M AT H 1 0 1 2
4 Linear transformations 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Linear transformations and bases 83
4.3 Linear transformations and matrices 83
4.4 Rank-nullity theorem revisited 85
4.5 Composition 86
4.6 Inverses 88
5 Change of basis 91
5.1 Change of basis for vectors 91
5.2 Change of bases for linear transformations 93
13 Index 215
Systems of linear equations
x + 2y = 4
x + 2y = 4
x − y = 1
x + 2y = 4
2x + 4y = 3.
x + 2y + z = 4
y + z = 1.
Remark 1.1. How can we describe the solution set to a system of linear
equations with infinitely many solutions?
x = 4 − 2y − z
= 4 − 2(1 − z ) − z (using y = 1 − z)
= 2 + z.
S = {(2 + z, 1 − z, z) | z ∈ R}.
x + 2y + z = 5
y − z = −1
2x + 3y − z = 3
x + 2y + z = 5
y − z = −1 (1.2)
2x + 3y − z = 3
x + 2y + z = 5
y − z = −1
− y − 3z = −7
In this case, it is not obvious that the system of linear equations has the
same solutions as the original. In fact, the system is actually different
from the original, but it happens to have the exact same set of solutions.
This is so important that it needs to be proved.
S = { R1 , R2 , . . . , R m }
T = { R1 , R2 , . . . , Ri−1 , Ri + αR j , Ri+1 , . . . , Rm }.
( Ri + αR j ) + (−αR j )
x + 2y + z = 5
y − z = −1
2x + 3y − z = 3
x + 2y + z = 5
y − z = −1
− y − 3z = −7
to the left of the bar, and the constant term to the right of the bar.
Each column to the left of the bar contains all of the coefficients for
a single variable. For our example system Equation (1.2), we have
the following:
x + 2y + z = 5 1 2 1 5
y − z = −1 0 1 −1 −1
2x + 3y − z = 3 2 3 −1 3
The form of the matrix tells us that there are three variables, which we
can name arbitrarily, say x1 , x2 and x3 . Then the first row of the matrix
corresponds to the equation 0x1 − 1x2 + 2x3 = 3, and interpreting the
other two rows analogously, the entire system is
− x2 + 2x3 = 3
x1 − 2x3 = 4
3x1 + 4x2 + x3 = 0.
We could also have chosen any other three names for the variables.
1. Any rows of the matrix consisting entirely of zeros occur as the last
rows of the matrix, and
2. The first non-zero entry of each row is in a column strictly to the right
of the first non-zero entry in any of the earlier rows.
1 1 −1 2 0 1 1 −1 2 0
0 0 −2 1 3 0 0 −2 1 3
0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 2 −1
Neither matrix has any all-zero rows so the first condition is au-
tomatically satisfied. To check the second condition we need to
identify the first non-zero entry in each row — this is called the
leading entry:
1 1 −1 2 0 1 1 −1 2 0
0 0 −2 1 3
0 0 −2 1 3
0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 2 −1
Example 1.11. (Not row-echelon form) None of the following matrices are
in row-echelon form:
1 0 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 2 1 −1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 −1 0 1 3 0 0 0 2 1
1. If the pivot entry is zero then, if possible, interchange the pivot row
with one of the rows below it, in order to ensure that the pivot entry is
non-zero. This will be possible unless the pivot entry and every entry
below it are zero, in which case simply move the pivot position one
column to the right.
2. If the pivot entry is non-zero then, by adding a suitable multiple of the
pivot row to every row below the pivot row, ensure that every entry
below the pivot entry is zero. Then move the pivot position one column
to the right and one row down.
When the pivot position is moved off the matrix, then the process finishes
and the matrix will be in row-echelon form.
4 3 2 4
The initial pivot position is the (1, 1) position in the matrix, and the
pivot entry is therefore 2. Pivoting on the (1, 1)-entry is accomplished by
performing the two elementary operations R2 ← R2 − R1 and R3 ←
R3 − 2R1 , leaving the matrix:
2 1 2 4
0 0 −1 −4 R2 ← R2 − R1
0 1 −2 −4 R3 ← R3 − 2R1
(The elementary row operations used are noted down next to the relevant
rows to indicate how the row reduction is proceeding.) The new pivot
entry is 0, but as the entry immediately under the pivot position is non-
zero, interchanging the two rows moves a non-zero to the pivot position.
2 1 2 4
0 1 −2 −4 R2 ↔ R3
0 0 −1 −4 R3 ↔ R2
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 17
The next step is to pivot on this entry in order to zero out all the entries
below it and then move the pivot position. As the only entry below the
pivot is already zero, no elementary row operations need be performed, and
the only action required is to move the pivot:
2 1 2 4
0 1 −2 −4 .
0 0 −1 −4
Once the pivot position reaches the bottom row, there are no further opera-
tions to be performed (regardless of whether the pivot entry is zero or not)
and so the process terminates, leaving the matrix in row-echelon form
2 1 2 4
0 1 −2 −4
0 0 −1 −4
as required.
1. If arc = 0 and there exists x > r such that a xc 6= 0 then perform the
elementary row operation Rr ↔ R x .
2. If arc = 0 and a xc = 0 for all x > r, then set c ← c + 1.
3. If arc 6= 0 then, for each x > r, perform the elementary row operation
R x ← R x − ( a xc /arc ) Rr ,
1 0 −1 2 3
1 2 −1 2 3
0 0 2 1 0
0 0 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 −1 2
0 0 0 0 0
The left-hand matrix of Example 1.15 has the property that one
of the leading entries is on the right-hand side of the augmenting bar. You may wonder why we keep saying
If we “unpack” what this means for the system of linear equations, “to the right of the augmenting bar”
rather than “in the last column”. The
then we see that the third row corresponds to the linear equation answer is that if we have more than
one linear equation with the same
0x1 + 0x2 + 0x3 + 0x4 = 2, coefficient matrix, say Ax = b1 ,
Ax = b2 , then we can form a “super-
augmented” matrix [ A | b1 b2 ]
which can never be satisfied. Therefore this system of linear equa- and solve both systems with one
tions has no solutions, or in other words, is inconsistent. This is in application of Gaussian elimination.
So there may be more than one column
fact a defining feature of an inconsistent system of linear equations, a
to the right of the augmenting bar.
fact that is important enough to warrant stating separately.
x1 x2 x3 x4
1 2 −1 2 3
0 0 2 1 0 (1.3)
0 0 0 −1 2
and so the leading entries identify some of the variables. In this case,
the leading entries are in columns 1, 3 and 4 and so the identified
variables are x1 , x3 and x4 . The variables identified in this fash-
ion are called the basic variables (also known as leading variables) of
the system of linear equations. The following remark is the key to
understanding solving systems of linear equations by back substitu-
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 19
x1 + 2x2 − x3 + 2x4 = 3
x1 + 2x2 = 8. (1.4)
This equation involves one basic variable (that is, x1 ) together with
a non-basic variable (that is, x2 ) and a constant (that is, 8). The rules
of back-substitution say that this should be manipulated to give an
expression for the basic variable in terms of the other things. So we
x1 = 8 − 2x2
and the entire solution set for this system of linear equations is
given by
S = {(8 − 2x2 , x2 , 1, −2) | x2 ∈ R}.
0 2 −1 0 2 3 1
0 0 1 3 −1 0 2
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 5
First identify the leading entries in the matrix, and therefore the basic and
non-basic variables. The leading entries in each row are highlighted below
0 2 −1 0 2 3 1
0 0 1 3 −1 0 2
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 5
x3 + 3x4 − x5 = 2
and so it involves the basic variable x3 along with the free variable x4 and
the already-determined variable x5 . Substituting the known value for x5
and rearranging to give an expression for x3 , we get
x3 = −3 − 3x4 .
which simplifies to
−7 − 3x4
x2 = .
What about x1 ? It is a variable in the system of linear equations, but it
did not actually occur in any of the equations. So if it does not appear
in any of the equations, then there are no restrictions on its values and
so it can take any value — therefore it is a free variable. Fortunately, the
rules for back-substitution have already identified it as a non-basic variable
as it should be. Therefore the final solution set for this system of linear
equations is
S= x1 , (−7 − 3x4 ), −3 − 3x4 , x4 , −5, 5 x1 , x4 ∈ R
and therefore we have found an expression with two free parameters as
which is now in row-echelon form. We can now use the last pivot
to zero-out the rest of the third column:
−1 0 0 −1 R1 ← R1 − R3
0 1 0 2 R2 ← R2 + R3
0 0 1 2
One final elementary row operation puts the augmented matrix
into an especially nice form.
1 0 0 1 R1 ← (−1) R1
0 1 0 2
0 0 1 2
In this form not even any back substitution is needed to find the
solution; the system of equations has solution x1 = 1, x2 = 2 and
x3 = 2.
In this example, we’ve jumped ahead without using the formal
terminology or precisely defining the “especially nice form” of the
final matrix. We remedy this immediately.
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
1. If the pivot entry is zero then, if possible, interchange the pivot row
with one of the rows below it, in order to ensure that the pivot entry is
non-zero. This will be possible unless the pivot entry and every entry
below it are zero, in which case simply move the pivot position one
column to the right.
2. If the pivot entry is non-zero, multiply the pivot row to ensure
that the pivot entry is 1 and then, by adding a suitable multiple of
the pivot row to every row above and below the pivot row, ensure that
every entry above and below the pivot entry is zero. Then move the
pivot position one column to the right and one row down.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 23
When the pivot position is moved off the matrix, then the process finishes
and the matrix will be in reduced row echelon form.
This method has the advantage that now the solutions can sim-
ply be read off the augmented matrix.
4 3 2 4 3
The initial pivot position is the (1, 1) position in the matrix, and the
pivot entry is therefore 2. Our first step is to multiply the first row by 1/2
so that the pivot entry is 1.
1 1/2 1 2 −1 R1 ← R1
2 1 1 0 1
4 3 2 4 3
0 1 −2 −4 7 R3 ← R3 − 4R1
The new pivot entry is 0, but as the entry immediately under the pivot
position is non-zero, interchanging the two rows moves a non-zero to the
pivot position.
1 1/2 1 2 −1
0 1 −2 −4 7 R2 ↔ R3
0 0 −1 −4 3 R3 ↔ R2
This pivot is already equal to 1 so the next step is to pivot on this entry in
order to zero out all the entries above and below it and then move the
pivot position.
1 0 2 4 −9/2 R1 ← R1 − R2
0 1 −2 −4 7
0 0 −1 −4 3
0 0 1 4 −3 R3 ← − R3
Finally we pivot off that entry to get zeros in all other entries in that
1 0 0 −4 3/2 R1 ← R1 − 2R3
0 1 0 4 1 R2 ← R2 + 2R3
0 0 1 4 −3
This matrix is now in reduced row-echelon form. The leading entries
are exactly the positions we used as pivots:
1 0 0 −4 3/2
0 1 0 4 1
0 0 1 4 −3
since no leading entry is to the right of the augmenting bar, this system
is consistent. Moreover, we see that the basic variables are x1 , x2 , and x3 ,
and there is one free parameter: x4 .
The first row, written as an equation, is x1 − 4x4 = 3/2, thus we
immediately get x1 = 4x4 + 3/2. From the second row and third row,
we immediately get x2 = −4x4 + 1 and x3 = −4x4 − 3, respectively.
Therefore the final solution set for this system of linear equations is
S = {(4x4 + 3/2, −4x4 + 1, −4x4 − 3, x4 )| x4 ∈ R}
As you can see, there are more steps with matrices, but then no
back-substitution is required at all.
Remark 1.26. As you saw in the very first step of the example, having a
pivot entry not equal to 1 or −1 introduces fractions, which can be annoy-
ing. If there is an entry in that column which is a 1 or −1, interchanging
the two rows before applying Gauss-Jordan elimination allows us to avoid
introducing fractions, and so makes calculations easier.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 25
and then
1 2 a −3
0 1 2 b
0 0 1 − a 3 − b R3 ← R3 − R2
From this matrix, we can immediately see that if a 6= 1 then 1 − a 6=
0 and every variable is basic, which means that the system has a
unique solution (regardless of the value of b). On the other hand,
if a = 1 then either b 6= 3 in which case the system is inconsistent,
or b = 3 in which case there are infinitely many solutions. We can
summarise this outcome:
a 6= 1 Unique solution
a = 1 and b 6= 3 No solution
a = 1 and b = 3 Infinitely many solutions
Vector spaces and subspaces
This chapter takes the first steps away from the geometric in-
terpretation of vectors in familiar 2− or 3−dimensional space by
introducing n−dimensional vectors and the vector space Rn , which
must necessarily be described and manipulated algebraically.
Rn = {( x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) | x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ∈ R}.
The vector space Rn also has two operations that can be per-
formed on vectors, namely vector addition and scalar multiplication.
Although their definitions are intuitively obvious, we give them
u + v = ( u1 + v1 , u2 + v2 , . . . , u n + v n ).
(S1) 0 ∈ S, and
(S2) u + v ∈ S for all vectors u, v ∈ S, and
(S3) αv ∈ S for all scalars α ∈ R and vectors v ∈ S.
Example 2.7. (Not closed under vector addition) In R2 , the unit disk is
the set of vectors
{( x, y) | x2 + y2 ≤ 1}.
This set of vectors is not closed under vector addition because if we take
u = (1, 0) and v = (0, 1), then both u and v are in the unit disk, but their
sum u + v = (1, 1) is not in the unit disk.
S = {( x, y) | xy = 0}
S = {( x, y, z) | x − y = 2z}
u1 − u2 = 2u3 (2.1)
v1 − v2 = 2v3 . (2.2)
u + v = ( u1 + v1 , u2 + v2 , u3 + v3 )
( u1 + v1 ) − ( u2 + v2 ) = u1 + v1 − u2 − v2 (rearranging)
= ( u1 − u2 ) + ( v1 − v2 ) (rearranging)
= 2u3 + 2v3 (by Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2))
= 2( u3 + v3 ) (rearranging terms)
it follows that u + v ∈ S.
Discussion: To show that u + v is in S, we need to show that the difference
of its first two coordinates is equal to twice its third coordinate. So the
sequence of calculations starts with the difference of the first two coordinates
and then carefully manipulates this expression in order to show that it
is equal to twice the third coordinate. Every stage of the manipulation is
justified either just as a rearrangement of the terms or by reference to some
previously known fact. At some stage in the manipulation, the proof must
use Equations (2.1) and (2.2), because the result must depend on the two
original vectors being vectors in S.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 33
u1 − u2 = 2u3 . (2.3)
it follows that αu ∈ S.
