licenses three years from now. Here is a list of several organizations that provide educational opportunities for locksmiths: 1. Associated Locksmiths of America is an international trade association. ALOA hosts an enormous annual convention which includes a trade show and dozens of classes. Their website address is www.aloa.org and it includes a listing of trade schools and additional training opportunities. Their mailing address is: ALOA, 3500 Easy Street, Dallas, TX 75247. Phone number: 800-532-2562.
2. NC Locksmiths Association hosts quarterly meetings. The May and November meetings are typically in Raleigh, while the August and February meetings are typically in Charlotte. The February 2006 meeting will include a Trade Show on Saturday, February 11th followed by classes (free with Trade Show admission). Their website address is www.ncla.us. For membership information, contact Jeanette Busse at 919-828-9605. 3. Robert Danelz with Clark Security Products sponsors trainings as well. Roberts email address is bob.danelz@clarksecurity.com. Roberts toll free number is 800-343-1337 extension 2129. 4. Jake Jakubuwskis Pure Jake Learning Seminars is another source for continuing education. Jake can be reached at 919-692-0005 or toll free at 888-690-1230. Jake provides training opportunities all over the state. 5. Forrest Lock & Key, Inc. is a pre-approved sponsor for continuing education. Please contact Michael Wiggs directly for information about training events. His email address is forrestlocknc@aol.com and his phone number is (252) 752-7373. 6. Frankie Thompson Lock & Key is a pre-approved sponsor for continuing education. Frankie Thompson Lock & Key is located in the western part of the state. Frankie can be contacted at (828) 524-6789 or via email, frankietho@aol.com. 7. Elite CEU is a Texas-based company. However, Elite CEU is a pre-approved sponsor for continuing education in North Carolina. Please contact Kaleb Brashear at (512) 351-7368 or at kbrashear@eliteceu.com. 8. The Security Technical Institute has been approved for online trainings. Our contact person with this organization is Tom Lynch. Login as a GUEST if you are a first time user.
9. Wayne County Community College has established a locksmith training series that may be used to apprentice education and CEU credit. Contact Carlos Cotto at 919-735-5151 or ccotto@waynecc.edu for more information. 10. Stanly County Community College also organizes trainings with local locksmiths and distributors. Contact Betty ONeal at (704) 991-0142 or boneal8048@stanly.edu for more information 11. IDN-Armstrongs, Inc and KABA host trainings in the Raleigh area. If interested contact Reggie or Gene at 919-277-0007 or 800-673-3330. 13. Bob Schnarr, of Rutherford Controls, Inc., will be hosting continuing education classes throughout North Carolina. He may be reached at 800-2656630 ext. 2503 or bob.schnarr@rutherfordcontrols.com. 14. Robert V. MacCarger, of Protec-U Corporation, is offering trainings in the western portion of the state. He can be reached at 828-456-2548 or locksmith@protec-u.com. 15. Jim Storie, of High Country Locksmith Seminars, will be hosting trainings in the western part of the state. He may be reached at 828-963-1847 or jstorie@skybest.com. 16. Wilmon Davis, Jr., of Carolina Lock and Key, Inc. will be offering trainings in the Greensboro area. He can be reached at 336-292-4167. 17. Vance-Granville Community College has been approved for a 24 hour continuing education series. The contact for the training is Garland Elliott, at Elliott@vgcc.edu or 252-738-3288. 18. Brent Edwards, Jr. of Master Lock Co. has been approved for trainings. He may be reached at 800-588-5528 x 6188 or b.edwards@mlock.com 19. Lockmasters Inc. is now an approved sponsor of continuing education. You may contact Cheryl Holland at 853-885-6041 ext. 329 or cherylholland@locksmasters.com to learn more about course they offer.
20. Michael Griffin of Chesterfield, SC teaches courses from his warehouse that locksmiths may take to earn credit. He may be reached at 800-301-3562 or 843-623-2195. He will be offering safe courses March 6 and 7, 2010. 21. Scott Adamczak from Ingersall-Rand Security hosts classes and is based out of the Charlotte area. He may be reached at scott_adamczak@irco.com.
22. Fred Ploeger, Jr of Elizabeth City has been approved to teach courses. He may be reached at keyslocksmith@embarqmail.com or 252-338-5625. 23. The Olde North State Chapter of the ILA will be providing courses. The chapter website is http://ila-onsc.embarqspace.com/ 24. Andy Dennison, CPS, CPL will be representing trainings from approved sponsor MBA USA, Inc. He may be reached at 859-885-7193 or andy@mbausa.com 25. Derek Hooker, of Preferred Locksmithing Seminars, offers training throughout the state. Preferred Locksmithing Seminars is an accredited source of education for licensed locksmiths to get the Continuing Education required for their license, and beyond. Classes include impressioning, master keying, wafer reading, and more. One-on-One, Hands-On, and Lecture Classes Available. Call 877-636-8384 (M-F 8am-5pm) to book classes. We may also be contacted at the_impressionator@yahoo.com or by joining the group Preferred Locksmithing Seminars on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=295294475217
26. Gary Stewart of Clyde, NC is an expert in safes in the western part of the state. He may be reached at 828-627-3924. 27. Rocky Top Lock and Safe of South Hill, VA may be reached at rockytop@msinets.com. 28. Angel Lock and Key in Greensboro, NC may be reached at angellockandkey@gmail.com.
The NC Locksmith Licensing Board website invites class sponsors to advertise their classes on our website. Check in frequently to see what classes are being offered in your area. www.nclocksmithboard.org