XII Limba Engleza

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English Awareness is a three-year course designed Margareta DUªCIAC • Maria GÎSCÆ

for advanced level students. Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC • Silvia ROTARU
At the Crossroads is a highly informative,
learner-centered course that encourages
communication. Galina CHIRA• Mihai CHIRA

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Margareta DUȘCIAC, Maria GÎSCĂ, Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC,
Galina CHIRA, Mihai CHIRA

At the


Editura ARC
CZU 811.111(075.3)
A 90
Manualul a fost aprobat prin Ordinul nr. 399 din 25 mai 2015 al ministrului Educației al Republicii Moldova. Manualul este ela-
borat conform Curriculumului disciplinar (aprobat în anul 2010) și finanțat din resursele Fondului Special pentru Manuale.
Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educației al Republicii Moldova.

Manualul nr.

Anul Numele de familie Anul Aspectul manualului

de folosire și prenumele elevului școlar la primire la restituire





• Dirigintele clasei trebuie să controleze dacă numele elevului este scris corect.
• Elevul nu va face nici un fel de însemnări în manual.
• Aspectul manualului (la primire și la returnare) se va aprecia: nou, bun, satisfăcător, nesatisfăcător.

Comisia de evaluare: Nina Moraru, grad didactic superior, Liceul „Prometeu“, Chișinău; Natalia Cojuhari, grad didactic superior, Liceul
Teoretic „Mihai Eminescu“, Bălți; Olga Temnicova, grad didactic superior, Liceul Teoretic „Liviu Deleanu“, Chișinău; Oxana Creanga,
dr. în filologie, conferențiar universitar, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova; Marcela Calchei, lector superior, Universitatea de Stat din

Referenți: Dumitru Melenciuc, conf. univ., dr. în filologie, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova; Iulia Ignatiuc, dr. conf., Catedra de filologie
engleză, Universitatea de Stat „A. Russo“ din Bălți; Ion Negură, conf. univ., dr. în psihologie, directorul Centrului de cercetări fundamen-
tale în domeniul psihologiei al Universității Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chișinău; Vitalie Coroban, director artistic, Editura
Cartier, Chișinău.

Redactori: Tim Schneider, Masters of Arts in English, United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Moldova;
Sarah Ewell, Masters in Political Science, California Teaching Credential, United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Moldova
Copertă: Mihai Bacinschi
Concepție grafică: Alexandru Popovici
Tehnoredactare: Marian Motrescu
Desene: Igor Hmelnițki, Anatoli Smîșleaev, Dumitru Iazan

Editura Arc se obligă să achite deținătorilor de copyright, care încă nu au fost contactați, costurile de reproducere a imaginilor folosite
în prezenta ediție.
Reproducerea integrală sau parțială a textului și ilustrațiilor din această carte este posibilă numai cu acordul prealabil scris al Editurii
Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediții aparțin Editurii Arc.

The authors are grateful for the opportunity to acknowledge the people and the organizations that have helped this project become a reality.
We especially thank the administration of the Bell School Saffron Walden, UK for assistance in organizing special courses for textbook writers
that have facilitated the process of developing the textbooks for the lyceum level in Moldova. We also thank Bruce Milne, Barbara Webb, and Gillie
Canningham, Teacher Trainers, authors of coursebooks in English for their valuable suggestions, as well as for guidance and consultation.
Special thanks to United States Peace Corps for their contributions. Special thanks to Tim Schneider and Sarah Ewell for developing the wri-
ting section.
We would also like to acknowledge the teachers and students who have piloted and commented on the materials included in this textbook.

© Editura ARC, 2015

© Margareta DUȘCIAC, Maria GÎSCĂ, Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC, Silvia ROTARU, Tim SCHNEIDER, Sarah EWELL, Galina CHIRA,
ISBN 978-9975-61-899-1


Lesson 1 Who Am I? 4 Lesson 1 The Significance of Culture 26

Lesson 2 Showing Good Faith 7 Lesson 2 On Cultural Diversity 29
Lesson 3 School Culture 10 Lesson 3 Why Equal Chances? 32
Lesson 4 Literary Focus 13 Lesson 4 Literary Focus 35

Culture and Civilization 18 Culture and Civilization 40

Writing Skills Development 20 Writing Skills Development 42
Round Up 22 Round Up 44
Test One 24 Test Two 46



Lesson 1 Prehistoric Britain 48 Lesson 1 A Voice to Be Heard 70

Lesson 2 The American Dream 51 Lesson 2 A Borderless World 73
Lesson 3 The History of British Fashion 54 Lesson 3 Consumerism 76
Lesson 4 Literary Focus 57 Lesson 4 Literary Focus 79

Culture and Civilization 62 Culture and Civilization 84

Writing Skills Development 64 Writing Skills Development 86
Round Up 66 Round Up 88
Test Three 68 Test Four 90

Lesson 1 Choosing a Profession is not Easy 92
Lesson 2 Where to Study? 95 GRAMMAR 125
Lesson 3 Am I ready? 98 SCRIPTS 139
Lesson 4 Literary Focus 101

Culture and Civilization 106

Writing Skills Development 108
Round Up 110
Test Five 112

Contents 3

Lesson 1
Who Am I?
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
1 Companies and celebrities all over the world create brands for themselves to
express a part of their identity that they want to introduce to the world. McDon-
ald’s, for instance, has the golden arches which are a sunny yellow in the shape
of a big “M”. In this way, they are conveying that fun and good times can be had
at their fast food restaurant. Take a moment and create a logo or brand that
expresses who you are. Be ready to discuss what you have designed.
1. Why did you design this logo for yourself?
2. What does it say about you as an individual?
3. What recognizable features of the logo express you as an individual?
3. Would your classmates recognize you in this logo? Explain your an-

2 Create a flag for yourself, and fill it with three values that you hold dear, and
a phrase or a few words describing your attitude towards the things you value
most in your life.
1. What principles and values do you hold dear?
2. What are the 5 words that best describe you?
3. What is your highest dream or aspiration?

1 With a partner, write a dialogue of at least 10 lines introduc- Quick Tip
ing yourselves to each other. Be sure to answer the follow-
You are meeting someone for the first time, and you
ing questions in your dialogue: want to make a great first impression. Consider the
1. What do I want people to know about me? following:
2. What special talent or attribute do I have that 1. Think about how you are dressed and what
makes me unique? impression your style will have on another.
3. What makes me especially happy to be at school? 2. Be aware of your body language. Don’t appear
4. With your partner, perform the dialogue in front restless or that you are anxious to leave.
of the class. 3. Be sure to keep comfortable eye contact while
Each student in the class should express two things s/he talking.
2 hopes to accomplish in English class this year. 4. A warm and confident handshake for men and
women can create a great first impression.
5. Be interested in hearing about someone new. This
will ensure that s/he is interested in you.

4 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things, or the use of something as representative of an object or action.
What do you associate love with? Create a metaphor for love.

2 Read the poem above by the American poet Langston

Hughes. What does this poem say about self-identity and
Word Study
how some people give up their identity to be with someone moth – a winged insect similar to butterflies
else? Is Hughes being figurative or literal in this poem? gorgeous – beautiful; very attractive
break of day – sunrise; dawn
flame – a tongue of fire
by Langston Hughes
The gold moth did not love him
3 Answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between the gold and the
So, gorgeous, she flew away. gray moths?
But the gray moth circled the flame 2. What does it mean to be gray?
3. Why did the gold moth not love “him”?
Until the break of day. 4. What does Hughes mean that the gray moth was
And then, with wings like a dead desire, “fire-caught”?
She fell, fire-caught, into the flame. 5. What is the flame that the gray moth is circling?

1 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Some words are used more than once.
A: “... doing?” A: “If you like to play so much, when do you ever exer-
B: “I’m ..., how about you?” cise?”
A: “Oh, I’m ... good. We talked about movies the B: “Although I ... to exercise, I go jogging at least twice a
last time we met. What movies have you seen week.”
lately?” A: “That’s ... good. By the way, what are you doing next
B: “I saw Forrest Gump the other day.” Saturday?”
A: “What type of movie is that?” B: “I am going to go to the bookstore.”
B: “It’s a drama. I ... it. There were some funny mo- A: “I am having a party Saturday night at my house. If
ments and some sad ones too.” you have time, you should come.”
A: “How can you watch movies when the weather is B: “That sounds like fun.”
so nice? You should be outside.” A: “Great. I’ll see you on Saturday.”
B: “I ... the hot weather. ... stay indoors with the air B: “Ok. See you later.”
A: “What else do you like to do besides watching pretty
movies?” I’d rather
B: “I ... to play computer games, read books, go how are you
shopping, and play pool.” great
A: “Out of those what is your ...?” hate
B: “My ... is to play computer games.” enjoyed
A: “What is your ... computer game?” like
B: “My ... is Assassin’s Creed. It used to be Star favourite
Craft, but it is getting a little old.”

lesson 1 2 3 4 5
2 Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions:
1. What type of movie is Forrest Gump? a) adventure;
mall; b) plays golf; c) doesn’t exercise; d) goes jogging
twice a week
b) drama; c) comedy; d) science fiction 4. What is B’s favourite thing to do? a) sleeping; b) playing
2. Besides watching movies, what does B like to do? computer games; c)going shopping; d) playing pool
a) to go shopping; b) to go swimming; c) to play 5. Why does B dislike going outdoors? a) There are too
basketball; d) to do homework many insects; b) He doesn’t like his neighbours; c) He
3. What does B do for exercise? a) walks around the has too much homework; d) The weather is too hot.

1 Complete the following exercises on verb tenses.

A Simple Present, Past and Future – Use the proper form of the
verbs in parentheses using simple tenses.
B Continuous / Progressive – Use the proper form of the verbs in
parentheses using the present, past or future continuous.
My name 1.__________ (be) Adam. Last week, What 1. _____________ (you/do) right now?
my teacher 2.__________ (make) a presentation Nothing much. I 2. _______________ (just/think)
on symbols of the United Kingdom. Mrs. Baratu of heading to the store when you called. Oh yeah?
often 3. __________ (describe) other cultures for I hear that place 3. _____________ (have) a sale on
us. 4. _________ (be) you aware of the school sys- blue jeans this week. What 4. ______________ (you/
tem in the United States? When I heard about it, I wear) to the ball next week? They 5. _____________
5. __________ (not think) that there 6. ________ (watch) the fashion show, when the doorbell rang.
(be) much of a difference between our educational At 2pm tomorrow, Sarah 6. _______________
systems. What classes 7. __________ (you/take) (study) for her Maths exam. 7. _____________
next year? Yesterday, Felicia 8. ___________ (tell) (Tom/run) for president of our district? Shhh! Don’t
me that she 9. _____________ (not go) to university wake the baby. She 8. _____________ (sleep). The
next September. She 10. ____________ (want) to go dog 9. ______________ (not bark) while you 10.
to art college. _____________ (try) to work yesterday.

C Perfect – Use the proper form of the verbs in parentheses D Perfect Continous – Use the proper form of the verbs in paren-
using the present, past or future perfect. theses using the present, past or future perfect continuous.
I 1. _________________ (not have) a chance to tell 1. _________________ (do) for the last three
you how much I enjoyed the party last week. It was hours? Sally 2. ________________ (take) a
great! Sally said she 2. _____________ (not dance) nap when she heard a noise in the house. She 3.
so much since before the baby was born. Eric 3. ________________ (study) at university for three
____________ (graduate) university before you fin- years when we see her next summer. He complained
ish high school. 4. ______________ (you/see) my that he 4. _______________ (eat) his way through
bracelet? The vase 5. _______________ (break) long Moldova and had got quite fat. The chickens 5.
before my sister came home. The news reports say _________________ (not sleep) for three days, and
that the celebration 6. _______________ (begin) in the farmer was worried. 6. _________________ (you/
Chisinau. Jeremy, 7. ______________ (you/hear) watch) the football matches this week? Surely, the
the latest gossip about Sarah? How many times 8. kids 7.________________ (not dance) the whole
______________ (you/travel) to England? Before night! 8. ________________ (Roger/create) problems
the police informed her, she 9. ______________ (not again? The builders 9. _________________ (work)
know) all the facts. I 10. _______________ (not fin- for 2 months when the accident happened. I 10.
ish) all my work before you get to the house. ___________________ (have) these really wonderful
dreams for the last week; I hope they continue.

6 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 2
Showing Good Faith
“Man is by nature a social animal.”
Aristotle, Politics
1 How do you understand the quotation of the lesson? What is
the relationship between man and society?

2 The passage below is taken from the poem “For Whom the
Bell Tolls” (“No man is an island…”) by the English poet
John Donne (1573 – 1631).
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less…
Compare Aristotle’s and John Donne’s quotations about
human relationships and discuss how both quotations relate
to the picture on the right.

3 How important are the relationships established among people belonging to different backgrounds and histories?
Why are they important?
1 Fill in the appropriate words and phrases from the box to describe the 4 basic types of relationships in the sentences below:

Family relationships, friendships, professional relationships, romantic relationships

1. A … is the state of being friends: the relationship 5. She had romantic feelings for him. She had a … rela-
between friends. tionship with a coworker.
2. A … relationship is the expressive and pleasurable 6. Establishing proper …. relationships is the backbone
feeling from an emotional attraction towards an- of career development.
other person associated with love. 7. What are the similarities between friendship and fam-
3. A … relationship is a term that denotes related- ily relationships?
ness or connection by blood or marriage or adop- 8. What should or should not happen in any of these re-
tion. lationships?
4. The study will assess the …. relationship be- 9. What do you think are the reasons why so many re-
tween the employer and the employees. lationships break up? What are possible solutions to
these problems?

2 Conversation Train! Start with one classmate who will continue the following prompts with
a word or short phrase. The next person has to repeat the sentence and add a short phrase.
The next pupil repeats the first and second and adds a third, and so on.
A best friend should be...
My favourite kind of people are ...
When looking for a romantic partner, I look for...

lesson 1 2 3 4 7
2 What kind of relationship does each image represent? Write the words next to each picture:

1 Read the short story and explain what important change takes place at the end of the story.
Letters in the Mail
(After Erskine Caldwell )
In general, almost everybody likes to receive mail and their plan. Suddenly she turned away. She didn’t want the
perhaps nobody in the whole town of Stillwater liked to get young men to see her crying. She remembered the time she
letters more than Ray Buffin did. But, unfortunately, Ray had got acquainted with Ray and the letter she had soon
received fewer letters in his box at the post-office than any- received from him. Ray had written to tell her how beauti-
body else. Nobody wrote letters to him except that once a ful and lovely he thought she was and how much he loved
month he did get a bill from the gas and electric company her. He ended the letter by asking her to marry him. But
and occasionally he found advertising matter in his own she had just finished school then and had started to work
box like everybody else in town. for the telephone company; she was very young then and
In Stillwater, mail was delivered once a day. Soon after didn’t want to marry anybody yet; and so Ray never got a
letters, magazines and newspapers had been put into the reply. Time passed. During all those years she had seen him
letter boxes, Ray closed his shop, where he made a living a few times but rarely more than a polite word had passed
repairing radios, and hurried to the post-office. He was very between them, and each time he looked sadder and sadder.
disappointed if there was no mail for him, but he always After they left the telephone office Grace thought about
had a feeling that one of these days he would get some. Ray and cried. Late at night she wrote the letter.
One afternoon, after watching Ray Buffin waiting for The next day Guy and Ralph were in the post-office
a letter at the post-office, two of the younger men in town, at four o’clock. When Ray came in and saw a letter in his
Guy Hodge and Ralph Barnhill, decided to play a joke on box he looked at it in surprise. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
him. Their plan was to ask a girl in town to send Ray a love He opened the box, took out the pale-blue envelope and
letter without signing it; and then somebody else was to went to the corner of the room to read it. When he finished
take the letter out of his hand and read it aloud for every- he behaved like mad. He smiled happily and ran out of the
body to hear. They asked Grace Brooks, the night switch room before the people there had time to say anything to
operator at the telephone company to write the letter. stop him.
Grace was a pretty woman with a fine figure. She had The moment Guy and Ralph understood what had
remained unmarried, and because she worked at night and happened, they ran after him trying to stop him. But it was
slept in the daytime it was very difficult for her now, she too late. Ray hurried round the corner to the telephone of-
knew, to find a husband. fice. When Ralph and Guy followed him they found Ray
At first Grace said she would have nothing to do with and Grace together.

8 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
2 Reread the last paragraph silently. What do you predict will 5 Choose the proverb that best illustrates the main idea of the
story. Explain your choice.
happen next? Why do you think so?
Do well and have well.
3 Describe the incident and explain:
1. What is the conflict in the story? How is it re-
All is well that ends well.
Cast no dirt into the well that hath given you water.
solved? All things come to those who wait.
2. What are the time and the setting of the story?
3. Why do you think the author named the town
Stillwater? 6 Fill in the gaps with modal verbs. Explain your choice.
4. If you had found yourself in a situation similar to 1. He … have visited this town before. He walks
the one faced by the main characters would you around here as if he were a native.
have reacted in the same way? 2. He … have visited this town before. He has never
been as far south as that.
4 Tell whether the following statements are true or false, and 3. The air was damp and it was getting dark. It …
have been rather late already.
give evidence from the story to support your answers:
1. Ray didn’t like to receive mail. 4. We … make haste. We have a lot of time.
2. Ray made a living delivering mail bags full of let- 5. He … be right, but I am not sure he is.
ters, magazines and newspapers. 6. Where are Kate and Jane? I don’t see them on
3. Grace was a very young pretty girl. the ferry. Oh, they … be crossing the river by the
4. Guy and Ralph wanted to send Ray a letter signed bridge.
by a girl. 7. He … have come. We managed to do it without his
5. Ray didn’t receive any answer to his letter that he help.
had written many years ago. 8. “Don’t you … talk to me like that!” she screamed.
6. The joke had an unexpected happy ending. 9. The congress … meet at one o’clock.

7 Match each character with adjectives describing their character traits. Support your answers with facts and examples from
the story.
Guy and Ralph faithful, indecisive, timid, reliable, sentimental, patient, loyal
Ray naive, honest, proud, thoughtful, attractive, sensitive, lovable
Grace sly, inventive, jocular, reckless, humorous, adventurous, cheerful

Make up the chart of the story. In writing answer the following questions: Which of the elements constitute the climax of the story, which
ones represent the outcome of the story? Which of the events, described at the end of the story, represent the resolution of the story? Does the story
have denouement? Why do you think the author decided to finish the story like that?
Climax (the events of the plot that reach a peak)



Resolution (the event or series of



events that end the central conflict)



Exposition Denouement (any events that take

(introduction) place after the main action is complete)

lesson 1 2 3 4 9
Lesson 3
School Culture
“Enjoy every little moment of high school; you’ll regret wishing time away when
you realize it all goes by so fast.”
Unknown High School Student
1 Consider your school and your relationship to it, your classmates and your teachers to
answer the following questions.
1. What makes up the culture of your school?
2. What do you like about your school, the classes, your colleagues, the admin-
3. What would you change about your school?
4. How much responsibility do you have in your own education?

2 You have to describe your school to a foreign student who doesn’t know anything about
Moldova, your school, your school’s traditions and typical pupils at your school. How
would you do that? Make a spidergram about your school, and explain how this creates a
good picture of what school life is like for you.

4. What reasons does the teacher give for why pupils are
1 After listening to the dialogue the first time, answer the given homework? Choose all that apply. A) It is a form
following questions. of punishment. B) It teaches responsibility. C) The
1. What excuse did Thomas give for not completing teacher dislikes the class. D) It helps practise what is
his essay? A) The dog ate his essay. B) He was at a learned.
birthday party. C) He forgot the assignment. D) He
didn’t know about it. 2 Listen to the dialogue again, and as a class discuss the fol-
2. Why does Thomas think he has homework? A) The lowing thoughts about the dialogue.
teacher hates him. B) He is a bad pupil. C) The class 1. Pupils take responsibility for what they learn when
is too easy. D) It is a form of punishment. they do their homework.
3. How would you describe Thomas’s history of turn- 2. With which speaker do you most agree? Explain
ing in his work? A) He regularly turns in his work. your answer.
B) He is better at doing his homework than his 3. What do you think of how both the teacher and the
classmates. C) He seldom turns in his homework. pupil interacted? Is it a real interaction?
D) He does really good work. 4. Is the teacher acting in a fair manner?

10 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Read the following text by Nicolae Mitis, a lyceum student in Ialoveni, Moldova. Identify the responsibilities, the
author states students should have toward their own education. Be ready to say whether you agree or disagree.

Taking the Wheel –

Student Responsibility
by Nicolae Mitis
Recently, I was travelling by maxitaxi in Moldo- teachers from abroad (some from the United States
va’s capital city of Chisinau. As a Moldovan, I rely Peace Corps) who are dedicating their time and efforts
heavily on our public transportation system; it takes to the tough job of modeling strong, responsible world
me wherever I want to go in our small country. I citizens of the 21st century. Isn’t it our responsibility to
gazed at the driver. He was smoking, even though take the time to learn from them?
this is illegal. He was also talking on his cell phone. It is apparent that our government is concerned
I grew resentful, then angry. How could he be so about our education as well. We have a class in which
unconcerned about his responsibilities? What if we the rights and responsibilities of a student and a citi-
crashed because he was not paying attention to his zen are taught. The purpose of this class is to “raise a
duties? My fears vanished, however, as I got off the conscientious generation,” as stated by the Ministry of
maxitaxi and faced my own responsibilities – I was Education. The national budget for Moldova is small,
heading to school. And school, well, our education it is listed as the poorest country in Europe. That said,
system, is very much on my mind. The education every year the government spends 6,300 lei (equal
system in Moldova has its problems, but our parents, to about $500 USD) per student. In the Republic of
our teachers, and our government are willing to sac- Moldova there are nearly 412,000 students, and we
rifice to improve it; why aren’t we? spend 20% of our national budget on education – the
Frankly, my school is a mess. Like most schools largest percentage in Europe, as well as one of the larg-
in Moldova, it was built in the glory days of the So- est in the world. Do we, the students, care? For many
viet Union, somewhere between 1950 and 1960. pupils these are merely numbers, and don’t appear to
By now, it is a little run down. Unfortunately, most matter.
of the country’s schools are in similar condition. In Students have the ultimate responsibility for their
some places, our parents have tried to address the own education, regardless of how much effort our par-
situation. They invested a great deal of money in or- ents and teachers give, how many classes are taught, or
der to ensure proper conditions for studying. In fact, how much money is thrown into the mix. Isn’t it our
there are schools that have been fully rebuilt from duty to meet the expectations of those who invest so
parents’ foundation money. So, it is easy to see how much in our education? Meeting expectations doesn’t
important education is for our parents. But, what have to mean blindly following another person’s lead,
about us? Do we, the students, care? but it does mean being responsible to our parents, our
Those of our teachers who were born and raised teachers, our country and, finally, ourselves.
in the Soviet Union with all of its philosophical and So the question is, when do we, as students, own
political differences, have shown a willingness to up to our responsibilities? When do we decide whether
change their behaviour and methods to provide us to drive the maxitaxi of our education with a clear view
with a modern education. There is a generation gap of the future, rather than driving with a proverbial ciga-
that also causes issues between teachers and stu- rette in one hand, and talking on a cell phone with the
dents, but if they are working to change, to improve other?
our minds, shouldn’t we try as well? There are also

lesson 1 2 3 4 11
2 Answer the following questions based on the text:
1. What makes the author think about responsibilities?
2. How do parents show that they are concerned about their children’s education?
3. How do teachers show that they accept some of the responsibility of educating?
4. How does the Moldovan government demonstrate its concern for education?
5. What outside influences does the author cite as having an impact on education in Moldova?
Find synonyms in the text for the following words:
3 1. stare 2. purposelessly 3. deteriorated 4. grandeur 5. notorious
6. allowance 7. estimated 8. simply 9. seem 10. space

4 Find antonyms in the text for the following words:

1. inattention 2. insignificant 3. least 4. past 5. ruin
6. take 7. smallest 8. richest 9. brand new 10. ignore

5 Find definitions for the following phrasal verbs:

to grow resentful -
1. to be happy with a situation 2. to plant something in a garden
3. to feel insulted 4. to feel indifferent

to pay attention –
1. to laugh at something 2. to focus on a particular thing
3. to ignore something 4. to give money for something

to head to –
1. to move in a direction 2. to lead a team
3. to nod one’s head 3. to guide people on a tour

to throw into the mix

1. to stir ingredients 2. to toss ideas around
3. to contribute to 4. to pay money

Form a discussion circle with 4 participants in the centre and the 2. The educational system in Moldova is perfect as it is,
remainder of the class as the audience on the outside. With the and does not need to improve.
teacher as the moderator, each participant is given one minute 3. The Moldovan educational system prepares students
to argue for or against the following discussion points. After for further education after lyceum.
everyone has stated their viewpoint, each panelist will have 30 4. Educational systems around the world are much easier
than in Moldova.
seconds to rebut. Change the 4 participants in the centre with
5. The aspect of school that I would most change is…
every discussion point.
6. The one thing my school does really well is…
1. Pupils in Moldova have no responsibility toward im-
7. Students should never have to do homework.
proving their education.

Consider the following quote: “The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing an adolescent can
say about a computer game is it’s too easy.” Write a minimum of 200 words to express whether you agree or disagree with this state-
ment. Do we need homework? Defend your answer.

12 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 4
Literary Focus
Life Is to Be Lived
Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.
Charles Dickens
Explain the title of the lesson. Tell how you would like to live
1 your life. Give reasons.
3 Brainstorm a list of ‘accidents’–unfortunate events, that
may be inevitable even in well-to-do and best-regulated
Comment on the quotation of the lesson. Find equivalents families. Try to come to a consensus and draw the neces-
2 in your native language that correspond to this quotation. sary conclusions.
Explain their meaning.
4 Do you believe in the existence of ideal families? What is
your idea of an ideal family?
1 Scan the first part of the text that follows in order to find out the following:
a. how old the parents were c. what their son mostly wondered about
b. how they behaved while on trips d. why he brought them Cape scallops

My Mother’s Hands Robert Fontaine

Until a short while ago I wondered how elderly peo- I loved them and encouraged them. Life is to be lived,
ple who had been married for decades could still find in savored, salted, and consumed. But what do you dream
each other sources of surprise and wonder, even elements about when you are almost eighty and have been in love for
of excitement and provocation. I would visit my father and fifty years? Is not every avenue long ago explored, every lake
mother every day in their small apartment, for an hour or sailed, every wave broken across a finite and decided shore,
so, and chat about baseball and hockey and prize fights on every star discovered?
TV. Now and then my wife and I would take my father
Now and then, sitting there, I would wonder with part and mother on short trips. These trips excited but did not
of my mind how it was with them in their hearts; how they overwhelm my parents. They were pleased but not moved.
picked up and juggled the days and made them sparkle, or “It’s good to get home,” my mother always said with a sigh,
if they did. at last. My father said, “I don’t sleep right in a bed that’s not
They were in their late seventies and their lives were as my own.” “I sleep all right,” my mother said, “but I eat too
quiet outside as one could imagine–as quiet as the snow or much.”
the rain or the rustle of trees in midsummer. “It’s nice,” I would observe, “to get away for a while. I
I would go home to where my wife and children were mean, for the change.”
bustling and bickering, growing up and growing older, im- “It’s nice to get back,” my father would say.
pulsively finding life filled with twists and turns and fasci- My father gets up at seven-thirty and takes a briefcase
nating adventures. and goes for a long walk, all dressed up as if he were an at-
torney about to stage his most thrilling case. He goes to a
downtown hotel and sits in the lobby and smokes a cigar. He
likes it there in the lobby, early in the day.
After that he walks for miles through stores and shops
and the public library. He knows many people, small peo-
ple, or, I should say, working people: clerks, butchers, news-
boys. He talks with them about the weather and the latest
sports events. Then he buys a half-dozen doughnuts, puts
them in his briefcase, goes home, and takes a nap.
My mother markets and plays canasta with her three
girl friends once a week. Otherwise they watch television or
listen to the radio. They never go to the movies.
So the life of my father and mother has flowed on, with
me always wondering, “What do they think about? Do they

lesson 1 2 3 4 13
notice each other? Do they have strong emotions about each
other? But how could they?” The blood has slowed down. Word Study
The arms are inelastic. The eyes are dim. The fingers of my juggle, v. – to play tricks with/on
father which once rippled along a violin can barely make un- rustle [’r¤sl], n. – soft sound of things gently rubbing together
pleasant squeaks on that instrument any more. My mother bustle, v. – to move quickly and excitedly
walks carefully, for her glasses do not focus properly where bicker, v. – to quarrel
her feet meet the stairs and sidewalks. wilt, v. – to lose energy, (here) to calm down
Yet one morning I came on my usual call, bringing a wistful, adj. – longing, yearning
New York paper, as is my custom, and some Cape scallops, sulky, adj. – silent and bad-humoured
which are a delicacy both my father and mother appreciate slump, v. – to fall heavily (in a seat)
but cannot afford. scrub, v. – to clean by rubbing
When I got in the apartment they were fighting. gnarled [’na:ld], adj. – twisted and crooked

2 Work in pairs.
Predict what might have caused the parents’ fighting and what consequences are likely to result from
this fighting. Explain your point of view, while sharing it with the other pairs.

3 Read the next extract from the text and check your predictions.
State how serious the matter they were fighting about was.
Now this in itself was most extraordinary. They were It went on like this with me standing there holding
bickering and shouting about some obscure matter. As I the scallops in my hand and wondering. They kept at it like
recall, it had something to do with an event some twenty- newlyweds for about fifteen minutes. Finally my father got
five years previously and they had different ideas as to how real angry and took his hat off the bed he sat beside and
the event had turned out or where it had occurred, and the rushed out of the apartment slamming the door.
discussion got hotter and hotter. At first I was amused, and “Let him go,” my mother said.
then I was alarmed. My father said, “That’s the way you are, “I guess I’ll have to. What were you fighting about?”
always so sure of yourself.” My mother shrugged. “I don’t remember. He’s just so
“I ought to know. I was there.” stubborn. I keep hoping he’ll outgrow it.”
“I was there, too.” “If he hasn’t now he never will.”
“Well, you don’t remember then.” “Well, he better. I won’t put up with it much longer.”
“My memory is perfect,” my father shouted. I sat around for a while, and then I put the scallops in
My mother said, “Don’t shout at me.” the icebox. I was beginning to smell like Gloucester, Mass. I
“I’ll shout at who I please.” told my mother not to worry. She said, “Humph!” I left.
“Not at me, you won’t shout.”

4 Read the next passage and guess the meaning in context of the words and expressions in italics. Answer the question:
Do you think the father could have deserted the mother for another woman? Explain why or why not.
Around dinnertime I began to wonder again, so I which he became very talkative and a little belligerent.
called up. After a while he had got over it and never touched the
My mother answered the phone and said my father stuff again, not even at birthday parties or Christmas. Yet
had not come home yet or called on the phone. I had a notion he had probably gone off again, just like a
I hopped on a bus and went down to see my mother. young, rebuffed lover. It was rather amazing to think of him,
She had wilted a little and looked gloomy. “I hope he doesn’t at his age, being sulky and irritated with my mother and
do anything foolish,” she said. “He’s not a young man, you she, for that matter, being wistful and lonesome like a girl at
know.” her first quarrel. In a way it was rather refreshing. I did not
“I know. I’ll go roam around downtown. Maybe I can think they had it in them.
find him.” At any rate it had begun to pour rain, so I began walking
Now about ten years ago my father had been discon- around the city, looking for my father.
nected from the last real job he held. For the first time in Once or twice I thought I had a glimpse of him, but when
his life he had decided to soothe himself with alcohol after I got in out of the rain, it was not he but some other sad old

14 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
character reeling about with a sad, silly grin on his face. I sat there with her, drinking tea, for a long time. We
I began to worry. He is an old man, I thought. I must talked of all the old days. She spoke as if they were all over
remember that. and my father had deserted her for another woman.
At about eleven-thirty I gave up. Imagine, my father,
almost eighty, having a fight with my mother and running Phrases And Idioms
away from home! With hardly a dime in his pocket, too, to be in one’s early/late seventies – to be near to the beginning
probably. Running away! I thought. At last I went home– or ending of a period of time
or, rather, to my mother’s place. to take a nap – to have a short sleep (during the day time)
She was weeping gently now. “I believe he has really to slam the door – to shut the door violently
run away.” She would stop weeping, square her shoulders, to put up with – to endure something, bear patiently
and say suddenly, “I’ll fix him.” Then she would slump and to look gloomy – to look sad, depressed
weep some more. to square one’s shoulders – to straighten one’s shoulders so that
they form a right angle

5 Find in the last 2 passages phrasal verbs that mean the same
5. We were sure she was right and would never sur-
as the words in bold.
render so easily.
1. She telephoned us as soon as she arrived.
6. Their parents left for Italy before school ended.
2. Will you help him to overcome this tragedy?
3. When did they decide to leave?
4. He entered the room and without a reason started
6 Explain the mother’s mood in this passage. How does her
mood change? Cite the text to be more convincing.
to shout.
1 Before you listen to the last part of the text, complete the c. decide whether this is a common way of making it
sentences below with the words and word combinations you up or not.
consider to be the most suitable ones. Explain your variant. d. suggest any other solutions which you think will
a. Father said he had been to (the shop, a movie, a work in similar situations.
restaurant, a friend of his).
b. He handed mother a package. It was (a box of choc- 4 Match a word in column A with a word in column B to form
pairs of either synonyms (S) or antonyms (A).
olates, a brooch, a bottle of lotion, a watch, a pair A B
of earrings). 1. to talk a. finite
c. What a lovely (watch, brooch, bottle), mother ex- 2. charming b. sidewalk
claimed and she beamed. 3. unbounded c. stubborn
d. To father, mother’s (eyes, cheeks, ears, hands) have 4. overcome d. to chat
been the ones of a young woman, of a woman he 5. to buy e. wistful
loved. 6. pavement f. talkative
e. Although they were gnarled and rough, mother’s 7. taciturn g. fascinating
(eyes, cheeks, hands) were as velvet to father, and 8. contemplative h. to market
he wanted to keep them that way. 9. obvious i. obscure
10. docile j. overwhelm
f. The son decided to go home as he was sure that his
parents would (quarrel again, prefer no company, 5 Fill in with the correct article, if necessary.
1. …arm in …arm they walked toward home. 2.
make it up themselves).
… old couldn’t help … young. 3. I believe I can tell
Listen to the text and check how close to the text your
2 predictions were.
… very moment I began to love him. 4. He was star-
ing at … waves like … man cornered by … strange
animal. 5. She doesn’t know … man she is married
3 Listen again, then:
a. comment on the behaviour of each of the two par-
to. 6. … coffee without … bread could never hon-
estly serve as … supper. 7. … blood is thicker than …
water. 8. My heart felt as heavy as … lead. 9. What …
b. say whether you approve or disapprove of their be-
thing … courage is. 10. I trust you to tell me … bare
haviour and why.
truth, whatever it is.

lesson 1 2 3 4 15
Change the form of the words in brackets to complete the
6 sentences. e. The ... figure seemed to have shrugged when being
Example: She is making the usual preparations asked whether he would like any ... . (motion, fresh)
for Saturday hike now. (prepare). f. A strong wind is one of the ... for the next 24 hours.
a. It was so ... to see her there. (surprise) (probable)
b. The ... of the place scared them. (quiet) g. What are his arguments that could ... his alibi? (force)
c. Who is that ..., hot-headed fellow? (adventure) h. There’s something more than ... that makes her com-
d. Can you think of any other ... words? (courage) pany ... and less ... . (rough, please, prefer)

7 In the sentence “In a way it was rather refreshing”, the word rather is an adverb. Its role
in the sentence is that of an intensifier, that is, one expressing intensity, giving force or
emphasis. Choose intensifiers from the right to fill the gaps and form meaningful phrases. rather
a. I am ... sorry for being so rough. fairly
b. You will receive a ... warm welcome. surprisingly
c. His health has ... improved lately. terribly
d. We were ... tired after having walked the whole distance. completely
e. She looks ... young for her age. considerably
f. He is ... reliable, trust me. incredibly
g. It’s ... easy to gain a victory after you have trained a lot.
1 Exchange Opinions.
a. The characters are given no names. Why? What
he is, mean?
c. Was the matter the parents quarreled about very
does the son think about his parents’ existence and important? Why did they keep at it as ‘newlyweds’?
how does he compare this with his own family life? Do you think people should quarrel on such tri-
How much does he know about his parents’ rela- fles?
tionship? Why does their quarrel surprise him?
b. How do the two parents behave towards one an- 3 Connect to Life.
other? Is their behaviour characteristic or expected a. Do you think young couples should or shouldn’t
of a couple who are in their late seventies? Explain live with their parents? Why? What are the advan-
why. tages and disadvantages of living together?
c. How does mother treat father after he returns? How b. How often do you think affectionate children
does she respond to the present he has brought? should visit their parents? Why?
Do you think she forgave father’s behaviour? Why c. What is an appropriate present children should
do you think so? take to their parents, or do you think that just talk-
d. Mother’s hands are worn and rough from years of ing to them is sufficient?
work. Does father observe this fact? Give evidence d. How do elderly people in your country enjoy their
for your answer. retirement? What choices do they have and what
e. Father’s love is as intense as it ever was. What does other activities are encouraged?
he really feel towards mother? How does he show e. What would you do if you were the son? Would
this? you feel the obligation to search, or would you as-
f. Why does the son visit his parents every day? Why sume father was mature enough to make his own
does he think they would prefer no company after decisions?
they had made up? What has the son learned from f. Do you believe that apologies for inappropriate
this day’s experience? behaviour should be accompanied by some kind
of a special present? Why or why not?
2 Think Critically. g. Think of any other real-life situations similar to the
a. Is it really possible for elderly people to still find in one you have learned about in the story. Role-play
each other sources of surprise and wonder? How them. As a class, discuss the solutions you have
do you know it? chosen to “make peace” in the family. Comment
b. Father’s retirement seems to be an aimless period. on them. Give your opinion and give reasons for
What does retirement for the still-active person, as thinking so.

16 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Figurative language is a creative way to describe a per-
son, place, object, or event. It includes simile, metaphor,
Sad storm, whose tears are vain,
Bare woods, whose branches strain,
personification, etc. The use of creative language makes Deep caves wail, for the world’s wrong! (P.B. Shelley)
writing more exciting and interesting.
2 Read the sentences and tell what figurative language each
A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike
things. It is often linked by the words “like” or “as”. of them contains. Give reasons.
e.g.: The pie is as dry as a bone. 1. The child’s voice was as clear as the drops of dew.
• They fought like cats and dogs. 2. Opportunity knocked at her door.
• Her voice is as clean as a whistle. 3. You are my sunshine.
• Life is like a box of chocolates. 4. My mother’s hands are as soft as the nesting dove.
• A relationship is like a shark. 5. The sky misses the sun at night.
A metaphor is a comparison made between things 6. The wind yelled all night long.
which are essentially not alike. 7. All the world’s a stage.
e.g.: Laughter is the music of the soul. 8. She is like a distant uncivilized tropical island.
Her hope was a fragile seed. Find in the text examples of figurative language. Comment
Life: a lighted window and a closed door. 3 on them.
Personification is the giving of human qualities to
an object, animal, or idea. 4 Write your own similes, metaphors and personifications
e.g.: Only springs are sighing deep. (M. Eminescu) about your mother’s hands. Consider their age, softness,
beauty, kindness, things her hands do, etc.

Writing About the Short Story

Writing an analysis of literature requires two main skills, Identify the rising action, the climax and the turning point
perceptive reading and careful writing. Analysis begins of the action.
d. The theme and the main idea. Consider all the aspects
with an examination of:
of the story including the message about life or human
a. The setting. Identify the setting and think about
beings the writer presents. Consider the title and what the
the way the writer introduces or describes the set-
writer might be trying to say.
ting. Think about the importance of setting in the
e. Follow the three main steps in writing:
story and its effect on you, the reader. Detailed de-
– pre-writing (identify the key words and gather details).
scriptions of the setting are not necessary.
– writing the first draft (be sure your topic sentence ad-
b. The characters. Identify the main and the minor
dresses the issues raised and that the main idea can be
characters and their main qualities. Think about
supported by your prewriting notes).
the situation in which the characters are involved,
– revising (check that your writing fulfills your purpose.
how they change and interact with one another,
Examine your writing for logical development of ideas.
how they react to the conflict they face.
Look over your writing to make sure you have adequately
c. The plot. Think about the events that take place.
supported your main idea).

5 Fulfill one of the following tasks.

1. Write an analysis of the story “My Mother’s Hands.” Use the Learner Training rubric.
2. Write the story overview of the text “My Mother’s Hands”.
3. Use the figurative language you have created in ex. 4 and write either a short poem, a short descriptive
paragraph or a short composition of your own on the topic “My Mother’s Hands”.
4. In about 230-250 words comment on the statements:
a. “Age is not how old you are, but how old you feel”. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
b. “Age does not protect you from love but love, to some extent, protects you from age”. Jeanne Moreau
c. “Life is not measured by the breath we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”. George Carlin

lesson 1 2 3 4 17
Culture and Civilization
1 Before reading, based on the title, and the pictures below, say what you think this text is about.
What limitations does your school have because of its distance from the capital city? How well
does the Internet and social media work in your school?

2 Read the text. Identify the problems that Australia had to face when developing this idea.

Learning at the Speed of Sound – The School of the Air in Australia

By Tim Schneider
Australia is not only a country, but it is its own continent from half an hour to 45 minutes. Students discuss the topics
as well. And, while most of the population of Australia lives with their parents at home and with classmates via social me-
near its magnificent coastlines, there are huge areas in the in- dia, and homework is assigned with every class.
terior of Australia where ranchers and indigenous people live If there are enough students in a given area, pupils will
and work. This area is so vast that traditional schools are not meet once a year at one student’s house to have a mini school.
always practical; it may take hours for a pupil to travel to and This gives them some time to practise sport, get to know their
from school each day. So, what do young people in need of an classmates in person, and do hands-on activities such as arts
education do? They learn over the airwaves. and crafts.
Started in 1959, the Alice Springs School of the Air, was You may be wondering, how parents and teachers com-
created to allow students too far away from a school to have municate for those dreaded parent-teacher discussions. A
an opportunity to learn and vocally interact with teachers and couple of times a year, the teachers drive out to spend a day
other students via radio, though hundreds of kilometers apart. with the students and to talk with the pupil’s parents about
The school now has over 120 pupils in 12 grades, with 14 any issues s/he may be having with school. Additionally, stu-
teachers in attendance. dents and parents have access to teachers via a toll-free tel-
In the past, materials on a wide variety of topics such as ephone number.
English, Mathematics, Sciences, History and Social Studies, So, how do these “schools” compare to traditional
were flown or driven out to the students. Every day, at a spe- schools? Experts and statistics show that marks and test scores
cific time, the students would call in on their two-way radios from students who attend the school of the air are equal to or
and discuss their lessons with their teachers and classmates greater than those of their counterparts in traditional schools
that they could also reach by radio. in Australia. To save money and direct classes to the interests
With the creation of the Internet, the School of the Air is and needs of individual students, maybe in the future, all stu-
much more interactive, visual and interesting. Teachers create dents will be learning at the speed of sound.
presentations, send them via e-mail and the students can now
attend school via live video feed.
A typical day for students in these remote areas is to wake
up at dawn to help their families with chores, come back in
Word Study
rancher – a person who owns or works on a ranch, a large area of
around 7 a.m. for breakfast, and by 8 a.m. classes start. There land usually devoted to raising sheep or cattle
are about 7 classes throughout the school day, each lasting indigenous people – native people of a country protected by law
because of traditional ties to an area
3 With a classmate, create a strength and weakness chart
and from the information you’ve read in the text, list the
remote – located far from the main centers of population
counterpart – a person or thing that is equivalent
strengths and weaknesses of the Australian School of the Air
system. Then make a similar chart for your school system.

18 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
The Cost of a Snog -
Cultures view public displays of affection from different perspectives.
As the song goes, “Birds do it. Bees do it. Let’s fall in love.” As old as history records, people have been falling in
love, and a great deal of modern research clearly shows that that fall is helped along with demonstrations of physical
affection such as kisses, hugs, or the holding of hands. But, while most of the Western world is relatively okay with
public displays of affection, it is considered in poor taste in some countries and even an arrestable offense in others.

Word Study
fall in love – phrasal verb – to become romantically attached to
public displays of affection – physical affection performed
in public
in poor taste – not suitable; improper or offensive
arrestable offense – criminal act that is punishable with time
in jail
snog (UK, informal) – kiss
discreet – careful and unwilling to take risks
overt – public and unhidden

Read the following texts about attitudes toward public displays of affection, and match them with the countries
which have these viewpoints.
2. As long as the affection is not overly sexually
1. Minimal snogging and holding hands is explicit, nor between same-sex individuals, this
tolerated in young people, but this country has a country welcomes public displays. In fact, a
reputation for being more discreet. major part of the marketing campaigns in this
country “sell” with sex.
3. Despite having the world’s largest
population, physical affection is 4. While same-sex affection is permitted in
considered very private in this country. this heavily populated country, public
Many children here have never seen physical affection between men and women
their parents kiss or hold hands. is considered unacceptible, with many being
arrested for kissing in public.

5. In this the most populous Muslim 6. People are more likely to bow to each other in this
country in the world, public displays of country than to give each other a hug or kiss to
affection are considered taboo, and can say hello or goodbye. To show overt affection in
carry a maximum sentence of 5 years in public here is considered embarassing both to the
jail and a fine of nearly $30,000. individuals involved and their families.

a. Indonesia; b. China; c. England; d. Japan; e. The United States; f. India

While many couples in love want to be free to show affection to each other in public, what societal pressures and responsibilities are
found in Moldova to keep the displays from being overly explicit? What traditions or rules does your school, your community or your
family have about showing affection in public? Write a minimum of 250 words to answer these questions.

Culture and Civilization 19

Writing Skills Development
Writing an Introduction
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Will Rogers

Read the following introductions aloud. Analyze them as to how interesting they are, and
1 whether they would lead to further conversation or not.
1. Hi, my name is Irina.
2. Hi, my name is Irina, and I want to say that writing is important.
3. Hi, my name is Irina, I’m from Chisinau and I really enjoy being a photorapher,
meeting new people and studying foreign languages.
4. Hello, I’m Irina Bogata, a graduate of the Theoretic Lyceum, Spiru Haret in
Chisinau, and I’m here today to better understand the steps I need to take to
improve my writing skills.
5. Hello, my name is Irina Bogata, and last year my boss gave me a large raise in
salary because of my writing skills.
Which of these introductions makes you want to read more? Which one seems conversational?
Which one gives too much information? Which of these introductions seems just right for you?

One of the most important
What is a “hook”? things to remember when writ-
Startling Statement – Schools and teachers cannot guarantee a ing an essay, is to consider your
great education. This is something that parents and the students audience. Who is going to read
themselves must do. your essay, and how do you
Terrific Quote – “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given want to represent yourself to
a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.” - Tom that reader? Whenever we start
Bodett (Quotes can be from literature or other sources, but must an essay, we want to grab the
always be cited.) reader’s attention immediately,
Rhetorical Question – Who actually decides when a student has and cause them to want to read
“just the right amount” of education? more. This is called writing a
Shocking Statistic – The government of Moldova spends 20% of “hook.” Hooks can be anything
the national budget on education; more than any other European that stimulates the reader’s
country. interest, and they are essential
A Brief Personal Reference – I’ll never forget the first time I to good essay writing. A word of
received a 10 on an English essay. It completely made my week! advice: a hook must be related
to the topic that you are writing.