Discussion: To show that αu is in S, we need to show that the difference
of its first two coordinates is equal to twice its third coordinate. So the
sequence of calculations starts with the difference of the first two coordinates
and then carefully manipulates it in order to show that it is equal to twice
the third coordinate. At some stage in the manipulation, the proof must use
the equations Equation (2.3) because the result must depend on the original
vector being a member of S.
2.2.2 Exercises
1. Show that a line in R2 is a subspace if and only if it passes
through the origin (0, 0).
But then, by condition (S3), it follows that S must also contain all
the multiples of v, such as
v = α1 v1 + α2 v2 + · · · + αk vk
u = α1 v1 + α2 v2 + · · · + α k v k (2.4)
v = β 1 v1 + β 2 v2 + · · · + β k v k . (2.5)
v = β 1 v1 + β 2 v2 + · · · + β k v k . (2.6)
It is clear that
span(∅) = {0},
so that Theorem 2.15 also holds for A being the empty set.
Example 2.17. (Vector not in span) If A = {(1, 0, 1), (3, 2, 3)}, then
v = (2, 4, 5) is not in span( A). This follows because the equation
λ1 + 3λ2 = 2
2λ2 = 4
λ1 + 3λ2 = 5
λ1 + 3λ2 = 5
2λ2 = −2
λ1 + 3λ2 = 5
( x, y, x ) = λ1 (1, 0, 1) + λ2 (3, 2, 3)
V = span( A).
One critical point that often causes difficulty for students begin-
ning linear algebra is understanding the difference between “span”
and “spanning set”; the similarity in the phrases seems to cause
confusion. To help overcome this, we emphasise the difference.9 9
Another way to think of it is that a
“spanning set” is like a list of LEGO®
shapes that you can use to build
a model while the “span” is the
Key Concept 2.22. (Difference between span and spanning set) To completed model (the subspace).
Finding a spanning set for a subspace
remember the difference between span and spanning set, make sure is like starting with the completed
you understand that: model and asking “What shapes do I
need to build this model?".
• The span of a set A of vectors is the entire subspace that can be
“built” from the vectors in A by taking linear combinations in all
possible ways.
The first of these steps is easy and, by now, you will not be sur-
prised to discover that the second step can be accomplished by
solving a system of linear equations10 . 10
In fact, almost everything in linear
algebra ultimately involves nothing
more than solving a system of linear
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 39
Example 2.23. (Spanning set with proof) We show that the set A =
{(1, 1, −1), (2, 1, 1)} is a spanning set for the subspace
V = {( x, y, z) | z = 2x − 3y} ⊂ R3 .
First notice that both (1, 1, −1) and (2, 1, 1) satisfy the condition that
z = 2x − 3y and so are actually in V. Now we need to show that every
vector in V is a linear combination of these two vectors. Any vector in
V has the form ( x, y, 2x − 3y) and so we need to show that the vector
( x, y, 2x − 3y) = λ1 (1, 1, −1) + λ2 (2, 1, 1)
in the two unknowns λ1 and λ2 is consistent, regardless of the values of x
and y. Writing this out as a system of linear equations we get
λ1 + 2λ2 = x
λ1 + λ2 = y
−λ1 + λ2 = 2x − 3y.
Solving this system of linear equations using the techniques of the previ-
ous chapter shows that this system always has a unique solution, namely
λ1 = 2y − x λ2 = x − y.
This shows that these two vectors are a spanning set for V.
V = {( x, y, z) | z = 2x − 3y}
which is equal to
which is just a linear combination of the first two vectors with al-
tered scalars.
Therefore a spanning set for a subspace is an efficient way to
represent a subspace if none of the vectors in the spanning set is a
linear combination of the other vectors. While this condition is easy
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 41
This definitely has at least one solution, namely the trivial solution
λ1 = 0, λ2 = 0, λ3 = 0, and so the only question is whether it has
more solutions. The vector equation is equivalent to the system of linear
There is an asymmetry here similar to
λ1 + λ2 + 2λ3 = 0 the asymmetry in subspace proofs. To
λ1 + λ3 = 0 show that a set of vectors is dependent
only requires one non-trivial linear
2λ1 − λ2 + 3λ3 = 0
combination, whereas to show that
2λ1 + 2λ2 + λ3 = 0 a set of vectors is independent it is
necessary in principle to show that
which can easily be shown, by the techniques of Chapter 1 to have a unique every non-trivial linear combination
solution. of the vectors is non-zero. Of course
in practice this is done by solving the
A set of vectors that is not linearly independent is called depen- relevant system of linear equations and
dent. To show that a set of vectors is dependent, it is only necessary showing that it has a unique solution,
which must therefore be the trivial
to find an explicit non-trivial linear combination of the vectors solution.
equal to 0.
Example 2.27. (Dependent set) Is the set
and check how many solutions it has. This is equivalent to the system of
linear equations
λ1 + 2λ2 + 4λ3 = 0
3λ1 + λ2 + 7λ3 = 0
−λ1 + 2λ2 = 0
After Gaussian elimination, the augmented matrix for this system of linear
equations is
1 2 4 0
0 −5 −5 0
0 0 0 0
and so has infinitely many solutions, because λ3 is a free parameter.
While this is already enough to prove that A is dependent, it is always
useful to find an explicit solution which can then be used to double-check
the conclusion. As λ3 is free, we can find a solution by putting λ3 = 1, in
which case the second row gives λ2 = −1 and the first row λ1 = −2. And
indeed we can check that
Now we’ll give a rigorous proof of the earlier claim that the
definition of linear independence (Definition 2.25) is just a way of
saying that none of the vectors is a linear combination of the others.
α1 v1 + α2 v2 + · · · + αk vk = 0.
There are two key facts about dependency that are intuitively
clear, but useful enough to state formally:
2.5 Bases
In the last few sections, we have learned that giving a spanning set
for a subspace is an effective way of describing a subspace and that
a spanning set is efficient if it is linearly independent. Therefore an
excellent way to describe or transmit, for example by computer, a
subspace is to give a linearly independent spanning set for the sub-
space. This concept is so important that it has a special name:
Example 2.34. (Basis) The set A = {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)} is a basis for
the xy-plane in R3 , because it is a linearly independent set of vectors and
any vector in the xy-plane can be expressed as a linear combination of the
vectors of A.
2 − (0) + 2(−1) = 0
1 − 1 + 2(0) = 0.
where the standard basis vectors are given the special names e1 , e2
and e3 .16 More generally, the vector space Rn has a basis consisting 16
In Engineering, the standard basis
of the n vectors {e1 , e2 , . . . , en } where the i-th basis vector ei is all- vectors for R3 are also known as i, j
and k respectively.
zero except for a single 1 in the i-th position.
Finding a basis from scratch is straightforward, because the
technique described before Example 2.24 (and illustrated in the
example) for finding spanning sets by adding vectors one-by-one to
an independent set will automatically find a linearly independent
spanning set — in other words, a basis. In fact, the same argument
shows that you can start with any linearly independent set and
augment it vector-by-vector to obtain a basis containing the original
linearly independent set of vectors17 . 17
We still have not yet shown that this
Another approach to finding a basis of a subspace is to start with process will actually terminate, but
will do so in the next section.
a spanning set that is linearly dependent and to remove vectors from
it one-by-one. If the set is linearly dependent then one of the vec-
tors is a linear combination of the others, and so it can be removed
from the set without altering the span of the set of vectors. This
process can be repeated until the remaining vectors are linearly
independent in which case they form a basis.
A = {(1, 1, −2), (−2, −2, 4), (−1, −2, 3), (5, −5, 0)}
to see if it has any non-trivial solutions. If so, then one of the vectors can
be expressed as a linear combination of the others and discarded. In this
case, we discover that (−2, −2, 4) = −2(1, 1, −2) and so we can throw
out (−2, −2, 4). Now we are left with
is a basis for V.
2.5.1 Dimension
β 1 w1 + β 2 w2 + · · · + β ` w` = 0 (2.7)
L = {λv | λ ∈ R}.
The set {v} containing the single vector v is a basis for L and so a line is
2.5.2 Coordinates
The most important property of a basis for a subspace V is that
every vector in V can be expressed as a linear combination of the
basis vectors in exactly one way; we prove this in the next result:
Theorem 2.47. Let B = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } be a basis for the sub-
space V. Then for any vector v ∈ V, there is a unique choice of scalars
α1 , α2 , . . . , αk such that
v = α1 v1 + α2 v2 + · · · + αk vk .
v = α1 v1 + α2 v2 + · · · + αk vk
v = β 1 v1 + β 2 v2 + · · · + β k vk .
(v) B = (1, −3, 2) B = (3, −2).
α1 + α2 = 1
− α1 = 4
− α2 = −5
which has the uniques solution α1 = −4 and α2 = 5.
So we found the coordinates of w: (w) B = (1, 4, −5) B = (−4, 5). The
fact that we have found a solution means that w lies in the plane V. If it
did not then the system of equation for α1 , α2 would be inconsistent.
In this section we consider the algebra of matrices — that is, the sys-
tem of mathematical operations such as addition, multiplication,
inverses and so on, where the operands1 are matrices, rather than 1
This is mathematical terminology for
numbers. In isolation, the basic operations are all familiar from “the objects being operated on”.
cij = a ji .
cij = αaij .
10. ( A T ) T = A
11. ( A + B) T = A T + B T
12. ( AB) T = B T A T
( AB)T = B T A T .
If A and B are two specific matrices, then it might be the case that
AB = BA, in which case the two matrices are said to commute, but
usually it will be the case that AB 6= BA. This is a key difference
between matrix algebra and the algebra of real numbers.
There are some other key differences worth delving into: in real
algebra, the numbers 0 and 1 play special roles, being the additive
identity and multiplicative identity respectively. In other words, for
any real number x ∈ R we have
0.x = x.0 = 0. (3.1)
In the algebra of square matrices (that is, n × n matrices for some
n) we can analogously find an additive identity and a multiplicative
identity. The additive identity is the matrix On with every entry equal
to zero, and it is obvious that for any n × n matrix A,
A + On = On + A = A.
I3 = 0 1 0 .
When the size of the matrices is unspecified, or irrelevant, we will 0 0 1
often drop the subscript and just use O and I respectively. As the
terms “additive/multiplicative identity" are rather cumbersome, the
matrix O is usually called the zero matrix and the matrix I is usually
called the identity matrix or just the identity.
The property Equation (3.1) relating multiplication and zero also
holds in matrix algebra, because it is clear that
AO = OA = O
for any square matrix A. However, there are other important prop-
erties of real algebra that are not shared by matrix algebra. In par-
ticular, in real algebra there are no non-zero zero divisors, so that if
xy = 0 then at least one of x and y is equal to zero. However this is
not true for matrices — there are products equal to the zero matrix
even if neither matrix is zero. For example,
" #" # " #
1 1 2 −1 0 0
= .
2 2 −2 1 0 0
is nilpotent because
" #" # " #
2 4 2 4 0 0
A2 = = .
−1 −2 −1 −2 0 0
Example 3.7. (Row space and column space) Let A be the 3 × 4 matrix
1 0 1 −1
A = 2 −1 2 0 . (3.2)
1 0 2 1
colsp( A) = span({(1, 2, 1), (0, −1, 0), (1, 2, 2), (−1, 0, 1)}).
Example 3.8. (Vector in row space) Is the vector (2, 1, −1, 3) in the row
space of the matrix A shown in Equation (3.2) above? This question is
equivalent to asking whether there are scalars λ1 , λ2 and λ3 such that
λ1 + 2λ2 + λ3 = 2
− λ2 = 1
λ1 + 2λ2 + 2λ3 = −1
− λ1 + λ3 = 3.
1 2 1 2
0 −1 0 1
1 2 2 −1
−1 0 1 3
1 2 1 2
0 −1 0 1
0 0 1 −3
0 0 0 13
Example 3.9. (Vector in column space) Is the vector (1, −1, 2) in the col-
umn space of the matrix A shown in Equation (3.2) above? This question
is equivalent to asking whether there are scalars λ1 , λ2 , λ3 and λ4 such
λ1 + λ3 − λ4 = 1
2λ1 − λ2 + 2λ3 = −1
λ1 + 2λ3 + λ4 = 2.
The augmented matrix for this system is
1 0 1 −1 1
2 −1 2 0 −1
1 0 2 1 2
and so this system of linear equations has three basic variables, one free
parameter and therefore infinitely many solutions. So we conclude that
(1, −1, 2) ∈ colsp( A). We could, if necessary, or just to check, find a
particular solution to this system of equations. For example, if we set the
free parameter λ4 = 1 then the corresponding solution is λ1 = 3, λ2 = 5,
λ3 = −1 and λ4 = 1 and we can check that
Notice that in this case, the part on the left of the augmenting bar in the
augmented matrix of the system of linear equations is just the original
matrix itself.
1 2 −1 −1 4
0 0 0 0 0
A= .
1 −1 1 0 1
3 0 1 −1 6
1 2 −1 −1 4
0 −3 2 1 −3
A0 = .
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
The key point is that the elementary row operations have not changed the
row space of the matrix in any way and so rowsp( A) = rowsp( A0 ).
However it is obvious that the two non-zero rows
are a basis for the row space of A0 , and so they are also a basis for the row
space of A.
Example 3.11. (Basis of column space) What is a basis for the column
space of the matrix A of Example 3.10? We first transpose the matrix,
1 0 1 3
2 0 −1 0
A = −1 0 1 1
−1 0 0 −1
4 0 1 6
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 59
1 0 1 3
0 0 −3 −6
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
whose row space has basis {(1, 0, 1, 3), (0, 0, −3, −6)}. Therefore these
two vectors are a basis for the column space of A.
What can be said about the dimension of the row space and col-
umn space of a matrix? In the previous two examples, we found
that the row space of the matrix A is a 2-dimensional subspace of
R5 , and the column space of A is a 2-dimensional subspace of R4 .
In particular, even though they are subspaces of different ambient
vector spaces, the dimensions of the row space and column space
turn out to be equal. This is not an accident, and in fact we have the
following surprising result:
{ Ax | x ∈ Rn }
Here x is a vector seen as a column
vector, that is, as an (n × 1)-matrix.
is equal to the column space of A, while the set of vectors
Here y is a vector seen as a row vector,
{yA | y ∈ Rm } that is, as an (1 × m)-matrix.
A(λv1 ) = λAv1 = λ0 = 0.
{v ∈ Rn | Av = 0}
Example 3.16. (Null space) Is the vector v = (0, 1, −1, 2) in the null
space of the matrix " #
1 2 2 0
A= ?
