Session 7 - RBM in reporting- tips sheet 1
Session 7 - RBM in reporting- tips sheet 1
Session 7 - RBM in reporting- tips sheet 1
Tips Worksheet
What's wrong here
400,000 children received basic school supplies through the distribution effort.
UNICEF reached 90 per cent of all school children (400,000) with essential supplies including slates, chalk,
pencils and exercise books.
Mothers in the area also cite the improved access to safe water as one of the reasons they can release their
daughters from domestic duties and send them to school; girls’ enrolment has increased by 54 per cent in
the past year.
Other Examples
Reporting on Activities: ’A condomize campaign was Reporting on Results: -
implemented with many youth attending and Through a condomize campaign and outreaches
presenting at a musical concert organized by S el S. coordinated and organized by Shabab el Shabab, the
The campaign has been successful as assistance with programme was able to reach about 500,000 young
outreach to youth was provided through the people (15-24 years) and increase the number of
procurement and distribution of condoms, which condoms distributed from 1 million to 2 million. In
targeted youth with the aim of STI and HIV the counties (---) where the condoms were
prevention. However, the budget for the activity was distributed and outreaches conducted, the 6 youth-
not sufficient, UNFPA should provide more friendly centers supported by the programme
resources” reported a 15% decrease in the number of STIs
reported in a period of six months….. Owing to
But what was the result? insufficient funding the coverage and intensity of the
interventions remain low. An assessment, in
collaboration with NBS, will be conducted to
establish changes in SRH knowledge levels among
young people in the program counties.
framework of a project on improving EmONC located development of the first national service delivery
in County X supported the development of standards guidelines for safe abortion and the prevention of
for abortion care. UNFPA provided support through
complications of abortion. The participatory
experts from Geneva. Besides the mission of the
experts, a workshop was organized inviting consultative process including top leadership and
participants from sub-national organizations and policy makers exhibited an improving high level of
health experts…the workshop was opened by the national ownership and resulted in the faster
Minister of Health accompanied by the newly endorsement of the guidelines. A framework for
appointed Dep. Minister of Health. In their remarks, dissemination and implementation of the guideline
the WHO and UNFPA representatives and the was developed and resources were pledged by WHO
Minister pledged support --- the workshop was and UNFPA for its implementation.
In a region where the nearest hospital or clinic is usually a day’s walk away, a sick
child’s chances of survival often depend on early diagnosis. In 2021, UNICEF plans to
train two Community Health Workers from each health facility in the country on the
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses. Forty of the 65 targeted health workers
completed the training in January and are now better equipped to recognize the signs of
the most common childhood illnesses.
Challenges should always be formulated positively – identify solutions, don’t give excuses. Show that
progress is underway or indicate that the process had been adjusted to avoid in future, etc.
“Lack of qualified human resources remains a key challenge and prevented scale up of the pilot.”
The lack of health training institutions makes it difficult to find or create a pool of health workers who are
qualified to be trained as midwives to expand the Safe Motherhood project. As sector lead, UNICEF has
advocated strongly for early recovery funding to be channeled to x partner to establish a new training
programme in Mchinji. This would double the number of health workers that can be trained each year in
Southern Malawi.