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Tubular Heaters

Finned Tubular Heaters

Finned Tubular Heaters
Shown with optional
bulkhead fittings

with optional
mounting flange at
end of sheath

✴ Copper brazed steel fins on steel sheath standard. Aluminum ✴ Type T Post terminals standard. .315 dia. heaters have 8-32
Design Features

based protective coating available. threads and 10-32 threads are used on .430 & .475 dia.
✴ Stainless steel fins on stainless alloy sheath standard. heaters. Full selection of tubular terminations available See
page 10-4.
✴ .315, .430, & .475 Sheath diameters standard. .260 & .375
diameters optional. .625 diameter is special order in limited ✴ Catalog units have V2A silicon resin seals as standard. Most
lengths. all other tubular seal options available. See page 10-16C.
✴ 5/16'' fins standard on .315 diameter units, 3/8'' fins on .430 ✴ Numerous factory bending formations available. Supply
& .475 diameter heaters. See physical specifications for Tempco with dimensional sketch, drawing, or photo. See page
optional sizes. 10-9.
✴ Monel fins on Monel sheath available on special order only. ✴ Bright annealed, Nickel plating, Hi-heat aluminum, or Hi-
Consult Tempco for details. heat flat black finishes available Furnace brazed Stainless
Steel fins available as an option.
✴ 4.5-5 fins/in standard. 3.5-6 fins/in optional
✴ U2 & M2 formations are ideal for duct heating applications
✴ Steel finned catalog heaters have brazed brass bulkheads.
Welded steel or staked bulkheads available. Stainless steel ✴ Unfinned sections in bends or straight lengths of heated area
welded bulkheads are standard on cataloged stainless steel can be provided on heaters up to 32wsi sheath watt density.
finned heaters. Fittings will have UNF threads unless custom ✴ Catalog listed Steel heaters are UL recognized for use up to
threads are specified. See page 10-16B. 750°F sheath temperature & Stainless construction up to
✴ Custom Mounting Brackets can be provided. See page 10-16C. 1000°F at a maximum of 85 wsi on sheath.

THF finned heaters are constructed using Tempco’s robust tubular The finned tubular elements are normally used in forced or free
Construction Characteristics

element as the basis of construction. Fin material is continuously convective air applications at low to medium temperatures. Typical
spiral wound tightly onto the element surface to increase the con- applications are for heating indoor clean air from ambient condi-
vective surface area for air and non-corrosive gas heating. Fin spac- tions up to 250/275°F for steel finned units & to 550°F for stainless
ing and size have been tested and selected to optimize performance. fins. Steel finned heaters can be operated up to 750°F on sheath
Steel finned units are then furnace brazed, bonding the fins to the and stainless steel finned heaters used up to 1200°F (1000°F UL
sheath to increase conductive efficiency. This allows higher wattage limit) sheath temperatures. Nominal sheath watt density and rec-
levels to be achieved in the same flow area and produces lower ommended operating conditions for the cataloged heaters are in-
sheath temperatures prolonging heater life. For higher temperature cluded in the table headings & footnotes. Lower airflows will
or more corrosive applications, stainless steel fins securely wound require lower watt density ratings. Consideration should be given
on alloy sheath are available. Application conditions such as vibra- to using un-finned alloy sheath tubular elements for heating to
tion and toxic/flammable media should be taken into consideration higher outlet air temperatures or if operating in higher ambient air.
when installing heaters. Protective coatings are available for use on Application conditions of flow velocity and inlet/outlet tempera-
steel finned heaters for mildly corrosive or high humidity applica- tures will govern sheath watt density to be used. The airflow graphs
tions. and examples presented will help with determining proper heater
Finned tubular elements are safer to operate than open coil heaters watt density. The cataloged designs are suitable for most low tem-
as the risk of fire from combustible particles in the flow stream and perature applications that will be encountered.
electrical shock is minimized. Increased service life and less main-
tenance required due to the rugged finned element construction. Agency
Power loading (w/in) of finned tubulars can be matched to any open Approval
coil installation. Pressure drop when using finned elements will be Finned Tubular Heaters are UL recognized for US and Canada
slightly more than with open coil but normally not enough to mat- in many design variations up to 85W/in , 480V maximum. The
ter. It varies with flow velocity ranging from .04"H2O at 500 fpm UL File Number is E65652 (CCN KSOT2/KSOT8.

to about .30"H2O at 1500 fpm when elements are banked together If you require UL, CSA, or other NRTL agency approvals,
in several rows for duct heaters. please specify when ordering.

