and install it on the second screw. It may be help-
ful to prevent the cam from turning with your remaining fingers as you
transfer. If the nut becomes disassembled or looses its preload for any
reason, follow the steps listed in the assembly procedure below.
Revision R070110

MLM17:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 3 Mounting

3.5.4 Assembly procedure

1) Insert spring tang into cam slot.

Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang

2) Ensure that the spring is engaged.

Figure 3.4 Spring engaged

3) Insert opposite tang into front nut slot or hole (dependant on size).
Use the slot or hole that will allow the the cam to be positioned clos-
est to the bottom of the ramp.

Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:3-7

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

1) With washer installed, insert the back nut into the front nut.

Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut

2) With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut onto the screw starting with the front nut. After the entire nut
is threaded onto the screw, release the cam to observe the gap
distance (X on the drawing). The gap distance (X) should be about
one-third of the full ramp distance, but no more than half.

Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance

3) If the gap distance is incorrect, unthread the nut just enough to al-
low the back nut to disengage from the screw. Pull the back nut off
and rotate to the next index position and reinsert back into the front
nut. With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut back onto the screw. Release the cam and verify the correct
gap distance. If still not correct repeat this step.
Revision R070110

MLM17:3-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 3 Mounting

1) Once the back nut has been properly clocked to yield the correct
gap distance, unthread the nut again just enough to disengage the
back nut from the screw, but do not remove from the nut. Pull the
cam away from the ramp and rotate in the clockwise direction for
two ramp settings, then hold the cam at the bottom of the second
ramp. Be careful not to allow the back nut to rotate with respect to
the front nut while completing this task. With the cam held at the
bottom of the second ramp, push the back nut into the front nut and
thread the entire nut onto the screw.

Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut

2) The anti-backlash nut is now pre-loaded and fully assembled.

Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:3-9

3 Mounting MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

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Revision R070110

MLM17:3-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown in this document.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4.1 Connector orientation

The illustration below shows the connector positions and orientation
with regard to the location of pin 1.
All connector drawings in this section will show this orientation.
P2: 10-pin IDC (Communications) P1: 7-pin Terminal (Power and I/O)

Red P1
Pin 1

Pin 1

Pin 7
Pin 10

P1: 12-pin Locking Wire Crimp

(Communications Power and I/O)

2 1
12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp 4 3
connector at P1 eliminates Locking Tab 6 5
the P2 connector. to Left 8 7
10 9
12 11

P4: 10-pin wire crimp (Optional Internal Encoder)

2 1
4 3
6 5
8 7
10 9

’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation

Revision R070110

MLM17:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4.2 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 10-pin IDC connector at P2
2. 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1
3. 19-pin M23 circular connector at P1
If using the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector or M23 circular at P1,
there will be no P2 connector. The P1 option will bundle power, logic
and communications on a single connector.
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector

Red conductor Pin # Function Description

1 N/C Not connected
Pin 1 2 N/C Not connected
3 N/C Not connected
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
Pin 10
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
general purpose use.
7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-01

(contains 5 connector shells, ribbon cable not included)
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC300-001

Manufacturer (SAMTEC) part numbers Connector shell.......................................................... TCSD-05-01-N

Ribbon cable.............................................................Tyco 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD14-1434-FL3
7 + 5 VDC output — White/brown
8 SPI clock — White/green
8: CLK 7: +5V 9 Comm ground — Green/white
10: MOSI 9: GND 10 SPI MOSI — White/gray
12: MISO 11: CS 11 SPI chip select — Gray/white
12 SPI MISO — Brown/white

Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 17 is +12 to +48 VDC.
Ensure that motor back EMF is factored into your power supply
size calculations.
Allow 2.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
17 in the system. Actual power supply current will depend on
voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

MLM17:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4.3.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +48 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 2.0 A (per MDrive 17

Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.3.2 Recommended wire gauge

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14

Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge

4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color
Red +12 to +48 VDC supply
Black Power ground

Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads

4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin #
6 Power ground
7 +12 to +48 VDC supply

Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal

+V 7

4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

Pin # Signal Wire colors

2: +V MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
1: Ground
2 +12 to +48 VDC supply Red Red
1 Power ground Black Black

Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3.6 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for up to
three (3) MDrive 17 units at up to 48 VDC to allow switching DC Power.

Wire jumper A to B for 48 VDC Max. SPST

switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

+V GND – +

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Revision R070110

MLM17:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 6, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White Opto reference
Orange CW/CCW direction input
Blue Step clock input
Brown Enable input

Table 4.8 Universal input connections, flying leads

4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
Opto ref. 1
2 1 Opto reference
Step Clock 3
Direction 4 3 Step clock input
Enable 5 4 CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable input

Table 4.9 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: Step clock in MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: Opto Ref.
6: Direction in 3 Opto reference White White/blue
5: Enable in
4 Step clock input Green Blue/white
5 Enable input Orange White/orange
6 Direction input Blue Orange/white

Table 4.10 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White CW +
Orange CW —
Blue CCW —
Brown CCW +

Table 4.11 Differential input connections, flying leads interface

4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
CW + 1
1 CW +
CW - 3 3 CW —
CCW - 4
CCW + 5 4 CCW —
5 CCW +

Table 4.12 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal

Revision R070110

MLM17:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

4: CW - MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
3: CW +
6:CCW + 3 CW + White White/blue
5: CCW -
4 CW — Green Blue/white
5 CCW — Orange White/orange
6 CCW + Blue Orange/white

Table 4.13 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.6 Encoder interface

4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire color

2: CH A+ 1: Ground ED-CABLE-JST10
4: CH B+ 3: CH A-
6: IDX+ 1 GND White/Brown
5: CH B-
7: IDX- 2 CH A+ White/green
3 CH A- Green/white
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
7 IDX- Blue/white
8 No Connect Brown/white

Table 4.14 P4 - Encoder interface

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-9

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4.7 USB to SPI communications converters

4.7.1 USB to 10-pin wire crimp — MD-CC300-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
6.0’ (1.8m)

To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
IDC connector

in-line converter

( ) converter cable
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications

4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
Tyco connector Wire Colors Function
Orange Enable
Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
in-line converter Green Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m)
Black** Power Gnd
To I/O & Power Red** +V

Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable

Revision R070110

MLM17:4-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator 4 Connection and Interface

4.8 Prototype development cables

4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3

The PD12-1434-FL3 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 12-pin locking wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.