Now, it’s your turn. On the topic “Ironical-

1 ly, many experts believe that social media
Introductory words and phrases – The following can be a great way to
start a paragraph or an essay: To begin with; To illustrate; First; The first thing
is only making today’s students antisocial. we should examine; Especially for; ... is in particular; I particularly focus on;
To illustrate my point; A good example is; For example; By way of example;
Do you agree or disagree with this?” Write Including; Notably; On the one hand; Let me start by saying... .
5 hooks that you believe to be a terrific
NB: Most of these introductory phrases and words require a comma to set them
way to start your essay. apart from the rest of the sentence. Example – First, when discussing the types
of schools that we would all like to attend...

20 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Thesis Statement – If a hook captures the reader’s attention,
then a strong thesis statement is the guide that tells the reader
what your essay is about, gives them something to anticipate
and structures the rest of your essay. It should be focused and
debatable, should pick a side and show the reader what you will
write about. Because your thesis statement must pick an argu-
ment, it is almost always used for persuasive essays.

2 Answer the following questions about the thesis

statement on the right.
Thesis - A good education should be the prin-
1. What is the focus of the essay based on the cipal concern of any great society, as it will
thesis statement? create future leaders, ensure a more intelligent
2. Is it debatable? Which side of the debate does workforce, and help develop critical thinking to
the essay take?
resolve that society’s future issues.
3. Write a brief outline showing the structure of
this essay. What ideas will the writer discuss?

3 Match an essay topic to the one of the following thesis statements.

2. “Picking up garbage in our
late neighbourhood is a nice thing to do,
“M ol do va ns sh ould carefully regu but it is also necessary to create better
1. d
n of salt, sugar an e
their consumptio pr ev en tabl relationships with your neighbours, as
e lead to
fatty foods, as thes issues, such as well as a more sanitary environment,
and expensive he ” and a more stressfree place to live.”
and heart disease.
diabetes, obesity,

rents is a direct reflecti
3. “School lunches should be 4. “How we treat our pa dividuals in society.
required for students as they on how we interact as
r our elders, assisting in
contribute to better learning, By showing respect fo e
rking to understand th
fewer absences, and more household work, and wo , we become better
h us
active students.” lessons our parents teac unity.”
lar ge r co m m
citizens of the

a. What can you do to effect change where you live?

b. Education is more than just reading, writing and doing sums.
c. What responsibilities do you have as a citizen of the world?
d. You are what you eat.
Write two different introductory paragraphs based on the following “prompt”. Be sure that you use a strong hook and thesis state-
ment. You may not use the quote below as your hook.
“The nation that has great schools has a bright future.” Otto von Bismark – What is the connection between educa-
tion and the future?

Writing Skills Development 21

Round Up
1 Match the following words or phrases to their definitions. 2 Find antonyms for the following words.
moth tongue of fire 1. gnarled – a) beautiful; b) straight; c) sunny;
d) twisted
snog short sleep during the day 2. sulky – a) dark; b) moody; c) cheerful; d) sleepy
flame to fall heavily 3. overt – a) private; b) open; c) angry; d) sad
in poor taste to clean by rubbing 4. wilt – a) bow; b) revive; c) kneel; d) faint
5. bustle – a) trudge; b) speed; c) whisper; d) dance
rustle longing, yearning
6. gorgeous – a) hungry; b) pretty; c) picturesque;
to take a nap careful d) ugly
scrub insect like a butterfly 7. daybreak – a) sunset; b) breakfast; c) dawn;
d) birthday
slump improper, offensive
8. bicker – a) quarrel; b) agree; c) hit; d) bargain
wistful kiss 9. responsible – a) obligated; b) careworn;
discreet soft sound of things rubbing c) carefree; d) smart
10. gloomy – a) bright; b) cloudy; c) smooth; d) sad

3 Using a spidergram, write as many words as you can find that you associate with relationships.


4 You’ve heard of phrasal verbs, but below are some phrasal adjectives to help you describe yourself or others. Use a dictionary to
match the following sentences and the phrasal adjectives that would work there.
1. wishy-washy a. He has a mind that is ...
2. in the loop b. I never see her get upset. She’s ...
3. as sharp as a tack c. I think Tom’s had enough with the situation. He’s ...
4. at a loss for words d. I’m so tired from work. I’m ...
5. at a standstill e. Their show was well synchronized. They’re ... with each other.
6. in a daze f. She can’t make a decision. She’s so ...
7. dead on my feet g. Gary will never change; he’s ...
8. on the cutting edge h. Are you ... about the project?
9. cool under pressure i. They halted the project. It’s ...
10. fed up with j. Sally always knows about the latest technology. She’s ...
11. in step with k. I really don’t know what to say. I’m ...
12. set in his ways l. After the final test, my mind is ...

22 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
5 Rearrange the words to form quotes.
George Bernard Shaw
Chuck Palahniuk
William Shakespeare

Choose one of the quotes from exercise 5, and write a great introduction including a hook and a thesis statement. Don’t write
6 a full essay, but write an introduction to an essay stating what the author of the quote means by it, and whether you agree or
disagree with the quote.

7 Fill in the blanks of the poorly written job enquiry letter

below with the appropriate article (a, an, the, or --).
8 Circle the correct form of the adjective for each sentence.
1. You are (the smartest/smarter/smart) girl in the
1. To whom it may concern, I am very interested in ... class.
position you posted in ... Daily Times. 2. Johnny is (comfortabler/more comfortable/com-
2. You state that it is ... great job with ... terrific ben- fortable) in his room than at school.
efits. 3. My sister is (the sillyest/silly/the silliest) girl I know.
3. I think I am ... perfect person for this kind of ... 4. Frank did a (badder/worser/worse) job on his test
work. than you did.
4. I am ... kind of person who enjoys ... small things 5. This picture looks (better/more better/gooder)
in ... life. than the other one you painted.
5. I spend ... time with ... my family and friends and 6. It was (sunny/the sunniest/sunnier) today than
my two dogs, and am ... interesting fellow. yesterday.
6. In short, I am ... hard worker with ... abilities in 7. The universe is (vast/vaster/the vastest).
many domains. 8. Her dreams are (interested/interesting/interest-
7. About salary, I’m looking for ... average salary, ingest).
and if ... terrific benefits you mentioned include 9. Tim is (boring/more boring/bored) with his class.
... health insurance, I will be ... happiest man in ... 10. Personally, I think I am (more good looking/the
world. best looking/much better looking) than Tom.

9 Put the following questions into the proper order.

1. long/been/you/studying/how/university/have/at ? 4. arrive/Jonathan/when/finally/did ?
2. already/had/you/have/dinner/your ? 5. he/you/exactly/did/say/what/to ?
3. much/you/at/how/experience/gained/have/school ? 6. shopping/you/milk/when/last/did/go/for ?

10 Use the proper form of the verbs in parenthesis.

Last week, my best friend Ion 1. (have) a birth- (already/start) the fire, and it 12. (burn) really well. The
day party. He 2. (invite) all his close friends, and we smell of the barbecue13. (make) everyone very hungry,
3. (go) to the forest. Because Ion 4. (not have) barbe- and it 14. (must smell) very good because suddenly, from
cue for a long time, we 5. (decide) that it 6. (be) what out of the woods we 15. (hear) grunting and heavy foot-
we 7. (prepare). While Janice and Sally 8. (look) for steps. We 16. (look) up to see a huge bear! And, at that
wood to start the fire, Bob and I 9. (unload) the car. moment, he 17. (ramble) toward us. I wish I 18. (can say)
By the time we 10. (set) out all the food, someone 11. that we 19. (be) brave, but we all 20. (run) away.

11 Choose a classmate or a close friend and write an introduction for this person. Be sure to include details that describe this
person’s interests and hobbies.

Round Up 23
Test One
“One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world.”
Malala Yousafzai

A. Read the text attentively and complete the tasks:

Bored teens around the world complain that they have
nothing to do, that school feels like dull drudgery, and
they have too much homework. Too often, they complain
about the problems in the world, but feel they are inca-
pable of doing anything about it. But that isn’t the case
everywhere: Meet Malala Yousafzai, who, at the age of 17,
is the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for her
fight against the oppression of the rights of young people
and especially the right to education for girls.
Born in 1997, and raised in the Swat Valley of Northwest
Pakistan, Miss Yousafzai’s family ran a chain of schools, so
education was very important to her. But, it became even ignited outrage and national and international support for
more so when in early 2009, as she was turning 12, the Yousafzai. Suddenly, this teenager and her views about the
Taliban (a Muslim extremist group), because of religious importance of an education for all children, were in the
beliefs, banned all girls from going to school. Fluent in spotlight.
English, Yousafzai turned in anonymous handwritten
notes to a BBC reporter who posted them as a blog. This After her recovery and reconstructive surgery on her face,
blog, which was the start of her fame, shared her feelings Yousafzai believes that guns have absolutely no power.
and thoughts as the Taliban moved throughout Pakistan, Believing in her own abilities to effect change for the
closing schools and mandating that girls must stay at rights of girls and women in Pakistan and throughout the
home, uneducated. world, Miss Yousafzai aspires to enter into politics. Now,
an international celebrity, she gives frequent presentations
Yousafzai’s prominence rose after an American journal- and interviews in which she uses her personal example to
ist made a documentary about her a year later. Following inspire young people to take on the responsibility for the
newspaper and television interviews in which she con- changes that they want to see in their world, and insists
tinued to advocate for education rights for all children, that education is the weapon that can make those changes
she was nominated for the International Children’s happen.
Peace Prize by South African activist Desmond Tutu. In
October, 2009, after numerous death threats, Yousafzai Certainly, Miss Yousafzai is anything but a bored teenager
was shot in the face by a Taliban gunman while on a complaining about school. Instead, she values her educa-
school bus heading to school. This assassination attempt tion and uses it to transform her world.

1 State whether the following sentences are true or false and support your answer with evidence from the text.
True False

A. The Taliban is very supportive of education for all young people.

B. Malala Yousafzai believes that education can bring change.

C. Yousafzai received international attention because of her good marks.

24 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
2 Write an appropriate title for the text. Use a complete sentence.

3 Write a short paragraph (6-7 lines) to explain what the phrase, “Education is the weapon that can make those changes
happen” means?

4 Answer the following questions in your own words.

A. How did Miss Yousafzai begin to draw attention to her situation?
B. Why did she receive death threats?
C. How did Yousafzai overcome physical adversity and sexual discrimination?

5 Use the text to find synonyms to the following words.

A. shooter; C. protest; E. multiple; G. in the awareness; I. boring;
B. hard work; D. importance; F. obligating; H. lit; J. battle.

6 Write a paragraph stating what you know about the way in which Americans greet each other in business and
school situations. Give three examples.

7 Write an introductory (only) paragraph to start an argumentative/ persuasive essay about the responsibility humans
must take in our personal relationships. Include a hook and a thesis statement.

Self Assessment B1+ PORTFOLIO Européen

des Langues

Listening Yes No Improve

I can understand people’s relationships from what they discuss in a dialogue.
I can speak about a movie after watching it.
I can fill in the gaps in dialogues with words about personal interests.
I can identify ideas and look for special information in a text on responsibilities.
I can read and understand a dialogue when people speak about themselves, their
likes and dislikes.
I can read, understand and discuss imagery poems in English if they are short.
I can describe incidents using the verbs in correct tense forms.
I can speak about my personal values, interests and hobbies in detail.
I can exchange opinions in a discussion about people’s relationships.
I can exchange ideas about my school culture and relationships in society.
I can write an introduction to an essay.
I can write a short story identifying its elements.
I can write about things I agree or disagree with bringing 3 reasonable arguments.

Test One 25

Lesson 1
The Significance of Culture
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.
Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi (1869 – 1948)
1 As a class discuss what each photo shows. What is the connection among
these photos?

2 What do you like most of all about our country and our culture?
What values are represented in the ethnic customs and traditions
practised by people in our country?

3 Discuss why it is important for everyone to cherish a country’s cultural assets.

1 This opinion poll is designed to help you think about your personal feelings and philosophy
about cultural values and attitudes. Please rank each statement from 1 to 6. Culture is the set of
6 means that you strongly disagree with the statement. 1 means that you strongly agree shared assumptions, values
and beliefs of a group of
with the statement. Give reasons.
people by which they or-
a. There is a belief that every person should have a voice in the political destiny ganize their common life.
of the country. Gary Wederspahn
b. Competition is superior to cooperation as a means of achieving excellence.
c. Women belong in the kitchen and with children, not at election rallies or in Culture refers to the
the Speaker’s chair. total way of life of particular
d. A child should be allowed to make mistakes and learn the natural conse- groups of people. It inclu-
quences of misbehaviour. des everything that a group
of people thinks, says, does,
e. Our own group is the centre or axis of everything, and we should scale and
and makes – its systems of
rate all others with reference to it. attitudes and feelings. Cul-
f. If we hope to understand another culture, we need to put ourselves in the place ture is learned and trans-
of its people and grasp reality as they perceive it. mitted from generation to
2 Work in small groups. Compare the definitions of culture given in the Info Box and discuss L. Robert Kohls
the differences and similarities between these key cultural concepts. In your own words,
explain what part culture plays in a country’s social life.

26 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Read the following text and explain why culture is indispen- Find in the text boldface words that correspond to the fol-
1 sable to human society. Give reasons. The following phrases
3 lowing descriptions:
may be helpful: a. causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred;
The title of the excerpt shows that…; the text deals b. the community of people living in a particular
with…; the text shows that…; judging by this we can country or region and having shared customs,
say that…; the point of the reading is…; the attraction laws, and organization;
of this reading lies in the fact that…; the end of the c. a person who behaves in a way that most people
reading is suggestive enough because… . consider to be not normal or morally correct;
d. a general rule, principle, or piece of advice;
Match the images below with some elements of culture e. a simple object (such as a tool or weapon) that was
2 described in the text: made by people in the past.

The Elements of Culture

Culture refers Norms include folkways and
to the social herit- mores. A folkway is a way of think-
age of a people. Cul- ing, feeling, or acting that is com-
ture is composed of mon to a given group of people.
nonmaterial culture Folkways are the habitual and cus-
– abstract creations tomary ways by which the members
such as values, beli- of a group do things. Examples
efs, symbols, norms, include shaking hands when intro-
customs, and insti- duced, holding the door open when
tutional arrangements – and material culture – physical someone is coming along behind you, and so forth. The
artifacts or objects such as painted pottery, coins, stamps, term “mores” refers to the norms set by society. Individuals
altars, Singer sewing machines, etc. who do not follow social mores are often considered social
Culture is essential to all humankind. In a human socie- deviants. Such violations of mores as murder, theft, rape,
ty culture supplies its members with a set of common guide- treason, and child molestation bring strong disapproval and
lines that tell them what to say and do. In so doing, culture severe punishment in countries all over the world. The vio-
binds separate lives into a larger whole. Only by sharing simi- lation of some mores is deemed so abhorrent that they take
lar perspectives can people fit their actions together. on the properties of a taboo.
Culture consists of a number of elements, such as sym- A society’s mores are an important source of laws. A
bols, language, norms, and values. law represents the whole system or set of rules made by the
A symbol is a metaphorical object or image that stands government of a town, state, country, etc. People who are
for something else, especially a material object representing supposed to obey the law also need to know their rights un-
something more abstract. Symbols take the form of words, der the law.
sounds, gestures, objects, such as flags, medallions, tattoos, Values are abstract ideas of what is desirable, correct,
paintings, religious icons, badges, clothing, etc. as well as and good that most members of a
visual images and are used to convey various ideas and be- society share. Values supply concep-
liefs. A ring, especially a band of gold, for example, repre- tions whereby we evaluate people,
sents faithfulness and fidelity: “With this ring, I thee wed.” objects, and events as to their relative
Language is perhaps our most distinctive and complex worth, merit, beauty, or morality.
achievement as human beings. Language enables people to Where values are shared, taken seri-
learn, experience, and share their traditions and customs. ously, and invested with deep emo-
tional significance, people are moved
to make sacrifices, even to fight and
die to preserve them.
(Adapted from The Social Expe-
rience: An Introduction to Sociology,
by James W. Vander Zanden)

lesson 1 2 3 4 27
4 Find the words in the text to complete the list of synonyms.
a. birthright, estate, inheritance, legacy, patrimony
7 Comment upon the forms of the infinitive. Translate the
sentences into your native language.
b. criterion, model, pattern, rule, standard, type a. To understand different values and behaviour
c. conviction, notion, opinion, presumption, view change, we should approach them judiciously.
d. emblem, image, logo, representation, sign, token b. A lot of people are very conscious that “time is
e. ban, interdiction, prohibition, proscription money,” and therefore not to be wasted.
c. He was very sorry not to have helped his mother
5 Memorize the following:
when she was ill.
to obey the law; to consist of; to take the form of; d. It seemed to have been snowing for ages.
to convey ideas and beliefs; a way of thinking; a set e. They must be travelling in the south.
of rules; to make sacrifices; to follow social mores. f. He was very happy to have been taught by such
outstanding teachers.
Use the above collocations in sentences of your own.
8 Use the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets.
6 Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions.
1. Webinars refer ... seminars that are conducted on-
a. We are doomed (to carry/to be carried) our com-
plete load of cultural baggage wherever we go.
line. b. The theatre is said (to be preparing/to prepare) a
2. We have learned in school that atoms are com- new production of “Othello.”
posed ... neutrons, protons and electrons. c. (To make/to be made) new friends in a foreign
3. It is important that workers at construction sites country is to learn more things about it.
should be supplied ... enough building materials. d. I am sorry (not to have been present/not to be
4. Such a casual attitude is common ... most young present) at the meeting.
men in that neighbourhood. e. He must (forget/have forgotten) about his promise
5. Deviance, or the violation ... social norms, can be to come and see us.
identified easier than the norm itself. For this rea- f. That woman is still waiting. She seems (to have
son, deviance frequently provides a tool to learn been waiting/to be waiting) for them for over two
about norms. hours.
Before listening to a legend about the life history of a pow- e. Why did conflicts between the Indians and the white
1 erful Chief of a tribe of American Indians and his daughter men occur?
Pocahontas, match the following words to their synonyms: f. How did the English recover the goods that the Indians
1. settler a. to embark had taken from them?
2. to pardon b. to transform g. How was one of America’s most respected families –
3. to board c. to bring into being the Randolphs of Virginia – founded?
4. to convert d. colonist
5. to found e. to absolve 3 Listen again and complete the spidegram below.
Discuss what values are set forth in the legend.
2 Listen to the legend and discuss these questions:
a. When did English settlers found Jamestown Colony? friendliness dignity
b. What did Powhatan look like?
c. How did Pocahontas save Captain Smith’s life? openness VALUES
d. Why did the English settlers make Chief Powhatan
king of the territory?
Consult the Writing Skills Development rubric (pages 20-21) about how to write an introduction to an essay and begin the writing with
one of these topics in mind.
Culture and Human Rights Culture and Human Relations Cultural Heritage
After completing the task, reread your introductory paragraph and identify the hook(s) and the thesis statement. Are the hook(s) and
the thesis statement strong? Do the relate to the topic you are writing about?

28 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 2
On Cultural Diversity
“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.”
John F. Kennedy

1 Identify characteristics of culturally different groups and discuss them in small groups.

2 As a class, discuss the issue of cultural unity and variation. In what ways are all cultures similar? How are they different?

1 Read the poem “We and They” by the well-known English writer Rudyard Kipling. Scan the poem and get ready to discuss how it
tackles the issue of cultural diversity.
We and They (1926) by Rudyard Kipling, abridged

Father, Mother, and Me They have Wizards to pay.

Sister and Auntie say And (impudent heathen!)
All the people like us are We, They look upon We
And everyone else is They. As a quite impossible They!
And They live over the sea,
While We live over the way, All good people agree,
But – would you believe it? And all good people say,
– They look upon We All nice people, like Us, are We
As only a sort of They! And every one else is They:
But if you cross over the sea,
...And They who live up a tree, Instead of over the way,
And feast on grubs and clay, You may end by (think of it!) looking on We
(Isn’t it scandalous?) look upon We As only a sort of They !
As a simply disgusting They!

...They like Their friends for tea. Word Study

We like Our friends to stay; grub, n. – 1. larva of an insect; 2. (sl) food
And, after all that, They look upon We latch, n. – a metal bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door
As an utterly ignorant They! or gate; v. – fasten (a door or gate) with a latch
We eat kitcheny food. thatch, n. – a roof made of plant materials
We have doors that latch. heathen [’hi:ðn], n. – (pl without -s when used with the) 1. believ-
They drink milk or blood, er in a religion other than the chief world religions; 2. person whose
Under an open thatch. morals, etc are disapproved of; wild, ill-mannered youth
We have Doctors to fee.

lesson 1 2 3 4 29
2 Comment on the following: 3 What feelings and attitude does the last stanza suggest?
1. What words does the author use instead of “magi- Select from the following:
cian”, “uneducated”, “to eat to one’s heart’s con- Submission Joy Compassion
tent” and “unbelievably improper”? Sadness Hate Contempt
2. What is meant by “we live over the way”? Regret Empathy Warmth
3. Find lines that contain hyperboles. Courage Awe Love
4. Find in the poem lines that draw out differences Trust Lust Affection
between the two different lifestyles led by the two Fear Optimism Attachment
families depicted by the author.
5. What lines in the poem suggest that one nation or 4 Explain:
culture is not necessarily better than another? 1. What do you think the speaker thinks of his cul-
6. What words does the poet use to contrast the ture and foreign cultures?
speaker’s culture and other cultures? 2. Tell in one sentence the picture this poem gives
7. How do the lines in the last stanza minimize these you.
contrasts? 3. What is the overall message of “We and They”?

Introducing the Author

Millions of children have the famous fictional character Tarzan. Kim (1901), the sto-
spent happy hours with Rudyard ry of Kimball O’Hara and his adventures in the Himalayas, is
Kipling’s The Jungle Books and Just perhaps his most felicitous work. Other works include The
So Stories about the land and peo- Second Jungle Book (1895), The Seven Seas (1896), Cap-
ple of India long ago. Kipling was tains Courageous (1897), The Day’s Work (1898), Stalky
a master storyteller. and Co. (1899), Just So Stories(1902), Trafficks and Dis-
Rudyard Kipling (1865- coveries (1904), Actions and Reactions (1909), Debits and
1936) was born on December Credits (1926), Thy Servant a Dog (1930), Limits and Re-
30, 1865, in Bombay, India. His newals (1932) and others. During the First World War Ki-
father was professor of architec- pling wrote some propaganda books. His collected poems
tural sculpture at the Bombay appeared in 1933.
School of Art. In 1871 Kipling Kipling was the recipient of many honorary de-
was sent to England for his educa- grees and other awards. The author received the honor-
tion. In 1878 Rudyard entered the United Services College ary Nobel Peace Prize in Literature in 1907 and became
at Westward Ho!, a boarding school in Devon. In 1882 he the first English writer and the youngest recipient to have
returned to India, where he worked for Anglo-Indian news- received the award till this day. In 1926 he received the
papers as a journalist. In 1889, Kipling returned to England. Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Literature, which only
In 1892, Kipling married Caroline Balestier and settled in Scott, Meredith, and Hardy had been awarded before him.
Brattleboro, Vermont, the USA, where he wrote The Jungle Kipling became friends with a French soldier whose life
Book (1894) and “Gunga Din.” had been saved in the First World War when his copy of
His literary career began with Departmental Dit- Kim, which he had in his left breast pocket, stopped a bul-
ties (1886), but subsequently he became chiefly known as let. The soldier presented Kipling with the book (with bul-
a writer of short stories. A prolific writer, he achieved fame let still embedded) and his Croix de Guerre as a token of
quickly. Kipling was the poet of the British Empire and its gratitude. They continued to correspond, and when the
yeoman. He glorified the common soldier in many of his soldier, Maurice Hammoneau, had a son, Kipling insisted
works, in particular in Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) on returning the book and medal.
and Soldiers Three (1888), collections of short stories with In 1995 his poem “If ..” was voted England’s favourite
roughly and affectionately drawn soldier portraits. In 1894, poem.
Kipling became very popular with the publication of The He died on January 18, 1936. Kipling’s ashes were
Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book. The Jungle Book buried in Westminster Abbey in Poets’ Corner next to the
would become Kipling’s best-known work, and would also graves of Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens. His autobi-
inspire the American author Edgar Rice Burroughs to create ography, Something of Myself, was published in 1937.

30 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Examine the model of multicultural understanding pre-
sented below and perform the following tasks:
3 Work in pairs. One of the pupils will change identity into an
interviewer. He/she should ask his/her partner questions
1. Identify and describe ways in which families, groups about difficulties someone might encounter while adjusting
and communities influence the daily lives and personal to life in a foreign country. The interviewed person should
choices of individuals. pretend to be a globetrotter who knows almost everything
about other cultures. He/she should try to reply the questions
2. Explore and describe similarities and differences in the as correctly and convincing as possible. After exactly two
ways groups, societies and cultures address similar hu- minutes the interview role-play must be stopped. After that,
man needs and concerns. the next pair of pupils should start playing their role-play.
GLOBAL INFLUENCES Here is a list of questions that can be asked and
answered while sharing your cross-cultural experiences.
Feel free to add some other questions to the given list.
language socio-political 1. What are some really interesting things you have
and the arts factors
learned about other cultures that you would like to
cooking CULTURE education
2. What have you learned about your culture from an
ethnicity Community outsider that was interesting or curious to you?
child rearing 3. “Culture shock” and “reverse culture shock” are
games Family
terms used when facing adjustment challenges in
conception religious moving to new countries or back home. Have you
of justice Individual experienced a “culture shock” and/or a “reverse
culture shock”? Please share one or two examples.
conception of family
past and future 4. Some experts in the domain of cross-cultural com-
of origin
munication consider that people can ease culture
conception cultural values shock by learning about the language and customs
of “self” and attitudes before they go to the new culture. Express your
long-standing opinion about this statement. Give reasons.
prejudices and practices
counter to diversity
4 Look up and write out the definitions of the notions given
below. Explore the way they have affected the development
of humankind throughout centuries. How could at least
2 Decsribe ways in which language, stories, folk tales, music,
and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and in-
some of these actions be avoided?

fluence the behaviour of people living in a particular place. Xenophobia, racial discrimination, segregation, apartheid,
ethnocentrism, assimilation, racial stereotyping
1 Work individually. You are going to hear Erica Ward, an 3 Listen and complete the chart below. Were your predictions in
American senior, talking about her family history. Before exercise 2 right?
you listen, write down some questions to which you would Nationality Groups
like to get answers. Racial Groups
Religious Groups
The Origin of her Ancestors
2 Think of Erica’s family roots. Make predictions about her
nationality and the origin of her ancestors.
4 Now listen again and name the ethnic groups from which
Erica descends.
With a partner, prepare a brief magazine article about the issue of intercultural dialogue. You will need to collect ideas and
examples to support your own point of view. Display the article on the class notice-board. Discuss the articles as a class.

lesson 1 2 3 4 31
Lesson 3
Why Equal Chances?
“…gender equality is critical to the development and peace of every nation.”
Kofi Annan
1 Read the above quotation.
a) Discuss what the term development and
2 Supply answers to the following issues raised. Explain your
peace of every nation means according to this a) Based on your previous knowledge, give an appro-
quotation. priate definition to the term gender.
b) Discuss what the term equal participation of b) Compare your definition of the term gender with
men and women means in your culture. the definition given by your teacher.

3 Look at the pictures on the left.

a) Compare the two pictures and
your descriptions of what is
happening in each. Discuss
the similarities and differences
in your observations.
b) Conduct a class poll to find out
whether the whole class agreed
on a gender bias for any of the

1 Use the Gender Equity of Chances Model given below to describe the level of equity for the roles and responsibilities in
the model. The level of equality can be stated as:
N = negative (one gender alone is responsible) H = high (equal sharing of responsibilities)
L = low (one gender is primarily responsible) B = balanced (neutral)
M = medium (unequal sharing of responsibilities)
Gender Equity of Chances Model
2 Discuss the following:
a) Give examples of stereotypical behaviour dis-
Women/Girls Men/Boys
Roles played by males and females in both family and
Productive educational situations in your culture. Choose
Reproductive one example of this stereotypical behaviour that
Community you would like to change.
Responsibilities b) Is this behaviour supported by tradition, religion
Household or laws? How can you alter some beliefs and/or
Family laws to change this stereotypical behaviour in the
Child Care way you would like it to be changed? How would
Society these changes of beliefs and/or laws affect your
Opportunities culture?
Employment c) What different roles and responsibilities are
Health-related assigned to each gender in your culture? Discuss
Education how and why these roles and responsibilities
Political Power are different. What roles and responsibilities are
Culture shared by men and women in your culture?

32 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
3 Develop and present a drama that reflects the behaviour females in your society surrounding this important
and relationships between representatives of different gender issue.
genders in your society using the following steps: c) After acting out your drama in turns, be ready as a class
a) As a group, discuss gender issues facing your to identify ways of changing the inequities depicted
community and choose the most important in your drama. How would these changes affect your
gender issue reflected in your discussions. society? Would these changes be positive or negative
b) Develop and present a drama that reflects the for your society as a whole?
behaviour and relationships between males and

1 In her speech at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on September
20, 2014, the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson mentioned that “No country in the world can yet say they have
achieved gender equality.” Read the information offered by UN WOMEN and discuss the issue of gender inequality. What can be
done to improve the situation in the domain?
• In many countries, women have subordinate posi- • In South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 80
tions, restricted mobility, less educational oppor- percent of women work in vulnerable conditions.
tunities, less voice in decision-making and poorer • In the majority of countries, women earn between 70-
employment. 90 per cent of men’s wages, with even lower ratios ob-
• Gender inequality is a major cause and effect of served in some Latin American countries.
hunger and poverty: it is estimated that 60 per cent • In most countries, women in rural areas who work for
of chronically hungry people are women and girls; wages are more likely than men to hold seasonal, part-
20 per cent are children under 5 years of age. time and low-wage jobs.

2 Work in three groups. Read the assigned case studies and answer the questions listed in exercise 6 on page 34.

Case Study II
Case Study I
y, the men are heads of In this society, women and men are major contribu-
In this agricultural societ n su- tors to their communities, but efforts of women are less
cision-makers. The me
households and chief de t the cro ps. Wo m- valued than the efforts of men. Women are noticeably
rk and marke
pervise the women’s wo the de cis ion -m aki ng poorer than men in this society. Unequal access to educa-
ed from
en are generally exclud ricu ltu ral wo rk, bo th tion, employment, and income make women dependent
of the ag
process. They do most es an d in upon men for their economic survival. Even though some
ricultural joint ventur
in the fields of large ag nd too ls an d women are better educated than most men, employers
ens. They use ha
the family kitchen-gard wo me n wo rk ha rd prefer a less-educated and poorly-skilled male worker to
work many hours a day. hold a highly qualified female worker. Many of these women
ho use , the y also have to do house
outside the or, and then become victims of human trafficking. Their physical
tired, their health is po
chores. They are always and moral status is hopeless and they are desperate.
and depressed.
they often feel isolated

Case Study III

In this society, men and women are essentially equal, with equal opportunities in the spheres of education
and employment. Women are, by law, given the right to maternity leave for three years for the birth or adoption of
a child. This maternity leave can begin sometime before the child is born or adopted and continue until the three
years have been concluded. Under this law, women are guaranteed that their job – or an equivalent job – will be
kept for them upon their return from maternity leave. Men, however, don’t have such a right to maternity leave.
If they wish to remain at home with their newly born or adopted child, they must leave their job to do so. When
they wish to return to work after taking time to be with their newly born or adopted child, they must seek another
place of work.

lesson 1 2 3 4 33
Vocabulary Notes 6 Discuss the answers to the following:
A joint venture (JV) is a contractual business un- a) Identify differences between male and female roles,
dertaking between two or more parties. A joint ven- responsibilities and opportunities described in
ture is based on a single business transaction. In a joint each specific case study. Discuss reasons for your
venture (JV), each of the participants is responsible for answer and be prepared to present a summary of
profits, losses and costs associated with it. your discussion to the class.
b) Who do you believe has the best access to resources,
benefits and opportunities in Case Study I ?
3 Fill in the gaps with the following words: discrimination,
inequity, stereotype, opportunity, responsibility, equality
c) What are some of the consequences of the ways
in which these roles and responsibilities are
1. It’s great to have the …. to read a good quality
distributed in this society?
poem by a well-known English poet in the origi-
d) How are the roles of women and men reflected in
2. Young people should learn to assume complete Case Study II? What recommendations on how to
…… for their actions and words. improve the women’s status in this case could you
3. People of good will wish to create a world of …., make?
social justice and peace. f) How do the roles of men and women in your
4. … on the grounds of age is morally abhorrent. society compare with Case Study III?
5. It might be quite hard to overcome the …. that it is g) Give an example of a role performed by the
not productive to use the Internet. representative of one gender in your society that
6. There is also …. in the distribution of nurses in could be shared by both genders. Would sharing
rural hospitals. this role benefit both genders within your society?
Discuss your answers and be prepared to share
4 Express the following in one word:
1. An often unfair and untrue belief that many peo-
your conclusions with the class.

ple have about all people or things with a particu- 7 Choose one representative from each group to report the
lar characteristic. findings of the analysis of each case study. Explain what
2. The quality or state of being equal; the quality or happened in each particular situation.
state of having the same rights, social status, etc.
3. The practice of unfairly treating a person or group
of people differently from other people or groups
of people.
4. Lack of fairness; unfair treatment.
5. A duty or task that you are required or expected to
6. A good chance for advancement or progress.

5 As a class, summarize what you have learned about gender

roles and gender equity.

Write an introductory paragraph about the following topic:
When a male and a female are performing the same job for an employer, should they be paid the same wage or salary?

Here are some tips for you to follow while writing the paragraph:
a) On a separate piece of paper, write everything you can think of about the topic above.
b) When you finish the five minutes of freewriting, go over what you have written. Circle the main idea(s) that you
would be interested in developing. While you are writing, you might find solutions to different problems that spark
your interest.
c) Either agree or disagree with the main idea. Give reasons why you are answering this question in this way.

34 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 4
Literary Focus
On Prejudices and Stereotypes
Prejudice is so prevalent in contemporary life that we often assume it is
“part of human nature.”
Look at the picture at the bottom of the page and tell what 3 What is the moral of what you have read and what does it
1 each of the two insects symbolizes. Tell what human quali- teach us?
ties the writers give to the two insects. In your own words, explain the word “prejudice.” Compare
Have you read any poems or fables about any of these
4 your definition with the one given in the dictionary.
2 insect-characters? Recall the plot, if you remember. Can you Comment on the quotation of the lesson. Express your point
name the authors who have written fables? 5 of view on it.
1 Listen to the plot of the fable “The Ant and the Grasshopper” 2 Match the words in pairs of synonyms then listen to the
retold by W. Somerset Maugham in the introduction to the fable again and make notes of the context they are used in.
text with the same title and answer the questions: Share your variants with your classmates.
a. What is the classic answer the ant gives to the grass-
to adjust, laborious, barn, compassion, prudence,
to elucidate, toilsome, store, supply, industry, rec-
b. What is the useful lesson that a fable is devised to
oncile, assiduity, to beg, caution, sympathy, to ask
bring to the young?
for, to bring home, to attribute, larder, to ascribe.
c. Who were the writer’s sympathies with and why?

3 Give a brief summary of what you have listened to, using the words from the previous exercise.
1 Read the following questions. Scan the text and answer d. Who was Cronshaw?
these questions. e. How old were the two brothers and what did each
a. Why wasn’t George in hilarious spirits? of them look like?
b. Which of the two brothers was the black sheep in
2 Skim the text and find out more important information about
the family?
c. What did Tom use to say about making money? each of the two brothers. Share it with your classmates.

3 Read the text carefully and tell what George Ramsay meant by saying: “It’s not fair.”

The Ant and the Grasshopper

...I could not help thinking of this fable when the other
day I saw George Ramsay lunching by himself in a restau-
rant. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep
gloom. He was staring into space. He looked as though the
burden of the whole world sat on his shoulders. I was sorry
for him.
I suspected at once that his unfortunate brother had
been causing trouble again. I went up to him and held out
my hand.
“How are you?” I asked.
“I’m not in hilarious spirits,” he answered.
“Is it Tom again?”
He sighed.

lesson 1 2 3 4 35
Word Study
unscrupulous [¤n’skru:pj†l¢s], adj. – not guided by con-
Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and
gave him considerable sums in order that he might make
science a fresh start. On these Tom bought a motorcar and some
qualm [kwa:m], n. – feeling of doubt (esp. about whether one is very nice jewellery. But when circumstances forced George
doing or has done right) to realise that his brother would never settle down, and he
convict [k¢n’vlkt], v. – to declare in law court that somebody is washed his hands of him, Tom, without a qualm, began to
guilty (of a crime) blackmail him. It was not very nice for a respectable lawyer
vindictive, adj. – having or showing a desire for revenge to find his brother shaking cocktails behind the bar of his
gamble, v. – to play games of chance for money favourite restaurant or to see him waiting on the box-seat
scapegrace, n. – an unincorrigible rascal; good-for-nothing person of a taxi outside his club. Tom said that to serve in a bar
dissolute [’dls¢lu:t], adj. – (of persons) given up to immoral or to drive a taxi was a perfectly decent occupation, but if
conduct; (of behaviour) evil, vicious George could oblige him with a couple of hundred pounds
wrathful [’r‡³fl], adj. – filled with indignation or anger he didn’t mind for the honour of the family giving it up.
George paid.
Once Tom nearly went to prison. George was terribly
“Yes, it’s Tom again.” upset. He went into the whole discreditable affair. Really
“Stop thinking about him. You’ve done everything in Tom had gone too far. He had been wild, thoughtless and
the world for him. You must know by now that he’s quite selfish, but he had never before done anything dishonest, by
hopeless.” which George meant illegal; and if he were prosecuted he
I suppose every family has a black sheep. Tom had would assuredly be convicted. But you cannot allow your
been a sore trial to his for twenty years. He had begun life only brother to go to gaol. The man Tom had cheated, a
decently enough: he went into business, married and had man called Cronshaw, was vindictive. He was determined
two children. The Ramsays were perfectly respectable to take the matter into court; he said Tom was a scoun-
people, and there was every reason to suppose that Tom drel and should be punished. It cost George an infinite deal
Ramsay would have a useful and honourable career. But of trouble and five hundred pounds to settle the affair. I
one day, without warning, he announced that he didn’t like have never seen him in such a rage as when he heard that
work and that he wasn’t suited for marriage. He wanted to Tom and Cronshaw had gone off together to Monte Carlo
enjoy himself. He would listen to no expostulations. He left the moment they cashed the cheque. They spent a happy
his wife and his office. He had a little money, and he spent month there.
two happy years in the various capitals of Europe. Rumours For twenty years Tom raced and gambled, danced and
of his doings reached his relations from time to time, and ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beauti-
they were profoundly shocked. He certainly had a very fully. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a
good time. They shook their heads and asked what would bandbox. Though he was forty-six you would never have
happen when his money was spent. They soon found out: taken him for more than thirty-five. He was a most amusing
he borrowed. He was charming and unscrupulous. I have companion and though you knew he was perfectly worth-
never met anyone to whom it was more difficult to refuse less you could not but enjoy his society. He had high spirits
a loan. He made a steady income from his friends and he and incredible charm. I never lent him fifty pounds without
made friends easily. But he always said that the money you feeling that I was in his debt. Tom Ramsay knew everyone,
spent on necessities was boring; the money that was amus- and everyone knew Tom Ramsay. You could not approve
ing to spend was the money you spent on luxuries. For this of him, but you could not help liking him.
he depended on his brother George. He did not waste his Poor George, only a year older than his scapegrace
charm on him. George was a serious and respectable man. brother, looked sixty. He had never taken more than a fort-
night’s holiday in the year for a quarter of a century. He
Phrases And Idioms was in his office every morning at nine-thirty and never left
to bring home to – to make unmistakably clear it till six. He was honest, industrious and worthy. He had
to be provided for – to be supplied with a good wife, to whom he had never been unfaithful even in
to be a burden to somebody – to cause somebody expense and trouble thought, and four daughters to whom he was the best of
to be/not to be suited for (to) – to be/not to be fitted fathers. He made a point of saving a third of his income
to wash one’s hands of – to disclaim interest in, responsibility for, or and his plan was to retire at fifty-five to a little house in the
further connection with country where he proposed to cultivate his garden and play
to settle down – to take up an ordered or stable life golf. His life was blameless. He was glad that he was grow-
to be hopeless – a. having no expectation of good or success; ing old because Tom was growing old too. He rubbed his
b. incapable of redemption or improvement hands and said:
to chuck someone/something – to give up; to abandon “It was all very well when Tom was young and good-
to be a sore trial to – to cause trouble or hardships looking, but he’s only a year younger than I am. In four years

36 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
he’ll be fifty. He won’t find life so easy then. I shall have now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom
thirty thousand pounds by the time I’m fifty. For twenty- had done. George was evidently very much upset.
five years I’ve said that Tom would end in the gutter. And “Do you know what’s happened now?” he asked me.
we shall see how he likes that. We shall see if it really pays ...George Ramsay beat his clenched fist on the table.
best to work or be idle.” “It’s not fair, I tell you; it’s not fair. Damn it, it’s not
Poor George! I sympathized with him. I wondered fair.”...

3 Work in groups. Predict what might have happened again 5 Complete the story map. Share what you have written with
that made George so nervous. Share your ideas with the your classmates.
other groups.
4 Work as a class. Consider the sentence: “But Tom often Title
asked me to excellent dinners in his charming house in Setting Characters
Mayfair” and:
a. discuss all the possible variants you consider to Theme
have contributed to Tom’s wellbeing;
b. identidy common ideas;
c. select the most relevant ideas to reach a consensus; Problem Solution
d. explain your choice (variants);
e. compare your suppositions;
f. state how similar or different they are;
g. draw conclusions (follow the Literary Focus).

6 Listen to the last extract from the text and compare your suppositions with what the author tells us about.
State how similar or different they are. Draw conclusions.

7 Choose the letter of the definition which comes closest in meaning to the words in bold.
1. a loan 3. to chuck 5. to blackmail 7. workhouse
a. anything lent a. to forget a. to extort money a. gaol
b. anything inherited b. to get rid of b. to blame b. asylum
c. anything bought c. to give a slight blow c. to warn c. house of correction
2. gloom 4. enticement 6. rogue 8. hilarious
a. feeling of joy a. repulsion a. decent person a. noisily merry
b. feeling of sadness b. lure b. ordinary person b. angry
c. feeling of respect c. affair c. dishonest person c. disgraceful

8 Complete each of the sentences with the correct parts of speech formed from those in parentheses.
1. Be polite! Speak to your mother in a more… tone. (RESPECT)
2. His were … actions; he meant nothing bad. (BLAME)
3. … is what differentiates Cristina from her classmates.(DECENT)
4. They would like their daughter to marry a … young man. (RESPECT)
5. Yours is a behaviour … of punishment. Your … is fruitless. We have proofs. (WORTH; DENY)
6. Being amiable and …, Doina makes friends easily.(CHARM)
7. Her … speech expressed nothing but hate. (WRATH)
8. He wondered what … thing Tom had done. (FAME)

9 Form words antonymous to the ones given by using prefixes and suffixes.
Hopeful, regard, formal, honourable, pleasant, regular, fortunate, elastic, pleasant, trustworthy, perfect, mod-
est, expensive, scrupulous, creditable, famous, moral, honest, faithful, credible, thoughtful, responsible, logical,
trustful, loyal.

lesson 1 2 3 4 37
13 Fill in with the necessary articles where necessary.
10 How many different words come readily to your mind to
complete these gaps? 1. He was … good man, kind and good-tempered.
1. You could not but ... him. He was …son of … priest.
2. Why do you always say you are not suited for...? 2. He had no right to expose himself to … death.
3. You should know by now that he is quite ... . 3. John was out of …work, and … position was
4. We are free to refuse their ...; nobody can force our becoming acute.
hand. 4. … twenty cents Frank received every day for deliv-
5. One cannot help ... her; she is such a sweet. ering … afternoon paper on … house-to-house
6. I wouldn’t mind ... the child. He is worth it. route was not enough.
7. She wouldn’t waste ... on such a trifle. 5. We’ve had one piece of … rather curious informa-
8. I am sure she is able to make (a) ... if only she pulls tion.
herself together. 6. I can still remember our conversation … word for
… word.
11 Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions.
1. They will go ... business ... condition that we help
7. Animals depend on plants and trees for … air
which they breathe.
them ... the money.
8. Some insects sleep in … day and work at …
2. She makes the best ... mothers ... her children; she
sometimes falls ... their enticements ... force ... hab-
9. … only bird that can walk upright, is … pen-
it but she would never spend money ... the trifles
they would like to have.
10. It was too great … shock for her, and she imme-
3. We have been ... nobody’s debt since we got mar-
diately left … room.
ried, we have been faithful ... each other and we
11. … night outside seemed very cold, they were
look forward to settle ... in the country and depend
trembling from … head to … foot.
... no one.
12. It was … fine day early in … spring and we were
4. He got red ... the face, clenched his fist and said he
in … good humour.
would not give ... to those who wanted to black-
13. When … winter came he suffered … good deal
mail him.
from … cold and … hunger, and often had to
5. She was dining ... herself and was staring ... space
go to … bed without … supper but … few dried
thinking ... her children who had caused her a great
pears or some hard nuts.
deal ... trouble.

