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Chennai • Saturday, November 23, 2024 • thehindu.



Saturday, November 23, 2024


Chennai • Saturday, November 23, 2024 •



Financing urban
in India
Cities need to establish a robust set of revenue bases to meet increasing
expenditures and recover the cost of public services

the Brihanmumbai Munici- To improve their fiscal cess to potential private
pal Corporation holds the base, cities must establish financing.
reputation of being the a robust set of revenue bas-
country’s richest civic bo- es and be able to recover What can the design
dy, with its 10-year com- the cost of service provi- community do?
mitments equalling that of sion. These revenue bases The World Bank report
many States. It makes must be able to support states that, as far as PPPs
around 18% of its income one another through di- are concerned, revenue-
from property tax, among verse scenarios, ensuring sharing designs between
Gian P. Mathur repayable through debt, supply. In 2017, the Pune try accounting system and be a weak ability to design, other sources. It also earns that the city is able to dou- the two entities could be
private lending or PPP in- Municipal Corporation got itself credit-rated by structure and execute pro- a regular income of ₹1,800 ble the own-services reve- more viable for private in-
ndia is the second vestments. These require a (PMC) was widely com- CARE and India Ratings, jects both from an opera- crore as interest per year nues of urban bodies and vestors and need to ac-

I largest country in
the world, with a
population of over
1.4 billion, accounting for
17.7 % of the world popula-
recurrent source of reve-
nue to meet obligations,
thus mandating raising
adequate resources to fund
financial processes. Only a
mended for raising ₹2 bil-
lion through municipal
bonds. The money was to
part-fund a 24x7 water
supply project (total cost
receiving a rating of AA+
from both, stamping ap-
proval to the ULB’s credit-
worthiness. The bond,
which is a revenue bond
tional and

In its assessment of the

intergovernmental frame-
work, the general consen-
from its 343 separate fixed
deposit sources.
By maintaining a tran-
sparent record of their fi-
nancial statements on their
parastatal agencies every
five years. This growth is
essential to sustain a fund-
ing base that can balance
commercial financing abili-
count for risk-sharing or
risk-transfer mechanisms.
Thus, when problems arise
during unanticipated de-
mand shocks, projects typ-
tion. In the last few de- few large cities can access ₹29 billion) that would ena- with a 10-year tenure, car- sus would be for ULBs to website and maintaining a ty with future investment ically get restructured to
cades, urban areas have institutional banks and ble the ULB to provide pot- ries a semi-annual interest develop and maintain tran- stellar reputation, they are needs. Over time, this ap- complete public
become areas of intense loans for private debt. able water to its citizens rate of 7.59%. sparent financial practices the most trusted municipal proach shall address fiscal ownership.
mobility, socio-economic equitably and uninterrupt- A consistently weak fis- irrespective of their rela- corporation and are able to and institutional challeng-
activity, and hope for ma- Funding challenges and edly throughout the city. In cal performance of cities tionship with the state go- attract PPPs and private es, enhancing creditwor- CONTINUED ON
ny. To meet the demands innovative solutions order to raise bonds, PMC and low absorptive capaci- vernment. For example, funding in the country. thiness and facilitating ac- » PAGE 9
of its fast-growing urban A low service charge for started with a double-en- ty for the execution of pro-
population, the govern- municipal services directly jects are some of the main
ment would need to invest undermines financial sus- reasons to deter private
₹84,000 crores over the tainability. The status quo Of the funds needed to funding from entering the
next 15 years, an average of goes to the extent that ur- finance capital market. Drawing inferenc-
₹5,500 crores each year. A ban bodies cannot recover investments from es from the statistics of the
recent World Bank report, even operations and main- cities continually, 48% report, municipal corpora-
titled ‘Financing India’s ur- tenance costs. In a related is derived from state tions in large cities tend to
ban infrastructure needs: context, city agencies have under-invest in infrastruc-
governments, 24%
Constraints to commercial been unable to expand ture with respect to their
financing and prospects their resource and funding from the Central own intrinsic capacity, and
for policy action’, puts base to support private fi- government and only large ULBs have low capital
forth the urgent require- nancing even for impor- 15% from the surplus budget execution rates.
ment to leverage more sig- tant services such as water of urban local bodies The reason for this could
nificant private and com-
mercial investments to
meet the emerging finan-
cial gaps.
Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs) in India are among
the weakest in the world
when it comes to their ca-
pacity to raise resources
and achieve financial auto-
nomy. The chronic fiscal
ill-health owing to a contin-
uous revenue deficit has
hamstrung local gover-
nance, resulting in poor
civic services and infras-
tructure. Many of them
cannot raise adequate re-
sources from their internal
budgets to meet increasing
expenditures on services
primarily because of the
low cost of services they
can levy. For example, sew-
erage networks and bus
services are highly subsi-
dised to remain accessible
to all. Hence, they heavily
depend on higher tiers of
the government for funds
towards services and

Who provides finance

to build cities?
Of the funds needed to fi-
nance capital investments
from Indian cities conti-
nually, 48% is derived from
State governments, 24%
from the Central govern-
ment and only 15% from
the surplus of urban local
bodies. The rest include
public-private partner-
ships (PPP), commercial
debt and loans from HUD-
CO (Housing and Urban
Development Corpora-
tion). Much of the urban
infrastructure in India is fi-
nanced by tied intergo-
vernmental fiscal transf-
ers, that is vertical and
horizontal transfers of fi-
nance for obtaining specif-
ic objectives within the na-
tion. Financing is
2 Saturday, November 23, 2024

Courtyard of Taj (Below) Udayan~The Condoville, Kolkata’s first condominium on PPP (Public-Private
Guras Kutir Resort & Partnership) model. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
Spa, Gangtok.

Lessons in
Malini Banerjee had already opened so pe- Often Neotia sees possi- 16-room Ganga Kutir Re-
ople had a sort of a set bilities where others do sorts and Spa (2008) be-

he property idea.” not. When he was consi- fore he designed their Taj

T that got Harsha- dering building Ffort Rai- Guras Kutir, which opened

vardhan Neotia Merging fluid spaces chak, a resort on the Gang- last year. Inspired by the
the Padma Shri, Even now nearly 20 years es in a village roughly 40 idea of villages and the
almost did not get built. after the mall first opened km from Kolkata, he was concept of ashrams, it was
Master architect B.V. Doshi there is something inhe- nearly turned away by ar- Ganga Kutir that set off the
would not have designed rently organic about City chitect Prabir Mitra. “Who slew of “kutirs” (kutir
the social housing project, Centre where the ‘Kund would be crazy enough to meaning hut) that the real-
Udayan, which means ‘ris- area’ has an outdoor am- go there!” Neotia remem- ty group later built. It’s
ing’. Six months after the Harshavardhan Neotia, chairman of Ambuja Neotia Group, was turned down phitheatre surrounded by bers him saying. Twenty Daswatte’s ease of thought
septuagenarian Doshi had many times, before building award-winning properties and star hotels with stores and restaurants and years on, the property is and design that appealed
turned down Neotia, cit- one can choose between now being renovated and to Neotia.
ing a lack of direct flights iconic architects B.V. Doshi, Charles Correa and Channa Daswatte air-conditioned comfort or will be managed by IHCL “Often he would sketch
to Kolkata, the architect basking in the sun. once it reopens. ideas on napkins or scraps
happened to be travelling with the landscape, open rea finally agreed to design thought maybe he would within the mall was Neotia describes Cor- Taj Guras Kutir in Gang- of paper during meetings,
to Kolkata to deliver a lec- spaces, and use of local the mall for the Neotia do something new in terms beyond my imagination. rea’s aesthetic “as one cha- tok, Sikkim, was designed capturing the essence of
ture. Doshi was already a materials,” says Neotia. group he threw down quite of design. I did not know When we built the City racterised by fluid spaces by an architect Neotia has concepts in a very informal
well-known name in the the gauntlet. what I was getting into Centre, Kolkata already and a deep understanding worked with before. Sri yet effective manner. His
field having won the Aga Charles Correa’s mall “He (Correa) said we are (laughs). That he would had certain expectations of of urban context. In City Lankan architect Channa aesthetic reflects simplicity
Khan Award for Architec- Another collaboration that not going to make a mall persuade me to do a ba- what a mall would look Centre, this is evident in Daswatte created “a little and elegance, with a
ture for Aranya Housing in led to one of Kolkata’s ear- like everyone else does. I zaar crossover with a mall like. Ansal Plaza in Delhi the seamless flow between bit of Sri Lanka on the strong emphasis on sus-
Indore. Neotia invited him liest and most unique was very happy because I with community spaces and Crossroads in Mumbai indoor and outdoor areas.” Ganges” with the luxurious tainability,” he says.
for a family meal, when malls was with Charles
the architect “bonded Correa. He too had initially
with each family member turned Neotia down when
over different things — the group went to him with
with my mother over her the offer of building a mall.
love for classical music, Neotia recollected the inci-
and my uncle over art”. dent at the 7th edition of
With Suresh Neotia being the Charles Correa Memo-
an art collector himself, it rial Lecture. “I’ve never
turned out to be a long, in- done a mall, I do not be-
teresting evening. Doshi lieve in malls and do not
agreed to go see the site want to design one.”
and ultimately decided to How ironic perhaps that
take on the project with Correa’s design created not
just one prerequisite. “He just the City Centre Mall in
said he would be coming Kolkata but also in Patna,
down only once a year and Raipur, Siliguri and Haldia.
that other architects Unlike most malls
would oversee matters across the country, City
from Kolkata,” Neotia Centre stood out for its or-
recalls. ganic blending of com-
Doshi ended up travell- munity spaces and open
ing to Kolkata several times air areas with air-condi-
during the time Udayan tioned stores. When Cor-
was built and interacted
closely with Neotia. It was
perhaps this project with Unlike most malls
Doshi that helped create a across the country,
design language for Ambu- City Centre stood
ja Neotia Group. out for its organic
“B.V. Doshi’s aesthetic is
blending of
deeply rooted in Indian
culture, emphasising har- community spaces
mony with nature. In and open air areas
Udayan, this manifests with air-conditioned
through its integration stores

Harshavardhan Neotia (right) with B.V. Doshi.


Neotia’s dream team, besides Doshi

1. Kerry Hill: Admired for his sensitivity to landscape,
particularly in his resort designs that harmonise with
their surroundings.
2. Lek Bunnag: Known for his innovative use of light
and shadow, exemplified in his projects that create
serene atmospheres.
3. Geoffrey Bawa: Celebrated for integrating indoor and
outdoor spaces, especially in the context of tropical
4. Tadao Ando: Renowned for his mastery of concrete
and minimalist aesthetics.