3 0 2 1
All that is needed is to check Av and see what arises. As
# 0
" " #
1 2 2 0 1
3 0 2 1 −1 0
it follows that v ∈ nullsp( A).
This shows that testing membership of the null space of a matrix
is a very easy task. What about finding a basis for the null space of
a matrix? This turns out10 to be intimately related to the techniques 10
No surprise here!
we used Chapter 1 to solve systems of linear equations.
So, suppose we wish to find a basis for the nullspace of the ma-
trix " #
1 2 2 0
3 0 2 1
from Example 3.16. The matrix equation Ax = 0 yields the follow-
ing system of linear equations
x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 = 0
3x1 + 2x3 + x4 = 0
which has augmented matrix
" #
1 2 2 0 0
3 0 2 1 0
Applying the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, we perform the elementary
row operations R2 ← R2 − 3R1 , R2 ← − R2 , R1 ← R1 − 2R2 :
" # " # " #
1 2 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 2/3 1/3 0
, , .
0 −6 −4 1 0 0 1 2/3 −1/6 0 0 1 2/3 −1/6 0
The last matrix is in reduced row echelon form.
Therefore x3 and x4 are free parameters and we directly get x1 =
1 1
− (2x3 + x4 ) and x2 = ( x4 − 4x3 ). Thus, following the techniques
3 6
of Chapter 1 we can describe the solution set as
1 1
S= − (2x3 + x4 ), ( x4 − 4x3 ), x3 , x4 x3 , x4 ∈ R .
3 6
In order to find a basis for S notice that we can rewrite the solu-
tion as a linear combination of vectors by separating out the terms
involving x3 from the terms involving x4
1 1
− (2x3 + x4 ), ( x4 − 4x3 ), x3 , x4
3 6
2 4 1 1
= − x3 , − x3 , x3 , 0 + − x4 , x4 , 0, x4
3 6 3 6
2 2 1 1
= x3 − , − , 1, 0 + x4 − , , 0, 1 .
3 3 3 6
2 2 1 1
S = x3 − , − , 1, 0 + x4 − , , 0, 1 x3 , x4 ∈ R .
3 3 3 6
However this immediately tellsus that S just consists of all the linear
2 2 1 1
combinations of the two vectors − , − , 1, 0 and − , , 0, 1
3 3 3 6
and therefore we have found, almost by accident, a spanning set for
the subspace S. It is immediate that these two vectors are linearly
independent and therefore they form a basis for the null space of A.
Remark 3.17. The astute student will notice that after just one elemen-
tary row operation, the matrix would be in reduced row echelon form if the
fourth column was the second column. Therefore we can stop calculations
there and take x1 and x4 as the basic parameters. We immediately get
rank( A) + nullity( A) = n.
Example 3.20. (Rank and nullity) Find the rank, nullity and bases for
the row space and null space for the following 4 × 4 matrix:
1 0 2 1
3 1 3 3
A= .
2 1 1 0
2 1 1 2
All of the questions can be answered once the matrix is in reduced row-
echelon form, and so the first task is to apply Gauss-Jordan elimination,
which will result in the following matrix:
1 0 2 0
0 1 −3 0
A0 = .
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
The matrix has 3 non-zero rows and so the rank of A is equal to 3. These
non-zero rows form a basis for the rowspace of A and so a basis for the
rowspace of A is
S = {(−2x3 , 3x3 , x3 , 0) | x3 ∈ R}
and it is clear that a basis for this is {(−2, 3, 1, 0)}, which confirms that
the nullity of A is equal to 1.
We have seen that the set of all solutions to the system of linear
equations Ax = 0 is the nullspace of A. What can we say about the
set of solutions of
Ax = b (3.3)
when b 6= 0?
Suppose that we know one solution x1 and that v lies in the
nullspace of A. Then
A( x1 + v) = Ax1 + Av = b + 0 = b.
S = { x1 + v | v ∈ nullsp( A)}.
Corollary 3.22. The number of free parameters required for the set of
solutions of Ax = b is the nullity of A.
On = AB − In (because AB = In )
= B( AB − In ) (because BOn = On )
= BAB − B (distributivity)
= ( BA − In ) B. (distributivity)
AB = In and AC = In
then B = C.
AB = In
Then if we take
−1 0 1
B = 0 1 −1
2 0 −1
then it is easy to check that
AB = I3 .
Therefore we conclude that A−1 exists and is equal to B and, naturally,
B−1 exists and is equal to A.
In order to satisfy this matrix equation, then b11 + b21 must equal 1, while
2b11 + 2b21 = 2(b11 + b21 ) must equal 0 —- clearly this is impossible. So
the matrix A has no inverse.
The results above show that we just need to find a matrix B = (bij )
such that
−1 0 1 b11 b12 b13 1 0 0
0 1 −1 b21 b22 b23 = 0 1 0 .
2 0 −1 b31 b32 b33 0 0 1
This can be done by solving three separate systems of linear equa-
tions, one to determine each column of B:
b11 1 b12 0 b13 0
A b21 = 0 , A b22 = 1 and A b23 = 0 .
b31 0 b32 0 b33 1
Then the matrix A has an inverse if and only if all three of these
systems of linear equations have a solution, and in fact, each of
them must have a unique solution. If any one of the three equations
is inconsistent, then A is one of the matrices that just doesn’t have
an inverse.
Consider how solving these systems of linear equations will
proceed: for the first column, we get the augmented matrix
−1 0 1 1
0 1 −1 0
2 0 −1 0
We can now use the last pivot to zero-out the rest of the third
−1 0 0 0 R1 ← R1 − R3
0 1 0 1 R2 ← R2 + R3
0 0 1 0
and we finish with
1 0 0 0 R1 ← − R1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
2 0 −1 0 0 1
1 0 −1 −1 0 0
0 1 −1 0 1 0
0 0 1 2 0 1 R3 ← R3 − 2R1
1 0 0 1 0 1 R1 ← R1 + R3
0 1 0 2 1 1 R2 ← R2 + R3
0 0 1 2 0 1
The first system of equations has solution b11 = 1, b21 = 2 and
b31 = 2, while the second has solution b12 = 0, b22 = 1 and b32 = 0,
and the final system has solution b13 = 1, b23 = 1 and b33 = 1. Thus
the inverse of the matrix A is given by
1 0 1
A −1 = 2 1 1
2 0 1
which is just exactly the matrix that was found to the right of the
augmenting bar!
Formally, the procedure for finding the inverse of a matrix is as
follows. Remember, however, that this is simply a way of organising
the calculations efficiently, and that there is nothing more sophisti-
cated occurring than solving systems of linear equations.
[ A | In ].
[ In | A−1 ]
and so A−1 will be the matrix on the right of the augmenting bar.
4. If the reduced row echelon matrix does not have an identity ma-
trix to the left of the augmenting bar, then the matrix A is not
for every v. Indeed we can just take x = A−1 v. Thus the column
space of A, which is { Ax| x ∈ Rn } is equal to the whole of Rn , and
so the rank of A is n. Conversely, assume A has full rank. Then
the column space of A, which is { Ax| x ∈ Rn }, has dimension
n so is equal to Rn . Therefore there exist x1 , x2 , . . . , xn such that
Ax j = e j for each j. Now construct the matrix B whose j-th column
is the vector x j . Then it can be checked that AB = I and so A is
is a dependency among the rows, and so the rows are not linearly indepen-
This shows that AB is invertible, and that its inverse is B−1 A−1
as required. The remaining two statements are straightforward
to prove using matrix properties (and induction for the second
3.5 Determinants
From high-school we are all familiar with the formula for the in-
verse of a 2 × 2 matrix:
" # −1 " #
a b 1 d −b
= if ad − bc 6= 0
c d ad − bc −c a
where the inverse does not exist if ad − bc = 0. In other words, a
2 × 2 matrix has an inverse if and only if ad − bc 6= 0. This num-
ber is called the determinant of the matrix, and it is either denoted
det( A) or just | A|.
Example 3.33. (Determinant notation) If
" #
3 5
2 4
then we say either
3 5
det( A) = 2 or =2
2 4
because 3 · 4 − 2 · 5 = 2.
In this section, we’ll extend the concept of determinant to n × n
matrices and show that it characterises invertible matrices in the
same way — a matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is
The determinant of a square matrix is a scalar value (i.e. a num-
ber) associated with that matrix that can be recursively defined as
1. If n = 1, then | A| = a11 .
2. If n > 1, then
| A| = ∑ (−1)1+ j a1j | A[1, j]| (3.4)
j =1
Exercise 3.5.1. Check that this method yields the formula you know for
2 × 2 matrices.
Example 3.35. (A 3 × 3 determinant) What is the determinant of the
2 5 3
A = 4 3 6 ?
1 0 2
First let’s identify the matrices A[1, 1], A[1, 2] and A[1, 3]; recall these are
obtained by deleting one row and column from A. For example, A[1, 2] is
obtained by deleting the first row and second column from A, thus
2 5 3 " #
4 6
A[1, 2] = 4 3 6 = .
1 2
1 0 2
3 6 4 6 4 3
| A| = 2 · −5· +3·
0 2 1 2 1 0
= 2 · 6 − 5 · 2 + 3 · (−3)
= −7
where the three 2 × 2 determinants have just been calculated using the
usual rule.
This procedure for calculating the determinant is called expand-
ing along the first row, because each of the terms a1j A[1, j] is associ-
ated with an entry in the first row. However it turns out, although
we shall not prove it16 , that it is possible to do the expansion along 16
Proving this is not difficult but
any row or indeed, any column. So in fact we have the following it involves a lot of manipulation of
subscripts and nested sums, which is
result: probably not the best use of your time.
(Notice that the first of these two sums involves terms obtained from the i-
th row of the matrix, while the second involves terms from the j-th column
of the matrix.)
4 6 2 3
| A| = (−1) · 5 · +3· + (−1) · 0 · (don’t care)
1 2 1 2
= −5 · 2 + 3 · 1 + 0
= −7.
Also notice that because a32 = 0, the term (−1)3+2 a32 | A[3, 2]| is forced
to be zero, and so there is no need to actually calculate | A[3, 2]|.
2 5 0 3
4 3 0 6
1 0 0 2
1 1 3 2
use the third column which has only one non-zero entry, and get
2 5 3
| A| = (+1) · 0 + (−1) · 0 + (+1) · 0 + (−1) · 3 · 4 3 6
1 0 2
= (−3).(−7) = 21
1. | A T | = | A|,
|αA| = ∑ (−1)i+ j (αaij ) |αA[i, j]|
j =1
= ∑ (−1)i+ j (αaij ) αn−1 | A[i, j]| (inductive hypothesis)
j =1
= ααn−1 ∑ (−1)i+ j aij | A[i, j]| (rearranging)
j =1
= α n | A |.
2 0 1 −1
0 1 2 1
0 0 −3 2
0 0 0 1
2 0 1 −1
1 2 1
0 1 2 1 −3 2
= 2 · 0 −3 2 = 2 · 1 · .
0 0 −3 2 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 0 1
| A0 | = −| A|.
| A 0 | = α | A |.
| A | = | A 0 |.
In other words, adding a multiple of one row to another does not change
the determinant.
j=n j=n
| A0 | = ∑ (−1)i+ j aij0 | A0 [i, j]| = ∑ (−1)i+ j (aij + αakj )| A[i, j]|
j =1 j =1
j=n j=n
= ∑ (−1)i+ j aij | A[i, j]| + α ∑ (−1)i+ j akj | A[i, j]| = | A| + α| B|,
j =1 j =1
Suppose that this unknown value is denoted d. Then after doing the Type I
elementary row operation R1 ↔ R3 we get the matrix
1 0 2
4 3 6
2 5 3
| A0 | = β| A| for some β 6= 0.
| AB| = | A| · | B|.
Proof. There are several proofs of this result, none of which are
very nice. We give a sketch outline17 of the most illuminating proof. 17
This is a very brief outline of the
First note that if either A or B (or both) is not invertible, then AB is proof so do not worry if you cannot
follow it without some guidance on
not invertible and so the result is true if any of the determinants is how to fill in the gaps.
Then proceed in the following steps:
Then " #
aa0 + bc0 ab0 + bd0
AB = 0 .
a c + c0 d b0 c + dd0
1. | AB| = | BA|
2. | Ak | = | A|k
Proof. The first two are immediate, and the third follows from the
fact that AA−1 = In and so | A|| A−1 | = 1.
Linear transformations
4.1 Introduction
f : A −→ B
a 7−→ f ( a)
More precisely:
(ii) We need to prove the three subspace conditions for range( f ) (see
Definition 2.4).
Theorem 4.8. Let {u1 , u2 , . . . , un } be a basis for Rn and let t1 , t2 , . . ., For instance the basis of Rn can be the
tn be n vectors of Rm . Then there exists a unique linear transformation f standard basis.
g ( v ) = g ( α1 u1 + α2 u2 + · · · + α n u n )
= g ( α1 u1 ) + g ( α2 u2 ) + · · · + g ( α n u n )
(by the first condition for a linear function)
= α1 g ( u1 ) + α2 g ( u2 ) + · · · + α n g ( u n )
(by the second condition for a linear function)
= α 1 t1 + α 2 t2 + · · · + α n t n
= f ( v ).
Thus g(v) = f (v) for all v ∈ Rn so they are the same linear trans-
formation, that is, f is unique.
f ( x ) = f ( x1 u1 + x2 u2 + · · · + x n u n )
= f ( ∑ xj uj )
j =1
= ∑ x j f (u j ) (by linearity)
j =1
n m
= ∑ x j ∑ aij vi
j =1 i =1
m n
= ∑ ∑ aij x j vi .
i =1 j =1
Notice that ∑ aij x j is exactly the i-th element of the m × 1 matrix
j =1
A( x) B , where A = ( aij ) is the m × n matrix defined by f (u j ) =
∑ aij vi . This is saying that the coordinates with respect to basis C
i =1
of f ( x) are just A( x) B .
This gives us a very convenient way to express a linear transfor-
mation (as the matrix A) and to calculate the image of any vector.
Theorem 4.10. Let f be a linear transformation, B a basis of its domain, Together with Example 4.6, this tells
C a basis of its codomain, and ACB as above. Then us that linear transformations are
essentially the same as matrices (after
you have chosen a basis of the domain
( f ( x))C = ACB ( x) B . and a basis of the codomain).
Ker( f ) = { x ∈ Rn | f ( x) = 0}.
We immediately get:
4.5 Composition
is the composition of f by g.
