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while distributing
Lecture on Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.5.11, London,
September 12, 1973
Available in many languages @ all ISKCON temples
March of Conquest
So those who have taken to Kṛ ṣṇa consciousness
preaching work, they should always know that
things are not going to happen so easily. Mā yā is
very, very strong. Very, very strong. But still, we
have to struggle against mā yā . It is a declaration
of war with the mā yā . Mā yā is keeping the living
entities under her control, and we are trying to
save the living entity from her un... That is the
difference. Kā lo vaś ı-̄kṛ ta-visṛ jya-visarga-ś aktiḥ .
This ś akti, visarga-ś aktiḥ , is very, very strong, but
it is under the control. Although it is very, she is
very, very strong, but she is under the control of
Kṛ ṣṇa. – Lecture on Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 7.9.22
— Mā yā pur, February 29, 1976
clear and signi icant from his famous article ‘Cult
of Lord Srı̄ Caitanya’ (pre-1967).
ā rā dhyo bhagavā n vrajeś a tanayas tad dhā ma ś rı̄
vrṇ dā vanam
ramyā kā cid upā sanā vrajavadhū vargeṇ a vā
ś rım
̄ ad-bhā gavatam amalaṁ purā ṇ aṁ
ś rı̄ - caitanya mahā prabhor matam idaṁ
tatrā darā ḥ na paraḥ
The Personality of Godhead Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, Who is
known as the son of the King of Vrajadhā ma i.e.
Srı̄ Nanda Mahā rajā , is the ultimate worshipful
Lord of all Lords. Similarly, His residential abode
namely the holy place of Vṛ ndā vana is as much
worshipful as the Lord is Himself. The ways of His
worship maybe various but the one which was
conceived by the circle of the damsels of
Vrajadhā ma is unsurpassable by any other
devotee. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam Purā ṇ am is the
unalloyed guidance for this purpose of
approaching the worshipful Lord and that is the
sum total opinion or cultural philosophy of Lord
Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu. We shall therefore as
duty-bound must bow down our heads before
the cult and shall not accept any other cultural
movement whatsoever.
It was His (Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu’s) wish that
the Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam be preached in every
nook and corner of the world by those who
happened to take their birth in India. -
Introduction, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam
4. How to distribute Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam?
Let’s start speaking Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam to
whomever we meet. If you go to of ice, speak to
your colleagues, staffs, bosses, chaiwala. If you go
to a bank, speak to customers, bank of icials. If
you go to a grocery shop, speak to the shoppers.
Let’s just Speak! Speak! Speak! De initely, we will
ind people interested to take. We will know only
when we speak. Whatever we know about
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, let’s speak.
in the website
Devotees can download them all for free and
circulate among their contacts. Much can be
spoken from the posters also about Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam. Use WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram, etc to promote them. Let our status of
mind be Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
Godhead, and thus it is the full representation of
transcendental knowledge and religious
principles. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.1.23
5. Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is as great as Kṛ ṣṇa, the
Supreme Lord and shelter of everything. In each
and every verse of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and in
each and every syllable, there are various
meanings. - CC Madhya 24.318
6. Just as the Gaṅ gā is the greatest of all rivers,
Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord
Sambhu [Siva] the greatest of Vaiṣ ṇavas, so
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam is the greatest of all
Purā ṇ as. – Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.16
7. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the spotless Purā ṇ a,
and it is especially meant for those who desire to
get out of the material entanglement
permanently. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.2.4
8 . S r ı̄ m a d - B h ā g a v a t a m i s t h e s p e c i a l
contribution of Srı̄ l a Vyā sadeva. – Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.4.3
9. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the history of the
activities of the Lord. And the activities of the
Lord are performed in relation with the devotees
of the Lord. Therefore, the history of the devotees
is not different from the history of Lord Kṛ ṣṇa's
activities. – Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.18.9
10. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the philosophy of
devotional service and the scienti ic
presentation of man's relationship with the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. – Srı̄mad-
Bhā gavatam 2.7.52
11. Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam is the easiest way of
d i re c t ly a p p ro a c h i n g K ṛ ṣ ṇ a . – S r ı̄ m a d -
Bhā gavatam 10.12.7
12. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the best of all Purā ṇ as.
– Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.3
13. All other Puranic scriptures shine forth in the
assembly of saintly devotees only as long as that
great ocean of nectar, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, is not
heard. – Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.14
14. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is declared to be the
essence of all Vedā nta philosophy. One who has
felt satisfaction from its nectarean mellow will
never be attracted to any other literature. –
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 12.13.15
(Refer our book 'Preaching Means Book
Distribution' for more glories of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam.)
