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while distributing

A booklet to help the devotees distribute

sets of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam of
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Do not worry, in spite of war,

̄ ad-Bhā gavatam will be distributed. We don't care for war.
Letter to: Radhavallabha, New Delhi, 21 August, 1975
Distribute especially Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

Bhagavad-gıt̄ā is the preliminary study of spiritual life, ABCD of

spiritual life. The people cannot understand even the ABCD of
Bhagavad-gıt̄ā , and Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the graduate study. So
everything is there. Unfortunately it was not distributed. So our
Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness movement has started to distribute this
literature, especially Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

Lecture on Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.5.11, London,
September 12, 1973

Available in many languages @ all ISKCON temples

There is no comparison. There is no literature

throughout the universe like Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
There is no comparison. There is no competition.
Every word is for the good of the human society.
Every word, each and every word. Therefore we
stress so much in the book distribution.
Lecture on Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.16.8, Los Angeles, 5 January, 1974
FAQs while distributing
(One can intelligently apply the same for Srı̄ Caitanya-
caritā mṛ ta
sets also possibly knowing some glories of Lord
Caitanya Mahā prabhu)
There can be unlimited objections by the
conditioned souls to reject the mercy of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam and there can be unlimited answers
by the expert devotees of the Lord for the
o b j e c t i o n s p o s e d . D evo te e s a re a lways
instruments in the divine plan of Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa to
make transcendental knowledge available to
fallen conditioned souls. So, we should serve
vigorously depending on Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇ a’s mercy.
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, being non-different from
Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, who is svarā ṭ , agrees to go to a person’s
house only by His and His devotee’s
inconceivable mercy. We are unlimitedly grateful
to Srıl̄a Prabhupā da for having showered the
n e c t a r o f S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā gava t a m w i t h h i s
Bhaktivedanta purports on all the conditioned
souls of this wretched kali yuga. We can never
repay our debt to Srı̄la Prabhupā da however
much and whatever service we do to him. One
can truly begin to understand the glories of Srıl̄a
Prabhupā da by reading his books. And it
becomes impossible to stop sharing this wisdom
to others.

Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the most voluminous

contribution of Srı̄la Prabhupā da among his
many books. Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam is the
unalloyed guidance for the Gaudiya Vaiṣ ṇava. It
was Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu’s wish that the
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam be preached in every nook
and corner of the world by those who happened
to take their birth in India. Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
a cultural presentation for the respiritualization
of the entire human society. The sincere
followers of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da in order to change
the demoniac face of society should in all ways
make a propaganda for this literature by
distributing it. Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam will not only
diminish the activities of the corrupt mind of the
people in general, but also it will supply food for
their hankering after reading some interesting
literature. We must only be enthusiastic and
sincerely desire to attempt and distribute
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

Often, the experience of devotees shows that

without pushing, the whole set of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam is dif icult to be distributed. One
thing book distributors clearly observe in their
book distribution is that the reasons that the
people (at least in India) give for not taking a
book or Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam are only spurious.
Just to escape from the purchase one gives all
types of strange reasons or asks bizarre
questions. De initely discretion is needed
because the situation, time, person, status of
mind and place are not the same in every case.
We should always pray to Srıl̄a Prabhupā da and
Srı̄ Kṛ ṣ ṇ a for their mercy, intelligence and
guidance for every encounter. Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa
gives us the intelligence if we are sincere in our
efforts to push forward the saṅ kı̄ r tana
movement of Lord Caitanya Mahā prabhu.

March of Conquest
So those who have taken to Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness
preaching work, they should always know that
things are not going to happen so easily. Mā yā is
very, very strong. Very, very strong. But still, we
have to struggle against mā yā . It is a declaration
of war with the mā yā . Mā yā is keeping the living
entities under her control, and we are trying to
save the living entity from her un... That is the
difference. Kā lo vaś ı-̄kṛ ta-visṛ jya-visarga-ś aktiḥ .
This ś akti, visarga-ś aktiḥ , is very, very strong, but
it is under the control. Although it is very, she is
very, very strong, but she is under the control of
Kṛ ṣṇa. – Lecture on Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 7.9.22
— Mā yā pur, February 29, 1976

All glories to Srı̄ l a Prabhupā da and all his

Saṅ kı̄ r tana Army Warriors! We are always
ighting against the external energy of Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa.
Though we ight on an everyday basis in defence
mode with her with not much offense, this
saṅ kır̄tana of ‘Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam distribution’
requires more offense mode. There is always
more & full protection in this mode from the guru
parampara. We are marching into the territory of
her's for conquest. Now our ighting is not to
s u r v i v e b u t c o n q u e r. W h e r e v e r S r ı̄ l a
Prabhupā da's books are there, that territory is
conquered. Maya’s territory is vast and we have
so much to conquer. Let’s ight to reclaim her
citizens who are chained by the modes of nature.
When they become Vaiṣ ṇ avas, our army
increases. On the supreme command of our great
commander in chief, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da, let our
army forces penetrate deep into the enemy's
camp. Let’s leave no territory unconquered. By
constant dropping of huge bombs in the form of
Srı̄ l a Prabhupā da's massive masterpiece
‘Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam’ in the enemy's camp, the
opponents inevitably surrender to Kṛ ṣṇa and
join the army of Lord Caitanya. Let the glorious
conquest of material energy by the powerful
raging of saṅ kı̄ r tana army through Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da books be our only object of
meditation. March! March! March! This
saṅ kı̄rtana is all glorious and all victorious.
Paraṁ vijayate ś rı-̄kṛ ṣṇa-saṅ kır̄tanam.

We desire that the readers of this booklet titled

‘FAQs while distributing Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam’ be
suf iciently blessed by Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and
be taken ‘service of distribution’ by Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam. Let the readers also sincerely
d e s i re t h a t t h e i r b uye r s t a ke S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam and in turn themselves become

1. Why to distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?

Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is non-different from Srı̄
Kṛ ṣṇa (kṛ ṣṇa-tulya bhā gavata). So, if we want to
distribute Kṛ ṣ ṇ a to everyone, we have to
d i s t r i b u t e S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m . S r ı̄ l a
Prabhupā da himself took Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to
preach Kṛ ṣṇ a consciousness in the western
world. To preach Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness without
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is not possible. Caitanya
Mahā prabhu recommended this practice: yā re
dekha, tā re kaha 'kṛ ṣṇa'-upadeś a (Cc. Madhya
7.128). “Instruct everyone to follow the orders of
Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa as they are given in the Bhagavad-
gıt̄ā and Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.”

Our own dear master Srıl̄a Prabhupā da spent

much of his time translating and commenting for
this great literature, Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Why
he translated this particular literature becomes

clear and signi icant from his famous article ‘Cult
of Lord Srı̄ Caitanya’ (pre-1967).
ā rā dhyo bhagavā n vrajeś a tanayas tad dhā ma ś rı̄
vrṇ dā vanam
ramyā kā cid upā sanā vrajavadhū vargeṇ a vā
ś rım
̄ ad-bhā gavatam amalaṁ purā ṇ aṁ
ś rı̄ - caitanya mahā prabhor matam idaṁ
tatrā darā ḥ na paraḥ
The Personality of Godhead Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, Who is
known as the son of the King of Vrajadhā ma i.e.
Srı̄ Nanda Mahā rajā , is the ultimate worshipful
Lord of all Lords. Similarly, His residential abode
namely the holy place of Vṛ ndā vana is as much
worshipful as the Lord is Himself. The ways of His
worship maybe various but the one which was
conceived by the circle of the damsels of
Vrajadhā ma is unsurpassable by any other
devotee. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam Purā ṇ am is the
unalloyed guidance for this purpose of
approaching the worshipful Lord and that is the
sum total opinion or cultural philosophy of Lord
Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu. We shall therefore as
duty-bound must bow down our heads before

the cult and shall not accept any other cultural
movement whatsoever.

As God is one, similarly, to understand Him, there

is on ly on e litera t u re. Tha t is S rı̄ m a d-
Bhā gavatam. – SPL Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam 1.2.3,
Rome, May 27, 1974

2. Where to distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?

Everywhere. Wherever we can. Online, of line. In
the streets, in railway stations, airports, malls,
crossroads, schools, colleges, parks, of ices,
towns, villages, cities, at our own house (one can
give Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to friends & relatives
who visit us, professionals like plumbers, courier
delivery men like Amazon, electricians, billers,
repairmen, milkmen, servant maid, cleaners,
vendors, newspaper men, drivers, etc who come
for their purpose can ful il our purpose to give
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam) any places missed here can
and must be distributed. In reality, devotees have
done in these places and also given Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam to these people mentioned and not
mentioned here.

It was His (Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu’s) wish that
the Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam be preached in every
nook and corner of the world by those who
happened to take their birth in India. -
Introduction, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam

3. Who can distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?

Eve r y d e vo t e e c a n d i s t r i b u t e S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam. A youthful devotee, middle aged
devotee, aged devotee, brahmacari devotee,
grhasta devotee, or even a child devotee can
distribute Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. There is no one
barred to distribute Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Even a
non-devotee can do but it is a prerogative of
devotees to do it. Lord Caitanya Mahā prabhu,
considering Himself the gardener to distribute
the fruits (nigama-kalpa-taror galitaṁ phalaṁ)
of love of God orders everyone thus
ataeva ā mi ā jñ ā diluṅ sabā kā re / yā hā ṅ tā hā ṅ
prema-phala deha’ yā re tā re
“Therefore, I order every man within this
universe to accept this Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness
movement and distribute it everywhere.” – CC
Adi 9.36

4. How to distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?
Let’s start speaking Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam to
whomever we meet. If you go to of ice, speak to
your colleagues, staffs, bosses, chaiwala. If you go
to a bank, speak to customers, bank of icials. If
you go to a grocery shop, speak to the shoppers.
Let’s just Speak! Speak! Speak! De initely, we will
ind people interested to take. We will know only
when we speak. Whatever we know about
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, let’s speak.