This says that the first column of the matrix GF yields the coordi-
nates of ( g ◦ f )(u1 ) with respect to the basis D. We can do the same
calculation with any u j (1 ≤ j ≤ n) to see that the image ( g ◦ f )(u j )
corresponds exactly to the j-th column of the matrix GF. Hence
the matrix corresponding to g ◦ f with respect to the basis B of the
domain and the basis D of the codomain is GF = GDC FCB .
4.6 Inverses
f ( a1 ) = f ( a2 ) ⇒ a1 = a2
B = { u1 , u2 , · · · , u n } and C = { w 1 , w 2 , · · · , w n }.
( v ) B = ( α1 , α2 , . . . , α n ) , ( v )C = ( β 1 , β 2 , . . . , β n ) ,
n n
that is, v = ∑ αk uk = ∑ βi wi . Our task is to find an invertible
k =1 i =1
n × n matrix PCB for which
It follows that
v= ∑ β i wi
i =1
n n
= ∑ ∑ pik αk wi
i =1 k =1
n n
= ∑ αk ∑ pik wi
k =1 i =1
where PCB is the matrix whose i-th column is the coordinates with
respect to basis C of the i-th basis vector in B.
Moreover PBC = PCB .
and hence
" # " #
1 2 −1 −1 2
PCB = and PBC = PCB = .
1 1 1 −1
We can verify these. Recall that (v) B = (3, −2) and (w)C = (6, 1). Then
" #" # " #
1 2 3 −1
(v)C = PCB (v) B = =
1 1 −2 1
PCS ( f ( x))S = ACB PBS ( x)S ⇒ ( f ( x))S = PSC ACB PBS ( x)S
(recalling that PCS = PSC ). Using the standard basis for the trans-
formation would be ( f ( x))S = ASS ( x)S and hence we must have
ASS = PSC ACB PBS , which we can rearrange to get the linear trans-
formation change of basis formula
Note that if we use the same basis B for both the domain and
codomain then we have
PSB = [u1 u2 · · · un ]
That is, A BB = ASS , but if we think about the geometry then this makes
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 95
B = {(0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0)} , C = {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)}.
and hence
4 3 1
ACB = PCS ASS PSB = −3 −4 1 .
0 6 −5
The matrix A BB has a very simple form, which is nice for calculations.
It also makes it easy to visualise. The first vector in the basis B is stretched
8 times, and the second vector is mapped onto its opposite.
6.1 Introduction
Example 6.2. Recall Example 5.7, and we compute Av for each v in the
basis B = {(1, 1), (−2, 1)}.
" #" # " # " #
2 6 1 8 1
= = 8 ,
3 5 1 8 1
x2 x2
Ax 6= lx
x Av = lv
x1 x1
# "
2 6
Hence 8 and −1 are eigenvalues of the matrix with λ = 8 having
3 5
corresponding eigenvector (1, 1) and λ = −1 having corresponding
eigenvector (−2, 1).
Eλ = {v | Av = λv},
that is, the set of eigenvectors corresponding to λ together with the zero
(S1) A0 = λ0 so 0 ∈ Eλ .
(S2) Let u, v ∈ Eλ . Then Au = λu and Av = λv. We want to show
that u + v ∈ Eλ so we test the membership condition:
E8 Figure 6.1: Eigenspaces for
Example 6.2.
E 1
Av = λv
Av − λv = 0
Av − λIv = 0
( A − λI )v = 0.
This is a homogeneous system of linear equations for the compo-
nents of v, with augmented matrix [ A − λI |0]. If the matrix A − λI
were invertible then the solution would simply be v = 0 but this is
not allowed by definition and in any case would be of no practical
use in applications. We hence require that A − λI be not invertible
and, by Theorem 3.43, this will be the case if
det( A − λI ) = 0. (6.1)
det( A − λI ) = (2 − λ)(5 − λ) − 18 = λ2 − 7λ − 8
λ2 − 7λ − 8 = 0 ⇒ (λ − 8)(λ + 1) = 0 ⇒ λ = 8, −1.
That is, the eigenvalues of the given matrix A are λ = 8 and λ = −1.
For each eigenvalue λ we must solve the system
( A − λI )v = 0
When λ = −1 we have
" #
3 6 0
⇒ E−1 = span((−2, 1)).
3 6 0
(1 − λ)(3 − λ)(4 − λ) = 0 ⇒ λ = 1, 3, 4.
Note that these are in fact the diagonal elements of A. The respective
eigenspaces are
( λ1 − λ ) m1 · · · ( λ j − λ ) m j · · · ( λ p − λ ) m p
−λ3 − λ2 + 21λ + 45 = 0
and so
(3 + λ )2 (5 − λ ) = 0 ⇒ λ = −3, −3, 5.
Repeating the root −3 reflects the fact that λ = −3 has algebraic multi-
plicity 2.
To find the eigenvectors corresponding to λ = 5 we solve
−7 2 −3 0
( A − 5I )v = 0 ⇒ 2 −4 −6 0 .
−1 −2 −5 0
Note that we have one row of zeros. The solution will therefore involve
one free parameter, namely v3 . We readily get the solution v1 = −v3 and
v2 = −2v3 . Hence the eigenspace corresponding to λ = 5 is
which has two rows of zeros and hence the solution will involve two free
parameters. The eigenspace corresponding to λ = −3 is
E 3
1 1 1
, , ··· , .
λ1 λ2 λn
λ1 , λ2 ,··· , λn .
λ1 + k, λ2 + k ,··· , λn + k.
A n + α n −1 A n −1 + · · · + α 1 A + α 0 I
has eigenvalues
λ n + α n −1 λ n −1 + · · · + α 1 λ + α 0 for λ = λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λ n .
6.4 Diagonalisation
D = P−1 AP.
N = Q−1 MQ.
E1 = span((1, 0, 0)).
A = AT .
If the limit exists then the improper integral is called convergent. If the
limit does not exist then the improper integral is called divergent.
(b) Similarly
Zb Zb
f ( x ) dx = lim f ( x ) dx.
−∞ t
Z∞ Zc Z∞
f ( x ) dx = f ( x ) dx + f ( x ) dx.
−∞ −∞ c
Remark 7.2. It can be shown that the choice of c is not important; i.e.
if for one particular choice of c the integrals on the right-hand-side are
convergent, then the same is true for any other choice of c and the sum of
the two integrals is always the same1 . 1
Try to prove this.
Example 7.3. Find the improper integral dx if it is convergent or
show that it is divergent.
Z∞ Zt
1 1
Solution: dx = lim dx by definition. For any t > 1,
x3 t→∞ x3
1 1
1 1 t 1 1
dx = − = − +
x3 2x2 1 2t2 2
which converges to when t → ∞. Hence the improper integral is
convergent and its value is (cf. Figure 7.1)
Figure 7.1: The area A under
the graph of f ( x ) = x13 and
4 above the interval [1, ∞) is
finite even though the ‘bound-
aries’ of the area are infinitely
1 2 3 4 5
Example 7.4. Find the improper integral dx if it is convergent or
show that it is divergent.
Z∞ Zt
1 1
dx = lim dx
x t→∞ x
1 1
= lim [ln x ]1t
= lim ln t
which does not exist. Hence the integral dx is divergent (cf. Figure
Example 7.5. Find all constants p ∈ R such that the improper integral
dx is convergent.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 109
Figure 7.2: The area under
the graph of f ( x ) = and
4 x
above the interval [1, ∞) is
1 2 3 4 5
When 1 − p < 0, lim t1− p = 0 so the integral is convergent (to ).
t→∞ p−1
When 1 − p > 0, lim t1− p = ∞ and therefore the integral is divergent.
Hence the integral is divergent for p ≤ 1 and otherwise convergent.
If the limit exists, then the improper integral is called convergent, other-
wise it is divergent.
(b) In a similar way, if f is continuous on ( a, b] however it has some
kind of singularity at a, e.g. f ( x ) → ∞ or −∞ as x → a+ . We define
Zb Zb
f ( x ) dx = lim f ( x ) dx.
t→ a+
a t
Zb Zc Zb
f ( x ) dx = f ( x ) dx + f ( x ) dx
a a c
Zt Zb
= lim f ( x ) dx + lim f ( x ) dx.
t→c− t→c+
a t
Example 7.7. Consider the integral √ dx. This is an improper
1 1
integral, since √ is not defined at 0 and √ → ∞ as x → 0.
x x
Z1 Z1
1 1
By definition, √ dx = lim √ dx.
x t →0+ x
0 t
For 0 < t < 1, we have
Z1 √
1 √
√ dx = [2 x ]1t = 2 − 2 t
Example 7.8. Consider the integral dx. It is improper, since
f ( x ) = 1/( x − 1) is not defined at x = 1 and is unbounded near x = 1.
However, f ( x ) is continuous on [0, 1) ∪ (1, 2].
Z2 Z1 Z2
1 1 1
dx = dx + dx
x−1 x−1 x−1
0 0 1
1/( x − 1) dx = [ln | x − 1|]0t = ln |t − 1| − 0 = ln(1 − t)
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 111
Example 7.10. Consider the integral I = dx. The function
f ( x ) = 1/( x − 1) has a singularity at x = 1 (which is in the domain of
integration) and ∞ is part of the domain of integration.
Therefore we split the domain as follows: Z∞
We cannot compute dx di-
Z1 Z2 Z∞ 1
1 1 1 rectly as this integral has two prob-
I= dx + dx + dx lems, one at each end. Therefore we
x−1 x−1 x−1
0 1 2 need to split up (1, ∞) in two subinter-
vals, we arbitrarily chose to split at 2,
and the integral on the left-hand-side is convergent if and only if all three but one could have split at any number
larger than 1.
integrals on the right-hand-side are convergent.
We saw in Example 7.8 that the first improper integral dx is
divergent, hence the integral I is divergent.
Sequences and series
8.1 Sequences
a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . , a n , . . .
1 1 1
1, , , . . . , , . . .
2 3 n
Here an = for all integers n ≥ 1.
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, . . .
2. Consider the sequence an = (n ≥ 1). Then lim an = 0.
n n→∞
3. If α > 0 is a constant (that is, does not depend on n) and an = α for
any n ≥ 1, then lim an = 0. For instance, taking α = gives
n→∞ 2
1 1 1
1, √ , √ , . . . , √ , . . . −→ 0
2 3 n
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, . . .
1. lim ( an ± bn ) = a ± b.
3. lim ( an bn ) = a b.
an a
4. If b 6= 0 and bn 6= 0, for all n then lim = .
n→∞ bn b
Theorem 8.5 (The squeeze theorem or the sandwich theorem). Let
( an ), (bn ) and (cn ) be sequences such that lim an = lim cn = a and
n→∞ n→∞
a n ≤ bn ≤ c n
for all sufficiently large n. Then the sequence (bn ) is also convergent and
lim bn = a.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 115
n2 − n + 1 n2 (1 − 1/n + 1/n2 )
lim = lim
n→∞ 3n2 + 2n − 1 n→∞ n2 (3 + 2/n − 1/n2 )
cos n
Example 8.7. (Using the squeeze theorem) Find lim if it exists.
n→∞ n
Solution. (Note: Theorem 8.4 is not applicable here, since lim cos n
does not exist.) Since −1 ≤ cos n ≤ 1 for all n, we have
1 cos n 1
− ≤ ≤
n n n
for all n ≥ 1. Using the Squeeze Theorem and the fact that
1 1
lim − = lim = 0
n→∞ n n→∞ n
cos n
it follows that lim = 0.
n→∞ n
1. bn = −n. Then an + bn = 0 → 0
2. bn = 1 − n. Then an + bn = 1 → 1
In Examples 8.1, the sequences in part (1) and (3) are bounded,
the one in part (2) is bounded neither above nor below, while the
sequence in part (4) is bounded below but not above.
If ( an )∞
n=1 is non-increasing and bounded below for all sufficiently large n,
then ( an ) is convergent and
a 1 ≤ a 2 ≤ a 3 ≤ · · · ≤ a n ≤ a n +1 ≤ · · ·
b1 ≥ b2 ≥ b3 ≥ · · · ≥ bn ≥ bn+1 ≥ · · ·
either the sequence is bounded below and then lim bn exists or the
sequence is not bounded below and then lim bn = −∞.
Example 8.20. Let an = for all n ≥ 1. As we know,
lim an = 0 = inf | n = 1, 2, . . .
n→∞ n
This just confirms Theorem 8.18.
3. The p-series is
∑ np
n =1
where p ∈ R is an arbitrary constant.
Note that the case p = 1 is the harmonic series.
is called the nth partial sum of the series in Equation (8.1). Then (sn ) is
a sequence. If lim sn = s we say that the infinite series is convergent
and write
∑ an = s.
n =1
1 1 1 1
1= + + +···+ n +...
2 4 8 2
We now generalise this more formally.
1 − rn
s n = 1 + r + r 2 + · · · + r n −1 = .
when r 6= 1.
1 − rn 1
1. Let |r | < 1. Then lim sn = lim = , since lim r n = 0
n→∞ n→∞ 1 − r 1−r
whenever |r | < 1. Thus the geometric series is convergent in this case
and we write
1 + r + r 2 + · · · + r n −1 + · · · =
(we used the limit laws Theorem 8.4(1)). Therefore we get the fol-
lowing theorem.
Theorem 8.28. If the series ∑ an is convergent, then nlim
an = 0.
n =1
n2 + 2n + 1 1 + 2/n + 1/n2 1
lim an = lim 2
= lim = − 6= 0 .
n→∞ n→∞ −3n + 4 n→∞ −3 + 4/n2 3
Note that Theorem 8.28 does not say that lim an = 0 implies
that the series is convergent. For instance the harmonic series is
divergent even though lim = 0 (see Theorem 8.35 below).
n→∞ n
Convergent series behave well with regard to addition, sub-
traction, multiplying be a constant (but not multiplying/dividing
∞ ∞
Theorem 8.31 (Series laws). If the infinite series ∑ an and ∑ bn are
n =1 n =1
∞ ∞
convergent, then the series ∑ (an ± bn ) and ∑ c an (for any constant
n =1 n =1
c ∈ R) are also convergent with
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
∑ ( a n ± bn ) = ∑ an ± ∑ bn and ∑ c an = c ∑ an .
n =1 n =1 n =1 n =1 n =1
Example 8.32. Using Theorem 8.31 and the formula for the sum of a
(convergent) geometric series (see Theorem 8.27), we get
∞ n ∞ n
2 3 2 3 ∞ 1
∑ −
4n +1
= ∑ −
4 n∑ n
n =0 n =0 =0 4
1 3 1 8
= + · = .