Wire Colors Function

To MDrivePlus Gray/White Chip Select
12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power &
Communications White/Gray SPI MOSI
Tyco connector
White/Brown +5 VDC
Cable 2 Brown/White SPI MISO
White/Green SPI Clock
Cable 1 Green/White Comm Gnd
White/Orange Enable
Orange/White Direction
10.0’ (3.0m) White/Blue Opto Ref
Blue/White Step Clock
Black Power Gnd
Red +V
Uninsulated Drain Wire

Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3

4.8.2 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-6

The ED-CABLE-JST10 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive optional encoder interface to the users controller.
This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 10-pin locking wire crimp connector
to plug directly into the MDrive optional P4 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface a control device.
To MDrivePlus Pair Wire Colors Function
10-pin wire crimp White/Blue IDX+
JST connector To Controller/PLC 1
Blue/White IDX-
White/Orange CH B+
Orange/White CH B-
White/Green CH A+
Green/White CH A-
White/Brown Ground
10.0’ (3.0m) Brown/White N/C

Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM17:4-11

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 17 Linear Actuator

4.9 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-13
Revision R070110

MLM17:4-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator
Step / direction input

1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Mounting Recommendations
4. Interface and Connectivity
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MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 MDrive 23 linear actuator unit overview ..........................1-1
1.1.1 Linear actuator styles ........................................1-1
1.1.2 MDrive 23 linear versions .................................1-1
1.3 Product identification .......................................................1-2
1.4 Documentation reference ................................................1-3
1.5 Product software .............................................................1-3

2 Specifications ............................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Mechanical specifications................................................2-1
2.1.1 Non-Captive Shaft .............................................2-1
2.1.2 External Shaft ....................................................2-2
2.1.2 External Shaft ....................................................2-2
2.2 General specifications .....................................................2-3
2.2.1 Electrical specifications......................................2-3
3.2.2 Logic specifications............................................2-3
3.2.3 Communications specifications .........................2-3
3.2.4 Thermal specifications .......................................2-3
3.2.5 Motion specifications .........................................2-4
2.2.8 Motor specifications ...........................................2-4
2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves ......................2-5
2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments -
2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2..................2-6
2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and ...
logic .................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs) .....................2-7
2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)...................2-8
2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire
crimp (universal input) ...................................................2-9
2.4.5 Power, logic and communications (differential ......
input) ................................................................2-10
2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal en-
coder 2-11
2.5 Options ..........................................................................2-12
2.6 Connectivity ...................................................................2-12

3 Mounting and connection recommendations ......................... 3-1

3.1 Mounting...............................................................................
3.1 Mounting..........................................................................3-2
3.2 Layout and interface guidelines.......................................3-3
3.2.1 Rules of wiring ..................................................3-3
3.2.2 Rules of shielding .............................................3-3
3.3 Recommended wiring......................................................3-4
3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins .....3-4
3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads .............................3-5
3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation ...................3-6
3.5.1 Notes and warnings ...........................................3-6
3.5.2 Installation..........................................................3-6
3.5.3 Removal from screw ..........................................3-6
Revision R070110

3.5.4 Assembly procedure ..........................................3-7

Integrated Motor and Driver i

Table of Contents MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4 Connection and interface ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Connector orientation ......................................................4-2
4.2 Interfacing communications.............................................4-3
4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector .........................4-3
4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector .......................4-4
4.3 Interfacing DC power.......................................................4-4
4.2.1 Recommended power supply characteristics ....4-5
4.2.2 Recommended wire gauge ................................4-5
4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-5
4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-5
4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface ..........4-6
4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module .....
DPM75 ...............................................................4-6
4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input) ...................................4-7
4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-7
4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-7
4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-7
4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs) ...............................4-8
4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface ..........4-8
4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface............4-9
4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp .........................4-9
4.6 Encoder interface ..........................................................4-10
4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ...................................4-10
4.7 USB to SPI communications converters .......................4-11
4.7.1 USB to 10-pin IDC — MD-CC300-001 ............4-11
4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001 ..4-11
4.8 Prototype development cables ......................................4-12
4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp
PD12-1434-FL3 ...............................................4-12
4.8.2 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp .........................................
ED-CABLE-JST10 ...........................................4-13
4.9 Mating connector kits ....................................................4-13
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ii Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Standard product options ......................................................1-2

Figure 2.1 Non-captive shsft mechanical specifications .........................2-1
Figure 2.2 External shaft mechanical specifications...............................2-2
Figure 2.3 Motor performance curve — +24 VDC ..................................2-5
Figure 2.4 Motor performance curve — +48 VDC ..................................2-5
Figure 2.5 Motor performance curve — +75 VDCr .................................2-5
Figure 3.1 MDrive 23 mounting and drill pattern ....................................3-2
Figure 3.2 Securing leads.......................................................................3-5
Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang...................................................................3-7
Figure 3.4 Spring engaged .....................................................................3-7
Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang ...............................................................3-7
Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut ............................................................3-8
Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance ..................................................3-8
Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut ................................................................3-9
Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled ......................................3-9
’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation ............................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module ...........................................4-6
Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable...............4-11
Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable...............4-11
Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3 ...................4-12
Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10 ........................4-13
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Integrated Motor and Driver iii

Table of Contents MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Electrical specifications .........................................................2-3

Table 2.2 I/O specifications ...................................................................2-3
Table 2.3 Communications specifications .............................................2-3
Table 2.4 Thermal specifications...........................................................2-3
Table 2.5 Motion specifications .............................................................2-4
Table 2.8 MDrive 23 linear actuator specifications................................2-4
Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin IDC ............................................2-6
Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-7
Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-7
Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads .......2-8
Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal ............2-8
Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications ...................................2-9
Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-10
Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications .................................2-11
Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC.....................4-3
Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ......4-4
Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics ........................4-5
Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge .............................4-5
Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads .........................4-5
Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal .....................4-5
Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp ...4-6
Table 4.8 Universal input connections, flying leads ..............................4-7
Table 4.9 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal...........................4-7
Table 4.10 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp .........4-7
Table 4.11 Differential input connections, flying leads interface .............4-8
Table 4.12 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal ........................4-9
Table 4.13 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp.......4-9
Table 4.14 P4 - Encoder interface.........................................................4-10
Revision R070110

iv Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

MDrive® linear actuators combine leading all-in-one integrated motion

technology with linear motion to deliver high accuracy, unsurpassed
repeatability and long life, all in a package that is extremely compact
and affordable.

1.1 MDrive 23 linear actuator unit overview

1.1.1 Linear actuator styles

Two (2) linear actuator styles of MDrive 23 integrated motor + driver

solutions are available:
„ Non-captive shaft — a screw runs through the MDrive and
moves axially as the motor rotates
„ External shaft — a rotating screw, integral to the motor shaft,
moves a screw-mounted nut axially
Precision rolled lead screws used with MDrive linear actuators are
designed specifically for motion control applications to deliver maximum
life and quiet operation. Corrosion resistant and non-magnetic, screws
are manufactured from premium grade stainless steel and available with
optional coating.