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024



Saturday, November 23, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024
6 Chennai


MAHABALIPURAM FARM land for sale Sale Contact 8939089000 30ft Rd NF 2.80Cr. No Brkr:
per cent 5 lakh ct:6380596737 7BHK − 7,000sq.ft Ultra Luxurious 9092397333
SELLING Individual Villa G+3 with Lift,
ECR MARAKKANAM Cocount Farm Land PRIME PROPERTY Good Location &
Sqft 125,(Nego) Including Fance, Swimming Pool, Home Theatre, GYM Frontage 71x100 Kottivakkam AGS COMMERCIAL
COMMERCIAL Gate, Additional Plant Ph : 98846 for SALE 4.75cr @ Ambattur. Colny Main Rd Beach Side East F
42374 Ph:6381578968 9840365787
CHETTIPEDU NR Queens land 4 acre;
Padianallur nr Redhills 1.06 acre ECR POONJERI to T.K.Kundram Rd Nr MANGAD NEW 3BHK Dup.Hous G+1 CMDA
Football Stadium 45Cents 1.15Cr / 3B.rm 2Hall 3bath CCP 57L. PRIME PROPERTY Good Location &
with 25500sft bldg No brkr Frontage 104x86 Palavakkam Ram Gar-
9498070639 Also Farm plots 30Cents 55L, 9884046935
2.5Acre 2.5Cr/Acre, New Bypass den, Beach Side East Facing
MAMBAKKAM 2500SFT 3BHK in 10, 2.5Acres 1.75cr/Acre nego KODAMBAKM, R A PURAM 1250 sqft 9840365787
000sft Block Suits Comm./Resi. 9840722360 House @ 4 BHK flat. Ct− 98410 93777
9840900490 TAMBARAM @ Krishna Ngr corner DTCP POONAMALLEE SUPRADEEPAM Layout
3 ACRES Patta 120’ Road frontage PADI 2BHK 990Sft, TVS Nagar 4th ECR PALAVAKAM 4BHK 3100sft Villa prime locn no bro.9150049751/ 61/71 2400sft CMDA approved Rs.85L
ADYAR KB.NGR 3BHK 1420sft UDS− Arpakkam Nr Kanchipuram. Cross St, Sathyam Homes Ct:99520− UDS1200sf Lift 3CCP 2.70cr 9841699947
720sft CCP Lift 2.20Cr. Agent− Ct:6381197110 14115 9025525599
2000 SQFT vaccant plot kabalingar ECR NEELANKARAI 3337sft Seaside,
9551555959 ECR, ABT. 4800 sft. Plush 4 BHK guduvanchery 9567875348
2.37 ACRES of Land together with Posh, Gated Comm, Kapaleeswarar
PORUR− OFFICE Space for Rent/Sale. Labour Quarters in good location TAMBARAM NR Rly Stn Rdy 2,3BHK Furnished Villa with Excellent CHROMPET, GST Road, 3500 Sft with
on the Main Road Near Coonoor for Lift CP 55L Srivarshini amenities in a Gated Community. ECR KOOVATHUR Beach view property Ngr 2800sft, 5400sft No Brks Strong Room, 1st Flr, Nr Bus stand
Ready 2 Occupy, Bang on 200 ft 7500 sqft rate per sqft 700 Rs. im- 7401085765
Road. 2119 Sq.ft (Ground floor). Sale Whatsapp 9486306868 Call Homes9025502534 Brokers excuse.Hemdev’S:9840024444 and opp. Rly. Stn. suitable for
mediate sale, 8925848889 Banks. Ready to occupy. 24. Ct :
Call:98846 97000 9787913514 NUNGAMBAKKAM NR Kothari Rd 2500Sft / 28229898 MEDAVAKKAM, 900SFT Plot, CMDA &
New 4BR FF 2CCP, 5.25Cr− 9840398626 Ambatur Thirumullivail Thamarai RERA, 63 L. Brokers excuse 9444106668.
NURSING HOME @Perambur 1280L, G+2 TIRUVALLUR− TIRUTANI 5000 sqft
farm land with Red Sandalwood, 3rd St. Cholambedu mn rd 3grns Sale 9884042123. ALWARPET & RK Salai 2000sf &
Bup 2800sft with OT 2.5Cr ADYAR KASTURIBA−NAGAR 2400sft 4BHK brokr Exqus 8838766835. 4000sft Fully Furnished Office
9840807181 C.House, Sw Pool, 20+ Amenities EastFace Lift 2CCP NoBrk 9962126962 VEPERY, RITHERDON Road, 6900sq.ft.
9941818789 9840530863
COMMERCIAL SPACE For Sale @ Adyar, VADAPALNI RDY2OCPY off PT Ra- ✔ THIRUNINRAVUR 3GRNDS CMDA aprvd Rs.6 Crore per Ground. 9090656533 INDP BUILDG Poonamali Bypas
KANCHIPURAM CHEYYAR Nr 5acre Red 30ft Rd N face 300mts to Nemilich- CHENGALPET TO Vedanthangal Main
Indira Nagar, 1st Avenue, Main Soil Full Fencing 26L/acre janSali 3BHK 1360Sft 715UDS CCP 16800sf Showroom Hospital Hotel
Road (60feet), 2500 sqft Hall 9841723469 ery Stn CT 9500073030 Rd, plot @ Malai Vaiyavoor DDTCP 9840530863
(Basement), UDS−1080 sqft. Common 2800 sft @ Madipakkam , 5500/- per App. Plot No: 20A 1233 Sq.ft , 20B NANGANALLUR MARKET 4th Main Rd
Area 600 sqft. 1−Room, 3−Toilets, FARM LAND Mathuranthagam GST 4.5km VILLIVAKAM BABA Ngr 40ft Rd 2BHK sft , Contact: 7824021078. 1657 Sft & Shop No:A, 1092 and B
Teak Wood& Magakani Coconut Trees& 1stflr 1000sft 65000 Rent 98841
Vitrified tiles & False ceiling, CCP Lift 892sqft Redy Ocpy 1420 Sft Sale. Ct: 9962220959, 55878
Car Parking. Contact: 9840093200 Water,EB, Avail Sft 115. 9940219132 7904079181 ECR NR.SAIBABA Temple Injambakkam 9282158184
ECR KOVALAM 2000 Sqft Land Near CMDA Appd 43x100 EastFace FURNISHED OFFICE space 2400 sq.ft
COMMERCIAL TEYNAMPET POES Rd, Total 4 Flr 9884166800 POONAMALLEE, 5 Acres Land for Sale available 2nd floor near Ega the-
Beach 65 Lakhs. 9941922001 1800 sft, 4BHK, 900sft, 2BHK in Kuthambakkam near New Thiru- atrewith 30 work stations/ 4 cab-
BUILDING CLOSE TO ECR 5 Acres agriculture 9840949394 ECR : READY TO OCCUPY, Fully Fur- READY TO Build Plots For Sale @ mazhisai Bus Stand. Frontage 315 ins car park. contact 98840 34359
land for sale. Ct: 8122285308 nished, Beach RESORT with swimming Ponmar Rs.3000/− per sqft Contact: Feet, near TATA Housing and Sriram
COM 6GR Building 25000sft Rent 28L/ pool, Nr.Mudhaliar Kuppam boat 96003 96004 / 90429 04378 ACCOMMODATION MAIN PONDY Bazaar 4500sqft
M Jewellery Tenant NoBro 9840045676 THIRUKALUKUNDRAM MAIN Rd Manampa- Properties. 60 Feet Road. Rs.6Cr Frontage 12ft Ground, First Floor
house, Gated community , @Rs.89
thy Rd Touch Farmland 50&25Cent. Lakhs.CT:7604939393 VELACHERY, SESHADRIPURAM, 3rd Per Acre. Ct:9381019685 WANTED − COMMERCIAL for Branded Showroom for Rental
THAMBU CHETTY St, Parrys corner 1Cent= 4Lac. & 1Acre 25Cent. Good Cross Street, 3120 sq.ft (48 X 65) Commercial. Ct: 9840051991 /
2Halls 1132/ 1012 Sft 2nd Flr, No Well Water. 4Cr Ct:9840364222, ✔ MAMBAKKAM 2BHK villa, Ready to Vacant Land Ct: Kamal. 9940103809 KOTHAGIRI/ ARAVENU scenic 1.1 8056057400
Lift. Ideal for Law Firms, Custom acres lovely valley views on Ha-
9884698383 Move, Gated Community, with INTERI- OMR PERUMPAKKAM Land 4.25grd East lakkarai Rd good access. ADYAR GANDHI NAGAR 1st Main Road
Brokers & Shipping companies; OR, Price: Rs 1Cr, CT:9282000333 /
9381005329 COIMBATORE MADAMPATTTI New Bypass South Corner 30ft Rd Rs.4.30cr 9840065277 No brkr 2050 sft 2nd floor Office space
Road 40 Cents. 8825716279/ 999 Nego Nr by Global Hospital 9818261232, 9840341112
ASHOK NAGAR 7th Avenue 1.5 Grounds 9444377706 Ct:8110900333 PERUMPAKKAM APPD. plots For sale
BESANTNGR MIG SemiInd 2BHK 1000sft from 60L onwards.Contact: G+2 TOTAL 6000Sq.Ft Showroom With
G+3, Corner Property Ct: 9841039515 Parking @ Paper Mills Road, Ko-
ECR MARAKANAM Pondicherry On Road UDS1321sft CP 9025558666/9543437666 NUNGAMBAKKAM LAND for Sale 9176628808
VELACHERY VIJAY Ngr 2BHK 1100sft 12, 30Cent−5Acres 3L/Cent 3300sqft East Facing 30ft Rd 6cr lathur, Chennai−99 CT:9840015422
UDS 400sf 2nd flr 70L Nego 9894603338 POONAMALLEE (BUS Stand& Metro Nr) 9360036003 TAMBARAM CMDA Plots from 32L.Rdy MOGAPPAIR EAST on Main Road 900sft
9171126661 Villa 1BHK@ 27L& 31L 2BHK@ 44L Gat- to Buld Golden Opportunity. first floor. 9080442446/ 8939924399
ECR MARAKANAM 3Km SH Rd 11Cent RESIDENTIAL FLAT − ed Comm CMDA/RERA, 90% Loan. WEST MAMBALAM 4670sft 40/117 N/F 9092344344
MADURAVAIL 3120L 2000Bl Nungam- 25L, 2Km Inside 2Acr 25L/Acr 9941777762 40FtRd Clear Title. No JV.
bakkam 250sft Shop Sale/ Rent 9894603338 RESALE 9940669999 AVADI (PARUTIPATU) Nr Velammal CM-
9514180092 ECR MUGAIYUR 500Meter Distance VALASRAVAKAM INDVJAL 5BHK House DA Apd Plot 35L Villas 65L
HIGH END 3BHK in Prime Location At L.A.2400sft CCP N/F 4.20cr. ECR MUTTUKADU Appd 11.25Grds E/F 9677998696