1 + 2/3 4 1 − 1/4 5
f : N −→ R : n → an .
y = f (x)
Figure 8.1: Underestimating
the partial sums with an inte-
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 an
s n − a1 = a2 + a3 + · · · + a n
y = f (x)
Figure 8.2: Overestimating the
partial sums with an integral.
a2 a3 a4 a5 an
Notice that since f ( x ) > 0 for all x ≥ 1, f ( x ) dx is an increas-
ing function of t. Either that function is bounded and the improper
integral f ( x ) dx is convergent, or it is unbounded and the inte-
gral diverges to ∞ (this is a similar idea to Key Concept 8.19).
Suppose first that the improper integral f ( x ) dx diverges, then
lim f ( x ) dx = ∞,
Remark 8.34. Unfortunately this theorem does not tell us what the sum
of the series is, whenever it is convergent. In particular, it is not equal to
f ( x ) dx.
Consider again the p-series from Example 8.23(3), that is,
∑ n p
n =1
This result does not tell us what the sum of the series is.
∞ ∞
2. If ∑ an is divergent then ∑ bn is divergent.
n =1 n =1
1 + sin n 2
0≤ 2
≤ 2 (8.4)
n n
for all integers n ≥ 1.
The series
is convergent, since it is a p-series with p = 2 > 1.
n =1
Thus ∑ 2 is convergent by the series laws, and now Equation (8.4)
n =1 n
1 + sin n
and the Comparison Test show that the series ∑ is also
n =1 n2
2. Consider the series ∑ n
. Since
n =1
1 ln(n)
0< ≤
n n
for all integers n ≥ 3, and the series
n ∑
is divergent (it is the
n =1
harmonic series), the Comparison Test implies that the series ∑
n =1
is also divergent.
The proof uses the formal definition of limits and the Compari-
son Test.
Remark 8.39. 1. Clearly in case (a) above we have that ∑ an is diver-
n =1
∞ ∞
gent whenever ∑ bn is divergent. In case (b), if ∑ an is divergent,
n =1 n =1
∞ ∞
then ∑ bn must be also divergent. And in case (c), if ∑ bn is diver-
n =1 n =1
gent, then ∑ an is divergent.
n =1
2. Notice that in cases (b) and (c) we have implications (not equivalences).
For example, in case (b) if we know that ∑ an is convergent, we can-
n =1
∞ ∞
not claim the same for ∑ bn . Similarly, in case (c) if ∑ bn is conver-
n =1 n =1
gent, we cannot conclude the same about ∑ an .
n =1
1 sin2 n + n
bn = . For an = , we have
n 2n2 − 1
sin n 2
an n(sin2 n + n) n +1 1
= 2
= →
bn 2n − 1 2 − n12 2
sin2 n 1
as n → ∞, since 0 ≤ ≤ , so by the Squeeze Theorem
n n
sin2 n
lim = 0.
n→∞ n
∞ ∞
Now the series ∑ bn = ∑ n
is divergent (it is the harmonic series),
n =1 n =1
so part (a) of the Limit Comparison Test implies that ∑ an is also
n =1
∞ √
2 n+3
2. Consider the series ∑ 2 . To check whether the series is con-
n=1 3n − 1
vergent or divergent we will compare it with the series ∑ bn , where
√ n =1
1 2 n+3
bn = 3/2 . For an = , we have
n 3n2 − 1
√ 2 + √3n
an n3/2 (2 n + 3) 2
= 2
= 1
bn 3n − 1 3 − n2 3
as n → ∞.
∞ ∞
Since the series ∑ bn = ∑ n 3/2
is convergent (it is a p-series with
n =1 n =1
p = 3/2 > 1), part (a) of the Limit Comparison Test shows that ∑ an
n =1
is also convergent.
The proof is quite technical and involves showing that the se-
quence of partial sums with even indices is non-decreasing and
bounded above.
is divergent (it is the harmonic series). Thus ∑ (−1)n−1 n is condition-
n =1
ally convergent.
sin n
Example 8.47. (Absolutely convergent) Consider the series ∑ 2
n =1 n
sin n 1
0≤ ≤ 2
n2 n
and the series ∑ n 2
is convergent (a p-series with p = 2 > 1), the
n =1
∞ ∞
sin n sin n
Comparison Test implies that ∑ 2
is convergent. Hence ∑ 2
n =1 n n =1 n
is absolutely convergent and therefore convergent.
a n +1
lim = L.
n→∞ an
1. If L < 1, then ∑ an is absolutely convergent.
n =1
2. If L > 1, then ∑ an is divergent.
n =1
| a N +1 | < r | a N | = r 1 | a N |
| a N +2 | < r | a N +1 | < r 2 | a N |
| a N +3 | < r | a N +3 | < r3 | a N | etc
∑ rn−1 |a N | = |a N | + r|a N | + r2 |a N | + · · · = |a N |(1 + r + r2 + · · · ) = |a N | 1 − r .
n =1
series converges. Now ∑ |an | is just adding a finite number of
n =1
terms to ∑ |a N +n−1 | (namely adding |a1 | + |a2 | + · · · + |a N −1 |)
n =1
so it is also convergent. Therefore, our series ∑ an is absolutely
n =1
convergent (and therefore convergent).
a n +1
2. If L > 1, then for n sufficiently large > 1, that is, the
sequence (| an |) is increasing (this follows from the formal def-
inition of a limit), so we cannot possibly have that lim an = 0.
By the Test for Divergence (Theorem 8.28) the series ∑ an is
n =1
1. Consider the series ∑ 2n
. We have
n =1
2 2
a n +1 1 ( n + 1 )2 2n 1 n+1 1 1 1
= a n +1 × = × 2 = = 1+ →
an an 2n +1 n 2 n 2 n 2
1 n2
as n → ∞. Since L = < 1, the Ratio Test implies that ∑ n is
2 n =1
absolutely convergent and hence convergent.
2. For any constant b ∈ R, consider the infinite series ∑ n!
. Then
n =0
an = . We have
a n +1 b n +1 n! |b|
= × n = →0
an ( n + 1) ! b n+1
as n → ∞. So, by the Ratio Test, the series ∑ n!
is absolutely con-
n =0
vergent. Note that by the Test for Divergence this implies Theorem
Example 8.50. (Using the Ratio Test with L > 1) Consider the series
∑ (−3)n . We have
n =1
a n +1 (n + 1)4n+1 (−3)n 4 1 4
= n 1
× n
= (1 + ) → > 1.
an −3 + n4 3 n 3
So, by the Ratio Test, the series ∑ (−3)n is divergent.
n =1
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 131
a n +1 |b || x − a|n+1 b
L = lim = lim n+1 = | x − a| × lim n+1 .
n→∞ an n→∞ |bn || x − a|n n→∞ bn
bn + 1
There are three cases, according to lim .
n→∞ bn
bn +1 1
(a) If lim is a positive real number, which we denote by .
n→∞ bn R
| x − a|
Then L = . By the Ratio Test, this diverges when L > 1,
that is when | x − a| > R, and is absolutely convergent when
L < 1, that is when | x − a| < R. Note that
bn +1 − 1 bn
R = lim = lim .
n→∞ bn n → ∞ bn + 1
bn +1
(b) If lim = 0, then L = 0 and so by the Ratio Test the power
n→∞ bn
series is absolutely convergent for all x.
bn +1
(c) If lim = ∞, then L = ∞ and so by the Ratio Test the
n→∞ bn
power series diverges EXCEPT if x = a, then L = 0 and so the
series converges. We easily that the series reduces to just b0 when
x = a.
(a) R is a positive real number, and the series is absolutely convergent for
| x − a| < R and divergent for | x − a| > R.
Therefore we are in case (a) and so the power series is absolutely conver-
gent for x ∈ (−3 − 1, −3 + 1) = (−4, −2) and is divergent for x < −4
and x > −2. It remains to check the points x = −4 and x = −2.
Substituting x = −4 in Equation (8.5) gives the series ∑ √ (−1)n =
n =1 n
∑ n1/2 which is divergent (it is a p-series with p = 1/2 < 1).
n =1
When x = −2, the series (8.5) becomes ∑ √ , which is conver-
n =1 n
gent by the Alternating Series Test since ( √ ) is non-increasing with
∞ ∞
(−1)n 1
limit 0. However, ∑ √ = ∑ √ is divergent (as we mentioned
n =1 n n =1 n
∞ n
above), so ∑ √ is conditionally convergent.
n =1 n
Conclusion: The series (8.5) is
Power series have the useful property that they can be differenti-
ated term-by-term.
f ( x ) = a0 + a1 ( x − a ) + a2 ( x − a )2 + · · · + a n ( x − a ) n + · · ·
f ( x ) = a0 + a1 ( x − a ) + a2 ( x − a )2 + · · · + a n ( x − a ) n + · · ·
for all x in some interval I containing a, we say that the above is a power
series representation for f about a on I. When a = 0 this is simply
called a power series representation for f on I.
For example, the formula for the sum of a geometric series gives
= 1 + x + x2 + · · · + x n + · · · for all | x | < 1,
which provides a power series representation for f ( x ) =
on (−1, 1).
Suppose that a function f ( x ) has a power series representation
f ( x ) = a0 + a1 ( x − a ) + a2 ( x − a )2 + · · · + a n ( x − a ) n + . . . (8.6)
for those x such that | x − a| < R for some positive real number R.
Substituting x = a in Equation (8.6) implies that f ( a) = a0 . Next,
differentiating (8.6) using Theorem 8.55 implies
f (n) ( a )
an = for each n.
bn f (n) ( a ) ( n + 1) ! f (n) ( a )
R = lim = lim × ( n +1) = lim (n + 1) (n+1)
n→∞ bn + 1 n→∞ n! f ( a) n→∞ f ( a)
f 00 ( a) f 000 ( a) f (n) ( a )
Tn,a ( x ) = f ( a) + f 0 ( a) ( x − a) + ( x − a )2 + ( x − a )3 + · · · + ( x − a)n
2! 3! n!
Theorem 8.58. For any given x ∈ I we have
f ( x ) = Tn,a ( x ) + Rn,a ( x )
f ( n +1) ( z )
Rn,a ( x ) = ( x − a ) n +1
( n + 1) !
for some z between a and x.
bn ( n + 1) !
R = lim = lim = lim n + 1 = ∞.
n→∞ bn + 1 n→∞ n! n→∞
x n +1
0 ≤ | Rn,0 ( x )| ≤ e x →0,
( n + 1) !
x n +1
0 ≤ | Rn,0 ( x )| ≤ →0,
( n + 1) !
In this case lim does not exist (the sequence alternates between
n→∞ bn + 1
0 and ∞), but we can use the Ratio Test, with an = (−1)n .
(2n + 1)!
3. Similarly,
x2n x2 x4 x6 x2n
cos x = ∑ (−1)n (2n)! = 1−
+ − − · · · + (−1)n
4! 6! (2n)!
n =0
for all x ∈ R. Here the right hand side is the Taylor series of cos x
about 0.
x2 x3 xn
x− + − · · · + (−1)n−1 + · · ·
2 3 n
We can compute the radius of convergence
bn n+1 1
R = lim = lim = lim 1 + = 1.
n→∞ bn + 1 n→∞ n n→∞ n
Periodic function
−3π −2π −π 0 π 2π 3π
Zπ Zπ
cos(nt) dt = 0 and sin(nt) dt = 0.
−π −π
So we set
a0 = f (t) dt. (9.1a)
This says that a0 is twice the average value of f (t), or equiva-
lently, the zeroth order term a0 /2 is the average value of the func-
tion f (t).
We can show by direct evaluation of the integrals that
sin(mt) sin(nt)dt = 0, for any integers m, n, with m 6= n,
sin(mt) cos(nt)dt = 0, for any integers m, n, with m 6= n,
cos(mt) cos(nt)dt = 0, for any integers m, n, with m 6= n,
Zπ Zπ
sin (nt)dt = π , cos2 (nt)dt = π for any integer n.
−π −π
so we set
an = f (t) cos(nt)dt. (9.1b)
Note that only one term on the right-hand-side survives the in-
tegration. To obtain bn we multiply Equation (9.1) by sin(nt) and
integrate from −π to π:
FS f (t) sin(nt)dt = πbn ,
so we set
bn = f (t) sin(nt) dt. (9.1c)
Again, only one term on the right-hand-side survives. The above
process is called expanding the function f as an infinite sum of
orthogonal1 functions. 1
We can think of functions as vectors,
Notice we need to assume here that f is sufficiently regular for and define a dot product f 1 . f 2 =
all these integrals to be defined (for instance it is sufficient for f to f 1 (t) f 2 (t) dt, so that the functions
be piecewise continuous2 on [−π, π ]). −π
in the Fourier series are mutually
orthogonal (dot product equal to 0).
The expressions (9.1a, b, c) are called Euler’s formulae. A function f ( x ) is called piecewise
continuous on a given interval [ a, b]
Zπ if f has only finitely many points of
1 discontinuity in [ a, b].
a0 = f (t) dt
an = f (t) cos(nt) dt
bn = f (t) sin(nt) dt
A more complicated calculation yields for n > 0, Useful anti-derivative formulas (de-
rived via integration by parts):
Zπ t 1
1 1 − cos(nπ )
t cos(nt) dt = sin(nt) + 2 cos(nt) + C
an = (π − t) cos(nt) dt = n n
π πn2
0 and
t 1
t sin(nt) dt = − cos(nt) + 2 sin(nt) + C.
Hence we can evaluate an as n n
0, n > 0 even
an =
2 , n odd
or, for k = 1, 2, . . .,
a2k−1 = 2
π (2k − 1)2
a2k = 0.
1 1
bn = (π − t) sin(nt) dt = .
π n
∞ ∞
π 2 cos(nt) sin(nt)
FS f (t) =
π ∑ n 2
+ ∑ n
n=1, n odd n =1
2 cos(3t) cos(5t)
= + cos t + + +···
4 π 9 25
sin(2t) sin(3t)
+ sin t + + +··· .
2 3
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 143
∞ ∞
a0 nπt nπt
FS f (t) = + ∑ an cos + ∑ bn sin
2 n =1
L n =1
a0 = f (t) dt
1 nπt
an = f (t) cos dt
1 nπt
bn = f (t) sin dt
lim (S N f (t) − f (t))2 dt = 0.
N →∞
Theorem 9.6. Provided that f (t) and f 0 (t) are bounded and piecewise
continuous on [− L, L], the Fourier series will converge to (be equal to)
f (t) except at points of discontinuity, where it will converge to the
average of the right- and left-hand limits of f (t) at that point, i.e.
f (t+ ) + f (t− )
where f (t+ ) is the right-hand limit and f (t− ) is the left-hand limit.