12 Fill in the correct joining words/connectors. 14 Use the verbs in parentheses in the correct form.
1. It wasn’t a very good hotel. …, it was better 1. They (lose) their cat yesterday and (not find) it
than nothing. 2. … they are very good friends, yet.
they don’t understand each other. 3. She felt guilty 2. Before I (meet) my friend Bernard, I never (not
… she had done something wrong. 4. … waiting speak) French.
for her, you should better do it by yourself. 5. He 3. I can’t help you. I have a lot of problems because I
thinks there are more solutions to the problem, but, (move) to a new house right now.
…, there is only one. 6. I don’t want to go out. It’s 4. A fortune teller told me: “You (be) a very famous
rather cold. …, I am tired. 7. The sales team has been opera singer”.
working hard … the beginning of the year; … they 5. While I (run) in the park, it (begin) to rain.
have accomplished many of their tasks. 8. We really 6. I am sure they (finish) the building in two
wondered … she was Chinese or Vietnamese. 9. … months.
if the situation is serious, it is not a disaster. 10. You 7. She (leave) before I (give) her the present.
won’t get the job … you make a good impression. 11. 8. While mother (have) lunch we (tell) her our
You would better arrange the books on the shelves impressions from the excursion.
… the authors. 12. The child is asleep. … I will take 9. In 2012, they (live) here for 4 years.
a shower. … my hair is drying I will call my mother, 10. By tomorrow morning he (sleep) wonderfully.
… I haven’t spoken with her for a long time. 11. I think we (have) a great day if the weather (be)

38 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
15 ‘To end in the gutter’ is an English idiom meaning to live a wicked life; to live in a lower state.
Match the idioms in bold type from column A with their meanings found in column B. Use some of them in sentences, short situa-
tions or dialogues of your own.
1. Can they throw any light on the problem? b. to reject
2. Thanks for getting me off the hook. c. young and inexperienced
3. You can’t turn thumbs at my proposal. d. to give a scolding
4. He really hit the jackpot by having got such parents. e. to free someone from an obligation
5. She always gets cold feet when she has to speak in public. f. to become timid or frightened
6. He may be wet behind the ears, but he’s well-trained and totally g. to make something clearer
competent. h. to ruin someone
7. I know they’ll dress me down when I come home.
8. You cooked your own goose by not showing up on time
a. to be fortunate

Work in Two Groups. analogy or contrast? Why?
1 a. Scan the text for as many adjectives as possible. d. What is your attitude to the ideas expressed in the
Write them down. text?
b. Draw a Venn Diagram. Group 1: write down all the e. Do the problems described teach you anything
things you’ve learned about George. about life and people? What are these things?
Group 2: write down everything you’ve learned f. How would you characterize the relationships be-
about Tom. tween the two brothers? Give reasons.
c. Compare the lives of the two brothers. You may
want to consider their work, family life, plans for 3 Connect to Life.
a. Does it really pay best to work or be idle?
the future, etc. Tell whom you sympathize with
b. Does the author’s attitude towards the two bro-
and why? In what way did George differ from
thers surprise you? Why or why not? Consider the
Tom? How did he expect to be rewarded for his
evidence in the text as you explain your answer.
blameless life?
c. Do you consider any of the things described by the
d. Characterize each of the two brothers. Use the list
author to be exaggerated? Explain your answer.
of adjectives you’ve put down.
d. What would you have done if you had been
2 Express Your Opinion.
a. What feelings does each of the characters arouse in
George? Tom? the narrator? Give reasons for act-
ing so. Would the story have been better if each of
you? Give reasons. the brothers had behaved in the way you consider
b. What problems does the author touch upon in the appropriate? How? Do you think a conflict like
story? Whom does he sympathize with and why? this could occur in today’s society? Support your
c. What technique is manifested mostly in the text, answer with arguments or examples.
Fulfill one of the tasks below. 3. In about 200-220 words comment on one of the
1. Write a letter to George on behalf of Tom with the statements:
explanations, apologies and regrets for having hurt a. “When brothers agree, no fortress is as strong as
him. their common life”.
2. A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in b. “Help your brother’s boat across, and your own
which a person recalls significant events in his/her will reach the shore”.
life. Complete either Tom’s or George’s memoir with c. “There’s no other love than the love for a brother.
some important events that followed after Tom had There’s no other love than the love from a
become rich. Include his feelings and opinions about brother”.
those events as well as about some historical or social
issues of that period.

lesson 1 2 3 4 39
Culture and Civilization
Discuss the following: appear? How can “culture wars” (ideological tensions
1. What is your cultural heritage? What was the cul- and conflicts over cultural issues such as education,
ture of your parents and your grandparents? language, cultural policies, etc.) be diminished and fi-
2. Why and how can cultures persist, change, or dis- nally disappear?


1 Read the extract from the article given below and answer 2 Study the information in the Info Box and discuss situations
this question: in which these and other pluralist strategies have been of
What is the relationship between cultural and great help. Speak of your own experience.
universal human rights? Give reasons.

Cultural Rights and Human Rights

by Rodolfo Stavenhagen, abridged
Under the International Bill of Human Rights, which change, and the constant dynamic recreation of cultures
consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a universal phenomenon. A culture may be said to have
(1948), the International Covenant on Economic, Social particular vitality if it is capable of preserving its identity
and Cultural Rights (1966) and the International Cove- even if it incorporates change, just as a specific human be-
nant on Civil and Political Rights (1966), human rights are ing changes over time but retains his/her distinct identity.
divided into civil, political, economic, social and cultural
rights. In that subdivision, cultural rights form a subset of
individual rights and include matters such as the right of Pluralist Strategies
every person to participate in the cultural life of the com- Pluralism – the principle that people of different races,
munity, and the right to protection of artistic, literary and religions, and political beliefs can live together peacefully in
scientific works. Cultural rights are closely related to other the same society;
individual rights and fundamental freedoms such as the Tolerance (for, of, towards) – willingness to accept or
freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, free- allow behaviour, beliefs, customs, etc., which one does not
dom of association, and the right to education. like or agree with, without opposition: e.g. a country with a
The peoples of the world are the carriers of many reputation for tolerance towards religious minorities;
thousands of distinct cultures. In some instances, all or Consensus (on, about, between, among) – a general
agreement: the opinion of most of the people in a group;
most of a country’s population shares a common culture; Dialogue – (an) exchange of ideas and opinions, espe-
in others, a state is made up of a variety of different cul- cially between two countries, groups, ets, whose positions
tures. Culture, of course, is not static. On the contrary, it is are opposed.
historically rooted and changes over time. Indeed, cultural

3 Debating diversity
Use an expanded debate setting to consider and discuss the
4 Give a heading to the
poster on the right.
topic: “It’s better to live in a pluralistic society.” Describe it.
Make use of the following justifications for a pluralistic Rely on the following
society: ideas:
– Diversity respects individual and group rights. inalienable fun-
– A diverse society is more resilient and stronger. damental rights;
Here are some reasons why diversity is not unambiguously the right to a fair
good: trial; protection
– Diversity can be seen as a source of conflict. against enslavement;
– Diversity can be seen as a threat to national identity. prohibition of geno-
cide; the human
Add some more reasons for both sides and, in turns, bring rights movement;
forward arguments to discuss the diversity issue. a just society, etc.

40 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Display visuals of well-known people – representatives of different ethnic groups. Elicit the phrase “cultural differences
and similarities.” Ask and answer questions about these personalities.
Fill in the spaces in the table to illustrate the stereotypes about the so-called “national characteristics” of people inhabit-
ing different parts of the world. Check the truth about these characteristics by looking for some trustworthy information
in some reliable sources.
positive negative
optimisttic, hard-working, friendly,
Americans materialistic, arrogant, boastful, obese
generous, future-oriented

2 In what ways are people from the Republic of Moldova connected

with some other cultural groups?
Prompts: lifestyles, some customs and traditions, some
values, attitudes and beliefs, etc.

3 Role-play the following situation:

Split into two groups. Pupils from Group I will serve as inter-
viewers working for an International Research Agency. They
want to find out what pupils from Group II, who will play
the role of foreigners visiting the Republic of Moldova, know
about this country and its people.

4 a. Fill in the gaps with the missing verb forms, adjectives, articles, prepositions and pronouns.
b. Give a suitable title to the passage. Look for some additional information about Thanksgiving Day.
The grateful Pilgrims then (to declare) ... a three-day feast,
starting ... December 13, 1621, to thank God and to cele-
brate with their Indian friends.
It wasn’t ... 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that
President Abraham Lincoln (to proclaim) ... a national
Thanksgiving Day (to hold) ... each November. In 1941,
President Roosevelt made Thanksgiving ... federal holiday.
... most important part of the celebration is the dinner
... includes the customary turkey served with cranberry sa-
uce, and pumpkin. A lot of business goes ... during this holi-
day. For example, restaurants take advantage ... the holiday
to sell turkey dinners.
Thanksgiving is ... particularly American holiday. ... Families and friends usually get ... for a large meal or
holiday dates back ... 1621, the year after the Puritans arri- dinner during Thanksgiving and have a lot ... fun. That’s
ved ... Massachusetts, determined to practise their dissen- why, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (to consider) ...
ting religion ... interference. After a rough winter, in which one of (busy) ... travel periods of the year. Students are gi-
about half of them died, they turned ... help to neighboring ven a four-day or five-day weekend vacation. Thanksgiving
Indians, ... taught them how to plant corn and other crops. is also a (to pay) ... holiday for ... workers.

Culture and Civilization 41

Writing Skills Development
Unpacking the Prompt and Brainstorming
“The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.”
A.B. Yehoshua
1. How often do you not understand the question on an essay test?
2. What do you do, when you don’t understand the prompt?
3. Do you take the time to identify and plan what you are going to write before you write it? Why or Why not?

Unpacking the Prompt
Taking time to make sure you understand what an essay question is asking BEFORE you start writ-
ing is very important, especially since you are not working in a native language. If you don’t address
the question and/or don’t write in the required structure you will not get a good grade on the essay.
Answering the question requires two things: addressing the content and using the correct structure.

Tips on how to approach a writing (short answer or essay) question:

1. First, take a deep breath. You can do this.
2. Underline the verbs and the nouns. If you just read those, can you get a
general sense of what the question is asking?
3. Number the parts of the writing prompt. Is it asking multiple questions
that need to be handled in separate paragraphs? This will help you make
sure you answer ALL parts of the prompt as you can refer back to this
4. Test writers will tell you what structure they are looking for in the
prompt. These examples either expository or argumentative / persuasive.

Words that signal an expository essay:

Describe, Illustrate, Tell, Explain, Define, Summarize, Identify, Discuss, Write about
Words that signal an argumentative / persuasive essay:
Agree or Disagree, Argue, Defend, Persuade, Justify, Propose

Identifying what structure you need to write in helps you organize your essay response.
5. A good habit to get into is to turn the writing prompt into a statement that includes your opinion.
This will be part of your introduction and the first part of your thesis statement. Ex. Agree or Disagree.
Moldova has a good educational system.
“ I agree with the statement, “Moldova has a good educational system” because…”

In your notebook, follow the steps above with each of the follow- 3. Write about two natural monuments of the English-
ing prompts. Do not use a dictionary. Discuss as a class. speaking world.
1. Many British museums and galleries are real treasure- 4. Agree or Disagree: Learning from the past has no value
houses of unique art. Which are the best known? What to those living in the present.
collections do they contain? 5. What are the major events of national and social
2. What changes in present-day schools would you propose importance that are traditionally celebrated in the
to make them more effective for educating pupils? USA?

42 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Brainstorming is Your Best Friend
1. How many times have you looked at an essay prompt and thought, “I have nothing to say about this.”?
2. When you are in a social situation, with friends or with your family, can you generally find a way to join a
conversation even if you don’t know a lot about a subject?
1 Try this: on a separate piece of paper, take 30 seconds and
write everything and anything you can think of about the
word, “party.”
• Could you write a paragraph describing what
party is or a party you went to using those words?
If not, brainstorm other 30 seconds.

2 Next Step for an Argumentative/Persuasive Essay:

Can you put those words into two categories: good PARTIES
things and bad things about parties?
good things bad things
• Which side of your T chart do you have more
examples for, good things about parties or bad
things about parties?

Whichever side of the T chart has the MOST/

STRONGEST evidence/examples, should be the side
you argue for in your essay, because you WIN an
argument by using EVIDENCE that supports your
thesis statement!

3 Write a response to: Agree or Disagree, “Parties are a waste of time and money.” Share in class when done. Vote on who had the
most convincing argument. Discuss why their argument was the most convincing.

4 Brainstorm with a partner or in a group on the Brainstorming Tips:

following: a. Any time a question asks for multiple examples as in
1. Many British museums and galleries are questions 1, 2, and 5—a good “rule of thumb” is to
real treasure-houses of unique art. Which choose 3. These 3 will become your body paragraphs.
are the best known? What collections do In writing an argumentative essay you will also
they contain? include another body paragraph that addresses the
counter argument. This is why using the T-chart
2. What changes in present-day schools would
and brainstorming on both sides of the argument is
you propose to make them more effective so important.
for educating pupils? b. Always choose the topics to write about that you
3. Write about two natural monuments of the can provide the most detail or examples for. For
English Speaking world. example, if you only know about the collections in
4. Agree or Disagree: Learning from the past the British Museum and the Tate Modern Gallery
has no value to those living in the present. but you remember the name and nothing more
5. What are the major events of national and about the Victoria and Albert Museum, write in
social importance that are traditionally detail about the two you know.
celebrated in the USA?
5 Write thesis statements (refer back to the writing lesson in Unit 1, page 21 if needed) and introductions for two of the above
prompts. Choose one that is expository and one that is argumentative.

Writing Skills Development 43

Round Up
1 Study the idioms given in italics. Match them to their definitions.
1. We speak the same language when it comes to en- a. a situation where it’s impossible to decide which
vironment. of two things existed first and which caused the
2. When the British monarch is a queen, standard other.
English is Queen’s English; when the British mo- b. to make a connection where there is a great diffe-
narch is a king, it is King’s English. rence.
3. The governments should do their best to bridge the c. to have the same ideas, beliefs and opinions as so-
gap between their richest and poorest citizens. meone else.
4. It’s a chicken and egg situation – A lot of scien- d. someone whom one considers to be excessively in-
tists have been discussing for centuries the eternal terested in the (classical) arts.
question whether matter or energy is the basis of e. a state of confusion and anxiety experien-
the universe. ced by someone upon encountering an alien envi-
5. This research should not be taken at face va- ronment.
lue by readers – careful analysis should be underta- f. to accept that something is exactly what it ap-
ken to confirm the obtained results. pears to be.
6. I value my family above all things. g. to hold someone or something to be more impor-
7. They don’t like to watch soap-operas. They seem tant than someone or something.
to be real culture-vultures. h. the English language as written and spoken cor-
8. I got a huge culture shock when I first went to India. rectly by educated people in Britain.

2 Circle the best word or phrase to complete these sentences: 3 Reread Rudyard Kipling’s poem “We and They” and get
1. Cross-cultural communication is communication ready to discuss the following:
between people from different countries/cultures. 1. What does the poet mean in the first stanza
2. People’s cultural values and attitudes influence/do when he claims that “They look upon We as only a
sort of They!”?
not influence cross-cultural communication.
2. Find in the second and in the third stanzas of
3. Language is the most visible and available expres-
the poem lines that exemplify the kind of tolerance
sion of a culture/lifestyle.
for differences that various cultures can show.
4. Culture shock/reverse culture shock is a state of
3. How do the lines in the last stanza reveal the
bewilderment and distress experienced by an indi-
poet’s endeavour to champion diversity and open-
vidual who is suddenly exposed to a new, strange,
or foreign social and cultural environment.

4 Find at least one statement that, in your opinion, is not true: 5 Complete the sentences according to the model:
1. Once a native language becomes extinct, the Note: to do / so as + to do / in order + to do
knowledge it contains about a nation and the land is used to express purpose in a subordinate clause.
it inhabits is lost to the world. e.g. Nick went to the shop to do / in order (so as) to do
2. It is imperative that education in schools should be ... – Nick went to the shop to buy some food / in order
provided not only in the state’s official language, (so as) to buy some food.
but also in the mother tongue. 1. We took a taxi so as not…
3. Group differences in values, beliefs, morals, and 2. It was very cold, and we put on warm coats not to…
attitudes may lead to prejudice against members 3. Mary started learning Spanish to…
of groups. 4. The girl opened the door so as…
4. Video games containing violence should not be 5. They listened to the radio in order…
banned. 6. I called on him yesterday so as…
5. One true thing about culture shock is that almost 7. We must begin preparing for the exams immedia-
everyone everywhere will suffer some kind of cul- tely so as not…
ture shock when they are visiting a foreign country. 8. You should read more aloud in order…

44 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
6 Use the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets. 7 Insert to before the infinitive where necessary.
1. Americans tend (to equate/to be equated) “change” 1. It might ... be useful ... stop for a moment and dis-
with “improvement” and consider a rapid change cuss your decision ... leave again.
as normal. 2. This may ... be the task of a new, democratic gover-
2. This song is believed (to have been sung/to have nment.
sung) by the well-known choir. 3. How does it feel ... be famous?
3. He ordered the windows (to shut/to be shut). 4. She bade him ... enter.
4. She ought to (be visiting/have visited) you yester- 5. I was the first ... notice that.
day, but she fell ill. 6. If a new government emerges in Burma, it must …
5. They must (be walking/walk) in the garden now. work with leaders of the country’s minorities.
6. I meant (to answer/ to have answered) the letter 7. In a very simple format, the chart indicates where
last week, but I forgot. the problems are likely ... lie.
7. This article must (have translated/have been trans- 8. I don’t know the answer; I will have ... look it up.
lated) by a second-year university student. 9. He was heard … mention his mother’s name se-
8. I am so glad (to be meeting/to have met) you. veral times.
9. Governments must develop mechanisms that 10. She daren’t … tell her father what happened.
would permit ethnic groups (to participate/to have 11. I had John … find me the address of the house.
been participating) in decisions that affect their 12. Would you rather … go to the theatre or … stay
lives. at home?
10. He must (have caught/have been caught) napping 13. You will never feel you know all there is ... know
during working hours. about a foreign country.
11. Freddy should (have telephoned/telephone) – His 14. If you don’t … do it willingly, I’ll make you …
mother was getting worried. do it.
12. He must (be living/have been living) in this city for 15. I often hear them … sing while they are working.
the last ten years. 16. She stepped aside as if ... let the young man ... have
the floor.

8 Use either the Complex Object or the Complex Subject struc- 9 Complete each question with a for-to-Infinitive structure.
tures to complete the following sentences: Answer each question in a complete sentence.
1. The dog was heard… 1. I would like to go to Brazil during summer vaca-
2. He happened… tion. Would it cost much money…?
3. No one could understand what made …? 2. When you were at the circus with your brother,
4. The strangers wanted… was it fun…?
5. They proved… 3. On the weekends, is it relaxing…?
6. They will never have… 4. Before the new school year, will it be necessary…?
7. He is not likely… 5. When you want to go to the theatre, is it diffi-
8. No one could expect… cult…?
9. We are sure… 6. When you were in junior school, did it take much
10. I always believed… time…?
11. I could feel… 7. When you intend to accompany your friend some-
12. I have watched… where, is it exciting…?

the danger. 7. I have come here (in order) to talk to you.

10 State the functions of the infinitives in the following sen-
8. She wore very high heels so as to look a little taller.
tences. Translate the sentences into your native language.
9. My car is big enough to hold five people comfortably.
1. To win the world’s greatest cycling event became 10. At times, the young man played the piano loudly
the ambition of her life. 2. It was nice to be speaking enough to burst our eardrums. 11. We didn’t have enough
English again. 3. His intention was to get into par- time to stay at the seaside for more than five days. 12. She
liament. 4. They must leave at noon. 5. Dan learned nervously put her hand to her mouth as if to stop cough-
to read when he was five. 6. She was the first to see ing. 13. To tell the truth, I don’t really like her.

Round Up 45
Test Two
Martin Luther King Day in the United States
Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January.
It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential
American civil rights leader.

A. Read the text attentively and carry out the tasks:

The Champion of Human Rights

Martin Luther King, The high point of the campaign was the 1963 March
Jr., was one of the main on Washington where King delivered his famous “I Have
leaders of the American a Dream” speech. His speech called for racial justice and
civil rights movement, and encouraged African Americans to fight for their inalienable
a prominent political acti- rights with dignity and discipline. This speech has become
vist. As an eloquent spea- one of the most recognized symbols of the civil rights mo-
ker, Dr. King won support vement.
for his “peaceful” efforts Dr. King explained his ideas in six books and nume-
from millions of people, rous articles and speeches. He often called for personal
both white and black. Mar- responsibility in fostering world peace. In 1968, while
tin Luther King, Jr. was planning the Poor People’s March, he took time off to lead
born in Atlanta, Georgia a protest march in Memphis. It was in Memphis on April
on January 15, 1929. 4, 1968, the evening after his prophetic “I’ve Been to the
Martin Luther King completed advanced studies at Mountaintop” speech, that King was struck by an assassin’s
Crozer Theological Seminary and received his Ph.D. from bullet, ending a short, but heroic life fighting for the free-
Boston University. It was in Montgomery that King began dom of all America. Both Americans and the international
his civil rights crusade. He led a 38-day boycott of buses community recognized King’s contributions in overco-
triggered by Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat to a whi- ming civil rights abuses without allowing the struggle to
te passenger that led to a U.S. District and Supreme Court erupt into a blood bath.
decision ruling racial segregation on city bus lines uncon- In 1964 Dr. King became the youngest man to be awar-
stitutional. Martin Luther King established the Southern ded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work as a peacemaker,
Christian Leadership Conference and through his tireless promoting nonviolence and equal treatment for different
efforts, and non-violent resistance was highly successful races. In 1977, Martin Luther King, Jr. was posthumously
from 1955 to 1960. King’s movement stirred the entire na- awarded by Jimmy Carter the Presidential Medal of Free-
tion. Protest marches, sit-in demonstrations and numerous dom. In 1986, Martin Luther King Day was established as
rallies resulted in the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of a United States holiday. In 2004, King was posthumously
1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

1 Express the following in one word:

person taking an active part, e.g. in a political
4 In your own words, explain the meaning of the following
movement – an eloquent speaker –
Roman Catholic training college for priests – civil rights abuses –
Not easily tired –
Supply 5 adjectives to describe Martin Luther King, Jr.’ s
Act of refusing – 5 personality.
2 Find pairs of synonyms from the following:
Think of two - three people who are your national heroes.
crusade, prominent, tireless, speech, prophetic, disco- 6 What do you admire in those people? Think of the qualities
urse, predictive, eminent, indefatigable, struggle
that make a hero. What place do these people occupy in
3 Find in the text antonyms for these words:
hostile, little known, unfairness
your life?

46 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
7 B. Choose the right answers: 8 What Do You Know About …
1. the most important festival of the year for British
1) __ are British “bank holidays”.
a) Good Friday b) St. David’s Day c) Boxing Day families – Christmas Day?
2) Punch, Judy and Toby are popular names of some 2. the Ceremony of the Keys, that is, the process of
a) puppets b) toys c) clothes locking up of the Tower of London for the night?
3) St. Patrick’s holiday is celebrated in 3. the habit of tea drinking in Britain?
a) Scotland b) Wales c) Ireland 4. William Shakespeare’s life and work?
4) Halloween means 5. the historic value of St. Paul’s Cathedral?
a) witches and ghosts b) holy evening c) pumpkin 7. Easter symbols in Great Britain?
5) Children say “Penny for the Guy” 8. clans and tartans in Scotland?
a) at Halloween b) on Guy Fawkes Night c) on Christ- 9. At midnight, on December 31, throughout Great
mas Eve Britain people celebrate the coming of the New
6. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Year by holding hands in a large circle and singing
a) Wiltshire, England b) Salt Lake City, the USA the song:
7. The name for New Year’s Eve in Scotland is Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
a) the Eisteddfod b) Hogmanay And never brought to mind?
8. London stands Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
a) on the Thames b) on the Severn And auld lang syne?..
9. The thistle is the national symbol of What does “for auld lang syne” mean? Who were the words
a) Scotland b) Wales c)England d) Northern Ireland written by?

9 Comment on the following quotation: All objects, all phases of culture are alive. They have voices. They speak of their history and inter-
relatedness. And they are all talking at once! (Camille Paglia) European

Self Assessment Européen
des Langues

Listening Yes No Improve

I can decipher different characters and their intentions when I listen to an original
literary text expressed in a dialogue.
I can understand fables in English.
I can read and understand the main ideas and specific details on human rights,
values and gender equality specifically.
I can read historical texts and understand trends in cultural history and cultural
I can comment on quotations using infinitives in my speech.
I can carry out a discussion on human rights and responsibilities using some
social terminology.
I can write a magazine article about intercultural dialogue, working with a class-
I can identify whether an essay prompt is asking for an expository or an argumen-
tative / persuasive essay.

Test Two 47

Lesson 1
Prehistoric Britain
“History studies not just facts and institutions, its real subject is the human spirit.”
Fustel de Coulange
1 Archaeologists have found evidence to prove that humans
inhabited Britain in 800 000 BC.
What do you think they found?
2 7,000 years ago people began to change the way they lived.
Instead of hunting and gathering they became settlers who
farmed. Britain’s landscape changed dramatically. Why and
how do you think it changed?

3 Evidence from the Bronze Age reveals that a new mate-

rial – bronze was being used to make tools, weapons and
even statues! Why do you think this was an improvement on
wood and stone?

4 People learned domestication (keeping animals and crops).

Which animals do you think became domesticated? 6 Iron Age villages became more fortresses, built on hills with
Hedge structures were built all over Britain 4,500 years ago. walls and trenches (water fence around the fortress). Why
5 Some of them still survive today! What do you think they do you think these changes to villages were made by Celts
were used for? (Iron Age people)?

READING Tools for grinding grain

to make flour.
1 Read and match the British museum
Hadrian (reigned AD
artifacts with the time they belong 117-138) is famous as
to and form participle I (-ing), The Rillaton Bronze Age the emperor who built
eg.: moving (4/ move) or participle II Pot - one of the treasures the eighty-mile-long
(-ed/ ...), eg.: solved. of the British Museum - wall across Britain,
evidence of how a so- from the Solway ‘to
phisticated civilization separate the barbarians Tools for making clothes
Harpoon Stone scraper flourished in Britain BC. from the Romans’. 800 BC

48 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
The British Museum
This is the longest period in prehistory. It is also ... (1/ know) as the Stone Age due to the fact that the
800,000 BC majority of tools ... (2/ use) by humans in this period were ... (3/ make) from stone. During this period
– 10,500 BC the climate in Britain changed radically several times with large areas of land covered with thick ice dur-
ing the coldest periods known as the Ice Ages. There were warm periods in between and humans came
and went depending on the climate.
This period of prehistory marked the end of the last Ice Age. Humans returned to Britain as the climate
10,500 BC
got warmer and followed a hunter-gatherer life style ... (4/ move) around the landscape to find the best
– 4 000 BC
sources of seasonal food. Stone continued to be the main material for making tools. Small pieces of
stone were set into wood to make spears and harpoons.
This is the period when farming was ... (5/ introduce) to Britain. People moved from a hunter-gather
4 000 BC – lifestyle to a life-style based on ... (6/ farm) ... (7/ domesticate) animals and ... (8/ grow) crops. Hunt-
2 400 BC ing and gathering continued – as it does today – with fishing and berry/fruit collecting. Stone con-
tinued to be the main material used to make tools though pottery began to appear especially pots for
storing, cooking and eating food.
2 400 BC - At the start of the Bronze Age copper started to be used as a material for making tools. This was quickly
800 BC followed by bronze which is harder and better for making tools and household objects. Roundhouses
began to be ... (9/ build) and there is evidence for the appearance of social elites and armed conflict.
During this period iron emerged as a key material for making tools. Farming productivity increased and
800 BC -
the population grew. Regional groups of people – often known as tribes – emerged. In the late Iron Age,
AD 43
there was ... (10/ grow) contact with the Roman empire which had extended to include Gaul (modern
In AD 43 England and Wales became part of the Roman province of Britannia. Modern Scotland was
never fully ... (11/ conquer). By the end of the second century AD, Hadrian’s Wall was the northern-
AD 43 -
most frontier of the Roman Empire, whilst Ireland always remained outside. Roman rule finally came
AD 411
to an end in the early fifth century AD.
Roman rule continued for the next 400 years after which the Anglo-Saxon period began in England.

Think what you can read and find on the walls of the British Museum.

2 Say whether the information is true, false or not stated in 3. Archaeologists do not always know exactly what some
ancient objects were used for in the past.
the reading material.
1. Early farmers used tools to plant, harvest, process 4. Farming productivity decreased although the popula-
and store the cereal crops they grew. tion grew.
2. Pots were used for storing and cooking food. 5. Britannia was a Roman province.
6. England, Wales and Scotland became part of Britannia.

lesson 1 2 3 4 49
3 A. A group of objects all buried together are called a ‘hoard’.
Find a: coin necklace bracelet finger ring

1 2 3 4

B. Compare the pieces of jewelry of the past with the modern ones in your culture.
1 Read and continue The Code of Knighthood. 3 Listen to the song from King Arthur film. Fill in with the words.

The legends surrounding King Arthur and his

Song of the Exile
knights probably grew out of the struggles of Celtic Land of …. and land of ….
warriors in southwestern England against invading
Land that gave us …. and blessing
Land that …... us ever homewards
Saxons during the 6th century.
We … go home across the mountains
The Code of Knighthood was … .
1. The knight cannot attack … . We will go home, we will go home
2. The knight must treat … . We will go home across the mountains
3. The knight must always play … . We will go home, we will go home
4. To possess justice … . We will go home across the mountains
5. To protect the poor … .
6. To keep his body … . Land of … land of ….
7. To keep his spirit … . Land that gave us … and memories
Hear our singing hear our …
8. To strive for … .
We will go home across the mountains
9. To bear no false … .
10. To always protect … . Chorus…
Land of … and land of …
Land that gave us … and sorrow
2 Match the beginnings of The Code of Knighthood with the
Land that gave us love and laughter
We … go home across the mountains
a) an unarmed or injured knight
b) clean Chorus…
c) and weak
d) and loyalty When the … is there before us
e) a lady We have gone home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home
f) pure
We will go home across the mountains.
g) humility and avoid pride
h) fair
i) witness 4 Comment on lines that show the knights‘ attitude towards
j) the defeated with honour their land and The Code of Knighthood.
Design a British Museum leaflet. Include:
– the general information about Prehistoric Britain galleries; – free entry;
– the programme of exhibitions and events; – opening hours.

50 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 2
The American Dream
“You’ve got to jump off the cliff all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
Ray Bradbury about success.
Discuss in class and write in a W for a winner and a L for a loser. 5. A … works harder and has more time; a …is always
1. A … seeks for the goodness in a bad man, and works “too busy” to do what is necessary.
with that part of him; a … looks only for the badness 6. A … goes through a problem; a … goes around it, and
in a good man, and therefore finds it hard to work with never gets past it.
anyone. 7. A … says, “Let’s find out”; a … says, “Nobody knows.”
2. A … thinks there are rules for winning and losing; a … 8. A … says he’s sorry by making up for it; a … says ”I am
knows that every rule in the book can be broken, except sorry,” but does the same thing the next time.
one – be who you are, and become all you were meant 9. A …listens; a … just waits until it’s his turn to talk.
to be, which is the only winning game in the world. 10. A … is never gentle - he is either weak or pettily tyr-
3. A … believes in “fate”; a … believes that we make our annous by turns; a … feels strong to be gentle.
fate by what we do, or fail to do. 11. A … feels cheated if he gives more than he gets; a …
4. When a … makes a mistake, he says, “I was wrong”; feels that he is simply building up credit for the fu-
when a … makes a mistake, he says, “It wasn’t my ture.
fault.” 12. A … sprays, a …focuses.

1 Read and continue the story.

The Loser who Never Gave Up!

When he was a little boy his uncle called him “Sparky”,
after a comic-strip horse named Spark Plug. School was all
but impossible for Sparky.
He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He
flunked Physics in high school, getting a grade of zero. He
also flunked Latin, Algebra and English. And his record in
sports wasn’t any better. Though he did manage to make
for the school’s golf team, he promptly lost the only im-
portant match of the season. Oh, there was a consolation
match; he lost that too.
Throughout his youth, Sparky was awkward socially.
It wasn’t that the other students disliked him; it’s just that
no one really cared all that much. In fact, Sparky was aston-
ished if a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school
hours. There’s no way to tell how he might have done at
dating. He never once asked a girl out in high school. He it. But that didn’t seem to matter to him. In his senior year
was too afraid of being turned down… or perhaps laughed of high school, he submitted some cartoons to the year-
at. Sparky was a loser. He, his classmates… everyone knew book. The editors rejected the concept. Despite this brush-
it. So he learned to live with it. He made up his mind early off, Sparky was convinced of his ability. He even decided to
that if things were meant to work out, they would. Other- become an artist.
wise he would content himself with what appeared to be So, after completing high school, Sparky wrote to
his inevitable mediocrity. Walt Disney Studios. They asked for samples of his art-
One thing was important to Sparky, however — draw- work. Despite careful preparation, it too was rejected. One
ing. He was proud of his artwork. No one else appreciated more confirmation that he was a loser.

lesson 1 2 3 4 51
2 Match highlighted words with the definitions.
1. to fail or cause to fail to reach the required stand- 5. illustrations, photographs, or other non-textual mate-
ard in (an examination, course, etc.) rial prepared for inclusion in a publication
2. a person or thing that is a source of comfort in a time 6. a humorous or satirical drawing, esp. one in a newspa-
of suffering, grief, disappointment, etc per or magazine, concerning a topical event
3. a rejection or dismissal of someone by treating 7. a person who practises or is skilled in an art, esp. paint-
them as unimportant ing, drawing, or sculpture
4. the state of being average or ordinary in quality

Listen to the end of the story. Tick the sentences as true or false. True False

1. Sparky decided to tell his own life’s story in cartoons.

2. The main characters would be little girls who symbolized the constant losers.
3. Sparky’s cartoon character reminded people of the painful and embarrassing mo-
ments from their own past and their shared human nature.
4. The character soon became famous in Europe.
5. Sparky, the boy whose many failures never kept him from trying is the highly suc-
cessful American cartoonist, Charles Schultz.

Pair work. Student A (page 52). Student B (page 53). Ask and answer the questions to fill in with the missing information.
Basic Schulz Galleries Tour

The Basic Tour is built around the Charles M. Schulz Museum’s mission to ….(What/ mis-
sion?). Visitors will be guided through the Museum’s permanent exhibits, comprised of 3,588 comic
strips; the Nursery Wall painted by Schulz in his Colorado home in … (When / paint?); the re-
creation of Schulz’s studio; the outdoor gardens, Snoopy Labyrinth, and more. The tour will also en-
compass the Museum’s three changing galleries, where visitors can experience the breadth of Schulz’s
influence through varying themes.

Time: ….. ?
Availability: obtainable seven days a week; please reserve your tour at least three
weeks in advance. Call (707) 579-4452 ext. 273 or email tours@schulzmuseum.org.
Please note that we are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Fourth of July,
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day.
Cost: $...(?)Adults, $8 Seniors (62 and over with ID), and …(? ) Youth/Students (4–18 or with
valid student ID)

52 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Speaking. Student B. Pair work.
Ask and answer the questions to fill in the missing information.
Basic Schulz a) Take part in a cartoon creation. Fill in the bubbles.
Galleries Tour
The Basic Tour is built
around the Charles M.
Schulz Museum’s mis-
sion to preserve, display,
and interpret the art
of Charles M. Schulz.
Visitors will see … (
What/see?), comprised
of 3,588 comic strips; the
Nursery Wall painted
by Schulz in his Colo-
rado home in 1951; the
re-creation of Schulz’s
studio; the outdoor gar-
dens, Snoopy Labyrinth,
and more. The tour will
also encompass the Mu-
seum’s … (How many/
changing galleries/ of-
fer?), where visitors can
experience the breadth
of Schulz’s influence
through varying themes.

Time: 45–60 minutes,

plus up to 60 minutes for
visitors to stroll through
the Museum’s galleries
independently. Please
allow additional time to
visit Snoopy’s Home
Ice Arena and Snoopy’s
Gallery & Gift Shop af-
ter your Schulz Museum
Availability: …?
Cost: $10Adults, $...
(?) Seniors (62 and over
with ID), and $5 Youth/
(4–18 or with valid stu-
dent ID) b) Write a paragraph about a person you know who has coped with a problem and succeeded.

lesson 1 2 3 4 53
Lesson 3
The History of British Fashion
“Fashion trends may come and go, but have any movements left a lasting legacy?”

1 Look at the picture of Johnny Depp and say what image “the fashion icon”
wants to convey through clothes.

2 Say whether these statements are true or false in your opinion.

1. In schools many pupils dress down on Fridays, wearing less for-
mal clothes.
2. An invitation or a restaurant will ask people to dress in smart-
casual clothes which are informal, tidy and stylish.
3. A few people can buy designer label clothes but most people pre-
fer to buy clothes more cheaply off the shelf.
4. A suit is suitable for most office dress codes in Moldova.
5. Choosing the right outfit, a set of clothes for a particular occa-
sion, gives people much worry.
6. The bag should match your shoes.
7. The Italians have a reputation for being very stylish-both men
and women dressed very well.
8. Ties are very old-fashioned. People don’t wear them anymore.

1a Look at the pictures and read the article. Match each picture to a paragraph.
Speaking of Britain’s most famous and influential fashion movements, Richard Benson from Guide
London said: “The history of British fashion is incredibly important to us, especially as past trends are con-
stantly being reworked for modern fashion followers. “

1960s Mod
Teddy boys 1950s Mod, short for Modernists, came onto
in men’s
new trend appeared ted to
In 1950s London, a nnec
the British fashion scene in the early 1960s.
io n. Te dd y Bo y tre nd became widely co o’ to the Aiming to recreate traditional Italian, French
fash said ‘n
ll music scene. They and American looks, Mod Fashion has come
American rock ’n’ ro ra tio n. Th e Teds wore
of th eir parents’ gene back into style several times. The typical Mod
du ll clo th es cuffs and col-
co at s or jackets with velvet could be recognized by wearing a slim-fitting
kn ee -le ng th d suede shoes.
s, a sli m tie , co lo ur ed socks, and pointe , flat shoes, suit, usually of a dark colour, with a slim tie and
lar jeans
ncil skirts, rolled-up light-coloured shirt, eye-catching handkerchief
Teddy girls wore pe ha ts, ca meo brooches,
ve lve t co llars, straw in breast pocket and neat haircuts. They rode
jac ke ts wi th adopted the
d lo ng , ele ga nt clu tch bags. Later they motor scooters. Girls chose tight sweaters and
an irts.
er ica n fa sh io ns of voluminous circle sk mini-skirts.

54 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1980s New Romantics
1970s Punks
The subculture started in Lon-
punk fashion appeared in
Coinciding with the music movement, don nightclubs. The very essence of
limited cash, they often bought
London. As many urban young punks had New Romanticism was self-expres-
ld then deconstruct the clothes,
old clothes from charity shops. They wou sion. As such, followers wore bold
it. Some punks wore tight jeans,
creating an often crudely constructed outf clothing. This included shirts and
d with painted band logos, pins
leather jackets (which are often decorate jackets made from rich fabrics, like
and footwear such as Dr. Mar-
and buttons, and metal studs or spikes) velvet and silk, flamboyant head-
were popular among punks.
tens boots. Nose, eyebrow and lip piercing wear. New Romantics would often
wear bold make up.
Goths 1980s
Gothic Fashion became prevalent in the late 1980s, coinciding 1990s Ravers
with music subculture. Goth had existed for two decades. Followers of Inspired by the high-energy style of
Gothic fashion favour vampiric, dark clothing. This usually includes ht
rave music, rave fashion was bold, brig
black clothing, loose-fitting gothic or rock band T-shirts, long, black s incl ude :
and unmistakable. Key item
leather jackets, studded belts, and black platform boots. It is com- fy leg or
oversize smiley face t-shirts, fluf
mon for both male and female Goths to wear dark make up, which
arm warmers, neon and bright colours
involves heavy black eyeliner and black nail varnish. Hair is kept long
clothing. Music includes house, techno,
and dyed black. The preferred music of Goths includes gothic rock,
dub step, drum and bass.
death rock, post punk and neoclassical, to name a few.

1b Answer the questions.

1. How can one recognize Goths ?
2. What did the Teds reject wear-
3. What is the origin of ‘Mod’?
4. What fashion movement has
been inspiring piercing lovers?
5. What is the essence of New Ro-
mantics movement the way you
understand it?
6. What element is frequently met
in rave fashion?
7. What influenced the way people
dressed in 1950s- 1990s?

lesson 1 2 3 4 55
1c Match the highlighted words in the text to the correct 1d Find and circle materials in the word search.
1. not interesting or exciting – dull – n y l o n g n
2. arranged or done carefully; tidy –
3. soft and light –
4. coloured (e.g. about hair) – s u e d e h o
5. extravagant; showy –
6. enthusiastic, extravagant, free – i o a v b i w
7. the end parts of sleeves –
8. a large-headed nail used to fasten shirtfronts, col-
lars, etc – l u t e c g o

1e Circle the odd one out. k s h l d k l

1.tight, loose, fitted, short,
2. silk, stylish, smart, trendy,
3. woolen, suede, nylon, rave, e t e v e l l
4. cuff, collar, straw, shirt,
5. pin, button, stud, fur. f u r e f m e

SPEAKING a c o t t o n
Work in pairs. Answer the questionnaire.
Are you fashion conscious?
1. How would you define your own style in clothes?
a) I like the latest trends. b) I like classy clothes. c) I wear what I like.
2. How much do you know about the latest fashion?
a) I am very well-informed. b) I know something. c) I have no idea!
3. Do you go straight to the shop when the latest craze or fad appear?
a) I go and buy it. b) No, I don’t. I think about it first. c) I usually ignore it.
4. Is it important to spend a lot of money to be “stylish”?
a) Not at all b) Quite a lot c) Extremely important.
5. What clothes informally described do you prefer?
a) dressy (suitable for formal occasions), b) skimpy (close fitting, using little material),
c) baggy (loose, e.g. of sweater), snazzy (modern, stylish).
6. What may the person’s outfit reveal about his/her character?
a) It may reveal his values. b) It may reveal his sense of beauty.
c) The way the people are dressed say almost nothing about his/her character.

Write a paragraph about the image you would like to convey through clothes.

56 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 4
Literary Focus
Keep up With the Times
“Nothing is beautiful from all points of view.”
1 The word ‘art’ has several meanings. Which ones come to
your mind right now?
2 Guess the meanings of the word ‘art’ in the following sen-
tences. If necessary, consult a dictionary.
a. History, literature and philosophy are arts, while
chemistry, physics and biology are sciences.
b. Hers is the art of making friends, mine is the art of
treating them well.
c. Recently they have visited the Art Museum in Craio-
va situated in a building built in an architectural
style combining Renaissance with late Baroque.
d. In spite of all her arts, the young man was not at-
tracted to her.
e. In every art it is good to have a master.
f. Art is long and time is fleeting.
g. He who has an art has everywhere a part.

3 a. Draw the arrows pointing into the correct direction.

of talking creative
fine ART(S) gallery
school martial
of making friends
b. Complete the map with the words below. Point the ar-
rows correctly. c. Match some of the word combinations in b with the pic-
Abstract, work of, pop, black, modern, museum, tures they refer to. Explain your choice. Explain the meaning
man of, decorative, poetic, liberal, military, plastic, of the rest.
form, film, glass, of conversation, naïve.

Match the two halves to reconstruct some quotations about art. Agree or disagree with them.
1. Art has no enemy a. is to correct nature.
2. Art is an effort to create b. that the world has known.
3. Art is collaboration c. means to be sincere.
4. The secret of arts d. but ignorance.
5. To be natural in arts e. more to be admired than to be loved.
6. An artist needs f. but a conquest.
7. Art is not an imitation g. between God and the artist.
8. Art is the most intense mode of individualism h. beside the real world a more human world.

Explain the title of the lesson. Why do you think one should
5 keep up with the times?
6 Comment on the quotation of the lesson.

lesson 1 2 3 4 57
1 Work in pairs. The characters of the story “Fair of Face”
that you are going to read are John Franklin, the narrator,
2 Work in two groups. Each group will have a definite time to
cope with the following tasks:
Aubrey Melcombe, Deborah Franklin and Rosamund Clegg. Group 1. Scan the text to find as much evidence
Try to predict: as possible that will either confirm or invalidate the
a. the relationships between the characters. predictions you have made. Get ready to answer the
b. the occupation each of them has. questions of Group 2.
You may choose out of the following: assistant Group 2. Write down as many questions as you
at the museum, student, in charge of the museum, no manage about the characters you would like to find
occupation, colleague. answers to by asking Group 1.
Share your predictions with the other pairs.

3 Work in the same groups. Discuss what you have learned

about the characters and their relationships. Synthesize your
4 Read the text and check. Tell whether you agree with the
author that if a person has good looks “it would be asking
findings. Choose a speaker to share the final variant. Compare too much to expect anything startling in the way of brains.”
the variants. Come to a consensus. Draw conclusions.

FAIR OF FACE by Cyril Hare

John Franklin, who was my contemporary at Ox- “I never give sittings to photographers,” she said, “but
ford, invited me to stay with his people at Markhampton people will snap me in the street. It’s such a nuisance.”
for the Markshire Hunt Ball. He and his sister were get- “Photographs!” said Aubrey. “I mean your portrait–
ting up a small party for it, he said. the one that was painted four hundred years ago. Has no-
“I’ve never met your sister,” I remarked. “What is she body ever told you that you are the living image of the
like?” Warbeck Titian?”
“She is a beauty,” said John, seriously and simply. “I’ve never heard of the Warbeck Titian,” said De-
I thought at the time that it was an odd, old-fash- 40 borah, which was rather letting the side down, for War-
ioned phrase, but it turned out to be strictly and literally beck Hall is near Markhampton and its pictures are fa-
10 true. Deborah Franklin was beautiful in the grand, classic mous, though of course only visitors go to see them.
manner. She didn’t look in the least like a film star or a “Truly,” said Aubrey, “I dwell among the Philistines.
model. She had never been a deb, which was just as well, But you shall judge for yourself. Lord Warbeck is lending
for she would have made the other debs look more than the Titian to an exhibition in aid of the Cathedral Fund
ordinarily silly. I suppose her vital statistics were in order, which we are organizing in the spring. I’ll send you a ticket
but looking at her you forgot about them. It was the sheer for the opening.”
beauty of her face that took your breath away. Then he went off to dance with Rosamund Clegg,

Word Study
With looks like that, it would be asking too much to
expect anything startling in the way of brains, and I found
Deborah, though amiable, a trifle dull. She was of course
20 well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was per- deb. (short for debutante) [’debju:ta:nt], n. – (French) a
fectly prepared to discuss them, without conceit, just as a young girl or woman during her first season in society
man seven feet high might talk about the advantages and conceit [k¢n’si:t], n. – too high an opinion of oneself or of one’s
inconveniences of being tall. ability, importance, etc.
Most of our party were old friends of the Franklins, nuisance [’nju:sns], n. – thing or person that annoys, troubles, of-
who took Deborah for granted as a local phenomenon, but fends or is disagreeable
among them was a newcomer–a young man with a beard tint, n. – a. variety of colour; b. a delicate or pale colour
named Aubrey Melcombe, who had lately taken charge carmine [’k¡:mln], adj. – deep red with a tingle of purple
of the local museum. As soon as he set eyes on Deborah garb, n. – kind of clothing
he said: unruffled, adj. – not disturbed, calm
30 “We have never met before, but your face, of course, mirthlessly, adv. – without joy or fun
is perfectly familiar.” wryly [’ralll], adv. – ironically
Deborah had evidently heard that one before.