from New ECR Road 1Acre 75L Westmambalam Ph.No. 89390 89000 9790828187 1.10Cr/Gr Nego. Ct: 9962666066.
HARRINGTON ROAD, 3 BHK, abt.1500 Velachery Dhandeswaram Ngr 2400 ECR AKKARAI 2Grs Panaiyur 3Grs Ko- CMDA APPD Plot For Sale @ Near Tam-
GENERAL sft, Semi furnished Apt with Ameni- Sft Independent house 700Sft build valam 2.25 Grs. R.K.Realty baram 1600 Sqft. Call: 90031 16590
ties. Brokers excuse. Hemdev’S : area 9841084245,9841081270 Nobrks 9841112037 THIRUNINDRAVUR NEAR DTCP Plots
3 BHK at Gopalapuram for sale. Con- 8056598091 / 9840024444
tact 9840800816 AMINJIKARAI GOVINDAN St, Aiyavoo ECR: SEA side 2400 Sq ft, DTCP & Rs.6Lakhs onwards Aysha .
RA PURAM, abt.2800 sft, 3 BHK Apt Naidu Colony 2 BR Ct.8600087493 CRZ approved plots @ Rs.23 LAKHS, Ct:9600062222
MANGO THOTTAM for sale near Chinna- + family room, excellent ameni- Nr.Koovathur ,secured gated commu-
manur, Theni Dt , 23.5 acres fenc- ties, 2CP & Backup. Brokers ex- THIRUVANMYR INDP.BLDG 4−Unit 6BHK nity & Bank Loan Avl. Ct:7604939393 MADURAVOYAL PALLAVAN Nagar 2800Sft
ing, Borewell, pump, large Sump , cuse. Hemdev’S : 9840024444 / Nr.Beach No Flood 4.75Cr. CMDA,NF,30Ft Rd,Brok Exe.9962996907
drip irrigated, 2250 mango trees 6 8056598091 9444026649 VELACHERY, 1GRD 2.80Cr, 4500sqft
years old , 850 Teak trees, below Available, Prime Location. PALIKARANAI VGP Shanti Ng apd SW
Megamalai hill, CCTV, workers MUGAPPAIR WEST @ 2.5BHK BUA 1288 VELACHERY INDP.HS 1900sft−Land 8925909136 Cnr Prt/Full 4180sf 3.85Cr
shed: 9444264741 Sqft UDS 548 Sqft, Fully Furnished with 1+2Bldg 3.99Cr. NoBrok. 9840107772
6th FLR, North Fac ,Ph− 9952120363 8124375555 PERUMBAKKAM.880SFT.CORNER PLOT. S−
RESIDENTIAL East Facing. 2044Ft. 54L.9884040066 ECR INJAMBAKKAM 3 Grounds approved
NOLAMBUR@3BHK,21ST FLR, SOUTH FAC, 3BHK PREMIUM Villas for Sale @ plots for sale. Ct: 7305940311
Potheri Near SRM University VELACHERY 1/2GR Aprvd South Face
BUILDING OMR PERUNGUDI Industry/Comm T.NAGAR 2400SF New House, 3000sf BUA 1530 Sft, UDS 330 Sft, Fully 8939178393 Good Grd.water Clear Title IYYAPPANTHANGAL CMDA Plots Size
7000sft IndBldg 5Gr Corner 20Cr Old House 9Cr&7.5Cr Babuji Furnished, Rs.1.55Cr, PH 9952120363 9841053951
KHADER NAWAZ Khan Road − Restau-
CONTRACTORS 9941365745 30x40 E.Face 30Feet Road. rant / Cafe / Saloon−2500 sqft /
9884415927 MYLAPORE JUDGE Jambulingam Road, ✔ SANTHOME PRIME Location, 4464 9444498866
1200 SQFT villa plots at Kelam- 6.25L, whatsapp with details −
MVM ENGINEERS Resi 1950/sft, Comm SUNDARAPERUMAL KOIL, Adjacent 2200 Sft, UDS 1170 Sft, East Face Sqft − 48 x 93 with Old House Gen- 89399 05982
AYPPAKKAM COMM bldg 3630sft L− Arasalaru River 30000sft. Res/Com 3BHK, 1st Flr, WW 2CCP. Ct. uine Buyers Only. J.S.Raamarao: bakkam junction is for sale @67L. RAMAPURAM KOTHARI Nagar 30x40=
1500/sft 25 yrs exp engr. Call Sudha−9884791009
8110sft bldg 60ft Rd 7cr Neg. Sale/JointVenture 9080558989/ 8754549820 9841013625 1200sqft Corner Plot 1.55Cr ASHOK NAGAR Ind.House For Rent
9500040466 5BHK 3000sq.ft. Suitable for Com-
UNIVERSAL BUILDERS offers construc-
9489057571 T.NAGAR 3BHK 1300sft 1.50Cr, VANDALUR GST ind house appr land BESANT NAGAR 900sft TNHB Plot 33Ft :7305397189
mercial/Residential Call Agent :
tion packages @1899/sft. JV also ANNANAGAR, KILPAUK 2, 3 Gr New
Building Rental Income Sale. RESIDENTIAL FLAT − 1500sft 9940013221
1.80Cr, 1600sft 2.40Cr 2400 sqft G+2 flr 5bhk build 3300
sqft 1ccp 24rd Nr rly stn
Road 1.20Cr. 7604982872. KOTTIVAKKAM ON Sea Side 1, 2, 9315354460, Brokerage Fees Applica-
invited. Ct: 87545 55492 / 87545
55453 9841505989 VADAPALANI, 1234SQ.FT Duplux 2BHK 9962715135 880sft + Bldg. 9444385743/ 9884998686 MNC REQUIRES 20000 to 50000 Sft
Flat CCP RS:1.15Crore Ct:8939937999 RA.PURAM NR.SANGETHA 3000Sft 9790729879 VENKAT NARAYANA on main road T Ngr
RENTAL INCOME property sale. 3 ANNA NAGAR Shanti Colony 40Feet Rd Shed between Redhills and Gum- 2100sft 1st flr parking 9884781651
BUYING Crore to 15 Crore. Ct: 9381016843 ADYAR SHSTRI Ngr A2B Opp 1300Sf 3BHK+2Hall+Study 4CCP EastFace AMBATTUR NR Raaki Theatre CMDA 50x80 South, West Corner 9003695008 midipoondi. Contact: 7200344991
VILLIVAKKAM ON Mn.Rd New G+4 1Flr−3BHK&2Flr−2BHK Lift CP 9884988604 2850Sft Plot N/F Compounded WANTED GODOWN Rental in Chennai 1 4500 SQ.FT G+2 Pallavaram IG Road.
COMMERCIAL Comml.Bldg 13,100sft 2620sft/Flr, 9884417597 AMBATTUR DUPLEX North facing :7010742077 KILPAUK, ASPIRAN Garden Colony 1.7 Lakh to 3 Lakhs sft Agent Near GST Road. Contact:9176649899
Grounds, South Facing, # 9500019301
Lift Separate Entry&CP 25Crs(N) 2BHK 2ND FLOOR No Lift 1112 sqft 1453sqft Land 1657 Built up Area URAPAKKAM NR DTCP Plots 965sqft,
9444287238 KOVILAMBAKAM METRO Nr Retail Space
9952055513 UDS 497 Sqft large hall, big bed- 4BHK VGN Shanti Nagar, 2.25 Cr. Ne- 1010 & 1470 sqft Bank ECR POONCHERI 2025 Grounds plot E−COM REQUIRES BTS Shed in and GF 1445Sf FF 2456Sf Rent 9940655532
T.NGR PRIME Brand New Comrcl Build- rooms, big modular kitchen, semi gotiable. 9840333350 Loan:9884266966 for sale. Ct: 8122285308 around Sriperumbudur 50000− 100000 NELSONMANICKAM ROAD 2400Sf G+2 Of-
ing Sale 2−Grds, 48x100, 11000sft fur. 11th Ave Ashok Nagar, 30yrs T.NAGAR NEAR Vani Mahal 1.80 Grds Sft with open Land. Ct: 7448324832 fice cum Bike Showroom Ct:
plus North facing 1.3cr Nego CT South, Agt− 6379583549 KORATTUR NR Railway Stn TNHB KOVUR THIRUMALAI Nagar, Approved 9841435946
Built−up, G+3Flrs, 40ftRd. 2100sft land 20’ Road. Agent: Land 2400sft 9790869047/9841074090 ✔ WANTED 2000−5000 SFT Ground
9444019575 9500067680 Porur Ind Build 8500 / 6000 / 3000 Sft
2 APPROVED Villas Each 4000sqft E/ 9677213811 Floor Showroom with good frontage
OMR THORAIPAKKAM Radiance Mandarin F Swimming Pool Power Backup in ECR UTHANDI VGP Layout 1Grd Apprd & visibility in Anna Nagar, T. Na- Factory/Godown/ Office. 93822 97127.
TRICHY ON NH45 Viralimalai 12Flat SRIPERUBDR 2100SF Apd Nr. Compounded
15000sft Ind.Bldg G+2 CCP 3BHK 1828sqft 1.85Cr. 9941994142. 4Grounds @ ECR. Brokers Excu. Genuine Buyers gar, Adyar. Hemdev’S : 9566123282 RENT OFF RK Salai Mylapore Chennai−
ParandurArpo/Metro NH4 NE7 5500/Sf 9840821209 / 9500006483/ 9840024444.
9840163111 3 BHK Flat, Sidharth Tulip, West 9841224623 9444026649 4 Gr.Flr 1000 / 1500/ 2500 sft Of-
KK Nagar. 1480 sq.ft. Ph:9840359936 CHROMEPET GST Service Rd, Bungalow WANTED 15,000SQFT Shed Around fice. Ct: 9840871848
COMMERCIAL LAND − 7BR 3H 2Kitchen Land 4100sft, APPROVED PLOT for sale @ SP Koil. OMR THALAMBUR 3600sft N/F 3700/ Sriperumandhur For Industrial Pur-
POSH 3&4BHK ArcotRd Valasaravakam. BUA 4000sft, 4CP. No Brks 1kmt from GST Rd. Ct: 98413 90008 sft, 1300sft N/F 4000/sft.
pose CT:9841268868
SUNGUVARCHATRAM TO Mappedu, Pudu- HomeConnexions 9840137256 NoBrokers 7401085765 / 98401 43063 9884475917.
COMMERCIAL pattu, 7, 5 & 4.5 Acres Dry Land. ✔ LEADING COFFEE Shop Requires
BUILDING Ph: 9363052308 / 9790282023
CHETPET NEAR Harrington Rd 2 BHK ANNANAGAR LAND 4200− 6000sft b/up OMR THYUR Approved Land Comm/Resi MOGAPPAIR−W POSHAREA 1400/ 2400/ 500sqft Only Ground Floor Main
1000sft 4th Flr Rs.1.20C 9840468186 6000−8500sft 5 BHK 3 CCP. 5430 sqft 60ft Rd. Cont; 3600/ 4500Sft North Facing Road Facing All over Chennai Only
SCHOOL CBSE Req Building on 11Grd 1.25 ACRES near tidel IT Park pat- 9176986125/ 6374747530 9841320006
RA PURAM Prime 3BHK 2300sf 2nd flr 9789006000 Owners Call: 98410 44632
Rent/Sale @ South Chennai tabiramPh: 79045 46372 UDS 1445sf 2CCP Rs.3.20c 9840468186 ADAMBAKKAM IND House L:4060sf SHOLINGANALUR CLASSIC Garden RK SALAI 9th Street, 3200Sft clear
PRIME LAND near Manali and 400 3.12Gr 30Rd NoBrkr AspraReal- title in quite location. 8148011191
RA PURAM Posh 3850sft 4BHK Flat B:3500sf G+1 Rs.8.5Cr No Brok
✔ INDP BUILDING with Rental In- feet road, Ph: 7200238755 AVADI NEAR Market 2BHK, IFlr, UDS−2400sf 3CCP 7yr 9.45Cr. 9841032153 ty9710636490 WANTED − RESIDENTIAL
come occupied by Bank/Retailer In& ECR −INJAMBAKKAM on main Rd−10.19 1000Sft, CCP, Rs.5500/Sft. 9677017504 NESAPAKKAM/RAMAPURAM 2.5 Grd 5K KILPAUK LAND for Sale 48x100 HanuReddyRealty 7338730831/ WANTED 2/3/4 Bedroom Apartments/