Example 9.7. (Example 9.4 revisited) We see that f (t) and f 0 (t) are
bounded and piecewise continuous on [−π, π ] (with the only disconti-
nuity point being 0).3 Since for this function we have f (0− ) = 0 and 3
Note that f 0 (t) considered on its full
f (0+ ) = π, then by Theorem 9.6 the Fourier series FS f (t) converges domain also has discontinuity points
in the odd multiples of π.
to the average of these values, ie. π/2 at t = · · · , −2π, 0, 2π, · · · . The
graph of the Fourier series is then as shown in Figure 9.6.
Note that it is identical to the graph of f (t) except that it takes the
value at integer multiples of 2π whereas the function itself is 0 at these
Example 9.9. The graph of the Fourier series of the periodic extension of
et , −1 < t ≤ 1 is illustrated in Figure 9.7.
In particular all the even power functions f (t) = t2n are even.
together with the function in Example 9.3. In particular all the odd
power functions f (t) = t2n+1 are odd.
(odd)dt = 0
If f (t) is even: : f (t)dt = 2 f (t)dt
−L 0
In words, this tells us that the sum of two even (odd) functions is
itself even (odd). The product of two even or two odd functions is
even while the product of an odd and an even function is odd. The
integral results are particularly important for they facilitate some
great simplifications in the calculation of Fourier series.
1 nπt
bn = f (t) sin dt
= (even)(odd) dt
= (odd) dt
= 0.
2 2 nπt
a0 = f (t) dt and an = f (t) cos dt
0 0
Example 9.12. Determine the Fourier series of the even (‘Hats’4 ) function 4
Note that the name ‘hats’ function
derives from the from of its graph
sketched in Figure 9.9.
π + t, −π < t ≤ 0
f (t) = and f (t + 2π ) = f (t).
π − t, 0 < t ≤ π
Odd functions must have odd Fourier series and hence an = 0 for
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 149
1 nπt
an = f (t) cos dt
= (odd)(evem) dt
= (odd) dt
= 0.
2 nπt
bn = f (t) sin dt
Solution: Since f (t) is an odd function, its Fourier series is a sine series.
We compute
Zπ 0 if n even
2 2(cos(nπ ) − 1)
bn = (−1) sin(nt) dt = = ,
π nπ − 4 if n odd
0 nπ
and hence the Fourier sine series is
4 sin(nt)
FS f (t) = −
π ∑ n
n=1,n odd
the extension is made in another way, such that the series contains
only sine terms.
To see how to do this, we extend the domain of definition to
[− L, L], called a half-range expansion, in two ways. We accomplish
this by defining two new functions g(t) and h(t) according to the
following recipes.
Even expansion:
f (t) if 0 ≤ t ≤ L
g(t) =
f (−t) if − L ≤ t ≤ 0.
series converge to the same f (t) for 0 < t < 2 as both g(t) and h(t)
equal f (t) here but will naturally converge to different values for
t < 0.
Example 9.14. Find the Fourier series of the even and odd expansions of
f ( t ) = t2 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
Even expansion: The even expansion is just g(t) = t2 , −1 ≤ t ≤ 1.
We find the Fourier coefficients (as g(t) is even, bn = 0):
a0 = 2 t2 dt = ,
an = 2 t2 cos(nπt) dt = .
π 2 n2
−4 − 2(n2 π 2 − 2)(−1)n
bn = 2 t2 sin(nπt) dt = .
π 3 n3
1 a20 ∞
[ f (t)]2 dt =
+ ∑ a2n + bn2 .
π 2 n =1
Z0 Zπ ∞ 2
1 1 4
2 2
1 dt +
(−1) dt = ∑ −
−π 0 n=1, n odd
∞ ∞
16 1 1 π2
⇒ 1+1 =
π2 ∑ n2
⇒ ∑ n 2
n=1, n odd n=1, n odd
We can use the result of the previous example to find the value
of ∑ 2 by noting that
n =1 n
∞ ∞ ∞
1 1 1
∑ 2
= ∑ 2
+ ∑ 2
n =1 n n=1, n odd
n n=1, n even n
∞ ∞
π2 π2 4 1 1
+ 2
π ∑ n 4
+∑ 2
n=1, n odd n =1
5π 2 4 1 π2
π2 ∑ n4
n=1, n odd
1 π4
⇒ ∑ n4
n=1, n odd
∞ ∞
(FS f )0 (t) = − ∑ nan sin(nt) + ∑ nbn cos(nt).
n =1 n =1
Example 9.19. Recall the ’Hats’ function in Example 9.12; this function
is continuous. It is differentiable except at points an integer multiple of π.
Previously we showed that
π 4 cos(nt)
FS f (t) =
π ∑ n2
n=1, n odd
The graph of the original function (and of its Fourier series) appeared
in Example 9.12. We recognise from Example 9.13 that (FS f )0 (t) is the
Fourier series of the function from Example 9.3, so the graph of (FS f )0 (t)
is shown in Figure 9.12. Note that it has the value 0 at multiples of π,
the average of the left and right limits, but that f 0 (t) is not defined at
multiples of π.
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 155
Since f is an odd function, it has a sine Fourier series and we can show
(exercise) that
FS f = ∑ sin(nt).
n =1
If we naively find the derivative of the Fourier series term-by-term we
deduce that
(FS f )0 (t) = ∑ (−1)n+1 cos(nt) = cos t − cos(2t) + cos(3t) + · · · .
n =1
We have an obvious problem here. We know5 For example, if we try to 5
Recall the ‘Test for Divergence’
evaluate Equation (9.2) at t = 0 we have Theorem 8.28 that if an infinite series
is to converge then necessarily the nth
term in the series must go to zero as
1−1+1−1+... n → ∞.
and this series clearly does not converge. Moreover, note that t = 0 is
not a problem point for f and f 0 (0) = 1/2 so it is not the case that the
differentiated series only fails at points where f (t) is not differentiable or
has some other problem. If we evaluate Equation (9.2) at t = π we have
−1 − 1 − 1 − · · · which is also clearly nonsense. The actual derivative
function is shown in Figure 9.14 and it is not defined at odd multiples of
It turns out that the Integration of Fourier series is more stable than
differentiation in the sense that fewer potential problems tend to
Example 9.22. Recall the Slopes function from Example 9.20 and its
Fourier series
FS f = ∑ sin(nt).
n =1
Notice a0 = 0 and the function is bounded and piecewise continuous on
[−π, π ]. Thus by Theorem 9.21:
Zt ∞ ∞
cos(nt) − cos(nπ ) cos(nt) − (−1)n
dα = ∑ (−1)n = ∑ (−1)n .
2 n =1 n2 n =1 n2
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 157
t2 − π 2 π2
Note that the average value of function is − , and that the
4 6
integral function is continuous.
10.1 Introduction
∂2 g d2 P
(b) + g = sin t. (e) P2 = x5 + 1.
∂t2 dx2
d3 y ∂4 F
(c) + 8y = x sin x. (f) = t2 F.
dx3 ∂x∂y3
1. Equations ( a), (b), (d) and ( f ) involve partial derivatives and are
hence partial differential equations, whereas equations (c) and (e) in-
volve ordinary derivatives and are hence ordinary differential equations.
2. Recall that the order of a differential equation is the degree of the high-
est derivative that occurs in it. The orders of the differential equations
are as follows:
3. Recall that linear differential equations are those in which neither the
function nor its derivatives occur in products, powers or nonlinear
functions. It doesn’t matter how the independent variables appear.
We observe that equations ( a), (b), (c) and ( f ) are linear whereas
equations (d) and (e) are nonlinear.
d2 y
Solution: We need to calculate . In order to do this we need the
product rule to differentiate x sin x. It gives
( x sin x ) = sin x + x cos x
d2 d
( x sin x ) = (sin x + x cos x ) = 2 cos x − x sin x.
dx2 dx
d2 y
= 4C1 e2x + 4C2 e−2x − 8 cos x + 5x sin x
and substitution of this and Equation 10.4 into Equation 10.5 quickly
yields the required verification.
∂f ∂f
Solution: In each case we need to calculate and . For f ( x, y) =
∂x ∂y
xy − y2 we have
∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f
= y and = x−y ⇒ + = y + x − y = x.
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
For f ( x, y) = sin(y − x ) + x2 we have
∂f ∂f
= − cos(y − x ) + x and = cos(y − x )
∂x ∂y
∂f ∂f
⇒ + = − cos(y − x ) + x + cos(y − x ) = x.
∂x ∂y
In both cases we have verified the solution of the partial differential equa-
= rP for some constant r > 0.
It can be shown (using a method called separation of variables, which
we shall learn shortly) that the function P(t) that satisfies this differential
equation is
This model is clearly inadequate in that it predicts that the population will
increase without bound if r > 0. A more realistic model is the logistic
growth model
= rP(C − P) where r>0 and C>0 are constants.
The method of separation of variables can be used to show that the solution
of this differential equation is
P(t) = where P0 = P(0).
P0 + (C − P0 )e−rt
This model predicts that as time goes on, the population will tend towards
the constant value C, called the carrying capacity.
Let H (t) be the temperature of the object (in ◦ C) at time t and suppose
the fixed ambient temperature is A◦ C. Newton’s law of cooling says that
= α( A − H ) for some constant α > 0.
The method of separation of variables can be used to show that the solution
of this differential equation is
This model predicts that as time goes on, the temperature of the object will
approach that of its surroundings, which agrees with our intuition.
Salt water
Let y(t) represent the salt concentration of the water (kg/m3 ) in the
tank at time t and a(t) represent the amount of salt (kg). We have y(t) =
. The tank starts with an amount of salt a0 kg.
The rate at which salt is being removed from the tank at time t is given
da F
= −y(t) × (flow rate) = − Fy(t) = − a(t) = −αa(t)
dt V
where α = is a positive constant. This equation has the solution
a(t) = a0 e , which approaches zero as t → ∞ (as expected).
Consider the same tank which is now filled with fresh water. Water pol-
luted with q kg/m3 of some chemical enters the tank at a rate of F m3 /sec,
and polluted water exits the tank at the same rate. We again assume in-
stantaneous mixing so that the tank has a uniform concentration.
= (amount of pollutant added per second)
− (amount of pollutant removed per second).
That is,
da F
= qF − Fy(t) = qF − a(t).
dt V
Alternatively, we can obtain a differential equation for the concentration
x (t) by dividing through the above equation by V to give
dy F dy
= (q − y) ⇒ = α(q − x )
dt V dt
where α = is a positive constant. Notice that this is essentially the
same as the differential equation that we obtained for Newton’s law of
Example 10.7. The direction field of = y2 − x2 along with three
(disjoint) solution curves through the points ( x, y) = (0, 1), (0, 0) and
(0, −2) is shown in Figure 10.3.
Remark 10.8. Note that we will not be able to solve the differential
equation in Example 10.7 using the techniques we will cover in this unit
– this differential equation is known as a Ricatti differential equation,
which are notoriously difficult to solve.
Example 10.9. The direction field of = 3y + e x along with three
solution curves are shown in Figure 10.4. The top curve is the solution
that goes through ( x, y) = (0, 1), the middle curve is the solution that
goes through ( x, y) = (0, 0) and the bottom curve is the solution that goes
through ( x, y) = (0, −1).
solve for y, then the solution is called the implicit solution of the
differential equation.
Example 10.10. Solve the first-order differential equation = y2 sin x.
+ f ( x ) y = g ( x ),
where f ( x ) and g( x ) are arbitrary functions of x only. Note that if
g( x ) 6= 0, the differential equation is not separable.
To solve such a differential equation, we multiply both sides by a
function I ( x ) such that the left-hand-side may be written
dy d
I + fy = ( Iy),
dx dx
thus allowing the left-hand-side to be integrated – hence the func-
tion I ( x ) is called an integrating factor.
If an integrating factor I ( x ) can be found, then the general solu-
tion is
( Iy) = Ig ⇒ Iy = Ig dx + C
which implies
1 C
y( x ) = I ( x ) g( x ) dx + . (10.9)
I (x) I (x)
dy d
I + fy = ( Iy),
dx dx
dI = f dx ⇒ ln( I ) = f dx + C ⇒ I = exp f dx + C .
Remark 10.12. Note that we could have written down the solution
immediately by appealing to Equation 10.9 but when learning the
method it is instructive to follow through each step in the process in
order to gain a better understanding of how it works.
However, the general solution strategy is as follows:
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 169
1 C
4. The general solution is then y( x ) = I ( x ) g( x ) dx + .
I (x) I (x)
dy 1
− y = xe x .
dx x
Solution: Here we have f ( x ) = − and g( x ) = xe x . Then
f ( x ) dx = − dx = − ln x = ln x −1 ,
and hence
I ( x ) = exp f ( x ) dx = eln( x ) = x −1 .
I ( x ) g( x ) dx = x −1 ( xe x ) dx = e x dx = e x ,
1 C
y( x ) = I ( x ) g( x ) dx +
I (x) I (x)
1 C
= (e x ) +
x −1 x −1
= xe x + Cx.
Example 10.14. Solve − 3y = e x subject to y(0) = 1, that is, y = 1
when x = 0.
3e3x − e x
y( x ) = . (10.11)
The solution curve of Equation 10.11 appears in Figure 10.4.
dy x2
= , y(1) = 4.
dx y
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = g( x ),
dx dx
otherwise the differential equation is said to have variable coefficients.
Since two integration’s are required to find a solution of a
second-order differential equation and each integration produces
an arbitrary integration constant, the general solution y( x ) will
contain two integration constants, C1 and C2 .
d2 y dy
+ p( x ) + q( x )y = 0,
dx dx
then the linear combination C1 y1 + C2 y2 is also a solution for any values
of the constants C1 and C2 .
d2 y dy
Proof. If y1 and y2 are both solutions of 2
+ p( x ) + q( x )y = 0,
dx dx
d2 y1 dy d2 y2 dy
+ p ( x ) 1 + q ( x ) y1 = 0 and + p( x ) 2 + q( x )y2 = 0.
dx2 dx dx2 dx
d2 d
(C1 y1 + C2 y2 ) + p( x ) (C1 y1 + C2 y2 ) + q( x ) (C1 y1 + C2 y2 )
dx dx
d2 y1 d2 y2 dy dy
= C1 2
+ C2 2
+ C1 p( x ) 1 + C2 p( x ) 2 + C1 q( x )y1 + C2 q( x )y2
dx dx dx dx
2 :
0 2 :0
d y1 dy1 d y2 dy2
= C1 + p( x )
2 dx
+ q( x )y1 + C2 + p( x )
2 dx
+ q ( x ) y2
dx dx
= 0.
y1 y2
" #
dy dy
W [y1 , y2 ]( x ) = det 0 0 = y1 2 − y2 1 .
y y dx dx
1 2
Remark 10.20. To prove Theorem 10.19 and the next Theorem, we need
some concepts of linear algebra which will not be covered until the next
d2 y dy
+ p( x ) + q( x )y = 0,
dx2 dx
y( x ) = C1 y1 ( x ) + C2 y2 ( x )
Key Concept 10.22. The conclusion from all this is: given a second-
order linear homogeneous differential equation
d2 y dy
+ p( x ) + q( x )y = 0,
dx dx
the general solution is
y( x ) = C1 y1 ( x ) + C2 y2 ( x )
y1 y2
" #
dy dy
W [y1 , y2 ]( x ) = det 0 0 = y1 2 − y2 1 6= 0.
y y dx dx
1 2
⇒ y( x ) = Cemt
where m = − and C is the constant of integration that we have
arbitrarily re-named from eC .
