Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno
5V: This pin of the Arduino board is used as a regulated power supply voltage and it is used to give supply to the
board as well as onboard components.
3.3V: This pin of the board is used to provide a supply of 3.3V which is generated from a voltage regulator on the
GND: This pin of the board is used to ground the Arduino board.
Reset: This pin of the board is used to reset the microcontroller. It is used to Resets the microcontroller.
Analog Pins: The pins A0 to A5 are used as an analog input and it is in the range of 0-5V.
Digital Pins: The pins 0 to 13 are used as a digital input or output for the Arduino board.
Serial Pins: These pins are also known as a UART pin. It is used for communication between the Arduino
board and a computer or other devices. The transmitter pin number 1 and receiver pin number 0 is used to transmit
and receive the data resp.
External Interrupt Pins: This pin of the Arduino board is used to produce the External interrupt and it is done by
pin numbers 2 and 3.
PWM Pins: This pins of the board is used to convert the digital signal into an analog by varying the width of the
Pulse. The pin numbers 3,5,6,9,10 and 11 are used as a PWM pin.
SPI Pins: This is the Serial Peripheral Interface pin, it is used to maintain SPI communication with the help of the
SPI library. SPI pins include:
LED Pin: The board has an inbuilt LED using digital pin-13. The LED glows only when the digital pin becomes
AREF Pin: This is an analog reference pin of the Arduino board. It is used to provide a reference voltage from an
external power supply.
You can get different versions of Arduino IDE from the Download page on the Arduino Official
website. You must select your software, which is compatible with your operating system (Windows, IOS, or
Linux). After your file download is complete, unzip the file.
Figure 1: Page from Ardunio Official website
The Arduino Uno, Mega, Duemilanove and Arduino Nano automatically draw power from either, the
USB connection to the computer or an external power supply. If you are using an Arduino Diecimila, you
have to make sure that the board is configured to draw power from the USB connection. The power source is
selected with a jumper, a small piece of plastic that fits onto two of the three pins between the USB and power
jacks. Check that it is on the two pins closest to the USB port.Connect the Arduino board to your computer
using the USB cable. The green power LED(labeled PWR) should glow.
After your Arduino IDE software is downloaded, you need to unzip the folder. Inside the folder, you
can find the application icon with an infinity label (application.exe).
Double click the icon to start the IDE.
Figure 2: Launch of Ardunio IDE
To open an existing project example, select File -> Example -> Basics -> Blink.
Here, we are selecting just one of the examples with the name Blink. It turns the LED on and off
with some time delay. You can select any other example from the list.
To avoid any error while uploading your program to the board, you must select the correct Arduino
board name, which matches with the board connected to your computer.
Go to Tools -> Board and select your board.
Figure 5: To Select Board
Here, we have selected Arduino Uno board according to our tutorial, but you must select the name
matching the board that you are using.
Select the serial device of the Arduino board. Go to Tools ->Serial Port menu. This is likely to be
COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 are usually reserved for hardware serial ports). To find out, you can
disconnect your Arduino board and re-open the menu, the entry that disappears should be of the Arduino
board. Reconnect the board and select that serial port.
Figure 6: Select Serial Port