around Chennai Only Owners Call Grs &Velachery AGS Colony on 200ft Ct:9841237007 (4800sft) EastFace 30ft Rd.Ct: 7824868457 Bungalows in Central & South Chen-
VELACHERY 100FT’RD Alacrity Sft builtup 4BHK 2CP No Brk
9445322632 Rd, MSB site 20 Grds Ct : RAMAPURAM 3BHK Signature Apart- Preethi FF 752sft 2BHK OCP 72L. 9047155511 9566121310 nai. Brokers excuse.Hemdev’S:
9840447777 ment, nr Amrita Vidyalayam CBSE, 9840224752 VEPERY NR Doveton 5.5 Grs Resi Ha- 8056598091/ 9840024444 ✔ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY for Rent Ko-
FACTORIES & SITES 1.26Cr all Incl, Ready to Move ECR KOTTIVAKKAM Seaside 2Gr Ind. POONAMALLEE (N H On Road) CMDA Ap- nuReddy
proved Plots 36 Lakhs. Villas 50 7824868456
Realty 9940033668/
WANTED 3 BHK Flat Triplicane /
dambakkam, Chennai Three−Story
REDHILLS KUMMANUR Upcoming New Sip- 9043606013 VELACHERY VIJAY Ngr 2BHK 910sft House, Virugambakkam 1Gr. − Building Available. Prime Location
VACANT SHED wanted urgently to cot Opp. Vandalur to Minjur 400 Ft +84sft CP, UDS 634, 23y 9790704673 Lakhs (Near Metro Station) 7200 Chepauk No Brokers. Ct: 93821 90459 Two Floors: Commercial Shell
buy− single immediate payment− in Rd Nr VRL logistics 1.62 Acrs land TIRUVANMIYUR 2BHK 875sqft @ Rs.1. 69L:9841471009 320 397 PERUMBAKKAM 1200SFT 24x50 NF 24ft WANTED 2/3/4BHK Alwarpet R.A.Puram Space, 1980 sq ft per floor Third
Chennai any location. Ct: 18Cr All Inclusive, Handing Over ANNANAGAR 18TH Main Road AP Plot Rd, 55L. Aprd 9841454322/
Suitable for Warehouse. 9176811941 MEDAVAKKAM BILLOBONG backside CMDA 9962902626 Adyar South Chennai. Ct: 9003186674 Floor: Two 900 sq ft Apartments El-
7448344834 on Jan 2025.Ct: 9600396004/ CHROMPET, BHARATHIPURAM 2BHK Resi/ 880 sft 2.75 Cr. 95000 40466 evator and DG backup included Ap-
KANCHIPURAM−VANDAVASI RD Abdullapu- Commer Flat UDS 836sft, Built Appd 1386sft Sale 90L Ct 7358740209
5− 10 Acres Industrial Land urgent-
9042904378 VALASARAVAKAM NR Tanisq 3000sft
985sf with Car Park. 63 Lacs. G+2 30ft Rd HanuReddyRealty
RENTAL − proximately 8 cars Parking Ideal
ly required in outright for Compa-
ram Busstop 16500sft Plot MADIPAKKAM 2BHK −62L & 3BHK −79L 9551144224 1.25ACRE NR.POONAMALLE 6.75Cr Per PANAIYUR SEA shore Town 2.5 Gr, COMMERCIAL for Banks, Back Offices, Clinics.
ny around Oragadam. Contact
9840639084 Ready to Move 96003 96004/90429 9840071144 Acre 50% adv, Balance 1yr 1.5Gr Apprd N/F 60 Ft Road. We can rent the floors individual-
6382570234 9884777887
04378 RAMAPURAM OPP.SRM University ly or whole building. No Brokers
7448324832 ✔ MANGADU − Nazarethpet / 40’ 1255sf 3BHK 2T GrdFlr NoBrk Ct. VALSARVAKAM 5BHK CORNER Land 970sf Please Mob: 6383−645063 Email:
Road / North facing / 5820 sq.ft / VALASARAVAKKAM@ 3BHK BUA 1522Sqft, 9845260493 BA2200sf HanuReddyRealty 8929145128 KELAMBAKKAM THAIYUR Appd Plot ECR UDHANDI On Main Road East 6560
RESIDENTIAL Vacant land / Residential use also 650 Sqft UDS, South fac, Ready to 1000, 1200, 1900, 1800, 2400sf Sft (40x164) 5.5Cr Nego. 9941814345
/ 3500 Sq.ft. Ph: 9884009580 / move, 300 M from Metro,1st &3rd GOPALAPURAM 2BHK 900sft Furn IIFlr PERAMBUR PERIYAR Nagar Land 3600Sf Available, Per Sf Rate. Rs.3500/− MYLAPORE COMMERCIAL 1800sft Room
9841290603 FLR Avail Rs.1.68Cr(Inc All)− CP 80L Rakavi Realestate 9841014775 with House Prime Location @ 5.15 9840064303 CHENGALPATTU− NENMELI Teacher’s Type First Floor Rent.55K 97100
9952120363 Cr Contact : Rapro 9841050874 Clny Phase II 30x50 DTCP Ct 45440
KOLATHUR NR.TEMPLE Schl 34x53− AYANAVARAM VP.COLONY 935Sf 2BHK FF PERAMBUR #39 Kandhan St Nr Market 9445623866
1800Sf East Semi Comm 30ft Rd PAMMAL SHANKAR Nagar 1BHK with UDS550 OCP 22yr 9000/Sft 8939665277 KOTTURPURAM NR Dominos Inde 5620sft Sf Rs:10000 Sale. VIRUGAMBAKKAM / Behind UN LIMITED
2Bathrooms Lift 650sft 38. 2657sftLand 1700sftBldg S+2 CCP 9445277067 OMR SIRUSERI DTCP Appd Plots Ready G.Flr 1000sft 30K, 1st Flr 1200sft
4L:9884138500 SALIGRAMAM NR SyamalaGarden 2BHK 9566238499 to Built Bank Loan Avail 7200281609 40K suits for Dubbing Studio. Inde-
VELACHERY MRTS to Airport On Rd 4 SF Lift 1150sf OCP 25yr NF ECR AKKARAI 2nd Plot Main Road 3Gr pendent Hse @ Veerappa Ngr
ECR PALAVAKKAM Neelankarai Vet- 8012046073 ECR KOTTIVAKKAM New 4BHK Villa Fur- 1.45Cr/Gr. 9884430088/ 8122941088 ECR AKKARAI Posh 1.3 Ground Ap-
to 5 Grds Commercial Land nished for Sale 3.60Cr. 9030540251. 9840093132
9380914556 tuvankeni 2, 3 BHK Flats CCP Appvd proved vacant land 2cr Realty.
Ready to move 1−1.4 crs 74 5009 RA.PURAM CEEBROS GRAYSHOT 1700Sft GUDUVANCHERY ON Nellikuppam Rd DTCP GUDUVANCHERY 5Grs Rs.4500/Sft 9566212227 OMR, KANDANCHAVADI, (Near BATA
MADHURANTHAGAM ONGST Rd 1.5Acre 5009 3BHK CCP SwimPool AllAmen Neg Nr Kilambakkam Busstand, Regis- ✔ READILY AVAILABLE at Thiruvan- Showroom), 2300sqft with Fully Fur-
9790728408 Land 2300 sft South Fac 80L. nished (Workstation & AC) and Cov-
for Hotel,Warehouse,Factory READY TO move Nanganallur Civiliza- 9840139905 trar Office, Rly Station ECR NEELANGARAI Posh 2.25grds va- miyur. Walkable distance from Bus
9884988604 9003282197. cant land 5cr 24Hr Realty Depot and Railway station. Fully ered Parking. Ct: 9840292166.
tion colony 3 bhk, 1600 sq.ft 1 cr URAPAKAM−W STATION 10min 700sft
SHENOY NAGAR Off Poonamalle High 92 lakhs onwards Naaghappa shel- UDS 363 F,F 11Yrs 6/1 OCP. 2424 sqft @ Ayyappanthangal KODAMBAKKAM 2 ground Land &
9840172119 furnished Office space (1) 2400 MOUNT RD 1000Light Metro 1000sf 20/
WANTED BUNGALOW/ Land/Flat/House/ Rd ters 9566241333. 9940017328 Parasanath Nagar Cont: 9444443443 Sq.ft area with power backup − can 25seat 3AC Mgr/Exe Cabin 9840093132
2.5Grds HanuReddyRealty Saligramam 3BHK Flat. No Broker. OMR SIRUSERI Pudupakkam MR Radha accommodate 30+ workstations with
WareHouse in Prime Chennai 9840966332 ECR UTHANDI 7BHK 3cr, MGM 4BHK 9941206666 CATHEDRAL RD 3700sf 24WrkStns 5Cab-
9790728408 READY TO move Jafferkhanpet Saptha- PUZHUTHIVAKAM RK Ngr 1st flr Road Appd 3400sqft Plot. MD cabin and conference room. (2)
giri Colony 2&3BHK 864 − 1209 812sft lift CP 8yrs − 52L. Ct: 3cr, Villa on Road 9.5Gr. Ct. 9030540251. 400 Sq.ft area with power backup. ins Furnshd Ups 3.70L Agt−
VANDALUR GST RD MSB Site 12Grounds Sq.ft., starts from 95 Lakhs on- 7845805938 9500162224 ✔ AKKARAI 4 to 6 Ground TVS Av- Contact: 9841046342/9551290702 9962312504
WANTED 2/3 BHK Flats/ Land in Suits Hospital/Office/ IT /Service/ enue Rd East Facing Good Frontage URAPAKKAM NR.KILAMBAKAM Busstand
south Chennai HanuReddyRealty Institute HanuReddyRealty9940016760 wards Naaghappa Shelters 9566264333 ECR KOVALAM 3BHK 3800sqft Land Posh Area, Appd. Only Buyers Ct: 60ftRd PAMMAL NR SBI 1540/700sft Grd Flr
VALASARAVAKKAM NEAR Sivan kovil 2400Sft Buyers call GUINDY INDUSTRIAL Estate for Rent
9840098441 READY TO fit out 3 BHK Aprt 2133 2800sft Builtup E/F. 9710537506. 9841044632 2 floors Available of 5,500 sq.ft for Shw Room/Clinic/Ofice
3Bhk 1430sft UDS 620sft CCP 9940694995 9080759281
sq. ft. on GN Chetty Rd, @ 5Cr, 9884677169 ANNANAGAR LAND 3285 sft Build each. Hall type construction with
✔ NRI REQUIRES Bungalow or Vacant
Land Upto 5Grds Anna Nagar or Any
Call Sudha 9884791009
T.NAGAR G.N.CHETTY Road near Ac- 7000sqf 7BHK, G+2. Rs.11Cr. ✔ UTHANDI 45 x 60 South facing, ADYAR 4000 sft Land with Old Buldg cargo lift. Contact: 9884440937 or VADAPALANI NR Metro Stn Dead End
1200 SQFT semi furnished 3BHK 9840949394 60x120 East facing approved, Sea- N/F 20 Ft Rd good frontage used 9884427495. Rd Grd Flr, 1st Flr, 2nd Flr Each
Posh Area also IT Building cord 2BHK CCP, Lift, Vacant; side, Posh Area. Only Buyers Ct: for both Commrcl & Resi. @ 9 Crs 1792sft & 3rd Flr 512sft 9841075288
9841691819 apartment with smart home feature 9789864370
at Adyar is for sale @2.2crs. Call Velachery 3300 rent income: 9841044632 Full Cheque Payment Ct: Agent AYNAVARAM COMM/ Godown Land−3500sf
REQ 1 to 10Grounds Land Bungalows Sudha−9884791009 GOPALAPURAM 2BHK 1.5Cr, 3BHK 1.90− 80k. Rs. 2.75 Cr (Nego): 94440 61228 8925864666 Build−1000 to3000sf Rent 9444417891
4000sft 2CCP 2.5Lac Neg :6380844247
GST REDWOODS Right next Ashiana Se-
Flats Annanagar, Kilpauk, 2.25Cr Carpark, Lift. Ct 9841073168 nior Living Nr SingaperumalTemple BESANT NAGAR Prime 2700 Sq.ft Land GUINDY 9000SFT Fully Furn, AC,