1.1.2 MDrive 23 linear versions

Three (2) MDrive 23 integrated versions provide a choice of features and

„ Step / direction input — motor + driver

„ Motion Control — motor + driver + controller
MDrive14 linear actuators feature high torque 1.8° brushless NEMA 23
single length step motors with integrated electronics, providing the lead-
ing technology solution for all-in-one linear motion applications.
Unsurpassed smoothness and performance delivered by MDrive 23
products are achieved through IMS’s advanced 2nd generation cur-
rent control. By applying innovative techniques to control current flow
through the motor, resonance is significantly dampened over the entire
speed range and audible noise is reduced.
The MDrive 23 accepts a broad input voltage range from +12 to +75
VDC, delivering enhanced performance and speed. Oversized input ca-
pacitors are used to minimize power line surges, reducing problems that
can occur with long cable runs and multiple drive systems. An extended
operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service
in demanding environments.mapping and extended node identifier.
Revision R070110

Motor configurations include a single shaft rotary in four lengths, and

linear actuators with long life Acme screw**.

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:1-1

1 Introduction MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

1.3 Product identification

P1 P2
P1 I/O & power connectors: Communication connectors:
F = flying leads D = 10-pin IDC
P = pluggable terminal L = 10-pin friction lock wire crimp
C = locking wire crimp B = DB9, only with CANopen Comm
>includes Comm on Z = None (when C used at P1
Microstepping version on Step/direction version)
>includes separate
P2 P3 power connector on
Motion Control versions

P1 P2
MLM 1,5 F,P S D 23A7 – L linear actuator

MLM 1,5 C S Z 23A7 – L linear actuator

SPI comm See details at bottom of

page for complete linear
Input version actuator part numbers.
1 = Universal - standard
5 = Differential - CW/CCW

Non-c shaft External sh

–L 1 Z –L 3
Coating Coating
Screw end Screw end
T = teflon* T = teflon*
M = metric Z = none M = metric
Z = none
U = UNC U = UNC Nut
S = smooth Screw length S = smooth
Screw lead
S l Screw lead
S d G = general purpose
3.0 to 24.0” Z = none
travel per rev Z = none travel per rev (dynamic load limit
in 0.1 increments to 60lbs/22kg)
G = 0.375” (9.525mm) G = 0.375” (9.525mm)
ex. 12.5” = 125 Screw length A = anti-backlash
A = 0.200” (5.08mm) A = 0.200” (5.08mm)
10.0” = 100 3.0 to 24.0” (dynamic load limit
B = 0.167” (4.233mm) B = 0.167” (4.233mm) in 0.1 increments to 25lbs/11kg)
D = 0.083” (2.116mm) D = 0.083” (2.116mm) ex. 12.5” = 125
10.0” = 100
Screw length calculation = desired stroke length + Screw length calculation = desired stroke length +
1.8" (45.7mm) + mounting surface plate thickness nut length + mounting surface plate thickness

Figure 1.1 Standard product options

Revision R070110

MLM23:1-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 1 Introduction

1.4 Documentation reference

The following user’s manuals are available for the MDrive 23 Linear
„ Product manual, describes the technical data, installation,
configuration and programming of the product.
„ Quick Reference, describes the basic wiring, connection and
use of this product. The quick reference is shipped in printed
form with the product.
This documentation is also available for download from the IMS web
site at

1.5 Product software

The MDrive 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input integrated motor
and driver is configured using the IMS SPI motor interface graphical
user interface. This free software may be downloaded from http://www.
Installation and usages instructions are to be found in Part 1 of this
document, Section 5.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:1-3

1 Introduction MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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MLM23:1-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2.1 Mechanical specifications

2.1.1 Non-Captive Shaft

Side view Front view
1.90 2.02
(48.3) (51.2)
0.06 ±0.00
(1.5 ±0.1) Screw end
- Metric
- UNC Ø 0.197
- Smooth
- None (Ø 5.0)
2.96 0.375 Screw end options
(75.2) (9.525) see detail drawings

(12.7) Ø 1.500 ±0.002
(Ø 38.1 ±0.1)

1.34 0.19
(34.0) (4.9)
2.65 1.856 ±0.008 SQ.
(67.31) (47.1 ±0.2 SQ.)
3.0 to 24.0 2.22 SQ.
(76.2 to 609.6) (56.4 SQ.)

Load limit
Nominal load limit: 200 lbs (91 kg)

Screw specifications
Screw material Standard screw Screw end options
MDrive Linear Actuator Dimensions in inches (mm) Metric end: UNC end:
precision rolled lead Threaded end M6 x 1.0mm 1/4-20 UNC-2A
thread to thread to
screws are designed 3.0 to 24.0 within 0.03" within 0.05"
specifically for motion (76.2 to 609.6) (0.76mm) (1.3mm)
0.50 of shoulder of shoulder
control applications to (12.7)
deliver maximum life
Smooth end
and quiet operation. Ø 0.2362" ±0.001
Corrosion resistant Screw end options (Ø 6mm ±0.003)
0.375 (see details at right)
and non-magnetic, (9.52)
screws are manufac-
tured from premium None
grade stainless steel.

Lead options
Screw coating
inches (mm) Travel/revolution Travel/full step
An optional teflon Screw G 0.3750 (9.525) 0.001875 (0.0476)
screw coating is avail- Screw A 0.200 (5.08) 0.001 (0.0254)
able for smooth opera- Screw B 0.1670 (4.233) 0.000835 (0.0212)
tion and extended life. Screw D 0.0833 (2.116) 0.0004165 (0.0106)

Cantilevered loads
Revision R070110

Unsupported loads and side loading are not recommended for non-captive shaft MDrive® linear actuator products.
Calculating screw length
Screw length = [mounting surface plate thickness] + [1.8" (45.7mm)] + [desired stroke length]

Figure 2.1 Non-captive shsft mechanical specifications

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-1

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.1.2 External Shaft

2.1.2 External Shaft

Side view Front view
1.90 2.02
(48.3) (51.2)
3.0 to 24.0
(76.2 to 609.6)
0.06 ±0.00
(1.5 ±0.1) 0.50
(12.7) Ø 0.197
(Ø 5.0)
Screw end options
2.96 0.375 see detail drawings
(75.2) (9.525)