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

➻ Convective air & gas heating in ducts ➻ Exhaust gas heating ➻ Autoclaves➻ Film & ink drying
Typical Applications

➻ Load resistor banks ➻ Forced air electric heaters ➻ Hopper heating

➻ Moisture removal (dehumidification) ➻ Heat pump auxiliary systems ➻ Chemical processing & core drying
➻ Curing ovens & plastics dryers ➻ Return air heating ➻ Food Roasting & baking
➻ Low/medium temperature heat treating ➻ Inert Industrial process gas heating ➻ Textile & Varnish drying
➻ Convection ovens for food preparation ➻ Organic Resins & Paint curing, baking, & drying ➻ Heating for rail & marine applications

Sheath Diameter: .315", .375", .430" and .475"

TubuLar eLemenT SizeS & maTeriaLS SPecificaTionS and PHySicaL Size of finS

Sheath Material: Steel, 304L SS, 316L SS, Steel & 304 SS
Fin Materials and Attachment Method:

Incoloy 840 and Incoloy 800 Steel wound with copper wire between fins for oven brazing to
sheath. Stainless steel is mechanically wound but can be oven
Sheath Lengths: 12" to 196" depending on sheath diameter brazed as an option if a bright annealing atmosphere is used.

5/16'' on .315, .375 and .430 diameters

Sheath Material Selection Fin Strip Width:

3/8'' on .315, .375 .430 and .475 diameters

Standard steel finned heaters are ideal for use in low temperature
clean air applications not containing toxic contaminants or high

26 Ga. (.018) for Steel and 304 SS. Optional 24 Ga. (.024) for
humidity. When coated with one of the optional coatings available
Fin Thickness:

steel only
they are suitable for high humidity, organic vapors, or mildly corro-
sive applications. Stainless steel finned heaters should be

.315'' dia. with 5/16'' fins—.92'' OD

employed for higher temperature uses or if the air/gas contains
Finned OD’s:

.315'' dia. with 3/8'' fins—1.05'' OD

vapors known to be corrosive to steel. Optional nickel plated

.375'' dia. with 5/16'' fins—.98'' OD

heaters can also be provided.

.375'' dia. with 3/8'' fins—1.11'' OD

Performance raTingS

Steel fins on steel sheath—750°F (400°C) .430'' dia. with 5/16'' fins—1.04'' OD
Maximum Temperature:

Steel fins on Incoloy or SS sheath—750°F (400°C) .430'' dia. with 3/8'' steel fins—1.15'' OD, SS fins 1.16'' OD
.475'' dia. with 3/8'' fins—1.21'' OD
Stainless Steel fins on stainless, Incoloy 840 or Incoloy 800
sheath—1200°F (650°C)
5±.5 for 5/16 material, 4.5-5 for 3/8 material (up to 6 per
Fin Pitch Standards:

inch maximum
20-45 W/in (3-7 W/cm )
Nominal Watt Density:
2 2

20 to 85 W/in2 (2 to 13 W/cm2) at 4.5 and 5 fins/inch

Oven brazed steel finned units - standard
Sheath Watt Density Range: Surface finiSHeS

.315 dia.—84 watts/linear inch Copper brazed stainless steel fins using inert
atmosphere - special
Maximum Element Power Density Limits:

.375 dia.—100 watts/linear inch

.430 dia.—115 watts/linear inch Bright annealed steel or stainless steel finned heaters
.475 dia.—127 watts/linear inch High heat aluminum painted steel
These values are for heaters with 3/8'' fins at 4.5-5 fins/inch. High heat flat black painted surface
De-rate to 83% for heaters with 5/16'' fins or that have less
than 4.5 fins/inch. Nickel plated finish.

Maximum Voltage: Up to 600VAC (480V for UL)

eLecTricaL raTingS

Resistance Tolerance: +10%, –5%

Wattage Tolerance: +5%, –10%
Sheath watt density range: 20-85 wsi (2-13 w/cm2),
@ 4.5-5 fins/in
forming LimiTaTionS

.315" dia. with 5/16" fins . . . . . 3/4"

Minimum Element Centerline Bend Radius:

.315" dia. with 3/8" fins . . . . . . 7/8"

Bulkhead Fittings: Brazed brass are standard. Welded or .375" dia. with 5/16" fins . . . . . 7/8"
oPTionaL feaTureS

brazed Steel & SS optional. UNF threads standard, metric or .375" dia. with 3/8" fins . . . . . . 1.00"
special threads available. .430" dia. with 5/16" fins . . . . . 1.00"
Custom mounting brackets: (type MF or special). .430" dia. with 3/8" fins . . . . . . 1.00"
Dimensional sketch or drawing needed with material specs. .475" dia. with 3/8" fins . . . . . . 1.00"
Locator washer: (type LC) specify location
Adjustable mounting collar: (type MC) w/set screw
Full selection of tubular termination options: Bulkhead fit-
The above values are for factory formed heaters. Consult

tings & type T post terminals standard.

Tempco for field bending limits.