Understanding the universality of Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da therefore writes
in his purport to Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam 1.5.11 that,
"We are sure, therefore, that everyone in human
society will welcome Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, even
though it is now presented with so many faults,
for it is recommended by Srı̄ Nā rada, who has
very kindly appeared in this chapter."
Our policy in saṅ kır̄tana should be to give as
many books of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da as possible. Let
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam distribution not be
hampered just because one has not read or
possess Bhagavad-gıt̄ā . In fact, by giving Srım
̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam, there is an impetus for the person
who took the Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam set to inish
Bhagavad-gıt̄ā . Refer Question 48 for some more
related answers.
Bhā gavatam distribution that someone
incidentally meets them and on a little
conversation agree to have the set couriered to
them. If we sincerely desire and speak, then Srı̄
Kṛ ṣṇa sends the person who is ready to receive
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
Sanā tana-dharma in full connection with Srı̄
Kṛ ṣṇa’s pastimes in Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam and
many happily purchase. People of India, if they
want to know their culture, be connected to the
root and be proud of the vast knowledge, then let
them keep Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in their house.
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam as it is non-different from
Srı̄ Krsna. We can be reminded of the pastime of
Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu being extremely happy
with the illiterate South Indian brahmana of
Srirangam who couldn’t read Srım ̄ ad Bhagavad-
gıt̄ā .
Bhā gavatam 7.6.1). So, we should make them
read. Kids will be very interested to hear the
stories through the paintings in each and every
volume of the whole set of Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
They may even push their elders to read and then
teach them the subject matter of the stories. We
are always nothing but instruments in the hands
of Krsna to execute His mission. If Krsna wants,
He can take service from the kids for distribution
of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. In fact, many devotee
kids are already doing. We have a 4-year-old child
distributing Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam in our society.
So, kids can be encouraged to do and wonderful
results will be seen.
35. I don’t have space in my house.
This shows that there is no space for Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam in the heart. How then there will be
space in the house for sure? It is so strange that
people have given a royal throne for the
television(TV) set in their house following the
orders of the TVs so obediently as its’ servants
and are avoiding the real King, Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. It is pathetic. We can request the
person to remove something from his/ her house
so that he/ she can make space for Kṛ ṣṇa who is
always followed by the goddess of fortune.
Padma purana, Uttara Khanda (7.14) says
sarvasvenā pi lokeś a kartavyah ś āstrasangrah
vaiś avastu sadā bhaktyā tuś htyartham mama
putraka – “My dearest Son, Oh Brahma! A man
should keep Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam at home even
at the cost of giving up all his possessions.”
expenditures. Many times the dependents get
their things easily without botheration from
their superiors. Will a house wife have a dif iculty
to get a good silk saree or television or a smart
phone, a costly trip, a car, scooter, movie tickets,
online purchases, etc? Will a dependent student
have a dif iculty to get a costly smart phone from
his/ her parents?
regarding which they don't have any knowledge.
Let us become fortunate and make them also
fortunate by taking home Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
Refer Questions 36 & 38 also.
43. Nobody will read these many books. I
don’t have a reading habit.
It's not true. Many are reading. And our contact
can and will also read. The subject matter of
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is so nicely presented by
Vedavyasa and Sukadeva Goswami has enhanced
the already sweet Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam. With
Bhaktivedanta purports, Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
just a shower of nectar on the thorny and dry
hearts of foolish conditioned souls. Because of all
these and many wonderful glories of Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam, many develop attraction to read
Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam that they become a
voracious reader. With a little effort to read
Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, one develops a reading
habit for this literature. Then gradually one
becomes addicted to this reading and completely
immerse himself/ herself in this delightful
Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam. Reading any other book is
only a suffering (our experience of all mundane
school & college text books has created a
frightening situation in our minds) but reading
Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the highest bliss.
We can reason such persons that the lovely
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam will kindle the reading of
the audience. There are many who testify to this
reason. And our contacts can know for
themselves by buying and beginning to read this
splendid literature. The proof of the pudding is in
the eating!
literature is a cure for all our sufferings.
46. I will buy after I inish the studies or settle.
From the theme of Srı̄mad-Bhā gavatam, we
understand that we have to get the message of
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam immediately. When we are
sick, we don’t postpone our meeting with the
doctor. Similar attitude should be towards our
sickness of material existence. Our attitude in
approaching Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam should be as
follows from the words of Srıl̄a Prabhupā da.