Ø 1.500 ±0.002
Screw end (Ø 38.1 ±0.1)
- Smooth
- None
1.34 0.19
(4.9) 1.856 ±0.008 SQ.
(34.0) 2.65 (47.1 ±0.2 SQ.)
(67.31) 2.22 SQ.
(56.4 SQ.)
Nut detail / load limit
F Nut outline ØD


BCD load
General purpose nut Anti-backlash nut drag
Flange shape: round Flange shape: triangle inches (mm) limit torque
Load limit: 60 lbs (27 kg) Load limit: 25 lbs (11 kg) General 0.71 1.50 1.5 0.20 0.20 1.125 60lbs/ free
Purpose: for applications Purpose: backlash free purpose (18.0) (38.1) (38.1) (5.08) (5.08) (28.6) 27kg wheeling
not requiring anti-backlash operation for high accuracy 1.875
0.82 (47.63) 1.5 0.20 0.20 1.125 25lbs/
and wear compensation. and low drag torque. Anti-backlash (20.8) 1–3
max (38.1) (5.08) (5.08) (28.6) 11kg

Screw specifications
Screw material Standard screw Screw end options
MDrive Linear Actuator Dimensions in inches (mm)
Metric end: UNC end:
precision rolled lead Threaded end M6 x 1.0mm 1/4-20 UNC-2A
3.0 to 24.0
screws are corrosion (76.2 to 609.6) thread to thread to
resistant and non-mag- 0.50 within 0.03" within 0.05"
(12.7) (0.76mm) (1.3mm)
netic, manufactured of shoulder of shoulder
from premium grade
stainless steel. Screw end options Smooth end
0.375 (see details at right) Ø 0.2362" ±0.001
Screw coating (Ø 6mm ±0.003)

An optional teflon screw Lead options

coating is available for inches (mm) Travel/revolution Travel/full step None
smooth operation and Screw G 0.3750 (9.525) 0.001875 (0.0476)
extended life. Screw A 0.200 (5.08) 0.001 (0.0254) —
Screw B 0.1670 (4.233) 0.000835 (0.0212)
Screw D 0.0833 (2.116) 0.0004165 (0.0106)

Cantilevered loads
Loads for external shaft MDrive® linear actuator products MUST BE supported. Side loading is not recommended.

Calculating stroke length

Revision R070110

Available stroke length = [screw length] – [nut length] – [mounting surface plate thickness]
Figure 2.2 External shaft mechanical specifications

MLM23:2-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2 General specifications

2.2.1 Electrical specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Single, double and triple
+12 — +75 VDC
Input voltage range lengthe motors
Quad length motor +12 +60

Current (Amp)

Single, double and triple length 1.6

motors 1.2
75 60 45 30 12
Voltage (VDC)

Max power supply current*

Current (Amp)

Quad length ,motor
60 48 36 24 12
Voltage (VDC)

*per MDrive 23 Linear Actuator, Actual current depends on voltage and


Table 2.1 Electrical specifications

3.2.2 Logic specifications

Condition Min Typ Max Unit

Universal Inputs
Isolated input voltage range
Isolated inputs +5 — +24 VDC
(sourcing or sinking)
Current +5 VDC max — — 8.7 mA
Current +24 VDC max — — 14.6 mA
Differential Inputs
Voltage range — 0 — +5 VDC
High level input voltage — +3.75 — +5.75 VDC
Low level input voltage — — — ≤+1.2 VDC

Table 2.2 I/O specifications

3.2.3 Communications specifications

Protocol SPI

Table 2.3 Communications specifications

3.2.4 Thermal specifications

Revision R070110

Min Typ Max Unit

Heat sink temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +85 ºC
Motor temperature non-condensing humidity -40 — +100 ºC

Table 2.4 Thermal specifications

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-3

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

3.2.5 Motion specifications

Number of microstep resolutions 20

Available microsteps per revolution

200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 360001 216002 254003

1=0.01 deg/μstep 2=1 arc minute/μstep *3=0.001 mm/μstep

* 1" per revolution lead screw
50 ns to 12.9 μs
Digital filter range
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
step/direction, up/down,
Clock types
Step frequency (max) 5 MHz
Step frequency minimum pulse width 100 ns

Table 2.5 Motion specifications

2.2.8 Motor specifications

Holding torque 90 oz-in (64 N-cm)

Rotor inertia 0.0025 oz-in-sec2 (0.18 kg-cm2)
General purpose 200 lbs (91 kg)
Maximum thrust (Non-captive)
With anti-backlash nut —
General purpose 60 lbs (27 kg)
Maximum thrust (External)
With anti-backlash nut 25 lbs (11 kg)
General purpose 0.005” (0.127 mm)
Maximum repeatability (Non-captive)
With anti-backlash nut —
General purpose 0.005” (0.127mm)
Maximum repeatability (External)
With anti-backlash nut 0.0005” (0.0127 mm)
Maximum screw misalignment ± 1°
Wieght without screw 22.0 oz (625.0 g)

Table 2.8 MDrive 23 linear actuator specifications

Revision R070110

MLM23:2-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.2.9 Speed-force performance curves

+24 VDC

Force kg
Load limit 200lbs / 91kg *
200 91
180 Screw D 79
160 Screw B 70
Screw A
140 61
Screw G
120 52
100 44
80 36
60 27

Force lbs
40 18
20 9
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)

Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

Figure 2.3 Motor performance curve — +24 VDC

+48 VDC

Force kg
Load limit 200lbs / 91kg *
200 91
180 Screw D 79
Screw B
160 70
Screw A
140 Screw G 61
120 52
100 44
80 36
60 27
Force lbs

40 18
20 9
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)

Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

Figure 2.4 Motor performance curve — +48 VDC

+75 VDC
Force kg

Load limit 200lbs / 91kg *

200 91
Screw D 79
Screw B
160 70
Screw A
140 Screw G 61
120 52
100 44
80 36
60 27
Force lbs

40 18
20 9
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(300) (600) (900) (1200) (1500) (1800) (2100) (2400)
Revision R070110

Speed in full steps per second (RPM)

Figure 2.5 Motor performance curve — +75 VDCr

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-5

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.3 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - Communications

2.3.1 SPI communications - connector P2

The +5 VDC output on connector P2 is for the express pur-
pose of powering the IMS isolated communications converter
cables. Do not use to power external devices.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage
to system components!

If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp or M23 cir-
cular connector at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated
and SPI communications are bundled with power and logic.