Moisture Seals: V2A Silicon resin seal standard

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

These are guidelines only. Consult Tempco if you require assistance in determining the method best suited to your application.
Fitting Attachment Method — General Guidelines

Fittings Crimped: Low pressure water (up to 80 psig) and non-pressure air applications
Fittings Brazed: Non-ferrous alloys (copper) and dissimilar non-weldable metals
Fittings Welded: High pressure liquids and gases, and high temperature applications

Standard Bulkhead Fittings For Tubular Heaters — Round Flanged Standard

Tubular “A” “B” “C” Thread

Diameter Fitting Flange Size

.315 8.0 Brass Round 3/4 19 1/2 12.7 5/8 16 1/2-20

in mm Material Type in mm in mm in mm (UNF)

.315 8.0 Stn. Stl. Round 3/4 19 1/2 12.7 5/8 16 1/2-20
.375 9.5 Brass Round 3/4 19 1/2 12.7 5/8 16 1/2-20
.375 9.5 Stn. Stl. Round 3/4 19 1/2 12.7 5/8 16 1/2-20
.430 10.9 Brass Round or Hex 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.430 10.9 Stn. Stl. Round or Hex 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.430 10.9 Steel Round 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.475 12.1 Brass Round 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.475 12.1 Stn. Stl. Round 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.475 12.1 Steel Round 7/8 22 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 5/8-18
.475 12.1 Brass Round 1 25 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 3/4-16
.475 12.1 Stn. Stl. Round 1 25 3/4 19.0 7/8 22 3/4-16
.625 15.9 Stn. Stl. Round 1-1/8 29 3/4 19.0 1 25 7/8-14

note: Optional Larger Thread Sizes and Hex Flanged Bulkhead Fittings
are available. Consult Tempco with your requirements.

Tubular Heater Standard Mounting Methods

Plated steel mounting collars are locked in

For Element “A” “B” TYPE MC — Mounting Collar

place with a set-screw and serve as an

Diameter Thick OD

FAS-108-102 .315 8.0 5/16 7.9 5/8 15.9 adjustable stop for through-the-wall mounting.
Part Number in mm in mm in mm

FAS-108-103 .375 9.5 3/8 9.5 3/4 19.1 Collars are shipped in bulk unless otherwise
FAS-108-104 .430 10.9 7/16 11.1 7/8 22.2 specified. Mounting collars can be ordered
FAS-108-106 .475 12.0 7/16 11.1 1 25.4
with the heater or purchased separately.

Locator washers are permanently attached to the heater sheath by staking/crimping

TYPE LR — Locator Washer

and are used to limit the movement of the heater while allowing for expansion and
contraction of the heater sheath. When ordering, specify location from end of sheath.

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Tempco’s made-to-order mounting brackets are made

TYPE MF — Mounting Bracket

from 18 gauge stainless steel for strength and stiffness.

It is an economical way to mount the heater in non-pres-
surizing, non-liquid applications. Unless otherwise
specified, the bracket will be located 1/2" from the edge
of the heater sheath. OEM quantity brackets are manu-
factured by Tempco on our own high speed precision
N/C Turret Press. The standard method of attaching the
tubular element to the bracket is staking or crimping.
The rectangular mounting bracket shown at right is a
popular made-to-order design. Specify all dimensions
shown when requesting a quote.
Custom brackets of any size, thickness or material can
be supplied to meet your requirements.

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is used as the insulating material in If a heater has absorbed moisture, a safe and effective method of
Tubular Heater Standard Moisture Seals

Tempco tubular heaters because of its excellent thermal conduc- drying it out prior to installation is to bake it in an oven at 300°F
tivity and dielectric strength. However, MgO is hygroscopic and (149°C) until an acceptable IR reading is obtained. When possible,
can absorb moisture from the atmosphere. This absorption of removing the terminal hardware will expedite this process. If this
moisture may be detected when an Insulation Resistance (IR) test method is not practical consult factory for other recommenda-
is done with a megohmmeter prior to energizing the heater circuit. tions.
In very humid environments, circuits utilizing a GFI (ground fault For applications where moisture absorption would be unacceptable
interrupter) for safety may experience nuisance tripping when Tempco has several optional element end seals to retard absorp-
energizing the heater. tion of moisture in the MgO. If a true hermetic seal is required,
The Tempco manufacturing process produces a dry element with ceramic to metal end seals (Type H) are available. With any of
an IR of several thousand megohms minimum. However, after these seals, the maximum recommended termination temperature
shipment and depending on humidity levels and storage time, a in the seal area must not be exceeded.
heater can absorb moisture and show a decrease in IR. In many
cases, depending on the supply voltage and the application, the
heater can be safely energized and will dry itself out.

A brushed-on coating that penetrates the MgO, offering econom- Epoxy resin provides a moisture resisting barrier.
Style SS—Silicone Resin Seal Style SEH—Epoxy Resin Seal

ical moisture protection under humid storage conditions. UL Rated – Maximum Termination Temperature:
Maximum Usable Termination Temperature: 390°F (200°C) Type V: 194°F (90°C)
UL Rated Maximum Termination Temperature: 221°F (105°C) Type V1: 266°F (130°C)
Type V2A: conformal coating Type V4: 392°F (200°C)
Type V2B: silicone oil

RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) silicone rubber adhesive

Style SER—RTV Seal

sealant provides a good moisture seal.