“So Parık̄ ṣ it Mahā rā ja had the opportunity of
hearing Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam for seven days, so I
do not know whether we'll have, I have
opportunity for reading Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam for
seven minutes. So let me read it very seriously."
That should be our attitude. Not that, "Seven...
Oh, Parı̄kṣ it Mahā rā ja was given seven days
notice. Oh, I have no such notice. I may live for
seven millions of years." That is our disease. – SPL
2.3.25 June 23, 1972
security. One can only settle with Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam irrespective of place, position,
status, etc.
soul's purpose. Politicians push on their agenda
for votes, parents push, children push the
p a re n t s , t e a c h e r s p u s h , d o c t o r s p u s h ,
advertisements push on their product, cinema
posters push us to watch the nasty movies, old
age is pushing us, senses are pushing, mind is
pushing us down, etc. – in this way, the whole
material existence is all about pushing us down.
Because of all these pushings, our position is a
state of completely fallen. In fact, we are pulling
up everyone with our Srı̄ m ad-Bhā gavatam
distribution. Maya is constantly pushing the
conditioned souls down with her triś ūla (three
kinds of miseries). We are saving them from the
pushing down of maya.
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is very dear to the devotees
of Krsna, as stated in the Bhā gavatam itself
(12.13.18). Srı̄ m ad-bhā gavataṁ purā ṇ am
amalaṁ yad vaiṣ ṇavā nā ṁ priyam. One who loves
Krsna will relish Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam and the
love for Krsna only increases. Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa says in
Padma Purana that one cannot be called as
devotee unless he has Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam.
hṛ dy antaḥ stho hy abhadrā ṇ i vidhunoti suhṛ t
satā m
Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead, who is the
Paramā tmā [Supersoul] in everyone's heart and
the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses
desire for material enjoyment from the heart of
the devotee who has developed the urge to hear
His messages, which are in themselves virtuous
when properly heard and chanted. – Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.2.17
us in all miseries and Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the
answer and medicinal herb to cure our sickness.
the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-
successful, all-blissful and all-perfect.
Purport: Lord Srı̄ Caitanya Mahā prabhu declared
that Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is the spotless sound
representation of all Vedic knowledge and
history. There are selected histories of great
devotees who are in direct contact with the
Personality of Godhead. Srım ̄ ad-Bhā gavatam is
the literary incarnation of Lord Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa and is
therefore nondifferent from Him. Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam should be worshiped as respectfully
as we worship the Lord. Thereby we can derive
the ultimate blessings of the Lord through its
careful and patient study. As God is all light, all
bliss and all perfection, so also is Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam. We can have all the transcendental
light of the Supreme Brahman, Srı̄ Kṛ ṣṇa, from
the recitation of Srım
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam, provided it
is received through the medium of the
transparent spiritual master. (partial pp, Srım ̄ ad-
Bhā gavatam 1.3.40)
74. Why struggle to give Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
set when other Śrīla Prabhupāda books can
be given?
Yes, other books of Srı̄la Prabhupā da can be
given. But one has to come to Srı̄ m ad-
Bhā gavatam at some point of their life to know
the janma (birth) and karma (activities) of Krsna.
Let’s accelerate the person’s purchase. Devotees
always take risks or struggles for Krsna and Srı̄
Krsna becomes very pleased with such devotees
who take hardships for His service.
they fail to take. Seed is put and it’s a matter of
time for the manifestation. Keep watering by
contacting them after sometime.
Bhāgavatam in my house?
This is very appreciated. Devotees can buy a
dozen or more sets of Srım̄ ad-Bhā gavatam from
the temple and make a sale distribution to our
contacts in instalment schemes also if needed.
When we receive some payments, again buy
̄ ad-Bhā gavatam sets from the temple and
re ill our house. Thus, let’s invest in ‘our family
business’ of book production and distribution.
And we don’t have to be burden the temple.
Srıl̄a Prabhupā da, in his famous Letter to: Bali-
mardana — Los Angeles 30 September, 1972 –
speaks about selling books by hook or crook and
there he says - ‘You should know the tactic how to
sell without irritating.’ Knowing that there will be
opposition and resistance for accepting our
literatures, Srıl̄a Prabhupā da again addresses the
irritation question in the same letter by saying –
‘So far irritation is concerned, a child is also
irritated when he is given instructions, but that
does not mean that we should stop.’
the production cost with some pro it also for the