58 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
his assistant at the museum. She had a face which didn’t “And the press photographer? Had he been laid on,
50 distract you for one moment from her vital statistics, and too?”
was said to be his fiancee. “Oh yes. Aubrey arranged for someone to be there
I did not care much for Aubrey, or for his young to photograph me. He thought it would help to collect a
woman, but I had to admit that they knew their job when crowd. Not that I usually need that sort of thing to make
I came to the opening of the exhibition a few months later. people stop and look at me, of course.”
They had gathered in treasures of every sort from all over Her coolness was astonishing. If her tone betrayed
the county and arranged them admirably. The jewel of a hint of bitterness at the failure of the scheme, there was
the show was, of course, the great Titian. It had a wall to 110 not a trace of remorse. The serene beauty of her face was
itself at the end of the room and I was looking at it when as unruffled as ever. Even with the damning evidence of
Deborah came in. the statuettes in front of me, I found it hard to believe that
60 The likeness was fantastic. Lord Warbeck had never I was talking to a thief.
had his paintings cleaned, so that Titian’s flesh tints were “It was a very cleverly thought scheme altogether,” I
golden and carmine, in vivid contrast to Deborah’s pink said. “You and Aubrey must have put a lot of work into it.
and white. But that apart, the face behind the glass might I had no idea that you were such friends.”
have been her mirror image. By a happy chance she had I had spoken somewhat harshly, and for once I
chosen to wear a very plain black dress which matched up seemed to have made some impression on her maddening
well to the portrait’s sombre garb. She stood there still calm. There was a flush on her cheeks as she replied:
and silent, staring at her centuries-old likeness. I won- 120 “Oh yes, I’ve been seeing a good deal of him lately.
dered what she felt. Ever since the Hunt Ball, in fact.”
A pressman’s camera flashed and clicked. First one After that there didn’t seem to be much more to say.
70 visitor and then another noticed the resemblance, and The picture was fairly complete in my mind, though why
presently the rest of the gallery was deserted. Everyone such a magnificent creature as Deborah should have fallen
was crowding round the Titian to stare from the painted for a young insgnificant person like Aubrey was some-
face to the real one and back again. The only clear space thing that puzzled, and will continue to puzzle me.
was round Deborah herself. People were pushing each “There’s one thing I don’t quite understand,” I said
other to get a good view of her profile, without losing finally. “People were surrounding you and staring at you
sight of the Titian, which fortunately was in profile also. up to the moment you left the gallery. How did Aubrey
It must have been horribly embarrassing for Deborah, one 130 manage to pass the statuettes to you without anyone see-
would have thought, but she never seemed to notice them. ing?”
She went on peering into the picture, utterly absorbed, This time there was no doubt that, I had roused her
80 for what seemed a very long time. Then she turned round out of her calmness. She rounded on me in a fury of sur-
and walked quickly out of the building. As she passed me prise and indignation.
I saw that she was crying–a surprising display of emotion “Pass the statuettes to me?” she repeated. “Good
in one so calm. God! Are you suggesting that I helped Aubrey to steal
About ten minutes later Aubrey discovered that a them?”
pair of Degas statuettes was missing from a stand oppo- She looked like an angry goddess, and was about as
site the Titian. They were small objects and very valuable. charming.
The police were sent for and there was a considerable fuss, 140 “But– but–” I stammered. “But if you didn’t, who
but nothing was found. I left as soon as I could and went did?”
to the Franklins’. Deborah was in.
90 “Have you got the statuettes?” I asked. Phrases And Idioms
She took them out of her handbag. to take one’s breath away – to startle or surprise someone
“How did you guess?” to be aware of – to have knowledge
“It seemed to me that your reception in front of the to take something or someone for granted – to accept some-
Titian was a put-up show,” I explained. “It distracted at- thing or someone as true or certain without discussion
tention from everything else in the room while the theft to take charge of – to be responsible for
took place.” to see a good deal of – to see much of someone; to meet someone
“Yes,” said Deborah, reflectively, “Aubrey arranged often
it very cleverly, didn’t he? He thought of everything. He to fall for (colloq.) – to be attracted by the merits of (esp. when de-
even helped me choose this dress to go with the one in the ceived)
100 picture, you know.” to make no bones (about) (colloq) – to make no attempt to con-
ceal or deny

lesson 1 2 3 4 59
5 Find in the text words synonymous with the following ones. 2. Aubrey and Rosamund were not successful at all at or-
a. uncommon (line 8) i. valuables (55) ganizing the exhibition.
b. very thin (15) j. side view (75) 3. It was Aubrey who had arranged everything for the
c. appearance (17) k. larceny (97) theft.
d. attractive (19) l. non-success (108)
e. vanity (21) m. sign (110) B. Answer the following questions.
f. disconfort (23) n. peaceful (111) 1. What did Aubrey mean by saying that he dwelled
g. to live (43) o. anger (134) among the Philistines?
h. to decide (46) p. to hesitate (140) 2. Do you think Deborah realized she was used by the
other two in carrying out their well-thought plan? Give
A. Read the text more attentively and fulfill the tasks that
6 follow.
3. Who do you think had stolen the statuettes and why?
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). What makes you think so? Bring reasonable argu-
1. Deborah was taken for granted as a local phenom- ments.
enon but she didn’t excel in the way of brains.

1 Listen to the second part of the text and compare the end-
ing with the answers you gave in exercise 6B, question 3.
5 In the following examples choose the word that best suits
the meaning of each of the sentences and use it in the cor-
State how similar or different they are. rect form. Use a dictionary to check your answers.
1. a. He takes much … in his work.
Comment on the ending of the story. Did you expect the
2 story to end this way? Give reasons.
b. … makes her think there’s no one equal to her.
c. We did intend to tickle her … by saying that.
vanity, pride, conceit
3 Choose the letter of the definition which comes closest in mean-
2. a. She was … at the tag of her dress over her spec-
ing to the words in bold. Consult the dictionary, if necessary. tacles.
1. Aubrey gave them to her while all the uproar was b. The child … intently at the strange animal.
going on in front of the Titian. c. She didn’t even … at his outrageous proposal.
a. humour b. noise c. excitement peer, blink, gaze
2. When old, Deborah would still look like a classical 3. a. It is … that he hasn’t written for a whole month.
goddess, but one aware of the follies of mankind b. What a(n) … block of flats. It has only one
and a little weary of them. entrance.
a. mistakes b. foolishness c. wisdom c. This is a matter of … interest.
a. afraid b. tired c. patient peculiar, odd, strange
4. a. The Louvre has … a painting to the National Gal-
3. “Of course, I fell for it”, said Deborah and laughed
mirthlessly. b. Will you … us your ladder for some time?
a. merrily b. angrilly c. gloomily c. May I … your book for a while?
4. Deborah smiled rather wryly. loan, borrow, lend
a. ironically b. friendly c. carefully 5. a. The music … them from their studies.
b. A big crowd was … to the scene of the
4 Use a prefix from the box to form words antonymous to the
ones given below.
c. He seldom … his wife any compliments.
Friendly, advantage, convenience, Un attract, pay, distract
perfect, fortune, to use, to estimate, mis
proper, aware, complete, chance, dis 6 Use the verbs in parenthesis in the correct tense.
fair, to handle, real, to judge, under … When he was gone, a tall pale youth with
respect, favourable, admissible, to im long hair, who (to wait) patiently for Mr. Bigger all
inform, credulous, resistible, to ir the time, (to appear) in the doorway. His eyes (to be)
value, alienable. in dark and melancholy; his expression, his general ap-
pearance (to be) romantic and a little pitiable.

60 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
“Sorry (to keep) you waiting,” (to say) Mr. Big-
ger. “What you (to want) to see me for?”
7 Fill in with the correct preposition.
1. They were … earnest conversation. … time …
The young man (to hesitate). “The fact (to be),” time they would halt and one … them would explain
he (to say) at last, “I (to be) horribly short of money. something … the other who, … turn, would nod his
You can (to pay) me for that thing I (to do) for you head. 2. He reached his house … midnight and stared
the other day?” … her … amazement. 3. She made a great impression
“How much we (to settle) it for?” … me. 4. Just before Christmas they decided to pass
“Twenty pounds, I (to think).” … London … their way … Paris. 5. He wrote his res-
“Make it twenty five,” (to say) Mr. Bigger gener- ignation … the chairman … the board … directors,
ously. … order that he should be prepared to hand it … him
“Thank you. I (to suppose) you wouldn’t like to … once. 5. Two young girls … red came … . 6. I beg
have a show of my landscapes.” your pardon … calling you … your name. 7. He will
“No, nothing of your own,” (to reply) Mr. Bigger. suffer no one to interfere … his business.

1 Exchange Opinions.
1. How much information do you learn from the title? Do
says: “I had to admit that they knew their job”? How did
he guess that it was a “cleverly concocted scheme?”
you think it suits the story? Why or why not? Think of 6. Aubrey says: “I dwell among the Philistines.” Who do
your own title to it. Explain your choice. you think he refers to and why?
2. Do you think the setting makes a strong contribution to 7. Deborah turns out to be deceived by the other two. What
the story’s overall impact and meaning? Give reasons. characteristic features of hers do Aubrey and Rosamund
3. Speak about the composition of the plot. How soon does take advantage of to make her become a cover girl?
the author reveal the truth to the reader? 8. Deborah says: “It was Rosamund’s idea in the first
place. I am sure of that. Aubrey hasn’t the wits to think
2 Discuss about the Characters.
1. What ways of developing the characters does the writer
of anything so clever.” Do you think she is right in the
end? What makes you think so?
use? Does he make any comments about them? Cite 9. Why do you think Deborah decides to take the statu-
the text to prove your answer. ettes back to the gallery? Is it really silly of her to do so,
2. What is the role of the narrator? Is he involved in the or are there any reasons she wouldn’t like Aubrey to be
action and how much? Is it from mere curiosity that he prosecuted? What could these reasons be? What does
decides to go to Deborah as soon as he learns that the she gain by acting this way?
statuettes have been stolen? How much do you think 10. Speak on the author’s attitude to the heroine of the story.
he cares about Deborah and why?
3. How much information do we learn about Rosamund
3 Critical Thinking.
Clegg? Why does the author prefer to cast a shadow on 1. Deborah’s innocence may be considered one of life’s
her? Do you consider her to be the head of all evils? Why ironies. On the one hand, it is innocence that made her
or why not? Is she to blame for what she has done? fall into the trap Audrey and Rosamund set for her. On
4. What do we learn about Aubrey? Do you think he had the other hand, it is again from innocence that she de-
planned beforehand to involve Deborah into the lar- cides to return the statuettes to the gallery without “too
ceny or maybe he himself fell into Rosamund’s trap? much fuss,” thus spoiling their plans definitely. What
5. If Aubrey and Rosamund wanted to get married and lesson do you think Deborah learns after all? What les-
they needed money, why did they then take the statu- son should the readers learn? What moral would suit
ettes to Deborah? What does the author mean when he the story and why?

Fulfill one of the tasks below.

1. Write an imaginary interview with Deborah. Prepare a list of yes/no questions, as well as open-ended ones, in order to find
out the most important things you are interested in. Use both the text and your imagination.
2. Write a summary of the text “Fair of Face”.
3. In about 230-250 words comment on one of the statements:
a. “All things truly wicked start from innocence”.
b. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it”. Confucius
c. “Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful”. Robert Brault

lesson 1 2 3 4 61
Culture and Civilization
The Waterloo Sunset
1 Match the names with the pictures and be the winner of the quiz: “ How well do you know London?”
a c 1. Big Ben i m
2. The Houses of Parliament
3. Westminster Cathedral
4. Buckingham Palace
5. Windsor Castle
6. Piccadilly Circus
7. Trafalgar Square
d 8. St Paul’s Cathedral
9. The City of London n
10. The Tower of London j
11. Tower Bridge
12. Shakespeare’s
Theatre rebuilt
13. The National Gallery
14. Waterloo Station
e 15. Mme Tussauds
k o
b g

h l

2 Write the name of the place to visit next to its description.

1. e.g. Waterloo Station is a Central London railway
and the clock tower. The tower is officially known as
the Elizabeth Tower.The tower holds the second larg-
terminus and London Underground station. It is est four-faced chiming clock in the world. The tower
located near the South Bank of the River Thames. was completed in 1858.
A railway station on this site first came into being 4. … The castle was used as a prison from 1100 until
in 1848. 1952, although that was not its primary purpose. A
2. The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of grand palace early in its history, it served as a royal
the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the residence.
two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 5. … is a road junction and public space of London’s
It is commonly known as the ... after its occupants. West End in the City of Westminster, built in 1819 to
3. … is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at connect Regent Street with Piccadilly. In this context,
the northern end of the Palace of Westminster in a circus, from the Latin word meaning “circle”, is a
London, and often extended to refer to the clock round open space at a street junction.

3 As you read about Madame Tussaud’s, find out why Madame Tussaud’s is in and out of time.
Madame Tussaud’s London
For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud’s has en- up alongside your sports heroes. Getting close to the stars
tertained and amazed people of all ages, nationalities and has never been easier or more fun. The founder, born as
from all walks of life. After all, where else can you mingle Marie Grosholtz, came face to face with death. As a wax-
with movie stars, be counted amongst world leaders, or line worker of renown in Paris and former art tutor, she was

62 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
commanded by the leaders of the French Revolution to can cost well over £1,000 as each hair has to be individu-
take death masks from the decapitated heads of the victims ally inserted, taking about five weeks. All the figures regu-
of the guillotine. Having married a civil engineer, Francois larly have their hair washed and styled just like anyone else
Tussaud, she came to London early in the 19th century and would at a hairdresser.
by the time of her death in 1850 at the age of 89, her wax- “People actually talk to the stars,” says a spokesper-
works were famous. son for Madame Tussaud’s. Men and women tend to like
Today, a place in Madame Tussaud’s is one of the ul- different figures. The figure most photographed by men is
timate accolades of fame, and the current celebrity list in- Naomi Campbell, and the most photographed by women
cludes around 400 stunningly life like figures. Employing is Brad Pitt. However, the attention from the public isn’t
the best sculptors to create the most life-like reproduction, always friendly–for instance, Hitler had to be put behind
Madame Tussaud’s is particularly famous for its attention a special glass screen in the Chamber of Horrors because
to detail. Most figures are sculpted from sittings with the ac- people couldn’t stop abusing him.
tual person, and each takes about six months to complete. In 1850, Charles Dickens started a false rumour that
All the historic characters have been created after meticu- anyone who could make it through the night in the Cham-
lous study of old portraits and sculptures. The costumes are ber of Horrors would receive a cash reward. In fact only
re-created as accurately as possible – you won’t for instance two people have spent the night there.
find a Velcro fastening on a dress worn by Queen Victoria. In 1844, a night watchman accidentally found himself
From the first sitting to completion, it takes around locked in overnight, but managed to get through the ordeal
six months to create a figure, each costing about £30,000. by fortifying himself with strong liquor all night.
Over 150 precise measurements are taken to create an ac- BBC reporter Brian Johnston attempted to stay but
curate portrait. A completely new hair style for a figure was released in a state of nervous exhaustion at only 11pm!

4 What stands behind each figure?

Example: 200 stands for the 200 years Madame Tussaud’s has entertained and amazed people of all ages.

200 1850 89 150

30 000 1 000 1844 19th

5 A. Go to page 142. Listen to the song The Waterloo Sunset and fill in.
B. Read a comment on the song and write your own by analogy.

I love this song because I can just imagine London in

the 60’s whenever I hear it. It’s an era that ended be-
fore I was born, but the song paints it rose-coloured for
me, and makes me wish that I had been a part of it.

Project work.
Very touristy, really worth visiting if you are interested in architecture, famous
Design a “My native place” holi- for its historical monuments, packed with tourists in the summer, take photo-
day guide for English-speaking graphs, buy souvenirs, go out, have a good time, buy a guidebook, a map of the
visitors. Use the language town, go on a sightseeing tour of a town / castle / cathedral / art gallery / temple
related to sightseeing.

Culture and Civilization 63

Writing Skills Development
The Perfect Paragraph
“The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.”
Gustave Flaubert
1. When you write a paragraph, what types of 3. How do you know when to start a new paragraph?
information do you include? 4. How many paragraphs are there generally in an
2. How do you tell the reader what it is about? expository essay? How many in an argumentative /
persuasive essay?
EXAMPLES) are a basic building block of informational writing. They More tips to writing
help the reader to understand your main idea, and they help to convince the perfect paragraph:
the reader you are correct. In an essay, each paragraph
If the prompt said, “Tell me something, I would not otherwise know about should only contain one idea!
you,” you should use a S.E.E. paragraph to explain something about your- In a short answer scenario
self and convince the reader it is true. like the Culture and
Civilization topics on the
S Say it: Baccalaureate, each part

E Explain it: of Explain it, should have

corresponding pieces of

E Give Evidence or Examples: evidence.

Something you would not know about me Something you would not know about me otherwise is,
otherwise is that I might be small, but I am even though I am quiet and shy when I am at school, with
really strong. I am strong because I exercise my friends at home, I am the person everyone listens to.
a lot as work and for fun. When I work in I have known my friends at home for all my life and I
the vineyards with my parents I am the one am very comfortable with them. In elementary school
who can carry all the heavy things, the tools, my friends started spending all their free time at my house.
the grapes we harvest. I can carry 25kg on When they were there I was the person in charge so they got
each shoulder easily. During the winter, I go to used to listening to me. I was also very loud and energetic
the gym and lift weights. There are guys there back then so it was hard not to listen to me! I still am in
who are bigger than me, but I can still lift charge around my friends, just this last weekend, I dragged
more weight than them. In fact, I can lift my everyone to karaoke and made them sing.
bodyweight and they can’t.

The underlined sentence, the SAY IT sentence, is almost always at the very beginning. It is also called a topic sen-
tence, because everything in the paragraph is about that topic.

The section in bold, the EXPLAIN IT sentence, explains the WHY? of the SAY IT. It connects the SAY IT sentence
to the EVIDENCE or EXAMPLES. Sometimes SAY IT and EXPLAIN IT can be part of the same sentence joined
by using “because”. As long as the ideas are both there, it is fine as one sentence.

Notice there is much more script in italics (EVIDENCE or EXAMPLES) than there is in bold. (EXPLAIN IT).
How many pieces of evidence do you see in each example?

Does the writer make one clear point that responds to the prompt, “Tell me something, I would not otherwise
know about you”? Do they convince you what they say is true?

64 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Read the following paragraph and identify the S.E.E. components.
The Great Lakes, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron (or Michigan–Huron), Erie, and Ontario, deserve the name
“Great.” These five lakes on the Canadian-United States border are so large they are sometimes called inland seas.
They have rolling waves, sustained winds, strong currents, great depths and distant horizons. They form the largest
group of freshwater lakes on Earth. They contain 21% of the world’s fresh water by volume. The total surface is 94,
250 square miles (244, 106 km2). Lake Superior is the largest continental lake in the world by area, and Lake Michi-
gan is the largest lake that is entirely within one country.
1. Can you identify the SAY IT sentence?
2. What is the EXPLAIN IT sentence?
3. How many pieces of evidence in this paragraph support the idea in the SAY IT sentence?
4. Is everything in the paragraph about the SAY IT sentence? Are you convinced it is true?

2 In a group of three or four, write a S.E.E. paragraph explaining to an English-speaking visitor something he or she does not know
about your town, region or country. Proofread your work.
1. Underline your SAY IT sentence.
2. Highlight your EXPLAIN IT sentence in one color.
3. Count the number of pieces of evidence you use in your EVIDENCE or EXAMPLES and highlight them in
another colour.

Types of Evidence: The three kinds of evidence

are: Facts, Examples, and arguments from an 3 Identify the types of evidence given here, (F) Fact, (E) Example, (A)
Authority. Authority
In the paragraph below, an (F) is placed next to SAY IT: The Great Barrier Reef is the best of the 7 Natural
a fact, an (E) for examples and an (A) for authority. Wonders of the World. EXPLAIN IT: because it is the largest
SAY it: The Grand Canyon is the best of the 7 structure made by living organisms and houses thousands of in-
Natural Wonders of the World. teresting species of animal life.
EXPLAIN IT: Not only is it extraordinarily big, EVIDENCE: The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Aus-
it reveals 2 billion years of the Earth’s history, and tralia, is the world’s largest coral reef system. It connects thou-
you can also do many fun activities in and around it. sands of reefs and 900 islands. It is so big it can be seen from
EVIDENCE: The Grand Canyon is 5,000 sq outer space. The Great Barrier Reef is the home to 1,000 differ-
km. (F) It is so big you can see it from space. (F) ent species of animal life including dangerous and endangered
It is in the state of Arizona but touches the borders species. Saltwater crocodiles live on the Reef as do 100 spe-
of two other states, Utah and Nevada.(F) You can cies of sharks and sting rays. Surfing off the Reef is considered
stand on one side and cannot see the other! (F) The dangerous because the Great White shark is one of the shark
Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River species that attacks people. Sting rays, especially the very big
carving down through the Earth’s surface and 6 mil- ones can also kill humans if they sting them. There are many en-
lion years of geologic activity including earthquakes. dangered species that also live on the reef including the dugong
(F)These processes have uncovered 2 billion years (sea cow) and the large green turtle. The coral reef itself is the
of the Earth’s processes showing animal and plant most interesting example of animal life there. The Great Bar-
fossils embedded in the rock. (F, E) There are also rier Reef is made up of 400 different species of both hard and
a lot of ways you can have fun and explore in the soft coral. Coral grows by mass spawning events when the sea
Grand Canyon. You can hike, white water raft, or warms during particular times of the year. Male coral produce
ride horses in it. (E)You can also go for a walk on a their part, the female coral produces theirs and the sea mixes
glass walkway on the Western Rim of the Canyon. them to create new baby corals. Finally, The Great Barrier Reef
If you can look down, you will see the canyon floor is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because the organization
4000ft/1,200meters below you! It isn’t just my fa- considers it a “site of unique beauty and diversity.”
vourite. UNESCO has declared it a World Heritage
site and called it “the most spectacular gorge in the 4 Research the other 5 Wonders of the Natural World, Write a S.E.E.
paragraph about the one you think is the best.
world.” (A)

Writing Skills Development 65

Round Up
1 What is the main purpose of a museum?

2 What do you expect to find in a museum?

3 What is the best way of going round a museum?

(with a guide, in a group, on a conducted tour or on
your own?)

1 Match the pictures to their descriptions.

b c d

e f g

2 Write the letter of the corresponding image with the correct description of the museums below.

1.With a building in the shape of a melted piano, this museum is devoted to popular culture and
all rock and roll things and science fiction.
2. Calling itself the “Happiest Place on Earth,” this museum is devoted to cuddly and lovable
rodents with big ears.
3. Hoping to encourage health, the creators of this museum created a 35-meter replica of a hu-
man body.
4. Founded in 1990 in honour of his cat, Tom, William Meijer created this museum as a tribute
to all feline things.
5. You’ll need scuba equipment or a glass-bottomed boat to visit this fantastic art museum of
life-size sculptures.
6. The Fashion and Textile Museum museum is a place of learning, ideas and networking for
the fashion and jewellery industry.

66 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Founded in 1990 in honour of his four-legged friend,
3 Listen and fill in with missing words. Tom, William Meijer created this museum as ... (6) to all
Museums come in all ... ... ... (1). People all over the feline things. There are paintings, sculptures and an assort-
world are devoted to their passions, interests and hobbies. ment of art pieces that will tickle the fancy of any cat fan.
Here are some descriptions of actual museums. See if you can You’ll also find 5 live cats in residence.
match the description with the name of the museum. While most museums are found in buildings, you’ll
With a building in the shape of a melted guitar, this need scuba equipment or a glass-bottomed boat to visit this
museum is ... (2) to popular culture and all things rock and fantastic art museum of life-size sculptures. Each of the sculp-
roll and science fiction. It was ... (3) by Microsoft co-founder tures is made of special clay to ... (7) marine growth, so one
Paul Allen in 2000, and boasts the largest collection of rare day this may be an eco-museum as well as an art museum.
artifacts and paraphernalia celebrating rock and roll greats The Fashion and Textile Museum is a cutting edge cen-
Jimi Hendrix and the band Nirvana. tre for contemporary fashion, textiles and jewellery in Lon-
Calling itself the “Hoppiest Place on Earth,” this mu- don. Founded by iconic British designer Zandra Rhodes,
seum is devoted to cuddly and lovable rodents with big ears. the centre showcases a programme of changing exhibitions
You can find ceramic, cartoon, plastic, and fabric rabbits ... exploring elements of ... (8), textile and jewellery. Situated
(4) in this museum; 28,000 in all. But don’t forget to bring in the heart of fashionable Bermondsey Village, in a fantastic
some carrots for the 7 live rabbits as well. building designed by Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta,
Hoping to encourage health, the creators of this mu- the FTM aims not just to display and ... (9) items relating to
seum created a 35-meter ... (5) of a human body. You enter fashion, jewellery and textile design, but to offer inspiration
through a sore in the leg and wander throughout the diges- to a new generation of creatives. Now redeveloped and oper-
tive system and can even jump up and down on the tongue. ated by Newham College, the museum is a hub of learning, ...
Be careful with the teeth, however, they might be sharp. (10) and networking for the fashion and jewellery industry.

4 Give a dictionary-like definition to any word in exercise 3. Ask your classmates to guess the words.

Read from ‘Museum Etiquette’ elaborated by bad guys and work out a leaflet “Museum Etiquette 2”
from the perspective of the museum’s administration.
Museum Etiquette
– Attach bargain price tags to the stuffed animals. — Turn all the modern art paintings upside down
– Tape signs on the backs of museum guards that say “ NEANDERTHAL and see if anyone can tell the difference.
MAN.” — Create your own installations using bits of paper,
– Climb inside a dinosaur skeleton and pretend you’re a prisoner of the mu- a shoelace, the bread crust from your ham sand-
seum. wich, and see if the other patrons admire it.
– When you look at the wooly mammoth skeleton, ask “Where is the beef?” — Put SOLD stickers on the artwork.

Work in 2 teams. Agree or disagree with the statement.
All Works of Art Should Be Returned to the Museums of the Country They Came From.
Team A agrees with the statement. These ideas Team B disagrees with the statement.
might help you: – no funds available to re-purchase.
– art is part of national heritage. – a corrupt state could misuse privilege.
– works of art lose their original environment. – owners not prepared to sell.
– only the state can afford proper protection. – suggestion undemocratic.
– culture belongs to the people.

Round Up 67
Test Three
1 Read and cross out the extra word.
The major museums in London are the British Mu- British Art and the national museum of modern art. These
seum with the national/local (1) collection of antiquities, galleries hold/put on (5) special temporary exhibitions.
the Victoria and Albert Museum, which houses/makes (2) The Hayward Gallery and the Royal Academy put on a se-
the world’s largest display/exhibition (3) of the decorative ries of shows, some of which are extremely popular. The
arts, the Natural History Museum and the Science Muse- Royal Academy is famous for its Summer/ Winter (6) Ex-
um. There are numerous other small museums in London hibition. Outside London there is the Burrell Collection/
and throughout the country, with the emphasis on history/ Selection (7) near Glasgow and the Tate Galleries in Liv-
heritage (3). Art galleries in London which house perma- erpool. Most major towns and cities have their own muse-
nent/temporary (4) collections include the National Gal- ums and art galleries.
lery and the Tate Gallery, which is the nation’s gallery of

2 Read the articles below. Deduce and write the main purposes of the museum and fashion exhibitions.
The first-ever exhibition on the fashion and interior de-
sign of Thea Porter (1927–2000) who pioneered bohemi-
an chic in the 1960s and 1970s. Her shop in Greek street, in
Soho opened in 1966 and instantly drew a rock and film
star crowd of clients from the Beatles and Pink Floyd to
Elizabeth Taylor, Faye Dunaway and Barbara Streisand.
The retrospective covers Porter’s life and career from her
early years in Jerusalem and Damascus, Beirut in the 1950s,
Soho in the 1960s, and New York, Los Angeles and Paris in
the 1970s. Featuring outfits worn by some of the world’s
best-dressed women, the exhibition explores the influence
of Middle Eastern and North African textiles and culture
on 20th century fashion and interior design. Highlights in- the Wrap-over dress; the Chazara jacket; and the Sirwal
clude Porter’s seven signature looks: the Abaya & Kaftan; skirt, as well as important fashion photography from the
the Gipsy dress; the Faye dress; the Brocade-panel dress; pages of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Women’s Wear Daily.

About FTM
The Fashion and Textile Museum is a cutting edge Ricardo Legorreta, the FTM aims not just to display and
centre for contemporary fashion, textiles and jewellery collect items relating to fashion, jewellery and textile de-
in London. Founded by iconic British designer Zandra sign, but to offer inspiration to a new generation of crea-
Rhodes, the centre showcases a programme of changing tives. Now redeveloped and operated by Newham College,
exhibitions exploring elements of fashion, textile and jew- the museum is a hub of learning, ideas and networking for
ellery. Situated in the heart of fashionable Bermondsey Vil- the fashion and jewellery industry
lage, in a fantastic building designed by Mexican architect

68 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
3 Explain what role the following things played in the stone age.

4 Consider the thesis. Bring arguments for the ideas below.

All visits to museums and monuments should be free!
culture for all who will pay?
money available
educational ideas fees minimal
museums in financial difficulties
reductions for students and senior citizens
importance of our heritage


Self Assessment B1+ PORTFOLIO Européen

des Langues

Listening Yes No Improve

I can understand a description of a touristic place when my classmate describes it.
I can decipher true ideas from the false ones after listening to a historical
I can use idioms and expressions in my speech.
I can discuss historical events that took place in the UK.
I can use the participle forms in my speech.
I can continue a story after reading it.
I can give definitions to new words and notions.
I can understand texts about fashion and its historical development in the UK.
I can write a S.E.E. paragraph.
I can write a leaflet about a museum.
I can take part in creating a cartoon if working with my classmates.

Test Three 69

Lesson 1
A Voice to Be Heard
“Every voice should be a voice to be heard.”
Louis Armstrong
Answer the following questions:
1. What things do all people need to live a life with dignity? Think about physi-
cal (food, shelter) and emotional needs (love, respect, hope).
2. Are some of these things more important than others? Do some have to
come first in order for the others to be possible?
3. Is it the responsibility of governments to provide its citizens with these hu-
man necessities? Why or why not?
4. What are the ways governments can use to enforce the law and to provide its
ctizens with social protection? Give examples.

1 Listen to the song and decide which lines you find suggestive of friendly relationships
among peoples of the world.
If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of Like the man in the moon has when the moon
Spring beams
Every heart would have a new song to sing
And we’d sing of the joy every morning would bring If I ruled the world every man would say the
world was his friend
If I ruled the world, every man would be as free as a bird There’d be happiness that no man could end
Every voice would be a voice to be heard No my friend, not if I ruled the world
Take my word we would treasure each day that occurred
Every head would be held up high
My world would be a beautiful place There’d be sunshine in everyone’s sky
Where we would weave such wonderful dreams If day ever dawned when I ruled the world
My world would wear a smile on its face If I ruled the world

2 Read the quote under the title of the lesson. Why is it, “Every voice” instead of “Each voice”?

3 This song, by Louis Armstrong is written in the 2nd “If Conditional.” The structure is usually if + past simple and
would + infinitive. It’s not important which clause comes first. Find this structure in the text. In the 1st “If Condi-
tional” sentences, the structure is usually if + present simple and will + infinitive. It’s not important which clause
comes first. Change the song into the 1st “If conditional.”
Rewrite a stanza of this song about what the world would be like if you ruled it.
Try to use the same amount of syllables in each line. Make the lines rhyme.

70 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Discuss the following in small groups. Note:
1. Do all societies have the same values about how women and minorities are The term minority, as used
treated? Give examples from history. in the United Nations human
2. What examples from today can you think of that show the similarities and dif- rights system, usually refers to
ferences in how societies regard women and minorities? (Think about roles at national or ethnic, religious and
home, what kinds of jobs they have, are they in positions of power as often as linguistic minorities, pursuant
to the United Nations Minorities
non-minority men?). Refer to Unit 2, Lesson 3.
Declaration. All States have one
Extension: Research issues of social equity, values and the roles of women and or more minority groups.
minorities in Sweden and compare it to Moldova or the United States or the UK.
1 Read the text below and be ready to define what human rights are.

Human Rights: What Are They? Who Decides, and Why?

In the course of over thirty years, 80,000,000 people completely. Forty-eight countries voted to adopt the Dec-
died in two world wars. During the Second World War, laration, while eight decided not to vote. The non-voting
people were enslaved, imprisoned, tortured and executed countries included the Soviet Union and the Communist
without trial, both by the governments of their own coun- bloc, as well as Saudi Arabia and the Union of South Africa.
tries, as well as by those they were at war with. In 1945, It is believed but not proven as fact that the USSR and the
after World War II, fifty nations came together to form the Communist bloc voted against the Declaration because
United Nations (UN), with the primary goals of maintain- it identified as a right the ability of people to freely leave
ing international peace and security and safeguarding hu- and return to their countries. It is also believed that Saudi
man rights. The United Nations Charter “reaffirmed faith Arabia abstained, or chose not to sign the declaration be-
in fundamental human rights, and the dignity and worth of cause it contained ideas that Shari’a (Islamic law) does not
the human person,” and committed all member states to agree with. Finally, the Union of South Africa at the time
promote “universal respect for, and observance of human was practising institutionalized racial discrimination called
rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinc- “apartheid,” while the Declaration states that all humans
tion as to race, sex, language or religion.” should be treated equally.
Realizing that it was important to identify specifically Today there are 193 member countries in the United
what these rights are, the United Nations adopted the Uni- Nations, all of whom have signed the Universal Declara-
versal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. In tion on Human Rights. The Republic of Moldova acknowl-
the Declaration on Human Rights there are 30 articles list- edges the UDHR in Article 4 of the Constitution, adopted
ing rights, including “the right to life, liberty, and security in 1994:
of person” as well as freedom of movement, the right to pri- Article 4. Human Rights and Freedoms (1) Consti-
vacy, the right to education, and the right of citizens to par- tutional provisions for human rights and freedoms shall
ticipate in their government. It also includes rights that are be understood and implemented in accordance with the
more difficult to guarantee for instance, the right to work, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and with other
to social security, and to an adequate standard of living. conventions and treaties endorsed by the Republic of
Not all UN member states agreed with the UDHR Moldova.

An expository text is a piece of writing 2 Answer the questions:
aiming at informing the reader. The text is 1. What were the main goals behind writing the UDHR?
fact-based, having the purpose of exposing the 2. Are some human rights more important than others?
truth through a reliable source. It can include 3. Who has the responsibility to protect human rights?
evidence of opinion. A true and deliberate ex- 4. Read the note on the left and explain which section on the
pository text will focus on educating its reader. Baccalaureate might ask you to write a similar text?
Other descriptors of exposition are clear, 5. How is it different from making an argument?
concise, and organized. An expository text gets 6. In your own words, explain the meaning of the collocation
to the point quickly and efficiently.
‘reliable source’ .

lesson 1 2 3 4 71
4 Human Rights = European Values
Complete 5 6
the crossword. Protects the dignity of a person when accused or con-
victed of a crime or in time of war
7 Down
8 1. The law is the most important thing in any act of the
2 decision making process
1 3 2. The opposite of corruption
3. A type of government elected by the people that
works for the people

4. Examples of these are education, healthcare, pensions

5. The liberty to gather freely to express needs or atti-
6. The right to life, liberty, and security of person
7. Equal treatment under the law for all regardless of
race, ethnicity, religion, gender, wealth, ability, illness,
or language
8. Men and women are equally treated in all state insti-
Word Bank: (No spaces between the words.)
Rule of law is included twice.
Zero tolerance to torture and ill treatment, rule of law,
freedom of assembly, democracy, human rights, rule
of law, gender equality, social protections, equality

Discourse Markers for Essay Writing and for Speaking

Discourse markers are like signposts (STOP, YIELD, DEAD END) for the reader. They tell the
reader where you are heading. Additionally, an indication of how well you know English is how
well and how often you can use discourse markers.
balancing contrasting points generalizing
on the one hand, on the other hand, while, whereas in general, in all/ most/ many/ some cases, apart from...,
emphasising a contrast except for
however, nevertheless, mind you, still, yet, in spite of this giving examples
similarity for instance, for example; e.g., in particular
similarly, in the same way logical consequence
concession and counter-argument therefore (formal), as a result (of) (formal), consequently
concession: it is true, of course, certainly, if (formal), so, then
counter-argument: however, even so, but, nevertheless, structuring
nonetheless, all the same, still first(ly), first of all, second(ly), third(ly) etc, lastly, finally,
contradicting to begin with, to start with, in the first/ second/ third
on the contrary, although, in contrast, otherwise place, for one thing, for another thing
adding Note that firstly/ secondly etc. are more formal than
moreover (very formal), furthermore (formal), in addition, first, second etc., and are more common in British than
as well as that, on top of that (informal), another thing is, American English.
what is more, besides; in any case summing up
cause and effect in conclusion, to sum up, briefly, in short, in all, overall
because, so, therefore, thus, consequently, hence

72 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 2
A Borderless World
“It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.”
Kofi Annan

1 Read the following statements, mark them as True (T) or False (F):
1. The United States of America has more land than Europe.
2 Answer the following questions:
1. What is globalization?
2. More people, goods, information, money cross borders 2. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of
now than they did 30 years ago. globalization for the average person?
3. Countries in Eastern Europe are richer than those in 3. Respond to the following quote, “Our task
Western Europe. is not to make societies safe for globaliza-
4. Economies based on agriculture are usually the richest. tion, but to make the global system safe for
5. It is possible for a country not to interact/engage/depend decent societies.” John J. Sweeney
upon any other country.
1 Read the text paying close attention to the various groups that comprise the EU.

The European Union: What is it? How does it work?

Why was it created, and what are its purposes now?
What is it? 2
The European Union (EU) is a unique economic
and political partnership between 28 European countries.
What began as a purely economic union has evolved into an
organization that handles many issues, from the environ-
ment to providing development aid. The EU has helped to
improve living standards, and launched a single European
currency, the Euro. One of the EU’s main goals is to safe-
guard human rights both internally and around the world.

1 the EU Member States, meets frequently to take policy de-

cisions and adopt EU laws that have been proposed by the
European Commission.
The European Parliament, which represents the
people, shares legislative and budgetary power with the
The European Commission, which represents the
common interest of the EU as a whole, is the EU’s main ex-
ecutive body. It puts forward proposals for legislation and
ensures that EU policies are properly implemented. (www.

What is now the European Union was a project started
How Does it Work? after the Second World War to unite Europe economically.
The European Council sets the EU’s overall political It was created firstly as the Coal and Steel Community, to
direction. The Council, which is made up of ministers from bring together the most important European producers so

lesson 1 2 3 4 73
the world. People had got more opportunities to travel,
3 to work, to study, and to communicate with their coun-
terparts in countries that had been formerly closed off or
were very far away. Communism fell in Eastern Europe,
increasing opportunities for people to travel, work, and
study throughout all of Europe. This meant opportunities
for Europe itself to unite or to further integrate. At the same
time, cell phone and the Internet technology had become
available, on the world stage, and people could commu-
nicate and acquire information much more quickly. The
term globalization characterizes this period. While move-
ment of peoples, goods, money, and information have al-
ways occurred, “globalization is a broadening, deepening
and speeding up of world-wide interconnectedness in all
Robert Schuman aspects of life, from the cultural to the criminal, from the
financial to the environmental.” (Held et al, 1999)
that an economic unity could bring a political unity. To put
it more simply, the belief was that if the countries in Europe Social and Political Values
relied on each other to both buy and sell goods, they could For countries, the process of integration with the Eu-
avoid getting into another war. The participating countries ropean Union means gaining access to more favourable
encouraged trade with each other by not charging taxes or economic opportunities. More importantly, it also means
tariffs on imported goods from countries within the group. committing to the social and political values of the EU.
As time went on, most of the countries of Europe that According to their website, www.europa.eu, “the Euro-
were not Communist became members in what was then pean Union is founded on the values of respect for human
known as the European Economic Community. dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and
By the 1990’s, the European Economic Community respect for human rights, including the rights of persons
had become aware of the fact that there were some other belonging to minorities.”
things besides those dealing with economy. These issues To become a member of the European Union (EU), a
included the understanding that people as well as products country must incorpo-
should be able to move freely between countries; that pol- rate into its laws respect
lution was an issue that could not be tackled by individual for these values. In ad-
countries, and that security issues such as terrorism, drugs dition, these values
and human trafficking, etc., were challeging Europe. The must also be commonly
main security goal of the European Union was to make war practised by the coun-
on the European continent not possible. try’s society. Article 7
By 1993, The Single Market had been formed with of Treaty of European
its “four freedoms” of movement—movement of goods, Union provides for the
services, people, and money. By 1999, the two treaties suspension of certain
that formed the European Union as we now know it, the rights of a member
Maastricht Treaty and the Treaty of Amsterdam, had been state if a member per-
signed. sistently breaches the 4
The 1990’s saw many changes in Europe and around EU’s founding values.

2 Answer the questions:

1. Why was the European Union formed ini- 3. Why did it become more than an economic union in
tially? the 1990’s?
2. Is the governing structure of the EU (council, 4. What do you think ‘to live with dignity’ means? Can
parliament, commission) similar to that of you think of examples of when people are treated
the Moldovan government? How is it the without dignity?
same? How is it different? 5. What do the pictures in the lesson reprezent?

74 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
3 Match A with B to produce facts about EU. Compare your answers with the information from the text.
a) an organization that handles many issues, from the environment to providing devel-
1. to be opment aid;
2. to launch b) a single European currency, the Euro;
3. to evolve into c) respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for
4. to safeguard human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities;
5. to gain d) a unique economic and political partnership between 28 European countries;
6. to commit to e) human rights both internally and around the world;
7. to promote f) EU values;
g) access to more favourable economic opportunities;

4 Make a T chart. List the costs and benefits of joining the European Union for Moldova. See which side you have the most argu-
ments for: in favour of or against joining or not joining the EU. Write 2 paragraphs, using the S.E.E. structure, that summarize
the most important arguments for and against Moldova joining the EU. Make sure you use examples for each argument!

5 Write a dialogue with a partner. Perform it in class.

Giving advice is just another form of persuasion or argumentation. People give and get advice all the
time. Who do you listen to and why? In this speaking activity you will give advice about voting for a
Pro-European integration party. You and your partner will each select a character to play. Integration
has different costs and benefits for different people. Try to understand how integration with EU will
produce a different impact on a teenager or a grandma.

Your choices of characters are:

a teenager a wine shop owner an engineer

a grandma a married mother of 2 sons a wine producer
a apple grower a hotel owner a farmer’s market vendor
a tool manufacturer a college student a 50-year-old construction
an English teacher a waitress worker

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

6 Write a 12-line dialogue, where
you and your friend are giving each Honestly, I just don’t know how to vote. What do you think I
other advice about how to vote. should do?
Make it a natural conversation, as
How might voting for the pro-European party help me and my
if it were in a real-life situation.
Use the information/examples
from your S.E.E. paragraphs. It could help you/your family/your business by……….

Add 3 more discourse markers. Seriously, it’s a hard decision. It could hurt you/your family/your
business by….
Use modal verbs 2 more times.
You must do what you think is best.
How might integrating with the European Union help or hurt me?

How do Moldovans in general feel about European values? Pick two values to write about. Do they agree or disagree with them?
Give examples to support your arguments.

lesson 1 2 3 4 75
Lesson 3
“To live fully, we must learn to use things and love people, and not love things and use people.”
John Powell


1 In pairs, answer the following questions. Share your answers.

1. Do people value having money and owning things too much
in our society?
2. Has having money and buying things always been valued in
3. Why do you think it is different now? Is it good or bad for our
society to value money and things? What examples can you
use to support your arguments either in favour or against the
idea that money doesn’t bring happiness?
4. How has globalization changed what we value and can buy
here in Moldova?

2 Work in pairs and analyze the definition of “consumerism”.

Consumerism is a so- ... a modern movement ... the concept that

... the fact or
cial and economic order for the protection of the an ever-expanding
practice of
and ideology that en- consumer against useless, consumption of
an increasing
courages the acquisition inferior, or dangerous prod- goods is advanta-
consumption of
of goods and services in ucts, misleading advertising, geous to the econo-
ever-greater amounts. unfair pricing, etc. my of the country.

3 Give your own definition of “consumerism’.

4 Do you feel the phenomenon of consumerism affects the Republic of Moldova as well?

76 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5

1 Read the text and select the three most important points the author makes in regard to the dangers of consumerism.

Dan, a student transporting these components in the form of emissions.
+ from the U.K.: More costs are incurred by the environment when these
electronic products are thrown away. This is called e-waste.
A couple of days Electronic devices contain a number of nasty chemical-like
ago, the battery in my lead, mercury, and poly-brominated flame retardants. To
smartphone died. The recycle electronic devices, they need to be carefully dissem-
sad thing is that I knew bled and the chemicals disposed of carefully. Otherwise
it was going to happen they are harmful to both human health and the environ-
since I bought it more ment. Unfortunately, this is also an expensive task which
that three years ago. “A means that many companies choose to avoid looking for
pity”, a friend reacted, ways of spending this money judiciously. They choose to
“ you will have to buy a new one.” It is sad. Why? Because harm the environment instead.
business models like Apple’s force consumers to think it is Instead of paying for the labour and the proper care-
natural to purchase new devices after only a couple of years. ful disposal of these dangerous chemicals, many companies
Indeed, the lifespan of batteries in consumer devices is as- choose to send the electronics ‘to be sent’ to “developing”
tonishingly short. In addition, software updates make “old” countries. These countries have cheap labour force and
devices, like the iPhone 4 or iPad 1, incompatible with the fewer laws to protect the environment. When e-waste is
newest versions. It is, for example no longer possible to in- dissembled without using environmentally friendly proc-
stall LinkedIn on my tablet. Back to my dead smartphone esses, chemicals may seep into the groundwater and plastic
battery: I was not only frustrated because it is expensive, may often be burned, sending toxic gases into the air and
but also because producing a smartphone is costly to the endangering the health of people in these poor countries.
environment. Consumerism, which is defined by Oxford Dictionary
There are many examples of how electronics hurt the as “the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of con-
environment. According to the article “Slicing an Apple” in sumer goods,” has increasingly put pressure on the natural
The Economist magazine, the assembly of iPhones is done environment of our Earth. Consumers hardly realize that
by Foxconn, a company in China. The components, how- by continuing to purchase these goods so frequently, they
ever, come from a variety of suppliers based in the United affect the environment by increasing levels of pollution in
States, Taiwan, Italy, Japan and a range of other sources. both the making of and the disposing of these devices.
There is a cost to the environment, or an “externality” in

2 Answer the questions:

a) What problem does the author bring about into
3 1. Identify types of evidence given in this essay (evi-
dence of fact, example, argument by Authority)
discussion? 2. Find SAY IT, EXPLAIN IT, GIVE EVIDENCE in
b) Is he more concerned about the costs associated each body paragraph.
with spending money or protecting the environ- 3. Identify the discourse markers.
ment? 4. Choose a paragraph that you think would be
c) Do you agree with him? Why or why not? clearer or easier to follow if it used more dis-
d) Who does the author blame for this situation? course markers. Add more discourse markers to
e) What are “environmentally friendly processes?” the text. Share and discuss it with your class.

4 Make a short oral report on Daniel’s concern. Transform the direct speech into an indirect one in the Past Tense, using the for-
mula: He insisted…, he agreed…, he confirmed…, he suggested…, he recommended, etc.

lesson 1 2 3 4 77
1 Listen to a customer making a complaint. Fill in the dialogue with the modal verbs.

The Customer is Always Right

Customer: Good morning, miss. I’d like to speak to the
Manager: I am the manager, sir. How I help
C: Oh, really? It’s this radio. It doesn’t work.
M: Mm, did you buy it here?
C: Pardon? Of course I bought it here. Look, you switch it
on and nothing happens.
M: I see your receipt?
C: Receipt? I haven’t got one.
M: Oh, you have obtained a receipt when you
bought it.
C: Check it? No, it was in the box. I expected it to work. It
C: I probably did. I have thrown it away. wasn’t a cheap radio, it’s a good make.
M: Ah, well, have you got any other proof of purchase, the M: You have checked it.
guarantee, for example?
C: Come on! Stop telling me what I have done,
C: No. It have been in the box. I threw that away and do something! Either give me my money back or
too. give me another radio.
M: Oh, dear. You really have kept it. We M: There’s no need to get aggressive, sir. Let me look at it
to know the exact date of purchase. ... mm ... . You see this little switch on the back?
C: What? I only bought it yesterday! That young man over C: Yes?
there served me. Oh, I paid by cheque. I’ve got the
cheque stub. M: It’s on ‘mains’, and it be on ‘battery’. You
really read the instructions.
M: That’s all right then. Did you check the radio before
you left the shop? C: Oh!