UL Rated – Maximum Termination Temperature:
Type R: 302°F (150°C)
Type R1: 392°F (200°C)

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Design Guidelines
The major factors that need to be considered when specifying THF finned tubular heaters
are as follows:
• Minimum FPM airflow velocity at heater inlet. Is it continuous or fluctuating
• Inlet air temperature
• Outlet air temperature and temperature rise through heating elements
• Selection of element watt density to keep sheath material within its temperature limits
• Sheath material selection
• Condition of air or gas to be heated
• Mounting & airflow restrictions around elements
• KW sizing and # of circuits required (48 amp max/circuit)
• Temperature sensors & flow controls

Heater KW Sizing
Once the inlet temperature, outlet temperature, process CFM, and operating pressure are known, the
KW required for the application can be determined using the following equations. If the process is
heating air & operating from ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure (70°+/- 10°F & 14.7 psi),
the following formula can be used;
KW = {[SCFM x (T2-T1)] ÷ 3190} + S.F.
T2 = °F outlet temperature
T1 = °F inlet temperature
SCFM = standard air flow in cu.ft./min. at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
S.F. = safety factor % to account for process losses

Converting CFM to SCFM

If the air heating process is pressurized or operating at an inlet temperature other than at or
near ambient, the CFM at a point in the process with a known pressure & temperature must be
used & converted to standard SCFM by the following formula;

SCFM = 35.4 x CFM2 x {(P2+14.7) ÷ (T2 + 460°)}

Where CFM₂ is cu.ft./min. air flow at process pressure P2.
P₂ = process pressure (psig)
T₂ = inlet °F or temperature at point of measured CFM2
Using the SCFM and the heater face flow area we can now calculate the air velocity in SFPM
into the heater core as follows;
SFPM = inlet air velocity at standard conditions.
A1 = Sq.Ft. of inlet flow area at heater

An alternate method for calculating KW needed to heat air or other gas, from any inlet to outlet
temperature can be done using the following general energy equation;
KW = {[60 min/hr x SCFM x Density x Sp Ht x ∆T] ÷3412} + S.F.
SCFM = standard air flow in cubic feet/min (@ 70°F & 14.7 psia)
Density = Gas density in lbs/cuft at standard conditions or if pressurized process at process
pressure and inlet temperature. (see table)
Sp Ht = Specific heat of gas in Btu/lb-°F at standard conditions or if pressurized process at
process pressure and inlet temperature. (values for air are shown in the gas density table)
∆T = Process gas temperature rise -°F
3412 = conversion factor for Btu/hr to KW (1 KW = 3412 Btu/hr)
S.F. = safety factor % to account for process losses.

Using the inlet air velocity at the heater and the maximum outlet temperature desired the max-
imum sheath watt density can now be determined from the following charts for the type of
heater being specified if a cataloged design is not suitable. The physical size and constraints
of the application will dictate the final configuration and number of heaters required. For large
installations, 3 phase circuits need to be balanced and all circuits limited no more than 48
amps per circuit. If voltages are higher than 250V, .375, .430, or .475 diameter elements are

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

The maximum sheath watt density to be specified is directly determined by the operating variables of FPM airflow velocity
Sheath Watt Density

and inlet/outlet air/gas temperatures required. It must be selected such that sheath operating temperatures are not exceeded;
750°F for steel sheath-steel finned, or 1200°F for stainless steel/alloy sheath with stainless fins. Cataloged heaters are
designed to operate within these parameters. The following charts will help guide the user in selecting proper watt density.

Chart 1 for steel (or SS) finned elements relates the maximum allowable sheath wsi
to outlet air temperature that will be obtained at various air velocity levels.
These curves are for 750°F (or lower) sheath operating temperature.

The following Examples Illustrate the Graph’s Use

An application requires a heater to output 275°F air at an air velocity of 750 FPM. Entering the curves
Example 1

with 275°F, then up to 750 FPM level we find that a maximum of 62-64 wsi can be applied. Depending
on voltage and space constraints either a .315 or .430 diameter catalog heater could be used.

A curing oven needed 325°F outlet air at a minimum velocity of 1500 FPM. Entering chart at 325°F up
Example 2

to the 1500 FPM curve, we see that the heater could have a maximum of 70-72 sheath wsi. If a higher
outlet air temperature is required, or if the airflow velocity is lower, then a reduced a sheath wsi would
have to be specified.

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters
Air Outlet Temperature vs Air Velocity
for various THF Sheath WSI Levels

Curves are for steel or stainless

finned heaters with 4.5-5 fins/in,
750°F maximum sheath temperture.

30 wsi sheath

45 wsi sheath

Max. Outlet 60 wsi sheath
Air Temp. °F

75 wsi sheath


For a constant FPM, a higher outlet air

temperature can only be obtained if sheath
wsi is reduced or airflow is increased to
100 keep element within temperature limits of
sheath and fin materials.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Air Velocity at Heater — FPM

Chart 2 shows the relationship of maximum outlet air temperature obtained vs inlet air velocity at several sheath wsi levels.

This chart can be used for either steel or stainless steel finned elements operating at a maximum of 750°F and
provides a way of establishing either airflow required or outlet temperature that will be obtained when sheath
wsi is known for an application.
These curves show that to obtain a higher air outlet temperature at a constant FPM, the sheath wsi must be
reduced to keep the element within the 750°F temperature limit of sheath & fin materials. These curves are for
air entering a heater at or near ambient (60°-105°F).