Nungabakkam,Adyar & Any Prime PALLIKARANAI −2BHK Flats 937 & 951 RESIDENTIAL LAND 0.5 &1 Ground Apprd Plots 40ft frontage 9Cr Neg. 9384093999 ON ECR at Mahabalipuram, 25
per Sqft Rs.5500/− Stilt+3Floor Lift, DG 1 &2Flr Suits for IT Grounds Vacant Land, 256 Feet
Area.9884588199 EGMORE NR Don Bosco School 900sf 9840912232
Lift CCTV, CCP Total 6 Units SK HanuReddyRealty 8929241970/ 9094757347 Frontage, 600 meters from FOUR
FLOOD FREE High Quality Residen- ECR AKKARAI Sparkling Sands 4440sf
RESIDENTIAL HOUSE Construction: 9962125678, 9940033911 tial Plots Sales Nr Ponmar : ECR MAHABALIPURAM Poonjeri, 1.5 Aprd Land with BldgPlan. 7845793615 POINT Sheraton. Call: 9380540428
9551258813 6200300600 grds Approved plot Next Gsquare /
REQ. 3BHK New House Carpet Area MM NAGAR Near GST Road 4800sft Com- ADYAR INDIRANAGAR 3BHK 1564sft UDS nuReddy Realty 9840666773/ Confluence. 9841051098 BESANTNGR PRIME 2229sqft N.E.
1500 sqft, Adyar, Thiruvanmiyur My- pany Land Rs.1400 per sft NELLORE (A.P) Premium East Face
733sft Lift CCP 2.50Cr 9840045684 7845464716 Gated Villa Plot Ready to Build, SOLINGANALUR GANAPATHY ngr EF Appd Corner 40ft Rd with old House.
lapore Mandaveli Triplicane. 8807632331 9444019575
9840261975 NANGANALLUR 3BHK 1330sft IFlr Lift BESANT NGR Kalashetra 2BHK BA−1065 Rs.2500 Per Sqft. Ct: 81247 97155 60ft ftg 20ft rd 3500/sf.9384863366
CCP. Ready 3 Months. 9941160000. Lift CCP HanuReddyRealty 7338730828
ADYAR 1.5GROUNDS 3570 Sqft 42 x 85 VILLA Plot sale at Minjur Rs.12 Lacs PADAPAI ORATHUR 1584Sft DTCP 30Ft MANDVELI PRIME 1569sft 40ftFrontge
RESIDENTIAL LAND North 60 Feet Road Ct : 9176666146 READY TO move Porur Near Metro VADAPALANI NR Metro 2BHK 1200sf Gated Community Ct: 9445172849 Rd South Rs.1250/Sqft Neg N.E.Corner 3.60Cr. Nego. 9444019575
3BHK 1540sqft KASR Builders 98403
WANTED 1 to 2 Grounds in West Mam- ✔ CHENGALPET GST On NH/ Off Rd 98403
CLS Padmaram HanuReddyReal- MAHINDRA CITY Near BMW factory 9176897498 ALWARPET SEETHAMMAL Clny 2.23Gr
ty7338730843 1950 & 2600 sft Plots. Ct: 94443 THIRUVERKADU VGN−MAHALAKSHMI Ngr 43x127 5335sqft N/F 35ftRd.
balam Ashok Ngr Kodambakkam. JV/ 2235, 9430sqft DTCP Commercial PURASAWALKAM DR Alagappa Road,
Outright. Genuine sellers ct Plots Sale 7604954109, 9994194859, PERUNGALATHUR 1314 sft 3BHK CCP 42084 30x40−1200Sf North 30ft Rd 9444019575
3BHK, 2CCP, Power Backup, Lift,
9884028352 8248540110 CCTV, Ready to Handover, CMDA,
UDS 795sft 10yrs Exel Cond. MANNIVAKKAM NR Main Road 2898sft 7397373201 PALLAVARAM, RADIAL Rd 40Ft Rd 11Ft
9840803636 CMDA Approved Plot Sale. NEELANKARAI KABALESWARA Ngr 5Gr Ap- passage 1Grd Aprd 1.90Cr 9841279591 PORUR, ALAPAKKAM Main Road, 1000
REQUIRE 1−20 Grounds in Chennai. ALL PURPOSE Commercial site @ RERA Approved, SRK Constructions:
JV− Outright. Contact: 9381016843 98401 36533. ANNA NAGAR 13th Main Road, 1193 Ct:9566024491 proved 100x110 North 12Cr sft, Ground Floor. Ct: 9840447199 BESANT NAGAR 4000sqft GF Beach Fac-
Sriperumbudur Bypass 7000sqft ing suits for restaurant 9500025495
9843279872 KOLATHUR NR Everwin School Thiru- Sq.ft. 3 BHK Apartment, interior PAAPARAMBAKKAM 3600SFT Approved 9884988604 1Gr 1.5Gr, Valasai 1Gr 2Gr
AMBATTUR OT 3300sft G+1 Showroom
GENERAL pathi Nagar Slit+3Flrs 1050sft done with car park. CT: 73388 86968 Land 50 feet Road P.N Ct: 1.KUMANANCHAVADY− POONAMALEE 30Gr 6369970847 Frontge 40Ft Two Side Road GUINDY 9GROUND Land & Building
ANNA NAGAR On Road 7 Ground Commer- 9940029415 9941055888 28000 Sft N.Facing 40ft Rd.
cial Land. No Broker. Ct: 2BHK CCP Lift SRK Constructions EGMORE 1631SQFT 3BHK Flat 2CCP Main 100ft Rd, 2.Sriperambudur Pil-
ALWARPET ABIRAMPURAM TNgr,Adyar 9840136533 with Amenities 2.30cr Realty. VANNARAPETTAI NEAR Maharani Cinema 9962103429
1abv SAReality Buy/Sel/Rent 9380540119 CMDA APD Plot Naduveerapattu laipakkam Nr Sipcot 22Acrs 40ft Rd ECR MUTTUKADU residential land 3 &
SALE 3 BHK 1545 Sft Flat 5th floor 9840172119 14017sf 5.8Grd P.Sft Rs.2400/− 3.Thiruvallur Jayanagar 3Acrs 5 Grds N/F contact 7550044740 4000sf G+1 Rent New Bild 9941055888 MAMBALAM 3000 sft space 1st Flr,
9840015106 R.A.PURAM 2ND MnRd, 2.75Grd Prime 4.ECR Pattipulam 2Gr DTCP Sale. Fully Furnished, Power Genset for
− Lake Dugar Ambattur M: 9845081002 KODAMBAKKAM 2BR 928sft UDS−625 9884150702 TNGR FURNISD Office
MANAPAKKAM 2 BR Flat & Near Alanku- Land, 55ft Front, 60ftRd. 9994034333 VADAPALANI 1450SQFT , 33 x 44 , 350,900,2200sft.Alwarpet 850 to Banks Backup or Any other Office
9444019575 AYAPAKKAM ICF Clny 2BHK Flat North 3Flr Lift (E) 15yrs 1.15C(N) TNPSC−NAGAR SRIMATHI 2400sft Nr IT West North Corner, 1+3 Approved , Rent. 2.5 L. Contact : 9840807181.
lam 1 Acre for Sale. Wanted 1BR 9952055513 3000sft 9444116320
near Tidel Park. Ct− 80564 76578 Facing lift Vasthu, CCP, Sai Laksh- Park/Ring Rd Rs.3500 Neg 9840096546 SRIPERUMBUDUR 20 Cent. Nr By Rajiv Price : 1.70 Cr . Balu: 9841363081 AVAILABLE 1000 to 2500Sft Office
RADIAL RD 200ft Rd 1G Nr A2B 40ft mi Builders− 9884415941,9884575144 BOAT CLUB 2950 Sft 3BHK 7 yr old 2 Gandhi Memorial By Pass. 9600028290 KILPAUK, PURASAIVAKKAM 600sft,
Front Suit ShowRoom NoBro SRIPERUMBUDUR − Sriram Nagar 1800 KATTUPAKKAM, LAKSHMI Nagar , 850 200sft Office Space Suitable for Space For Rent in Annanagar Hall
JOINT DEVELOPMENT 9840065678 APC NAMMALWAR Venkatesan Salai, CCPGym spool 8.5Cr.Ct: 9790373491 Sft Land, DTCP East Face. Sqft 900 Sqft 2000 Sqft , Rs.7000 Clinic, Cloud Kitchen, Back Of- Type. Contact : 9176696739
Periyar Nagar 2BHK 880 Sqft. 2nd ADYAR PRIME Area 1500sft 3BR F.Flr 9382836569 Per Sqft . Call : 9500922307 OFFICE SPACE Prime Location
WANTED LAND 50Cents to 1 Acre in & Floor , Only 1 flat available CCP, fice, Courier With Car Park. Ct:
around Porur Outright/JV 9884421797 FACTORIES & SITES LIFT 9444015363, 9841734762,
2CCP Genset 2yrs 2.70Cr. 9444019575 PANAIYUR J.NGR 1.5,3.5G Corner. NEELANKARAI 9 Grnd, 3.5cr/Grd, Mut-
9382590989 Warmshell / Fully Fitted Out 10k
Panaiyur Modern Layout 3G, 50ft to 1 Lac sqft. Contact: 7904822561
SRIPERUMBUDUR 2ACRES E F Vacant 9841307083 T.NAGAR PRIME Area Vijayaraghava tukadu 4 Grnd, 1.40cr/Grd
Dry land 340Ft Frontage On 40Ft Rd Lane 1456sft 3BHK 1&2Flr 2CCP Lift Rd. Neelankarai kazura Grdn 2G 8940200333 OFFICE SPACE Near Santhome for
ARUMBAKKAM NEW 2/3/4 BHK Flat for 9840882335 Rent 4700 sft Car / Bike Parking
Opp MNC Factory 9444084642 / Sale near Anna Arch. Ct: 78100 Genset Gym 40’Rd 5yrs 3Cr.
9445098207 9444019575 MEDAVAKKAM 1400 sqft 90L & Tho- Lift Suitable for MNC’s & Corprate
25909 ALWARTHIRUNAGAR 2 Ground, 1 9841588147 / 9941277086
raipakkam 1300 sqft 87L CMDA.
4 ACRE vacant industrial land in KODAMBAKKAM 2/3 BHK Flat for sale ALWARTHIRUNAGAR NR MegaMart2BHK Ground, 3/4 Ground & 1/2Ground 8940100333
768sq ground Flr North 59L 9941030410 60000 SFT New Warehouse at Chet-
TADA GRADDAGUNTA on chennai Veg only Near Raghavendra Kalyana tipedu for Rent. 8680000456,
kolkata highway good frontage. Mandapam. Ct: 78100 25909 9790828187 ECR, NEELANKARAI− 7 Grounds, East, SUNDARAPURAM PLOT no 367Kali Van-
tha Pattu near guduvanchery 7824880456
Price 5 Crore per acre. VIRUGAMBAKKAM NEAR Balalok School Broker Exu.3Cr P/Ground 96001 47642
Ct:9080427593 − 2 BHK Flat for Sale.Ct:
RESIDENTIAL HOUSE 9840047586 ANNANAGAR 5300SFT Plug&Play Office
T.NAGAR GN Chetty Road Near 4 Grd Space for rent, 6th Avenue Nr
MANALI NR. Andarkuppam checkpost 2− 7810025909 KILPAUK BARNABY rd, 4bhk indepen- & Kilpauk Garden 3.5 Grd for Sale, KORATTUR TV’S Ngr 40X60ft 30X60ft Bhavyam Hotel 50ft Road. Ct: 72990
5 acres Land for Sale Suitable for CHOOLAIMEDU NEAR Ponmani Maligai − dent bungalow 3100 sqft built up, Broker Excuse, Full White Registra- N.Facng 30ft Rd w8reality 87475
Warehouse, Factory call 9840039535 2 BHK Flat for Sale − 78100 25909 vastu, 2 car park. 8438360794 owner tion, 8Cr Per Grd, Ct: AGS 9840167344
CHROMEPET NR GST 4Gr 10500sq indus- MADIPAKKAM RAMNAGAR South 840Sft TAMBARAM MAIN Area, N/E. Corner, KELAMBAKKAM TO Vandalur Pudhu-
trial Bldng All Amenities 2BHK 431UDS CCP Rs6000/Sft 5000sft/ 6 Cr/ No Brokers. URAPAKAM @KILAMBAKAM bus stand GST pakkam on Road 34 Acres Sale.
9994194859 9042918206 9488435666 rd/Rlystn Nr DTCP No bro.9282135640 9710156179