10-pin fIDC style connector

Pin # Function Description
SPI 1 N/C Not connected
2 N/C Not connected
P2 5 6
3 N/C Not connected
9 10 4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
Connectivity Options general purpose use.
USB to SPI Converter:
MD-CC300-001 7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
Mating connector kit: 8 CLK SPI clock
CK-01 (ribbon cable not
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out
Mfg P/N:
SAMTEC TSD-05-01-N Table 2.7 P2 communications, 10-pin IDC

Ribbon cable
Tyco: 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

MLM23:2-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - power and logic

2.4.1 Power and logic (universal inputs)

12” (304.8 mm) flying leads
Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power
White Opto Optocoupler reference
12.0”+1.0/-0.0 Orange Step clock Step clock input
(304.8mm )
+25.4/-0.0 Blue Direction CW/CCW direction input
Brown Enable Output bridge enable input
Black GND Power ground
Red +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power

Table 2.8 Power and logic interface - 12” ( flying leads

7-pin pluggable terminal

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 Opto Optocoupler reference
0.44 2 N/C Not connected
3 Step clock Step clock input
4 Direction CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable Output bridge enable input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
2 Table 2.9 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable terminal
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-7

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.4.2 Power and logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

12” (304.8 mm) flying

Wire Color Function Description
I/O & Power White CW + Clockwise plus input
Orange CW - Clockwise minus input
(304.8mm ) Blue CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input

Brown CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input

Black GND Power ground
Red +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power

Table 2.10 Power and logic interface - 12” ( fly-

ing leads

7-pin pluggable ter-

Pin # Function Description
I/O & Power
1 CW + Clockwise plus input
0.44 2 N/C Not connected
3 CW - Clockwise minus input
4 CCW - Counter-clockwise minus input
5 CCW + Counter-clockwise plus input
6 GND Power ground
Top view 7 +V Motor power
1 Table 2.11 Power and logic interface - 7-pin pluggable
2 terminal
Revision R070110

MLM23:2-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.4.3 Power, logic and communications — 12-pin wire crimp (universal input)

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
6 5 3 OPTO Optocoupler power supply input
8 7
4 SCLK Step Clock input
10 9
12 11 The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the
5 EN
driver output circuitry.
The direction Input controls the clockwise/
counterclockwise direction of the motor. It may be
configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state
Connectivity Options
USB to SPI Converter:
of the Optocoupler Reference.
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
Prototype development 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
cable: CC305-001. Do not use to power external devices.
8 CLK SPI Clock
Mating connector kit:
9 CGND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N:
Shell 11 CS SPI Chip Select input
Tyco: 1-794617-2
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Tyco: 794610-1 Table 2.12 P1 Power, logic and communications
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-9

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.4.5 Power, logic and communications (differential input)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerent to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown below.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.

Pin # Function Description

1 GND Motor power supply return (ground)
2 1
4 3 2 +V +12 to +75 VDC motor power
6 5 3 CW+ Positive clockwise input
8 7
10 9 4 CW- Negative clockwise input
12 11 5 CCW+ Positive counter-clockwise input
6 CCW- Negative counter-clockwise input
+5 VDC output. This output is only to be used to power
Connectivity Options 7 +5 VDC the optional communications converter cable MD-
USB to SPI Converter: CC303-001. Do not use to power external devices.
8 CLK SPI Clock
Prototype development
cable: 9 CGND Communications ground
10 MOSI SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mating connector kit:
11 CS SPI Chip Select input
12 MISO SPI Master In - Slave Out
Mfg P/N:
Tyco: 1-794617-2 Table 2.13 P1 Power, logic and communications
Revision R070110

Tyco: 794610-1

MLM23:2-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 2 Specifications

2.5 Connectivity specifications/pin assignments - internal encoder

Pin # Function Description

Internal Encoder 1 GND Encoder ground
2 CH A+ Channel A positive input
3 CH A- Channel A negative input
4 CH B+ Channel B positive input
5 CH B- Channel B negative input
6 IDX+ Index mark positive input
7 IDX- Index mark negative input
8 N/C Not connected
9 N/C Not connected
10 N/C Not connected

Table 2.14 P1 Power, logic and communications

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:2-11

2 Specifications MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

2.5 Options
Drive Protection Module The function of the DPM75 Drive Protection Module is to limit the surge
current and voltage to a safe level when DC input power is switched on
and off to the MDrive

Internal encoder Internal differential magnetic encoders with index mark are available
with the MDrive Step / direction input.
Line counts available: 100, 200, 250, 256, 400, 500, 512, 800, 1000

2.6 Connectivity
QuickStart kit For rapid design verifi cation, all-inclusive QuickStart Kits have com-
munication converter, prototype development cable(s), instructions and
CD for MDrive Step / direction input initial functional setup and system

Communication Converters Electrically isolated, in-line converters pre-wired with mating connec-
tors to conveniently set/program communication parameters for a single
MDrive product via a PC’s USB port. Length 12.0’ (3.6m).
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ...........................................................MD-CC300-001
P1 12 pin locking wire crimp .....................................MD-CC303-001

Prototype Development Cables Speed test/development with pre-wired mating connectors that have fly-
ing leads other end. Length 10.0’ (3.0m).
Mates to connector:
P1 12-pin locking wire crimp.................................... PD12-1434-FL3
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ........................... ED-CABLE-JST10

Mating Connector Kits Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-13
Revision R070110

MLM23:2-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3 Mounting and connection recommendations

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

Some MDrive mounting configurations require that the MDrive
move along the screw. Ensure that all cabling is properly re-
strained to provide strain relief on connection points..
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The mounting plate material should offer sufficient mass and
thermal conductivity to ensure that the motor temperature does
not eceed 100°C.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:3-1

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

3.1 Mounting

Mounting Flange or Adapter Plate

(Material and thickness determined by user application
and thermal considerations)

Temperature sensor
should be attached
at the center of the
motor body

Mounting Hardware* Mounting Hardware (Metric)*

4 x #10-32 Screw 4 x M5 - 0.50 Screw
4 x #10 Split Lockwasher 4 x M5 Split Lockwasher
4 x #10 Flat Washer 4 x M5 Flat Washer
*Not Supplied

Drill Pattern

4 Places on a Ø 2.638 (Ø 67.00) Circle

Use #21 (4.5 mm) drill. Tap to
10-32 (M5-0.5)

1.856 ±0.008 SQ.

(47.1 ±02 SQ.)

Ø 1.500 ±0.002
(Ø 38.1 ±0.1)

Figure 3.1 MDrive 23Plus mounting and drill pattern

Revision R070110

MLM23:3-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.2 Layout and interface guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables
will introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI
induced noise. The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source
to earth. The other end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but
allowed to float. This allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive need to be twisted. If more than one
driver is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate power
and ground leads from the supply to each driver.

