The Love Song Ikinci 28 Dakka
The Love Song Ikinci 28 Dakka
The Love Song Ikinci 28 Dakka
Dante itself is a character in that work in these its hell heaven purgatory.So that man is supposed
to telling about his poorer lifeto dante.And he says that I m telling you these things because I believe that
you will never return to worth alive.Those of you people who go to hell heaven or purgatory do not go back
to hell.So he says that’s the why Im telling these to you.But not going back to life, is the hopelessness that is
conveyed through this part,quotatiton.And remember that we said T.S. Eliot uses many allusions to
text,intertextual references to different texts.And this one is example to that.So he gives a reference to
Dante.And it is in italien in a foreign language.That is also important because we know that he is an elitist
writer ,intellectual writer .He is not expecting to reader tobe able to understand that.So he is alienating? Bu
böyle yazılmıyorduda siz anladınız .)us.He is making us feel foreign.So You see there are no clearly set out
statements in the poem.It presents an anti romantic picture .It is unpoetical.
We had ‘I’’ for created persona.We have’’ I’’and ‘’You’’. I ; we believe is Alfred Prufrock but
you is not certain.I mean; Is he accompanied by someone,is he speaking to a someone?It is
ambigious.There is ambiguity,uncertainity in this poem about that.So The poem start by an
imitation like expression;