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Sheath Temperature vs wsi for THF Finned Tubular Elements

in various velocities of forced air at 80°F
This data is for finned round compacted 1500 fpm
elements in the .315" to .475" diameter range.
Elements are mounted perpendicular to the air
flow allowing convective cross flow air currents
to fully develop along the sheath heated length.
960 fpm
125.00 To use graph for higher ambients, add the differ-
ence in the ambients to the sheath temperature
shown for 80°F.
540 fpm

100.00 240 fpm

60 fpm
Watt 75.00
These curves reflect the
combined effects of forced
convection and radiation
heat transfer to surrounding

Maximum sheath temperatures

for THF finned heaters:
25.00 Steel Sheath/Steel Fins — 750°F
SS Sheath/SS Fins — 1000°F
Alloy Sheath/SS fins — 1200°F

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Chart 3 is a plot of sheath temperature and sheath watt density at various levels of inlet forced air at 80°F
Sheath temperature °F (= 80°F + Temp Rise)

It can be used to determine a maximum allowable sheath wsi for heating applications not restricted to the steel sheath limit
of 750°. It can be used directly for most ambient air heating processes using Incoloy or Stainless Steel sheathed elements
with stainless steel fins.

The following Example Illustrates the Graph’s use when Operating in a Higher Ambient

A recirculating process oven with organic vapors, moisture & other air contamination present, requires 500°F air

at a minimum flow velocity of 900 FPM. Can a Stainless steel finned alloy sheathed heater at 80 wsi be used?

Entering this chart at 900 FPM and 80 wsi, we find the sheath temperature when operating at 80°F ambient will
Using the Graph

be 700°F. The ambient temperature difference from the graph value of 80°F to the new higher 500°F ambient is
420°F (500-80). The new sheath temperature when operating in the 500°F ambient will be approximately 1120°F.
(700 + 420). This is just 80° lower than the 1200°F limit for a stainless steel finned heater.
To conserve heater life it would be best to use a lower watt density & operate the heater at the lowest point pos-
sible given voltage, size, and construction constraints of the application. Consideration should be given to
increasing the air velocity or using un-finned alloy sheath tubular heaters for this application. (See page 11-104)
Tech note: The reverse is true if element is operating in an ambient lower than 80°F. The sheath temperature
would be reduced by the difference in the temperatures. The WSI range shown on the chart is approximately
4.25 times an unfinned tubular. The data has been confirmed by Tempco lab testing on .430 & .475 diameter
finned heaters with 4.5-5 fins/in.

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

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Tubular Heaters

Standard (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings with Type T Termination

62-64 Sheath Watt Density (wsi)

Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Part Number

Element “A” “B” “C” “D”

.315 .92 121⁄2 81⁄2 500 THF00321 — — — —

Description inches inches inches inches Watts 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V

.315 .92 171⁄2 131⁄2 750 THF00322 THF00323 THF00324 — —

.315 .92 201⁄2 161⁄2 1000 THE00325 THF00326 THF00327 — —
.315 Dia.

.315 .92 29 25 1500 THF00328 THF00329 THF00330 — —

Steel Element

.315 .92 37 33 2000 THF00331 THF00332 THF00333 — —

5/16 Brazed

.315 .92 54 50 3000 — THF00334 THF00335 — —

Steel Fins

.315 .92 70 66 4000 — THF00336 THF00337 — —

60 W/in

.430 1.15 17 13 1000 — THF00338 THF00339 THF00340 THF00341

.430 1.15 223⁄4 183⁄4 1500 — THF00342 THF00343 THF00344 THF00345
.430 1.15 29 25 2000 — THF00346 THF00347 THF00348 THF00349
.430 Dia.

.430 1.15 41 37 3000 — THF00350 THF00351 THF00352 THF00353

Steel Element

.430 1.15 53 49 4000 — THF00354 THF00355 THF00356 THF00357

3/8 Brazed

.430 1.15 65 61 5000 — THF00358 THF00359 THF00360 THF00361

Steel Fins

.430 1.15 771⁄2 731⁄2 6000 — THF00362 THF00363 THF00364 THF00365

80 W/in

.475 1.21 211⁄2 171⁄2 1500 — THF00366 THF00367 THF00368 THF00369

.475 1.21 261⁄2 221⁄2 2000 — THF00370 THF00371 THF00372 THF00373
.475 1.21 37 33 3000 — THF00374 THF00375 THF00376 THF00377
.475 1.21 48 44 4000 — THF00378 THF00379 THF00380 THF00381
.475 Dia.