Though there may be many ways to distribute a

set of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, we do not know what
makes the person attracted to this literature.
Anyway, one can describe what is Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam, speak about its glories, or its
contents (subject), etc. One can even just repeat
the Preface of Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam. Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da books can be distributed on its

Many posters, pamphlets, presentations,

propaganda materials, FAQs, resource materials,
etc are available in soft content for free download

in the website
Devotees can download them all for free and
circulate among their contacts. Much can be
spoken from the posters also about Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam. Use WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram, etc to promote them. Let our status of
mind be Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

5. What are the quali ications to distribute

A sincere desire and a tongue. We should only
desire to speak to every contact we meet to buy
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam in his/ her life. Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da’s books are distributed because of
the enthusiasm of his followers. Devotees should
be really very enthusiastic to distribute Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam. Enthusiasm, patience and
con idence in the process are the necessary
qualities that will keep us going in spiritual life.
We shouldn’t merely desire but act on it by
speaking to others.

6. What if I don’t have the desire to distribute

Please desire to have a desire to distribute
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Even if we don’t have, being
duty bound, let’s desire to distribute Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam. Vaiṣ ṇavas are para dukha dukhi. So,
they involve in the greatest welfare work of
giving Krsna consciousness to others. Giving
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is giving Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa or Krsna
consciousness to others. Along with other
services we can do this wonderful service of set
distribution by calling our contacts or speaking
to people we meet. Why to miss this great
opportunity in the movement of Lord Caitanya?
It is a huge benediction to distribute this great
literature and it is available to everyone by the
mercy of Lord Caitanya.

7. How everyone can distribute 108 Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam sets in a month?
One of several techniques, devotees can follow to
distribute 108 sets of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in one
month is to call their phone contacts. Every
devotee will have a few hundreds of contacts in
their mobile phones. So, one can sit down in their
house or workplace and sincerely start
messaging / calling their friends and relatives
and start speaking Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Make a
plan to call contacts beginning with A, then B
contacts, then C contacts, etc and let everyone be
called and approached. We will be surprised to
see Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa's mercy manifested for our sincere
endeavour. Nowadays online payments are easy
and immediate. Whenever our contact con irms
the purchase, by some practical means logistics
can be handled by the temple or devotees
themselves for the delivery of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam sets. One can step out of house to
meet our huge community of neighbours or well-
wishers. Our workplace colleagues can also be
approached and spoken about Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. We can ask our buyers to
recommend his contact for buying Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. We can make distributors while
doing distribution. In this way, every devotee can
distribute many hundreds of sets of Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam.

8. What is this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?

This is that Supreme scripture which is the basis
for the culture of sanā tana dharma which the
modern Indian politicians are so much speaking
about. The Supreme Lord, Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa is the very
form of this scripture. Here are some more
descriptions from the teachings of Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da.

1. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is not only a superior

literature but is the ripened fruit of all Vedic
literatures. In other words, it is the cream of all
Vedic knowledge. - Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.1.3.
2. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the transcendental
science not only for knowing the ultimate source
of everything but also for knowing our relation
with Him and our duty toward perfection of the
human society on the basis of this perfect
knowledge. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam Preface.
3 . S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m i s a n a t u r a l
commentation on the Brahma-sū tra, or the
Bā darā yaṇ i Vedā nta-sū tras. It is called natural
because Vyā sadeva is author of both the Vedā nta-
sū tras and Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, or the essence of
all Vedic literatures. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.1.7
4. The Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the transcendental
sound representation of the Personality of

Godhead, and thus it is the full representation of
transcendental knowledge and religious
principles. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.1.23
5. Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is as great as Kṛ ṣṇa, the
Supreme Lord and shelter of everything. In each
and every verse of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and in
each and every syllable, there are various
meanings. - CC Madhya 24.318
6. Just as the Gaṅ gā is the greatest of all rivers,
Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord
Sambhu [Siva] the greatest of Vaiṣ ṇavas, so
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam is the greatest of all
Purā ṇ as. – Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.16
7. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the spotless Purā ṇ a,
and it is especially meant for those who desire to
get out of the material entanglement
permanently. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.2.4
8 . S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m i s t h e s p e c i a l
contribution of Srı̄ l a Vyā sadeva. – Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.4.3
9. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the history of the
activities of the Lord. And the activities of the
Lord are performed in relation with the devotees
of the Lord. Therefore, the history of the devotees

is not different from the history of Lord Kṛ ṣṇa's
activities. – Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.18.9
10. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the philosophy of
devotional service and the scienti ic
presentation of man's relationship with the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. – Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam 2.7.52
11. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the easiest way of
d i re c t ly a p p ro a c h i n g K ṛ ṣ ṇ a . – S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam 10.12.7
12. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the best of all Purā ṇ as.
– Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.3
13. All other Puranic scriptures shine forth in the
assembly of saintly devotees only as long as that
great ocean of nectar, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, is not
heard. – Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.14
14. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is declared to be the
essence of all Vedā nta philosophy. One who has
felt satisfaction from its nectarean mellow will
never be attracted to any other literature. –
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.15
(Refer our book 'Preaching Means Book
Distribution' for more glories of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam.)
Understanding the universality of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da therefore writes
in his purport to Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.5.11 that,
"We are sure, therefore, that everyone in human
society will welcome Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, even
though it is now presented with so many faults,
for it is recommended by Srı̄ Nā rada, who has
very kindly appeared in this chapter."

9. How to be enthusiastic to distribute

Distribute Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and enthusiasm
comes. Read Srı̄ l a Prabhupā da books and
naturally unlimited enthusiasm comes. Hear
Srı̄la Prabhupā da’s lectures and we will see
unlimited enthusiasm mixed with urgency,
earnestness and compassion for saving the
conditioned souls reverberantly lowing in his
Vaikunta voice. One should accept this
opportunity very enthusiastically. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a's
service is so nice that we try to engage ourselves
more and more. Then we'll get more and more
Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness, more enthusiasm. Krsna
c o n s c i o u s n e s s p ro c e s s i t s e l f i s a ve r y
enthusiastic process. There is no laziness or
dullness or voidness or absolute oneness in
Krsna consciousness. Our business is to be
a l w a y s e n t h u s i a s t i c t o s p e a k S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam to everyone just as Srı̄ Narada Muni
was always enthusiastic to speak the message of
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to a varied range of people
from Prajapatis (Daksa) to universal rulers (King
Uttā napā da, King Priyavrata, King Dhruva, King
Prā cın
̄ abarhi) to a child within womb (Prahlada
Maharaja) to a hunter in a forest (Mrgari), etc.
Our dear Srıl̄a Prabhupā da was so enthusiastic
even in his old age to preach Krsna consciousness
in the western world. He was enthusiastic to
come to America because his guru ordered him
to come, and when for a whole year he got almost
no response in America, he remained patient, but
still enthusiastic. That enthusiasm can be heard
on tape recordings of Prabhupā da’s lectures on
the Lower East Side, his voice often cracking with
earnestness as he delivered the Kṛ ṣṇa conscious

There is a proveb in Sanskrit literature that

enthusiastic persons achieve the favor of the
Goddess of Fortune. In the Western part of the
world there is tangible example of this slogan.
People in this part of the world are very much
enthusiastic in material advancement and they
have got it . Similarly, according to the
instructions of Srila Rupa Goswami, if we become
enthusiastic in spiritual matters, then we also get
success in that way. Take for example, I came to
your country in ripe old age, but I had one asset:
enthusiasm and faith in my Spiritual Master. I
think these assets only are giving me some lights
of hope, whatever I have achieved so far with
your cooperation. I hope this will meet you in
good health. - Letter to: Jayagovinda —
Tittenhurst, 15 October, 1969

I am especially glad to note that everyone is

feeling so much enthusiasm to work very hard in
this preaching mission. That enthusiasm must be
maintained under all circumstance. That is our
price for entering into Krsna's kingdom. And
maya is always trying to take away our
enthusiasm to serve Krsna, because without
enthusiasm everything else is inished. - Letter
to: Dhananjaya - Bombay, 31 December, 1972

Srıl̄a Prabhupā da was so enthusiastic to write

̄ ad-Bhā gavatam that he would rise at one in
the morning to do so. His composing of his
purports was the perfect example of combined
patience and enthusiasm. We also just follow the
fo o t p r i n t s o f S r ı̄ l a P ra b h u p ā d a a n d b e
enthusiastic and also patient in our Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam distribution. Victory is sure. paraṁ
vijayate ś rı-̄kṛ ṣṇa-saṅ kır̄tanam.

10. Any auspicious time to distribute Śrīmad-

Immediately. Anytime, any day, any month it can
be done. It is always a bad time for the
conditioned souls for not having awakened to the
real knowledge. Any opportunity to speak to a
person is the best time to speak and distribute
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

11. Should everyone distribute Śrīmad-

Everyone in this movement of ISKCON is already
somehow participating directly or indirectly in
the propagation of this knowledge. There are
many possibilities that a set of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam can be distributed by a devotee to
his/ her mobile contacts or relatives or
neighbours easily than by a regular saṅ kır̄tana
devotee. So, why not we give a sincere endeavour
to distribute a good number of sets of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to our contacts in our life. Caitanya
Mahā prabhu also said, yā re dekha tā re kaha
'kṛ ṣṇa'-upadeś a [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. Simply you
preach the instruction of Kṛ ṣṇa, whomever you

12. Should we give Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam to

Yes, Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam is for all. Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam, therefore, is meant for all the living
beings all over the universe for total liberation
from all kinds of material bondage. (Srı̄mad-
B hā gava t a m 1. 5. 13) S in c e S rı̄ Ca it a nya
Mahā prabhu is the Absolute Personality of
Godhead, He is both Bhagavā n and Bhā gavatam
in person and in sound. Therefore, His process of
approaching the Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is practical
for all people of the world. - Introduction,
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the
summum bonum remedy for suffering humanity
in the clutches of mā yā . Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam
1.7.5, pp. Refer Question 13 for some more
related answers.

13. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is meant for

paramahamsas. Why to give anyone and
S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m i s s a i d t o b e t h e
Pā ramahaṁsa-saṁhitā . No doubt about this. But
also, the same Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam was
compiled by Vedavyasa for the mass of people is
a l s o c o n i r m e d i n S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā gava t a m .
lokasyā jā nato vidvā ṁś cakre sā tvata-saṁhitā m
(Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam 1.7.6) Srı̄la Prabhupā da
says in that passage that Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
the summum bonum remedy for suffering
humanity in the clutches of mā yā . Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da also says in the introduction that
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the purely transcendental
urge of the soul. In another purport, Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da says that Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the
topmost theological science, and therefore it can
react on the laymen as medicinal doses. Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam is so made that one becomes at once
engaged in the path of self-realization simply by
hearing the topics. Although it is especially
meant for the paramahaṁsas, or those who are
totally engaged in self-realization, it works into
the depths of the hearts of those who may be
worldly men - 1.7.8. The reading matter is so
arranged with its original Sanskrit text, its
English transliteration, synonyms, translation
and purports so that one is sure to become a God-
realized soul at the end of inishing the irst nine
cantos. (Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam Preface) Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da also practically demonstrated &
encouraged his disciples to distribute his
volumes of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to the mlechas
and yavanas in a larger scale.

14. Can we give Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam to

someone who doesn’t have Bhagavad-gītā?
Yes. No issue. We can always supplement
Bhagavad-gıt̄ā with a Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam set.
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da began his preaching in the west
by distributing his irst canto copies of Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam and later Bhagavad-gı̄ t ā was
available for us.

15. Can we read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam before

The general recommendation is that one takes
up the subject matter of Bhagavad-gıt̄ā irst, then
proceeds to Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. But as Srı̄la
Prabhupā da has said that the spiritual life is not a
stereotype. It is not that everyone is beginning
their devotional service at the same percentage
and advancing at the same speed. We see many
devotees in our movement who came to Krsna
consciousness after reading the Krsna book
which is the summary study of the tenth canto of
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Both Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam
a n d B h a g a v a d - g ı̄ t ā a r e o n t h e s a m e
transcendental platform. And who understands
the subject matter of Bhagavad-gıt̄ā will delve
deeply into Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. And those who
relish Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam will also equally
relish the message of Bhagavad-gıt̄ā .

Our policy in saṅ kır̄tana should be to give as
many books of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da as possible. Let
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam distribution not be
hampered just because one has not read or
possess Bhagavad-gıt̄ā . In fact, by giving Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam, there is an impetus for the person
who took the Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam set to inish
Bhagavad-gıt̄ā . Refer Question 48 for some more
related answers.

16. Is it easy to distribute Śrīmad-

It is a matter of duty and gratitude towards Srıl̄a
Prabhupā da for having given us these many
amazing books to distribute. De initely there will
b e c h a l l e n g e s i n d i s t r i b u t i n g S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam. But it is pure bliss and pleasure to
do saṅ kır̄tana. Even if it is dif icult, please know
that the Supreme Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa is always on the
side of devotees. So, there is always victory.

bhisma-drona-tata jayadratha-jala gandhara-

salya-grahavati krpena vahani karnena vela-kula
sottirna khalu pandavai rana-nadi kaivartakah
The battle river whose banks were Bhisma and
Dronacharya; Jayadratha is the water; the sons of
Gandhari, the blue lotus lower; Salya, the
crocodile; Krpa, the waves; Karna, the shore;
Asvatthama, Vikarna and company, the fearful
sharks; Duryodhana, the whirlpool; even such a
river was crossed by the Pandavas with Kesava as
the ferry man.

17. It is bulky to carry & distribute Śrīmad-

If we can’t carry all the books, we can carry 2 or 3
cantos for showing. And get the whole set
delivered to the buyer’s address later. Worst case,
even if we can’t take any book also, still we can
speak about Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam from whatever
soft materials we have from our mobile phone.
Even if we didn’t carry books or mobiles to show
anything, still we can speak about Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam to whomever we meet. There are
many incidents for various devotees in Srım ̄ ad-

Bhā gavatam distribution that someone
incidentally meets them and on a little
conversation agree to have the set couriered to
them. If we sincerely desire and speak, then Srı̄
Kṛ ṣṇa sends the person who is ready to receive
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

18. I am failing in my Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

In spiritual life, there is nothing called failure and
in material life, there is nothing called success. All
our endeavours to give Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam set
is an advancement of Krsna consciousness for us
and also for the person who didn’t take it or took
it. The one who didn’t take will surely get it in a
future because he has gotten the seed to buy. May
be 10% or 25% is done. Next time when we
approach, 50% can be done. Gradually, our
constant approach will aggregate to 100%
maturity. The seed will mature one day to a full
purchase. Failures or successes in life should be
seen through the eyes of the sastras. The great
devotee, Jatayu, seems to be a failure to protect
mother Sita from the hands of the wicked Ravana.
But he is a full success in spiritual understanding
because Lord Srı̄ Rama was pleased with him and
Lord Rama did the inal rites to Jatayu. Even, His
own father, Mahā rā ja Daś aratha’s inal rites was
not done by Lord Rama. This devotee vulture
bird, Jatayu, has become glorious for his pure
devotion to Lord Rama. In fact, Jatayu fought so
valorously that Ravana was also stunned and he
has to ight back spending time with this
invincible bird. By this way, Jatayu delayed the
kidnapping of mother Sita to a time period in
which whatever lost will be regained by the
owner. So, mother Sita was later regained by the
Supreme Lord Srı̄ Rama.

Our material calculations shouldn’t be applied in

spiritual matters. There is only victory for the
saṅ kır̄tana of Lord Caitanya Mahā prabhu. paraṁ
vijayate ś rı̄-kṛ ṣṇa-saṅ kı̄rtanam. So, let’s keep
continuing our duty towards guru and Gaurā ṅ ga
by the wonderful service of distributing Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to each and every one we meet. We
know a mataji, introvert by nature but sincere to
distribute Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam, will call a
person, fail the irst time but repeatedly attempt
and in the ifth or sixth attempt, the audience will
be happy to take from her.

19. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is costly.

No. This is the very common answer for a
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam distributor. Devotees
should know that people have all money for
sense grati ication. Nowadays even a simple
labourer or farmer or coolie has enough money
for sense grati ication. Even a person below the
poverty line wants to enjoy sense grati ication as
a King and attempts fully to do it. Otherwise, how
the smartphones or TVs have become a property
of almost every household. Statistics show that
the number of smartphone users in India is 750
million in 2023. And India is set to reach the 1
billion (100 crore) mark by 2026. Buying a smart
phone is one such expenditure that people do
and there are many such expenditures. People
spend for movies, clothes and food like anything.
They also spend for their travel, mobile
recharges, itness care, personal bodily care, pet
care, and also so much for healthcare. Purchasing
power of people has increased to a greater
degree. Even if there isn’t money, still the poor
people and also the common masses take loans
to buy their sense-grati icatory product. People
have enough money and if we preach, they will
use intelligently for the proper purpose of
advancing their Krsna consciousness.

Smart phones are mostly a time waster, causing

ear problems and many other disastrous health
issues like headaches, dizziness, and sleep
disorders. Mostly it is misused and also has worst
side effects like depression, behavioural changes,
isolation, etc. With all disadvantages, the whole
society could be easily marketed such a product.
But, Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam has no disadvantages
and has all advantages of curing the suffering
soul and lifts up the consciousness with so much
of interesting subjects. The systematic
presentation by Sukadeva Goswami and its
nectarean juice will only enthuse the reader to
delve deeper into it. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is
beyond comparison to anything mundane. In this
way, people can be informed of the glories of this
wonderful literature and what it is offering to the
humankind. Any person with a little sanity will
accept this. And the monetary printing cost of
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is not high when we see the
excellent production by BBT with all color inserts
and binding.

If we don’t take people’s money for Srı̄ Krsna’s

service, maya takes their money to make their life
miserable. Devotees should be compassionate on
them to preach and make them buy the whole set
of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da’s books. We should not show
any material compassion on them and avoid
giving the set. We should mercifully push them to
take the volumes of this literature, Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam.

20. It is a big buy or purchase.

The money spent for Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam by a
person in his whole life is not at all big as
compared to purchase of clothes, or for that
matter – even toiletries in his/ her life. It is going
to be a onetime purchase in their life. So, lets
push them to take the whole set. Refer Question
19 for some more related answers.

