Maths in Data Science
Maths in Data Science
Maths in Data Science
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1 author:
Mangipudi Madhavilata
G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science
All content following this page was uploaded by Mangipudi Madhavilata on 14 July 2021.
Mathematics is new Engineering. Mathematics is not only used in theoretical concepts but also applied in areas like
image compression, speech recognition. Math builds an ability to look at problems differently and solve them, making
it suitable for a career in Analytics. Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Probability are in big demand in Data Science,
AI & ML. In this Paper Mathematical Concepts that are required for Data Science are considered.
Linear Algebra: To understand the basic ideas in data science it is necessary to have fundamental
grounding in math principles. This is an essential branch of Mathematics for understanding how Machine
Learning algorithm works on a stream of Data to create insight. Everything from Facebook to Spotify
transferring data involves matrices and matrix algebra. Data representation is very important in data science
and one way of representing is in matrix form. So concepts in matrices are very important to know Also data
contains several variables, out of these one should know how many variables are really used or important .In
understanding data it is very important to know matrices and concepts of linear Algebra.
Here are topics in linear algebra which are needed to understand Data Science
Matrices: Matrices can be used to represent the data. Data matrix could be data which is representing
the model where coefficient of several equations are there. Next Rank is the concept that can be used
to identify the number of linear relationships between the attributes purely using data.
Inner and outer product, matrix multiplication
Spatial matrices: Square matrix, identity matrix, triangular matrix, symmetric matrix, Hermitian
Matrix, Unitary Matrix
Matrix Factorization concepts: LU decomposition, Guass Jordan elimination, Solving linear system
of equations
Vector space,basis,span,orthogonality
Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Diagonalization
JETIR2105756 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) f691
© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Dimensionality Reduction- Principal component Analysis, Singular value decomposition which is
used to achieve a compact dimension representation of data set with fewer parameters .All neural
network algorithms use linear algebra techniques to represent and process network structures.
Data science by its nature is not tied to a particular subject area and many deals with phenomena as
diverse as cancer diagnosis and social behavioral analysis. This produces the possibility of a dizzy ice away
of n-dimensional mathematical objects, statistical distributions, optimization objective functions etc.
The importance of having a solid grasp over essential concepts of statistics and probability cannot be
overstated. Many practitioners in the field consider classical (non- neural network). Machine learning to be
nothing but statistical learning. This subject is vast, and focused planning is critical to cover the most
essential concepts:
Data summaries and descriptive statistics, central tendency, variance, covariance, correlation
Basic probability: Basic definitions and concepts of probability, Expectation, conditional
probability, Bayes’ theorem.
Probability Distributions
Testing of Hypothesis
Linear Regression and Multiple Regression
Time Series Analysis
Optimization is defined as a problem where you maximize or minimize a real function by systematically
choosing input values from a allowed set and computing the value of the function. So it is always applied to
get best solution.
Understanding the basic optimization techniques helps in Machine learning algorithms. Almost all machine
learning algorithms can be viewed as solutions to optimization problem and it is interesting that even in
cases where the original machine learning technique has a basis derived from other fields for example from
biology and so on one could still interpret all of these machine learning algorithms as some solution to an
optimization problem.
A basic understanding in optimization helps in :
More deeply understand the working of machine learning algorithm
Rationalize the working of algorithm and deep understanding in optimization helps in interpreting
Depending on types of constraints we study optimization problems
Constrained optimization problem: in cases where constraints is given there and we have to
have solution. Satisfying these constraints we call these constrained optimizing problem
Unconstrained Optimization problem: in these cases where constraint is missing we call them
as unconstrained optimization problems.
Hence Mathematics helps create unique and effective models in Machine Learning and Artificial
intelligence. Digital Marketing roles require people with knowledge of Math’s and Stats .Finally
Data Science jobs today require knowledge of both statistics and computing techniques.
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Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) f692