3.2.1 Rules of wiring

„ Power supply and motor wiring should be shielded twisted pairs,
and run separately from signal-carrying wires.
„ A minimum of one twist per inch is recommended.
„ Motor wiring should be shielded twisted pairs using 20 gauge, or
for distances of more than 5 feet, 18 gauge or better.
„ Power ground return should be as short as possible to estab-
lished ground.
„ Power supply wiring should be shielded twisted pairs of 18
gauge for less than 4 amps DC and 16 gauge for more than 4
amps DC.
3.2.2 Rules of shielding
„ The shield must be tied to zero-signal reference potential. It is
necessary that the signal be earthed or grounded, for the shield
to become earthed or grounded. Earthing or grounding the
shield is not effective if the signal is not earthed or grounded.
„ Do not assume that Earth ground is a true Earth ground. De-
pending on the distance from the main power cabinet, it may be
necessary to sink a ground rod at the critical location.
„ The shield must be connected so that shield currents drain to
signal-earth connections.
„ The number of separate shields required in a system is equal to
the number of independent signals being processed plus one for
each power entrance.
„ The shield should be tied to a single point to prevent ground
„ A second shield can be used over the primary shield; however,
the second shield is tied to ground at both ends.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:3-3

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

3.3 Recommended wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive 23
Linear Actuator:
Logic Wiring ......................................................................... 22 AWG
Wire Strip Length ....................................................... 0.25” (6.0 mm)
Power and Ground ............................................................. 20 AWG

3.3.1 Recommended mating connectors and pins

Communications 10-pin IDC (P2).......................................... SAMTEC TCSD-05-01-N

Recommended ribbon cable.....................................Tyco 1-57051-9

Logic and Power The following mating connectors are recommended for the MDrive
12-pin Locking Wire Crimp Connector Shell...........Tyco 1-794617-2
Crimp Pins ................................................................. Tyco 794610-1
Revision R070110

MLM23:3-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.4 Securing power leads and logic leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis mo-
tion. If this is a requirement of your application, the motor leads (flying,
pluggable or threaded) must be properly anchored. This will prevent
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at critical connection
points within the MDrive.

Power leads

Adhesive anchor
& tywrap

Logic leads

Adhesive anchors
& tywrap

Communication leads

Figure 3.2 Securing leads

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:3-5

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

3.5 Anti-Backlash nut assembly and installation

3.5.1 Notes and warnings

„ Do not use a wrench on the stainless steel cam of the nut.
„ Do not oil the mechanism of the nut.
„ Do not install the note into an interference fit bore (mechanism
will not work).
3.5.2 Installation
To install threaded model nuts, simply hand tighten until shoulder is
flush with mounting surface. A small amount of Loctite thread com-
pound such as #277 can be used to prevent loosening. Alternatively, a
pin can be installed to mechanically lock the threads.
Flanged models can be mounted to either the front or rear face of the
Before use, it is recommended that the stainless steel preload mecha-
nism be turned so that the caming surfaces move down the ramps.
Once play is felt, allow the mechanism to slowly unwind again to estab-
lish the proper preload. (It is possible in assembly to inadvertently twist
the cam creating excessive drag torque. This procedure will correct
Using lubricant on the lead screw threads is recommended. This ex-
tends the life of the nut and reduces heat generation, noise and vibra-
tion. TriGEL-300S or TriGEL-1200SC is recommended.

3.5.3 Removal from screw

If it is necessary to remove the nut from your screw, you may lock the
mechanism so that it can be immediately reinstalled without re-setting
the preload. This can be done by wrapping tape around the junction
between the stainless steel cam and the plastic nut halves. This will
prevent the cam from turning when the nut is removed from screw.
Remember to remove tape after installation.
For immediate transfer from one screw to another, hold the nut together
between your thumb and forefinger so that it cannot expand axially.
Remove the nut and install it on the second screw. It may be help-
ful to prevent the cam from turning with your remaining fingers as you
transfer. If the nut becomes disassembled or looses its preload for any
reason, follow the steps listed in the assembly procedure below.
Revision R070110

MLM23:3-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

3.5.4 Assembly procedure

1) Insert spring tang into cam slot.

Figure 3.3 Insert spring tang

2) Ensure that the spring is engaged.

Figure 3.4 Spring engaged

3) Insert opposite tang into front nut slot or hole (dependant on size).
Use the slot or hole that will allow the the cam to be positioned clos-
est to the bottom of the ramp.

Figure 3.5 Insert opposite tang

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:3-7

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

1) With washer installed, insert the back nut into the front nut.

Figure 3.6 Inserting the back nut

2) With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut onto the screw starting with the front nut. After the entire nut
is threaded onto the screw, release the cam to observe the gap
distance (X on the drawing). The gap distance (X) should be about
one-third of the full ramp distance, but no more than half.

Figure 3.7 Measuring the gap distance

3) If the gap distance is incorrect, unthread the nut just enough to al-
low the back nut to disengage from the screw. Pull the back nut off
and rotate to the next index position and reinsert back into the front
nut. With the cam held at the bottom of the ramp, thread the entire
nut back onto the screw. Release the cam and verify the correct
gap distance. If still not correct repeat this step.
Revision R070110

MLM23:3-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 3 Mounting

4) Once the back nut has been properly clocked to yield the correct
gap distance, unthread the nut again just enough to disengage the
back nut from the screw, but do not remove from the nut. Pull the
cam away from the ramp and rotate in the clockwise direction for
two ramp settings, then hold the cam at the bottom of the second
ramp. Be careful not to allow the back nut to rotate with respect to
the front nut while completing this task. With the cam held at the
bottom of the second ramp, push the back nut into the front nut and
thread the entire nut onto the screw.

Figure 3.8 Pre-loading the nut

5) The anti-backlash nut is now pre-loaded and fully assembled.

Figure 3.9 Nut pre-loaded and fully assembled

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:3-9

3 Mounting MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MLM23:3-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4 Connection and interface

Hazardous voltage levels may be present if using an open
frame power supply to power the product.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or
serious injury.

Do not connect or disconnect power, logic, or communications
while the device is in a powered state.
Remove DC power by powering down at the AC side of the DC
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

The manufacturer of the Tyco 12-pin connec-
tor has begun marking the connector shell, PN 12 6
1-794617-2. with pin numbers as shown in the
diagram on the right. Disregard
these marki-
Disregard these pin number markings. Use the pin nings
numbering scheme as shown in this document.
Failure to follow these instructions can result
in equipment damage.
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-1

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.1 Connector orientation

The illustration below shows the connector positions and orientation
with regard to the location of pin 1.
All connector drawings in this section will show this orientation.