.475 1.21 59 55 5000 — THF00382 THF00383 THF00384 THF00385

SS Element

.475 1.21 70 66 6000 — THF00386 THF00387 THF00388 THF00389

3/8 SS Fins

.475 1.21 81 77 7000 — THF00390 THF00391 THF00392 THF00393

90 W/in

.475 1.21 92 88 8000 — THF00394 THF00395 THF00396 THF00397

.315 diameter elements are typically used .430 diameter elements are typically used .475 diameter elements are typically used
for air heating from ambient to 250/275°F for air heating from ambient to 275/300°F for air heating from ambient to 450/500°F
at a minimum airflow of 700 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 750 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 1400 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 1200°F.
Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required
for lower airflows for lower airflows. for lower airflows.

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Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters


Type V2A Silicone Moisture Seal

.315 Diameter Element —8-32 Terminal
.430 & .475 Diameter Element —10-32 Terminal

Standard (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings with Type T Termination

62-64 Sheath Watt Density (wsi)

Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Part Number

Element “A” “B” “C” “D” “E”

.315 .92 83⁄4 63⁄4 2 750 THF00398 THF00399 THF00400 — —

Description inches inches inches inches inches Watts 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V

.315 .92 103⁄4 83⁄4 2 1000 THF00401 THF00402 THF00403 — —

.315 .92 143⁄4 123⁄4 2 1500 THE00404 THF00405 THF00406 — —
.315 Dia.

.315 .92 181⁄2 161⁄2 2 2000 THF00407 THF00408 THF00409 — —

Steel Element

.315 .92 261⁄2 241⁄2 2 3000 THF00410 THF00411 THF00412 — —

5/16 Brazed

.315 .92 341⁄2 321⁄2 2 4000 — THF00414 THF00415 — —

Steel Fins

.315 .92 43 41 2 5000 — THF00417 THF00418 — —

60 W/in

.430 1.15 81⁄2 61⁄2 2 1000 — THF00419 THF00420 THF00421 THF00422

.430 1.15 111⁄2 91⁄2 2 1500 — THF00423 THF00424 THF00425 THF00426
.430 1.15 141⁄2 121⁄2 2 2000 — THF00427 THF00428 THF00429 THF00430
.430 Dia.

.430 1.15 21 19 2 3000 — THF00431 THF00432 THF00433 THF00434

Steel Element

.430 1.15 27 25 2 4000 — THF00435 THF00436 THF00437 THF00438

3/8 Brazed

.430 1.15 321⁄2 31 2 5000 — THF00439 THF00440 THF00441 THF00442

Steel Fins

.430 1.15 391⁄2 371⁄2 2 6000 — THF00443 THF00444 THF00445 THF00446

80 W/in

.475 1.21 101⁄2 81⁄2 21⁄2 1500 — THF00447 THF00448 THF00449 THF00450
.475 1.21 131⁄4 111⁄4 21⁄2 2000 — THF00451 THF00452 THF00453 THF00454
.475 1.21 181⁄2 161⁄2 21⁄2 3000 — THF00455 THF00456 THF00457 THF00458
.475 1.21 24 22 21⁄2 4000 — THF00459 THF00460 THF00461 THF00462
.475 Dia.

.475 1.21 291⁄2 271⁄2 21⁄2 5000 — THF00463 THF00464 THF00465 THF00466
SS Element

.475 1.21 35 33 21⁄2 6000 — THF00467 THF00468 THF00469 THF00470

3/8 SS Fins

.475 1.21 401⁄2 381⁄2 21⁄2 7000 — THF00471 THF00472 THF00473 THF00474
90 W/in

.475 1.21 46 44 21⁄2 8000 — — THF00475 THF00476 THF00477

.315 diameter elements are typically used .430 diameter elements are typically used .475 diameter elements are typically used
for air heating from ambient to 250/275°F for air heating from ambient to 275/300°F for air heating from ambient to 450/500°F
at a minimum airflow of 700 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 750 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 1400 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 1200°F.
Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required
for lower airflows for lower airflows. for lower airflows.

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

New Page (12-16)
Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Standard (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings with Type T Termination

62-64 Sheath Watt Density (wsi)

Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Part Number

Element “A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “G”

.315 .92 81⁄4 63⁄4 2 83⁄4 750 THF00478 THF00479 THF00480 — —

Description inches inches inches inches inches inches Watts 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V

.315 .92 101⁄4 83⁄4 2 103⁄4 1000 THF00481 THF00482 THF00483 — —

.315 .92 141⁄4 123⁄4 2 143⁄4 1500 THE00484 THF00485 THF00486 — —
.315 Dia.

.315 .92 18 161⁄2 2 181⁄2 2000 THF00487 THF00488 THF00489 — —

Steel Element

.315 .92 26 241⁄2 2 261⁄2 3000 THF00490 THF00491 THF00492 — —

5/16 Brazed

.315 .92 34 321⁄2 2 341⁄2 4000 — THF00493 THF00494 — —

Steel Fins

.315 .92 421⁄2 41 2 43 5000 — THF00495 THF00496 — —

60 W/in

.430 1.15 73⁄4 61⁄2 2 81⁄2 1000 — THF00497 THF00498 THF00499 THF00500
.430 1.15 103⁄4 91⁄2 2 111⁄2 1500 — THF00501 THF00502 THF00503 THF00504
.430 1.15 133⁄4 121⁄2 2 141⁄2 2000 — THF00505 THF00506 THF00507 THF00508
.430 Dia.