2 Answer the questions: Must have been,

a) Where does the action take place? Can….
b) What problem does the customer have? Ought to have..
c) Why is the customer aggressive? Should have checked…
d) Is the customer right? Could I …
e) What do the words receipt, purchase, guarantee, It couldn’t be
cheque stub mean? Need…
f) Match the following modal verbs used in the dia- (doubt, possibility, probability, conclusion, impos-
logue with what they show: sibility, certainty, uncertainty, supposition,)

Write a complaint letter to the shop manager with regard to your case. You are making an argument! Use examples/evidence
and the S.E.E. paragraph form. (150 words)

78 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 4
Literary Focus
The Same as Ever
Honours change manners.
1 Status is defined as the standing a person has in a group to 3 What do you think are some benefits of status? Could you
which he or she belongs. With your classmates, consider the think of any possible harmful effects of concern about
role status plays in a group to which you belong, such as status? What are they? Explain.
your school.
4 Do you think the pursuit of status is worthwhile? Explain your
2 Enumerate some things that give a person status. Justify
your answer.

5 Consider the title and the proverb of the lesson. Discuss the
contradiction between them.
1 Below is a short summary of the text “Effie Whittlesy”. Read it and answer the question: What does the message
Mr. Wallace wants Effie to take to his hometown truly confirm?

Story Overview
This story tells of Edward Wallace, a very successful encourages her to respond in the old familiar way, for
businessman who was born in humble circumstances in a as he says “I’m in no position to lord it over. I’d hate to
small town. Later he earned considerable wealth by his own have her go back to Bernerd and report that she met me
ability. His marriage to a woman of distinguished family here in Chicago, and I put on airs and was too stuck up to
confirms his achievement of a social status. He enjoys the remember old times and requested her to address me as
luxuries his money can buy, but he has not lost his natural “Mr. Wallace.”
manners. Mrs. Wallace is both shocked by her husband’s inap-
Arriving home one day he learns his wife has hired an propriate behaviour and jealous of the happy memories he
excellent new servant, a mature and industrious woman. can share with the maid about their childhood.
There is much surprise for all of them when it comes More than that, she announces her demand. Effie
out that Effie, the housemaid, comes from the same town would have to go. She doesn’t want to have her around
as Mr. Wallace. More than that, she used to play with him constantly reminding her of her husband’s lowly origins.
as an equal when they were children. They even made mud Mr. Wallace agrees, but he decides Effie should leave
pies in the same puddle, and sat next to each other in the decently and diplomatically. He even does it on his own
old schoolhouse at Brainerd. expense. The message he wants her to take to his home-
To Mrs. Wallace, this is a disaster. To her conster- town is, “Give them my best and tell them I’m about the
nation, Mr. Wallace treats Effie with certain courtesy and same as ever.”

2 Scan the first part of the text and answer the questions below.
a. What was Mrs. Wallace’s first impression of the c. How did Mr. Wallace and the maid address each
new maid? other?
b. What was the strange thing that surprised Mr. d. What was Mrs. Wallace’s edict?

3 Read the first part of the text “Effie Whittlesy” and find additional evidence which proves that Mr. Wallace’s early princi-
ples have not been altered by his new wealth. Share the evidence with your classmates.

Effie Whittlesy by George Ade

Mrs. Wallace assisted her husband in removing his over- “I have good news,” said she.
coat and put her warm palms against his red and wind-beaten “Another bargain sale?”
cheeks. “No! A new girl, and I really believe she’s a jewel. She isn’t

lesson 1 2 3 4 79
young or good-looking, and when I asked her if she wanted
any nights off she said she wouldn’t go out after dark for
anything in the world. What do you think of that?”
Word Study
10 “That’s too good to be true.” tempting [’tempti²], adj. – attractive
“No, it isn’t. Wait and see her. She came here from the tureen [t¢’ri:n], n. – a deep, large serving pot for soup
intelligence office about two o’clock and said she was willing gasp, v. – to say in a breathless way
to ‘lick right in.’ You wouldn’t know the kitchen.” stuck up, adj. – pompous; snobbish
“What nationality?” snob, n. – person who pays too much respect to social position or
“None–that is, she’s a home product. She’s from the wealth, or who dislikes persons who are of lower social position
country– and green! But she’s a good soul, I’m sure. As soon menial [’mi:nl¢l], adj. – suitable for a servant
as I looked at her I just felt sure that we could trust her.” taunt [t¬:nt], v. – to jeer at, to mock
“Well, I hope so. If she is all that you say, give her tickled, adj. – excited pleasantly, amused
any pay she wants–put lace curtains in her room and
20 subscribe for all the story papers on the market.”
“Bless you, I don’t believe she’d read them. Every time
I’ve looked into the kitchen she’s been working like a Trojan used to go to school with her. She’s been at our house often.
and singing ‘Beu-lah Land.’” I haven’t seen her for–I didn’t know you were in Chicago,”
“Oh, she sings, does she? I knew there’d be some draw- turning to Effie.
backs.” “I thought you were still at Brainerd,” said Mr. Wal-
“You won’t mind that. We can keep the doors lace, after a pause.
closed.” “I left there a year ago November.
The dinner-table was set in tempting cleanliness. “The family’s all broken up, eh?” asked Mr. Wallace.
Mrs. Wallace the arrangement of glass and silver and “Gone to the four winds since mother died.”
30 gave a nod of approval and relief. Then she touched the “That will be all for the present, Effie,” said Mrs. Wal-
bell and in a moment the new servant entered. 70 lace.
She was a tall woman who had said her last farewell Effie gave a startled “Oh!” and vanished into the
to girlhood. kitchen.
Then a very strange thing happened. “It means,” said Mr. Wallace, “that we were children
Mr. Wallace turned to look at the new girl and his eyes together, made mud pies in the same puddle, and sat next
enlarged. He gazed at her as if fascinated either by cap or to each other in the old schoolhouse at Brainerd. She is a
freckles. An expression of wonderment came to his face and Whittlesy. Everybody in Brainerd knew the Whittlesys.
he said, “Well, by George!” Large family, all poor as church mice, but sociable–and
The girl had come very near the table when she took freckled. Effie’s a good girl.”
40 the first overt glance at him. Why did the tureen sway in her 80 “Effie, Effie! And she called you Ed!”
hands? She smiled in a frightened way and hurriedly set the “My dear, there are no misters in Brainerd. Why
tureen on the table. shouldn’t she call me Ed! She never heard me called any-
Mr. Wallace was not long undecided, but during that thing else.”
moment of hesitancy the panorama of his life was rolled “She’ll have to call you something else here. You tell
backward. He had been reared in the democracy of a small her so.”
community, and the democratic spirit came uppermost. “Now, don’t ask me to put on any airs with one of
“This isn’t Effie Whittlesy?” said he. the Whittlesys, because they know me from way back. She
“For the land’s sake!” she exclaimed, backing away. has been at our house, almost like one of the family, when
“You don’t know me.”
50 “Well, if it ain’t Ed Wallace!”
Phrases And Idioms
Mrs. Wallace settled back in her chair blinking, first to assist someone to do (in doing) something – to help some-
at her husband and then at the new girl, vainly trying to one to do sth.
understand what it meant. to say farewell to one’s girl/ boy/ child/ hood – to be no more
She saw Mr. Wallace reach awkwardly across the ta- in the state or time of being a girl/ a boy/ or a child
ble and shake hands with the new girl and then she found to go to the four winds – to go into different directions
voice to gasp, “Can you imagine!” a man (child) of the soil – one who works on the land
Mr. Wallace was confused and without a policy. He to be uneasy about something – to be uncomfortable, restless
was wavering between his formal duty as an employer and about something
his natural regard for an old friend. Anyway, it occurred to to put on airs – to pretend to be important
him that an explanation would be timely. to work one’s way through college/ university – to have a
60 “This is Effie Whittlesy from Brainerd,” said he. “I paid job while studying to meet costs

80 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
mother was sick and needed another girl. So I’m in no posi- not exactly qualify me for the Four Hundred, but it will be
90 tion to lord it over, and I wouldn’t do it anyway. I’d hate to great if I ever get into politics.”
have her go back to Brainerd and report that she met me “I don’t object to your having a past, but I was just think-
here in Chicago and I was too stuck up to remember old 110 ing how pleasant it will be when we give a dinner-party to have
times and requested her to address me as ‘Mister Wallace.’ her come in and hail you as ‘Ed.’”
Now, you never lived in a small town.” “I really don’t believe you’d care,” added Mrs. Wal-
“No, I never enjoyed that privilege,” said Mrs. Wal- lace.
lace, dryly. “Effie isn’t going to demoralize the household,” he said,
“Well, it is a privilege in some respects, but it carries consolingly. “Down in Brainerd we may be a little careless
certain penalties with it, too. It’s a very poor schooling for a on the by-laws of etiquette, but we can learn in time.”
fellow who wants to be a snob.” Mrs. Wallace touched the bell and Effie returned.
100 I wouldn’t call it snobbishness to correct a servant who As she brought in the second course, Mr. Wallace de-
addresses me by my first name. ‘Ed’ indeed! Why, I never liberately encouraged her by an amiable smile.
dared to call you that.” 120 After dinner Mrs. Wallace published her edict. Ef-
“No, you never lived in Brainerd. fie would have to go. Mr. Wallace positively forbade the
You knew when you married me that I was a child of “strong talking-to” which his wife advocated. He said it was
the soil, who worked his way through college and came to better that Effie should go, but she must be sent away gently
the city in a suit of store clothes. I’ll admit that my past does and diplomatically.

4 Read the text for more details and tell whether the 5 Fulfill the following tasks:
statements below are true (T) or false (F). Justify a. In the text, find evidence to prove that the friendly
your choice. conversation between Ed and Effie made Mrs. Wallace feel
a. Effie was neither very young nor very old. quite uncomfortable.
b. Although both Ed and Effie came from b. Paraphrase the sentence: “He had been reared in the
Brainerd they didn’t know each other democracy of a small community, and the democratic
very well. spirit came uppermost”.
c. Mr. Wallace’s status didn’t change after c. Mr. Wallace was ‘confused and without a policy’ when he
he had married Mrs. Wallace. had to explain to his wife who Effie was. Explain why.

6 Mr. Wallace said “It was better that Effie should go, but she must be sent away gently and diplomatically.”
In groups, work out the strategy you think Mr. Wallace used in order not to either humiliate or hurt Effie.
Roleplay the dialogue that you think might have taken place between Mr. Wallace and Effie.
1 Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Wallace and Effie and
compare the dialogues you have made with the original.
3 Do you think Mrs. Wallace was satisfied with the decision
her husband had made? Why or why not?
2 Listen again. Make some notes of Ed and Effie’s conversa- 4 Imagine the conversation between the two spouses after
tion and then narrate it. Use as many words and expressions Effie had departed. Consider all the possible variants.
from the text as you can. See the Word Study rubric too.
5 Complete the passage given below with words from the box. Share your variant with your classmates.
Mrs. Wallace, watching from the ..., saw Effie disappear into the ... . She thanked confidently
God for it. To Mr. Wallace the whole ... had been like a cheering ... . He was glad to tell carriage
his wife that he had invited Effie ... when she came back. Mrs. Wallace remained ... . She to call
asked her husband if he really meant it. Mr. Wallace ... her that he had even told Effie delighted
his wife would be ... to see her at any time. window
Mrs. Wallace couldn’t take it ...; she kept asking again and again if he really meant revulsion
it. Her husband was ... certain that Effie would come, and at his wife’s question “What
shall I do?’’ he answered ... that he was sure she would manage it, even if she had never assured
lived in Brainerd. reasonably
Then the ... came and Mrs. Wallace, with a return of ... in her husband, said she easy
would try.

lesson 1 2 3 4 81
5 Work in pairs. Use the information from the passage you 6 Does the ending surprise your? Why? Why does ‘revulsion
have completed in the previous exercise to reconstitute the come’ to Mrs. Wallace? What is she revolting against? Why,
dialogue between the Wallaces after Effie had left. Compare at this point, does Mrs. Wallace experience ‘a return of pride
it with that of the other pairs. (See the Supplement, part III, in her husband’? Do you think she has already forgotten
for comparison). about her ‘husband’s lowly origins’? Bring sound arguments
to support your answers.
7 Find words in the text that correspond to the following definitions.
a. to help somebody in doing something (line 1) e. highest; predominant (46)
b. sale of goods at reduced prices (5) f. small pool of water (75)
c. something which lessens one’s satisfaction; g. to be brave enough to (102)
disadvantage (to) (24) h. to give hope (119)
d. open or public; not hidden (40) i. purposefully; intentionally (131)

8 Match the words in pairs of either synonyms (S) or antonyms (A).

Good-looking, to rear, to occur, to love, ugly, trusty, to stare, familiar, to vanish, to happen, to hate, to request,
unreliable, to gaze, strange, startled, amiable, to bring up, to disappear, to solicit, unfriendly, astonished.

9 In each of the sentences below replace the expression in

italics by a single word that comes from the text. The num- 4. We were delighted at the continuously changing scene
bers in brackets correspond to the lines in the text. of the city. (44)
1. Her husband bought her a watch with 15 precious 5. For him to be received by the minister himself was a
stones. (6) special favour. (95)
2. Would you be so kind and put down your name 6. His training makes him fit and competent for this post.
under this petition? (20) (107)
3. Will what we have decided to undertake meet our 7. It was not easy at all to call out a taxi to take me to the
parents’ favourable opinion? (30) airport. (111)

10 ‘To reach for the sky’ is an English idiom meaning to set one’s goals high. Match the idioms on the left with their
equivalents on the right. Use either of them in sentences, short situations or short dialogues of your own.
1. too good to be true a. independently
2. to be green b. to send good wishes
3. on one’s own hook c. so excellent that it is hard to believe
4. to put on airs d. to pretend to be important
5. too stuck up e. to be innocent, inexperienced
6. up and around f. to visit someone
7. to give one’s best g. too pompous, arrogant
8. to call on someone h. out of bed and active

1 Exchange Opinions.
a. What is the problem the plot of the story is built characters’ qualities, personality traits, and reactions to
around? Outline the events in “Effie Whitlesy” that other characters?
form the rising action, the climax and the falling c. Are the three characters dynamic or static, round or
action. flat? Give a character sketch of one of the three person-
b. A great part of the story is expressed in dialogue. ages who most appeals to you. Use the text to be more
Cite the text to show how the dialogue in the story convincing.
helps the writer to give readers insights into the

82 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
2 Think Critically. 3 Connect to Life.
a. What is snobbism? Is snobbery (or should it be) a
a. When Mr. Wallace sees Effie, he has a “moment of
hesitancy.” What is the reason he behaves this way? subject of pride? Explain why or why not.
Why does he say, “There are no misters in Brain- b. Imagine yourself meeting one of your classmates
erd”? after 20 years. How do you think you will feel about
b. Do you approve of Mr. Wallace’s behaviour to- him or her? Will your or his/her success make your
wards Effie? Why or why not? Do you think he dis- meeting any more difficult? Tell why.
missed her, thus surrending to his wife’s whim, or c. Is it easier to maintain an old acquaintanceship if
he couldn’t accept the new roles he and Effie had to you are equally successful or unsuccessful? Give
get accustomed to? How does Effie feel about his reasons. Do people still chase after wealth and so-
offer? What things does she refer to when she says cial status today? Explain your answers.
that “they will never believe me when I tell them in
d. Does Mr. Wallace’s message “Tell them I’m about
the same as ever” seem to you to be true? In what
c. As Ed and Effie talk in the kitchen Mrs. Wallace ways? Do you consider him to have changed? If so,
seems to be uneasy and constantly wonders what what do you think made him change? How would
they are talkning about. Why would that make her you have behaved, and what would you have done
uneasy? if you had been in his place and why?

d. Why is Mrs. Wallace upset when Effie calls her e. Do you agree that people are sometimes forced
husband ‘Ed’? Do you find it easy to sympathize by circumstances to change, especially when they
with Mrs. Wallace, or do you consider her a con- grow up away from their birthplace? Why or why
temptuous snob? What seem to be her values? not? In what ways?
f. Must speedy financial success inevitably change a
e. Mrs. Wallace asks “What shall I do?” if Effie returns man’s habits? Is it possible to retain both past and
as a guest. Do you consider this a social problem? present relationships, or must a choice inevitably
Why or why not? Why is Mr. Wallace confident be made?
that his wife will ‘manage it’? Do you think he re-
ally believes that she really can? Give reasons. g. Comment on the proverb of the lesson. Make ref-
erence to the text.

Making Evaluations
An evaluation is a judgement about some part of a d. support your statements with quotations and details.
literary work or about the work as a whole. When evalu- e. clearly describe your specific personal attitude to the
ating literary works one should:
f. conclude by describing some thoughts about life and self
a. include an introduction that identifies the literary
generated by the story.
work, its author and characters.
g. avoid making statements that are too general or vague.
b. tell enough about the literary work so that readers
h. make sure that you find evidence in the work to back up
can understand your response.
any of the statements you have made.
c. describe your personal responses to the specific
events in the story.

Fulfill one of the tasks below:
1. Write your own evaluation of the 2. In about 230-250 words comment on one of the statements:
story “Effie Whittlesy”. Refer to a. “Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy
the Learner Training rubric for unknown”.
support. b. “Rather fail with honour than succeed by fraud”.

lesson 1 2 3 4 83
Culture and Civilization
Eurovision: Music Uniting Europe
In 1956, postwar Europe was struggling to reunite Euro-
pean society. The European Broadcasting Union came I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive
up with the idea for a televised song competition where expression of humanity. It’s something we are all
European countries could compete against each other touched by. No matter what culture we’re from,
while at the same time sharing a bit of their cultures. Per- everyone loves music.
haps the American musician Billy Joel said it best:

This competition, now known as Eurovision, is an made it to the final round eight out of the ten times they’ve
event watched according to an estimate by about 180 mil- participated. In 2005, the first year they participated, Zdob și
lion people every year, not only in Europe, but also in coun- Zdub won the 6th place with the song, “Bunica Bate Toba”
tries all over the world. or “Grandma Beats the Drum.” Sung both in Romanian
Eurovision is a simple concept. Each participating coun- and English, it’s a fun song that served as an introduction to
try gets to choose one song to enter the competition, but the band’s other internationally popular songs. The songs
during the competition voters cannot vote for the song from “Bună Dimineața” (“Good Morning”) and “Tiganii și OZN”
their country. They must vote for a song from another coun- (“The Gypsies and the Aliens”) are interpreted respectively
try. This ensures that the winner is based on popularity, not as commentary on Moldova’s romanticized Soviet past and
nationality. the problems Roma populations, face in the region.
In the competition, performers get the opportunity to In 2012, a group of six “babushkas” or “grandmothers”
share not only their music but some of their history, languag- from Russia entered the competition hoping to win enough
es and culture as well. Performers get to choose the language money to rebuild their church, which had been destroyed
their song is performed in. Although songs in English have by Stalin. They performed a song in both Udmurt (a Uralic
won the most often, songs performed in many other languag- language blended with Russian and Tatar that is spoken by
es, even in those that few people speak, have won as well. about 500,000 people world-wide) and English.
Moldova has had great success in the Eurovision com- Eurovision’s popularity demonstrates its success in
petition and has been able to share its language, history, and helping the countries of Europe and the world share their
its blend of European cultures with the world. Moldova has cultures through their mutual love of music.

In small groups, discuss the following.
1. Why was Eurovision created?
2. How do they try to prevent
the country with the largest
population from winning?
3. When did Moldova start

1 Identify in the text SAY IT, EXPLAIN IT,

2 Pick a paragraph. With a partner, take

the discourse markers out of it. Refer
back to the list of discourse markers.
Replace them with others from the same
category. E.g. If it says, “additionally”—
use “furthermore.”

84 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
In pairs, consider the following questions. 2. Has what is “normal” in Moldova changed significant-
1. What is the marriage “norm” in Moldova? When is it ly between your grandparents’ generation and yours?
“normal” to get married? Is it “normal” for people to How? Give examples.
get divorced? Is it “normal” for people to co-habit (live 3. How do you feel about marriage? Do you know what
together) without being married? you want in a partner?
1 This is an excerpt of an article written about the way what is “normal” in terms of marriage in various parts
of Europe. While you are reading, think about how what is changing in Europe is impacting Moldova.

The Future of Marriage in Europe

According to census data, in the U.S only half of the adult and think about arranging their marriages.” He suggests that
population is married. This is down from 72% in 1960. The people consider not only how they feel, but also the logistical
average age of marriage has risen by 6 years and only 20% get considerations of a long-term partnership. Does a potential
married before the age of 30. In countries in northern Europe, partner have compatible values? Or the interpersonal skills to
marriage rates are even lower and cohabitation rates are even resolve conflicts?
higher than in the U.S. Sweden has one of the lowest rates of Wilcox says that there’s no reason to give up hope for
marriage in the world, and three times as many couples co- good, healthy marriages, but that people should take it slow.
habit there as in America. There, cohabitation is quickly be- We are focused so much on education and work. We
coming the norm, as there are almost no government benefits communicate those values in the kinds of messages we’re giv-
favouring marriage and no taboos against unmarried cohabi- ing to young adults,” Wilcox says. “Yet when we’re looking at
tation among religious or cultural institutions. what really predicts global happiness, it’s our core relation-
We’re not exactly moving to Sweden’s model,” Pugh says, ships with family and friends—including spouses—that tend
“but I do think we’re making up new ways to be together. to matter a lot more in our lives.
Maybe the way we’re coming together has changed, but we Marriage has changed because the world has changed.
still want to be together. We can’t return to the model of marriage from the mid-20th
It turns out that people do want to be together, despite century because we no longer live in the culture or the econ-
the declining number of marriages. Out of the 40 percent of omy that created it. And some would argue that we wouldn’t
people who agree that marriage is obsolete in the Pew Re- want to return to it even if we could. Both men and women
search Center study, half still want to wed. have greater choice than they did 50 years ago not only in
What about cohabitation? Like marriage, cohabitation regard to whom they marry, but also if they do get married
has changed in the last 50 years. These days, living together and what kind of family they want to build. And, if the experts
precedes more than half of all first marriages. The No. 1 rea- agree on one thing, it is that these choices are some of the
son couples say they want to live together is to learn more most important we make for our own happiness.
about their potential marriage partner. Emery encourages his Excerpt taken and adapted from: http://uvamagazine.org/arti-
students to “go outside the notion of just romantic marriage cles/the_marriage_crisis

2 Answer the questions: 2. What reasons can you find in the last paragraph about
changes that have occured within the process of mar-
1. What country has one of the lowest marriage rates
in the world? riage?
2. Can people have a healthy, loving relationship 3. According to the article, what is more important: to
even if they aren’t married? have a happy family or a successful career?

1. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that because ample of globalization? Why or why not?
society and the economy are different, marriage has 3. How else is globalization influencing family structures
become different as well? here in Moldova? Are these impacts, good (e.g. in-
2. Are changing marriage norms in Europe producing an creased standard of living) or bad (e.g. social orphans)?
impact on marriage norms in Moldova? Is this an ex-

Culture and Civilization 85

Writing Skills Development
The Argumentative/Persuasive Essay
“The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making something happen.”
Lee Iacocca
Answer the following questions:
1. When you have arguments with your parents, siblings, or friends, do you usually win?
2. What do you do that helps you win? Or, what is it that other people do that allows them to win?
3. When the argument is over, have they convinced you to change your mind, or did you both just decide to
give up? (Giving up is not winning!! Convincing them to change their minds because you gave them rational
arguments is winning! Make sure you understand the difference.)

The argumentative/persuasive essay is perhaps the most difficult to write because it requires that you
know what you want to say and that you are good at saying it. In this lesson we will focus on how you
say it so your meaning is clear to the reader. The argumentative/persuasive essay is the most com-
monly tested form of essay writing, not because it shows the evaluators WHAT you think, but because
it shows them HOW you think. What the evaluators want to see is if you have considered your view-
point thoroughly, and that you understand the arguments for both sides, BUT that you have carefully
dismissed the opposing views as less significant than your own arguments.

1 Read the introduction to the essay and identify the thesis statement. From the title of the essay, and after having read the
introduction of the essay explain what, in your opinion, this piece of writing is going to be about.
Read the first sentence of every body paragraph. What can you say about the paragraph from reading the topic sentence? Are
2 they “SAYING IT?”
Before reading the entire essay, discuss how WI-FI access in every school in Moldova can provide a high-quality education.
3 Share your ideas as a class.
Internet For All = Education For All
Imagine what would happen if every Moldovan child Chișinău to the smallest, rural village. Having access to more
could receive a first-class 21st century education, no matter books and information online will benefit all students. Wi-Fi
where the child lived. This is not a fantasy. If the Ministry allows students to access free fiction books from the Inter-
of Education installs Wi-Fi Internet access in all our schools net from websites like www.openculture.com/free_ebooks.
this fantasy can come true. Wi-Fi in all the schools will im- Moreover, students can read the news from around the globe
prove all Moldovan students’ education. It will prepare them on-line as well. While nothing will replace a good classroom
to succeed in a modern, digital world, and it will help them to teacher, English, Russian, and French lessons can be taught
create a stronger Moldova. by fluent speakers and streamed into classrooms large and
Some say students with Wi-Fi access would simply play small and there are many free language lessons and tutori-
games and post on Facebook during class. However, good als on websites like www.YouTube.com. Science, Math and
teachers do not allow students to pass notes in class, and they History lectures from on-line sources can provide teachers
will not allow Facebook posts either. Additionally, some say with more resources. In short, ambitious students, no mat-
that the process of providing schools with Wi-Fi and com- ter where they live, could enroll in advanced classes taught
puters is incredibly expensive, but hand-held devices are be- on the Internet, on websites like www.coursera.org or www.
coming more common and less costly. Universal Wi-Fi is the khanacademy.org. A lone student in the smallest village
cheapest and quickest way to improve educational oportuni- could take advanced calculus, or additional tutorials in Eng-
ties in all Moldovan schools. lish at school.
First, Wi-Fi will improve education in schools from Second, modern citizens need to know how to use the

86 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Internet to find reliable information, learn skills not available quality education and information will lead to better educat-
at their local schools, and Moldovans can use the Internet to ed voters. In Chicago, and many other communities in the
make their marks on the world. Where will they learn to use United States, people join together to read one book. Com-
the Internet skillfully? In school, of course. When all schools munities have read To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451,
have Wi-Fi, teachers can help their students find trustworthy and A Lesson Before Dying. People talked about the book in
sources of information and judge the truth and safety of sites. online forums and in library meetings. Sometimes strangers
They can teach Moldovan students to post intelligently and on buses started talking about the book they were both read-
respectfully on the Internet. Additionally, with the help of ing. In addition, Wi-Fi in the schools will allow all students to
outside sources, they can teach students to write code, create become informed voters, by increasing access to high quality
websites, and develop computer applications. An example information. Universal Wi-Fi will help form more intelligent
of what possibilities it can create, is the story of a fifteen- voters who know the issues Moldova faces.
year-old Londoner named Nick D’Aloisio who developed a In conclusion, Wi-Fi in all the schools will not solve all
computer app Yahoo that was later bought for $30 million of Moldova’s problems, but very few of our problems can
dollars. Perhaps a small-town Moldovan could do something be solved unless we first give all students equal Internet ac-
equally valuable, and having Wi-Fi at school will aid this. cess. Wi-Fi will improve the quality of education for every
Third, Wi-Fi will help form a stronger Moldova for the student, prepare them to live and work in a digital world and
future. If students can have more shared experiences such strengthen Moldovan democracy. Wi-Fi in all the schools is
as reading the same books, they may feel less isolated from essential to Moldova’s progress.
Chișinău and from other citizens and having access to better

1. What is the purpose of the 2nd paragraph? suaded?)Why or why not?

4 2. Identify the SAY IT, EXPLAIN IT, GIVE 6. How is this essay different from an expository essay?
EVIDENCE in each paragraph 7. Is the author using active or passive voice? How can
3. What did you think about the hook? Can you sug- you tell? Give examples.
gest another one? 8. Identify the discourse markers used in this text.
4. Give another title to the text. 9. Fill out the outline form (on the next page) with the
5. Do you agree with the argument? (Were you per- information from the essay.

The Outline of the Essay

The outline form can be used at many steps again pulling directly from your essay like we did in
throughout the writing process. Ideally, it is the previous exercise, you can feel confident your
done after you have brainstormed, identified structure supports the clarity of your argument!!
your argument and written your thesis. It can Remember: Writing is a process and no one is good at
also be used to help you identify your three it from the beginning or without practice.
strongest arguments and the evidence you
have for them, to help you write your thesis. I. Introduction
If you can’t fill out the outline with examples A. Hook
of your chosen SAY IT, then you need to pick B. Thesis Statement
arguments that you can. When you are in the II. First Body Paragraph
process of writing, the outline helps keep you A.S. - SAY IT.
on track, at the end it helps you see if you have B.E. - EXPLAIN IT.
made your arguments and that your structure C.E. - EVIDENCE... (see chart on page 88)
is clear. If you can fill out the outline form

Take your thesis statement for the argumentative essay you wrote your S.E.E. paragraph about in Unit 3 and all the work you did
5 unpacking the prompt and brainstorming. Fill out the Five-Layer Persuasive Writing Map, and then write the essay. The test for
this unit will include writing an essay and requires that you show all of the steps in the process.
Refer back to Discourse Markers in Lesson 1. Use them in your essay.

Writing Skills Development 87

Five-Layer Persuasive Writing Map:
Write a good hook! See Writing Lesson Unit 1.
This is your thesis statement or major SAY IT for the whole paper. It is the core of your opening.
Repeat the prompt back as a statement, but include your opinion.
Ex. I agree with the statement, “Moldova is the most hospitable country in Eastern Europe.”

1. Address the most common counter arguments. Use discourse markers!

2. One argument in favour of your position in a S.E.E. paragraph.


3. One argument in favour of your position in a S.E.E. paragraph.


4. One argument in favour of your position in a S.E.E. paragraph.


Conclusion: This should restate your position in your opening. Summarize your main arguments. Include a
call to action. See Writing Lesson in Unit 5.

88 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Round Up
1 True or False: True False

1.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created after World War I.
2.Consumerism existed under communism in Moldova.
3.The EU was created originally to promote economic cooperation in Europe.
4. Only ½ of the world’s countries have signed the UDHR.
5. Eurovision was created for the same reasons as the UDHR.
6. Globalization has costs associated with the protection of the environment.
7. The Convention on the Rights of the Child includes the right of every child, without
any discrimination as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, national or social origin,
to education.
8. Dog ownership is a human right.
9. European values differ from those proclaimed in the UDHR.
10. Globalization hasn’t changed Moldova.

2 Answer the questions:

In this news clip, which of the following
rred to two badly beaten
One group of detainees refe is- human rights had been violated?
at the General Police Comm
women currently being held of To rtu re The right to life, liberty, security of per-
il for the Prevention
sariat. The Consultative Counc alle gat ion s.
ess to verify these son, freedom of movement, the right to
have still not been granted acc in inh um an
y had been held privacy, the right to education, the right
Detainees also claimed that the
ivid ual s in a single cell, measuring
conditions with 25 – 28 ind of citizens to participate in their govern-
were denied food for 2 days and
8 square metres and that they ment, the right to work, to have social
and basic sanitary facilities.
only had limited access to water security, and to enjoy an adequate stan-
dard of living.

3 Match the human right with the best example of its violation.
1. freedom of assembly a. Peaceful protesters were arrested for gathering outside the parliament
2. democracy b. Police believe a man is superior to a woman, just because he is a man.
3. human rights c. Pensioners living in poverty.
4. gender equality d. A judge taking money to rule a certain way on a case.
5. social protections e. Political parties paying people to vote in a certain way.
6. equality f. A student not being allowed to go to school because of disability.
7. rule of law g. Slavery, trafficking, abuse, neglect, extreme poverty, degradation

4 Put the correct modal verb (can, can’t, must, mustn’t, needn’t, should, need) into the following sentences.
1. Hey, Bill, ... I borrow your phone? 6. Everyone ... look both ways before crossing the street.
2. Mom says we ... buy some more milk while we’re 7. According to the document, we ... use only blue ink.
at the store. 8. I’ve already fed the cat. You ... feed it this evening.
3. ... Thomas wear the black tie or the red tie? 9. If you’re going to a movie, you ... see The Hobbit. It’s
4. Skydiving is a dangerous sport! You ... treat it great!
lightly. 10. I ... wait until the new album by Carla’s Dreams comes
5. Sally says she ... make it to the party tomorrow. out.

Round Up 89
Test Four
Comparing and Contrasting Types of Essays
The Argumentative/Persuasive (A/P) essay is different from the For and Against (F&A) essay in structure and
tone because it has a different purpose. The purpose of an A/P essay is to convince the reader that the author’s
thesis is correct. It does this by using strong evidence, and a forceful, direct tone. The purpose of the F&A essay, is
to show the reader that the author is knowledgeable about both sides of an issue and can discuss them in a fair and
balanced way. Strong evidence is also used but the tone is milder (as if someone is having a rational discussion
rather than bringing about an argument). Since the purpose of the essay is different, it has a different structure.
The structure is:
I: Introduction: General information about the topic, that includes a strong hook and with a thesis statement
that doesn’t assert an opinion, but does tell the reader what the essay will contain.
II: Discussion of arguments for the FOR side
III: Discussion of arguments for the AGAINST side
IV: Conclusion that includes a statement of your opinion.
* Note about order—the order you put the paragraph(s) for the FOR side or the AGAINST side isn’t impor-
tant. However, it does make sense to have a little more evidence for the side with which you agree, because that
makes your opinion more logical.
How can you tell if the prompt is asking for an A/P or a F&A essay? “Agree or Disagree” is the most common indica-
tor for an A/P essay while “Discuss” combined with either costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages is the
most common indicator that the prompt requires a F&A essay. For example:

Discuss the costs and benefits of having Wi-Fi in all of Moldova’s schools.
While reading the following example essay, compare and contrast it to the Argumentative essay in the Writing
Lesson for this unit. This is an example of a For and Against essay.
Imagine that every child in Moldova can receive a first- student and teacher has a smart phone and some schools give
class 21st century education, no matter where he/she lives. each teacher a laptop and they use them in the above men-
This is not necessarily a fantasy. Some people argue that hav- tioned ways. However, the article also discusses how technol-
ing free Wi-FI in all Moldovan schools can provide better ogy can have many negative impacts as well.
educational opportunities, but the other side of the argument Having Wi-Fi in every school could cost students and
contends that the costs associated with learning outweigh the teachers in terms of learning as well. Students and teachers
benefits. can both be distracted by other types of information on the
Having Wi-Fi in every school could benefit learning for Internet and lose valuable learning time. These days both
students and teachers alike. Students would be able to ac- students and teachers have Facebook accounts or play games
cess anything they needed to help them better understand such as “Words With Friends” on-line. It is easy to get dis-
what they are studying instantly, and teachers would be able tracted from learning just by taking a second to check email
to find resources that would help them make their lessons or looking up the weather. A study cited in the article, “Tech-
more interesting and informative. Students could access in- nology, Help or Hindrance” found that just by allowing smart
formation from on-line dictionaries when they don’t know phones in school, students lost a week of instructional time.
the meaning of a word, they could find summaries and notes In conclusion, having Wi-Fi in school has both costs and
about many subjects, and they could read the news to help benefits associated with the learning environment. It can sup-
them understand more about the world. Teachers could find port the learning environment by providing more information,
resources such as fun videos, exercises written by other teach- and it can provide distractions from it. In my opinion, though,
ers, or even learn from other teachers who have written on the benefits are greater than the costs, because the opportuni-
the topic they are teaching. According to an article published ties for distractions can be minimized by a teacher with well-
in Time Magazine in May 2013 entitled “Technology, Help developed classroom management skills and mature students
or Hindrance” in many countries, like the USA, almost every who can make the right decisions for their own learning.

90 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
2 1. Give a title to the text. 3 Choose one of the topics for an essay below. Follow the
2. How are the purposes and tone of an Argumenta- steps you’ve been taught in the writing lessons: hook, thesis
tive/Persuasive essay and a For and Against essay statement, unpacking the prompt, brainstorming, organiz-
different? ing/outlining, include a counterargument and a conclusion.
3. How are the structures of the essays different? Agree or Disagree with one of these statements:
• The benefits of integration with EU for Moldova
4. How can you tell which type of essay the prompt is are greater than the costs.
asking for? • Moldova shares the same values as the European
5. List two discourse markers you found in the text. Union.
• The costs of globalization for Moldova are greater
6. List two modal verbs you found in the text. than the benefits.
7. Find in the text synonyms of assert and listed • The European Union should not require
countries to adhere to their values in order to be
8. Find the antonyms of hindrance and ignorant a member.

4 Circle the best answer.

7. Each/Every of these colours needs to be used.
1. There’s a supermarket at each/every end of the
street. 8. The cats eat each/every piece of meat they get.
2. Each/Every bird in this forest is listening to us. 9. Make sure to eat a little of each/every vegetable on your
3. John counted each/every bird before he put it in plate.
the crate. 10. Do you know each/every country in Europe?
4. Each/Every mother should be treated with love. 11. She knows the name of each/every country in the
5. Each/Every mother in the program will get a flower. world.
6. Did your mother give each/every of you a treat? 12. Are each/every of your boys in high school?

Self Assessment B1+ PORTFOLIO Européen

des Langues

Listening Yes No Improve

I can listen and understand an argument my partner makes well enough to re-
spond to it.
I can understand a conversation between a customer and a shop manager when
the customer is making the complaint.
I can state my opinion and make an argument in a short oral presentation.
I can describe and discuss characters in a literary text.
I have acquired the essential vocabulary necessary to discuss European values,
including human rights.
I can use the discourse markers in my speech.
I can identify S.E.E. components in a paragraph.
I can identify an expository text and speak about its purpose.
I can use discourse markers accurately in my writing.
I can identify S.E.E. components in a paragraph.

Test Four 91

Lesson 1
Choosing a Profession is Not Easy
“Making a living is not the same as making a life.”
Maya Angelou
1 Look at professions in the pictures and discuss with a class-
mate which of them are the ones you would like to choose
for yourself. Why?

2 Answer the following questions.

1. What professions are in fashion now?
2. Which of them are in the highest demand on the
labour market in Moldova?
3. Which of them are in great demand in other coun-
tries? Why?

1 Match the professions with their descriptions. 2 Read the texts and rank the profession in a grid from one to
ten according to their importance in your opinion.
Best Social Services Jobs
High School Teacher
We found a recurring theme when speaking with pro-
fessionals in the social service industry: Many view Elementary School Teacher
their job more as a calling than a choice. From social Maintenance and Repair Worker
workers to school counselors, and even to bartenders Speech-Language Pathologistst
and nail technicians, those in the business of helping School Psychologist
and serving others enjoy the opportunity to interact Middle School Teacher
with people and appreciate the small and significant Nail Technician
ways they are able to impact people’s lives. Check Hairdresser
out our list of the Best Social Services Jobs for 2015, Lawyer
and read more on how we have ranked them. Patrol Officer

92 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 School psychologists wear a variety of hats, including
counselor, administrator and researcher. Occasionally,
they might even dabble in social outreach. And fortunate-
work in this profession are poised to reap the rewards of
this thriving industry. There should be 13,500 new nail
technician positions across the U.S. before 2022.
ly, this is a growing field for the qualified: Schools aiming
to address the learning and emotional needs of students
are on the hunt for school psychologists, and the Bureau 7 Working in law holds a par-
ticular appeal for us Ameri-
cans – to date, 25 of our U.S.
of Labour Statistics projects an 11.3 percent uptick in the
occupation by 2022. presidents have been lawyers –
and it’s a good thing, because de-

2 These professionals, also known as speech thera-

pists, assess and diagnose people with disorders and
challenges related to verbal communication. They work
mand in this profession is strong.
There will be about 74,800 new
openings for professionals with
frequently with social workers, doctors and teachers to Juris Doctor degrees by the year
improve clients’ speech. 2022.

3 Elementary school teachers do more than educate.

They also advocate for, boost the morale of, entertain
and befriend our children. We can expect 167,900 more
8 You might think of them as handymen, jacks-of-all-
trades or Mr – and Ms – Fix-Its. But those in the field
refer to maintenance workers as «doctors for the home.»
job openings for grade school teachers by the year 2022, And the BLS predicts we’ll need more than 125,000 new
with the most job opportunities in southern and western ones by 2022.

4 High school teachers work with the most tempestuous

of students – the teenager. But the work is rewarding –
Don’t we all
secretly wish
we could advise
educating, advising and preparing a classroom for the first our peers on their
forays into adulthood. The BLS predicts that there will be personal appearance?
52,900 new high-school teaching positions to fill by 2022. Hairdressers get paid
to do just that. Those
5 Middle school teachers have a tall task: educating
adolescents while contending with their helter-skelter
hormones. Increased enrollment in schools should trans-
who shampoo, cut,
style and colour hair
also often get to make their own hours and, possibly, be
late to approximately 76,000 new teaching positions, and their own boss. The BLS predicts 77,600 new positions in
the BLS predicts the most openings for teachers in the the next decade.
South and West.

6 Our No. 6 job is a gig you can feel good doing,

because – come on – who isn’t happy when getting
10 Even if they’re writing incident reports or filing
records, patrol officers’ No. 1 goal is to keep their
communities safe. The BLS projects nearly 6 percent
a manicure and/or pedicure? The statistics company employment growth for this job by 2022.
Statista reports that the U.S. market for nail services saw
revenues of nearly $8.3 billion in 2013, and those who

Answer the questions. e) Who do we call “doctors of the home”?

3 f) What is a Patrol Officer’s main goal?
a) Why do people practising these profession con- g) Why are schools in a hunt for school psycholo-
sider it more a calling than a choice? gists?
b) Why do school psychologists wear a variety of
hats? 4 Give definition to the following expressions:
Social service industry; school counselors; nail
c) What more than education do the elementary
school teachers do? technician; to advocate for; to befriend; helter-skelter;
d) How many lawyers are forecast to be needed by jacks-of-all-trades; Mr – and Ms – Fix-Its

lesson 1 2 3 4 93
Look through the following skills and abilities that a translator/interpreter should
possess in order to be a good translator/interpreter and rank them from 1 to 10
according to their importance
Abilities and skills:
to understand a conversation in a foreign language and render it into
your native language;
to speak in public, in front of the audience;
to speak a foreign language without mistakes, mastering the pronun-
ciation of the sounds and intonation without a specific accent;
to memorize an oral utterance of about 1-5 minutes and to be able to
render the accurate and detailed ideas into the target language.
to translate cultural bounded vocabulary/ cuisine, traditions, folklore/;
to prove good IT skills;
to work under pressure;
not to have a camera phobia;
to know about historical places in Moldova;
to know the protocol behaviour and etiquette.

1 Listen to the Interview with Eleonora Rusnac – Chairman 2 Look at the list of University Courses and tick the ones that
of the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova you think a future translator should choose to become a
given to Free Europe radio channel where she speaks about good translator
translators’ work in our country. Make notes while listening
IT Communication Technologies;
and be ready to answer the following questions:
Written Translation Techniques;
1. What are the main responsibilities of a translator/ Applied Romanian Language;
interpreter? Phonetics and Morphology of the English
2. Can translators in Moldova specialize in certain Language;
fields ? Language B Morphology;
3. What does the profession of a translator compare Grammatical Difficulties in Translation;
to? Language B Phonetics and Vocabulary;
4. Is a translator’s remuneration high or low? Culture and Civilization of Great Britain;
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this Introduction into Traductology;
profession? Universal Literature of the XIX Century.
Interview three classmates about their future profession and write a short profile of the professions they have chosen in the
1 following form:


Educational Institution

Years of Tuition

Main Courses

2 Make a report in the class.

94 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 2
Where to Study?
“If you feel that you have both feet planted on level ground, then the University System has failed you.”
Robert Goheen
Look at the top ten most highly ranked European and North TOP 5 IN EUROPE
1 America Universities and say what you know about them.
1. University of Cambridge, UK
2. University of Oxford, UK
2 Look through the courses offered by Cambridge University
3. Imperial College London, UK
in the UK and select some that you will have to take for your
future career. 4. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technol-
ogy, Switzerland
Architecture Land Economy 5. UCL (University College London), UK
Chemical Engineering Law
Classics Linguistics
Computer Science Mathematics TOP 5 IN NORTH AMERICA
Economics Medicine
Education Music 1. Harvard University, USA
Engineering Natural Sciences 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
English Philosophy USA
Geography Theology and Religious 3. Stanford University, USA
History Studies 4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA
History of Art Veterinary Medicine 5. University of California, Berkeley (UCB),

1 Listen to how universities are ranked and fill in the table with numbers in percentage. Match the titles with the texts.
How Universities Are Ranked
Economic Indicators
Two primary level indicators ... Innovation, the output of the universities activities
and findings to economy, society and culture, in agriculture,
Economic Social Affairs
healthcare, financial and communication services, and its help
1. Innovation 4. Facilities in sustaining innovations (which supplant older products with
2. Research 5. Teaching revolutionary and more superior ones) and efficiency designs
3. Publications 6. Employability (which permit companies to build and sell established prod-
7. Social ucts for less) help companies serve their existing customers
Responsibility better, that drives economic growth.

lesson 1 2 3 4 95
... This criteria is based on the overall number
of scholarly papers (reviews, articles and notes) that
... This category criterion looks, at the contain affiliations to a university and are published
university’s global and regional academic in high-quality, impactful journals. This is also in-
reputation for research excellence amongst fluenced by the amount of papers that have been
their peers. The aggregate number of cita- assigned as being in the top 10 percent of the most
tions per paper represents the overall im- highly cited papers in the world for their respective
pact of the research by the university in in- fields. As the quantity of highly cited papers is com-
dustries publications. And finally, the role pared with similar papers (same publication year,
of universities in disseminating brand-new subject and document type), that can be considered
knowledge and ideas in the global research a robust indication of how much excellent research
community. the university produces.

Social Affairs Indicators

... A University’s learning and living environment, and infrastruc- ... A University’s quality of fac-
ture are a key indicator for students to know what to expect from their ulty is a major role of its ability to at-
university experience. Factors such as housing, IT, library and career tract and nurture tomorrow’s finest
development facilities, in addition to the number of students’ societies minds, and inspire the next genera-
were considered within this criterion. This category is studied to offer a tion of potential research academics.
definite sense of the learning environment of each institution from both This indicator measured the number
the student and the academic perspective. of academics who have won major
international awards, prizes, medals,
and student teaching quality assess-
ment data feedback, in addition to,
... The most important indicator of a study rate and student faculty ratio.
university’s success is its ability to help in-
dustry with innovations, inventions and a
work-ready graduated workforce. That can
be measured by the number of a university’s ... Effective indicators are the number of obligations
alumni who have the ability to work effective- a university organizes and takes to society by investing
ly in a multi-cultural environment, to deliver in the local community as well as in charity work and
presentations, to manage people and projects, disaster relief. We also examine the inclusiveness of the
and ultimately hold CEO positions interna- university to students, especially at scholarships and bur-
tionally, nationally and locally. The data to ac- saries, disability access, gender balance and low-income
cess these results were gathered from surveys outreach, and the university’s engagement in environ-
of employers, graduate employment rates and mental awareness and its regional human capital devel-
careers service support. opment.

2 Mark as True or False TRUE FALSE

1. Employability means to what extend the university graduates get employed.
2. Social Responsibility means that the university doesn’t need to participate in charity
2. Peers are people of the same nationality.
4. Research also includes the role of Universities in disseminating brand- new knowledge.
5. Social affairs indicators are the indicators that the University deals with issues of the
6. Faculty are teachers and professors.
7. Academics are people who deal with science.