21. I don’t have that much money.

Money is there with everyone for sense
grati ication. In fact, people take loan and go for
sense grati ication. May be, one can take a loan
and buy Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. In fact, Padma
purana, Uttara Khanda (7.14) says that
sarvasvenā pi lokeś a kartavyah ś āstrasangrah
vaiś avastu sadā bhaktyā tuś htyartham mama
My dearest Son, Oh Brahma! A man should keep
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam at home even at the cost of
giving up all his possessions.
Refer Questions 19 & 22 for some more related

22. I don’t have time.

Make the person understand that this is insanity
on his/ her part for such an answer. When we are
sick, we don’t say that I don’t have time to go to a
doctor or take a medicine or follow a regime.
People don’t say that they don’t have time to
educate themselves. Similarly, Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam is the medicine for their all
sufferings; and it is knowledge for all their
ignorance. This is the limit of education - Vidyā -
bhā gavatā vadhi. People think that Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam is in the category of one of the many
books available in the marketplace for their
reading to know something. But on the contrary,
it is not of this material creation. All the books of
the material world are just like glow worms in
front of the sun-like Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. The
result of studying any material book is suffering
followed by repeated birth and death. But
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa Himself and this
book will save his/ her life and bring them
eternal happiness. In that way, we can speak
about the glory of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam and
convince the person to take Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
How come people have time for celebrating
festivals, watching TV shows, movies, sports,
YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.

23. What are the subjects of each & every

In the Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam there are ten
divisions of statements regarding the following:
the creation of the universe, subcreation,
planetary systems, protection by the Lord, the
creative impetus, the change of Manus, the
science of God, returning home, back to Godhead,
liberation, and the summum bonum. These ten
principal topics of Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam are found
within each of the twelve cantos not successively
but in various degrees of emphasis and analysis
throughout the Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. The simple
fact is that all aspects of knowledge important to
human beings is found in this literature.

24. How to explain the cantos to distribute

If we know an overview of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam
about each incarnation and their pastimes
mentioned in the respective canto, this can help
us distribute Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to Indians. We
have a devotee who distributes Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam by saying that the signi icance of all
Hindu festivals can be found in Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. This devotee lists all the festivals of
the people of Sanā tana-dharma celebrate -
namely Diwali, Kumbh mela, Makar Sankranti,
Pongal, Rama Navami, Naraka Caturdasi, Onam,
Varalakshmi Puja, Ratha Yatra, Ugadi or Gudi
Padwa, Maha Sivaratri, Holi, Vasant Pancami,
Janmashtami, Akshaya Tritiya, Guru Purnima,
Vijaya Dasami, Bali Padyami or Balipratipada or
Bali Daityaraja Puja, Goverdhan Puja, Nrsinga
Caturdasi, Gaura Purnima, Varaha Dvadasi,
Vamana Dvadasi, etc and connect them to the
various pastimes in Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Kumbh
mela (Samudra unmathana lila – Canto 8), Guru
Purnima (Vyasadeva’s appearance – Canto 1)
Varalakshmi Vratam (Lakshmi’s appearance
from the churning of ocean – Canto 8), Vijaya
Dasami (Rama’s returning to Ayodhya – Canto 9),
Bali Padyami (Story of Bali Mahā rā ja – Canto 8),
N a ra ka C a t u rd a s i o r D iwa l i ( K i l l i n g o f
Narakasura / Binding of Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa – Canto 10),
Ugadi or Gudi Padwa (Yuga beginning – Canto 2,
etc), Holi (Triumph of Nrsimhadeva over
Hiranyakasipu – Canto 7), Aksaya Tritiya
(Birthday of Parasurama – Canto 9), etc – in this
way this devotee will make the audience
understand the full signi icance of the festivals of

Sanā tana-dharma in full connection with Srı̄
Kṛ ṣṇa’s pastimes in Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam and
many happily purchase. People of India, if they
want to know their culture, be connected to the
root and be proud of the vast knowledge, then let
them keep Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in their house.

We know, yet another devotee who distributes

Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam by quoting the following
from Skanda purana Vaiṣ ṇava khanda 3.14 -
bhā rate mā nava janma prapya Bhā gavatam na
yah sū tam pā pa paridhanair ā tma ghatah tu tai
kritah – “Whoever has taken their human form of
birth in bhā rata varsa but doesn't possess
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, is committing suicide of his
self.” So, whoever calls himself/ herself as a
bharatiya or Indian should possess Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam. Nowadays, politicians are speaking
so much about Sanā tana-dharma. How will they
establish Sanā tana-dharma without Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam because bhā gavata-dharma is
sanā tana-dharma. In the process of glorifying the
Lord there should be no restriction of time and
space. This is called sanā tana-dharma or
bhā gavata-dharma. (Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam
2.2.36) Mahabharata also says te vadanti
mahā tmā naṁ kṛ ṣṇaṁ dharmaṁ sanā tanam –
“Speaking about Kṛ ṣṇa is sanā tana dharma.”

25. I am an atheist / impersonalist / Saivite/

Jain / Not interested.
Yes, let them at least get this literature to know
what this book is saying. We will always ind
people uninterested. After all we are not
distributing Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam to the
paramahamsas. We want to make the crow class
of men into swan class of men. Preaching means
making the uninterested people interested. So
somehow, make them buy and Srıl̄a Prabhupā da
will do the preaching to them all. Let’s give them
all an opportunity to hear from Srıl̄a Prabhupā da
the thorough and essential teachings of the vedas
in the form of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

26. How to begin my Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

Start speaking to people you meet or converse
with. Contact them either face to face or by
dialing or chatting, etc and make a promotion for
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam distribution.

27. Can my phone contacts be given Śrīmad-

Yes, they should be delivered. All the contacts
from our mobile phone are to be contacted (yare
dekha) and spoken about Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam
(tare kaha) and distributed (kṛ ṣṇa-upadeś a). In
this way, deliver (tara ei desh) your phone
contacts. Refer Question 7 for a much more
detailed answer.

28. How about logistics to deliver Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam to my phone contact?
Temple can help you with the dispatch or you can
do yourself or take help from a devotee. So, we
can use common sense and do whatever is

29. Can we give Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam to an

Yes. In fact, we have examples of illiterate people
buying the whole set for varied reasons viz., to
educate their descendants or to see the various
transcendental paintings or to just to possess

Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam as it is non-different from
Srı̄ Krsna. We can be reminded of the pastime of
Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu being extremely happy
with the illiterate South Indian brahmana of
Srirangam who couldn’t read Srım ̄ ad Bhagavad-
gıt̄ā .

As spiritual life is continuous, one who buys

Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in this life but did not read
it, will get a chance by the mercy of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to take his next birth in a family
where Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is already there. His
purchase is eternal and it is worth giving Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to anyone irrespective of caste,
creed, sex, nationality, religion, etc.

30. Can the kids also buy, read & distribute

Oh yes. Even seeing the book, touching the book
puri ies the audience what to speak of reading,
buying or distributing. Prahlada Maharaja
recommends that a child above 5 years should be
taught Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam (kaumā ra ā caret
prā jñ o dharmā n bhā gavatā n iha - Srı̄ m ad-

Bhā gavatam 7.6.1). So, we should make them
read. Kids will be very interested to hear the
stories through the paintings in each and every
volume of the whole set of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
They may even push their elders to read and then
teach them the subject matter of the stories. We
are always nothing but instruments in the hands
of Krsna to execute His mission. If Krsna wants,
He can take service from the kids for distribution
of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. In fact, many devotee
kids are already doing. We have a 4-year-old child
distributing Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in our society.
So, kids can be encouraged to do and wonderful
results will be seen.

31. Can I get e-book instead of hard copy?

Yes, one can purchase e-book version of Srım̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam. When something is paid, then value
is attested to the purchase. And the person
desiring to accept Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam should be
grateful to the author and the publisher for
having made this knowledge available in any
readable format. One gets a spiritual pro it for
the contribution. The general psychology is that
when one pays for something, he will utilize it.
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da says in a Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam
lecture (SPL 2.1.1-5 June 26, 1974) – “Of course, if
he pays for the book, he will read. So, you give a
chance to the person to know about Kṛ ṣṇa. Their
life becomes sublime.” In a room conversation in
Mauritius on Oct 4, 1975, Srı̄la Prabhupā da
spoke something similar – “…And try to sell some
book. You pay something. That means he is giving
some service, the hard-earned money. That will
also go to his credit. And then, when he'll
concerned that "I have paid for it. Let me see what
this nonsense has written.”

32. If I can read online, why should I buy?

Spiritual knowledge is free but some payment of
sincerity, gratitude, etc should be there for
success. Paying for the printed version or an e-
book version is to continue its version available
for everyone for all times. Just by paying for the
books, one is helping to continue the production
of books for others and the posterior generation.
Moreover, it is a service to Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa to give one's
hard-earned money for the propagation of the
saṅ kır̄tana movement.

33. My sister/ brother/ relative/ friend has?

Why should I buy?
We are happy that our contacts' friends and
relatives are having Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. So, if
these persons have why not our contact not
have? If the person is living in the same house, we
can agree that the same set can be used. But when
they are living separately in individual houses,
then a new set of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam can be
purchased. In fact, in almost all cases that we are
considering, we see that in every house there is a
television, fridge, washing machine, AC, cars,
bikes, scooters, mobiles, computers, etc. When
these (which are not a necessary or even if
needed can be easily shared) are not shared
among friends or relatives, then why the person
should propose that Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam be
shared. If it is really shared and relished, we don't
have issues. But the problem is that these
reasons are just meant to avoid the purchase of
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. So, we can push for an
individual copy of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam for all
what to speak of sharing with house members!
Just like the Indian government promoted the
national lag with the slogan ‘har ghar tiranga’,
our slogan can be ‘prati ek ghar Bhagavatam’ or
even ‘prati ek admi Bhagavatam’. We have one
example of a devotee who distributed seven sets
of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to his immediate family
members. In India, in many cases, parents are
familiar in one language and the children are
familiar in English or any other language. So, we
can try distributing individual copy for every
member of the house. #My_Srimad_Bhagavatam!