.430 1.15 201⁄4 19 2 21 3000 — THF00509 THF00510 THF00511 THF00512

Steel Element

.430 1.15 261⁄4 25 2 27 4000 — THF00513 THF00514 THF00515 THF00516

3/8 Brazed

.430 1.15 321⁄4 31 2 33 5000 — THF00517 THF00518 THF00519 THF00520

Steel Fins

.430 1.15 383⁄4 371⁄2 2 391⁄2 6000 — THF00521 THF00522 THF00523 THF00524
80 W/in

.475 1.21 93⁄4 81⁄2 21⁄2 101⁄2 1500 — THF00525 THF00526 THF00527 THF00528
.475 1.21 121⁄2 111⁄4 21⁄2 131⁄4 2000 — THF00529 THF00530 THF00531 THF00532
.475 1.21 173⁄4 161⁄2 21⁄2 181⁄2 3000 — THF00533 THF00534 THF00535 THF00536
.475 1.21 231⁄4 22 21⁄2 24 4000 — THF00537 THF00538 THF00539 THF00540
.475 Dia.

.475 1.21 283⁄4 271⁄2 21⁄2 291⁄2 5000 — THF00541 THF00542 THF00543 THF00544
SS Element

.475 1.21 341⁄4 33 21⁄2 35 6000 — THF00545 THF00546 THF00547 THF00548

3/8 SS Fins

.475 1.21 393⁄4 381⁄2 21⁄2 401⁄2 7000 — THF00549 THF00550 THF00551 THF00552
90 W/in

.475 1.21 451⁄4 44 21⁄2 46 8000 — — THF00553 THF00554 THF00555

.315 diameter elements are typically used .430 diameter elements are typically used .475 diameter elements are typically used
for air heating from ambient to 250/275°F for air heating from ambient to 275/300°F for air heating from ambient to 450/500°F
at a minimum airflow of 700 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 750 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 1400 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 1200°F.
Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required
for lower airflows for lower airflows. for lower airflows.

View Product Inventory @ www.tempco.com

New Page (12-16)
Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Standard (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings with Type T Termination

62-64 Sheath Watt Density (wsi)

Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Part Number

Element “A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F”

.315 .92 61⁄4 41⁄4 6 41⁄4 1000 THF00556 THF00557 THF00558 — —

Description inches inches inches inches inches inches Watts 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V

.315 .92 81⁄4 61⁄4 6 61⁄4 1500 THF00559 THF00560 THF00561 — —

.315 .92 101⁄4 81⁄4 6 81⁄4 2000 THE00562 THF00563 THF00564 — —
.315 Dia.

.315 .92 141⁄4 121⁄4 6 121⁄4 3000 THF00565 THF00466 THF00567 — —

Steel Element

.315 .92 181⁄4 161⁄4 6 161⁄4 4000 THF00568 THF00569 THF00570 — —

5/16 Brazed

.315 .92 221⁄4 201⁄4 6 201⁄4 5000 — THF00571 THF00572 — —

Steel Fins

.315 .92 241⁄4 241⁄4 6 241⁄4 6000 — THF00573 THF00574 — —

60 W/in

.430 1.15 8 6 7.5 6 2000 — THF00575 THF00576 THF00577 THF00578

.430 1.15 11 9 7.5 9 3000 — THF00579 THF00580 THF00581 THF00582
.430 1.15 14 12 7.5 12 4000 — THF00583 THF00584 THF00585 THF00586
.430 Dia.

.430 1.15 17 15 7.5 15 5000 — THF00587 THF00588 THF00589 THF00590

Steel Element

.430 1.15 20 18 7.5 18 6000 — THF00591 THF00592 THF00593 THF00594

3/8 Brazed

.430 1.15 23 21 7.5 21 7000 — THF00595 THF00596 THF00597 THF00598

Steel Fins

.430 1.15 26 24 7.5 24 8000 — — THF00599 THF00600 THF00601

80 W/in

.475 1.21 71⁄2 51⁄2 9 51⁄2 2000 — THF00602 THF00603 THF00604 THF00605
.475 1.21 10 8 9 8 3000 — THF00606 THF00607 THF00608 THF00609
.475 1.21 121⁄2 101⁄2 9 101⁄2 4000 — THF00610 THF00611 THF00612 THF00613
.475 1.21 151⁄2 131⁄2 9 131⁄2 5000 — THF00614 THF00615 THF00616 THF00617
.475 Dia.

.475 1.21 18 16 9 16 6000 — THF00618 THF00619 THF00620 THF00621

SS Element

.475 1.21 21 19 9 19 7000 — THF00622 THF00623 THF00624 THF00625

3/8 SS Fins

.475 1.21 24 22 9 22 8000 — — THF00626 THF00627 THF00628

90 W/in

.315 diameter elements are typically used for air heating from ambient to 250/275°F at a minimum airflow of 700 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required for lower airflows.
.430 diameter elements are typically used for air heating from ambient to 275/300°F at a minimum airflow of 750 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required for lower airflows.
.475 diameter elements are typically used for air heating from ambient to 450/500°F at a minimum airflow of 1400 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 1200°F. Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required for lower airflows.