P2: 10-pin IDC (Communications) P1: 7-pin Terminal (Power and I/O)

Red Pin 1
Pin 1
Pin 7

Pin 10

P4: 10-pin wire crimp (Optional Internal Encoder)

P1: 12-pin Locking Wire Crimp

(Communications Power and I/O)

2 1
4 3
6 5
8 7
2 1 10 9
4 3
12 11
6 5
8 7
10 9

12-Pin Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp

connector at P1 eliminates
the P2 connector.
Revision R070110

’Figure 4.1 Connector orientation

MLM23:4-2 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2 Interfacing communications

SPI communications may be interfaced using one of two possible con-
nector options:
1. 10-pin IDC connector at P2
2. 12-pin locking wire crimp connector at P1
3. 19-pin M23 circular connector at P1
If using the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector or M23 circular at P1,
there will be no P2 connector. The P1 option will bundle power, logic
and communications on a single connector.
For general SPI communications methods and practices please see
Part 1, Section 5 of this document.
If using the model MDrive with the 12-pin locking wire crimp connector
at connector position P1, the P2 connector is eliminated and SPI com-
munications are bundled with power and logic.

4.2.1 P2 - 10-pin IDC style connector

Red conductor Pin # Function Description

1 N/C Not connected
Pin 1 2 N/C Not connected
3 N/C Not connected
4 CS SPI chip select, selected when low.
5 GND Communications ground
Pin 10
+ 5 VDC output. Used to power the IMS
6 +5V communications converter ONLY! Not for
general purpose use.
7 MOSI SPI master out - slave in
8 CLK SPI clock
9 N/C Not connected
10 MISO SPI master in - slave out

Table 4.1 Communications connections, P2 - 10-pin IDC

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-01

(contains 5 connector shells, ribbon cable not included)
Communications converter cable (10’/3.0 m) ...........MD-CC300-001

Manufacturer (SAMTEC) part numbers Connector shell.......................................................... TCSD-05-01-N

Ribbon cable.............................................................Tyco 1-57051-9
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-3

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.2.2 P1 - 12-pin wire crimp connector

Pin # Signal IMS cable wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD14-1434-FL3
7 + 5 VDC output — White/brown
8 SPI clock — White/green
8: CLK 7: +5V 9 Comm ground — Green/white
10: MOSI 9: GND 10 SPI MOSI — White/gray
12: MISO 11: CS 11 SPI chip select — Gray/white
12 SPI MISO — Brown/white

Table 4.2 Communications connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3 Interfacing DC power

See part 1 of this document, section 3, for recommended power cable

The DC voltage range for the MDrive 23 Linear Actuator is +12
to +75 VDC for single, double and triple length motors, +12 to
+60 VDC for quad length motors. Ensure that motor back EMF
is factored into your power supply size calculations.
Allow 3.0 A maximum power supply output current per MDrive
23 Linear Actuator in the system. Actual power supply current
will depend on voltage and load.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment
Revision R070110

MLM23:4-4 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.2.1 Recommended power supply characteristics

Voltage range +12 to +75 VDC

Type Unregulated linear
Ripple ± 5%
Output current 2.0 A (per MDrive 23)

Table 4.3 Recommended power supply characteristics

4.2.2 Recommended wire gauge

Cable Length: Feet (meters) 10 (3.0) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 75 (22.9) 100 (30.5)
Amps Peak Minimum AWG
1 Amp Peak 20 20 18 18 18
2 Amps Peak 20 18 16 14 14
3 Amps Peak 18 16 14 12 12

Table 4.4 Recommended power supply wire gauge

4.3.3 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color
Red Motor power supply
Black Power ground

Table 4.5 Power and ground connections, flying leads

4.3.4 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin #
6 Power ground
7 Motor power supply

Table 4.6 Power and ground connections, 7-pin terminal

+V 6
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-5

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.3.5 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp interface

2: +V Pin # Signal Wire colors
1: Ground
MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
2 Motor power supply Red Red
1 Power ground Black Black

Table 4.7 Power and ground connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2


4.3.7 Power Interface using Drive Protection Module DPM75

The DPM75 Drive Protection Module will limit surge currents for up to
two (2) MDrive 23 units at up to 75 VDC to allow switching DC Power.
switch* Fuse**
A terminal power +
B terminal power –
C terminal drive –
drive +

No jumper for 75 VDC Max. +V GND – +

MDrive Power supply

* Do not switch negative side of supply
**Fuse = 6.3 Amp slow blow (recommended: Bussman S505-6.3A
or Littelfuse 215006.3). The fuse is optional.

Figure 4.2 DPM75 Drive Protection Module

Revision R070110

MLM23:4-6 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.4 Interfacing Logic (universal input)

See part 1 of this document, section 6, for logic interface configurations
and methods.

4.4.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White Opto reference
Orange CW/CCW direction input
Blue Step clock input
Brown Enable input

Table 4.8 Universal input connections, flying leads

4.4.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
Opto ref. 1
2 1 Opto reference
Step Clock 3 3 Step clock input
Direction 4
Enable 5 4 CW/CCW direction input
5 Enable input

Table 4.9 Universal input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.4.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
4: Step clock in
3: Opto Ref. 3 Opto reference White White/blue
6: Direction in
5: Enable in
4 Step clock input Green Blue/white
5 Enable input Orange White/orange
6 Direction input Blue Orange/white

Table 4.10 Universal input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-7

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.5 Interfacing Logic (differential inputs)

The universal logic inputs are tolerant to +24 VDC. The dif-
ferential input version inputs are TTL level and only tolerant to
+5 VDC:
Do not exceed +5 VDC on the differential inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment

4.5.1 P1 — 12’ (30.5 cm) flying leads interface

Wire Color Signal

White CW +
Orange CW —
Blue CCW —
Brown CCW +

Table 4.11 Differential input connections, flying leads interface

Revision R070110

MLM23:4-8 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.5.2 P1 — 7-pin pluggable terminal interface

Pin # Signal
CW + 1
2 1 CW +
CW - 3
CCW - 4 3 CW —
CCW + 5 4 CCW —
5 CCW +

Table 4.12 Differential input connections, 7-pin terminal

4.5.3 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire colors

MD-CC303-001 PD12-1434-FL3
4: CW -
3: CW + 3 CW + White White/blue
6:CCW +
5: CCW -
4 CW — Green Blue/white
5 CCW — Orange White/orange
6 CCW + Blue Orange/white

Table 4.13 Differential input connections, 12-pin locking wire crimp

Connectivity accessories Mating connector kit ................................................................CK-03

(contains 5 connector shells and the appropriate quantity of pins
to make 5 cables)
Prototype development cable (10’/3.0 m) ................ PD12-1434-FL3