34. I am in a rented house.

Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam can be kept in a rented
house, own house, huts, hotels, dormitories,
motels, farmhouse, villa, mansion, treehouse, etc.
We dont have to wait to give the person Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam till he/ she buys a new house which
in anyway not his/ her premanent residence. It’s
not that people are living in a rented house with
nothing. All rented houses are illed with so many
unwanted things.

35. I don’t have space in my house.
This shows that there is no space for Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam in the heart. How then there will be
space in the house for sure? It is so strange that
people have given a royal throne for the
television(TV) set in their house following the
orders of the TVs so obediently as its’ servants
and are avoiding the real King, Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. It is pathetic. We can request the
person to remove something from his/ her house
so that he/ she can make space for Kṛ ṣṇa who is
always followed by the goddess of fortune.
Padma purana, Uttara Khanda (7.14) says
sarvasvenā pi lokeś a kartavyah ś āstrasangrah
vaiś avastu sadā bhaktyā tuś htyartham mama
putraka – “My dearest Son, Oh Brahma! A man
should keep Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam at home even
at the cost of giving up all his possessions.”

36. I am a house wife/ dependent.

We can request the contact to get money from
their superior to buy Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam.
Actually in many cases house wives will have
good access for money towards the family

expenditures. Many times the dependents get
their things easily without botheration from
their superiors. Will a house wife have a dif iculty
to get a good silk saree or television or a smart
phone, a costly trip, a car, scooter, movie tickets,
online purchases, etc? Will a dependent student
have a dif iculty to get a costly smart phone from
his/ her parents?

We should know that people have no dif iculty

for spending any amount of money on sense
grati ication when they are dependents or
independents or interdependents or whatever.
We should only push on to make them surrender
to our genuine proposal of accepting Srım̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to their house.

37. I will take permission from my husband/

Yes, it can be done. But if they are not suf iciently
educated about Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, how will
they buy for us. If they would have known the
glories, they would have already given us. What is
the use of asking someone about something

regarding which they don't have any knowledge.
Let us become fortunate and make them also
fortunate by taking home Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
Refer Questions 36 & 38 also.

38. My elders won’t agree.

This is a great misfortune on the dependent.
Maybe we can preach to their elders. One
common observation (at least in India) by the
devotees in their book distribution is that the
reasons that the people give not to take a book or
S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā gava t a m a re o n ly s p u r i o u s .
Somehow just to avoid the purchase one gives all
types of strange reasons. They don’t want to hide
their demoniac propensity to reject Lord Visnu.
Rarely the reasons they give may be true but still
the reasons are not bene icial for the person. So,
we should try hard to somehow make them take
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. In many cases, youngers
involve in obscure activities with their elders. So,
let them buy Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam obscured to
their elders for this is bene icial both to the
elders and the youngers. Everyone can take
advantage of reading. The younger Prahlada
Maharaja was always in disagreement with his
elder father, Hiranyakasipu. We can preach the
message of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam just as Prahlada
Maharaja boldly preached to his elder father.
Elders are supposed to guide the youngers
properly not misguide them. Or else they lose
their position and respect of being elder. As
S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m k i c k s a w a y s u c h
irresponsible elders, these limsy arguments by
the ignorant youngers have to be subdued.
gurur na sa syā t sva-jano na sa syā t
pitā na sa syā j jananı̄ na sā syā t
daivaṁ na tat syā n na patiś ca sa syā n
na mocayed yaḥ samupeta-mṛ tyum
One who cannot deliver his dependents from the
path of repeated birth and death should never
become a spiritual master, a father, a husband, a
mother or a worshipable demigod. (Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam 5.5.18)

39. Can I get irst canto alone?

Yes, one can get irst canto alone. But this should
be really, really the last resort when the contact is
so stubborn not to take the whole set. In many
cases, the person agrees to take the whole set
after a push and strong recommendation from
our side. Moreover, people just to avoid a huge
purchase they resort to buying one canto. One
argument we can give is that each volume
becomes an impetus for the buyer to inish his
previous book and in that way taking the whole
set is all advantageous for a good reading. Refer
Questions 40, 41 & 42.

40. Can I distribute irst canto alone?

Yes, it can be distributed. But let our priority be to
give as many books as possible. In fact Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam set is just a single book of literature
presented in 18 or so volumes. Manytimes what
happens is that as the buyer has taken only one
canto, even if we approach again, he/ she resists
by saying that let the irst canto be completed and
later he/ she will take. Refer Questions 39, 41 &

41. I don’t want 18 volumes but 1 or 2 volumes

Yes, he can be given irst canto alone. But this
should be really, really the last resort when the
contact is stubborn not to take the whole set. Our
desire to give Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam should be
more than the desire of the conditioned souls to
avoid Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. And we are de initely
a pushing movement. “This is the paramparā
system. My guru-mahā rā ja pushed me, I am
pushing you, and you are pushing others. It is like
a train.” (Srıl̄a Prabhupā da-lıl̄ā mṛ ta, Ch. 53) Srıl̄a
Prabhupā da, as a leader, was inspiring
enthusiasm among his followers to push forward
his movement. Refer Questions 39, 40 & 42.

42. I will get one volume after another.

BBT doesn't supply the volumes separately
except the irst canto. Rest of the volumes should
be purchased fully only. So, it’s better to purchase
the full set in the beginning itself. Though a
sincere person who wants to read can be given an
old copy of ours or anyone’s available, a truly
sincere person with a little push will surely
accept the whole Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam set. Often,
the experience of devotees shows that without
pushing, the whole set of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
dif icult to be distributed.

43. Nobody will read these many books. I
don’t have a reading habit.
It's not true. Many are reading. And our contact
can and will also read. The subject matter of
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is so nicely presented by
Vedavyasa and Sukadeva Goswami has enhanced
the already sweet Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. With
Bhaktivedanta purports, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
just a shower of nectar on the thorny and dry
hearts of foolish conditioned souls. Because of all
these and many wonderful glories of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam, many develop attraction to read
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam that they become a
voracious reader. With a little effort to read
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, one develops a reading
habit for this literature. Then gradually one
becomes addicted to this reading and completely
immerse himself/ herself in this delightful
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Reading any other book is
only a suffering (our experience of all mundane
school & college text books has created a
frightening situation in our minds) but reading
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the highest bliss.

We can reason such persons that the lovely
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam will kindle the reading of
the audience. There are many who testify to this
reason. And our contacts can know for
themselves by buying and beginning to read this
splendid literature. The proof of the pudding is in
the eating!

44. I don’t want it.

Conditioned souls have always rejected Srı̄
Krsna. De initely they do not want Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam which is non-different from Srı̄
Krsna. Nobody wants to take relief from this
sense grati ication business. They do not want to
be puri ied. They want to remain in the degraded
stage of life. That is the dif iculty. The people do
not know that the aim of life is to approach Viṣ ṇu,
Lord Viṣ ṇu. na te viduḥ svā rtha-gatiṁ hi viṣ ṇuṁ.

We should preach that particularly he/ she badly

wants Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Just as a diseased
child is reluctant to take the medicine but the
doctor or the parents force the child to take,
similaraly we should insist the fact that this

literature is a cure for all our sufferings.

45. I am a student / I am a youth. Is it the time

for me to read?
Yes, Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is for you. We are
already late in approaching Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
In the preface to Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, Srı̄la
Prabhupā da says that Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam
should be introduced also in the schools and
colleges, for it is recommended by the great
student-devotee Prahlā da Mahā rā ja in order to
change the demoniac face of society. Prahlada
Maharaja, a student, recommends Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam to students of all times to take it.
Everybody will ind all interesting subject
matters in Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Students of art,
literature, poetry, painting, science, philosophy,
psychology, economics, politics will ind Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to be a unique scriptural study that
deepens their understanding of their own
subjects. Even an atheist will be able to
understand and accept God as a concrete

46. I will buy after I inish the studies or settle.
From the theme of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, we
understand that we have to get the message of
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam immediately. When we are
sick, we don’t postpone our meeting with the
doctor. Similar attitude should be towards our
sickness of material existence. Our attitude in
approaching Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam should be as
follows from the words of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da.
“So Parık̄ ṣ it Mahā rā ja had the opportunity of
hearing Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam for seven days, so I
do not know whether we'll have, I have
opportunity for reading Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam for
seven minutes. So let me read it very seriously."
That should be our attitude. Not that, "Seven...
Oh, Parı̄kṣ it Mahā rā ja was given seven days
notice. Oh, I have no such notice. I may live for
seven millions of years." That is our disease. – SPL
2.3.25 June 23, 1972

We do not want anyone to settle in the material

world. Actually material nature will not allow us
to settle here. It kicks us from one place to
another. There is no permanent settlement or

security. One can only settle with Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam irrespective of place, position,
status, etc.

47. When I want Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, I will

come for sure and buy.
Yes, you need Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam now. Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam was spoken considering the
situation of emergency. Anytime death can come
to us. We do not understand that there is life,
blissful life, by serving Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. Na te viduḥ
svā rtha-gatiṁ hi viṣ ṇum [Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam
7.5.31]. We do not know what is the ultimate aim
of life, what is the goal of life. We don't know our
bene it. So, we should push our contacts to come
and take the fortune immediately. Refer Question
22 for some more related answers.

48. Let me inish Bhagavad-gītā and other

books and then buy Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
This is a common answer of escape by others to
avoid the whole set. Even some devotees also
avoid giving Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam on this reason.
Our preaching becomes successful when we give
all of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da's books to our audience as
early as possible. Buying Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam
will only accelerate the person to inish Srım ̄ ad
B h a g ava d - g ı̄ t ā o r o t h e r b o o k s o f S r ı̄ l a
Prabhupā da. Just as Srı̄ Nā rada was very eager to
accelerate the descent of Lord Kṛ ṣṇa as soon as
possible similarly we should be also very eager to
accelerate the descent of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in
every one’s house and life.