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

New Page (12-16)
Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heaters

Standard (Non-Stock) Sizes and Ratings with Type T Termination

62-64 Sheath Watt Density (wsi)

Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Dim. Part Number

Element “A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F” “G”

.315 .92 53⁄4 41⁄4 6 41⁄4 61⁄4 1000 THF00629 THF00630 THF00631 — —
Description inches inches inches inches inches inches Watts 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V

.315 .92 73⁄4 61⁄4 6 61⁄4 81⁄4 1500 THF00632 THF00633 THF00634 — —
.315 .92 93⁄4 81⁄4 6 81⁄4 101⁄4 2000 THE00635 THF00636 THF00637 — —
.315 Dia.

.315 .92 133⁄4 121⁄4 6 121⁄4 141⁄4 3000 THF00638 THF00639 THF00640 — —
Steel Element

.315 .92 173⁄4 161⁄4 6 161⁄4 181⁄4 4000 THF00641 THF00642 THF00643 — —
5/16 Brazed

.315 .92 213⁄4 201⁄4 6 201⁄4 221⁄4 5000 — THF00644 THF00645 — —

Steel Fins

.315 .92 253⁄4 241⁄4 6 241⁄4 261⁄4 6000 — THF00646 THF00647 — —

60 W/in

.430 1.15 71⁄4 6 7.5 6 8 2000 — THF00648 THF00649 THF00650 THF00651

.430 1.15 101⁄4 9 7.5 9 11 3000 — THF00652 THF00653 THF00654 THF00655
.430 1.15 131⁄4 12 7.5 12 14 4000 — THF00656 THF00657 THF00658 THF00659
.430 Dia.

.430 1.15 161⁄4 15 7.5 15 17 5000 — THF00660 THF00661 THF00662 THF00663

Steel Element

.430 1.15 191⁄4 18 7.5 18 20 6000 — THF00664 THF00665 THF00666 THF00667

3/8 Brazed

.430 1.15 221⁄4 21 7.5 21 23 7000 — THF00668 THF00669 THF00670 THF00671

Steel Fins

.430 1.15 251⁄4 24 7.5 24 26 8000 — — THF00672 THF00673 THF00674

80 W/in

.475 1.21 63⁄4 51⁄2 9 51⁄2 71⁄2 2000 — THF00675 THF00676 THF00677 THF00678
.475 1.21 91⁄4 8 9 8 10 3000 — THF00679 THF00680 THF00681 THF00682
.475 1.21 113⁄4 101⁄2 9 101⁄2 121⁄2 4000 — THF00683 THF00684 THF00685 THF00686
.475 1.21 143⁄4 131⁄2 9 131⁄2 151⁄2 5000 — THF00687 THF00688 THF00689 THF00690
.475 Dia.

.475 1.21 171⁄4 16 9 16 18 6000 — THF00691 THF00692 THF00693 THF00694

SS Element

.475 1.21 201⁄4 19 9 19 21 7000 — THF00695 THF00696 THF00697 THF00698

3/8 SS Fins

.475 1.21 231⁄4 22 9 22 24 8000 — — THF00699 THF00700 THF00701

90 W/in

.315 diameter elements are typically used .430 diameter elements are typically used .475 diameter elements are typically used
for air heating from ambient to 250/275°F for air heating from ambient to 275/300°F for air heating from ambient to 450/500°F
at a minimum airflow of 700 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 750 FPM. at a minimum airflow of 1400 FPM.
Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 750°F. Maximum sheath temperature is 1200°F.
Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required Reduced sheath watt density (wsi) required
for lower airflows for lower airflows. for lower airflows.

View Product Inventory @ www.tempco.com

New Page (12-16)
Tubular Heaters
Finned Duct Heaters

Finned Duct Heaters can be found on Page 11-113A and 11-113B

(800) 323-6859 • Email: sales@tempco.com

New Page (12-16)
Tubular Heaters

Single-Ended Tubular Heaters

The Single-Ended Tubular Heater manufacturing and design Specifications

process is similar to that of the double ended tubular heater. Single Diameters: .315" .430" .475".490", .625"
ended tubular heaters are made strictly per customer request, pro- Material: 304SS, 316SS, Monel, Steel
viding an economical alternative to cartridge heater applications,
Min. Sheath Length: 11" Max. Sheath Length: 96"
simplifying wiring and installation for applications requiring
localized heat. Flanges, bulkhead and NPT fittings can be attached Termination: Lead Wires
to the sheath for mounting or immersion heating applications. Max. Volts: 277 Vac Max. Amperage: 30 Amp

Ordering Information Single-Ended Tubular Heaters

Please Specify the following:
❏ Sheath Material and Diameter ❏ Heater Length and Cold Ends ❏ Bulkhead Fittings
❏ Wattage and Voltage ❏ Terminations and Seals ❏ Mounting Flange

View Product Inventory @ www.tempco.com

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