By analogy we attempt to find a solution to the second-order
differential equation by assuming a solution of the form y = emx ,
and the differential equation becomes
emx (m2 + pm + q) = 0 ⇒ m2 + pm + q = 0,
which is the characteristic equation or auxiliary equation of the differ-
ential equation. Since it is a quadratic in m, it has two roots
− p + p2 − 4q − p − p2 − 4q
p p
m1 = , m2 = .
2 2
y( x ) = C1 em1 x + C2 em2 x .
y( x ) = C1 e x + C2 e4x .
and y2 = em2 x are two solutions of the differential equation, and the
Wronskian is again never zero since m1 6= m2 . The general solution
of the differential equation is then
y( x ) = C1 e(a+ib) x + C2 e(a−ib) x .
y( x ) = C1 e ax eibx + C2 e ax e−ibx
= C1 e ax cos(bx ) + C2 e ax sin(bx ),
y( x ) = C1 e ax cos(bx ) + C2 e ax sin(bx ).
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 175
d2 y dy
− 4 + 13y = 0.
dx dx
dy 1 dv 1 − 1 px − 12 px dv 1
− 2 px
= e + v − pe 2 =e − pv ,
dx dx 2 dx 2
d2 y d2 v dv 1 2
= e− 2 px − p + p v .
dx2 dx2 dx 4
d2 v dv 1 2 − 12 px dv 1
− 12 px 1
e 2
− p + p v + pe − pv + qve− 2 px = 0,
dx dx 4 dx 2
which simplifies to
d2 v 1 2
+ − p + q v = 0.
dx2 4
v( x ) = C1 + C2 x.
1 1 1
y( x ) = v( x )y1 ( x ) = (C1 + C2 x )e− 2 px = C1 e− 2 px + C2 xe− 2 px ,
So, if the characteristic equation has only one root m, and the
general solution of the differential equation is
y( x ) = C1 emx + C2 xemx .
emx xemx
d2 y dy
+ 6 + 9y = 0.
dx dx
y( x ) = C1 e−3x + C2 xe−3x .
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = 0
dx2 dx
where p and q are constants, find the roots of the characteristic equa-
m2 + pm + q = 0.
1. If the roots m1 and m2 are real and unequal, then the general
solution is
y( x ) = C1 em1 x + C2 em2 x .
2. If the roots are complex conjugates a ± ib, then the general solution
y( x ) = C1 e ax cos(bx ) + C2 e ax sin(bx ).
y( x ) = C1 emx + C2 xemx .
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 177
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = g( x ),
dx2 dx
where p and q are constants and the nonhomogeneous term g( x )
is an arbitrary function of x. For this differential equation we also
consider the corresponding homogeneous differential equation
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = 0,
dx2 dx
with general solution yc , which we call the complimentary solution.
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = g( x )
dx dx
is a specific function that contains no arbitrary constants and satisfies the
differential equation.
d2 y
− 4y = 25x sin x
for any value of the constants C1 and C2 . With C1 = 0 = C2 , a particular
solution of this differential equation is simply
y p ( x ) = −2 cos x − 5x sin x.
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = g( x )
dx2 dx
y ( x ) = y c ( x ) + y p ( x ),
where y p is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous differential
equation and yc is the general solution of the corresponding homoge-
neous differential equation
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = 0.
dx2 dx
d2 y d2 y c d2 y p
dy dyc dy p
+ p + qy = +p + q yc + y p
+ +
dx2 dx dx2 dx2 dx dx
d2 y c d2 y p
dyc dy p
= 2
+p + qyc + 2
+p + qy p
dx dx dx dx
= 0 + g ( x ) = g ( x ).
• A polynomial;
• An exponential function; or
. .
an ( x )eαx An ( x )eαx
. .
an ( x ) sin( βx ) or an ( x ) cos( βx ) An ( x ) sin( βx ) + Bn ( x ) cos( βx )
. .
an ( x )eαx sin( βx ) or an ( x )eαx cos( βx ) eαx [ An ( x ) sin( βx ) + Bn ( x ) cos( βx )]
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 179
We formulate a guess for y p using the above table and the fol-
lowing rules:
• Modification rule: If a term in the choice for y p is a solution of This should come as no surprise –
the homogeneous equation, then multiply this term by x. remember from Section 10.5 that
the second solution for the case of
an equal root of the characteristic
• Sum rule: If g( x ) is a sum of functions listed in the first column, equation was just x times the first
then substitute the corresponding sum of functions from the sec- solution.
ond column and solve for the unknown coefficients by equating
d2 y dy
Example 10.31. Solve the differential equation +6 + 9y =
dx2 dx
4x2 + 5.
y p ( x ) = A2 x 2 + A1 x + A0 , (10.12)
and equating the coefficients of the powers of x on each side of this equa-
tion leads to a set of algebraic equations to solve for the unknowns A0 , A1
and A2 :
23 16 4
A0 = , A1 = − , A2 = .
27 27 9
Hence the particular solution is
4 2 16 23
y p (x) = x − x+
9 27 27
and finally, the general solution of the nonhomogeneous differential equa-
tion is
4 16 23
y( x ) = C1 e−3x + C2 xe−3x + x2 − x + .
9 27 27
d2 y dy
+ 5 + 6y = 3e−2x .
dx2 dx
d2 y dy
+ 5 + 6y = 0
dx2 dx
has characteristic equation
m2 + 5m + 6 = (m + 2)(m + 3) = 0 ⇒ m = −2, −3
yc ( x ) = C1 e−2x + C2 e−3x .
y p ( x ) = Ae−2x
y p ( x ) = Axe−2x (10.15)
d2 y dy
+ p( x ) + q( x )y = 0.
dx2 dx
d2 y dy
+ p ( x ) + q ( x ) y = g ( x ),
dx dx
we replace the integration constants C1 and C2 in the complemen-
tary solution with unknown functions u1 ( x ) and u2 ( x ) and suppose
that this is y p ; that is, we set
y p ( x ) = u1 ( x ) y1 ( x ) + u2 ( x ) y2 ( x ).
dy p dy1 dy
= u1 + u2 2 .
dx dx dx
Differentiating again using the product rule we have
:0 2 :0
d2 y1
dy d y2 dy
u1 2
+ p + qy 1
+ u 2 +
p + qy 2
dx dx dx dx
dy1 du1 dy du2
+ + 2 = g.
dx dx dx dx
Hence we have two equations for the derivatives of the unknown
functions u1 and u2 , namely
du1 du dy1 du1 dy du
y1 + y2 2 = 0 and + 2 2 = g.
dx dx dx dx dx dx
Solving these equations for u10 and u20 we find
du1 y2 g du2 y1 g
=− and = ,
dx W [ y1 , y2 ] dx W [ y1 , y2 ]
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 183
2. Of course, the Examples that were solved in the previous section by the
method of undetermined coefficients can also be solved by variation of
parameters. However, in the vast majority of cases if a nonhomogeneous
differential equation can be solved by the method of undetermined
coefficients, it will be much easier to use that method than to solve than
the same problem using variation of parameters.
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = g( x )
dx2 dx
where p and q are constants and g( x ) is an arbitrary function of x by
the method of variation of parameters:
d2 y dy
+ p + qy = 0.
dx2 dx
y1 y2
" #
dy2 dy
W [y1 , y2 ]( x ) = det = y1 − y2 1 .
y1 y20 dx dx
du1 y ( x ) g( x ) du2 y ( x ) g( x )
3. Let =− 2 and = 1 .
dx W [ y1 , y2 ] dx W [ y1 , y2 ]
4. Integrate these two equations to find u1 ( x ) and u2 ( x ), omitting
the integration constants.
d2 y dy
−2 +y = 0
dx2 dx
has characteristic equation
m2 − 2m + 1 = (m − 1)2 = 0 ⇒ m = 1,
yc ( x ) = C1 e x + C2 xe x .
du1 y ( x ) g( x ) ( xe x )(e x ln x )
=− 2 =− = − x ln x,
dx W [ y1 , y2 ] e2x
1 2 1 2
u1 ( x ) = − x ln x dx = x − x ln x.
4 2
du2 y ( x ) g( x ) (e x )(e x ln x )
= 1 = = ln x,
dx W [ y1 , y2 ] e2x
hence Z
u2 ( x ) = ln x dx = x ln x − x.
y p ( x ) = u1 ( x ) y1 ( x ) + u2 ( x ) y2 ( x )
1 2 1 2
= x − x ln x (e x ) + ( x ln x − x )( xe x )
4 2
1 2 x 3
= x e ln x − x2 e x ,
2 4
and hence the general solution of the nonhomogeneous differential equation
1 3
y( x ) = C1 e x + C2 xe x + x2 e x ln x − x2 e x .
2 4
d2 y dy
− 5 + 4y = 7 cos(3x ) , y (0) = 1 , y0 (0) = 2.
dx2 dx
d2 y dy
+ 6 + 9y = 4x2 + 5 , y (0) = 7 , y(1) = −3.
dx2 dx
4 16 23
y( x ) = C1 e−3x + C2 xe−3x + x2 − x + .
9 27 27
The boundary conditions give two equations to solve for the unknowns, C1
and C2 :
y (0) = 7 ⇒ 7 = C1 + ,
4 16 23
y (1) = −3 ⇒ −3 = C1 e−3 + C2 e−3 + − + .
9 27 27
Solving this pair of algebraic equations gives
F (s) = e−st f (t) dt
defined for all s ∈ R for which the above improper integral is convergent.
We often write F (s) as L( f ), or, more precisely L( f )(s).
L(1) = .
Notice that here F (s) is not defined for all real values of s, just for s > 0.
The definition of the ILT now implies that
L = 1.
L(tn ) = e−st tn dt.
Substituting u = ts gives
Z∞ Z∞
u n du 1 n!
L(tn ) = e−u = n+1 un e−u du = n+1 ( for s > 0)
s s s s
0 0
e( a−s)t
−st at
F (s) = e e dt =
0 0
1 1 1
=− + lim e(a−s)t = .
a−s a − s t→∞ s−a
Thus, the integral exists for s > a (note F (s) does not exist for s ≤ a) and
L(e at ) = ( s > a ).
L = e at ( t ≥ 0).
Example 11.5. Let f (t) = sin( at) for some a 6= 0, and let F = L( f ).
Notice that for s > 0 we have lim e−st sin( at) = 0 (by the Squeeze Theo-
rem); similarly, lim e−st cos( at) = 0. Using this and two integrations by
parts, we get
Z∞ Z∞
F (s) = e−st sin( at) dt = − (e−st )0 sin( at) dt
0 0
1 a
= − [e−st sin( at)]0∞ + e−st cos( at) dt
s s
= 0− (e−st )0 cos( at) dt
a −st a2
= − 2
[e cos( at)]0∞ − 2 e−st sin( at) dt
s s
a a2
= 2 − 2 F ( s ).
s s
This gives an equation for F (s):
a a2
F (s) = − F ( s ).
s2 s2
It is a matter of simple algebra to rearrange to deduce that
L(sin( at)) = F (s) = 2 ( s > 0).
s + a2
It is then immediately obvious that
L −1 2 = sin( at).
s + a2
Example 11.7. Find L−1 .
s ( s − 1)
1 1 1
Solution: We decompose in partial fractions: = − .
s ( s − 1) s−1 s
1 1 1 1 1
L −1 = L −1 − = L −1 − L −1 = et − 1.
s ( s − 1) s−1 s s−1 s
Exercise 11.1.3. Use the linearity of the Laplace transform and some of
the above examples to find the Laplace transforms of:
(a) f (t) = cos t − sin t
(b) f (t) = t2 − 3t + 5
(c) f (t) = 3e−t + sin(6t)
Exercise 11.1.4. Use the linearity of the inverse Laplace transform and
some of the above examples to find the inverse Laplace transforms of:
(a) F (s) = − , s > −16
s + 16
(b) F (s) = 2 , s>3
s −9
3 1
(c) F (s) = + 2, s > 7
s−7 s
Example 11.10. For f (t) = e at , we saw in Example 11.4 that the trans-
form exists for s > a. This is consistent with Theorem 11.9 since f (t)
is of exponential order ≤ a: taking M = 1 and γ = a we see that
| f (t)| ≤ Me at for all t ≥ 0.
2 2
Example 11.11. For f (t) = et there are no M and γ for which et ≤
Meγt for all t ≥ 0. In very informal terms, et grows more quickly than
eγt for any γ. The Laplace transform L(et ) does not exist in this case.
This example proves that not every well-defined function necessarily has a
Laplace transform.
L −1 = e at for s > a
1 1
L −1 = sin( at), for s > 0
s2 + a2 a
L −1 = cos( at), for s > 0.
s2 + a2
2s − 1 A B C
F (s) = = + + .
(s − 1)(s + 1)(s + 3) s−1 s+1 s+3
This is equivalent to
1 −1 1 3 1 7 1
= L + L −1 − L −1
8 s−1 4 s+1 8 s+3
1 t 3 −t 7 −3t
= e + e − e .
8 4 8
2s2 − s + 4
Example 11.13. Suppose F (s) = , for s ≥ 0. To find
s3 + 4s
f (t) = L ( F ), we first use partial fractions:
2s2 − s + 4 A Bs + C
F (s) = 2
= + 2 .
s ( s + 4) s s +4
This is equivalent to
−1 1 s 1
−1 −1 −1
f (t) = L ( F ) = L +L −L
s s2 + 4 s2 + 4
= 1 + cos(2t) − sin(2t).