Saturday, November 23, 2024

8 Saturday, November 23, 2024

A. Srivathsan A view of the Outer Ring Road of work anymore. If we want dis-
Hyderabad, close to Kokapet and tributed growth, we must
ega-city-oriented the twin reservoirs; and (below) create market conditions in

M urban develop-
ment has come
into question in
light of declining liveability
conditions, persisting environ-
Vidyadhar Phatak. NAGARA GOPAL

density, the objective was to

towns for investment rather
than push it. We must focus,
particularly through physical
planning, on providing public
services and ensuring that
mental crises, and affordabili- enable incremental housing. land is available for public use.
ty and mobility challenges. The thinking was that many
The concern is that policies might not muster the capital to Planners have not stopped
still seem to focus on the build a full-fledged house but restricting city growth,
growth of megacities as the could do so incrementally. Ho- have they? Earlier, it was
economy is metro-centric. wever, this was possible only wrapping a green belt to
Developing medium and on publicly owned land. You restrain a city; now,
small towns as an alternative cannot force low-rise in private through height limits and
model of urbanisation is gain- lands. lower FSI, determining how
ing traction. This is not a new What could have been much you can build in a
idea. About 35 years ago, the achieved was increasing the plot. Has this helped?
National Commission on Ur- supply of serviced land in the The restrictions focus on the
banisation (NCU) advised mov- periurban area through infras- supply side. The argument is
ing away from metro depen- tructure extension. With more that if you restrict the supply
dency and supporting small land to build on, people might of development rights and
and medium towns. However, have opted for low-rise, high- don’t supply land adequately,
this model did not fully take density housing, even on priv- the demand will be restrained.
off. ate land. This did not happen. That is not how it works. De-
In this interview, Vidyadhar Currently, the government is mand for built-up areas conti-
Phatak, member of the NCU, emphasising peri-urban deve- nues to grow with economic
former Chief Planner of the lopment through land assemb- growth. When we squeeze the
Mumbai Metropolitan Region ly approaches. supply, prices rise, which ad-
Development Authority, and The NCU operated in the versely impacts affordability.
author of Planning for India’s pre-liberalisation era, and just They even drive away some of
Urbanisation, talks about the three years after its report, the the economic activities. Mum-
feasibility of the alternative economy was liberalised. This bai lost on IT because inves-

model and whether restricting Both small and large cities can support rural linkages and agricultural um-sized towns may not have severely challenged NCU ap- tors thought Hyderabad was a
large cities helps. Excerpts: been fully realised, but the proaches, but they can be re- better place to go. Planners
economy. But disparity in infrastructure services between them is the key idea continues in schemes considered and not cannot be oblivious to the im-
Bengaluru’s traffic woes, problem that needs to be solved, says urban planner Vidyadhar Phatak such as JNNURM, Smart Cities, abandoned. pact of restrictions on the
Delhi’s air pollution, and AMRUT. Similarly, plans to market.
Mumbai’s prices, and support 12 cities along indus- The alternative
recurring urban floods are
raising concerns about
large cities. Is it time to
rethink mega city
Small-town trial corridors such as the Del-
hi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
are afoot.
Regarding low-rise high
development model directs
urban growth to
predetermined places
through stringent state
Climate change concerns
have become central to
planning. Balancing
economic growth with

orientation and see merit in intervention. This works long-term sustenance has
a more balanced urban against market forces that become imperative. What is
development? prefer large cities. Will such the way forward?
The experience thus far shows an approach work when Planning must focus on resi-
that city sizes and distribution private sector engagement lience, mitigating greenhouse
are dynamic; controlling them in urban growth is central? gas emissions, and other relat-
would be difficult. Post-Inde-
pendence, India realised that
urbanisation was inevitable.
Policymakers felt that we
to mega cities Before liberalisation, we used
to think that urban plans must
decide which sectors and plac-
es investments would occur.
ed measures. These are not
just for large cities; all urban
centres require this care. We
cannot continue the large city
should at least avoid large ci- Now, that has changed. To a vs. small city debate in a nar-
ties in such a situation. Howev- Two things can happen. Second, large cities are be- moving from high-rise greater extent, the market de- row sense. Large cities have a
er, the attempt to get an opti- One, economic transformation coming polycentric. Earlier, high-density development cides which sectors and places role in promoting economic
mal city size distribution, that will influence city sizes. For ex- everything was concentrated towards low-rise to invest in. Guidelines for en- growth. At the same time,
is, how many large, medium, ample, old economic activi- in one centre, but that has high-density development. vironmental protection exist, smaller cities can support ru-
and small cities we need, was ties, like the textile industry in changed. For example, the Is this model still relevant? but directing the spatial dis- ral linkages and the agricultu-
more theoretical. Nobody Mumbai or Ahmedabad, are Bandra Kurla Complex, Navi Or does the fact that it did tribution of economic ac- ral economy. Disparity in in-
could establish the policy han- either dying or moving away Mumbai, and Thane, have not fully take off show its tivities has stopped, frastructure services between
dles to achieve that. Large ci- from larger cities. Though fi- emerged as additional centres limitations? and hence, urbanisa- them is the key problem that
ties provide agglomeration be- nancial activities may fill in, in Mumbai. If public transpor- The NCU took a balanced ap- tion patterns can- needs to be solved. The point
nefits that are important for such changes will impact city tation can connect them, it will proach. While it recommend- not be fully is that large city agglomera-
innovation. Even small and sizes. Furthermore, the migra- address some of the large city ed 329 growth centres, it also predetermined. tions are here to exist, and
medium enterprises can flour- tion issue, which principally problems. prioritised cities of national Restrictive there is a need for other urban
ish only in the context of large created an anti-large-city im- importance, significant for provisions on centres to grow.
cities. That said, growth in oth- age, is slowing down because Even as early as 1988, the the national economy. Its re- the market
er urban centres is also of the overall reduction in de- NCU recommended commendation to direct through plan- The writer is a professor at
critical. mographic growth. decentralised growth and growth to small and medi- ning will not CEPT University, Ahmedabad.