96 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Read about Cambridge University on Wikipedia or on the University’s web page booklet and say what makes it rank first in Europe.
The University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is one of the world’s A collegiate university: who does what?
oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-
governed community of scholars. Its reputation for out- Cambridge is a ‘collegiate’ university. This means that
standing academic achievement is known world-wide and it comprises:
reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well various faculties and departments in different aca-
as the world-class original research carried out by the staff demic subjects
of the University and the Colleges. a number of colleges
Many of the University’s customs and unusual termi- The key functions that the University (through its fac-
nology can be traced to roots in the early years of the Uni- ulties/departments) and Colleges are responsible for are
versity’s long history, and this booklet looks to the past to outlined below, to show how it all fits together.
find the origins of much that is distinctive in the University The University:
of today. determines course content
Cambridge is structured differently to other univer- organises lectures, seminars, practicals and projects
sities, and these differences make Cambridge special. To sets and marks examinations
help you get started let us explain the basics. awards degrees
The Colleges:
The Cambridge Advantage: Our courses are responsible for the admission of undergraduate
Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world,
organize small-group teaching (supervisions)
offering undergraduate degree courses (also called Tri-
are responsible for academic and pastoral care
poses at Cambridge) in the arts, social sciences, sciences,
offer accommodation, places to eat and recreational
engineering and medical sciences. Our courses are distinc-
tive for their:
We’ve included some advice on choosing a College
Flexibility – many of our courses encompass several
and profiles of each College in the Colleges section.
subjects, which means they’re much more flexible than
a lot of specialised courses elsewhere. Take a look at the
course outlines in the courses profiles and the Subject A-Z
for details. There are 28 undergraduate courses at Cambridge
Exploration – most of our courses cover the subject covering a large number of subject areas. If you can’t find
area broadly to start with before allowing you to choose the subject you wish to study in the course list below, try
from a range of specialisms. This means you can explore the Course Search (by Subject) to see which courses cover
the subject and your strengths and interests fully before the discipline you’re interested in studying. Leave the sub-
you decide which area to focus on. ject field blank to search for all subjects.

2 Answer the questions.

1. Where does most of university unusual terminol-
ogy come from?
2. Why are the courses at Cambridge more flexible
than elsewhere?
3. What subject areas do undergraduate courses at
Cambridge cover?
5. What are most outstanding achievements that make
the Cambridge University known worldwide?
Project work: Learn as much as you can about 5 universities in the Eastern Europe Region and rank them according to the criteria
the World Universities are ranked. Use the percentage system to make the score. Report your results to the class.

lesson 1 2 3 4 97
Lesson 3
Am I ready?
“Opportunity doesn’t make appointments; you have to be ready when it arrives.”
Tim Fargo
1 Read the title of the lesson and brainstorm five things it can refer too.

2 Discuss in pairs about your next life step: Are you ready?
a) to take the Baccalaureate exams?
b) to enroll in a College or University?
c) to leave your home and live in another city/town?
d) to start living without your mum’s breakfast?
e) to find the way to your preferred University?

3 Put a big tick to what have you done to be ready for your next lifesteps.
1. You have taken your studies at High School seriously the last three
years and you have prepared for the Baccalaureate.
2. You have decided what profession to take and you know what department you are going to enroll at.
3. You have made up your mind regarding what University/College you will study at.
4. You have studied what many Universities offer and you have chosen one already.
5. You have taken an international EFL test and you have a good score.
6. You have applied to several universities and you have been accepted to some.
7. You have learned and practised to prepare your meals yourself.


How to write a CV
1 Access the web page https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home and write your
Curriculum Vitae.

2 Decide if you want to create your CV online or update it in PDF or XML

3 Donwload the CV template and instructions.

4 Consider the examples clicking the Examples rubric. 5 Read Betty Smith’s CV and tick the rubrics that
you will include in your CV.

6 What rubrics can’t you fill in yet?

98 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
lesson 1 2 3 4 99
Google the net in order to fill in the table below with information on when and how you can apply for a foreign university.
Answer the questions.
1. What universities can you apply for?
2. How do the Universities accept the application forms?
3. What documents do you need to supply with the application?
4. What level of English /French do you need to have in order to be accepted?
5. How long a motivation letter do you need to attach to the application documents?
6. What should your general academic score be to be accepted?
7. How many Letters of Recommendation do they ask for?

Write a motivational letter to the school of your choice to state your interest in attending a certain course. Write it in an essay / letter

100 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Lesson 4
Literary Focus
Holding on to a Dream
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of
today and the reality of tomorrow.
1 Do you live in the present or in the future? Tell why.
Do you often think about the future? How do you see (imagine)
2 it? Do you think it possible to hold on to a dream? How can a
young person make a dream come true?
3 Work as a class. Exchange opinions on the quotation of the lesson.
4 a. Work in pairs. The lines below are from a two-stanza poem. Ar-
range them in the best way that makes sense for you. Share your
variant with the other pairs.
It’s a great life.
This is your chance for hope for today
Why don’t you reach out and take it?
Stick with your dreams and you’ll find the way. b. Compare the final variant with the original (see the Supplement).
Go get the things that you’re after; c. Give the poem a title and explain why you have decided to entitle it
It’s a great life. this very way.
Jump for the top and you’ll make it. d. Tell what the message of the poem is. Do you think it helps young
Hold out for good times and laughter. people to pursue their dreams? Do you think the life you live is really a
Why don’t you reach out and take it? great one? Explain why.
e. Learn the poem by heart.
You are going to listen to short extracts from the text “You’ll who meant more to Kipling than all the honours
1 Be a Man, My Son”, written by Suzanne Chazin. Judging by in the world?
the title, try to predict what the text is about. 3 Listen to the next extract to check if you answered the
last question correctly. As you listen, put down words and
2 Listen to the first part of the text and answer the following
questions: phrases used by the author to portray and describe John.
a. What have you learned about both Rudyard Ki-
pling and Maurice Hamonneau?
4 Listen again for more details and then characterize John.
Use the words and phrases you have put down.
b. Who do you think was the other soldier, the one
Read the sentences below that come from the text. Find 5. He trudged from one muddy outspot hospital to
1 them in the text, then choose the letter of the word or another.
a. travelled b. walked wearily c. crawled
phrase that best clarifies the meaning of the boldfaced
6. He instantly established rapport with the soldiers
word. he visited.
1. Britain was rocked by news of heavy casualties. a. connection b. harmony c. report
a. deeply moved b. overwhelmed c. invaded 7. Nothing could staunch the hollow wound that grew
2. John’s departure loomed nearer. within him.
a. seemed b. threatened c. appeared a. soothe b. stop c. prevent
3. He required parental consent to go to the front. 8. Kipling felt a surge of hope.
a. reference b. permission c. content a. strong motion b. outbreak c. ray
4. But Kipling could not now shirk everything he’d 10. Kipling’s godson bore the French version of his
taught his son to believe. son’s name.
a. remember b. neglect c. doubt a. confirmed b. endured c. had as an identification

lesson 1 2 3 4 101
You’ll Be A MAN, MY SON!
by Suzanne Chazin
...In May, Britain was rocked by news of heavy his son, were never identified.
casualties. As wave after wave of recruits went overseas, He visited countless sites and appeared at many
John’s departure loomed nearer. Kipling knew he had a functions on behalf of the commission. All the while,
1 choice. Because John was only 17, he required parental he was nearly overwhelmed by a feeling of hopeless-
consent to go to the front. But Kipling could not now 7 ness. He had sacrificed his greatest gift. For what pur-
shirk everything he’d taught his son to believe–no mat- pose? On sleepless nights, when the timbered ceilings
ter what the consequences. He gave his consent. of his stone house creaked, Kipling sat in the darkness,
At noon on August 15, John waved good-by to his trying to answer that question. For the first time in his
mother and sister with a tip of his officer’s cap. Carrie life, the man who’d made his living by words could find
Kipling wrote that he looked “very smart and straight none to ease his own pain.
and brave, as he turned to say, “Send my love to Dad- On a journey to France, Kipling visited Maurice
do,” who was already in France. Hamonneau, the French soldier who had sent him his
Just over six weeks later, on October 2, a mes- Croix de Guerre at the end of the war. Over the years,
senger arrived at the Kipling estate, bearing a telegram 8 the two men had corresponded, and a friendship had
3 from the War Office. John was missing in action, last bloomed. Then one day in 1929, Hamonneau wrote
seen during a battle in Loos, France. that his wife had given birth to a son. Would Kipling
Kipling made desperate efforts to determine be the godfather?
John’s fate, but no one could supply any information. He would be delighted, Kipling wrote back. It was
Unable to sit idly by, he trudged from one muddy out- 9 only fitting, he added, that Hamonneau’s copy of Kim
post hospital to another, searching for wounded men and his medal be given to the boy.
4 from John’s battalion. Quiet and self-effacing, he in- Kipling stared out his study window, recalling
stantly established rapport with the soldiers he visited. that joyful moment when he first cradled his own son
Yet nothing could staunch the hollow wound that grew 10 in his arms. Hamonneau now knew that magical feel-
within him as months went by, and still no news came ing. God, through Kipling, had spared Hamonneau’s
of his son. life, and something miraculous had come from it all.
Toward the end of 1917, an eyewitness was finally For the first time in years, Kipling felt a surge of
located who had seen John die two years earlier in the hope. Here is what John had sacrificed his life for–
5 Battle of Loos. Even with this sad news, the family could the unborn. Of all the memorials Kipling could con-
not find relief, for John’s body was never recovered. 11 struct, none would do more justice to his courageous
During the remaining 18 years of his life, Kipling son’s memory than this tiny infant, so full of life and
devoted himself to his duties as a member of the Impe- promise.
rial War Graves Commission, reburying and honoring “My son’s name was John,” he wrote to Hamon-
6 the dead. He proposed the general inscription on the neau. “So yours must be Jean.” And so it was that Ki-
Stone of Sacrifice at each cemetery–“Their name liveth 12 pling’s godson bore the French version of his own son’s
for evermore”–and the phrase “Known But Unto God” name–and another father could know the hope and de-
on the headstones of soldiers whose bodies, like that of light Kipling had felt, watching a son become a man.

Skim the text for : 3. How did Kipling heal his hollow wound that grew
2 a. Clue words that answer who, what, when, why, within him?
how. 4. What was the question the writer tried to answer and
b. Proper nouns and what they stand for. how would you answer this question?
5. What magical feeling is meant to be known by Ham-
3 Read the text more carefully and answer the questions that moneau after he had become father?
follow. 6. Why do you think such feelings are considered to be
1. Why couldn’t Kipling but give his consent to John kind of magical ones? Explain your answers.
to go to the front? 7. What do parents usually hope while watching their
2. Why was it so important for the writer to deter- sons become men and what are they delighted at? Give
mine his son’s fate? concrete examples, if possible.

102 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
4 Find in the text words corresponding to the following defini- 8 Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. The sun (to rise) in the East.
a. to need or demand (paragraph 1) 2. See you in the morning. I (to live) now. What I (to
b. to carry (3) bring) you when I return? You (to want) some-
c. strong or firm (4) thing special?
d. too many to count (7) 3. How long the children (to sleep)? It’s time for them
e. make free from pain or trouble (7) to get up.
f. proper and right (9) 4. I (to intend) to make a cake, but I ran out of flour.
g. refrain from harming or destroying (10) 5. They (to look) for a house for six months before
h. supernatural, marvelous (10) they found one they liked.
i. a feeling that what one desires will happen (12) 6. What you (to do) yesterday when it (to begin) to
rain heavily?
5 Use a synonym for each of the bold word that comes from
the text.
7. This time next year we (to study) at the university.
8. Someone (to eat) the sweets. The box is empty.
1. It was not easy at all to get the teacher’s consent 9. By this time next year they (to visit) some other 5
for leaving 5 minutes earlier. countries.
2. He was quite aware of the consequences; he just 10. He says they already (to announce) everybody
pretended he knew nothing about the matter. about the meeting.
3. Her face flamed instantly – a fact he noted when
his gaze returned to her. Fill in the gaps with a suitable modal verb.
4. Why should you be in such desperate haste to
9 1. We found out everything. You … not go into de-
succeed? You have the whole life ahead. tails.
5. It was a sign of his history, of his past, and he 2. It is raining heavily; they … be working in the gar-
regarded it with both yearning and regret. den.
6. Why should I brag about my brains? Let the 3. She is so sun burnt! She … have spent her vacation
others praise my effort and hard work. in the South.
7. Being quick-witted he didn’t need much time to 4. You … be more careful! How many times should I
figure out the solution to the problem. remind you to behave yourself?
5. You know nothing about the matter; you … …
6 Match the words in pairs of antonyms. Use some in sen-
keep silent and let us decide what to do next.
tences of your own.
6. Why … I take a decision right now?
Departure, injustice, despair, to hate, hopelessness,
7. He pushed the button but it … not ring.
hollow, relief, fearful, joyful, justice, courageous,
8. … they be lucky and healthy all their life!
coolness, hope, sorrowful, arrival, distress,
9. … she be her mother? She looks so young.
hopefulness, full, to adore, enthusiasm.
10. Why are you so late with the essay? You … to have
Complete each sentence with a word which best conveys the presented it long ago.
7 meaning of each of them. Looming, humble, wistful, tempting,
yearn, bicker, roam, obvious, rumour, overt. 10 Insert “to” before the infinitive where required.
1. When do you expect them … return?
1. There was a … look in his eyes when he spoke
2. The boy was seen … slam the door.
of his childhood. 2. Our neighbours often … over
3. We dare not ... ask for apologies.
some unimportant issues. 3. For some … reasons, I
4. I hate them … leave without saying ‘good-bye’.
would not like to reveal my name. 4. He shows no
5. They made her … be more sincere with them.
… sign of his unhappiness. 5. Please accept my …
6. Mother cannot but … remind me of my duties.
apologies for the error. 6. Their being a … offer, I de-
7. Do you want me … give you a lift in my car?
cided to accept the job. 7. When children we used to
8. Let him … marry the girl he loves.
… through the fields and pick up flowers. 8. There’s
9. How dared he … insult you?
… he’s withdrawing from the election. 9. With final
10. She used … give orders and nothing more.
exams … ahead, I doubt I’ll have much free time for
11. We can’t have them … obey the rules.
the next little while. 10. They … for the day when they
12. How dared he … insult you?
can be together again.

lesson 1 2 3 4 103
1 Scan through the Info Box to learn about the history of the poem “If.”
Either explain or translate the following words and word combinations:
Behind the inspirational poem “If” lies the story 2 impostor; to stoop; worn-out tools; foe; one turn of pitch-and-toss.
of a father’s love and a son’s sacrifice.
In 1910 Kipling began to pen some thoughts
for his 12-year-old son. He called the poem “If”, 3 Find the words in the poem that correspond to the following definitions.
a. accuse a person of being responsible for something
and included it in a book of children’s tales pub-
lished later that year. The critics didn’t consider it b. question the truth
one of his greatest works. Yet, within a few short c. dishonest person
years, the four-stanza poem became a classic the d. energy and strength
world over, translated into 27 languages. e. mental power by which a person can direct his thoughts and
actions, and influence those of others
f. moral excellence

IF The distinctive way a poem is laid out on the page

is called the poem’s form. Poems are usually
By Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you divided into lines. In some poems the lines are ar-
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; ranged in groups called stanzas. A poem’s stanzas
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, may have the same number of lines or varying
But make allowance for their doubting too; number of lines.
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting,
Or being lied about don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating, 4 Work in 4 groups.
a. Each group read one stanza.
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise. b. Decide upon the main idea of the stanza you have
If you can dream–and not make dreams your masters; read.
If you can think–and not make thoughts your aim; c. Focus your attention on the if-clauses. State what
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, time the conditions refer to.
And treat those two imposters just the same; d. Try your hand at translating the stanza into your
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken native language.
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, e. Share your translation with the other groups. Eval-
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, uate the other groups’ translations. Compare your
And stoop and build’em up with worn and tools. translations with the ones on the Literary Transla-
tions page. Draw conclusions.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss. 5 Work as a class.
a. Formulate some pieces of advice the stanzas con-
And lose and start again at your beginnings
tain. Use the imperative mood (both the affir-
And never breathe a word about your loss;
mative and negative forms).
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone. b. Synthesize all the pieces of advice, defined by the
And so hold on when there is nothing in you poem’s simple, inspirational code of conduct, into
Except the will which says to them “Hold on!” a set of values for people to live by. Which of them
do you give priority to and why?
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Production
Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch, 6 1. Work individually. Rewrite the poem for young
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, people today. The main clause of the poem will be
If all men count with you, but none too much; “then the world will be a better place.” Write up to
If you can fill the unforgiving minute,
5 if-clauses to express your ideas, beliefs and opin-
With sixty seconds worth of distance run.
ions on how to make the world a better place.
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
2. Work as a class. Get all the ideas together and ar-
And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!
range them into a poem.

104 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Scan the poem “Don’t Quit” for:
a. The number of stanzas it contains.
3 Read the poem and answer the following questions.
a. What are the words that rhyme and what is the re-
b. The number of lines in each of the three stanzas. lationship between them?
c. The lines that rhyme with each other. b. What words and phrases make a strong impres-
d. The imperatives used by the author in each stanza. sion on you as a reader and why?
c. How do the pieces of advice from the poem moti-
2 Skim the poem and comment on the message of each of
the imperatives you have found, as well as on the general
vate you not to give up on your goals and dreams?
message of the poem.

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, Often the goal is nearer than,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, It seems to a faint and faltering man,
When the funds are low and the debts are high, Often the struggler has given up,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
When care is pressing you down a bit, And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. How close he was to the golden crown.

Life is queer with its twists and turns, Success is failure turned inside out--
As every one of us sometimes learns, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And many a failure turns about, And you never can tell how close you are,
When he might have won had he stuck it out; It may be near when it seems so far,
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow-- So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit--
You may succeed with another blow. It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

1 Describe the images that come to your mind after reading the
above poem?
4 How are the poems “If” and “Don’t Quit” alike or different?
Compare them in terms of stanza, rhyme, author’s message
and ending.
2 Each of the stanzas contains a piece of advice, a message show-
ing us the way out should we face all kinds of difficulties and 5 Consider how the themes of the two poems could apply to your
life today. Is there any open road to be found and followed
obstacles. Find these messages and comment on them.
without any need to bear in mind the lesson you have learned?
3 Give another title to the poem. Share it with your classmates.
Give your own reason for choosing it. 6 Think of a motto that you have adopted for yourself, after hav-
ing studied the two poems, to serve you as a rule of conduct in
future. Explain why you have chosen it.

Fulfil one of the tasks below.
1. The title of the lesson is “Holding on to a Dream!”. Jot down some instructions for the young to help them hold on
to their dreams. Make use of the words and phrases from the poems you have studied in this lesson as well as those
you already knew. Try to hold on to these instructions in the years to come.
2. Select a poem from those you have either read or studied that you most like and present it in class together with your
opinion and conclusions.
3. In about 230-250 words comment on one of the statements:
a. “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.
b. “Do live the life you see. Be the best you can be”.
c. “Don’t quit. Every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise”.

lesson 1 2 3 4 105
Culture and Civilization
Simply the Best
1 In pairs brainstorm five main characteristics that make a
university rank high.

2 Look at the Princeton University Fact File and say what are
it’s strong points.
Latin: Universitas Princetoniensis
Former names College of New Jersey (1746–1896)
Motto Dei sub nūmine viget (Latin)
Motto in English Under God’s Power She Flourishes
Established 1746; 269 years ago
Type Private
Endowment $21.0 billion
President Christopher L. Eisgruber
Academic staff 1,172
Administrative 1,103
Students 8,088
Undergraduates 5,391
Postgraduates 2,697
Location Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Suburban, 500 acres (2.0 km2)
Colors Orange and black
NCAA Division I
Athletics Ivy League, ECAC Hockey, EARC, EIVA,
Nickname Tigers
1 Read the text and be ready to do the post text activities. Affiliations AAU, URA, NAICU
Website Princeton.edu
Princeton University is a private Ivy League research
university in Princeton, New Jersey. Founded in 1746 in
Elizabeth as the College of New Jersey, Princeton was
the fourth chartered institution of higher education in
the American colonies and thus one of the nine Colonial
Colleges established before the American Revolution. The
institution moved to Newark in 1747, then to the cur-
rent site nine years later, where it was renamed Princeton
University in 1896.

Princeton provides undergraduate and graduate instruc-

tion in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences,
and engineering. It offers professional degrees through
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs, the School of Engineering and Applied Science,
the School of Architecture and the Bendheim Center for
Finance. The University has ties with the Institute for Ad-

106 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
vanced Study, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Westmin-
ster Choir College of Rider University. Princeton has the largest
endowment per student in the United States.

The University has graduated many notable alumni. It has been

associated with 37 Nobel laureates, 17 National Medal of Science
winners, the most Abel Prize winners and Fields Medalists of any
university (two and eight, respectively), nine Turing Award laure-
ates, three National Humanities Medal recipients and 204 Rhodes
Scholars. Two U.S. Presidents, 12 U.S. Supreme Court Judges
(3 of whom currently serve on the court), numerous living billion-
aires and foreign heads of state are all counted among Princeton's
alumni. Princeton has also graduated many prominent members of
the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Cabinet, including eight Secretaries
of State, 3 Secretaries of Defense, and two of the past four Chairs of
the Federal Reserve.

2 Answer the questions.

1. What type of university is Princeton University?
3 Make pairs of synonyms

2. Why is the university so prestigious? Private, endowment, charter, laureate, head of

3. Who are many notable alumni of this University? state, graduate, president, known, finish, equip-
4. Does Princeton concentrate more on humanities ment, winner, notable.
or on sciences?

Tips for writing a great conclusion:

1. The topic sentence (S – SAY It sentence) of your conclusion should summarize what you said in your
thesis statement. Link the last paragraph to the first.
2. Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant.
3. Rephrase the thesis statement with fresh and deeper understanding.
4. Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas.
5. Your supporting sentences (E – Evidence sentences) should summarize what you have already said in
the body of your essay. If a brilliant idea tries to sneak into the final paragraph, you must remove it
and let it have its own paragraph in the body, or leave it out completely.
6. Your closing sentence is your last word on the subject; make it a great one.
7. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas.
8. Propel your reader to a new view of the subject.
9. End on a positive note.
10. Your closing sentence should make your readers glad they read your paper.
11. Remember that you can also use a strong quote to end your essay as well.
Conclusion DON’Ts
1. Don’t just repeat your thesis statement.
2. Don’t just summarize your essay.
3. Avoid using phrases like “In conclusion,” and “To wrap things up.” These are useful in an oral
presentation, but sound stiff in an essay.
4. Resist the need to apologize for your writing; this weakens your argument.

Refer to the university / college you have chosen to study at and write an argument of 250 words on why you have WRITING
chosen this institution. Be sure to write a strong conclusion.

Culture and Civilization 107

Writing Skills Development
In Conclusion
Always leave them wanting more.
PT Barnum
Read the lesson quote and discuss what it means to you.
1 What does it mean in the context of this portion of the writ-
ing lessons?
Read, consider and share your thoughts about the following
2 questions.
1. Have you ever read a great book that ended
abruptly, and left you disappointed? Was it still a
great book?
2. Have you ever smelled something great cooking
only to find that it wasn’t for you, and you
couldn’t have any? How did you feel? 4. Have you ever been engrossed in a fantastic television
3. Have you ever listened to a great speech that was serial that suddenly gets canceled?
exciting to hear, but it ended with “that’s all I 5. What do all of these questions have to do with
wanted to say”? writing a strong conclusion?

Like the ending to a great film or book, a good conclusion should bring the thoughts you have includ-
ed in your essay to a close, and give your reader a little extra to think about. Like the last bite of a
terrific meal, a conclusion should leave your reader with a great taste in the mouth and considering a
little something for dessert. On a more practical note, a great conclusion should summarize your thesis
statement (see page 21) without repeating it, and you can also refer back to your hook.

Read the following conclusions and determine whether 4. As we go about the difficult task of choosing
1 they are strong or weak. Discuss the difference that you find our career path, not only do we have to know
between the 4 conclusions. our strengths and weaknesses, but we have to
1. There are a lot of careers to choose from, and it’s determine what will make us most happy. We
important to choose the right one for you. You must remember that life is short and too many
may disagree, but that’s how I feel about it. hours are spent at work. Therefore a balance
2. Ultimately, the process of choosing the “right” must always be struck between the necessities of
university is a private one; there are so many life and the joy of living. As the poet and writer
factors involved. Bottom-line it, if you are paying Maya Angelou said, “Making a ‘living’ isn’t the
for your university education, shouldn’t you be same as making a life.”
happy with your choice?
3. In conclusion, I would like to say that we all have 2 Read the last conclusion, and write an outline for how the
essay that it belongs to might have looked. Hint: The title of
choices to make about our future.
the essay is “Finding Happiness on Your Career Path.”
Write a minimum 300-word essay on the following prompt: The actress and cultural icon Marilyn Monroe once said,
“A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.” What did Monroe mean by this statement, and do
you agree or disagree with it? Defend your answer. Use the S.E.E. method for writing your essay, and focus on writ-
ing a strong conclusion that will make your readers carefully consider what you have to say.

108 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
Tying It All Together – Using Connective Words and Phrases
Imagine if someone played the piano with one finger; each note separate.
What would that sound like? It would be very boring to listen to after a
short time. The same thing happens with sentences that don’t use linking
or connective words and phrases. They quickly begin to sound very bor-
ing and repetitive.
Example: John is happy to be graduating. He is going to go to university next year. John worked very hard to get
good marks. He graduated with good marks. He is very proud of his marks. John is especially proud of his marks in
English. John is having trouble deciding which university to go to. He wants to go to a university in Moldova. Maybe
he will find a university in Romania. He hopes he can find a university where English is spoken.

Thank goodness, the English language is filled with wonderful linking words and phrases to help us read
more quickly, skim and scan texts more efficiently, emphasize points, elaborate, or provide contrast, and
simply make anything written more enjoyable to read and more flowing. As you write essays, you will want
to remember to use lots of linking words so that you can keep the interest of your readers.
Below is a chart of some basic connective words and phrases listed by type and function. As your writing
improves, take some time to explore new linking words.

Linking Words and Phrases – (This chart only shows a few of many.)
and first, second, third... for example because
also finally for instance so
as well as next in the case of therefore
moreover meanwhile as revealed thus
too after illustrated by consequently
additionally then hence


similarly but whereas above all
likewise however instead of in particular
as with although alternatively especially
like unless otherwise significantly
equally except unlike indeed
in the same way apart from on the other hand notably
as long as conversely

Put the correct linking word or phrase into the following 4. You’ll have to turn in your essays by Thursday; ...
1 sentences below.
you will get bad marks.
5. I’m looking, ..., for a university that has a strong
1. I want to stay in Moldova, ... my friend wants to
focus on the humanities.
go to Romania.
6. ... I would like to visit the Taj Mahal, ... I’m off to
2. Sally liked everything about her job ... the pay
see Delhi.
was too low.
3. The university campus is really nice. ... it has Use linking words to rewrite the “example” paragraph
terrific teachers! 2 above so that it reads much smoother.

Writing Skills Development 109

Round Up
1 Read the text and use the appropriate form of the verb in
beasts (to endure) at the bands of men. And yet it (to be)
in precisely this way that he (to treat). Men (to stare) at
1. ... He (to enter) the great shop and (to ask) him, (to poke) sticks between the bars to make him snarl,
where he (can) hand in a letter that answered the ad- and then (to laugh) at him. (Jack London. White Fang)
vertisement. The far end of the shop (to point) out
to him and he (to tell) that when he (to pass) a door 6. Yes, Mr. Gray, the gods have been good to you.
there, he (to find) a Mr. Anthony who (to read) the But what the gods (to give) they quickly (to take) away.
letter. (Sean O’Casey. Coming of Age). When your youth (to go), your beauty (to go) with it, and
then you suddenly (to discover) that there (to be) no tri-
2. ... We went through beautiful rooms, and I umphs that the memory of your past (to make) more bit-
(can) see that they (to be) rooms of a hospital. At the ter than defeats.
door of one room the nurse (to stop, to smile and to Live. Live the wonderful life that (to be) in you! Let
ask) me to be silent. We (to look) into the room. The nothing (to lose) upon you. Be afraid of nothing. The
two boys (to sit) near the bed of a girl who (to look) world (to belong) to you for a season. The moment I (to
about twenty years old. She (to wear) a nice silk jacket, meet) you I (to see) that you (to be) quite unconscious of
and she (to listen) attentively while the little boys (to what you really (to be), of what you really might be. There
talk). (A.J. Cronin. The Two Gentelmen of Verona) (to be) so much in you that (to charm) me that I (to feel)
I must tell you something about yourself. I (to think) how
3. Dear Mary, tragic it (to be) if you (to waste). For there (to be) such a
We (to be) sorry we (not can, to be) here to wel- little time that your youth (to last)–such a little time. The
come you. Please (to make) yourself comfortable, common hill-flowers (to wither), but they (to blossom)
and (to use) whatever you (to need). You (to find) again. The laburnum (to be) as yellow next June as it (to
plenty of food in the refrigerator whenever you (to be) now. In a month there (to be) purple stars on the cle-
feel) hungry. You (to find) cold drinks whenever you matis. But we never (to get) back our youth. The pulse
(to be) thirsty. You (to find) several kinds of pills in of joy that (to beat) in us at twenty, (to become) sluggish.
the medicine cabinet in case you (to have) a head- Our limbs (to fail), our senses (to rot). We (to degener-
ache or a sore throat. If anyone (to ring up) while we ate) into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the
(to be) away, say that we (to be) back next Thursday. passions of which we (to be) too much afraid, and the ex-
When the newspaper boy (to come) to collect money quisite temptations that we (to have) not the courage to
tomorrow, please pay him 1.50. We (to return) the yield to. Youth! Youth! There (to be) absolutely nothing
money to you when we (to see) you next Thursday in the world but youth! (Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Do-
evening. rian Gray)
Drink as much milk as you (to be) able to drink
while you (to be) here! We (to telephone) you just 8. “It’s a game, you (to see). I’ll suggest to one of
before we (to start) our trip home. them that we (to go) hunting. I (to give) him a supply
of food and a hunting knife. I (to give) him a three-hour
5. In the fall of the year, when the first snows (to head start. Then I (to follow) him. If he (can, to escape)
fall) and much ice (to run) in the river, Beauty Smith from me for three whole days, he (to win) the game. If I (to
(to take) passage for himself and White Fang on a find) him, he (to lose).”
steamboat bound up the Yukon to Dawson. White ... “I (to admit) defeat if I (not to find) you by mid-
Fang (to achieve) now a reputation in the long. As night of the third day. My boat (to take) you to the main-
“The Tighting Wolf” he (to know) far and wide, and land. I suggest you (to wear) moccasins. They (to leave) a
the cage in which he (to keep) on the steamboat’s poorer trail. I (to suggest) that you (to stay) away from the
deck usually (to surround) by curious men. He (to big swamp. I (not to follow) till dark.” (Richard Connell.
rage) and (to snarl) at them. Life (to become) a hell to The Most Dangerous Game.)
him. He (not to make) for the close confinement wild

110 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
1 Change the active constructions into passive ones.
1. We received this letter after his departure.
16. We pronounce this consonant with aspiration.
17. They built this hospital two years ago.
2. Have the dogs ever attacked you? 18. They didn’t turn off the light.
3. The man is selling chocolate and ice-cream. 19. They ate all the cakes yesterday.
4. Bees gather honey from the flowers. 20. We shall finish this work in time.
5. They have told Steve about this. 21. Where will they build a new school?
6. They brought the piano into the room. 22. Somebody has left the door open.
7. The storm was driving the ship against the rock. 23. Bad weather has put off our trip.
8. The little boy will show you the way. 24. He had sent the telegram before his brother returned.
9. He teaches pupils many useful things. 25. They had staged two Shakespeare plays by the end of
10. Who discovered the circulation of the blood? the last year.
11. I must tell Mary about our change in plans. 26. She will have finished the report by noon.
12. Electricity moves machines. 27. They will have read the book by then.
13. We form the passive voice with the help of the 28. We must observe silence in the Reading Room.
auxiliary verb “to be”. 29. The firemen are putting the fire out.
14. We should send these letters by air mail. 30. Are they selling oranges?
15. People speak English in many parts of the world.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in space in the same line. There is an example at the
1 beginning. EXAMPLE: 0. BEGINNINGS
Humans have struggled against weeds since the (0) … of agriculture. BEGIN
The global need for weed control has been answered (1) … by the MAIN
chemical industry. Its herbicides are (2) … and sometimes necessary. EFFECT
Some of them pose serious problems, particularly if they are (3) … . USE
Recently, several herbicides that are (4) … sound have been introduced. ECOLOGY
Hence, (5) … are exploring the weed-living powers of living organisms. SCIENCE
The biological agents now in use are (6) … to humans and offer the HARM
benefit of specificity. They can be chosen for their (7) … to attack ABLE
selected targets and to spare only those that are naturally (8) … . RESIST
Some biological agents can be used only once, after which no added (9) … . APPLY
are needed. Chemicals must be typically used several times per (10) … season. GROW

2 Choose the right word, adjective or adverb.

1. She looked sad/sadly when I saw her.
14. The cook tasted the soup cautious/cautiously.
15. How sweet/sweetly the birds sing!
2. I always feel nervous/nervously before examina- 16. The sun sank low/lowly in the sky.
tions. 17. The little boy is always so slow/slowly!
3. She reached the shore safe/safely. 18. Mother shut the door quiet/quietly.
4. It was getting cold/coldly. 19. Most small cars do not go very quick/quickly.
5. Father looked at me angry/angrily. 20. This little girl writes very bad/badly.
6. Mother felt the silk careful/carefully. 21. At disco parties the music is played very loud/ loudly.
7. He always feels bad/badly when in their company. 22. A ninety-year old man may not remember things
8. He drove careful/carefully along the road. clear/clearly.
9. The dog smelled the man cautious/cautiously. 23. My grandmother speaks soft/softly.
10. These flowers smell good/well. 24. He was so tired that he could hard/hardly walk.
11. They felt their way careful/carefully in the dark. 25. She has been working hard/hardly in the garden since
12. This music sounds pleasant/pleasantly. early morning.
13. This soup tastes good/well.

Round Up 111
Test Five
1 Choose the best variant.
1. These species of roses … her favourite. 7. The news ... not the best.
a. is b. are a. was b. were
2. The Weldons … for the seaside tomorrow. 8. The soldiery ... how to use modern guns.
a. is leaving b. are leaving a. knows b. know
3. The tuition fee for a year … fifteen thousand. 9. The wages ... paid once a month by the accountant.
a. is b. are a. is b. are
4. Politics … attract me any more. 10. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” ... published in
a. don’t b. doesn’t 1876.
5. The teacher stated that her knowledge of Mathe- a. was b. were
matics ... higher than that of other students. 11. The poultry … been taken to the pond.
a. was b. were a. have b. has
6. He was very glad to stay in ... comfortable lodg- 12. All the equipment ... destroyed in the fire.
ings. a. was b. were
a. this b. these

2 Write the plural of these nouns

1. a march 12. a story 23. a roof 34. a brother 45. a father-in-law
2. a caprice 13. a deer 24. a safe 35. a cow 46. a milkman
3. an orange 14. a Cicero 25. a gulf 36. a handkerchief 47. a commander-in chief
4. a duty 15. a volcano 26. a still life 37. an aircraft 48. a class
5. a piano 16. an army 27. a fish 38. a million 49. an architect
6. a hair-do 17. a cuckoo 28. a thief 39. a story-teller 50. a magazine
7. a zero 18. a life 29. a tooth 40. a forget-me-not 51. a sheep
8. a hero 19. a scarf 30. a louse 41. an editor-in-chief 52. a proof
9. a potato 20. a photo 31. a mouth 42. a man-of-war 53. a passer-by
10. a cargo 21. a hoof 32. a sheaf 43. a looker-on 54. a step-child
11. a mosquito 22. a loaf 33. an ox 44. a Frenchwoman 55. a housewife

Fill in: 1. She works …. 2. I can … wait to hear the news.

3 a) leave or let ? 3. The pupils worked … for the exams. 4. She could …
speak for tears. 5. They … go out these days. 6. You will
to leave means to allow to remain behind/ to forget
have to study … if you want to pass the exam. 7. She is a
to take;
… worker. 8. We have … eaten anything this morning.
to let means to permit/ to allow to do something
9. He … felt any pain.
1. I wanted to go out but my mum wouldn’t … c) lie or lay?
me. 2. I must go back. I have … my car keys behind.
to lie means to be or remain in a flat position on a
3. She … her children play in the street. 4. We usually
… our paperwork at the office. 5. He … his car in the
to lay means to place/ to put, esp. carefully, in a hori-
middle of the road. 6.You shouldn’t … the door open
zontal position; to prepare, make ready
when you go out. 7. … Nick write the letter. 8. Pete is
… his beard grow. 9. Please, … me drink some water. 1. She … the table. 2. They … the wounded soldier on
10. … me alone. a bed. 3. They … their coats over their chairs. 4. She just
b) hard or hardly? … on the beach all day. 5. There were a lot of old books
… on the desks. 6. The soldier … dead on the ground.
hard has the meaning of putting great effort into
7. Chișinău … about 200 km from the seashore. 8. When
the stated activity, diligent;
he comes home after school, his mother … the table for
hardly means almost not, only with great difficulty
him and then … down on the sofa to have a rest.

112 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5
4 Change the forms of the personal pronouns in brackets as appropriate.
1. (You) are the best essays out of the ones submitted 7. He takes much interest in you and (you) success.
to the contest. 8. Listen to (they). They know what they are talking
2. Will you give (I) permission to take a photograph about.
of your yard in front of the house? I would like to 9. This is (I) book. I bought it two days ago.
take a picture of those yellow flowers. 10. We are proud of (we) family.
3. (They) are the most competitive works. 11. These seats are (we). They are indicated on (we) tick-
4. Did you invite (he) to come to your party? ets.
5. (I) is the red car over there. (She) is the blue one. 12. The Pratts invited us to see (they) new house. We
(He) is the nicest of all three cars. liked it. (It) front yard is very green and has a lot of
6. Do you want (we) to read it for you ? flowers.

5 Convert into indirect speech.

He said, 7. Jet aircraft make a lot of noise.
1. The earth goes round the sun. 8. Professor M. publishes papers in the leading journals.
2. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. 9. The River Danube flows into the Black Sea.
3. We work 8 hours a day. 10. Mice don’t catch cats.
4. Carpenters don’t make things from metal. 11. Progressive people all over the world protest against
5. Moldova is situated in the south-eastern part of terrorism.
Europe. 12. A drop in barometric pressure indicates a change in
6. People all over the world want to live in peace. the weather. European

Self Assessment B1+ PORTFOLIO Européen

des Langues

Listening Yes No Improve

I can understand an interview with a professional from radio or tv programs when
the ideas are clear and the speed of the speech is not very fast.
I can understand texts read orally containing indicators expressed in percentages
or other terms analyzing statistics.
I can express my thoughts on issues of professions, I can say what I have done in
order to be ready for exams.
I can maintain a dialogue with an English speaking person discussing advantages
and disadvantages of certain universities for me.
I can read and understand texts about professions containing specific terminology
that isn’t very complex.
I can select statistical data expressed in percentages from graphs and tables.
I can read and understand texts on university descriptions published in Web
Pages and university booklets.
I can write about a university fact factor, texts containing information in figures
and percentage.
I can write a motivation letter for university that contains information about my
decision to study.

Test Five 113

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate
TEST 1. Read the text and fulfill the activities to it.
Bullying is defined as a form of aggression that is repeti- other boys who bully. Girls may still befriend boys who bully,
tively exerted against an individual who feels unable to de- but they tend to dislike girls who bully. At the core of these
fend him/herself. This aggression may occur directly against differences are children’s and, indeed, societal beliefs about
someone in a physical or verbal manner. Bullying can also be acceptable behaviors for boys and girls. Many people may see
indirect whereby the targeted person experiences the aggres- bullying among boys as “just boys being boys”. So, girls may
sion through others (for example, gossiped about, excluded accept this attitude and tolerate boys’ bullying. However,
from a social activity). girls may be less accepting of girls who bully if it is seen as
How do we tell the difference between bullying and nor- overly aggressive.
mal childhood conflicts and teasing? Unlike teasing, bullying All types of bullying may have a tremendous impact
happens repeatedly, is ongoing and usually one-sided. Com- on targeted children. They may feel depressed, anxious, eat
pared to teasing, bullying is often an attempt to gain control or sleep less or more, have difficulty concentrating on school
over, intimidate, dominate, or negatively influence someone work, have trouble making friends with others, lie, steal, run
else. While teasing is usually short, bullying is persistent, far- away from home, avoid school or even consider suicide.
reaching in scope, and deeply affects its target. Sometimes it There may also be long-term effects of bullying on bul-
may also be a crime. lies themselves. Some children who bully at a young age may
Bullying comes in many forms. It can be physical, verbal continue to use aggression and control in other relationships
or emotional. It can be violent, or purposely isolate and ex- as they grow older. As adults they may be aggressive towards
clude someone. It may be based on sexual orientation, racial colleagues, use aggression with their own children, and en-
background, age, gender, or appearance. gage in criminal acts including sexual assault. Girls involved
Girls tend to bully other girls indirectly through the in significant bullying in the early grade school years may
peer group. They more often share with other girls (and experience depression over a long term, attempt suicide, or
boys) hurtful information about the targeted child. They develop an eating disorder.
may create mean names, gossip, and come up with ways of Bullying is often linked with shame, isolation, self-blame
letting another girl know that she is rejected from the peer and silence. Kids believe something is wrong with them that
group. These are called “relational” bullying because they at- justify the bullying. Silence and shame allow the problem to
tack relationships and friendships. continue. They avoid getting help and support. Teens in par-
In contrast to girls, boys of any age and ethnic group tend ticular are hesitant to identify bullying. As a result, many do
to be physically aggressive. They can hit, kick, slap, push, or not seek assistance and may even deny that there is a prob-
punch. Also, research shows that physical abuse tends to occur lem. Unfortunately, bullying is common in our society.
more often among boys than girls at all educational levels. We are becoming much more aware of the significant
Also boys may be more accepting of bullying, than girls. effects of bullying. This awareness is society’s most impor-
That is, boys may like a girl, even if she bullies others and like tant tool to protect our children.

1 Do you consider bullying to be a kind of aggression? Why? Why not?

2 What short-term and long-term effects can all types of bullying have on victims?

3 Find in the text words corresponding to the following definitions.

a. a sudden and violent attack, esp. with hostile words c. the basic and most important part of something
b. any aim one tries to achieve d. tending to doubt

4 Write one synonym (S) and one antonym (A) for each of the words given below.
a. often (adv.) b. to gain c. mean (adj.) d. to reject f. significant
Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Justify your choice.
5 a. Bullying is the same as teasing.
b. Bullying has no impact on bullies themselves.

6 Choose 2 of the forms of bullying enumerated in paragraph 3, you consider to be the most dangerous and explain your choice.

7 Enumerate at least 4 (2:2) effects of bullying among both girls and boys.

8 Agree or disagree. Tell why?

a. Bullying is more common among boys than among girls.
b. “Teens, in particular, are hesitant to identify bullying and, as a result, many do not seek assistance and may even
deny that there is a problem”.

9 Enumerate at least 3 weapons against bullying and explain why you think they might work.
10 Choose from the phrases below those that describe bullies and those that describe victims. Write them in two columns.
Comment on your choice.
Need to feel powerful; are unhappy at school; are quiet and shy; are less inclined to fight back; are good at
talking themselves out of trouble; lack empathy for victims; are physically weak and submissive; are not confident
in their abilities and strengths; pretend to have been provoked; are angry, impulsive and have low self-esteem; are
socially awkward and insecure; derive satisfaction from inflicting suffering; are prone to be depressed; likely to
have few friends and little social support.

11 In about 5 lines explain what the main idea of the text is.

12 Entitle the text. Write it in the form of a sentence.

GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
Mamzelle Aurlie possessed a good, strong figure, their coming. They (be)… the children of her (near)
ruddy cheeks, hair that was changing from brown to neighbour, Odile. The young woman appeared, being ac-
gray, and a determined eye. She wore a man’s hat companied … these four children. … face was red and
about the farm, and an old blue army overcoat when disfigured from tears and excitement. She had been sum-
it was cold, and sometimes top-boots. moned … a neighbouring parish by the dangerous illness
Mamzelle Aurlie had never thought of marry- … her mother and Valsin (wait)… with the mule-cart to
ing. She never (be) … in love. At the age … twenty drive her to … station.
she had received a proposal, which she had promptly She (leave)… them crowded into the narrow strip
declined, and at the age of fifty she had not yet/still of shade on the porch of the house; the white sunlight
lived to regret it. (beat)… in on the white old boards; some chickens were
… she was quite alone/lonely in the world, ex- scratching in the grass … … foot of the steps. There was/
cept for her dog Ponto, It was a pleasant odor of pinks in the air.
One morning Mamzelle Aurlie stood upon her Mamzelle Aurlie stood contemplating … children.
gallery … a small band of very small children apper- She began by feeding …. But little children are not little
ared, who/which might have fallen from the clouds, pigs: they require attentions … she was ill prepared to
so unexpected and bewildering/bewildered was give.

CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text describing for the following situation. A foreign friend of yours is planning to visit
Moldova. What places would you prefer to take him to and why?
CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. Is it appropriate for students and teachers
to be friends on Facebook? Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring at least two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion.

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate 115

TEST 2. Read the text and fulfill the activities to it.
All parents like to believe their kid is gifted. where you left off. “We, as parents, should not relive our own
According to James T. Webb’s “there are specific traits childhood dreams – or force children to take on the interests
that mark a gifted child. Some–like unusual alertness–can be or activities we want for them,” says Nilles.
spotted as early as infancy. Others, such as self-taught reading Parents should also be careful not to write off any inter-
and writing skills, imaginary playmates, excellent memory, est or passion as too unusual or advanced. If a child mentions
emerge in preschool. Still others, like unusual sense of hu- she or he wants more, increasingly difficult homework par-
mor, are open to interpretation. ents shouldn’t laugh and tell her or him to enjoy her or his
Signs of genius might also include an unusually large vo- youth. Instead, they should help their children find the next
cabulary, intense feelings and reactions, a sense of justice at challenge. “A common myth is that parents of gifted young
an early age, daydreaming, highly developed curiosity, and a people are pushing their children, when in reality these
tendency to ask probing questions. children are often leading their parents by asking for more
But are geniuses born to it, or can they be made? challenge to match their intellectual needs,” Julie Dudley, Di-
Most experts agree that there’s no one formula to ignite rector of the Davidson Institute for Talent Development in
genius, but there are ways to encourage these traits in chil- Reno, Nevada, tells parents. “For example, if a child is hungry
dren, should they exhibit them at an early age. And doing for knowledge in mathematics, science or music, parents can
so is vital. A recent study in the journal Psychological Science seek out mentors, tutors or online learning resources.”
found that exceptionally gifted students often get lost in the The good news is that even if a child isn’t a true gen-
classroom because the curriculum can’t keep up with their ius, there are steps parents can take to encourage him to be
rate of learning, and teachers focus on students who strug- his most productive self. In “Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for
gle rather than those who excel. These obstacles resulted Raising Happily Productive Kids,” authors Dona Matthews
in missed learning opportunities, frustration, and undera- and Joanne Foster offer a checklist of what they call “brain-
chievement, the researchers say. building experiences,” including reading aloud, visiting mu-
This is where parents come in. They can help children seums, taking walks in nature, and creating art projects. But
find their true element by taking cues from the child,” Kathy just as important as these activities is time for reflection. Par-
Nilles, Parent Services Manager at the National Association ents should talk with their children about what they learned,
for Gifted Children, tells parents. That means tuning in to how it connects with what they already know, and what they
your kid’s strengths and interests and helping them find ways want to do, see, or learn next.
to explore those areas. And remember that this is their mo- In such a way parents will both help their children de-
ment, not yours, so just because you regret giving up the cello velop many of the traits their children exhibit and really en-
in third grade doesn’t mean your little one needs to pick up courage them to become their most productive selves.