Anyway, the printed books are not like the

eatables that have a very short shelf life. The shelf
life of books is not less than a generation. So, they
can keep and the beautiful all-attractive Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam will attract the buyer to read.

49. Why push me to take? Let me take when I

get interest.
Why one should push us not to give when in
reality we are pulling up everyone? Pushing for a
good cause is always good. Children are pushed
by the teachers and the parents for their good.
Patients are pushed by the doctors for their good
health. When, for the temporary body's
maintenance, one can be pushed, why not for the

soul's purpose. Politicians push on their agenda
for votes, parents push, children push the
p a re n t s , t e a c h e r s p u s h , d o c t o r s p u s h ,
advertisements push on their product, cinema
posters push us to watch the nasty movies, old
age is pushing us, senses are pushing, mind is
pushing us down, etc. – in this way, the whole
material existence is all about pushing us down.
Because of all these pushings, our position is a
state of completely fallen. In fact, we are pulling
up everyone with our Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam
distribution. Maya is constantly pushing the
conditioned souls down with her triś ūla (three
kinds of miseries). We are saving them from the
pushing down of maya.

50. Is it possible to go back to Godhead

without Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?
In the spiritual world, the whole subject matter
of discussion is Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam only. If one
is not interested to hear Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam,
then how will it be possible to live in a world
w h e r e t h e o n ly d i s c u s s i o n i s S r ı̄ m a d -
B h ā gava t a m ! J a n m a ( b i r t h ) a n d ka r m a
(pastimes) of Kṛ ṣṇa are transcendental and it can
be understood from Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam
elaborately. Without this knowledge, how one
can go to the abode of Krsna? (janma karma ca
me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā
dehaṁ punar janma naiti mā m eti so 'rjuna – BG

51. I like Krsna. I am also a devotee of Krsna.

But I don’t want Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is non-different (kṛ ṣṇa-
tulya bhā gavata) from Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa (Padma purana
speaks about the form of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam as
follows - 1st and 2nd canto: Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa's lotus feet,
3rd and 4th canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine thighs, 5th
and 6th canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine navel & chest,
7th canto & 8th canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine arms,
9th canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine throat, 10th canto:
Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's beautiful smiling divine lotus face,
11th canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine forehead, 12th
canto: Shri Kṛ ṣṇa's divine head). So, rejecting
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam means rejecting Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa.

̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is very dear to the devotees

of Krsna, as stated in the Bhā gavatam itself
(12.13.18). Srı̄ m ad-bhā gavataṁ purā ṇ am
amalaṁ yad vaiṣ ṇavā nā ṁ priyam. One who loves
Krsna will relish Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and the
love for Krsna only increases. Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa says in
Padma Purana that one cannot be called as
devotee unless he has Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

52. Krsna is in my heart. No need of Śrīmad-

Kṛ ṣṇa is in everyone's heart. But only when we
attentively hear Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, we can
realize Him in our heart. In fact, Vedavyasa says
in the second sloka of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam that
the Lord can be realized by a person who
submissively hears the subject matter of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam. sadyo hṛ dy avarudhyate 'tra
kṛ tibhiḥ ś uś rū ṣ ubhis tat-kṣ aṇ ā t. As soon as one
attentively and submissively hears the message
of Bhā gavatam, by this culture of knowledge the
Supreme Lord is established within his heart.
(Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam – 1.1.2)

ś ṛṇvatā ṁ sva-kathā ḥ kṛ ṣṇaḥ puṇ ya-ś ravaṇ a-

hṛ dy antaḥ stho hy abhadrā ṇ i vidhunoti suhṛ t
satā m
Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead, who is the
Paramā tmā [Supersoul] in everyone's heart and
the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses
desire for material enjoyment from the heart of
the devotee who has developed the urge to hear
His messages, which are in themselves virtuous
when properly heard and chanted. – Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.2.17

Moreover, Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa reveals His heart in the

Padma Purana - “One should buy Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam for My pleasure even at the cost of
all their wealth.”

53. We will take Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in the

Why should we postpone our fortune? We should
feel bad that all these days we were without
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Let me grab the greatest
fortune immediately. Srı̄la Prabhupā da many
times said this – “Why in the future? That is
nonsense. Trust no future, however pleasant.”
Refer Question 22 for some more related

54. I have other authors.

Hearing from the pure devotee is very important
to understand Kṛ ṣ ṇ a (vedeṣ u durlabham
adurlabham ā tma-bhaktau, Brahma-saṁhitā
5.33). Srıl̄a Prabhupā da is such a glorious pure
devotee that he preached Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness
all over the world. Just by reading his divine
books even people from mleccha and yavana
backgrounds have become exalted devotees.
Caitanya Mahā prabhu's order is bhā gavata pada
giyā bhā gavata-sthā ne. If you want to realize
what is Bhā gavata, then you must go and learn
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam from a person whose life is
Bhā gavatam. Srı̄la Prabhupā da’s books have
changed the hearts of countless devotees and
puri ied them from all anarthas.

55. Can you give a single summary book

rather than volumes?
To get a MBBS or engineering or arts & science or
PhD degrees, how many books we study to get a
good grip of the subject. How come we can expect
to get a good understanding of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead in just a single book?
Anyway, in reality, Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the
summary of the whole Vedic scriptures. This is
actually a single book. For printing convenience,
we have made it into 18 volumes. Refer
Questions 39 to 42 also for some more related

56. I have a 25 Lakh loan. I will get after

inishing the loan.
An extra loan of Rs.7000 or so is not a big addition
for their loan. Gently, tell them to take it.
Practically, everyone runs on loans in modern
times. If one can take 25L or 50L loans for a
h o u s e , w h y n o t a s m a l l va l u e f o r o u r
transcendental literature? Material compassion
is a cruelty which we devotees should not do. Srı̄
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a has to condemn Arjuna’s material
compassion. In fact, not giving Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam is cruelty.

57. What is the bene it I get?

Unlimited bliss. One can derive from the study of
the Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam all bene its that are
possible to be derived from the personal
presence of the Lord. It carries with it all the
transcendental blessings of Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa that
we can expect from His personal contact.

You become extremely dear to Kṛ ṣṇa. Kṛ ṣṇa says,

na ca tasmā n manuṣ yeṣ u kaś cin me priya-
kṛ ttamaḥ [Bg. 18.69]. "Anyone who tries to
preach this Bhagavad-gıt̄ā philosophy, nobody's
dearer than him to Me." So we, our business is to
become a little recognized by Kṛ ṣṇa. So we shall
go on preaching like this at all risk.

58. Is this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam distribution

helpful in our preaching mission?
All the devotees agree that this is our preaching
mission. Lord Caitanya traveled continuously all
over India (and especially throughout southern
India) preaching the Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.

59. Śrīla Prabhupāda’s any book is potent.

Then why should we propose Śrīmad-
Yes, that’s true. So, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da’s Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam is also potent. Actually, Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da’s any book is speaking the same
bhā gavata philosophy. Moreover Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam is the unalloyed guidance for the
purpose of approaching the worshipful Lord and
that is the sum total opinion or cultural
philosophy of Lord Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu. We
again want to reiterate that 95% of Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da’s books are yet to be distributed on a
good scale if not on a massive scale.

60. Let’s give small books or big books irst,

then these volumes of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
All books of Srı̄la Prabhupā da are based on
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. It is not that one has to
inish small books of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da to come to
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. Srı̄la Prabhupā da's small
books are also equally very strong because it
speaks the same message. Srı̄la Prabhupā da
himself was distributing Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam
immediately after his landing in America
personally and also by keeping them in
bookstores. So, when we are giving Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam we are giving the complete package
of Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness. We can resort to small or
big books when the buyer doesn’t want the huge
volumes. Let us be greedy to give volumes of
books. Refer Question 1 & 58 also for some more
related answers.

61. I can’t read small text.

We can give a magnifying glass if the standard
font size of our books is dif icult for them to read.

62. Is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam as necessary as

mobiles, internet, mixie, grinder, fridge?
Nothing is as important as Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
Even if we don't possess anything but possess
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, it is the greatest gain with
no loss. But we possess all the items like fridge,
etc but don't have Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, it is a
total loss with no gain.

63. When Krsna inspires me to take, I will

take Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
Kṛ ṣṇa is always inspiring the conditioned souls
to surrender to Him but how will the foolish souls
detect this. Moreover, it is not a question of
inspiration to accept a medicine when we are
sick. Similarly, the material existence is putting

us in all miseries and Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the
answer and medicinal herb to cure our sickness.

We are in one sense distributing a literature

which is so sweet and relishable but also this
literature acts as a medicine and quenches our
thirsty heart which is completely dry of
scorching material existence with a nectarean

64. How Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam distribution

help or support other services?
We are distributing Srıl̄a Prabhupā da's books.
His books provide the transcendental light by
which all darkness is removed. Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam will bless us as Srıl̄a Prabhupā da
writes in this purport.
idaṁ bhā gavataṁ nā ma purā ṇ aṁ brahma-
uttama-ś loka-caritaṁ cakā ra bhagavā n ṛ ṣiḥ
niḥ ś reyasā ya lokasya dhanyaṁ svasty-ayanaṁ
This Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam is the literary
incarnation of God, and it is compiled by Srıl̄a
Vyā sadeva, the incarnation of God. It is meant for

the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-
successful, all-blissful and all-perfect.
Purport: Lord Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu declared
that Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the spotless sound
representation of all Vedic knowledge and
history. There are selected histories of great
devotees who are in direct contact with the
Personality of Godhead. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
the literary incarnation of Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa and is
therefore nondifferent from Him. Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam should be worshiped as respectfully
as we worship the Lord. Thereby we can derive
the ultimate blessings of the Lord through its
careful and patient study. As God is all light, all
bliss and all perfection, so also is Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. We can have all the transcendental
light of the Supreme Brahman, Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, from
the recitation of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, provided it
is received through the medium of the
transparent spiritual master. (partial pp, Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.3.40)

65. What are the positive results in Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam distribution?
Any activity in Krsna consciousness is full of
positivity only. And obviously the book
distribution, our best preaching work will
de initely produce strong positive results.
Enthusiasm, patience and con idence are very
important factors. We should be enthusiastic to
distribute Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, be patient even if
we could not see success or foresee positive
results immediately and be con ident that this
‘book distribution preaching’ as given to us by
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da is best and will work.