ECR AKKARAI 2.5 grounds, 3000sqft, THIRUMALAIPILLAI RD Posh 3BR
OMR thoraippakkam office space 5 BHK Beach access, 2 CCP. Rent 1064sft OCP 2nd Flr Lift. Ct:
G+3 13000sqt. 4.3 Lac.ct:9884511238 2.5L Ct: 8608236666 98849 27548 ₹10,000
Some pastel,
Deluxe 2Bed+Study Furnished 2nd Fl
MOUNT RD,GP RD Junction Total Alwarpet 3500sft bunglow,off/godown, 2CCP Lift Vegetarian 9381800984
13000Sft GF 6000Sft Com Space nungambakam 2.5gr open land, T.Ngr NEW WARE house 5000 Sqft Mad- LLOYDS RD New 1800sft 3BHK F.Flr
9840342878 1200sft new off space 9384855523 havaram 43 KWV Pwr, Long lease. 50K. 1000sft 2BHK 30K. 9566024633 BACHELORS ROOM furnished AC com-

some bold
8610324158 fortable For employed Ct:
OMR PERUNGUDI Industral Estate BESANT NAGAR Prime commercial KILPAUK 9600077573
25000Sft 40Ft Rd,50/− persft Stand alone Bldg 9000sqft 10L. 10,000SQFT FACTORY Building with
9840398626 9384093999 Agro Food Processing Machines @ APPROACH CHAMPAK don’t miss the 3BHK 3BATH 1700sft 50K, 2BHK 2Bath
Tamil Nadu Industrial Park Near Ni- Flats & Bungalows. Waiting for you 1300sft Fully Furn 60K. 9840313221.
18000sft (single-plate) F.Flr Premises AT ASHOKNAGAR 50th st, 3rd Floor lakottai is Available for Rent in Clean Locality, Spacious, Mod,
at Guindy Industrial Estate, Ch–32. 2500 sqft Hall Commercial Rs: 50 9884657975/ 9500011662 T.NAGAR PSBB School Opp 3BHK, 1350
(previously occupied by HDFC Bank per sqft, with Furniture Rs: 75 Gym, Genset & swimming pools to Sf, FF Immd Occupation, LIFT, CCP,
Ltd). Ct: 98404 98097 / 90032 43003 per sqft, Lift Genset Car Bike AVAILABLE NEWLY built Industrial dive & sprain your neck. Ct Salaried employee Only 8681058067 From furniture to trousseau bed linen,
Park Server Board Room 4 Cabins Shed measuring 9600 sq.ft with :9884417574
MOUNT RD Behind Casino Theatre Minimum 40 Work Station. 2nd Floor
10000Sft G+4 Hall Type 7Lac− 1250 sqft 2 Office, 4 years Lease
5ton EOT provision near Royal En- NEAR EGA 2250 sft 3bhk, servant 2BHK 1200SFT 35K Ist Floor W.Wrk there is something for everyone
field, Yamaha factory, Vallam Ora- room and bath, 4AC, 2cp, DG Balcony CCP 9840313221
9840398626 Each 25 Lakhs. Call no : 9943027377 gadm. Contact 9381001157 9884062930
MANALI WAREHOUSE /Factory Shed for
Furnish Office. Car Park 9840041444 Warehouse for Rent Con-
rent Nr Andarkuppam 25000&21000sft KOLATHUR
tact:9380540119 SOUTH AVENUE Kamarajarnagar 3BHK
THORAIPAKKAM FULLY Furnished, 3BHK with all Amenities. Ct: 9840039535
& Studio for Company Executives/ 22F GUINDY IndlEstate 12000sft COMPACT 2 BHK independent house in Flat 1800sft Semi Furn Ct:
Guest House/Short Stays. Housekeep- G+3Flr Rs.60/Sft 9176212452/ RENTAL − Kumaran Nagar Ch 82 mob 9940302794 9080037843
ing of Property Taken Care. 9884730764 RESIDENTIAL
9940193224 15000 square feet G+2 floors com- KORATTUR THURAIPAKKAM
PORUR GERUGAMPAKKAM, 2150 mercial building available for rent
sq.ft, II Floor, Multi Industrial Nagar. near Thiruverkadu Bus Terminal & ADYAR RENT VILLA 4 BHK Korattur G+2, Va- THORAPAKKAM 3BHK Gated Community
Ct: 9159073043/ 8778841811. opposite to VGN Temple Town Resi- cant Agent 9841281194 with ACs and CCP for Rent Rs. Darsh Designs
dential Apartments. Ct: 8610756868 KB NAGAR First Floor 1015 Sq.Ft 32,000/− Ct: 9791196434. No Bro-
ALAPAKKAM ASTA Laxmi Ngr 3rd Main ASHOK NAGAR 2750 Sq.ft with Work NEELANKARAI kers.
Rd 1st Flr 1800Sft, 2nd Flr Stations , Suitable for IT or Back
Lease 30 Lacs 2 BHK CCP. Ct The furniture collection of this
1800sft G.F CP Basement 1200Sft. Office. Contact : 8248487947 ECR KAPALEESWAR NAGAR Indp.House TIRUVOTTIYUR brand comprising Karix,
9840069166 ADYAR INDIRA Ngr, TNHP HIG Flat, 10000Sft 10BHK 3CP 3.5Lac−
11GRD EMPTY Land(120x180) @ 1850Sqft, 3BHK, 6thFlr, W/F, 2CCP 9840398626 Circus, and Pawna has items
SHAKTI TOWERS 971 Sft office− Hall Velachery Behind Dav School 2.5L
type− False ceiling− Carpark− 9941819555 Lift, Genset, 60k+5k Maint. NEAR THIRUVOTIYUR Theradi 2400sf made of leather, metal and
9444019575 NUNGAMBAKKAM Land + Building Rent/Lease
ldeal for Corporates. Owner: 98401− 9551423504 wood. From sofas, stools, and
36007 ADYAR SASTRINGR 80’Rd, Stilt+5Flrs
EachFlr:3200sft Total:16000sft N/F ALWARPET 3BHK FLAT 1st Floor Rent 55K Neg. pouffes to tables, side-stands,
W.MAMBALAM - METTUPALAYAM, Suits:Hospital/ShowRoom. 9444019575 Sterling Road, CP, Ph: 63800 71893 URAPPAKKAM
3300 Sq.Ft, Ground and I Floor. Ct: and bookshelves, the products
91590 73043/ 87788 41811. 1150 SQFT on Monteith Road Egmore BACHELOR SINGLE Room with Bath at- with minimalistic, handcrafted
for lease Rs 40 Lakhs. Ideal for tached 9k, Twin sharing 5k OMR URAPAKKAM NR.BUS Stop, Opp Sankara
LLOYDS ROAD Gopalapuram 3300 Sft Office / Residential. Ct: 9840319352 School, Habiterra, 3BHK 1850Sft,
₹3,000 detailing can be customised to
Halltype Ground floor on 40ft Road 9884019673 Fully Furnished. Ct: 9962243223
with Lorry parking− Showroom/Of- 3BHK NICE Flat 4Balconies Mod. ✔ PENT HOUSE, OMR, Thoraipakkam elevate your space.
Kitchen UPS 4A/C Car Park etc. Par- 3000 Sft 3 BHK with A/Cs, 2 CCP, upwards
fice/ Godown also 1000 Sft. Ct T.NAGAR, VADAPALANI, Kodambakkam,
9841073168 Nungambakkam Resi / Commercial allel to SIET Road bright airy. 10th Floor All amenities. Call: VADAPALANI Bonasila
9840089132 9841044632
House, Godown, Office, Hotel,
FURNISHED OFFICE 3000 Sft near Shop, Showroom For Rent. 9444 555 3BHK INDP 1st Flr AC Car Park UPS Available in four sizes, these hollow
PalmGrove Hotel Kodambakkam; 457 ALWARPET 3BHK 1st Floor Lift Wood PALAVAKKAM Danalaxmi Clny Veg Family
9444434835 Works Genset 2 CCP Ct: 8939519299 9940089483 and full-body vases are perfect as an
PALAVAKKAM ANNA Salai Sankarapuram
NANDANAM ON Rd 3000Sf Ful Furn ANNA NAGAR WEST 1st St. New Building First Flr− 2 VADAPALANI 3BHK Rent 30K; Porur indoor statement piece or as an
40WS 2Cabin Conf AC CP Genst Flats 1000Sft + 1200Sft 2BHK Din- 2BHK Ground Floor Rent 25K. outdoor garden piece. These
9840227442 ing. Second Flr 2200Sft 4BHK + Fam- 9884671203
SHANTHI COLONY indpt 3BR AC first ily Lounge Ample Car Parking. For fibre-reinforced polymer planters
MADIPAKKAM 4000 sqft for rent, floor wood work CCP. Ct: 9444278501 Residence/Corporate
near upcoming Metro station. Setup. Ct: VALASARAWALKAM are lightweight, strong and
9840377347 7401641290
ARUMBAKKAM rust-resistant. You can choose your
WAREHOUSE / Commercial Space, RCC PERUNGUDI ANBUNAGAR FLAT 3BHK First Floor preferred size and shape from matte
9000sft G+2 with Lift, Near Toll NEAR METRO 1550sf 3BR Lift CP Lift Wood Work CCP W/F 25K.
Plaza, Porur. Contact: 9444023412 Amenities 100’Rd 50k nego Agt− NEW 1820SFT 3BHK semi furnished 9790828187
and glossy variants.
EKKADUTHANGAL NR Jaya TV Commer- 9677017504 centralised AC, 2CCP, at WTC
cial rental ind. house 4800Sft Grd Brigade Perungudi, OMR. Ct: VILLIVAKKAM
&1st Rs.150000 rent with car ,two AYANAVARAM 9841188334
wheeler parking.Ct:9677009659 NR RLY Stn Flat GF,2BHK, 850 sft
PORUR 12K Hindus Pref No brokers Sadyaska
✔ ANNA NAGAR 2ND AVENUE Indepen- Rs 28K, 14/59 Mylappa St. 9360461485
dent Building 15000sqft in 4 FOR RENT 1 BHK 1 carpark furnished
Floors Good frontage Only High−end 9841449549
Retailers call : 9841442072
southfacing in porur PBV available These art deco-themed velvet,
BESANT NAGAR from january 2025. CT:7358777127
cotton, and lace bedsheets and
GODOWN LARGE High, Hall Type Peri-
amet Vepery, 3000SFT GF− 40ft Con- ROYAPETTAH 10-piece trousseau sets are available
tainer Load/Unload.1.8L Ct 3&2BHK EACH 1800sf S.Furn Beach
9840503426 Facing backup Posh Location NEW FLAT 4BHK Lift CCP Opp Exp Av- in subtle pastels and bold colours
6374454301 enue Rent 1.3L No Brokers like emerald green and coral. Made
OMR NAVALUR Near Siruseri IT 9940669595
3500sft 4BHK,1750sft 2BHK, 900sft
2BHK for Commercial/ Residential
CHOOLAIMEDU using techniques like quilting,
embroidery, and handwork, these
use with LIFT & Open Car Park.Ct:
T NAGAR upwards
9384621516 GILL NAGAR 1st Floor 3BHK, Posh, multiple-layered bedding sets are
Semi Furn, 1CCP, UP, Bro Exu, T.NAGAR 950SFT 2BHK Flat 3rd Flr
AKKARAI ECR−OMR Dr.K.K.Salai Link Rent. 80K + Maint. 10K. Ct: 80563 Nr. PSBB School Lift,CP available in different textures.
Road 1Acre for Lease. 9030540251. 33838 Ct:9381035198
Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Villivakkam tank eco-restoration ly, leveraging vocational training

PPP project, in Chennai. VEDHAN M. programmes can equip profession-
als to assist smaller urban local bo-
dies in overcoming their challenges.

Financing urban scape, for instance, the New Delhi

Municipal Corporation (NDMC) has
innovatively introduced a PPP mo-
Using practical knowledge
In large-scale projects, the expertise

del to tackle sanitation needs. Under required to undertake PPP projects
this model, NDMC allocates space is both diverse and specific — techni-
for constructing Public Toilet Utili- cal, finance, legal, market/demand,
ties (PTUs) and provides additional tax, accounting and insurance. The
space for private sector revenue gen- ‘theoretical’ knowledge required
eration. The private sector is respon- must also be complemented with

in India
sible for operating and maintaining practical deal-making experience in
the facility according to defined areas such as project management
standards throughout the conces- or contract negotiation.
sion period, which includes separate Advisers bring essential skills,
facilities for men and women, diffe- practical experience, and additional
rently-abled individuals, bank ATMs, capacity to handle the unique, inten-
sanitary pad vending machines, and sive, and non-recurrent workload as-
water ATMs. sociated with complex projects like
But unlike in larger cities, urban PPPs. Expertise is needed through-
local bodies in smaller cities don’t out the project lifecycle, from selec-
have the capacity to prepare SPVs tion and definition to post-perfor-
(special purpose vehicle) to address mance evaluation. The architecture
their issues or even prepare compre- and planning community can play a
hensive PPP documents. Conse- significant role in raising awareness
quently, less than 10% of PPPs in ur- and training professionals for a pro-
ban local bodies in India originate mising career in this field, potential-
from areas outside major cities. To ly establishing a future business
address this disparity, the planning model.
and design community can raise
awareness by conducting public par- The writer is Managing Director,
ticipation programmes. Additional- GPM Architects and Planners.

