Completing the Audit
Completing the Audit
Completing the Audit
Substantive testing
Internal counsel
The use of internal counsel is up to the extent of knowing any existing
litigation and claims involving the entity which may give rise to material
External counsel
The use of external counsel is if the auditor believes meron pang
litigations or claim may exist na di aware internal counsel. The auditor
Management - must properly disclose and identify any related
parties and its transaction. Design and implement an adequate
accounting policy and internal control for such transaction between
parties (i.e PFRS 3 business combination)
Audit procedures
Identify the occurrence of the transaction related parties
1. Perform test of details
2. Review accounting for unusual transaction or balances paying
particular attention recognized at or near year end
3. Reviewing confirmation from banks
4. Review investment transaction (business combi)
Management - make a specific assessment that can prove the ability
of the entity’s continuance for at least 12 months after the reporting
period and Disclose any material uncertainties while at it.
Events that could arise some doubts about the going concern
assumption: (material uncertainties)
When events are identified and casted doubt to the entity’s going concern, the auditor shall:
1. Seek and written representation of future action and review it
2. Gather enough evidence to confirm and dispel any material uncertainties
Date of FS is the end date of the Date of Auditor’s report is a date that informs
latest period covered by FS users of auditor’s findings and every thing he
has considered (events and transaction) which
the auditor became aware of
Date of approval of FS is a date
where those with recognized
Date of auditor’s report supersede (take place
authority have taken responsibility
after) the gathering evidence procedure on
of assertion and prepares the FS
which to base the auditor’s opinion.
for issuance
2. Type 2 events
Events that provide indicative of conditions that arose after the date of
financial statement. (aka non-adjusting event)
Management - ensure that it is properly accounted and adequately
disclose. Disclose to the auditor all subsequent event that occur
under the audit
Auditor - obtain sufficient appropriate evidence that all events are
up to the date of auditor’s report. Shall request from
management/TCWG, where appropriate, a written representation
that all events under subsequent period is applicable to any
acceptable financial reporting framework
Audit procedure
Procedure that cover from the period of date of FS to date of auditor’s
report. As long as its practical.
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