So, for attaining to the perfectional stage of Kṛ ṣṇa

consciousness, one should be very much
enthusiastic. Yes. He must attain to the
perfectional stage in this life. And then one
should be patient also. Enthusiasm does not
mean if I attain something immediately the result
is immediate. No. The result may be delayed but
we should not be disturbed. But we must go on
working with enthusiasm. This is called patience.
Enthusiasm, patience and con idence. Because
we believe in Kṛ ṣṇa. Kṛ ṣṇa says that if you do this
you get this result. Therefore, I must have
con idence. Just like Kṛ ṣṇa says that simply by
understanding Him, what He is, how does He
come, how does He walk, one immediately gets
passport to enter into the spiritual kingdom. So,
we must have con idence that I'm working in
Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness, I must go back to Godhead,
back to home. This is con idence. – Interview —
March 9, 1968, San Francisco.

66. Why make a big propaganda & venture

into a huge Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam distribution
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da’s book distribution is the most
important business to save the world from going
t o h e l l . S o , w h y n o t n o w ? T h i s K ṛ ṣ ṇ a
consciousness is very urgent necessity for the
human society. Everyday so many are dying for
want of Krsna consciousness. ‘Now’ is always the
best time for spiritual activities and ‘Never’ is
always the best time for sinful activities. So, what
to do with the voluminous presentation of
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam & Srı̄ Caitanya-caritā mṛ ta
by Srı̄la Prabhupā da? When are we going to
distribute them massively? 95% of Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da books are not yet distributed in a
massive scale. The purchasing power of people in
India have increased now. If we make a steady
propaganda for distribution of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam with lakhs of devotees, then the
major portion of the teachings of our founder
acharya becomes available. Moreover, many
people are showing interest to take the
voluminous set after hearing its glories and
almost all are having the potential to buy.

67. Should we make a propaganda for

Purely because of promotion & marketing
techniques, so many useless and hazardous
products have been so successfully marketed by
business enterprises. Innocent and ignorant
people are buying them giving their hard-earned
money for insigni icant sense grati ication and
their suffering is endlessly increasing. Srila
Vedavyasa has churned from the ocean of Vedas
and given the nectarean Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam.
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da has worked so hard to present
that highest Vedic philosophy in a simple
language but with a great clarity with his highly
impressive purports. We have to only somehow
make this remarkable & a stunning literature,
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam known to the public. Let it
not be that the people didn’t buy Srı̄ m ad-
B hā gava t a m b eca u se we didn’ t ma ke a
propaganda. Distribution is the best propaganda.
We c a n s t a r t s p e a k i n g a b o u t S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam in all opportunities and make an
advocacy campaign for this great literature. At
least in India, this religious literature will be
deeply appreciated on its merit and people of all
age groups are really buying and reading it.

68. I am not quali ied to distribute Śrīmad-

Yes, we are not quali ied to buy, hear, read or
d i s t r i b u t e S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m . S r ı̄ l a
Prabhupā da mercifully allow/ allowed us to
engage in these services. But we are duty bound
to distribute Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam. With all
humility, devotees should distribute Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam far and wide thinking that they are
n o t q u a l i i e d fo r d i s t r i b u t i n g S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam but with the mercy of Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da, this is bestowed on us. Considering
oneself not quali ied for such service by not
distributing or even attempting or assisting to do
is arrogance and not humility.

69. How can I distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

when I myself have not read it?
Distribution of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da’s books means
making the buyer come to hear from Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da. We want Srı̄ l a Prabhupā da to
preach to the buyer. We should be only
enthusiastic to arrange a meeting between the
buyer and Srı̄ l a Prabhupā da by giving his
transcendental books. The preacher or speaker
is Srıl̄a Prabhupā da. Meeting arranger doesn’t
have to know what the speaker has to say to the
audience (buyer). So, it doesn’t matter even if we
have not read Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. We have to be
only enthusiastic to make a connection of the
conditioned souls with Srıl̄a Prabhupā da. If we
read Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam or any of Srı̄ l a
Prabhupā da books, our enthusiasm will be more
to connect all foolish jivas to Srıl̄a Prabhupā da.
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam distribution will also
increase the book distributor’s reading of Srıl̄a
Prabhupā da books. So read and distribute more.

70. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam distribution is

dif icult.
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da has said that the determination
is dif icult, Krsna Consciousness is not dif icult.
And determination comes by tapasya. De initely
we have to take some inconveniences while
distributing Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. But it is all
worth attempting and doing this service. Refer
Question 16 for some more related answers.

71. Let me do śāstra dāna of Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam rather than distribute it.
Yes, one can do a ś ā stra dā na. Srı̄ m ad-
B h ā g a v a t a m s a y s p r a u ṣ ṭ h a p a d y ā ṁ
paurṇ amā syā ṁ hema-siṁha-samanvitam dadā ti
yo bhā gavataṁ sa yā ti paramā ṁ gatim – “If on the
full moon day of the month of Bhā dra one places
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam on a golden throne and
gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme
transcendental destination.”
In olden times, making a copy of a scriptural
manuscript is a very dif icult task. Before the
advent of paper, palm leaf was one of the most
important sources for writing. There were
scribes who do the job of manually writing down
on the palm leaf. A few copies of a scripture will
be available in the house of brahmana pandits or
in temples. We can understand how fortunate
people at this point of time in history after the
advent of printing machines. Though printing
machine seems to be a western invention, it is
clearly within the greater plan of Lord Srı̄
Caitanya to propagate the message of Bhagavad-
gıt̄ā & Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. This can be clearly
seen by the presence of a printing press in the
logo designed by Srıl̄a Sarasvatı̄ Ṭ hā kura for his
Gauḍ ıȳa Maṭha.

Now, it has become easy for us to print and

distribute. Even then, to how many can we
sponsor from our wealth? But we can unlimitedly
distribute Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam sets if we make a
sale. Generally speaking, when someone
purchases, he sincerely reads. And it is a spiritual
sukrti (devotional service) on the part of the
buyer to give his hard-earned money in the
service of Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa.

72. Can we sponsor Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and

to whom & where?
We can sponsor Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam to anyone
we want to. But when someone has all money to
buy, then making the person buy will be
excellent. He gets sukrti and there will be
advancement in his spiritual life. One can
sponsor Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam sets to schools,
colleges, libraries, public of ices or government

73. People are poor. How will they take

Even the poorest people are spending for sense
grati ication. To the really poor and interested,
we can arrange for a sponsored set. Anyway, we
have so many people in the buying club with
suf icient money. They are equally poor in Kṛ ṣṇa
consciousness as everyone else. We can
distribute to them. Refer Question 19 also for
more answers.

74. Why struggle to give Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
set when other Śrīla Prabhupāda books can
be given?
Yes, other books of Srı̄la Prabhupā da can be
given. But one has to come to Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam at some point of their life to know
the janma (birth) and karma (activities) of Krsna.
Let’s accelerate the person’s purchase. Devotees
always take risks or struggles for Krsna and Srı̄
Krsna becomes very pleased with such devotees
who take hardships for His service.

75. How to sit and distribute Śrīmad-

You can call your friends, relatives, colleagues,
neighbours, online friends, of line friends,
forgotten friends, current friends, old friends,
enemies, all your contacts from your mobile
phone and speak about Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam.
Send your contacts some more details or
propaganda materials of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam by
whatsapp or any social media outlets. Push them
to take Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. To our surprise,
some or many may take. Never be discouraged if

they fail to take. Seed is put and it’s a matter of
time for the manifestation. Keep watering by
contacting them after sometime.

76. Can a householder distribute Śrīmad-

Yes, he/ she can. In fact, householders can really
do more because they have more contacts and
they regularly contact people of the outside
world for wordly transactions. In this way, they
have the greater opportunity to distribute to
many numbers of people. In fact, this Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam distribution can be greatly
expanded by the congregation members of our
society. They can make a propaganda to the
outside world about Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam or do
some ‘Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam Advocacy Campaign’,

77. How can aged devotees distribute Śrīmad-

Age is not a barrier to speak about Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam. They can call and speak. They will
be enthusiastic to speak to many. When aged
devotees convince a person to buy Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam, logistics can be handled by the
temple or other capable devotees for delivering
the set to the concerned buyer.

78. Can illiterate devotees distribute Śrīmad-

De initely they can. Devotees may not be able to
read due to their illiteracy but these devotees
have heard Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. So, they can
speak about Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam and make
others buy. We have illiterate buyers of Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam. They buy for varied reasons viz., to
educate their descendants or to see the various
transcendental paintings or to just to possess
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam as it is non-different from
Srı̄ Krsna. We can be reminded of the pastime of
Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu being extremely happy
with the illiterate South Indian brahmana of
Srirangam who couldn’t read Srım ̄ ad Bhagavad-
gıt̄ā .