Manufacturer (Tyco) part numbers Connector shell................................................................1-794617-2

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-9

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.6 Encoder interface

4.6.1 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp

Pin # Signal Wire color

2: CH A+ 1: Ground
4: CH B+ 3: CH A- 1 GND White/Brown
6: IDX+
5: CH B- 2 CH A+ White/green
7: IDX- 3 CH A- Green/white
4 CH B+ White/orange
5 CH B- Orange/white
6 IDX+ White/blue
7 IDX- Blue/white
8 No Connect Brown/white

Table 4.14 P4 - Encoder interface

Revision R070110

MLM23:4-10 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.7 USB to SPI communications converters

4.7.1 USB to 10-pin IDC — MD-CC300-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters

6.0’ (1.8m)

To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
IDC connector

in-line converter

Figure 4.3 MD-CC300-001 communications converter cable

4.7.2 USB to 12-pin wire crimp — MD-CC303-001

Electrically isolated in-line USB to SPI converter pre-wired with mating
connector to conveniently program and set configuration parameters.
Power and logic signals are bundled into this connector via a second
cable with signal accessibility via flying leads.
6.0’ (1.8m)
6.0’ (1.8m)
To computer
USB port

To MDrivePlus
12-pin wire crimp
Tyco connector Wire Colors Function
Orange Enable
Blue Direction
White Opto Ref
in-line converter Green Step Clock
10.0’ (3.0m)
Black** Power Gnd
To I/O & Power Red** +V

Figure 4.4 MD-CC303-001 communications converter cable

Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-11

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

4.8 Prototype development cables

4.8.1 P1 — 12-pin locking wire crimp PD12-1434-FL3

The PD12-1434-FL3 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive to the users power, communications and logic
interface. This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 12-pin locking wire crimp
connector to plug directly into the MDrive P1 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface to power, communications and logic.

Wire Colors Function

To MDrivePlus Gray/White Chip Select
12-pin wire crimp To I/O, Power &
Communications White/Gray SPI MOSI
Tyco connector
White/Brown +5 VDC
Cable 2 Brown/White SPI MISO
White/Green SPI Clock
Cable 1 Green/White Comm Gnd
White/Orange Enable
Orange/White Direction
10.0’ (3.0m) White/Blue Opto Ref
Blue/White Step Clock
Black Power Gnd
Red +V
Uninsulated Drain Wire

Figure 4.5 Prototype development cable PD12-1434-FL3

Revision R070110

MLM23:4-12 Integrated Motor and Driver

MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input 4 Connection and Interface

4.8.2 P4 — 10-pin wire crimp ED-CABLE-JST10

The ED-CABLE-JST10 prototype development cable is used to rapidly
interface the MDrive optional encoder interface to the users controller.
This 10’ (3.0 m) cable consists of a 10-pin locking wire crimp connector
to plug directly into the MDrive optional P4 connector with flying leads
on the opposite end to interface a control device.
To MDrive Pair Wire Colors Function
10-pin wire crimp White/Blue IDX+
JST connector To Controller/PLC 1
Blue/White IDX-
White/Orange CH B+
Orange/White CH B-
White/Green CH A+
Green/White CH A-
White/Brown Ground
10.0’ (3.0m) Brown/White N/C

Figure 4.6 Encoder interface cable ED-CABLE-JST10

4.9 Mating connector kits

Use to build your own cables. Kit contains 5 mating shells with pins.
Cable not supplied. Manufacturer’s crimp tool recommended.
Mates to connector:
P2 10-pin IDC ..........................................................................CK-01
P1 12-pin wire crimp ................................................................CK-03
P4 10-pin wire crimp (encoder) ...............................................CK-13
Revision R070110

Integrated Motor and Driver MLM23:4-13

4 Connection and Interface MDrive® 23 Linear Actuator Step / direction input

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Revision R070110

MLM23:4-14 Integrated Motor and Driver

IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA warrants only to the purchaser of the Product from IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA (the “Customer”) that the
product purchased from IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA (the “Product”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under the normal use
and service for which the Product was designed for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase of the Product by the Customer. Customer’s exclusive
remedy under this Limited Warranty shall be the repair or replacement, at Company’s sole option, of the Product, or any part of the Product, determined
by IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA to be defective. In order to exercise its warranty rights, Customer must notify Company in accordance with the
instructions described under the heading “Obtaining Warranty Service”.

NOTE: MDrive Motion Control electronics are not removable from the motor in the field. The entire unit must be returned to the factory
for repair.

This Limited Warranty does not extend to any Product damaged by reason of alteration, accident, abuse, neglect or misuse or improper or inadequate
handling; improper or inadequate wiring utilized or installed in connection with the Product; installation, operation or use of the Product not made in strict
accordance with the specifications and written instructions provided by IMS; use of the Product for any purpose other than those for which it was designed;
ordinary wear and tear; disasters or Acts of God; unauthorized attachments, alterations or modifications to the Product; the misuse or failure of any item
or equipment connected to the Product not supplied by IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA; improper maintenance or repair of the Product; or any other
reason or event not caused by IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA.


This Limited Warranty shall be void if the Customer fails to comply with all of the terms set forth in this Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty is the
sole warranty offered by IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA with respect to the Product. IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA does not assume any other
liability in connection with the sale of the Product. No representative of IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA is authorized to extend this Limited Warranty
or to change it in any manner whatsoever. No warranty applies to any party other than the original Customer.

IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA and its directors, officers, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable for any damages arising from any
loss of equipment, loss or distortion of data, loss of time, loss or destruction of software or other property, loss of production or profits, overhead costs,
claims of third parties, labor or materials, penalties or liquidated damages or punitive damages, whatsoever, whether based upon breach of warranty,
breach of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory, or other losses or expenses incurred by the Customer or any third party.


If the Product was purchased from an IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA Distributor, please contact that Distributor to obtain a Returned Material
Authorization (RMA). If the Product was purchased directly from IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA, please contact Customer Service at info@imshome.
com or 860-295-6102 (Eastern Time Zone).

Customer shall prepay shipping charges for Products returned to IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA for warranty service and IMS Schneider Electric
Motion USA shall pay for return of Products to Customer by ground transportation. However, Customer shall pay all shipping charges, duties and taxes for
Products returned to IMS Schneider Electric Motion USA from outside the United States.
Schneider Electric Motion USA
370 North Main Street, P.O. Box 457
Marlborough, CT 06447 - U.S.A.
Tel. +00 (1) 860 295-6102 - Fax +00 (1) 860 295-6107
© Schneider Electric Motion USA All Rights Reserved. REV070110
Product Disclaimer and most recent product information at

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