CONTINUED FROM ate can allow planners and archi- ble housing. With this, it can access design’s strength lies in the innova-
» PAGE 1 tects to claim a stake in the financing and capital markets from tive strategy of combining stakehol-
decision-making process by being in- the private sector and use it to get ders and assigning roles.
A deeper understanding of finan- volved in structuring partnerships. partnerships to provide saleable real
cial systems can extend the role of As the most promising instrument estate. While the scale of operations Tackling sanitation needs
architects and planners beyond the for public participation, in a PPP, the might vary, the potential gains of a With strategic positioning, small-
design brief. Since these decisions government seeks to monetise its PPP rest squarely on the appropriate scale urban projects can improve
are based on fiduciary interests, a power to regulate development. For allocation of risks, rewards, and res- creditworthiness and maintain a
functioning knowledge of the instru- example, it can alter FSI/ FAR rules ponsibilities among the various sta- continuous absorptive capacity of
ments of finance and how they oper- for its partners to promote afforda- keholders. This implies that a PPP the local body. In the urban land-

10 Saturday, November 23, 2024

How the pandemic

reshaped market

Real estate reforms like RERA, linking stamp duty rates to circle rates,
digitalisation of records, and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
have brought much-needed openness and transparency

N.K. Gupta ble housing and residential and Strong consumer interest ment’s purchasing power, the changing industry ecosys- sifying revenue streams and the sector closely and imple-
commercial properties saw an With the pandemic behind us, which has helped establish In- tem. The reforms collectively pursuing new asset classes like ment timely policy changes to
he Indian real estate immediate hit with a drop in it is critical to understand how dia as an attractive real estate have strengthened the founda- warehouses, data centres and prevent massive disruptions. A

T sector witnessed
one of the most tur-
bulent times during
the COVID-19 crisis. The havoc
caused by the pandemic fol-
demand. The financial hard-
ship that homebuyers and de-
velopers faced during this pe-
riod can be seen as a
cautionary tale. It stresses the
the market has registered a
strong rebound. A significant
pent-up demand and extensive
reforms have generated strong
consumer interest, especially
Reforms like RERA, linking
stamp duty rates to circle rates,
digitalisation of records, and
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
tions for Indian real estate and
have increased confidence
among investors and stability
in the market.
co-living spaces. Risk manage-
ment can be improved by im-
plementing modular construc-
tion methods that speed up the
timeline of projects and lessen
proactive approach, combined
with lessons learned from pre-
vious experiences, will help
protect the industry from fu-
ture risks.
lowed the pile-up of unsold in- need for real estate companies in the residential segment. Fac- Code (IBC) have brought much- Aligning with international the effect of disruptions to sup- The Indian real estate sector
ventory, rising NPAs, and poli- to stay clear of excessive debt, tors like accelerated urbanisa- needed openness and transpa- standards ply chains. stands at a critical juncture,
cy measures like improve transparency and go- tion and massive investments rency. GST and the Tax Deduct- The pandemic has highlighted poised for growth yet mindful
demonetisation (2016), real es- vernance standards, and follow into infrastructure have also ed at Source (TDS) provisions the importance of managing Sustainable construction of its past. The pandemic’s le-
tate regulatory authority the world’s best practices. created a favourable environ- have increased transparency. risk and building resilience. practices gacy has reshaped market dy-
(2016), and introduction of the Indian real estate has always ment for homebuyers and in- Despite initial regulatory hur- Real estate developers should More importantly, sustainable namics, highlighting opportun-
Goods and Services Tax (2017). been a strong pillar in the vestors alike. dles, the gradual improvement focus on financial prudence, construction practices should ities and challenges. As India’s
Challenges such as unfinished growth of the domestic econo- High-end luxury properties, of the Real Estate Investment implement the latest technolo- be a top priority in real estate. economy grows, the real estate
projects combined with the re- my. Being the second largest particularly, are witnessing im- Trusts (REITs) system indicates gies, and align with internation- Developers must adhere to in- sector’s resilience will be test-
lentless pressure on consumers employment generator in the proved interest from high-net- al standards. For instance, de- ternational certifications such ed. Ensuring preparedness for
to continue equated monthly country, the sector is expected worth individuals (HNIs) and velopers can consider as LEED to present their pro- future crises requires a collabo-
instalments (EMIs) and the col- to touch a market size of $1 tril- Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). Risk management launching fractional ownership jects as robust and sustainable. rative effort from developers,
lapse of established names lion by 2030, up from $200 bil- For instance, the luxury pro- can be improved models along with a mix of resi- Designing energy-efficient investors, and policymakers
have highlighted the underly- lion in 2021. By 2025, it is ex- perty market saw the sales va- by implementing dential, commercial and indus- homes using renewable energy alike. Only by learning from the
ing issues of the sector in the pected to contribute 13% to lue of luxury homes priced at modular construction trial projects. This will help sources like solar panels or past and innovating for the fu-
past. Already reeling from is- India’s GDP, up from 6-7%. ₹50 crore and above grow by maintain a balanced portfolio rainwater harvesting tech- ture can Indian real estate
methods that speed up
sues like debt pile, lack of tran- Emerging from the damage over 1.5 times. In 2023, the and appeal to a wider set of niques will reduce long-term achieve sustainable growth and
sparency, and poor gover- caused by the pandemic, it is sales value reached ₹4,319 the timeline of projects consumers. operating costs and environ- stability.
nance, the impact of COVID-19 proof of the remarkable resi- crore, compared to ₹2,859 and lessen the effect Developers must stay clear mental impact.
on the sector was unprecedent- lience and a stark reminder of crore in 2022. A weakened ru- of disruptions to of excessive debt and ensure a Regulators and governments The writer is Chairman,
ed. Key segments like afforda- the vulnerabilities of the sector. pee has increased this seg- supply chains healthy balance sheet by diver- must monitor developments in Manglam group.

Vimesh P. The demand for residential further contributing to its

projects has risen steadily over transformation. Major projects
ong associated with the last five years, with proper- such as TIDEL Park and Sri Ci-

L heavy industry and

trade, North Chennai is
undergoing a profound trans-
ty sales seeing a 12% increase.
Middle-income families and
young professionals are espe-
ty are establishing North
Chennai as a key hub for in-
dustries like logistics, ware-
formation into a prime resi- cially drawn to the area’s affor- housing, and IT.
dential investment destina- dable housing options, which Moreover, the Chennai-Ben-
tion. Once known for its are also well-connected. galuru Industrial Corridor
industrial activity, the region is Reports estimate that pro- (CBIC) is set to position North
rapidly emerging as a sought- perty values in North Chennai Chennai as an industrial po-
after location for homebuyers could appreciate by 15-20% ov- werhouse. The CBIC is project-
and investors due to signifi- er the next decade. This makes ed to create over one lakh
cant socio-economic develop- it an excellent opportunity for jobs, stimulating demand for
ments. Infrastructure projects those looking to invest in housing and supporting the re-
such as metro expansions and Chennai’s real estate market, gion’s overall economic
the Chennai Peripheral Ring offering potential for signifi- growth. Improved transport
Road have redefined its image, cant returns as the area conti- links, such as new highways
positioning North Chennai as nues to develop. and metro expansions, will en-
the next growth frontier of the hance accessibility, making
city. With affordable land pric- Investment opportunities North Chennai a preferred
es, improved connectivity, North Chennai presents a un- destination for both residents
and proximity to economic ique investment opportunity, and businesses.

zones, the area is becoming with affordable entry points Though the transformation
Chennai’s most dynamic in- and long-term appreciation is still in its early stages, the
vestment option. potential. Government-led ur- signs are clear: North Chennai
Historically, North Chennai ban renewal projects, such as is poised to play a pivotal role
was the city’s industrial back- the Smart Cities Mission, in the city’s future growth.
bone, housing major ports like further enhance the region’s Overall, North Chennai’s
Ennore and Chennai, which potential by improving infras- journey from an overlooked

Is North Chennai now the

played vital roles in trade and tructure and public amenities. industrial zone to a thriving ur-
commerce. The focus on in- Major projects like the expan- ban core highlights its growing
dustrial development left resi- sion of Ennore Port and the importance in Chennai’s real
dential and commercial sec- development of new industrial estate landscape.
tors underdeveloped. parks are set to drive growth in With affordable housing,
However, recent govern-
ment-led infrastructure im-
provements are changing this
narrative. Projects like the 162-
km Chennai Peripheral Road
choice of homebuyers? both the commercial and resi-
dential sectors. Additionally,
the ongoing construction of
Manali New Town by the
Chennai Metropolitan Deve-
improved connectivity, and an
expanding commercial sector,
the region has become an at-
tractive destination for both
homebuyers and investors. As
(CPR) which connects Ennore
Once known for its industrial activity, the region is rapidly growing as reports estimate that lopment Authority (CMDA) is infrastructure projects pro-
port in the north to Mamallap- property values there could appreciate by 15-20% over the next decade adding further appeal, making gress and job opportunities in-
uram in the south, easing traf- North Chennai a prime invest- crease, North Chennai is on
fic congestion and facilitating hancing connectivity and ac- II expansion is also underway, hub. For professionals, these property prices in areas like ment locale. track to become a real estate
smooth freight movement and cessibility, making North with 118.9 km of new routes improvements mean reduced Madhavaram, Perambur, and goldmine, promising long-
the Outer Ring Road (ORR) - Chennai an attractive choice connecting key areas like Mad- commute times and greater Kolathur range from ₹4,500 to Commercial expansion term growth and vibrant com-
62-km six-lane highway, that for both developers and havaram, Washermenpet, Pe- access to affordable housing. ₹9,000 per sq.ft. This afforda- The growth in North Chennai munity living.
links Vandalur in the south to homebuyers. rambur and Thiruvottriyur to A key factor fuelling North bility, combined with the on- is not limited to residential
Minjur in the north, improving the IT hubs of South Chennai, Chennai’s growth is the affor- going infrastructure upgrades, real estate. The area is also ex- The writer is Senior
access to major highways, Metro rail connectivity thereby transforming North dability of its real estate. Com- is attracting both homebuyers periencing a boom in commer- Vice-President of Marketing,
have been instrumental in en- The Chennai Metro Rail Phase Chennai into a thriving urban pared to other parts of the city, and investors to the region. cial and retail development, Casagrand.


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024



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