79. Can we distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam on

De initely we can. Indians will be happy to
receive blessings on a special day. In fact, more
pushing can be done using such sentiments of
people and wonderful results can be seen just as
we distribute more Bhagavad-gıt̄ā s on ‘Advent of
Bhagavad-gıt̄ā ’.

80. How to do Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

distribution in instalments?
This is a very good idea that can increase the
distribution of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam sets in India.
We have to speak with temple authorities and
decide accordingly. We have seen that many sets
go when some instalment facility of 1K
rupees/month or 2K rupees/month encourage
the audience to buy the set. We have to speak
about the instalment facility for buying Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam to our audience and they will
consider and won’t feel any burden of a big
purchase. Payment facilities are easy nowadays
with UPI ID transactions from GPay, Paytm,
PhonePe, etc. We can follow up our contacts’
instalments with ease. It’s a small instalment for
them and a happy purchase!

81. Can I keep a few sets of Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam in my house?
This is very appreciated. Devotees can buy a
dozen or more sets of Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam from
the temple and make a sale distribution to our
contacts in instalment schemes also if needed.
When we receive some payments, again buy
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam sets from the temple and
re ill our house. Thus, let’s invest in ‘our family
business’ of book production and distribution.
And we don’t have to be burden the temple.

82. What if someone returns the Śrīmad-

Bhāgavatam set?
That’s a misfortune on the person who has
returned the set . Let’s pray to Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam to mercifully go to his house
sometime in the future. Just as a ksatriya
becomes more vigorous when he is wounded,
similarly when maya gives us a setback in our
‘Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam Distribution’, we should
only vigorously increase our distribution many

83. What if I distribute other Śrīla

Prabhupāda books?
It’s wonderful to do that. Its only even more
wonderful to give the whole lot of books that Srıl̄a
Prabhupā da translated painstakingly.

84. How to distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam to

our audience without irritating them?
Devotees don’t have any desire to irritate the
public. In fact, they want to only help them. Sane
people always appreciate the devotees’ effort to
establish sanity in the society by devotion to God.
But the same message appears to be irritation for
some sections of people. Material world means
full of insane people. The whole material
existence is all about irritation only. People are
irritated by traf ic jams, power cuts, weak
signals, server downs, hunger, thirst, disease,
fear, separation, hatred, aversion, death, etc. - the
unending list. Unaware of any serenity, they think
devotees are also irritating. Just as correcting the
child is irritation for the child, correcting the
ignorant masses seems to be irritation for them
as they revel in their ‘ignorance is bliss’ maxim.
Here is an anecdote wherein Srıl̄a Prabhupā da
dealt such a situation.
Reporter (1): Some of the objections are that the
followers of the Hare Kṛ ṣṇa sect are, on the
streets or in the airports, are bothering people.
Prabhupā da: The airport itself is a botheration,
so much sound, so much accident. So why this
little botheration they cannot tolerate? That
means intolerance. It is full of botheration, and
because we are chanting, they very much
disturbed? We don't chant in the airport, but we
ask people that "Here is a very good book. You
will bene it. If you like, you can take." So what is
the wrong there? Tell me what is the wrong? If I
give you something very nice, is that, I mean to
say, wrong? You read any book. We have got ifty
books. You ind out any fault in that. If we are
distributing something, bad literature which is
against the social welfare, then you can object.
But you see. Bring all our books here, and you will
see. Any page you open and you will ind
something good. Why you are denying to
distribute such literature for the bene it of the
people in general? What is the wrong there?

Srıl̄a Prabhupā da, in his famous Letter to: Bali-
mardana — Los Angeles 30 September, 1972 –
speaks about selling books by hook or crook and
there he says - ‘You should know the tactic how to
sell without irritating.’ Knowing that there will be
opposition and resistance for accepting our
literatures, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da again addresses the
irritation question in the same letter by saying –
‘So far irritation is concerned, a child is also
irritated when he is given instructions, but that
does not mean that we should stop.’

It is the experience of many devotees that even if

the purchase was made with intense pushing, the
buyers appreciate once they start reading the
books. They appreciate the sel less humble
efforts of devotees in pushing them to possess
these volumes of books and thus saving them. It
ends with ‘ś ubham’. Kṛ ṣṇa Himself has to heavily
chastise Arjuna with heavy words like fool,
rascal, uncivilized person, eunuch, etc to bring
him to a higher consciousness. Preaching or
saṅ kır̄tana is not easy. It is a thankless task of a
saṅ kı̄rtana devotee for having to tolerate the
accusations of public. That’s why they are very
very dear to Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa. na ca tasmā n manuṣ yeṣ u
kaś cin me priya-kṛ ttamaḥ [Bg. 18.69]. "Anyone
who is trying to broadcast My message, My glory,
he immediately, there is no more dearer than him

85. I have an introvert nature or no interest to

or I can’t distribute Śrīla Prabhupāda books
or Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?
Introvert nature or inferiority complex or shy to
face public are all mā ya to make us identify
ourselves in a society where we try to or want to
please the public. It matters to us only if our
actions are pleasing to Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa and His pure
devotees. Our real nature is a servant of Kṛ ṣṇa.
Devotees should have the attitude of doing the
needful for the service of Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa. We are part of
the saṅ kır̄tana movement of Lord Caitanya. So,
break the mental delusion where we have locked
up ourselves into and go out on Hari-nā ma
parties and speak to people thus distributing the
sets of books. Pleasing guru and Gaurā ṅ ga should
be our life and soul. We can’t swim unless we
enter the water. God helps those who help
themselves. So, all opportunities (without
disturbing our regular service if at all we are so
engaged) should be turned into book
distribution even if that is not our primary
service. The vā naras who fought for Lord Srı̄
Rā ma were not having the nature to build a
bridge but they did the needful for the pleasure of
Srı̄ Rā ma. Personal interests doesn’t matter. Our
interests should become one with the interest of
Kṛ ṣṇa. Ekeha kuru nandana. (BG 2.41)

86. I am busy in family maintenance. Earning

money or doing household duties. How will I
ind time to read these books or chant Hare
Public: Why are you again and again contacting
me to take these books?
Devotee: Because you haven't taken the sets of
books yet.
Public: What if I never take?
Devotee: Thats unfortunate.
Actually public cannot understand their
ignorance. Devotees should know this and let
them inform them that just as a child will never
agree to take medicine in her diseased condition,
similarly the non devotees will continue
rejecting the medicine of our books. Just as the
parents are always on the case of the child for not
taking medicine, similarly we should be always
on the case of public for not taking this nectar of
books. Time to time, we can ask them so as not to
irritate them. This is a thankless task of devotees
even though they are reproached for whatever
good they try to do for their blasphemer. It
depends on time, place, situation and the person
on how we contact them repeatedly for accepting
our books. Nevertheless we do need to contact
them else the public continue their suffering. The
non devotees position is like that of a person
happily watching a tv show while his house is on
ire. We want them to stop watching the tv and
save himself.

87. Can I get discounted sets of books? It is

cheap in other temples or online. Why there is
difference in value of these books in different
This Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam sets are distributed by
devotees through the various ISKCON temples.
Because of difference in cost of transportation,
language priority, temple maintenanace,
handling, etc - in different locations and different
persons involved, there may be some price
va r i a n c e s i n S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g ava t a m s e t s .
Sometimes, a partial discounted price may be
available at some time and not in other times.
Sometimes, sponsored sets will be available in
one place and not in other places. We can explain
our buyer these things and impress on him
particularly the spiritual merits in getting such a
literature. In fact, it is mundane approach to look
for discounts, sponsors, freebies, reductions, etc
in spiritual purchases particularly Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. Materially, paying something more
for a product is a loss. But spiritually paying less
is a loss and and giving more and more is a full
gain for the taker. Let the buyer somehow take.
Never mind where he takes. Buyers should be
liberal in his spiritual purchases but
simultaneously not exploited by givers also. It is
also always best that the person pays more than

the production cost with some pro it also for the

88. I am a meat eater. Sinful Person. How I can

keep in home?
That should be a worry for Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam!
But Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is ready to even enter
such sinful person's house. And after entering, it
shatters the ignorance of the meat eater,
collapses the pillar of his sinful life and situates
him in unalloyed devotion to Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa. So,
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is merciful and ready to
purify us. Vyasadeva himself wrote this for such
people as mentioned in this great literature.
a n a r t h o p a ś a m a ṁ s ā kṣ ā d b h a k t i - yo ga m
adhokṣ aje lokasyā jā nato vidvā ṁś cakre sā tvata-
saṁhitā m (Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.7.6)

89. Should we install Bhāgavatam in a house

when we distribute?
Not necesarrily. But it is well and good to do such
a pompous ceremony of installing Bhā gavatam
by inviting the host’s friends, relatives,
neighbours, etc. This strikes the audience’s mind
to do in their house also, thus bringing true
a u s p i c i o u s n e s s i n t h e fo r m o f S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam to their house.

90.Can we distribute Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta

set also and how to distribute?
To w h o m e v e r w e h a v e g i v e n S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam, we can just push them to please
take Srı̄ Caitanya-caritā mṛ ta set. Possibly we can
ask our contact to take Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and
Srı̄ Caitanya-caritā mṛ ta sets together. After all
both sets together is their one-time spiritual
purchase for their whole Kṛ ṣṇa conscious life. We
don’t have anything more or better to give them
ever. One can follow the same answers for Srı̄
Caitanya-caritā mṛ ta set also. One should know
some glories of Srı̄ Caitanya-caritā mṛ ta and our
most merciful Lord Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu.
Just speak from the portion of Introduction in
First Canto Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam under the sub
title ‘A Short Sketch of the Life and Teachings of
Lord Caitanya, the Preacher of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam’.
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