1 Answer the questions below.

a. At what age can the specific features that mark a gifted child be spotted?
b. Why is it so important to encourage such specific traits in children at an early age?

2 Find in the text words corresponding to the definitions given below.

a. not real; existing only as an idea in your mind c. to be extremely good at something
b. to live over or through again d. anything that claims effort, interest, feeling, etc.

3 Write either a synonym (S) or an antonym (A) for each of the given words.
a. trait c. to exhibit a. myth c. strength
b. cue d. gifted b. to give up d. to emerge

4 Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)? Justify your choice.
a. Parents can’t help their children reveal their strengths and interests.
b. It is parents who should choose what activities their children should take up.
Agree or disagree with the statements. Tell why?
5 a. “Teachers focus on students who struggle rather than those who excel”.
b. “… parents of gifted young people are pushing their children”.

6 In your own words, explain the following statements that come from the text.
a. “… that means tuning in to your kid’s strengths and interests and helping them find ways to explore those
b. “We, as parents, should not relive our own childhood dreams”.
In your opinion, how important is the time for reflection parents should have with their children? Give reasons.
8 In about 5 lines (50 words) write what the main idea of the text is.

9 Entitle the text. Write it in the form of a sentence.

GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
… night, when Mamzelle Aurlie ordered … of them did not aspire to … subtle knowledge on the subject as
to bed, they stayed uncomprehending before her. What/ Aunt Ruby possessed; … had raised five and buried six in
How about the little white nightgowns, the tub of water her day. She (be) glad to learn a … mother-tricks to serve
which/that had to be brought and set … … middle of the … moment’s need.
floor, in which … little tired, dusty, sun-browned feet Ti Nomme’s sticky fingers compelled her to unearth
had to be washed clean? It made Marcline and Marclette white aprons that she (not, wear) for years, and she had to
laugh merry/merrily … the idea that Ti Nomme could accustom … to his moist kisses. It/There took her some
fall asleep … being told … story … that Lodie could fall days to become accustomed … the laughing, the crying,
asleep without (rock)… and sung to. the chattering that echoed through and around the house
“I tell you, Aunt Ruby,” Mamzelle Aurlie informed … day long. … at the end of two weeks Mamzelle Aurlie
… cook in confidence; “I … … manage a dozen planta- had grown quite used to … things, … she no longer com-
tions! It is (interesting)!” Mamzelle Aurlie also/certainly plained.

CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text describing for the following situation. Describe your favourite literary character
(from English, American or Romanian literature) and describe what makes that character your favourite.
CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. Children learn best by observing the behav-
iour of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion.

TEST 3. Read the text and fulfill the activities to it.

Malala Yousafzai once wrote: “We realize the impor- es”, and it places her alongside previous recipients Nelson
tance of our voices only when we are silenced. I was shot Mandela, Martin Luther King and Aung San Suu Kyi.
on a Tuesday at lunchtime, one bullet, one gunshot heard The award, she said, “is for all those children who are
around the world.” voiceless and whose voices need to be heard”.
Two years and a day after her attempted assassina- She saw it as motivation to continue her campaign for
tion by Taliban gunmen, that shot continued to reverber- equal rights to education. “I felt more powerful and more
ate with the Nobel committee’s announcement that the courageous because this award is not just a piece of metal
17-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl is to share the peace prize, or a medal you wear or an award you keep in your room.
its youngest recipient ever. This is encouragement for me to go forward.”
When the news broke, Malala was in a chemistry class The school, Khushal public school, was founded by
at Edgbaston high school for girls, Birmingham, far away her father, who encouraged Malala to speak freely and learn
from the mountain-fringed city of Mingora in the pictu- everything she could. By then, though only 15, she was an
resque Swat valley where she was born, and where she be- outspoken critic of the tactics of the Taliban, who overran
gan her outspoken campaign for the right to education, and the city in 2009, in denying education to girls.
where she almost died on October 9, 2012. Since the age of 11 she had been championing girls’
Malala’s campaign, noted the Nobel committee, has education in Pakistan, speaking out in TV interviews and
been carried out “under the most dangerous circumstanc- the subject of a documentary in 2009. Under the auspices

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate 117

of her father, also outspoken on education, she wrote a di- an education.
ary about life under Taliban rule which ran on BBC Urdu Barack Obama, the US president, himself a Peace
between January and March 2009. Prize Laureate, said he was awestruck by Malala’s courage
If before the attack Malala had been an outspoken as he hailed her Nobel win. He was filled with hope know-
advocate for equal education, she became an international ing this is only the beginning of her extraordinary efforts to
force after it. make the world a better place.
She has continued to campaign, meeting Barack Obama, Pakistani Prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, said she was
being named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential the “pride” of the country. Girls and boys of the world
people and last year publishing the memoir “I am Malala”. should take the lead from her struggle and commitment”.
Addressing the UN on her 16th birthday, she said: On October 22, Malala traveled to Ottawa, Canada.
“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change She was awarded honorary Canadian citizenship by Cana-
the world.” Her awards include the European parliament’s da’s Prime minister, Stephen Harper.
Sakharov prize for freedom of thought, Mother Teresa Me- She has now abandoned her ambition to become a
morial Award for Social Justice, Simone de Beauvoir Prize, doctor, instead deciding to become “a politician, a good
and last year the UN made July 12, her birthday, Malala politician”. With what she has achieved, aged just 17, few
Day, celebrating the campaign for a child’s right to receive would bet against her achieving her dream.

Answer the questions:

1 a. Who was the first person to inspire Malala and encourage her in everything she was doing?
b. What any other prizes, besides the Nobel Peace prize, was Malala awarded?

2 Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

a. Malala has become the youngest Nobel Prize winner ever.
b. The prize didn’t motivate Malala in any way.

3 What words in the text mean the same as:

a. attractive in appearance (esp. of a place) d. toward the front; ahead
b. saying freely what one thinks e. filled with feelings of admiration or respect
c. a person who receives something f. expressing strong opinions very directly; frank

4 Write either a synonym (S) or an antonym (A) for each of the words below.
a. forward c. to deny e. desire g. to hail
b. to abandon d. dangerous f. fatal h. influential

5 In your own words, explain the following words and phrases that come from the text.
a. pseudonym b. to incite c. under the auspices of d. memoir

6 Why should other children of the world take the lead from Malala’s struggle and commitment?

7 How can such children as Malala help the world become a better place?

8 Identify the message of the text and comment on it in 5 lines.

9 Entitle the text. Write it in the form of a sentence.

GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
It/That was also … the end of two weeks that … this coming, unannounced and unexpected, threw
Mamzelle Aurlie, one evening, (look) away toward Mamzelle Aurlie … a flutter that was almost agitation. …
the crib where the cattle were/was being fed, (see) children had to (gather). Where were they?
Valsin’s blue cart turn/turning the bend of the road. How glad they were to see … mother! … excitement
Odile (sit) beside, upright and alert. … they drew was all over, and they (go). How still it was … they were
near, the young woman’s beaming face indicated that gone! Mamzelle Aurlie stood upon the gallery, looking
her home-coming was a happy …. and listening. … could no longer see the cart … a purple

mist across the fields hid it … her view. She could no lon- slow glance through the room, into … the evening shad-
ger hear the (creak) of … wheels. … she could still faintly ows (creep) and (deepen) around her solitary figure. She
hear the glad voices … the children. let … head fall down upon her bended arm … began to
She entered … the house. There/It was … work cry. Oh, but she cried! Not softly as women do. She cried
awaiting her … the children (leave) a sad disorder behind … a man, with sobs that seemed to tear her very soul. She
…, but she (not, set) at once about the task of righting it. (not, notice) Ponto licking her hand.
Mamzelle Aurlie seated … beside the table. She gave one

10 CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text about 2-3 of the most influential people in the world and their personal
contribution to changing the world.

11 CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. “One child, one teacher, one book,
one pen can change the world.” Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring at least two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion.

TEST 4. Read the text and complete the activities.

Taking Care of Business
Teenagers work for many different reasons. Some want harmful. Loud noises can cause hearing problems. Danger-
experience, while others need spending money. Some want ous chemicals can affect health. Working in dusty or dirty
summer jobs and others are looking for full-time employ- places can cause breathing problems. Wherever you work,
ment. Knowing where and how to start can be a challenge. your employer should tell you about parts of your job that
Understanding how the system works will help. may be dangerous. If not, ask.
Each country has its own rules, called employment Work can be very rewarding. You can make both mon-
standards, about when teens can start working. Before you ey and new friends, develop your skills and enjoy new expe-
start applying for jobs, check the rules for the place you live riences. However, don’t get so involved in your job that you
in. This way, you know ahead of time if you are allowed to forget about the rest of your life.
do the job you want, and whether you must follow any spe- School is very important. No matter what you decide
cific rules that do not apply to adults. to do in your life, education will help. For some, work is
One should always know his rights. Wages, overtime, much more fun than school. Compared to a job, school
holidays, and many other conditions of work are subject to may seem boring or difficult. However, this is no reason to
laws. One should also find out what work is available. After give up on your education.
researching many types of jobs, you will have a better idea Your education and work experiences will work to-
about what you would really enjoy. If you know you want gether to make you a better employee in the future. Your
a certain position, research it well. Find out whether you skills will combine what you learn at school and at work.
meet the requirements and learn about the employer. Dis- Make sure that the amount of time you devote to work does
playing interest is one of the best ways to show employers not affect your studies or work assignments. If you cannot
that you are a good candidate. maintain your school marks while you are working, you
To apply for most jobs you need a resume, a written may need to cut down on work hours.
outline of your accomplishments and experience. If you Work can be fun and fulfilling. It can enrich your life
have the chance, ask someone experienced in evaluating both now and in the future. Still, remember that working
resumes to look yours over. Always double-check your is not always easy. Finding a job can be difficult, and doing
resume before sending it out to potential employers. Spell- one can be dangerous. Balancing the rest of your life with
ing mistakes and punctuation errors are big red flags to work is challenging.
employers. They suggest that you are careless about details Whatever you do, remember that guidance is avail-
and do not care about first impressions. able. Your parents, your school, and your local community
Work can be dangerous. Young workers have a higher can be great sources of information and support. Do not
risk of on-the-job injuries than more experienced adult hesitate to ask. Your first job has the potential to be one
workers. Many things can harm you on the job, and some of the most exciting and interesting experiences of your
are not obvious. Even the work environment itself can be entire life.

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate 119

1 Answer the questions below.
a. Why do some teenagers work? b. Why can work be more dangerous for teenagers than for adults?

2 In your own words explain the words given below.

a. wages b. obvious c. requirement d. potential

3 Find in the text words synonymous with:

a. beforehand b. achievement c. mistake d. satisfying

4 Find in the text words antonymous to:

a. part-time b. safe c. interesting d. careful

5 Agree or disagree with the statements. Give reasons.

a. “One shouldn’t get so involved in his/her job and forget about the rest of his/her life”.
b. “Your first job has the potential to be one of the most exciting and interesting experiences of your entire life”.
c. Spelling mistakes and other errors in a resume suggest the candidate’s carelessness about details.

6 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Explain your choice.
a. Money is the only reason many teenagers decide to start working.
b. The work one does has both advantages and disadvantages.
c. Education has nothing to do with what one is going to do in life.

7 Answer the questions below.

a. Why should one care about the first impression he/she makes when one starts working?
b. Is it necessary for one who works to be able to balance his life with work? Why?

8 In about 5 lines write what the message of the text is.

Give the text another title. Write it in the form of a sentence.
GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
“My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel,” “… you (know) many of the people round here?”
said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; “in asked the niece, when she judged that they (have) suffi-
the meantime you must try and put up with me.” cient silent communion.
Framton Nuttel endeavored to say … which “Hardly a soul,” said Framton. “My sister (stay) here
should flatter … niece without discounting the aunt some four years ago, and she (give) me letters of intro-
that was to come. Privately he doubted (much) than duction to … of the people here.”
ever … these formal visits of strangers (do) much to- He made … last statement … a tone of distinct regret.
wards helping the nerve cure. “… you know practically nothing about … aunt?”
“I know how it will be,” his sister (say) when he pursued the self-possessed young lady.
(prepare) to migrate to this rural retreat; “you will “… her name and address,” admitted the caller. He
bury … down there and not speak to … living soul, was wondering … Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or
and your nerves will be (bad) than ever. I shall just widowed state. Something about the room seemed (sug-
give you letters of introduction to … the people I gest) masculine habitation. “Her great/big tragedy (hap-
know here/there. … of them, … far … I can remem- pen) just three years ago,” said the child. “Her tragedy?”
ber, were … nice.” asked Framton. “You may/must wonder why we keep
Framton wondered … Mrs. Sappleton, the lady that window wide/widely open … an October after-
to … he was presenting one … the letters of introduc- noon,” said the niece, indicating a large French window
tion, came into the nice division. that opened on to ... lawn.

10 CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text about EUDEC (European Democratic Education Community), how it promotes
democratic education and what makes it so unique throughout Europe.

11 CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. Many students choose to attend
schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to
explain your answer. Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring at least two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion

TEST 5. Read the text and fulfill the activities to it.

The Story Behind “The Praying Hands”
Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nurem- your turn. Now you can go to Nuremberg to pursue your
berg, lived a family with eighteen children. In order merely to dream, and I will take care of you.”
keep food on the table for this mob, the father and head of the All heads turned in eager expectation to the far end of
household, a goldsmith by profession, worked almost eighteen the table where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face,
hours a day at his trade and any other paying chore he could shaking his lowered head from side to side while he sobbed
find in the neighborhood. Despite their seemingly hopeless and repeated, over and over, “No …no …no …no.”
condition, two of Albrecht Durer the Elder’s children had a Finally, Albert rose and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, but they He glanced down the long table at the faces he loved, and
knew full well that their father would never be financially able then, holding his hands close to his right cheek, he said softly,
to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy. “No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too late for me.
After many long discussions at night in their crowded Look, look what four years in the mines have done to my
bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact. They would toss hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least
a coin. The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis so badly
with his earnings, support his brother while he attended the in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your
academy. Then, when that brother who won the toss com- toast, much less make delicate lines on parchment or canvas
pleted his studies, in four years, he would support the other with a pen or a brush. No, brother … for me it is too late.”
brother at the academy, either with sales of his artwork or, if More than 450 years have passed. By now, Albrecht
necessary, also by laboring in the mines. Durer’s hundreds of masterful portraits, pen and silver-point
They tossed a coin on a Sunday morning after church. sketches, watercolors, charcoals, woodcuts, and copper en-
Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Al- gravings hang in every great museum in the world, but the
bert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next odds are great that you, like most people, are familiar with
four years, financed his brother, whose work at the academy only one of Albrecht Durer’s works. More than merely being
was almost an immediate sensation. Albrecht’s etchings, his familiar with it, you very well may have a reproduction hang-
woodcuts, and his oils were far better than those of most of ing in your home or office.
his professors, and by the time he graduated, he was begin- One day, to pay homage to Albert for all that he had
ning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works. sacrificed, Albrecht Durer painstakingly drew his brother’s
When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer abused hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched
family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albre- skyward. He called his powerful drawing simply “Hands,” but
cht’s triumphant homecoming. After a long and memorable the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to
meal, punctuated with music and laughter, Albrecht rose his great masterpiece and renamed his tribute of love “The
from his honored position at the head of the table to drink a Praying Hands.”
toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had The next time you see a copy of that touching creation,
enabled Albrecht to fulfill his ambition. His closing words take a second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need
were, “And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is one, that no one – no one – ever makes it alone!

1 Answer the questions below.

a. Why should the two brothers toss a coin in order to decide who would go to study?
b. What does “to pay homage” mean and how do people usually do it?

2 Match the words with their definitions.

1. mob a. picture or design printed from a metal plate
2. to sob b. to throw lightly with the palm upward
3. etching c. a large number of people
4. to toss d. to cry or sigh with short, quick breaths

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate 121

3 Decide whether the words below are synonyms (S) or antonyms (A).
a. tribute – contribution c. to pursue – to abandon
b. to smash – to repair d. delicate – exquisite

4 Choose the correct variant.

A. ……. either of them, means:
a. both of them b. each of them c. one or the other
B. … the odds are great, means:
a. there’s much probability b. there’s no chance c. there’s little hope

5 Agree or disagree with the statements below. Give reasons.

a. “No, brother … for me it is too late.”
b. … “no one – no one – ever makes it alone!”

6 Do you think Albert would or wouldn’t have behaved the same way as his brother if he had won the toss? Explain your answer.

7 Think or give an account of another example of true love and sacrifice you’ve learned about and tell it shortly in about 50 words.

8 In about 5 lines state the main idea of the text.

9 Give another title to the text. Explain your choice.

GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
“It is … warm for … time of the year,” said Framton; room with a whirl of apologies for (be) late in making …
“but has that window got … to do … the tragedy?” appearance. “I hope Vera (amuse) you?” she said.
“Out … that window, three years ago, … husband “She has been very interesting,” said Framton.
and her two young brothers went off for ... day’s shoot- “I hope you (not, mind) the open window,” said
ing. They never came back. … crossing the moor to their Mrs. Sappleton; “my husband and brothers (be) home di-
favourite snipe-shooting ground they all three (engulf) in rectly from shooting, and they … come in this way. They
a bog. Their bodies never (recover). “Poor aunt always (be) out for snipe in the marshes today, so they (make) a
(think) that they will come back someday and walk in at fine mess over my poor carpets.”
that window just as they used (do). That is … the window She rattled on cheerfully about … shooting and the
(keep) open every evening till it is quite/extremely dusk. scarcity … birds, and the prospects for ducks in the win-
Poor dear aunt, she has often told me … they went out, ter. Mr. Framton made a desperate effort to turn the talk
her husband … his white waterproof coat over his arm, on to a (little) ghastly topic … he was conscious that his
and Ronnie, her (young) brother, singing, … he always host/hostess was giving … only a fragment of her atten-
did to tease her, … she said it got on her nerves. Do you tion, and her eyes were constantly straying to the open
know, sometimes on still, quiet evenings … this, I almost window. There/It was certainly an unfortunate coinci-
get a creepy feeling that they all (walk) in through that dence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic an-
window.” She (break) off with … little shudder. It was a niversary.
relief/relieve to Framton when the aunt bustled … the

10 CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text on the topic: “The piece of art I was greatly impressed by”.

11 CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. “Work helps us escape from three
evils: Boredom, vice and poverty”. Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring at least two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion.

TEST 6. Read the text and fulfill the activities to it.
There are more than 7 billion people on Earth now, On the other hand, Ehrlich, a Stanford University popu-
and roughly one in eight of us don’t have enough to eat. The lation biologist, warned of mass starvation in the 1970s and
question of how many people the Earth can support is a long- 1980s because of overpopulation. Even though he had drasti-
standing one that becomes more intense as the world’s popu- cally missed that forecast, he continues to argue that human-
lation and our use of natural resources keep booming. ity is heading for calamity. Ehrlich said the key issue actually
World population passed over 7 billion on October 31, was not just the number of people on Earth, but a dramatic
2011, according to the United Nations. These estimates are rise in our recent consumption of the natural resources.
based on assumptions about existing population size and When it comes to natural resources, studies indicate we
expectations of fertility, mortality, and migration in a geo- are living beyond our means. An ongoing Global Footprint
graphic area. Network study says we now use the equivalent of 1.5 pla-
We’ve been on a big growth spurt during the past centu- nets’ capacity to provide the resources we use, and to absorb
ry or so. In 1900, demographers had the world’s population at our waste. A study by the Stockholm Resilience Institute has
1.6 billion, in 1950 it was about 2.5 billion, by the year 2000 identified a set of “nine planetary boundaries” for conditions
it was more than 6 billion. Now, there are about 7.2 billion of in which we could live and thrive for generations, but it shows
us. A new study estimates that “there’s an 80 percent chance that we already have exceeded the institute’s boundaries for
that the actual number of people in 2100 will be somewhere biodiversity loss, nitrogen pollution, and climate change.
between 9.6 and 12.3 billion.” According to UN’s 2010 revision to its population pro-
In a famous 1798 essay, the Reverend Thomas Malthus jections, world population will peak at 10.1bn in 2100 com-
proposed that human population would grow more rapidly pared to 7bn in 2011. A 2014 paper by demographers from
than our ability to grow food, and that eventually we would several universities and the United Nations Population Di-
starve. vision forecast that the world’s population will reach about
He asserted that the population would grow geometri- 10.9 billion in 2100 and continue growing thereafter. How-
cally, and that food production would increase only arith- ever, some experts dispute the UN’s forecast and have argued
metically. So food production would not keep up with our that birthrates will fall below replacement rate in the 2020s.
expanding appetites. According to these forecasters, population growth will be
Even though more than 800 million people worldwide only sustained till the 2040s by rising longevity but will peak
don’t have enough to eat now, the mass starvation, Malthus below 9bn by 2050.
envisioned, hasn’t happened. This is primarily because ad- So when we debate population, it’s important to also
vances in agriculture, including improved plant breeding discuss the impact, the how we live, of the population equa-
and the use of chemical fertilizers, have kept global harvests tion. While new projections of even higher world popula-
increasing fast enough to mostly keep up with demand. tion in the decades ahead are cause for concern, we should
Still, some other researchers continue to worry that Malthus be equally concerned about, and be willing to address, the
eventually might be right. increasing effects of resource consumption and its waste.

1 Answer the questions below.

a. Why has the issue of how many people the earth can support become more problematic nowadays?
b. Why do some experts still dispute the UN’s forecast?

2 Find in the text words corresponding to the definitions below.

a. a sudden rushing forth c. prediction of a future event or situation
b. a forceful or dramatic effect d. to declare firmly

3 Match the words in pairs of either synonyms (S) or antonyms (A).

1. identity 5. to exceed a. slight e. to lag behind
2. to envision 6. to keep up with b. disaster f. to prosper
3. to thrive 7. calamity c. to surpass g. to predict
4. intense 8. advance (n) d. difference h. decrease (n)

4 Make up complex sentences or a short situation with: roughly; beyond means; to keep booming; expanding; to starve; to warn (of).

Sample Tests – National Baccalaureate 123

5 Represent the following sentences mathematically:
a. “… the population would grow geometrically…”
b. “food production would only increase … arithmetically”

6 Match the two halves of the sentences below and state which of them refer to cause (C) and which refer to effect (E).
a. If the population grows more rapidly than our ability to grow food , …
b. Because advances in agriculture have kept global harvests increasing to keep up with the demand …..
c. humanity is heading for calamity.
d. Because of the dramatic rise in our recent consumption of natural resources,
e. … the mass starvation Malthus has envisioned hasn’t happened.
f. we will starve.

7 In your own words explain the following:

a. The question of how many people the Earth can support is a long-standing one.
b. Even though he had drastically “missed that forecast”, he continues to argue that “humanity is heading for
c. “… we should be equally concerned about, and be willing to address, the increasing effects of resource consump-
tion and its waste”.

8 Identify the message of the text and comment on it in 5 lines.

9 Entitle the text. Write it in the form of a sentence.

GRAMMAR. Use the verbs in parantheses in the correct form. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps to give a full meaning to the
“The doctors agree in ordering me complete rest”, “Here we (be), my dear,” said the bearer of the white
announced Framton. “On … matter of diet they are not mackintosh, coming in … the window, “fairly muddy,
… much in agreement,” he continued. but most of it is dry. “… was that who bolted out as we
“No?” said Mrs. Sappleton, … a voice … only re- came up?”
placed a yawn at the last moment. Then she suddenly “A most extraordinary man; … Mr. Nuttel,” said
brightened into alert attention. “Here they are … last!” Mrs. Sappleton; “he could only talk about his illnesses,
she cried. “… in time for tea, and don't they look as if they and dashed off … a word of goodbye or apology when
(be) muddy up to the eyes!” you (arrive). One would think he (see) a ghost.”
Framton shivered slightly and turned … the niece “I expect it was the spaniel,” said the niece calmly;
with … look intended to convey sympathetic comprehen- “he told me he (have) a horror … dogs. He was once
sion. The child (stare) out through the open window with hunted into a cemetery by a … of dogs, and had to spend
horror in her eyes. Framton looked in the … direction. the night in … newly dug grave with the creatures snarl-
In the deepening twilight three figures (walk) across ing, grinning … foaming just above him. … enough to
the lawn … the window. Noiselessly they neared … make … lose their nerve.”
house. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels/ Romance … short notice was her speciality.
hills. Framton grabbed wildly … his stick and hat and
rushed away.

10 CIVILIZATION. Write a 70-80-word coherent text for the situation below. If you had the possibility to visit the USA what three
places would you visit and why?

11 CREATIVITY. Write a coherent 200-250-word text expressing your attitude on the given topic. To what extent will migration from
the developing world to the developed world become a social and political issue in the 21st century? Use specific reasons to support
your answers. Use the following plan:
• Make an introduction; • Bring at least two arguments/examples; • Draw a conclusion.

11. I seldom ask for other people’s advice and never take ... .
1 Choose the best variant.
1. Aerobics … always been her hobby. a. it b. them
a. has b. have 12. This family ... at the party.
2. Where did you hear … news from? a. is b. are
a. those b. that 13. At last the class ... dismissed.
3. … cybernetics taught at school? a. was b. were
a. are b. is 14. Poultry … very expensive this year.
4. The police ... been informed about the robbery. a. is b. are
a. has b. have 15. The majority of participants at the seminar ... from the
5. The cattle … kept for meat, milk and hides. United Kingdom.
a. is b. are a. was b. were
6. Her pyjamas ... in the wardrobe. 16. Apple pie and peas ... my favourite food.
a. was b. were a. is b. are
7. Thirty years ... a long time. 17. A number of books ... lying on the table.
a. is b. are a. was b. were
8. Plenty of cheese ... imported from France. 18. The government of this country has to pay ... to people
a. is b. are who suffered during the devastating earthquake.
9.The second set of rules ... lexical rules. a. damage b. damages
a. is b. are 19. Many women are flattered by the ... offered by men on the
10. Money ... the fruit of evil as often as the root of it. occasion of the 8th of March.
a. is b. are a. attention b. attentions

7. A vertebra is a small hollow bone down the centre of the

2 Make these sentences plural.
1. I haven’t got enough datum yet. backbone.
2. This country has undergone an acute economic crisis. 8. An amoeba is a very small living creature consisting of only
3. It is this phenomenon that has seriously affected her. one cell.
4. There is a special formula for calculating the speed of 9. My apple-tree was suffering from fungus.
light. 10. A tiny bacterium can cause a serious disease.
5. What was the doctor’s diagnosis? 11. I need a criterion to distinguish one pattern from an-
6. It’s very important that the scientist should study thor- other.
oughly the elementary particles of a nucleus. 12.The caravan will stop for one night at an oasis.

3 Write either the masculine or the feminine of the nouns below. Some words are commonly used for both sexes.
1. prince 7. countess 13. dairymaid 19. tiger
2. sir 8. wizard 14. bridegroom 20. heir
3. nun 9. principal 15. gander 21. queen
4. master 10. duke 16. turkey 22. tailor
5. spinster 11. stallion 17. champion 23. emperor
6. ram 12. lion 18. shepherd 24. priest

4 Choose the best variant.

1. A friend of my … will pay us a visit soon.
6. I have decided to look for some additional information about
this … statute.
a. father b. father’s a. NGO b. NGO’s
2. He has got an appointment at the … at 11.25. 7. I found the book at the … .
a. doctor b. doctor’s a. sack’s bottom b. bottom of the sack
3. Have you read anything about … reign? 8. Henry went on a … to France.
a. Henry the Eighth’s b. Henry the Eighth a. three week holiday b. three weeks’ holiday
4. She goes to a … in London. 9. … nephew is a well-known chess player.
a. girls’ school b. girl’s school a. The man next doors’ b. The man next door’s
5. Her … father is a lawyer. 10. This Resolution was published in … .
a. sister-in-law’s b. sister-in-law a. yesterday’s newspapers b. yesterdays’ newspapers

Grammar 125
1 Fill in correct articles, if necessary.
1. … juice is the only drink he has between meals.
16. The only man capable of giving me … information I seek is
far away.
2. … milk she bought yesterday became sour. 17. I can still remember our conversation … word for … word.
3. … Universities should be centres of … culture. 18. Animals depend on ... plants and trees for … air which they
4. … fortune favours the brave. breathe.
5. This is … good tea. Is it English? 19. Some insects sleep in … day and work at … night.
6. Physical culture is important, but we must not neglect 20. … only bird that can walk upright, like … man is … pen-
… culture of the mind. guin.
7. They made … fortune in oil. 21. It was too great … shock for her, and she immediately left
8. Where … love fails, we espy all faults. … room.
9. … knowledge makes one laugh, but … wealth makes one 22. … night outside seemed very cold, they were trembling from
dance. … head to … foot.
10. … beans contain a lot of fibres. 23. We had … wonderful weather yesterday.
11. Have you read anything by … Bronte sisters? 24. May you be happy in … life you have chosen!
12. ... beauty is not a heritage. 25. What … thing … courage is!
13. He had no right to expose himself to … death. 26. I believe I can tell … very moment I began to love him.
14. … twenty cents Frank received every day for delivering 27. ... thunderstorm is approaching, bring … washing in.
… afternoon paper on … house-to-house route was 28. He wanted to get up … party to mark … event but his wife
not enough. would not tolerate … idea.
15. We’ve had one piece of … rather curious information. 29. Not … word was spoken in … parlour.

2 Supply a proper article, if necessary:

I. 1. When … winter came he suffered … good deal from III. Although … Britain is … densely populated, industrialized
… cold and ... poverty, and often had to go to … bed country, … agriculture is still one of its most important in-
without … supper but … few dried pears or some dustries. … dairying is most common in … west of … Eng-
hard nuts. 2. Nick taught … Spanish at … local school. land, where … wetter climate encourages … growth of …
3. He was taken to … hospital and operated on for … good grass. … Sheep and … cattle are reared in … hilly and
appendicitis. 4. … thief was sent to … prison for … year. … moorland areas of … northern and … south - western
5. Charles Dickens’s father was sent to … prison for … England. Its best farmland lies in … south - eastern plains.
debts. His family had lived in … prison for many years. … south of England is rural, with many fertile valleys and
6. Some pupils leave … school at four or five o’clock in numerous hedges dividing … well-cultivated fields and
… afternoon. 7. She told us that she had worked at … pastures. … south - eastern coast is well-known for its pic-
hospital for several years. 8. “It is nine o’clock already. turesque scenery and … mild climate and … number of
… children must go to … bed,” Mr. Smith said to … popular resorts. On … southern coast of … England there
nurse. 9. She usually goes to ... college by bus. 10. Sue are many large ports, among them: … Southampton, …
is going to ... university in London. 11. He taught … Portsmouth, … Plymouth.
ancient literature in … obscure little college in Lyon. IV. At … present; from … head to foot; from … beginning to
II. 1. How about coming to … tea tomorrow? 2. We had … end; at … first sight; by … chance; by … mistake; by
… lunch at … road-side restaurant. 3. “When did you … land; by … air; to keep … house; at … sunrise; in …
last have … dinner?” … doctor asked … little boy. hurry; in … low voice; as … result; at … glance; it is out
4. They had … dinner in … silence. 5. … dinner was … of …question; in … original; on … whole; on …one hand;
grand one. 6. Do you take … sugar in your tea? 7. That one … other hand; to tell (to speak) … truth; to be on …
will be enough for … present. 8. She asked for … per- safe side.
mission to go out in … afternoon. 9. I don’t think I’ll V. 1. She treated me with … complete understanding. 2. She
take … job. … money is good, of course, but … work is spoke without … conviction. 3. While … conversation
not quite in my line. 10. Black cats are supposed to bring went on, Rosemary just sat there in … sullen silence with-
… good luck, you know, and I could do with some. out saying … word on … subject under … discussion. She
11. What is it, Bart, … good news or … bad news? listened to … story with … strange feeling of … curiosity
12. They mostly talk about … weather. 13. He hated and … sadness. It was such … usual story. 4. They fell in …
those chairs made of … steel. 14. You need … com- love at once: it was … love at first sight. 5. He was … great
panionship, my dear and … new interest in … life. love of her life.


The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used

1 to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill in
7. One can’t reward such … with evil. (FAITH)
8. Only a … of children were attending the party; the others
each of the blanks. were not willing to. (HAND)
1. His faith in himself had been shattered and he felt … and 9. Your help is quite … but it means so much to your parents.
adrift. (ROOT) (SIGN)
2. The only thing is that if she should get worse we might 10. He was, in fact, the most … young man they had ever met or
feel a little … afterwards. (COMFORT) heard of. (AGREE)
3. To sit in the shade on a fine day is the most perfect … . 11. Are you ready for the …? (DEPART)
(FRESH) 12. … in athletics for high school … does not … academic per-
4. She thought … was the most necessary thing at the mo- formance. (INVOLVE, STUDY, DANGER)
ment. (DEPEND) 23. How do you motivate your …? (ABSENT)
5. Anger and bewilderment left her … (SPEECH) 14. A … person’s talk shows … of ideas. (BORE, POOR)
6. There must have been some …, I don’t think he is the 15. It’s good to … children to play a … game. (COURAGE,
person you are looking for. (UNDERSTAND) COMPETE)

Make compound words according to the definitions, using

2 the word in bold as the first word of the compound.
1. dis…….. . To be sad at not getting what was hoped for. 10. in…….… . Opposed in character.
2. under…….. . University student working for a bachelor’s 11. ir…….. . Not to the point; off the subject.
degree. 12. over……... . To stress too much .
3. ir…….. . Without a proper sense of responsibility. 13. pre…….. . Before a proper time.
3. fore……. . Ancestors 14. out… . A lawless person.
4. open……. . Generous, giving freely. 15. re…. . Bring or come together again.
5. co…...... . Work in partnership. 16. il……. . Very hard or impossible to read.
6. down…. . To or in the central section of a town or city. 17. un…….. . That cannot be endured.
7. im……….. . Impossible to put into practice. 18. under…….. . Estimate at too low a value.
8. im……. . That can not be moved. 19. dis………. . Having a bad reputation.
9. in……… . Not producing the desired effect. 20. il…….. . Inability to read and write.

B. 1. … in mind what I’ve told you. (bear, bare)

3 Choose the best variant. Explain your choice.
2. He always used to … famous people. (cite, sight)
A. 1. You shouldn’t walk … foot in this area. (bear, bare)
3. Why didn’t you pay the … ? (fair, fare)
2. His … gets worse and worse. (sight, site)
4. This is a … question. (personal, personnel)
3. Can she … on a button? (sew, sow)
5. I make it a … to save money each week. (principal, princi-
4. Tell the … to meet at seven. (personnel, personal)
5. He is not a … man to do business with. (fair, fare)
6. They called the … to decide what to do. (council, counsel)
6. There wasn’t a … to be seen. (soul, sole)
7. He put his heart and … into the work. (soul, sole)
7. She is head over … in love with him. (heels, heals)
8. The dog has been … all night. (lose, loose)
8. Don’t … your patience, please. (loose, lose)
9. When does the ship … ? (sale, sail)
9. The accident was … to the careless driving. (due, dew)
10. Could you leave the … open? (gait, gate)
10. Have you ever listened to this … chorus? (mail, male)
11. You have to deliver the … twice a day. (male, mail)
11. What’s the new … to the top of the mountain? (route,
12. Is money the … of all evils? (route, root)
13. He is the … character in this novel. (mane, main)
12. He has a lame … because of an injured foot. (gate, gait)
14. Have you a … for happiness? (receipt, recipe)
13. The kitchen is at the … of the house. (rare, rear)
15. What … do you use to fill the cushions? (staff, stuff)
14. Here is the … of your letter. (receipt, recipe)
16. It is not easy for a fractured bone to … (heel, heal)
15. Chicago is the … city of Illinois. (principle, principal)
17. It is very … for her to arrive late. (rear, rare)
16. You may count on her good … . (council, counsel)
18. The grass was wet with … . (dew, due)
17. He is having a meeting with the … . (staff, stuff)
19. We shall … the field with oats. (sew, sow)
18. Is the house over there for … ? (sale, sail)

Grammar 127

1 Choose the correct tense: present indefinite or present

4. My sister usually (has/ is having) tea in the morning but today
she (has/ is having) coffee.
1. Do you know that water (boils/is boiling) at 100 degrees 5. - Where (do you go/ are you going)? - I (go/ am going) to
Centigrade? school.
2. What beautiful swans! Look! One of them (swims/ is 6. Nick (plays/is playing) football best of all in the team.
swimming) towards us. 7. - Can you explain the rule? I (don’t understand/ am not un-
3. What (do you look/are you looking at?) - The girl. She derstanding) it at all.
has never been here before.

Supply either the past indefinite tense or the present per- 8. When I was a boy, I often … (to go) fishing with my father.
2 fect tense of the verbs in parentheses. 9. I … (to complete) writing my exercise at last.
1. I … (to visit ) Chicago several times. 10. He … (to start) to study English last winter.
2. Mr Smith … (to go) to Chicago last week. 11. The day before yesterday we … (to have) a bad storm.
3. I …. (to read) that book several times. 12. I … never … (to be) to Australia.
4. I first … (to read) it while I was on my vacation last sum- 13. I hear that you … (to give up) the idea of studying German.
mer. 14. It … (to be) very cold yesterday.
5. John … (to fall) down as he was crossing the street. 15. We … (to learn) many new words in this course.
6. I … (to see) Mary a few days ago. 16. The First World War … (to begin) in 1914 and … (to end)
7. When the bell rang, John … (to jump) from his seat and in 1918.
… (to run) out of the room. 17. She says that she … (to lose) her pocketbook.

Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: B. 1. The store (to have) two big sales since then.
3 A. 1. Listen! I (to hear) someone at the door. 2. Hurry up, or you (to be) late for your appointment.
2. There (to be) many people here tomorrow. 3. Since when you (know) him?
3. I never (to see) this face. 4. Look through the window. It (rain).
4. John (to sail) in his boat when the storm (to come). 5. They (not speak) to each other for over three weeks.
5. I (to forget) the name of it already. 6. How long ago you (arrive) here?
6. What we (to have) for dinner now? 7. It (stop) snowing for a week when we came to the town.
7. It’s been a long time since I (to see) him. 8. It (rain) from five till nine o’clock.
8. I (to see) that movie twice already. 9. Today is Thursday. You (see) Nick this week? - Yes. I (see)
9. There (to be) two storms in the last three days. him on Tuesday. He (wait) for you at his office at five o’clock
10. As she (to cross) the road, she (to slip) and (to fall). tomorrow.
11. She (to go) back home after she (to borrow) another 10. I (not play) the violin since I was a little boy.
book. 11. I (to look) for him since I (to leave) the hotel, but I (not to
12. Tomorrow afternoon at this time, we (to fly) over the find) him.
Black Sea. 12. The train (to leave) at 8.30.
13. You (not to change) since we (to meet). 13. The ship (to sink) four hours after it (to hit) the iceberg.
14. Columbus (discover) America more than five hundred 14. We (finish) our dinner half an hour ago.
years ago. 15. They (visit) Westminster Abbey a few days ago.
15. I came up to the window. It (stop) raining and the sun 16. I expect these young men (to tell) you who I am.
(shine) brightly in the sky. 17. He (to need) it right now.

Present indefinite, past indefinite or present perfect?

4 1. How long…here? (do you live/ have you lived/ did you 6. She … to cook when she was eighteen. (has learnt/ learnt/
live) learn)
2. …this book before? (Has he read/ Did he read/ Does he 7. We usually … letters on Saturdays. (write/ have written/
read) Yes, he … last year. (have read/read/reads) wrote)
3. I think I …her very well. (know/knew/have known) 8. I … Mary since 2000. (know/knew/have known)
4. … modern jazz? (Do you like/Did you like/Have you 9. The hot weather … until September. (last/lasted/ has last-
liked) ed)
5. I … my job three times this year. (have changed/change/ 10. She … in this school since March. (is/has been/was)

Underline the correct answer.
5 1. Alice felt very pleased with herself. She had found / found 5. I was just about to leave when I had remembered / remem-
what she was looking for. bered my briefcase.
2. “Where are we?” had asked / asked Martha. 6. My sister told me that Joe had died / died.
3. By the time I got back to the bathroom, the bath had 7. He had looked / looked at his watch again and began to walk
overflowed / overflowed. even faster.
4. She walked into the station only to find that the train 8. In a surprise move, the Prime Minister had resigned / resigned
had left / left. last night.

Complete the sentences with these verbs, using the same one pounds to the charity this year.
6 for each sentence in the pair. Use the present perfect in one
3 a With their win yesterday, Italy ............... into sec-
ond place in the table.
sentence and the present perfect continuous in the other. b As house prices in the cities have risen, people
claim disappear give move stop ............... into the countryside.
4 a For years he ............... that he is related to the
1 a An important file ............... from my office. royal family.
b Plants and vegetables ............. from my garden b The earthquake ............... over 5,000 lives.
since we had new neighbours. 5 a All day, the police ............... motorists to
2 a Dr Fletcher ............... the same lecture question them about the accident.
to students for the last ten years. b Good! The noise ............... I can start concentrating on my
b Mr Goldman ............... nearly a million work again.

7 Future indefinite or future continuous? 6. In a couple of hours the first guests (to arrive).
1. At this time she (to do) her shopping. 7. If you ask me I (not to mention) it.
2. When you come to London I (to cross) the border. 8. Of course, she (to do) it if you say so.
3. We are much too early. There (to be) no one there. 9 Her sister (to go) to school next year.
4. Go and look at the view. You (to find) me at the “Tour- 10. No, don’t phone me at ten. I (to take) my younger son to
ists’ Rest.” the doctor.
5. When you come we (to take) you sightseeing.

1 Convert into indirect speech
When sentences containing the subjunctive He said that he wished he knew English well.
mood are converted into indirect speech the form He said, “Ann wouldn’t lend me any money if I asked her.” He said
of the verb usually remains unchanged. However, that Ann wouldn’t lend him any money if he asked her.
if we have the analytical subjunctive with the modal He said, “The boys will think none the worse of you whatever you
verb may. May is changed into might if the verb in may have done.” He said that the boys would think none the worse
the principal clause stands in a past tense. of him whatever he might have done.
e.g. He said, “I wish I knew English well.”

He said, the evening.

1. If we didn’t go to their party next week, they would be very 10. Though he may be tired, he will go to the concert.
angry. 11. I wish it were not raining in the afternoon.
2. If it stopped raining, we would be able to go out. 12. I wish I had not eaten so much ice-cream.
3. I wish I knew your telephone number. 13. If you didn’t give up smoking, you would not be healthy.
4. We wish there had not been so many people here. 14. No matter how tired he may be, he will work in the garden.
5. If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought a car. 15. She speaks as if she didn’t know him.
6. Tom wishes he had enough money to go travelling. 16. She greeted him as if she had met him before.
7. She speaks about him as if she knew him very well. 17. It is desirable that she should marry this respectable young
8. It is necessary that he should come. man.
9. He ordered that everything should be ready by 7 o’clock in 18. I insist that everybody should take part in this work.

Grammar 129
2 Convert into indirect speech.

Must, as a rule, remains unchanged in indirect speech e.g. He said, “You must cross the street at the crossroads.” He
if it expresses order or a supposition bordering on assurance said that he must cross the street at the crossroads.
(probably). He said, “I must get up early every morning.” He said that
Must is generally replaced by had to if it expresses neces- he had to get up early every morning.
sity arising out of circumstances. He said, “I must ring him up early in the morning.” He
Must is generally replaced by was to if it expresses ar- said that he was to ring him up early in the morning.
rangement or a kind of order. He said, “You may come in.” He said that he might come
Can is replaced by could, will by would, may by might, in.
shall by should, need by needed in indirect speech. He said, “You ought to obey your grandmother.” He said
Might, could, would, should and ought to do not normally that he ought to obey his grandmother.
change in indirect speech.
Used to doesn’t change.

He said, 13. You must not touch that switch; it’s very dangerous.
1. He ought to help you immediately. 14. The two parties may reach agreement next week.
2. I cannot see quite clearly now what you are doing. 15. There might be a meeting on Tuesday.
3.We could hear quite clearly what you were saying. 16. He must be at least sixty.
4. I may be wrong, of course. 17. He must have forgotten all about it.
5. It must have been a great shock to him. 18. I must deliver a speech at the conference.
6. It’s later than I thought; I must go now. 19. I am sure you will get the job.
7. I will probably be a bit late this evening. 20. The chairman would interrupt the speakers before they had
8. We shall probably go to Scotland this summer. finished.
9. He wanted to open the door but it would not open. 21. I shouldn’t eat so much chocolate, it’s too sweet.
10. You should stop smoking. 22. The meeting ought to be finished by 7 o’clock in the eve-
11. I simply must tell you what happened. ning.
12. We needn’t leave so soon. The show doesn’t start till eight. 23. You needn’t be alarmed. Everything is O.K.

3 Convert the following questions into indirect speech.

Word order in an indirect question is fixed. It is the same as in a statement: after the verbs to inquire, to ask, to wonder,
to want to know, to doubt, etc. the required conjunction should be placed. Then comes the subject that is put before the
predicate and the other parts of the sentence.

He asked, you doing here? 14. Will you be taking any more examinations
1. Are you hungry? 2. What shall I do with these magazines? this year? 15. When will you be returning to Moldova, Ann?
3. How long can I keep the book? 4. Where shall I put these 16. Why are you so red? Have you been running? 17. Why has
books? 5. What shall I wear? 6. Have you been taking dancing she been sleeping badly of late? 18. Had he already changed his
lessons? 7. Didn’t you hear the bell? 8. Why are you saying this? mind by that time? 19. How long had he been writing steadily
9. Where does she live? 10. How long have they been married? by the time he was twenty-five? 20. How long shall we have been
11. How much does it cost? 12. What did he say? 13. What are learning English by the end of the next month?

4 Convert the following offers, suggestions, and advice into indirect speech.
Use the verbs to offer, to suggest, and to advise to convert offers, suggestions and advice.

She said, ter not play the violin late at night. 13. Don’t let her stay here any
1. Shall we have fruit juice? 2. Shall we go away? 3. Shall we longer. 14. May we help you, Nick? 15. Have another cup of tea.
talk to him in the lounge? 4. Shall we see him to the airport? 16. Let’s not go to the cinema. Let’s stay home instead. 17. Why
5. Shall we ring him up? 6. Don’t let him join this group. don’t we go to a movie? 18. Let’s go home, okay? 19. Why don’t
7. Let’s go to a café for a snack, shall we? 8. You had better go you visit us around seven? 20. Shall I open the window? Is that
home. 9. They had better repair the tape-recorder. 10. Don’t okay with you? 21. You should study harder. 22. You had better
let Peter ride the bicycle, he may meet with an accident. 11. not be late. 23. You had better obey the speed limit. 24. You’d
You had better not go to the cinema today. 12.You had bet- better not stay late tonight. 25. Will you please come with me?