Exercise 11.2.1. Use partial fractions to find the inverse Laplace trans-
forms of:
(a) F (s) = −
(s + 1)(s2 + 1)
(b) F (s) = 4
s − 16
Z∞ ∞ Z∞
−st 0 −st
G (s) = e f (t) dt = e f (t) +s e−st f (t) dt
0 0
= − f (0) + lim e−st f (t) + sF (s) = sF (s) − f (0)
Exercise 11.3.1. Use the formula for the Laplace transform of a derivative
to find:
(a) L(te at )
(b) L(tn e at )
Given the technique used to deduce the form of G (s) we can re-
peat the process to obtain the Laplace transforms of higher deriva-
tives of f (t) (provided some regularity conditions are satisfied). For
so that
L( f 00 )(s) = s2 L( f )(s) − s f (0) − f 0 (0).
where a, b are constants and r (t) is a given function, such that y(t)
satisfies the initial conditions
y ( 0 ) = K0 , y 0 ( 0 ) = K1 .
where R(s) = L(r )(s). In terms of Y (s) = L(y), this gives the
so we have
R ( s ) + ( s + a ) K0 + K1
Y (s) = .
s2 + as + b
R ( s ) + ( s + a ) K0 + K1
−1 −1
y(t) = L (Y ) = L .
s2 + as + b
This method will become clearer with some examples.
Example 11.18. Solve the initial value problem
3 1
= − t + et − e−t .
2 2
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 197
s2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Y (s) = 2
= · − · + · 2 .
(s − 1)(s + 1)(s + 1) 4 s−1 4 s+1 2 s +1
1 −1 1 1 −1 1 1 −1 1
y(t) = L (Y ) = L − L + L
4 s−1 4 s+1 2 s2 + 1
1 1 1
= et − e−t + sin t.
4 4 2
Exercise 11.4.1. Solve the initial value problems using the Laplace
transform :
(a) y0 (t) − 9y(t) = t, y(0) = 5
(b) y00 (t) − 4y0 (t) + 4y(t) = cos t, y(0) = 1, y0 (0) = −1
(c) y00 (t) − 5y0 (t) + 6y(t) = e−t , y(0) = 0, y0 (0) = 2
(d) y(4) (t) − 4y(t) = 0, y(0) = 1, y0 (0) = 0, y00 (0) = −2, y000 (0) = 0
We have now seen the general strategy for solving differential equa-
tions using Laplace transforms; we transform the differential prob-
lem to an algebraic one for Y (s) and then, given our knowledge of
inverse Laplace transforms, we attempt to reconstruct the form of
y(t). It is this last step that is potentially the tricky one for there is
always the possibility that Y (s) is of a form we do not recognise.
The situation gets worse. It is relatively straightforward to find
the Laplace transform of a function in as much that given an f (t)
we can, at least theoretically, compute F (s) using the definition of
a Laplace transform but, unfortunately, there is no easy equivalent
definition for going in the reverse direction (ie. given F (s), deduce
Theorem 11.20. If F (s) is the Laplace transform of f (t) for s > b, then
the Laplace transform of e at f (t) is
Proof. We have
Z∞ Z∞
at −st at
L e f (t) = e e f (t) dt = e−(s−a)t f (t) dt = F (s − a)
0 0
L(e at tn )(s) = L(tn )(s − a) = ( s > a ).
( s − a ) n +1
For example,
L(e2t t4 )(s) = L(t4 )(s − 2) = ( s > 2).
( s − 2)5
1 1
Solution: Notice = F (s − a) for F (s) = n . We know that
(s − a)n s
t n −1
f (t) = L−1 ( F )(s) = .
( n − 1) !
It follows that, for any integer n ≥ 1, we have
1 e at tn−1
L −1 n
(t) = e at f (t) = .
(s − a) ( n − 1) !
For example,
1 e−2t t2 t2 e−2t
L −1 (t) = = .
( s + 2)3 2! 2
1 1
G (s) = = .
s2 − 4s + 7 ( s − 2)2 + 3
Solution: We have G (s) = F (s − 2), where F (s) = , so
s2 +3
1 √
L−1 ( F )(t) = √ sin( 3t).
1 √
By Theorem 11.20, L−1 ( G )(t) = √ e2t sin( 3t).
Here is a more complicated example.
2s 2s
G (s) = = .
s2 + 2s + 5 ( s + 1)2 + 4
Solution: We use a similar method to the previous example.
2( s + 1) − 2
L −1 ( G ) ( t ) = L −1
( s + 1)2 + 4
2s − 2
= e − t L −1 2
s +4
s 1
= e − t L −1 2 2 − 2
s + 22 s 2 + 22
= e−t [2 cos(2t) − sin(2t)].
0 , t<a
g(t)[ H (t − a) − H (t − b)] = g(t) , a ≤ t < b
0 , t≥b
Theorem 11.26. If the Laplace transform of f (t) is F (s) for s > b, then
for any a ≥ 0 we have
You can try to prove this result (it involves the definition of the
Laplace transform of H and one change of coordinate).
This is still not in the form required in order to use Theorem 11.26:
in the second term we have to write 1 − 4t as a function of t − 3. Since
t = (t − 3) + 3, we have 1 − 4t = 1 − 4(t − 3) − 12 = −4(t − 3) − 11.
g(t) = t − [4(t − 3) + 11] H (t − 3).
We now apply Theorem 11.26 with f (t) = 4t + 11.
4 11
−3s −3s
L([4(t − 3) + 11] H (t − 3)) = L( f (t − 3) H (t − 3))(s) = e F (s) = e 2
+ .
s s
1 4 11
L( g)(s) = 2 − e−3s + .
s s2 s
Example 11.29. Find L .
Solution: We apply the theorem with a = 4 and F (s) = 3 , so that
−4s s
L −1 = f (t − 4) H (t − 4). All we have to do is determine f (t).
From the table we get that f (t) = t2 , so that,
e ( t − 4 ) 2 0 if t < 4
L −1 3
= H ( t − 4 ) = 1
s 2 2
(t − 4) if t ≥ 4
y00 + y = H (t − 1) − H (t − 2)
e−s e−2s
s2 Y (s) − sy(0) − y0 (0) + Y (s) = −
s s
and solving for Y yields that
1 1
Y (s) = + (e−s − e−2s ) 2
s2 + 1 s ( s + 1)
1 1 s
= 2 −s
+ (e − e )−2s
− 2 We used partial fractions here.
s +1 s s +1
1 −s 1 s −2s 1 s
= 2 +e − 2 −e − 2 .
s +1 s s +1 s s +1
sin t,
y(t) = sin t + 1 − cos(t − 1), 1≤t<2
sin t − cos(t − 1) + cos(t − 2), 2≤t
0 if 0 ≤ t < 4
f (t) =
12 if t ≥ 4,
F (s) = L( f )(s) = e−st f (t) dt
d 2ωs
L(t sin(ωt)) = − F 0 (s) = − = 2 .
ds s2 + ω 2 ( s + ω 2 )2
Exercise 11.6.1. Use Theorem 11.31 twice to find the Laplace transform
of f (t) = t2 cos(ωt).
11.7 Convolution
This result tells us that if f (t) and g(t) have Laplace transforms
F (s) and G (s) respectively then the function ( f ∗ g)(t) has Laplace
transform F (s) G (s).
K (s) =
( s − 1)2 ( s − 3)2
1 1
L −1 = tet = f (t) , L−1 = te3t = g(t).
( s − 1)2 ( s − 3)2
1 1
L −1 ( K ) = L −1 · = f (t) ∗ g(t)
( s − 1) ( s − 3)2
Zt Zt
= f (u) g(t − u) du = ueu (t − u)e3(t−u) du
0 0
= e3t (tu − u2 )e−2u du.
t − 1 + (t + 1)e−2t
(tu − u2 )e−2u du = .
Example 11.36. Find the inverse Laplace transform of F (s) =
( s2 + 1)2
using the Convolution Theorem.
1 1 1
Solution: Since F (s) = · and L−1 ( 2 ) = sin(t),
( s2 + 1) ( s2 + 1) s +1
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 205
f (t) =L ( F ) = sin(t) ∗ sin(t) = sin(u) sin(t − u) du
= [cos(u − (t − u)) − cos(u + (t − u))] du (using the cosine sum formula)
= [cos(2u − t) − cos t] du
1 1
= sin(2u − t) − u cos t
2 2 0
1 1
= sin t − t cos t.
2 2
Exercise 11.7.1. In the same manner as the previous example, show that
s2 1 1
L = sin t + t cos t .
( s2 + 1)2 2 2
(c) 2
s + 16
We will use an example to demonstrate how the convolution
Theorem can be applied to solve differential equations.
1 1
Y (s) = + (1 − e − s ) 2
s2 + 1 s ( s + 1)
1 1 s e−s 1
= 2 + − 2 − · 2 .
s +1 s s +1 s s +1
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of this and using the Convolution
Theorem for the last term, we get
H (t − 1) ∗ (sin t) = H (u − 1) sin(t − u) du = 0, for t < 1
H (t − 1) ∗ (sin t) = H (u − 1) sin(t − u) du
= sin(t − u) du
= [cos(t − u)]1t
= [1 − cos(t − 1)].
Exercise 11.7.3. Solve the following initial value problems using Laplace
(a) y00 (t) + 4y0 (t) + 13y(t) = f (t), y(0) = y0 (0) = 0, where f (t) = 1
for 0 ≤ t < π and f (t) = 0 for t ≥ π.
(b) y00 (t) + 2y0 (t) + 2y(t) = sin t, y(0) = y0 (0) = 0
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 207
L ( f (t)) = F (s) = f (t)e−st dt
1. . e−. as .
1 H (t − a)
s s
1 . tn.−1 . .
, n ∈ Z+ e− as F (s) f (t − a) H (t − a)
sn ( n − 1) !
1. . . .
e at F (s − a) e at f (t)
1 . t.n−1 . .
, n ∈ Z+ e at sF (s) − f (0) f 0 (t)
(s − a) ( n − 1) !
1. sin(.ωt) . .
s2 F ( s ) − s f (0) − f 0 (0) f 00 (t)
s2 + ω 2 ω
s. . . .
cos(ωt) F 0 (s) −t f (t)
s2 + ω2
1. e at sin. (ωt) . .
F (n) ( s ) (−t)n f (t)
( s − a )2 + ω 2 ω
s −. a . .
F (s)
Zt .
e at cos(ωt) f (u) du
( s − a )2 + ω 2 s
Higher derivatives:
L f ( n ) ( t ) = s n F ( s ) − s n −1 f (0 ) − s n −2 f 0 (0 ) − · · · − s f ( n −2) (0 ) − f ( n −1) (0 )
Appendix - Useful formulas
(Natural) logarithmic function: Note that ln x is shorthand for loge x.
y = ln x
y = ln x, Domain (0, ∞), Range R. x
Cancellation equations:
ln(e x ) = x and eln x = x.
e x ey = e x +y = e x −y (e x )y = e xy
ln( xy) = ln x + ln y ln = ln x − ln y ln( x y ) = y ln x
O 1 H
sin θ = H ; cosec θ = sin θ = O; Note that cosec θ is also known as just
A 1 H csc θ.
cos θ = H ; sec θ = cos θ = A;
O tan θ = O
A cot θ = 1
tan θ = A
= O/H
θ sin θ
A = cos θ .
π π
4 3
2 2
1 1
π π
4 6
1 3
Trigonometric functions:
Trigonometric properties:
dy du dv
The product rule: If y = uv then =v +u .
dx dx dx
du dv
u dy v −u
The quotient rule: If y = then = dx dx .
v dx v2
dy dy du
The chain rule: If y = f (u) and u = g( x ) then = × .
dx du dx
a x2 + a2 x √
x x x2 − a2
u u u
√ a a
a2 − x2
(j) Reference triangle for (k) Reference triangle for (l) Reference triangle for
x = a sin u x = a tan u x = a sec u
P( x )
A rational function f ( x ) = with deg( P( x )) < deg( Q( x )) can
Q( x )
be decomposed into partial fractions as follows:
P( x ) A1 Ak
f (x) = = +···+ ,
( x − a1 ) · · · ( x − a k ) x − a1 x − ak
where a1 , . . . , ak are pairwise distinct.
P( x ) B1 B2 Bc−1 Bc
f (x) = c
= + +···+ + .
( x − a) x − a ( x − a) 2 ( x − a) c − 1 ( x − a)c
P( x ) A1 C x + C2
f (x) = = + 21 .
( x − a)( x2 + bx + c) x−a x + bx + c
Integration by parts:
u dv = uv − v du.
u dv
. .
Logarithmic .
Inverse trigonometric
math1012 mathematical theory and methods 213
dy . .
y y dx
0 a (constant) ax + C
. . x n+1.
nx n−1 x n (n 6= −1) +C
1 . 1 . −1 .
− or − x −2 or x ln x + C
x2 x
ex ex ex + C
1. . .
ln x x ln x − x + C
cos x sin x − cos x + C
− sin x cos x sin x + C
sec.2 x tan. x ln(sec .x ) + C
− cot x cosec x cosec x ln(cosec x − cot x ) + C
tan x sec x sec x ln(sec x + tan x ) + C
−cosec. 2x cot. x ln(sin .x ) + C
√ . .
sin−1 x
x sin−1 x + 1 − x2 + C
1 − x2
.1 . .
cos−1 x x cos−1 x −
−√ 1 − x2 + C
1 − x2
1. . 1.
tan−1 x x tan−1 x − ln(1 + x2 ) + C
1 + x2 2
L ( f (t)) = F (s) = f (t)e−st dt
1. . e−. as .
1 H (t − a)
s s
1 . tn.−1 . .
, n ∈ Z+ e− as F (s) f (t − a) H (t − a)
sn ( n − 1) !
1. . . .
e at F (s − a) e at f (t)
1 . t.n−1 . .
, n ∈ Z+ e at sF (s) − f (0) f 0 (t)
(s − a) ( n − 1) !
1. sin(.ωt) . .
s2 F ( s ) − s f (0) − f 0 (0) f 00 (t)
s2 + ω 2 ω
s. . . .
cos(ωt) F 0 (s) −t f (t)
s2 + ω2
1. e at sin. (ωt) . .
F (n) ( s ) (−t)n f (t)
( s − a )2 + ω 2 ω
s −. a . .
F (s)
Zt .
e at cos(ωt) f (u) du
( s − a )2 + ω 2 s
Higher derivatives:
L f ( n ) ( t ) = s n F ( s ) − s n −1 f (0 ) − s n −2 f 0 (0 ) − · · · − s f ( n −2) (0 ) − f ( n −1) (0 )