5 Convert the following orders and requests into indirect speech.
Use the following verbs to introduce indirect orders: to tell, to order, to command. Use the verbs to ask, to beg, to im-
plore, to entreat, to beseech, to urge to introduce indirect requests. The verb to request is used in official style, chiefly in the
passive voice. It introduces rather a veiled order than a request.

She said to him, not knock on the desk. 20. Introduce yourself. 21. Leave the
1.Don’t make so much noise! 2. And don’t you forget it! class-room. 22. Sit still, please. 23. Go and buy some bread,
3. Call an ambulance somebody! 4. Come in, won’t you? please. 24. Help yourself to the pie. 25. Do save this child,
5. Let Nick carry the bag; I am tired. 6. Stop it, stop it! please! 26. Speak louder, please. 27. Do not laugh so noisily.
7. Come here everybody. 8. Will you tell me his telephone 28. Please help me with this exercise, won’t you? 29. Produce
number, please? 9. Do be more accurate, please! 10. May I your tickets, please. 30. Step aside. 31. Ann, stir the soup,
have your attention, please! 11. Go away! 12. Do not open quick. 32. Peter, will you be quiet, please! 33. Can you speak
the window, please! 13. Close the door, will you? 14. Let the more slowly, please? 34. Can you close the door for me, Pe-
dog out. 15. Wait for me. 16. Wipe your feet on the door ter? 35. Please tell Mary not to switch off the light. 36. Don’t
- mat. 17. Stop talking. 18. Do not touch the table. 19. Do waste your time.

6 Change the following into indirect speech.

Use the verbs to cry joyfully, to say sadly, sorrowfully, regretfully, with bitterness, nervously, to cry indignantly, to ask in
surprise, to apologize, to beg one’s forgiveness, to thank, to greet, to welcome, to bid good bye/ good morning, to wish good night,
to warn, to encourage etc. to express joy, sorrow, surprise, etc.

She said that Helen? Oh, I am dying to see her! 18. I am fine, thanks!
1. What delicious-looking apples! 2. What sweet apricots! 19. Cheer up! You needn’t come with me to visit the sick.
3. What beautiful flowers! 4. How pleasant! Granny is going 20. There! Isn’t it wonderful? 21. Done! 22. Calm yourself, calm
to spend two weeks with us! 5. We are so sorry! We are leav- yourself! 23. Some champagne to drink to the health of the
ing this lovely town soon! 6. I beg your pardon, I forgot to call fiances! 24. What a very handsome gesture! 25. Allow me! –
you yesterday night. 7. You are telling a lie! 8. Happy to see you With pleasure, mademoiselle! 26. Get out! There’s the door, get
again! 9. Good bye! 10. Good night! Sweet dreams! 11. Thank out! 27. Don’t you dare touch me! 28. Oh, let’s go! I want to go!
you for everything! 12. Look out! 13. Doesn’t that dress look 29. Wait a minute! You are not talking to a child now! 30. Con-
nice! 14. Nice meeting you! 15. Can’t you see that the child is trol yourself! 31. She’s insulting me! 32. Speak! Speak, old man!
frightened and hungry! 16. Hurry-hurry! To the boats! 17. Is 33. Good, old man! Good!

Paraphrase the sentences using the correct modals. B. 1. We have possibly looked at the stranger with an air of su-
1 A. 1. Perhaps this letter came from home. periority.
2. Probably you’ve come a long way to see the exhibition. 2. I don’t think they have waited for us all the evening.
3. I don’t think she has spent much time on the report. 3. He is certain that they will extend their contract.
4. I am sure it was very hard for her to live alone. 4. I don’t think you have to fear him.
5. I believe she will be very happy to meet you. 5. It is possible that her letter has never reached them.
6. It is impossible for her to have won the race. 6. They are likely to arrive here by the next train.
7. I don’t think Helen will postpone her visit. 7. Possibly many are still hoping to be promoted.
8. I am sure this medicine will do you good. 8. I am sure this fellow is looking for trouble.
9. Perhaps they are rehearsing just now. 9. Evidently you wonder why we are cheering for their team.
10. I don’t believe she has suggested that silly thing. 10. The children are obviously enjoying themselves thoroughly.
11. Surely her mother is aware of the silly gossip. 11. It is improbable that she was discouraged when she learned
12. You have possibly stayed at a better hotel. about the results.
13. I think she is expecting a lot of guests. 12. Probably they had been trying to get in touch with us.
14. Perhaps she will take some photographs. 13. Perhaps she has no sense of humour.
15. I don’t believe she is cold. 14. It is unlikely that his plans will be a success.
16. I am sure she was wrong. 15. We believe she didn’t know it was so urgent.
17. It is probably raining. 16. I am sure she was quite charming when she was young.
18. Perhaps she painted the room last year. 17. Possibly you’ll get a whole different perspective on him at
19. I don’t believe they picked mushrooms yesterday. the college.

Grammar 131
Choose the modal verb which best suits each sentence. 10. It was always understood that he (was, had) to go into busi-
2 Explain your choice.
11. He (is, has) to get up early as his friend will be waiting for
1. I wonder how you (can, may, must) exist without a piano. him.
2. I suppose you (ought to, must, may) thank me for what I 12. I felt somehow I (was, had, ought) to warn her.
have done for you. 13. Why (must, should) I help him; is he little?
3. I (can’t, shall, shouldn’t) bear to hear her speaking in this 14. He is in trouble; you (should, ought to) have warned him.
way to you. 15. I pushed the door, but it (won’t, wouldn’t) open.
4. We (may not, can’t, must not) buy tomatoes in the mar- 16. Boys (will, would) be boys.
ket without the entire town talking about it. 17. That (can, may, will) be the postman, I expect.
5. What (may, shall, will) I do to make you consider my 18. For a full ten minutes he (couldn’t, dared not) look at Chris-
request? tine.
6. We know nothing about the exam; they (must, should, 19. You can’t go without permission; if you do, I (will have, am,
can) have told us about it. must) to punish you.
7. You (shouldn’t, mustn’t, needn’t) speak so loudly; I am 20. (Could, must, shall) I have another cup of tea?
not deaf. 21. Let me guess. You (can, must, ought to) have come from the
8. As he had missed the train, he (was, had) to wait for an- South; you look sun burnt.
other. 22. I (can, may, should) say your answer was quite up to the mark.
9. Who (is, will have) to buy tickets for the museum if he 23. It’s clear that she (should, must, may) have been wounded
is absent? by his words.

3 Fill in with the appropriate modal verb. 9. She … (impossibility) have spent so much money on trifles.
1. After he eats his dinner he … (permission) go out. 10. I asked if I … (permission) speak on the phone in his pres-
2. … (advice) I take the pills before or after meals? ence.
3. They … (absence of obligation) apologize, they’ve done 11. That … (predictability) be Nick knocking at the door.
nothing wrong. 12. … (suggestion) I make sure they will leave soon?
4. He came too early, so he … (obligation) to wait. 13. She … (probability) be grateful for your help.
5. She … (unwillingness) not put on her jacket, even if it is 14. The children … (reproach) have behaved themselves.
cold. 15. I think that … (possibility) be a logical deduction.
6. They … (reproach) to have shown more respect. 16. She … (obligation) be aware of the detriment she has
7. We are free tonight, so we … (possibility) stay up late. caused you.
8. He didn’t come back; he … (strong probability) have 17. She … (doubt) have ever thought of leaving the country
caught the last train. again.

Fill in with a modal verb. Explain your choice.

4 1. I … sleep; there’s too much noise in the room
16. The book is rather thick; she … have read it in such a short
2. We … boil the water before we drink it. 17. He was very bright; he … have passed all the exams.
3. It’s already midnight. They … be sleeping now. 18. Let’s wait for him; he … arrive soon.
4. She … be your mother. She looks very young. 19. He … read this story if he doesn’t like it.
5. … you quiet down the children? Father is sleeping. 20. They … working in the garden; it’s not as hot as it was yes-
6. They … get up early tomorrow to catch the 6.30 bus. terday.
7. He … solve the problem; it was very difficult. 21. You … pay more attention to your spelling. You’ve made so
8. She looks so unhappy. She … have failed the exam. many mistakes.
9. … you always be happy and lucky! 22. He is never absent from school. He … come in any minute.
10. They … have left without saying Good-bye. 23. Their house was quite new. They … have demolished it.
11. … you help me with the house chores? 24. We … have waited for them; they didn’t seem very eager to
12. Something … have happened. He behaves quite differ- join us.
ently to me. 25. As her head came to the surface she … catch her breath at all.
13. They are not children any more. You … not worry so 26. I felt I … ask you pardon for the way we all behaved.
much about them. 27. Who knows, they … like the picture.
14. You … have mended your bicycle long ago if you want 28. She … have come long ago. What is keeping her so late?
to go riding. 29. This work … be praised; it’s valuable.
15. … you hold on for a while? I’ve got good news for you. 30. You … get up so early; I can cook my breakfast myself.

The Infinitive
The infinitive is a non-finite form of the verb. It does not express person, number, or mood. The infinitive has tense and
aspect distinctions. The infinitive of transitive verbs has special forms for the active and the passive voice. In Modern English
the infinitive has the following forms:

Active Passive
Indefinite to speak/ open to be spoken/ be opened
Continuous to be speaking/ be opening –
Perfect to have spoken/ have opened to have been spoken/ have been opened
Perfect Continuous to have been speaking/
have been opening –
Both the indefinite and the continuous infinitives express actions simultaneous with those expressed by the finite verbs.
The continuous infinitive expresses an action in progress.
e.g. It is not easy to learn a foreign language well.
He pretended to be sleeping.
Note these examples with to have read and to have been writing in the sentences below:
e.g. It’s a pity I don’t know English well. I would like to have read all the sonnets by Shakespeare in the original.
These pupils are writing. They seem to have been writing their essays for over 1 hour.
From these examples we can see that to have read denotes an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb.
To have been writing denotes an action that lasted a certain time before the action of the finite verb.


The bare infinitive (the infinitive without the particle to see, to observe. (the verb to know never has this meaning in
to) is used after: the present indefinite).
• auxiliary verbs • the expressions had better, would rather, would sooner,
• modal verbs except the verb ought to. After dare you cannot but / nothing but, cannot choose but
can use the infinitive with or without to. Note:
• verbs denoting sense perception, such as to hear, to see, • The verb to be after the verb to feel is used with the par-
to feel, to watch, etc. ticle to.
• the verb to let • After the verbs to hear, to see, to make and to know in the
• the verb to make in the meaning of to force someone passive voice, the infinitive with the particle to is used.
to do something and the verb to have in the meaning of to • After dare the infinitive is used without to especially in
cause someone to do something negative and interrogative sentences.
• the verb to bid • Help may be followed by the infinitive with or without to.
• the verb to know when its meaning approaches that of


The infinitive may serve as: duced by to do / so as + to do / in order + to do:
• a subject; • an adverbial modifier of result which occurs after:
• a predicative; adjectives + enough / too
• part of a compound verbal predicate; adverbs + enough
• an object; nouns + enough
• an attribute; • an adverbial modifier of comparison (manner)
• an adverbial modifier of purpose which can be intro- • parentheses

Grammar 133
afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, beg, care, claim, consent, decide, demand, deserve, expect, fail, forget, hesitate, hope, learn,
manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, regret, remember, seem, struggle, swear, threaten, volun-
teer, wait, want, wish

1 Use the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets. 6. He asked the pupil on duty (to open, to be opening) the win-
1. The theatre is said (to be preparing, to prepare) a new dow.
production of “Othello.” 7. He told her (not to drink, not to be drinking) cold water.
2. The doctor advised the patient (to stay, to be staying) 8. I am sorry (not to have been present, not to be present) at the
in bed. meeting.
3. I expect the telegram (to bring, to be brought) in two 9. The ice is thick enough (to walk on, to be walking on)
hours. 10. He must (forget, have forgotten) about his promise to come
4. There is nothing (to do, to be done) and see us.
5. The doctor prescribed the medicine (to take, to be taken) 11. I don’t want (to be asked, to have been asked) about the
every three hours. events of the day.

2 Supply the missing forms of the following infinitives:

to have been made, to be laughed at, to be paying, to have been working, to write, to have been waiting, to have
read, to arrive, to have been written, to be driving, to be told, to nod, to be ruined, to have been running

7. I heard my neighbour … sing in the corridor.

3 Insert to before the infinitive where necessary.
1. Don’t be afraid ... ask questions. 8. I considered those people … be very polite.
2. My daughter helped me … clean the place up. 9. I want your brother … understand this grammar rule.
3. Let him ... do what he likes, I don’t care. 10. I would rather … let these children… come to the exhibi-
4. They made her … put on the brightest pea-green dress tion.
in her wardrobe. 11. It is rather late, so I must … be off.
5. Could you …. tell me the way to the railway station? 12. In my childhood, I used … get up pretty late on Sundays.
6. You had better … tell your mother the truth about that 13. I made myself … do sit-ups every morning.
incident. 14. I won’t have you … think ill of him.

The Gerund
The Gerund is an -ing form that has both substantival and verbal characteristics. The gerund:
• may be preceded by a preposiion;
• it may be modified by a noun in the possessive case or by a possessive pronoun,
• it can be used in the function of a subject, object, and predicate.
The gerund has tense distinctions: the gerund of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions. The gerund of transitive verbs can take
a direct object. The gerund can be modified by an adverb.

The forms of the gerund in Modern English are as follows:

Active Passive
Indefinite writing being written
Perfect having written having been written


admit, advise, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, can’t help,
keep, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, quit, recall, recollect, recommend, regret, remember, resent, resist, risk, stop,
suggest, tolerate, understand



There is little or no difference in meaning between sentences with gerunds or infinitives after some verbs.
begin, start, It began to rain. It began raining.
continue, like, Note the patterns with prefer.
love, prefer, I prefer staying home to going to the concert.
hate, can’t stand, I prefer to stay home than (to) go to the concert.
can’t bear. If the main verb is progressive, an infinitive and not a gerund is usually used.
It was beginning to rain.

There are some verbs that can be followed either by the Gerund or by the Infinitive:

The verbs Meaning Examples

Remember + performing a task, duty, Judy always remembers to write to her friends.
infinitive responsibility
Remember + remembering (recalling) something I remember meeting Ann for the first time.
gerund that happened in the past
Forget + infinitive forgetting to perform a responsibility, Nick often forgets to call his parents.
duty, task
Forget + gerund forgetting something that happened I’ll never forget, I can’t forget, Have you ever forgotten,
in the past (usually occurs in a Can you ever forget. e.g. I’ll never forget seeing the
negative sentence or question) mountains for the first time.
Regret + infinitive regretting to say, to tell someone, I regret to tell you that you failed the test.
to inform someone of some
bad news
Regret + gerund regretting something that happened I regret telling him the news. That made him so upset.
in the past
Try + infinitive making an effort I am trying to learn Spanish.
Try + gerund experimenting with a new or diffe- The room was hot. I tried opening the window.
rent approach to see if it works

The verb stop can be followed either by a gerund or an infinitive of purpose (in order to).

Stop + gerund When the professor entered the room, the students stopped talking.
Stop + infinitive of purpose: I stopped to talk to a friend of mine (I stopped walking in order to talk to him).

The verbs intend and advise can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive.
The verb to intend is usually followed by an e.g. I intend to go to the meeting. I intend going to the meeting.
infinitive in informal English and by a gerund
in formal English.

The verb advise is followed by a gerund Compare: He advised buying a Fiat. (active voice) He advised me
if there is no pronoun or noun object. to buy a Fiat. I was advised to buy a Fiat. (passive voice)

1 Complete the sentences, using gerunds.

e.g. A teacher of English must avoid … 2. Would you mind ... the window? Thanks.
A teacher of English must avoid speaking too quickly. 3. I would like to have some friends over. I am thinking about
1. When he told the funny joke, we couldn’t stop ... . ... a dinner party.

Grammar 135
4. The weather will get better soon. We can leave as soon as it 12. They must be sick and tired of … .
quits ... . 13. My doctor advised me to give up… .
5. Where are you considering ... your vacation? 14. You ought to think of…, instead of… .
6. You have to decide where you want to go to the University 15. I see no reason for not… .
next year. You can’t postpone ... this decision much longer. 16. There are many difficulties involved in … .
7. Nick mentioned ... to school with friends instead of taking 17. He seems to be very fond of … .
the bus. 18. I would never think of… .
8. I appreciate ... able to study in peace and quiet. 19. By …, the students improved their chances of … .
9. The soldier was accused of … . 20. He was told not to bother against… .
10. He insisted on … . 21. Who is responsible for … ?
11. She didn’t fancy… . 22. I wish you had done something to help, instead of … .

11. They were made (do) all the work again.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or
infinitive, of the verbs in parentheses. 12. We’ll have to get someone (repair) the door.
1. Phil suggested (go) to the seaside. 13. I am looking forward to (hear) from you soon.
2. Don’t tell me her secret. I prefer (know, not). 14. The idea proved (be) very unpopular.
3. The students practised (recite) Shakespeare’s sonnets 15. It tends (snow) quite a lot in winter in the north of Eng-
for the contest. land.
4. I can’t tolerate anyone (be) impolite to other people. 16. The speaker challenged his opponent (state) his views open-
5. Mrs. Stewart can’t help (worry) about her children. ly.
6. Jane admitted (be) guilty. 17. If a visitor came to your town, what places would you advise
7. I don’t recall (hear) Jack mention his relationship to him (see)?
these people. 18. The film was so boring that they could hardly bear (watch)
8. Have you ever tried (drive) in New York? I have, and it’s it.
not very pleasant. 19. You needn’t tell me this. I happened (give) all the details
9. They went on (talk), although the teacher had asked by mother.
them to stop. 20. She is expected (operate) on today.
10. My mother persuaded me (change) my mind. 21. Just look at his hands. He is sure (work) in the garage.

Open the parentheses. Use infinitives or gerunds in the ap-

3 propriate forms. Add prepositions where necessary.
20. She washed her face before (to go) ... downstairs.
21. You needn’t mention it again. He is not likely (to forget) ... it.
1. The poet is known (to live) ... in Paris at that time. 22. He is believed (to teach) ... by his father.
2. Don’t make the mistake (to underestimate) ... the oppo- 23. I see no harm (to let) ... them enjoy themselves during vaca-
nent. tion.
3. Can I learn to speak better (to listen) ... to records. 24. When are they expected (to come) ...?
4. He is far too lazy (to do) ... it by himself. 25. Would you mind (to help) ... this lady with her bags?
5. Are you really thinking (to give up) ... this job? 26. We expect him (to return) ... late in the summer.
6. We felt the ground (to rock and tremble) ... under our feet. 27. If it was settled, there was no point in my (to object) ... .
7. There is no use (to reason) ... with her now. 28. He plans (to leave) ... for Europe on the same boat.
8. The poems are believed (to write) ... by a young woman. 29. Are you used to (to speak to) ... like that by your employer?
9. How can I do it without somebody (to notice) ... me and 30. They learned (to understand) ... English quickly.
(to begin) ... to ask questions? 31. I have come to apologize for (to cause) ... all that trouble.
10. She is not likely (to forget) ... her promise. 32. She is going downtown. She wants (to buy) ... a new dress.
11. She talked about (to join) ... a ski club. 33. Who is responsible (to keep) ... the place in order?
12. I gave up (to smoke) ... . 34. Would you mind (to come back) ... later, please?
13. They are thinking about (to invite) ... Carol to dinner. 35. It’s unusual (to see) … him up so early in the morning.
14. He apologized for (to come) ... to school late. 36. What harm is there (to stay up) … a little later?
15. She smiled broadly and waved her hand. She seemed 37. Have you ever heard him (to say) ... anything of the kind?
(to recognise) ... me. 38. They don’t seem (to understand) ... the explanation, they are
16. You can’t learn to skate without (to fall) ... . still making the same mistake.
17. It’s no use (to try) ... to make you see my point. 39. He was anxious for them (to go) ... .
18. Even if he is out you needn’t worry. He is sure (to leave) 40. Why are you so anxious (me to leave) ...?
... the key under the door-mat. 41. I have a right to know. I insist (to tell) ... the truth.
19. It’s different for you. You are used (to walk) ... . 42. It is worth (to try) ... to do this anyway.

The participle is a verb form that retains all the attributes of a verb, such as tense, voice, and be modified by adverbs, but may
be used as an adjective. Its forms are:
Active Passive Usage
Participle I (-ing)
Indefinite Asking Being asked Expresses simultaneousness
Perfect Having asked Having been asked Expresses priority
Participle II (-ed) asked Describes the result of an action
The Participle is used Examples
with the auxiliary verbs be and have to make He is drawing a picture.
progressive, perfect and passive verb forms. You will be told.
I have forgotten the rule.
as an attribute The boy playing in the garden is my brother.
The results obtained were good.
as an adverbial modifier (While) reading he made notes.
Having finished his experiments he compared the results.
When questioned Pete felt uncomfortable.
as parentheses Frankly speaking, putting it mildly, taking everything into
consideration, she had a right to do it.

11. (to encourage) by her friends she decided to take up jour-

1 Insert the appropriate form of participle I or participle II.
1. (to read) the advertisement, I hurried to my class to tell nalism.
them the news. 12. We think that the newly (to appoint) director is no better
2. The meals (to prepare) at home are always tasty. than his predecessor.
3. I can see someone (to climb) up the hill. 13. (to say) good night to the guests, the children went to
4. We want the work (to finish) by the end of the week. bed.
5. (to reach) the destination he called us to tell everything 14. No one dared to sleep in the (to abandon) house.
was fine. 15. May I have a look at the essay (to write) by Helen?
6. He came home only in the evening (to bring) a lot of 16. (to wash) his face and (to clean) his teeth he went to the
fruit and vegetables. kitchen to have breakfast.
7. Houses (to locate) in the suburbs of the city are cheaper. 17. The square was full of people (to shout) and (to enjoy)
8. (to convince) of his innocence, the jury pronounced themselves.
him not guilty. 18. She was very surprised to find herself (to elect) member
9. I don’t want to recall the long (to forget) adventure. of the committee.
10. There were three children (to play) in the garden. 19. (to arrive) at home, she lay down to regain her breath.

Select the correct prepositions for the blank spaces in the

2 following sentences.
B. 1. Being married … him for fifteen years she knows all his
A. 1. One wing being devoted ... modern art, they had no 2. Having got acquainted … him at the seaside, she decided to
space for the exhibition. invite him to her birthday party.
2. Being convinced … her sincerity, I believed each of her 3. Surprised … the results, she went home pleased … herself.
word. 4. The new taxes imposed … wines and spirits have been taken
3. Having prepared … the test she came to school in high … granted.
spirits. 5. Although their house is situated farther from the river they
4. We are much obliged … you … the advice you have are not secured … floods.
helped us with. 6. He doesn’t regret being transferred … his job to another one.
5. Mr Jason is always taken … a student because he looks 7. When confronted … the evidence of his guilt, he confessed
very young. at once.
6. Why wasn’t I reminded … the meeting? 8. Having recovered … his illness, he resumed his work.
7. The man, engaged … the conversation, is engaged … 9. Not being warned … the approaching snow storm, the drivers
my sister. remained blocked … the heavy snowfall.

Grammar 137

1 Fill in with the necessary prepositions. us. We are not going to listen … you.
1. She burst … laughter and hurried … , we remained … 10. How is Mary different … her classmates?
ourselves and were ashamed … being introduced as her 11. I couldn’t guess … a glance who the person standing … the
cousins. corner was, but … any rate, I tried not to pay much atten-
2. I don’t feel very happy … it. I can’t afford to spend all my tion … him.
money … and depend … my parents. 12. She did it … curiosity; she had no intention … reading her
3. We couldn’t take our eyes … the fish; it seemed so tasty. friend’s diary.
4. I thought it was a cod … first glance. 13. Don’t try to break … their conversation; let them reflect …
5. Admission … the universities is … examination. Women things and come … a consensus.
are admitted … the same terms … men. 14. Will you be ... time ... the last bus?
6. The teacher can’t be adjusted … each pupil. 15. She finally decided not to take … French.
7. … long length they reached the inn that was situated … 16. I am sorry. We’ve run … … petrol.
the suburbs. 17. He will see … it that everything goes well.
8. How will they be compensated … their work? 18. How did you contribute … yesterday’s charity?
9. Calm down and don’t speak … that air … superiority … 19. What steps are taken when an epidemics breaks … ?
10. What is the use … being so strict … him?
Insert the correct prepositions.
2 1. What do you associate this word …?
11. Nobody could make … the writing; it was illegible.
12. He was alone … the night-coming sky.
2. How can you feel … ease with him? He doesn’t gossip
13. … his absence there is always somebody to put … some ar-
3. She can’t go … her nature, that’s why they think that she
14. All this haste is … no use.
is putting … airs.
15. He kept cursing … the stupid mistake.
4. We haven’t yet figured … how to solve the dilemma.
16. The children rushed … of the school gate.
5. Does this path run … the forest?
17. He was very hurt … their criticism.
6. Don’t come too close … the dog; it may bite you.
18. They were travelling … full speed.
7. What does the article deal …?
19. He searched … all the drawers … the missing papers.
8. She lives … a pension … 640 lei, but she is … nobody’s
20. The tie he has bought goes very well … his suit.
21. The Bartons won’t have dinner … the time Alice calls …
9. Do you have anything … inviting Susan to our party?

3 Probe your memory. Learn how to use the prepositions from low voice; in an hour; to be in high spirits.
the word combinations below in sentences of your own. Into: to put into operation; to turn into something.
About: to be about something; about 10 miles. Off: to keep off the subject; to be off duty.
After: to look after somebody; after the latest fashion. On: to be on a trip; to be on sick-leave; to live on vegetables; to
Against: to be against a plan; insurance against accidents. comment on something; on television; on the phone; on
At: at work; at the wheel; to be clever at math. the radio.
Before: to appear before the court. Out of: made out of wood; a house made out of bricks; 20 peo-
Behind: to be behind the schedule; behind the rest of the ple out of 100; out of breath; out of order.
class. Over: to spend hours over chess; he is over sixty; a superiority
Below: to be below the standard; below the average; below over somebody.
the sea level. Through: you can attain good results only through hard work;
Beneath: to be beneath one’s dignity. to succeed through perseverance; through the country;
Between: disagreement between them. from March through August.
Beyond: it is beyond my power; it is beyond belief. Throughout: throughout the house, throughout the country.
By: by railway; by plane; by weight; by the piece; older by Under: to be under construction; under the microscope; under
two years. pressure.
For: to be for sale; to buy for cash; for ages; medicines for With: to cope with something; to present with something; to
cold. buy with money.
From: exemption from taxes; to make cheese from milk; Within: within three minutes; within four years; within the city;
painted from nature. within sight.
In: to take part in something; to be engaged in something; Without: without answering; without sugar; to do without
to write in English; to paint in oil; to be rich in oil; in a something.

Lesson 3
Teacher – Okay everyone, turn in your homework essays. Make sure Thomas – Well I...
that your names are on them.. Teacher – Thomas, why do you have homework?
Thomas – Uh, I didn’t do it. My brother had a birthday party, and I was Thomas – I don’t know. So you can punish us?
out late last night.
Teacher – Hardly. Remember, I have to check not only your work, but
Teacher – Wait here a moment until everyone has left. (The teacher also the work for the whole class. If anyone is being punished, it’s
waits until the last student has left the room then turns to Tho- me. Really, why do you have homework?
mas.) And? You were given that assignment on Monday. You
had a whole week to get it done. Thomas – Are you going to tell me it’s to help us learn?

Thomas – Well, yeah, but I had a lot of work to do as well in other classes. Teacher – Well, I was going to say that homework is one of the best
ways to practice what you’ve learned. But, more importantly, it
Teacher – I understand, but you know that you have homework in all is a way for you to take responsibility for what you learn and how
your classes. Your classmates have the same amount of home- you learn it. No one is going to make you do your homework,
work, and they managed to get it done. but then you have to be responsible for your low grade. You can’t
Thomas – Well, yeah. But... blame it on someone else.
Teacher – Thomas, let’s take a quick look at your coursework for this Thomas – Well, is there any way that I can make up some of my back
semester. You’ve missed a lot of marks by not turning in most of work?
your assignments. Teacher – Bring me in the essay that was due today. You won’t get full
Thomas – Well, I don’t understand what to do. credit for it, but you will get something.
Teacher – Why haven’t you asked me or one of your classmates if you Thomas – Okay, I’ll work to get it done for the next class.
had questions?

Lesson 4
My Mother’s Hands
At last, the door opened and my father walked calmly in. He had sort that is guaranteed to make your hands as soft as silk. My father
a small package in his hands. He smiled quietly and said, “Hello.” handed it to my mother and hung his head a little and blushed. It was
“Where have you been?” I asked. My mother was forced to smile. quite touching.
She was so glad to see him. My mother beamed. Her eyes gleamed behind her thick specta-
“I went to a movie.” cles. “What a lovely bottle.”
My mother was stunned. “A movie?” “They say it keeps your hands like velvet,” my father said.
“The Arcade. All in bright color. It hurt my eyes.” My mother’s hands have worked for me and others for many,
“What was it about?” I asked, to make conversation. many years; washing, baking, scrubbing, digging in a garden . . . they
My father shrugged. “A lot of young, foolish girls and their are gnarled and the veins are prominent and they are rough from years
mushy love affairs.” of work. To my father, though, they must have been the hands of a
“Oh,” I said. young woman, of a woman he loved, a woman who had stayed for a
“You want some tea?” my mother asked. long time in his heart as precisely the same woman . . . and her hands
“The movie was out at eleven,” I said. were as velvet to him and he wanted to keep them that way.
My father shrugged. “I went to Walgreen’s to make a purchase.” My mother was weeping again but this time with pleasure and
“I’ll make some nice warm tea,” my mother said. “You must be love.
tired after all that color and those mushy girls.” I said, “Well, I’ve got to get along and you better go to bed.”
“Sentimental stuff,” my father said. “Movies don’t change. So I went and left them to make up and to smile and to be alone.
They’re just bigger and louder. Here!” It was a moment, I am sure, when they preferred no company.
He handed her the package. It was a bottle of hand lotion, the

Scripts 139
Lesson 1
When English settlers founded Jamestown Colony in 1607, all of Indians and the white men became less friendly. Promises were bro-
the area around it (now part of the state of Virginia) was occupied by ken by both groups. The English intruded on Indian lands, and the
Indian tribes. At the head of these tribes was a powerful chief known resentful Powhatans captured settlers and seized their possessions. For
as Powhatan. Although Chief Powhatan could easily have destroyed several years there were conflicts between them.
the entire young colony, he and his people were generally friendly dur- In 1613 the English developed a plan to recover the goods and
ing the pioneers’ first difficult years. prisoners that the Indians had taken from them. Knowing of Powhatan’s
Powhatan was about 60 years old when the English settlers came. great love for his daughter, they persuaded Pocahontas to board a British
He was a tall, dignified man with a stern, suspicious face, and he had ship which lay at anchor in the Potomac River. They then sailed to James-
a reputation for cruelty to anyone who tried to oppose him. But Pow- town. With such a valuable hostage, the settlers were able to arrange an
hatan had a very soft heart for his “dearest daughter,” Pocahontas, who exchange: the Indians returned the English prisoners and possessions to
was a girl of about 13 at the time of the English arrivals. the colonists, and the colonists returned Pocahontas to her father.
Many legends have come down to us about Pocahontas. One of But while Pocahontas was living among the English at James-
these stories tells about a time when Captain John Smith, leader of the town, she had met John Rolfe, “an honest gentleman and of good be-
English settlers, went too far into Indian territory and was captured by haviour,” as records of the time describe him. The two fell in love. Af-
the Indians. Powhatan ordered his men to kill Captain Smith, but Poc- ter Pocahontas had been converted to Christianity and had been given
ahontas saved his life by throwing herself over his body. She begged the name “the Lady Rebecca,” she and Rolfe were married.
her father not to kill him, and Powhatan, affected by his daughter’s The marriage was of much benefit to the English colonists, for
earnest requests, pardoned the English leader and sent him back to Powhatan kept peace with them until his death in 1618.
Jamestown in peace. In 1616 Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe and several of the Indians accompa-
In 1609, in order to preserve the good will between the Indians nied Jamestown Governor Thomas Dale to England, where Pocahon-
and themselves, the English settlers made Chief Powhatan king of the tas was received as a princess. She lived happily there until, at about
territory. They did this with a very grand and solemn ceremony. But, 22 years of age, she died of smallpox. Her only son, Thomas Rolfe,
according to Captain Smith, the ceremony was not a complete success. returned as a young man to the home of his mother and later founded
Powhatan was more interested in the gifts that accompanied the event one of America’s most respected families–the Randolphs of Virginia.
than in the crown itself, and he did not want to bow his head even long Several groups of Indians, descendants of the Powhatans, are found
enough for the crown to be placed on it. today in Virginia. The best known of these are the Pamunkey and the
After John Smith returned to England, the relations between the Mattaponi.

Lesson 2
Ethnic Groups and Minorities
Erica Ward is a seventeen-year-old high school student who Religious groups – Catholic Christian and at least five types of
lives in a small town in New York State. For a recent school history Protestant Christian: Baptist, Mormon, Methodist, Congregationalist
project she was asked to count the different ethnic groups from which and Unitarian. In addition, some of her cousins are Jewish.
she is descended. After discussing this question with older relatives, Erica’s earliest known ancestor to migrate to the New World was
she put together this list: Dutch, and landed in New York in 1678. The most recent migrant was
Nationality groups – English, Dutch, German, Irish and a German who came to Philadelphia in about 1848. Of course her
French. Creek Indian ancestors have been in America for thousands of years.
Racial groups – white, and Native American.

Lesson 4
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Part II
When I was a very small boy I was made to learn by heart cer- classic answer:
tain of the fables of La Fontaine, and the moral of each was carefully “What were you doing in the summer time?”
explained to me. Among those I learnt was “The Ant and the Grass- “Saving your presence, I sang, I sang all day, all right.”
hopper”, which is devised to bring home to the young the useful lesson “You sang, Why, then go and dance.”
that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness pun- I do not ascribe it to perversity on my part, but rather to the
ished. In this admirable fable (I apologise for telling something which inconsequence of childhood, which is deficient in moral sense, that I
everyone is politely, but inexactly, supposed to know) the ant spends could never quite reconcile myself to the lesson. My sympathies were
a laborious summer gathering its winter store; while the grasshopper with the grasshopper and for some time I never saw an ant without
sits on a blade of grass singing to the sun. Winter comes and the ant putting my foot on it. In this summary (and, as I have discovered
is comfortably provided for, but the grasshopper has an empty larder: since, entirely human) fashion I sought to express my disapproval of
he goes to the ant and begs for a little food. Then the ant gives him her prudence and common sense.

* * *
Part III “True.”
I was prepared for the worst. I wondered if Tom had got into George grew red in the face.
the hands of the police at last. George could hardly bring himself to “A few weeks ago he became engaged to a woman old enough
speak. to be his mother. And now she’s died and left him everything she had.
“You’re not going to deny that all my life I’ve been hardworking, Half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London and a house in the
decent, respectable and straightforward. After a life of industry and country.”
thrift I can look forward to retiring on a small income in gilt-edged I could not help it. I burst into a shout of laughter as I looked at
securities. I’ve always done my duty in that state of life in which it has George’s wrathful face, I rolled in my chair; I very nearly fell on the
pleased Providence to place me.” floor. George never forgave me. But Tom often asked me to excellent
“True.” dinners in his charming house in Mayfair, and if he occasionally bor-
“And you can’t deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dis- rows a trifle from me, that is merely from force of habit. It is never
solute and dishonourable rogue. If there were any justice he’d be in the more than a sovereign.

Lesson 1
Song of the Exile
Land of bear and land of eagle Hear our singing hear our longing We will go home, we will go home
Land that gave us birth and blessing We will go home across the mountains We will go home across the mountains
Land that called us ever homewards We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains We will go home, we will go home We will go home across the mountains
We will go home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home We will go home, we will go home When the land is there before us
We will go home across the mountains We will go home across the mountains We have gone home across the mountains
We will go home, we will go home We will go home, we will go home
We will go home across the mountains Land of sun and land of moonlight We will go home across the mountains
Land that gave us joy and sorrow
Land of freedom land of heroes Land that gave us love and laughter
Land that gave us hope and memories We will go home across the mountains

Lesson 4

Fair of Face
“Rosamund, of course. Aubrey gave them to her while all the ed to make fun of me he used to say I’d make a wonderful cover girl.
shindy was going on in front of the Titian. She simply put them in her That’s just what I was–a cover girl for him and Rosamund.”
bag and walked out. I’d only just got them back from her when you She stood up and picked up the statuettes.
came in.” “These will have to go back to the gallery, I suppose,” she said.
“Rosamund!” It was my turn to be surprised. “Then the whole “Can it be done without too much fuss? It’s silly of me, I know, but I’d
thing was a put-up job between them?” rather they didn’t prosecute Aubrey.”
“Yes. She made no bones about it. They wanted to get married I made sympathetic noises.
and hadn’t any money, and she knew a dealer who would give a price “It was Rosamund’s idea in the first place,” she went on. “I’m sure
for things like these with no questions asked and–and there you are.” of that. Aubrey hasn’t the wits to think of anything so clever.”
“Then how did you come into it?” I asked. “It was clever enough,” I said. “But you saw through it at once.
Deborah’s face underwent a subtle change. For a moment I could How was that?”
see what she would look like when she was an old woman–still like a Deborah smiled rather wryly.
classical goddess, but a goddess aware of the follies of mankind and a “I’m not clever,” she said. “But that old dark picture with the glass
little weary of them. on it made a perfect mirror. Aubrey told me to stand in front of it, so I
“Aubrey said that if I posed in front of the Titian it would be did. But I’m not interested in art, you know. I was looking at myself.
wonderful publicity for the exhibition–and, of course, I fell for it.” She And of course I couldn’t help seeing what was happening just behind
laughed mirthlessly. “I’ve only just remembered. When Aubrey want- me...”

Scripts 141
Round Up
Waterloo Sunset
Dirty old river, must you keep rolling Waterloo sunset’s fine
Flowing …. the night Terry meets Julie, Waterloo Station
People so busy, makes me feel dizzy Every Friday night
Taxi light shines so bright But I am so lazy, don’t want to wander
But I don’t need no friends I stay … home … night
As long as I gaze … Waterloo sunset But I don’t feel afraid
I am … paradise As long as I gaze … Waterloo sunset
Every day I look … the world … my window I am … paradise
But chilly, chilly is the evening time

Lesson 4
Effie Whittlesy
by George Ade
Part II worked for your ma, but now I’m a servant. I don’t see as it makes any
Effie was “doing up” the dishes when Mr. Wallace lounged into difference what you call me, as long as the work’s the same.”
the kitchen and began a roundabout talk. His wife, seated in the front “You understand what I mean, don’t you? Any time you come
room, heard the prolonged murmur. Ed and Effie were going over the here to my house I want you to come as an old acquaintance–a visitor,
family histories of Brainerd and recalling incidents that may have re- not a servant.”
lated to mud pies or school exhibitions. “Ed Wallace, don’t be foolish. I’d as soon work for you as anyone,
Mrs. Wallace had been a Twombley, of Baltimore, and no and a good deal sooner.”
Twombley, with relatives in Virginia, could humiliate herself into ri- “I know, but I wouldn’t like to see my wife giving orders to an old
valry with a kitchen girl, or dream of such a thing, so why should Mrs. friend, as you are. You understand, don’t you?”
Wallace be uneasy and constantly wonder what Ed and Effie were talk- “I don’t know. I’ll quit if you say so.”
ing about? “Tut! tut! I’ll get you that ticket and you can start for Brainerd
Mrs. Wallace was faint from loss of pride. The night before they tomorrow. Promise me, now.”
had dined with the Gages. Mr. Wallace, a picture of distinction in his “I’ll go, and tickled enough, if that’s the way you look at it.”
evening clothes, had shown himself the bright light of the seven who “And if you come back, I can get you a dozen places to work.”
sat at the table. She had been proud of him. Twenty-four hours later a Next evening Effie departed by carriage, although protesting
servant emerges from the kitchen and hails him as “Ed”! against the luxury.
The low talk in the kitchen continued. Mrs. Wallace had a fe- “Ed Wallace,” she said, pausing in the hallway, “they never will
verish longing to tiptoe down that way and listen, or else go into the believe me when I tell it in Brainerd.”
kitchen, sweepingly, and with a few succinct commands, set Miss “Give them my best and tell them I’m about the same as ever.”
Whittlesy back into her menial station. But she knew that Mr. Wallace I’ll do that. Good-by.”
would misinterpret any such move and probably taunt her with joking “Good-by.”
references to her “jealousy,” so she forbore. Part III
Mr. Wallace, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth (Effie had Mrs. Wallace, watching from the window, saw Effie disappear
forbidden him to smoke in the kitchen), leaned in the doorway and into the carriage.
waited to give the conversation a turn. “Thank goodness,” said she.
At last he said, “Effie, why don’t you go down and visit Lora for “Yes,” said Mr. Wallace, to whom the whole episode had been like
a month or so? She’d be glad to see you.” a cheering beverage, “I’ve invited her to call when she comes back.”
“I know, Ed, but I ain’t a Rockefeller to lay off work a month at a “To call–here?”
time an’ go around visitin’ my relations. I’d like to well enough– but–” “Most assuredly. I told her you’d be delighted to see her at any
“Oh pshaw! I can get you a ticket to Brainerd tomorrow and it time.”
won’t cost you anything down there.” “The idea! Did you invite her, really?”
“No, it ain’t Chicago, that’s a fact. A dollar goes a good ways “Of course I did! And I’m reasonably certain that she’ll come.”
down there. But what’ll your wife do? She told me today she’d had an “What shall I do?”
awful time gettin’ any help.” “I think you can manage it, even if you never did live in Brain-
“Well–to tell you the truth, Effie, you see–you’re an old friend of erd.”
mine and I don’t like the idea of your being here in my house as a–well, Then the revulsion came and Mrs. Wallace, with a return of
as a hired girl.” pride in her husband, said she would try.
“No, I guess I’m a servant now. I used to be a hired girl when I

Lesson 1
A. Tell us about the Association you represent. What do you deal and our local projects that work with international experts.
with? A. Are Moldovan translators good professionals?
E.R. We are the Association of Professional Translators of the Repub- E.R. We can say that some are well known with international recogni-
lic of Moldova. There are more than fifty members and we sup- tion who are registered with TAIEX and EU, they are working for
port the rights of the translators/ interpreters. We organize many the Council of Europe and are contracted directly from Brussels.
events where our members can learn new things. We stay current These institutions access our web page and try co contact directly
with the new technologies in translation science. most experienced of our translator. Being a member of a profes-
A. How is it to translate.? sional association is very prestigious and it means that you are a
E.R. To translate/ interpret is not easy. The job is compared to a pilot’s professional.
of an airplane taking into consideration the stress and concentra- A. Is your remuneration good?
tion. E.R. Yes, the remuneration seems very good in comparison with sala-
A. Who requests your services? Are they only institutions in Moldo- ries in the Republic of Moldova but not so good in comparison
va or are there foreign institutions that you translate for? with translators’ remuneration in the EU and at the international
E.R. The majority of the institutions are International Organizations, conferences organized by the UN at the global level.

Lesson 2
1. Innovation (60%) 3. Publications (10%) 5. Teaching (30%) 7. Social Responsibility (15%)
2. Research (30%) 4. Facilities (15%) 6. Employability (40%)

Lesson 4

Part II
It’s a Great Life Twenty-one years before, in the summer of 1897, Kipling’s
American wife, Carrie, bore their third child. The Kiplings already
It’s a great life had two daughters, Josephine and Elsie, whom Rudyard adored. He
Go get the thought that you’re after; hoped for a boy this time. He would always remember the moment
Hold out for good times and laughter that high-pitched squeal rang out. “Mr. Kipling,” the doctor called,
This is your chance for hope for today. “you have a son!”
It’s a great life Soon Kipling was gazing at an almost-nine-pound, swaddled
Why don’t you reach out and take it? bundle. He cradled the warm, yawning infant in his arms, and a yearn-
Jump for the top and you’ll make it; ing rose within him more profound than any he had ever known.
Stick with your dreams and you’ll find your way. John Kipling, as they named the boy, turned out to be a bright,
cheerful and uncomplaining child. Kipling felt blessed.
You’ll Be A MAN, MY SON! His son John was growing tall and handsome. Though not a
by Suzanne Chazin skilled athlete, John loved competing in sports at his boarding school.
Mow Kipling loved to watch his son, radiant with enthusiasm, dash-
Part I ing across die rugby field. How proud Kipling was – not because John
THE RUMPLED, brown-paper package was addressed simply was a great athlete but because he showed the quiet spunk and good
to “Monsieur Kipling.” Rudyard Kipling, celebrated British author and humor that the father admired. John congratulated team mates and
Nobel Prize-winner, opened it, his curiosity piqued by the painstak- opponents on their efforts. He never bragged about a win or whined
ing scrawl. Inside was a red box containing a French translation of his about a loss. If he broke a school rule, he took his punishment without
novel “Kim” pierced by a bullet hole that stopped at the last 20 pages. complaint. He accepted responsibility for his actions. The boy, Kipling
Through the hole, tied with string, dangled the Maltese Cross of the realized, was becoming a man.
Croix de Guerre, France’s medal for bravery in war. By 1915, the war Kipling had predicted was raging in Europe.
The book had been sent by a young French soldier, Maurice Ha- His son John was now a tall, lean, quickwitted 17-year-old with nut-
monneau. He explained in a letter that had Kim not been in his pocket brown hair, sparkling hazel eyes and the wispy beginnings of a mus-
when he went into battle, he would have been killed. Hamonneau tache. Since he had poor eyesight like his father, he was rejected as an
asked Kipling to accept the book and medal as a token of gratitude. officer by both the army and the navy. Eventually Kipling managed to
Kipling felt more moved than he had been by any other honor he’d get him a commission as a second lieutenant with the Irish Guards,
received. Through him, God had spared the life of this soldier. If only which he eagerly accepted.
he had spared the life of another–one who meant more to Kipling than Shipped to Ireland, John proved an able officer. Meanwhile, Ki-
all the honors in the world. pling campaigned on the home front for volunteers and visited France
to write about the war.

Scripts 143
Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naționale a Cărții
At the Crossroads: Student’s book 12: Margareta Dușciac, Maria Gîscă, Elisaveta
Onofreiciuc [et. al]; comisia de evaluare: Nina Moraru [et. al]; Min. Educației al Rep. Moldova,
English Awareness. – Ed. a 4-a – Chișinău: Arc, 2015 (Tipografia „Balacron“). – 144 p.
ISBN 9975-61-899-1
10400 ex.
A 90

Editura Arc
str. G. Meniuc nr. 3, Chișinău, MD 2009;
tel.: (+373 22) 73-36-19, 73-53-29; fax (+373 22) 73-36-23
e-mail: info.edituraarc@gmail.com; www.edituraarc.md

Imprimat la Tipografia „Balacron“

Com. nr. 639

English Awareness is a three-year course designed Margareta DUªCIAC • Maria GÎSCÆ

for advanced level students. Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC • Silvia ROTARU
At the Crossroads is a highly informative,
learner-centered course that encourages
communication. Galina CHIRA• Mihai CHIRA

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